#allison does only for stiles's sake
Stiles: Okay, Plan B didn't work, so it's time to move to Plan D.
Lydia: What about Plan C?
Allison: And when did we do Plan A?
Stiles: Plan A was never going to work so I scrapped it, and we don't have the resources for Plan C yet.
Lydia: Why didn't you just rename them Plan A and B then?
Stiles: For tracking purposes!
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princeescaluswords · 2 months
Found Family?
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In the last few days, I came across a really nice gifset celebrating Isaac, Erica and Boyd, but at the same time I was informed about someone arguing that Derek was a better alpha than Scott. I know that everyone loves to reconfigure the so-called Beta Trio into some sort of "found family" archetype and by doing so pretend that Derek Hale made these teenagers' lives better because they listened to him, but I feel it's important to remember that is not what happened.
First of all, the Beta Trio was not a Beta Trio; it was a Beta Quartet. Derek Hale bit four teenagers and when one turned out to be defective, he abandoned Jackson like a cruel dog owner dropping a sick puppy on the side of the highway so he didn't have to take care of him. "You've always been a snake, Jackson, just not the one we're looking for." Yeah, top-grade found-family parenting right there.
Second of all, they were soldiers, not family members. Members of the fandom may dislike -- and they do! -- when Scott yells at the New Hale Pack that Derek's just made them into a bunch of guard dogs, but they forget that that is functionally what they become. The first thing that Derek had them do was beat the crap out of Scott. Derek used Erica for espionage ("I have someone else in mind for you"). Then they kidnapped Stiles. Then they kidnapped Jackson. Then they tried to murder Lydia. Then they tried to murder Jackson.
There is exactly one scene where Boyd, Erica, or Isaac do something for themselves, and that's in Abomination (2x04) where Boyd and Erica attend the lacrosse game. "Derek isn't going to like this!" Erica warns.
Third and most importantly, Derek built a pack for his sake, not for theirs. Even if he did it because he was lonely, he still did it for himself. He watches Gerard declare war, he yells at Scott that this is what the Argents do, but he still goes ahead and recruits Isaac, Erica and Boyd. He also has no idea how to beat Gerard, which he literally says out loud after Peter explains that Gerard is winning. "Tell me something I don't know." He also knows the Alpha Pack is coming. Since the fandom likes to tell so much from glances, examine the look on his face when Boyd and Erica tell him they found another wolf pack in the forest. That's not surprise; that's fear. He wasn't prepared for the Alpha Pack yet, but he doesn't say anything but "You're not leaving; you're running." Once Boyd and Erica die, and once he can dump Isaac off on Scott, Derek never mentions any of them again.
This analysis is pretty harsh on Derek, but as I've always said, there's no need for a redemption arc if the character never does anything wrong. And as for why Scott is a better alpha, that's easy, too:
Scott didn't recruit. Of the thirteen Betas that Scott could be said to have over the course of the series and movie (Stiles, Derek, Allison, Isaac, Lydia, Kira, Malia, Liam, Mason, Hayden. Corey, Alec, and Eli), three of them were friends first (Stiles, Allison, and Kira), five of them joined out of admiration or were invested in what the pack was trying to do (Isaac, Lydia, Derek, Mason and Corey), and five of them were members rescued from peril (Malia, Liam, Hayden, Alec, and Eli). He didn't go looking for new members -- he found them, which actually makes it a found family.
Fandom should also compare how Scott treated Liam, the beta he didn't want to bite suffering from a mental disorder, with how Derek treated Jackson. The only time that Scott even hesitated to act as Liam's alpha was after Liam had beaten Scott to the point of death.
They were Scott's pack; they were his friends. Members of the fandom complain that Scott didn't train his pack or put the pack as a unit first. Absolutely. He didn't see them as soldiers. In Battlefield (2x11), when Stiles says he can't do anymore, Scott doesn't press him even though he needs all the help he can get. Scott doesn't want to bring Isaac with him to meet with Deucalion in Frayed (3x05). Liam doesn't have to be with them if he doesn't want to be in A Promise to the Dead (4x11). They hang out, they go to parties, they study like high schoolers are supposed to do. "While we're trying not to die, we still need to live."
Compare how Derek treated Erica and Boyd when they want to leave in Battlefield to how Scott treats Malia in Damnatio Memoriae (5x12). There is a vast difference between Derek insisting that they need him "Yeah, but I told you how to survive. You do it as a pack. And you're not a pack without an Alpha." and Scott explaining that he needs her. "What if I told you that you were the only one I have left?"
Scott built a pack to help others, not himself. Some critical thinker on X announced that "they all left him" about Scott's pack, which somehow proves Derek was better. They did leave (though most of them came back when he needed them), because he's their Alpha, not their owner. They have lives. Isaac couldn't take Beacon Hills anymore and left. Liam moved to somewhere in Asia. Stiles joined the FBI. Lydia founded a company. When he led them into battle -- and Scott did -- he did it because someone innocent was going to die if someone didn't do something -- whether it was the victims of Gerard and the Kanima, or the Darach and the Alpha Pack, of the Dead Pool, of the Dread Doctors, of the Wild Hunt. The pack came together under his leadership to protect innocents.
I don't understand how parts of the fandom can watch the show and argue that Derek's betas were better off as his betas or that Derek was a better alpha than Scott. Even if you edit out all of Scott's positive traits, as parts of the fandom tend to do, even if you erase Scott entirely, as parts of the fandom want to do, Derek's methods were less than constructive, Derek's motives were selfish, and Derek's end results were less than optimal.
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kseniaallis · 2 years
I just watched tw movie trailer, and it says a lot about my “excitement” that I just watched it. And of course I knew what’s happening because… fandom. But looking at it with my own eyes, book writing experience and participation in teen wolf fandom since I was 14, it just doesn’t make any sense.
I understand why they use Nogitsune as a main villain for the movie - it’s the most popular, loved, if you can say that, plot line of the entire show. Because if you ask fandom “what is your favourite season?” most of them will answer 3b.
What I don’t understand is how they’ll use this storyline without two major characters - Stiles and Kira. The whole reason why Nogitsune appeared in the Beacon Hills was Kira’s family history. And the reason why Nogitsune is so popular - DOB acting. Because I swear to God, if it wasn’t for him, it wouldn’t be just as enjoyable.
I won’t start on Derek’s son that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, that Derek purposefully raised in the town that gave him, his family, friends so many traumas? Make it make sense.
I won’t judge Hikari because I don’t know her plot line, but what I hate and what is heavily implied is that the part of her story is being the love interest. Why won’t you let female character just be in the story, without making them important just because they are someone’s love interest. It's 2023, not 2014 (but we stayed there, ig, and made it worse). And I still don’t like how her being kitsune sounds a lot like Kira’s replacement.
And I hope, hope that even if they pursue Liam and Hikari, please, please don’t let it happen with such a big age difference.
I also have no idea how having a romance with a character that appears just in the movie is a good idea. In all honesty, I don’t give a f about this character because I don’t know her and having this character have a romance with a beloved fandom character just for one movie is ridiculous. Especially, after setting up the whole Thiam heavily implied story line. Because, you see, the only reason why anyone even talk about the movie is fandom. And fandom loves when things they love at least appear, give them breadcrumbs and they’ll be happy. We are not picky.
Mason being a deputy? Okay, perfect. The boy was smart as hell and could go miles away from Beacon Hills to learn science, but no-no. He could have been emissary to the pack and it would work perfectly, but still it’s a no for them.
Malia and Parish's situation is so confusing, like even Lydia and Parish made more sense (age difference is still bad here). And they just decided recycling her relationship with Scott for the sake of Allison's return?
And why does she? Her arc was complete in such a perfect way. It was sad, but it was perfect. It brought reason for the pack to keep fighting, taught them lesson that they weren’t invincible. Bringing her back makes it all go in flames. She died young, saving her friends and it was beautiful in the way, because it brought the whole new meaning to her arc. But no, let’s bring her back and make Argent’s life even more tragic and painful. Let the poor man rest.
And I hope they didn’t kill Theo’s character off screen. But maybe him not being in the movie is a good thing. They can’t fuck up his character after completing his arc perfectly in the tv-show (still surprising, tbh, but I LOVE how they made it).
I remember founding out about the movie. How exciting it felt because I just returned to the fandom, reading all these thiam fics (because fandom recommendations on Tumblr made me, and I was never more grateful to learn about Theo character from the perceptive I have now as an adult. I hated him when I was young and now he is one of my favourites). It felt exciting because it had meaning. And we had hope for it to be at least a decent thing. A continuation of the story that made sense. But now they ruined almost half of the characters and removed the other half for the sake of two hours (how long is it exactly?) movie we won’t even watch.
At this point, I just wait for fix-it fics on ao3 that’ll make more sense than the plot jd came up with his writers.
Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
your fic ideas are hella cool so dropping in another 📔 if you wish!
(another content warning, for abuse & gaslighting this time)
AU where instead of letting him go to suffer in his grief and guilt, Kate keeps Derek after the fire. she doesn't take credit for what she did, instead bluffing her way through convincing Derek that someone else was responsible for it. she offers him refuge. she can protect him. because she loves him.
desperate for comfort in the wake of all that he's lost (he assumes, and Kate reinforces the idea, that everyone else is dead), with the alternative too horrifying for him to even consider much less accept, Derek latches onto her and goes with her willingly because he's got nothing and no one else left.
it's a perfect foundation for the kind of emotional abuse that keeps someone feeling indebted no matter what their abuser puts them through. he'll do anything she wants him to, because doesn't he remember what she did for him? what she's still doing for him? keeping him safe. he knows what her family does, he doesn't he understand how much of a risk it is for her to harbor him from them? he can't possibly disobey complain when she's risking everything for him.
bonus points if he's desperate enough, and Kate a forceful enough personality, that Derek can latch onto her like an alpha to avoid omega status, in lieu of having a pack. we see atypical pack bonds in the show, Scott forming a "pack" with Stiles and Allison that was solid enough to avoid omega status and help him resist the sway of a real alpha, so i'm inclined to think it's possible. Derek, young and vulnerable, alone and grieving and terrified, submitting to the will of someone older, trusted, and powerful enough to make him feel safe.
little does Derek know, Laura and Cora both escaped the fire (and Peter, comatose still). he thinks they're dead, because that's what Kate told him, and he trusts Kate (because she's all he has).
he doesn't know they're alive, but they also don't know that he's alive. Laura and Cora fled town together after the fire, the way Laura and Derek did canonically. and they're drawn back the same way -- Peter's slowly returning consciousness, the mystery of the fire, etc etc. in this AU, it's Mrs Finch (the teacher at the high school from season 6 who's apparently been an alpha werewolf in hiding the entire time) that Peter killed so that he could start biting random teenagers in the woods. that's definitely something that Laura needs to look into and take care of.
it's also something the hunters are looking into, of course. Chris calls Kate for backup and, not having any more context than "rogue alpha", she comes. and she brings her boyfriend with her. whatever identity she's set up for him, it's well established by now, and Derek is (horror of horrors) one of her hunters. she's convinced him to fight the "bad" werewolves. it's not like werewolves didn't police their own sometimes anyway, if they deserved it, for the sake of staying secret and protecting innocents. it didn't take too much manipulating prodding to convince him to use his superior senses to aid her cause.
Derek is the one who finds the alpha. he has him in his sights.
only Laura has found him too.
and that's the first they see of each other.
Derek runs before there can be any kind of connection. he goes back to Kate and tells her what he saw. she, of course, gaslights the fuck out of him. he didn't actually see his sister. he couldn't have. they're all dead, remember? she saw the bodies herself, doesn't he trust her?
Kate, blindsided -- she knew Laura and Cora were alive, but she didn't expect them to be here, threatening her long con and her control on her favorite tool/toy -- runs back to Chris (completely in the dark on her machinations) for damage control. tries to turn him onto taking the other Hales out of the picture as quickly as possible without alerting him as to why.
code-loving Chris resists; as far as they know, those Hales haven't done anything wrong. they haven't broken the code, one of them is just 16, and it seems like they're all working toward the same end in taking down the rogue alpha. maybe they should just let them be for now, keep an eye on them, monitor the situation, etc. Kate, not happy about this, but unable to leave to handle things on her own without raising eyebrows.
meanwhile, Cora being the one to connect with Scott and Stiles. much less likely to stand out while sneaking around a high school she doesn't attend, lmao. Laura is busy with the alpha investigation (and with the whole "holy SHIT was that Derek?? that really looked like it might've been Derek, wtf wtf wtf" thing), so she does most of the handling with the boys.
Scott isn't nearly as resistant to her (or Laura) as he was to Derek, who was far more overbearing and uncommunicative, lol. Laura wants him to focus on getting himself and his shift under control, adjust to his new powers, just stay out of the way for now. she tells Cora that too, but Cora says FUCK THAT, Derek might be alive and you want me to stay out of it??? she may not have spent 7 years completely alone and fending for herself in this AU, but she's still headstrong and proactive. she wants to get shit done.
so she, Scott, and Stiles end up on their own little sub-mission. and they bring Allison into the fold because they don't have an Argent-traumatized Derek projecting all over them and insisting they can't trust her. they know Argents as a whole are bad, but they also know that Allison doesn't seem to have any clue what the rest of her family is doing. she's a total normie. Cora's much more likely to look at her and go "wow, you're so in the dark. maybe if we DON'T lie to you, we can get you one our side and you'll be an advantage!"
she starts explaining things to Allison and makes some mention of her brother and Allison's like "wait, Derek? that's Kate's boyfriend, they've been together for years, he's staying in our guest room" and Cora's like UM??
Stiles: "well, fuck, let's break in and rescue him right now!" Allison: "you know i have a key, right? it's my house" Scott: "idk if that's a good idea" Cora: "Laura would be so mad......let's do it"
meanwhile, Laura, more on the cautious side of things. she's desperate to get Derek back, if that actually was him, but she isn't sure it was and she can't take huge risks if it puts the sibling she does have in danger. keeping Cora safe has been her number one priority for the last 6 years, she isn't willing to jeopardize that just yet.
doesn't mean she can't take small risks. if Chris Argent gets all up in her face to menacingly wash the windows of her car, she may take a chance on a question or two.
Laura: "Kate's boyfriend -- Derek, isn't it? i had a little brother by that name. would be about that age by now, if he was alive." Chris: "what are you insinuating?" Laura: "nothing. just a funny coincidence, don't you think?"
she doesn't get an answer, but it plants a little seed of doubt in Chris, right as Kate's control over Derek is starting to fray a little bit. Cora & co get into the guest room where they're staying, intending to rescue him, but they miscalculate and no one's in there (which is probably good, cuz that would've gone badly for them). Cora gets frustrated and upset because there are scents here but she doesn't really recognize them enough to verify if it's her brother or not -- it's been a long time, and she was too young to remember properly.
but Derek wasn't too young. and when he gets back to the room, he and can smell her.
Kate insists he's wrong, he's not smelling anything more than perfume or air freshener, what is he smelling ghosts now? he starts to feel like either he's going crazy or maybe, maybe..... Kate is lying to him.
he's still fighting that realization, but the next time he gets sent out on his own after the alpha, Laura finds him. neither of them runs this time. Laura tries to get Derek to come with her, but Derek has been with Kate a long time and he doesn't know how to do or be anything else anymore. they argue. Derek insists that Kate has been good to him, that she saved him, that she loves him.
Laura: "Derek, she told you we were dead! do i look dead to you?"
over the course of this argument, Derek mentions smelling Cora in his room and Laura's like "you did what?? GODDAMN IT, CORA"
that's how Laura finds out they've let Allison in on the secret and she is furious. she may not have the very personal grudge and trust issues that canon!Derek had with them, but she's still got a very healthy aversion to hunters. she yells at Cora about how reckless and stupid it was to tell this girl anything. Scott steps in to defend her -- it was his idea, if she's gonna be mad at anyone then be mad at him. Stiles argues that it was a tactical advantage to have an inside man, so to speak.
Laura gets that, she does, but she just.....she wants everybody to be safe. she can't protect her loved ones (the ones she has left) if they won't do what she tells them to do. she's by far the more traumatized of the two of them. she went from normal teenager to The Alpha, the one with too much responsibility on her shoulders to be allowed to grieve and process properly. she sheltered Cora, still an actual kid, enough to let her fall apart and then put her back together again, but Laura never got to do that herself. she couldn't afford to break down when she had a child to keep safe and provide for.
but now Cora's old enough to take of herself, old enough to push for what she thinks is right, and Laura is still clinging to that Must Protect instinct because it's the only thing that's been keeping her going for the last 6 years. to be faced with evidence that she failed as an alpha, and as a big sister? that she let Derek get taken in and twisted up by hunters and she didn't even know? devastating.
it takes them all to talk her down. because honestly, she is being paranoid and irrational and stubborn, and that's not actually helping. it's not helping her, it's not helping Cora, and most of all, it's not helping Derek. if they want to get their brother back, they'll need all the help they can get, and Allison, Argent or not, has already proven that she can and wants to be that help.
in the end, they decide they need Chris as an ally too, if they really want to get somewhere, and they can use Allison to make that happen bit by bit. they get her to start hinting at things, asking leading questions about Derek, like if Chris knows where he's from or what he studied in school or how old he is. casual normal things that Chris realizes he doesn't have answers for, because Kate always answers for Derek when people talk to him and she's always vague.
not to mention, Kate is acting cagey lately. pushing so hard to kill Laura with no code violation. he's got Laura's voice in his ear now. i had a brother by that name. he would be about that age too, if he was alive.
aaaaand okay so i never got to the end of this idea, so you gotta imagine the rest of it yourself 😅 but you know at some point, either Laura tears Kate's throat out to rescue Derek, or Derek truly comes to understand just how deeply he's been victimized and does it himself. either way, i'm cheering them on.
send me a book emoji for the plot of a fic that i haven't written but daydream about!!
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mikhardwheat · 2 years
People who thought that we'll get Dylan's cameo as Stiles can't be real. I refuse to believe that someone can be that delusional. They were clickbaiting us with Thiam, for the fuck's sake, when the news dropped. They didn't even have the cast back then.
The way they treated Arden with her salary? The fact that they didn't even try to contact Cody? Problematic cast members being praised? Dylan being completely open about refusing the offer? Good for them, honestly.
Tyler Hoechlin agreeing was a surprise, but considering the movie's plot - I'm not sure if it was a pleasant one.
If you think that if we get the second movie there's gonna be a chance of any of the mentioned actors or their characters returning - please, try critical thinking once in a while (in the most respectful way possible).
We were robbed of all the endgame couples, robbed of the finished character arcs (Derek's one doesn't count, obviously; his age is still a plothole, don't get me started on everything else), robbed of Monroe's storyline. I'm not bitter about the last one, just disappointed.
S4-6 are nonexistent now, huh. Liam's character is unexplored and really into cooking all of the sudden? Come on now.
We got 17yo Allison back, but she looks old enough for Scallison to get back together, so why not. Oh, and Scott is still in love with her. After 15+ years or her being dead and him living his fulfilling life. It's not like he doesn't get crushes or partners, you know (Kira, Isaac, Malia), but they decided to make him miserable.
Sometimes I think producers hate him even more than their audience does. And don't get me wrong, Scott is a good guy, a great one even. But only of he's written by someone else, canon keeps making him a fucking creep (which he doesn't deserve).
That's all I have to say.
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maria021015 · 5 months
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“Oh, as if you didn’t figure that out yourself?” Lydia looked at Zaida sceptically. The brunette had just told her what Deaton had discovered the day before as they walked through the school halls on Monday morning. “Come on, Zaida think. What is the common pattern with Greek last names?”
“Usually they tell you what your ancestors worked as or where you’re descended from. Like ‘Eliopoulos’ means my dad’s side was from the Peloponnesian islands.” Zaida answered, unsure of where the redhead was going with this.
“It can also be derived from the name of an ancestor, right?” Lydia prompted. “Know any famous Callistas?”
“Not Callista…but the name is commonly interchangeable with Callisto.” The pieces fell together. “The daughter of King Lyacon. It was never specified what kind, but she was a nymph - well in one of many versions of the story, she was. Callisto was a part of Artemis’ hunt until Zeus took a fancy to her and she ended up transformed into a bear, and then the stars. It’s the myth behind the Ursa Major constellation. You don’t think that means…?”
“That you’re descended from mythological Arcadian royalty? No. That you’re descended from a long line of nymphs that took the name? Quite possibly.” Lydia nodded.
“That means it ran in my maternal bloodline…Mom could have been like me.” Zaida pointed out, chewing slightly on her bottom lip as she thought. “Xander has a book of Ancient Greek myths in his room at the apartment. Maybe there’s something there. Afterall, he knew about this stuff. God, I wish I could get a hold of the Bestiary.”
“And why can’t you?” The redhead questioned.
“Stiles is convinced that if the Argents find out about me, they’ll kill me. Whilst I think he’s definitely being dramatic, I also didn’t think Allison would shoot me in the leg and yet here we are.” Zaida smiled sarcastically, still not over it at all.
“I’m not going to tell you to get over it, because that would be mean and insensitive-” Lydia hummed.
“I’m sensing a ‘but’ here,” Zaida interjected sharply.
“But, I am going to tell you that you need to sort it out with her. You don’t have to forgive you, and you don’t have to be friends again. You do need to learn how to co-exist, for the sake of the group - or pack, or whatever you wanna call it.”
“I don’t even think she even wants to be in the group anymore. She’s avoided all of us so far, and she broke up with Scott. The only person she’s still talking to is you .” Zaida shot back, spying the girl they were talking about down the hall as she swapped her books out from her locker.
“Don’t get jealous. I’ve already told you, if I had to take sides, I’d pick yours.” The redhead bumped her hip into Zaida playfully.
“But babe, I want you all to myself,” Zaida whined exaggeratively as she jested, slinging an arm around the girl’s shoulders.
“Look, Allison’s keeping her distance to figure herself out and cut out that dark part of her for good, just like you told her to. She went too far and she knows it.” Lydia explained. “Do you think there’s a chance that you might be able to move past what happened? And it’s okay if you say no.”
“If she really does change, then maybe, eventually, I might be able to move past it. But I don’t think it will ever go back to how it was before.” Zaida answered honestly. Truth was, she was a forgiving person when it was earned. However, once she’d been burned once, she wouldn’t be stupid enough to allow it to happen again.
“I’m not going to lie and say I don’t miss our little trio, because I really do. But I understand that something like that would be really hard to forget.” Lydia acknowledged Zaida’s situation in a far more empathetic way than she would have when they had first met. Surprisingly, the redhead was a far more forgiving person than anyone would expect. Though Zaida supposed she’d had to be to date Jackson for so long and still want to remain friends with him and Allison after everything the two had done to her. On the note of Jackson…
“How is Jackson doing, by the way?” She asked, not having seen the boy’s Porsche in its usual parking spot this morning.
“He’s taking a few days to process everything that happened…and everything that he did.” Lydia shrugged. “He’s doing as well as he can be under the circumstances.”
Zaida nodded slowly, feeling a twinge of sympathy towards the boy. She still thought he was a raging asshole, but it would be difficult to black out with no control of your actions only to then find out you were responsible for multiple homicides. “Is he still thinking about leaving?” She asked. The last Zaida had heard, the boy was considering leaving to escape the painful memories that were now coming back in flashes since gaining his freedom.
“I’m trying to talk him out of it, but he’s pretty hell-bent on moving.” The redhead grimaced and swiftly changed the subject. “What about Isaac? Is he still thinking about splitting?”
“No, he’s decided to stay.” Zaida shook her head, shifting her backpack higher up over her shoulder.
“I wonder why.” Lydia hummed suggestively with a sly smirk and Zaida rolled her eyes.
“Don’t you start too,” She huffed. “I’ve already heard it all from Stiles.”
“Well, he’s right. Isaac is super into you. Why not go for it?” The redhead urged her excitedly. “Come on, don’t you remember how happy you were when you told me he’d asked you to Winter Formal?!”
“I just don’t feel the same anymore. In a way, I don’t even feel like the same person as I was back then. So much has happened. So much has changed .” Zaida struggled to explain how she felt about the situation. “I think maybe I just need to focus on myself for a bit, you know? Find out who and what I am - which is why I really need to get my hands on that damned Bestiary.”
Lydia’s green eyes glinted as she realised something. “You don’t need to talk to the Argents to get a hold of the Bestiary. How’d you get it in the first place?”
“How the hell did I not think of that?” Zaida scolded herself, slapping her palm over her face and hooking her arm through Lydia’s with an innocent smile. “Lyds, do you wanna help me steal a supernatural encyclopedia from the deadliest family in Beacon Hills?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” The redhead grinned broadly.
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Coming up with a plan to get both Allison and Chris away from the house had been hard. Getting away from Stiles after school without arousing suspicion had been harder. Lydia had spent lunch distracting the huntress while Zaida ventured into the carpark, located the girl’s Mazda, and slashed her left tires in a way that could have been an accident, but also would be enough to raise suspicions. Surely enough, after Zaida convinced Stiles she and Lydia were having a girl’s night out, she saw Allison crouching by her car talking on the phone and looking around warily. Step one was a success.
“Okay, let’s go. We won’t have long.” Zaida whispered to Lydia as she waited eagerly for the redhead to unlock her Beetle. Zaida got into the passenger seat and shut the door behind her. “Drive!”
Zaida had never seen Lydia break the road rules before - and she still hadn’t, but the redhead had certainly ridden the cusp of the speed limit and taken several fast turns to get to the Argent’s household. “Okay, I’m thinking we can climb that tree and take that upper branch onto the roof. From there we can sneak around to Allison’s bedroom window. She usually keeps that unlocked - or at least she used to, to let Scott in.” Zaida strategised, pointing out her planned path of entry as they pulled up a little further down the road to hide Lydia’s car behind the neighbours’. As they’d hoped, Chris Argent’s car was nowhere to be seen. Step two of their plan - lure Chris away from the house - had gone swimmingly.
“Or, we could go through the front door like normal people?” Lydia suggested, holding up a silver key on her keychain.
“Since when do you have a key for Allison’s house?” Zaida scrunched her brows.
“Since she gave me the spare to pick something up. I forgot to give it back.” The redhead shrugged. “Didn’t you ever wonder how I got into Allison’s room that day you two got me to translate the pages on the Kanima?”
“Oh, I never actually questioned that, though I probably should have.” Zaida tilted her head, pushing the car door open and climbing out. “In my defence, we were a little preoccupied with finding out Jackson was being mind-controlled.”
Lydia led the way up the Argent’s driveway and inserted the key into the lock, letting both of them into the house. “We’ve got to be fast. It probably won’t be long before they get back home.” The redhead warned, and Zaida didn’t need to be told twice. She took the stairs up to Allison’s room two at a time, pushing through the half-open door to find the room half-empty and stacks of cardboard boxes littered the floor.
“What the hell?” She stood and stared as Lydia came up behind her. “Did Allison tell you she was moving?”
“No, she didn’t mention anything,” Lydia replied in a quiet voice, taken aback by the sight.
“Whatever, we don’t have time for this.” Zaida sighed and rummaged through the items on the brunette’s desk, finding her laptop beneath a pile of clothes. The brunette pulled it out and opened it. “You wouldn’t happen to know her password, would you?”
“Afraid not,” The strawberry-blond shook her head, taking a seat beside Zaida on the end of Allison’s bed, which was half crowded with boxes.
Zaida suddenly remembered a similar conversation that had occurred months ago. “Let me try something…” She mumbled and her fingers danced across the keyboard, filling in the username and password.
“Her username and password are both ‘Scott’.” Lydia snorted and Zaida grinned.
“And we’re in,” Zaida muttered and searched for the Bestiary, finding it quickly with Allison’s well-organised filing system. She opened the girl’s email account and addressed a new message to herself, attaching the file. The loading bar appeared and started to fill at a dreadfully slow pace. “This might take longer than we thought.”
The bar was only loaded about halfway when the sound of a loud engine grew louder as a car approached, cutting off when it reached the front of the house. “Zaida, you might want to hurry up.” Lydia’s green eyes widened.
“I can’t exactly control that.” The brunette hissed, her gaze honing in on the ever so slowly loading file as if watching it would help it go faster. The sound of keys in the front door alerted them to the Argent’s impending arrival. “Come on, come on, faster… ”
“Zaida,” Lydia whispered in warning as Chris and Allison’s voices floated up from the stairwell.
The bar inched closer and closer to the opposite end and both girls counted the numbers as the percentage jumped. 75%. 85%. 90%. 96%. 99%. “Okay, it’s done!” Zaida cheered in hushed tones and sent it, waiting for her phone to chime before she deleted the evidence from the huntress’ computer just as footsteps could be heard thudding up the stairs. She slipped the laptop back under that pile of clothes on the desk and jumped backward. “The window?” Zaida mouthed the suggestion as those footsteps grew closer, cutting off their exit point. Lydia looked at her as if she was crazy and took the lead as the door opened wider and Allison walked in.
“Allison! We’ve been waiting for you for ages!” Lydia exclaimed, plastering a broad smile onto her face as she greeted the girl enthusiastically, leaving Zaida to fake a half-smile as well. Zaida had never been great at hiding her true emotions, and it was obvious she didn’t want to be there as Allison looked at them in surprise.
“How’d you get in?” The girl asked them, her thin brows furrowing.
“I still have your spare house key.” The redhead shrugged and flashed the item and offered it to the girl, looking around pointedly at the boxes around the place. “Though it looks like you’ll be needing it back. When were you going to tell us you’re leaving?”
“I’m not leaving, just moving. We decided to sell the house. There are too many memories here. We’re renting an apartment downtown.” Allison took the key and stuck it into her back pocket, crossing her arms over her chest and locking her jaw, obviously uncomfortable talking about it. “What are you doing here?”
“We came to check in on you,” Lydia answered sympathetically with kind eyes.
“Really?” Allison asked sceptically, her eyes flittering to where Zaida stood almost hopefully.
“I didn’t,” Zaida interjected and straightened up, preparing to make a scene by storming out. “I came because Lydia told me we were going to grab burgers.”
“I’m really sorry for what I did to you, Zaida. I honestly am, and I understand if you can’t forgive me, but I need you to know that I will regret it for the rest of my life. Thank you for trying to stop me. You were being a good friend, and what I did was uncalled for and awful. If I could go back…I would have listened to you.” Allison said hurriedly, trying to stop her from leaving.
Zaida stood and stared at her blankly for a few moments, not quite knowing how to respond. As far as apologies went, it was Allison’s best so far. The girl seemed genuinely remorseful. “You want my forgiveness? Prove it. Do better.” Zaida said and walked towards the door, pausing for a moment as something in her stomach tugged at her. “I’m sorry you lost your mom. I know what it’s like, and it sucks.”
“Yeah,” Allison whispered in a hoarse voice, and Zaida didn’t need to turn around to know that the girl was teary. “It does.”
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jazzmynerule · 2 years
“You’re drunk”
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Prompt: y/n’s home alone watching movies and snacking in whatever food she has in the pantry when y/n’s boyfriend stiles comes stumbling through her window like he always does this time intoxicated
Warnings: little bit of swearing but other than that it’s pure fluff
“Randy shut up you’re literally telling the people in tv to look behind them but you aren’t even taking your own advice fucking idiot I love you but damn” I scoffed rolling my eyes as I crunched on my potato chips when I heard a loud bang behind me “what the fuck” I yelled as stiles came crashing through my open window “stiles what the fuck you scared the piss out of me I honestly think I peed myself” I said standing my patting myself to see if I did thankfully I didn’t “hey baby” he stumbled over his words smiling up at me from his position on the floor “are you drunk? Stiles for fuck sake” I sighed helping him up and taking him over to my bed “where did you drink and who did you drink with?” I interrogated making sure nobody spiked my stupid boyfriends drink “Scotty boy” he smiled also howling to show that Scott’s a werewolf “yes okay I get it shut up” I rolled my eyes “take your shoes off stiles you’re making my bed muddy these are fresh sheets too” I whined “shush you big cry baby” he stumbled over his own feet taking his shoes off but he accomplished after a couple tries and came back up on the bed with me
“Why did you drink with Scott? You only ever drink on special occasions” i asked making little shapes on his buzzed hair with my fingernails “Allison and him broke up so me being such an amazing buddy I brought a bottle of whiskey and drove with Scott to i don’t know where and we sat there drinking” he giggled knowing that took to long for him to say “such an amazing friend” i smiled kissing his head “you’re so pretty how did I get so lucky I’m literally a Star Wars obsessed geek and you’re like an actual goddess of a woman” he babbled exclaiming everything with his arms and hands like an idiot “like you’re such a perfect girl and you chose to be with my dumbass I don’t know why bc look at you and your perfect hair and your perfect lips that i oh so love to kiss and your perfect nose ugh I love you” he whispered grasping my head in his big hands bending me down low enough for him to kiss me spirderman style “I love you too my Batman” I said giggling “I love you most” He smiled lazily “you’re such an affectionate drunk stiles I love it” I sighed laying back down on my pillow pulling stiles up here with me so we could look into each others eyes “I’m tired” he said yawning “go to sleep stupid I’ll turn the light off” I said quickly running to turn the lights off and jumped back into bed snuggling up to a already asleep stiles
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wdwmarveldisney · 3 years
Can u please do a sorta isaac lahey imagine where y/n is a born werewolf and she has been best friends with Scott and stiles their whole life’s like they are her brothers and she was friends with isaac before the bite maybe she was tutoring him and they were kinda close and she was always there for him and after he got the bite she was his anchor and he always flirted and they kissed a couple times and at the end of season 2 they were dating and they are really happy and stuff but then the thing with isaac and Allison happens and obviously they break up y/n pretends it doesn’t bother her but it obviously does and isaac kinda regrets it like y/n is his anchor, someone who was always there for him and he still cares and loves her and is still super protective of her when Aiden flirts with her (much to her annoyance) and anyway they are fighting the onis and she dies instead of Allison and maybe she does die in Scott’s arms ya know casue he is like her brother and it’s just peoples reactions to her death (sorry it’s long just wanted backstory)
Isaac Lahey x reader
Summary: When you pass, all Isaac can think about is you, good and bad.
A/N: Ok so you put people’s reactions but it’s just basically Isaac’s so I hope that’s okay.
GIF isn’t mine
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It didn't hurt. It didn't hurt when the sword was shoved into your stomach, you made sure to tell Scott that as he tried to take your pain. It didn't hurt as you struggled to breath and it didn't hurt as you told him to tell Stiles not to blame himself. It didn't hurt when you tried to explain to him to tell Isaac that you still love him. You just felt numb and cold and disappointed. Disappointed that you had been so busy trying save Isaac that you got yourself killed. Disappointed that you weren't good enough to save yourself. And disappointed in yourself that you had let so many people down.
But the point is that it didn't hurt. That's what everyone kept telling Isaac. That you weren't in pain in your last moments, that you smiled at Scott and spoke to him like you always did. Isaac couldn't see it like that because he watched the way you fell into Scott arms and he watched you cry as you spoke and he watched you fall limp in one of your best friend's, your brother's arms. How could that not be painful?
Isaac had always had pain in his life, he had always known how to handle it. But not now. He felt like he couldn't breathe, like he was suffocating in the silence and memories that you could've shut out if you were still here. And he blamed himself because if he was better, stronger, then you wouldn't have been so focused on saving him. The worst part was he didn't feel like he deserved it. He wasn't worth you dying for him, no matter how much you would've argued with him about it. He had hurt you, he'd spent all his time with you relying on you and then he went ahead and he just left you and you still stayed by his side. You were his anchor for god's sake! You had just understood why he broke up with you, you stayed by his side and the only time he heard you complain about everything was when he got protective when Aiden flirted. And he gave you up? Why would he do that?
What he never got was why you didn't heal. You were born a werewolf, helped him through it all when he first became a beta. You could've healed, he knew you could've, you had to been able to. Yes the injury was bad, ok a lot worst then bad, but that had to be a way for you to survive, he was just too late. Isaac was beating himself up over it all, smashing up a bunch of stuff as he cried and screamed and grieved. All he could think about was you.
Like the first time you met. You'd been assigned to tutor him and he said he couldn't do after schools so you went to the library at lunch instead. The two of you went over maths and physics, in the areas he struggled with most and you couldn't stop making jokes and smiling so wide he swore you hurt yourself. You'd pull funny faces at times and you wouldn't get mad when he didn't understand, you'd nod at his frustration and try to find another way to explain. The two of you just clicked, Isaac never being one to trust but with you, he felt like he could tell you most things and he'd feel so much better.
He remembered when he found out you were his anchor. How you jumped excitedly when he managed to control himself and when you asked about his anchor and he just shrugged and lied through his teeth saying it was his anger. He had watched you with this dopey smile that Derek had told him to get rid of because you just looked so perfect and he couldn’t believe that he was lucky enough to have you in his life.
Or he thought about your first kiss. The two of you had been friends for a while and he'd started up flirting with you ever since he turned for the first time. You'd immediately flirted back and Isaac went crazy just thinking about the small wink you did or the way you'd grin proudly at getting him flustered. And one time you winked at him and the two of you were so close and he could feel this urge but he fought it but then he was shocked because your lips were on his and all he could do was stand there like a total idiot and when you pulled away and started apologising, he could only reach up and touch his lips because you kissed him and then he’d realise he’s left you there thinking it’s a wrong move and just smashes his lips you yours and you just kinda melt into it and it’s just this explosion of emotions. He’d never forget it.
He also couldn’t stop thinking about when you got together. How both of you were awkwardly walking together. You both had the same plan but neither were ready to start until you had just suddenly blurted it out. And he was so relieved because thank god you wanted him too. So he’d practically shout yes and then sheepishly repeat it as almost a whisper and you just seemed to melt right on the spot as you kissed him quick and made your way to your class.
He could never forget when you broke up. You’d brought pizza over to him when he texted saying you needed to talk because early on in your friendship it was established as a comfort food and so that tradition carried on. He remembered the way your face fell when he said he wanted to break up, remembered how you bit your lip to stop the tears when he brought Allison. Remembered how you told him that it was fine, that he couldn’t help it. Remembered how you laughed through tears and how the next day you’d seemed perfectly okay. He could recall your exact expression of fake happiness and hidden dread and how you continued on with being his friend as if the two of you never dated.
He couldn’t stop thinking about when he realised just how big of an idiot he was to let you go. He had called you but it went straight to voicemail and so he left a message. You’d shown up the next morning and practically screamed at him with tears streaking down your face because he couldn’t just do that. He couldn’t break your heart, leave it a couple of weeks and expect all to be brand new and ready for him to play with again. He explained how he wasn’t trying to play with your heart and that he knew he was wrong to text but he just needed you.
He remembered you said you’d work on it. That you weren’t back together but there may be a second chance. He remembered how you said you weren’t completely ready to be any of that with him and how you hadn’t fully got over it all. He felt like he let you done and he felt like you’d never forgive him and then a few hours later, you’re dead and he’s alone and in pain again. And he’s never going to see you again and that enough to kill him. He can’t live without you, you just completed him so perfectly he wondered if soulmates were a real thing. You had understood him in a way no one else could and you’d even defend his scarves with this cute little pout and he’d have to hold you close to just get rid of it.
But now you were gone and the only stupid and useless closure he had was it wasn’t painful.
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teenwolffanclub-me · 4 years
Season 1, Episode 10: Co-Captain
Hey there beautiful reader! If you’re new here, this is a series I’m writing where each chapter is an episode from the first season of Teen Wolf. If you’ve been here before, hey! I missed you! Previous and future chapters are linked at the end of each part if you want to catch up.
Pairing: Stiles x Psychic! Reader (eventually)
Notes: I somehow forgot that Deaton existed until I wrote this. My bad guys, but he’s not really that relevant in the first season anyway so...
P.S. Kate needs a therapist, Sheriff Stilinski is kinda bad at his job, and so many people almost die. Seriously, it’s getting ridiculous at this point.
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Lydia huffed in annoyance, struggling to keep up behind me in her high heeled boots. The ground crunched with each quick step I took, the dirt barely visible through a thick layer of dried leaves. I pulled the sides of my jacket tighter around my sides, feeling a chill run up my spine as a gust of cold air blew against me.
“Allison. When you said you needed to run an errand before we went shopping, a five mile hike in the woods was not what I was expecting.” Lydia had been complaining nonstop since we got here, and didn’t seem likely to give up anytime soon.
We’d been walking through Beacon Hills Preserve for at least ten minutes by now, Allison leading us with a big bag slung over her shoulder. She seemed aggravated, practically running with a tense look on her face. I had no idea what the hell we were doing. She’d been acting weird all week, more angry and on edge than usual.
We were supposed to be shopping for winter formal dresses at the mall. Lydia had been begging us to go all week, since the dance is next Friday. I kept dodging her invitation because there were just so many other things going on right now.
Me and the guys had spent the week trying to figure out where Peter’s been hiding, while keeping Jackson from spilling the werewolf beans to the whole school every time he got pissy.
I wasn’t sure who either of them were taking to the dance, and I honestly didn’t care much. I wasn’t planning on going. No one had asked me, and stuff like that wasn’t really my thing anyway. I definitely wasn’t annoyed that a certain spastic boy hadn’t even mentioned it yet. Not at all.
“Before I forget, I wanted to ask if you’re okay with something.” Allison quipped, not even bothering to turn around and look at us. “Jackson asked me to winter formal.”
My eyes widened and swept toward Lydia quickly to see her reaction. I wasn’t expecting that, even though the two of them had been incredibly flirty lately. It was obvious that Allison still had feelings for Scott, and Lydia for Jackson, so the whole thing was just a big mess.
“Did he?” She tried to sound unaffected as she nearly stumbled over a rock. My arm instinctively stuck out to steady her, and she sent me a small, grateful smile.
“Just as friends, but I wanted to make sure you were okay with it first.” 
Lydia pursed her glossed lips tightly and flicked a lock of hair away from her eyes. Her gloved hands tightened into fists at her sides. “Sure. As long as it’s just friends.”
Allison scoffed quietly, seemingly annoyed. I quirked a brow at her back in curiosity. Yeah, she and Lydia had a bit of a love hate relationship, but stealing her boyfriend was a little over the top. Something was clearly bothering her. I’d been trying to figure it out for days, but she never wanted to talk about it when I asked.
She stopped suddenly, and I nearly toppled over as I narrowly avoided running into her. Her bag dropped onto the leaf covered ground with a thud before she knelt down to unzip it. Lydia and I both watched in curious silence as she pulled out a huge bow and inspected it carefully.
It looked like something a professional would own. I’d nearly forgotten that she was into archery as a kid, but that thing was intense. Plus, why she felt the need to do this right now, on a Saturday afternoon while we were supposed to be shopping, I had no idea. She popped back to her feet quickly and screwed a big cylindrical arrowhead onto her arrow.
“What does that do?” Lydia shivered beside me and crossed her arms tightly as another gust of wind blew past us.
“We’re about to find out.” Allison muttered, more to herself than us, as she strung the bow.
She turned her back to us and raised her arms up beside her head. I watched closely as she narrowed her eyes and scanned the area for a good target. After a moment of wobbling, she let out a breath and squared her shoulders. Then, she let go.
The arrow whizzed through the air with a zip before landing in a tree a few yards away, immediately exploding with a bright waterfall of sparks.
I jumped back, not expecting that at all. “What the hell was that?”
That was not an ordinary arrow. I wondered for a moment how she even got it. It was most likely her dad’s, so she either stole it or knew way more about her family than she was letting on.
She dropped her arms with a jerk and whipped around to face us, her eyes glassy. Their hard edge had disappeared entirely, replaced now with something close to fear. “I need to tell you guys something. It’s going to sound really ridiculous and I-I don’t want you to laugh at me.”
Her sudden change in demeanor was a little jarring. It seemed like this was coming out of nowhere. I glanced at Lydia, who was doing a terrible job of hiding the fact that she thought she was completely crazy.
“We would never laugh at you.” I narrowed my eyes at Lydia, silently pleading with her to be nice. She just pouted and looked at Allison expectantly.
“It’s about my family.” Allison let out a heavy breath and wiped at her eyes. “Awhile ago, I caught them in a lie. A little one. But now, I’ve been overhearing some really strange conversations. I think...I think some of it has to do with Derek.”
“Derek?” I sputtered, my breath catching in my throat at his name. I’d learned earlier this week that he was, in fact, alive after our encounter with Peter. They’d both shown up at school a few days ago to intimidate Scott into joining their pack, which was honestly so much worse.
I let out a sigh and cleared my throat. “I mean, are you sure?”
She nodded, glancing around the trees as if he could be spying on us right now. “Yeah. I don’t think he is who he—”
She suddenly stopped, her whole body stiffening as something rustled in the leaves nearby. I watched her closely as she looked from side to side, wondering if something happened that she wasn’t telling me about. She was acting so jumpy and weird.
“Hold this.” She absentmindedly handed her bow to Lydia, who balanced it on her upturned palms as if one wrong move would set it off.
“What? Why?” Her emerald eyes widened in horror.
“Because I thought I heard something.” Allison whispered harshly, as if that would help the situation at all.
She turned her back to us and took a few timid steps forward.
“Allison,” I sighed, moving toward her. It was probably nothing. And if it wasn’t, she shouldn’t be the one going to investigate. “I’m sure it—”
She turned around just long enough to shush me before continuing on her way. I paused, my lips parting in surprise. Did she really just do that?
I stood in place, my eyes firmly planted on her back until she turned a corner, disappearing among the trees. I was ridiculously confused by her sudden personality change. Up until this week, she’d been terrified of anything even remotely out of the ordinary. Especially after we spent that night in the school.
“She’s being weird. Right?” Lydia breathed from beside me, still standing completely still and holding the bow gingerly.
I nodded, eyes narrowing in the direction she’d gone. I guess there was a chance the noise was something supernatural, but we were in the woods. It could’ve been anything and was most likely harmless. Still, part of me wanted to go after her and make sure she was okay.
“Very.” I moved to walk away, but stopped when Lydia’s panicked voice sounded from behind me.
“Um, absolutely not. You are not leaving me alone with this thing.” Her wide eyes glanced down at the bow apprehensively.
“Oh, for God’s sake...” I stepped toward her, quickly plucking it from her hands, and she visibly relaxed with a heavy sigh.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as I dropped it on top of Allison’s bag. She was always so dramatic. I motioned for her to follow me and continued forward. Allison couldn’t have gotten far yet, so I figured we’d find her pretty quickly.
I rounded a corner and immediately staggered to a stop as my eyes landed on Allison only a few feet away. She was crouched on the ground hugging Scott, who looked like he’d just fallen or something. His eyes found mine and immediately widened as he shook his head frantically with a wave of his hand.
I whirled around and nearly ran right into Lydia. Her eyes narrowed into a glare as I grabbed her biceps and jerked her the other way. I had no idea what he was even doing here, but I didn’t want to ruin their moment. He’d been trying to get back on her good side, and apparently it was working if what I just saw was any indication.
“Y/N, what the hell is wrong with you?” Lydia snapped, turning her head to try and see what I was taking us away from.
“Uh. It was a...wolf.” I cringed at my pathetic attempt at lying. I’d always been complete shit at it.
She gave up on tying to see what it was and let me continue pushing her forward, but still glanced at me as if I’d lost my mind. “There haven’t been wolves in Beacon Hills in—”
“Sixty years. I know.” I let out a huff as we made it back to Allison’s bag, and finally released her.
If only she knew how wrong she was. 
I crossed my arms over my chest impatiently, watching as Stiles fumbled with his house key for several seconds before finally managing to push it into the doorknob. He was always such a spaz, no matter what he was doing.
We didn’t have much time, but in my experience, Stiles and rushing don’t mix well. We were only stopping here so that he could grab his laptop before we met up with Scott at his house. The three of us were trying our hardest to find a pattern in the people Peter was trying to turn, so that we could hopefully stop him before he kills anyone else. 
“Why would Jackson want to be a werewolf?” I asked slowly, not fully believing what he'd just told me.
He turned around long enough to twitch his eyes at me incredulously before facing the door again. “Because it’s Jackson.”
I mean, fair enough. 
I’d been delivering dinner for mom at the hospital when Scott texted us that he wanted to meet up. Stiles came to get me, since she would need the car to get home in the morning. On the way here, he’d filled me in on his and Scott’s afternoon.
The three of us had a new policy: no more secrets, and no more lies. 
They decided to follow Jackson after school because they still don’t trust him and also, they’re nosy as hell. Apparently, he didn’t make it far before being cornered by Mr. Argent, so it was a good thing they have no concept of healthy boundaries. The fact that they saved his ass didn’t stop him from threatening to out Scott—again—if he doesn’t give him what he wants.
Stiles also casually mentioned that the Argents are actively trying to kill the alpha and his beta, who they think could be Scott, Jackson, or Derek. 
Things were a shitshow, basically.
Stiles popped his front door open and I trailed in behind him. My eyes immediately landed on his dad, who was sitting at their dining room table surrounded by various documents. Stiles perked up at the sight and practically ran to his side.
“Whatcha doin’?” He sang, peering down at the mountain of papers.
“Work.” Mr. Stilinski muttered curtly, his brows furrowing as he scribbled something down onto a notepad.
“Anything I can help with?” Stiles’ voice rose eagerly as his eyes continued flickering around the table.
His dad let out a long sigh and rubbed a hand across his forehead. It looked like he hadn’t gotten a good nights sleep in days. “You know, if you poured me an ounce of whiskey, that’d be awful nice.”
Stiles jerked upright and nearly bolted to the kitchen. I just stood in place by the door, watching him curiously. It was like he’d completely forgotten that we were supposed to be doing something. He had a tendency to be forgetful, especially when stressed. I’d say he was pretty wired lately, since he could barely go a minute without worrying about Scott and all his werewolf issues. 
He reappeared in the doorway a few seconds later, the bottle of alcohol and a shot glass in hand, and quickly pulled out a chair next to his dad. I decided to join them because I was honestly really curious about what he was working on. Plus, getting Stiles back on track usually took a lot more effort than I was willing to give right now. 
“Any leads?” He put the stuff onto the table and picked up the closest paper to him.
“Hey.” Mr. Stilinski swatted his hand away before wagging a pencil disapprovingly. Stiles cried out dramatically and rubbed at his fingers. “You know I can’t discuss that with you.”
“What about with me?” I slid into a free chair on the other side of the table, my lips pulling up into a teasing smile. It instantly dropped at the unamused stare he gave me. 
Okay. Do not joke with a tired Sheriff. Got it. 
I cleared my throat and glanced at Stiles for help, only to find that he was already looking at me, an amused smile twitching at the edges of his lips. He was trying to be discreet about it, so his dad wouldn’t see, and it was ridiculously adorable. 
He sagged back into his chair with a sigh. “Son, the last thing I need right now is you and your girlfriend shoving your noses into my classified investigation, so if you could just—”
My heart nearly stopped beating in my chest at his words. I looked at Stiles with wide eyes, but he was too busy sputtering silently toward his dad to notice. “Uh, we aren’t—” 
We still hadn’t talked about that. Sure, we’ve kissed a few times, but we haven’t gone on a proper date or anything yet, and he didn’t even ask me to the dance. As far as I was concerned, we were...friends? That sometimes kiss?
“Yeah. No. We-we haven’t...” He rushed the words out as he finally remembered how to talk, his cheeks turning bright pink.
“Look. I don’t care.” His dad sighed before sliding his glasses off and massaging his temples. “Just please go do...anything else.”
“Alright. Fine.” Stiles started pouring a shot of the whiskey, his eyes widening after a moment as if an idea dawned on him. He kept going until the glass was almost full before sliding it across the table. “Bottoms up.”
He got up just as quickly as he’d sat down, striding around the table to take my hand in his. I nearly tripped over my own feet as he pulled me out of my chair and up the stairs quickly. He shoved his bedroom door open before practically throwing me inside and slamming it behind us. 
I just stared at him with wide eyes as he leaned back against it with a sigh. 
“I didn’t want him to notice what I did.” He glanced at me fleetingly before pushing himself off the door and walking briskly toward his desk. 
I swear, he never slows down. 
“Which is...?” I drawled, turning around to watch him dig through each of the wooden drawers. 
He tongue swept across his bottom lip in concentration. My eyes followed the movement, my own lip rolling between my teeth. I was always surprised that he could manage to make even the smallest things attractive. “I’m gonna get him drunk. He talks a lot when he’s drunk.”
“So that’s how you know so much about police stuff.” I wandered over to his bed and plopped down, figuring I might as well get comfortable if we were going to be in here for awhile.
He stopped rummaging through his stuff to frown at me. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“Manipulating a Sheriff into giving you classified information? That one’s not exactly north on the moral compass.” I dragged my toes along the hardwood floors and leaned back on my palms.
He rolled his eyes and turned back to the desk, searching for another few seconds before letting out a frustrated huff. He practically slammed the last drawer closed. One of his hands came up to scratch at the side of his head as he turned and let his eyes flicker around the room. 
“Where the hell did I leave that thing?” He muttered, more to himself than me.
He suddenly perked up, as if remembering something, and took a few big steps toward the bed. He bent down in front of me and started moving his blankets around. I leaned to the side in an effort to give him more room, since it seemed like he somehow forgot I was sitting right here. My eyes flickered over his face, which was only a few inches away from mine. 
The window beside his bed let in just enough light to perfectly illuminate his freckled skin. It reflected off of his eyes, making them look like molten amber. His nose was scrunched adorably in concentration as he weaved around me to look for the laptop. He suddenly stopped fidgeting and moved back slightly. 
“Ah ha! Got ya, you little...” He trailed off as his eyes met mine. He froze, as if only just then realizing how close we were. 
I stole a glance at his lips before deciding to close the distance between us. It was hard to think about anything else but kissing him when he was this close. My hands moved up to the sides of his face and I tugged him those last few inches closer. When my lips slanted over his, he stiffened against me, as if caught off guard. The contact only lasted a few seconds before he pulled back with with shaky breath. 
I took one look at his stunned expression and erupted into a fit of giggles. 
“What?” He frowned and moved away, his eyes searching mine.
“Why do you always kiss me like you think I’m going to punch you in the face right after?” I chuckled and let my hands drop back down to my lap.
It looked like he was about to argue as his mouth opened and closed a few times. He eventually just dragged his tongue against the inside of his cheek and sighed in defeat. “I just—uh. I want you to be comfortable, and I don’t want you to think that I want you to do something that you don’t want to do.”
My brows furrowed as I tried to figure out what the hell he just said. 
“I’m gonna go check on my dad.” He jerked up to his full height and rubbed at the back of his neck before practically running out the door. 
I watched it bounce off the wall from the force he’d used to open it, and shook my head in amusement. I wasn’t sure how he still managed to be such a spaz around me after all this time, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t endearing as hell. After a few seconds, I wandered out of his room and down the stairs to join him.
“You know, Derek Hale would be a hale—” My eyes landed on Mr. Stilinski, still sitting in the same position we’d left him in, as he stopped slurring for a moment to chuckle at his own slip up. “A hell of a lot easier to catch if we could get an actual picture of him.”
Stiles was sitting in the spot beside him again, already nose deep in some document. I padded over to the table and slid into the empty chair on the other side of the table. I finally processed his words and looked at him in question. They didn’t have a single picture of Derek? He’d been arrested at least two separate times now. How was that possible?
“How do you not have a picture of him?” Stiles’ eyebrows pinched as he voiced my thoughts perfectly.
His dad peeled a small piece of paper off the table and studied it as if it held a code he had yet to decipher. “It’s the weirdest thing. It’s like, every time I try to get a mugshot, there’s like two laser beams pointing at the camera...”
Stiles ripped the picture out of his hands and inspected it closely. I leaned over the table to get a look, my eyes widening at what I saw. It was definitely Derek, but only a fraction of his face was visible through the two bright circles that took up most of the shot.
“Nice.” I breathed before sitting back down, honestly impressed. That was a pretty cool trick and could probably come in handy later on.
“Oh my God.” Mr. Stilinski groaned and slid his glasses off before leaning back in his chair and rubbing his hands down his face. “That ounce hit me like a brick. I’ve said way too much, and if you repeat any of this...”
“Dad. It’s me. I’m not gonna say anything. Come on.” Stiles scoffed and put the picture down, as if his dad questioning him at all was offensive.
The Sheriff’s eyes swept toward me and I swallowed, feeling nervous under his intense gaze. It was like he couldn’t turn off the whole cop thing. Or maybe he just really didn’t like me. I looked away from him and picked up a nearby file to distract myself.
“And Y/N, she’s ya know, trustworthy...too.” A frown pulled at my lips. That stuttering mess made me sound anything but. How did he still manage to be awkward even in front of his own dad?
“See, the thing is, they’re all connected.” Mr. Stilinski started, that jumble of words apparently enough to convince him to continue. “The bus driver that was killed was the insurance investigator assigned to the Hale house fire.”
My eyes widened as I realized I was looking at that very man’s file. I flitted through the pages quickly, looking for anything relevant. 
“Terminated under suspicion of fraud.” I read the words slowly, wondering if it had anything to do with the fire.
I glanced up toward Stiles, who fidgeted in his seat uncomfortably before moving his attention to his dad. “Alright. Who else?”
“The video store clerk who got his throat slashed? A convicted felon with a history of arson.” 
“What about the other two guys? The ones in the woods?” My eyes swept back to Stiles quickly. I’d nearly forgotten about them. They were “mysteriously” killed the night Stiles took Scott into the preserve to get drunk after Allison broke up with him. 
“Priors all over their records. Including—”
“Arson?” I quipped, putting the pieces together easily.
Every single murder was connected to the Hale house fire. But why?
He breathed out a heavy sigh and let the papers he was holding flutter back down to the table. “There’s just so many questions. I mean, if Derek wanted to kill everyone involved with the fire, why start with his sister? She didn’t have anything to do with it. You know, why make it look like some kind of animal did it?”
Stiles looked away from him, his jaw clenching. His eyes flickered to mine fleetingly before moving down to his fingers as he tapped them on the edge of the table, his brows furrowing.
“And, when that cougar showed up in the parking lot, I checked with animal control. Did you know that the incidents of wild animal reports are up seventy percent over the last few months? It’s like they’re just going crazy and running out of the woods.”
It was in that moment, as I saw him so confused and dejected, that a heavy wave of realization crashed down onto my shoulders. Allison wasn’t the only one being hurt by the secrets in Beacon Hills. Not even close. There were so many layers to the problems that all of this shit had created. I hadn’t even considered how it would effect people like Stiles’ dad. 
But it made total sense. Of course, how would they solve any of these cases without the most important piece? He’d run himself into the ground trying to figure out the impossible. Until he knew about the supernatural aspect, he wasn’t going to make any progress. The thought made my heart twist uncomfortably in my chest.
I finally realized how much it was weighing on Stiles, too. It was clear that it pained him not to tell his dad everything. His jaw was tight as Mr. Stilinski rambled on about the unknown, his lips rolled into a thin line. He couldn’t sit still for more than a few seconds, and he kept fidgeting with his fingers. 
It dawned on me then, too, that he wasn’t just complacent in all the lying like I thought this whole time. He was a caretaker. He quite literally couldn’t help but try to protect everyone around him all at once. I had a feeling that even if Scott said it was okay to tell his dad everything, he still wouldn’t.
“Or something’s scaring them out.” Stiles finally sighed, looking defeated. 
Just then, both of our phones dinged with a notification. I pulled mine out of my pocket, brows furrowing at the somewhat incoherent text we’d gotten from Scott.
Mom. Date. PETER!
A second later, another message came through.
Holy shit. What? That is beyond bad. That’s so fucking terrible I can’t even put it into words. 
My eyes jerked up when Stiles’ chair scraped against the hardwood floors loudly. He bolted to his feet and practically ran around the table, grabbing my arm in the process. He muttered something about us having to be somewhere over his shoulder, but his dad was too far gone to think twice about our quick departure anyway.
We scrambled out the door and into his Jeep, peeling out of the driveway as I recited the address and license plate Scott had sent over. Neither of us said a word as he sped to the other side of town.
After several tense minutes, I spotted the car up ahead. My eyes widened as I realized that it was parked on the side of the road. That couldn’t be good. I saw the silhouette of a man in the driver’s seat, but couldn’t find anyone else inside. 
Oh, God. I hope we aren’t too late.  
“There.” I said, pointing at the car. Stiles immediately veered off the road, but he wasn’t slowing down. I put my hands on the dash for support and looked over at him frantically. “Uh...Stiles?”
I lurched forward, my seatbelt digging into my shoulder as he slammed into the rear bumper of the car. My jaw dropped in shock as smoke started pouring out from under the Jeep’s hood, which was now bent. 
The passenger door in front of us popped open, a very angry looking Ms. McCall tumbling out. “Oh, God! Stiles!”
Well, at least she was still alive.
“Ms. McCall?” He scrambled out of the Jeep, looking flustered despite doing that very much intentionally. 
“Yes!” She threw her hands up in exasperation as she walked around to survey the damage. 
“Wow. Well, this is just crazy. What a coincidence!” Stiles chuckled nervously as he met her between the cars. 
I threw my door open and slid out, immediately shivering as the freezing night air wafted over my skin. My head tilted up to the sky as it started sprinkling. Great. That’s just what we need right now. I came to a stop beside Stiles, crossing my arms tightly over my chest to hold in of my warmth.
“I-I really don’t know what happened. You guys came out of nowhere.” He let out a huff and put his hands on his hips, eyes twitching as he raised his eyebrows, hoping she would buy the excuse. 
“Came out of nowhere? We were parked on the side of the road, Stiles!” Yeah, she so wasn’t believing any of this for a second. 
“How crazy is that?” His voice rose with panic as Peter came striding toward us, looking equally as unamused. “Man, we should probably call the cops. Do like an accident report or something?”
“I don’t think that’s necessary.” Peter drawled, shoving his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. What was with the Hale’s and leather? Was it a fashion statement? A werewolf thing? Or did they just not own anything else?
Either way, being this close to him was making my skin crawl.
“Are you sure?” One of Stiles’ eyes squinted shut as he lifted a hand to rub at the back of his neck with a forced grimace. “I think I’m feeling a little bit of whiplash.”
“Whiplash?” It looked like Ms. McCall was going to injure him herself as her voice became sharp with frustration. “You hit us!”
Peter suddenly turned his back to us and began muttering something under his breath. I peered around Ms. McCall’s shoulder and watched as he seemingly talked to himself. My brows furrowed in confusion and I pulled my phone out of my pocket. As I suspected, there was a new text from Scott saying that he was here a few minutes ago. 
I looked around, but couldn’t find him anywhere. My eyes landed on Peter again as he continued taking slow steps away from us. He was clearly talking to Scott, who would be able to hear him from a good distance away. But where was he?
“You know what, I seriously can’t do this right now.” Ms. McCall threw her hands up and walked back to the car with a huff. 
Without thinking too hard about it, I started walking toward Peter. I wanted to know what he was saying, and what the hell he thought he was doing by going after Scott’s mom. If I stopped for even a second I would’ve realized how epically stupid that was, but at the current moment I was too angry to care. For some reason, putting a human face to the alpha had made him just a little less scary. 
I only made it a few steps before a firm hand on my wrist stopped me. I turned to see Stiles staring at me with wide eyes. “Are you out of your freakin’ mind?”
At the touch of his skin on mine, I suddenly felt like the earth shifted beneath my feet. I staggered back a step, a gasp escaping me as a vivid image of Scott flashed in my mind. The only thing I could see was his face, scrunched into a pained grimace.
Stiles ripped his hand away and I was dropped harshly back into the present. “Whoa. What? What?”
I stumbled to the side, feeling lightheaded, and met his wide eyes. He stared at me with parted lips, his eyebrows raised in shock. The vision had come and gone too fast for me to see what was going on, but I knew it couldn’t be good as my stomach tightened uncomfortably.
“Do that again.” I rushed the words out in one breath. “Touch me again.”
He stammered silently for a few seconds, his confused eyes searching mine. I jutted my arm out toward him expectantly and he rolled his lips into a thin line, looking uneasy. After a few moments of hesitation, he slowly wrapped his hand around my wrist again. 
My eyes fluttered closed as the image of Scot instantly returned. I could no longer feel the rain on my face or the chill of the night air. I was just looking down at Scott, watching as he writhed around on the leaf covered ground, a wet stain on his shirt just below his heart slowly expanding.
A thick liquid stained his lips and chin. It looked like blood, but was almost black. He took in a hoarse breath, his chest heaving from the effort.
Suddenly, my eyes snapped open with a jolt. I nearly toppled over as my legs gave out under me. Stiles wrapped his hands around my biceps and studied with me a hard look. I blinked at him a few times, trying to get my eyes to refocus.
“I’m sorry, but I had to stop. It looked like you were in pain. What the hell was that?” His voice was tight with concern as his eyes flickered around my face.
I rubbed a hand against my chest in an effort to steady my breathing. My head pounded harshly as I looked around, trying to convince myself that I was actually back in the present. 
“We need to go. Right now.” I made a move toward the Jeep, but Stiles stood firmly in place, stopping me easily. 
He gave me a hard look and shook me slightly as he spoke. “Okay. You’re really starting to freak me out. What’s going on right now?”
“I’ll explain on the way. Just...please. Trust me.” His eyes twitched as he swallowed slowly. I tried my hardest to silently convey how serious this was. If we were going to make it to Scott before whatever the hell that was happened, we needed to go. Now. 
He hesitated a moment, looking at me as if he wasn’t convinced of my sanity, but eventually nodded in agreement. I let out a breath of relief, casting a final quick glance at Ms. McCall and Peter as I climbed into the Jeep. I was nervous about leaving her with him, but right now Scott was the priority. 
I just hoped we would get there in time. 
I squinted through the darkness, using my phone’s flashlight to help illuminate our path as we walked through the woods. It was nearly midnight now, the sun long gone. I was starting to lose hope that we would find Scott. It looked like he was somewhere in the preserve during my vision, but we had yet to run into a single other living thing yet. With each passing minute, it seemed more and more likely that I was actually just crazy.
“So I’m your anchor? Me. Stiles.” He asked from beside me, for the third time in ten minutes.
I sighed, pulling his jacket tighter against me as a gust of wind brushed along the back of my neck. He’d given it to me without hesitation when we got out of the car, already assuming I’d be cold. Since we had nothing else to do while looking for Scott, I told him about what I saw by the cars and explained how Derek helped me with my visions last week. 
He wasn’t happy, to put it mildly. He probably hated the guy more than any of us, and had since let me know how much he despised the idea of me being alone with him. Repeatedly. 
“Don’t go getting a big head about it.” I quipped, mostly joking. “I’m sure I could pick a new one if I wanted to.”
He stopped walking and looked over at me, utterly offended. When he leaned forward to narrow his eyes, I noticed something over his shoulder. I took a big step toward him and shoved his head out of the way quickly.
“Hey! What the hell was—”
“Oh my God.” My heart instantly started hammering in my chest as I saw a crumpled figure a few feet ahead. “Scott!”
As I sprinted toward him, I heard a low, pained groan. Within seconds, I fell onto my knees beside him. His eyes were fluttering as he stared vacantly up into the sky and clutched his injured side. My hands twitched in the air above him, wanting to help but having no idea what to do. Thick smoke started pouring out between his fingers, and I reeled back in disgust. 
Stiles scrambled to his other side a moment later, wide eyes flickering back and forth between Scott and I as if he couldn’t believe that I was right. Honestly, I couldn’t either.
“Allison...” Scott choked the word out, barely able to get a breath in. 
“Seriously?” I shouted urgently as panic surged through me. “You’re literally dying and that’s all you can say? What the hell happened?”
“Derek...Jackson was...” He sputtered and coughed, thick blood oozing from his mouth.
I groaned in frustration. This whole gasping out one word at a time thing was not working for me. I looked up at Stiles desperately. “We have to do something.”
“Uh. Right. Okay...” I could practically see the gears turning in his head as his eyes flickered around spastically before finally coming back to mine. “The clinic. We have to take him to the clinic.”
“What?” I breathed, surprised by the suggestion. 
“Just, come on. We don’t have much time.” 
We both draped each of Scott’s arms over our shoulders and started dragging him back the way we came. I was obviously Incredibly freaked out because he was dying right in front of us, but I was angry, too. I was so mad at myself for not being able to see this sooner. If I had control over my visions, we could’ve been here before he even got hurt. I couldn’t help but feel partially to blame for the whole thing. 
Within minutes we were barreling through the vet clinic’s doors. We came in using the garage, the same way Scott had told us to when Derek was in this same position. It was obvious that he’d been shot with a bullet covered in wolf’s bane, since he wasn’t healing at all. Stiles and I dropped him onto one of the metal operating tables the second we got in the room.
He was passed out cold at this point. I bent over to rest my hands on my knees, my chest heaving with labored breaths. He was heavy as shit, and Stiles and I aren’t exactly the peak of fitness. After I caught my breath, I stood up straight and immediately froze at the sight of Deaton in the doorway.
He was just standing there, observing us curiously. We were so screwed. He could charge us with breaking and entering, at the very least. Plus, Scott was laying on his table with a bullet hole in his chest. There was absolutely no way to explain this, and we didn’t have time anyway.
“Uh...” I stammered, not sure what to say. 
“Remove his shirt.” Deaton said slowly, his eyes firmly planted on Scott as he walked across the room. 
Stiles and I exchanged a quick glance, but did as he said. I grimaced and reared back as I saw the bullet wound properly for the first time. It was still discharging that weird smoke and was oozing a thick, nasty looking black liquid. Deaton returned to the table with a pair of long tweezers, gauze, and a small jar. He looked strangely calm as he peered down at Scott’s unconscious frame.
“I thought you were a vet.” My eyes trailed over him as he snapped on a pair of medical gloves. I appreciated the help from an adult right now, but he wasn’t exactly a doctor.
He glanced at me fleetingly before picking up the tweezers. “That’s correct. And ninety percent of the time I’m mostly treating cats and dogs.”
“Mostly?” Stiles muttered from beside me, his eyes glistening down at Scott with worry. 
Deaton paused just before digging the tweezers into Scott’s side. He looked at the two of us, a small smile pulling at his lips as if he knew something we didn’t. “Mostly.”
Just then, my phone started ringing loudly. I winced at the high pitched tone and reached into my back pocket to fish it out, but stilled when I came up empty. My brows furrowed as I patted my hands against my jeans. I could’ve sworn I put it back in there once we found Scott. 
“What are you doing?” Stiles eyed me curiously from the other end of the table. 
“Have you seen my phone?” I muttered, walking around the room to look around the floor. The ringing kept getting progressively louder, to the point that it was almost painful. I rubbed at my ears as I continued searching. 
“Y/N...” Something about his tone made my attention snap back to him. I glanced down at his hand as he held it out toward me. “You dropped it in the woods so I picked it up...”
My breath caught in my throat as I looked down at the screen. It was black. There was no one calling me, but I could still hear the ringing even now. It didn’t make any sense. I took it from him with a shaky hand, avoiding his concerned gaze. I nearly jumped out of my skin as it started actually going off the second my fingers touched it. 
My eyes flickered up toward Stiles and Deaton, who were both watching me closely. I cleared my throat and turned my back to them before answering. 
“Y/N!” Allison yelled harshly, panic clear in her voice. I immediately stiffened. What more could go wrong tonight? “You’re never going to fucking believe this.”
“What?” I breathed, my heart already beating erratically in my chest with anticipation.
“My aunt just showed me this creepy room we have in our basement—which I didn’t even know was a thing by the way—and you’ll never believe who she has chained up in there.”
I blinked a few times, taking a moment to process what she said. “Allison, just spit it out already.”
“Derek fucking Hale! And—and that’s not all. He was...he’s. Oh my God, I can’t even say it. He’s a...a...”
I pinched my eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable bomb to drop. How did he always manage to get himself in these ridiculous situations? Like, are you kidding me right now? As if dealing with Peter wasn’t enough, he goes and gets himself kidnapped by the Argents too.  I turned back around to face Stiles and Deaton, my gaze shifting to the fresh bandage on Scott’s side. I took the relieved look in their eyes as a good sign that he was going to be okay. I held onto the small hope that Allison’s innocence had been preserved and she wasn’t about to say what I thought.
“You’re going to think I’m crazy, but he’s—she said that he’s a...werewolf.”
Yeah, I knew we weren’t that lucky.
Episode 9                   Episode 11
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asterekmess · 4 years
You and your shameless friends claim that there are plenty of canon reasons to despise the Latino hero/lead/protagonist and titular Teen Wolf Scott McCall and that disliking Scott has nothing to do with racism, but how many time have you guys said “Scott hated Derek and didn’t listen to him” or “Scott is obsessed with Allison” or “Stiles trusted Derek before Scott and took Derek’s side when it came to Scott pursuing lacrosse and Allison” even though we absolutely know that neither is true?
First off, I’m pretty sure you’re also the author of the next ask that I got, so I’ll just go ahead and tack that on here. Even if it wasn’t you, I prefer to answer my hate mail in as few messages as possible.
If Scott hated Derek the way that the Teen Wolf fandom interprets him as hating him, why didn’t he let Derek die at the hands of the Argents in Formality (1x11)? And if Scott’s sole motivation was his obsession with Allison, why didn’t sell Derek and his Pack out to Gerard in Season 2? Just admit you hate Scott because he is a Mexican brown boy and better and more important than everyone else and fuck off
Oh honey, that word doesn’t mean what you think it means.
“Titular Character” refers to the “role of a character after whom a film is named.” For example: Steve Rogers is the titular character of “Captain America.” Emma is the titular character of “Emma.” Scott McCall may be a Teen Wolf but he is not the Titular character of the show, because Teen Wolf isn’t a name, it’s a descriptor. Also! Fun fact, just calling him “titular” and not “titular character” means that you’re saying he is actually “hero/lead/protagonist” in title only, which I find just fucking hilarious. So, thank you for that lil giggle.
Also, we’ve said that loads of times, what about it? Those points have absolutely nothing to do with Scott’s race. They’re supported by canonical evidence.
Derek is set up as a character with far more knowledge that Scott, who has the answers to his questions and is willing to give them. Scott refuses to listen to him, except for the few times he goes to Derek specifically to get help from Derek. Every other time he ignores Derek’s warnings. And Scott does hate Derek, or at least he does a great job acting like it, considering he, you know, left him strung up on a grate where he’d been hanging for a week (during which time Scott stalked Allison [including sitting outside her window while she was fucking sleeping, even though she was in a house full of capable hunters] in order to ‘protect’ her because he ASSUMED that when Peter said “vunerable” he meant Allison) getting electrocuted and refused to let him out unless he promised to save Allison.
Now, Stiles didn’t trust Derek ‘before Scott’ (in part because Scott literally has never actually trusted Derek in any meaningful way). But, he does share the same opinion as Derek multiple times in regards to Scott needing to not play lacrosse/go out with Allison. He warns Scott that lacrosse is too dangerous before he ever talks to Derek about it, and tells Scott he shouldn’t play anymore because he’s going to keep losing control (which he does, multiple times, even after finding his anchor) and Scott refuses to listen to him because he doesn’t want to be taken off first line. He also reminds Scott multiple times that it’s really safer if he doesn’t play in the stupid lacrosse game because it’s one fucking game and Scott ignores him because he wants Allison to go out with him, assuming she’d no longer be interested in him if he didn’t play lacrosse. And while he’s never outright said “Don’t date Allison,” he has suggested Scott put off going on his first date with Allison, or just not skipping school with her during a fucking crisis, so they can try to save some lives. How fucking hilarious, that the ADHD kid is the one who has to suggest moderation to the neurotypical character in order to try and keep people from dying. By hilarious, I mean terrifying.
In what way did Scott not let Derek die at the hands of the Argents in 1x11? Yeah, for about ten seconds he talks about needing to find Derek, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Derek? He explicitly says that he needs Derek to help him protect Allison. That’s it. That’s all he cares about. Besides, he also says that he knows the Argents aren’t going to kill Derek, so he’s not doing anything heroic by suggesting they find him. And he doesn’t continue looking for him either, when he can’t get ahold of him, just leaves him to be imprisoned/tortured while he follows Allison around. Literally all he would need to do is go back to the house where he last saw Derek and he’d have found him instantly. Yeah, in the next episode he finally hunts Derek down (if a howl would’ve done it, why the fuck didn’t he do it earlier? Oh right, because he was busy watching Allison’s every move.) but it’s not for Derek’s sake. It’s so that Derek will help him save Allison and kill Peter so that he can turn human again and be with Allison. (Are you starting to see a fucking pattern here?) Now, you could try and say that he just has multiple motivations, and yeah, sure, characters are capable of that. But that concept is kind of undermined by the fucking blackmail that Scott uses by THREATENING TO LEAVE HIM TO BE TORTURED.
Are we watching the same show? Scott did sell Derek and his pack out! He leaked information about them to Gerard, let Isaac and Derek follow him into what he knew was a trap, and then forced Derek to bite Gerard against his will.
Also, I just cannot resist. “better and more important than everyone else.” What are you? Three years old?
Now, listen, I don’t pull this card very often, but my husband actually asked me to please say it.
First off: Fuck you. Just had to get that out there. Second: My HUSBAND IS FUCKING MEXICAN. HE IS FLUENT IN SPANISH. HIS MOTHER’S ENTIRE FAMILY IS MEXICAN. I spend my holidays SURROUNDED by brown boys and girls who call me FAMILY. My FUTURE CHILDREN will be Mexican. There is EVERY likelihood that I’ll have a beautiful brown-skinned baby. My husband sure as fuck doesn’t think I’m racist, and I think he’s got more right to make that judgement than strangers on the internet. Third: FUCK YOU. Fourth: For the record, My husband ALSO thinks Scott is garbage, and he’s only 5 episodes into the fucking show.
As a last note, while I’m happy to discuss the show in a reasonable manner, any more hate mail I receive of this particularly pathetic caliber is getting deleted automatically. I don’t play games.
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pugionemarchive · 3 years
headcanon ; freya winters 
below is some headcanons that i’ve came up with regarding my werewolf oc. it’s all under read more as it’s a pretty long list . 
After killing her parents during a full moon, Freya and her brother went to live with their grandparents who secretly had more knowledge of werewolves which helped Freya quite alot. She was able to continue going to school, only to miss school on full moon days. She also was able to play softball and did cheerleading her junior and senior year. Have a semi normal teenage life minus some struggles related to being a werewolf. Even with the help from her grandparents and Brandon, she still struggles with full moons. There’s only so much humans can do but they helped her realize her anchor and that anchor was regret and guilt. The knowledge of knowing what she did keeps her human. After she went to college, her grandparents passed away from natural causes. She was 20 years old then.
Freya  and her brother came to beacon hills in between season 3a and 3b. When Scott, Allison and Stiles sacrificed themselves to find their parents, that same night, she had a dream about Beacon Hills. Nothing too detailed other than of her being in the woods and someone whispering “beacon hills” in the darkness. Her instincts naturally led her there as well as the Nemeton was the beacon of it all.  She kept a low profile during the Nogitsune for the most part  other than the hospital situations. At this time, no one knew what she was.
When the deadpool lists were unlocked in season 4, her name was on the list. She didn’t find out until Stiles confronted her at the hospital after one of the doctors tried to kill her . Which resulted in her knocking the doctor unconscious and leaving her with one bad  wolfsbane laced wound during the struggle.  She was worth $10 million dead .
Season 6a ,  she was shot out of existence by the ghost riders one night on the way to her car after her shift at the hospital ended,  during the wild hunt.  
random headcanons that i came up with
 the week of the full moon , she’s on edge but it gradually gets worse the day before. concerning full moon stuff, her appetite is insatiable three days prior to it. which is caused by her adrenaline and metabolism.  it decreases the day after the moon.
rave parties are a thing when she’s feeling seductive on those sometime full moons. when she is completely in control of the shift.  
high tolerance for alcohol. that’s actually canon and not so much a headcanon but regardless. 
i’m not saying freya isn’t seductive when she wants to be because she can be but i’m really saying she is big time, the day of a full moon. it’s not all the time but she has her moments that her lust is just high af on those days and she’s just a whole ass different person.  it’s either she’s in that mood or she’s extremely frustrated and gets mad at almost everything. 
she’s an omega and has murdered innocent lives so her eyes regardless of being in a pack or not, are steel blue. she does not have the ability to shift into an actual wolf in her teen wolf main verse but her bitten, tvd and the originals verse, she can! she shifts into a blonde colored wolf with blue eyes strictly on a full moon though EXCEPT anytime within her bitten verse as it’s canon in the show and books.  for the most part she sticks to teen wolf werewolf lore in those verses however she can shift  only slightly ( eye color, canines and claws ) when she wants, has a habit of barring her canines when threatened and bringing out the wolf claws. she also isn’t a born wolf in those verses period. we’re breaking canon! count her as a whole new species if you want. 
freya takes off of work every single full moon for her own sake just in case she decides to lose control during the full moon. 
Freya’s first car at 16 was a Chevrolet Tahoe. She now drives a Land Rover defender.
I’m not saying Monroe tried killing Freya but … . she tried killing Freya. and since freya works in a heavily busy place and she doesn’t leave work alone either , it was hard to do. She spiked Freya’s morning coffee with a heavy amount of  wolfsbane   which caused Freya to hallucinate badly and almost kill several people within the hospital. Making a werewolf shift in front of lots of people and managing to get her to kill someone gives any werewolf hunter the green light to kill. 
obviously has a habit of ending up in bad situations that involve wolfsbane nearly killing her. 
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princeescaluswords · 5 months
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Skewed Priorities
Every time I think the Teen Wolf fandom has run out of ways to surprise me, I get bushwhacked by a take so egregiously WTF that it makes me resolve never to doubt anyone's claims of racism or misogyny in media, no matter how outlandish they sound.
QUOTE: "I think people get hung up on the first season and how Scott seemed a little more interested in Allison then the dangers that Stiles or Derek might have been in"
This person isn't a Scott hater. They're not a BNF or the Asshole Anon. As far as I can tell, they like Scott! They like the show!
It's mystifying.
Scott doesn't ignore Stiles ever. He has scenes with Stiles every single episode. Scott ditched a study date with Allison because an angry Stiles demands that he do something! The only time that Stiles is in physical danger and Scott's not present protecting him is in Wolf's Bane (1x09) when Stiles deliberately kept information from Scott in order to keep Scott away and when Peter kidnaps Stiles from the Winter Formal in Formality (1x11). Scott never discovers that Peter has kidnapped Stiles or bitten Lydia until after the end of the season because he's too busy trying to find Derek.
As for Allison, she is stalked by and Scott is threatened with her death by Peter (and Derek) not less than eight times in the first season: Wolf Moon (1x01), Second Chance at First Line (1x02), Night School (1x07), Co-Captain (1x10), three separate times in Formality (1x11), and Code Breaker (1x12). The first four were before she knew werewolves existed! Doesn't she deserve a little protection, too?
As for Derek, I cannot stand it when the fandom does this bit when they say "Derek is a poor woobie baby and why doesn't Scott see that and follow him around and take care of him! For Hale's sakes, his sister just got killed! His family's dead! He's a wreck. Scott should show him some compassion!" and then turn around and say in the very next breath "as a Hale and a born werewolf, Scott should listen to every single word that comes out of Derek's mouth, never question him, and do whatever he asks, because he's simply better."
I know where part of this comes from: The Tell (1x05).
Scott: What? Stiles: Finally! Have you been getting any of my texts? Scott: Yeah, like all 9 million of them. Stiles: Do you have any idea what's going on? Lydia is totally M.I.A., Jackson looks like he's got a time bomb inserted into his face, another random guy's dead, and you have to do something about it. Scott: Like what? Stiles: Something. Scott: Okay, I'll deal with it later.
Of course, the fandom takes Scott saying "I'll deal with this later" as him refusing to listen to Stiles! But here's the thing -- Stiles doesn't know what to do, either! The show wanted to indicate that Scott and Stiles were out of their depth, with too much they didn't know. But fandom doesn't care, because a character of color didn't snap to attention when a white male character demanded something of him. They took it as saying that Scott wasn't doing what he was supposed to do and spending too much time with Allison, because how dare he go after something he wants when the Smartest White Boy in the World and Lost Werewolf Prince aren't being his focus?
Stiles never NEVER got angry with Scott for being with Allison. He got angry with Scott because his father got hurt (and it wasn't fair to Scott). Derek got angry about Allison, but who the hell was he to determine anything about Scott's life? It's 2024, and the idea that Scott should have been Derek's and Stiles's personal manservant is alive and well.
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daeggeredarch · 3 years
headcanon ; freya winters
below is some headcanons that i’ve came up with regarding my werewolf oc. it’s all under read more as it’s a pretty long list .
After killing her parents during a full moon, Freya and her brother went to live with their grandparents who secretly had more knowledge of werewolves which helped Freya quite alot. She was able to continue going to school, only to miss school on full moon days. She also was able to play softball and did cheerleading her junior and senior year. Have a semi normal teenage life minus some struggles related to being a werewolf. Even with the help from her grandparents and Brandon, she still struggles with full moons. There’s only so much humans can do but they helped her realize her anchor and that anchor was regret and guilt. The knowledge of knowing what she did keeps her human. After she went to college, her grandparents passed away from natural causes. She was 20 years old then.
Freya  and her brother came to beacon hills in between season 3a and 3b. When Scott, Allison and Stiles sacrificed themselves to find their parents, that same night, she had a dream about Beacon Hills. Nothing too detailed other than of her being in the woods and someone whispering “beacon hills” in the darkness. Her instincts naturally led her there as well as the Nemeton was the beacon of it all.  She kept a low profile during the Nogitsune for the most part  other than the hospital situations. At this time, no one knew what she was.
When the deadpool lists were unlocked in season 4, her name was on the list. She didn’t find out until Stiles confronted her at the hospital after one of the doctors tried to kill her . Which resulted in her knocking the doctor unconscious and leaving her with one bad  wolfsbane laced wound during the struggle.  She was worth $10 million dead .
Season 6a ,  she was shot out of existence by the ghost riders one night on the way to her car after her shift at the hospital ended,  during the wild hunt.  
random headcanons that i came up with
the week of the full moon , she’s on edge but it gradually gets worse the day before. concerning full moon stuff, her appetite is insatiable three days prior to it. which is caused by her adrenaline and metabolism.  it decreases the day after the moon.
rave parties are a thing when she’s feeling seductive on those sometime full moons. when she is completely in control of the shift.  
high tolerance for alcohol. that’s actually canon and not so much a headcanon but regardless.
i’m not saying freya isn’t seductive when she wants to be because she can be but i’m really saying she is big time, the day of a full moon. it’s not all the time but she has her moments that her lust is just high af on those days and she’s just a whole ass different person.  it’s either she’s in that mood or she’s extremely frustrated and gets mad at almost everything.
she’s an omega and has murdered innocent lives so her eyes regardless of being in a pack or not, are steel blue. she does not have the ability to shift into an actual wolf in her teen wolf main verse but her bitten, tvd and the originals verse, she can! she shifts into a blonde colored wolf with blue eyes strictly on a full moon though EXCEPT anytime within her bitten verse as it’s canon in the show and books.  for the most part she sticks to teen wolf werewolf lore in those verses however she can shift  only slightly ( eye color, canines and claws ) when she wants, has a habit of barring her canines when threatened and bringing out the wolf claws. she also isn’t a born wolf in those verses period. we’re breaking canon! count her as a whole new species if you want.
freya takes off of work every single full moon for her own sake just in case she decides to lose control during the full moon.
Freya’s first car at 16 was a Chevrolet Tahoe. She now drives a Land Rover defender.
I’m not saying Monroe tried killing Freya but … . she tried killing Freya. and since freya works in a heavily busy place and she doesn’t leave work alone either , it was hard to do. She spiked Freya’s morning coffee with a heavy amount of  wolfsbane   which caused Freya to hallucinate badly and almost kill several people within the hospital. Making a werewolf shift in front of lots of people and managing to get her to kill someone gives any werewolf hunter the green light to kill.
obviously has a habit of ending up in bad situations that involve wolfsbane nearly killing her.
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...As Stupid Does (Teen Wolf) 19/19
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything – except for a red hoodie...
This is the final part of this story, and this ‘verse. A bit bittersweet, but honestly? So much relief too. Because as much as I never wanted to abandon this story I was worried that I’d never pull together the focus and energy to connect scattered paragraphs and thoughts into a complete ending.
Here it is though. I hope those of you reading this enjoy it.
Part 18, Part 17, Part 16, Part 15, Part 14, Part 13,  Part 12,  Part 11,  Part 10,  Interlude,  Part 9, Part 8d, Part 8c, Part 8b, Part 8a, Part 7, Part 6, Part 5,Part 4,Part 3, Part 2, Part 1,Not Stupid, Stupid Is… and pre-verse ficlet I’m Stupid (Don’t Worry ‘Bout Me)…
Here's the thing: Stiles is a lucky guy. He's smart enough to realize exactly how lucky.
He's three years through a four year college degree, with a job waiting for him after graduation. His relationship with his dad is stronger than ever. He's got a home also waiting for him, one that's surrounded by two packs full of 'wolves.
He's also got Derek.
And the thing is, he and Derek? They're good together. Like really, really, almost disgustingly good. They weren't back in Beacon Hills. They kind of weren't when they decided to try again, for real this time.
They had spent their first year together fucking up, and god, the amount of times Stiles had questioned not just his sanity in doing this but also his intelligence. But during that year they also started working together, begun healing old hurts and smoothing down their rough edges, and found a way to fit together.
Once that year was over they'd sat down and talked things through.
Okay, they'd screamed some too, and once Stiles had even walked out. But the important thing is that he'd done so in a mature way. He'd told Derek that he was walking out, why he was doing so and that he was coming back once he'd cooled off. And then he'd kept his word.
And they'd done it on their own. No prompting, no mediating, no one coming in to send them to separate corners or patch them up. Stiles is still hella proud of that.
It's been three years now, and as far as Stiles is concerned he's got an amazing boyfriend that he fully expects to spend the rest of his life with.
If anyone had told him this years ago, when Scott had just been bitten and they were scrambling to keep their heads above water – at one point literally – Stiles would not have believed it. At one point he'd have taken violently offense, even without being told said boyfriend would be Derek.
Things have changed. He has changed. Derek has changed. But most importantly? They've changed together.
These days Derek has enough of a handle on himself to not need magic or therapy to make it through a visit. He's still seeing Dr Bianchi occasionally, as is Stiles, but they're both down to a handful of times per year.
And it's not just when it comes to the two of them that Derek has improved. Stiles gets regular reports from Scott, and it's obvious that Derek's a good Alpha these days. Sure, he will only stay an Alpha for a little while longer before handing it over to Cora, but that doesn't diminish his accomplishment. Everyone in a pack benefits from a good, steady Alpha.
Just like Cora benefits from a brother who is all these things.
Yeah, life is good.
The only dark cloud on Stiles's horizon is that he's going to have to go back to Beacon Hills.
Returning to Beacon Hills is, yeah okay, it's not the last thing Stiles wants to do. Reliving the Alpha pack, the kanima, Kate, Allison, Gerard, Peter (though that one's a firm “against” on returning too), reliving his mother's death, living through his dad's death, killing someone, almost killing someone, losing his pack, losing Embry... There are a lot of thing that Stiles wants even less.
But returning to Beacon Hills, even for a weekend, does come very low on the list. Distance has not made Stiles' heart fonder. Returning sadly isn't exactly optional.
Sure, no one's forcing him, but that doesn't mean staying away is an alternative. Not this time. Because Scott is getting married. Scott, who's still only 21 for another couple of weeks, and who used to think that werewolves were the worst (or second worst depending on how angry he was with Derek that day), who believed that he didn't need an Alpha and that Allison had hung the moon, is getting married to a werewolf, one that's not only Derek's sister, but also his soon-to-be Alpha.
And of course said wedding has to take place in Beacon Hills.
Now, Stiles has done his best to talk Scott into eloping, has tried since Scott called him with the news that Cora had said yes, but. Apparently Scott can't see the brilliance in eloping, not even with Stiles's excellent arguments.
“You, me, your mom, abuela Delgado, Derek and Cora. Just the family. No douche pack.”
“What about Peter?”
Seriously? The last thing Stiles had expected to need to justify is why leaving Peter out of, well, everything is a good idea.
“No uncle psycho either. He doesn't qualify as family.”
There's a sound that Stiles knows from years of being Scott's friend means he's nodding in agreement.
“Okay, true. What about dad though?”
“Oh, you know, I figured he'd be my plus one.” That came out flippantly, because he knows there's no way Scott wouldn't invite his dad regardless.
“No, Stiles, what about my dad?”
“He doesn't qualify as family either.”
The words come out before Stiles can filter himself, and he kind of wishes he could take them back, except...
“Look, can I be brutal here? I mean, we both know I'm going to be honest so... When's the last time you saw agent McCall?”
“There was a thing junior year, he came here to investigate.”
Not what he was asking, but a very telling answer.
“Okay, and when's the last time you saw him in his capacity as your dad? Hell, when's the last time you spoke to him? Does he even know about Cora?”
Scott evades the questions, which again: telling.
“He's my dad though, doesn't that kind of mean I have to invite him?”
Stiles snorts. As if.
“I don't see why. Sure, he's 50 % of your genepool, but is he really your dad? I mean, I can't remember the last time he and you shared anything other than your last name, and we both know that's not going to be true for much longer.”
“Yeah, okay, you have a point. He's not getting an invite. That doesn't mean we're eloping though, Stiles. Cora deserves a proper wedding, and I'm going to give her that. Now, you convince her that eloping's a good idea and we can talk about it again, but I'm not risking making her mad at me just because you don't want to subject yourself to Isaac. At least Jackson won't be invited?”
“Small favors, man. Small favors.”
There's another one of Scott's agreement noises before the conversation had moved on.
Of course, Cora had been an even tougher nut to crack than Scott, and Stiles had retreated ungracefully once she'd started threatening his balls.
Really, there was no need to go there. If for no other reason, well, shouldn't she leave the goods intact for Derek's sake?
Of course, Stiles can understand why she's unwilling to let go of the only Hale tradition she still can have, namely getting married in the preserve and in the presence of pack. Every Hale has done so for over 200 years, before they were even called Hale.
(Stiles listens to Derek explain, haltingly, and decides to admit defeat. At least Derek's willing to bypass that tradition, should they one day decide to marry. He'll take that win and stop pestering Cora.)
So, anyway. There's no talking the lovely couple into eloping. Which means like it or not – and trust him, it's not – Stiles is going back. Because it's Scott.
There's also the fact that in a strange way Stiles has waited for this wedding as long as Scott has. When he and Derek had gotten back together the plan had been for Cora to graduate, then take over the Alpha spark and the pack. Two years had felt long, but doable.
And then Cora had asked for more time.
She'd gone straight from school to working at the Beacon Hills sheriff's department and had felt she needed to adjust a little better to that before taking on something new. It'd been reasonable, and more importantly: Derek had been almost unable to deny his sister anything after getting her back from the dead (except you know, figuratively speaking, unlike a certain other family member).
So they'd talked it over and agreed to give Cora another year, moving the transfer to after the wedding. It makes, Stiles thinks, for one hell of a wedding present. If that's good or bad, eh. Who knows.
He'd taken on more classes in order to have a distraction, had worked himself to the point of exhaustion more than once, and nearly driven the people around him crazy. It'd been more than a little overkill, he admits now, but it had kept him from missing Derek too much. It also means he'll be able to slow down a little his final year.
Or take on whatever shiny but totally unnecessary new class catches his eye, probably, but. He pretends he'll take it easy. Derek pretends to believe him. Derek's also made it clear he's going to move to Seattle once he can leave Beacon Hills, and stay there as long as Stiles does. They both pretend it's not partially to keep Stiles from studying himself into the hospital.
Anyway. He's just, you know, going to have to count small favors. The first one being that Jackson really isn't invited. The second is that Lydia, who was, isn't coming either. Once Stiles had gotten over his crush on her he'd kept a measure of fond respect for the person he'd learned existed behind Lydia's facades, even though they'd never really become friends. That didn't change the fact that her not coming was a relief – she's too smart, sees too much, and he would hate for her to figure things out.
Another person not coming is Danny who's transferred his allegiance to the pack near his college where he's, completely coincidentally Stiles is sure, dating the Alpha's grandson. He'd been invited as a courtesy, but told he couldn't bring his boyfriend, and had wisely chosen not to accept. Cora hates him, and he apparently knows it, and Scott isn't to fond of him either.
Those really are small favors though.
A slightly bigger one is the fact that Deaton isn't coming. Not only does he no longer live in Beacon Hills, but he hasn't been invited. While no one had been able to prove that there had been magic on Scott, his opinions on both Derek and Deaton had changed a little too much for comfort after first moving away and then beginning to meditate. Even Scott had noticed, and gotten suspicious.
In the end there had been no protests from Scott as Derek and Cora had ended Deaton's lease of the land for his practice – land he had been granted use of as the Hale pack's emissary and then had kept using free of charge since the fire, knowing he wasn't keeping to the agreement. Once he'd been called on it, Deaton had packed up, sold his home, and moved away.
No one misses him – not even Scott.
However none of that changes the fact that Beacon Hills still has Peter Hale, who is most certainly both invited to the wedding and attending, and who Stiles still sees as a threat. Because, well, he's not stupid.
Peter Hale will stop being a threat the day he dies, and maybe not even then. (Next time, Stiles has promised himself, he's going to make sure Peter gets the Aiden treatment.)
And Stiles is going to willingly place himself within striking distance from said threat, without a protector on hand.
He hadn't even thought about it at first, just assuming he'd have Embry to keep him safe, but it hadn't taken long to realize that bringing Embry to Scott's wedding wasn't an option.
First of all there's the fact that while neither Derek or Cora can feel the supernatural in the LaPush 'wolves unless they're shifting Peter might. Peter, who's not only older and has had the kind of training Derek never got but who also has access to a lot of the Hale pack's lore which Derek had thought lost in the fire. Stiles isn't willing to take a chance on that knowledge not containing something to help Peter identify the LaPush shifters. (This is, incidentally, one of the reasons Stiles is happy Deaton is gone. He too knows too much for Stiles to trust he wouldn't be able identify another kind of shifter.)
Second there's the fact that every single pack member is visibly Native American, and there are only so many tribes. Peter – or Danny for that matter, even though he's not going to be present, but he's more of an annoyance – could locate Stiles far too easily easily with that kind of information.
There's also the fact that Embry would be on a hair trigger simply because Stiles will be, and might shift and expose them.
Most importantly though is that bringing what would look like a plus one to Cora's wedding would be an insult. Not just to her, who's only just gotten to the point where she accepts that Stiles is in her brother's life for good, but also to Derek. Yes, everyone who matters knows that Embry's relationship with Stiles is as platonic as can be, but that doesn't change anything. They smell enough like each other for wolfy noses to know they're not casual acquaintances, and chances are there would be quite a bit of ribbing and speculation. Derek shouldn't have to listen to that, or for that matter look at Stiles walking around with another man when he himself has to hide what they are to each other. Desire for protection or not, Stiles just isn't willing to do that to Derek.
It's possible that Embry could have skated by as the son of John Stilinski's fiancée – and wow, Stiles still hasn't gotten used to referring to Tiffany Call that way (and damn, does that make him glad that he and Embry are platonic, because that's a little to incestuous even as is). Scott would have been okay with both of them coming, had even brought it up, but everyone involved is aware that it'd make Melissa feel uncomfortable. Regardless, Tiffany's not coming either. Like with Embry there's no way of hiding that she's native, making her too easily identifiable. There's also the fact that it just isn't safe.
Tiffany is many things, and a stronger woman than most, but she's not a fighter. If things go wrong she would be vulnerable, and a liability.
Bringing someone other than Embry means the same risk of discovery.
So instead of a werewolf bodyguard or ten Stiles has his dad.
There's also the fact that in the interest of keeping secrets Stiles can't even use the silver lining of more time with Derek. Letting anyone from that pack know of their connection is bad, but the thought of letting Peter know makes Stiles's blood run cold. That means he's going to be within minutes of his boyfriend for days, and yet he's not going to get hugs, or kisses, or a bedpartner. He's going to be at a wedding along with his romantic partner, while pretending he's single.
It's going to suck.
The wedding is missing a lot of traditional parts. It's understandable, really, and not just because both bride and groom along with several guests are werewolves. It's just... Cora doesn't have a father to give her away, or dance with her. She doesn't have a mother to support her, an inherited dress or heirloom jewelry. She doesn't have a best friend to be her maid of honor. What she's got is a brother whose Alpha she'll be within days and an uncle that she doesn't trust as far as she can throw him. Or well, as far as Stiles could throw him.
So they adjust.
No one gives Cora away. Instead she and Scott walk up the isle – isle, forest path, same thing – together. Neither of them have attendants, and Melissa McCall's wedding dress stays in its garment bag.
The wedding is small and intimate, with only a handful of guests outside of the pack – Stiles, John, Melissa, abuela Delgado and two 'wolves from Cora's South American pack. It takes place in a glade just on the edge of the preserve and the only decorations are wild flowers and boughs of leaves.
It's scaled-down, but also beautiful in its simplicity, because no one can doubt that these are two people who love each other deeply.
Stiles has to blink away tears at more than one time. His friend, his brother, is promising to love, cherish and honor his girl, and is being promised the same in return. There's not a doubt in Stiles's mind that when they swear to do so until death do them part they mean it. This, he knows, is Scott's life now. It's the life and future he deserves. It's enough to make Stiles's heart swell with love.
And then it hits him. With a little luck that'll be him in a not too distant future. He has to look away not to betray himself by staring lovingly at Derek.
Stiles walks through the door to the cabin he's sharing with his dad. He's tired, both because of emotion and vigilance. His dad's still back at the wedding, catching up with Melissa, but Stiles doesn't have the energy. He's spent the day keeping one eye on the pack, and Peter in particular, and generally hating that he's back in Beacon Hills while loving that he's able to be here for Scott.
It's been exhausting.
Just about everyone else is still celebrating, but once Scott and Cora had left to change clothes and go on their honeymoon Stiles had left too. Pretending that he doesn't want to kill Peter, or kiss Derek, has taken it out of him and he can't do it any longer. He's going back home tomorrow and he can't spend another minute being that close to Derek without being able to be with him. That it'll be at least a month, probably two or more, before he can see Derek again is making it even harder.
As far as everyone but him and Derek knows Scott and Cora are going on an actual honeymoon, for a whole month. The truth is that they'll be gone for a week before sneaking back. The rest of the time will be spent in recovery and training after Derek transfers the Alpha spark. Cora will come back as the new Hale Alpha, but that doesn't mean Derek will be free to leave.
There will be unrest in a pack with a new Alpha, even under the best of circumstances, and these – as so often for them – are not. Cora will need Derek by her side, to support her and calm the pack. Maybe she'll also need him to help take down threats thinking to take advantage of a novice Alpha. Maybe they'll have to deal with Peter...
It'll be a little while yet before Derek will be free of Beacon Hills.
So Stiles is sad, and he's got a headache and he just wants to take some pills, text Embry some and then sleep.
After he's re-ringed the cabin with mountain ash of course.
Stiles pulls his phone out of its pocket, takes off his jacket and goes to throw it at the chair before thinking twice. It's a decent suit jacket and if he treats it right he won't need to go suit shopping again in years. Coat hanger it is.
He turn towards the clothes rack, his brain three steps ahead, and hits a wall, his phone clattering to the floor.
Only there's no wall there.
He scrambles backwards, trying to put as much space as he can between himself and the threat and swears. The door is out of reach and he's trapped.
“Hello Stiles.”
He flicks through scenarios in his head, trying to figure out how to get out of this, but he keeps running into mental walls.
Stiles is a lot better trained than when he left Beacon Hills, in ways Peter knows nothing about. Under the right circumstances he might have a chance.
These are not.
He's in close quarters with Peter, unable to reach the door before the 'wolf can get to him. He's mostly unarmed due to being dressed for a wedding, and what he does have isn't as easily accessible as he'd like.
Plus it's Peter.
Stiles is going to assume that everything he thinks he knows about Peter's skills and strength is wrong. To do anything else would be to sign his own death warrant. Derek might be clouded by memories of “uncle Peter”, but Stiles has never forgotten the psychopathic killer he'd first encountered.
No, training or no training, Stiles's one real advantage is having a pack, and what being part of it means. Unfortunately he has no idea if it'll be enough.
“Shouldn't you be with the pack, or, I don't know, in your own home? Not breaking and entering somewhere you're definitely not welcome.”
“Oh, but it's not breaking and entering if you have a key.” Which, fuck, did Peter kill someone to get his hands on a backup key? “Besides, I didn't get a chance to talk to you earlier. It's been so long, Stiles, won't you humor me? We're practically old friends, are we not? It'll be like old times.”
“You're crazy.”
“Now now Stiles. That's not very nice of you.”
Stiles snorts, because nice? Not really in his wheelhouse.
“You think I care? When it comes to you? Come now, I said crazy, not stupid.”
Because unfortunately Peter is anything but, making him even more dangerous. Still, the wolf just smirks a little at Stiles's defiance.
“I'm afraid that answer just isn't acceptable. See, I really do need to talk to you. Or well, I need you. I'd like it if you talked to me, but I'll manage either way. You however... You really would do well to humor me.”
Then Peter looks at him, and oh shit. His eyes are flashing back and forth between the electric blue that had looked so good on Derek and a sickly red.
It takes nothing to figure it out.
Peter had called him the clever one, and meant it in a mocking way. But the reality is that Stiles is clever, and knows how to put puzzle pieces together.
And these particular puzzle pieces... Peter came back to life using not only Lydia but also Derek – had drained Derek of life and strength and power, and had tried to steal the Alpha power too.
And afterwards Derek had changed. Had grown more volatile, more likely to hurt someone – more unstable.
Stiles is willing to bet Peter had had a bit more success than they'd realized, that he'd managed to siphon off some of the Alpha power and keep it.
That would explain why Derek had acted the way he had. Why he'd been so easily influenced by the pack's negativity. Why Derek had sometimes acted more like Peter than like himself.
It would definitely explain how the Alpha power had become this unstable, negative force in Derek that he felt was fighting him. He is sharing it with Peter. And apparently Peter is done sharing. Stiles is uncomfortably aware of exactly how little defense he has to put up in regards to a Peter who is no longer hiding his power, who is no longer playing weak and damaged.
The only reason he's still alive is so Peter can use him against Derek.
Because even holding a part of the Hale Alpha spark Peter isn't going to just challenge Derek for the rest of it, or meet him in a fair fight. It's not how he works. Peter doesn't believe in fair, and wants the odds as weighted in his favor as possible. Using Stiles as bait, or whatever, is a way of doing that. There's also the fact that Derek has been getting stronger and better as an Alpha, leaving Peter needing every advantage he could. Even an ambush might not give him the upper hand.
Well, Stiles is going to do what he can to even out the odds a bit.
It helps that he has no reason to believe Peter will let him go after killing Derek. He'll either be dead too, or bitten without concern for his wishes, and forced to obey Peter. His dad will probably be used against him – or, again, killed outright.
Not fighting won't save him – it'll only make it easier for Peter.
“You kept some of the Alpha spark after using Derek to come back to life.”
“Ah. You really are clever. Too bad you've always wasted that cleverness on my failure of a beta and my useless nephew. Yes, I kept some. It should have been mine altogether, but something went wrong.
“Doesn't matter though, because I'm getting it back. I'm getting it all back tonight.”
Stiles stiffens. That sounds really not good.
“I was willing to be patient. To wait for it. Derek isn't made to be Alpha, and I've always known that sooner or later he'd get himself killed, especially the way kept attracting hunters. I could wait. After all, I had enough power to get through most. Especially after getting a little boost.”
That's what happened to miss Blake, Stiles thinks. He doesn't say anything though. It's not time to upset the balance. Not yet.
“It was possible one of the others would have had enough and killed him, but chances were the Alpha spark would have gone to me either way. If not,” Peter shrugs, “a new Alpha, who doesn't know how to deal with the change in their senses? Easy to kill.”
Stiles can see it happen just like that too, unfortunately.
“Everything was going according to plan too, with Derek growing more and more unstable. Given a little more time I might even have been able to talk him into giving up the spark voluntarily.” Like hell he would have. “And then my dear, dear niece came back to life.”
There's something in Peter's voice with couple with the moue he makes that gives Stiles another flash of insight.
“You resent Cora for being alive. You resent her for surviving the fire.”
Peter almost slips into a roar.
“She abandoned me!”
“She was a child! I know you were trained to hide from hunters, to go to ground and stay there until the threat was over. Are you blaming her for doing what she's been told?”
“You go to ground, yes. And then you come back. You don't abandon your pack.”
And wow, hearing that shit from the wolf who killed one niece, tried to kill a nephew, and had just explained how he had been waiting to try again... Yeah, Peter Hale is a hypocrite on top of being fucking insane.
“She abandoned us, and then when she comes crawling back,” which, totally not how it had actually happened, “that useless weakling wants to reward her for it by passing the Alpha spark to her. And they expect me to just take it?”
Fuck. The biggest flaw in the plan had always been the risk of Peter finding out and getting mad. There are contingency plans, sure, but none of them counted for quite this.
“I should have been Alpha after Talia. Laura was just as weak, just as unsuitable, as Derek. She didn't have it in her to take vengeance for our family – she just ran. It should have been me. It would have been me, had I not been burnt so badly.”
Peter's eyes are flickering between red and blue again, but the light in them has nothing to do with the 'wolf. It's insanity, and Stiles makes a quick judgment call.
He's never going to be able to outfight Peter. What he needs is to keep him of guard, while hoping for help to reach him. And as dangerous as it might be, the best way is to go after Peter's ego.
He's calm and collected in a way he rarely is as his brain starts listing sore points to hit.
He starts off by laughing, startling Peter out of his self-righteous rant.
“I might have to take back what I said about you not being stupid. You really think you should have been Alpha over Laura? Dude, you are delusional. You not becoming Alpha after the fire had nothing to do with you burning, and everything to do with the fact that you're a monster. Hell, the only way you had a shot at Alpha-hood was to steal it.
“Derek's fucked up plenty, yes, but even on his worst days he's better than you. He at least is sane.”
His words are working, Stiles can see it, and he continues to taunt the 'wolf.
“In fact, should Derek die today? You're not even in the running to become the next Alpha. It'll be Cora, or Scott if she's not an option either. Hell, even Isaac is a better candidate for Alpha than you and I really don't like that guy. No, you're going to have to kill the rest of your family and the new Hale pack along with them to even have a shot.
“Fuck, if I was that Alpha spark? I'd leave the Hale line – hell, existence even – completely over settling in you. You're simply too corrupt.
“You speak of Derek and Laura not being worthy of the Alpha spark. The truth is that you're the one that's unworthy. The world truly will be a better place once you're dead.”
Peter's eyes flicker back and forth and Stiles is actually kind of surprised he's not already dead. Maybe Peter still thinks he can get something out of keeping him alive.
“Brave words, Stiles, but that's all they are. Words. You don't understand what it's like to be a werewolf, what it means to be in a pack. But I'll make sure you do. Before the sun rises I'll be the Alpha, and like it or not you're going to help me. And as a reward I'll give you what you wanted but were afraid to say yes to all those years ago.
“Once my useless nephew is out of the picture you'll be my beta. Part of my pack. And you'll be good to me, won't you Stiles? After all, you have...experience in being good to your Alpha, don't you?” Peter's voice is silky-sweet around the words, and Stiles shudders with disgust.
What Peter is hinting at is never going to happen, not even if Stiles has to kill himself to make sure it doesn't. Yes, he's made some pretty harsh statements about what was between him and Derek, but not even at the lowest point did that make him feel as dirty as Peter's mere words are doing now.
At the same time Stiles is willing to put money on the fact that Peter doesn't really mean what he's saying. Oh, he might follow through, especially if he leaves Derek alive, but this isn't about any kind of want or desire. This is about scaring Stiles, about rattling him, about making him beg.
He's not going to do that.
“Fuck no.”
“Tsk, tsk. You'll sing a different tune once you're in my pack.”
Stiles laughs again, short and sharp, putting as much mockery as he can muster in it.
“Your pack? You don't have a pack. You'll never have a pack. All you've got, Peter, is two people who shares blood with you and who pity you too much to put you down like the animal you are.
“Really, where's an Argent when you need them?”
That does it. Peter's claws pop, his teeth lengthen and his eyes shine like lasers. Only one of them will walk away from this, and Stiles has finally managed to tip the scales enough that it just might be him. Of course, even almost out of his mind with rage Peter does have some control – he hasn't howled, for instance, keeping it in as to not warn anyone. Stiles's chance is tiny, and it mostly depends on outside factors, but unlike five minutes ago it exists.
Now he just has to be right about a number of factors.
Luckily he is.
The window breaks, glass splintering and flying across the cabin. Peter jerks back as a big furry shape follows and Stiles hurries to to put his back against a corner. Chances are that Peter will win this fight so he's not safe yet, but he's certainly safer than he was a minute ago.
No one had been happy with Stiles going back without Embry. Hell, Stiles hadn't been happy about it. Had it been an option he would have brought the entire pack with him – preferably both even. Jake'd been on the verge of laying down an Alpha order about Stiles and John not going on their own for weeks, the only thing stopping him being the safety of LaPush. Instead he had had to stop basically the entire pack from sneaking off to follow them, same for Sam.
The compromise had been one 'wolf. There had been a fight over who got to go, and even Leah – who still think Stiles is being an idiot – had wanted to go. Of course, Leah is also finally pregnant and no one wants to put her and the baby at risk. (Plus, she's not feeling that great. The phrase “sick as a dog” takes on a new light when you've seen a horse sized shape shifter with violent morning sickness, Stiles decided after seeing Leah sick up to the point where she phased out of her wolf form and fainted. Yuck.)
Embry still hadn't been allowed to go, and Stiles knows why, knows that Jake has a point in claiming Embry's bond to Stiles would cause him to be on edge and risk exposing them in more ways than one. That doesn't make it easier to deal with though.
Stiles wishes with all his being that it could have been Embry.
Instead it had been decided that Collin, as the most harmless looking one, should go and play hapless tourist. He had arrived in Beacon Hills a couple of days ago, and as far as Stiles knows no one's picked up on anything strange about him or his story.
Of course, with Collin being one of the youngest and least experienced 'wolves he's not the one Stiles would have wanted in a fight against Peter Hale.
All he really is is a distraction, but it does gives Stiles a chance. While Peter's attention is on the giant 'wolf Stiles slowly eases the hidden blade from his sleeve and then carefully rips open his cuff.
The mountain ash concealed in the cuff does as it's meant to and falls into his hand. Now he's got a chance.
Provided nothing has gone to hell in the last couple of hours there is at least one other 'wolf near, able to warn others. If it has and they're on their own, then there's always howling.
All Stiles needs to do is get up a barrier and they'll have some breathing room. He just needs some distance between Collin and Peter.
At first the giant 'wolf is causing Peter to be cautious, but it doesn't take long for the man to realize he's the strongest of them. The wolf shape is excellent for fighting and killing vampires, but less so when it comes to another type of werewolf.
Collin yips in pain and Peter strikes again. This time he lands a powerful blow that throws Collin across the cabin. He lands heavily, with a whine, and doesn't get up. Stiles swallows as he sees blood pooling out from the still body.
A 'wolf can heal just about anything, given time. Peter won't give them that though. He's already stalking across the floor with blood dripping from his claws and a sadistic smile on his face. He's fast enough that he could have crossed before Stiles knew what was happening. This slow walk is just a show, meant to intimidate Stiles.
Too bad it just gives him the time he needs.
“You've been keeping secrets. I'll enjoy dragging them out of you.”
It's a promise, meant to invoke, and it works. But Stiles has gotten used to pushing down his fear and working through it, and so he looks Peter straight in the eyes and quips.
“Didn't your Alpha teach you not to play with your prey?”
And then he throws the mountain ash.
He's practiced this very moment over and over until he doesn't need to walk the perimeter, or to have “enough” ash. All he needs is a little bit and his belief.
He's never believed anything this hard before.
“Mountain ash? Always the clever one, aren't you? But your little trick won't save you, or your friend there. You can only hold the barrier for so long, and I can be a very patient man.
“It would be wise of you not to test that patience though. Sooner or later your father will walk through that door, and I would hate to kill him just to prove a point.”
Like he'd let any of them live either way.
“Here's the thing, Peter. You would be wise to leave now. Who knows, run fast enough, far enough, and you might even live to regret your actions here tonight. Because Game of Thrones might be shit about a lot of things, but they're dead right about: 'the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives'. And you, Peter. You're all alone.”
“You think you're pack? You, my useless nephew's even more useless fucktoy? Don't make me laugh.
“Since you're apparently too stupid to realize, I've got you trapped in here. You've got no way to call for help,” and he steps on Stiles's phone, grinding it to components to make a point, “your supposed savior is out like a light, dying as we speak, and your mountain ash barrier is weakening by the minute.”
It's not. Stiles can feel that it's still just as strong, but it's a good tactic, trying to shake the belief holding it together.
“That poor fool is even more of an idiot than that useless beta of mine. He didn't even howl for help. Not that he would have gotten any, but he didn't even try. Pathetic.”
Stiles smirks. No, Collin hadn't howled. But with the LaPush pack mind he didn't need to, not being shifted.
“Peter? This is the 21st century. Proper 'wolves use cellphones just like the rest of us.
And then in a show of timing almost too good to be true Seth and Brady jumps through the broken window as Derek – followed by Cora – break through the door.
Stiles almost sobs with relief. Having Collin arrive had been such a help, but it hadn't really made him feel safe. Not when up against Peter Hale. The same goes for Brady. They're his friends, yes, but they're the most inexperienced of the 'wolves and they're Sam's. Seth is, well, he's not that much more experienced but he's pack. That matters.
It's not the fact that they're four against one that calms Stiles, or even that Derek is there – it's the presence of pack.
He still wishes Embry was with him, but now he dares to believe he'll see his 'wolf again.
Peter is actually looking stunned, faced with another two giant wolves. And is that a hint of fear Stiles sees? It could be. After all Peter has to realize that while Derek and Cora might be swayed to spare him out of sentimentality, these new and unknown wolves have no such compunctions. Stiles wonders if the crazed 'wolf sees his death in their arrival.
He hopes so.
The four circle Peter, cutting of all routes of escape. If he wants to leave he'll have to go through them, and that's not as easy as fighting Collin might lead Peter to believe. They don't attack though and Stiles can't help but think his 'wolves are holding back out of consideration for Derek, and to a lesser degree Cora.
Seth and Brady both know that Peter needs to die, but Derek has had a hard time reconciling with the fact that killing Peter had been necessary the first time. He hasn't even wanted to entertain the idea that it might be needed a second time, and might want to give Peter a chance to surrender.
Or it's just about waiting for the right moment. Regardless Stiles finds himself unable to watch what is about to come. Strange. He'd had no problem watching Peter die the first time, had thrown Molotov cocktails at him and watched Derek rip his throat out without regret. He has been certain Peter needs to die again since about 5 seconds after finding out he was back.
And yet he finds he can't watch.
As Peter lounges, desperately, towards Brady – either having identified him as the easiest target or unwilling to attack his remaining blood family – Stiles burrows his face into Collins fur and tries to shut it all out. They're safe behind the mountain ash barrier, and their friends will take care of Peter without them. They're safe, the barrier will hold, their friends will live, and Peter will die.
Stiles's world shrinks down to those four things, trying to will it into existence.
They're safe. The sound of a large body hitting the wall.
The barrier will hold. A grunt as claws strike flesh.
Their friends will survive. A high-pitched whine and the smell of blood.
Peter will die. A howl rises, then cuts out and is replaced by silence.
Derek and Cora are curled up together, shaking and crying and laughing all at once, both their eyes flashing between red and beta blue or gold. Stiles looks at them and feels a sting. Not jealousy, precisely, because he's got Seth, and Brady, and he's pretty sure Embry is a lot closer to Beacon Hills than Jake really likes, just...
Derek won't be coming back with him.
Stiles knew that already, knew that Cora would be vulnerable after the transfer of power, and that having Derek essentially break away straight after wasn't going to happen. They'd talked about it repeatedly and made their plans accordingly.
It's even more true now, with the added trauma of Peter's betrayal and death, causing her to lose a pack member already that day along with half of her remaining blood family.
For her to lose Derek on top of that... No. Stiles doesn't wish that on anyone. Cora needs to stabilize herself, find her balance again, and both siblings need to be allowed to grieve.
Again, it's no surprise that Derek will be staying in Beacon Hills for a while. It's just... It was abstract before. Now it's right there in his face, and Stiles realizes he wasn't prepared.
Looking at Derek and Cora he also realizes that regardless of what they've said, what they've promised, there's a possibility that Derek will change his mind now that the moment is here. It's possible that Beacon Hills without Peter will be tempting enough that Derek will start seeing it as  his home again. It's possible that he will decide that staying with Cora, and the pack he started, is more important than being with Stiles.
If he does... It'll hurt. It'll even hurt like hell. But if it's one thing Stiles has learned it's this: he can live through that, can heal from it, because he won't be alone. Even if he doesn't have Derek he'll have Embry, and his pack.
But that's not how Stiles sees it happening. Not after everything they've been through to get to where they are.
Derek is going to grieve with his sister, and help her settle, and when he's ready he'll leave Beacon Hills, leave their own personal Hellmouth, and come back to Stiles.
Because that's where they're headed, full circle. When they're both ready things will be different. This time around it'll be Derek joining Stiles's pack. There will be no begging, no miscommunication, no posturing, no self-hatred and no Alpha crap. It'll just be Stiles and Derek, healed and happy and together, trying their very best to love each other and not do anything stupid.
It'll be great.
Stiles believes it with all that he has and is. And his belief? Is magic.
~ The End ~
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cywscross · 4 years
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From @lightveils on Twitter (free to use wherever!). I’ve been meaning to do this for a while. I definitely have enough fics to fill it lol~
A Fic You Love Without Knowing The Source Material:
I was born for this by esama (Assassin’s Creed | Altair x Desmond | M)
Juno did her best to lead him to her preferred fate, but the end is coming and Desmond has doubts.
A Fic With A Premise That Shouldn’t Work But Does:
Proposing To Strangers by moonstalker24 (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | G)
At the end of a strained relationship, crime novelist Stiles chooses to hide from the world inside a bar with far too many motorcycles outside it for comfort. Here he'll meet the man of his dreams, eat food and propose marriage, all within the first five minutes.
Peter doesn't know who this kid is, but he's cute and looks like he could use a break. So he feeds him. He's not expecting a marriage proposal, but with what comes after, he doesn't really mind.
A Fic You’ve Reread Several Times:
Hooverville by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | E)
Town to town, train to train, tent to tent.
By 1932, the dust had begun to blow and the jobs were gone.
Anonymity was a byproduct of looking for work, which made it both necessary and convenient.
Stiles had enough secrets of his own to know to look the other way when he saw something that shouldn’t be possible.
The ghost of a tail giving enough balance to disembark a moving train.
Near silent Latin whispered on the edge of a tent encampment.
A flash of burning eyes.
He had more than enough to worry about without adding the oddities of others, and besides- having unusually sharp teeth certainly didn’t make a man worse than the ones running from the wife and kids they couldn’t feed.
So Stiles kept his observations to himself. He kept his everything to himself.
Until he met a man. One with eyes so blue they seemed to glow- and then they did.
Stiles tried to look away, but for the first time he was stopped.
“Don’t be like that sweetheart. Aren’t you curious?”
A Fic You Still Remember Many Years Later:
All True-Hearted Souls by mardia (Temeraire | Laurence x Granby | G)
“For God's sake, if someone doesn't talk Laurence out of these constant heroics, I wouldn't bet a farthing on his chances; no, and not ours either.” Four times that John Granby helped save William Laurence's life. Laurence/Granby. Spoilers up to Empire of Ivory.
A Comfort Fic:
Nothing Improper by Bunnywest (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | G)
“How long since someone touched you, sweet boy?” Peter asks, his voice barely a breath in Stiles’ ear. “Days? Weeks? Months?” Stiles nods imperceptibly at that last one.
“After…after everything, after Allison,” is all Stiles manages to get out.
A Cathartic Fic:
Swing by ShippersList (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | T)
Stiles wants to fly.
A Fic You’d Print And Put On Your Bookshelf:
Nose to the Wind by Batsutousai (HP | Tom x Harry | M)
While Harry had been content with his second chance, that didn't keep him from thinking what he could have done different, how many people could have survived if he hadn't been set on the very specific path he'd walked. Third time is the charm, though, right?
A Fic You Associate With A Song (x2):
Strange Duet by BelleAmante, thiliart (thilia) (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | M)
The past three years have been a series of shocking, or not so shocking, successes for 2018 Tony award winner and two time Grammy nominee, Stiles Stilinski. You don’t typically find classically trained opera singers singing alternative folk rock to crowds at Coachella. Nor do you find indie singer/songwriters winning best actor awards at the Tony’s for their Broadway debuts. Stilinski has made it his lifetime habit to defy and exceed all expectations.
A Steter fic loosely based on Phantom of the Opera
Full Circle by Nike Femme (FMA | Roy x Ed | T)
Edward Elric returns with amnesia. He has lived the past four years as Auric, a Gatekeeper. But there are some battles that only he can fight. Will his friends be able to awaken Ed, and what happens to Auric if they do?
A Fic That Inspires You:
Off the Line by esama (FFVII | Cloud x Vincent | T)
In which Cloud gets a Virtual Reality Dream Console – ShinRa's latest in virtual reality technology. Aaand everything pretty much goes downhill from there.
A Fic That Brought You On Board A New Ship:
Me and Mine by linndechir (Fast and the Furious | Deckard x Owen | E)
The last time they'd spoken, Deckard had told Owen that he was tired of cleaning up his messes. But the first thing he did after breaking out of prison was to take Owen to the other end of the world so they could lick their wounds and start planning their revenge.
A Fic You Wish Could Be A Movie:
Moving In (To Every Single Aspect of Danny’s Life, Including the Boring Bits like Dry-Cleaning) by westgirl (Hawaii Five-0 | Steve x Danny | T)
It felt wrong for Steve to sound unsure of his place in Danny’s life. His place in Danny’s life was at Danny’s side, driving him slowly insane. Steve should feel secure about that.
A Fic That Led To You Making Friends With The Author:
Begin and End by Rikkamaru (Log Horizon x HP | G)
This is how it begins: a boy rejected by his family, a boy reunited with his brother by his sister-in-law's intervention. A boy who found a family in an online game. But how will it end?
Reverti Ad Praeteritum by Batsutousai (Fullmetal Alchemist | Roy x Edward | M)
Unwillingly forced to serve as a human trial for a crazy alchemist experimenting with time travel, Edward Elric finds himself standing across from Truth in the moment it takes his leg from him. Armed with the knowledge of what's to come and burdened with guilt for the choices he'd made as an adult, Ed sets out to fix every mistake he ever made and save every life they ever lost, no matter what it takes.
A Fic You’ve Gushed About IRL:
Designation: Miracle by umisabaku (Kuroko no Basket | M)
It's been three years since seven human experiments, called "Miracles," escaped Teiko Industries, alerting the world to the presence of super-powered children. Now they're finally integrating into society-- going to normal high schools, playing basketball, falling in love-- and trying to find out if it's possible to truly escape their past.
A Fic You Associate With A Place (have to self-rec for this one):
Safe Harbour by cywscross (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles x Chris | T)
Peter didn't think he'd find a home here. He certainly didn't think he'd find a home with two other men.
Chris and Stiles prove him wrong.
A Fic That Made You Gasp Out Loud (kind of? it was suspenseful):
Sanctuary by DiscontentedWinter (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | E)
The Hale Wolf Sanctuary isn’t just for wolves.
It turns out it’s for Stilinskis as well.
A Fic You Found At The Right Time:
slow increments by Areiton (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles)
Peter is enigmatic, egotistical, sometimes barely sane. He's sharp and cutting and takes more time to care for the pack than anyone.And sometimes, John catches him watching Stiles.
A Fic That You Would Read Fic Of:
if you try to break me, you will bleed by Dialux (Game of Thrones | Jon x Sansa | T)
It had been a slash across her chest from a White Walker’s sword that finally ended her life. Sansa’d landed in a puddle of her own blood, and she’d died quickly, quietly.
And then she’d awoken with a gasp, trembling, in a bed that had burned under Theon’s betrayal.
A Fic That Made You Laugh Out Loud:
The Path towards Unwilling Godhood by Sky_King (Bleach | Kisuke x Ichigo | G)
Ichigo has never had the most normal life, and this latest chapter of it is no different.
"I'm not a god!"
A Fic With A Line (Or Two) That You’ve Memorized By Heart:
Atlas by distractedKat (Star Trek | Spock x Jim | T)
Between what was and what will be stands James Tiberius Kirk, in all his fractured patchwork glory. Because saving the Federation was only the beginning.
A Fic That Gave You Butterflies:
The Rest of Our Lives by mia6363 (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | T)
“I don’t know, as a kid I watched a lot of movies, you know? And at first I figured like… I’d be on some great adventure that would take me away from it all, you know? Like Indiana Jones comes around and is all, ‘Hey Stiles, buddy, come with me we’ve got to go save the world.’ Then… you and… everything happened… then I just… I figured I’d die before I was eighteen.”
A Fic That Embodies Something You Value In Life:
The Boy Sleuth by Shey (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | T)
Stiles is eight when he discovers a box of his mom’s old Nancy Drew Mysteries in the back of the guest bedroom closet.
A Favourite AU:
Love What is Behind You by KouriArashi (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | M)
Basically what it says on the label. Hunger Games type fusion. Stiles doing way better than anyone anticipates. Peter finds him intriguing. Ruthless, devious assholes working together to ruin bad guys, as the Steter ship is meant to be.
A Fic You Stayed Up Too Late To Finish Reading:
Of Dwobbits, Dragons and Dwarves by ISeeFire (The Hobbit | Fem!Bilbo x Fili | T)
Bilba has been a slave her entire life. All she knows of the outside world is what she sees from time to time outside the gates of Moria and the stories her mother used to tell her. Stories of a place called the Shire where her mother once lived and a placed called Erebor where, as far as she knows, her father still lives. Stories of dragons a thousand times larger, and more intelligent, than the beasts the orcs rode and of a strange concept called freedom where one was allowed to live as they wished with no one to tell them what they could, or could not do.
The stories meant little to Bilba. The only future she had was to live, and die, as a slave as countless number had before her.
And then the orcs dragged an injured female firedrake through the gates, her rider screaming obscenities behind her as he fought to reach her side...and everything changed.
A Fic That Made You Feel Seen (another self-rec lol):
i am addicted to death (so remind me what it’s like to live) by cywscross (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | T)
Stiles is sixteen years old. He has already died seventy-eight times.
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duskholland · 4 years
I was really debating if I was gonna send u angst or not but u know my brand so what about the enemies to lovers “i know i’m an asshole, but my life really is better with you in it.” with stiles 👀👀
omg love this krystal, thank you so much! I actually combined this with another cheeky request I got, which follows the lines of - Stiles and y/n are rivals at high school and at the start don’t really like each other (or so they think ;)) but then y/n faints/gets minor hurt and stiles has to take her to the school nurse - and they fit together really well so ! here we are ! I hope that’s alright :D
“You’re an idiot, Stiles.”
“Yeah? Well, at least I’m not a selfish know-it-all!”
“A know-it-all? Seriously? That’s the best you have?”
“Oh, trust me, I have plenty of insults I could use for you, Y/N, but that would just be a waste of breath.”
“Fuck you!”
You slam the door of your locker shut with a rattling clang and clutch your books to your chest, glaring at the boy in front of you. The edges of your vision tint a bright, pulsing red as his beady amber eyes stare you down. Somewhere deep within your gut, you feel a tight ball of hatred stir. Stiles Stilinski has been the bane of your existence ever since your best friend Lydia decided to get involved with Allison and her friends, and ever since, he’s been making your life a living nightmare.
Stiles’ deep frown shifts into an expression of humourless amusement as he follows you down the hall. “I don’t know why you’re running away,” he calls after you, voice light and irritating. “You know as well as I do that this is the only time we have to work on that project for chem.”
You stride outside quickly, knowing you can’t out-walk him, but hoping that it riles him up even further to have to chase you through the crowds. Plus, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t get a kick out of his yells.
“Project for chem,” you imitate, drawing your voice up into a high-pitched imitation of his voice. “I’m Stiles Stilinski and I like to be a teacher’s pet.”
He finally catches up to you when you’ve stalked out to the lacrosse fields. His fingers wrap around your arm and his touch burns against your skin as you spin around, your face warm from irritation. He looks at you, frustration pulled tight over his skin, and you smirk beneath his withering gaze. “You don’t have to be such an asshole, Y/N,” he mutters. He quickly lets go of your arm and scratches at the back of his head, the light of the sun beaming out over his freckly skin. “Can’t believe Ms Hook partnered us together for this. Does she want to kill me?”
You bark a laugh. “Kill you? Seriously, Stiles? This is ten times harder for me.”
He tilts his head to the side. “Really? How come?”
The nearby yells of lacrosse players mix with your disgruntled sigh. “You’re annoying,” you begin. “You always try so hard to be the best and that competitiveness is exhausting. You also always think you know everything. Well, newsflash, Stiles, you don’t.” You’re really digging for it now, feeling your entire body fill with a flushed heat as you stare at the boy who’s made the last six months of your life a nuisance. “You think you can just- just walk around, looking like that, acting all cocky, and that people will fall at your feet. Well, not me.”
“Looking like what?” Stiles echoes, confusion falling over his face.
You gulp as embarrassment twists in the pit of your stomach. Curse your big mouth. “Oh, uh, nothing?”
Stiles opens his mouth to speak, but before you can focus on his words, there’s a loud yell from the lacrosse field. There’s a large smack as you feel the heavy weight of a lacrosse ball hit the side of your face, and then you’re on the ground, vision blurry, face throbbing.
“Holy shit Y/N, are you- oh, fuck, that’s a lot of blood, oh my god.”
You stare at the sky blurrily, Stiles’ concerned words drifting in one ear and out the other. You remain dazed as Coach Finstock joins the growing crowds around you, and flinch deeply as he starts barking out instructions. Nothing really registers until you’re being pulled off the ground and as your feet leave the ground, you realise someone’s carrying you.
You fade in and out of consciousness, but you’re focused enough to realise that you have your cheek resting up against Stiles’ plaid shirt. His musky pine-wood scent fills your nose and you relax into his arms, allowing yourself to loosen up as you try to focus on anything but the throbbing pain stemming from your face. You glance up and see his face pulled into an expression of nervous determination, and let your eyes trail across the pink expanse of his plump lips, and even though it feels like your face is about to melt off, you can’t help the weak throbbing of your heart as you take in just how utterly adorable he is.
Once you’ve reached the nurse’s office, he places you gently down on the examination table and is then quickly ushered from the room by the doctor. But he glances at you, eyes concerned and worried, and your gaze meets for just a second before the door shuts behind him, and in that second, your heart throbs again.
Trying not to think about these new - and very confusing - feelings, you let the school doctor patch you up. Apparently nothing’s broken and all of your teeth are intact, and the bleeding from your nose stops after a few minutes of applying pressure to it. You’re given a large stack of painkillers and told you can go home early, and then the doctor exits the room and leaves you to sort yourself out.
As you begin to pull yourself together, the door into the office creaks open. You look up and see it’s Stiles, a guilty expression on his face. “Can I, uh, come in?” He asks, eyes skittering around nervously. You nod slightly and he slips inside, pressing himself up against the wall as he stares at you. “I’m sorry for being an asshole, Y/N,” he sighs. “I guess… I guess you aren’t that bad, and maybe I just act like such a dick when you’re around because I’m intimidated by you.”
Your mouth falls open in surprise. “Going soft on me, Stiles?” You say, voice soft. That hot, angry heat from earlier has fizzled out completely, and now it’s as if you’re looking at him through fresh eyes.
He shrugs, not even trying to deny it, and takes a tentative step towards you. “When you got hit by that ball, I dunno, I just froze, and it was like every insult I ever gave you ran through my head and I realised I was being…”
“An asshole?” You supply, grinning softly.
He laughs. “I know… I know I’m an asshole, but my life really is better with you in it,” he admits.
You pat the spot on the examination table beside you. “Well, I’ve not exactly been the nicest to you, either,” you admit. Stiles tentatively sits beside you, your legs brushing up against one another. Now he’s nearer, all you can think about is how nice he looks, and how kind it was of him to sweep you up into his arms and carry you to safety. Now, it’s as if a veil has been lifted, and all your feelings of frustration have faded away, leaving you with what was truly hidden away under them, all along: attraction.
“We’re just too similar,” Stiles reasons.
“Yeah,” you agree. You give him a pained smile. “We should probably try to get on better now. For the sake of the pack.”
“Yeah, yeah, for the pack…” His eyes trail around your face. Instead of lingering on the rising bruise and the way you have plasters sticking from your hairline, he focuses on your eyes, and it’s as if his whole expression softens. You feel his hand wrap around yours, and the breath hitches in the back of your throat. “You’re a pretty cool person, Y/N.”
You’re near him now, your forehead closing in, his fingers gripping yours, and it feels like your heart is bursting against your rib cage as you close the distance. When you’re a mere centimetre from his mouth, you let your free hand drift up to settle in his dark brown hair. “You’re pretty cool too, Stiles,” you mumble. And then you kiss him, and it’s like nothing else really matters. The pain ebbs away and the anger fizzles out, and all you can focus on is how fucking nice it feels to have his mouth on yours and your fingers in his hair. 
When you break away, Stiles gently leans his forehead to yours, his amber eyes blown wide with a warm sort of softness. “Let me take you home?” He asks.
The smile that finds your lips is genuine, and for the first time, you wonder if your relationship with Stiles is destined to be more than just an angry friendship.
“I would love that.”
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