enby-enderdragon · 5 years
MCSM Request: Jesskas/Lukesse where Lukas is a Ocelot hybrid who does cute cat-like things (like purring, sleeping on Jesse's lap and stuff) but only with Jesse? ฅ'ω'ฅ
A/N: Allie, my dearest, I love that and it’s adorable!!!!!
Jesse lets out a small noise that sounds somewhere between a fusion of a sigh and a groan as they plop down on their double bed in their personal quarters in Beacontown. They had had a horribly stressful that always comes with the mantle of running a city which is magnified tenfold by the sheer powerhouse of the region that little Beacontown is becoming.
Quickly, they shove off their armor (Magnus’, they mentally note) and start to move to curl up under the cyan sheets only to realize that a small tannish-yellow form had already beat them to it.
“Hey, Lukas.” Jesse says softly, unable to keep the little smile off their face as the ocelot looks up.
Something had happened in one of the worlds from the Portal Hall after Cassie Rose, but before PAMA and everyone had been turned into different type of animal hybrids. Lukas had been the only one to be even a little happy with the situation and he and Ivor had concocted a way to let Lukas keep his little ears and tail. It seems that almost everyday Lukas was discovering how many of his powers he kept and which ones he lost. Seems that today he discovered he kept his shapeshifting.
Slowly, the little ocelot starts to turn back into a man, one with sandy blonde hair and cyan eyes to match the sheets, dressed in thin pajamas.
“Hey, Jesse.” Lukas says in return, just as softly as he presses a small kiss to Jesse’s forehead.
“How’d the book-signing go today? I’m sorry that I missed it. Stacy got into a little fight with Em and someone had to take care of it.” Jesse explains, settling down under the sheets, Lukas pressing himself to their front.
“It was fine, hectic as usual.” He says with a little laugh.
Jesse starts to run a hand through Lukas’ soft hair, careful not to touch his ears due to sensitivity, as he starts to talk about how many people he met and the old faces that come to every signing.
“The funniest part was when someone gave me a little gift box and when I open it, there was just a little cat toy inside. Radar had a good laugh at it when I showed it to him.”
Jesse laughs and they drift into a happy silence after that, Jesse still continuing to brush their hand through Lukas’ hair.
Jesse grins a little as they glance down, watching Lukas slow-blink, fighting off sleep, a deep throaty purr working its way out.
Some personal upside of Lukas’ choosing to remain an ocelot hybrid for Jesse was how closely and often he liked to cuddle now and how when he purrs, it’s relaxing to them.
At this point, they almost suspect that Lukas knows and seeks them out on their most stressful days.
Honestly, they don’t mind it.
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foxyninjabear · 5 years
I have a question about your OCs but it's not about the World in 'A Hacker's Tale' this time around (at least I hope not tho ._.;) So if your OCs were in the Hermitcraft Civil War (either with hacks and without), what would they do there and who's side would they be on? Team Star or the G-Team?
Ooo, this is a really cool question! Thanks Allie! :D
Now, in terms of which of my characters would be on which team, and what each of them would do, I have it boiled down to the following:
Coda - She would definetly just be running around the field trying to take down anybody on the other team. She'd literally just take her battle axe and pull a friggin Biffa lol
Jazz - Yes, I know he's technically dead in the story, but he's still a character of mine. Fight me xD Anyway, he would probably be on the defensive side, keeping out anyone that tries to get into the fort. Shotguns are very good at crowd control :P
Lucky - Where Jazz goes, Lucky goes. Nuff said xP And to be honest, Jazz would probably just lock him up in a closet or something to make sure he doesn't get hurt xD
Angel - The ultimate sniper! She'd most likely be on the rooftops with her rifle, picking off the enemies from down below. Or if she had her hacks, she'd just be flying around and watching like a darn friggin hawk xD But I can also see her infiltrating the G-Team's base, and probably not getting detected; being a Special Ops soldier, she's essentially a trained spy. So... RIP G-Team xD
Sakura - One word; REDSTONE! She'd work alongside Tango to make epic weaponry that can keep Team STAR out and away!
Nix - Since he's a medic in A Hacker's Tale, I figured it would make sense that Nix would be a healer of sorts in the Civil War. He'd be the G-Team's go to person in order to get patched up, before going back out to fight.
Synth - Synth is just the ultimate gentlemanly businessman, and he would fit perfectly among Scar and Cub. I can't really see him being on any side.
Grey - He's old, he's tired, he doesn't care about fighting at this point. He'd most likely just hole up in TFC's bunker and wait for the war to blow over lol
Hope this answers your question Allie! This was really fun to do!
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chillcrafting · 5 years
Um, hi. Sorry to bother you but I need help. So I'm new to modded Minecraft and I stupidly forgot to turn my world type to 'Biomes O' Plenty' before I build stuff. I looked up on how to change it to 'BOP' but none of it worked since they're all about 'BOP' from 1.9 (I'm on 1.12.2). So I gotta ask: is there a way to change your world type from 'default' to 'BOP' after already setting it to 'default'?
After reading this I tried looking into it, and I’m afraid I couldn’t solve much. I tried installing NBT editor and changing “generatorName” from “default” to BIOMESOP in the world’s level.dat file, but it changed nothing (if you haven’t tried this yet, maybe it might work for you, but I have my doubts since this is probably an outdated solution) and even then, I heard the chunks will have ugly borders on them, so it’s probably best to make a new BOP world instead. I do not believe that changing a world’s generation type after its created will change anything, in the long run.
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zen-koi · 5 years
Um, hi! Sorry to bother you again but I was wondering if you have an orange and black Bukimi koi by any chance? =3 Not sure if you remember it but my Nickname is MCAllie
I assume you mean kukoji? Sent you kukoji bukimi. If you meant a different colour please let me know the full name.
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whycraft · 5 years
So I've started watching 'Sourceblock' SMP and I'd just immediately fell in love with almost everybody in this SMP series. They're all really cool and inspiring people and I'm glad I followed someone as cool as you who knows about it too =3
!!!! Bro I love sourceblock! Who do you watch? Who are your faves? I think I watch everybody except skippy but that's cause I keep forgetting to subscribe to him. My faves are beef, fwhip, and sausage
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shaydoc · 5 years
Hey, Shay. This might not be a good time and I'm not sure if you've seen the movie 'Frozen 2' yet but I just got back from watching it and I wanted to tell you to listen to 'Show Yourself' by Idina Mendez and Evan Rachel Wood. It's a really beautiful song about finding yourselves and self-acceptance :3
oh gosh this is really pretty..!! ;w;
we havent seen the movie yet (leo did like the first movie, though!) but !! this is, actually the second song from it thats been recommended to me in specific haha,,, which. is nice. im, glad people keep thinking of me..!!
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mcytblrprison · 4 years
I would like to put @danthediamondminecart and @allieplaysminecraftdiary in jail! The first one for being a murderer and the 2nd for dumping over sticks. - 🐠
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@danthediamondminecart and @allieplaysminecraftdiary are in jail!
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minecraft-confess · 5 years
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- It's cool in the 1.15 update, we'll see the damage of an Iron Golem but it's freaky to me that, to heal an Iron Golem, we need to feed them an Iron ingot? Does anybody feel like that's cannibalism for Iron Golem? Because if you have an Iron farm but also an Iron Golem as a guard and you feed it an Iron ingot from that farm, you're just feeding him his brethren. Why can't we just feed our hurt Iron Golem friends poppies instead?
submitted by @allieplaysminecraftdiary
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foxyninjabear · 5 years
I have a question. On a scale from 1 to a 100, how hard is it to befriend all your OCs from 'A Hacker's Tale's, both if that person in the Shadowbyte Army and as an outsider?
(1 means super easy to befriend, 100 means virtually impossible)
For Shadowbyte Army Personnel...
Angel - 75
Coda - 50
Grey - 25
Jazz - 30
Lucky - 60
Nix - 40
Sakura - 10
Synth - 20
As a whole, it mostly depends on their personalities and morals, if the person is part of the Shadowbyte Army.
For Outsiders...
Angel - 90
Coda - 95
Grey - 70
Jazz - 85
Lucky - 75
Nix - 65
Sakura - 50
Synth - 80
With outsiders, their trust in them is VERY low. They know better than to befriend an enemy. It would take a LOT for someone to break their oath and let their guard down...
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foxyninjabear · 5 years
Hi, sorry to bother again and I dunno if you even have it (pretty sure Tumblr must've ate it) but it was a question about whether or not respawning exist in 'A Hacker's Tale' or only Hermits can actually respawn? =?
Don't worry, your question went through just fine! :)
And in terms of respawn in "A Hacker's Tale", yes, it does exist. But it takes time for it to actually be put in effect. If a World is brand new, it doesn't have respawn, and it will only start to become more and more safe ("stabilized", if you will) once there's been enough player activity/influence in that World for a certain amount of time. That's where W.E.S. (World Exploration Society; the organization that the Hermits all work for) comes into play. They send out groups of about 20-30 people to brand new Worlds, and give them about a year or two to make it stable enough for the general public (no glitches, having respawn enabled, etc.)
At this point in the story, the Hermits have only been in that World for about a month, so respawn hasn't been activated yet. So they have to be extremely careful with what they do. To say the least, working for W.E.S. isn't the safest job ._.
I hope this answers your question! If you have any more, please don't be shy to ask :)
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foxyninjabear · 5 years
So if you did take Lucky's interrogation scene to a darker turn, what would you have the Hermits do? Would X's hacker skills be involved with it? Also Foxy, can I let Synth borrow Captain Fluffers? (he's my rabbit plush who wears a detective coat and solve crimes of broken hearts by giving them comfort and hugs and ice cream cake =3)
I'm not gonna reveal too much on it, but I will say a few things...
One, most of the torture probably would have been something like a "good cop, bad cop" scenerio. Xisuma would have been the bad cop (aka the torturer), and Cub would have been the good cop (aka the one who would make sure things wouldn't go too far). X would have used tactics like electroshock, punching, stuff thats super duper painful. Cuz... torture xD
And two, Xisuma would have used his hacks, but not just to inflict physical torture like the stuff I just listed... *cough* TERRIFYING HALLUCINATIONS *cough cough*
And in terms of your second questoin, yes, Synth would appreciate Captain Fluffers greatly xD
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foxyninjabear · 5 years
Am probably sure I'm annoying you at this point but I just had to come and suggest a song to you =Pc So was listening to 'Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron' movie soundtrack and the song 'Sound The Bugle' by Bryan Adams MIGHT suit Lucky while he's still grieving over Jazz's death lyric-wise. What do you think? =3
No, you're not annoying me at all! I love answering asks :D And in terms of the song...
This song is perfect, Allie! The lyrics, the instrumental, everything! I legit almost cried, not gonna lie xD
Thanks again for the submission, Allie! And if any of you have any song ideas for the AHT playlist, just send me an ask! :)
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foxyninjabear · 5 years
I have a song suggestion for Angel! How about 'Angel With A Shotgun' by The Cab (I know she uses a riffle more but like, I feel like the lyrics suits her still =3c)
Ooo, this sounds perfect for Angel! It especially fits with her backstory that I have written out for her... which will be soon revealed in upcoming chapters ;)
Thanks for the submission, Allie! And if any of you have any ideas for more songs on the playlist, feel free to send me a suggestion or two!
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foxyninjabear · 5 years
Forgot to add but I also suggest the song 'Living Louder' by The Cab for Jazz (yeah, I know I suggested The Cab for Angel too but I think their songs are really good and because I'm obsessed with them and because I want to hate myself and cry hearing this song, thinking of Jazz whenever I hear it =P)
...you're gonna make me cry stahp-
But really, holy heck! This is perfect for Jazz! Thank you Allie!
(Also, in terms of songs being only from one artist, don't worry. A good amount of the songs currently on the playlist are by either The Score or Imagine Dragons xD)
And remember, if any of you have any song suggestions, send them for me to listen to!
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enby-enderdragon · 5 years
Hi! Sorry to bother but I have a question and you're the only One Life expert I know so far. So I was watching Seapeekay's newest vid via phone and Youtube weirdly recommended an old vid about how Minecraft Foxes work and it got me thinking: 'Does the Seapeekay in your fics act like a fox at times? You know, like, does he ever randomly dove into a pile of snow for no reason or attack a chicken or stuff Minecraft foxes do?
Babe, please never worry about bothering me with questions. I literally love them an.
Also, I really wouldn't consider myself an expert of One Life fmfnkskakfkdka, if you want some other people to follow about it, try my friends @last-cat-standing and @stacy-plays. Catty is more of an artist though and Bedrock tends to stick to the background and simply DM me a bunch of angst.
Callum acting like a fox??? Oh my gods, that's fucking adorable!!!!! I was actually just talking about that over the phone last night with a friend, but for Harmony Hollow. I'll be sure to try to make a little one-shot delving into Callum's animalistic nature some day soon.
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enby-enderdragon · 5 years
Writing prompt (?): Scott or Callum angsty or one of the OL group visiting one of the dimensions (Overworld, Nether, End, etc. Your choice) as a place of comfort or as a place to hide for when they want to cry and not worry others. That's all I got =P
A/N: Short, but I liked how it turned out! Why do I always do this kind of thing to Callum? Lmao
Callum’s ears press close to his head as Lauren cuts him off on the path, practically pushing him out of the way to get to Scott, whom he had been walking next to, to show him a funny meme on her communicator.
He knows this shouldn’t hurt as much as it does and the others probably don’t even realize they’re doing it, but things like this have been happening for weeks and it just feels like a horrible stabbing sensation in his chest each time it happens. Without another word, Callum stops and turns around, his throat tightening and his eyes itching and prickling.
He needs to get out of here fast.
He quickly hightails it back towards the shops at spawn and ducks into the first shop that he knows has a nether portal, hopping through without even putting his obsidian armor back on.
Once he can feel the unbearable heat and the sizzling Netherrack under his pads, he allows himself to break down. His shoulders tremble and his chest quivers with loud sobs that rival the Ghasts as he leans against a mound of Nether Quartz and his tail curls around his waist in a vain attempt to comfort himself.
I’m supposed to be the happy, goofy one! Why am I like this! Why am I so BROKEN!
His head races with these unwelcome thoughts, but he doesn’t know how to shut them out.
It all hurts too much.
But he forces himself through it.
Forces himself to get back up.
Forces that smile back on.
Forces himself to fluff his fur on his face just enough so no one knows he was crying.
Forces himself to pretend nothing hurts and he’s just fine.
He’s just fine.
For now.
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