#allen replacement??!!??!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
superpyodan Ā· 1 month
who is Kenny closest with in town? (besides Alex hehe)
Ah! This is kinda a difficult question tbh, because he has a lot of friends and heā€™s close with them for different reasons!
While Abby is his best friend, Iā€™d have to say heā€™s the closest with Shane. They both see each other at their worsts, and help each other through it, too. For a while, Shane knows more about Kenny emotionally than Alex does, because Kenny has a hard time opening up about his feelings. He feels safe with Shane, though. They have similar struggles :ā€™)
Kennys other friends are Abby (ofc), Sam, Seb and Haley!! Heā€™s also kinda friendly with Emily
Thanks for the ask!!!ā¤ļøā¤ļø
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chaos-monkeyy Ā· 11 months
If you had to pick a story to be given a Dramatic Reenactment(tm) for The Big Talent Show to, idk, save the Allen Garden turtles from being replaced with cardboard cutouts of lunchboxes, which would you pick?
I love this ask and would like to answer it but I am not sure what the question is šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
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cutiecatsub Ā· 2 years
Iā€™m curious about your 24/7 collar; mostly, is it waterproof? Also, do you sleep in it?
Those are the only times Iā€™m not collared (usually) and Iā€™m curious about if you have a way to work around it. (Like my day collar is probably capable of getting we bc itā€™s steel, but Iā€™m too sentimentally attached to it to try.)
I have a German silver pendant on a stainless steel chain rn and the clasp is also stainless. The chain I am probably going to replace with sterling at some point but I havenā€™t had any issues with wearing it all the time. I am pretty hyposensitive to things touching my skin though so other people may find it more irritating? Iā€™ve been wearing it for about five months now I think and havenā€™t had any issues with wear and tear. I shower a LOT and I donā€™t think the water has been a problem for it. Iā€™ve also just worn cheap stainless necklaces 24/7 for aesthetic and laziness reasons and never had issues with that including like in seawater multiple times a week. So yours would probably be fine? Iā€™m not a doctor nor do I play one on tv tho so take my advice at your own discretion.
My relationship is long distance the majority of the time so it was important to me to have that physical symbol close to me every day. just make sure your chain isnā€™t too dainty bc it will get stuck in your hair. I broke a jump ring that way and it was interesting trying to fix that. Luckily itā€™s just a little hex lock so I was able to take it off with a teeny Allen wrench I had at home. I wouldnā€™t have left the key with my partners if I didnā€™t have a backup option. šŸ˜‚
thereā€™s also something to be said for the ritual of taking it on and off every day though that I enjoy with my other collar. I enjoy that a lot while Iā€™m here ^_^ I never put either of my collars on myself except that one jump ring emergency I described. Having to have one of my partners put it on in the morning and take it off for me is just a nice quiet moment of submission and intimacy for me. šŸ’™
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xtruss Ā· 2 years
Biden Admin May Regret Shunning Chinaā€™s FM as Ambassador! Shut Him Out For 500 Days When He Was "Just" an Ambassador
ā€” January 05, 2023 | Politico | By Phelim Kine | Anti-Empire
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The Biden administration shut out outgoing Chinese ambassador Qin Gang for much of his more than 500-day tenure in Washington, D.C. But that all changed last week when Chinese leader Xi Jinping appointed Qin as the countryā€™s new foreign minister šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚, creating a headache for the administration at a time of high tension between Washington and Beijing. The problems will be front and center in the coming weeks when Secretary of State Antony Blinken visits China as the countries clash over trade, Chinese military intimidation of Taiwan and access to technology.
ā€œI think that there are probably those within the administration that feel chagrined that they did not extend the courtesies [to Qin] that normally would be extended to an ambassador,ā€ said Craig Allen, president of the U.S.-China Business Council.
Qin didnā€™t get all of the meetings he requested with senior administration officials over the past 17 months, although the administration did relax its restrictions on Qinā€™s access in the run-up to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosiā€™s controversial trip to Taiwan in August. But he returns to Beijing this week to helm Chinaā€™s foreign ministry stung by failed efforts to connect with the Biden administration.
Qinā€™s promotion confirms he has Xiā€™s trust, something the president signaled in October by appointing Qin to the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee. Qin replaced Wang Yi, whom Xi appointed to lead the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission last week. Beijing will name Qinā€™s successor ā€œafter completing due procedures,ā€ Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Tuesday.
Months after arriving in Washington, D.C., in July 2021, Qin was limited to meetings with just a handful of U.S. officials, according to two people with knowledge of the interactions. That narrow access came despite repeated requests to meet with more senior administration officials, said those people, who were granted anonymity to share private conversations.
The White House rejects this characterization. ā€œSenior White House officials ā€” along with senior officials from across the administration ā€” have engaged regularly with Ambassador Qin since his arrival in Washington,ā€ spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a written statement. The statement included a list of eight senior officials, including Blinken, Indo-Pacific Coordinator Kurt Campbell and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai, who had met with Qin while he was ambassador.
The Chinese embassy didnā€™t respond to a request for comment regarding Qinā€™s access to U.S. officials during his tenure.
Qin responded to the restrictions on high-level access by relying on lower-level interactions with other foreign ambassadors and state and municipal-level officials. He even hung out with the NBAā€™s Washington Wizards.
That experience may work to his advantage as foreign minister. Qinā€™s ā€œbroad exposure to the United States outside the Beltway ā€¦ will give him an appreciation of the broader forces informing Americaā€™s foreign policy,ā€ said Ryan Hass, former director for China, Taiwan and Mongolia at the National Security Council.
If Qin resented his treatment in Washington, his farewell messages didnā€™t show it. He expressed ā€œsincere gratitudeā€ for the ā€œgreat support and assistance from all sectors of the American peopleā€ in a tweet thread published on Monday.
The test of Qinā€™s sincerity will be his management of Blinkenā€™s trip to China. ā€œOur understanding is that Secretary Blinken will be traveling to Beijing in February right after the Chinese New Year,ā€ said USCBC president Allen. If Qin is still nursing a bruised ego ā€” and if the visit occurs after a promised trip to Taiwan by GOP leader Kevin McCarthy ā€” Blinken may hit a diplomatic brick wall in Beijing.
Blinken has yet to release an agenda for that trip. But heā€™ll need Qinā€™s help to address a growing list of issues including counternarcotics cooperation and Chinaā€™s growing nuclear weapons arsenal. Qin has signaled such cooperation is possible. In a tweet published on Sunday, Qin thanked Blinken for ā€œconstructive meetingsā€ and said he looks forward to ā€œcontinuing close relationsā€ with Blinken.
Blinken marked Qinā€™s promotion with a tweet that confirmed the two men discussed ā€œmaintaining opening lines of communicationā€ in a farewell phone conversation on Sunday. Blinken ā€œexpects to continue a productive working relationship with Foreign Minister Qin in his new role,ā€ a State Department spokesperson unauthorized to speak on the record told POLITICO in a statement.
Qinā€™s history of bare-knuckled pushback of foreign criticism of China may have worked against his success in D.C. In his public debut in September 2021, he reinforced his reputation as a prickly avatar of Chinese diplomacy with a speech that excoriated U.S. ā€œwrong beliefsā€ and cautioned against violating Beijingā€™s ā€œred lineā€ of core interests in areas including the South China Sea, Taiwan and Xinjiang. He spiked those comments with an ominous reference to Chinaā€™s nuclear weapons capability and warned of ā€œdisastrous consequencesā€ if the U.S. seeks to suppress China using a ā€œCold War playbook.ā€
Time didnā€™t dull those sharp edges. A year later, Qin used a near-90-minute press briefing to decry perceived U.S. transgressions against Chinese sovereignty. He also expressed frustration that his best efforts to engage with the Biden administration had failed to prevent Pelosiā€™s Taiwan trip. But the structure of Chinaā€™s diplomatic corps may limit Qinā€™s influence on bilateral relations.
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atlantic-riona Ā· 2 years
5 and 6 for the book asks?
5. What genre did you read the most of?
Fantasy, hands-down. This tends to be true for any given year, tbh.
6. Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to?
The books on my bookshelf šŸ˜‚ I've bought a lot of books over the years that I've started but never finished, and I really wanted to get through a large chunk of them this year, but it didn't happen. In particular, I really wanted to finish a book called The Concept of Woman, Volume 1: The Aristotelian Revolution, 750 B.C. - A.D. 1250, by Sister Prudence Allen, because it was absolutely fascinating, but the pages in my copy kept falling out every time I turned the page, and buying a replacement copy would cost a little too much right now. I also wanted to finish some books sent by a friend, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Le Mort d'Arthur, but I didn't get to.
Thanks for the ask!
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denial-permanente Ā· 3 years
Love the pinned post!
One that isnā€™t covered there(but maybe answered before, if so sorry) that Iā€™ve wondered about is what model of Vixskin dildo is his Faux cock?
Thanks for the great blogs!!
This question, unlike @that-tom-allen, comes at a good time. šŸ˜†
I never bothered to learn the names of the things we use. Tom does the research, explains it to me, and I trust his judgment. It's only been since I started writing here that I've learned (or relearned) that for years we have been using one called the Vixskin Tex. He picked that one because it was close to his own shape and size, and the way it was made was supposed to make it feel very lifelike. It has a firm inner layer and the outer layer is softer to touch. We have used it for at least 10 years, and it has been incredibly lifelike and comfortable. I don't think that I could have gotten into these long term lockups if we had not discovered this. They still sell it. It's a little expensive, but it tuned out to be a good investment for us.
I'm going to save the details on why for another time, but we just started trying a new Vixskin called the Ranger X. It is longer, thicker, and has a bigger, more defined head than the Tex. That's the part that really sold me šŸ˜‰. It also has a 3rd layer on the outside, with "veins" that is thin, squishy, and feels even more lifelike than the Tex!
The drawback of course is that it's very expensive. It gets shipped in a plastic tube and the label says "worth every inch." šŸ˜‚ After a few dates with it, though, it's becoming my new favorite, and will replace Tom's original "replacement".
Vixen Creations
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talkingtea Ā· 3 years
Iā€™m having trouble keeping up with some things from the ep and was wondering if anyone can explain it to me? So Thawne killed Barry as a baby, i get that. But there there was an adult version of Barry as the reverse flash in that timeline that barry replaced when he traveled to the future. So was thawne pretending to be his own version of barry allen for 40 years since he killed the original? Or did he become Barry allen to become the reverse flash to terrorise himself around the same time he terrorised actual barry in the original timeline?? Did he also kill nora and henry? Bc wouldnā€™t they wonder why their supposed dead son is now out there randomly killing people with superpowers?? Does a version of harrison wells exist?? Because who created the particle cell explosion in this timeline to cause metahumans?? I canā€™t remember if all this was explained and i just zoned it out. Lastly, if he manufactured everything so that he grew up knowing Iris, 1. why did it take so long for him and iris to get married, 2. how was their first encounter at jitters rooftop?? Ik all this didnā€™t actually happen over the course of 40yrs and it was most likely a week, but the details are still very confusing. I feel like iā€™ve missed missed something.
Now you know good and damn well those writers didnā€™t put this much thought into that storyline šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Maybe somebody understood what they were trying to do though.
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72hook74 Ā· 3 years
No keys. Locked husband
My husband is in a lovely steel Bon4, but in his opinion the fixing bolt wasĀ ā€œrubbish machiningā€ so its replaced with bolt and (nylock?) nut. There's so much rubbish around about what is locked or not I've changed to calling himĀ ā€œcagedā€ permanently. He could undo it but why? Heā€™d be disappointed and I would pickup his mood change, On Tom Allenā€™s (very useful) matrix I'd say we are living as a couple at about X8, Y8 so he has every reason to try to get out of his cage.šŸ˜‚ Despite all the talk a man can live this way 24/7 if he's actually committed to the idea, and he is. I've really come on board in theĀ  last 12-18 months were both thriving in it despite a few hiccups. Weā€™ve had some of the best days of our 20 years together recently.Ā 
Nothings fun without trust and deep trust is priceless. He still cant process the idea but he knows my resolve to never have him in me again is strengthening (I need a stronger word, resolved maybe, its not happening hunnyšŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜)
Who cares about locked if he's happily caged for you.
Cue the knockers
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