#if he hung out with shane all the time he’d probably end up depressed af cuz shane makes him talk about his feelings LOL
superpyodan · 1 month
who is Kenny closest with in town? (besides Alex hehe)
Ah! This is kinda a difficult question tbh, because he has a lot of friends and he’s close with them for different reasons!
While Abby is his best friend, I’d have to say he’s the closest with Shane. They both see each other at their worsts, and help each other through it, too. For a while, Shane knows more about Kenny emotionally than Alex does, because Kenny has a hard time opening up about his feelings. He feels safe with Shane, though. They have similar struggles :’)
Kennys other friends are Abby (ofc), Sam, Seb and Haley!! He’s also kinda friendly with Emily
Thanks for the ask!!!❤️❤️
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