#im listening to Danny devito talk about being a hairdresser rn so I hope that was English
cutiecatsub · 2 years
I’m curious about your 24/7 collar; mostly, is it waterproof? Also, do you sleep in it?
Those are the only times I’m not collared (usually) and I’m curious about if you have a way to work around it. (Like my day collar is probably capable of getting we bc it’s steel, but I’m too sentimentally attached to it to try.)
I have a German silver pendant on a stainless steel chain rn and the clasp is also stainless. The chain I am probably going to replace with sterling at some point but I haven’t had any issues with wearing it all the time. I am pretty hyposensitive to things touching my skin though so other people may find it more irritating? I’ve been wearing it for about five months now I think and haven’t had any issues with wear and tear. I shower a LOT and I don’t think the water has been a problem for it. I’ve also just worn cheap stainless necklaces 24/7 for aesthetic and laziness reasons and never had issues with that including like in seawater multiple times a week. So yours would probably be fine? I’m not a doctor nor do I play one on tv tho so take my advice at your own discretion.
My relationship is long distance the majority of the time so it was important to me to have that physical symbol close to me every day. just make sure your chain isn’t too dainty bc it will get stuck in your hair. I broke a jump ring that way and it was interesting trying to fix that. Luckily it’s just a little hex lock so I was able to take it off with a teeny Allen wrench I had at home. I wouldn’t have left the key with my partners if I didn’t have a backup option. 😂
there’s also something to be said for the ritual of taking it on and off every day though that I enjoy with my other collar. I enjoy that a lot while I’m here ^_^ I never put either of my collars on myself except that one jump ring emergency I described. Having to have one of my partners put it on in the morning and take it off for me is just a nice quiet moment of submission and intimacy for me. 💙
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