#all. gabriel nikephoros
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troybeecham · 2 years ago
Today the Church remembers the Martyrs of Adrianople
Orate pro nobis.
The Martyrs of Bulgaria were three hundred and seventy seven Christian children, women, and men who were executed in AD 815 as part of border wars between the pagan Bulgars and the Byzantine Empire.
Emperor Nikephoros I invaded Bulgaria and sacked the capital of Pliska in AD 811, but was killed and his army annihilated at the Battle of Varbitsa Pass as he returned to Roman territory. Khan Krum's peace offer was rejected by Emperor Michael I Rangabe, and the Bulgarians invaded the Roman Empire in the spring of 812. Khan Krum conquered Develtos and transplanted its population to Bulgaria in June, and seized Adrianople in September AD 813. At Adrianople, Krum threw Manuel, Archbishop of Adrianople, to the ground and trampled on his neck.
According to the Menologion of Basil II, Khan Krum began the persecution of Christians prior to his death and was continued by a certain khan Čok (Tzok) who had all Christians who refused to renounce their faith executed. However, the Synaxarion of Constantinople states that the persecution began after Krum's death in April AD 814 on the orders of Khan Dičevg, the successor of Dukum, who had ruled briefly after Krum's death. Omurtag later became khan and ordered the execution of all Christians who refused to renounce their faith. Three hundred and seventy seven Christians were killed, and the following are known by name:
Manuel, Archbishop of Adrianople – The synaxarion records that Dičevg had Manuel cut in two, cut off his arms, and fed his remains to dogs; afterwards, Dičevg was afflicted with blindness and was killed by his own soldiers. The menologion states that Krum had Manuel killed, and subsequently became blind and was strangled by his soldiers.
George, Archbishop of Develtos – George had negotiated the surrender of Develtos to Krum in 812, and had been transplanted to Bulgaria with the city's population. He was clubbed to death and decapitated.
Leo, Bishop of Nicaea in Thrace – Leo had his stomach cut open.
Peter, bishop – He was clubbed to death and decapitated.
John, strategos – A renegade, John had served under Tuk with Bardanes on the Bulgarian right flank during the Battle of Versinikia,but was beheaded for his faith.
Leo, strategos – A renegade, Leo had served under Krum's brother at the centre of the Bulgarian army during the Battle of Versinikia, and was beheaded.
Parodos, priest – He was stoned to death.
Gabriel and Sionios – They were both beheaded.
Loubomiros and Chotomiros – Slavs, they are named in a canon composed by either Saint Joseph the Confessor or Saint Joseph the Hymnographer. Their martyrdom indicates the spread of Christianity amongst the Slavs of Bulgaria.
Koupergos and Asfir – They may have been Christian Bulgars given their names.
An original account of the martyrs was likely made based on the testimonies of prisoners of war released by Bulgaria after the Treaty of AD 816 in the first half of the 9th century AD at the Monastery of Stoudios at Constantinople which the menologion and synaxarion are based on.
Almighty God, by whose grace and power your holy martyrs of Bulgaria triumphed over suffering and were faithful even to death: Grant us, who now remember them in thanksgiving, to be so faithful in our witness to you in this world, that we may receive with them the crown of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
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kenyerparty · 3 years ago
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It had been a few weeks since his break up. A few weeks since who he thought was the love of his life broke up with him. He had hoped he would move past it easily, but it still felt fresh. Kaan hadn’t known what to do with himself, but he knew he needed to do something. Maybe getting that job would be a good distraction. He sat down on one of the chairs and swiveled his head until he caught sight of Gabriel. Nothing fell from his lips, but he lifted his hand in a simple wave.
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alarickzaim · 4 years ago
closed starter for @gabrielxnikephoros​
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“You.” Every time he saw Gabriel, all he wanted to do was punch the incubus in the face. And that was the tame part of what he would do. But no, right now he felt like it was better to get on the other man’s good side. “You seem to be having a grand old time.”
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petrichorxathanasios · 4 years ago
Game over
Send ‘GAME OVER’ to get a glimpse of one of the worse possible endings that can happen to my muse in their life.
Time Frame: ???? ACE Trigger Warnings: death, violence, fire, alcohol, ptsd
My mind is filled with cataclysm and apocalypse. I wish for earthquakes, eruptions, flood. -Madeline Miller, Song of Achilles
The midday sun is what awakens the phoenix first, blaring, intense, taunting. A reminder of the cruel things done in the dead of the night. He reached for the half-empty bottle on the night stand and drew it to his lips and bit back the intense burn that followed the homemade brew. Alcohol was rare distilleries were a thing of the past, and what do-gooders remained in the world used such things for healing or to ward away infection. 
The phoenix moved to sit on the edge of his bed, the warn mattress atop rusted springs groaned in agony as he tipped the bottle to his lips once more and polished it off. He thought of the blade nestled between the two beneath him as a warm smile burned in his mind’s eye. Laughter, love. Then anger flashed in its place and the bottle was obliterated against the far wall of his earthen home. 
“Dúnamis?” A boy shouted as he entered through the cloth flap that separated the interior of his hovel from the busy street outside. The boy in question had seen no more than fifteen summers in question, but he had no parents to speak of. 
“What?!” Dúnamis roared as burning blue eyes that flashed gold glowered at the boy who was barely more than a child. He retreated a step, but stood his ground. 
“You said there would be more to sell today.” The voice was meek, but Dúnamis did little more than grumble in retort before he staggered with lethargic limbs towards the clay jars beneath the window. The phoenix lifted the lid on one of the oldest of the brews and sniffed at the fermented fruit, the thick fumes burned his sinuses and made his eyes water. Idly he fished an apricot from the jar with his fingers and swallowed it down, he coughed through the morsel before he replaced the lid. 
“This one.” Dúnamis muttered before he waved the boy off and retreated towards the bathroom, he heard the boy slowly walking the heavy jar toward the market. He was annoying, but useful, the boy was nimble, quick, he gathered the fruit that the phoenix needed to make his brew, then peddled it for him on Dúnamis‘s behalf. 
The townsfolk of the dilapidated ruin were frightened of him, and for good reason, when Dúnamis had first arrived in town they had tried to chase him from their home. He had reduced all of them to nothing but ash, not even bones remained of those who had stood against him. 
Dúnamis splashed water on his face from a stagnant basin and stared at his reflection in a broken mirror. Unchanged. Thousands and thousands of years, and not even a grey hair, the only scar on his body nestled just above his gut. It had been so long since Hakon’s passing that Dúnamis no longer remembered his face, so long since Selene’s murder that he had forgotten the sound of her smile. The phoenix’s hands curled at the sides before his fist connected with the mirror, he watched as the broken mirror shattered his reflection further.
Blood pooled from his hand, but only for a few moments, then it was healed. Dúnamis had thought once that his power was a blessing, but he saw now that this was little more than a curse. Not at all unlike the cubi who once walked this Earth. For all that the Gods had been, they had abandoned their creations, yet Dúnamis remained. 
A scream broke his train of thoughts, he was content to ignore it until he recognized it as the boy.  Dúnamis was out in the street immediately and saw a group of thugs waiting for him, the boy under the arm of one, a blade pressed to his throat. The bone dagger that was under Dúnamis’s bed was held firm in his hand now, these men would all die, their actions next would dictate how. 
“Release him.” Dúnamis demanded, his brow furrowed as his blue eyes flashed gold, the boy begged for the phoenix to save him, tears stained his cheeks and the scene was far too familiar. He remembered the way Gabriel had begged, Dúnamis‘s sister’s cruel smile. The dagger presently in the phoenix’s hand, pressed firmly to the incubus’s throat. “Nikephoros. Do not be afraid.” 
The boy nodded, a soft whimper fell from his lips. 
“You will leave Istanbul tonight, or the boy dies.” The thug demanded, the blade pressed deeper into Nike’s throat, a small trickle of blood appeared and Dúnamis felt his brow deepen that much further. 
“I will not. Let him go or-” Dúnamis did not get the chance to finish the threat, the blade was drawn across Nike’s throat and those who were nearest to the phoenix rushed towards him. He felt a blade in his side, but it was not enough. He roared, in rage and hate and anguish. There was a flash, white, hot - bright as the sun. An explosion followed soon after as the jars within his home combusted, minute in comparison to him. 
It was over just as quickly as it had begun, the homes nearest him were gone, small fires ignited about the area and everywhere people were screaming. They were afraid, as they should be. For an instant, the petrified bones of those who had been caught in the flash remained where they had stood, then crumbled to ash on the wind. 
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corinthbayrpg · 5 years ago
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NAME. Gabriel Nikephoros AGE & BIRTH DATE. 1,070 & July 19th, 950 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/him SPECIES. Incubus OCCUPATION. Librarian FACE CLAIM. Richard Madden
(tw: murder, death) A bastard is always a bastard, no matter the blood. Gabriel should’ve been the son of a nobody – of a simple farmer who had wanted a family, or even a noble who wanted to ensure that his son would carry on the family legacy. But no; instead, Gabriel was born to a young woman who had nothing. Maleina was the daughter of simple farmers who had moved out of Greece and into Constantinople, following the migration of those who wanted to expand westward into their empire. Maleina had met a young man who had simply called himself “Phokas”, and after a single night of what she thought was the beginning of a brighter future, she woke up to find the man gone. Turns out, he was the general and commander of the Byzantine Army – and he was planning on ruling the empire. He couldn’t have someone like her in his conquest, and he discarded her immediately. The only thing he left her with was a child, one that Maleina was never going to admit to Nikephoros. In 950 AD, Gabriel was born – a bastard with nothing left to his name. In hindsight, his mother did everything she could to make sure Gabriel had a normal life. She’d named him after an archangel, relying on her faith and her new role in the church where some nuns had adopted her into their family and life despite her idolatry and faith in the old gods of the Greek world.
Gabriel was raised among the Orthodox church and the monastery that his mother had devoted her life to. And in the end, when his mother’s health was failing her, she gave him the answers he’d always wanted – Gabriel Nikephoros was the bastard of the emperor. She also gave him the single thing she’d ever held dear – her necklace with Nike's, the Greek winged goddess of justice, emblem. During the year 963 when Nikephoros II Phokas rose to power and ousted the monarchy with the army behind him, Maleina died with only the nuns and Gabriel to comfort her. As a thirteen year old boy, there was nothing in his life that he could offer anyone. The monastery that had been his home for all his life suddenly had no room for him, and he was pushed to the streets with the rest of the orphans that littered the slums of Constantinople. Gabriel learned a single thing during his time on the streets, and that was how to plan revenge. In his mind, his father was the only one to blame. Had the man simply not broken his vow of chastity, or if the man had married his mother or bothered to check on the woman he’d seduced, Gabriel’s life could’ve been entirely different. And perhaps his only friend in the world, his mother, would still be alive to comfort him.
Instead, Gabriel joined the army when he turned fifteen. Lying about his age was relatively simple, and no one questioned it when he joined the ranks of thousands of other men who were ready to fight for the Byzantine Empire. Gabriel’s intentions, however, were far more personal than he’d ever admitted to anyone. He trained to be as deadly with a sword as he was with his lies; everything would play out for him in the end, he simply had to bide his time.
When the year 969 rolled around, the sixth year of Nikephoros II’s reign, Gabriel called upon a man he had met on the streets – an assassin who was willing to murder the most important man in the empire at the time. With a prayer to Nike as the only thing he had, Gabriel simply waited – and he felt that simple sting of victory when the cry was raised in the streets of Constantinople;  the emperor was dead. Gabriel had gotten his revenge, and the empire was left reeling to find someone to fill the throne. Looking back, Gabriel saw nothing that didn’t go the way he had orchestrated it to. It wasn’t until a few years later, however, that he realized something was completely wrong. By his twenty-fifth year, life was no longer easy for the retired soldier. The moment he was free of the battlefield, the real war begun. Nike had never been pleased that her name was taken in the form of revenge, and since Gabriel’s mother had outfitted him with the name Nikephoros, the goddess wanted what she felt she was owed. Her form of justice, however, was not what Gabriel was prepared for. He had taken a life indirectly, and in return, she demanded his own. His years of freedom between the assassination of his father and Nike’s retribution had been to simply lull him into a false sense of security. Nike was able to judge exactly the man he was going to become, and what his endless reparation would be to the goddess herself.
The stain of wrath was imposed upon Gabriel’s soul, and what Nike twisted him to be was a creature that belonged nowhere but the Underworld. An incubus. With Hades waiting for him on the other side of life, Gabriel felt lost. His punishment was fitting for the murderer he’d become, and with Nike’s orders, Gabriel fled Constantinople and back into his homeland of Greece. The never ending hunger nearly drove Gabriel insane. He had no extra abilities, only his charm that was amplified by his immortal status. Staying in Athens introduced him to a new world of immortality – vampires, witchcraft, humans who took on animal forms – every creature that he had thought of as myth was reality, and he didn’t learn the true nature of his own species until he met another of his kind. The woman had been blessed by Ares; she’d pleaded for her entire family to be destroyed – and Ares had accepted her conditions. Her anger was nearly palpable wherever they went, but she took Gabriel with her, showing him the world through her eyes, and convincing him that this was the right side of history. Her thirst for violence and haughtiness followed Gabriel around like another mark on his soul; she manipulated him into doing her will, and with nothing left to gain, Gabriel found himself ensnared in her trap.
It wasn’t until the height of the Ottoman Empire when Gabriel managed to pull himself out of his false reverie. For centuries he’d been following Andromache around; her bidding was his sole purpose, and when the year 1519 came around, he broke free and cut ties with her. His change of heart had come only after she’d taken joy in murdering another family that had resembled her own – children and all. Gabriel could recognize the voice of Nike in his own head, her mocking words from the night she’d claimed his soul as her own echoing in his head. Perhaps justice had been carried out in its own way, and Gabriel was on his way to finally being free of anyone’s grasp – anyone but Nike’s, that is.
Free to cause his own idea of chaos, Gabriel remained hidden in Italy before he eventually returned to Greece. He moved to Athens in 1805, and when the earthquake struck the country in 1858, Gabriel knew that there was somewhere else he needed to be. Moving to Corinth Bay, Gabriel took up shop in a few different places. He volunteered at the hospital, conning his way in as a nurse, then eventually moved to the library. Every few decades he would leave, then return when all those who would even slightly recognize him would finally die, and that’s where he remained. His sarcastic and volatile nature has ebbed during the years in Corinth Bay, the slow pace of the town becoming a new normal for him. Instead, he tries to fill his days with his own amusement, blissfully unaware that the war between the gods behind the scenes opened a tear in the supernatural veil. And perhaps he’d prefer it that way.
+ quick witted, adaptable, charming – selfish, aggressive, spiteful
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incubusxchristopher · 5 years ago
GABRIEL NIKEPHOROS ✘ @gabrielxnikephoros​
          It was a common misbelief that a day in the life of an investigative journalist was something straight out of an action flick, filled with high-speed chases and all. Of course, there were certain occasions in which a day would be particularly movie-like, with interviews held in secret and high-profile meetings with government officials. But a big part of it involved spending long afternoons in libraries going through piles of dusty books or searching microfiche for old news reports that could link one case to another. Luckily for him, Manu had always been particularly fond of reading, and so, there were days in which, during research, he would lose track of time, reading, searching, and transcribing, which just so happened to be the case that evening. As he finally decided to take a break from his research, eyes wandering away from the open books laid in front of him, Manu was met with a rather peaceful sight, a quiet, empty library, its wide, forsaken halls silently waiting for a curious soul to roam through. Yet, he turned to the other side, towards the front desk. "Hey, Gabriel." He said, before the other incubus having even turned around. He was familiar enough with his interlocutor to tell his energy apart from a mile. "Know it's late and you probably wanna go home, I just need to go into the microfilm room look for something and I'll be on my way." His tone was sober and serious, as it often was, though, unlike his average interlocutor, Gabriel and he shared some history. A history that could, more often than not, implicate in a certain discomfort, especially in cases of one-on-one interactions such as those, yet Manu was clearly unphased. 
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vikramsingh997 · 6 years ago
5 Famous Muslim Kings in History who Changed the World
Islam is the 2nd largest religion in the world, and comes second only to Christianity, as far as a number of people following a religion are concerned. In spite of accounting for, approximately 25% of the world population, the knowledge about the great Islamic kings who left behind indelible marks in course of history, is almost unknown to the vast majority of the world. Many of these great rulers were not just champions of their religious faith but were also harbingers of great change, that affected the course of world history. Here we take a brief look at those great Muslims who changed history forever.
Harun al Rashid - The Hero of Arabian Nights & Islamic Golden Age
The Caliph of Arabian Nights
Normally not many people, outside the Islamic world would be able to recognize this name in history, but mentioned in a bit different way, he is certainly a very popular figure – The True Caliph of Arabian Nights. The stories from this collection of Folk Tales from the middle east is known by almost every child, everywhere in the world. What is rather unknown is that stories from “One Thousand and One Nights” or more commonly in English as - “Arabian Nights”, were written at the time, when Harun al Rashid ruled Baghdad. The reason that Harun al Rashid figures as the hero in many of these stories are that he indeed was a legendary figure.
The Rise of an Emperor
Harun al Rashid was born in modern-day Tehran Province, somewhere between 763 to 766 (in spite of being a legendary figure, his exact birth date remains unknown). His father – al Mahdi, was the 3rd Abbasid caliph, a ruler with considerable riches and power. His mother was al Khayzuran, former slave girl, who later became a powerful queen, thanks to the love of her husband & her own ambition and wisdom.
It was military expeditions against the Byzantine Empire in the year 780 and 782, which marked the beginning of a long era of campaigns, which would later make the caliph one of the most powerful rulers of his time. Although the main initiative for the expeditions, was taken by the senior generals, the success of the campaign made the young Harun al Rashid, governor of vast areas of land, covering modern-day – Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Young al Rashid’s mentor – Yahya bin Khalid bin Barmak & his mother – al Khayzuran played an important role, in his rise to power.
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After the death of his father in August 785 & his elder brother al Hadi, soon after in September 786, Harun al Rashid became the 5th Abbasid Caliph on 14th September 786. His mentor – Yahya the Barmakid, became his vizier (chief minister). During his reign, there were many internal revolts & external conflicts – most notable against the Eastern Roman Empire led by Empress Irene and later the Byzantine emperor – Nikephoros I, which kept him very busy. He almost always emerged from these conflicts victorious & his empire prospered. At his zenith, his empire extended from the Mediterranean coast& entire middle east to modern day Pakistan, in the east.
Harun al Rashid Achievements
In spite of being a very powerful & prosperous ruler, Harun al Rashid understood the need for diplomacy & always chose peace, whenever it was practically possible. One of the great examples of this is the friendship between Harun al Rashid and Charlemagne (Charles the Great) – the founder of the Carolingian Empire.
Charlemagne was the most famous European emperor of the Medieval era. A diplomatic mission was sent by him in 798 to secure a better relationship with the Abbasid Caliphate and form an alliance. Harun al Rashid not just accepted his proposal, but sent many precious gifts to the European emperor. Among the gifts sent to emperor Charlemagne, were – an elephant (a rare sight for Europeans of the time), chess set, horn, a water clock – which was much advanced for its time, a golden pitcher and tray, brass candle holder, perfume & silk; to name a few. The European emperor was also allowed to send financial help to the Christians of Palestine.
Harun al Rashid also employed Christians & Jews in important positions, including appointing a Christian – Gabriel Bukhtichlo as his physician, who was treated as a member of the royal family.
A Great Patron of Learning- The city of Baghdad became tremendously rich under his rule. As a scholar himself an expert judge of music and poetry, he himself encouraged these in his kingdom & gave patronage to scholars, musicians, and poets. Many learned men of the time, were invited & encouraged to visit Baghdad and share their expertise in important fields.
Harun al Rashid Library – In continuation with Harun al Rashid’s efforts to make Baghdad rich in not just materialistic riches but also a center of knowledge, culture & wisdom, the Caliph established one of the greatest libraries of the time – House of Wisdom, in Baghdad. Known as Bayt al Hikma, in Arabic and otherwise, as Grand Library of Baghdad, this library continued to flourish & prosper during the time of the Caliph’s son – al-Mamun.
The academic collection in House of Wisdom was from different parts of the world and included texts in – mathematics, science, astronomy, medicine, philosophy & literature. The work also included those of ancient scholars like – Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Ptolemy & Euclid. Scholars & scientists from all over Asia & Europe came to study & contribute to the library, making it a shining beacon of knowledge & wisdom during the Islamic Golden Age.
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Harun al Rashid in Arabian Nights- As a conscientious king, he was always concerned that his officials should not misuse authority to harass poor & innocent people. If anything was amiss, he wanted to know about it. It is for this reason, he disguised himself and walked through the streets of the city, talking to people knowing their opinion regarding different issues affecting the lives of his subjects. These real incidents also sometimes found mention in the stories of the Arabian Nights. Harun al Rashid also finds mention, in works of western literary genius like – WB Yeats, HD Longfellow, Alfred Tennyson, O Henry, James Joyce, and Salman Rushdie.
Salahuddin al Ayyubi – The Conqueror of Jerusalem, who was Respected by Even His Enemies
Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, also known as Saladin or Salah ad-Din, meaning the Righteousness of the Faith in Arabic. As the first Sultan of Egypt & Syria, he is most famously known as the king responsible for - Islamic conquest of Jerusalem, taking it back from the Christian crusading army in 1187.
Saladin the Great – The Early years
Saladin was born into a rather modest family, that served Nur ad-Din, the ruler of Aleppo (Syria). Since an early age, he demonstrated a great interest in religion & regional politics. The violent takeover of Jerusalem, by the Christian Crusading army, had greatly moved him. Besides religion & politics, he also demonstrated a good knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, and law.
Salahuddin al Ayyubi’s political & military career began under the guardianship of his uncle – Asad al-Din Shirkuh who was an important military commander under Nur ad-Din. The young protégé soon distinguished himself in his uncle’s army, as a skilled & reliable asset during the time of the battle. As Shirkuh rose in stature so did his nephew, who had become one of the most trusted aids of his uncle. Shirkuh later became the vizier of Egypt, and after his death was succeeded by Saladin. In 1174, Nur ad-Din fell sick & died soon after, which gave Saladin the opportunity to declare himself Sultan of Egypt and founder of Ayyubid dynasty.
For More read: https://www.guidebooktolife.com/5-famous-muslim-kings-in-history-who-changed-theworld
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kenyerparty · 4 years ago
closed starter for @gabrielxnikephoros​
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The last time Kaan had seen Gabriel, he had expected the worst. Never did he think he would see the other incubus in Tartarus with him. It was shocking and he had only been given a warning. Now he ended up having to find the other man just to figure out what the hell that had all been about. Death had greeted both of them, but it seemed Gabe’s had lasted a much shorter time than his had. Now that he saw the incubus outside of the pits of Tartarus, all he could do was throw his arms around him in a hug. “You scared the fuck out of me. Don’t you ever die again.”
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kenyerparty · 4 years ago
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Speaking to Gabriel always left him feeling dumber than usual. The other incubus had a way of making people feel lesser than they were. Kaan had grown used to it by now though. With how big his ego was, he didn’t mind being knocked down a few pegs when speaking to his dear friend. He fixed his leather jacket as he turned his head to the other man. “Apep asked me for a favor and I need your advice.”
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kenyerparty · 4 years ago
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The last time he had spoken to Gabriel, it had been about his marriage on the horizon. Kaan had not decided to take back what he had done, but it was still something that loomed in the back of his mind. He had tried his very best to put as much thought into it as possible, but he wanted to take his mind off of it for the time being. Hence why he had gone to Gabe. That would certainly be the last thing the other incubus would want to speak about. “So what do you think Apep is up to?”
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kenyerparty · 4 years ago
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Kaan didn’t visit Gabriel much at his home, but he figured he would today. After the amount of pain he had went through during that storm, he had wondered how the other incubus was doing. The two of them were always bickering, but he had to say that he cared about how Gabriel was the most. Maybe it was because they were from the same place, just different time periods. There was a bond there. Sort of. He really cared about how all of his fellow cubi were. If any of them died, he was sure to raise hell on the poor shapeshifter that made that mistake. Knocking on the door, he yelled. “Gabriel Nikephoros!”
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kenyerparty · 5 years ago
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Kaan frequented the library honestly. He definitely didn’t mind the view. He got both Gabriel and Lykaon in one shot. What more could he ask for? As he stepped into the aisles, he looked around for at least one of them. He felt like he had known Gabriel longer. The two of them had both been from the same area, just in different times. It was almost like they had been meant to meet when they first ran into each other. His hand lightly dragged across the spines of the books, his eyes surveying the area. Maybe he could find a soul to steal in the process. That would be interesting. Just as he thought that, he noticed just the incubus he was looking for. “Gabriel.” He grabbed a random book from the pile. “I’m thinking about getting a new tattoo. What would you recommend?” The other man definitely wasn’t the one to ask that kind of question to, but he didn’t care.
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kenyerparty · 5 years ago
closed starter for @gabrielxnikephoros​
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If there was one thing Francisco was never going to stop doing, it was visit Gabe at the library. Or more like watch him very obviously from afar. He was clearly bending down on purpose. Nevertheless, he had more pressing matters to attend to. The last time he had told Gabe about his issues, he was met with a short but of laughter. Now, he wasn’t so sure if he should have mentioned anything at all. Yet here he was. Going for round two. And expecting laughter. “Gabe.” He took a breath before he started talking. “You gotta not laugh at me this time.”
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kenyerparty · 5 years ago
5, 15, 22
5. Describe your muse’s worst nightmare.
Losing the people he genuinely cares about. More than that, it’s probably being lied to by those exact people. Lying is his least favorite thing and it may be hypocritical, but he fucking hates it. He goes absolutely feral.
15. Who do they tend to bicker with the most?
Probably Gabriel. @gabrielxnikephoros
22. What is your muse most thankful for?
He’s most thankful for Elias and Ana first. Also, he’s thankful for Hades for giving him the ability to kill his ex wife. @eliastaylcr ; @anaxcavallero
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alarickzaim · 5 years ago
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He had seen the other man one too many times, but for some reason Alarick kept going back to him. He had no idea why he felt the need to be around the other man, but it was getting tedious for him. And he was almost positive he didn't look as appealing as usual given his lack of sleep so he wasn't sure how this conversation would go. Nevertheless, he made his way to the library where he had first met the other man. Maybe there would be something in there to tell him what was wrong with him. And maybe he could get some assistance while he was there and kill two birds with one stone. "Hey, you got any books on supernatural beings? I'm sure you do. This is Corinth Bay for fuck's sake," he whispered the last part under his breath. He was too tired to even deal with himself now.
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alarickzaim · 5 years ago
closed starter for @gabrielxnikephoros​
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Alarick didn’t frequent the library often, but he figured he would pick up some new books to occupy his time. The last thing he wanted was to run out of things to read in his spare time. He usually ended up picking up as many books as possible so he didn’t have to stop there again so soon. As he walked in, he spent his time looking around for about a half hour until he decided he probably just needed to ask someone to help him. It was a pain in the ass, but he found the nearest person to him and called out to him. “Got any recommendations?”
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