#all you youngsters need to vote
kvietka · 2 months
I swear to god, if all you people who complained about Biden being on the Dem ticket now don't vote in November, I'm going to wanna strangle all of you.
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itmeblog · 2 months
In the event that you've not been pretty obsessed with how American politics have been going since Kamala became the Democratic nominee (there's been good and bad, that I'm aware of) the tone of the campaign has completely changed.
Because Kamala's team has decided that Trump isn't threatening, all powerful, and scary, (though the ads I've seen have sort of been using old language) they have decided that he's weird and he's a creep.
These were made 11 days apart:
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As a kid who grew up being called weird (and occasionally a creep) this is hilarious. It's just playground bullying.
Dems really said, we tried being the bigger person, it wasn't working out.
And Trump's policies and desires are actually weird. A proposed porn ban is weird. Trying to put librarians in jail is weird, policing people's bodies is creep behavior.
As a former weird kid, the way to overcome this sort of bullying is not to assert that you aren't weird or god forbid shout "I'm cool" (the more you say it, the less true it is), it's to embrace that you're weird and accept that not everyone is going to like you, and that you'll probably never have a seat at the cool table.
But and I cannot express this enough Trump wants to be cool. His whole thing is, being edgy, and dangerous, and "being brave enough to say what people are afraid to say". And when you get someone who is "being brave enough to say what normal people are afraid to say" and shoot back with "they don't say that because it's fucking weird"... where does he go from there?
It's a depowering move. They are depowering Trump.
When you were a kid talking passionately about something that interested you and someone said "that's weird (derogatory)" it probably made you feel really small. That kid stole the power you were wielding in said conversation.
So the question is, can Trump proudly and convincingly assert "I'm weird. I’m a weirdo. I don't fit in. And I don't want to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That's weird." (GOD HIS CHATGPT AND PLAGIARIZED SPEECHES HAVE THE ABILITY TO DO THE FUNNIEST THING IN THE WORLD)
Is he ready to go full edgelord in the public eye?? I'm sure he'll still have followers, edgelords have a weird sort of power in this era of internet, but they are also indisputably cringe.
Like I'm not sure this will achieve anything other than being ridiculously entertaining (and thus catching the eye in headlines and reports). But,my family read one of the new releases and went oh right this whole thing is weird as fuck and it felt nice to get some kind of public acknowledgment that this is not normal.
So far the right has been struggling against couch fucking allegations, them saying that adults without kids should have less of a voice in voting (weird thing to say, but if you're polling badly with youngsters and need to maintain power~~), that Kamala is a crazy childless cat lady (Whoops accidentally alienated some of their base there, some people simply cannot have children, really shouldn't insinuate they are less than because of it. Not to mention that their own policies are making more everyday in mostly red states as complications with getting abortions for non-viable fetuses are leaving many people sterile. I'm not even going to go on with the fact that many people, like myself, simply don't want kids and that's reason enough. Also she does have step children), and the rumor that Trump wasn't really shot (as they finally removed the bandage to reveal... nothing, head wounds heal really fast but going from that giant plaster to nothing is doing a bit of a number in the rumor mill).
Basically they had Joe! THEY SPENT THE WHOLE RNC INSULTING HIM. THAT WAS THEIR WHOLE PLAN!! He was old, he was white. The inherit ableism/ageism of sleepy Joe and old Joe, and infirm Joe, were within "acceptable parameters". It was easy and safe to rib him.
They are struggling to find something on Kamala that doesn't come across as racist or sexist. Because they're polling poorly with Black Americans and they are down in the polls for women. Can't call her sleepy or lazy. Can't call her old (she's younger) can't call her stupid, can't call her infirm. Can't insinuate she's too emotional (have you met Trump??)
They probably could get her on a few policies but the 2025 project is looming large behind them.
I am foaming at the mouth trying to get to the next debate. But Trump is doing his best to weasel out of it. I am heartbroken! I miss the anytime, anywhere promise of yore.
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canonically47 · 7 months
here I am :) review?
I LOVE YOU ANON!!! <333 (seriously you are the best!! i love sharing my thoughts and receiving your message straight after the episode is over you are the best ever <3)
as always, let's break this down in bullet points!!
right off the bat, i gotta say, why is yul so VIOLENTLY racist? 'curry girl' are you KIDDING ME??? oh my god WHEN is he leaving?
they are... running out of ideas for the challenges, just like in TDAS lol. what do you mean an ALL-STARS CHALLENGE is a race to dig up sandbags LMFAO?? we really are getting TDAS quality with this season, pushed relationships (grett & yul, connor & riya), exaggerated antagonists (riya when i catch you riya), well at least the generations are interacting with each other :3 not all in a good way though
also why are they still in their swimming stuff i don't. get it did they forget to redress them? i get that they were around digging in the sand but i think they could've done that in clothes no?
jake continues to piss me off and despite her sob story i continue to care very little about ashley. i like what they're doing for her i think?? but i really don't care about her shrug
jake got ran through the DIRTTT in this episode I AM LIVING FOR IT also he talked SO LITTLE WOOOOOOOO FUCK YOU JAKE I AM LIVING FOR THE JAKE ERASURE
oh my god miriam literally scared the shit out of me with that reveal. this series is so unpredictable so i was ready to say goodbye to alec BUUUT if we go by writer/total drama logic we know that his arc not being finished (i.e. him not having made up with fiore, which is clearly his main plot point) means he would not be going home anytime soon. i really expect, by this logic, for him to last long. i think there are 20-21 episodes this season, and i expect him to be there until at least 15. he will definitely make the final six, and no way will he not make merge. i'm rooting for the guy so hard
i never expected to cheer at miriam's elimination, but here i am. she's been asking for it this season i think... and she actually got really downgraded?? like her whole shtick was "omg the youngsters can't communicate i gotta talk some sense into them" and that. was it. which was SOOO BORING i KNOWWW you can do better queen!! :( and i hateee how they made her rude again like her whole thing in s1 was becoming less rude through her friendship with jake come onnn how can you mess up THE QUEEN HERSELF
so, i have a theory, which immediately everyone started talking about in the chat but i'll try to speak it into existence quicker so it seems i am original: grett voted for yul. i am going to stand by this until i die. we didn't get to hear the sixth vote, but there was no need. grett voted for yul. we know connor, alec and yul voted for miriam, so that's her three confirmed votes. we know miriam voted for alec. that leaves riya and grett; and while i do admit that it's likely riya voted for him because she dislikes him, and i hate to say this because i hate her, riya is smart. she knows yul is a bitch boy and not a threat. she would absolutely jump at the chance to vote either miriam or alec, so that's another vote for either of them. grett. voted. for. yul. and i am so excited for where this will take us.
although i enjoyed this episode, i think it was one of the weakest of the season. the challenge was absolutely boring, jake existed which like?? ew?? also yul was there so massive thumbs down, and riya was there so automatic dislike, also jake and yul had lines? disgusting ew. yul and riya had some plot relevancy this episode which disgusted me.
but seriously jokes aside the episode was pretty solid aside from the challenge, that's a hill i'll die on. ellie and alec still have a good dynamic which is GREAT to see, i cheered when i saw alec pop out of that bush to talk to her, and i am so happy to see the four s1 and two s2 villains uniting forces. i cannot wait for the fanart we'll get of these six (says girl who wants two of them dead)
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By: Jason L. Riley
Published: Sep 5, 2023
Yes, this is another September “back to school” column. My apologies. But someone needs to keep pointing out that our national debate over which books to allow in classrooms, or how to teach slavery to middle-schoolers, is far less consequential than the continuing inability of most youngsters to read or do math at grade level.
In Florida, where GOP governor and presidential candidate Ron DeSantis has taken lumps for a couple sentences in a 200-page black-history curriculum, only 39% of Miami-Dade County fourth-graders are proficient in reading, according to a Miami Herald report last year on standardized test results. By eighth grade the number drops to 31%, and math scores are just as bad. Who cares if kids have access to books by Toni Morrison or Jodi Picoult if most of them can’t comprehend the contents?
These dismal outcomes have persisted nationwide for decades, and the racial achievement gap is even more disturbing. The U.S. Education Department reported last year that in 2022 the average reading score for black fourth-graders in New York on the National Assessment of Educational Progress trailed that of white fourth graders by 29 points. This “performance gap was not significantly different from that in 1998,” the report added.
The progressive left’s response to these outcomes has been to wage war on meritocracy rather than focus on improving instruction. The goal is to eliminate gifted-and-talented middle-school programs, high-school entrance exams and the use of the SAT in college admissions. One defense of racial preferences in education for black students is that recipients, including those who go into teaching, are more likely to work in low-income minority communities after graduation. That’s true, but is it what economically disadvantaged students really need, more second-rate teachers?
In his lively autobiography, “Up From the Projects,” the late economist Walter Williams related an incident from his teaching days at California State University, Los Angeles in the late 1960s. A black student approached him at the end of the course and said he needed a B to graduate. The student told Williams that he wanted to teach school in Watts, a predominantly black section of Los Angeles. Williams replied that Watts didn’t need any more mediocre educators. He added, jokingly, “If you’d said San Fernando Valley”—a predominantly white area back then—“I’d have given you the B.”
Williams was appalled that many of his academic colleagues were holding their black students to lower standards. “There was no more effective way to mislead black students and discredit whatever legitimate achievements they might make than giving them phony grades and ultimately fraudulent diplomas,” he wrote. Sadly, the downstream effects of lax standards for black students that concerned him more than 50 years ago have only gotten worse.
Medical students in all 50 states must pass a licensure exam before they can practice. The exam has three parts, and Step 1 is administered at the end of the second year of medical school. It measures your grasp of basic science topics—anatomy, biology, biochemistry, pharmacology—and is highly predictive of how you will perform in medical school going forward.
A student’s numerical score on the Step 1 exam has long been the most important tool in evaluating candidates for the most competitive medical disciplines and residency programs. Three years ago, representatives of the nation’s leading medical groups voted to scrap numerical scores and report the results of the Step 1 exam as pass/fail.
The reason is simple, according to Stanley Goldfarb, an academic physician and former associate dean of curriculum at the University of Pennsylvania’s medical school. In a recent book on how social-justice activism has affected medical training, “Take Two Aspirin and Call Me By My Pronouns,” Dr. Goldfarb explained that black students underperform on the Step 1 exam. “The solution to the fact that white students score better on the exam was to eliminate reporting scores,” he wrote, which “makes about as much sense as Major League Baseball eliminating batting averages to assure that no ethnic cohort outperforms the others.”
Dr. Goldfarb’s book has an amusing title—which comes from an op-ed he wrote for this paper in 2019—but what it describes is nothing to laugh at. Those who complain about racial disparities in medical outcomes might consider how racial double standards contribute to them. Medical schools have been pressured to relax admission standards for diversity purposes, which has led to the relaxation of grading standards and licensure requirements.
Black doctors are more likely than white doctors to practice in medically underserved areas, but low-income blacks need second-rate doctors even less than they need second-rate teachers. For whatever reason, it seems lost on progressives that addressing the racial achievement gap in K-12 education would go a long way toward addressing the one in medical school.
[ Via: https://archive.is/HXGgR ]
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[ Source: National Student Group Scores and Score Gaps (Reading, Grade 4) ]
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[ Source: National Student Group Scores and Score Gaps (Math, Grade 4) ]
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[ Source: National Student Group Scores and Score Gaps (Reading, Grade 12) ]
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[ Source: National Student Group Scores and Score Gaps (Math, Grade 12) ]
This is honestly the thing that's the most troubling. There are activists in schools masquerading as teachers who insist it's a moral imperative to teach young children complicated postmodern intersectional conspiracy theories, yet can't - or won't - actually teach those same kids to read.
"Antiracist" teachers behaving like black kids don't need to learn to read, and it's more important that they understand their place in a perverted conception of social hierarchy, is a disturbing rehabilitation of the KKK's golden years.
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episims · 1 year
The most popular Foxfire youngster is...
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There was no need for a shortlist. Felix won fair and square!
Sara thinks he cheated though
Felix is happy that you all like him! And secretly hopes that there were cute boys of his age among the voters. Foxfire still lacks those.
Thank you for voting 💜
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aeoki · 7 months
SS Finals - Crown: Chapter 26
Location: ES Dome Lobby Characters: Seiya & Gatekeeper
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“Gatekeeper”: The “Apostle” who visited the Boss was most likely “Priest”. He approached the Boss by taking the form of “Apostle” – the man Boss loved the most.
I don’t know what he’s after. Maybe he wanted to make the Boss write a statement in his will to give him all of the inheritance the Boss had hidden in various places.
Or maybe “Priest” really lost his mind and thought he was actually “Apostle”.
Judging from the remaining diary entries, it might have been the latter. “Priest” wanted to be “Apostle” – the man who the Boss loved the most.
I also once had those same feelings, so I know.
Seiya: No one can replace Akehoshi-kun. Not even me.
“Gatekeeper”: Yeah. That’s why, “Priest” was a fool. He threw his arms about, whining like a child and saying he wanted this and that, but as a result, he just ended up destroying everything.
All without gaining a single thing he really wanted.
Seiya: …………
“Gatekeeper”: Well, I don’t pity him. Not only did he ruin the Boss’ inheritance, but he lost miserably.
He is a disgrace that shouldn’t be one of the Boss’ confidants – He brings nothing but shame to us.
At the very least, I’ll make him settle the errors he caused. With our way of doing things.
Seiya: How terrifying. Will you go back overseas once that’s done?
“Gatekeeper”: For now. Frankly, I didn’t want to spend the new year in this country – I don’t think I’d be able to greet the new year with positive feelings if I did.
Seiya: Please, feel free to hurry and return to your home country. No one will stop you.
But is that what you had wanted?
“Gatekeeper”: What do you mean?
Seiya: No, just something I wasn’t quite convinced about. You did something not fitting for a mafia and even made an appearance, actively taking action.
I think the risks far outweigh the benefits you can gain, though.
“Gatekeeper”: Hmph. In the beginning, I was greedy and thought about obtaining everything.
I even brought subordinates from my home country in order to do that. At the very least, the power structure of the underworld would change if I let them go on a rampage here and there.
That’s what I had intended in the beginning. It’s the same interest the current ES has.
To have the wealth and power to even influence the government…
It was clear they were capable of that, seeing as a mere idol music programme could even implement a “citizen voting” system.
I had intended on taking those enormous rights and interests. I’ll cut down the big tree called the idol industry, convert it into a huge profit and take it back to my home country.
If I could lose the things that stood near me, then I figured I could drag the foolish “Priest” out.
He’d poke his head out of his den in a panic and I'd kill him with a “bang!”
Seiya: That’s a rather violent plan.
“Gatekeeper”: Yeah. It was a plan that would allow me to make a profit if it succeeded. In the beginning, anyway.
But it appears the big tree called the idol industry is too much for me. If I touched it, the poison would spread to me too. There’s no need to go that far to obtain it.
We can do what we do best: Threaten idols and exploit them.
I had already made the preparations for that – I did a little experiment during the Qualifying Rounds and was able to verify that it was possible.
But idols will definitely fight back.
Things were already a pain in the neck with the heir to the largest conglomerate in the world – the Tenshouin Zaibatsu – in the picture. There are other nuisances all over the place too.
Actually, I’d like to know why those sorts of people are being idols. There are other things they should be doing,
Seiya: Well, I’m not the best person to ask. But most youngsters these days do it because they want to.
“Gatekeeper”: Is that right? Those guys would continue to fight back – It would be foolish to force yourself to keep a violent beast.
I don’t have a single interest in idols, so I wouldn’t even know how to take care of one.
You idols aren’t normal. You’re all insane. I know painfully well that it’s impossible to keep you lot using normal methods.
No, it reminded me of the fact that I hate idols. The Boss was the best idol, but I still couldn’t understand how he felt right until the very end.
So I’ll leave this country. I’ll take on the full power of that counterattack before the main part of my organisation starts to crumble.
Your counterattack has already begun. The ones from this country’s underworld – Oukawa or Mikejima – have already found my subordinates and are hunting them down.
I tried to tie them down using the “secret orders” to avoid this sort of situation, but it was pointless. Perhaps I had made an error.
This country’s ties with the underworld is weakening. But the overworld and underworld are both coming for an invader like me separately on their own despite that.
What a nuisance of a country. Fussing over this land with all pain but no gain and getting hurt in the process is idiotic.
I’ve already taken a kick to the face – I’ll retreat before I get hurt any further.
Seiya: A wise decision. It felt as though everything was going all too well for us, so I didn’t feel completely convinced. 
Are you saying evil has perished, or perhaps left, and all’s well that ends well?
“Gatekeeper”: Why not? All the worldly desires will be driven away once the bell is rung on the New Year. That sort of custom or belief exists in this country, right?
The evil corrupting this country or the industry would have been purified and returned to its pure form when the New Year rolls in… Happy New Year, idols.
Seiya: It’s too early to say that.
“Gatekeeper”: Hmph. By the time it’s the New Year, the captured “Priest” and I would already be on a plane. So now is the perfect time to say it.
Seiya: You won’t watch “SS” until the very end?
“Gatekeeper”: Haha. How many times do I have to tell you – I have no interest in that.
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wil-is-done · 1 year
Summary: Apparently, the rat in the glass cage is not a treat left for him. It said so itself.
Word Count: 1.596
Before, a moment is only as dull as he defines it to be. Before, any attached strings are ephemeral, only as strong as the promise of his next treat. But now is not before. Now, the girl is here. And that girl made friends.
Suddenly, his world is hers. He has to come to her, at least once, as the sun awakens, to see her smile, hear her laugh, indulge her frivolities. Otherwise, he’d feel… bad. Blasted girl. Making him fond of her presence. A ploy to push him towards dependence, no doubt. Terrible enough on its own, but then she starts leaving.
The friends she made are to blame. Off she goes, to other places that emit the same allure as that small locked door in her living room. Where she visits most often, is a little hamlet making itself known as an epicentre of oddities, a few dozen miles from this triply filled house.
She’ll wave a goodbye to her parents, pat and scritch him until he purrs, then drag the boy by the scruff onto the bus, to drive off into the mist. Quite a path, here to there. Of course, the humans circumvent the distance by tinkering with steel and fire. A bit too much faff for his tastes, honestly. He doesn’t need all that once he’s learned, but he’s not surprised the humans never did.
Really, all they need to do is step behind the curtain. Once you’re backstage, moving from scene to scene is trivial. 
He’ll time his arrival to match hers, as always. As the girl drags her case behind her down the dirt path to this woodland shack, the first face she’ll see on the porch is his.
At this point, they do not express the same surprise as they did the first time.
“Hey, Wybes. Check out who beat us again.”
“Huh.” The boy pops into sight from behind her. “This whiskered mug can’t keep getting away with it.”
“Unanimous vote on that. So, how about it? Finally gonna fess up, or is today’s another hum drum droll of the silent treatment?”
Silly girl. A blink is all she gets. 
The boy cracks first. “Feel like I should be more curious about this, but I’m not.” 
“Now that there’s real suspect. That another one of your tricks, Cat?”
He yawns. Not even a treat to grease the lips. What does she expect?
“Sure as hell working, so I guess you win.” The girl shrugs easily, circling past into the shack. “C’mon, Wybes. Shadows aren’t gonna solve themselves.”
Lounging on the porch while they unpack feels right, for the moment. 
The friends she made are also present, either having just arrived or on the way. They pass him by without a glance. They see no reason to notice. Just a strange stray, beneath them. He makes certain of it.
This dark cloud does contain a silver lining. Of the coming rabble, he anticipates the twins the most, because with them, comes a valued companion. 
Here he comes now, wrenching free from the sweatered twin as she rushes past inside the shack, waddling much like his namesake.
“You are a sight for sore eyes, friend.”
Waddles sits and oinks. Efficiency with words. A trait sorely lacking in the human world.
He nods. “You look good too.”
Waddles stands again, huffing with a nod.
“A stroll sounds fitting.” He hops onto Waddles’ welcoming back and settles down into a comfortable circle. “Lead on, friend.” 
Waddles oinks, then sets off. 
The stroll offers no more than sights he’s seen many times before, yes, but as his experience with the girl can attest, the companionship from people he spends it with is what gives time value. Sometimes. 
Waddles, experienced with the arrangement, takes care to not jostle his perch as they draw a leisurely circle around the tactless Shack. The rear is not yet festooned by the girl and her posse of inquisitive youngsters, which clever Waddles is taking advantage of for a clean, neat roundabout. 
“Shoo! Shoo, ya stinky goat! Scram! Get out of here!” 
He cracks an eye open. A familiar goat bleats in fright, fleeing from the rotting benches scattered about the yard. Upon one bench, glinting in the summer sun, sits a glass cage. But unlike many, it houses a rodent inhabitant.
He purrs out of joy. One of the friends brought a treat for him. A lovely surprise.
“Mind if this stroll shifts into a picnic, friend?”
An affirmative oink. Waddles pivots, heading towards the cage. 
He completes the digress by hopping off Waddles onto the bench. “Now, how do I crack this egg?”
“Come on!” A morose voice whines from the cage. A voice that can only come from its sole occupant. “Why am I being left outside like this? Can’t catch a break, can I? First the goat, now this mangy thing…”
He blinks. Then leans back. “You talk.”
“Whoa! Uh, I-I-I can say the same to you!” The rat appears equally surprised, backing against the furthest corner of the cage.
He stalks down, circling the glass. “Rats that talk bring only trouble.” 
“Whoa, now. Down, kitty.” The rat scurries to the center, beady eyes never leaving him. “Before you get silly, I’ll have you know, Lili’s my owner. She gets real uppity when something of hers gets messed with.”
“Getting her a replacement wouldn’t be difficult. They generally lack an eye for detail.”
“D-Don’t even think about it! I can tell!” The rat’s desperation visibly grows. “I’ll… I’ll scream!”
“Which is faster, I wonder: your lungs or my fangs?” Appropriately, he makes a show of it, baring it for the world to see.
“That’s where you’re wrong, kitty. I don’t scream with sound.” Outrageously, the desperation flips completely into bluster. “I’m a psychic rat, see. Lili and I, we’re always connected. I can reach her all the time, instantly. I can tattle on you to her about all kinds of things. And you have all kinds of things you don’t want no one to tattle on, don’t you?” 
“Are you threatening me, rat?” He looms over the cage, claws unsheathed, paws pressing down on the glass.
“Better believe it.” The rat is suddenly bold enough to inch closer to the glass. “Kitty better back off, or someone might find out there’s more than meets the eye for the strange stray lurking about.”
Silence, thick like muck. Narrowed eyes clash together at the center. After an age, he pulls his paws away from the glass. 
“Seems we are at an impasse,” he says, then with quick cunning, he crouches down, ready to pounce. “That is, if you’re sure your mind really is that quick.”
The rat’s bluster falters. Nothing more than a bluff, is it? He takes the chance to rear back, legs shifting balance from one to the other, a spring growing taut and nearly ready to-
An oink cuts through the stand-off.
Heads turn towards the earnestly simplistic swine seated by the wayside.
Waddles oinks again.
He grits his teeth, but then sighs. “Fair point.” He drops his aggressive stance completely. “You get to live today, rat.”
The feeble-minded rat seems to struggle to comprehend the proceedings. “What was that?”
“A thought-out, robust, concise argument. The opposite of yours.” 
“The heck? That’s it?” 
“That’s all he needs.” 
“Huh.” The rat collapses onto the wood chip matting, all the bluster deflating. “Nice save, Waddles. I guess.” 
Silence settles again, but unlike before, this one’s as comfortable as sugar pudding sticking to his fur. The obvious thing to do now is to come full circle on the stroll, as the impromptu picnic fails to fruit. Except Waddles didn’t back him up. Waddles presents a very reasonable argument, sure, but it still prevented him from a fat, savory treat. He’d rather not spend time with Waddles again so eagerly. 
Hold. How long has the rat been staring his way?
“Um, so. I’m Harold. That’s Waddles, I know that.” The- Harold says. “What’s your name?”
Odd, certainly. But might as well. “I don’t do that,” he says.
“Don’t do… what? Names?” Harold leans up against the glass. “Well, gotta call you something. Unless you’re fine with getting called kitty all the time.”
His eye twitches. He sighs. “Coraline calls me Cat.” 
“You’re Coraline’s?” Harold chuckles heartily. “I feel like I’ve always known that, somehow. Makes sense now, why you hate me. Like owner, like pet.”
“I am no pet. She does not own me.” He straightens tall. He also concedes, “Though the girl has acutely infected me, true.”
“Pssh. Lili’s cuter.”
“Your freakish ears fail you.” He shoots a sidelong glance at Harold. “And no. She is not.”
“Oh. Oh, buddy. You do not want to start this.”
“There is nothing to start.” 
“You’re right. Nothing to start. Lili’s the cutest.” 
He shakes his head. “Whoever decided you rats get to talk deserves lashes across the back.” 
His ears perk. A cacophony approaches the Shack’s back door. A gaggle of youths will soon overwhelm the backyard. All of it noise he’d rather not contend with. 
He sneaks a glance at the rat. “You will be here as long as your Lili is, yes?” 
“Of course. I’m not gonna run away, ‘specially not in a place like this,” Harold says with a shudder.
“Excellent.” He stands up, and makes to leave. “This will continue, Harold. Farewell, for now.” 
He hops off the bench, heading somewhere where he can step off the stage. Simple Waddles trails after him. 
Now, he’s making friends. Like owner, like pet.
Damn that girl.
This fic was commissioned by @ajabahyena, who wanted to see the MK’s animal companions get into a bit of shenanigans, and a bit of argument about letting the MK think some of them can’t talk. Sorry about the massive delay. This ended up a lot trickier to write than I thought. I had to restart multiple times just to get to a version of this story that I’m happy with. I hope this is a version y’all are happy with too.
If any of y’all are interested in commissioning me, it’s still open! Details are on the pinned post.  
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investigativelewis · 2 years
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October 4th.
Dear Ari @rcseluv,
As you terribly expected, this is our wishes and feelings put into words. Our little way to make you remember us longer and perhaps, forever.
Our little princess, that of little has almost nothing at all, is now a year older! And although there is a bit of an age gap between us, you make us feel that majority of the time there isn't. You sneakered your way into our hearts with so much grace and joy that now we find it difficult when you are not around.
Of course, sometimes we feel like you abuse the youngster's status in the group (some of us are still baffled by the last voting) but there is nothing like your tantrums and passionate opinions while still being able to be the sweetest person ever. There is nothing like your comments and analogies; we certainly wouldn't be able to express ourselves better.
Because as much as you are a hopeless romantic, you are also a precious friend. One that has the purest of hearts, the best of shoulders whenever we need the comfort of one, and the gift of bringing joy with so little yet so much.
So with these words, Ari, we hope to put a smile as big as you manage to do with each of us every day. May you have the best of birthdays, filled with love and true friendship! Good things will always find you, we are sure of that and we will also make sure of that.
Trust your big sisters to hold your hand and lead the way whenever you need us to. We love you like you love every romance movie and song; with a heart open.
Magic shop will always be here, wishing you all the wonders and the incredible stories you envision for yourself. May your life be as joyful and lovable as you truly are!
And upon dark days, or whenever life throws you challenges, open up your chat and we will be there to share all the experiences we already had, to hold you close while you cry the troubles away.
To us, you are our precious princess, one that we would go through anything to keep safe.
So let's make our fairytales become real together! And we are sure that every step of the way will be a big adventure!
With never-ending love,
Nari @narimiese, Eli @magicshopew, Lu @cottonjaw, Chae @bibliotae, Yuna @yundota, Tae @agustlee, Sunny @tangyguk, Sarah @investigativelewis, Harin @callmeharin and Hani @itshanic 💖
Your dream team.
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prof-arjun · 9 months
So, after a very long hiatus on Pokemon Sword but Tumblr decides my fate, I am back. However, before I jump back into that playthrough (RIP Aron...) I have a quandary about what a consensus of Pokemon lovers would consider kosher for a Youngster run.
A Youngster run entails that the player can only use the Pokemon that can be found in the routes/area available before the first Gym battle.
That said, in Sword and Shield, with the DLC, one could access the Wilds of Galar, Isle of Amor, and Crowned Tundra. While the Wilds and Isle level scale... a bit, the Crowned Tundra remains post game wilds. Except for the Raid Dens and Dynamax Pokemon being obedient if you can catch them.
My question (and subject of the poll) is should these areas be allowed? Theoetically they would make the game extremely easy as the sheer number of Pokemon can fill at least five or six boxes. Especially if one were to sit there for days on end while the weather changes and spawns new Pokemon.
Instead of trying to make the Poll Buttons into the explanation, I'll list the options with numbers and make a short argument for each case/outcome.
No to everything. There are plenty of Pokemon available in the routes leading up to the first Gym and having all those Pokemon from the Wilds, Raid Dens, and DLC is just too much. It's supposed to be a bit of a challenge and limit your choices for team members after all.
Yes, but only for the Wild Area in the base game, no DLC or Raid Dens. Those Pokemon might change every day with the weather, but at least it's still within the level range you should be in for the first Gym with a little training.
Yes, but only the base game Raid Dens, no roaming wild Pokemon or DLC. Even if you go through the Dens until you have one of each 1-star raid Pokemon that's still a low number of Pokemon to pick from.
Yes, but only the Wild Pokemon of each area, no Raid Dens or Dynamax Adventure. Since the Crowned Tundra won't let you catch anything roaming around you can only catch some of the wild Pokemon in the Wilds and Isle of Armor. Given that the Isle of Armor power scales with you, that makes it okay.
Yes, but only the Raid Dens, no roaming Pokemon or Dynamax Adventures. While you have access to a ton of Pokemon, you'll have to really work for them and only be able to go after specific ones.
Yes, everything but the Dynamax Adventures. Every Pokemon that can be caught otherwise is way below level 60-65 and so is fair game as there's still a lot of work that needs to be done with training.
Yes to everything. You have the full game and DLC so you should be able to use it however you please and by technicality it is all before the first Gym.
While I am asking a pretty big question, I won't actually follow whatever the answer is. This is just to see what the popular vote is and when I do these runs, I usually do a lot of them within the same game. I've done three of this specific run in Crystal alone due to how many options there are and it has given me so much respect and love for Donphan, Ariados, and Ursaring in those games. So all the Pokemon I can use is going to make the game fun as these Challenge runs are more like FunRuns than full Challenge runs.
Also, I apologize so hard to the following Poke-Tumblrs. I just don't know how else to get the widest sample size. If you guys don't wanna be here, to deal with the reblogs and excess notes please let me know and I'll remove you from the list.
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healthyvisionworld · 2 months
Penegra- Gives Lasting Results
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Penegra is taken the most by men for shooting down erectile dysfunction. This anti impotency drug is for old and young all men. Penegra is not for children, youngsters below 19 years and for women. Main ingredient of Penegra is Sildenafil citrate. This chemical is known highly for voting out impotence. Penegra gives lasting results to men.
If your problem is the hard pill of Penegra, here is a solution for you. Men who cannot swallow the blue pill due to mouth problems or age problems can opt for the gel form. Penegra gel capsules are straightforward to take. They just need to be placed on the tongue. They dissolve in the blood within seconds and start producing erections.
Penegra gel was made to make the consumption process of the drug easy for men. The drug is successful. It is sold highly and delivers the desired results. Penegra has solved men's impotence issues in many respects. Now impotence does not make men nights sleepless. Men are relaxed and can anytime engage in sexual activity as happens normally. Penegra has given men back their heydays. This wonderful drug is number one in everything.
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zmkccommonplace · 1 year
The Net Zero narrative is gradually morphing from “Net Zero is cheap” to “Net Zero is expensive but cheaper that the effects of climate change”. This hinges on the presumption that Net Zero will make the slightest impact on the climate. It hinges on the presumption that the rest of the world also join the Net Zero lemming brigade. But let’s park that for a moment.
This narrative pivot is an attempt to take the heat off the Net Zero debate – which they are losing. This is classic fearmongering tactics. Do what we want, whatever it costs, or the world will fry. That then forces us to argue that climate change is either entirely within our capacity to adapt, or that climate simply isn’t meaningfully influenced by humans.
This is their comfort zone where they enjoy the backing of the establishment, the media and academia. But it’s also why they need to push the notion of a “climate emergency” because it needs to be super disastrous for us to consider implementing a policy as disastrously expensive and ill-conceived as Net Zero.
In propaganda terms, it works quite well. Plaster the news with images of wildfires, melting icebergs and polar bears, and over time you can create the illusion that something unusual and unprecedented is happening. Surprisingly few people bother to check if the people telling them this have academic or institutional prestige. It doesn’t really matter if adults begin to wake up because they have their hooks into education, producing the next generation of neurotic youngsters who think the world is going to boil. And we should listen to the young people, right?
That’s how we know this is all bullshit propaganda. Mobilisation of youth sentiment is the favoured tool of the political deviant. Nurture ignorance and rig the vote. It’s always the leftist gerontocrats who talk about “the world we’re leaving for our children”. Their voices must be heard!! (because we’ve programmed them accordingly).
It’s quite difficult to question the “science” of global warming because much of it is opaque and normal people with busy lives don’t have the time or energy to interrogate it. They’ve dazzled us with bullshit. Mountains of it. But it’s the relentlessness and increasingly shrill tone that tells us it’s pure propaganda. They always squeal the loudest when they’re losing.
Just look at the UN and EU’s crusade against “online misinformation”. They don’t want plebs asking questions or debating the issues. We’re supposed to believe what we’re told. That’s why they’re coercing social media companies to censor content that questions the narrative. Just like we saw with Covid.
The reason they don’t want free and open debate is because facts emerge from debate. The only reason you’d look to quash a debate is if there were facts you don’t want aired. They’re afraid that if the public are allowed to cross-examine their assertions, we’ll work out what their game is. That’s why we know it’s bullshit.
A person or some people calling themselves NorthernVariant on what used to be called Twitter.
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lawyerserving456 · 1 year
Grandparents’ Rights Laws Take Impact Sept 1 Authorities Of Nova Scotia, Canada
If a toddler is removed from a country that is not a signatory to the Hague Convention, it becomes far more difficult to implement the removal of a kid back in Canada. However, we have efficiently negotiated settlements for households where a parent has relocated to a country that is not a signatory to the Hague Convention. To be certain that these agreements are honest, authorized, and binding, you have to see a lawyer for unbiased, authorized advice what are grandparents rights. As acknowledged above, the overwhelming consideration from the court docket is whether the custody or entry is in the best interests of the child or children as outlined by the CLRA. Even if the grandparents do not acquire custody, they may still petition for entry, just like any other involved party. We have efficiently represented BC's grandparents in obtaining their custody, guardianship, entry, and visitation rights.
If you are a grandparent who might need help getting access to a grandchild, it’s best to consult a lawyer to find out if you have any legal rights. If you aren’t capable of seeing your grandchildren at all or feel that one or both parents are deliberately sabotaging your access to or relationship with your grandchildren, it’s a good grandparents rights lawyer idea to talk to a lawyer about a couple of grandparents’ rights cases. In most instances, you wish to try and file your case as soon as possible because allowing an extreme amount of to pass can change what the courts are looking at as far as the established relationship and the best pursuits of the kids.
And if one parent is initially reluctant to do so, their willingness can change after talking with a household law lawyer. Going by way of a divorce can create a number of points that had been by no means expected. Spousal assistance, child support, the division of matrimonial property, and custody of youngsters' grandparents rights nova scotia are usually areas that are known to those contemplating divorce or separation. Alberta’s Family Law Act offers some possible options for grandparents when grandparents and friends can’t agree on contact with a baby.
Where the grandparents live far from the grandchildren, they might spend longer durations of time with them, but do so much less frequently. Given these comments, it’s a problem for judges, many of whom are grandparents themselves, to not maintain generalized presumptions about the advantages of access, which, from the prevailing analysis, have little or no foundation. It remains a higher problem for politicians, a lot of whom are also grandparents, to not translate popular stereotypical photographs of grandparent roles into legislation that additionally empowers their elderly constituents. The pressure on grandparents rights to see grandchildren of the “grey lobby” is one thing that these politicians should cope with, particularly given that a greater proportion of older people sometimes vote than the general population. When the courtroom is figuring out whether or not the entry is in the best interests of a child, it must, by law, consider whether access to the child by grandparents, as blood relatives, is in that child’s best interests. As in Troxel, the Ontario Court of Appeal held that fit and competent parents are presumed to behave in the most effective pursuits of their children.
Intake is a session at family law courts where you will get information about beginning a courtroom application or settling a household law matter outside of the court docket. Intake can happen on the court docket or online. You should do a consumption session before courtroom employees take a glance at your utility. No matter what method you take, it’s at all grandparents rights canada times a good idea to get legal advice if you’re trying to achieve a settlement. If you reach an agreement, it is very important to get an impartial legal recommendation from your own lawyer before you signal the settlement. You can also apply for permission to take care of (this is called kinship care) or have guardianship of your grandchildren under the Family Law Act.
Although your use of the website may facilitate entry to or communications with members of our firm, receipt of any such communications or transmissions by any member of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP doesn’t create a lawyer-client relationship. We don’t guarantee the safety or confidentiality of any communications made by e-mail or otherwise via this website. Often, an open and frank discussion with professional support, similar to that of a mediator, can actually help bridge the gaps between grandparents and oldsters. Ultimately, provided that the court hears the appliance, can grandparents sue for visitation rights in canada, the most effective curiosity of the children will be the determining issue in the court’s ultimate award. These scams usually contain a telephone call from someone who pretends to be your grandchild or another close member of the family (son, daughter, niece, nephew, and so on.). The scammer may already know details about you and the individual they’re claiming to be, or they could be utilizing a script that relies on your responses to fill in the blanks for them.
The child custody state of affairs might determine which set of grandparents the children may be seeing most. Visitation is often up to the parents, except grandparents who have been granted permanent or temporary custody of their grandkids. if the parents are found does grandparents have rights to be unfit to care for their children, do grandparents have the right to refuse to care for their children? In Virginia, child support is payable until a baby graduates high school or reaches the age of 19. In special circumstances, such as a disability, child support could also be paid into maturity.
It is becoming more and more likely that the Divorce Act and provincial laws corresponding to Ontario’s Children’s Law Reform Act could also be subject to the scrutiny of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As such, it will be unacceptable for there to be unrestrained judicial interference with the rights of oldsters to decide what is in the best interests of their children. Discuss and agree upon property division, or make a court docket utility for justice to determine how to apply for grandparents rights and how your property must be divided. Many of the honorees are certainly grandparents or great-grandparents of the students; nonetheless, there have been a number of entries that highlight a particular senior pal or elder who has shared their data with the kid. For the previous 35 years, Community Care has encouraged children from grades 2 through 6 to acknowledge a Grandparent, elder, or a particular older person in their life, as “Grandparent of the Year.”
Though, this can be a complicated legal process and may be an emotionally wrenching ordeal. A Toronto grandparents’ custody rights lawyer could present candid recommendations about the pros and cons of looking for care for your grandchild. There are a number of methods by which the court grandparents rights in canada and a child custody lawyer in Coquitlam, New Westminster, or the encircling area may help a grandparent remain in touch with their grandchild. In most circumstances, grandparents in search of contact with their grandchildren use Provincial Court to obtain access under a law known as the Family Law Act.
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yourlocalkids123 · 2 years
Prime 33+ Kids Birthday Party Locations In Raleigh Nc 2022 Venue Guide
What about should you simply have a couple kids and largely adults? What are some good places which would possibly be inexpensive, like $40 tops for two kids to have fun and the adults can just be there for the cake and chatting. Multiple escape room choices for all ages embrace an Island Escape and a Mystery Mansion. Yellowbobbypins parties are tailor-made to your theme and embrace art instructor, art supplies and rental of an in-home studio. Offers a mobile gaming theater, yard laser tag, interactive outside video games, big film display, escape room, they usually convey all of it to you. An hour presentation of around a dozen animals, contains fun and even some magic methods.
You could also consider asking your family members if they know any good sitters who wouldn’t mind supervising your party. This will permit your grownup guests to unwind and socialize with others as an alternative of hovering over their baby the complete kids party guide time. If you’re up for the challenge, there are lots of of smash cake concepts that can look great in your photos. Feel free to additionally attain out to local bakeries and see if they'll create a custom smash cake on your child.
Watch this video that will help you perfect scones and select a traditional bake like a classic Victoria sponge or coffee cake. In good weather, you'll be able to lay out a picnic rug and take the party to the backyard with tealights and blankets to keep everyone cosy. Yes, you want the party to really feel festive and enjoyable, but it’s OK to stick to just some simple decorations. “Children will at all times remember how a lot fun they'd at a birthday party, not essentially the little particulars, like the quantity of balloon bouquets hanging around the room,” Welch says. Generally, parties for youths under age 5 should final about 90 minutes.
For example, if your child will be four, let her selected five visitors to ask. For kids' birthday party entertainment, think about your connections and community sources, suggests Steve and Annette Economides of Money Smart Family. Is it even a birthday party if there’s no piñata? It’s an entire lot of fun with a decidedly candy kids birthday party guide reward. In freeze tag—a well-established variation on the basic game—there are two gamers, designated as ‘it,’ who must run around attempting to tag the remainder of the fleeing partygoers. Given the quantity of working involved, it goes without saying that this party sport is best performed outdoors.
Happiest of birthdays to your kiddo and here’s hoping you'll find a birthday party that’s fun and fascinating for you both!! And after all that Susiecakes could make your final minute customized order in time. Voted the 2019 Best Family Entertainment Venue in Augusta by the Augusta Chronicle!
I want an order of events party schedule so I can hold things transferring and on monitor, AND I want to train my kids better. Add “wow” with an outside theme park for your home! Themed bounce houses, 40′ water slides, and more party planner guide. Costumed characters, circus acts, exhibits and themed entertainment for personal and company events. Hey, thanks for the wonderful ideas to rejoice birthdays at house.
Usually, you presumably can rent a park pavilion for a nominal charge, and it comes with a built-in playground. If you want to hold the party at residence and have the space, go for it. Outside is finest because you don’t need a group of three-year-olds running through the house. For climate worries, lease a tent ahead of time so you won’t stress.
Or, how about in case your child does not have many or any associates at school? In that case, your youngster could not even want a birthday party at all. Typically, events are held on the weekends when kids are out of faculty. If you’re hosting your party at house, you birthday party planning guide can have it any time that’s handy for you. Party favors are a good way to thank guests for coming to your party. Do you want to provide guests numerous meals choices like sandwiches, hen fingers, pasta, and so on.?
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seeklovenet · 2 years
Obtain Pof Free Dating App For Android Free 4 80Zero1502822
Obtain Pof Free Dating App For Android Free 4 80Zero1502822
There is a set of icebreakers that assist to start a dialog. The application lets you search for new acquaintances each nearby and around the globe. It is possible to view the profiles of other customers and tick those that you want. POF Free Dating App is a free social courting app that permits you to find your subsequent companion based on shared interests. As far as software is worried, it is protected to download and install POF with out fear of malware or adware. As for use of the service, users ought to keep in mind that it’s by no means a good idea to share private or detailed data with customers they don’t absolutely trust.
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All that's required of users is they log in on-line. This courting site is aware of how necessary similarities are in a relationship. You also can put your hobbies and different pursuits to proper away start a connection with someone. The options make it 2.7x more potential so that you can slide in someone’s DMs. If you suppose you would possibly be, don’t spend your days lonely. Hurl yourself in the ocean and mingle with other sea creatures!
Unlock Extended Profiles
It is feasible to share GPS navigation knowledge in real-time mode. POF is an Android application that permits singles to search for their soulmates, new associates, and like-minded people. It is the official cell shopper of a broadly known net useful resource.
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Choose between 3, 6, and 12-month lengthy subscriptions if you'll like features than the POF free trial doesn’t have. You can also unlock extra perks like ad-block and profile statistics. It can additionally be essential to fill out a fairly extensive questionnaire.
Bluesky Social
BlockedIt’s extremely possible this software program program is malicious or contains unwanted bundled software. The app is a social network that brings together Filipinos from all over the world right into a single group. They can discover associates and talk in voice chats. If you need assistance starting conversations, you can use the “Spark” characteristic. This will let you quote any a part of a person’s profile that piqued your interest and use that to get the dialog going.
POF is a free courting service and utility that matches users up with potential mates and helps them meet new and thrilling folks. Users can use the service via an application on their smartphone, cellular device or desktop computer. By organising a profile and together with information about yourself pof new account, together with likes and hobbies, POF finds others users near you who are on the lookout for the same. This cellular software is a social network where users can talk in text chats and share geolocation. This app also allows you to meet new singles in your space.
Snaappy - Ar Social Network
This courting app additionally permits you to see who voted "Yes" on your profile, making it simple to discover out who's interested in you. Users should be cautious of faux profiles, as many users have reported scams and catfish. Some customers additionally complained in regards to the algorithms being way off with the preferences the consumer inputs.
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You need to point gender, age, the purpose of acquaintance, preferences, in addition to the sector of your exercise. In addition, you must specify the presence of youngsters, marital status, and hobbies. Based on our scan system, we've determined that these flags are prone to be actual positives. It means a benign program is wrongfully flagged as malicious because of an overly broad detection signature or algorithm utilized in an antivirus program. Based on our scan system, we now have decided that these flags are presumably false positives. Due to its popularity as a courting service, it's constantly receiving updates and maintenance to repair bug points and improve its total performance and intuitiveness.
What’s New In The Last Version Of Pof Free Relationship App?
There is a separate tab in which you'll see profiles of liked users. The software sends notifications about new messages in chats. The software is a mobile consumer of a well-known international relationship service. With this official utility, singles can find new friends, partners, or soulmates.
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CleanIt’s extraordinarily probably that this software program is clean. Laws regarding the utilization of this software program range from nation to country. We don't encourage or condone the utilization of this program if it is in violation of those laws.
Matches will first be narrowed down by proximity to customers, adopted by likes and pursuits. Yes, POF requires account creation so as to use its service. This acts to somewhat confirm customers and offers POF with contact information ought to they want to contact users. Learn extra about somebody by buying a subscription.
It’s no wonder why over 17 million conversations occur every day on this app. Also your block function is ineffective if the individual you block can still view your profile. I moved and had a user blocked and simply received a notice that she ‘liked’ me. POF Free Dating App presents unique icebreakers to engage users in conversations, making it less awkward and extra exciting for the pair.
Whether you’re into spicy courting games, stay streaming, or sending a good-old-fashioned DM, we’ve received lots of options to make finding your particular person really enjoyable. We’d like to spotlight that from time to time, we might miss a potentially malicious software program program. THAT goes against MY community standards of bullying and harassment.
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hakesbros · 2 years
Las Cruces, Nm Homes For Sale & Las Cruces, Nm Real Property
The independent investigator discovered possible trigger that Ivey-Soto violated the anti-harassment policy twice, based on a leaked report. The adjustments to the anti-harassment coverage take effect instantly. They embody a requirement that the four-person committee hire an out of doors lawyer with expertise in harassment law to be a potentially tie-breaking vote. But Ely identified the committee can nonetheless homes for sale las cruces impasse if it doesn’t approve the independent fifth member. Outgoing Rep. Daymon Ely (D-Albuquerque) took a 3rd swing at changing the policy to open up a secretive course of, add independent members to the committee that investigates these claims, and create a approach to break a tie vote on whether or not an inquiry ought to transfer forward. Indicates link opens an external site which can or may not meet accessibility pointers.
SANTA FE – New Mexico Human Services Department on Friday introduced that it's offering $35 million in instant financial help to New Mexico hospitals for the COVID-19 pandemic. Hospitals across the nation are bracing for a surge in patient demand by reconfiguring clinical spaces, buying extra medical provides, and redistributing their well being care workforce. At the identical time, hospitals are dealing with sharply declining income because of decrease patient utilization due to social distancing requirements and the cancellation of elective surgical procedures to conserve equipment and provides. The mixture of accelerating costs and declining income is putting an pressing strain on New Mexico hospitals. SANTA FE – New Mexico households will receive greater than $97 million in additional meals benefits – sufficient to feed about 245,000 weak kids — following federal approval of a Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer Program.
Copyright© 2022 REALTORS® ASSOCIATION OF NEW MEXICO and the NEW MEXICO MULTI-BOARD MLS, INC. All rights reserved. Homes for sale in Las Cruces, NM have a median listing home price of $279,900. There are 722 active homes for sale in Las Cruces, NM, which spend a mean new homes las cruces of eighty days on the market. Some of the most popular neighborhoods near Las Cruces, NM are Bear Ridge, Valley Creek North, Kohlberg, West Valley, Desierto Plaza.
SANTA FE – New Mexico households receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits will once more obtain the maximum amount for his or her family size for the month of July, the New Mexico Human Services Department announced right now. SANTA FE – New Mexico dad and mom can now make youngster help payments online with a credit score or debit card, or utilizing an digital verify homes for sale in las cruces new mexico from their checking account, the Human Services Department announced right now. The on-line cost possibility is a convenient contactless possibility for non-custodial dad and mom with active instances through the New Mexico Child Support Enforcement Division as we search more methods to transact enterprise with out leaving home.
The State of New Mexico officially adopted this holiday in... SANTA FE – The Human Services Department will launch a model new net portal this fall designed to direct New Mexicans to all forms of health and human services across state companies – that fits their wants. The unified portal is the following step in creating a simplified,... March three, 2022 SANTA FE — Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham yesterday signed House Bill ninety five, which makes finding and enrolling in quality affordable well being coverage simpler for New Mexicans. The Easy Enrollment Act , sponsored by Representative Liz Thomson, Senator Liz...
The Pines homes for sale range in price from approximately $217,000 to $245,000. Listed is all The Pines real property for sale in Las Cruces by BEX Realty in addition to all different actual estate Brokers who participate in the local MLS. No matter what your needs or wants, we are assured that you will find your dream home in The Pines or considered one of many different nice Las Cruces communities. Please reach home builders in las cruces out to considered one of our market consultants when you have any questions or would like help seeing any The Pines homes for sale. While the houses for sale in Carlsbad NM have seen a 29.4% value drop over five years, the Las Cruces actual estate has seen a 55.98% appreciation since 2000. Moreover, forty eight.5% of the inmates are renters, with simply 10.4% of homes at present vacant.
New Mexico observes National Recovery Month this September SANTA FE – During National Recovery Month, the New Mexico Human Services Department celebrates those that have achieved recovery from substance use problems and raises consciousness in regards to the assets... Sun Communities is greater than just a place to stay, it’s vibrant communities with homes for actual life. Living is a journey stuffed with surprising adventures, so you want a house for actual life. A home for ballet lessons in the lounge, enjoying with your meals in the kitchen, or humorous dog snores during naptime. Traveler reimbursement relies on the situation of the work activities and never the lodging, unless lodging isn't out there on the work exercise, then the company might authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.
– Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and the New Mexico Human Services Department strongly oppose the federal government’s proposed rule changes eliminating Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program . She joins 16 different governors who jointly homes for sale in las cruces nm signed a letter to U.S. SANTA FE – New Mexico Human Services Department funded a report, The Uninsured in New Mexico released today by the Urban Institute that finds 187,000 New Mexicans (10.5 percent) under age sixty five are uninsured.
In a typical real estate market, the seller would obtain approximately 96% of the asking price after a cut price. Today, the buyers of Las Cruces are gaining a mean of 98% of their asking value, and this development would increase. Hakes Brothers has been constructing new homes in Las Cruces for over 15 years and has established its popularity as a premier home builder with local roots. Our team is devoted to building stunning new homes in sought-after locations, incorporating innovative designs and distinctive options that showcase a genuine attention to element. With a give attention to both craftsmanship and worth, our distinctive new homes for sale in Las Cruces, NM, provide the facilities of a custom-built home at a fraction of the value.
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Scientology's Fundamental Beliefs
Scientology is a religion that acknowledges both good and bad. It thinks that we live in a socially and environmentally interdependent world and that our difficulties are not unique. Scientologists want to share their achievement and survival with others since life is not lived alone. They make choices based on life dynamics, and religious concepts assist individuals better their lives.
Scientology's central tenet is that man is a spiritual entity. As a result, all major faiths include spiritual freedom and living free of material constraints and pain. However, this principle is difficult to implement in today's culture. Scientology, on the other hand, contends that the answers to today's issues are simple and within everyone's grasp. Interpersonal connections and communication challenges are examples of such concerns. Insecurities and self-doubt are two further concerns that might arise.
Scientologists are taught to broaden their vision and identify with larger realities. For example, they first sense the need to survive as individuals, then they connect with their family, tribe, and, finally, with all humanity. They then utilize these encounters to broaden their vision. Scientology theology encapsulated these principles, referring to scio as "knowing in fully."
Scientology advocates that humans are descendants of an old interplanetary civilization that formerly thrived on other worlds. Many members believe that Xenu has arrived on Earth to enslave humans. Although followers of the religion are discreet about their beliefs, it is evident that they believe in the presence of Xenu, a cosmic entity that wishes to enslave humanity.
L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, also claimed the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations in his works. While he did not delve into specifics, his works often reference the Three-and-a-Half Invaders and the Psi Galaxy.
Scientology's self-help ideas are centered on the person. It teaches the fundamentals of regaining one's self-esteem. One of the desired traits in life is self-confidence. People with this expertise may be more successful in business, personal relationships, and other areas. Here are some of its guiding concepts.
Scientologists believe that man is more than just his mind and body. He is a spirit as well. Learning to speak with your spirit may help you achieve control of your mind and body. In reality, your body would be unable to function without the direction of your spirit. Scientology's idea is that you can affect how your mind and body operate to assist others more effectively.
Scientology holds that the human spirit comprises a soul and a body. As a result, both may be controlled. The body would not behave naturally if not guided by the soul. As a result, youngster is taught to manage their body and intellect.
This notion of good and evil governs human action in Scientology. Scientologists use tones to attempt to regulate the conduct of their followers. These tones are employed in their daily routines, referred to as "Training Routines." Some of these activities, according to critics, induce a hypnotic state in believers.
Scientologists' non-denominational views are founded on the idea that man is more than his body and intellect. He is a spirit as well. Man can select his political opinions and vote for the candidate under the Scientology religion. Scientology does not support political candidates or take positions on specific issues. It does, however, believe in the separation of religion and state.
Furthermore, the religion holds that people are eternal souls imprisoned in several bodies across many lives. This idea is akin to Hinduism, in which the person is a divine spirit. Scientology holds that man is a spiritual creature created by God and that our problems stem from sin and self-centeredness.
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