#all will be in hail to the victors!
ok gonna make a more informed decision when i’m more present in the morning, but i think i’m cutting lover of mine down two, maybe even three chapters
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versossubliminares · 27 days
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"Christ In The Rubbles"
Nativity scene in the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem
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vyeoh · 1 year
are you a Wolverine or a spartan. this is critical information.
go blue babeyyyyy
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gabrielisdead · 2 years
somebody please explain to me how is Victor transmasc because I can't see it, I'm looking but I can't see
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burned-lariat · 2 years
“I’d throw this drink in your face, but I don’t want to waste good vodka.” 
King Scotty strikes again!
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soapoet · 1 year
A letter from your future spouse
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like & rb if it resonates ♡
You must be up to something, because I cannot get you off my mind. Day and night you haunt me. I type away on my computer, answer phone calls, and I could swear I saw you in the corner of my eyes. At night as I begin to drift, I hear your voice and jolt up, only to be met with an empty room entirely void of you. When you're really here with me in the flesh, I look at you only when you look away. Will I be punished for these stolen glances? You and I, are we forbidden, and if so, who will be the judge?
I thought my life was stable, and in many ways it was. Though it was painted grey, dull. I lived dreary mondays every day of the week. I chased after new experiences, new achievements, new opportunities, new things. New, new, new, new. But it was not until you walked into my life that I truly felt the warmth of the sun and the rain on my skin. Was I colour blind all along? Because you show me colours I never even knew existed. You were truly new. A new light in my life that shines so brightly, but never hurts my eyes. Still I look away. It's not proper, is it? I've been caught up in the crossfire, amidst a battle between head and heart. You're in my heart, you have it in your hands, but didn't I say you are constantly on my mind too? It seems then, my dear, that this battle has a victor, and now I must prcoeed to gather up the courage to speak what I've so carefully kept hidden.
Oh, but you're so observant. You already know. You knew all along, didn't you? You so innocently sat there, knowing I'm a moth to the flame, and that come hail or shine I would find my way to you. You're a mastermind. An architect, the keeper of the blueprint to our tale. I am in awe of you. You were supposed to be a problem, a silly crush I could get over and never act upon, but now I'm thinking of things borrowed and blue. The first day that I saw you lightning struck. It marked the beginning of the end for many things in my life which I had kept around because it was fine. Not perfect, just fine. Suddenly I saw all the cracks and flaws, saw that which I would tolerate, go along with, even when I really didn't want to. You shook me to my core. In many ways, you ruined my life. For the better, I am sure. But for a moment there I wondered what horrors you had unleashed upon me. With your face so sweet and innocent I thought surely you would be unable to trigger earthquakes. And that even if you could, surely you were much too sweet and much too kind to do such thing.
Yet here I stand, amidst the rubble of what I used to call my life. Everything came crashing down because none of it was as stable as it should've been. I'm rebuilding, slowly, and could use some guidance or inspiration. What's your favourite colour? Would you like these tiles for the kitchen? I want to build my life up to look like the perfect home for you. I wish to keep you safe. You've weathered storms just as I have. Had to grow quickly, like dandelions through concrete. You're tired, and I don't want to see you quitting so I am building you a shelter. I promise to keep watch while you get some rest in my arms. When you're healed and strong enough I will provide you the space and time so you can chase your dreams in peace. You can use our home as the foundation for your castle. I know the power you hold, and I will be there to help you wield it.
Sincerely, your future spouse.
Coincidentally that is exactly when I knew. "You had me at hello" is such a cliché, but I swear that it is true. I always know trouble when I see it, and you are quite the nightmare indeed. I hope you take no offence to my words. I say what I mean and mean what I say. That typically results in problems, but to me it's another one to toss onto the existing pile. I have a lot of baggage, but if you don't mind, I won't mind yours. Maybe we could get a big storage locker and shove all our baggage in there, lock the door and toss the keys, skip town and never return. It'll all be auctioned off one day for somebody else to deal with. Wouldn't that be nice?
Where was I? Right. Hello. That's when I knew. I always do. I fall very quickly and passionately. Really I leap off into free fall all by my own judgement, sometimes perhaps lack thereof. I know a pretty thing when I see it, though pretty isn't enough, is it? I've learned that the hard way. As I've learned most things. Behind me lays a trail of burnt bridges and broken hearts, though most of those pieces are my own. Most people are unable to tell. I have a reputation, but I think the judgement is unjust. Wholly unfair. I have developed trust issues. Betrayal cuts deep. You know that, don't you? I keep people at bay, and guard my territory fiercly. I am very loyal and I am known for my equal bark and bite. I want to be your guard dog. I swear I will lunge for the jugular if anybody dares cross you. I am protective, albeit a little reckless. I have a lot of scars to prove it.
Little birdies may warn you of me. Tell twisted tales of my exploits. I've been called toxic. Perhaps there is truth to some of it. My love burns bright and hot, but it never wavers. I crave closeness, and wish to crawl into the heart and mind of my target of affections like a spider trespassing into your home to weave its webs in the darkest corners. I want to know you better than anybody else. Know your body, mind, heart, and your soul like it is my own. You will never be left wanting reassurance, because I have known doubt, and doubt is my enemy and I will fight it on sight. You will always know that I am yours. With me you have nothing to fear. Least of all me or my commitment to you and us.
Perhaps we both had to scrape our knees as we crawled through painful loves before we found each other. Together we'll be powerful. A dynamic duo, partners in crime. Those closest to me would come forward as witnesses to my ride or die nature, and you as my life partner will be my biggest testament to this part of my character. You're not too different, are you? You would die for your people, fight with your bare hands if you had to. Together we will face the world. I'll have your back and you'll have mine, a 360° of the battlefield. We can tear down and build up whatever we want. We can build an empire, or bring them down. With you by my side, everything is possible. I would move mountains and part seas for you. Your love is an enchanted rose and I am a beast, and I will wait for you. Come to me quickly.
Sincerely, your future spouse.
I hope my words don't bore you with their simplicity. I also hope that you've been well. I have so many questions, but let us not rush. There is no finish line in love, correct? I've been alright. Y'know, ups and downs. I've kept to myself a lot. Self improvement has become akin to an occupation. I always strive to do and be better. I may not seem the kind, but I have a soft heart which I guard closely. I like old timey romance and watch sappy things when I am down. Please don't tell anybody! I am a rock, but for a long time I was but a pebble, kicked around and misplaced. I have moved around a lot and all I want is to grow roots. Would you mind sparing a little spot in your garden? I just need a little sunlight and a fall of rain to grow. I promise I won't waste your time and do my all to never disappoint you.
My affections build slowly. Too slow for many, but I hate accidents and mistakes, at least my own. I strive for perfection, though people tell me it does not exist. I see it in you, though, so they must be wrong. Sure, you have your flaws, but the glue between your cracks glisten in the light and are still beautiful to me. I really do enjoy the simple things. Do you stop to smell the roses too? I have a gentle love to offer. A kitchen bathed in morning sunlight and the smell of pancakes in the air. I'll eat the first pancakes, because the ones I bring to you in bed should be perfect, and the first one never is. You deserve so much good, and I really hope I can provide a lot of that good to you by my own hands.
I am shy, and don't always have a way with words. I will tell you through music how I feel, or paint you on a canvas in all your favourite colours. I'll help you sculpt your dreams and wishes. I'd make a great assistant. I would love to follow you on your way up ladders and mountains. I believe in you like some believe in a higher power. You can put your faith in me too. Love is a choice, and I will make the choice to love you every morning when I rise. You are the kind of fun that doesn't make me ill. The adventure I am unafraid to embark on. We can play our own roles and support each other. I'll be of service to you at every step if you need me. In return I only ask that you hold me close and never let me go.
I fear abandonment, and have known a life without guidance. I've become rigid, and hope that you'll help me bend without snapping and show me the wonders of the unknown. With you by my side I won't be afraid. My skepticism will not be a hindrance because you lead me into uncharted territory as though you have a map, and I trust that you know where we're going. And should uncertainty rise, well, I have dealt with that beast plenty, and I can tame it and send it on its way should it bother you. I will always stand by you so that never again will you need to face challenges alone. You are a promise I will keep forever if you let me.
Sincerely, your future spouse.
Have you eaten? Taken your meds? Keep yourself hydrated. Take even just a sip. I apologise if I'm fussing, but I've always been a caregiver. People depend on me. At home, at work, even my friends. I get taken advantage of pretty easily, and I try my best to keep my boundaries. Though I am admittededly prone to a bit of a saviour complex. It's not so much that I don't think others cannot get up on their own, I just think they shouldn't have to. A helping hand is often rare these days. For many, even just the day to day grind is unbearable, so any chance to take the load off another's shoulders and let them rest and catch their breath I'll happily take.
I try my best to be fair, but often lose sight of what's best for me. I want to help and support everyone who needs it, but in my quest to save everyone, I have often abandoned myself. My care is often expected and thus taken for granted. Nobody seems to understand how much it hurts. Well, until I met you anyway. You're a little fire cracker. You have a great presence despite your size. You're honest and so very clever. I was instantly in awe by your radiance, your willpower, your resilience and your strength. You taught me important lessons. I'm older than you but sometimes I feel like a student listening to my teacher preach. You're opinionated and steadfast, and have such a strong sense of justice. You call it like it is, and have called me out aplenty. Always well-intentioned. You get worked up easily, and I find it rather cute. You scold me like a parent their child when I don't take up enough space, don't hold my head high, or when I give away too much for free. You are objective and fair, never tell me I'm right or wrong unless I really am. It's refreshing. You're like a breath of fresh air.
It pains me to hear of your past. How you've been to hell and back. You face struggles even when you really can't or feel like giving up. You always get back up again, always try to find another way around when an obstacle sits in the way of where you're going. You've lived life on hardmode, and now I yearn to make things easier for you. You if anyone deserves my devotion. I know you are much too just to take advantage of my kindness and return my love in earnest. I trust you, and that says a lot as I've only ever been able to trust myself.
Would you let me be your safe space? We can build you a nest and make sure you have the nicest, softest things and plenty of snacks. I wish to provide you the space and time to really relax and let your guard down. You can safely get in touch with your inner child and heal them from all their past wounds. I will guard your sanctuary and let you be free and able to go wherever your heart desires. Let your curiosity guide you, and I will follow and keep bandaids in my pocket should you stumble and fall. You don't need to be strong all the time, and you need not be ready for battle at all hours of the day. I will take the wheel and take us in the direction of your choice whilst you rest safe and sound for as long and as much as you want and need.
Sincerely, your future spouse.
Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear, ay? Am I late, or were you just early? It seems as though you've been waiting a long time. Wasted your time kissing a whole lot of frogs, huh? Settled for good enough? Jumped from ship to ship like a pirate looking for the best loot? Well, congratulations! You made it. I'm here now! I'm just kidding, but I am, in fact, very happy now that you found me. Lots of hurdles to get over, had to crumple up many plans and ideas and kick yourself into gear on the career front. I'm far from your finish line, I am merely a little prize for a job well done. And now you'll have me by your side for the next chapters. Oh, the adventures we will have! How exciting, I can hardly wait.
Something important you had to learn before you got here is beating the status quo to the curb. You always did struggle with fitting into a neat little box and following orders, didn't you? Yet so many fools tried to bend your will and make you follow a nice little step by step pre-determined program. Hah, as if you'd ever be happy giving up your freedom like that. And I adore that about you. To hell with the status quo. I never do what is expected of me unless I myself set or agreed to those expectations. This is my life, and your life is yours. Wanna dance? Because I'll choose to court you on sight, and I hope you don't make me look like yet another fool because truly, I tell you, our dance will be an exhilarating one. We can both lead, because screw the rules!
Do not mistake my arrogance and my eleutheromania as purely egoic and a sign of wavering commitment. Though I have my admirers and my comrades, I am fiercly loyal. I do intend to flaunt you, because you are a dream come true worthy of the spotlight. I hope you're not shy, and if you are, then well, it'll be that much more entertaining for me to see you flustered by all the attention and applause. So learn to take a compliment, kiddo, because you just hit the jackpot and the prize includes a lifetime supply of praise. Along with a steadfast support system, as not only will I be at your beck and call, I fully intend to introduce you to my network of friends in higher places. Fret not, because your wildest dreams will soon appear mundane as together with some found family we will get where you are going so much faster than you've been going before.
Speaking of family, I'm not very close with mine. Perhaps neither are you, so you will understand the feeling of always having to do everything yourself and not having the kind of safety net that a family can provide. This is why I have collected friends over the years to whom I serve as family and they the same for me in return. In my anxieties of abandonment and neglect, I do everything in my power to help and support my loved ones because I know what it feels like to be without as much as encouragement on this journey of life. If you ever need some kind words, I'll be sure to whisper them in your ear and shout your name from the rooftops. You deserve the world, so pack your bags. We have tickets to explore it all.
Sincerely, your future spouse.
I pray you did not hear me talking to myself. I cry out into the void often. My mind, always abuzz with what ifs and wonder, has its way of driving me mad. Often I feel like a mad scientist, fixated on something so long I fail to take care of all my human needs. Before I know it, the sun has set and made way for the night. I recognise the passing of time only when I notice it is dark and the only source of light is the screen right on front of me. I have so many tabs open in my head I don't always notice what goes on around me. But you startled me. Admittededly I did not notice right away, but when I did I was shocked. It must've been weeks before I zoned out, watching your face as I thought of absolutely nothing. I waited for you to finish whatever it was that you were occupied with, and then it hit me. You're beautiful and I like you.
It feels easy to be around you. I can't say the same for many people, if any. I have had plenty of offers, but competing against my solitude is difficult. A race few finish, and none truly come out of as the victor. I get bored easily, and I must be honest and admit that though I may be quickly intrigued and glue myself to my newest interest, my attention is hard to keep. I enjoy the rush of newness, and yearn for a love that stays fresh and full of intrigue. And I found that in you. For you lead your own life, explore your own paths, then report back to me your newest finds. We pick apart things and situations like mechanics figuring out all the parts of a new machine. Then we go and find new things to inevitably share, and sometimes we journey together too. There is always something. I no longer feel like I am the only one keeping the conversation going. No longer the one in charge of every who and what and how and why and when and where. You pull your own weight. For once I, too, feel fascinating. And not only do I feel interesting, I find you equally interesting. It didn't drop for either of us.
Some may look at us strangely, but good heavens, are some people so easily lulled into a boring and mundane routine. Every time I would cry out my woes, I was called childish. Told that love will and should settle into a comfortable and steady routine. That it is normal for the excitement of newness to fade as you get to know someone. I refused to believe every relationship was doomed to become such a snooze. And I am glad you did too, because you keep growing as I grow and our vines they intertwine and part ways and cross again in this intricate web of possibilities. To know you is to be a student of law or medicine. Doctors and lawyers practice their craft, they're not fixed by a mere degree because neither law or medicine is fixed. It is ever-changing and developing. I pinch myself because I can hardly believe I found another student like me.
Never fear I will leave you feeling stupid. I am aware of my own merit, but never wield it against anyone, unless needed. You are very clever and you have strengths and skills that I do not. I promise to be there to listen, especially in times when nobody else will. I have known loneliness and neglect. My curiosity is a form of escapism as I run away from the eldritch horrors of my past. Please be direct with me. Within me lives a tired old hopeless romantic, whom I locked away in shame as I was told it never plays out like in the movies. But you've proved to me that it actually does. And for you I'll do anything. Though you sometimes leave me tongue tied and flustered, you stabilize me. As thanks you'll have my loyalty and devotion. I'm used to taking care of others, and I know my care won't be misplaced on you. I read people easily already, but please allow me to study your face and note down every micro-expression so that I will always be able to tell how you are feeling even when you feel unable to put it into words.
Sincerely, your future spouse.
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imnameimswrld · 6 months
ⵌ ׄ ۪ 𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 ¹⁰ ׄ ⑅ PG10 ‌˖ ֺ ᰮ
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— DESCRIPTION ੭ in which the 2 biggest ships in f1 start acting up again, but only one couple is the true victor here.
— PAIRING ੭ pierre gasly x male!alpha.tauri!reader.
— FILE ੭ social media au.
— WARNINGS ੭ language.
— FACE CLAIM ੭ yuta nakamoto ❪ nct ❫.
━━━━━━━━━━❪ 🖤 ❫━━━━━━━━━━
f1 added to their story ! • 1hr
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seen by ynusername, pierregasly, and 2 454 223 others
user1 replied to f1 story !
lestappen, duh 🙄
user2 replied to f1 story !
👹👹 LNLY 👹👹
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liked by charles_leclerc, danielricciardo, and 677 343 others
pierregasly daily dose of yn ln because mf doesn't post his gorgeous face enough.
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user1 YESSS PIERRE 😭😭😭🙌
user2 pierre out here doing God's work.
user3 ain't this just a yn fan page at this point ?
ynusername just say ur obsessed pierre, we won't judge.
▹ maxverstappen1 he's obsessed, and I'm judging him.
▹ pierregasly fuck off max...but I'm obsessed.
user5 MUAHAHAH 👹👹 LNLY 👹👹
▹ user6 🎀 lestappen 🎀
▹ user7 lnly>>>>
▹ user8 lnly>>>
▹ user9 lnly>>>
ynusername added to their story ! • 1hr
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seen by yukitsunoda0511, pierregasly, and 989 112 others
pierregasly replied to your story !
yukitsunoda0511 replied to your story !
slow the process down yeah
because pierre almost held up a whole 2 minute conversation, swear words included, and scared the crap out of me.
sorry yuks, he's been studying extra hard after meeting my parents for the first time
okay, well...that's kinda cute...
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pierregasly added to their story ! • 1hr
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seen by charles_leclerc, ynusername, and 876 224 others
charles_leclerc replied to pierregasly story !
you and yn are blowing up the internet after last night 😭
the chaos is hilarious honestly 🤩
ynusername replied to pierregasly story !
ya just couldn't keep your hands to urself, huh
with you looking like you do ? never.
but, to be fair, u couldn't stop playing with my hair.
and u couldn't stop stroking my legs – which ones more telling ? 🤨
fine. fair enough.
user1 replied to pierregasly story !
damn right.
HELLO !? 😀😭
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liked by landonorris, yukitsunoda0511, and 1 22 424 others
ynusername he loves me, so much 🤭.
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pierregasly he does indeed, very much so – 愛してます ❪trans: I love you❫ <3.
▹ ynusername i guess i love you too, my baguette boy.
▹ pierregasly wi wi 🥖😏
▹ landonorris oh- EW PIERRE.
▹ charles_leclerc disgusting mate, come on !
▹ ynusername such jelly babies lol 😚 [liked by pierregasly]
user3 all along, ya'll just thought they were besties...
▹ user4 lnly 🔛🔝
user5 "What's the difference between lestappen and lnly ?" OURS IS REAL 😜
━━━━━━━━━━❪ 🖤 ❫━━━━━━━━━━
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heimeldat · 9 months
I've spent an inordinate amount of time parsing the few examples we have of Old High Gallifreyan text, and here at last is the result of my labors!
The Old Gallifreyan alphabet:
The alternate forms of letters may be used interchangeably with their main forms; the differences are purely cosmetic, much like the difference between cursive and print-style writing.
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Now for my analysis of the existing texts. It's rather long, so I've put it below the break!
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Supposedly from “The Five Doctors,” though I can’t spot this writing anywhere. Translation given in episode.
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O – honorific indicating uniqueness, may be rendered with the definite article “the”
R – combined with the definite honorific, a common abbreviation of Rassilon’s name
A – an alternate version of the possessive “ya,” used only when the possessive noun is already abbreviated
Psyerpa – a general term for harps and other large stringed instruments
Thus, the full text reads:
O-Rassilon-ya psyerpa
The Rassilon’s harp
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From “The Colony in Space,” across the bottom of the Doctor’s mugshot. No translation given.
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Qu – This is not a complete word, merely a letter used in this case for alphanumerical file designation: note that it stands alone, separate from the main text.
Ethoa – exile
Triouax – an infinitive verb, “to persist” or “to remain in effect”
Bria – a conditional modifier used exclusively in bureaucratic contexts, implying the need for occasional update of information or policy.
This text is a record of the Doctor’s sentence, and may be rendered something like this: Exile: to remain in effect barring further review.
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From “The Time of Angels.” Translation given.
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Jusymou – An archaic greeting, roughly equivalent to “well met” or “hail.”
Caideu – self, soul, or “hearts” in a poetic sense
Oxa – prepositional suffix, “part of”
OOYY – a conceptual abbreviation that combines the two meanings of the solitary letter O (definite article + symbol of individuality) and the mathematical use of the letter Y (usually indicating a dimensional shift). Literally, this means something like the individual, shifted two dimensions. In practice, it refers to a Time Lord’s fifth dimensional aspect.
Maisom – name, designation, identification
Thus, a literal translation would read something like this: Greetings, soul-linked fifth-dimensional name!
Or as the Doctor paraphrases it: Hello, Sweetie.
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From “The Five Doctors.” Translation is given, though it’s not specified which face of the obelisk corresponds to which section of the text.
First Face:
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Ra – where
Nasa – sleep
To – in
Tana – lies, reclines, rests
Eurifstan – eternal, endless, timeless. Here it modifies the verb, so it should be rendered as an adverb.
Oblr – abbreviated form of obelar, tomb or grave
OR – the same abbreviation seen previously, “The One And Only Rassilon.”
E – an alternate version of the possessive “ya,” used only when the possessive noun is already abbreviated
Nata – a basic verb of being, is
This yields the following literal translation: Where sleep-in lies eternally, tomb Rassilon’s is.
Or as the Doctor translates it: This is the Tomb of Rassilon, where Rassilon lies in eternal sleep.
Second Face:
The text on the second face is never seen. The Doctor translates it as: Anyone who's got this far has passed many dangers and shown great courage and determination.
Third Face:
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Ulireif – to lose everything, to be utterly defeated
Raenata – an emphatic form of the being-verb nata, indicating that something really, truly, permanently is
Toa’an – to win everything, to be crowned victor
Laki – a compound conjunction combining la (so) with ki (and): “and so”
Fsta – an abbreviated form of festoa, a winner or leader
Toraro – future tense of torar, to fail or collapse
Thus: To lose all is truly to win all, and so the winner will fail.
Or as the Doctor puts it: To lose is to win, and he who wins shall lose.
Fourth Face:
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Kira – takes
Atouna – ring
OR – the same abbreviation seen previously, “The One And Only Rassilon.”
Ta – from
Liri – hand
Euki – a compound conjunction combining eu (then, next, afterward) with ki (and): “and then”
Ra’ato – future tense of ra’at, to wear
Sute – reward, prize, payment
Ana’an – desired, sought-after
Feirlio – future tense of feiril, to get or acquire. Note that this is an irregular verb: the last two letters switch places when adding any tense ending.
Reunt – immortality, eternity
Literally: Takes ring Rassilon-from-hand and then will wear, reward-sought will have: immortality.
Or as the Doctor translates it: Whoever takes the ring from Rassilon's hand and puts it on shall get the reward he seeks: immortality.
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three-headed-monster · 2 months
new hail to the victors ficlet for those who want to check it out!
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stusbunker · 2 months
Spotless: Guerriero
Chapter Twenty-Eight
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Victor, Kevin and the rest of the band eventually, Bobby, Donna, and faceless Uber drivers
Word Count: 1978
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, hardcore jealousy, self loathing, funneling rage as productively as possible
Series Masterlist
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It shouldn’t have bothered him. Hell, any other day and any other hand on the small of your back, he wouldn’t have even looked twice. But there was Donna and Jody’s manager guiding you out of the way of traffic, all smooth and handsome and available.
Dean couldn’t look away. He stood in the kitchenette on the bus, forgetting he was looking for some painkillers for his damn head when everything just stopped making sense. He watched as the both of you smiled and talked all the way up to the employee entrance, security passes in hand.
Goddamn Vic.
Instantly, Dean knew it was his fault. If he hadn’t let this thing with Bela go on this long, he might have been able to have a shot with you. If he hadn’t needed the reputation ‘Hail Mary’ that was dating Bela in the first place, maybe he’d have had the freedom to date whoever he wanted sooner. And maybe, if he hadn’t let Bela stay in his room the night before instead of bunking with you, you wouldn’t have been being chatted up alone by the opener’s manager.
Fucking fuck.
Dean slammed the cabinet closed and dropped onto one of the benches surrounding the table. His head fell into his hands and he tried to get a grip.
Breathe, damnit. 
He needed to breathe.
He had no right to be this pissed. You didn’t owe him anything. Least of all your loyalty. But god had he gotten used to it. Had even grown to expect it.
He started humming ‘Enter Sandman’ and let his breathing match the off beat of the rhythm. 
Somebody cleared their throat. Dean looked up to see a saucer-eyed Kevin staring at him and then looking everywhere else once he got caught.
“You good, man?”
“No.” Dean rubbed his eyes and put his head back down.
He would not punch another keyboardist. He would not punch another band member. Not even Sam.
Where was that overgrown hair commercial when he needed him, anyway?
Kevin, God bless him, was still there. “Do you need anything?”
Dean needed to just fucking get it together.
“Can you find my brother for me, please?” Dean wiped his hand down his face. “Just find Sam.”
“On it.” Kevin had his phone out and was walking off the bus before Dean could even mutter his thanks.
Dean stayed on the bus. He didn’t know why, but it felt safest to not be in public. And to not risk seeing you or Victor again and therefore lose the last semblance of sanity he had left.
Several murder plots and a discarded flannel later, Sam’s text buzzed in Dean’s pocket.
He wasn’t even fucking at the venue yet.
Dean threw his phone at the driver’s seat headrest and miraculously it didn’t break.
He breathed again. He counted them harder.
He had tools to get out of this spiral. Missouri told him he could do it on his own. Breathing wasn’t working. But he could put this energy to use, he didn’t need to let it win.
What he did need was to get out of there.
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Dean had no idea what, if anything, was said during his Uber ride home. Whatever, he’d rate the guy a five later. He’d tip like the fucking millionaire he was. 
But right now he just wanted to hit something.
The speed bag was too flimsy, too annoying for what had been building inside him for over an hour. Something he had held back on a simmer as long as he could. He didn’t take the time to wrap his knuckles, but he did shove his hands into the first pair of gloves he found, cushioning the worst of potential injuries.
The slap of the punching bag against his gloves was a forgotten clarity.
One-two, jab jab
Dean fully exhaled and recentered. 
He knew the anger was at himself. At his past actions and their consequences. But that knowledge didn’t help the force or scope of the emotion dwindle. Dean had always been his worst enemy. And he was damn good at it.
He tried to bounce on his feet, his bulky boots weighed down more than he liked. At least his logical brain was rebooting.
Dean felt his phone buzz against his thigh. He ignored it.
Dean punched until his knuckles ached and his back screamed at his terrible stance. Eventually he dropped the gloves and moved to the free weights. The rage left him slowly and then all at once.
Exhaustion hit him sometime after six o’clock, when he sat down and braved looking at his phone.
He didn’t open his messages or listen to any of the voice mails. Instead he called Sam and told him he was on his way, without detail or apology and then promptly hung up.
The Uber back took twice as long.
He still tipped.
“The fuck you been, boy?!” Bobby said before Dean could clear the service elevator. “We got people going out of their minds looking for you.”
Bobby had to book it to keep time with Dean’s pace at his age, but he was pissed enough not to say anything about it.
“I know, I’m sorry. I had to get my head on straight.---- Uh, anybody rat me out to the suits?” 
Bobby cocked an eyebrow at him. “Do I look like I have a death wish to you?” “Thanks, Bobby.”
Bobby huffed. “Yeah, well, you better kiss and make up with those girls. They were worried about your sorry ass, too. But first—”
“Dean Michael Winchester.”
Dean stopped dead in his tracks and turned on his heels, better to face the firing squad than to wait for the first bullet to break the skin.
“Do not. No. Do not ‘Pammy’ me. Answer your damn phone, asshole.”
Dean didn’t answer, he just walked up to her, looked into her piercing eyes, and waited her out. She exhaled and then stepped back, while looking him over.
“You good?” She held up his right hand to show she saw his raised knuckles.
“I’m good.”
“And the other guy?”
“Hanging in the rec room at home.”
Pam pursed her lips like she was ‘oh’ing at him and grinned. “That could be very kinky, but I catch your drift.”
“Who else I need to make nice with?”
Pam dropped her chin and glared. “Everybody.”
“But I think you should start with Trouble— or Charlie. Then maybe your girlfriend? Remember her? She’s not happy with you either.”
Oh, joy.
“Wait— what time is it? Isn’t Charlie already in the booth?”
“Yeah, can’t you hear that? Jody’s girls are on stage, genius,” Bobby broke in.
“Okay, lemme check in with Sam and see if I can find Trouble before we gotta set up.”
Dean felt Pam and Bobby share a look as he walked away, but he didn’t have the time or the patience to overthink anything at that point. Christ, somebody better have a friggin’ energy drink or he was gonna crash, hard.
Show number two was off to an amazing start.
If Dean survived this tour, he was giving himself a vacation. 
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Dean rushed through his warm ups. He chugged a Gatorade because he didn’t want to pass out on stage and polished it off with a 5 hour energy he got off of Kevin. Everybody was surprisingly cool once he arrived and got situated. Something told him it was because he was stone cold sober, but they had seen him at his worst. Everyone knew this was just a bump in the road, not a pitfall. Or so he hoped.
Annie gave him a hug and warned him not to scare her like that again.
With Charlie in the booth, who got only a cursory update over the walkies, that left you. But you had Bela in the VIP for that night’s show, which saved him another round of explanations and apologies, for the time being.
The dressing room was filled with activity, from Sam doing his hair and Pam doing Kevin’s eye liner to Lee putting on deodorant and Annie doing vocal runs in the corner. Dean threw on a fresh shirt before making sure his earpiece was in and his personal mic was secured. His hair was still damp since he threw it under a ball cap after showering at home one last time before they hit the road.
He coated his fingers in gel and played with it until it was close to his usual subtle peak.
“You all pretty enough, yet? Need ya out there, yesterday,” Bobby bellowed and held the door as everyone scrambled to head backstage.
The sounds of the fans sending off SPS thundered above them. Dean inhaled against the familiar anticipation squeezing his insides. As they snaked through the crew and the equipment, the stadium hummed with people milling about, hitting the restroom, or grabbing more drinks before they took the stage.
It felt good to be the headliner. Dean didn’t take that for granted. And if in ten or fifteen years they're no longer relevant and they end up playing county fairs or opening for the next big thing, Dean thinks he’d still do it. Because it’s not about his ego, it’s about giving a good show. About sharing something he made with somebody, the exchange of art, the experience of it. 
Being seen and heard, even in small increments, was so necessary to who he had become.
Breaking him out of his thoughts, Donna shrieked in surprise as the two bands passed each other. Dean couldn’t do anything but give her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I know— I’ll see ya later.”
“Oh, you!” She shoved him playfully and let Dean get up on stage. There was never any bad blood there, even if he had them worried too.
Everything was right where it was supposed to be, and Dean slipped his guitar strap on, and got ready to rock. Second night setlists were almost negatives of the ones they planned for first nights. Not that many people could afford to go to both shows, but nonetheless they switched it up even if it was for their own sanity’s sake.
The lights came up and Sam and Dean started the opening riff and just as Dean’s voice broke through the speakers, Charlie cut the lights. “Black” was a tune they had played with a lot over the years, but never something they’d opened with. The fans shrieked over the opening line and then spots shot out over each of them as the song pushed on, churning together into something darker.
Lee held the last chord and the lights all came back up to ruckus applause.
Dean exhaled and braced himself for the next song. He hadn’t spoken to you about it since he sent you the album files, months ago now. Charlie eased the lights back into something more pensive and he centered up on the stage.
“Alright, so you might have heard we shared some of the new stuff with the folks last night.” He paused to let the crowd reply. “But, this one is new to everybody, lemme know whatcha think, alright?”
They started off with Pamela’s count, everyone together, united for ‘Pushing Through’. He thought about all those nights you called him just to check in, with nothing to say, besides just being your caring, thoughtful self. He closed his eyes to the thousands of people in front of him, even to those in the pit whose phones were all glaring at his face, and sang like you were the only person who would hear him.
He just wanted you to listen to him and everything he couldn’t say.
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Chapter 29: Obbligato
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illubean · 9 months
headcanons about playing uno with killugon lol (it’s gonna be really chaotic)
Plus Four!
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Characters: Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck Type: Drabble??, Crack, Gn!reader
I decided to turn this into a drabble? oneshot? instead of headcanons I hope thats ok >.<
Warnings: none
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The atmosphere was heavy. Tension was so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife. It was suffocating.
A yellow reverse you had just placed down sat in the middle of the table as all three participants sat waiting, anxiously. The stakes were high, winner taking home a total of three whole chocolate robots.
You peered over the top of your cards at Killua, awaiting his turn. You had only one card left, Killua had 2 and Gon, being not so lucky, had about thirteen.
It was a close game truly.
Killua smirks down at his hand before looking at Gon to his left.
"Heh, sorry buddy," he said before raising his hand in the air, slamming it down on the coffee table to reveal a plus 4 wild card.
"Uno! I choose red!"
Both you and Killua switched gazes between Gon and the pile of cards, expecting him to draw.
Gon only smiled before placing another plus four in the center of the table.
"That's eight for you, Y/n!"
Killua lets out an expecting laugh, excited to claim his title as victor and three choco robots.
His laughs died down as yours began to pick up.
Your light chuckles turned into manic laughter as you look up at the boys in front of you.
"You fools! This was my plan all along and you played right into it!"
You stand up from your spot on the floor as you loudly smack your final card onto the table, victoriously.
"DAMN IT!" Killua exclaimed, dropping his last card on the table before pointing at you accusingly.
"You cheated! You only won because we were playing stacks!"
Gon laughed, putting his cards down before turning to his white haired friend.
"It was your idea to play stacks, Killua."
The addressed boy huffed, turning to face away from both of you and crossing his arms with a pout.
"I should've won that."
You had grabbed your prize of 3 choco robots from the other side of the room, before turning towards your 2 friends and standing proudly.
"As your new found and oh so generous leader, I have decided to share my winnings with you two."
Killua perked up at your statement while Gon gave you a wide smile.
"All hail leader Y/n!" the green boy said, playing along with your joke while thanking you for his choco robot.
Killua takes his as you hand it to him, still being a bit salty about his loss.
"I could buy a thousand of these back home anyways."
"Yeah but you know what you can't do? Beat me at uno," you said, laughing at the visible tick mark and Killua's annoyed expression.
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mamaestapa · 9 months
blurb of celebrating with jj after the win!!!!
Hail to the Victors|| JJ McCarthy x reader
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• pairing: JJ McCarthy x reader
• summary: celebrating the rose bowl win with jj
• warnings: some language & lots of fluff
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“JJ!” you yelled as you ran in the direction of your boyfriend. He was finishing up an interview with his head coach and Blake Corum tagging along beside him.
You, JJ’s family, and a few of his good friends that traveled with you from Michigan, stormed the field with other families of the team after Michigan defeated Alabama 27-20 in overtime. Michigan had just won the Rose Bowl. Their first Rose Bowl victory since 1998.
All of the Michigan fans in attendance along with the football team were ecstatic.
You ran up to JJ, both of you grinning widely as you ran straight into his waiting arms. You squealed happily as JJ twirled you around.
“We fucking won! We did it baby!” JJ yelled as he looked into your eyes. His beautiful blues sparkled with excitement as he grinned. “You did it J!” you yelled back with this just as much excitement as your boyfriend.
You put your hands on his cheeks and smashed your lips against his. The two of you kissed passionately on the field, feeling like you were the only ones in the world right now as you were showered in maize and blue confetti. JJ pulled away from you and set you back down on the ground. He pulled you into his side, which you immediately melted into. You weren’t even paying attention to the smell of sweat filling your nostrils as you wrapped your arms around JJ and pressed your cheek to the side of his jersey clad chest.
You were just so happy to be celebrating this big win with JJ. JJ, who’s been the best leader for this team. JJ, who has constantly been fighting through adversity (especially this season). JJ, who no matter how bad of a practice or game he had, never put the blame on anyone else. This team and JJ deserved this win.
JJ pressed a kiss to the side of your head, “I love you so much.” You looked up at your boyfriend, your giddy smile still matching his. “I love you more JJ. I’m so proud of you, babe. You deserve this more than anyone else.”
JJ squeezed you gently, a light blush appearing on his cheeks at your words. You always knew how to get him flustered.
The rest of JJ’s family approached the two of you, congratulating him on his big victory. As they congratulated him, JJ’s hold on you never loosened or faltered once. After his parents gave him a hug, Blake a slipped a rose into his mouth. The sight of the rose in his mouth made butterflies swarm in your belly.
Who knew something so simple could be so hot…
You pulled away from JJ and snapped a picture of him with the rose. This was definitely going to be your home screen.
You chuckled as JJ posed for more pictures with the rose. Once all the pictures had been taken, JJ scooped you back up into his arms. He pressed his forehead against yours as his soft blue eyes looked into yours.
“I love you Y/n. Thank you for always supporting me every step of the way.” he said wholeheartedly as he nuzzled his nose with yours, “Through the good and bad.”
You smiled sweetly at JJ, “I’ll always be your biggest supporter baby. Always,” you nuzzled your nose against his this time, “I love you.”
JJ placed a kiss on your lips before he pulled away from you and placed you back on the turf. A playful smirk was pulling at his lips as he looked down at you.
“You know, if we win the championship I think I may just have to marry you.”
“I think you may just have to go win that natty then, McCarthy.”
yourusername instagram post
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liked by umichfootball, rutgermcgroarty, and 100, 009 others
tagged: @jjmccarthy
yourusername- hail to the victors〽️ #michiganvseverybody
jjmccarthy- go blue baby! i love you.
@jjmccarthy i love you more🤍
umichfan9- THE ROSEEE OMG
rutgermcgroarty- as the first lady of ann arbor said…HAIL TO THE VICTORS🫡
liked by @yourusername & @jjmccarthy
blake_corum- 〽️〽️
umichfootball- GO BLUE💙💛
luca.fantilli- Michigan vs everybody😤
yourroomatesuser- EEEK the picture is so cute! king and queen of ann arbor fr<3
iloveumich- UGH the pic of jj and the rose. how is y/n able to contain herself bc im STRUGGLING😩
@iloveumich i’m actually going crazy rn, don’t let me fool ya. he looks so good ;)
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hi loves!!
my first time working for jj! oh how i love this man<3 i’ll always have a soft spot for him.
i hope you all enjoy this! i had to include that rose pic bc OMG i was going feral😩 anyways! posting this from the airport, see yall in a few hours. thank you for all the love and support🤍🤍
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motleyfam · 6 months
“The analysis is complete. The bottle residue and samples we collected all tested positive for norovirus RNA—or, as it’s more commonly known, stomach flu.”
“Jesus take the wheel…” Timothy murmurs under his breath, ducking his head and tapping his fingers to his forehead, chest, and each shoulder in the sign of the cross.
Damian rolls his eyes. “Aren’t you Jewish, Drake.”
“I am an immunocompromised agnostic who just sat through a four-hour stakeout with three people who are now puking their guts up,” he bites back. “I will take anyone who’s listening.”
Richard gives a weak snort. “So this is a literal Hail Mary?”
Timothy glares back. “Yes.”
(In the case of Bats vs. Stomach Bug, there can only be one victor.)
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primaviva · 1 year
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PAIRING: ghostface!gwen stacy x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: paranoia and the creeping feeling that someone is watching you have been happening ever since the start of the school year once you got together with your boyfriend, randy robertson. but when he gets murdered and queens starts an uproar over this secret ghost killer, you get a call at night from a stranger in the middle of the night, and they wanna play a game. truth or dare?
NOTES: scream au! violent descriptions (nothing too much just with the use of ghostface it’s expected), reader experiencing comphet, major jealousy and heavy flirting, stalking, obsessive!gwen, nothing too much. nickname “good girl” mentioned once but in a taunting way not no bdsm type way we don’t do that here. HEAVY MAKEOUT. enjoy??
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the black cloak and white mask seemed to be everywhere, a constant presence that infiltrated every corner of your world.
it dominated the media— from news broadcasts to social media feeds, newspapers, and even the e!news tabloids. the images from those fateful nights were plastered in front of your eyes repeatedly, each time reopening the wounds and forcing you to relive the heart-wrenching moments.
it all began at a costume party hosted by the notorious playboy, harry osborn, in anticipation of halloween. autumn held a special place in your heart, particularly as it transitioned into the eerie and enchanting season of october. tim burton's movies, with their dark whimsy, were a particular favorite of yours. that's why you convinced your boyfriend, randy, to dress as victor and emily from the corpse bride.
randy was a tall, somewhat dorky guy hailing from a loving african american household. while he had a reputation as an athletic football player, his true passion lay in writing, more specifically the realm of journalism. he seemed like the perfect match for you, and yet, there was an indescribable hesitation lingering in your heart. it wasn't that he wasn't right for you or vice versa, but really a blend of uncertainty and fear. perhaps it stemmed from him being the first guy to actively pursue and ask you out, leaving you unsure of what lay ahead. or maybe you were just grappling with the question of whether he actually fit your ideal type. it was a feeling you couldn’t explain in words.
the corpse bride held a special place in your heart, beyond the fall season. however, it did turn you off how much convincing it took to get randy on board with the idea of matching halloween outfits. after all, it was just a couple's costume. so what was his problem?
the night began on a high note as you arrived at the party with randy. the vibrant lights bathed the room in ever-changing colors. people danced and swayed to the infectious rhythm of the music, while others indulged in halloween-themed snacks and drinks in the corners.
you spotted your friends and decided to join them, breaking away from randy to spend time with his own friends. or so you thought. randy never struck you as the cheating type. with his gentle giant demeanor, he seemed like the perfect match for you— kind, considerate, and driven, basically all the qualities a girl should want in a guy.
but then, everything came crashing down when you caught sight of him in a corner, locked in a passionate kiss with sally avril. at that moment, time seemed to slow to a crawl before abruptly hurtling forward.
“what the hell? this whole time you were acting like you wanted to be with me but instead you’re messing around with the bootleg avril lavigne?” you shouted, the words erupting from your lips.
your eyes locked with hers as she stared at you in disbelief. the look you had only intensified as you saw her weakly hide behind him. you didn’t care if you were disrespectful, that was the last thing on your mind at the moment.
randy's gaze was fixed on you, fear and guilt circling within his eyes as you turned to him. “you are the most trifling man i have ever met. if you felt this way, why not end it? but no, you wanna act like a little bitch and make me come dressed with you just to embarrass me. never let me see your face again,” you declared.
angry that a friend of yours who knew he was taken decided to kiss him anyway. angry that your ex boyfriend couldn’t just do the bare minimum out of respect and tell you the truth, instead being sneaky behind your back. angry that you felt embarrassed and like an idiot for even believing something like this would work out.
as tears welled up in your eyes, you turned away, walking off in a haze of hatred. your friends tried to console you, practically begging for you to stay, but you needed to be alone to process the overwhelming pain. seeking solace, you found yourself outside, rain pouring down, mirroring just how you felt. the raindrops traced a path from your head down to the curve of your nose, mingling with the wet fabric of your dress. in that moment, all you desired was to be alone in the dark with your thoughts, away from the prying eyes of friends, and just calm down.
ironic how you were dressed as emily, considering you felt like the other woman.
it was when you were lost in your thoughts that you heard a a piercing scream reverberating through the house, jolting you from your previous assumptions that it was all part of a macabre party activity. your body tensed, and you swiftly turned towards the entrance, witnessing a wave of terrified people streaming out in panic.
driven by curiosity and a growing sense of unease, you stepped forward, determined to unravel the mystery unfolding before you. as you made your way inside, the scene that greeted you was far from anything you could have anticipated.
the grand staircase, once an elegant display of cream-colored opulence, now bore a twisted transformation. its steps were drenched in a vivid, saturated red, creating an otherworldly and macabre sight that churned your stomach. blood cascaded down in a haphazard and unsettling manner, leading your gaze to the source of the horror.
there, at the bottom of the staircase, lay randy, with a broken neck.
his friend, chad, had turned him over, revealing a sight that sent shivers down your spine. it was evident that randy had suffered a fatal blow to his chest, inflicted by a shard of glass or some other jagged object.
initially, you thought it was just a tragic accident, but deep down, you knew better. you had witnessed the fear and confusion etched in randy's eyes while his body laid limp on the floor. it was clear to you that someone or something had ruthlessly taken his life.
the night wore on as the police conducted their investigation, and you found yourself subjected to interviews, polygraphs, and everything else demanded of you to piece together the events that unfolded.
you still don’t know what happened that night. the weight of remorse for randy's tragic fate bears heavily upon your heart, not in the personal sense of romantic love, but in the recognition that no one deserves to meet such a brutal end. the haunting image of his final moments, consumed by fear and confusion, you couldn’t help but feel guilty.
it engulfs you in sleeplessness, much like tonight. the continuous string of events and criminal activities associated with this enigmatic apparition has caused an overwhelming amount of stress, making it impossible for you to find solace and rest during the night.
frustrated, you let out a sigh and forcefully throw off your covers, reaching for your phone on the nightstand. with a gentle unplug from the charger, you notice that it has sufficient battery to allow you to use it comfortably while lying down.
unlocking your phone with your password, you open tiktok, perhaps the least advisable app to open if you intended to sleep. however, acknowledging the chances of you falling asleep anytime soon, you decide to indulge in it anyway.
as you glance at the corner of your phone, you notice the time reads 11:30. you make a promise to yourself to scroll for just a few minutes before attempting to sleep again.
and so, time passes by, more than just a couple of minutes. suddenly, a ringing sound interrupts your tiktok video, and a notification pops up at the top of your screen, automatically muting the video. the incoming call displays as "no caller id," causing you to dismiss it, unwilling to immediately hang up in case it's a scammer testing the validity of your phone number.
returning to your scrolling, the number calls again. it becomes clear that it's an actual person trying to reach you. annoyed, you press the red button, rejecting the call. almost immediately, your phone starts ringing again, persistently calling you.
clicking your tongue in irritation, you sit up in bed and examine the unknown caller id.
why do they keep calling?
"fuck it," you groan, deciding to answer the call. "hello?"
a profound silence ensues, only accompanied by the faint background noise resembling a gentle breeze.
"hello, (y/n)," the voice on the other end utters.
it lacks a natural quality, instead exuding a cold and detached demeanor, yet with a tinge of arrogance.
"how do you know my name? who the hell is this?" you demand, seeking answers.
the fact that this person knows your name, especially at this late hour, immediately sends chills down your spine.
a deep, dark chuckle emanates from the voice before it speaks again. "wanna play a little game?" the voice asks.
you sigh in irritation. "i asked you a question, who are you?"
silence lingers on the other end of the line before the voice breaks it once more. "don't you want to play? it’ll be fun, i promise," the voice adds, its tone dripping with a smirk.
despite your initial inclination to hang up and leave this peculiar individual to their own devices, there was something about them that piqued your curiosity. the voice carried a feminine quality, although it was difficult to discern due to its thick, apathetic tone. beneath the eerie and disconnected facade, there seemed to be a hint of something more in the way they conversed with you. it was as if they genuinely wanted to engage in conversation.
you scoffed, rising from your bed and catching a glimpse of the night sky. "fine, i'll play. what game?"
you could hear the voice on the other end eagerly patting their thigh in excitement. "good girl, i like them feisty. how about a nice game of truth or dare?" the voice suggested, its eagerness palpable.
feeling a hint of nervousness at being referred to as "good girl," you cautiously responded, "truth or dare? okay. what are the rules?" the sinister yet mysterious aura still sent shivers down your spine.
the voice cleared their throat, adopting a more official tone as they explained the rules of the game. "well, you see, the rules are simple. each player chooses either truth or dare. the chosen option determines what the other player does. truth means you'll be asked a question, while dare means you must perform a task." after a brief pause, the voice continued, "the first player is you. which are you going to choose, truth or dare?"
slowly pacing around the room, you pondered your response but ultimately decided to play it safe. "um, truth," you mumbled into the phone.
"okay then, beautiful. what's your favorite color?" the voice inquired.
you couldn't help but burst into laughter at the simplicity of the question.
"what, did i say something funny?" they whispered through the microphone, clearly perplexed.
"no, no. it's just... for a creepy stranger calling me at night, that was the most ordinary question you could have asked," you explained, a few giggles escaping your lips as you spoke.
although you couldn't see it, you could almost imagine the person on the other end of the line smirking. "what do you expect when you receive a creepy call at midnight from a creepy stranger who knows your name and starts a creepy game of truth or dare with you?" they retorted, their sense of humor evident.
you laughed at their wit and couldn't help but feel a sense of strangeness in going along with all of this.
"what do you want?" you asked once more, silently hoping for a genuine answer.
"what i always desire," they stated nonchalantly, causing a shudder to run down your spine as their voice suddenly adopted a tender tone. "you, of course."
"w-what?" you mouthed, barely managing to whisper the words.
you found yourself utterly bewildered by their statement, but before you could dwell on it, the voice swiftly redirected your attention.
"i think i asked you a question. what's your favorite color?"
"it's (f/c). i practically wear it all the time, or at least whenever i have an excuse to. i even buy things in that color," you rambled, attempting to clarify. "but it's not like an obsession or anything."
"i know all about obsession," the voice responded darkly, taking an unsettling turn for a moment. "i bet it looks stunning on you. not that i would know, right?"
a blush crept up your cheeks at the compliments and endearing terms. it had been a while since you had received such attention. yet, even in those instances, it didn't evoke the same spark as it did now. the nervousness it stirred within you felt oddly exhilarating, unlike anything you had experienced from your boyfriend or the other guys at school.
"okay, i guess it's my turn now. so, truth or dare?" you ask the mysterious figure.
they let out a slight chuckle. "truth or dare, huh? i think i'll go with the truth."
a smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you sense their attempt to put you at ease.
"what's your favorite hobby? or, you know, your favorite thing to do, if you have one," you inquire.
there's a moment of silence on the other end as you patiently await their response. "drumming. i'm a drummer in a band, you know? i've heard girls like the title of being a rockstar's girlfriend," they reply.
you giggle at their comment. "the drummer's girlfriend, huh? isn't it a bit egotistical to call yourself a rockstar?"
"maybe it is, so what?" they retort, followed by a low, raspy chuckle.
another laugh escapes your lips. "that's actually really cool. i've heard that drumming takes a lot of skill and practice. and if you're in a band, then i'm sure you're pretty talented."
"you're... you're really interested in this kind of stuff?" they ask, their tone transitioning from confidence to astonishment. "nice to know a girl like you has good taste. i'm sure you'd love to feel the calluses on my fingertips," they tease.
you can't help but nervously giggle at the stranger's words, a swarm of butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"now it's your turn," you remind them.
"well, truth or dare?" the voice asks.
"dare," you reply almost immediately.
you hear them let out a laugh from the other end, presumably in response to your eagerness. "bold, i like it," they comment. "i dare you to spin around in a circle until i say stop."
you tilt your head to the side, slightly perplexed by the dare. "are you serious?"
once again, their laughter fills the line. "come on and give me a show, ballerina."
letting out a sigh, you begin to spin around, unraveling into a fit of giggles. you can't deny that you wonder why they chose this particular dare, out of all the possibilities. but it serves as a distraction, and part of you is content with that.
"and stop," they command, and your feet come to a halt, your head lightly pounding from the spinning.
catching your breath, you resume speaking. "happy?" you ask, lacing your words with sarcasm.
"ecstatic," the ominous voice replies. "thanks for the view. as a former dancer, i'd give you a ten out of ten."
maybe it's the impending headache, but you could have sworn they thanked you for the view. which also means they could see you. but that's not possible, right?
"your turn, hurry up and pop the question," the voice commented, its impatience evident.
running out of questions and feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity, you blurted out, "do... do you like girls?"
silence greeted your question, and you mentally facepalmed at your awkwardness.
"oh," they whispered, seemingly taken aback. "i think you forgot to include the truth or dare part, babe."
your voice caught in your throat, leaving you speechless. you felt like a deer caught in headlights, frozen in fear.
"but i can't help it when i see a pretty girl like you so desperate for a response. i don't just like girls," the voice replied, a small snicker following. "i love them."
heat tingled behind your ears, spreading to your cheeks once more.
"how did you, um, know?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
"i haven't even told you i'm a girl yet, and you're already assuming. i'll take that as a compliment," they mumbled, their tone bordering on mockery. "i just know who i like."
silence fell once again, and you found yourself lost in your thoughts. this inexplicable feeling that washed over you was something you couldn't quite put into words.
"i'll let my curiosity guide me here, but when was the last time you had... intimate relations with someone?" the voice asked, waiting for your answer.
a dry laugh escaped your lips, shattering the silence of your room. "what, my ex-boyfriend? what are you trying to get at?"
"ever thought about having a girlfriend?" the voice asked, its tone now more aggressive and snide, seemingly triggered by the mention of your ex.
the mention of a girlfriend made your mouth go dry. there had always been a certain connection missing from your previous relationships, but you could never quite pinpoint what it was or whether it was something about you or them. the question caught you off guard, but before you could delve into it, the voice steered the conversation back to the game.
"truth or dare?" the ghostly voice asked.
"truth," you replied, this time with hesitance compared to the last.
"okay, truth is... what's your deepest, darkest fantasy? what's something you've always wanted to do?" the voice asks.
"deepest, darkest fantasy? wow, that's kind of corny," you scoffed. "um... it's not really dark, but... i don't know. sometimes i just want to run away and get away from everything. people can be so shitty sometimes, and you reach a point where you just can't deal with it anymore. i think i'm at that point. sorry, that's kind of embarrassing to share with a stranger." you lick your lips as you gather your thoughts. "anyway, truth or dare?"
you can hear the voice chuckle. "i like a woman who speaks her mind. talking to someone about your problems is always nice, especially when they can relate. i think that's a good fantasy, running away from your problems and starting fresh. can't say i haven't ever thought of it," they reply, their tone laced with empathy. "dare, all the way."
it's a little relieving to hear someone who can relate to you, even if they are a creepy stranger.
you come back from your thoughts. "i dare you to tell me your name."
the voice on the other end lets out a laugh as they think about your dare. "oh, alright, if you insist." their tone shifts to sound more flirtatious as they continue. "that's such a boring dare, though." they pause for a moment before speaking again. "my name is... well, you can call me ghostface." ghostface states, their tone a bit more arrogant as they introduce themselves.
"very funny," you scoff, not believing them. there's no way in your mind that you're flirting on the phone with a slasher in queens. "come on, who are you? are you just messing with me at this hour?"
you can hear the voice sounding annoyed by your response, their tone shifting away from flirtatious. "you think i don't have the guts after one conversation? you know what, forget it. i was trying to have some fun with this, but it's clear you don't appreciate it. let's start the game over." the voice pauses for a moment before speaking again. "truth or dare?" they ask, their tone serious now.
"what?" you question, the adrenaline threatening to surge through your veins from how abruptly uncomfortable it got. "truth..."
you can hear the voice sounding eager as you pick truth. "alright then. here's your truth. what are you wearing right now?" the voice asks, their tone sounding flirtatious again.
"my pajamas... why?" you ask, confused and weirded out as your heart begins to pound nervously.
you hear a low chuckle on the other end of the line.
"no reason. it's just hard to make out what you're wearing from here," ghostface taunts nonchalantly, a sinister edge in their voice.
"what the fuck?" you shout out, fear and anger coursing through you.
"well, it's time for the dare. here's your dare," the voice said, pausing for a moment. "i want you to look out your window. take a good look," ghostface spoke, their tone now commanding.
you were too shocked to respond, but you reluctantly moved the curtain aside and peered out the window, surveying the ground below. to your relief, everything appeared normal—nothing out of place or ominous.
"nothing..." you mumbled, your confusion growing.
ghostface chuckled on the other line. "open your window," the voice demanded.
your heart dropped, apprehension seizing you.
"what?" you asked, your confusion intensifying as you focused your gaze on the window.
ghostface's tone became more forceful. "i said, open your window," they commanded, their voice leaving no room for negotiation.
you didn't respond, feeling your breathing quicken over the phone as you grappled with the presence of this mysterious individual. you sensed their frustration as they let out a sigh and licked their lips.
"you know what, how about another round of truth or dare? it's my turn," the voice taunted.
you began to slowly back away towards your bed, your instincts urging you to distance yourself from this unsettling situation.
"truth or dare?" ghostface asked, their tone growing impatient.
but you didn't answer, the scary reality of the moment setting in. fear tightened its grip around your heart.
"truth or dare? don't make me say it again," ghostface insisted.
you remained silent, a mix of fear, defiance, and self-preservation guiding your actions.
"oh, what the hell. no more choices then, (y/n). i dare you to open your windo-" before ghostface could finish their sentence, you abruptly hung up the phone and swiftly pulled the curtain shut, blocking out any further interaction with the mysterious caller.
"(y/n)? c'mon, don't be a party pooper," ghostface said, their tone flirtatious once again as the line went silent. a few seconds later, you heard quiet shuffling behind you, causing your heart to pound with fear.
realizing that you needed to take action, you swiftly grabbed the chair from your desk and dragged it into the hallway outside your room. you closed the door and positioned the chair below the doorknob, creating an obstacle that would make it difficult for someone to open the door, though not impossible.
suddenly, your heart skipped a beat as the sound of glass shattering echoed from inside your room, followed by a loud thud hitting the floor. your adrenaline surged, and before you could react, the door handle began to jiggle violently. you heard the sounds of your belongings being knocked over, accompanied by a loud crashing noise as the entire door shook. the playful tone in ghostface's voice had vanished, replaced by a sinister and threatening tone.
backing away from the door, you clutched your phone tightly, fearing it might break between your trembling palms.
"leave me the fuck alone!" you yelled, your voice filled with desperation. "if you know what's best for you, you'll leave now."
a sinister chuckle came through the door as it shook violently. ghostface sounded excited, his tone now both menacing and playful. "no matter how hard you try to push me away, i'm not going anywhere, babe. so you might as well just... let me in. you don't want me to break this door down. please don't make me."
"i'm not doing a damn thing!" you yelled back, your voice quivering with a mix of anger and fear as you ran downstairs.
frantically reaching for the railing, you rushed down the stairs while simultaneously dialing 911. the operator answered with the familiar "911, what's your emergency?" prompt as you frantically explained your terrifying situation. you provided them with your address and informed them of the intruder's presence in your home.
suddenly, you heard a loud bang. "you know, the police might not get here in time to help you, (y/n)!" ghostface taunted, his words sending a chill down your spine. "who are you going to call for help? your dead boyfriend?"
as the woman on the other end of the line asked if you had a place to hide, time seemed to slow down, reminiscent of that dreadful night at the party. slowly, you turned your gaze upward from the floor below, your eyes fixated on your once-barricaded bedroom door.
"sorry about him, by the way. i tried to talk to him, i really did! didn't go too well," ghostface spoke, his voice laced with a disturbing mix of amusement and regret. "i guess all those muscles didn't help much."
ghostface had broken down the door, and your eyes darted towards the bathroom— the closest room you could hide in— as you shut the door behind you, hoping to buy yourself some time.
"he seemed like a decent guy for you, shame i had to carve him up like a pumpkin. no one really appreciates a good woman anymore. i probably did you a favor, taking the trash out, if you catch my drift," ghostface taunted, his tone oozing with cockiness and a disturbing familiarity with your personal life.
you could hear ghostface getting closer, their footsteps echoing on the wooden floor as they walked down the nearby stairs and stopped outside the door to the room you were hiding in. the sound of their footsteps sent shivers down your spine. "come out... come out... c'mon now. you have until i count to three," ghostface stated, their voice filled with malicious anticipation.
"one... two..."
the constant banging on doors, shaking of doorknobs, and rummaging through cabinets echoed through the house as ghostface searched for you. each sound made your heart skip a beat, and you held your breath, hoping to remain undetected. the heavy thud of ghostface's boots against the floor reverberated through the room before fading away, only to return again as they continued their relentless pursuit. it felt like an endless, torturous game, until suddenly, silence engulfed the house.
"i-i think they're gone," you whispered into the phone, relief tinged with uncertainty evident in your voice as you spoke to the operator.
"is there a nearby exit? anywhere you could run to?" the woman on the other end asked, her voice filled with concern.
you responded with a quiet "yes," knowing that your back door was just around the corner.
quietly, you opened the top cabinet in your bathroom and retrieved a pair of scissors, holding them tightly as a makeshift weapon. you pressed your ear against the bathroom door, straining to hear any signs of ghostface's presence. their footsteps had become distant, as if they had moved to another part of the house. slowly, you pushed the door open, cringing at the subtle creaking it made, and cautiously peeked out. taking a deep breath, you mustered the courage to get up and began walking toward the back door, your eyes fixed on it and the window view it provided. but as you approached, something caught your eye— a reflection.
you felt a powerful, gloved hand wrap firmly around your waist, pulling you tight against their chest. a scream escaped your lips, swiftly stifled by a hand covering your mouth. desperate to break free, you fought with all your strength, but ghostface's grip was unyielding. the more you wriggled and struck out, the tighter they held you, pressing you closer against them.
summoning courage, you ruthlessly stomped on their foot, causing them to lose their balance. their back collided with the wall, granting you a momentary advantage. seizing the opportunity, you lunged forward, brandishing the scissors, aiming to strike them in the shoulder.
however, just as you were about to make contact, another hand clamped around your wrist, its grip unrelenting. "don't try that with me," a voice hissed. ghostface's grip on your wrists tightened, sending a painful sting coursing through your veins. they forcefully redirected your hand away from them, forcing your arm downward until you had no choice but to surrender. struggling to maintain your hold on the scissors, your resistance faltered.
you released a pained moan as your arm throbbed with tenderness. the ominous figure in the black cloak forcefully pushed you against the counter, causing your hand to involuntarily open upon impact, and your phone slipped from your grasp, clattering to the floor.
ghostface retrieved the phone, briefly glancing in your direction before focusing once again on the screen. "she's busy right now," they remarked coldly to the operator before hanging up.
with one hand, ghostface held the side of your tear-streaked face, while the other pressed the cold blade of the knife menacingly against your neck. fear coursed through your veins as you felt the sharp edge against your skin, the chilling reality of the situation sinking in.
"shhh now," ghostface commanded, their voice cutting through the air. their grip tightened, the blade digging dangerously into toward your flesh.
you sniffled, attempting to steady your racing heart. everything felt surreal, as if you had stepped into a distorted reality within the confines of your own home. the anticipation of impending chaos loomed, but the expected eruption never arrived. instead, an eerie silence settled over the scene, intensifying the disorientation.
a loud sob escaped your lips as you clung desperately to the edges of the counter, inadvertently cutting off circulation to your fingers. ghostface's hold tightened as they pulled back on the knife, the sharp blade now threateningly grazing your skin. their other hand covered your mouth, their grip unyielding. "just stay still. you don’t wanna do anything you might regret, right? now, say, 'i understand,'" ghostface uttered.
their gaze took in your terrified state as their grip gradually loosened and demeanor softened. ghostface's gloved hand tenderly wiped away a tear cascading down your flushed cheek.
"i-i understand,” repeating their words as your voice trembled.
their hands forcefully propelled you to the side, slamming you against the wall. through teary, half-lidded eyes, you gazed up at them as their imposing figure loomed over you.
their hand glided to the bottom of the ghostface mask, gripping the edge of the chin, and with a swift motion, they yanked it off and tossed it aside. cascading gracefully down to their shoulders was blonde hair, adorned with pink-dyed tips and one side partially shaved. their skin possessed an ethereal paleness, and their piercing blue eyes held a mysterious allure. a glint from the moonlight reflected off an eyebrow piercing, adding to their enigmatic visage.
and then it hit you. it was gwen stacy, your classmate.
the last person you would ever have expected. a smile played upon her lips, relishing in your bewildered expression. "gwen...?" you managed to utter, your voice barely a whisper. "-the hell?"
reaching into her cloak, gwen retrieved a voice changer box from her chest and raised it to her lips. "hello, (y/n). surprised?" she asked, a sly tilt to her smile.
"w-what..." you tried to speak, but the words eluded you.
"i know this is incredibly confusing and terrifying right now, but i promise i won't harm you," she assured, her thoughts seemingly racing.
gwen's smile grew, taking on a hint of obsession. "i've watched you for so long... you have no idea how much i've longed to be this close to you. you're such a beautiful girl," gwen confessed, her tone simultaneously tender and erratic. her hand still clutched the knife, and she tilted her head, regarding you with a disconcerting smile. the proximity between you two was impossible to ignore.
"please, just... just let me go, and we can forget all of this," you pleaded, desperation lacing your words.
gwen cocked her head to the side, furrowing her eyebrows. "why forget this? why would i want to forget a moment like this?" her gaze bore down upon you, her once vibrant blue eyes now tainted with a dark ink-like hue, consuming you with an unsettling hunger.
"why are you doing this, gwen?" you managed to ask, your voice trembling and breaking.
gwen shrugged, her shoulders slumping forward as if weakened by the mention of her own name. "fuck, i love the way you say it," she confessed, her tone laced with an unsettling fondness.
drawing closer, gwen closed the distance until your chests were pressed together. in a surprising turn of events, she flung the knife to the far side of the floor, the sound grating against your ears like nails on a chalkboard.
"don't you get it?" she stated matter-of-factly. "i like you. you're the kindest girl in school. honest, pretty, genuine. did i mention pretty? every time we talked, whether it was a small conversation in class or when you defended others from dumb gossip, you always showed such kindness. who wouldn't be drawn to a girl like that? that's why i did it."
your heart felt as though it had been submerged in acid. on one hand, her words melted your heart, evoking emotions you had never experienced with any boy before. however, simultaneously, a sense of violation and terror gnawed at you.
"what... what did you do?" you cautiously inquired, your voice faltering.
gwen reached down and intertwined her hands with yours, their grip tightening. "i killed your boyfriend," she confessed.
your head lowered as you shakily swallowed, the weight of her words sinking in.
"he wasn't right for you, (y/n). who cheats on their girlfriend with their own friends and pretends to care about them? you don't deserve that. you deserve so much more. you deserve everything. he never bothered to remember your favorite hobbies, your preferred makeup style, or even how you write the number five. he failed to appreciate everything you've been through or know how to comfort you, to make you feel good, to be a good boyfriend. if i had you, i would never treat you that way. especially after harry's party," she explained, her voice unwavering. "that night, i was dressed as a ghost because it seemed ironic, considering i'm the invisible loser of the school, right? that's when i saw randy with that girl and you running out crying. no one has the right to make you cry like that, especially not quarterback randy. so i went to confront him, told him how messed up it was. he pushed me, called me just another weirdo obsessed with you. maybe he was right, but the way he spoke of you, the words he used? i couldn't let it slide, (y/n). out of anger, i just threw my glass at his chest, i didn’t expect it to kill him. but it did."
your mouth hung open in shock and fear. gwen's grip on your hands tightened as she raised them higher until they rested at the sides of your head. your mind felt as if it were splitting in two, and your vision blurred. the onslaught of overwhelming information threatened to induce nausea, leaving you reeling.
“and god, did it feel so fucking good to kill him. if you told me all i had to do was get into a fight with your sigma male boyfriend who’s best friend's name is literally chad, just to get noticed by you, i would’ve done if in a heartbeat months ago,” she shouted, beginning to pace.
her eyes were wide, and you could tell just by her talking about it she wa reliving the thrill of the moment.
"i... i don't understand," you stammered, desperately trying to free your hands from gwen's grasp. she watched your movements intently, her eyes locked onto yours. "gwen, you fucking killed someone. why would you do that? do you realize the consequences of your actions?"
on one hand, you were furious that she had taken a life, but on the other, a part of you was unnerved by the intensity of the love she professed for you. it was as if, for the first time, someone truly appreciated your mere existence. you despised how drawn you felt to her, despite the circumstances.
"i don't care about him. i did it for you. i killed for you," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "what man can say that?"
conflicting emotions tugged at your heart. ultimately, you yearned to surrender control and experience her twisted version of affection.
"no one has ever spoken to me like this, and even when they did, it never felt... like this," you confessed, your voice filled with a mix of fascination and uncertainty. "it feels... exhilarating."
gwen leaned closer, her eyes shining with a spark of light. "really? are you serious?"
your heart fluttered at her smile as she gazed into your soul. what was happening to you?
"this is a feeling i've never experienced before, even in past relationships. i don't know... you make me feel special, seen, and desired," you admitted, your voice laced with confusion. "i don't know what's happening to me right now."
gwen's gaze fixated on you, her once cocky smile softening into an expression of empathy. she broke the connection between your intertwined hands, slowly withdrawing one of her own. bringing her hand to her lips, she lightly bit the tip of her glove and sensually peeled it off, revealing her bare skin.
"i can't believe any of this is real," she muttered, her breath caressing your face. "can i kiss you?"
the question caught you off guard, amidst the whirlwind of emotions and confusion. your mind felt scrambled, making it difficult to think clearly.
"yes," you mumbled, your voice wavering with uncertainty, yet your eyes betraying an eager anticipation.
gwen's eyes lit up at your response. "perfect," she breathed before pressing her lips against yours.
your heart began to race, pounding fiercely within your chest. this was the last place you expected to find yourself, and you couldn't help but feel a jumble of confusion and conflicting emotions. "that’s it— just relax... everything will be fine," gwen whispered, her voice now soothing and strangely comforting, despite the circumstances.
you nodded, tentatively wrapping your arms around her shoulders and drawing her closer to you.
gwen leaned in even closer, her hands now tangling in your hair as her body pressed against yours. as she kissed you, your breath caught in your throat. it felt wrong, like you shouldn't be enjoying it. yet, you couldn't deny the undeniable sensation of pleasure that gwen's soft lips evoked.
a whimper escaped your lips as gwen reluctantly pulled away, expression tinged with sadness from the loss of contact. her eyes held a look of longing and desire as they locked with yours.
"that was even better than i imagined," she whispered, her voice hushed but audible in the close proximity.
"i... i think i liked it too," you managed to reply, your gaze averting to conceal the flustered state you were in.
it was true. in that moment, you were completely captivated by gwen like never before.
"i came all this way just to see your beautiful face," gwen commented, her hand firmly grasping your chin to turn your gaze back towards her.
as your eyes flickered between her piercing gaze and her inviting lips, a smile spread across gwen's face. without hesitation, she pulled you closer and kissed you once more. the taste of her lingered on your lips, tempting you to fully embrace the forbidden situation. you knew it was wrong, and yet... there was an inexplicable allure to gwen's soft kisses that made you reluctant to let go. confusion clouded your mind, even as your body responded to the intoxicating sensations. you found yourself not wanting the kiss to end.
a moan escaped your lips as gwen's wet tongue grazed your bottom lip, igniting a surge of desire. your grip on her shoulders tightened, your fingers clawing at her black cloak.
gwen released a soft moan of her own as her tongue gently explored the depths of your mouth. her hands trailed down your body, her touch growing more suggestive. "(y/n)..." she whispered seductively, her voice laced with desire.
once again, your body seemed to revel in the moment, despite the confusion plaguing your mind. her tongue slipped deeper into your mouth, eliciting a whimper of pleasure. the taste and sensation sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your entire being.
conflicted and seduced, you clung tightly to her cloak, yearning for her lips to remain fused with yours as your heart pounded relentlessly.
gwen continued to kiss you passionately, her tongue exploring the inner recesses of your mouth. her touch grew bolder, and your mind struggled to process the overwhelming sensations. it all felt so wrong, and yet your body responded eagerly to gwen's every move. the kiss felt irresistible, betraying the rationality of your thoughts.
your hands instinctively trailed up from her shoulders to the nape of her neck, lightly pulling at her hair for support. another moan escaped your lips, blending with hers, as gwen positioned her leg between your thighs, creating a tantalizing friction.
gwen's hand firmly gripped the back of your neck, pulling you even closer as her lips devoured yours. the tension and confusion intensified within your mind, but despite it all, the physical pleasure of being so intimately entwined with gwen tantalized your senses. the sensation of her body pressing against yours caused a subtle squirming response. you couldn't deny the pleasure that coursed through you, even as the situation felt inherently wrong.
for a fleeting moment, your lips disconnected, allowing you to lock eyes, but the magnetic pull between you drew you back in. you leaned in, kissing her again with a primal hunger, your hands gripping her in an instinctive and passionate manner.
you found yourself gasping for air, your breaths ragged and desperate as you tried to replenish the oxygen you had forgotten to take in during the prolonged, intense kiss.
gwen pulled back, her head tilted to the side, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips briefly before she wiped it away with her gloved hand, smearing it aside. her messy blonde hair framed her face, and you noticed her chest heaving up and down, mirroring your own heavy breathing.
nervously, she asked, "can... can i take you out on a date?"
a smile spread across your lips, unable to resist the pull of excitement. "i'd like that," you replied almost instantly, catching your breath.
suddenly, the blaring sound of police sirens echoed through the block, their blue and red lights reflecting through your window. it seemed, for once, the police had arrived promptly.
"way to ruin a fun time," gwen scoffed, annoyance evident on her face as she stepped back. "i think it's time for me to go."
despite the interruption, you couldn't help but be captivated by how attractive gwen looked in that moment. her hair was tousled, her lips plump and bright red from your passionate kisses, and her eyes held a smoky allure.
"police, open up!" a voice yelled from outside the door, the knocking growing more forceful.
you glanced over at the door, which shook violently from the pounding, the sound of the sirens threatening to drown out your senses. when you turned your attention back to gwen, she had already retrieved her mask, putting it on over her head and securely fastening it. she removed her glove, then picked up the knife from the floor.
"so, about that date, how about saturday?" she asked, a smile gracing her lips.
you couldn't help but match her mood, the excitement bubbling within you. "yeah, that works," you answered eagerly.
gwen fiddled with the voice box, adjusting it before placing it back into her costume. "i can't wait," ghostface remarked, the iconic voice returning.
before you could respond, she swiftly made her way to the back door, disappearing into the night just as the police burst through your front door.
as the police stormed into your residence, the chaos unfolded. you were momentarily overwhelmed by the commotion, the loud voices, and the flashing lights. the officers quickly apprehended you, their stern commands blending with the cacophony of sirens outside.
moments later, the scene shifted. you found yourself sitting in the back of an ambulance, surrounded by paramedics who were checking you over for any injuries. the blaring sirens had been replaced by a steady hum, providing a strange sense of calm amidst the chaos you had just experienced.
one of the paramedics, a kind-faced woman with a gentle demeanor, asked, "are you feeling alright? can you tell us if anything hurts?"
you took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts amidst the adrenaline coursing through your veins. "i... i think i'm okay," you replied, your voice shaky yet relieved. "just a bit shaken up."
the paramedic nodded understandingly, her gloved hands skillfully examining you for any signs of physical harm. after a thorough assessment, she reassured you, "physically, you seem to be alright. however, it's important to take care of yourself emotionally too. if you need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out."
you offered a grateful smile, appreciating her empathy in the midst of the chaotic aftermath. "thank you," you said sincerely. "i'll keep that in mind."
“we already reached out to your guardian so they’ll be here soon, just rest up,” the woman stated before walking off.
as the paramedics finished their assessment and went to speak to the police for whatever further evaluation, your mind wandered back to the unexpected encounter with gwen.
something about this situation felt deeply unsettling. not only was gwen a killer, but her behavior had crossed the boundaries of normalcy into something much darker. the realization of her true nature sent chills down your spine, prompting a wave of revulsion.
however, you couldn't deny the conflicting emotions that had stirred within you during those fifteen minutes with gwen. for the first time in your life, someone has shown you such profound attention and affection, making you feel loved, appreciated, and even worshiped for simply being yourself. it was a heady mix of excitement and nervousness, emotions you had never experienced to this extent with any previous crush.
as you whispered the word "crush" to yourself, a sinking feeling settled in. you couldn't deny that you had allowed yourself to become entangled in a dangerous situation.
deep down, you knew that going through with the date was a sick and misguided decision. it went against your better judgment and morality. the allure of the attention and desire overshadowed your rationality, blinding you from the bright red flags waving in front of your face.
but you are your parents' daughter, so maybe you can fix her.
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tackletofset · 1 year
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If I had to choose one word to describe "Dark Heir," it would be 'OTHERWORLDLY.'
[There will be NO SPOILERS in this Review, only vague hints]
“Critiquing the idea of a classic hero and a reclaiming of the queer villain”
These words are written under the blurb of the very ARC. Sadly, most people are still missing the point.
Dark Rise is my true love in the form of a book series. 
As a queer person who grew up sympathizing with villains (who are often queer-coded), this book series undoubtedly serves as a great form of escapism. I feel seen and understood. I found a home here.
Reading Dark Heir was a surreal experience, almost like a sudden storm hitting me all at once. It was like being pulled into a whirlwind. It is everything I could ever wish for!!!
I devoured this book in just TWO DAYS, which is unexpected given my typically SLOW reading pace. It's worth noting that Dark Heir is considerably longer than Dark Rise (with Dark Rise comprising 34 chapters and Dark Heir containing 51). It is also fueled by my eagerness to continue the story after a two-year wait, particularly following that cliffhanger!
Will has always been my favourite character since "Dark Rise," and this sequel only amplifies it. I perceive his struggles with the truth of his identity, as a metaphor for internalized queerphobia. Many queer youth, including myself, have been told that our queerness is evil and abhorrent, leading us to hide and deny our true selves in the pursuit of acceptance from others. Will's yearning for his friends' acceptance, especially from Violet, his best friend.
Many of us would be delighted to see that James has POV chapters in this book! It's great to see his perspective on not only his feelings about Will or Sarcean but also about his family history.
I'm equally excited about introducing the new character, Visander, and I'm thrilled that he can be interpreted as trans. Knowing that CS Pacat identifies as genderqueer/non-binary, I would like to see him writing more trans-coded characters. Visander is a character who fascinates me, as there are times when he can be both lovable and yet totally frustrates me.
Praise Pacat (again), who has been so generous to give us the “Surprise POVs” which made me scream and jump up and down at 2 a.m.
I seriously love the parts where we got to explore more of the Old World. The twists within them are both surprising and, in a way, expected. I've always held the belief that history was written by the victors, and as a result, the truth about the Dark King and the Betrayer was also lost in time. It was also very gratifying to see that the characters that were once hailed as the paragons of virtue were not so saint-like after all.
I hate classic heroes. I despise them and I won't even try to hide it.
Doubtlessly, the Old World chapters are my favourites. And I yearn to have even more of them in Book 3 because I want to know more details about how Sarcean came to power- and his downfall, and the full truth about his relationship with Anharion! I wouldn't mind the book stretching to 60+ chapters to accommodate it.
Pacat has indeed delivered on his promises to infuse this sequel with even more "on-page gay" content, so readers need not fret about the shortage of romance. They are plentiful, to say the least.
Now, returning to my initial point:
!!!Dark Rise is not a story about escaping an abusive male partner!!!
While numerous stories tackle this theme, and it is worth telling, this is not one of them.
This is a story about queer people reclaiming their identities. It speaks to those who have been vilified, demonized, alienated, and even disowned from a young age by the very individuals who should have shielded them—their parents and guardians.
They are continuously taught that their queerness is immoral, abhorrent, and despicable, leading them to believe they must conceal and deny their true selves, often feeling as though they are harbingers of evil and thus destined for condemnation. It sheds light on how queer youths grapple with internalized queerphobia due to an environment that refuses to accept them for who they are.
The accusations hurled at the "villainous figures" within this story mirror the stigma that the bigoted society frequently directs at queer individuals: that we’re lewd, vulgar degenerates, disease-spreaders and a danger to children. 
Dark Rise and Dark Heir underscores our society’s twisted morality that the only available paths for queer individuals are either to deny their queerness or face the gravest consequences. In other words: be converted or unalived.
For those of us who have been demonized and alienated by the people who were supposed to protect us—we are not evil. We do not deserve the abuse directed at us, and it is not our fault. There is nothing wrong with us. We deserve happiness, love, safety, and acceptance.
We should all be unapologetic and unafraid of our true selves, like James.
And oH MY GOD. THAT ENDING!!! You think the prologue was crazy??? You wouldn’t LIVE to see that ending.
I have fantasized about *that* final line before, but I thought it was cheesy and that it might be something more like Prince Gambit's "The King! Damianos! He lives!" but it was not like that at all 🤣🤣🤣
It's my dream cheesy line 💜💜💜
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