#all the shit talking is too advanced for my pea brain
kruinka · 1 year
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in-superbloom · 3 years
8 songs, 8 rules (or something)
RULES: 8 song prompts & tag 8 people
hai hai so @bandsanitizer tagged me to do this lil fun game so here we are <3 alison i can't explain how much i love opportunities to talk about my music so pls just feel the soul crushing hug i'm sending you right now 💜
also i'm completely incapable of choosing only one thing for anything ever – let alone music, so enjoy this catalogue of all over the place songs with a lot of unsolicited commentary <3 also all links are from spotify because i don't support iphone supremacy <3
anna from the future came to say: this got way too long, so i'll put it under the cut & i'm sorry in advance if you're reading this and pls know you don't have to read it at all, i won't blame you 👁👄👁
1. favorite song at the moment.
oh man. gotta say starting line by our resident sad boi hemmo ofc. it hasn't left my head since i first listened to it & i'm honestly still digesting it 🥺 but also ! can't not mention my main men <3 wrecked by imagine dragons also just came out and already managed to give me way too many breakdowns which is completely uncalled for but i can't complain 💜
2. a song you associate with your favorite ship.
which one 👁👄👁 i have so many favorite ships that i just stopped keeping track of them lmao but like, i don't really know? i used to associate songs with ships a LOT when i was younger but it's been a while since i did it. so let me check.
oh boy okay, alison mentioned glee which reminded me of klaine and the amount of love i have for these stupid lil gay men. the song that immediately stands out for me is teenage dream (acoustic) which yes it's the katy perry song but like. big big sad. i literally can't listen to it without wanting to cry. if you know the context, you know. and if you do, i'm sorry </3 this is not my absolute favorite ship ever but it's the one i relate with music the most, so let's leave it there or else this will get way too long lmao but also ! all you need is love 💖
3. a song that could be about you.
ehhh i have a whole playlist of these. like. over 100 songs. so let me pick 😌 okay there's too many so let me list them or else i'll end up talking too much about each one:
hear me - imagine dragons (13-years-old me cried over this on a weekly basis no joke) // clean - taylor swift (no link bc we're waiting for the taylor's version) // my kind - alessia cara // body - julia michaels // matter of time (interlude) - ashton irwin // memórias - pitty bc this woman singlehandedly built half of my personality so i gotta mention her <3
4. a song that you think is underrated.
look i might make a whole playlist for this someday, but for now i'll list artists that i think are underrated with my current favorite song from them:
honest - mali-koa // bardot - raffaella // i like myself (most of the time) - k.flay // get high - herizen // breaking my bones - friday pilots club
and honestly? my man ashton irwin does not get enough credit for the masterpiece that is superbloom and i'll never shut up about it <3 i know 5sos is not really underrated but i think we all know how things would play out if/when all the boys release a solo album, and we're getting a taste of that now, so yeah. gotta praise my main man <3
5. a song that reminds you of a good memory.
very unsurprisingly there isn't many for this category bc unfortunately my brain mainly associates songs with bad moments in my life 🥴 however, i will say more than words by extreme bc it reminds me of my babe/soulmate/love of my life @bluesdelis and of the best month of my life hands down. not much context for this one bc it's too damn special and personal but it's our song™ so yeah <3 (but i also almost put the glee version <3 love you tho 😌🖤)
6. the last song you listened to.
brutal - olivia rodrigo, shocking i know 😌 it was playing from my disco cowgirl playlist while i showered <3
7. a song that makes you laugh.
at this point almost anything from glee, especially if it's from season 4-5 lmao (why glee won't leave my head, alison this is your fault) but i already talked about them so let's go with don't phunk with my heart by the black eyed peas bc this song is absolutely ridiculous & i love it 💖
8. A song you want your mutuals to listen to.
all of the songs mentioned above <3 😌 but let me leave one from my new favorite band (thank you kaykay): hush - the marías ❤ so in love with this album 🥺
tagging: @bluesdelis @suchalonelysunflower @wastelandcth @ijustdontlikepeople @mulletcal @littledrummerangie @aintmyjewelry @talkfastromance4 💜 (i have no idea at all of who already did this so i'm sorry if you have !! but if you haven't, no pressure at all !! <3 and if you see this & wanna do it then i'm tagging you 😌 pls do it & tag me bc i love to take a peak at people's personality through their music <3)
also if you've read all of this? i love the shit out of you 💜 and i'm sending you the warmest hug and a tender forehead kiss 😚💓 here have a candy too 🍬
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somefandomimagines · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could get a haikyuu matchup 🖤
I’m a chaotic 5’2 bi who loves dying my hair bright colors. Right now it’s blue.
My Myers-Briggs personality type is ENFT.
I have adhd, odd, depression, and anxiety. Which is basically means I either give something 1000% in effort, or nothing at all. And sometimes that is determined by someone telling me that I “have/need” to do it. Because I tend to have problems with authority figures and don’t like being told what to do.
I also have a hard time sitting still unless I’m hyper focusing on something (usually reading or going down a research rabbit hole on something that I find interesting). Those episodes only last so long though. Otherwise I like being out and doing things (usually with my dogs). I love traveling to new places and trying new things. I listen to all types of music, but David Bowie and Neil Diamond will always place top in my heart. I love to sing and dance at random. I’m not good at either, but that doesn’t stop me.
Those are my good days though. Some days depression and anxiety get ahold on me and I’ll do a 180. Those days I usually try to stay on my own and read or distract myself with movies and tv.
My favorite genre is horror. I love scary things - books, movies, documentaries, tv shows. Paranormal investigations? Im in! Stephen King’s new release? I already got it preordered.
I love games. I’m not so much into video games, but tabletop and card games are my jam. I’m also pretty good at trivia too (the more useless and random the questions are, the better I am).
I’m also a practicing pagan and witch. I specialize in divination (tarot cards, oracle cards, and tea leaf reading) and have a ridiculously large collection of rocks/crystals, candles (mostly because I like things that smell good) and different tarot and Oracle decks. And random fact; my favorite tarot card and the one I identify with the most is The Fool.
I think that’s all I’ve got at the moment. Thank you in advance 💚🖤💚🖤
So I kinda just skimmed through this but if I get anything wrong please don't be upset :( ALSO IT'S SO COOL THAT YOU'RE A WITCH!! I wanna get into that stuff but I'm too pea brained and can't find anyone to help me lol Anyways I match you with... ASAHI!! - Look, look, I get it, he's a gentle giant kinda guy and you're hyperactive and hated by authority - But opposites attract - He'd be attracted by how strong you are tho - Like you just give off this energy and he can't help himself - You guys meet when you get transferred into one of his classes - Your hair is so cool,,, He likes it - Like he wants to be bold like that too </3 - You guys end up talking somehow - For once... Someones not scared of him??? OMG!!! - You guys get along so well at first too - You're the one to make a move and ask him out on a date tho - You guys go to a simple picnic :0 - He shows you his fashion designs btw- He's super good at that - He also brings the cutest little foods too - Tiny sammiches - anyways you guys have a great time - At some point things get quiet but like- a comforting quiet - You guys have a really cute dynamic tho - You help him get over some of his anxieties and he helps you with yours - ALSO HE'S SO INTERESTED IN YOUR WITCHY STUFF IT'S SO COOL - He could listen to you talk abt it for hours - When you guys study and you can't focus, he'll wrap an arm around you and pull you close - He knows that talking while doing things can help others focus so he tries that? Idk if it works but he finds smth to help - Also you're hyperfixed on smth? RANT TO HIM - Ok if it's horror he might get scared shitless but he'll listen - Poor mans is horrible with horror but finds it cute that you have such an interest in it - He gets you out of trouble with teachers and other school staff somehow - Maybe bc they find him scary or he's a kiss-ass sometimes - When you're having a down day, you've got your big teddy bear there w/ ya - He lets you play with his hair if you want, it really calms you both down - During your down days he'll just quietly cuddle you as you guys watch TV or he'll try and help you get something productive done - Either way, he somehow makes your day better - And then when HE has a down day, you're on his ass in a positive way tryna get him up - He,,, He really likes this one cafe with cat-themed snacks - Anyways gender-nonconforming Asahi ftw - He's a man that likes cute things! What's wrong with that?? - With any gender identity you have, he's fully supportive - Might not understand something clearly at first but he'll learn and do his research! - You're his best source for this info tho - He refuses to let you dye his hair tho - He likes his hair the way it is - PDA? Only small things - Hell even the smallest thing gets him fuckin flustered - You hold his hand? He's blushing - He's not really used to relationships but,,, You help him a lot - He's so happy to have met you - Also if you guys have movie nights and you choose a horror movie? He's holding onto you for dear life - Nishinoya is also someone you hang out with and he'll tease you both a lot - Asahi,,, Poor boy he's so fucking flustered - Tanaka joke flirts with you one day and Asahi puts a protective arm around you,,, It's so out of character that it's obvious - Tanaka loses his shit which makes Asahi embarrassed, but you let your mans know that you find the gesture endearing - Hiking dates are a thing hiking dates are a thing - Asahi loves the views and you love the adventure - He gets along w/ your dogs amazingly btw - Your unpaid dogsitter <3 PLEASEOSUFGHSDIFG
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Chapter 3: The Study Date
Cracks In The Dam Series – Bucky’s POV
She’s a quiet engineering and physics major trying to forget the demons of her past, and he’s the campus playboy trying to turn over a new leaf. Their friendship is unlikely, but just might be forged to withstand the cracks in the dams they’ve built to protect themselves. (BuckyxReader college au)
Word Count: 2303
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Damn, I hoped Y/N wasn’t a stickler for people being on time. Class got out late, then the pizza place I liked was packed and it took half an hour to get the pizza I ordered. As if I wasn’t late enough, there was an accident on the road that led straight to her place, so I had to take a detour. By the time I finally parked my bike in front of her house and cut the engine, it was nearly one-thirty.
I took the steps two at a time and pulled back just in time to stop from running into Wanda as she came out.
“Oh! Hi Bucky.”
“Hey, Wan.”
She looked back into the house, eyebrows drawn together in confusion. “Steve isn’t here…”
“Nah, I know. I’m here for Y/N.”
A careful smile tugged at the corner of her lips and she jerked her head towards the door. “Well, go ahead. She’s just—”
“Stupid, goddamn piece of shit!” Y/N’s yell interrupted her roommate and Wanda laughed.
“She’s in her room. Just follow the profanity.”
I thanked her and headed inside. As I walked down the hallway, I heard her muffled voice as she spoke at a normal volume. Another voice, one that sounded robotic answered her. I pushed her door open silently just in time to see Y/N sink her face into her hands. “Sorry for snapping, Jarvis. I guess this stupid thing isn’t the only thing that has a few screws loose.”
There wasn’t anyone else in the room besides her. Who was the man I heard?
“This looks like a fun time.” Maybe I should have made more noise coming down the hallway because I swear Y/N was startled enough to nearly throw whatever was in her hands at me. Thankfully she refrained, and when she recognized me, her eyebrows shot up.
“Is it one already? Geez. Time really does fly. Jarvis, file everything away for later, please.”
The voice came again, but it seemed like it was coming from one of the many tablets she had surrounding her. “Will do, Miss Y/L/N.”
I caught sight of a few familiar designs before they were swiped away into folders. They were the same ones that Y/N had been drawing in her notebook earlier in class. She seemed more tense than usual. Since history obviously wasn’t her favorite subject, it probably was a good idea to get some food in her and get a few laughs out of her before diving into it.
“I didn’t know what kind of pizza you liked, but I remember hearing Nat say one time that you’ll eat anything. So I got a mayo and pea pizza.”
“The fuck? That’s a thing?” The look on her face was absolutely priceless. Disgust and curiosity in nearly equal parts. Though, from the way she slightly leaned away from the box I set down between us like it was some contagious disease, I figured she was much more disgusted.
Still, her reaction made me laugh harder than I had since Aunt Jeanie called on Friday night. “I saw it online. How messed up is that? Don’t worry, it’s actually just mean lovers.”
“Oh, thank God,” she breathed reverently, pouncing on the box like a lioness. The moan she made at her first bite prompted my mind to take a quick detour into the gutter, but I quickly pulled it back. Friends. Only friends, Bucky. “This is so good. I had no idea how hungry I was.”
“Yeah,” Nat’s voice pulled my attention from Y/N’s look of pure pizza worship. “You haven’t eaten anything since we had breakfast this morning. Oh, hi Bucky!”
To say Nat was excited to see me in her friend’s bedroom was an understatement. I chose to ignore it though, in favor of ribbing Y/N. “Not true. You had a granola bar in class today.”
“That sounds fake,” Y/N said slowly, taking stock of everything.
“Oh, right!” It was almost too easy. Y/N had been so distracted today that I almost felt bad for setting her up for this teasing joke. Almost. But not quite. “You were going to eat one, but the granola bar sat on your desk all through class while you doodled, so I ate it for you.”
“You stole my granola bar?” A piece of meat came hurtling towards me and I easily dodged it, laughing. “Rude.”
“You didn’t even notice. How offended can you really be?”
“So…” Nat started, that matchmaker twinkle back in her eyes. “Are you two, like, friends now?”
“Yes.” She threw food at me. We were definitely friends now.
Y/N, however, didn’t agree. “TBD. It depends on how good of a history tutor he is.”
“C’mon, Y/N!” Nat whined. “He brought you pizza. Food. Sustenance. You know, calories? The thing that is essential to life that you constantly forget about?”
Grateful that Nat was on my side, I smile at Y/N, even as my mind is filing away her words for later. Y/N forgot to eat sometimes? The way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. Maybe it was the same way with Y/N and friendship.
“Yeah, Y/N. Pizza. The food of friendship. Just give in. Admit it. Repeat after me, doll: Bucky Barnes is my amazingly sexy and hilarious friend.”
Her delicate eyeroll makes me smile bigger. She’s not making this easy on me.
“I can literally build a robot to get me pizza.”
Robots, huh? Nat just laughed and walked away. “Good luck, Buck!”
I’d gotten her to laugh, and I’d gotten some food in her. Now it was time to prove my worth. Prove that I was here for her and not just as a ploy to get into her pants. And, for most people, what was less sexy than fifteenth century history? So I reached for my backpack and pulled out my notebook. “But can you build a robot to teach you history?”
“Can you teach me history? That’s the real challenge.”
“I’m up for it.” Not only would I be earning friend-points, but I would be able to get to know how Y/N thought. I’d get to know more about how she worked.
As long as I could hold her attention for longer than one minute, I would be a better teacher than our professor. For someone who could stare at the same equation for an entire class period, Y/N did not have any sort of attention span when it came to history.
I was about to change that.
I had yet to change that.
We were an hour into the study date and she just couldn’t seem to wrap her brain around anything I’d been trying to teach her. I was starting to get frustrated. Not with Y/N. With myself. We were both smart people. I should be able to figure out the best way to get her to pick up on this shit. But her brain didn’t work in any of the ways that mine did.
“Why are there so many people?” She suddenly yelled, slamming her textbook closed. “Why do they do so many things? Why does this even matter?”
Watching her lose her cool had to be the funniest damn thing I’d seen in days. After an hour, though, I figured we deserved a break. And what better way to take a break than to get Y/N riled up some more?
“Maybe if you’d stop being so stubborn, then we could—"
“I’m not stubborn!”
Yup. That had been the right button to push. She was just so damn cute when she was arguing with me. “Really? Not stubborn. You’ve been working on the same doodles since class on Monday. Whatever you’re trying to figure out, you’re stubborn enough to not give up on that. You’ve only been trying at this for an hour.”
“Yeah, well,” she shrugged, looking over at the pile of tablets beside her. “Those designs are literally the key to my future. This is… literally history. It doesn’t matter at all.”
The key to her future… Those designs were the way that she thought. If I knew what they were, I could maybe get more insight into how her brain worked and then we could actually get somewhere on this studying.
“What are you working on? Those doodles, the stuff that was spread out when I got here. What’s that?”
“It’s for work.” She seemed hesitant to say anything more, so I just waited patiently, hoping I earned enough of her trust for her to give in. I saw the moment she did. Her shoulders relaxed and her fingers started tapping on her leg as she began her explanation.
And damn I knew Y/N was smart. But hearing her talk about building something for soldiers to take into warzones? Her words were a confusing jumble of thoughts, but I could follow enough to be in definitely awe by the time she wound down.
Weapons… robots… Tony… Shit, I wasn’t as smart as I thought I was.
“Okay, okay. So, I might be really dumb here… but I just put together that you work for Tony as in Tony Stark. Stark Industries.”
“Not dumb. I don’t really advertise it,” she confirmed.
“Holy shit Y/N. I knew you were smart, but Tony Stark smart? Shit, I am so out of my league in this friendship.”
A proud smile flashed across her face before she deflated. “Not when it comes to history.”
“Nah, that’s not it.” I wanted to dispel any of those negative thoughts as quickly as I could. “I think we’ve just been approaching this wrong. I’ve been trying to get you to focus on the people. The story behind everything. Your brain doesn’t work that way.”
“I’m not good with people,” she easily agreed, surprising laughter from me. Where did that stubborn girl go from a few minutes ago?
“You can say that again.” She shoved my shoulder in retaliation for my little jab and I added another mental friend-point. “You don’t focus on people. That’s not going to work for you. But the weapons, the technological advances. If you can get the progression of those things down, then you’ll be able to branch out and remember the events that led up to all of those.”
Her eyes were glazing over. Man, she really hated history.
“Or, counter idea, I just drop out of college entirely and live in a cave on a mountain. Much more preferable to learning about history.”
“Doesn’t help the soldier though.”
“Shit, you’re right.” Her dramatically crest-fallen expression made me laugh. I liked joking around with Y/N so much more than I expected. “I’m gonna give you another half hour to work your history magic. Then I need to get back to work.”
Even though I needed to get on the road and head up to see Aunt Jeanie and Rebecca as soon as possible, I wasn’t quite ready to call this quits. “We have a test next week.”
“I know.”
“And a paper due in a few weeks.”
“That’s a problem for another day.”
Was she even passing this class? Sure, it was a general credit, but it was a hard credit. This professor graded tough. And she was procrastinating when she was already so lost?
“Next week, next few weeks… I have a big presentation on Friday that I can’t fuck up for work. Stark board of directors, some government officials… I’ll worry about the test next week.”
As if I’d forgotten about how smart she was, there she goes reminding me again. How many juniors in college could say that they were going to present a design they worked on with the great Tony Stark to the board of directors of the biggest weapons manufacturer in the world? “Why are you even going to college, Y/N? It seems like you’ve got a good thing going with Stark.”
“Gotta get that piece of paper that says I have a degree. It sucks.”
She had a point. “I hear ya there. Alright.” I pretended to crack my knuckles and stretch my neck like preparing for a fight. “Half an hour. Here we go.”
And half an hour later, we actually made some progress. I packed up my stuff with a satisfied grin on my face. To think that she doubted me. It just took a bit to get everything going, but we finally pushed down some walls.
Speaking of pushing down walls… I grabbed the last slice of pizza and chewed on that while Y/N walked me to her front door. “So, Y/N. You ready to admit it yet?”
“Admit it…” She looked like she had no idea what I was talking about.
“That we’re friends? First study session is over.”
She closed her eyes and put on a long-suffering expression. “Fine. Yes, Bucky. We’re friends.”
I pumped my fist into the air. “Yes!” She laughed at my theatrics and I couldn’t help but grab her cheeks in my hands and press a quick farewell kiss to her forehead in my good mood. “Good luck on your presentation on Friday. You’re gonna kill it.”
“I’m going to see you in class on Friday, right?”
Halfway out the door, I shook my head. And was that disappointment on her face? Maybe it was just my own wishful thinking. “I have some family shit to take care of. I’d tell you to take good notes for me but…”
“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.”
I walked to my motorcycle with a huge grin on my face. Why did it feel like I just won the lottery? All I did was get a girl to admit she didn’t hate me or just tolerate me.
Whatever the reason, this victory gave me the push I needed to pack up and drive home to see my little sister in jail.
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jjkfire · 5 years
military!jungkook + 51. "It's about to rain, get inside."
military!jungkook + “It’s about to rain, get inside.”
“Jeon Jungkook, Batallion 32,” You huff, for the umpteenth time. “He’s here and I know it.”
“Well, we’ve announced that… but no one’s responded.”
“Announce it one more time.”
It’s already begun to drizzle and you’re certainly not dressed for the thunderstorm that’s about to roll in. You shiver as the wind blows, the distant rumbling of the sky a forewarning that you should get inside soon. Instead, you’re left stranded, standing at the entrance of the military camp, looking like a fool because your best friend, Jeon Jungkook, loves to hold grudges.
“I think you should leave,” The soldier manning the gate mumbles as he looks up at the sky. “If he’s here and he hasn’t responded, it must mean he does not wish to have visitors.”
“I’ll just wait here,” You sniff, looking down at your feet. “Can you at least tell him I’m waiting here?”
The soldier nods, disappearing into the guardhouse to speak to his colleagues. The rain begins to pour, your shirt soaked within seconds. You start to wonder if you’ve perhaps got the wrong address. This is the right military base, isn’t it?
“H-how do I look?” Jungkook asks, turning to his roommates.
“The same as you always look,” One replies, unbothered, because they’ve heard him ask that question far too many times today.
“Shit,” Jungkook mutters, looking in the mirror for what must’ve been the 300th time now.
He’s not sure what he’s trying to fix. His hair has been reduced to a beautiful buzz cut so there wasn’t much to style there. He’s dressed in his uniform, so it’s not like he could impress you in the fashion department either. He had ironed out his uniform all morning though, ensuring that not a single crease was in sight because you told him you’d be here today.
It’s just you, his best friend… so, why is he a nervous wreck? Why does he care about how he looks? Well, that’s just it, isn’t it? It’s because it’s you that’s out there waiting for him. The best friend he’s been in love with for years now. The best friend he hasn’t been able to see in months. The best friend he only gets to chat with online for an hour per day… well, sometimes two when he bribes one of his roommates into giving him their hour in exchange of him picking up their chore duty for the night.
He’s been begging you to visit for months now and finally, 6 months in, you’re actually here. He didn’t think you’d come. After all, it’s a 5 hour journey from the college town you were in.
“It’s really pouring out there,” One of his roommates hums as he draws the curtains aside to peer out the window. “I might just go pick her up myself if you’re just going to stand here and look in the mirror all day. I’ve seen her picture. I wouldn’t mind having lunch with her.”
“I know you like your stupid jokes but I said she’s off limits,” Jungkook growls, grabbing his cap that’s laid on top of his bed.
“She’s just a friend, he says. I don’t like her like that, he says,” His roommate snorts. “Then go fucking get her you big idiot. She’s been waiting out there for 20 minutes.”
Twenty? No. It can’t have been that long. It must have been only 5 minutes max since he had heard his name ring around the loudspeaker system.
“Jeon Jungkook, Batallion 32. Jeon Jungkook, Batallion 32. There is a visitor still waiting for you at the gate. If you don’t get here in 5, she looks like she might just chew off your head… and mine so hurry up!”
“Shit, shit, shit,” He curses as he sprints down the hallways, practically skidding as he turns the corners. He grabs an umbrella, dashing across the lawn to reach the front gate. When he finally reaches the guardhouse, he’s basically gasping for air.
“How long has she been out there?” He asks, hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath.
“Too bloody long,” One of the soldiers answers. “Look at her. She’s totally going to kill you.”
You’re standing there, hugging yourself as if the act could bring you any warmth. You’re drenched to the core, the rain pelting down on your skin relentlessly. You’ve given up on wiping your face every so often because you didn’t even need to look. It’s been too long now and it didn’t seem like Jungkook was coming at all. He really loves to hold grudges, that one. You know you promised him you would visit him in his second month but things just got busy and you couldn’t find any time off. You’re a few months late, but hey at least you’re here. The least he could do was come see you.
Curse stupid Jeon Jungkook. You know you shouldn’t have come here. That boy and his pea sized brain was definitely not worth all of this. The next time you see him, you’re going to make sure you give him a piece of your mind. You’re going to tell him that he’s a big selfish asshole and that you hate him and he’s the worst person to ever exist on this sorry planet and—
“It’s about to rain, get inside,” You hear someone mumble and you can barely make out a pair of boots through your blurred vision. You perk your head up, wiping at your face, only to see a big stupid grin when you’ve gotten all your wet hair out of the way. Just like always, that big stupid grin still makes your heart race.
“It’s already raining, asshole,” You grumble. “Everything up till my undies is soaked.”
“Soaked undies,” He snorts. “I mean I wasn’t aware I had that effect on you, but okay,” He smirks, cocking an eyebrow at you.
You only find the energy to scoff before you knee him right in the babymaker, hard. You grab the umbrella from his hand, turning back to watch him double over in pain, rolling in the gravel as he groans. The soldiers in the guardhouse stand at attention as they watch you walk past the gate and into the compound.
“Where’s the cafeteria?” You ask.
“Just straight ahead, ma’am.”
“Thank you,” You smile, bright and iridescent. It’s the first time any of the soldiers have seen anything but a scowl on your face.
Jungkook’s finally up now. His hand resting on one of the columns of the guardhouse as he watches you walk across the lawn with the umbrella.
“I don’t know what you said to her, but you deserved that.”
“I know.”
“I like her,” The soldier laughs, looking at you before he turns back to take in Jungkook’s haphazard look.
“Yeah? Get in line,” Jungkook snorts. “And just so you know, I’m in the front.”
Jungkook runs through the rain, his boots stomping across the grass until he reaches you. You don’t even look at him once he’s under the umbrella, eyes trained on the building in the far distance.
“You’re the worst,” You sigh.
“I am.”
“What took you so long?”
“I forgot you were coming,” He shrugs.
You stop walking for a second just so you could turn to look at him.
“I told you 3 days in advance that I was going to come. Even told you when I’d be here… down to the minute! You said you’d be there, waiting for me and now you’re telling me you forgot?”
You shake your head before you throw your hand up in the air. You wonder how his roommates can even tolerate the big buffoon standing in front of you.
“I’m sorry. I was— I was trying to—” Jungkook sighs before he pulls you in for a hug. He wanted to tell you that he was late because he just wanted to look his best for you but, he knows you’ll never let him live it down. “I’m sorry,” He repeats and all you do is sigh.
“I’ve missed you,” He hears you mumble against his uniform. “I know we talk every day, but I’ve missed you.“
“I’ve missed you too,” He smiles, pulling away just so he could see his favourite expression on your face. It’s the one where you’re all shy with the knitted eyebrows and unsure pout. Ah, you’re going to be the death of him.
“Now that that’s over, let’s go get lunch, and get you all warmed up,” He huffs, lifting you up over his shoulders. You shriek, asking him to put you down but it’s like he’s deaf. When he finally puts you down, you’re standing at the entrance of the cafeteria.
“You did that just to show off, didn’t you? Yeah, yeah I get it. All the military training’s given you muscles now.”
“It did,” He beams. “Are you impressed?”
“Not particularly,” You shrug, and he laughs. You join soon after, shaking your head as he attempts to show you how big his biceps are now.
Oh, wait. Did he say your shy look is his favourite expression? No, that laugh, and that smile… the one you have on now, yeah that’s his favourite expression.
send in an au and a number for a drabble!
- hi i don’t really know what a military au is supposed to be like but this is based off how my friend asked me to visit him at his base when he was in the army... and i never did HAHA. he’s still mad at me lmao but yas they only get to use the computer one hour per day. idk how military works in other countries! i’m sorry if this isn’t what you had in mind!
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a-pretty-nerd · 6 years
Blackmail (Patrick Hockstetter x reader x Henry Bowers)
Request: "Hey! I saw you take requests, and it's amazing because I love your writings, and I was wondering if you could write one with Patrick and/or Henry and a very shy and quiet reader, where basically they back into her house (for a bet or something) and find like sexy clothes and decide to tease and blackmail her because of this. I hope you understand what I mean, English is not my first language so I hope I didn't make a mess😂" ~ Anonymous
I love this!✌❤
A/N: Yes! Tits true! My inbox is open! Though I'm a little more picky with what I write than last time, you can ask whatever you want as many times as you want. Know that it means a lot to me that you guys like my writing! The sweet encouraging things you guys drop in my inbox litterally give me life! So please, your requests and feedback keep me goin'! ❤
Warnings: NSFW, blackmail, threeway, sex, rough sex, Pat x Hen stuff, Patrick's pan ass, etc, etc, ETC! LETS ROCK N' ROLL!🤘
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You stared down at the blue plastic tray that sat before you. Riddled with slop, goo, and what barley passed as a piece of bread. Derry High being a public school, what were you expecting? Every week day at lunch you had to swallow your pride and what the lunch lady called 'pea soup' all alone in the back of the lunch room.
But latley, lunch was getting more and more interesting. And by interesting I mean, down right annoying. This small group of boys that sat a table away from you had started to pay attention to you. You hate attention. You sit in the back of the lunch room, back of the classroom, you spend P.E. class on the benches, you faced being sick one day so you didn't have to present a paper to the class. You have this general, 'I don't exist' vibe, and you like it that way. No one talks to you, no one picks on you, and you would have rather kept it that way.
But those boys had somehow found you an interesting target as of late. You don't know what triggered it, what made them look at you. But they wouldn't stop starring, talking to one another and then cackling like crows before looking back at you. It made you anxious and sweaty when they looked at you. Like they were planning something. Plotting. And today they took action.
It was a particularly hot spring day, and you were forced to wear a shirt that perhaps wasn't as appropriate as you would have liked. For the first time, the girls were out to play in the wild. And the boys took notice. You're not sure who threw the first shot, but suddenly you felt a scratchy little thing fall down your shirt. You looked down, and found a piece if popcorn sitting happily atop your breasts. You barley had time to remove it before another fell in. Farther this time. You hissed and tugged at the bottom of your shirt so it would drop out. The third hit you in the nose, and then you heard them burdt into laughter. You looked up at the four, Reginald Huggins, Victor Criss, Patrick Hockstetter, and an infamous Henry Bowers sat at the table in front of yours. Laughing like maniacs. It made you red in the face. Almost as red as Reggie's who tried his best not to look, but still his large shoulders bounced as he chuckled. Vic's hand shook Reggie as he laughed through the other hand that covered his mouth. Those two trying not to make too much of a scene. The other two however, didn't give a fuck. The lankiest, limbs flying through the air as he cackled himself to the point of falling out of his seat and falling onto the disgusting yellow tile. He made people stare. And Henry just sat tall and let out a harty laugh.
You starred at them for a moment in disbelief. Then came the anxiety attack that tore through your body. Forcing ribbons of tears to fall from your eyes. People were starring at you. All the eyes, all the attention. You bolted out of the room to hide in the bathroom till your next class before you could go home. You walkes home with red eyes and a tight frown you held as the event still played through your brain and gave you the shivers. Never again would you wear that shirt. You were burning it as soon as you got home.
Of course you didn't really burn it. You threw it in the hamper and changed into a baggy T-shirt to match the way you felt. You felt like crawling into bed and hidding away. But the world wouldn't let you. You were shaken by the loud chime of your doorbell. You made your way to the front door with a confused look on your face. You unlocked the door and peeked from the crack you opened to look at the guests on your front porch. Your heart painfully leaped out of your chest and you used all your might to try and close it. But a sturdy hand firmly planted itself, and pushed so you couldnt.
"Aw, c'mon kid. Don't be like that." A naisally voice cooed.
"We just came to apologize for our little...joke at lunch today." Henry pushed the door open further, there was no use in you fighting.
"H-How did you know where I live?" You quivered as Patrick slinked past you and into the entryway.
"Doesn't matter." He muttered.
"Your parents home?"
"No- But you can't- hey- I said-" You tried to argue but they came in anyways.
"Nice place, Y/N." Henry commented as he looked around, as Patrick started to climb the stairs. Wait, your room was up there. He can't see your room. They can't see whats in your room.
"Hey!" You shouted at Patrick who paused. His head slowly turned to look down at you standing there by the now closed front door. "You can't be up there!" You warned him. He looked back down the hallway upstairs, then back at you.
"Why? Whats up here?" His smile reached from ear to pierced ear. Oh shit.
"Nothing, its just, my parent's room is-"
"Oh, but we're not interested in your parents room." Henry chuckled at Patrick's retort before they both made their way there. You managed a few weak words of protest as you rushed to follow them. You started to panic as they made their to your room, and opened the door.
"Lets see, what do we have here?" Henry asked himself as he first made his way to your dresser. Oh no. Oh no no no! You lunged for the dresser but you were too late. "O-hohooo!!" Henry reached in with his fingers and let the pefectly layed out fabric glide across his rough skin.
"Oh shit! I knew it!" Patrick looked into the drawer, both of them grinning like absolute idiots. Your heart raced. "I told you she was a freak!" Patrick nudged Henry as he held up a particularly prized piece of yours. A very lacy, very white and very revealing bra.
"Takes one to know one!" Henry insulted him, but neither truly cared. Too wrapped up in the discovery. You'd have thought they'd found a pirates treasure to way they handled the tiny pieces of fabric. You had a thing for pretty underwear. It was something of a self-esteem bust, even in your social crippled world, like any other it made you feel pretty. It was for you. Even the black one with all the tight straps and the underwear that was practically string. This was your little secret. Was.
"Put this one on!" Patrick demanded with a goofy grin as he turned to you.
"W-What? No!" You denied. It caught Henry's attention.
"I bet she's wearing one right now." He cooed. They turned away from the dresser and started to advance.
"Get away from me!" You shouted as you backed up. You tried to run, but Henry grabbed your arms and held you there.
"We'll make you a deal hot stuff. You give us a little show, and no one has to know about this." They smiled at you with cruel, knowing grins. "And if you don't, and you kick us out. Everyone will know about your dirty little secret. How you dress like a little slut under all that."
"False modesty." Patrick added. Your chest heaved as you thought for a moment. A little too long before Henry's fingers loosened and they began walking past you.
"Have it your way. Guess you better get used to all the new attention at school, slut."
"Wait!" You cried in a panic. They turned back to you with knowing smiles. You swallowed hard. "What...did you want to see?" You said with practically a whisper. They laughed.
"Atta girl." They walked back into the room, and closed your bedroom door behind you. You barley had time to say a word before Patrick reached down and practically threw your clothes off of you. He smiled, pressing his front to your now semi-bare back as he looked down at your underwear. "Look at that. Pink." He chuckled above you. You cowered under him as he practically inspected your form. You felt the pricking of denim on your lower back, above your butt.
"It's alright I guess." Henry shrugged it off. "I want to see her in this." He threw a bright ruby red piece onto your bed. Patrick grunted with approval. You reached for it, and hid in your small walk-in closet to change. When you came out in a basic red bra and panty decorated with lace and hearts, you found the boys patiently sitting on your bed. Their eyes lit up with curiousity, and lust when they saw you. You could have sworn that Henry nearly creamed his pants the way he looked at you. Patrick didn't seem too impressed, though his eyes didn't look away. The adrenaline rush you got from this. It was a little, nice. You started to feel a little, good. And the way they looked at your body, the end all be all of that moment. It made you a little more confident.
"This one." Patrick threw a one piece at you. A complicated piece to put on with straps, and sheer fabric. It was borderline bdsm. It barley covered what it needed to. You stepped out, and found both intriged but not satisfied.
"What? You don't like it?" You asked nervously.
"Why? You want us to like it?" Henry probbed with a cruel grin. You shrugged. The next one, was something you didn't wear very often, simply out of fear that you'd ruin it. The white piece Patrick first layed eyes on but Henry didn't look too excited for. Of course, the restricted bulges in their worn jeans said otherwise. When you opened the door, you watched as Henry shifted uncomfortably in his seat on your bed. All eyes were on you, no one said a word. You couldn't help but smile coyly.
"This ones my favorite." You admitted as you rocked your body from side to side playfully. Finally Patrick smiled and stood.
"Mine too." He cooed, his lithe fingers reaching for some loose fabric and grazing his skin against to feel it. His hot heavy breath crashing into your neck as he loomed over you, getting closer and closer. He inspected your body in the garment with those inquisitive eyes. Henry grew more and more hot headed as Patrick started to touch your bare flesh. Gliding his knuckles against your shoulder, back, belly, thighs, anywhere, teasingly. Egging Henry on to say or do something. "What do you think Henry? I'd like to see the blue one on next-"
"I don't want to see anymore of that shit!" He barked. Patrick just looked at him and smiled. "I want a different show." He told you as he stood and sauntered closer to you. Your cheeks went red.
"Different?" You asked, knowing damn well what he meant but being too damn scared to admit it.
"I want more." He growled as his hand reached out and firmly pressed against your hip.
"Hey, I was here first." Patrick told him, faking jealousy.
"Fuck off." He told him as he leaned in to kiss you. Henry's lips were shockingly soft, and the kiss was surprisingly sweet. Even as it heated up, he was gentle and conservative. He made you moan into his lips. When he pulled away, he latched onto you neck and pulled you close by your hips. Suddenly you felt pressure on your back, and long fingers forced your face up. Patrick kissed you from above and Henry felt you up. Patrick's kisses were more liberal, passionate, and spiced. His touch was more gentle than Henry's were. He was more patient, Henry was needy.
Henry made a fustrated grunt when he couldn’t get your bra off, he sounded almost like an angry child. You went to remove it yours, but Patrick beat you to it. He tossed it to the side and got the first grope. From behind, he reached from underneath and held them tightly. Rubbing in circles as he pinched at your nipples. He chuckled into your neck when you made a soft squeak. Once he let go, Henry took a turn roughly groping and sucking as he pleased. Patrick rubbed his clothed crotch against your as. Grinding up against you, forcing you to likewise grind into Henry. Who's erection was getting painful with excitement.
"I want her first." Henry growled after another needy kiss as he started undressing himself in a hurry. Patrick held your half naked body and rocked you from side to side with affection. You leaned back into him with your eyes closed. Your brain completely fogged over with lust.
"You said we had to take turns?" Patrick chuckled.
"Me, I did." Henry barked at him. "I don't want your dick in my way. This was my idea anyway!" He pulled you away from Patrick, and glared at him as he took you in his arms. He began kissing and loving on you as he took you to your bed. He had you get on the bed and bend over doggy stile. He pulled down your damp panties and he let out a satisfied sigh of approval before he rubbed his tip against you. You heard him shutter as he entered you. Your jaw dropped and your mouth hung open as he began fucking you. The feeling ran over your body in a pleasurable warmth. Patrick took the opportunity. He undressed himself, and was stroking himself as he walked over to the other side of the bed. He ran his fingers through your hair before he pulled your forward so his tip slipped between your lips.
"Good girl." He forced your head to bob up and down on his cock as Henry rammed you from behind. Your eyes practically rolled back inside your head as you sucked Patrick's big cock. You couldn't make it to his base. Suddenly you felt yourself grow weaker, yet stronger? The strange sensation of a building orgasm as you were rocked between two worlds. You let out helpless sounds of pleasure as you were tossed back and forth. You let out an almost angry and fustrated grunt when Henry came before you. Having tired himself out, he passed out on your bed beside you. Leaving you unsatisfied. "That bastard." Patrick grunted, pulling his cock out of your mouth and walking around the bed. You gasped as you felt him enter you. "I'll give you what you need, baby." He held onto your hips and began thrusting. Deeper, harder, and you were already so close, it kept building.
"F-Fuuuuuuck" you moaned as you gripped onto your bed sheets.
"Haha thats it. Cum for me Y/N." He called to you as he fucked you, relentlessly. He had you practically screaming as you came around his cock. He let out a surprised huff as you shook under him. He came a few good thrusts after you. He panted over you as his hands let go of your hips, where he left small marks from holding onto you so hard. You panted with him, laying on your bed and taking a moment of rest. When you opened your eyes and looked up at Patrick, he was starring down at the passed out Henry. Patrick looked up at you and licked his lips before he reached over. He fondled Henry as he layed there.
"What are you doing?" You asked him.
"He may cum fast, but the fucker can reload quick." You muffled a laugh, covering your mouth. You watched Henry as his head shifted and his face scrunched up. When Henry was completely up again, Patrick looked at you. "Watch this." He knelt down by the bed and began licking Henry's cock.
"Mmmhh" he moaned with his eyes still closed, still in a passed out daze. Patrick continued, to the point where he was sucking him completely. Taking him entirely. "Mmmhhh Y/N." Henry moaned your name. You stiffled another laugh as you watched them. Until Henry let a struggled grunt, and a few daze hip thrusts later. Henry came into Patrick's mouth. Once sure he was done, he pulled himself up. Keeping his mouth closed as he crawled onto the bed with you. Henry's eyes fluttered open just in time to watch you. Patrick reached out and grabbed the back of your neck to pull you to a kiss. The residue of Henry's orgasm on Patrick's tongue going to you. You kissed Patrick back in the moment as he held you close to him.
From then on, you had new friends at school. The Bowers Gang were well acquainted with you, and shockingly they kept your little secret that turned dirty.
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Romeo and Juliet with grunge ~ Part 1
This is the first thing I have written on here and I do plan on uploading more chapters. If I do write any more for this I will be leaning more into the fluffy dark comedy(?) genre so any feedback is appreciated. 
Part 1
Betty breathed in as she stepped outside for the first time that morning. The air was unusually warm for November, however an icy chill struck her as a gust of wind swept through the trees. She headed back inside to get her coat, finding her mother and father talking in hushed tones by the stair. They sprung apart as soon as they saw betty observing them.
“Everything ok honey?” Alice asked, her Stepford smile faltering slightly under Betty’s icy stare.
“Just came to get my coat” she brushed off her mother’s attempts to help her and ruched out of the door and onto the familiar road to Riverdale High.
Everything had changed in the Cooper household when Betty’s sister Polly had gotten pregnant and fled the small town of Riverdale to raise her baby with her boyfriend Jason. Betty hadn’t been aware anything was wrong until she came home from vixen practise 6 months ago to find her mother and father sat round the kitchen counter. They explained Polly’s ‘less than ideal’ situation. The shame of a baby born to unwed parents was too much for them. They had given Polly ultimatum, either she gave the baby up for adoption, or leave town.
Betty had cried more than she thought she ever could that night, the tears just wouldn’t stop. She had always admired Jason and Polly’s relationship. Polly had had a crush on Jason for years, but she knew being with him could only be a pipe dream. However, when Jason had asked her on a date to pops a year ago, she was ecstatic. Hal and Alice, although, did not approve. They forbade her to go anywhere near him or that family, but Polly didn’t care.
She’d spent hours getting ready, convinced this was the night she and Jason would confess their love for each other. She had snuck out of her window and returned in the early hours of the morning and snuck into Bettys room to tell her about the dreamy boy who had confessed his love to her that night. They had spent all that night chatting and planning for the future, a future neither realised would be coming true for Polly, sooner rather than later.
She hadn’t spoken to Polly in a while, their only means of communication were email drafts in a shared account Polly had set up so they could still talk, against their mothers misguided wishes. It was revealed a few months back that she was having twins, this and their impeding due date meant the young couple were rushed off her feet trying to get everything in order with the money Jason had saved before the Blossoms cut him off. The last message she had received Polly had invited her to come up to Ohio and stay with them. Away from “the evil clutches of Alice Cooper” was how she had phrased it. Home may be hell but there were other factors to consider. She was a senior with a 4.0 GPA to maintain, as well as her amazing friendships, old and some new. She couldn’t leave them all behind, so she had politely declined. It had ruffled Polly’s feathers a bit, something Betty chalked up to hormones, hence her lack of reply but betty knew she’d get over it soon enough.
Betty rounded a corner just as she heard somebody shout her name. She whipped her head around to see Archie Andrews waving at her from a few feet away. She smiled, only slightly forced as he approached. Archie had been her next-door neighbour since before she could remember, they had grown up together with Kevin Keller, the sheriff’s son, as the three musketeers.  They had been inseparable as kids, something Archie still hung on to, much to Betty and Kevin’s dismay. While they loved their friend, he could be a bit clingy and was yet to grow out of his childhood crush on Betty. Something he wasn’t the subtlest about. Betty always laughed off his advances, and when she did he would move onto the next girl falling over themselves at his muscles, but he could never seem to shake those feelings he’s held onto for so long.
“What’s up Coop” he said, swinging his arm over Bettys shoulders “I didn’t see you this weekend”
She chuckled and carefully removed his arm “Hey Arch, sorry I was busy”
“You’re always busy nowadays. We hardly see you anymore”
“I’m meeting you guys at Pop’s tonight, you’re coming right” she said as they walked through the gates
“Of course, it wouldn’t be right if I wasn’t there” Archie laughed as they walked through the lot. His eyes drifting to a group over by the motorcycle bay. “That Southsider’s looking at you again Betts”
Bettys eyes drifted to where Archie was staring down a dark, brooding looking boy. A cigarette dangled from his lips as he retrieved a lighter from the leather jacket that hung across his shoulders, boasting the infamous South Side Serpents logo.  She locked eyes with him and he smiled at her. She stifled a blush and looked back towards the doors. “pay him no mind Arch. Come on I need to speak to Veronica about practice tonight.”
Archie reluctantly tore his eyes away from the boy after giving him a disgusted look and followed Betty inside.
“What you staring at Jones” Sweet pea smirked, glancing at Jughead, “In another stare down with that Northside jock I see.
“He’s a clueless dickhead, not unlike most of the jocks here” Toni pipes up from his shoulder “He’s lost so many brain cells he doesn’t even see that that chick he’s always with isn’t interested. Just stares at her with puppy dog eyes, it’s quite depressing actually”
“Well, I feel bad for her. Putting up with men is hard work” Sweet pea interjects
“I wonder if she’ll give me a go” Toni says, “If there wasn’t that stupid rule I might actually go there”
“Rules be rules Toni” Jughead took a puff from his smoke before continuing “we all agreed before we came to this school we weren’t going to touch the Northsider’s. We want no strings attached for when we have to go back to Southside High. It’s not like a Serpents true love would be a Northsider anyway”
Sweet pea saluted him as Toni huffed “Too good to be true anyway, but you’ve got to kiss a few princesses before you find your true love. My luck I’ll end up with a frog”
“Yes, you have to kiss a few but you don’t have to bang them as well Toni” Jughead laughed at Sweet peas remark as Toni smirked.
“Personal preference. I like to make sure they’re not the one before I let them go”
Yeah, yeah” Jughead laughed as he stubbed out his cigarette and stood up “See you guys at the Wyrm tonight”
“Sure thing” Sweet pea said as Jughead skulked off towards Riverdale highs doors
“I’m sorry Kev, but no” Betty said as they walked out of English towards the cafeteria.
“Please please pleaseeee Betts. It’s my fault we broke up this time so it’s my responsibility to fix it! I need your help”
Betty rolled her eyes. She had just been informed of her best friends frankly insane idea to get his on again off again boyfriend, Moose, back after their breakup this weekend.
“Has it occurred to you Kev that you and Moose may not be that healthy as a couple. I mean this is at least breakup number 8 and that’s only the ones I hear about. I don’t like you getting hurt again and again”
“I hear your concern and believe me I understand but it was all my fault this time!” He took a deep breath and looked at the floor “Joaquin was back in town for a few days visiting him Grandmother and like the stupid romantic I am I kissed him at the game after party at the Whyte Wyrm. Of course, Moose saw, and I have been working my but off to make it up to him, but nothing works.” He collapsed onto a chair at their usual table, head in his hands.
“Is he still trying to rope you into his stupid plan to get moose back” Veronica asked as she sat gracefully next to Kevin. “Come on Hun, its time to move on and try someone new”
“Coming from veronica lodge who had been in love with a certain ginger since she came here and won’t act on her feeling cause she’s too afraid” Kevin taunted, sitting up to face the fuming raven haired goddess.
“You know full well why I can’t do that, if you liked them you would be scared too!” she whisper shouted “and… oh shit, they’re coming this way”
Their table of 3 turned around to see Cheryl Blossom strutting towards them. Her usual red lipstick was replaced by a dark plum as she seated herself opposite Veronica
“Afternoon, outcasts.” She sounded monotone as she leant forward and stole a grape from veronicas plate “How are we all doing this fine winters day”
“I was fine Cherry, until Satan in Louboutin’s stole my food that is.” Veronica fired back, looking pleased with herself.
“Enough pleasantries, I like to limit my time at this table to 2 minutes, should it affect my reputation. So, I’ll get straight to the point. Vixens practice will run late today so better inform that criminal daddy of yours and tell him not to send the limo till 7” she stood up and brushed off her skirt “That’s all”
“Always a pleasure, Cheryl” Kevin said as she walked away. “I swear that girl has an ego bigger than Reggie’s, I don’t know what you see in her V”
“Oh, bad girls are the best kind of girl, a lot more intriguing to unravel” Veronica winked at Kevin ad the turned to Betty “No offence B, I’m sure some guys love a good girl too”
“How do you know I’m not a bad girl.” Betty said, looking down at her salad “I could be naughty, a risk taker”
Veronica and Kevin looked at each other then back to Betty as Archie sat down “It will be a cold day in hell when betty cooper does something daring” he said, “No offence Betts but you don’t submit a paper until you’ve done at least 3 drafts, it’s part of your endearment”
Betty stood up and grabbed her bag “On that supportive note, I have an article to finish. I’ll see you all at Pop’s later”
Betty walked purposefully away as Archie watched, looking confused “Was it something I said?”
“Oh Archiekins, how anyone finds you charming is beyond me” Veronica said packing up her lunch and beginning to follow far behind betty “I wish your next hook up good luck!”
Archie looked towards Kevin, disgruntled “Just the lads today then Kev”
“Just the way I like it” Kevin said, a mischievous glint in his eye.
Jughead walked through the unfamiliar halls of Riverdale High. It had been just over two weeks since Southside high was victim of an arson attack, culprit not caught yet. They had been moved to Riverdale high affective immediately and after a few first week jitters (such as fights between jocks and serpents) they were all settled in. Jughead was only certain of the location of one room, the ‘Blue and Gold’. He had been taken on as a writer as soon as his English teacher realised his talent that had gone unrecognised at Southside high.
He found the door unlocked and sat in his usual corner, laptop open on his lap as he tried to finish an article on how the Southsider’s had been settling in in this unfamiliar environment when the door opened.
Betty stood in the doorway of the blue and gold office to find the only other member huddled in the corner. She nodded at Jughead before closing the door, sitting at her desk and taking out her laptop to finish some work on her latest article.
A few minutes passed in relative silence before Jughead looked up from his laptop and said “Look this is ridiculous. It’s been a while, I’m pretty sure none of you friends are about to burst in and- “
Before he could finish, he was cut off by Bettys lips on his in a passionate kiss. He stands up to meet her, pressing his body against her and he can instantly feel all the tension in his and hers bodies melt away. His hand slides under her pastel sweater, his hand wrapping around her back as he brought her as close as he could, breathing her in.
One year ago, if somebody told him he would have found the love of his life, a Northside princess, and that he would be here with her right now, the happiest he’s ever been, he would have thought you were insane. But here he was. They had met 11 months ago when his sister, Jellybean’s, teacher had said she was falling behind on her English Lit and if the 14-year-old didn’t pick up her grades her GPA would begin to fall. When he enlisted the help of a tutor from the Northside he didn’t expect somebody as seemingly perfect as betty cooper to turn up on his doorstep, and, truth be told, he despised her at first. She was too perfect, too pure, too everything he wasn’t, and it pissed him off. He told her as much for at her first month, them both falling into a mutual hatred. That was until the day she turned up at the trailer, late, eyes blotchy from crying and hand dripping blood. He sent Jelly off to give Hot Dog a walk while he comforted her. She told him about her overbearing, abusive mother, her weak father who never stood up for her and her party girl sister who was never there to defend her. At that time, she had just been shouted out of the house by Alice Cooper for refusing to take her unnecessary ADHD medication. For the first time, he looked at her. Really looked at her, and suddenly he realised. She wasn’t the perfect Northside princess he thought she was. She was a brave fighter, battling daily in her own home. Trying not to drown under expectation but this very moment she had finally been broken. He then realised, they were the same. He told her of his past. How his mother left him when he was 7 and Jelly was 4. How their father turned to gangs and alcohol to drown out the pain. How he was living in the flat above the Whyte Wyrm till he was sober enough to take care of his two kids who now lived alone at the old trailer, practically orphans. She clutched his hands when he had finished telling her, tears in her eyes, telling him it would all work out I the end. That was when he broke down in her arms as she whispered sweet nothings in his ear until he was fit enough to tend to her injuries.
She apologised repeatedly for going to him and not her friends as he cleaned her palms and bandaged them up in the old bathroom in his trailer. But he was glad she did and told her so. He had invited her to stay there for the night on the couch, an offer she agreed to almost immediately, making him chuckle. All these memories were rather hazy, but it’s what happened that night, after Jellybean had gone to bed, that he would never forget.
They both sat on the old beaten up couch. It had been a fun night after Jellybean had come home from the walk. They had raided the cupboards and found assorted snacks to tide them over while Jughead ordered a pizza. The girls talked all things engine (most of the jargon going right over Jughead’s head) they played poker with assorted chocolates which jellybean worryingly won. It was now around 10pm and Jughead and Betty were currently setting up a movie on his laptop.
“Ok, we’ve got Rear view window or Rebel without a cause. Take your pick and be warned I will judge you very harshly.”
“They are both cinematic masterpieces, but I have to say I’m a sucker for James dean.” Betty smirked as Jughead nodded in agreement.
“Rebel without a cause it is then”
As the title screen began to play, Betty shuffled from her position at the end of the couch, closer to the screen on Jughead’s lap.
“You can come closer Bets. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t bite” Jughead smirked as Betty rolled her eyes and pressed her body up against his side, his arm moving around her shoulders. He gulped at her proximity, he could feel her breathing under him and it gave him a weird feeling in his stomach, “Better?” He asked
She nodded, looking up at him, their faces inches apart. “Thank you Jughead, nobody’s ever done so much for me without an ulterior motive before, it’s a welcome change”
He was upset shed been treated so badly, she was so kind and gentle “You deserve the world Betty, even if other don’t see it, I do now. I’m sorry I was a douchebag before, can you find it in that full heart of yours to forgive me?” he pleaded
She looked at his eyes then her gaze flicked down to his lips, he felt this otherworldly force pulling them together as she moved in and kissed him. Lips on lips. It was slow and steady and unsure but also magical. He felt fireworks and when she pulled away, he leaned in for more and she accepted it gratefully. He abandoned the laptop, still playing, on the coffee table as she pushed him down on the sofa and kissed him, both wanting more, feelings of want they had disguised as hate over the past month all came to a head as she went to pull her shirt over her head.
He stopped her, placing his hands over hers “Not tonight, there will be plenty of time for that another time, that’s if you’ll have me?”
She giggles and nods as they both just stare into each other’s eyes, seeing the other so clearly for the first time.
“We forgot about the film” She whispered against his lips a few minutes later
“You know what? Fuck the film” He said, sitting up and closing the lid to the laptop. Betty was still straddling is lap so he picked her up and began walking with her in the direction of his room as she squealed.
“Oh god, he was going to fall hard for this girl” was the only thought in his mind at that moment. He wasn’t wrong either.
She pulled away for air after a few minutes and looked up into his deep blue eyes.
“I missed you Juggie” She whispered, hands playing with his hair, his beanie having fallen off earlier.
“We spent the whole weekend together Bets, don’t you remember. I’d be happy to remind you if you don’t…” He ran his hand back down from its place on her lower back and moved it to pinch her waist. She giggled at the action but pushed him away.
“There’s nothing I’d like more Jug, but I have vixen practice and if we don’t want Ronnie storming in here in 20 minutes and blowing the cover we’ve done so well to maintain, I suggest we leave it there Romeo” she blew him a kiss as she packed up her bag and walked up to the door “I love you Jug”
“I love you too Bets, so fucking much” He walked up to her and kissed her cheek. “Have a good practise, I’ll see you tonight”
With that he winked, and she left, keeping a straight face in case anybody took notice of her unusually good mood. No one had so far. They had been dating for 10 months and nobody had suspected a thing. Covert make out sessions under the bleachers and in the blue and gold were daily. They also spent at least 3 nights together every week. Either he snuck through her window or, when her parents were out visiting Polly (a weekly occurrence), she would sleep at the trailer. As great as it all was, mornings at the trailer were the best. J.B was the only person who knew about their relationship, so they were able to lay on the PDA, much to her teenage disgust. They’d lay around watching movies, eating whatever betty made that morning and they were always in a great mood thanks to last nights ‘activities’. She loved her life with Jughead, she still had the stuff at home and the mounting pressure at school wasn’t helping, but when she felt her lowest, he would always pick her back up.
But she was tired. Not just tired, exhausted with keeping it all a secret. She needed to let the world know she was in love. But now, they weren’t allowed to be together. It was Jughead’s estranged dad who enforced the rule as leader that no serpent was to get involved with a Northsider when the schools merged. It was a smart move, however very unhelpful to her. She and Jughead had already been involved, months and months of being emotionally and intimately involved. They were in love, and she was sick of hiding it like a dirty little secret. It was time to tell someone.
~ tbc ~
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flakopancho · 4 years
Bro 1 - I’m going to compliment you on this thing you do but would normally insult others when they do it.
Wife 2 - what?
Bro 1 - calling my brother your boyfriend still, you’ve been married 12 years, but you still call each other nombres de novios, I guess it’s because you’ve been together since high school that it feels romantic or nostalgic, when other people do it, it feels forced or fake or campy in the worst way, like if I did that with my wife it would be so awkward and it would feel like we are too old to be saying boyfriend and girlfriend, when you do it its endearing
Wife 2 - - you’re a pretentious prick you know that?
Bro 1 - what?
Wife 2 -  why do you have to start everything with this defensive pre-take, so I don’t think you’re up to some maniacal side scheme when you talk to me...your dad does the same thing
Bro 1 - that makes sense then doesn’t it?
Wife 2 -  give me the agency to take the message as is without all your political spin beforehand okay, I can decide to trust your sincerity or not, okay, like you said 12 years and I’ve known you just as long, who started this preemptive strike move, who started this annoying trait in your clan I be-
Bro 1 - or maybe it’s a mitochondrial Eve thing
Wife 2 - - I’m going with Adam but with your mom you’d never know...
Bro 2 -- have yall seen the kids? what are yall doing?
Bro 1 - I was just telling your wife how much I admire your relationship, its someth-
Bro 2 --ya ya we're one happy family
Wife 2 - - why do you have to be like that you know you love me ´´she makes a kissy face at her husband``
Bro 2 -- ya of course I do, anyways have you seen the kids...we were playing hide and seek but I think they outsmarted me and left me high and dry
Wife 2 - - sounds about right, they have pulled the same trick on me a couple times lately, when I found them they were playing some imaginary game where they could all be whatever character they wanted, the trick made sense to me...they just wanted to be free for a moment, I get that
Bro 2 -- I get that too but for now we got three kids on the loose cause they wanted to be free and who knows where their little imaginations took them
Bro 1 - I’ll help you find them
Wife 2 - - I’ll bet they are okay and just about now have established the rules of their hide n seek oasis, leave them alone till they come for us
Bro 2 -- we will keep up the theme of hide n seek, they won’t know we found them, like when they were toddlers, remember?
Wife 2 - - whatever you say
Bro 1 - well let’s just go find them to not find them okay
Bro 2 -- so, what were you talking about the first Adam or what?
Wife 2 - - look at you always listening in
Bro 2 -- it’s not listening in if you were just trying to be a good father, I was gonna not find them before you mentioned it, but I wasn’t going to make a big deal about it
Wife 2 - - we’ve heard this before, you are first. and you are the best father, we know
Bro 2 -- I don’t even want to know our first Adam if it’s what connects me to your family
Bro 1 - what do you mean?
Wife 2 - - don’t encourage him
Bro 2 -- her family’s all degenerates, whoever connects me to her family can be nothing less than a miscreant of the highest order
Wife 2 - - well who knows how far back you had to go to connect us but one day you’ll be the first Adam for someone having this same fucked up conversation and you’ll be the degenerate connecting someone to my family line
Bro 1 - I don’t think that’s how the Adam and Eve thing works
Bro 2 -- tell her bro
Wife 2 - - here we go I know yall are going to gang up on me like always, you can never talk to two brothers, you know we were having a nice conversation before this pea brain arrived
Bro 1 - ya sorry about that but this is why I have to do the preemptive strike, I didn’t say you were wrong on the Adam and Eve thing because we are brothers, it was just because you were wrong about the Adam and Eve thing, when it comes to divorce I’m ride or die, until then I’m switching sides like some shit hamburgers, just one flip, okay guys, one flip!
Bro 2 -- do you realize no one can take you seriously when you get mad about the points you are trying to make
Bro 1 - Exactly. there’s no teams out here, and I stand by my passion for proper burger cooking procedure
Wife 2 - - so, father of the year went and found the kids huh
Bro 2 -- no teams remember, I’m going to let them come to us
Wife 2 - - I’m not going to make a big deal of this moment, so it happens again
Bro 2 -- well you’ve gloated a bit much and I’ll be sure it doesn’t
Bro 1 - Now that I think about it even though you were wrong about the Adam and Eve thing in one way like, wouldn’t your family be connected to you as the first eve and my bro would connect our family as the first Adam to connect whatever future person was talking about this? so the degenerate still would be you and not my bro, got to defend the bros, there are teams never forget that
Wife 2 - - you a real bitch you know that
Bro 1 - ya a pretty one though, but you were right though like one day we could all be the first Adams and Eves depending on how humans evolve, maybe you’ll both be a side branch because you don’t have the most advance genome like I do or maybe your daughter won’t have babies and my daughter going to have so many...just for the sake of being that mitochondrial Eve
Bro 2 -- still sounds kind of weird to be talking about this but our daughter can do whatever she wants
Bro 1 - come on she’s not here you can say what you really think
Wife 2 - - I will fight you if you try to talk shit about my daughters - you still don’t even have kids so shut up about all this
Wife 1 - have yall seen the kids?
Pt 2
Wife 2 - - they went with your parents for ice cream and to run around some park or something
Bro 1 - what?? this whole time we are worried about finding the kids and you know they aren’t even here
Wife 2 - - were you really that worried you haven’t even left this room
Bro 2 -- I wish I was surprised
Wife 2 - - me too
Wife 1 - what are yall talking about?
Wife 2 - - see not eavesdropping
Bro 2 -- ok ok
Bro 1 - we are talking about how as humans grow and evolve the most common ancestor can change over time, if their lineage, male or female are not fulfilled
Wife 1 - so, it’s not all our ancestor’s faults?
Bro 1 - exactly at some point the chain breaks and a new order becomes the way forward there’s no telling why that happens but why can’t it be us
Wife 1 -  I think it is you honey
Bro 1 - , I think it’s you
Bro 2 -- okay enough of that so we know the kids are okay and we know our lives our up to us and evolutionary biology might explain past actions, but they don’t excuse current behaviors, like lying to your husband
Wife 1 - so, what explains why my husband is going to break the chains and become a new Adam
Bro 2 -- well between the two of us I’m definitely more likely to become the new Adam and that’s because he’s a fatalist and I take the bull down bare handed and cup the balls
Wife 1 -  wouldn’t a fatalist be just as likely to be the new Adam as a ball grabber? And my husband could grab the bulls balls if he wanted too…
Bro 1 - thanks runt
Bro 2 -- fatalism does not allow for greatness like someone who understands we only have today, but we can still invest in tomorrow with our actions now, we have children to show them a better world, we hop-
Bro 1 - anyways fatalism isn’t even what I or we believe so who cares about your PMA mindset
Wife 1 - yes that’s not what I would say I believe in but I still think fatalism doesn’t limit greatness from its ideology, any ideology is an excuse to do as you please through an aesthetic lens that pleases you, any fatalist would accept the life that comes to them, whether that’s a revolutionary, a chef, a thief, or a beggar, fatalism allows the gamer to choose their player like any ideology
Bro 2 -- but it doesn’t encourage you to change your circumstances for the better, it doesn’t encourage for societal improvement
Wife 1 -  it encourages you to accept life as you take it...so if you are a butcher and the thieves gun jams you shouldn’t give him a chop as a fatalist? you should just accept life as it is and let him fix the jam repoint the gun and rob and kill you? no the fatalist would do what they could with the opportunity like anyone else
Bro 2 -- well what does it matter it’s not what you believe...so what do you believe, and you too for that matter?
Wife 1 -  I believe ideology is divine and mortal, an excuse to feel anguish and joy, absurd but maybe necessary in some abstract way for framing
Bro 1 - ideology for me is a distraction from living, ideology is just another word for worrying, fall way from your religious pedantry, rituals are as sinful as gluttony, come into the light free from literal frames and find the abstract frame floating in the abyss guiding your you, there’s nothing to hold onto there so breathe in then hold then out and move on to the material world around you
Bro 2 -- I like what she said better
Wife 2 - - why do you guys even like to think about this stuff
Wife 1 -  you basically are saying what we are saying but way cooler
Bro 2 -- don’t encourage her
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And Who By Fire - chapter 17
Pairing: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Permanent injury, amputation, behavioural changes due to brain injury, dysfunctional relationships [big shock, I know] I will put any extras at the beginning of each chapter.
Summery:  Both Dick and Jason are caught in an explosion that changes everything. Burdened with a shared sense of guilt and isolation, they are forced to rely on each other. Together they might heal. Or possibly just kill each other.
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 15 16
Thanks to burkesl17 for the beta!
Notes: This is for Iamjasonssmirkingrevenge and is also all her fault.
Jason spent a few long moments standing stock still in the ruins of his living-room. He was completely emotionally unprepared for this confrontation; he had no idea what he wanted to say – what he could say . He was exhausted in every possible way, the small boost he had felt from uninterrupted sleep had evaporated, to be replaced with a sickening bubble of adrenalin sitting in his gut. And to top it off, he was poorly balanced on a pair of crappy-ass crutches. On the upside, at least the house was already mostly destroyed, so no need to worry on that account.
Of course Bruce would turn up as Batman, and in typical Batman fashion, he just seemed to materialise from thin air. Stepping out of the shadows of Jason's own bedroom while Jason still stood in the living room clutching his phone and leaning heavily on his crutches.  The fact it was his bedroom just added insult to injury. If he came out of this confrontation in one piece he was going to have to look into better security.
“Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” Bruce said, by way of greeting. His gravely voice all Bat and all business. Just the tone was enough to straighten Jason's spine. He hated it, the quiet rage.
When he had been Robin, he had seen Bruce mad, seen him scornful and harsh – but Batman never struck him in anger. They spared, and he didn’t always hold back, and  Jason felt those punches like he was meant to. Because the bad guys wouldn’t be pulling their punches just because he was a kid. He had never feared Bruce's anger in a physical sense, but he had feared his disappointment, his disapproval and his disinterest. It galled him to know that even after everything, the same was still true.
“I was going to tell you,” Jason said at last, opting for a vague sense of honesty. He was already stripped bare. And there was likely nothing he could say that would stop this from reaching its inevitable conclusion.
“Really.” It wasn’t a question.
“Yes, really! I just didn’t know how. How do you say something like that?”
“That’s never been an issue for you in the past.”
Batman flowed towards him, cape moving sinuously behind him. His jaw was clenched with rage. Jason suspected it would only take a nudge or two to push him over into violence. Like father like son. Tim was the only one of them he had never seen lose his shit and start swinging his fists when pushed. The girls at least seemed to have more control over their uglier emotions – well, Babs had bashed him on the head a time or two, but that was fairly controlled bursts of irritation rather than the irrational fury Dick, Bruce and Jason himself seemed to fall into. Not to mention Damian, who was shaping up to be a real chip off the old block too.
There was a time, when pushing Bruce to that limit was the highlight of Jason’s week. When he had first come back, having Bruce’s attention and causing him to lose control was the only thing that made the chaos in his mind ease. It had been easy to do – he just had to go after the family. Tim had been easy, Dick more challenging in a fight, Jason could admit that he rarely won when going toe to toe with him – but it had riled Bruce to unreasonable levels.
He had wanted the violence, the quiet fury, because even back then, the truth was, words hurt more than fists. And when it came verbal warfare, Bruce was an expert at landing precise and debilitating blows. Jason suspected he was going to get a taste of that tonight.
“You surprise me, Jason. You never seemed like a person to enjoy charity, you certainly didn’t as a child. But here you are, living off my dime, enjoying the best rehabilitative care money can buy, when you are the one who caused your disability in the first place.”
Now that hurt. Because he was right and yet so wrong at the same time, and Jason couldn't find the words to explain how he ended up here, living off Bruce. It wasn’t because he needed charity, it wasn’t even that he needed help, if he had to go it alone, he would.
He was here because of Dick, and guilt and despair.
And love, somewhere under the mess, that was at the heart of what kept him here.
Jason was aware that he had a tendency to lash out when he felt cornered, when he felt attacked. And he could pretty much give as good as he got. But he barely had it in him today. “You’re a piece of work, Bruce,” he managed at last. “You act all holier than thou with me, but there's such spite in you. You know how to make your words really sting.” He laughed, and it sounded on the edge of madness. “Must be where Dickiebird gets it from, two peas in a fucked up hateful pod.”
“Don’t you dare talk about him,” Bruce growled, advancing. His boots crunched in the broken glass like t he precursor to a death knell. “You destroyed his life!”
“It was an accident!” Jason yelled back, he could feel his control slipping. He’d lost it in everything else in his life, why not himself, too? He teetered on the edge.
“It should never have happened!” Bruce said.
Jason let go another bitter, warbly laugh. “Yeah? Well there’s plenty that should never have happened. I’m a walking talking example of that!”
“Yes, you are.”
God he just wanted Bruce to hit him and stop with the words, it was stunning how alike they were sometimes. He might mock the similarity between Dick and Bruce, but damn if he wasn’t the worst offender himself.
And with that thought, came the rush of anger, soothing in its familiar intensity. This wasn’t even about Bruce, it was about Dick. “And where have you been, huh?” Jason said, his voice just a little too loud and wild. Despite everything he had done and despite everything Bruce had done for them – Jason realised he was mad at him. He didn’t deserve Bruce's respect after what he had done, sure. But Dick did, and Tim did. And Bruce had failed them. Again. “You talk about charity, but other than throwing money at us you haven’t done squat for Dick since he got hurt. He’s no use to you now he’s too broken to help in your crusade? What about Tim? Do you know how traumatised he was after the blast? He put you and your mission before Dick and himself, that’s fucked up!”
“You know nothing about Tim,” Bruce growled.
“I know nothing about Red Robin, I know plenty about Tim. You ever considered the impact of what happened on him? On Damian?”
“If you hadn’t blown Dick up, it wouldn’t be an issue at all.”
“Yeah, but I did , Bruce! That’s the thing. Do I regret it with every fibre of my being? Yeah. Would I do anything to fix it?” Jason's arm made an aborted gesture, almost letting go of the crutches and sending him flying. “I would give up my life in heartbeat if I could restore Dick to the way he was before. But I can’t, and done is done.”
He closed his eyes, breathing heavily.  He wasn’t ready for this, for the fucking pain of it. But that was nothing but the truth. And surprisingly, saying it steadied him, finally gave him a bit of control back. He had done a dumb, stupid and terrible thing. He couldn’t undo it. He had to accept that and do what he could from here.
He took a deep breath and opened his eyes. Bruce, no, Batman was still there, still radiating icy fury. “There is nothing I can do to change what happened,” Jason said again. “All I can do is try to do what I can to make amends.”
“You can go to jail, Jason. For murdering that dealer. And for blowing up my son.”
Jason clenched his teeth, this was typical Bruce, he didn’t seem able to grasp it wasn’t about making amends to him . “If that’s what Dick wants. Then I’ll go, but I won’t on your say so.”
“You will ,” Bruce said. He was using his Bat voice, and that hurt, deep down. Jason didn’t want to have this discussion with an impersonal vigilante.
“It’s not up to you, it’s about Dick and what he wants from me,” Jason said again , because Bruce didn’t seem to be able to grasp the concept.  
“And the dealer who died in the explosion? They found his teeth embedded in the wall, Jason.”
“The building was fucking empty when I rigged it. He wasn’t supposed to be there any more than Dick was,” Jason shrugged. Honesty probably wasn’t the best policy in this case, but Jason had literally run out of fucks to give. “To be perfectly honest, Bruce I really couldn’t give a crap about him. He was a forgettable waste of oxygen.”
“You sound like a sociopath, with such a flagrant disregard for life,” Bruce shot back.
“Well it takes one to know one, B. If we’re laying on the blame, how about you, huh? Would I be like this if you hadn’t trained me to fight on the streets as a kid? Put me into the path of real sickos like the Joker? Would Dick be in the other room with his brain scrambled all to hell if you hadn’t stuck him in the short pants before he even hit double digits? Who's really the fucked up psycho out of the two of us?”Jason all but shouted. He took a step forward, so caught up in his rage he could barely even see straight.
Bruce shoved him back, a blow that in other circumstances wouldn’t have even rocked him on his heels, but unbalanced and precarious on his crutches, the force of it sent Jason toppling backwards onto his ass. He broke his fall slightly with an elbow and a flailing hand, cutting both in the shattered glass littering the floor.
Jason could feel humiliation burning his cheeks as he attempted to shove himself into a better position, cutting his palm further. Bruce was looking down at him, his face inscrutable behind the cowl. They both seemed too shocked by Jason's fall to know what to say or do.
Before either had a chance to rally and start throwing out further venom or punches, Dick dashed into the room and barrelled bodily into Bruce; the uncoordinated impact pushing him back a few steps making his boots grind against the glass on the floor alarmingly.
Taken by surprise, Bruce just seemed to stop himself before lashing out, a good thing in Jason's opinion or he would have to drag himself over there and punch his knees. Or shoot him, with the pistol that was strapped to the underside of the sofa.
“Leave him alone!” Dick yelled at Bruce. His face was a little puffy and his eyes were red. Jason couldn’t help but wonder how long he had been listening.
“Dick,” Bruce said, somewhat at a loss. “Do you know what he did?”
Dick nodded, sniffing wetly. “Yeah, he told me. He’s an asshole.” He stepped forward and shoved at Bruce again, although it lacked any force. “But that doesn’t mean you get to come in here and hit him. I already did, which I shouldn’t have done.” He clutched his hair, one of his very obvious signs of distress.
Jason could see the tension in Bruce's jaw, the sadness in the set of his mouth – he wanted to comfort Dick, that much was obvious, but he didn’t know how. Jason suddenly felt exhausted, tired and sad. He gave up trying to get his crutches and resigned himself to bleeding on the floor.
During the lull in the shouting, PB took the opportunity to emerge from Dick's room and scuttled across the floor into Jason's arms. He held it carefully, trying to avoid getting blood on its plumage.
“ Clunk fizz, ” PB said.
“Yeah,” Jason agreed absently while he pet it with his undamaged hand.
Dick stepped forward again. “Take off the cowl,” he demanded, drawing in a deep breath. “If you want to talk to him, or me about this stuff you doing as Bruce, not Batman.”
Bruce hesitated, but finally did as Dick asked, and pulled off the mask. His bare face looked more vulnerable, the lines of tension clear to see along with the maelstrom of emotion held in check behind his gaze.
Dick let out a soft, pained noise and threw himself into Bruce's arms, the impact staggered him again slightly, but he folded Dick into a hug that looked almost painful in its intensity.
“Dick,” Bruce said, his voice was full of emotion and confusion.
“Don’t put Jason in jail,” Dick said, proving that he had been listening for some time before exploding out of his room. His voice was muffled against Bruce's broad chest. Surrounded by Bruce’s impressive bulk he looked deceptively small in his superman sleep pants and one of Jason's old t-shirts.
“He deserves it,” Bruce rumbled, but the venom had gone out of his tone. He sounded exhausted too.
“Yeah he does,” Dick said, “and so do you. Me too. We all break the law. I know what he did was wrong, and a man died, but people have died because of our actions too – even if we didn’t mean it to happen.”
“It’s not quite the same, Dick. And what he did to you...” he trailed off.
“I know, I know what he did. And am fucking furious about it. But he told me, and that means a lot.”
“ I deserve to go to jail, Bruce!” Dick burst out, flailing his arms. “I punched him because he ate my yogurt, I smashed a glass over his head because he changed over the channel and I beat him up with his own leg and threw it out the window.”
“You, what?” Bruce sounded honestly baffled.
“I beat him up with his own leg and threw it out he window. That’s why his face is all messed up and he’s on crutches.”
Bruce was looking at Dick in bewilderment, but there seemed to have been a shift in the atmosphere, it was still highly charged but it had lost the edge of insane fury of before, so Jason risked entering the conversation. “I deserved it, Dick,” he said.
“No!” Dick said forcefully, and then shrugged. “I mean, yes, you did, but deserving it and getting it are different. It’s domestic violence and I should be in jail. If I was anyone else, I would be, you would have seen to it.” That was directed at Bruce.
Bruce looked a little stumped; because Dick was clearly right, but also the circumstances were so complicated, it was hard to lay blame, or decide what the right course of action was.
But hey, at least Jason wasn’t going to jail, and Bruce didn’t seem like he was going to pummel him into the floor any more, Jason was getting a little tired of getting beat up.
Bruce seemed to be pondering, maybe reassessing now his fury had cooled. Jason and PB remained quietly on the floor, waiting to see how the dice landed.
“What do you want to do, Dick?” Bruce asked finally. “Things can’t stay like this, do you want me to move you somewhere else?” Back home to the manor was left unsaid.
“No, I want to stay here with Jason. But I need more help, to control my anger.”
“Why, Dick? After what he did? I know you’ve grown close, but surely the truth of what happened changes things?” To give Bruce credit, at least he was trying to understand Dick’s reasoning and not just vetoing on principal.
“No, I can forgive him, I think. Because it was an accident, and because I love him,” Dick said, after a moment's thought.
Jason was momentarily overwhelmed by the double whammy of the possibility that Dick might forgive him, and that he would just casually confess to being in love with him. Jason was under no illusions that wasn’t what he meant. It was slightly mind boggling.
But along with the rush of relief, affection and euphoria that was still tinged with guilt, came a sudden feeling of intense trepidation.
“I know you do,” Bruce said awkwardly.
And for one blissful moment, Jason allowed himself to believe that he knew the truth and he actually meant that. But reality was never that kind.  And nor was Bruce.
“He will still be your brother even with some distance, it might be good for you both.” Bruce said, he was right of course, it would be good for Dick to have some space, to work on controlling his emotions and to figure out if his affection could actually survive the truth of what Jason had done.
“No, I don’t want distance, I love him. I want to be with him romantically,” Dick said as he looked up at Bruce, who in turn looked flummoxed.  “I want to have sex with him,” Dick clarified, just in case he hadn’t fully got his message across.
There was a moment of silence, as Bruce digested that. And Jason took the opportunity to lay down fully, his head resting on a partially shredded copy of Guns and Ammo. PB climbed onto his face and peered at him with concern. But Jason just shut his eyes and waited for death.
“What, are you talking about?” Bruce said, and if his voice had been cold fury before, now it was practically glacial.
“We’re in a relationship,” Dick pressed on, oblivious or uncaring of the imminent explosion.
“You are in a relationship. A sexual relationship?” From the sound of his voice, Jason suspected Bruce was a hair’s breadth away from apoplexy.
“Sort of. Well, it would be, but Jason's impotent.”
“Oh my fucking God ,” Jason said, now praying for death rather than just waiting for it. “Is there anyone you haven’t mentioned that too? The mailman? Ms Singh from number 29? Mr. Harris form the neighbourhood association, maybe?”
“I haven’t been to the NA since they bared PB for calling Mr Wells a fuckbiscket.” Dick shot back, hotly. “But Ms Singh suggested Saw Palmetto and cumin as possible natural remedies.”
“ Why , Dick?” Jason said, everything about today was too fucking much.
“Because you love curry, and I’m terrible at cooking it, and Ms Singh is lonely and is giving me lessons in exchange for hanging out with PB and me when you’re at physio,” Dick said, defensively.
Despite the situation, Jason was kind of touched by that.
There was a crunching noise and Bruce moved stiffly towards a chair and sat. “This is completely unacceptable,” he said, no longer with the same cold fury, but with a certain about of bewilderment.
“Well, tough,” Dick said. “I wasn’t asking your permission. And we can’t break up, what would happen to PB? We would have to share custody of him, and I don’t think it would be good for him.”
Bruce sat and stared at Dick, who had his arms crossed and a stubborn cast to his face.
It was just too damn much and Jason started to laugh. He laughed so long and hard, when the tears started flowing he could hardly tell the difference.
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sending-the-message · 7 years
Annabelle knew by scarycleary
My husband and I were, perhaps, late bloomers. We were by far the last of our friends to have a child at 32 and 36, but very happy parents anyway. Beautiful Annabelle came to us happy and healthy and was a delight. My mother would tell me off for "mollycoddling" her but my husband always told me to not listen and that I was a great parent, which I always valued.
The first time I can remember leaving him alone with her was two weeks and four days after she was born. Seeing as he was working full time, and I was at home, it just hadn't happened. But I didn't think twice when he said 'Go and take a nap, darling, you look exhausted. I'll finish changing her and then make you some coffee.' Five minutes later, while I was resting my sore back, I heard a shout from my husband. Protective mother mode kicking in, my weary eyes opened in alarm and I ran straight back into the nursery. 'What happened?' I asked, panicked. Annabelle was still lying on her changing mat, kicking her legs about wildly. My husband had a diaper stuck to his face. 'I was taking it off and she kicked it... she kicked it into my face...' he said, as he peeled it off, leaving newborn poop all over the left side of his face.
I began to laugh at the sight of it and the offence he had taken. I finished changing her and made him coffee whilst he washed his face and vomited a few times.
Over the next couple of weeks, every time she would be left alone with him, something of this caliber would happen; she'd spill his coffee or poke his eye, or something a bit weirder, like a painting falling off the wall or a screw coming loose in her cot. It actually became a funny little joke between us.
Gradually, she stopped needing to be left alone with him, and we generally forgot that all of that was happening. I went back to part time work and we had to hire a babysitter for when I was working, which was generally from 5-8 on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. When we began discussing this, his eyes lit up and he told me about his friend Jim's teenage daughter, who would work for a reasonable pay. It sounded ideal.
When we met her, she seemed exactly that; ideal. Her name was Sarah and she seemed eager to start. She was a cute girl, and told us she had a niece she took care of all the time. I was so grateful for her help that I tried to make things as comfortable for her as possible. I always made sure the fridge was full, and let her bring friends over if she asked me in advance. I even invited her to Annabelle's first birthday party. She did her job well. I only gave her one rule; no boys, no sex. If I remember correctly, her exact words were, 'I wouldn't dream of it!'.
You can imagine my disappointment when I found a shiny red box of condoms stashed at the back of a kitchen cabinet. I took them to my husband in fury.
'She broke my one rule! She's having sex here, Nathan!' I said, in hushed tones because Annabelle was sleeping quietly in the other room. 'The one thing I asked her not to do! I can't believe that girl!'
'Woah, darling, calm down. She's a teenage girl, all hormonal and shit.' He said, putting his hands on my shoulders.
'Well she's not being "all hormonal and shit" in my house with my daughter here!' I hissed, shaking the box.
'Come on, would we have been any different? Back in our teenage years?' He asked.
'That's not the point-'
'Okay, okay.' He said, taking the box. 'I'll talk to Jim, and get rid of these. She won't want to do it again after her dad hears about it.' I still frowned. 'That way it won't damage our relationship with her. She's a good kid.' He said. I agreed begrudgingly, but couldn't look at Sarah the same way again. I hated the thought of my sweet princess Annabelle being neglected while Sarah whored about on my couch. It was nauseating.
A couple of months later, I was at work when I got a call from my husband, telling me that the chandelier in Annabelle's nursery had fallen onto his arm and he was pretty sure he had broken it. I was so worried that I didn't think twice before telling my boss I had a family emergency and jumping in my car. I got there, burst into the house and thundered upstairs before entering the nursery to find my husband whimpering with pain under the weight of the chandelier, and Annabelle in her crib, gurgling and giggling happily. I went over and checked she was alright, sighing a sigh of relief when seeing that of the crystals that had flew off and hit the walls, none of them had come in the direction of her cot.
I bent down and started trying to lift the chandelier off of him. He tried to help with his other arm but was in too much pain to be much help.
'What the hell happened?' I asked, heaving with all my strength.
'I don't know, I walked in, got to here and it just... came loose!' He said. I finally shoved it off and he staggered to his feet, cursing. 'It's definitely broken...' he said, swaying lightly.
'I knew that guy we hired to fix the lights was a bit dodgy.' I steadied him, but noticed a red glint out of the corner of my eye.
A few feet from the chandelier, was the same box of condoms from before, remarkably emptier. A few were spilling out of the box. I picked them up.
'She was still having sex here!' I said, in disbelief.
'I think we have bigger problems at the moment, darling!' My husband said, gesturing to his arm.
'Of course, but... I thought she'd stopped. She can't work here anymore.' I said, returning to support my husband. I picked up Annabelle, and we made our way to the car.
'How come you were home anyway? I thought Sarah was supposed to be here?' I asked, as we hobbled down the stairs.
'I got to go home early because they're doing work on my office. I told her she could go home, but that we'd still pay her.' He said.
'Oh okay. Why didn't you tell me you had time off? We could have done something.' I asked.
'I didn't know until they told me. I would've!' He said, wincing in pain from his arm, as we reached the drive.
'Shit, her car seats not in here.' I said, looking through the window. 'I'll go and find it, you wait in the car.'
'Please hurry, darling.' He said.
'I will!' I called as I made my way back into the house with Annabelle on my hip. I remembered leaving it in our bedroom to dry after having to wash it when Annabelle got carsick the weekend prior, and burst in there. I picked it up and placed it on the bed to strap her in.
'There we are, sweet pea, nice and comfy.' She let out a string of very happy gurgles before saying something that sounded coherent.
'What did you say, baby?' I asked. My eyes widening. She was about to say her first word! I knew I should've just hurried up and gotten to the hospital, but how could I when she was about to speak?
'Ccccccup...' she said, smiling.
'Cup?' I whispered, giggling.
'Ccubud!' She said.
'What's a cubud?' I asked.
'Cupboard!' She said, laughing with me now. 'Cupboard, cupboard, cupboard!' She said. I furrowed my brows. Cupboard? Who had ever heard of a baby's first word being cupboard? That's when a crazy thought dawned on me.
I turned around and walked towards our big cupboard. I glanced back at Annabelle, and she continued to say 'Cupboard!' over and over again. It was starting to spook me. What could possibly be in the cupboard? I opened it very slowly.
'Please don't f-fire me!' A small, sniffly voice said. Sarah crawled out of the cupboard, in her underwear.
'What the hell are you doing in-' I started, laughing. I stopped laughing when my brain kicked into gear. I put it all together and it was pretty obvious what was going on.
'Fire you?!' I shouted. 'I'd be in my right mind to smack you!' She stood up, not looking at me whilst she put her clothes on. I regained composure. 'Out.' I said. I picked up Annabelle's car seat. My head flooded with rage. Twelve years of marriage, and he throws it away for some sixteen year old ass!?
She walked out of the house and I followed. The look on Nathan's face when he saw me with Sarah confirmed everything. I opened the car door ferociously.
'I found the car seat! Something else too!' I said in mock joy.
'Darling, I-' he spluttered.
'Get out of my car.' I said.
'What, why?' He said.
'I'm going to take Sarah home, and explain why she's now out of employment to her parents.' I said. Both of them started speaking simultaneously. 'Now!' I yelled.
'I know you're angry but I need hospital treatment-' at that I yanked him out of his seat, letting him flop onto the floor and yell in pain.
'Christ, Ellen!' He yelled. I strapped Annabelle's car seat in the passenger seat and told Sarah to get in the back. She did, crying gently.
I then proceeded to have both the angriest and the most awkward car ride of my life, and then a similar conversation with Jim.
I think Nathan called a friend to come and take him to the hospital. Not that it was worthwhile. I heard he was back in there the next day with a broken nose and four ribs after Jim found him.
In my times of misery, on my mothers couch, when I became depressed and disgusted that I had not been enough for Nathan, I'd see my beautiful little girl and be reminded of the miracle that she gave me. She hadn't spoken since then, which only convinced me further that something extraordinary had happened. Of course, when I told my mother this she brushed it off. She probably would have laughed if I hadn't been crying. But I didn't care, I knew the truth. And Annabelle had for a long time. Suddenly some other things began to make sense as well, the family cat that never liked him, my high school best friend saying he was a creep, and even my grandmother who had told me in her final days not to marry him, and that it was a mistake. I thought I might just call up that old high school best friend. None of them had ever thrown shit at him, or dropped a chandelier at him, though. That was impossible, and yet, the way she was giggling was with intent. Perhaps others would have been afraid or unsettled by their daughter seemingly having superpowers, but I was so thankful for my little miracle that I didn't care. In fact, it made me laugh to think about testing dates by her, seeing if she approved.
As for Nathan, statutory rape is not taken lightly in our state, and he'll be in prison for quite a while. On the plus side, with his light build I'm sure he'll get all the sex he can handle in prison! And if he ever dares to ask for some custody, I'll sure Annabelle will fight him off.
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