#all the bats kept flying at her only to immediately explode
agent-jaselin · 10 months
Fighting Cazador was hilarious with it's "dramatic ship fanfic" potential for me based on the initiative. Cause my squishy ranger got Astarion free first and then *immediately* died and got the "No you can't die! Get up damn you!" bark from Astarion for the first time in the game XD He (astarion) also got the killing blow on Cazador. Astarion getting to be the hero for his personal quest. good for him.
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honeycombstrawberry · 3 years
let’s stay together
pairing: thor x reader (she/her pronouns)
rating: T
word count: 1,108
prompt: “can I please have an imagine where you’re married to thor?”
one-sentence synopsis: you and your husband, thor, as well as your brother-in-law, loki, help the avengers in battle before thor informs you of some exciting news from asgard regarding your status.
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You whirled around, wielding your bow with a skill that could only be borne of centuries of training and practice and action. You let loose arrow after arrow, taking down enemies left and right as your husband fought in the middle of it all, back-to-back with his brother as they eliminated the flying bat-like beings.
You kept firing, your arrows slicing through the air to take down another one of the monsters as it was about to land on Thor’s back. Finally, you felled the last of them, then picked your way through the mess of rocks and the bodies of the beasts to Thor and Loki’s side. Thor turned to you and swept you up at once, lifting you off the ground and holding you around the waist in the air.
“You did so well,” Thor told you, then leaned down and kissed you soundly before you could respond. You smiled against his mouth and kissed back. You hadn’t seen him in a little while before this, but when he came to Earth with the Asgardians, he had immediately sought you out again, apologizing profusely for having been gone so long. You had missed him so much, you lost how sad you had been without him in the face of finally being together again.
“Please,” Loki said, and Thor let you slide down to stand on the ground again. Tony Stark landed beside you, his face mask sliding out of the way to reveal him inside the suit.
“Good to have you back,” he said to you and Thor. He glanced at Loki. “You, not so much.”
“Well, you needed my help, so,” Loki said. Tony flipped him off. “What is that? What did he do?”
“It’s a symbol of gratitude,” you cut in before Tony could answer. Thor dropped his arm around your shoulders, tugging you close against his side. Loki frowned.
“Yeah, exactly, hornhead,” Tony said. Loki reached up and yanked his helmet off, flashing the points at Tony threateningly before he disappeared in a flash of light. You turned just as the Hulk shrank down back into Bruce Banner, who stared at Tony’s face dazedly.
“What the hell were those?” Bruce asked. Thor reached out and tugged Bruce against his other side. You leaned around Thor’s chest to smile at him. You had missed working with everybody; after Thor’s disappearance and the ensuing battle between Tony and Steve, the dividing of everything - it felt like your whole life changed at once.
Now, though - everyone was back together. The whole team. You smiled at Bruce again, leaning heavily into Thor, pleased as punch.
“Uhh, goblins,” Tony said. “Or something.”
“Whatever they were,” Steve said, coming up next to you, wiping blue gunk off his face, “they’re gross.”
“Sorry,” Bucky said, replacing his guns in his belt. He grinned down at you. “Shot one of ‘em. Exploded all over him.”
You laughed. Steve glanced at you, trying not to smile.
“Oh, you think it’s so funny?” he asked. You shook your head, backing up as he tried to smear his blue palm across your face. You shrieked, laughing, ducking out of the way; Thor lifted you off the ground and dropped you on Steve’s shoulders. You jerked your weight forward and pinned him to the ground.
“I’ve missed this,” you declared, still holding Steve on the ground, pressing one of your arrows across his shoulders to keep him down. Thor reached down and lifted the arrow into the air, taking you and your iron grip on the arrow with it.
“As have I,” Thor said. He shook you off the arrow and examined it. “You’ve developed this.”
“We sure did,” Tony said, and you flipped him off.
“Ahh,” Thor said. “Thank you, as well, Stark.” He flicked the head of the arrow and handed it back to you. “It came in quite handy.”
You looked up at him, pleased. The way he looked back at you was quite reminiscent of old times. You remembered, or maybe realized, all at once that you had not been together for so long, and not been properly together for, God, well-
“It’s been too long,” Thor said, like he could read your mind. You remembered seeing him in battle, only minutes before, filled with the power of lightning, blue streaks crackling all over his body, his eye filled with white. You reached up and touched his eyepatch, then stroked down to his beard. “Did I tell you you’re a queen now?”
You stopped, surprised. You took a step back, forgetting everything you had just been thinking in favor of oh-so-eloquently saying, “What?”
“Oh, yeah,” Thor said. “The Allfather has joined my mother. I’m the King now.”
You stared at him, then turned back to look at Bucky, the first person you made eye contact with. He shrugged. You turned back to Thor.
“You’re kidding me,” you said. Thor grinned.
“I am not,” he replied. He dropped into an elaborate bow. “A pleasure, Your Highness.” He glanced at the guys around you, then nudged Bruce sharply. “She’s a queen. Show respect.”
Bruce looked nervous, then dropped down next to Thor. Thor laughed and clapped him on the back, nearly knocking him over.
“Nah, I’m just kidding,” he said, standing up. He lifted you up again, holding you tight to his chest. “I will have to present you to the Asgardians as their queen, though.”
“Oh, no,” you murmured. “However shall I cope?”
“You get a crown,” Thor told you. “And a cape.”
“You had me at ‘queen,’” you replied, smiling, letting him kiss you again. You remembered what had you been thinking before he dropped his bomb, and wriggled to be put down. He set you down, but you just pulled him with you, until his ear was next to your mouth. “If we’re King and Queen, we’ll probably need to give you an heir.”
“Absolutely!” Thor said, lifting you up again. You laughed at the looks on your friends’ faces. “Well, we have to fulfill our royal duties. Loki!”
Loki cracked back into existence, appearing beside you in a blur of dust. “What?”
“Let’s go home!” Thor said. Loki motioned to the car you had driven there in.
“Couldn’t’ve just driven?” Loki asked. Thor clapped him on the shoulder.
“You’re the car now,” he said. He turned to the team and flipped them all off. “Thanks for your help! See you at work tomorrow.”
You laughed, hearing Steve ask why the hell he had flipped you off and Tony ask why Thor thought this was a job, just as the crack of Loki’s magic snapped you and Thor back home.
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writesowhatnext · 4 years
we’re only getting older, baby // george weasley
Summary: enemies // that’s how you and george weasley started out
Request: nee
A/N: this has been in my head a while and essentially it’s a 3-part enemies-to-lovers thing and I am excited about it!!!!! And also Y/L/N is your last name which I usually skirt around but couldn’t in this :)
Reader: female, Slytherin
Warnings: swearing, arguments
enemies // friends // lovers // epilogue
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Almost immediately, you could tell there was something wrong with that bludger.
You were a beater, and a hell of a good one at that, and so you had a knack for knowing when a bludger was acting strange. It was your job, really, and you considered the one that seemed to have a death wish for Harry Potter definitely out of the ordinary. Until it broke off the end of Wood’s broomstick and sent him spiralling to the ground, you hadn’t even noticed it and whilst you had absolutely no love for the Gryffindor keeper, or Harry Potter for that matter, you knew that a bludger, especially a rogue one, could do a lot of damage.
Despite the inevitable grief you’d get from your teammates, it was obvious that Potter was probably quite important in the grand scheme of things in the wizarding world and it seemed that whilst you did really want to win the match, you were also pretty fond of being alive. And so, after a few moments of internal debate, you cursed under your breath and set off after Potter, your bat at the ready.
“Y/N Y/L/N, Slytherin beater, is… following Harry Potter?” Lee Jordan shouted over the speakers, garnering a healthy level of confusion from the crowd.
When the bludger came at him, certain to knock him off his broom if you did nothing, you huffed and adjusted the bat in your grip. With a grunt, you smacked it away, sending it spiralling across the other side of the field.
“What- what are you doing?” Potter stuttered; his eyes wide as he looked at you. They turned into saucers when he looked to your right and without thinking, you surged your broom forward and turned, the bludger striking your bat so hard the vibration reverberated right down your wrist.
“No need to thank me, Potter,” you said dryly, looking around for a blur of black in the sky. “Bludger’s enchanted; if you were smart, you’d get out of the sky.”
Out the corner of your eye, you saw Flint and Pucey sandwich one of the Gryffindor chasers, angling her into the Hufflepuff stand. You rolled your eyes at them, already vaguely irritated at the presence of your own morals, their cheating only adding further insult to injury. You couldn’t deny your annoyance that every Slytherin success was surmounted to pure cheating and they did nothing to help the case.
Turning around to reprimand Potter, you groaned when you saw him disappear into the stands followed by a flash of green and white. The bludger soared after both him and Malfoy and you ground your teeth together, reluctantly flying over.
“As Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy search for the snitch, they are followed into the stands by a bludger!” Lee Jordan’s voice rang out. “And Y/N Y/L/N?”
Loud, echoing boos filled the air as you grasped your broom, trying to listen to the sound of beams being broken by the weight of the iron ball. You rolled your eyes, barely stopping in time as the dark object whooshed in front of you, the force of it blowing a gust of wind through your quidditch robes.
As it curved in the air, preparing to circle back into the stands and no doubt maim Harry Potter, you prepared yourself. With your shoulders set back and palms gripping both your broom and bat tightly, you inhaled, watching it gather momentum. Absentmindedly, you contemplated how far Potter would fly if it hit him. Then, with a hefty swing, you sent the bludger over the top of the stands, so far that it disappeared for a few moments in the mist. The sound of your bat cracking down the middle was a horrible one, the wood pinching your palms as you grimaced. You slowied your broom down to a stop and hoped they’d give you a replacement. That is, if you were even allowed on the team anymore, after this stunt.
You only remembered why you’d cared so much about the bludger in the first place when both Potter and Malfoy rocketed out of the stands with their arms outstretched in efforts to reach the snitch you were far too far away to see. A chuckle left your lips as Malfoy hit the ground, rolling over twice before lying still, clutching his side. Potter, however, was a different story and when he tumbled to the ground, your mood soured as in his opened palm, was a shining golden glint that could only be the snitch. Applause and cheers rang out through the stadium along with Lee Jordan’s incessant shouting and you huffed, your shoulders sagging as you lowered your broom to the ground. You’d never hear the end of this, you thought crossly, knowing Flint would more than likely bar you from the team.
Strolling casually over, you didn’t even blink as the bludger soared back from where you’d hit it, never wavering from its desire to pulverise Potter. It exploded in the sky just above him as you dragged your broom across the field, only mildly interested in the swarms of people invading the pitch. You were halfway between Malfoy and Potter when you slowed to a halt, standing your broom up and watching carefully as crowds surrounded them both.
“Oi, Y/L/N!” Flint called; his anger palpable. You clicked your jaw and twisted your head to face him, clutching the handle of your broom tighter at the look on his face.
“What the bloody hell was that?”
“The bludger was-“
“I don’t give a shit! Why weren’t you paying attention to the game?”
“Me?” you said indignantly and probably far too loudly. “I was the only one that bloody noticed that bludger going after Potter.”
“That was fine by us,” he said, shrugging. “With Potter out the way, we’d win the match easily.”
“You’re such a fucking troll, Flint,” you snapped. He lunged at you, only for you to slam your hands into his chest, pushing him back.
“Don’t forget whose side you’re on, Y/L/N,” his breathing was ragged as he got close to your face. “Helping Potter’s done you no favours.”
“Helping?” someone called from behind you. “She wasn’t bloody helping anybody!”
You turned around to see the Gryffindor team collecting behind you, the Weasley twins looking decidedly angry as they glowered at you.
“She was firing bludgers at Harry the whole bloody game,” George said gruffly.
You grumbled, tilting your head to the side, already done with the whole debacle.
“He’s lucky he’s alive!” Fred added, scowling. “What, with her stalking him the whole time!”
“Oh really?” you asked, turning to the twins, the air turning tense. “Where were you idiots, then? He’s on your bloody team, isn’t he?”
“Hey!” George leant forward, his fist clenching at his side. “That’s not-“
“That was blatant cheating,” Wood interrupted, his voice stern.
“Remind me, Wood; isn’t hitting the bludger at the other team the beater’s job?” Flint asked, though judging by the dirty look he sent you, you were inclined to believe that his intention wasn’t to stick up for you.
“This is different, Flint. That bludger-“
“Was enchanted!” you said, throwing your arms up, only to catch the eye of George, who seemed more irked than ever.
“So that’s your excuse, is it? Bloody enchanted, eh?”
“Have you ever seen a bludger behave like that, you moron?” you countered, leaning closer to him, itching to just punch him in the jaw.
“Typical Slytherin,” he muttered, his red brows drawn together. “Cheats, the lot of you.”
You started forward, beyond prepared to start a fight when Professor McGonagall stepped between you, fixing her glare first on you before turning it to George.
“I think we have more pressing matters to deal with,” she said pointedly. “Don’t you?”
You stepped backwards, still simmering with anger as you looked at Weasley, who also appeared barely able to control himself.
“Like restoring Mr Potter’s bones, perhaps?” she stared icily at Wood for a moment. “Or maybe Mr Malfoy’s ribs?”
Her stare trailed back to you and her lips twitched and if it hadn’t been for Malfoy’s overly-dramatic groan, you thought she’d probably have never looked away. With a miffed huff, you turned on your heel and stormed off, muttering under your breath.
You didn’t see George Weasley again until Professor Lockhart’s stupid duelling club. You were peeved enough that you had to be taught by a glorified mannequin, but having to navigate around all the spiders that kept cropping up everywhere was slowly pushing you over the edge. George Weasley was just the icing on the cake.
“You know, Fred,” he started, a teasing grin on his lips. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Y/N was the Heir of Slytherin.”
You rolled your eyes, purposefully stepping backwards to grind your heel into his foot. You were rewarded with a little yelp, but you stiffened when you felt him come closer behind you.
“Careful, George,” Fred said, the smile in his voice evident. “You could get yourself petrified.”
You scoffed, turning around sharply, surprised to see George’s face so close to your own.
“Oh, yes, Weasley!” you whispered rather loudly. “You’ve cracked the bloody case; I just go around petrifying people for the fun of it! Brilliant detectives, you prats are.”
They mocked your words, wobbling their heads from side to side as you whipped back to face Lockhart, suitably aggravated as you crossed your arms over your chest. A Hufflepuff from one of the lower years turned around to shush you and in turn, received the full brunt of your anger as you tutted loudly.
“Oh, piss off, Finch-Fletchley.”
Your mood only soured further when George snorted behind you.
Why George Weasley pissed you off so much you couldn’t say. Your head-butting was indisputably his fault with his catty remarks and stupid pranks and all just because you were a Slytherin. It would’ve been a lie, though, to say that you didn’t return the favour. Justifiably, though, you thought. Ever since your first year, it had always been the same; you and Weasley at each other’s throats, somewhat enjoying having somebody to hate, somewhat enjoying the rush of arguing with someone. Thankfully, though, you didn’t have to think about him a lot; you were rarely in the same classes and when you could, you just ignored him for the sake of your own wellbeing.
When you saw Harry Potter and the youngest Weasley boy, Ron, in the corridor, though, spying on the teachers as they examined one of the messages that had been sprouting up all over the castle, you couldn’t help but think of George. His little sister was missing and despite every insult you’d thrown his way, you felt bad for him. You knew that you should’ve reported them for being in the corridors when they shouldn’t have been, but you watched Ron’s expression go from upset to desolate as his eyes settled on you and with a quick decision you hoped you wouldn’t regret, you turned away. They whispered to each other as you walked in the opposite direction, confused as to why you acted as if you hadn’t even seen them.
You did, in the end, regret your kind gesture, and any other you’d done in the past, when George stormed into Slytherin common room, barrelling past the charms and stopping short right in front of you, panting like a stampeding rhinoceros. You clenched your jaw, standing up so that you were chest to chest.
“Was it you?” he asked, cutting straight to the chase.
You narrowed your eyes, fully aware of the dozens of ears eavesdropping on your conversation.
“Was what me?” you said slowly, trying to contain your anger. He really didn’t have a clue, did he? He never did.
“Oh, you know what,” he spat, joined by his brother Fred. You rolled your eyes, knowing that if everyone wasn’t already staring at you, they sure were now. “My sister.”
You bit back every retort you wanted to spout and instead leant forward, poking at his chest with your finger.
“Weasley,” you said, your voice level, but rippling with barely concealed irritation. “I’m sorry about your sister.”
“Yeah, well, you would say that- what?” he stopped, visibly taken aback.
“I heard about your sister,” you said, dropping your hand and looking at his chest. “I’m sorry she was taken. I didn’t do it.”
Fred, along with the rest of the common room, watched your jaw clench before you exhaled. The toll attempting to be civil to George Weasley was taking on your composure was obvious.
George opened and closed his mouth like a fish and, had you seen, you would’ve mocked him, but you didn’t notice. Your just lifted your chin as you sat down, turning back to your book and pretending that you could concentrate on the words with your heart thumping so loudly in your ears. You didn’t look up until he fled the room, his twin hot on his tail.
After that altercation, you didn’t see much of the twins. The castle seemed to somehow go back to normal, the petrified students reanimated again and the blood washed off of the walls like it was never there. Potter smiled at you in the corridors sometimes as well and though you didn’t mean for it, he always noticed the slight curl of your lips in response.
That particular day, you were lurking near the doorway of the Great Hall, waiting for the house-elves to bring out food for you to take on the train home.
As you dug dirt out from under your fingernails, you watched Granger walk past looking a lot less lifeless than the last time you saw her. She stopped in front of you, her smile faltering slightly under your stare, your eyebrow raised in question.
“I see you’re up and moving again, Granger,” you said offhandedly, hoping she would actually do something other than stare. “Can I help you with something?”
Her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at you before she just shook her head, scuttling off to where Potter and Ron Weasley were sitting at the Gryffindor table. You rolled your eyes at her as someone clearing their throat next to you drew your attention. You grimaced at the sight of Fred and George.
“Uh,” George said, his face alone enough to flare your irritation. “Harry told me that the bludger at the start of the year was enchanted by a house-elf.”
You stared at him passively for as long as you could before your anger bubbled over.
“So, you blamed me for the work of a bloody house-elf? Oh, right, yes, cheers, George,” you said sharply, watching Fred scurry away, leaving you facing his brother alone.
“Well-“ George said indignantly before you cut him off, leaning closer.
“And let’s not forget that you also blamed me for what You-Know-Who did in the ‘chamber of secrets’-“
“Right, I’m trying to say sorry here,” he said plainly, scowling.
“You what?” you asked, rather breathless after your little rant.
“I’m trying to say that I’m sorry for being such a git,” he said, the air thick as he waited for any semblance of a reaction on your face. “And to say thanks, you know... for not telling on Harry and Ron.”
George expected many things when you opened your mouth then: shouting, insults, a punch perhaps, maybe even a hex. What he did not expect, was rationality and fairness.
“Alright,” you nodded, your expression still hard.
“Yes, fine, I accept your apology.”
“What?” he said, the stupidly confused look on his face stoking your rage again.
“Are you thick? I said I’m accepting your apology.”
“I didn’t expect you to accept.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to calm yourself down.
“Well, you don’t know a lot about me, Weasley,” you said, your voice surprisingly soft and almost religiously guarded.
He relaxed a little, strangely curious all of a sudden.
“I suppose I don’t…” he said, a wary grin pulling at his cheeks. “Maybe we could be friends?”
In fairness, he’d said it more to judge your reaction than anything; to test the waters between you.
You stared at his outstretched hand with a deadpan look.
“Don’t push it.”
harry potter tag list:
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wintervvidow · 3 years
apricity one-shot: the time florence got shot
apricity - the warmth of the sun in winter
warnings: gunshot wound, blood mention, mature language
pairing: bucky barnes x female oc
word count: 2,027
A/N: apricity will have a series of installments of one-shots to give in-depth glimpses of bucky, florence, and their story! this is one. thank you for reading! feedback is welcome!
Bucharest, Romania. 1990
Eight months into the year-long recon mission.
Florence wasn’t a stranger to the searing pain of a gunshot wound or the stinging radiation of a stab wound. She’s taken too many bullets to count, patching herself up in dingy bathrooms, dark back alleys, and now a safe house in Romania.
She stumbled through the barren apartment leaving a trail of blood, the Soldier nowhere to be found. She pushed the bathroom door open with bloody hands, her footing messily stumbled to the sink as she felt hot blood ooze down her hip. She tore off her tactical vest the bullet had managed to go through and peeled the sticky shirt off of her abdomen, the blood making the fabric stick to her skin uncomfortably. Gritting her teeth, she swiped an alcohol pad up the trail of blood, the movement ending at the entry wound.
The bottle of liquor was in front of her on the sink, leftover from the soldier when he had gotten stabbed the week before. She took the bottle in her hand, the glass smearing with blood, and shakily twisted the cap off and taking a long swig before she poured it on the wound. Florence yelped in pain, biting her shirt to quiet her moans of pain and to keep it out of her way. She places the bottle back down on the sink, the glass meeting the porcelain with a clink. 
She fishes the tweezers out of the first-aid kit and runs them under the tap, the blood loss not giving her the energy to properly clean them. A deep breath in and then the metal enters the wound, blindly poking and prodding her flesh to try to find the slug of the bullet. Florence bites down on the blood-soaked fabric of her shirt so hard she’s afraid she’ll fracture her own jaw, her hands shaking so uncontrollably that she drops the tweezers into the sink. The shirt drops from her mouth as she leans against the porcelain, catching her reflection in the mirror as she drops her head and takes a deep breath in, closing her eyes.
Something shuffles behind her, she lifts her head slowly to look in the reflection of the mirror behind her. The soldier looms in the doorway, his broad figure taking up the entire space of the door as his eyes scanned the bloody mess of the bathroom. If Florence wasn’t so delirious from the blood loss, she would have noticed the panicked rise and fall of his chest or the mixture of concern, relief, and anger swimming in his eyes as he finally took in her slumped form. 
The soldier enters the cramped bathroom without a word and picked the bloody tweezers from the floor. His hand meets Florence’s elbow, gently guiding her to sit on the closed toilet lid, ker skin was paling by the second from blood loss. Bucky reaches in front of her and grabs the whiskey, pouring it over the tweezers. He fishes around the first-aid kit for what, Florence doesn’t know, too busy trying to keep herself upright and not falling onto the floor. The last thing she wanted was for the soldier to carry her out of here like she was helpless.
The soldier found what he was looking for, busying himself with threading a needle to stitch up the wound once he got the bullet out. He hid the shake of his hands well, swallowing down the anxiety that settled in his bones. The thought of something happening to Florence sparked a fire inside if him that would never die out, the embers would always be lit even if it was only a dying ash. Bucky has killed for much less, he wouldn't bat an eye to do it for Florence, it would be the only time he would wash blood from his hands and not end up in a fit of panic. The length Bucky would go for her knew no end, he'd go to the ends of the earth. 
He laid out gauze and pads along the sink edge, much more prepared than Florence. He could probably patch up a bullet wound in his sleep, only if he ever did sleep. Florence tiredly watches Bucky as he turns toward her with tweezers in hand, his stormy eyes never meeting hers and his jaw clenching angrily and shoulders tensing, his body rigid. The girl didn’t have the energy to indulge in his anger, she didn’t understand why he was even angry in the first place.
Bucky set the tweezers down on the edge of the sink, his hands dropping down to his belt, fingers working at the buckle. Florence watched in confusion as he undid his belt, metal and flesh fingers sliding it through the belt loops of his dark jeans. He wrapped the leather around his hand before sliding it off and motioning the folded leather towards her mouth, nodding for her to bite down on it. 
He picks up the tweezers again and kneels in front of her on one knee, looking at her in a silent apology before he plunges the metal into her flesh. Florence bites down on the leather, eyes screwing shut as she balls her hands up in fists in her lap. Bucky continues to dig, the tweezers hitting a particularly tender spot, Florence’s hand flying to his shoulder and clutching his navy blue shirt, causing the man to pause for a moment and take a deep breath. The tweezers finally catch on something solid, Bucky pulling the bullet out quickly and pushing gauze to the wound as he drops the blood-soaked bullet into the sink, blood splattering across the ivory porcelain.
Florence drops the belt from her mouth, watching as it falls the ground between her and Bucky, who still kept pressure on the wound. 
Bucky reaches across himself to grab the needle, finally speaking, “Hold the gauze.” His tone is cold and sharp, a night and day difference from the look in his eyes that expressed that he was scared and worried. Florence could usually read him like a book but now that book had slammed closed and locked itself away. 
Florence places her hand over his as she takes over holding the gauze, Bucky sterilizing the needle with the remaining liquor in the bottle. He'd have to buy another tomorrow. 
He turns back, fingers prying at her hand to remove the bloody padding as he began to stitch the wound closed, not bothering to warn Florence of the sting of the needle, this was her payback for making him feel like his entire world was ending at the fear of losing her. Only she didn't know that.
Time passed slowly as Bucky stitched her up, Florence gaining more awareness as she watched Bucky’s jaw tick, “I didn’t ask you to help me, so why are you mad? Is it the mess?” Blood was everywhere leading to and in the bathroom, she remembered their first month in the apartment, the soldier had yelled at her about her leaving a dish in the sink, something about not leaving a trace that they had been there. She called him paranoid then and she immediately regretted it when the look on his face read like she had just slapped him. 
The soldier clipped the thread and started a new stitch, shaking his head, “No.”
Florence huffed, wincing as the needle plunged through her flesh again, sharp and pulling, “Then what’s wrong with you?”
“You should have been more careful.” Bucky spoke with a clipped tone, not daring to look up at her. If he did, he's afraid he'd crumble right on the floor in front of her. 
If breathing didn’t feel like her sternum was going to crack, Florence would have laughed, “Are you kidding? You got stabbed last week and I didn’t say a word.” The soldier had entered the apartment at 3 in the morning clutching his side with one hand, a bottle of whiskey in the other and a sour scowl on his face. Florence sat awake on the sofa, she was waiting for him to get home, her anxiety growing as the clock continued to tick, and watched as he stumbled to the bathroom and locked the door. She didn't follow but heard the muttered curses through the thin peeling walls. She didn't sleep at all that night. 
Bucky huffed as he finished up the final stitch, “That was different.”
Anger pooled in the girl’s eyes, “Please explain to me how that is different. Enlighten me.”
Blue finally met green, both staring at each other intensely, “It’s different because you are the one that got shot. You should have let me handle the mission today.”
This time Florence did laugh, ignoring the searing pain it sent through her entire body, “You know what? Fuck you. We were sent here to do a mission, that’s what I was doing. Do not treat me like I’m glass.”
Bucky immediately regretted partaking in this argument, he should have stayed quiet, otherwise, right now his feelings wouldn’t be bubbling to the surface, “I never said you were glass. I should have gone with you, protected you.”
All bets were off, Florence’s nerves were fried- frayed and raw and he had just rubbed salt in the wound, “Protected me?! I don’t need protecting! I got shot, end of story.” This conversation sparked a fire in Florence, everything she had been bottling up threatening to explode, taking multiple casualties in its path with no mercy. They were both going to drown in the emotion flooding the air between them. 
That was Bucky’s final straw, his jaw ticked, eyes widened and suddenly he was yelling, voice bouncing of the confined walls of the dingy bathroom, “No! Not end of story! When I walked in, I saw a trail of blood and thought the worst, I thought I had lost you, Florence!”
Time froze, Florence’s brain malfunctioning as Bucky’s words sunk in, “You know my name.” All eight months, he called her soldier, never anything else. She silently prayed that eventually he'd recognize her, give her a dose of before, before all of this, and now it was finally happening. She watched as the soldier stood in front of her, his eyebrows furrowed and mouth parted like he had just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. 
The two stared in silence before he spoke again, his tone significantly quieter as it trembled and shook with emotion, “I'll forget my own before I ever forget yours." Tears brimmed his eyes, "I remembered it last week. Along with a few more things I can’t place.”
Florence had been off the ice considerably longer than Bucky had before this mission, her memory had already come back to her in chunks. All of him. All of Bucky. Everything.
“What-,” Florence gulped, “What things?” Florence pleaded internally that it wasn’t what she was dreading. 
"A ring? All I remember was that it was emerald. I never see the girl I give it to, it’s too blurry. And a pregnant woman? That one is the most confusing.”
Oh fuck.
Florence now had a vendetta with the universe. 
Florence weighed her options of telling him the truth or lying to him, opting to tell him the truth. She settled on only one truth today, she couldn’t handle the other one, not now, “The ring was mine. You and I were together before this. We were engaged, you proposed right before you left for England in the war.”
Bucky only looked at her, a distant look in his eyes, “Oh.” That’s all he had to say, choosing to remain silent as he walked out of the bathroom, leaving Florence to fight the demons herself.
She twisted the lock on the door, slid down to the ground, and sobbed, not caring that Bucky could definitely hear her.  Screaming at the universe or any higher being, she begged them to listen, pleading for something, anything. Death, escape, to wake up from this nightmare. 
None of it was fair.
That night, Bucky and Florence slept through the night in the same bed for the first time, finding temporary peace in each other’s arms. 
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Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed!
Tag list: @tanyaherondale @lilyviolets @jckie94 @g-mayunot @geek-and-proud @ginger-swag-rapunzel
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bluebellwriting · 4 years
Love Me Tender Part 4
Alastor got up early the next morning with the intent of making you breakfast before your romp through the city. It’s a trait he got from his mother. Whenever he was sick or down or angry or particularly joyful, her love came pouring through to him in the form of food. He’s always thought it was the greatest devotion one could demonstrate. Good food, the kind that lifts the spirits and makes you feel warm some place deep, takes time and care and patience and love. And only people who deserve it get food like that.
Today he woke up with the vision of you eating his mother’s beignets, so he started planning out everything he would need as he walked into the kitchen.
“Heya, smiles,” came the still slurred words of Angel Dust.
Alastor’s shoulders tense but he refuses to show his discomfort any further. Although it probably wouldn’t have mattered, Angel was clearly still drunk from whatever party he had snuck out to last night. He probably couldn’t tell right from left at this point.
“Good morning.”
“You l-look... You look sexy.” Angel flops over onto the table and groans. Fat Nuggets nudges his ankles and makes a concerned oink.
Alastor rolls his eyes and slides the waste bin over to him with a flick of his fingers. 
“You look like you’re about to ruin the floors. For my sake, Nifty’s, and your dear sister, you’ll aim for the bin.”
Angel picks up the bin and squishes it against his cheek, hugging it like a baby. The little pig at his feet whines again and plops on the floor, sulking.
Alastor waves his hand and the ingredients begin to fly around the room, arranging themselves on the counter for him to get to work.
“Who ya lookin’... dressin’ sexy for? My sistah? YoU wanna get l-lucky with ma sistah?”
At once the eggs and milk that were still levitating in the air fall to the ground. The milk sloshes everywhere and the eggs land with a loud crack. Fat Nuggets squeals and hides under the table. Alastor’s shoulders arch and the bag of flour that was in his hand explodes from the grip of his fist. The flour cakes Alastor’s suit, hair, and face, thankfully hiding the vibrant red of his cheeks. If Angel had seen just how bright his cheeks were at the thought of... “getting lucky” with (Y/N), he would never be able to live it down.
“Oh my goodness!” Your voice, like music to Alastor’s ears, floats through the air but for once he is less than thrilled.
Alastor scrambles. He whips around and takes in the sight of you in this absolutely darling red dress with black flowers embroidered into the skirt, your hair was perfectly done up, ready for your day with him and here he is, messing up your kitchen. 
“What happened here?” You ask, your eyes lingering on the cracked eggs and then the flour caking his shoes. He must look like a complete wreck, absolutely putrid.
Before he can even begin to stumble out an excuse, Angel decides to open that big fat mouth of his.
“S-Smiles here was makin’ ya breakfast,” Angel sings. You roll your eyes.
“Angel how late were you out?”
“I’m s-still out,” he slurs, flopping onto the table unbothered by the milk that spilled there.
You groan and squeeze the bridge of your nose, feeling the beginnings of a headache that you really don’t need before meeting an Overlord. Only it’s about to get worse as you hear the excited squeal of your favorite pig.
Fat Nuggets runs and jumps at you, caking your dress in flour. But as much as you loved the dress and the confidence it gave you to be in the presence of this Rosie and... Alastor, you can’t say no to that little face.
You scoop him up in your arms and hold him like a baby. He immediately settles down, lets out as much of a sigh as he can, and relaxes in your arms.
“Hello, sweetheart,” you coo and waggle a finger in front of his nose.
Alastor’s dead heart almost dies a second time as he watches you, watches the way you coddle and care for the pig, how right you look with a baby of any sort in your arms. You tickle the pig’s tummy, causing him to squeal, and it takes everything within Alastor not to leap across the room and cradle you in his own arms. 
“I’m so terribly sorry about this, love. Let me clean this up.” Alastor kneels before you and pats the flour out of your dress. Your face flushes and you have to resist the urge to giggle at the smile he’s sending you. His pants are being ruined by the milk and yolk on the floor, but all he seems to be concerned with is you. 
It takes a lot for a man like Alastor to kneel before anyone. It’s the ultimate sign of weakness, submission. He’s just a little shorter than you when he’s like this but you have a perfect access to his jugular, could kill him in an instant, and he’d probably let you.
You smile sweetly down at him. Alastor wants to lean up and kiss you, your lips are so close like this.
“Hey! G-Give me back my baby,” Angel stands and stumbles over to you. “Go make one of your own!”
“Anthony!” “Angel!”
You both gasp and Alastor is thankful once again for the flour shielding his cheeks.
You step away from Alastor and stomp on your brother’s foot, drawing a sobering squeal from him.
“Don’t be nasty!”
Alastor sighs, mourning the ruined moment. That was a moment, right? It felt like one.
With a snap of his fingers, Alastor has cleaned the entire kitchen and produced a steaming plate of beignets, although, they are hardly up to his standards. Some knockoffs of his mother’s recipe, undeserving of the honor of being held in your hand. But you both have a long day ahead of you.
“Care for one, dearest?” He holds the plate out to you, drawing you away from your whining brother. The frown on your face is instantly replaced by your glowing smile, a good sign.
“Oh, thank you. That’s so sweet.” You continue to hold Fat Nuggets in one set of your arms and take a beignet with a remaining free hand. “You really didn’t have to--”
“I won’t hear it,” Alastor scolds. “It is never a chore to cook for a lovely lady.”
Your cheeks feel as though they have caught on fire. You want to come up with some witty comeback, some harmless little flirtation to diffuse the glint in his eyes and the softness of his smile. But your mind is running a blank and he’s looking at you with the most hopeful of smiles, so you take a bite. He watches you closely as you chew and take in the waves of vanilla and sugar. It’s delicious, breathtakingly delicious.
“Do you like it? It’s my mother’s recipe.” He grins and tilts his head, making him look all the more like a precious deer.
“It’s wonderful. You really outdid yourself. Would you... Would you mind showing me when we get back?”
Yes, he wants to scream. Yes, and then we can have dinner and talk about the rest of our lives together.
“I would love nothing more,” he says, in the most tender tone a man like him can muster. 
“Should we get going?” You ask, turning to the door in a foolish attempt to avoid his intensity.
“Absolutely!” Alastor hooks his arm around one of yours and tugs you close to his side.
The walk to Rosie’s Emporium is easy. Walking anywhere in Hell is easy when the Radio Demon has you snuggled into his side as he chats with you about the glory of Creole cuisine. You’ve implored him to teach you more about it in exchange for his own requested lessons in Italian pastry making. Although you still haven’t quite figured out why a man who notoriously hates all things sweet and sugary would want to learn about one of the richest dessert cultures ever. But like most things regarding Alastor, it’s a mystery. A cheeky mystery you can’t help but want to unravel, if it meant getting to spend an extra minute in his presence.
He has a way of making you feel so special, like a spotlight is constantly on you and deserves to be on you. And he’s one of the few men you have met in this life and the life before that never seemed to care about your weight, the width of your hips, the parts that stick out where on most they stick in. Either he doesn’t care or he sees you as nonthreatening because of it, but you can’t say you want to complain. It’s nice to get a bit of attention. 
It’s also nice to not get hassled on the streets for once. To not be hollered at because someone wants to fuck you or because someone wants to kill you. Demons clear a path for you like a rock in a stream and you know it’s all him, the mafia isn’t nearly as powerful here as it was up there. But his confidence and his glee and his power seep off of himself and into you. Another gift that comes from being so close to him.
Rosie’s Emporium reminds you of the shopping centers from when you were alive. It’s so quaint and prim and well kept that it doesn’t even look as if it belongs with the filthy buildings that surround it. The only marring detail is the black paint (although it might be dried blood, you’re not sure) crossing out the name ‘Franklin.’
“Who was Franklin,” you ask as Alastor strolls forward with a newfound fervor towards the door.
“Rosie’s dearly departed husband. Although... it’s best not to talk about that now, darling.”
Alastor throws open the door and leaves your side. As soon as he enters, the throes of women shopping and lurking swoon. They all greet him with girlish squeals and coos of his name, and it is then that you realize that him accompanying you was not really a favor for him. He wasn’t really here for you, was not concerned, just looking for a reason to get out of the stuffy hotel and into his crowd of adoring admirers.
Alastor goes on to charm the eye-batting crowd like it’s absolutely nothing, while the bricks around your heart slowly start to build themselves back up again. You’re not completely surprised. He’s always been teeth-rottenly charming and oozing charisma. That’s not the part that hurts, it’s just his nature. 
The part that hurts is that you were actually starting to feel different. That perhaps the flirting he did with you was in some way different than what these women got from him. That in some way you were, God forbid, special. But that’s far too much to ask from a man so caught up in himself and his own inflating ego. You weren’t special, just a store of validation for him to tap when he couldn’t escape here.
With your heart effectively locked back up, you have no more distractions, no more vulnerable emotions. The version of you who shot up mobsters in the streets, who poisoned and threatened men without a second shot, comes back in earnest. You steal yourself and wander towards a receptionist.
“Hello,” you say, back straight and eyes icy. “I have an appointment with Rosie.”
“Name?” She asks, ogling Alastor from her desk.
“(F/N) (L/N).”
By some great feat of strength, the girl is able to peel her eyes off of Alastor and down to her calendar.
“Oh! Yes, she’s waiting for you. Right back through there,” she says quickly so she can resume her admiration-from-a-distance. You thank her quietly and head to the back room, hoping to make it there without Alastor who you really don’t need to see right now. But today the universe doesn’t care what you want because he’s right by your side just as you knock on the office door. 
“There you are, darling,” he cheers.
“Here I am.”
Rosie calls you in and you march forward before Alastor’s lanky arm can make its way around you again.
Usually the men you meet with are that. Men. In large mahogany offices with clunky leather furniture. The rooms always smell of smoke and hard liquor. They’re always cliches.
Rosie’s office is warm and inviting despite her Overlord status. It fosters false security with its pink furniture, silk curtains, and the multi-tiered tray of tea cakes ready for her guests to consume, like the witch’s home in Hansel and Gretel. And Rosie herself screams, “I’m a sweet darling in my modest dress and my big floppy hat. Please trust me inherently so I can snatch you in my web and digest you.” 
It’s diabolical and you love that.
You offer her a polite smile and she sends an eager, toothy grin right back at you, not Alastor. No, he gets a much softer, much fonder smile.
“Good morning, ma’am. It’s very nice to meet you,” you bow your head, offering up your own sense of false security in the form of humility.
“Likewise. I’ve heard wonderful things about you, Miss (L/N). Good to see you again, Alastor darling.”
Behind you, Alastor flushes and his eyes widen, which only makes Rosie’s teasing smile wider. As a distraction, Alastor sets his eyes on to you. He’s never quite seen you so at ease. You take a seat opposite Rosie as if you were friends for millennia. You take a small finger sandwich from the same tier that Rosie takes one. Smart. You indulge in Rosie’s small talk about the latest politics and the hotel. Smart. You keep your shoulders and the curt smile on your face steady. Amazing. 
It occurs to Alastor quite quickly that he really didn’t need to be here, at least, not for your sake. You were fine and your years of dealing with creatures as diabolical as Rosie were shining through. Cooking and baking were not the only things you had a mastery over. 
You descend into business soon. Your ability to negotiate a fair price for Rosie’s ability to transport your family’s goods across Hell’s circles lights up a spark in Alastor’s heart. And he realizes even more now that you’re brilliant and resilient and he’s just dead weight at this point. Rosie seems equally captivated by you. When you’re not looking, she sends him playful winks and even sent him a thumbs up when you refuse a truly awful business proposal from her. Maybe he shouldn’t have talked so endlessly about you to her. Rosie was clearly going to blow his cover, she’s not as sneaky as she thinks she is.
“Don’t you think, Alastor?” Rosie’s voice brings him out of his internal reverie and panic.
“E-Excuse me, darling. What was that?”
Rosie smirks, “I said that your companion’s idea is brilliant. I hadn’t even thought to start peddling products from the other circles in my own shop.”
“I just figured,” you chime in, “with your connections all around Hell, your Overlord abilities, and your business savvy, that our clients’ products would be the best in your hands. And selling them through your store would not only increase your business but would also save my family the trouble of peddling product around town. Far too many mouthes to shut.”
Rosie grins at Alastor, then leans towards you with great interest.
“I think we can make that work, dear.”
Alastor flushes and excuses himself quickly back into the emporium. You’re fine. You’re more than fine. You’re doing swimmingly and you didn’t need him at all. That’s what scares him. This whole time he’s been trying to demonstrate just how useful he could be to you, just has much of an asset he could be in your life if you just let him linger there. This meeting, the way you’ve handled yourself, is just another sign to Alastor that he needs to try harder, do better. His eyes catch something on one of Rosie’s many shelves and he makes a b-line towards it, in a vain attempt to prove to you just how necessary he is.
You noticed every single wink Rosie sent Alastor even though you’re sure she was trying to hide them. It just places a layer of steel and concrete around the bricks until your heart is nothing but an impenetrable fortress. You focus on Rosie in an attempt to ignore the way Alastor hovers just behind you, probably to get a better look at Rosie. She’s really delightful and lady-like and polite and powerful and beautiful. So many things that you are just not but it’s obvious why Alastor would find himself taken with this woman. Even you are, to an extent. She reminds you of the mother you wished you had but gave up on long ago. 
You draw up a deal with Rosie quickly, and the entire time she talks to you about Alastor.
“He’s a wonderful cook, don’t you think?”
“Yes, he is,” you give a curt response back, really wanting to just finish this contract, go home, and cry into your pillow. 
“And an impeccable singer.”
“He likes to remind everyone of that, yes.”
“And quite powerful, too. I’m sure you’ve heard the stories, but he was quite the firestorm when he first arrived and continues to be. I personally couldn’t take my eyes off of him.” 
You grit your teeth and smile through the heaps of compliments that she heaves. 
When you exit Rosie’s office with a completed contract and a date with Rosie to have tea to “get to know one another,” you spot Alastor at the checkout counter. There’s a box in front of him on the counter, but the checkout girl seems rather keen on holding him hostage. She wraps and re-wraps the box over and over, purposefully ripping the paper or running out of tape so she can prolong her time with the Radio Demon. Alastor continues to smile at her and you had quite enough. 
You bid Rosie a goodbye and speed your way towards the door.
“Darling, hold on! I’m not quite finished--”
You don’t turn around. You don’t want to see him. You can’t seem him, and he certainly can’t see you because then he’ll see the tears ready to pour down your cheeks. You face the door and try to steady your voice.
“Actually Alastor, I think I want to go on a walk for myself for a while. Please, stay and enjoy your adoring fans.”
You leave quickly, just in time for the tears to spill over.
Alastor stops in his tracks. The half-wrapped box is in his hands, he didn’t want to wait any longer to take it from the incompetent and rude checkout girl. Couldn’t she see that this was clearly a romantic gift meant for you, his sweetheart?
He feels a hand on his shoulder. Rosie tsks up at him.
“She’s a remarkable young lady.”
“Isn’t she?” His eyes are locked on the door as if he can still see you standing there.
“You probably shouldn’t have come,” she teases.
“You might be right about that, dear.”
“Try picking out a more romantic sight for your first promenade around town, darling. And definitely don’t underestimate her and don’t lose her,” she whispers and pats his back before retreating to her office.
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houseisekai · 4 years
House Isekai: Shadowbringers - Act 1 Finale: The Warrior of Darkness
House Isekai Shadowbringers AU Masterlist Here
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Most of House Isekai have finally reunited, with the help of the Ashen Wolves, The former Blue Lions, and Black Eagles class. Leaving Claude and the Investigation Team unaccounted for.
However, as they are discussing the nature behind Sitri’s resurrection and the plans of Lahabrea, they notice something terribly wrong...
Outside the Monastery, Present Day...
Byleth walked towards the Monastery alone, the winds blowing back his white hair.
One hand held Sara’s pistol while the other held the Sword of the Creator.
It had been five long years since he saw any members of House Isekai.
He hadn’t even seen the Investigation Team with Claude, even though he knew they were alive.
So much has happened since that first battle at Garreg Mach. He wasn’t even sure what to say when he saw them again.
As he kept walking, he noted something was off.
The wind had just stopped blowing completely.
He looked up into the air and his eyes went wide.
The skies had just went almost completely white.
(Byleth) “Shit.”
He held his weapons tightly and began running towards the Monastery.
(Yuki) “U-Um, excuse me.”
Everyone turned to her.
(Megumi) “Yuki-chan? What is it?”
(Yuki) “What time is it?”
Ryuji pulled out his phone and checked.
(Ryuji) “Hm…According to the phone, time in Fodlan’s about 9 in the morning. You forget something to do, Takeya?”
(Yuki) “Should…it be THAT bright outside?”
Everyone paused for a moment before slowly turning to the door behind them.
The outside shone an eerily bright white on the grass, and the wind appeared to stop blowing against the trees.
And the sound of footsteps seemed to be approaching from the main hall.
Megumi got the School-Living Club and Sitri behind her as everyone slowly stood up and reached for their weapons…
The clothes of the Phantom Thieves suddenly switched from their school uniform into their metaverse forms.
(Bernadetta) “Um...D-Don’t your clothes only do that when-?”
(Akechi) “Oh SHIT.”
[Holminster Switch - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
The wall exploded into chunks of concrete, monstrous four legged creatures cloaked in white erupting from the main hall and reducing the entrance of the mess hall to rubble.
Albedo, Sebas, and Sara and Darkness jumped to the front, hitting back the debris that was about to hit them.
The monsters’ mouths separated into four jaws, looking something akin to a horribly mutilated dog.
Soldiers began to flood in behind the monsters, drawing their weapons.
(Edelgard) “Damn it, the Church found us!”
(Yuri) “Tch, brought the war right to us, didn’t ya?!”
(Dimitri) “It was going to reach you regardless, now quit complaining and help us kill the angels!”
Edelgard, Yuri, and Dimitri ran forward to meet the soldiers head on.
(Minato) “What’s the plan here?!”
Kazuma motioned the others to himself before trying to head out the exit, before more soldiers started to flood in.
(Felix) “That’s just great!”
(Sitri) “What about the entrance near the lake?!-”
Right as they spun around, more angels blocked the doorway.
(Balthus) “Well, IF IT’S FIGHT THEY WANT!”
(Junpei) “Not sure fighting them head on is our best idea, man!”
(Millium) “Then we’ll make an exit out of here! LAMMY!”
Her golem materialized behind her and charged the soldiers, and with one swipe sent them into the air.
(Megumin) “Think our best bet is to move our butts to Abyss!”
(Sharon) “Very well! We will take point!”
Sharon jumped above everyone and towards the entrance along with Doomguy.
More soldiers were on their way from the direction of the classrooms, forcing Doomguy to pull out an assault rifle.
As he began to unload the gun’s ammo into the Church soldiers, everyone began to retreat.
Edelgard, Dimitri, and Yuri sheathed their weapons and quickly got behind the group running away.
(Church Captain) “DON’T LET THEM ESCAPE!”
The Captain turned to the angels and nodded.
(Church Captain) “Cut them off at all entrances!"
The angels nodded and charged away, leaving the soldiers to pursue the others.
The Phantom Thieves, Machias, Crow, Towa, Aigis, and Doomguy covered everyone as they ran from area to area with their guns, dropping soldier after soldier.
(Machias) “This is absolutely insane! Just how much people did they send after us?!”
(Aigis) “According to my scans, there are currently over a hundred-”
(Megumin) “W-Wait a second!”
It was then everyone realized that the group was shooting to kill.
(Kazuma) “The hell?! I thought you guys didn’t ki-”
The fallen soldier’s bodies began to twitch violently as they exploded into pure white winged bats.
(Constance) “Keep moving, Kazuma!”
Sharon and Doomguy turned the corner to the entrance of Abyss before Hapi realized something.
(Hapi) “Wait a second, we never saw their bodies do that when we were leaving. Crap, does that mean?-”
Hapi’s question was answered when several more of the white bats flew out of Abyss’s entrance.
An angel was there waiting for them, charging full speed.
(Albedo) “OUT OF THE WAY!”
(Darkness) “EXCUSE ME!”
Albedo in an instant transformed into her black armor and shoved the others out her way, Darkness standing beside her.
They both blocked the monster and shoved them both back into the ground.
Its jaws unhinged and was about to devour them before the two of them drew their weapons and cleaved the side jaws, making it recoil back in pain.
Mercedes, Annette, Linhardt, and Dorothea raised their hands and all cast a fire spell, flying straight into the creature’s mouth and setting it ablaze.
It made an almost ear piercing screech as it inelegantly flopped over, immediately lying dead.
(Linhardt) “Hm, these angels appear to die from our attacks than the one we encountered at Enbarr.-”
(Annette) “D-Don’t think now’s a good time to conduct research, Linhardt!”
(Linhardt) “I’d beg to differ but eh, you’re probably right. Gotta waste our energy escaping.”
Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid slashed apart the bats following behind them.
(Ingrid) “I don’t think we can get to the stables in time!”
(Felix) “Not gonna help anyway, there’s too many of us to escape on horseback!”
Petra and Ashe shot two out of the air with a bow as Dedue grabbed one and slammed it into the floot.
(Petra) “Then we are hard of pressed for decisions!”
(Ashe) “All the exits are covered by these things right? Then that means they got us surrounded!”
(Dedue) “And going into Abyss seems like a good way for us to get separated and picked off!”
(Caspar) “Calm down, Bernadetta! I’m sure we can punch our way outta here!”
(Ferdinand) “Then they will simply follow us! I am not sure we have the stamina to nor the manpower to stave off an entire army!”
(Miki) “Wait a second, what about Valimar?! He can teleport us out of here with that spirit portal thing!”
(Rean) “We’re going to need a huge area for all of us to get teleported!”
(Sitri) “I-If the Cathedral is still here, we could try that!”
(Aqua) “WHAT?! That’s like, the number one spot they would be in!”
(Hubert) “Then we will need to secure the area inside first.”
(Yuuri) “Besides, the Entrance Hall is too dangerous to push towards there, and if we’re out in the courtyard then we’ll be right in the open!”
(Futaba) “Enemies closing in behind us!”
(Fuuka) “More coming from Abyss’s entrance!”
Byleth cut down the angel blocking the entrance to the Monastery, and shot down any soldier trying to approach him.
The angel began to fade into nothingness before its energy was absorbed into Byleth.
The soldier was interrupted when his head exploded and fell to the floor.
When the other soldier looked back at Byleth, the sword slashed across his chest, sending him flying back.
Their bodies started twitching as Byleth raised a hand towards them.
His hand shot out a wave of a black and purple aura, completely enveloping them.
The bodies had disintegrated completely, leaving no trace of them on the ground.
Byleth saw the path of destruction from the main hall, to the Mess Hall.
After running to the room, he looked at the debris and bodies left in the group’s wake and followed the trail towards the church.
(Narberal) “Lord Ainz, the main hall is secure for now!”
The Pleiades and Sharon killed the soldiers inside and collapsed the other entrances leading inside.
(Ainz) “Understood, DEMIURGE, COCYTUS!”
Demiurge opened his hands and flicked his wrists, summoning a massive flame wall in front of the bridge.
Everyone else made it inside, and Cocytus created a freezing mist cloud in front of their entrance, letting ice shoot up into the air forming another wall.
(Cocytus) “IT IS DONE, LORD AINZ.”
(Shalltear) “Get on with it, Schwarzer!”
(Rean) “Right. Heed my call...
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Valimar stood up from the forests nearby and flew into the air, towards the Monastery.
Byleth finally cut his way to the bridge when he saw several winged bats pick up a specially dressed Church soldier.
(Byleth) “Damn it!”
He aimed the pistol at it and squeezed the trigger.
More bats flew in to intervene and took the bullet, the bat dropping below the bridge. Byleth fired several more shots only to have the same result.
A massive shadow enveloped Byleth, and he spun around with his sword expecting another angel.
Instead, it was Valimar stopping its flying to float next to Byleth.
(Valimar) Instructor Byleth. Please get on.
Valimar held a hand out for Byleth to hop on, to which Byleth responded with a nod.
(Rean) “Valimar, where are you?!”
(Valimar) Awakener, the Instructor is here.
(Rean) “Instructor- Wait, Instructor Byleth?!”
(Minako) “HEY, INCOMING!”
Minato and Minako put their Evokers to their heads and summoned Thanatos, and it casted a massive sphere around them as the ice wall exploded.
From the mist, a massive angel stepped in, roaring and shaking the entire Cathedral.
It had four legs and jaws like the others, but the tail appeared to be some sort of snake-like creature.
(Yuri) “Tsk, must be that captain!”
(Aqua) “Come on, we’ll kick your ass!”
(Edelgard) “This is bad!”
(Albedo) “What do you mean, with all of us here it stands no chance!”
(Akira) “That’s what we thought at Enbarr too!”
(Rean) “We have no idea what the hell’s empowering them, but an ‘Inquisitor’ or whatever turned into one of these, not even Slayer laid a permanent scratch on it!”
(Megumi) “C-Come again?!”
(Ingrid) “If I die today, I die for Faerghus!”
(Hubert) “And I for the Empire!”
A massive figure dropped in from the ceiling and landed in front of the angel who was approaching the group.
(Angel) “WHO DARES-...!!! YOU.”
Valimar’s hand went loose as it flew back behind everyone.
(Valimar) Preparing Spirit Portal. Please secure time for me to allow us a safe transportation.
(Byleth’s Voice) “Sara, catch.”
A pistol flew out from the dust and Sara caught it, and a smile grew on her face.
(Sara) “You took your time, didn’t you?”
[Boss Theme #2 - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
(Sitri) “Byleth...!”
(Futaba) “Cheesy reunion dialogue later, enemies are starting to come from behind!”
(Byleth) “I’ll worry about the finishing blow, who’s helping me?”
(Sharon) “I as well!”
Doomguy nodded as he threw a few of his smaller guns at the School-Living Club and unsheathed his sword.
(Sara) “Well, looks like this is a good way for the staff to reunite!”
(Angelica) “We’ll join in the fight another time, we’ll take care of our kids!”
(Towa) “Good luck, Instructors!”
Byleth couldn’t remember the last time he smiled. Hearing their voices again brought him a calmness he hadn’t experienced in five years.
He also noted Sitri’s presence with them, but those questions will come later. For now-
The angel roared again, readying its tail.
(Byleth) “With me!”
(Sharon) “Understood!”
(Sara) “Got your back!”
(Doomguy) “...”
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The angel spun around and had its snake-like tail lunge at the five.
Cocytus was the only one not to jump out the way, grabbing it with three of his arms.
It spat poison on the floor, which quickly began to spread into a wide area.
Cocytus stabbed it through its head with the arm holding the halberd and moved aside before the poison could reach him.
(Cocytus) “THE TAIL IS DOWN.”
Doomguy didn’t bother to look at the area he was jumping to as his shoulder cannon fired a grenade behind him, setting the poison ablaze.
He jumped onto the angel, which begun to flail wildly, trying to get him off.
Doomguy jammed his wristblade into it, but couldn’t do anything else other than hold on.
Sara kept its attention by repeatedly shooting it in the face with her pistol, which didn’t seem to do much other than annoy the angel.
Byleth appeared to be doing something with his sword and made it glow a black and purple aura.
(Sharon) “Arcus, activate!”
Sharon smiled and used her wires to wrap around the angel’s legs, making it slower and almost trip.
She dashed from leg to leg at high speeds, using her knife to slice open the parts behind its legs, then pulled the wires closer to her, making them shift into the open wounds.
The angel screamed loudly, flailing even more violently and finally flinging Doomguy off.
The wires broke off which made Sharon frown. It was still moving far too much for her liking.
And just as she expected, the wounds began to heal.
(Sharon) “Master Byleth, I trust you have a solution to our problem?”
Byleth didn’t respond and instead held his hand out, shooting out a wave of dark energy at the creature, making it howl in pain as the wounds suddenly stopped regenerating and caused miniature explosions.
He activated the whip function of the sword as he jumped onto the angel, and swung at the head, dicing many parts into pieces.
(Sara) “Arcus, activate!”
Purple lightning shot back and forth around the angel, slicing off entire limbs with Sara finally appearing where the lightning ended, right in front of the beast.
Byleth jumped off as Doomguy took his place, putting his sword between its neck and slicing downwards, severing the head.
The head was still alive and was about to lunge at Sara with its jaws before Cocytus used the top part of his halberd and impaled it to the floor.
Byleth’s eyes glowed red for a moment before deactivating the whip and looking at the angel.
He raised his hand into the air and began to absorb the light from the angel.
It then was enveloped by a dark aura which covered the floor they were standing in, making everyone take a step back.
When the dark aura disappeared, the angel was completely gone. Even the head Cocytus had impaled left no trace of any gore.
Doomguy shrugged in response as Sharon dusted off her dress.
(Sara) “Well, this one didn’t seem to be an inquisitor. If it weren’t for Byleth, I’m not sure we could’ve killed it.”
She smiled and turned to face him.
(Sara) “Speaking of which-”
That smile went away when she realized Byleth was heavily panting and on one knee.
(Sara) “Crap, Byleth!”
The four ran over to him and helped him up.
(Sara) “Rean, status?”
Rean sliced apart the last bat with his tachi and took a quick look around.
(Rean) “Now’s a great time to go!”
(Valimar) Opening Spirit Portal. Destination required.
(Dimitri) “Take us to Derdriu!”
(Rean) “Right, what Dimitri said!”
(Valimar) Acknowledged. Beginning transport now.
Everyone in the room was quickly teleported away from Garreg Mach.
Soldiers flooded into the room alongside the lesser angels but saw no trace of anyone left.
(Soldier) “W-What happened? I thought the captain was here?”
(Soldier) “Goddess save us...!”
They saw several burn marks on the ground that wasn’t caused by fire. Some of the energy was still emanating off and that's when they came to the conclusion:
(Soldier) “The Warrior of Darkness is with House Isekai!”
Several Agarthans were watching from a distance as the soldiers began to move out of Garreg Mach. The men and women in black robes looked at each other.
(Agarthan) “This is going to be a problem...”
Zanado, the Red Canyon, Present Day...
[Sands of Amber - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers]
Hilda yawned as she exited the tent she was sleeping in.
(Hilda) “Ugh, we gotta wake up so early...”
The skies hadn’t even turned blue yet and was still a crimson red over the horizon. Hilda groaned as Marianne exited the same tent and stretched.
(Marianne) “Well, at least we’ll just be exploring today right?”
Hilda rolled her eyes as she picked up her axe.
(Hilda) “Psh, my butt. Claude always says that and it ALWAYS escalates into a skirmish.”
The two walked beside each other as they moved down the resting area and towards the rest of the group.
Naoto and Rise were already up, staring at the same thing.
(Rise) “My Persona still isn’t picking anything up.”
(Naoto) “That can’t be right. Perhaps we need to-...Oh, good morning.”
(Marianne) “Hello. Still nothing?”
(Rise) “Not a thing. I still can’t believe none of us ever noticed this beforehand during the academy!”
(Hilda) “Well, I don’t think it was there to begin with...”
Hilda put her hands on her hips as she examined it.
The Golden Deer and Investigation Team had set up camp to examine a massive tower that went up into the sky, something that definitely wasn’t there before.
Or, maybe it was. Every time they stared at the tower, their memory got a bit fuzzy.
The tower stood out from the rest of the area, looking half natural formation, and half man-made. It had glowing blue lines throughout the entire structure.
Records seemed to indicate it had been there prior, yet earlier in the year when the Houses were sent to this canyon, it wasn’t present. Nor was it present during the previous five years. 
Or, at the very least no one was aware of its existence until just recently.
(Marianne) “Perhaps we should wait for everyone else to wake up?”
(Claude) “Wow, Hilda up early. Didn’t think that was possible.”
Claude tossed everyone a canteen of water as he looked up at the tower.
(Hilda) “Speak for yourself! You used to sleep in all the time back in Garreg Mach!”
(Claude) “Well, I like to think I’m a changed man. Though sometimes I wish I hadn’t. Growing up sucks.”
His smile faded as he continued to examine the tower.
(Claude) “...Ugh, looking at this is just giving me a headache.”
(Naoto) “Perhaps this tower is messing with our memories and causing us to perceive things differently?”
(Claude) “Too early to tell, Naoto. And uh, little too early to start conspiring when we haven’t even gone inside the thing yet.”
When he looked at Naoto and Rise, another thing was starting to give him a headache.
They had been here for at least 3 years, yet not a single one of the Investigation Team showed any signs of having aged.
A velvet door appeared next to them with Yu and that strange girl Marie stepping out.
(Yu) “Mornin’.”
(Marie) “...Hey.”
(Rise) “Any luck, senpai?”
(Yu) “No. Margaret, Theodore, Elizabeth, and Lavenza had no idea what it was either.”
Yu held out the sample from the tower and Naoto put it near the crates.
(Marie) “Most we’re really able to tell is it’s definitely from this world. Other than that, Iunno.”
(Claude) “Then we’re really left with the worst plan we got...”
He sighed as he turned to the others.
(Claude) “Let’s get everyone up and grab some grub. After that, we’re going inside.”
Everyone nodded and turned around back to camp. Claude was about to follow them when-
“I see. Right until the very end, I've read this whole thing terribly wrong... All my hopes have fallen to ash...” 
Claude first checked his throat. He was positive that he hadn’t spoken, yet...
He then looked behind him, and there was nothing other than a few crates facing the tower.
That was definitely his voice he heard clear as day, but there was no one around him.
(Claude) “The hell...?”
Shaking his head, sure he hadn’t gotten enough sleep and went back with the others.
Town outside Derdriu territory...
[Return of the Night - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
The townspeople watched from their windows as the massive ball of light began pulsating and eventually flickered out, revealing a group of people they had never seen before materialize into existence.
(Valimar) Apologies Awakener. This is as close as I am able to get.
(Yuri) “Huh? Why can’t you get us into the city directly?”
(Valimar) I cannot teleport anywhere without the magical currents in the area being high enough.
(Kazuma) “So, you just happened to teleport us in the middle of some backwoods town and had us scare the shit out of everyone here?”
(Megumi) “W-What about Byleth? I think he’s injured!”
(Byleth) “N-No, I’m not...just...so...tired.”
Byleth gently shoved off Sara and Doomguy’s arm and stood on his own.
It was then everyone realized what was different about Byleth.
He looked more jaded than anything, but what stuck out most was his white hair.
It was some form of green the last time they saw him, but...
(Byleth) “It’s good to see all of you again.”
Byleth made a weak smile, and Megumi was the first to hug him.
(Megumi) “Thank goodness you’re safe!”
She began to cry as Byleth hugged her back.
(Byleth) “Words cannot describe how relieved I am to see everyone okay.”
(Sara) “Oh come on, don’t start crying too. You might make me tear up too.”
(Rean) “Welcome back, Instructor!”
(Yuuri) “It must have been a long wait, Byleth-sensei!”
(Minato) “It’s only been half a year and that’s already been too long.”
(Minako) “We almost got the whole gang together!”
(Akira) “Nice to see you again.”
Dimitri and Edelgard wanted to say something, but thought it best to keep quiet for now. The Black Eagles and Blue Lions watched the class all speak to each other again. 
House Isekai was as close as one could be, and seeing almost everyone reunited was a sight for sore eyes.
It reminded them of a certain missing House that could really make this feel like a proper reunion...
Sitri wiped away some tears, finally getting to see her son all grown up.
Megumi let go and motioned towards Sitri, and the two finally met face to face.
(Sitri) “Hello, Byleth.”
(Byleth) “Si...Sitri?”
She slowly reached out her hands, and Byleth grabbed hers.
Both of them made the same response, their eyes going wide.
(Sitri) “Look at you, hah...You’re all grown up...!”
Some of the group began sniffing and wiping their eyes but the rest smiled as they watched.
(Hapi) “Kiiinda feels like we’re intruding here.”
(Yuri) “Shut up, you’ll ruin the moment.”
(Balthus) “Nah, she doesn’t mean on Byleth and Sitri, dumbass. I meant the fact we’re doing this in the middle of a town.”
(Ainz) “Wait a second, Valimar said that he can only teleport us to areas with high magical energies. What’s so special about this town?”
(???) “Oh nothing. I just made enough energy to where you’ll teleport here.”
[Bedlam’s Brink - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers]
Everyone turned around to see Lahabrea leaning against a nearby building.
Sitri put Byleth behind her as everyone had a hand over their weapons.
(Lahabrea) “Oh, spare me the dramatics, would you?”
He got off the wall and looked at the group standing.
(Lahabrea) “And take a look at this! At...!....A-At...”
Lahabrea was cut off as he reached for his head.
(Kazuma) “...The hell is he-AGH, FUCK!”
Kazuma and his group were the first to reach for their heads, wincing in pain.
The next was the Phantom Thieves, Class VII, the School-Living Club, S.E.E.S, then the denizens of Nazarick.
Byleth and the Blue Lions and Black Eagles quickly followed, leaving Sitri the only one unaffected.
After a few moments, Byleth collapsed to the ground while Lahabrea fell to one knee.
(Sitri) “BYLETH!”
Lahabrea shook it off and looked back up to see everyone slowly recovering.
(Rean) “What...What was that?!”
(Fie) “Ugh, nearly split my head open...”
(Elliot) “Um...W-Was I the only one who heard voices during that?”
(Mare) “You too?!”
(Albedo) “That voice was my own, it was-Ugh...!”
(Yukari) “I don’t remember saying those things at all, yet...”
(Ken) “C-Clear as day? Yeah, same here.”
(Ryuji) “Hey, asshole! What the ‘eff’s going on with...us?”
Lahabrea slowly got up look back at everyone.
(Morgana) “You better have a good explanation of what you did to us!”
(Lahabrea) “...”
(Kurumi) “Tch, what?! Nothing funny to say now? No sass in ya all of a sudden?!”
(Emma) “Guys, he’s not alone!”
Everyone looked at Emma then back at Lahabrea who was still standing there, staring at them.
(Kazuma) “Sold us out to the Agarthan’s didn’t you?! Made them put shit in our heads!”
(Darkness) “You will pay for that, fiend!”
She was the first to draw her weapon, and the rest followed suit.
(Ainz) “Hang on a moment.”
Ainz finally took the time to scan Lahabrea with a magic detection spell.
As he was doing so, Megumi stepped forth.
(Megumi) “You’re putting a lot of time into people you’re supposed to hate. No more dodging the question, who are you, and why are you so invested in us fighting the Church and the Those who Slither?!”
(Minato) “Give us another stupid answer, and you won’t like what happens!”
(Lahabrea) “...They deserve to know.”
(Everyone) ?
(Lahabrea) “...Yes, I know what might happen if we do.”
(Towa) “Why is he just talking to himse-”
It was then Towa noticed the faces on Emma and Aqua. Megumin was quick to notice what she was looking at and caught on.
(Megumin) “Eh? Aqua?”
Kazuma had the same face as well. Akira, Morgana, Minato, Minako, all of Nazarick, Doomguy, and Sitri included.
(Edelgard) “What’s happening to them?”
(Dimitri) “Can someone give an explanation or-”
(Kazuma) “What. The. Fuck.”
[More than Truth - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers]
(Sothis?) “...Hello, everyone.”
She awkwardly rubbed the back of her head.
(Sothis?) “I forgot that not everyone can see me.”
Sothis had appeared next to Lahabrea, though she was wearing slightly more ragged and darker clothes.
Compared to the normal Sothis, she had a dark red dress and looked slightly older and more tired, but it was still undoubtedly Sothis.
(Albedo) “What sort of trickery is this?!”
(Emma) “S-Sothis was infused into Byleth such a long time ago! How are you here?”
(Aqua) “No...No! You’re not Sothis! This is some sort of magic that-”
(Lahabrea) “Would the Agarthans really go through the lengths to make an exact copy of Sothis that only certain offworlders can see, Aqua?”
By the tone of his voice, he had dropped any pretense of disguising his voice.
He took a deep sigh and shook his head.
(Lahabrea) “No...You and all of House Isekai have every right to doubt our motives.”
(Yuki) “T-That voice...”
Everyone started listening closely and realized what Yuki was hearing.
(Lahabrea) “Good, I can end this charade. Felt annoying as hell to keep up.”
Lahabrea reached for his mask and slowly took it off, putting the hood down and revealing his full face.
Everyone lowered their weapons, some gasped while some held their breath.
Sharon’s smile had went away a while ago but this was the first time anyone had seen her shocked.
Doomguy took off his helmet for a brief moment to make sure his visor wasn’t acting up, and saw the look of utter confusion on his face as well.
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(Lahabrea?) “Sothis, go ahead and make yourself visible to everyone.”
Sothis nodded and did as he asked, making most of everyone jump.
(Sitri) “You’re...also Byleth? How is that possible?!”
(Kazuma) “Hey, don’t fall for it! The Agarthans did some crazy shit with Monica and Thomas way back! This has got to be the same thing now!”
(Sothis?) “Kazuma, it’s-”
Sothis floated towards Kazuma, but everyone quickly went back on guard.
(Kazuma) “Back off, asshole! You aren’t Sothis! This is some really clever trick so you can stab us in the back!”
Lahabrea looked at the Sword of the Creator and grabbed it.
Megumi got in front of Sitri and stretched her arms wide.
Lahabrea motioned a hand upwards, motioning them to wait.
(Crow) “Nice try, that thing only responds to people with a crest of!-”
The sword glowed in response, activating in the exact same way as if Byleth held it.
(Crow) “...Flames...”
(Ainz) “Everyone...That is Byleth and Sothis.”
(Lahabrea?) “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this reaction...”
He looked among the group, but all he felt were the eyes of complete strangers.
(Sothis?) “I told you this would’ve happened...”
(Lahabrea?) “I promise, I will answer any question you have. For now, let’s get to Derdriu and get your Byleth some rest.”
(Rean) “...Fine.”
Rean was the first to sheathe his Tachi, and Valimar stood up and began to walk with him.
Class VII eventually followed, then the rest of the group.
(Lahabrea?) “...”
(Sothis?) “I told you they wouldn’t remember us. They never do.”
(Lahabrea?) sigh “...I know, Sothis. I know.”
He put on his mask and hood again and followed behind everyone, Sothis floating behind.
(Lahabrea) “Hopefully in due time, they’ll remember us.”
[Escape - Darling in the FranXX OST]
The forecasted rain wets us
What should I say to you, as you tremble? My soaked blazer is cold and heavy
I feel as helpless as a chick who’s left its cage. I felt that my dreams were on the other side of the heavy clouds
I digested only the sweet pain that spread in my chest
I wonder if it’d be better if I’d never met you
Hey, I can’t even see the stars
Hey, my tears won’t fall either
The first thing anyone would notice stepping into the Hearing Chamber was that it was a blinding white.
The floors, the wall, and even the guards were dressed head to toe in white, with gold accents highlighting the armor and edges of the room.
Catherine never liked this room much, but whatever made Rhea happy. She guessed.
Catherine knelt down before Rhea, joined in by Alois, Shamir, Seteth, Flayn, and Cyril.
(Cyril) “Lady Seiros, the Warrior of Darkness has made a reappearance at Garreg Mach Monastery.”
(Rhea) “And?”
(Cyril) “...He has rejoined House Isekai. It would seem that this third party is making its move.”
Rhea frowned and looked back at her loyal subjects.
(Rhea) “Then we will make ours as well. Do not fail me, Inquisitors...”
Claude took a deep breath, opening the door to the tower.
The Golden Deer and the Investigation Team stood behind him, weapons at the ready.
(Yosuke) “Dude, you REALLY didn’t have any other plan than just walk through the front door?”
(Teddie) “This is a very terrible idea!”
(Leonie) “...No bear pun?”
(Chie) “Daaamn, didn’t think I’d ever hear that!”
(Lorenz) “I, for once, agree with Teddie.”
(Lysithea) “And I didn’t think I’d hear THAT.”
(Yu) “Everyone keep quiet and...listen...?”
“You’re not me!” “The dreams of men don't amount to much. Sorry, but... it's up to you now.”
The voices flooding in gradually grew louder and louder, everyone being able to recognize their voice as they stood there.
(Claude) “What in the hell did we just find...?!”
Everyone continued walking towards Derdriu silently, unable to make words of any kind after what they just saw.
Lahabrea and Sothis continued to stay behind, unable to approach any of them.
(Sothis?) “So, what do you plan to tell them when they ask?”
(Lahabrea?) “The truth. They deserve to know everything...Even everything that I’ve done.”
He looked at his hand and clenched it into a fist.
(Lahabrea?) “...How many years have come and gone, since that day, Sothis?”
Looking back up, he saw House Isekai, the Black Eagles, and Blue Lions standing side by side.
(Lahabrea?) “How many years have we waited for this moment?”
Sitri was next to Byleth with the Pleiades carrying him.
(Lahabrea?) “For the House that stood alone against the storm?”
(Sothis?) “I suppose you’re not wrong. What about the Sothis of this time?”
(Lahabrea?) “I’m sure she’s watching us as we speak.”
Lahabrea’s attention turned to Sitri.
(Lahabrea?) “Even if they don’t know it.”
[Shadowbringers - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
One brings shadow, one brings light Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
One brings shadow, one brings light One dark future no one survives
On their shadows, away we fly
The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
At this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow
One brings shadow, one brings light To this riddle all souls are tied
Brief our moments, brazen and bright Forged in fury, tempered in ice
Hindmost devils, early to rise Sing come twilight, sleep when they die
Heaven's banquet leavened with lies Sating honor, envy, and pride
One brings shadow, one brings light
Run from the light
Authors of our fates
Orchestrate our fall from grace
Poorest players on the stage
Our defiance drives us straight to the edge
A reflection in the glass
Recollections of our past
Swift as darkness, cold as ash
Far beyond this dream of paradise lost
One brings shadow, one brings light One more chapter we've yet to write
Want for nothing, nothing denied Wand'ring ended, futures aligned
One brings shadow, one brings light One brings shadow, one brings light
You are the light 
We fall
We fall
We fall
We fall unto the end
WE (Our world)
END (We won’t end)
I am shadow, I am the light 
12 notes · View notes
fsketchart · 5 years
Daminette December - Fire
Slight angst sorry also taglist coming very soon so yay also @noirdots ur the best thanks.  Also this is absolutely not realistic rip. Enjoy!
Marinette was oohing and ahhing as she walked around the New year's festival.  Everyone was gathered around the center of the festival as a parade marched down, and from the very back she could see a huge float.  She was getting excited and whipped out her phone to take a video for her family. Next to her, Kagami was jumping up excitedly. She had never seen a parade before.
Marinette and Kagami could only watch in awe as the large float from the end began to make their way to them.  They marveled at how much organization and elegance, and of course patience, it must have taken to make such a large float.
Bruce was already banging his head against the table.  He and his family were asked to run one of the floats this year, and unfortunately, the people who run Gotham's annual New Year's parade decided to make a Bat Family themed float.
Since they obviously couldn't dress as themselves, they each took turns going outside to the front of the float to perform and pretend to be another bat fam member other than themselves.  It was becoming a disaster.
When it was Dick's turn, he had to pretend to be Red Hood and he was having way too much fun with it.  He dressed up in a mock version of a Red Hood outfit. When he went outside, he took advantage of the moment.
The crowd screamed as fans began to reach out towards him.  Dick winked back.
The crowd screamed even louder as people grabbed their phones to record.  Marinette and Kagami began to fall over giggling.
The crowd began cheering, "Nightwing!  Nightwing! Nightwing!" Dick waved at them and walked behind the curtains for the float and returned to the back of the float (closed off section that can't be heard from the crowd.)
Jason immediately lunged for him while screaming, as Alfred tried to pull Jason off of him.  Damian just gave them looks of judgement as he suited up. They decided it would be perfect to send him as Batman, but Damian wouldn't accept a mock outfit.  He wore the real Batman suit, but for obvious reasons...that wasn't the prettiest sight. Damian began tripping everyone and when he reached the stairs to go up on stage he stepped on the cape once more and went flying.  He face plants onto the stage Suddenly, the Batman symbol pops up from one of the lights they set up as the crowd cheers. Damian is still trying to adjust the mask that is covering half his body.
Damian is trying his best to do a Batman impression.  He recalls how his father speaks when talking to Dick, and tries his best to imitate it.  The crowd seemed to like Dick, so that's a good sign right?
"Yo my flip was so hip bro," Damian says in an obviously fake deep voice.
The crowd loses it and goes into hysterics.  Kagami is on the ground laughing as Marinette is just in awe at how cute he seems to be.
Damian sees that he clearly isn't having the tough guy effect.  He tries again.
"Why are you all laughing?  I was so...dope," Damian says, but this time his voice cracks at the end.
Kagami is now sobbing on the ground from hysterics as Marinette begins to giggle a bit.  Marinette sees his small smile, and her heart almost stops. She swears she's seen that smile before.
Damian is done.  Go big or go home.  He tries one last time.
"I hope you all are having a... groovy time?" This time Damian tries finger guns for a moment before immediately stopping and just ditching it.  He runs off the stage but trips again on the cape and a loud thud can be heard from behind the curtains. The crowd just laughs, having caught it all on camera.
Marinette is just giggling, before she realizes where she's seen that smile before.  Damian, she realizes. Her cheeks redden a little bit. Kagami is almost passed out beside her but using Marinette to balance herself.  Kagami wipes a tear from her eye while smiling brightly.
Damian is running to the closest corner he sees.  He swears he saw Marinette in the corner. He tunes out the rest of the noise, including Dick's yelling at Jason's mock performance of Nightwing, and he just rips off the mask.  He sighs and joins his father in banging their heads against the wall. Alfred already taped a pillow to the wall in preparation. (ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ @noirdots)
Alfred pats them both on the back.
"Father?" Damian asked.
"It's your brothers.  What about you?" Bruce asked.
"The one from school?"
"...Yes.  I think she just saw my little performance."
"Sorry you inherited my love life."
After Jason and Tim finished their performances, Bruce was last.  They had to drag him outside to the front. The crowd was screaming at the sight of Bruce in a bright red outfit with green elf shoes and green shorts and a bright black and yellow cape.
Bruce bowed his head in utter shame and humiliation, while all the former robins were getting a kick out of it.  Alfred was recording it.
Bruce wouldn't even speak.  He just stood there awkwardly trying to form words but just settled for awkward silence.  The crowd took photos and Bruce was sure he was going to be on the cover of newspapers and magazines.  Bruce groaned. Clark was going to have a field day.
The robins backstage high fives in their victory.
Jason laughed, knocking off a few boxes.  He made them no mind. Even though the boxes were quite close to some electronic…stuff.  (I'm sorry I don't know what to put here rip.)
The last performance, all of them came dressed up, Bruce having to carry Damian to the front because he couldn't see in Bruce's mask.
Together, they took a bow.  Marinette waved from the crowd and Damian got red.  He shyly waved back, still being carried by Bruce piggy back style.
They gathered around and were about to announce some bat fam merchandise when their planned surprise, ended up going off.  Behind them, a loud boom came from behind the stage. Bruce screamed a high pitched scream while everyone else just stared.  The crowd was confused while the bat fam was panicking. They weren't planning on setting on the surprise until later. That's when Jason remembered the boxes.  He slowly walked behind Dick and hid there.
Suddenly, fireworks were exploding from behind them.  The fireworks were designed to show the Batman symbol, and little logos for each bat fam member.  They were all being set off at once, and Jason was severely panicking by now. That's when Alfred noticed the look on his face and in turn, returned Jason with a judgemental one.  Everyone turned to him.
The crowd was still in awe of the fireworks, oohing and ahing.  Marinette was excited as she hugged Kagami next to her. Kagami returned the hug.
Meanwhile Damian was still clinging onto Bruce for dear life and Jason was screaming.  Dick was running around asking for a fire extinguisher or whatever he could find while Tim was trying to get everyone off the float.  That was when the crowd realized this wasn't supposed to happen. And that's when they smelled the burning.
Marinette darted forwards from the crowd.  Her parents have had plenty of accidents in the bakery before, and began trying to evacuate people.
Kagami already dialed 911 and everyone was screaming.
Bruce led the way off the float while but in the mess, Damian fell off his shoulders.  Everyone kept pushing and shoving each other trying to get away from the float. They pushed and shoved Bruce farther and farther away from the float.
Marinette saw the Wayne family exiting the float, but with no Damian in sight.
Bruce noticed Damian was missing and immediately ran back.  He was screaming his name and that's when Marinette realized what had happened.
A short girl passed Bruce and shoved him out of her way.  She was running towards the float and Bruce let out a curse.  She kept running and running while screaming his name. That's when Bruce joined her.  They entered the burning float and saw his lying there unconscious. Bruce grabbed him, but before they could leave, the roof collapsed.  Marinette jumped into action, trying to hold the roof of the float up. She was muttering under her breath, and Bruce could only hear the name Tikki.  Marinette's eyes seemed just the tiniest bit brighter, as she tried to keep the ceiling together. Bruce ran out and Marinette followed behind him, just barely missing being crushed by the roof.  They ran out of there and onto the front stage. Marinette pointed near the edge and suggested they try to jump there. Bruce nodded and together they jumped off the edge of the float.
Kagami finally saw them on the float and raced forwards.  Marinette broke her ankle, but Bruce managed to land alright.  Kagami grabbed Marinette and ran, Bruce following behind her.
Jason apologised profusely to all of them and even offered to wear the OG Robin outfit as a punishment for a whole week.  The bat fam agreed, and while his pride was tarnished, Jason deemed it worth it. However, Dick added that he had to keep a post it note on his forehead at all times saying, "I am so not cool beans." He was also required to say goodbye with, "toodles." Damian approved.
Bonus : Damian's face wearing the Batman mask.
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missing-fanfics · 5 years
A Family Mystery Uncovered
Include the following in your story:
⟡Sunday ⟡secret ⟡wallpaper ⟡swap ⟡sister ⟡curiosity ⟡island ⟡notebook ⟡marathon ⟡demand
A/N: ello Sarah here. Hope you like this weird mess. Honestly these end up really weird and pretty garbage, but hopefully mildly entertaining.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: nothing I think...?
Charlie Weasley x Fem!reader
There was a slight problem arising in the Burrow. Charlie Weasley had a secret. Now secret’s aren’t always a bad thing. Often times they are kept for a perfectly good reason and deserve to be kept. Molly Weasley understood that perfectly well, thank you. That didn’t stop her from becoming very angry at the thought that her second born son was keeping a secret from his own mum.
It started when Charlie would refuse to come back to England. Claiming that their was so much work to be done in Romania. No one batted an eye at his excuses. This was Charlie Weasley we’re talking about, it’s not like he did anything scandalous.
The lies to not return home shifted to being about work to being about his health, his home, to other workers at the sanctuary. It had been a solid 6 months until the last time he’d stepped foot into the Burrow.
This is what had been the last straw for Molly Weasley. Her curiosity clouding her judgment as she aparated to the Dragon Sanctuary.
With careful steps you stealthily made your way to the unsuspecting dragon. It’s dark grey tail swished in content as it dosed happily in the early Sunday sun. You couldn’t help but smirk to yourself as you remembered Hogwarts’ saying, never wake a sleeping dragon, my ass.
With a loud battle cry you launched herself onto the Hebridean Black’s back. He awoke with a start and cried out in surprise and anger. He started to trash around and spit fire up into the air, trying to kill any danger. You laughed loudly and ran a calming hand down his back and lightly humming.
“Good morning Ewan!” You yelled as you gripped onto his shoulder blades trying not get bucked off. The dragon calmed down slightly when it realised it wasn’t in any real danger. Smilingly brightly, you slid off the dragons in a rather awkward manor. Ewan spun around quickly and started to growl at you.
You put my hands to your hips and glared at the dragon like a mother scolding her children. Although Ewan was still considered a baby he was damn well old enough not to growl at you.
“Yeah yeah save the complaining for someone who cares.” You snarked strolling over to the bucket you dropped as you jumped onto the dragon. His angry expression changed rather quickly when he was the container of food you were bringing to him. For a fierce dragon he sure was a softy for food.
You placed the bucket down and tossed a deer leg into the air. Ewan jumped up and caught it with a satisfying clamp of his powerful jaws. You sighed dreamily as you watched him eat. Ewan was a being you loved to adore and also piss off.
“Oi! Y/L/N!” Someone shouted dragging your attention away from your handsome dragon. You tightened your ponytail and spun around to see a rather buff ginger man walking towards you.
“Charlie!” You yelled grinning at him. He rarely would come into the nursery area, but whenever he did you made sure to leave him in a much better mood. Ewan usually left him with a new sick scar for getting too close to his adoptive mother. But all this was very worth it to Charlie.
You hastily ran over to him and pulled him into a chaste kiss. Both smiling too much to do anything further.
“If I would’ve known you were visiting me I would’ve worn my sexy dungarees.” You teased with a smile. Charlie grinned and pulled you to him with a content sigh. He gripped you by the waist and put his chin on you head.
Ewan growled as he watched the two of you. With a loud huff he took flight and dramatically flew the couple of yards to you.
“Someone jealous.” Charlie said in your ear as Ewan landed loudly in front of you both “He’s always in a constant demand for your attention.”
You smirked at your dragon and pulled away from Charlie regretfully.
Charlie snickered as he watched you tackle the young dragon to the ground. Ewan snorted with glee and chased you around the field.
You had the idea to start building bonds with the dragons in order to be able to do your job safer in the future. This meant you were constantly in the nursery and at this particular moment, playing and taking care of an orphaned Hebridean Black.
You were on the rescuing team when they found him off the coast of Gills cowering for fear in an abandoned nest on the Island of Stroma. You had immediately bonded with him and you stayed with him the entire way back to Romania from Scotland.
Charlie smiled at his girlfriend as you ran around the nursery. You had always done things unconventionally around the Dragon Sanctuary. As a newbie this had gotten you burns and reprimands from your superiors. But as a very experienced magizoologist all of your insane ideas only brought better results than anyone had ever seen.
You were the first person to tame and ride a dragon. Her name was Yeva, you had raised her from a newborn hatchling to a proud powerful adult. The beautiful Ukrainian Ironbelly was a fierce thing to be reckoned with and with a grinning witch on her back, her danger doubled.
Charlie grinned as he watched you run towards him. You unceremoniously slumped down next to him on the beautiful green grass. You grinned as you watched Ewan run around chasing his tail. You watching him in great interest before noticing just how many similarities he had with a dog. Sure an extremely dangerous dog, but a dog nonetheless.
You scribbled your findings into your trusty notebook. Eyebrows furrowed in concentration and Charlie couldn’t help but smile softly as he stared at you. You were simply sitting on the ground, your body covered in dirt from rolling around with Ewan all day. Charlie never thought you looked more beautiful.
You looked up, feeling Charlie’s eyes on you. A grin graced your face, but when you saw his intense expression your smile softened.
“Charlie darling, what is it?” You asked, your voice soft. You tilted your head and moved to sit facing him a little better.
Your notebook was shoved to the ground as Charlie surged on you. His lips meeting yours and you melted against him. His arm snaked around your waist. Soft lips and a passionate kiss, love pouring from him and into you as his tongue traced the inside of your mouth as if he was trying to memorize it. He felt so incredibly warm under your touch and his love burned your skin, absolute adoration coursing through you straight from his own heart.
You felt as if you had just run a marathon but you loved the burn in your lungs. Nothing would separate you from the man you loved. He was the one to break the kiss but leaned his forehead against yours. Both of your eyes stayed shut as you stayed in your intimacy, catching your breaths.
A laugh bubbles up in you as you pressed a quick peck to his lips before standing. His eyes stayed close even after you pulled away, staying in the moment. He opened them after a few moments to see you brushing off your very dirty work clothes.
“Come on big boy let’s go make some lunch. You have Norberta duty today and you need all the energy you can get.” You said giggling. You offered a hand to pull him up which he accepted with a groan.
“I still think you rigged that.” Charlie said swooping down and gathering your notebook and the bucket that once contained deer legs. You snorted and rolled your eyes.
“You can’t rig a game of exploding snap. You’re just a sore loser.” You quipped and reaches up to ruffle his hair. “Unless you’re a really really smart and good looking dragon expert who swapped yours out for a bad one.” He narrowed his eyes at you and shook his head.
“You’re gonna regret doing that.” He said as a mischievous smile spread across his face. Your eyes widened and you took off running to your shared hut. Charlie was faster and grabbed you by the waist and hurled you up. You shrieked out a laugh as he threw you over his one of his broad shoulders.
“Charlie!” You screeched as he started running and you bumped on his shoulder uncomfortably.
“Sorry darling I don’t listen to cheaters!” He yelled and you laughed harder as he ran with you.
Charlie stopped running abruptly as he carried you to your shared hut. The lights were on inside and a comforting scent of food wafted from one of the opened windows. He placed you down carefully, both of your expressions going hard as he pulled out his wand and caustically walked towards the door.
Charlie’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped once he saw his mother bustling around the kitchen. She didn’t seem to notice either of you walk in and you cocked your head to the side trying to see the intruder over Charlie’s shoulder.
“Mum?” Charlie exclaimed finally gaining her attention. She froze from making a seasoned chicken fly towards the stove.
“Charlie dear! I came in to see you but realised you were gone.” She said smiling brightly. You cowered behind Charlie, becoming shy in the presence of the woman that raised your boyfriend.
“Erm mum. This is Y/N.” Charlie said rubbing the back of his neck. Molly’s eyes widened as she noticed you behind Charlie’s stocky frame. “My uh...girlfriend.”
You suddenly wanted nothing more than to blend into the wallpaper as Molly stared at you with an unreadable expression. Charlie cleared his throat and grabbed your hand that was shaking. He ran a thumb over your knuckles trying to soothe you.
Molly watched this exchange and snapped out of her trance. She smiled brightly and rushed over to the two of you.
“Hello dear, I’m Molly. I didn’t know Charlie had a girlfriend, you are very pretty.” She said pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. You laughed as she pulled away. Charlie watched you two with an adoring smile.
“How long have you been together? What’s your name? You work here too? Is Charlie treating you well? You live together?!” You blinked trying to keep up with her questions. You looked to Charlie for help as Molly started to overwhelm you.
“Sorry about that Mum it’s just that I didn’t want to overwhelm Y/N when we were just getting to know one another. It wasn’t intentional to hurt anyone.” He said stopping Molly from her rapid questions at you.
Molly made tea for the three of you. As she sat in your small living room, you and Charlie remained in the kitchen.
“She seems absolutely wonderful, I don’t know why you were so nervous for me to meet your family.” You said taking a sip of the Irish Breakfast tea in your hands. Charlie sighed and leaned against the counter.
“That’s just my mum. If you met my brothers or my sister you’d go running for the hills.” He huffed. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“If they’re anything like you then I’m sure I’ll love them. And even if they’re weird, so what? Weird is more interesting.” You placed your mug down and wrapped your arms around him. His tense posture relaxed as you nuzzled your face into his neck.
“I love you.” You mumbled as he pulled you closer to him. He rested his head onto your shoulder.
“I love you too.”
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lilyharvord · 5 years
All This and Heaven Too Part 2
I LIVE!!!!! Alright, Alright, Alright, by popular demand, I got another part to this, and since it’s in time with rqmission three thought I’d make it about the holidays. Enjoy children. I missed missions 1 and 2 I think but I also have been non-existent on here. Hopefully I can come back. 
Find Part 1 right here. 
@redqueenetwork Mission 3 -- Happy Holidays
It’s been weeks since I’ve last seen him, but it feels like it’s been years. Usually we will send letters to each other. They don’t come fast enough though, and are far too susceptible to being stolen for us to truly send anything of importance. Due to the nature of his mission this time, I hadn’t been allowed to contact him, and he had been banned from any contact with the outside world in general. The mission was complete though, and he could tell me all about it. I doubted he would want to talk about it after he heard the news I had. 
I tucked my hands into the pockets of my coat, and buried my nose deeper in my scarf. The snow storm had kept most of the airships from landing, but the military pilots were either brave enough, or stupid enough to fly through the oncoming storm to land on the runway that some considered one of the most dangerous on the entire continent. I for one would not be caught dead trying to sit through landing on this runway. It was icy on a good day, and just the thought of the airship sliding off the runway and falling down from the peak was enough to panic me. 
Still, I waited with the others. By this point, my toes were frozen, and my eyes had started watering from the cold. The wind picked up with a gust just as the ramp of the airship began to descend. My lips curled into a smile as the first people disembarked. A young girl sprinted to her mother, screaming as she threw her arms around her neck. 
My stomach turned at the image, and through the fabric of my pocket, I brushed my fingers along the little bump between my hips. One step at a time Barrow, just see him first, I remind myself. See him first, welcome him home, then tell him. 
Expelling a sigh, I watched my breath cloud in front of me. If he moved any slower he would be in reverse, I think as I watched another group come down without him in it. Slowly the little crowd around me thins, until there is just me and one other. She shifts her feet in the snow and gives me a little nervous smile. I catch sight of the shine of an engagement ring and try not to snort. Newly engaged, probably kissed him or her goodbye for the first time a few weeks ago. She’ll get used to this. The goodbye never gets easier, but the waiting does. I didn’t pace the hallways anymore, or lay awake at night imagining horrible situations. Some nights I did wake up in a cold sweat though, panic lacing through my bones like lightning. This trip was very different though.
Getting woken up to throw up for two hours certainly started the whole thing off well, and then finding out the knowledge that was growing like a bubble of warmth in my chest had kept me up for hours some nights. The terrifying question of what would happen if he didn’t come back kept chasing my dreams away. Even the one I had had the first night, the one about the little boy again, this time though, I could actually reach out and touch him. He had felt so real in my arms, that I had woken up half expecting him to be there. 
Finally, he comes down the ramp, rubbing his hands together and looking around. Each exhale is a puff of smoke. Even though I had already chuckled at the girl next to me bouncing excitedly, I can’t fight the little noise I make as I sprint across the space between us. He spots me when I’m ten steps away and drops his back from his shoulder as his eyes widen.
Still he catches me and laughs as I practically wrap myself around him. My hat falls off and the cold immediately bites at my ears. He’s so warm though that it doesn’t take long for the feeling to return to my fingers. 
“If not being able to write to you for a month generates this reaction, then I don’t know if you’re ever going to get a letter from me again.” He teases as he slowly drops me back onto my feet. Keeping my arms around his neck, I narrow my eyes and admonish, “I’m not allowed to greet you like this?”
“You and I both know this was excessive, even for you.” He says with a smile before leaning down to press his lips to mine. I return the kiss, before breaking it and bitterly saying, “Took you long enough to get off by the way, I was practically frozen by the time you did.” 
Smiling, he bends down to gather his bag. Tossing it over his shoulder, he wraps his arms around my shoulder as we start to make our way back across the tarmac to the little building where the transport is. “I wanted to see whether or not you came up the ramp looking for me,” he teases as we hurry our steps to escape the cold. I snort in amusement, but still smile as I lean into his warmth a little more.
(////) The little townhouse we own is in the heart of the city, and it takes far too long to get there with all the traffic. The holidays are just around the corner, now that he’s back, and will be staying for as long as he can, we will have to decorate and plan for time with my family. I had spent careful hours picking out the gifts for my family this year. My mother’s gift was of course in answer to what I was going to be telling Cal today. She had already bemoaned that she only had one grandchild to dote over. I wonder what she would do when she heard about this one. 
I stomp my boots on the doormat before unlocking the door and letting us into the house. He brushes the snow out of his hair, and steps over the threshold saying, “I see the heater is working just fine now.”
“I hounded the landlord until he fixed it. I think he’s terrified of me now.” I say with a smirk as I hang my scarf and coat up on the hanger by the door. He slips his jacket off as well before smiling up at me and saying, “There are numerous people that are afraid of you for no reason what so ever.” 
Flicking his forehead as I pass I say, “you’re included with them.” 
I bend down then to untie my boots and slip them off. He does the same next to me and grumbles, “I have a healthy dose of respect, not necessarily fear.” Laughing at him, I rise from my crouch, and start toward the kitchen. We need warm drinks, well I do, specifically something with chocolate. I cross the tile floors which are cold even through my socks, and stand on my tip toes to reach one of the cabinets. Taking out mugs and the chocolate shaving Gisa had given to me as a gift a few months ago, I hum to myself. 
Before I can turn and go the milk, he wraps me up in his arms from behind. I gasp at the sensation, and he chuckles before whispering, “I’ve missed you.” Each word is punctuated with a kiss on my neck. Pushing his face away, I tease, “Maybe I shouldn’t write to you anymore.” 
“Don’t be mean,” he murmurs, pulling me back against him, earning a laugh as he runs his hands up my sides. He pauses for a second though, his lips halting on my neck. I wait for a moment, wondering if he’s piecing something together. It’s not exactly like I can hide the fact that there is a new weight between my hips that wasn’t there when he left. It’s a much newer development, something even I was still trying to get used to. 
“What?” I finally ask when he hesitates a second too long. He pulls away, rubbing at the back of his neck and turning white with a blush. I turn and smirk at him, preparing to tease him mercilessly for the thought that I knows is going through his head. I watch his eyes dart around for a few seconds while he calculates how much I might hurt him if he mentions what he’s noticed.
“Nothing, nothing at all. I just—“ He takes a hesitant step backwards, and I have no choice but to stalk after him and continue my little game. It certainly wasn’t what I had originally had in mind for telling him, but I couldn’t help but watch him squirm. 
“Just what, Cal?” I ask as I follow him, batting my eyelashes as if I were about to cry. He points a threatening finger at me and says, “Don’t do that, it’s weird.” 
“What’s wrong? Why are you acting like this?” I continue to advance until I’ve pinned him completely in a corner. Like a mouse he tries to wiggle his way out, stammering and stuttering like a teenage boy. Eventually he cant find another way out and says, “Did you… put on weight?” 
He blushes white all the way to the tips of his ears. I step up on my toes and setting my fists on my hips, I ask, “What do you think?” 
Opening his mouth to reply, he inhales and then closes his mouth quickly, his lips drawing into a tight line. He watches me for a moment before smiling softly and saying softly, “I think it’s completely fine.” 
I frown then, and reply, “that’s not what my question meant.” 
He had settled, happy to have dissuaded what he thought would make me explode with anger. But my new comment makes his eyes widen and his skin pale again. Rubbing at the back of his neck, he asks, “What exactly are you asking about?”
“You tell me, what do you think I’m talking about?” I tease him as I poke at his chest. He catches my hand, and closes his fingers around it. Shaking his head softly, he says, “Mare I—“ His eyes widen for a moment, and he glances down at me before continuing softly, “do I get three guesses.” 
“I don’t think you need that many,” I reply with a smile. His eyes widen further, until I worry for a moment they might pop of his head. Without a warning, he lets out a whoop that sounds horribly like something my brothers would do, and bends down to wrap his arms around my legs and scoop me off the ground. I laugh for a moment, shocked at the feeling, as he looks up at me and asks breathlessly, “You’re sure?”
“Positive,” I whisper with a smile that makes my cheeks ache. He lets me slide down until I’m on my toes and hugging me close he says breathlessly into my hair, “I don’t even… I don’t even know what to say, or feel, or think.” 
“Well I hope excited is in there somewhere.” I murmur into his shoulder where my face is being squished. My stomach flutters with nerves and excitement as he pulls away quickly and reaches out with a trembling hand. He lets it hover above my stomach, his eyes misting for a moment. Taking it softly, I rest it on my stomach and whisper, “It’s okay if you don’t feel that yet though.” 
“I’m… I’m beyond excited,” he beings, a choked laugh managing to escape as he spreads his fingers on my sweater and explores the bump that is only going to get bigger. He pauses for a moment though, his eyes coming up to mine as he murmurs, “But, I thought you were still taking the pills.” 
Reaching up to wrap my arms around his neck I press a kiss to his cheek and reply apologetically, “I sort of made an executive decision the morning of Kilorn’s wedding. I guess, I guess I decided that I didn’t want to live in fear anymore.” 
And I had been afraid, terrified for so long. The moment I had found out I was pregnant, I’d broken into a sweat and sobbed. How could I have let this happen? How could I have possibly doomed some poor unfortunate child to being mine, to have to deal with all the horrible side effects that came with being my child? What if by simply allowing them to come into existence, I had doomed them? 
I’d cried for hours on the edge of our bathtub, wondering if I deserved this gift, this joy after all the horrible things I’d done. But it had changed so quickly, so quickly when I had sat with the thought for a while. This was a gift, the universe possibly paying me back for all of the horrible things that I had gone through. I had been happy, so very happy that I’d cried again. 
Reaching up to push the strands of hair that had fallen out of my braid behind my ear, Cal teases, “Any more executive decisions I should be aware of?” 
Shaking my head, I feel a fresh set of tears start to fall as I remember the storm of emotions that had rolled through me with the discovery of the life growing inside of me. Wiping them away with his thumbs, Cal asks, “Am I going to have to deal with a very emotional Mare Barrow for the next few months?”
Sniffling, I reach up with the sleeve of my sweat and wipe at my eyes and nose, grumbling, “Don’t make fun of me, I get a few pass for being emotional for the next five months.”
He laughs, before pulling me into another tight hug, bringing a fresh sob from me as he does so. Running his fingers through my hair he whispers, “You’re going to be a great mother. I can feel it.” 
“Don’t you dare say that, cause then I will actually start crying,” I hiccup, before burying my nose in his shirt and inhaling his smell. He was home, and he was going to be staying for a long time. Besides, I wasn’t planning on letting him leave anymore.  
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thebluemartini · 5 years
Far From the Shallow - Chapter 12 [Nessian Fic]
TITLE: Far From the Shallow SYNOPSIS: Post-ACOFAS. As part of a deal with Feyre, Nesta has agreed to live with Cassian in the Illyrian Mountains. However, shortly after her arrival, she receives the startling news that she’s pregnant from one of her one-night stands. While she tries to quickly get a grip on her life, Cassian’s determined to make her see that she’s not facing this alone.
FIC LENGTH: Multi-chapter (Total Chapter Estimate: 14)
PREVIOUS CHAPTERS: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11
TAGGING: @bohemiandreams27 @queenofillea1 @trash-for-nessian @nestaarcheronwillkillme @my-fan-side @strangeenemy @maastrash @cageddovepoetry @bybooksanddreams @lilbat90 @ritamordio19 @mastercommandercaptain @feysand-dot-acotar @archeron-queen @welcometothespeaknowworldtour @empress-ofbloodshed @there-is-warmth-in-winter @mybbyfeyre @saltydreamcollector @justlikethecheshirecat @mis-lil-red @supebowlere @monstrousloves-explodinggalaxies @everything-that-i-love @sezkins79 @hashtolanashoba @lord-douglas-the-third @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @hikari274 @acotar-and-tog-for-life @ellenoftroy @ink-nibs @highlordofthenightcourttrash @sesquipedalian-aficionado @tintinnabulary
*This chapter is also posted on AO3 and FF.
A/N: Eeep! I’m so nervous posting this chapter since it’s the moment we’ve been waiting for!
(Please note, I definitely do not get into all the crazy details about childbirth. Also, this is a fae birth, so that’s my excuse if there’s anything that does/doesn’t happen that usually doesn’t/does happen during a human birth! Haha 😉)
________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 12: May
As the days went by, Cassian woke up each morning, hoping he would hear from Nesta again.
He hadn’t heard from her since she sent him a message about the baby’s gender. The day after that, he had gone ahead and wrote her a simple question: How are you doing?
But a week went by, and he still hadn’t received a reply.
The lack of response saddened and frustrated him, but he still had the hope she would eventually contact him, considering she initiated the last conversation.
But now it was the first day of May. The month she was going to have her baby.
There was no way he was going to miss the birth of her baby. He wanted to give Nesta the space she desired, but at what point would he have to stop waiting for her and just go ahead and make his own move?
He needed to be there for her. No matter how much she may try to push him away, he would prove to her that he would still be there and that he loved her.
Just as he was about to leave the kitchen, a piece of parchment appeared on the table. As soon as Cassian saw it, he instantaneously reached for it as his heart hammered in his chest.
Bat boy,
Be at my apartment at midday.
Cassian’s heart sank upon seeing it wasn’t Nesta’s handwriting.
Instead, it was a demanding note from Amren without an explanation for why he needed to visit.
He wasn’t sure what this could be about. Visiting Amren wasn’t a usual part of his duties for the Inner Circle. She wasn’t usually involved with Illyrian matters.
He wondered if Nesta had listened to him when he told her to visit Amren about the siphon. Could it possibly be about that? He wasn’t sure what he would really need to do with the siphon. It had been unlinked. There was nothing more needed from him.
He picked up a pen to write back. Any special reason?
The response came quickly.
You’ll find out when you get here.
Cassian huffed at the vague reply. If he was going to be there at midday, he’d have to start flying out there now. But at least this gave him a reason to go to Velaris. Maybe afterwards, he would stop at Rhys and Feyre’s estate and attempt to talk to Nesta again.
Gods, it felt like it’d been ages since he last saw her.
As he left the kitchen and exited the cabin, he couldn’t help but feel slightly thrilled by the prospect of seeing her again later that day.
He just prayed she would be more receptive to what he had to say.
Nesta sighed out of frustration as she made her way to Amren’s house. The message she received from her had been last minute and unexpected, demanding she come over to test something about her powers and to come right away.
Didn’t she realize that her baby could be born any day now? Her stomach was so large, making it hard to move about and slowing her down, elongating the journey to Amren’s. She couldn’t handle short notice, but when Nesta tried to protest in her message back to her, Amren got feisty right back at her, claiming that she must not care about potentially hurting her daughter with her powers.
Such a comment irritated her but also spurred her to get dressed and start making her way to Amren’s home. At least it was only the first day of May. Better to try out whatever crazy idea Amren had now instead of later on, when she was closer to Madja’s estimated due date of mid-May.
Soon, she’d be able to meet her baby girl. The thought always caused Nesta to bring her hand up to her stomach to feel her kicks, which were pretty constant now.
At least she had somewhere to live and her sisters would be around to help take care of the baby. Her relationship with them was still far from perfect, but they were slowly working through it.
But was she ready for the birth of her baby? She had no idea if anything could truly prepare her for it. She kept reading about it since she didn’t even know a single fae who’d had a fae child. Rhys, Azriel, and Amren had told her what they knew, but they didn’t fully know how it would go or what it would feel like or what the best ways to raise the baby would be.
She just wished...Cassian was here to handle the unknown with her. She moved her hand up to touch the red siphon that she now wore around her neck.
But he didn’t deserve to be saddled down with someone like her and taking care of a child that wasn’t his. He deserves someone better.
It was a moment of weakness when she decided to send him a message about finding out the baby was a girl. She’d been too wrapped up in the excitement of it to think straight. When he sent her a message the next day, asking how she was doing, she’d been in a clearer state of mind and was able to realize it would be better for her to not respond. To detach and distance herself.
And it would be healthier for her to stop thinking of him...
Soon, she reached the front door of Amren’s apartment and knocked.
“Get inside, girl!” she heard Amren shout through the door.
Nesta rolled her eyes at her impropriety before turning the knob and strolling inside.
She’d found Amren lounging around in the living room, eating some chicken and vegetables. “Come eat with me, girl,” she demanded as she gestured to the plate of food sitting on the end of the small table in the middle of the room.
Nesta gave her a peculiar look as Amren lifted the plate to her, and Nesta took a seat in the chair across from her.
Amren’s message had made it sound like this was an urgent meeting, and here she was, casually eating in the living room.
“I thought we were going to do something with my powers,” Nesta grumpily stated.
“In a moment,” Amren replied. “But first, we must eat.”
Nesta rolled her eyes at Amren’s eccentricities but figured she might as well feed herself and the baby, so she started eating.
A little while later, Amren stood up and started walking out of the room.
“Where are you going?” Nesta asked.
“To use the damned bathroom,” Amren muttered irritably.
Nesta continued to sit and eat, all while trying not to explode on Amren for ordering her to get here immediately when they weren’t even doing anything.
Suddenly, she heard a knock upon the front door, sparking Nesta’s curiosity. She wasn’t aware of anyone possibly joining them. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone else either. Not that she ever really was.
“Answer that,” Amren dictated loudly from inside the bathroom.
Nesta groaned in annoyance as she carefully put down her plate, then slowly made her way over to the door, wondering why Amren didn’t bother answering the door when she arrived, but now, someone actually needed the door opened for them.
Upon swinging the door open, her eyes widened in surprise when she found Cassian standing before her.
He looked equally shocked to see her, with his mouth opening to speak, but no words came out.
“What are you...what are you doing here?” Nesta managed to ask. She’d intended for her words to have more bite, but instead they just came out slowly and calmly.
“What am I doing here? I think the better question is why are you here instead of in bed at the estate, waiting for the baby’s arrival?” he asked rather seriously, with his eyes filled with concern.
Nesta’s fiery nature kicked in. “I am perfectly able -” she began to defend herself, but suddenly an arrow came soaring over her shoulder and went straight for Cassian’s neck, piercing the skin.
Cassian plucked the arrow from the small wound as he grunted with pain before closing his eyes and instantly crumpling to the ground.
“CASSIAN!” Nesta exclaimed and tried to reach for him as he fell, but with her pregnant stomach, she couldn’t move fast enough to catch him. Nesta whirled around and found Varian standing in the room.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” Nesta yelled, and the burning in her hands ignited and she could feel power shoot out of her and hit Varian’s body. Instantly, she heard Varian’s heartbeat slow down. She didn’t even need to touch him for him to feel the effects, which may have been a result of the siphon that hung around her neck.
“PULL BACK, NESTA! CASSIAN IS FINE!” Amren exclaimed when she appeared in front of Varian. Immediately, when she stood in front of him, the blast of power had stopped.
Hyperventilating, Nesta glared at her as Amren turned around and inspected Varian’s body. He appeared to be breathing slowly.
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO CASSIAN?” Nesta demanded to know as she carefully kneeled down beside Cassian’s unconscious body and ran her hand across his cheek to push hair away from his face. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the rise and fall of his chest.
“He’ll only be knocked out for a half hour,” Amren calmly stated, still tending to Varian. “And it appears I was right. Your powers to harm come alive when you’re protecting someone you love.”
“Yes, now calm down already,” Amren ordered.
Nesta kept her eyes on Cassian and continued to stroke his cheek. She hated seeing him like this. Motionless and seeming lifeless. She hated that she’d already seen Cassian like this twice before, which still haunted her: at the hands of the king of Hybern and at the Dunclare camp in Illyria.
And while she knew she needed to detach herself from him, she still needed to make sure Amren spoke truthfully and make sure Cassian awoke.
So she waited. 
Cassian opened his eyes.
He was lying on a couch. Amren’s couch, he had realized.
With a grunt, he sat up as he tried to recall how he got there. Thinking through the day, he remembered getting a note from Amren, flying to Velaris, knocking on her door, and then...and then he saw Nesta.
His heart started pumping fast.
And then some arrow had come flying out of nowhere and hit him.
When Amren walked in the room, he perked his head up. “Finally,” she remarked.
Cassian let out a huff. “What was that arrow all about?” he asked groggily.
“I had Varian shoot a drugged arrow at you to see if it would trigger Nesta’s powers, and I was right,” Amren bragged as she gave him a smug smile.
“You did what?”
“You heard me, boy.”
Cassian shook his head at Amren’s insane antics. But...but Nesta’s powers had been triggered. He started turning his head, looking to see if she was still around somewhere.
“She’s outside on the balcony,” Amren stated.
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t play dumb,” Amren remarked before turning and walking out of the room.
Cassian started rubbing his head over the spot where he he had fallen on it. That had been an extreme ploy to get Nesta’s powers to work. But what did this mean for her powers?
Getting up off the couch, he walked across the room, looking out the window as he headed to the door to the balony.  Outside, Nesta was sitting in a chair with one leg stretched out and propped up on another chair.
He could see how big her stomach had gotten, and how beautiful she still looked. She was still glowing. Just like the day they’d hosted the Illyrian camp leaders at his cabin.
At least she didn’t run away. She knew he was here and didn’t bolt. Perhaps, she was willing to talk to him. Carefully, he turned the knob to open the door to the balcony.
When she heard the creak of the door behind her, she knew it was Cassian.
But she didn’t dare look back up at him, knowing it would send her heart thundering in her chest. Instead, she focused her gaze on her swollen foot that was propped on the chair.
He appeared in her peripheral vision and soon began to speak. “Your foot is swollen,” he observed.
“I’m aware,” she said casually.
“Do you want me to - ”
“No,” she interrupted him. From the way he leaned down and motioned to touch her lower leg, she knew he was about to offer to massage her foot. She wouldn’t be able to stand him touching her because she knew it risked making her want him all the more.
Plus, he’d already done so much for her. It wasn’t right for him to do any more for her.
Cassian then went over to the other side of her and sat down in the seat next to her.
“Amren said she figured out how to trigger your powers,” he said.
“It appears that they activate when I’m trying to protect someone,” she answered, neglecting to mention the other qualifier that Amren had said.
“I see you’re wearing the siphon,” he commented. “Did it help?”
The damned siphon he shouldn’t have given her.
“Yes,” she replied with a bit of an edge to her tone. Finally, she turned her gaze away from her foot and looked up at him. She regretted it as soon as she looked at him.
He was giving her the look, and she nearly stumbled over her words when she spoke again.
“Why...why would you give me this?” she asked, raising her voice out of frustration.
“Because that was our agreement for me breaking a promise.”
“But I didn’t know the pain it would cause you!”
“It doesn’t matter. I would do anything for you,” he noted earnestly.
Nesta shook her head and tilted her face away from him, wondering what the heck was wrong with him for saying such a thing.
“What is it?” he asked. “Why are you shaking your head? Do you honestly not believe me?”
“I don’t deserve you,” she whispered as a tear slipped out of her eye.
“Excuse me?”
“I don’t deserve you,” she said a bit louder and more forcefully.
“What is that supposed to mean? What makes you think that you don’t deserve me?”
Nesta continued shaking her head. “I’m a monster. Even your friends despise me for the way I act. The way I am. You should stay away.”
She thought of Mor’s feelings about her and her conversations with Rhysand. Neither of them liked her. Why would Cassian want someone who his friends despised?
“Would a monster sleep beside me to keep my nightmares away? Do everything she could to ease tensions with the Illyrians with me? Tend to my wounds when I’m injured? Not many people know the real you, Nesta, but I do. And I love you.”
“Stop saying that,” she stated with exasperation.
“I won’t stop speaking the truth,” he said firmly.
She couldn’t do this. She needed to get out of here. She’s seen him awake. She could go home now, knowing his was fine after being shot by the drugged arrow.
Bringing her foot down from the chair and standing up, she headed straight for the door to the apartment. Of course her movement wasn’t swift, giving Cassian ample time to get right behind her and raise his hand above her shoulder to hold the door closed as she tried to turn the knob and open it.
“Nesta,” he whispered, and she could feel his breath against the back of her neck. Having him so close sent her heart racing. “Talk to me,” he pleaded.
“About what?” she snapped.
“Did you read all my letters?”
“Yes,” she answered strongly.
“And did you talk to your sisters about the bond?”
“And what?”
He was still breathing on the back of her neck. It was driving her crazy, and yet she felt frozen in place.
“And what do you think of the bond?”
“And I don’t think…” she began before taking a deep breath. “I don’t think the bond determines how you feel.”
Cassian’s hand on the door slid down to encase her hand that rested on the knob. She could feel him get closer behind her, and he placed his hand against her shoulder blade. “Then what’s the problem?” he wondered quietly, with his lips close to the shell of her ear.
Nesta closed her eyes and resisted the urge to lean back into him.
“I told you,” she said forcefully, once she’d gathered her senses. “I don’t deserve you.”
Cassian sighed. “Stop being so ridiculous.”
“I am not being ridiculous,” she insisted as she released the door knob and turned around to face him, forcing Cassian to step back from her a little.
“Yes, you are!” he said loudly. “You’re just making up excuses because you’re afraid!”
Nesta narrowed her eyes at him and shook her head. “You’re delusional.”
“Sweetheart,” he said as he moved to grab hold of her hands, but she wouldn’t allow that. She quickly moved her hands out of his reach and whipped around her body to open the door. She stormed into the apartment, unable to shut the door behind her since Cassian was barging in right behind her.
“I’m done having this -” Nesta began to say before letting out a cry after feeling a burst of pain through his lower back and abdomen. The discomfort took her by surprise, causing her to lean her palm against the wall for support.
“Nesta, what is it?” Cassian asked in concern, immediately coming to her side and wrapping his arm around her. “Is the baby coming?”
The pains within her continued and she couldn’t help but keep letting out cries of anguish. This must be it. Her baby girl was coming. “Yes,” she said just before her knees buckled as she felt a raging contraction.
But Cassian was there and ready to catch her. With one arm at her back and the other beneath her thighs, he lifted her up in his arms. “AMREN!” he called out.
“WHAT!” Amren replied from another room.
“Contact Madja to meet us at Rhys and Feyre’s! The baby is coming!” he instructed.
Then he gazed down at Nesta as she clutched at her stomach. “I’ll fly you very carefully back to the estate,” he explained as he started walking at a quick pace toward the front door.
Once he stepped outside, they took flight.
Nesta had a hard time focusing on what was going on around her. Her eyes were closed most of the time as pain wracked her body. The baby books had warned her that labor pains would be as bad as during menstruation, if not worse.
She vaguely remembered Cassian murmuring some things to her like “Hang in there, sweetheart,” as they flew back to the estate. Those words brought her no comfort as she still felt like she wanted to throttle someone.
Then when they reached the estate, there was a huge commotion, with her sisters, Rhys, Azriel, and Madja all gathered around. She remembered hearing Madja’s voice shouting over everyone to instruct Cassian to carry her upstairs to her room.
 All the noise was irritating.
When they reached her room, Cassian had gently laid her down on the bed as Madja rushed about to retrieve all that she needed. But based on all the chatter she heard, it sounded like many of the others had followed them upstairs, infuriating both her and Madja. She did not need to have her ears ringing from all this ridiculous noise on top of giving birth.
“EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET OUT,” Madja ordered loudly. “Cassian, are you staying in the room or not?”
This question caused her to shoot open her eyes. Looking up, she found Cassian standing over her, staring directly at her.
“It’s your call, sweetheart. Am I staying or am I going?” he asked.
Another contraction ripped through her body.
“IF YOU DARE TO ABANDON ME NOW, I WILL MURDER YOU,” she spat out fiercely without even thinking. Because, gods, she couldn’t even handle thinking right now. 
Despite the fact that she just yelled at him, Cassian beamed as he eagerly grabbed her hand.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he whispered. “Hang in there, sweetheart.”
Watching Nesta be in labor for many hours was brutal.
Knowing how much pain she was in made it a horrifying experience because he couldn’t do anything except sit on a chair beside her bed, hold her hand, and wait. He couldn’t rid her of her pain.
Through the bond, he could feel a dull ache in his back and his stomach. He knew it was nothing compared to the torturous time she was having. She made sure he and Madja were well aware of that fact, with her shouts at them for not helping make the pain go away.
Which was another reason it was so brutal to watch her be in labor.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING WRONG? YOU KEEP FEELING MY STOMACH, YET THE BABY’S STILL NOT COMING. ARE YOU THAT INCOMPETENT?” Nesta shouted at one point when Madja felt around her bare stomach. 
“ARE YOU REALLY ABOUT TO ABANDON ME RIGHT NOW?” she screamed at another moment when he let go of her hand to get up to retrieve a cold, wet towel with the intention of placing it against her forehead.
She was constantly shouting about every little thing. She would reprimand him for gripping her hand too tightly then later say his grip was too loose. She would claim he was breathing too heavily on her, so he would turn his head slightly away from her, but then she’d wonder if she was too hideous for him to look at right now. 
But all throughout her outrageous complaints, Cassian reminded himself to remain calm and not engage in an argument with her. He’d always answer her sweetly and gently in an effort to please her as best as he could.
All while praying the baby would make her arrival very, very soon.
“Hang in there, sweetheart,” he stated for what was probably the hundredth time when she cried out in anguish.
She glared at him when she turned her face toward him. “THOSE STUPID WORDS AREN’T HELPING!”
Cassian fought the urge to sigh for fear of her complaining about that too. What else was he supposed to say in this moment?
 He decided to just say the next thing that came to mind.
“I love you, sweetheart.”
It felt as if his heart stopped. His thumb that had been rubbing circles on the back of her hand froze.
“What did you say?” he whispered as he looked at her curiously.
“But...did you mean it?” he wondered. She had been saying crazy things all day.
“Well, earlier at Amren’s, you were telling me that -” he began to say, but Nesta cut him off.
Cassian couldn’t the stop the huge grin from spreading across his face.
“Oh, Nesta…” he murmured as he stood up from his seat to lean over and plant a kiss on her cheek. “I love you.”
Nesta sighed in annoyance. “I ALREADY KNOW.”
It was then that Nesta let out her loudest cry of agony yet, which caused Madja to press along her stomach again. “The baby is coming now,” she announced. “Push! Push!”
“You’ve got this, sweetheart,” he remarked as he felt her squeeze his hand tighter than ever before. “Keep pushing.”
Within minutes, they could hear the baby’s cries. Cassian looked at Nesta and the widest smile came across her face. Tears flooded out of her eyes as she breathed heavily. Cassian lifted their intertwined hands and placed a kiss on the back of her hand. “You did it, sweetheart.”
Soon Madja presented her with her cleaned-off baby girl swaddled in a blanket. Nesta released Cassian’s hand and eagerly took her into her arms. “Welcome, little one,” she said quietly as she stared at her in adoration. The baby settled down once she noticed her mother’s eyes looking at her.
Feeling like he was infringing on Nesta’s moment with her daughter, he took a few steps back.
“Where are you going?” Nesta asked as she perked her head up and looked at him.
“I thought you would want -” he started to say, but Nesta interjected.
“Come over here,” she implored.
Cassian immediately went and sat beside Nesta on the mattress, wrapping his arm around Nesta’s back while gazing down at her baby.
She looked so peaceful and innocent. Her face looked a lot like Nesta’s, especially the shape of her nose. It was...so incredible to see. He couldn’t help but smile down at her. “She’s beautiful,” he commented.
Nesta nodded in agreement.
“And so are you,” he added before kissing Nesta’s cheek.
“I love her so much already,” Nesta said breathlessly.
“What are you going to name her?”
Nesta turned to look up at him. “Would it be all right...if I named her Dahlia?”
Cassian’s breath stilled.
His mother. Nesta wanted to name her daughter after his mother. But how did she even know his mother’s name? He had never told her...
“You want to name her...after my mother?” he asked, stumbling over his words. “How...how did you even know my mother’s name?”
Nesta nodded. “Rhys told me. It seemed like the perfect name, after all you’ve done for me and for the baby because of your mother.”
“It was because of you that I - ” Cassian gently insisted.
“It was at least partly because of her,” Nesta interrupted as she gave him look as if to say Don’t deny it. “You didn’t want me to feel alone like she did...and I certainly didn’t because of you.”
Cassian hugged her tighter to him. “I’d be honored if you named her after my mother,” he whispered, unable to prevent the tear that glistened in his eye.
Nesta gave him a peck on the lips - their first kiss since the day he started the Blood Rite - before bending her head down to kiss her baby’s head. “Hello, Dahlia.”
“Hi, Dahlia,” Cassian said as he gazed down at her.
With the woman he loved beside him - who loved him in return - and a child he’d considered his own sitting before them...Cassian was certain he’d never felt this content in his entire life. 
Once Madja had cleaned up the room and Nesta looked a little more presentable, her sisters, Rhys, and Azriel were finally permitted to enter the room and meet the baby. While Feyre and Elain were busy taking turns holding her and cooing to her, the males retrieved the crib and brought it inside Nesta’s room.
After a short while, Nesta’s exhaustion really hit her. Luckily, Madja realized this, shooing everyone off while insisting Nesta and Dahlia needed rest. Madja placed Dahlia to sleep in her crib, and Cassian had laid down beside her as they fell asleep together.
It must have been a few hours later when she felt Cassian stir beside her and remove his hand from its place on her waist.
She had assumed he had gone to the bathroom or went to retrieve food or drink, but when he didn’t return within a few minutes, she opened her eyes to find Cassian standing beside the crib, holding Dahlia in his arms as she rested her head on his shoulder.
Cassian swayed a little back and forth with her, rubbing her back as he did so.
It was a beautiful sight to see. When she had grown closer to Cassian, this is what she had been picturing what their life could be like. Their own little family.
When she had gone into labor, she found that she could no longer deny her feelings for him. She was tired of fighting them and she wanted him to be at her side, figuring out how to be parents together.
But she needed to be sure that this life was what he wanted.
Nesta sat up in her bed as she observed him gently lay Dahlia down in her crib. When he turned around, he appeared startled to see her awake and watching him.
“Sorry if I woke you,” he whispered as he returned to his place beside her in the bed. “I could hear Dahlia getting a little fussy, and I didn’t want her to start crying.”
Nesta scooted her body so she could wrap her arm around Cassian’s waist and rest her head against his bare chest. “Thank you,” she murmured.
Cassian entwined his fingers within her hair and started undoing her braid. “You’re welcome,” he said quietly.
Nesta started tracing the Illyrian tattoos on his chest with her finger. “Will you be a father to Dahlia?”
“I want so much to be a father to her,” he remarked as he continued to play with her hair. “But if I’m going to be her father, then you need to understand that I am never going to abandon her or leave her. I will always be a part of her life, which means I will forever be a part of yours, and I need to know where I stand with you.”
Nesta paused her tracing as she looked up at him, with her chin resting on his chest. “What do you mean?”
“More than anything, I want to be with you,” he stated tenderly as his fingers stilled within her hair. “Only you. And I need to know if you feel the same way. Because earlier, you told me you were afraid.”
Nesta sat back up again and placed her hands on the sides of Cassian’s face. “I love you,” she said. “I only want you. I still don’t think I deserve you and I think part of me will always be afraid that I’ll mess it all up somehow. But I’ve realized that I don’t want to take the risk of not being with you either. I don’t think I’m ready to accept the bond yet, so -”
“The bond isn’t important to me,” he interrupted gently. “Your love is enough.”
“You have it,” she whispered. “And I always want you to be in my life and to be with me.”
Cassian smile spread from ear to ear as he put his hands on her cheeks and tugged her face closer to him. “I love you, Nesta Archeron.”
“I love you, Cassian,” she managed to hurriedly say before his lips came crashing against hers to give her a passionate kiss.
After a few more passionate kisses, Nesta fell back asleep in his arms, feeling safe and secure, and the happiest she’d ever been. 
The next week and a half had been filled with lots of grogginess, lots of breastfeeding, and a great desire for sleep. Nesta hardly left her room, let alone her bed, as her sore body recovered from giving birth.
Cassian rarely left her alone. Unless he was using the bathroom or cooking food for her, he was always there to help calm the baby, to bring Dahlia over to her bed, to bring her meals and eat with her, and help make sure she got at least some rest.
Feeling well enough to stand at least for a little while, she had put Dahlia down in her crib to sleep. As soon as she hit the crib, she wailed.
But then Cassian appeared beside Nesta, and Dahlia became silent, suddenly entranced by the movement of his wings. When he saw her staring at them, he deliberately began to flap them around a bit, intriguing her even more. Cassian chuckled as he did so, and Nesta couldn’t help but laugh herself.
“Too bad she wasn’t born with wings,” Cassian commented. “She seems rather fond of them.”
Cassian had told her the day after Dahlia was born that if she were part Illyrian, the wings would’ve been present at birth. But there were none.
When Cassian made the comment, Nesta couldn’t tell if he was relieved or disappointed. Would he have been jealous if she turned out to be the biological daughter of an Illyrian who wasn’t him?
But overall, he seemed so happy to be around both of them. And this easiness between them was so calming and pleasant.
But she knew that all good things must come to an end, including this fairytale-like lifestyle.
“When are you going back to Illyria?” she asked quietly once he settled down his wings as Dahlia finally closed her eyes to sleep, unable to keep them open any longer.
Cassian turned to her and gave her a peculiar look. “Sick of me already, sweetheart?” he questioned her back, but she could tell there was some hesitancy. His jesting wasn’t as smooth as it usually was. 
But she was determined to have fun with this.
“Well,” she said as she turned away from the crib and crossed the room to sit in front of her vanity. “Someone’s been taking apart my hair each day after I spend all this time braiding and styling it. It’s been quite inconvenient.”
“Is that so?” he growled with a smirk as he came up behind her. “It seems to me that you style it because you enjoy feeling my fingers run through your hair and take it apart.”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” she sternly said as she looked at his reflection in the mirror. “This cocky attitude of yours is also a problem.”
Cassian’s grin didn’t leave his face. “Any other complaints?”
As she eyed him in the mirror, she could see he was now giving her the infamous look. The look that sent her heart racing and made her feel anxious all at the same time.
“Well, the way you look at me sometimes…” she began confidently. “...makes me feel uneasy,” she finished in a whisper.
“I think you feel uneasy because you are having trouble resisting the urge to run your hands all over me.”
Nesta rolled her eyes at him. “There’s your irritating cocky attitude again.”
Cassian crouched down so the edge of his face was nearly touching her cheek.  “I can think of so many better uses for your mouth than spreading all these lies, sweetheart,” he stated huskily.
A slight blush crept up her face as she looked down at the vanity and thought of all the spots she’d love to kiss him on his body...
But she had to get back to the topic at hand. She leaned her head away from him.
“I can only handle your delusions for so long,” she said with a glint of amusement in her eyes. Then she shifted into a more serious tone. “When are you going back to Illyria?”
Cassian took a deep breath. “Well I would want to go back once you and Dahlia can go with me.”
Nesta took a deep breath. “I don’t think it’s safe for us to go back anytime soon,” she sadly pointed out. The Illyrians had already attacked them before and nearly succeeded because they thought her baby was his child. There was no way she would put Dahlia at risk. Especially when she’s just a baby.
“I know,” he expressed woefully as he sat on the edge of her bed behind her. “So until then, I’ll live here in Velaris - “”
“You can’t do that!” Nesta interrupted, slamming her hands on the vanity out of impassioned frustration. “You need to help the Illyrians change, not give them more reason to hate you for ruling over them from afar. They won’t accept that. They won’t change. They’ll just turn further against you!”
“Then...I won’t-”
“You better not be saying you’ll give up being the General Commander!” she interjected as she whipped around in her seat to face him.
“Well, technically I’m not because you’re not letting me get a word in, sweetheart!” he joked. But Nesta was no longer in the mood for jokes right now. This was serious. He had already done so much for her. She wouldn’t let him give up his status of General Commander.
Standing up in front of him, she put her hands on his shoulders as she spoke to him.
“You are going to go back to the camps and you are going to make them change their ways for your mother. And then you’re going to make it safe for me and Dahlia to come live there with you one day. You will not give up anything more for me. Is that understood?” she ordered him sternly.
“But I would give up everything for you,” he stated softly as he grabbed her arms and gently pulled her onto his lap.
“I know,” she replied softly. “But you don’t need to.”
Cassian let out a frustrated groan. “What am I supposed to do without you?”
“You wouldn’t be without us,” she noted as she wrapped her hands around his neck. “We’ll make this work. You could still visit us every week...Rhys and Feyre could perhaps help with winnowing you here often.”
“But they can’t do that for us forever.”
“I could learn how to winnow,” she suggested.
“Maybe in time, but you should focus on taking care of Dahlia for now.”
“Well, the faster you get the camps in order, the faster we can come home to Illyria,” she whispered and she could see the warmth in Cassian’s eyes when she said the word home.
Illyria was where she truly got to know Cassian. It was where shared secrets, experiences, and feelings had bounded them together. It was where she had fallen for him, and now...now home was wherever Cassian was.
As well as where Dahlia was. It hurt to say that she couldn’t go back with him to Illyria. But Dahlia’s safety came first.
Cassian hugged her to him, and she rested her head on his shoulder.
“I don’t like this,” he noted sourly.
“I don’t either,” she whispered. “But you owe it to your mother to put an end to their abuse and their injustice. If you gave up being General Commander, then...you wouldn’t be the man I love.” 
He heaved a sigh.
Nesta started rubbing the back of his neck. She knew he was feeling as sad as she was...but what else could they do? Illyria needed change. Dahlia needed safety. Her and Cassian still could be together...just not as often as they would like.
“Undo my hair as you love to do everyday,” she instructed.
Finally, the glint of wicked amusement returned to his eyes as he gave her a sly smile. “I think you mean it’s what you love me to do everyday. Actually, I think all your supposed complaints tonight were reasons you love me.”
“Mmm,” she moaned as she planted a kiss against his neck. “I don’t know about that,” she said with amusement.
“Cruel woman,” he remarked as he slowly weaved his hand within her hair. “I think you may be the one who’s delusional.”
“Maybe you should knock some sense into me,” she breathed.
“Gladly,” he answered before further twirling his fingers in her hair to destroy her braid and planting a fierce kiss on her lips.
Suddenly, they heard a loud wail coming from the crib. Cassian leaned his forehead against Nesta’s. “Well, I guess I’ll have to knock some sense into you later,” he said and Nesta laughed before they both got up from the bed to tend to Dahlia.
A/N: Eeeee! The baby is here! Feelings have been revealed! Unfortunately, things aren’t perfect for Nessian…but hey, that’s life and they’re at least together!
There’s still 2 chapters left of this story to go! Next chapter is slated to be about both June and July and then the final chapter will be an epilogue.
Let me know all your feelings about this chapter! 😊 Thank you as always for your support! Everyone’s comments have been SOO sweet! I love you all!
---> CHAPTER 13
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heartless-error · 4 years
Broken, not perfect, but together. - Chapter 6
Fandom: DC comics, Batman
Pairings: Jonathan Kent x Damian Wayne (JonDami) & Jason Todd x Timothy Drake (JayTim)
Rating: Family feels, hurt/comfort, mental health issues, running away
Other(s) links: AO3
The Batfamily was broken.
It was six years ago, and they had barely stood together since then, trying to stand up despite guilt and regret.
Damian was sure there was nothing to save, not after losing something that he didn’t know he cared about. But when a new opportunity to get back what they had lost appeared, he cannot help to doubt as his past decisions haunt him again.
If you love somebody, set them free. But you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.
Chapter Summary: Just when he thinks he's used to changes, his world is shaken to its core again, again, and again.
Chapter 6
 Damian’s feet landed in Wayne manor’s front garden about half and hour after that call.
 He knew that only because he had deigned to turn on his phone for once and saw the time on the screen as he checked if they had told him anything else, but if it hadn’t been for that he wouldn’t have been aware of the time at all.
 Damian had hardly been aware of anything in general. After that call it was like his world have been distorted, his brain turned into something unfocused and blurry. He had many thoughts at the same time but couldn’t focus on any of them before they quickly mixed up with each other or changed into other ideas or conclusions.
Everything was intertwined, twisted and hectic. Happy, sad, guilty, hopeful, or spiteful thoughts crushed him. All at once, flooding his head and nullifying him. He couldn’t decide, he couldn’t act as always because there was a big chaos inside him that he didn’t even know who he was right now (A son? A brother? A partner? A hero? A villain? A traitor?) He wanted to put his mind in order, go back to being himself and prioritize, put himself back together, but how to do that when everything could fall apart again?
 Gordon didn’t say anything else in that call, it wasn’t necessary anyway, she simply hung up leaving him stunned in the kitchen and trying to catch his breath as the endless possibilities suffocated him. And one part of him, angry and full of an irrational rancor towards she and the family, said him that Barbara done it that way to made sure he would immediately go to the manor, regardless of whether it was significant or not, because is the only way to figure out what they had found.
 The thing what Gordon didn’t know is that didn’t matter if it were meaningful or not, because Damian would go anyway as if the future of humanity depended on it. Because he knew, he knew, by her tone, by Dick’s texts begging him to go back, by the pressure in his chest, the concern in his mind and the feeling in his guts, that it was important and had to do with his missing brothers. And didn’t matter what they have found because it’s something and that was more than enough.
 Enough for his sanity to explode in thousand pieces, for his body being put on guard immediately and his soul freeze. Hope mixed with impatience was what dominated him now.
 He remembers vaguely and shapely blurred return the phone to Conner, quietly and ignoring his worried questions to go to his room and get dressed.
The weight he felt in his being lightened a little when Jonathan entered half-dressed in their room, looked at him closely a few seconds and then started to help him prepare to fly away to Gotham. No questions, no inquiring, just a nervous shine in his eyes and shock in his expression. Damian doesn’t know what kind of expression should have on his face -or if it was another superpower of his boyfriend- but Jon knew instantly something happened, as always. He always knew how to read him like no one else and what he needed at the moment, and Damian loved that as much as it terrified him.
 However, during the flight heading to Gotham he had time to be terrified over other things. For example, discover what they had found, whether it was good or bad, and most importantly: how.
Many options and variables arose before him as they made the second Metropolis-Gotham trip of the week, and none liked him.
 Because, seriously, how?
 It didn’t make any sense, he thought there were no cracks, no clues to follow. Further, it was well known to all that in missing persons cases, time was essential, the more time passed the trail got colder and less easy is to find anyone. So, how the fuck they could found anything after six fucking years?
 What’s going on?
 By the time they arrived at the manor, his mind was still the same or more confused than before he left the apartment.
 “Damian.” Jon said beside him, drawing his attention in that soft way he always did whenever he wanted to talk about something mildly serious.
 He hasn’t let go of his hip since they’d landed, still clung to him sideways as if he were afraid of letting him go, but gently and trying to be careful with his wounds still in process of healing.
Damian looked away from the grass next to the path that led to the manor’s entrance and looked at his partner, who was staring at him thoughtfully. Jon hadn’t even combed his hair before leaving (although flying can mess up the hair a lot), he had forgotten his fake glasses, put different socks, and those were crocks? Damian would like to say that he wasn’t usually such a disaster, but it’s a lie, and they weren’t in this situation every day, to which Jon had reacted quite well even without knowing what’s happening, being honest.
 “Gordon called.” He decided to explain quietly and looking sideways at the manor’s entrance door. “They have a clue.”
 “I thought so.” He replied, surprising him. “Dick has sent more texts asking me to bring you back, you don’t seem well and Kon wasn’t better when we left.”
 Ah yes, Kon.
 Damian had ignored everything around him after the call, and it was now when he remembers how Kon was in front of him, demanding answers, listening to how he used his phone, and seeing how he entered in that self-destructive personal trance to run away minutes later, leaving him there and also drawing his own conclusions.
They couldn’t leave him like that. Neither him nor the fact that Dick and everyone seemed to resort Jon’s -or Kon’s- mobile number whenever they couldn’t contact him, and they had to handle both things.
 “You have to talk with Conner.” He said to Jon seriously. The other super’s questions also resonated in his head hard, reminding him the consequences of his actions.
 “I know, leave it to me.” He sighed as shaking his head. “When I come back, I’ll explain him-”
 “No, Jonathan.” He cut him off, still serious. “You have to speak with him.”
 As expected, he understood what he wanted to say instantly. His posture straightened, faltered in his grip and the concerned expression he showed before for his older brother hardened. His eyes wavered between Damian and the manor, several times.
 “You think they know-?” He was unable to finish the question before looking at the manor with restlessness.
 “I don’t know.” Damian replied shaking his head. “They haven’t told me anything else.”
 Jon nodded finally understanding the situation, which didn’t make the nervous and impatient atmosphere dismiss between them at all. Questions without answers floating in the air, what did they know? How? How much?
 “What about Kon?”
 “He asked me about it this morning.” Damian said with calculated coldness, like he was giving a report. “He has his suspicions.”
 Justified. And he was not the only one.
 Then, knowing that, Kon squeezed his grip and in a second they were hugging hard, the super hiding his head on his shoulder and Damian clinging to his back as if it were the only thing that kept him sane, as if they wanted to hide from everyone. Which was true.
 “I’ll fix it.” Jon whispered over his shoulder, reluctant to let him go.
 They both knew that however much they wanted; Jon wouldn’t be able to accompany him to the unexpected bat-meeting. He wasn’t a bat after all, not matter that he had also been severely affected by what had happened, that Tim and Jason had practically raised him too, or that he was “family” in a way. No, this was a batfamily matter to the core and he was not invited.
Damian knew that and yet he hugged him like a koala while gathered the courage to enter and receive responses. When he had Jon by his side, he felt invincible, stronger, unbeatable, because he was with him and will never let him fall.
 He couldn’t feel that with his family, not anymore.
 “You have to go. They’re waiting for you.” Jon finished saying resignedly, annoyed to have to let him go.
 They parted a little, looking at each other’s eyes and Damian hesitated. He was raised to be a warrior, an assassin. He had been in many dangerous battles and missions throughout his life, some were a complete madness that many wouldn’t believe, sometimes he even ask himself how is still alive. But for some reason, this is bigger and more dangerous for him than something else, Damian feels like he’s on his way to the slaughterhouse.
 “Call me later?”
 “I will try.” He would like to say yes but depending of the development of events it could be the opposite. “Stay tuned, just in case.”
 Jon nodded and sighed heavily, not happy with that decision but with no other choice. They didn’t want to be apart, but the sooner they did, the faster they would know what was going on and how much they should worry, instead of jumping to conclusions and going crazy. So, with one last anxious look, Jon leaned to give him a warm kiss that shook his world and didn’t mind corresponding, almost complaining when they had to separate definitely.
 “Be careful, I love you.” Jon said with a tender smile before leaving another light kiss on his cheek.
 “Me too.” Damian replied, dry and barely heard.
 He turned around and started walking towards the entrance, just in time not to see Jon take off and leave. Even so, he knew very well that Jon was smiling how always did like it was the first time he listened him saying that, even if he had improved to let that go easily over the years.
 He tried to keep the warm and fuzzy feeling that it caused him, having learned to express himself without feeling guilty and/or vulnerable, making his lover happy along the way, but everything went easily replaced to anxiety and nerves when he saw himself knocking the manor’s door.
 Damian didn’t have to wait a full minute for it open slowly, with wood and hinges roaring heavily, revealing the manor’s interior and the butler in charge behind the door.
 “Master Damian.”
 Alfred Pennyworth greeted him in a polite tone, as elegant as firm as ever. Old age and the effect of time on the butler were visible but didn’t matter how old he might be at first glance, because his strength and tenacity were still there. Even if Damian considered himself an adult, the authority and domain Alfred had on everyone was always indisputable.
 “Good morning Pennyworth.” He greeted in response.
 “It is a pleasure to finally have your presence in the Wayne manor.”
 That was said in a slight tone of reproach that you can only recognize if you have been scolded by Alfred many times in the past.
And the guilt that Damian already dragged per se just got bigger after that, because he knew that reproach was not only because he had taken too long to knock on the door -because he was sure Alfred knew the exact moment he set a foot in the garden.- No, it was because it’s been a long time since he even walked down the entrance, since the cave (and sometimes his room) was the only place he had deigned to step on since he moved with Jon.
 “The others are waiting for you.” The butler reported opening more the door and leaving him space to enter.
 “I came here as soon as I could.”
 “I don’t doubt it, sir. I assume you have been informed about the recent events?”
 “Yes. Something like that.”
 He said the last somewhat resentful and irritated for not knowing everything, looking at Alfred analytically as he passed him, trying to see some indication in him. Which was impossible, of course, because Alfred has always been like a blank wall for everyone, specially when he wanted to, and this time would not be less.
So, after entered he started to head towards the clock room and the cave in silence, looking at the ground with intensity and trying not to think about the agonizing jolt of his chest, because he was in enough self-conflict already to add memories from that place to the mix that could turn that lump in his throat into vomit. He also heard how the older man closed the entrance door and accompanied him.
 “If you allow me the observation, I assume that Master Kent has contribute to help with those wounds that I treated nights ago.” He said, again, in that slightly sarcastic and accusatory tone. “I’m glad to see both of you are happy and in a good health, sir.”
 Damian stopped walking and turned to look at him, unease, and indecision scratching under his skin. Alfred’s façade hasn’t moved, of course, but he knew how to read between lines. And beyond the fact that this man -his grandfather, practically- had always worried about everyone’s health and wellness, it was who treated him nights ago too, when he was involved in the explosion. The concern that must have caused him had to be hard, not to mention that later he ran away without even saying goodbye. He knew Alfred wasn’t angry and was serious when he said he was glad about him and Jon, but that didn’t make the feeling of guilt recede.
Specially since he also remembers very well the way the butler seemed dejected when Jason, Tim, or even Grayson did the same thing in the past. All of them worried their dear grandfather a lot without intending it, when he had always given them all his love, affection and care he possessed.
 The lump in his throat seemed to get bigger, and he wanted to apologize (or at least try), to tell him that he was okay, it wasn’t his fault and, really, he’s eating properly, but his voice interrupted his already confused thoughts.
 “Have you had breakfast, master Damian?”
 “A coffee.” He answered hesitantly.
 “That’s not an appropriate breakfast, sir.” Alfred replied raising an eyebrow. “I’ll take care of it and assure something adequate for your condition.”
 “Thanks, but that’s not necessary.” He tried to dissuade him, mostly because he felt he was physically unable to eat anything right now.
 “I’ll take it downstairs when I finish.”
 And just like that, he headed for the kitchen, leaving Damian more tangled and sunk into himself than before.
On top of that, he intuited that willingness to dedicate to cooking was due to an attempt to distract himself as much as possible and at the same time continue taking care of him as he could, which didn’t help at all to calm him down.
 Damian shook his head and breathed deeply, then follow his way to the cave that led him to relapse in a spiral of nerves and anxieties growing stronger as he approached the room. The mist had reappeared, and his mind was saturated again when he got to the clock, opened it, and started to go downstairs, acting out of inertia and muscle memory.
 As he went down, his chest seemed to weight more and more, the emotions accumulated at every step he took, vivid memories played in his head, making him shrink in disgust. He didn’t want to do this, not after the chaos that had been these days, and the perspective of it getting worse made him wants to run away, rip of his chest to get out everything that consume him and shout.
 When he arrived, nobody was there.
 The cave seemed empty and was quiet apart from the occasional sound of bats above them and machines running. He knew he wasn’t alone, and the others would probably be elsewhere, but the batcomputer was on and the huge screen illuminated everything around it.
 It looked like call him, so Damian headed towards there looking down again. He wouldn’t be happy if saw again the Red Hood and Red Robin suits exposed, however much a voice in his head tell him that he had to, he would do it anyway when he looked up, he had to, he was there for them after all, how hypocrite could he be?
 But he resigned himself and reached the batcomputer concentrating in his surroundings. He didn’t feel anyone, didn’t know what they might be doing either, but didn’t care. He was there, in front of the computer, where surely whatever they had found was.
 “If I have time, maybe I can del- ” He thought, looking up as approaching the keyboard.
 And froze.
 Nothing. He couldn’t do nothing.
 His mind, which had been about to explode half of the morning, screaming thousands of different things and uncontrollably, fell silent. Totally silent, blank. His entire being was paralyzed when his world had been shaking to the ground before. He could no longer listened to bats or machines, nothing. Nothing.
 In the screen were three images taken from security cameras, a location and a clear message about the matches found in the database.
Three photos of Tim and Jason, more adults and different, but them. The first was one of them walking together down the street, holding hands; The other two were individuals, with Tim walking into an electronic store and Jason into a local library. All of them with the current date and taken hours ago. The location was a little coastal town in Florida.
 Damian wanted to die.
 “Those are real.”
 Someone spoke behind him, and Damian wasn’t sure how long he had been looking at the screen, or if he had been off guard from the start but had not noticed anyone approaching. To be fair, he had other things to pay attention to.
 “We found them, Dami.”
 He had no strength, no will, not even energy to turn around and tell Grayson not to call him that, that he had lost that right, to not to approach him, not to say all that in that hopeful and happy tone, because who the fuck does he think he is? Who did he think was the real culprit of all this?
 He couldn’t breathe. He was choking.
 “We will go and look for them.” Grayson was closer now. “We will talk to them, fix this and everything will be as before.”
 After that, Damian turned around, starting to tremble inside, his hands tingling and his cheeks wet. His stunned gaze met with Dick’s, who was halfway to find him and now looked at him alarmed and surprised.
 “Dami, it’s okay.” Said the first Robin, touched. “Don’t cry.”
 Dick thought he was crying with happiness.
 He didn’t.
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
Men of Shadow
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In this issue's prologue, we see a man seated in what appears to be a space craft, musing about his desire to be a hero... as his computer accesses files regarding the Necronomicon.
Meanwhile, the TMNT are apparently skirmishing with a gigantic turtle robot in the woods of Northampton as Master Splinter looks on. Suddenly the bot ceases its operations and comes crashing to the ground. The Turtles scramble to open the machine up, and Donatello pops out, explaining how he accidentally overloaded the onboard computer and with a few tweaks he'll have it ready to roll again.
In Arkham, Massachusetts we're introduced to two boys, named Max and Pervis. Max has just purchased an expensive back issue of a comic book and Pervis is warning him about his parents' reaction... which is sure to be very negative. Max explains that he's already in trouble and headed for summer school because he flunked math. The bad news only gets worse as the two lads are assailed by a group of bullies, led by a big fat kid named Barry. Barry grabs Max in a head lock and then tears up his comic before walking off, warning the comic fans that he'll be back later.
Cut to scene at the University of Massachusetts, where we learn that a group of armed men have taken control of the UMass library annex, called the Whately House. Swarms of police surround the building and the situation is dire and tense. Apparently the house had just been moved to the Amherst site from its original location of Arkham. Almost everyone managed to escape the criminals thanks to two heroic people inside, but those people are now being held captive... the heroic duo being April and Casey! The gunmen have sworn to destroy the museum and kill all inside rather than surrender.
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In the Whatley House, April and Casey are tied up and are being held at gunpoint by three pointy eared men who are accompanied by a small horde of what appear to be zombies... zombies that have telltale bite marks on their necks, as if they'd been bitten by vampires. The three malefactors vow to blow up the museum rather than let the humans find physical evidence of their existence. The leader hands a detonator device to a zombie and tells him to hold the button down - if commanded, the underling is to release the button, which will detonate a huge stockpile of TNT and decimate the structure, including all inside.
As April and Casey discuss their predicament, the leader of the criminals, Mallet, snarls at them (revealing vampire teeth) and tells them that they're waiting for their Master Traquer to arrive. Mallet then radios a henchmen who is outside in a truck, surrounded by numerous police vehicles, and alerts him to the plan. Apparently the "brainless ones" will be used as a diversion that will allow the vampires to escape with some sort of mystic artifact that they've come here to retrieve.
Just then we see the TMNT crawling through an attic window located at the rear of the house. The Turtles walk downstairs and tell Mallet that they've only come for Casey and April, and if they're allowed to leave, there will be no trouble. This amuses Mallet and he tells the Turtles that they will die with their friends. Suddenly, the man from the prologue appears out of thin air and grabs Mallet. The Turtles leap into action. The mystery man informs our heroes that to rid themselves of their undead foes, they must pierce their hearts with wood or separate their head from their body. The Turtles are a bit freaked about the news that they're fighting zombies and vampires, but they waste no time in breaking up the furniture to make crude stakes. The zombies are dispatched easily, but the vampires turn into bats and fly out of a window. The mystery man has subdued the "neo-dead" slave holding the detonator, and he leaps from the window with the zombie and bomb in tow. As the man and monster fall, the dynamite explodes.
The vampire in the truck below takes this as a sign to flee, and so puts the peddle to the metal, scattering the police as he tears away. The TMNT spot him and Don throws a special tracking shuriken that imbeds itself into the back door of the vehicle, so the Turtles will be able to locate the vehicle later. The guys then untie Casey and April and everyone escapes while the police are distracted by the fleeing truck.
Meanwhile, Max and Pervis are out in a field. Max is standing with his arms spread wide, explaining to Pervis that his home is light years away, that he's a prince brought to Earth to escape assassination threats. As Max tells his tale (which Pervis isn't buying for a minute), he screams for his "family" to pick him up and return him to his home planet... and just then something crashes into the ground a few meters away!
Max rushes to investigate, and the mystery man crawls from the wreckage, a real mess his own self. Pervis takes off to get help for the injured fellow while Max helps him to a hidden underground chamber filled with incredibly advanced technological devices (and strange beasties, creatures with one giant eye and bat wings). The man climbs into a pod, telling the lad to stay put and not to touch anything.
As soon as the man is sealed in his pod, Max ignores the instructions and accesses the main computer. He finds the log files and we learn that the man is named Clark Ashton Allard, and he's being spied upon by the strange bug-eyed creatures that are locked up in the cages. Apparently the beasts are being sent by Master Traquer in effort to keep Allard out of Tracquer's affairs - which involve something in the Whatley House. Clark notes that the house should never have been removed from its original site, as it was protected by many powerful spells that were broken once it was moved... protective spells that kept the artifacts within the building safe from harming humanity. The Whatley family had safeguarded these artifiacts for generations, and Tracquer had spent that time deciphering what they were and how to utilize them. Allard writes that he has no idea what the vampire is up to, but he's sure it means great suffering for the world... so Clark vows to stop Tracquer and continue to fight for good, as he's done for aeons.
Meanwhile, the Turtles, Casey and Splinter have tracked the vampire truck to Arkham, Massachusetts, but right outside of city limits their jeep has broken down. Fortunately they've brought the giant Turtlebot with them, so everyone climbs on board and Don pilots the mechanical terrapin.
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Back in Allard's secret underground chamber, Max is rudely interrupted from his reading as Master Traquer and three of his vampiric underlings arrive. Unfortunately Clark is still in his healing mechanism, so the monsters grab the boy and smash the glass on the pod to unceremoniously remove Allard, who is out cold.
Pervis hears noise back where he'd left his friends and returns to investigate. The boy sees Traquer dragging Max out of the chamber by his neck. Pervis tries to ride off to seek help, but he hits a rock and breaks the front wheel on his bicycle. As he laments his situation, he sees a loud and looming form emerging from the darkness... it's the Turtlebot!
"Hey, kid," Casey calls out, "We're kinda lost! Can ya give us some directions?!"
Innsmouth, Massachusetts - The vampires are in a hideout on the wharf, inside Allard and Max are tied. Fortunately, Clark has almost healed fully at this point. Traquer announces that they are going to summon a hideous monster called Dagon to destroy mankind. As the convocation begins, the TMNT crash through a wall and a huge battle ensues. Unfortunately, the ceremony was completed and Dagon arrives - a huge tentacled beast that immediately begins grabbing vampires and eating them. Don's robot is captured in tentacles but he blasts out of the machine before its swallowed. Casey is fighting Traquer but not doing very well... as the vampire master prepares to dine on Jones' neck, Max stabs the monster in the back with one of Casey's broken baseball bats and kills it.
Meanwhile, Allard is struggling with an artifact in the attempt to close the gateway that has allowed Dagon to enter our dimension. As he makes adjustments to the device, the beast grabs him. Clark tosses the artifact into the gaping maw, hoping to close the gateway from the other side. Suddenly a huge explosion rocks the building to its foundation and our heroes run for cover as the structure collapses. Once the dust has settled, Splinter sends his students to find Allard and the artifact, but there's no sign of either.
The next day we see Max and Pervis walking down the street. Once again Barry and his cronies show up. Barry states that they've got unfinished business from yesterday. Pervis tells Max to apologize, but Max refuses.
"No way!" Max shouts in defiance, "After last night, these guys are nothin'!"
So Barry punches Max in the eye, knocking him to the ground and giving him quite a shiner.
"Some thanks for saving the world!" Max bemoans.
Meanwhile, we see Casey phoning April and telling her that they'll be home as soon as they fix the truck.
Finally, we see Clark Ashton Allard in his healing pod.
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I appreciate A. C. Farley’s intentions, and I did get his Lovecraft references... but... I cannot say it worked for me. There is just too much going on. Robots, vampires, extra-dimensional entities, an android... I know this is TMNT and anything can happen, but I don’t feel like any of these things worked in the end.
The art is also a bit weird, the Turtles look a bit like the Jim Henson version of them, but a little bit more lifeless (then in the other hand, they do look like Turtles).
I give this story a score of 5.
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mobius-prime · 5 years
118. Sonic Super Special #8
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Zone Wars: Prelude
Writer: Dan Slott Pencils: James Fry Colors: Josh D. Ray
So this story is kind of infamously hilarious, but it also introduces a rather important concept. Sonic is racing around the hills, avoiding blasts of magic from a bizarre being that basically just looks like someone put boobs, pigtails and fishnets on Robotnik and who is apparently known as Ivana Robotina. A figure that appears to be standing sideways, called Zonic, gets a report of this happening from another zone and heads out to investigate. Before Zonic can get there, however, a few more people arrive on the scene - Sally Moon and Chibi Rose, who look like exactly what their names imply, that is to say Sailor Moon characters. Then Robotina is knocked out by a rather flimsy blow from a rose, and another unexpected figure makes his entrance - Tuxedo Knux!
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Don't worry, Sonic, we're all just as baffled as you are.
At this point Zonic arrives through a portal and ushers everyone back through it, back to their home zone called the Luna Zone. He explains to Sonic that he's a Zone Cop, coming from a parallel dimension that runs 90 degrees through all other dimensions, allowing them to effectively police any attempts to travel to alternate zones. Sonic challenges him, saying he's been to plenty of other zones, but Zonic informs him that he deliberately sent Sonic there from his home zone, Mobius Prime (eyy, blog title drop!) to help restore order.
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Oh c'mon Sonic, we're only like a third of the way into this comic. You have plenty of time to win Sally Prime over! (Well, technically, he already has, but don't tell him that!)
Running on Empty
Writers: Roger Brown and Nelson Rebeiro Pencils: Nelson Ribeiro Colors: Frank Gagliardo
Sonic and Amy are hanging out on a hill overlooking Knothole, admiring the view, and when Amy gets cold, Sonic races down to the buildings and back in a fraction of a second to retrieve her coat. When she compliments his speed, he decides to tell her about a time it almost got him killed. One day a few months ago (at least that's what I'm assuming, since Sally wears her trademark blue vest throughout it, and she didn't always have that near the beginning of the comic) Sonic thought he heard Sally calling for help, so he rushed to the gazebo where she appeared to be standing. However, his hand went right through her like she was a hologram, and then Snively, hiding behind the structure, activated his trap, zapping Sonic.
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Ooh, dramatic. Sonic rushed back towards Knothole and encountered Rosie roaming the woods looking for an apple grove. Sonic rushed to lead her to it, trying to catch one of the apples before it fell from the tree, but suddenly found himself unable to stop running and smashed into the tree, dropping a whole heap of apples onto his head. At least this helped Rosie collect the apples she wanted, but on the way back Sonic noticed a Robotnik surveillance drone above the trees and decided to run back to Knothole to warn his friends. However, again, he was unable to stop running in time, and what's more, his sheer speed created some kind of vacuum behind him, sucking up tons of junk and depositing it directly on top of his hapless friends.
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Rotor offered to run some tests to figure out what was causing Sonic to suddenly be able to run so fast that it was causing him problems, and had him run on a treadmill, which of course quickly overloaded and exploded. The data Rotor collected before it was ruined informed him that whatever had zapped Sonic had given him super-super speed, but along with it, every time he used it he aged further, causing him to quickly turn into a feeble old man. Everyone (except a fearful Antoine) teamed up to infiltrate Robotropolis and find the machine Snively used to cause this effect, hoping to get it to run in reverse and turn Sonic back into his former fifteen-year-old self. Once they got inside the city, Rotor discovered that although he was able to alter the machine to run in reverse, they needed a security code to actually activate it. However, as you might expect, at this point Robotnik and Snively, along with a host of swatbots, entered and sprung an ambush. Sonic was determined to save the lives of his friends, so despite his decrepit state, he used his speed one last time to destroy all the bots and kick Robotnik out of the room.
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Exhausted from his feat, he collapsed, and his friends still didn't have the code needed to save his life. Sally, thinking fast, grabbed the gloating Snively and put her acting skills to use.
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And just like that, the aging process was reversed, and no one ever thought to try to reverse-engineer that to help anyone else suffering from age-related problems ever again! Back in the present, Amy is pleased with the story, and asks for more, which Sonic happily obliges. It's nice to see that despite her obvious crush on him, Sonic is quite friendly with her in this universe, considering that in other canons he's often been shown to be somewhat callous toward her feelings.
Den of Thieves
Writer/Pencils: Frank Strom Colors: Barry Grossman
It's time to see what ol' Monkey Khan has been up to lately. He's been residing in a village called either Lau Kar or Leung Kar (it's called both over the course of the story, for whatever reason), along with two Mobians who… well, I can't tell what animal they're supposed to be by sight, but the wiki tells me they're rabbits, and they're brother and sister, named Liu Fang and Liu Chi Mei respectively. One morning they're distraught to find the Temple of the Golden Lotus being robbed by some bat ninjas of the Yagyu Clan, and call for help, which comes in the form of, you guessed it, Monkey Khan. He beats on the ninjas for a moment, but then they pull the smoke bomb trick and vanish, to his surprise.
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Khan, Fang, and Chi Mei head up to the lake, where they're predictably ambushed by several more Yagyu ninjas. They try to get to higher ground, perhaps hoping to imitate their favorite Jedi Master, but find themselves dropped through a trapdoor into an underground room.
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Okay, first of all, that does not look like a dragon, that looks like Godzilla with stegosaurus legs. Second of all, it's obviously a robot and not a mythical terror, something which Khan focuses in on right away. The "dragon" attacks him, hoping to steal his headband to become another piece of the Yagyu's stolen treasure collection, but Khan beats it back and then attacks its circuitry, confusing it and causing it to turn on the Yagyu ninjas instead. As it chases the Yagyu away, Khan, Fang and Chi Mei collect all the stolen treasure - fifty years worth of it, in fact - and take it back to their town, triumphant. Good to see Khan's found himself a place in the world, huh?
Ghost Busted
Writer/Pencils: Jay Oliveras Colors: Frank Gagliardo
This story is actually a retelling of an episode by the same name from the SatAM TV show, told from the point of view of Tails. Sometime in the past, he had gone out into the wilderness with Sonic and Antoine for some good old fashioned roughin' it in the wilderness, when Antoine, supposed to be hiding so Tails could practice tracking him, fell screaming down a muddy slope into the water below. He claimed that he had seen a ghost, but Sonic and Tails brushed him off, saying there's no such thing. That night, Sonic kept Tails and Antoine up late by telling ghost stories, including one about the "Headless Gopher" who was cursed by a stolen gold medallion. Antoine irritably (and somewhat nervously) demanded Sonic stop talking so he could sleep, and feeling tired, Sonic and Tails joined him. However, in the middle of the night, Tails found himself awakened from creepy dreams to something even creepier…
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Tails was certain that he'd seen the Headless Gopher, and what's more, Antoine was now missing. Sonic decided to humor him and they split up to search the immediate area. However, Tails hadn't gone far when he circled back around and to his horror, saw Sonic standing right next to the fiery ghost, appearing to be working together with it to find him! He tried to fly away to find Sally and get her help, but ran smack into the ghost…
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I don't know about you, but I'd love to find a bush like that, 'cause a bush that perpetually glows like it's on fire sounds awesome. The next morning, Tails, emboldened by his scary nighttime experience, asked Sonic for some more ghost stories as they packed up to leave. Sonic offered to tell some more later, but just then, Tails noticed a shimmering gold medallion on the ground near their camp… and thus, the three brave souls ran away screaming their heads off, certain that they really had gotten a visit from the Headless Gopher in the night. And ever since, it's been their little secret that they've never admitted to anyone else. Great job, guys! Truly a tale worthy of the legendary Freedom Fighters!
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g-on-ef · 6 years
damijon first date pls
“The Red Grove?”
“Damian it’s our first-whoa-date, do you really want it to be that fancy?”
Jon dodged the robot’s arm before he threw his own punched; knocking off the head.
“Fine what do you suggest?” Damian asked as he threw his batarang to the other robot, the robot stared at the device before it exploded in it’s face causing it to fall backwards.
“Hmm,” Jon leap and shot laser beams at another robot before he landed next to Damian.
“What about a picnic and then a walk to the park?”
Damian scoffed as he dodged an attack before he landed behind the robot and landed on top of it, he then punched it and pulled out some wires and jumped in time as it exploded. 
Jon flew towards him and watched as his boyfriend of one month picked up the remote that controlled the robots and pressed a few buttons before the rest of the robots flew down.
“No, we are not doing some movie cliche date that will probably end with us getting mugged,”
“We won’t get mugged at Metropolise, compare to Gotham its a peaceful place,”
Damian turned and glared at the half kryptonian before he gave him a cute smile that was anything but the innocent look that Jon was trying to pull off. 
“Okay so no to the park and a no to a fancy restaurant what about a movie and then dancing?”
“I’ve seen Carrie, I know how a dance ends,”
“Dami, that was a movie that would never happen in real life,”
“And yet aliens somehow manage to live in our world,”
Jon rolled his eyes before he and Damian decided to walk back to the batcave. 
Damian and Jon have been boyfriends for a month but they never got a chance to actually go on a real date. Whenever they had a chance there was always something that ruined it.
Whether it was annoying big brothers, overprotective fathers, overbearing mothers, or robin and superboy activities they never had a chance to go on a date.
Talia finally had enough of her babies not being able to be teenagers and go out so with the help of Lois the two ‘convince’ (more like threaten) Clark and Bruce to let the boys have the weekend off so that they can have a proper date. 
Now all that was left to do is plan it.
“Oh I got it!”
Damian looked at Jon who’s eyes were sparkling with enthusiasm.
“Why don’t we go to the Zoo? We can see the animals, feed the giraffes, play with the lion cubs and all of that good stuff,”
Damian thought about it, the zoo was actually…not a bad idea, they would get to see animals, pet them, and not to mention that the Gotham Zoo had a new exhibit where you could swim with dolphins.
“That’s…not a bad idea beloved, and I actually think it would be nice. We don’t have to be to dressed up for it and we can pet the dolphins and see the cute little goats that have recently gave birth,”
“Not to mention they have a butterfly exhibit that I’ve been dying to see,”
Damian couldn’t help but smile as he saw Jon’s excited face, he felt his heart skipping a beat or two as his beloved gushed about the butterflies and the baby goats that he is going to make sure he takes dozens of pictures.
The two continue to make a plan and decided to head out on Saturday since their fathers gave them the weekend off.
{They owe their mothers big time for talking to their fathers}
When they reached the batcave Jon smiled at Damian before he bowed dramatically.
“Operation make sure Damian arrives home is now complete,”
Damian couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
“You’re such a dork,”
He then grabbed Jon by the shirt before he pulled him down to his level and kissed him on the lips. Jon was shock for a second before he relaxed into the kiss and kissed him back.
They slowly pulled back before smiling at one another.
“But your my dork,”
“See ya Saturday?”
“It’s a date,”
Jon smiled before kissing Damian on the forehead and flew off, Damian was about to head inside when he heard a loud ‘whoho,’ he turned and saw his boyfriend flying around and cheering loudly. 
Damian couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head with a fond smile on his face he headed inside he could not wait for Saturday.
Worst. Date. Ever! 
Okay maybe Damian was over exaggerating since the date hasn’t started but still, why the ever lasting fuck did their brothers had to come?
When they caught Damian getting ready Dick asked him where he was going Damian then told him to not worry about it but his father decided to tell them that he and Jon were going to the Zoo for their first date and that Damian had the whole zoo shut down for his date with Jon.
His brothers of course wanted to go with Damian on his first ever date but Damian said that they were not coming but of course his father said it was a perfect idea for them to go, of course Clark heard them from the city and decided to ask Connor if he wanted to go.
Connor of course did not because Tim was going-okay maybe it was because of Tim-but he also wanted to go to make sure Damian kept his hands to himself and didn’t touch Jon’s ass.
He’s seen the youngest Wayne stare at it and he was going to make sure Damian was on his best behavior.
Of course when Jon arrived Connor was with him and Jon told him that his dad heard Bruce and his older brothers and thought it would be a good idea to invite Connor.
Which resulted in Jason and Dick to bring their boyfriends along and now instead of date with Jon and only Jon he was now with his brothers, Jon’s brother, and Harper and West on a date.
He was going to kill someone.
“Oh come on little bat cheer up, you’re finally on a date with your boyfriend,” Jason said as he swung his arms around his little brother and Jon.
“My date with Jon was supposed to be just me and Jon not me, Jon, and the rest of you idiots,”
“Hey,” everyone-minus Jon-shouted.
“Come on Damian, your still on your date with Jon, only this time you have us,”
“Uh-hu and did all of you interuppted each other’s date?”
His brothers looked at each other before smiling at Damian and walking off.
Jon walked up to Damian and bumped his shoulder.
“Hey relax, it could be worse right?”
“I guess,” 
Jon just smiled as he and Damian headed towards the zoo with their brothers Jon knew it couldn’t get worst after all he knew his brother was going to be on his best behavior.
Jon. Was. Pissed.
Their brothers were ruining their date! Every time Jon tried to hold Damian’s hand Dick was there to grab Damian and pull him somewhere so that Jon wouldn’t get the chance to hold it.
Whenever Damian was about to say something sweet to Jon Connor was there to grab Jon by the collar to show him something.
Basically whenever they tried to be romantic their brothers would ruin it.
They were currently sitting at a picnic table as their brothers where getting food.
“If I had known that our brothers would be a pain in the butt, I would have suggested to burn them,”
“It could get worse, well guess what Kent, it did in fact get worse,”
Jon looked towards where the older boys were seeing that they were distracting Jon lean forward and kissed his cheek before he sat back down hoping Dick did not see that.
“Sorry, hopefully our second date could…be…”
The sound of a chopper could be heard over them, they all looked up and saw Talia and Lois staring down at them, the Chopper then landed as the two women stepped out of it and glared at the older boys.
Connor, Tim, and Jason immediately looked away, their mothers could be down right scary.
Said mothers then looked to their boys.
“Get in the chopper boys, Talia and I are taking you far away from here so you can enjoy your date properly with no interuptions,”
“But mom, dad said-”
A glare from Lois made Connor shut up.
Jon and Damian looked at one another before smiling at each other and jumped into the chopper.
“Oh and Jason?”
“Yes Talia?”
“Tell Bruce that he is going to be hearing it from me later on,”
“Same goes for Clark,”
“Yes ma’am,”
“Good, the boys will be back tomorrow night so have a good day,”
Damian and Jon waved good by to their brothers before Damian took Jon’s hand and kissed his hand Jon smiled at Damian before he lean forward and kissed his forehead.
Both mothers cooed at their little boys, both happy that they had someone who would treasure them for eternity.
“So where to?” Jon asked.
Damian looked towards his mother who knew exactly where he wanted to go, she then gave direction to their private beach.
Damian looked to Jon and said,
“We are going somewhere special where you and I are going to enjoy ourselves,”
“Where ever you are I know I’ll be happy,”
Damian just smiled as they headed off towards the beach, he was going to make sure that Jon enjoyed himself.
The beach was beautiful, Jon has never seen such a beautiful ocean and white sandy beach, it was a sight for sore eyes.
“Are you ready to have beloved?”
Jon looked to Damian and graced him with a dazzling smile.
“I’ve never been more ready,”
The two spend their day building sand castles, swimming with sea creatures, collecting sea shells and roasting marshmellow, they decided to lay down on a blanket and stare at the stars.
“That is not peguses,” Damian said looking closely at the constellation.
“Yes it is, look it has the head and the wings,”
Damian rolled his eyes before pointing to another constellation.
“That’s peuguses,”
Jon looked closely before blushing a little.
“Okay, you were right that is Peguses,”
“Told you,”
Jon rolled his eyes before he turned around and cuddled close to Damian.
“I love you,” he whispered softly.
Damian smiled, it may be soon but he knew both he and Jon knew that they were each others beginning middle and end and knew they were never going to let anything or anyone come between them.
“I adore you as well beloved,”
The two couldn’t help but think that this was the best date and can’t wait to have more.
I need a distraction so if y'all have any tododeku Bakumomo bakudeku todobaku TimKon damijon or dickwally prompts please send them my way I will also take shigadabi and dabihawks
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racetothedslides · 6 years
Aftershocks - Part 2
Preface: Though this fic takes place in the RTTE universe, it takes place in a different story arc. I found the idea of working with villains we already know the demise (or redemption) of and familiar plot points kind of boring, so the main antagonist is an OC. I more or less introduce things without exposition, but it shouldn’t be hard to follow, and characters, motives, and plot points will become more fleshed out as the story(s) progress. I prefer stories where you’re not supposed to know everything right off the bat!
Summary: When Hiccup takes the twins invulnerability for granted, Tuff ends up seriously injured. Now he must deal with the wrath and broken trust of Ruff, while questioning his ability to lead as the rest of the gang try to find some middle ground and are forced to see both Hiccup and Ruffnut in a new light.
Rating: Teen I guess?
Warnings (which apply to the story as a whole, not individual chapters): swearing, violence, injury, mild gore
Part 2 - 1,438 words Part 1 
@ashleybenlove ! 
“I don’t know, Sis,” Said Tuffnut, “I still think developing an immunity to Thor’s bane was a pretty good idea.”
“Yeah,” Said Ruffnut, “Like, we could have used it to poison our enemies without worrying about getting sick!”
“A game of wits! Tell the fiend only one cup of ail is poisoned, then have him choose which for each of us to drink. Little would they know they know…”
“The Dread Twins Thorston strike again!” Laughed Ruffnut. 
The twins flew over the ocean, stomachs full of breakfast fish brains and their own brains not overly concerned with their task. Though Ruffnut’s eyes did dart towards the water below them frequently, it had nothing to do with nerves; though it had been years since she’d seen him, she always hoped she’d catch a glimpse of Scauldy. Yet the scauldron remained elusive as ever, and after a few hours their target came into view. 
“Wow…that’s one big heap of yak dung.” Said Tuffnut. 
They guided Barf and Belch forward, touching down on the rubble strewn beach. They didn’t have to walk long before they found a cave entrance. It wasn’t as dark as one might expect inside the mountain, and the light that filtered in from other other various entrances and holes in the rock gave the cave system a haunting ambiance. Dust fell from the ceiling at random, with one stream hitting Belch in the eye. Barf gurgled in amusement. 
“I dunno,” Said Ruffnut, “With the right overhaul this place could be pretty cool.”
“You kidding?” Said Tuffnut, “It would be cheaper just to tear this place down and install a new mountain.”
“You think Halvar is really hiding all his Thor’s bane here?”
“I don’t know. For a guy as obsessed with purity as he is, this dump doesn’t seem like the kind of place he’d ever go. Then again, that could be part of his master plan.”
“Man, remember the bad guys we fought were stupid? The red Death, Dagur, Alvin, the entire elite guard of Burk and our parol officers…I miss those days.”
“Me too, Sis, me too.”
A low rumbling knocked a shower of grit from the ceiling. 
“What was that?” Asked Tuffnut. 
“No clue,” Said Ruffnut, “Want to check it out?” Tuffnut shrugged and they continued deeper into the cave. 
They made no effort to keep track of the twists and turns they took, mostly because they were themselves, but also because there was a never a shortage of potential exists. It wasn’t long before Ruffnut clamped a hand over her nose. 
“Argh, do you think whatever it is is making that smell?”
“Hmmm…interesting bouquet. Eggy…rottony…I’ve got it! Smells just like Astrid’s cooking.”
The rumbling came again, and this time the twins could see a dark mass moving towards them through the tunnel ahead and within an instant they were swarmed by a flock of panicking night terrors. The two scrambled to their dragon and somehow directed the zippleback towards the nearest source of sunlight, emerging onto the crumbling mountainside. Tuffnut opened his mouth to say something, but before he could get any words out a night terror raced out of the exit they’d just come from and collided with Barf’s face. The irritated dragon let loose a small cloud of gas into the night terrors face, which Belch dutifully sparked. The explosion would not have been enough to hurt the little dragon or anything else under normal circumstances. The natural gas seeping from every fissure with the mountain and leaking out of every exit, would change everything. 
The blast was so loud Ruffnut screamed in shock, and Tuffnut looked up just in time so see half of the mountain, the half he was standing on, explode outwards. There was no time, no point, in trying to get their bearings. Tuff opened his mouth to scream or call out to his sister or dragons, he wasn’t sure, but it was immediately filled with dust and rock. Everything happened so quickly Ruffnut was only vaguely aware of rocks impacting her body, but couldn’t register the pain, at least not yet. She thought she saw a flash of green in the near black cloud that surrounded her, but she wasn’t sure. Despite the sudden nature of the explosion, it seemed to take forever to end. Even after she’d hit the ground the rubble kept raining down around her. It would have been deafening, had she been able to hear anything. 
When it was finally over, she couldn’t do anything but lay were she had fallen, stunned, trying to process what had just happened. She knew that Barf hadn’t released nearly enough gas to cause an explosion like that, but when it came time to try and think of another explanation, her brain ceased to function. That’s impossible, she kept thinking to herself, That’s impossible, that’s impossible…
When she was finally able sit up she spent a few seconds rubbing the grit from her eyes before they would allow her to see, through the dust that clung to the air, the ruin that was half a mountain. 
“.!” She said. She tried to cough out as much debris as she could before she tried again. “Tuff?!”
She slowly stood up, waiting for any sudden flash of pain. All she felt, however, was a dull ache in her arm. Looking down, she noticed her arm seemed to be covered in a reddish paste and when she cleared it away she realized she had a pretty nasty gash running the length of her forearm, stopping just as it hit the back of her hand. Nasty as it was, it wouldn’t kill her, and the dust mixed with her blood to form a sort of bandage. She scanned the area around her and called for her brother again. Her heart leapt with she heard a sudden sound, but it was Barf and Belch, not Tuff. She stumbled over to them and was happy to see they seemed fine. 
“Guys, help me find Tuff…” She wheezed. The two heads immediately started scouting the area. After a minute of searching Belch began frantically nosing a pile of rocks. Ruffnut hurried over and saw that it wasn’t a pile of rocks he was nosing, it was one big rock, on top of one Tuffnut Thorston. While Belch tried to wake Tuffnut up, Barf aimed a headbutt at the rock that sent it flying. Ruff rolled her brother onto his back and tried not to panic. His arm was hanging at an odd angle, and while she was momently relieved to hear him breathe, the odd papery sound that accompanied each breath terrified her. 
She tried to remember their first aid courses her memory wouldn’t cooperate. Instead she began to pick the smaller rocks off of her brother. She hadn’t been able to manage more than a whisper since the blast. That changed when she took hold of what she thought was a pebble only to find it was Tuffunt’s exposed collar bone. She shrieked. 
“TUFF, WAKE UP, COME ON WE HAVE TO GET BACK TO THE EDGE!” She was starting to hyperventilate now, “Barf! Belch! Go get help!!! PLEASE!” Barf turned to face the sky, but Belch would not be budged from his position over Tuffnut. Ruffnut was torn between screaming at Belch and knowing there was no way she could leave him either. 
“It’s ok, it’s ok, it’s ok…it’s ok, it’s ok, it’s ok…” She said to no one, “They’ll come look for us. They’ll find us. Everything’s going to be ok…”
Across miles and miles of sea, the rest of the gang was starting to regroup. No one had any luck. 
“Think the twins have?” Asked Fishlegs. Astrid shrugged. 
“Who knows,” She said, “Hey, Fishlegs, how long did it take you to get to and from the island they’re at?”
“It was pretty far out there,” Said Fishlegs, “We didn’t get back until after dark, remember? They won’t be back for hours.” The unease that had been lurking in the back of Astrid’s mind stirred, but she knew her friend was right. 
“Ok,” She said, “We’ll give them until midnight, but they aren’t back by then we’re going after them.”
“Deal,” Said Hiccup, sensing her discomfort. 
Back on the half destroyed island Ruffnut sat, Tuff’s head in her lap, watching the sun dip lower and lower, her brother’s rasping breath the only sound to fill the air. 
They’ll be here any minute, she thought, Any minute now. She repeated these words in her mind as each passing hour brought a little more darkness to the sky. 
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hovercraft79 · 6 years
Winter Song
Ch 17 Winter Winds
Chapters: 17/31 Word Count: 1,537 Fandom: The Worst Witch (TV 2017) Rating: Teen Warnings: A brief mention of what happens to frogs in a witching academy Summary: A winter storm delays everyone’s holiday departure. What do you do with a castle full of cooped up girls? Ada has a few ideas – but if Hecate can survive the day, it will be a miracle.
Notes: This story is part of the B-Sides: Stories from the world of Hecate’s Summer Playlist series. It is a prequel to Hecate’s Summer Playlist.
Well, I’m not getting caught up, exactly… but at least I’m not falling further behind. Winter Winds is by Mumford and Sons.
The fic itself bubbled into my brain a fabulous drawing by @saltbroom showed up on my dash. I lost it for a bit, but @emiline-northeto found it for me again.
Thanks again to Sparky. She’s getting more familiar than she ever expected to be with The Worst Witch.
All you sharp-eyed readers who notice when I make an error in continuity, it will not hurt my feelings at all if you let me know. I’d love for this to actually be coherent when all the parts have been added (and fit with the rest of this universe).
Peering out the window, Ada strained to make out anything through the swirling snow. As the sun rose, Ada had hoped that visibility would improve. Instead, all that changed was the curtain of precipitation shifting from an inky whirling mass, to a gray one, to the current white one.
Hecate stood at her shoulder, studying the weather report on her maglet. “It’s too big for a weather spell, even if we all joined powers.” She tapped the screen and frowned. “According to the Ordinary weather, the storm has settled in for the time being.”
Ada gazed out the window again. “I do hope Dimity is managing. Perhaps—”
A blast of snow and cold air exploded into the middle of Ada’s office, sending furniture and people flying in all directions. In the quiet aftermath, the only sound was Dimity Drill, gasping for breath as she lay on the floor, a tangled mess of limbs, robes and broomstick.
“Dimity!” Ada and Algie rushed to help the flying instructor sit up while Hecate quickly magicked the room back into order. “Are you hurt?”
Dimity shook her head. “I don’t think so… knackered, mostly. It’s an absolute whiteout, Miss Cackle. I couldn’t even see the castle.” Slowly, with a bit of assistance from Ada, she climbed to her feet. Algernon took her cloak. “I had to transfer in at speed. Sorry about the mess.” Ada helped her to sit by the fire while Hecate made her a cup of tea.
“No sugar, just milk, correct?” Hecate held out a cup.
Dumbfounded, Dimity stammered up at Hecate, “Wh- you… You know how I take my tea?”
Hecate started to reply with a sarcastic remark, but then she remembered what Pippa had said about Dimity idolizing her. “I know how all my friends take their tea, Dimity. Now drink yours.” She gave Dimity’s shoulder a squeeze on her way to speak with Ada.
“That settles it, Hecate. We cannot permit the girls to leave the castle until the storm has passed.” She shook her head. “If the Star of the Sky can’t fly through it…”
“Quite right, Ada.” Hecate thought a moment before turning to Mr. Rowan-Webb. “If you and Miss Bat would please begin contacting the parents and letting them know that we will not be allowing the girls to fly themselves home until the storm has passed. If a parent or guardian would like to come and physically collect their student, they will need to speak with Miss Cackle directly to schedule a time. Any girl not collected by her parents will remain here until the storm clears.” Algie nodded before leaving with Gwen to make the notifications.
Turning back to Ada, Hecate checked her pocket watch and began formulating a plan. “I’ll have the staff prepare lessons for the girls who aren’t picked up. We’ll use the time productively, have no fear.”
“Oh! Well… Yes… that is certainly a very… responsible option, Hecate. Quite responsible.” Ada twisted the hem of her jumper, fussing with a loose thread.
Hecate narrowed her eyes. “Then why do I feel as though that is exactly the opposite of what will happen?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of a day of camaraderie. Team building, if you will.” Ada could see that Hecate wasn’t buying it. “Fine. A games day then.” She watched her deputy stiffen. “The term is over, and we all should be relaxing as it is.” Ada turned to include Dimity. “I shall leave the two of you to work out the details. Together. I believe there are more than a few games in the Confiscation Cupboard. Feel free to use any of those that seem appropriate – not the Cards Against Humanity, please.” Ada checked the time. “Shall we start right after lunch? Which reminds me…” Ada wrinkled her nose in distaste. “I shall go inform Miss Tapioca that her break has also been delayed.”
How? Hecate wondered from her hidden spot, pressed against the cool stone wall of the Great Hall. Fewer than half the girls remained at the castle. How were they able to make twice the noise of the full complement of students? They’d gathered the girls together in the Great Hall; warming spells kept the large room comfortable in spite of the freezing weather.
A roar of triumph erupted from the group of girls gathered around Dimity’s enormous Ordinary television set. Hecate hadn’t even known Dimity owned a television – not that it surprised her. As she watched, the girls started a choreographed dance that involved shaking their hips and waving their arms around wildly. She’d been certain that none of the students would have been familiar with Ordinary video games, but Dimity had simply shrugged and said, ‘wait and see.’ Clearly, she’d been wrong. The girls were most excited to discover that Miss Drill had access to Dance Dance Revolution, Mario Kart and Fortnite. Hecate had watched a few minutes of the games – immediately insisting that only the upper grades would play Fortnite.
Another burst of laughter and the sound of overturned chairs drowned out the video gamers. She started to tell them to settle down but stopped herself when she realized that the pink sweater crawling out from under the table, clutching a spoon, was Ada herself.
Hecate scanned the room, looking for the Academy’s resident troublemaker. She spotted Ethel amongst a group of girls playing a round of magical musical chairs. She was pleased to see that Esme and Sybil were with her. Perhaps they could keep Ethel’s propensity for mischief contained.
Next, Hecate looked for the Academy’s resident trouble-magnet. She didn’t see Mildred anywhere. Suddenly alert, Hecate stepped off the wall. “Where are you, Mildred Hub-ble?” she said to herself.
“Miss Hardbroom?” Mildred was standing at her elbow, looking up at her expectantly.
It was only years of enduring the practical jokes from Amulet’s or the sudden squeals of girls at Cackle’s that kept Hecate from jumping out of her skin. “What is it, Mildred? Why aren’t you playing with Maud and Enid?”
“Well, you see… that’s what I came to ask you…” Mildred held up a red box. “We want to play Uno and we need a fourth…”
Hecate waited for Mildred to finish. Mildred just continued to look up at her expectantly. Oh. “Are you asking me to be… your fourth?”
“Will you? Please, Miss Hardbroom?”
Truly, today could not get any worse, Hecate thought. “I have no doubt that you could find a more suitable player.” Her eyes roved the room. Everyone else did seem to be involved in some activity or another. Dimity was still with the video gamers, though the girls seemed to be trying to teach her how to do some sort of… dance? Convulsion? Something that involved swinging her arms back and forth across her hips as they swayed in the opposite direction. Hecate had seen frogs dropped in a cauldron move with more grace. She made a mental note to harass Dimity about her decided lack of success later. Ada was still playing Spoons, and Gwen and Algie were nowhere to be found.
“That’s okay, Miss Hardbroom.” Mildred shrugged. “We can find something else to do.”
Hecate pursed her lips, knowing she would regret this later. “Wait, Mildred. It doesn’t appear that there is anyone else. I will join you, however, I’m afraid I don’t know how to play.”
Mildred’s whole body shook with excitement. “Oh! It’s easy! But… it’s still fun! Thank you, Miss Hardbroom!” She raced back to the table where Maud and Enid were waiting, looking both pleased and terrified.
Steeling herself against whatever awaited her, Hecate joined the girls at the table. The rules seemed simple enough, with just enough strategy to be entertaining. Hecate lost the first round spectacularly. Enid tried not to gloat but failed just as spectacularly.
“Very well, Miss Nightshade,” Hecate drawled. “Now that we’ve had our practice match, I suggest we play… first to three?” Three heads nodded eagerly.
“Hah! Draw four, HB!” Enid crowed. “You aren’t winning this time.”
Hecate took her required cards. She felt like she was holding half the deck. Mildred and Enid had figured out they could team up against her, playing cards to change the direction of gameplay or force her to draw whenever they could.  She loosed a tiny stream of magic into the cards and waited, careful to keep her expression as neutral as possible.
Soon enough, Maud played a draw card against Mildred. As Mildred reached for the deck, the required four cards flew out of the stack, flying across the table and striking a stunned Mildred in the chest.
“Maud!” Mildred giggle-glared at her friend.
“I didn’t do it!” Maude looked at Enid. “It must have been Enid!”
“It wasn’t me!” Enid poked suspiciously at the stack of cards.
The girls looked back and forth among themselves before finally turning wide eyes towards Hecate. “Miss Hardbroom! It was you!” Maud exclaimed.
Hecate let the smug smile show, just enough. “I believe it’s my turn,” she said, laying down a stack of cards. She left the spell on the deck, somehow not minding quite so much when the squeals of laughter came from her table.
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