#all that while also making sure my own cat didn't jump through the open window I'd just come in through
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keitheaverage · 2 years ago
Being a petsitter has definitely put me into some situations. Like today I couldn't get a cat to come out of his patio by calling, corralling, or picking him up (he's a new client so he's not yet fond enough of me to let me get too close for too long) so I had to put some treats outside the door and hid behind a couch for a half hour, waiting until he finally got out so I could properly lock up the house.
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doyouknowbtsswag · 4 years ago
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(Takes place as actual Minecraft)
Tommy adored listening to Music since he was younger because of his older brother, Wilbur. Tommy's childhood was something special to him. He had a loving family which consisted of a father and two older twins. His father better known as Philza Minecraft was the perfect father, he was protective of his children and made sure they weren't hurt. His older twins were almost like different people. Technoblade always had his guard up and never really shown his emotional side except when he needed to, which never really happened. Techno also loved Greek Mythology and could quote almost every story by heart. Wilbur was more into making songs and singing he never really enjoyed violence, so he would play on his guitar while Techno trained.
Aside from his family life he had two best friends which were just as important. Tubbo was his right-hand man and was the first person to talk to him. His other best friend, Y/n was the person who he could always lean on and wasn't afraid to show his raw emotions. Sure he wanted to show his tuff side but the day you saw him cry was the time Tommy realized he could rely on you the most. Don't get me wrong he could rely on Tubbo as well but he made sure to put on a tough act for the boy because of his family life.
Tubbo's family was not the best, his father would always yell and neglect him, let's not leave out the fact that he's a drunk. His father always likes that but after his mom died his dad was heartbroken and it affected him he didn't pay attention to how his son felt. Being 6 years old and his mother passing away Tubbo didn't have the best childhood. So Tommy made sure Tubbo could lean on him.
Tommy was certainly the ring leader of the gang. He always suggested pranks and decided on games to play. Tommy wasn't happy he was younger than Tubbo but was happy he was older than Y/n. He always felt the need to protect you with every strength he could muster. His favorite game showed that. They played a game many kids played, the Knight, Princess, and the villain. Of course, Tommy was the knight and you were the princess tubbo would be the villain but sometimes Wilbur would play with them. Wilbur being 11 towered over them and was much stronger than the little kids which would make it 10 times more fun.
On his 7th birthday, he had a small party nothing too big, just his family, you and Tubbo. Tubbo couldn't get him much so he made Tommy a bandana. Even though Tubbo felt bad he couldn't give Tommy anything grand Tommy appreciated the bandana and put it around his neck showing Tubbo he liked it. Wilbur, Techno, and Phil gave him a copy of the family photo. It was rare to be able to take a photo so getting a copy of one made it just as great of a gift. Then the final gift was from you. You knew he loved music so you tried to get at least one rare Disc, but you managed to get two.
He stared at the Discs in amazement quickly running to the old jukebox his father owned. He put in the disc Cat. He smiled at the sound of the music, let's just say it was his favorite birthday gift he ever got. He hugged you which made you blush but you hugged back smiling. The others were awed at the sight. Wilbur managed to take a quick picture and made a mental note to get it printed out. It cost a lot but the now 12-year-old would do anything for his little brother.
A few months later Tommy woke up to arguing between his brothers and father. He silently stepped down the stairs making sure to go as slow as possible.
"What is up with you lately dad! All you do is stay in your room! You left us to take care of Tommy ever since you got that stupid letter a few months ago! Tommy hasn't noticed because of us!" Techno whisper yelled trying not to wake up Tommy which was a little too late.
"Not only that but you try to redeem yourself by giving us small gifts! Sure I appreciate it but I know why you're doing it! You don't want anyone noticing you've been acting suspicious lately" Wilbur crossed his arms.
"Keep it down you're gonna wake your brother" Phil whispered trying to stall the sudden outburst by the twins.
Tommy ran upstairs quietly putting clothes on to run to your house. He climbed out his window carefully. He would occasionally climb out his window if he was grounded to walk to Tubbo's house or your house. Right now he was on the way to yours.
It took him 10 minutes to get to your house. He grabbed a small pebble and threw it at your window. He threw 2 more before you opened the window looking down at the boy.
"Tommy what are doing here," I said watching the boy climb up to my window. He looked upset. Sitting in my bed.
"They're fighting again..."
"Whos fighting?" I asked sitting next to him.
Tommy was looking down tears streaming his face.
"My brothers and dad" He whispered. "It happened last week too but it wasn't that bad but they've been fighting more recently and I don't like it" The 7-year-old sniffled.
"Do you know what they were arguing about?" I asked placing my hands gently on his.
"My dad has been acting differently apparently" He sighed wiping his tears " I didn't notice but apparently it's so obvious to Techno and Wilbur"
"Maybe your dad is working on something really important," I said not knowing how to fully answer.
"Probably" He muttered
"Hey, I know how to cheer you up!" I said running over to one of my chests.
I looked through a few chests trying to find a music disc to play for Tommy. When I finally found it I ran to the Jukebox and put it in the slot. The disc played Chirp throughout the room. I look over and saw Tommy smiling just a bit.
"How do you have so many Discs," Tommy asked standing up walking to the Jukebox.
"My grandpa had a bunch before he died, he gave them all to me because when I was younger all we did was listen to the discs" I smiled at the memory.
"So why did you give Cat and Mellohi to me?" He asked
"Because your my favorite person in the world" I looked at him smiling I could see his face turn red which made me giggle.
"You're my favorite person in the world too," Tommy said pulling me into a hug to which I hugged him back.
"Thank you..."
"Your welcome Toms"
He pulled away from the hug and looked out the window seeing the sun slowly rise.
"Oh crap, I have to go before I get caught" He panicked running to the window.
"wait!" I ran and grabbed Chirp from the Jukebox running to the window hanging me the disc. "Take it"
"But I thought-"
"Let that disc remind you of me if you ever need to let out your feelings"
"Thank you" He smiled kissing my cheek then climbing down the house.
"Thomas!" I shouted but still smiling.
"Bye" He grinned waving
"Be safe" I whispered watching him run off to his house.
Tommy ran as fast as he could to his house before the sun could rise any longer. He climbed up to his window jumping into his room. He was holding the disc carefully when he was climbing so he didn't scratch it. He laid in bed out of breath from running but thank god he made it back before anyone noticed.
A few weeks later you suddenly stopped coming over to play with him and Tubbo. Tommy just thought you had something to do with your family as you did every so often. Days turned into weeks. He sat every night looking at the picture Wilbur took on his birthday of you guys hugging. It didn't sit right that you hadn't shown up or even sent a message that you were away. It confused him.
The next day he begged his family to take him to your house. Yes, he knew how to get to your house but he still wanted one of his brothers to go with I'm knowing his father was still busy. Tommy asked Wilbur in the morning but Wilbur said he was busy today and maybe tomorrow. Tommy had to go today no matter what so he ran to Technoblade's room knocking on the door. Only for Techno to say he was busy and not to bother him.
He sighed knowing he would have to go himself. He put his jacket on and shoes. He walked out of the house and made his way over to your house. Tommy ran to your house concerned, he had a bad feeling and wanted to make sure you were okay.
He saw your house and sprinted faster when he arrived he walked to the door seeing it partially opened. He opened the door all the way seeing the inside of the house destroyed. He walked inside looking around.
"Y/n?" He said seeing shattered glasses on the ground.
"Y/n?!" He saw blood on the ground which made his breath hitch.
"Y/N!" He ran up to your room panicked only to be faced with a pool of blood on the floor.
"No no no no no no," He said his body giving out on him making him fall to the ground blood getting on his clothes and shoes.
He didn't bother to get up and leave. He physically couldn't get up his body was in a paralyzed state so he was forced to lay where you possibly died. his breath was heavy and it was like he had no oxygen in his lungs. he wanted to cry for help but the way he was breathing, it was useless to try. He eventually passed out due to a lack of oxygen.
When he woke up it was night. He still laid in your bedroom but this time he could actually breathe. He then realized he had been gone all day and didn't know what time of night it was. Tommy slowly got up looking at his bloodied clothes. His tears silently fell as he made himself walk back to his house. He wasn't bothered by the noises of the creatures around the area. He couldn't care less if he got hurt because he had a bigger wound that no one would ever be able to fix.
The house lights were on and he saw people sitting outside. He walked closer and saw his family with worried looks on their faces. When they heard footsteps they looked to see Tommy slowly making his way to the door. Wilbur immediately ran up to the little boy pulling him into a hug.
"You had us all fucking worried!" He pulled away from the hug only then noticing the blood. "Holy shit your hurt"
Tommy just stood there no words came out of his mouth as his brother brought him inside to check his "wounds". He was sat on the kitchen counter as Phil raced to grab the first aid kit. when Wilbur went to take Tommy's shirt off to clean the "wound" He says nothing but dried blood.
"She's gone....."
"Y/N IS GONE!" His sudden outburst made the 14-year-old jump.
"She's dead Wilby" He sobbed Wilbur pulled the boy into a hug and tried calming down the younger boy. Tommy eventually fell asleep and Wilbur changed him into his pajamas taking the bloody clothes to the washer.
10 years later he sat in exile he lost his precious Discs and was now sent out of the land that he built with Wilbur and Tubbo when Phil went missing and Technoblade left. Wil eventually died by his own father. It was the first time he had seen Phil in 10 years only to see him kill one of the only people who stuck by him.
He then lost Tubbo who exiled him for a stupid prank he did on George's house with Ranboo. Tommy wasn't the type to snitch on someone so he took the blow for Ranboo. He had officially lost everything he ever cared about, the only thing he had left was a picture of you and him hugging when he was 7 years old.
------------------------------------------------------- Just thought of this randomly. ✨YOU ARE AMAZING AND PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE! YOU ARE WORTH IT ON SO MANY LEVELS✨
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takamikeiigos · 4 years ago
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• though keigo tends to be loud, seemingly carefree, and outgoing, he's convinced himself that hero work is his #1 priority and he has zero time to be getting all up in a tizzy about feelings
• this man probably doesn't even know what a long, meaningful hug feels like. but what does it matter because he's a hero, he doesn't have time to be mulling over that kinda stuff
• now don't get me wrong, keigo has all of the basic human wants and needs for love, affection, companionship, etc. but has managed to tuck those thoughts away deep in the back of his mind
• so he spends his free time alone watching movies by himself while eating takeout, or finding somewhere high on the skyline to perch upon while the breeze caresses him and gives him comfort while he's deep in his thoughts
• when it comes to his avian characteristics and needs, he knows many people don't understand so he tends to them himself
• long tiresome processes of preening his own wings, often getting aggravated when he can't reach a spot or can't get certain feathers to lay flat
• or when it's that time of the season and he continuously chooses to go through his ruts alone because he hasn't allowed himself time to slow down and properly take care of it, because he grew up too fast and exploring his own wants and needs was never an option
• let's talk about keigo nesting during a rut bc of pure instinct but suddenly coming to the harsh reality that he has no one to share it with
• ouch
• imagine the first time he meets you
• you think he's probably the most loud and obnoxious motherfucker you've ever met but he grows on you over time
• its only after spending a bit of time by his side that you realize little things about him that kinda break your heart
• he smiles and jokes around a lot, but when you catch him deep in thought or slipping you notice the vacant stares that make him seem far, far away
• or the fact that he doesn't touch people unless they prompt first, whether it's a high five or a pat on the shoulder, but his hands mostly remain in his pockets or by his sides otherwise
• so it breaks your heart even more when you go to give him a quick hug before checking out for the day and he completely tenses up, clearly not sure how to react
• it occupies most of your thoughts that night, before it finally dawns on you that keigo didn't reciprocate because he didn't know how to (not literally, of course)
• from then on you touch him more often - like gently putting your hand on his shoulder when you're reaching over him, or placing your hand on the small of his back when moving around him
• over-all you're in his space more, always standing a few inches closer so your shoulders touch or your hands brush
• but let's talk about that one time you both go on a mission together and keigo gets knocked around a lil bit
• you're finally able to catch up to him and the idiot is standing there covered in bruises, feathers missing and his hero outfit almost torn to shreds, and he has the audacity to smile at you like he didn't just get knocked into next week
• he tenses again when you run up to him and pull him into a frantic hug, worry ebbing from your entire being but grateful that he's still standing and alive
• but the exhaustion finally catches up to him and its then that his wall comes crashing down, his arms wrapping around you like he's clinging to you for dear life, and his head is resting on your shoulder, coming free of all those heavy thoughts he's been carrying with him
• things slowly change after that
• months later you two end up together, like two pieces of a puzzle that were lost but finally found, a relief of a perfect fit
• he texts you constantly - whether it's of things that remind him of you, or a picture of a cat he saw while on patrols, or even just to let you know you mean the world to him
• when you’re both together he almost always ends up being the one to initiate physical contact now, staying close in your space and his hand always rest against you
• on nights after a long day of patrolling, he'll come over and you'll put a movie on, cuddling close together on the couch while eating the most unhealthy junk food you could find to take the edge off
• you catch him smiling to himself one of those times, and when you look at him curiously, he shakes his head and laughs quietly
• "'s nothing baby bird, just nice to finally have someone to do this with"
• on another tiresome evening of patrolling, he flies through your bedroom window (you always leave it unlocked and open for him) and perches on your windowsill
• you can instantly tell something is bothering him by the way he's holding himself, his wings twitching and his body tense
• so you beckon him to come sit on your bed with you, thinking maybe a back rub will ease the tension. but when he finally sits down in front of you, the disarray of tangled feathers is the answer to your unasked questions
• you tell him to relax and he does, but when you hesitantly run your fingers against his feathers he nearly jumps out of his skin
• you pull your hand away as if it was burned and when you ask if you accidentally hurt him, he flushes and avoids eye contact
• "no! no, you didn't hurt me. they're just.. sensitive. 'm just not used to people touching them like that. but it.. it feels good"
• so you continue running your fingers through his feathers gently, making sure they're all in place and pulling the loose ones from his wings
• he’s all breathy sighs underneath your hands and you swear you hear him cooing every once in a while and your heart melts at the amount of intimacy and trust
• it turns into a ritual after rough days, and neither of you mind it
《《 NSFW 》》
• so look, i’m not saying keigo is a virgin but we're gonna keep going with this little needy & touch starved trend we got going. to each their own
• keigo loves being touched, but he also loves touching you
• i’m talking always pressing up against you when you’re both alone, face nuzzled in your neck while biting and licking, hands on your hips and squeezing
• clinging to you when you’re about to get out of bed, or sneaking into the shower with you bc he misses your warmth and is craving some skin on skin contact, his head nuzzled into your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you from behind
• tbh he’s probably still half asleep as he does this, too. you basically have him completely limp in your arms when you turn to start scrubbing his hair
• i’m getting a little off topic, huh?
• he’s always trying to get your attention, especially when he knows you’re busy
• he’s almost always breathless when things get hot and heavy, nearly falling apart over a make-out session
• but when you finally get him out of his clothes and on the bed where you want him, the experience is one you want to relive forever
• he’s got this wonton facial expression, chest flushed and wings puffed out, lips parted with unspoken pleas as you touch him
• the first time you even touch his dick he nearly loses it, head tossed back and fingers gripping the sheets
• "fuck.. fuck that feels so good dove, please don't stop"
• he’s so sensitive, his skin feels like it might burst into flames because of how worked-up he's getting
• the sight of him falling apart from a simple hand job is a sight to see, something you weren't expecting to get you going but it is
• you stroke him slow, your grip just loose enough where he ends up having to work for it, all the while you're gauging his expressions
• keigo is a talker, loud and completely unashamed of the filth pouring from his lips as he fucks up into your fist, his jaw slack and his brown pinched in pleasure and concentration
• "please baby, right there. god, you feel so fucking good, please don't stop. fuuuuck"
• when you decide to touch his wings out of sheer curiosity, you weren't expecting to his reaction to turn you on as much as it did
• keigo arching off the bed with a broken "f-fuck!", yanking you forward into a harsh kiss as he moans broken please and appraisals into your mouth, whining
• he finally comes in thick spurts over your hand, his hips stuttering as he thrusts upward to milk the final drops of his come, chest heaving and breathy pants falling against your lips, his hands tangled in your hair
• touch starved, needy, and sensitive
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don't get me started on my man's going into a rut. whoo, good stuff.
sorry this is so long!! i got very carried away once i got into it.
if anyone wants to request anything, please do?? i would love that, especially since I'm trying to learn more about this beautiful bird-boy. nonetheless i hope y'all enjoyed!!
♡ ky
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nar-nia · 3 years ago
Cat caffe chances
sunoo, reader
You didn't even have to ask Sunoo if he wanted to visit the new cat cafe with you, he was already waiting in front of your door.
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A loud gasp could be heard in your quiet apartment. You stared at your phone and the big headline of the news site you had just opened: new cat cafe opens today. Within seconds you put on a jacket and your shoes and dialed Sunoos number, ripping open the door - only to be met with a grinning Sunoo in front of it.
"Have you heard? Are you ready??" He was holding his phone in front of your face while jumping up and down excitedly. You could barely read anything, but it didn't take you long to figure out it was the same headline you saw earlier and started jumping just like him.
"Just wanted to call you, and I hope you don't have any plans for today." One look at Sunoo and you both knew that every other plan you had for today was cancelled. You grabbed your bag and the two of you were on your way.
"So, what do you want to do first?", you asked after a while, still a couple blocks away from the cafe.
"I don't even know. It said that they have great food, and if I start cuddling the cats I might not be able to stop to eat. But if I buy food first I might not be able to cuddle enough with the cats."
"You really thought this through, huh?"
Sunoo smiled at you. "I couldn't think of anything else when I saw that news."
"Me neither, I kind of regret not looking at my phone earlier now. So, what do we do? Food first, then the cats? Or the other way around? Wait, should we take turns?"
"Yes!" Sunoo almost shouted with excitement. "That way one can get their food while the other one makes sure to attract most of the cats."
"Sunoo!", your voice became louder too, turning around and grabbing his hands. "You are a genius!!" You were grinning wide, and your steps quickened. You couldn't wait to finally be at the cafe.
When you arrived you were met with closed doors. You tried to look inside while Sunoo was reading a sign in the window.
"They don't open for another hour!" You turned towards your friend who was looking at you with a pout.
"I guess we've missed that in the article."
"That's why no one else is here yet. I was expecting a line."
"So what now? Do we come back later?" Sunoo looked around, but there was no one around. It was just the two of you.
You felt scandalized at his statement. "And risk a line of people waiting to go in? No way. We'll wait!"
The two of you sat down on the ground, feet impatiently whipping up and down, all lost in your own thoughts.
"I hope they have ginger cats.", you suddenly said. Sunoos' eyes started to shine again.
"Oh yeah, you had one when you were a kid, right? I wish I would have known you back then."
You nodded. "Chili. I loved him. He was so small and cuddly… You would have loved him. And he would have loved you!”
Sunoos' head suddenly turned towards you, looking at you with wide eyes. “What if the cats don’t like me?”
“What?” Now it was your turn to stare at him. “No! Sunoo, you are the most lovable person I’ve ever met in my entire life. I’m lucky if the cats will even look at me when they’re meeting you!”
You meant it. Ever since you met Kim Sunoo a couple of years ago you had been fascinated by him. His fun and bubbly personality, his ability to light up the whole room with something as simple as a smile, everything about him just screamed ‘charming’. You could always count on him to make your sad days better, and you were fully convinced that he would make this day better, too. You were also fully convinced that the cats would all run up to him as soon as the café opened.
“Y/N!” He pouted. “Thank you. But I’ll make sure that the cats will go to you, too.”
"We'll just send them to each other when we're done cuddling them.", you giggled, Sunoo joining in, before each of you fell into your own thoughts again.
Some while later you were surrounded with other people waiting to get into the caffe. Now you knew that you had made the right decision with waiting, the queue getting longer, but you two right at the front. You had already picked out the best place to sit - at the huge window, right next to a huge scratching post - and planned to go there as soon as the doors would open. Then Sunoo would attract as many cats as possible while you bought the food - which you had also already picked thanks to the card next to the entrance. You were both prepared, anxiously waiting that the doors would finally open. And then it was time.
As soon as the doors opened you stormed in, managing to get your preferred table. But there were no cats to be seen.
"Where are they keeping them? Where are the cats?" Sunoo bopped around on his chair, even more nervous than you, head frantically looking around. You were a bit nervous too, but after all this was a cat caffe, the cats would appear sooner or later. They couldn't just not show cats.
All of your fears disappeared when the caffe owner appeared, welcoming everybody, and explaining the rules when it came to dealing with the cats. She also explained that you would all have half an hour time to order some food and drinks, before they would let the cats in one by one.
You and Sunoo looked at each other, a wide grin on your faces. That was even better, you didn't even have to decide between eating and hugging the cats. You two were quick to order your food, a couple of sandwiches, and waited for the cats to arrive.
"The food tastes great.", you said in-between bites.
Sunoo nodded. "We definitely have to come here often."
You smirked. "Wasn't that already clear before?"
Sunoos nodding turned more enthusiastic. "I'm glad we agree."
A few minutes after you'd finished your meals it was time. Everyone stared at the little cat flap in the corner of the room. According to the owner it went to a huge room in the back, where the cats could go if it all became too much. But now the cats were supposed to come out. And indeed, the flap started to move a bit, opening up, and a gray cat came out. You had to stop yourself from squealing, and when you looked over to Sunoo you saw that he pressed his mouth shut, eyes wide open. He probably let out an inner scream right now.
The cat was slowly going from customer to customer, sniffing everything. In the meantime, more and more cats came out of the little flap, walking around the place. And then, finally, someone made their way towards you.
It was the gray cat from before, that now moved right towards you. You held your breath, nervously crouching down and holding out your hand, when you heard a high-pitched sound next to you. Both you and the cat turned around - looking right at Sunoo.
You raised your eyebrows, trying to suppress a grin. "What was that?"
"I'm so sorry.", he whispered, voice strained. "It's really hard not to scream right now."
You chuckled. "I get that, I'm trying my best right now, too."
The cat was sniffing your hand, stroked around your legs, and finally pushed her little head against your waiting hand. You took that as an invitation to pet her, your fingers scratching her chin, behind her ear. You were rewarded with a loud purr.
"Sunoo, come here.", you whispered. "But be careful."
He sneaked towards you, moving in slow motion. He crouched down next to you, watching the cat with sparkly eyes. His mouth stood open, completely focused on the little animal in front of you. You cautiously moved to the side, pulling Sunoo softly towards the cat. When the cat started to sniff his hand, too, his whole face changed. It became so soft, his eyebrows relaxed and the corner of his lips moving upwards. He was fully focused on the cat, blocking out everything around him.
You watched him, hand moving around the fur like it would fall apart with one wrong touch, like he could somehow hurt the feline if he did one wrong move. It was endearing, the way he seemed to worry so much that he almost didn't dare to touch her, while his face looked like worry simply didn't exist. He was open, outgoing, never at a loss for words, all things you admired him for, but right now he looked like the shyest boy in the world.
You were so busy with watching Sunoo and the cat that you completely forgot about the other cats that were still running around the caffe. It took a small meow and a bump against your elbow to make you aware of your surroundings again, looking down at a tiny cat that was stumbling around you.
"Hey, who are you?", you whispered, a smile now also evident on your own face. You started petting it, subconsciously copying Sunoos move, your face also lit up by a smile.
You two were in heaven. More and more cats were coming your way, and you kept on ordering the delicious food, fearing that you might get kicked out if you didn’t. The way Sunoo played with them seemed almost natural, like he had always owned a cat. You were in awe – and a bit disappointed, because just like you predicted most of the cats wanted to cuddle with him and ignored you, just occasionally collecting some of your love when they walked over your legs to get to Sunoo. But somehow, you were fine with it. You knew how much Sunoo loved cats and how much he always wanted one but couldn’t thanks to his parents allergy. But seeing him like this? If you could, you would walk right into the next animal shelter and get him one. Or even better, adopting one of the cats from the caffe. You knew the cliché about old ladies with cats but watching Sunoo right now you had no doubt that he would end up just like them – and probably just like you.
“Sunoo? We need to leave, I need to go home.”
It broke your heart when you saw the look on Sunoos face. He was turning away but you could still see the way his eyes started to water, hear his slight sniffle. He just nodded, trying not to look into your eyes. You wanted to curse yourself. It was such a great day and now it was ruined because you had to be home.
“Wait a second, okay?”, you mumbled, before you walked away towards the counter, talking to an employee. Sunoo couldn’t hear you, but he was too focused on the cats anyway, not wanting to leave.
After a while you appeared beside him again, carefully touching his shoulder and holding a piece of paper in front of his face.
“What is this?”, he looked at the paper.
“Your application for a job here, if you want to do it.”
His eyes snapped up at you, looking at your wide grin. “Are you serious?” The sadness that had covered his face only seconds ago was now replaced by joy, hope.
“I talked to the owner and she said they are still looking for employees for the weekend! She saw how you treated the cats and she’d love for you to start working here, if you want that too.”
“Y/N, I would love too. But only if you promise to visit me during my shifts!” He stood up, almost ripping the piece of paper out of your hand, causing you two to laugh. You looked at him, glad that his mood seemed to be lifted again. You couldn’t stand to see him sad.
“I would love to, but I can’t.” This time when he looked disappointed, you didn’t feel sad. Instead, you met his glance with a little smirk and raised eyebrows. He on the other hand stared at you with furrowed brows, trying to make sense of what you said.
“Because I’ll be working on the weekends too.” You couldn’t stand the anticipation any longer, showing him a second application paper. Now the sadness was definitely wiped off of his face, replaced by the smile you loved so much.
“Does that make it a little better that we have to leave now?”
“Are you kidding? That makes everything better!” He grinned at you, linking your arms and pulling you out of the caffe. “I still want to come back tomorrow, though. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?”
You looked at him. “Sunoo, come on. Do you even have to ask?”
this is almost the last story in our series, now there's only riki left. i feel sad already 🤧 please let me know what you think and feel free to send me an ask, i do neither scratch nor bite 🥰
permanent taglist: @maeum-your @blessed-sky @sunoona @sunbokie @staerrymariam @soobin-chois
do you want more stories involving enhypen and cats? click here !
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aizawabby · 5 years ago
LILY (m)
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Pairing: Yakuza!Tamaki Amajiki x florist! Reader
Plot: your flowers were the one thing you loved the most in your life... well it’s in the top ten so you bet your ass that you would scream at anyone who would dare to ruin and it didn’t matter if the person was the biggest mobster around.
Genre: mafia au, florist au , NSFW 18+
word count: 6k
Warnings: slight sub/dom play, soft dom Tamaki, explicit smut, oral(f), vaginal penetration, creampies, mirror sex, choking, no protection (wrap it before you tap it), light spanking, mentions of sucking dick, multiple orgasms, praising ish, fat cock Tamaki, dirty talk, slight mention of blood (I was listening to auralescent while writing the smut)
Disclaimer: this is my first time writing explicit smut so pls if I didn’t any mistakes or need to improve any where pls let me know! Also the art work above is not mine nor do I own any of the bnha/mha characters.
A/n: hello~ this is my first fic in this blog, I really hope you guys like!! I’ve been planning it since a month and got way to lazy to complete it :(
The hot rays of sun burn your skin as you walk out of your flower shop for the 10th time today to display your flowers letting them get sunlight. Regretting not putting on sunscreen before leaving home, you whipped the sweat off your face and smiled at the aesthetic you created in front of your flower shop.
It truly was beautiful.
Satisfied with your work you were ready to go back into the air conditioned store. As you neared the glass door, a loud thud noise that came from the background making you flinch. Praying as you turned around you hoped that whatever caused that thud had nothing to do with your flowers and it was just the neighbors cat, Ginger, who had once again jumped over the garbage bin and toppled it over.
You sighed in relief when you saw that your flowers were still intact. Just when you were about to go back a man with a white cloak tripped over your vases not paying attention while running ruining all your hard work.
The man laying on the ground looked at your angry face and seemed like he was about to cry, but you didn’t care right now. You were furious, all your hard work has gone to waste just because one person didn’t pay attention to where he was going.
Getting off the ground he noticed how you were about to start to scream at him, quickly got up and started apologizing.
“Look here sir, apologizing isn't going to do shit for my flowers nor is it going to clean up this mess so I suggest you t-” just as you were about to finish your sentence you felt him grip your wrist and pull you into your store.
‘What the hell’ you thought as you looked up at your captive, he pushed you on to a corner wall where no one could see you, his one hand on your mouth keeping you from making any noise while the other was near your head trapping you from the outside world.
If you weren’t being kidnapped in your own store you would’ve been very much aroused by the situation.
Having let your only staff member go on their lunch break, leaing you alone with your captor was not helping your situation either. Even if you scream for help no one would come to your rescue.
Your captor must have felt your gaze as he looked your way and then looked away once again a blush creeping on his cheeks.
What the hell? Why is he blushing
You continued to study his features so that you will be able to memories them in case he decides to do something, only if you were left alive.
damn he’s cute
You watched him as he kept shifting his gaze from you and the window, curious to what he was eyeing, you peered your eyes out the window to see some pro-hero, whose name you couldn't remember, along with some police officers gathered together holding a piece of paper which seemed like a sketch, showing it to civilians that walked past them.
Since your hearing quirk wasn't going to help you get free you thought it might be useful to hear what the heroes were saying.
“Have you seen this man?” one of them asked “please if you do call the police station right away”. The hero held out a picture. It was your capture.
Holy shit
You let out a quiet gasp at the information discovered, your capture hearing the sudden noise turned towards you once again, his gaze unreadable.
He masked his emotions so you wouldn't be able to tell how nervous he was staying within such close proximity with you. Something he learned pretty early, since in his line of work showing any type of emotions was a weakness.
The sweet smell of your perfume that was helping calm his nerves, was making him lose focus on the tasks at hand. Finding an opening to escape without the pros seeing him.
God how did he want to bury his head is the crook of your neck a- his train of thoughts broke as he felt you try to wiggle out of his grasp.
He glared at you, eyes dark and menacing seeding chills to your spine, he was about to lean closer when the pro-hero left their post and started walking towards their new location.
‘That was close’, he thought
He freed your mouth and placed it on the hand on the other side of your head trapping you. “W-who are you?” you managed to say, he looked you in the eye “Suneater,”.
Thank god for the wall that was supporting you because you were sure that you would've fell on the floor because how much your knees had been wobbling out of fear and being so close with this very handsome man who happens to be the biggest mafia leader of Tokyo.
You blankly stared at him as the headlines from several news articles popped in your head about the man holding you captive, opening your mouth to say-no to beg for your life, this is definitely not the way you imagined yourself dying.
“I” you breathe out watching as the man leaves from his spot, freeing you.
‘is he getting some torture weapon? Is this because i screamed at him omg me and my stupid big mouth’ as your mind filled with gruesome thoughts when all of a  sudden cough broke your trans, you whipped your head to the noise almost getting whiplash from the sudden movement.
It was him.
He stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, his head hung low looking at his shoes as if they were much more interesting than you. He rubbed his palms together and was saying something under his breath. It almost seemed like he was...shy
What the hell is up with this guy?
“I… um… i am sorry for that” wide eyed and mouth agape you watched the man who once looked so frightening you nearly passed out from fear was now stumbling on his words as he apologized to you.
‘God i need to talk to my therapist after this, if i get out of this’
He lifted his head, his eyes barely noticeable as they stayed hidden due to the length of his hair. “I… I am s-s-sorry for putting you through this mess. I-it's just because, you see I didn't mean to, it's just that” he paused, he looked as if he were about to cry. What does one do in this situation? Do you go and console him for kidnapping you in your own store?
Confused, you stayed still, scanning him to look for some weapons he can use on you, eyes stopped at his trembling hands.
He’s bleeding
Once again mumbling something under his breath he continued “ you see, some people are looking for me, a-and because of some… things, that's why i ended up bumping into you, i-i didn't mean to knock down your flowers, you see i was just in such a hurry and needed a place to hide that i brought you here” he explained his situation.
He looked back at you waiting for you to respond,
“Are you gonna kill me?” he looked at you even more panicked than before almost like he was disgusted at the sheer thought “oh no no no no” he frantically moved his arms telling you no.
“Good, because i know how to fight” you lied, but seeing how scared he is you began to question whether this man actually was the notorious yakuza you heard about on the news.
Maybe he was the weak twin no one knew about
Your legs finally regained their strength and you leaned off the wall, and walked past Suneater as you disappeared in one of the rooms in the back of your shop.
“Are you coming?” your head peered from the room as you waved your hand at him to come.
‘What are you doing?!? Inviting a yakuza in your safe place’ you thought, while one part of your mind told you to run, the other told you to stay you were conflicted.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard Suneater enter the room, without turning around, you pointed at the chair, “sit” said a little more sternly than you wanted to. Confused at the sudden change in your demeanor, he raised an eyebrow at you, why did you want him here with you when you knew his truth. Anyone with the slightest of common sense would call the police right now, yet you stayed calm.
“Look” you turned around, tiered “ if your not gonna kill me then let me help you with your injury”
‘injury? What injury?’
He looked down at his hand feeling a sting. There was a deep cut, most likely from when he knocked over your flowers ‘oh’ his palm was covered in blood.
He sat down at the designated seat waiting for you, closing his eyes letting the sweet and earthy smell of the flowers fill his nostrils, calming his senses.
                                *     *      *
“Hey did you even listen to a word I said?” Tamaki lifted his head from his palm, “hmm?”. The spiky red head grunted, rubbing his hands on his face tired of his boss being so distracted.
“What’s gotten into you, man?” he questioned, Tamaki innocently looked at him as if he did nothing.
Truth was he was bored, he knew the plan they had went over it a millions of times heck he was the one who made it in the first place.
“Nothing Kirishima, I heard you, ” he said, moving his gaze to where he was looking before, Kirishima followed the direction in which he was looking and spotted you.
You were out in the scorching sun, moving huge pots of flowers around the front of your store.
Grinning he looked back at his superior “why are you looking at me like that” Tamaki said, not liking the way Kirishima smiled at him, he knew something.
“You got a crush don’t ya boss?” Kirishima proceeded to repeatedly poke his bosses arm, annoying him.
“fuck of” Tamaki flustered, turned around avoiding Krishima’s graze, maybe he did have a small crush.
“hey boss” Kirishima scooted his chair closer to Tamaki “after our mission why don’t ya go get her number hmm? Who knows you might even get a date” he said grabbing his bosses shoulder and shaking it as he told him to man up.
                                 *     *      *
He broke out of thoughts feeling the pads of your fingers linger over his palm.
“Is this okay?” you kneeled in front of him, placing the safety kit on your lap concentrating on the task at hand.
“Y-yeah” you looked up, worrying that you might have hurt him accidentally, instead of seeing him wince in pain you were faced with a blushing yakuza.
Not knowing how to react you quickly lower your gaze and continue working on the task at hand.
“You're good at this,” he was the first to speak, breaking the silence.
“Huh, oh yeah i guess,” you let out a nervous laugh, “I used to volunteer as a nurse in hospitals back when I was in college, at one point in my life i wanted to become a doctor or nurse, to help people like pro-heroes did but then i lost interest in the subject and started to like other things so i opened up a flower shop,” you bit your lip realizing you might have over shared, “sorry that was to much wasn't it?” he smiled.
Shaking his head no, he looked at you warmly making you feel weird inside. As the two of you continued to talk, you learned more about him, nothing too personal but enough to make you feel like maybe just maybe you were starting to become friends.
“Alright all done, Tamaki” giving him a bright smile as you got up. He looked at his bandaged hand, smiling “Thank you, Y/n”. He got up from his seat, bidding you goodbye after apologizing for the inconvenience he caused, and walked towards the front door.
“Wait Tamaki!!!” you ran towards the front door hoping he hadn't left already, opening the door you called out for him once again, he stops and turns to look at you, confused as to why you called him.
“Y/n? What happened, are you okay?” he waited for you to catch your breath “yeah i'm fine i just,, i wanted to give you something” the tips of your ear started to burn as you felt a blush creep in, you handed him a purple lily.
Dumbstruck at the present he stayed quiet, smiling shyly as he reached for the purple flower, his fingers grazing you for a second, blushing he thanked you for the gift “ but why?” he asked, finally gaining the confidence to look at you.
You were smiling softly, a light blush spread on your cheeks “it reminded me of you,” you looked at him “and it's pretty like you” you said mentally cursing at yourself for voicing your inner thoughts, and for blushing harder.
Before the tomato looking man could say anything else, you ran back into your shop waving him goodbye.
                                  *     *      *  
Six months ago today, you were ‘kidnapped’ by the notorious Suneater. Your life hasn’t changed much since, you still wake up everyday at 8 am, you still drink the same type of coffee, and you still come back home at 8 pm.
But there was one thing that was significantly different, everyday at noon Tamaki would present himself in front of your store.
At first, it started with him coming to your shop, waiting outside debating whether he was coming in or not.
You would stay in the back of your cash register, listening to him mumbling to himself “common just go say hi that’s all you can do! Common just like you did with kirishima” you giggled.
But without a word he would leave. Disappointed you waited for the next day, maybe then he’ll talk to you.
The next week, he finally came in the store, (with the push of a spiky redhead) he wandered around before picking up a single rose, and came to the cash.
Ever since that day, he started to come more often and stayed longer talking to you about everything and nothing.
Slowly, his visits at the store became more constant just like his presence in your life.
“Are you here to buy something or to see me?” you winked at him going in the store, leaving a flustered indigo haired man behind.
He followed you inside, taking a deep breath calming his racing heart.
“Do you like me?” you asked casually as you picked up boxes from the front desk. Eyes wide Tamaki looked at you and gulps nervously before speaking “I-um I...w-well actually”
‘Fuck was I that obvious?’ He mentally screams at himself.
You laugh at his panicked expression “I’m just kiddin Tama, you don’t need to worry, come on help me with these boxes” you say grabbing his hand drawing circles trying to calm him, but it didn’t. It made him even more red and made his heart beat so fast he thought it was going to come out of his chest.
And sometime along the way, you had begun to fall for him too.
                                 *     *      *
Breaking you out of your day dream you felt a strong grip on your shoulder, you grabbed the intruders hand and twisting your body as fast you could ready to attack.
You lowered your hard after seeing your crush.
“Not bad, Y/n” he showed you the bag of food he was holding “you’ve improved I’m impressed” Tamaki said pressing his hand on your lower back pushing you towards the front door of your apartment complex.
Oh yeah you had also started to take self defense lessons from Tamaki once he found out about your bluff about knowing how to fight. From that day he took it upon himself to teach you how to defend yourself in case you were abducted by another Yakuza.
“Didn’t you have a meeting today with the Kyoto group?” you opened the door to your small apartment where you guys would often hang out “how did it go” you asked taking off your shoes.
“It was alright i guess, they wanted to make a deal” he spoke calmly and went to set the table for the two of you. You hummed at his answer without further questioning him because nothing good ever comes with dealing with the Mafia.
The two of you silently enjoyed the Takoyaki brought by Tamaki.
“Can you pass me a napkin?” you observed as he manifested a tentacle thanks to his quirk and handed you a napkin.
“Hey Tama” you rested your chopstsicks on your place, resting your head on your palm looking at him as he was midway of putting an octopus ball into his mouth, he hummed in response telling you to continue.
“With your quirk you can manifest everything you eat right?” nodding he put another ball into his mouth “so can you…” you wiggled in your seat regretting what you were about to ask, but you needed an answer it was a question that kept you up during many sleepless nights.
Confused at your sudden shyness he lifted an eyebrow at you, this was very out of character for you since you were usually pretty blunt “c-can you make your semen taste like chocolate?”
Tamaki choked on his food, spitting it out looking at you with a horrified face, you scoot closer to him waiting for his answer. Unable to look at you in the eyes he raised his head looking at the ceiling rubbing his hands on his face trying to calm the rush of heat he was feeling. “Taaaammmakii” you whined, tugging on his arm like a child begging him to answer you, he looked at you opening his mouth but then closing it going beet red.
“Ohhh did you do it” you giggled as he blushed even harder and hid his face in his hands and you laughed harder.
                                 *     *      *
“what are we watching tonight?” Tamaki walked into your living dressed in gray sweatpants and a black shirt sitting on your sofa, poking you with his left foot.
It wasn’t often that you got to see Tamaki dress so casually due to his job most of the time he would wear expensive suits (which made him look very hot) but there was something about him dressing down that made your heart flutter.
It was nights like these you loved the most, nights when you do nothing but stay up all night watching movies still you passed out cuddling against Tamaki.
“hmm I don’t know” pouting as you looked through your nail polish wondering which color you should paint them next. Tamaki smiled and pointed towards the purple bottle.
“Then how about” he scanned through the list of shows and movies “this” he said finally stopping at Avatar the last air bender.
While one would expect Tamaki’s attention to be at the screen in front of him watching the show he picked out it wasn’t. He was much more interested watching you paint your nails. He watched as you stuck your tongue out while concentrating on not to make a mess.
She’s so cute
“didn’t you go for lunch with your friends today?” He asked his eyes glued to the tv, mouth slightly agape.
“oh yeah I did, it was fun” he hummed and laughed at something Soka said. “My friends kept asking me if we’re together yet” you laughed at the memory of your friends teasing to finally confess your feelings for the man.
“then why don’t we” not paying attention to what he was saying he continued to watch tv.
Wide eyed he looked at you when it finally hit him you looked back at him in shock from the sudden confession“i ..i mean if you want you haha” he panicked.
Grinning as you got up from your spot on the floor you climbed onto his lap. Tamaki’s face burned a deep shade of red as he tried his hardest to sink his head into the couch wanting it to swallow him whole.
“Hey tama look at me” you brought a hand to his cheeks caressing it softly, making him look at you as you leaned onto him giving him a kiss.
“I like you” he breathes out as you pull away from the kiss smiling at each other “will you go out with me?”.
You rest your forehead on his, catching your breath you nod “yes I will” he holds you tighter holding your body next to his never wanting to let you go.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispers, his lips brushing up against yours, you nod “i'll be mad if you didn't”
He captured your lips in a delicate kiss. The kiss slowly escalated, becoming more rough as he pushed his tongue in your mouth. His wet muscle exploring every nook of your mouth as you submit to him, soft moans erupt from your throat as he grabs your boob giving it a squeeze.
“Oh fuck” he moans grabbing your hips pressing it harder on his crotch as you continued to grind against him.
“Someone’s excited” you smirk against his neck making it, as you grab his clothed dick gasping at size. He was big.
Stopping your movements, he stared into your eyes softly, his hand coming to caresses your face “ are you okay with this if not we don’t need to go further” he reassured. Smiling, you took his hand and kissed it, “I want it Tamaki, I want you.”
He pulled your shirt over your head throwing somewhere in the room, eyes lingering on the lace white bra. His hand was quick to go back on your breast, squeezing it with such an eagerness that just made you wetter by seconds. Taking off the bra, he grabbed your left tit. Soon, your nipple was engulfed by his mouth, he eagerly sucked it letting the tip of his tongue roll around, making you release another moan as you grab his hair pulling him up attaching his lips with yours.
Tamaki’s tongue was back in you, eyes closed as he enjoyed the warm and sweetness of your mouth. He held your hips, lifting you up heading towards your bedroom.
Amajiki hovered over you, smiling softly, he leaned in sealing lips with yours; peppering your skin with his soft kisses and marking you all the way to your breast. His hand finally finding the soft flesh, he gave it a squeeze as his lips came in contact with your areola, you let a breathy moan as his tongue worked on teasing your erect nipples while his other hand massaged the other in pleasurable manner.
He lifted his head from your chest, leaving a trail of kisses all the way to your aching core. Spreading your thighs open, kissing the soft flesh slowly, he teasingly nips at your inner thigh marking you, ignoring the place you wanted him the most.
You grind your hips in the air, hoping it will get his attention, you whimper as he rubs circles on your clit over your underwear finally feeling some relief, you feel the cold air hit your wet core as he slides it off your legs.
“You’re so wet, bunny” he hummed in approval as he twirled his finger in your wetness, content that he was able to make you feel this good. “I bet you taste good too ” he murmures, his eyes darkening with lust, he props your legs into his wide shoulder.
Unable to wait any longer to taste you, he lowered his face to your folds, the feeling of his mouth on your lips, moaning as you pulled his hair telling him to continue. He moaned into you sending vibration to your core, he squeezed your thighs to signal that he understood, he ran his tongue along your dripping slit and plunged his tongue past you lips and shallowly thrusting it inside until he was lapping up your juices with fervor while you arched your back as you moaned his name “you taste so fucking good, bunny” he moaned as he grinned his hips on the mattrest revealing his arousal.
Addicted to the slight bitter but sweet taste that he continued to eat you with more force.
“Ohhhh fuck fuck fuck” your legs trembled.
He knew you were close, slowly he slipped the first finger in, your walls warm and welcoming clenched his finger as he pumped it in, adding another right after. His mouth finding your clit, sucking the sensitive bud, sending pleasure coursing through your body.
“A-amajiki don’t stop” your toes curl at the sensation of his fingers curling inside you, you breathlessly moan your mind going blank as pleasure takes over. Pulling on his hair as his mouth works on your clit while his fingers work their magic, overwhelmed by the pleasure you felt from your lower stomach tightening, “Amajiki… i'm gonna-” before you can finish your sentence you feel the third finger slid in, you roll your eyes back feeling your walls stretch “Oh god, Tamaki”
Tamaki grinds his hips harder at the sounds coming out of your lips, his rock hard cock twitch in sweatpants “fuck” he groaned into your heat fingers slicked with your juices as he worked them in and out of you and lapped your sweet juices with his tongue “I love when you say my name,”.
“T-tama” you moaned bucking your hips on his face in search of release. Only a few moments later you came hard, with his face between your thighs and into his mouth. Your vision blurred as felt Tamaki continue to eat out even after cuming so hard. “Amajiki” you tried to get out of his grasp telling him that you’re too sensitive, he didn't move. He stayed there till you felt another wave of pleaser hit and you came into his mouth.
You were panting hard, your chest rising and falling as you felt euphoria, you watched Amajiki get up from his position between your thighs, get up to kiss you, you tasted yourself on his lips moaning as you felt his boner poking your inner thigh.
He pulls away from the kiss, whining at the loss of contact eyes following him as he gets off the bed. You watch him as he takes off his sweatpants revealing his black boxers which had a wet patch at the tip of his dick, drooling at the outline of his fat cock you imagined having it in your mouth fucking your troat till you became sore.
You get on your knees and start to crawl to where Tamaki was standing, pulling his briefs down until you were met with his painfully erect cock. Licking your lips you looked at him “can i suck your dick” he grabs your chin giving you a peck on the lips “sure, but not now” he says as he backs you up on the bed, laying you down as he starts to nip at your jaw “i wanna be inside you first” he whispers in your ear.
Tamaki separates your legs with his knee, placing himself between your thighs, stroking his dick as he brushes the head of his cock your wet centre. “Amaji-ah” you feel his tip rub against your entrance, but then backing away with flushed cheeks “baby… do you have any condoms” he rubs the back of his neck. It was moments like these where you would question how this man was a mafia leader.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you pull him on top of you kissing him, “its okay im on the pill” you say kissing his face. He aligned himself with your dripping core, his length sliding against your folds and getting coated by your arousal. You shudder, hearing him grunt as he inserts his tip in, stretching you out. He then thrust his length in you, grunting as he felt your wall squeeze around him, once completely in he stayed still letting you adjust to his size, since he was on the bigger side.
You moaned, biting his shoulder as you felt him stretch out your walls, you felt full. “ oh no baby are you okay?” Tamaki cooed still inside of you as he whipped tears from your face “should we stop? Does it hurt?” It wasn't the first time that he had to pull out because he was too big during sex, as he got ready to pull out, you wrapped your legs around his waist kepping him in place “Tama i-its okay, it doesnt hurt, you’re just big” you kiss his cheeks giving him a okay to move as you grip his shoulders” as he slowly began to move.
“Fuck youre so tight baby, you feel so f-fucking good” he let out a groan thrusting even deeper in you.
“Holy shit, your pussy feels so good” he moans in your mouth, picking up the pace. Your mouth drops open and you watch his brow furrow as he slips deeper into you, and fills you up. He continues to push until he finally bottoms out, he pants out a heavy breath that he's been holding out. Your eyes flutter but you fight to keep them open, and your arms wrap around his torso to grip his back.
“oh god Amajik” you moan, hips moving to match his thrust “feels so good”
“Yeah?” he pants out, moving at a steady pace, and you nod in response.
Admiring how he looks on top you, lips pink and swollen from your kisses parted as soft moans and grunts pass them. His eyes dark, looking at you with insatiable hunger that told you that he was holding back.
“Amajiki harder” you whimper, “fuck me harder.”
He pauses for a second, studying your face to make sure he was hearing this well. His breath stuttered before he let out a shaky breath.Then his hands gripped your hips in a bruising hold and he started snapping his hips as hard as he could into yours.
Your eyes roll back at the force of his hips slapping against yours. His nails dug into your supple skin and it stung but you didn’t bother to care because the feeling of him stroking along your sensitive walls was too overwhelming.
“Fuck baby” he gruffly let’s put “you’re making me feel so good”
Clenching around his words, you feel more of your juices coating him as he fucks you harder into the mattress.
“You like it?” he pants “ is my cock making you feel good, baby”
You nod. You couldn’t speak properly, not with the way his hips seemed to increase their speed and hit you deeper with each thrust.
“Use your words, bunny” he grunts into your ear. He releases your hips in favor of gripping your thighs, pausing to shift onto his knees and have a better handle of you and angle his hips just right. “You love it don’t you? You love it when I fuck you with my cock?”
“Yes” you moan “i love it, i love your cock”
“Your close aren’t you? I can feel the way you keep clenching around my cock,”
“Oh god I’m close tama, don’t stop” you say when the thrust abruptly stops when he pulls out of you, and you whimper in shock and desperation. But he doesn’t allow you a second to question him before he’s gripping your hips and flipping you onto your stomach lifting your ass up. He spanks your ass and you squeal in surprise but it morphs into a moan when he shifts your hips to position himself behind you properly. He’s slipping inside you with ease, and you’re back where you left off.
Trailing a hand from your back, all the way to your head he gripped your hair, pulling your head back to capture lips with his.
His mouth on your neck kissing his way to your ear, nibbling on it before he continued spewing filthy phrases in your ear that had you whining in blinding pleasure.
“You're taking it so well, baby. Now be a good girl and cum on my cock” he pants in your ear.
His hand finds your engorged clit, rubbing vigorously as he snapped his hips faster. Your mouth dropped open but no sounds came out, your voice was gone as you felt the pleasure rapidly increasing and the heat in your tummy growing larger and larger until it finally exploded.
“oh tamaki” you moaned “ fuck, I’m cumming.” You called out his name breathlessly as if it was a mantra as you felt yourself come undone all over him.
Amajiki groaned, fucking you through your orgasm, chasing after his own. After a few deep thrusts he stops and gripping your hips as he feels himself shooting his release in you.
He stays inside for a while and you feel him kiss on your along your spine, whispering soft nothings. He pulls out leaving you feeling empty.
Unable to move your body, you let yourself fall into the mattress resting your head on your pillow.
“Tired” you hear tamaki leaning against the headboard of your bed. He pulls your limp body making you hover over his lap, your back against his chest “but i'm not done with you baby” he bites your shoulder, rubbing the head of his cock on your entrance lubricating it with both of your juices.
“Yeah that’s right watch yourself as I fuck you” he says starring right at you through the mirror. You watched him as he slipped himself inside you with ease.
He held your hips keeping you in place as you watched his length disappear in you with each hard thrust.
“Oh my god” your moan feeling the tip of his cock hitting your g-spot. “Are you gonna cum baby?” Amajiki grunts going faster, you nod grabbing his thighs to help you steady as you start to move your hips to match his pace as you feel your 4th orgasm approach.
“Look at you bouncing on my dick like a good little slut” he growled in your ear, his hands wrapped around your throat choking you “come for me slut” with a couple more thrust both of you came undone.
Breathing heavily as you calmed from your high, you got off his lap and sat beside him leaning on the headboard.
You looked ahead seeing both of your reflections in the mirror; cheeks flushed and swollen lips.
Tamaki turned towards you smiling as he caressed your face leaning for a kiss.
“You're amazing, you know that?” you smiled at him, finding him adorable in his fucked out state.
“So are you,” you said, returning the kiss.
Tamaki gets off the bed and goes to the bathroom to get something to clean both of you up. You manage to keep your eyes open, smiling as you see Tamaki’s naked butt as he leaves the room. Reaching out your hand imagining to squish it.
You close your eyes letting the sleep take you over when you something cold on your inner thighs opening your eyes only to see Tamaki cleaning you off.
You feel the bed dip from Tamaki’s weight, you turn around laying on your back facing your lover. Smiling at him you wrap your arms around him and bury your head in the crook of his neck inhaling his sent mixed with sweat and sex.
“You're gonna be sore tomorrow” he places a kiss on the crown of your head “don't blame me for it though it was you who wanted it” he tries to mimic your moans from earlier. “Shut up” you say playfully slapping his chest he let out a low chuckles holding you tighter ready to let sleep take over.
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we-dragons · 4 years ago
I'm from a different dimension actually Chapter 8 Damian x reader
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The school is shut down for a week ironically because of an attack by The Joker and Two-Face, that Robin and his team took down. The teachers sent out a notice with homework attached and told us to stay inside. Nightmare came back somewhere in the morning I couldn't tell the time because I apparently fell asleep along with Boy Wonder before the end of season 1 of The Highlander. I gently placed him down on the couch, gotten dressed, and made some breakfast, I only had eggs so I made some scrambled and put them on a plate for him and me. Nightmare got the last of the bacon. I put a plate over Robins while I ate mine sitting at the small table in the kitchen going over my homework. Sadly I finished my homework before my eggs and they have gone cold. I silently morn my eggs eating the cold carcass. "You stare any harder at that screen and you might break it." I jump, my head shoots upwards and I sigh, but then my eyes drop on my cat. My jaw drops the furball is purring in the arms of a masked stranger who is petting his head. Robin was petting my cat holding him like a baby and the demon is purring. Robin still had his eyes, and limbs not even a bite mark was seen on his skin.
"You traitor, you barely know him." I playful scold the feline, he meows nuzzling his face in Robin's chest.
"Your monster seems friendly."
"Nightmare looks like he's been introduced to catnip."
"Just a few scratches here and there." He smirks taking a seat next to me."Thank you for breakfast."
"Mhm." I turn back to the screen, "Will you be going back today Robin?"
"I might."
"Hmm." I finish the last problem for today closing the device, "Well I have to go to work, your welcome to stay if you want." I smooth out my clothes tossing one last look at the melting ball of fur. I quirk an eyebrow but move out to the door. I stop Halfway through the doorway and look back putting on my meanest face. "If you break a single window in my home I will find where ever you are and break you. Bye Nightmare, love you, I'll be back in a few hours."
"Nightmare! I'm back!" my keys skitter across the floor but no black fur is seen. He's still in the arms of Robin though it's not Robin, Green eyes. My stomach sinks and my mouth goes dry. "Damian?" His is just as much shock as me, he puts down Nightmare and rushes to me the door slams behind me. And I'm being dragged then forced to sit, his hands grip my shoulders. "Your early, why did you arrive early, you not supposed to be back for another half hour." I hardly heard him, I scold myself now realizing the obvious. Why else would Nightmare feel comfortable around him he had been here before multiple times noticed how I treated Damian and that's why he was a purring mess in his arms. I said be nice to him when he was over not Robin, but of course, they smell the same Nightmare associated with both people. I should have spotted it sooner, the voice, the height, the tone of his speech. Dear God, I can mom telling how oblivious, like she did when she won Clue. It was right there, he asked the right question and baited me for answers. I don't know why this is a shock to me. Now that I think of it I have to stop myself from laughing
"What the hell," my voice quivers. "Damian, Damian Wayne. You help Gotham." I start snickering, pulling my hand over my face. I throw my head back laughing then fall over to the side. "Nightmare you knew didn't you! Haha, that's why you were you were melting like butter."
"Your laughing!"
"Did you assume I wouldn't!" I wheeze, my breath nearly coming out to form words. "I can imagine you fighting, but saving people that's something else entirely."
"Do you think so little of me?" He sounds disappointed.
"I don't mean it to offend you but what else can I say. I didn't expect this." I sit up, clearing my throat and looking him dead in the eye. "Can I just call you Damian now, or do I still have to you different names."
"Why aren't you more surprised?"I Smile sadly.
"I thought you would have read up on me, do you know who killed my parents that day at home." He stiffens, he opens his mouth but continues. "My Father's sister, my aunt, killed them both during dinner. All because my mother wouldn't let her see those journals you asked about. After that it many people took off their masks."
"That's all it took?"
"What should it take, she killed her own brother because she didn't get confidential knowledge. To be honest, I don't really care anymore."
"You need professional help." I shrug.
"Probably, but getting sessions is expensive and I don't enjoy answering "and how are you feeling?" questions. I had enough of that already from everyone else."
"Where's your brother, Emil?" I feel myself frown.
"He's with someone I trust, I can't tell you who, sorry."
"The file says you died, you also made a miraculous recovery, recovery from what?"
"I prefer not to answer that question, It's rather personal." I don't want to explain that either, I know the doctor was shocked to see me come back. They had to call the professor to have him take me and my brother. After that this entire fiasco.
"You know I'll find out either way."
"Listen, I don't know how I made it, I was tortured by my she who will not be named and left for dead. I prayed for anyone and everyone who would hear me, someone did, the police found me and I was rushed to the hospital. I decided to take a nap, and I woke up to the sound of Emil crying. He cried, even more, when I woke up, screaming even, the good doctor nearly fainted. I was plugged into wires of all sorts, and my uncle was holding a plug, I assume he pulled, tackled me. My body lit up in pain and felt like I was run over, the next I am separated from my family and rushed into a place where they check on me every three months. At least I got to choose the place, they pay for the school, and I cover everything else." I give in, it feels nice to tell someone, something even if it's not the whole truth. But it seems to shut him up. "Please don't go looking for Emil, they haven't caught my aunt yet. I don't know if she's looking for them next, I would prefer not to stand over another grave knowing she got them too." I stare at him gauging his reaction, his face is still stone, unmoving in the uncomfortable silence. I pick up Nightmare, who has been rubbing against my leg for a bit, and scratch his head as he wants.
"Fine, I won't push further but I have terms."
"Really?" What would he need terms for?
"1, you don't reveal my identity to anyone. 2, you will not acknowledge that you know my family’s identities. 3, I come whenever I like as Robin or as Damian. 4, I add terms whenever I please."
"Why would I agree to any of that? I'm the one who has your identity." He smiles.
"Because I will tell Batman this information, and he doesn't talk as kindly to people hiding something. You obviously still are, but for now, I'll let it slide I'm sure by now you've decided to watch the news, so you know what he does." I gulp, I did see his more recent victim and he looked traumatized.
"Alright fine, but I binge so if you fall asleep tough luck, I'm not going back."
"Fine," he reaches back and pulls out his mask which he puts back on, walking out to the kitchen. "I back in a bit, pull out your couch bed while I'm gone. I will be staying here a while." I get up after him.
"Hey, that offer is for when I thought you were some homeless bums who fights crime, gets money from villain's wallets. You have a perfectly good bed at home!" He turns back one foot on the railing and a grappling hook in hand. "Term 6, I will stay as long as I like." he jumps off like before, not giving me a chance to speak.
"Bastard! I need my alone time!" He's gone I don't even know if he heard me. I grumble pulling out the spare sheets and blankets to set up the bed. "He better be paying rent, smug rich kid."
"Meow." Nightmare looks over at the window Robin left of.
"Yes, he's coming back."
"No, I'm not going tell him, not until I have to."
"Shut up." I kick the side of the couch holding the two large cushions that lay on it, the bed springs out and makes a satisfying thud on the floor. "Go and see if the data has finished downloading, then put it back in the box I'll make you something in a how you feel about tuna our downstairs grandparents gave me a can."
The sheets are made, the cat is fed and now I am going over how I was going to cover for another person. How much would he eat, can he survive on pastries, ramen, and eggs. How long was he staying, would his family come asking about him seeing as he was here before. At both times, when he broke my window, and when they came for coffee.
"Hey, open the door." The voice is cold but still recognizable. I get up slowly taking my time getting there along with opening the door. He hurries in, dressed in some normal-ish clothes that still look expensive, but he still dressed like he came out of a photo shoot. He not only has a suitcase but some grocery bags, I frown at those. He seems to notice because he forgets his suitcase and charges into the kitchen. "Hey!"
"Y/N I am not eating ramen and eggs for god knows how long. I will cook a decent meal and you will have something healthy."
"How did you know I only had eggs and ramen?"
"I went through your fridge," He places a bag of tomatoes in the bottom drawer where I see green onions and various other veggies.
"I make stir-fry once a month, you have bought enough greens and reds to make that for two weeks. I don't even have rice."
"You don't like it when people spend money on you, do you?"
"I don't need other people's money," He opens his mouth, but I stop him raising a finger cutting him off. "And before you mention Molly, she remains the exception. Not that me telling her not to stops her."
"And why is that." He stops putting the food in the fridge.
"Because I've been friends with her longer," I look back at his bags and frown. "How long do you plan on staying again."
"For as long as I please."
"Won't they come looking for you? Your family I mean, the Detective stops by almost every day."
"Grayson won't be a problem, I left them a trail that leads to several other places." He stuffs the last of the food in the fridge, getting up and looking out the balcony window. "Should take a long while." I can hear the smugness in his voice.
"Your happy you tricked your brothers aren't you." He turns around forcing himself to frown but the corners of his lips twitch.
"Ho, you're a bastard Wayne."
"You're really gonna curse me?"
"You didn't tell me I couldn't Damian." I grab my computer and open Hulu putting on Star Trek; Next-generation where I left off. "Hope you enjoy space adventure, because I'm not starting this over its seven seasons and 4 movies. I'm halfway through season 3, if you want context just ask." I glance up signaling that I am waiting for a response, he leans on the wall in front of my kitchen. I can't read his face, but his face of neutral displeasure wasn't much better. "So, your done feeling good about yourself, or is there something else you need."
"It's been something I've been wondering for a while now, those iridescent pieces you fed me."
"Part of my mother's work." Not a complete lie,
"Was that what those missing journals about?"
"No." More of a lie but not wrong. He groans anyway, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Man, you really like to cut in deep and waste time. Just come here and watch some Star Trek with me I need someone else to groan in pain about Counselor Troy's and Will Riker's on and off slow burn romance." Begrudgingly he walks over plopping down next to me.
"Your tastes in tv are odd."
"You have no idea, my tastes in something go everywhere, after this and Highlander I have several old cartoons next. First, I might have to gather what you know about the Quack pack, Goof troop, Ducktales, and all that pizazz. Though I have a feeling that you would like Darkwing Duck more, or it could possibly be too relatable." He gives me a look.
"How could I relate to a duck?"
"We are a long way from that now, at the moment we must bear witness to Captain Picard and his adventures commanding the USS Enterprise."
"Has anyone told you how unbelievably weird you are?"
"Sir, you have entered my life for what looks to be the long run. You will experience the kind of weirdness only Molly has ever seen. But now that you are basically my roommate you might see more." I pat his shoulder. "So, buckle up, because this is now you've got a seat on this roller-coaster, and you can't get off till the car reaches a complete stop. Now can we please get back to the show I want to see some cosmic action?"
"Was that a statement or a question?"
"He can achieve the perception of feeling with a chip that goes into his hyper-advanced brain, lets his brother take it but can't make his own."
"I lent you my computer to catch up to where I left off for one night and that's what you're hung upon."
"Yes," his eyes look serious while he shoves some oatmeal in his mouth. "You are the one who can't stand the slow burn."
Before we got to the last season, Damian had asked he could see the rest of the show before the finally. I didn't expect that he would binge because it was a weekend, he even made extensive notes on character weakness. He still went out on patrol every night but came back with no one tailing him. That's what he says at least. He looks tired, with bags under his eyes and just lacking energy altogether.
"While I'm at work please go to sleep, you look like you fought an energy vampire and lost."
"I wouldn’t have lost to a vampire, they’re not that hard to kill.”
“But they drink blood they need to get close; energy vampires are more psychic they don’t even have to be a real monster.” He stops eating/
“How so?”
“They could be emotionally, physically, and mentally draining people. You know like Deity Skimmer, the girl in our science class. You can’t kill the energy-sucking vibes she gives off, can you.” He snorts behind his hand.” I mean it, even creatures of the night need sleep.” I drop my dishes off in the sink. I walk off to the door putting on my boots, I hear the chair slide and I feel his judging eyes digging holes in the back of my skull.
“Once again your conditions said nothing about teasing you, suck it up.” He scoffs. “I’ll be back around 5, don’t break any more windows while I’m gone.” I close the door before I hear any remarks once more about the incident. Though I laugh to myself, I straighten out my outfit and head down to the wonderful smells of the coffee shop. I walk slowly down the stairs looking out to the crowd that had been seated in the lounge. My managers were out by the couches talking to one of the regulars. Pull me behind the counter and relieve my coworker Meg, she looks exhausted and excuses herself. She takes what I assume is her coffee and puts away her apron and rushes out the door. I finish out what she didn’t clean and wait for anyone to come up to the counter. *Ring* though it is loud I hear the bell for the door ring.
“I’ll be with you in just a moment, I need to clean the nozzle here.”
“That’s fine, I can wait.” I flinch but catch myself, so it looks like I flicked something. I turn around with the best smile I can pull off. The sleep-deprived brother of Damian, peers at me from under his hair a frown tugging on his face.
“Oh hey! You came here with detective Grayson last time. Is there anything you would like?”
“Any particular kind?”
“Anything that will keep me from sleeping on this counter.” He knocks on the surface twice.
“I Can recommend our D&D potion bottle, it’s a personal favorite of the owners.”
“Why not, how much?” He fumbles around for his pockets, I stop him.
“How about, I make get it for you, and then you pay.” He brings his hands back on the counter and nods.
“I will only be a few minutes, please make yourself comfortable.” I pull out the ingredients for our powerful concoction, the pho fried ice cream, a large potion bottle with a straw, and 20-sided dice. I place the potion bottle in front of him and the ice cream but hand him the dice. He stares at the shiny plastic unmoving.
“I would roll that.” He does what I say and lands on a nine. “Well, sir after this one you can either have another potion or chose two desserts of any kind from our display or menu.” He takes a sip from the straw rather slow; his eyes perk up a bit.
“How Much did you say this was?”
“Oh! That will be $9.23?” He pulls out the exact amount, and I put it away in the register, placing it in the compartment marked D&D.
“And I would like another one of these to go.”
“Sure, would you like it now or before you go?”
“Well now should be nice, I’m leaving in just a bit.” I pull out a cup that is relatively the same size as the potion bottle. I go to give him his cup and notice that he finished the bottle and ice cream. Confusion hits me, but I don’t stare too long to turn to clean the mess. “Have you seen Damian at all?” And there it was.
“No, not since the Gala? Did something happen?”
“There was a…disagreement so he ran out, but if you see him,” He handed me a piece of paper with a string of numbers and an email. “Tell me. That is my number and email.” He does not say anymore and walks out the door, the bell signaling his departure.
When I got back, I told Damian what happened, he isn’t pleased and is currently pacing the floor.
“My guess is that he knows.” I sigh over my tea and stare sadly at the replaced window.
“No doubt.”
“You know I was rather hoping not to be having another visit from the Batman. What will happen when they find out that I know about the caped crusader thing.”
“He’ll either force into secrecy, turn you into a child crusader, or confine you to the manor.”
“So in other words no privacy.”
“As lovely as that would be you told me this was temporary, so why can’t you go back?”
“At the Gala I was supposed to keep you entertained at the table so that we could trap you into to talking about those journals.” I knew it.
“So, you lied to me.” I look at him, faking shock and betrayal.
“It was for the sake of the investigation; I didn’t think that I would end up-.” He examines my expression and face palms. “What’s wrong with you.”
“I like to call it “I laugh in the face of danger” Syndrome, in a moment of despair I crave comedy.”
“You're worse than Grayson.”
“I like him, so I’ll let this one slide.” I sip the warm liquid feeling soothed at the pumpkin spice. “What are you going to do now?” Nightmare jumps on the table noticing my concern and waiting for his answer from me. He walks to the corner where he put his bag then went to the closet pulling out my suitcase. He then grabs his outfit Robin outfit from the coat rack and his other materials. “Get packed, we’re leaving. I’ll grab Nightmare’s things gab whatever you need. And I mean need, don’t pick it up unless it’s necessary.”
“What? I can’t just leave, what about my job? School?!” He Pulls out my backpack and puts some food in it. “Damian!”
“Just trust me, I’ll take care of it! I don’t want you tangled up in my family’s nonsense.” He looks at me something odd swirling in his eyes. “Please.”
“Fine,” I grab my suitcase and pack my box and my compiece which hasn’t gotten back to me on its progress. I throw a few sets of clothes. I open the box to make sure the journals, the scales, and everything else, then I hide it under the clothing and my laptop in the front pocket. I thank myself for making sure to get a suitcase that has a double use as a backpack. In the living room, Damian is all packed the bag is strapped across his chest and he’s holding Nightmare.
“Let’s go.” He hands me Nightmare and pulls me to the balcony. He pulls out and belts with a ring pultruded out on one side swiftly put it around me connecting the loop to his belt. “Hold on tight, and don’t let go till I tell you.” I Sling an arm around him and grip on to Nightmare, he doesn’t hesitate and shoots across the balcony with his grappling gun. I screw my eyes shut. And wait to stop, my heart beats wildly in my chest Nightmare begins purring maybe in hopes to soothe me. I feel something wrong, but it would mean I was away from the Crows. I’m running again, even if it’s not me who chose this it still feels wrong. Because in the direction he’s going it seems that we were leaving Gotham. And for some reason, I feel like it would be a while before I returned.
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elles-writing · 4 years ago
Enchanted - Fili x fem!reader - Cinderella AU
A/N: I recently seen there was Cinderella (2015) in TV, my favourite Cinderella story! (But they are all kind of smashed together, so🤷‍♀️)
This is mainly for lovely @guardianofrivendell , I hope you will like it!
(Also, c'mon. Kili wouldn't even come here.)
This is different style from what I am writing - this is more a fairytale-telling style, but I tried. I'm quite happy quite the result, so I hope you will like it too!
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Once upon a time, there was a lovely, beautiful maiden, named Y/N. Though her life wasn't a fairy tale at first glance, sometimes things change the way it seems like one.
There wasn't a time when Y/N didn't thought about her old life, and when did it changed. But she remembered her mother's last words.
The two things that you truly need in your life, are courage and kindness. Remember that, my dear.
Life with her two step-sisters, who argued almost all the time (except for when there were trying to provoke Y/N), and the evil woman who married her kind and selfless father, was, well, interesting, to say at least. It wasn't very exciting, either - her life was constant routine of doing all the chores, and then falling asleep in her little room.
She dreamed of magic, that would make life exciting, and every night, when she looked up for the stars, she would think about a prince, who would run away with her and never come back.
Little did she knew, her life was about to go into a different direction very, very soon.
The day they got the invitations, her sisters were excstatic. One of them told Y/N to prepare them dresses, along for their mother. Y/N thought it was one of birthday partiest of their many friends, and didn't thought much of it. She spended the whole day by sewing and measuring, cutting and measuring once again.
However, when she decided to take a stroll in the evening void of darkness, soft light was coming out of the post box. She curiously stepped closer, and opened it. Her eyes widened when she noticed envelope in heavy, good quality paper. The name and adress on the letter was in beautiful calligraphy, perfect, as if it was made by...
Y/N shook her head. Don't be naive. But the tiny little spark of hope and child-like wonder in her believed it was something magical about it.
She opened the envelope, and took out an...invitation? She curiously red futher, and her eyes widened. It was an invitation for a ball!
With greatest joy, we are happy to announce that prince Fili is ready to find a wife. In occasion of Prince's birthday, there will be thrown celebration, where is invited every daughter of our beautiful kingdom, who is interested in being Prince's wife.
There was also a date and time. Y/N couldn't believe it. She got her invitation. A dreamy smile stretched across her lips, and she started to dance.
She hid her invitation in the pocket of her dress, and quickly hidded it into the back of her drawer.
When the day of the celebration came up, she realized she forgot to make her own dress. She worked on her sisters' and mother's dresses she didn't got enough time to work on her own.
They left, and she was there alone, in the big house. It used to be place full of joy, but now it was empty and sad. Y/N looked around for some dress she could use or alter, but she wasn't that lucky.
She sat to the garden, and her good friends - three cats, who stayed there, and sometimes slept in her room - came with loud meowing.
As if they could talk. It sounds like they are mad, Y/N thought. One of the cats - black cat with golden orbs - studied her face, as if she wanted to give her piece of her mind. But, instead, she started cleaning her paw.
"No, of course not. They aren't home? Oh, as if that - alright, I won't swear, but that woman living here and making her her maid-" Y/N frowned and stood up, carefully walking into the direction of the voice. She found an old woman, talking to little mouse.
"Good evening, c-can I help you?" The woman turned to her.
"Oh, do you happen to have a piece of bread and some milk, dear?" Y/N nodded, remembering the leftovers from dinner.
"Oh, of course we have. I'll be back in a moment," she said. She knew the woman from somewhere - but where did she knew her from?
When she came back, she gave the piece of bread and cup of milk to her. The old woman thanked her, and ate it as if it would be the most delicious thing she have ever eaten.
"What is happening, Y/N? Why that long face?" Y/N looked up on her, and sighed.
"Do you know about the ball, in palace today?" The woman nodded, and Y/N sighed.
"Well, I got an invitation, but...I don't have any decent dress." The woman let out a humming, deeply in thought.
"Well, perhaps I could help you out," she said. Y/N frowned.
"How?" The woman jumped up.
"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my dear. Let me just-" she stood up and all of sudden, there were tiny little sparks, then falling down as a sparkling dust.
Stardust, Y/N thought.
A young woman stood there, in simple dress with flowing skirt, a wand in her hand, and happy smile on her lips.
"I'm your fairy godmother," she introduced herself. Y/N blinked.
"But they don't exist. It's all just a fairytale," she said. Her fairy godmother furrowed her brows.
"Oh, dear! What are you teaching you these days, tsk," she let out and looked around.
"Do you happen to have, uhm, pumpkins?"
"Oh, uhm, yes, we do, over there-" She pointed to the corner of the garden, where a few pumpkins grew. Her fairy gotmother walked there and curiously eyed each one of them. Then, she took one of them.
"This one will do!" Before Y/N could argue, her fairy godmother tapped the pumpkin by the tip of her wand, and stepped aside.
Y/N's eyes widened, as there wasn't a pumpkin anymore, but a beautiful coach instead. Her fairy godmother looked around once again, and spotted the three cats.
"We also need horses, and stagecoach man..." The cats wanted to run away, but it was too late. All of sudden, there were standing three horses. Y/N runned to them.
"James! Oh, look at you!" She turned to face her fairy godmother, wonder in her face.
"How did you-you really are my fairy godmother," Y/N sighed out. Her godmother proudly smiled, and pointed towards a lizard, sitting on edge of fountaine.
"Well, now we also need...lackey!" She looked around, and spotted a bird, who was eating some tiny bits of leftover bread.
"Now, let's go, my friends, we don't have much time left!" She said with a proud smile on her face.
"Let's go dear! It's going to be really fun, I've heard they have chocolate cakes and-" Y/N catched her hand.
"I would love to, but-my dress, it's-" her fairy godmother turned to her and nodded with serious expression.
"Oh, you're right! Hm, yeah, this could work," she said and the tip of her wand created glittering ribbon in the air as she moved her hand. Little sparks danced across her dress, hair and face, and soon, she had dress she would never imagine even in her wildest dreams. Y/N gasped.
"They are beautiful! How did you-how can I thank you?" Her fairy godmother smiled and tapped the tip of her nose by her wand. Little sparkles fell across Y/N's face, and she let out a giggle.
"You, my dear, will have fun. Thanks to this, your mother and sisters won't recognize you," Her smile became a frown as she looked down.
"What about the shoes? You can't wear these!" Y/N looked down and blushed.
"Well, um, alright, but please no heals, I can't walk in them," the girl admitted rather shyly. The godmother thought about it for a moment, and told Y/N to close her eyes. When she was done, she said she can open them. Y/N gasped - they weren't shoes on heals, they were simple and comfortable, but lovely to look at.
"Now, if anyone asks you your name, tell them you're Cinderella. And remember - the spell will wear off exactly at midnight. Then, everything is going to be just like before." She explained carefully while they walked to the coach. When Y/N stepped inside, she noticed the details. It was surely the most gorgeous coach she've ever seen. She looked out of the window and waved farawell to her fairy godmother. The answer were just tiny little sparks.
When she arrived, there was a music playing already, and she could tell the celebration was in full swing. She peeked inside by the corner of one window, and noticed the Prince - he talked to his brother and seemed rather bored and terrified. Y/N giggled at that thought of the Prince being terrified of dancing with all those women and girls, trying to figure out who will be his future wife.
Prince Fili was rather nervous. He wasn't sure if he should be really there - but as much as he wished to be with his horse on a ride through forests and meadows, he also knew he was doing a favour to both the kingdom, and perhaps himself too. His brother found a lady he was happy with on similar celebration, though the other part of the story was she was the only one, who wasn't falling to his feet after he winked at her and said something flirtatious. Now, he was trying to calm Fili down. Or tried, at least.
"Look, Fee, all those ladies are here, so don't worry. There is a big chance you will find one that will like you for you, and you'll like her too."
"Or not. How did you made it last time?" Kili's face scrunched.
"Well, um, tripping over your feet after you've been trying to flirt with her whole evening, and pouring red wine on her light dress isn't the best way to start a courting, if you ask me." Fili chuckled.
"But it worked out."
"Now I'm not sure which one of you is the older one," their mother said and they both turned to her.
"Fili, dear, don't be nervous. Just be yourself. There is no reason to worry. And you," she turned to Kili,
"Try to not walk while you drink wine," Fili chuckled and Kili rolled his eyes.
"Now, the celebration will start soon, so remember what I said," she added and disappeared into crowd to talk to some of the ladies and their mothers personally.
Y/N walked through the palace, and nobody asked her for her name. Everyone was in awe - who was she? Who was the gorgeous princess?
When she walked in, she was making sure she won't trip over her feet. The whole room went quiet, the musicians stopped playing - and one question filled the air.
'Who is she?'
The Prince turned his attention to where everyone looked - and he realized all those surprised gasps and looks of awe were right.
A beautiful maiden, a young woman perhaps, he couldn't tell, stood there, with soft silver - golden dust on her nose and cheeks, creating sparkling freckles, her hair in soft waves falling over her shoulders, her dress looking as if they were made of stardust itself. Her hands were covered in long white gloves, up over her elbows, with little silver flowers around the edge, and soft smile was spreaded across her face. She started slowly walking down the few stairs, hoping she wouldn't trip over her dress.
She was almost there...
It was all quick - she was suddenly falling down, but instead of meeting the floor, she was met with a pair of strong arms, and deep chuckle above her.
"Careful here. The stairs are tricky," He helped her to stand up and her cheeks burned.
"Prince Fili," She said. A smile spreaded across his face.
"At your service, m'lady," He softly kissed the top of her hand, while looking his blue eyes, deep into her eyes.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Fili," she said with pinkish cheeks. Perhaps the magic gave her courage to say something?
He smiled.
"The pleasure is all mine, my lady. May I ask you for a dance?" She nodded and soon, they were dancing across the dance floor. The music was playing again, and other pairs joined them soon.
"Your dance skills are excellent, my lady."
"You aren't bad yourself," her eyes widened at her sudden courage, but he only laughed.
"Have we met before? I'm sure I'd remembered as good dancer as you, my lady."
"I don't think so, my lord." Fili looked down at her. She was just turning around, as it was another step in the dance.
"Would you tell me your name, m'lady?" He blurted out. He wanted to talk to her whole night. He wasn't interested in all those other women and girls - especially now, when there was her, who he could actually talk to.
"You may call me Cinderella," she said. Fili thought about it. He've never heard this name before, but it was nice to finally adress her properly.
"Well, in that case, lady Cinderella - would you like to slip out to the gardens, so we could talk more in private?" He was waiting for her answer, and when she nodded and said,
"I'd love to, my prince," He breathed out in relief.
"Call me Fili, please," He said, and when they were near the glass doors, leading to gardens, they slipped out without anyone noticing.
They walked through the gardens, and talked about the ball, Fili's life and what not. When they walked around daisies, Y/N carefully picked one up. Fili's eyebrow rose in curiousity.
"There are many other flowers you can pick in the garden, my lady," She shrughed her shoulders.
"I like daisies. They are beautiful, and yet delicate and simple. They may seem ordinary, but I love them," He hummed in response and picked one too.
"May I?" He asked. Y/N nodded, curious what he was about to do. Fili placed the daisy to her hair behind her ear.
"Done," He smiled. He took her hands into his, and she gave him a curious look.
"Can we dance? Just us two, without etiquette," he shrugged his shoulders to make it seem more casual.
"I'd love to," was her answer.
They silently danced for a while, when Y/N frowned.
"Sorry, I just stepped on your toes-"
"It's okay, I actually happened to step on, uhm, all those ladies' toes and..." He looked away with embarassed face and Y/N giggled. Fili gave her a dreamy smile.
"My lady," he said and interwined their hands. Y/N hummed.
"You've been my best company through the whole celebration. I know this may be a bit too fast, but-" A sudden clock strucking sound caught Y/N's attention.
"I-I'm very sorry, Pri-Fili. I've had an amazing time with you, but I have to leave now," She muttered before running through the gardens and around the castle.
One of her shoes slipped down, but she didn't got the time to take it back. She kept running.
Her dress were getting lighter and shorter, she noticed soft sparkles in the air around her.
She quickly came into the coach, and they barely made it through gates, before they were closed.
The lizard and little bird were now inside of the coach, the bird flying away.
It's been a short while, before the coach was getting smaller, and Y/N noticed soft smell of freshly cutted pumpkin.
She looked out of the little window. The night was bright, the moon was full, too.
Her dress were almost back to how they looked like before, the sparkling dust was out of her hair and away from her face.
Her glowes were away, and the pumpkin crushed. Y/N and the lizard fell down to the ground, where were two cats, but still one horse. Y/N sat up and took all of them with her.
Y/N could see the roof of the house she was coming back to.
The horse was smaller and smaller, and then he stopped - and Y/N quickly placed them all down, when the horse was a cat again. James.
And everything was the way it was before. Except for...
Y/N looked down and picked up the shoe. The only thing that stayed the way it was.
The following days, Y/N couldn't stop thinking about the prince. Sure, he was kind and handsome - and that was probably enough for him to stay in her head ever since. But there was something else, which made her sad. He didn't knew her real name.
In palace, Fili was going through all the adresses, just to find out there was nobody with the name 'Cinderella'. He looked up when someone entered the door. It was his younger brother, Kili, who was more likely to catch attention of many maidens, also thanks to his shameless flirting and straight-forward attitude. But he was already courting now, the lady had both sharp tongue and mind, and soft heart. Fili was watching his brother, because he usually didn't had this expression on his face.
"What happened, Kee?" Fili asked. Kili looked over the table, full of mess.
"I will help you to find her," He said.
"I've got an idea." Fili's brows furrowed. This was never a good sign. Kili noticed his expression, and sighed. Fili could tell something was troubling him.
"I know it may be stupid, but what if we would just let all the ladies to try on the shoe?" Fili's eyes widened.
"Nah, I know it was stupid, sorry Fee-"
"That is the best idea you've ever had!" Kili's eyes widened.
"Wait, what?!" Fili hugged his brother, but soon both their faces scrunched.
"That will take a while," Kili muttered and Fili nodded.
"I will start sooner then. We need to find her!" Fili said and started ordering to get his horse ready.
He won't give up.
It took days, and no maiden fitted the shoe on so far. It was as if the shoe itself was either becoming too big, or too small, so it wouldn't fit. But Fili was determined to find the woman of his heart.
Y/N was living her normal life, back in her old routine. Her mother and sisters would complain about the woman who danced with the prince, that she had him for whole evening and neither of her sisters got to dance with him. She smiled when they couldn't see her.
When after a few weeks Fili found the last house, he had a little spark of hope left. She could be there, but also not.
When they entered the house, two young women were right there. Fili didn't thought much of them, but he let them to try the shoe on. It didn't fitted to any of them, and they were about to leave, when he noticed a person hiding behind the corner.
"Come out, don't be shy," he smiled. When she stepped out, his surprise grew.
"Try the shoe on, m'lady," he said. The young woman nodded, and, surprise surprise, it fitted perfectly!
"So, lady Cinderella," He smiled.
"I'm-my name is Y/N, my lord," She looked down, but he softly lifted up her chin, so she would look at him.
"Only Fili, Y/N. For you always Fili," He stood up, and they stepped out, hand by hand. Y/N could hear her sisters and mother to yell, how was it possible - but it felt like it was far, far away.
Fili and Y/N came back to the castle, where they had beautiful wedding. When the time came up, they ruled the kingdom with kindness and justice. The people of the kingdom couldn't wish for better King and Queen.
And that all thanks to kindness and courage of heart, but also some sprinkles of magic...
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miss-dr-reid · 4 years ago
This is calm, and it's, Doctor #9
TW, there is some DV in here and a hospital visit.
As we pulled into the street where the icecream shop is, I saw someone I recognised and my stomach churned. It was my ex. I hadn't told anyone at work about him, yet.
"What's up?" Derek asked. I didn't even realise I had gone stuff until I breathed, glancing at Derek quickly.
"My ex.. he's over there with a mate..." I said quietly, looking in the direction of the one person I hoped to never see again.
"We don't have to get icecream of you don't want." He reassured, placing his hand on my upper arm, rubbing lightly with his thumb.
"No- um- actually... I have a plan. I'll need you guys to help though, if that's okay?" I devised a plan with the boys after finding a park. They both willingly agreed, eager to help out a friend with some pretty revenge.
I got out of the cat and headed to the icecream shop, where my ex was, sitting at a table outside of it. As I got closer, he made a comment, just as I expected.
"Damn, Y/N, you want me back that bad you followed me all the way out here?" Cain retorted, tapping his mate on the arm.
"Well no, actually. Last I heard of you was from the girl you cheated on me with. She told me you kept yelling my name while you guys did the dirty in OUR bed." I clapped back. I whipped my hair behind my shoulders, signalling the boys, I knew what I said would run Cain the wrong way.
He pushed himself up, to get out of his chair when Derek's hand pressed him back down by his shoulder, Spencer's arm draping over one of my shoulders.
"Is there a problem here?" Derek said, staring straight in to Cain's eyes, his mate shifting uncomfortable in his seat.
Cain was not a big guy by any means, bigger than me, but tiny next to Derek.
"Who are you, her boyfriend?" Cain demanded, basically a spitting in Derek's face.
"I'm more to her then you'll ever be. If you cause her any more trouble, I'll make you regret everything you've ever done to her. I can promise you that." Derek's voice stern and low, his grip tightening slightly on Cain's shoulder.
Seeing Cain so uncomfortable was quite pleasing. He didn't say anything, Derek squeezed his shoulder one last time before nodding, releasing him and walking over to us, linking elbows with me. We walked inside the shop and everyone let go. I thanked both of the guys and insisted on paying for icecream, as a thanks for helping me out.
They insisted it was no big deal, defending their family is what they do. I loved hearing that o was becoming part of the B.A.U family.
I ordered the icecream, paid and we each connected our own and headed back toward the car. We sat on the curb, eating our delicious desserts. We didn't say much, just sat and ate. I felt so small sitting between these two guys. I was so happy to just be there with them.
Suddenly, I was going face first into my icecream, which was splattered all over the side of my car as a sudden jolt came through my back. I didn't realise what had happened. I could hear Derek yelling as hands supported my head while I laid back. Spencer's voice filled my ears as everything went dark.
I woke up, rocking slightly. I monitor beeping and people talking. I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids were so heavy, they felt glued. My hand felt funny, I tried moving it and discovered that it was encased by another hand. I squeezed as hard as I could.
"Y/N!" Spencer's voice filled my ears once again. I managed to half open my eyes, softly smiling up at him. "We're on the way to the hospital. Your ex kicked you while we were eating icecream and Derek chased after him." His voice soft and full of concern.
'Now I owe them double, of not triple for the shit they've dealt with today' I thought to myself, forever grateful that these two are in my life.
We arrived at the hospital not long later. Spencer wasn't allowed in for the x-ray, so he was left in the waiting room. After the x-ray was done, I was moved to a room. After a few minutes, a doctor came in, Spencer in toe, who stood next to the doctor, listening to his every word.
"You'll need to be careful with your nose over the next week, it's broken. Otherwise, your head and spine are fine and you'll be able to go after you've been patched up and kept for observation." He removed the c-collar from my neck and sat the bed up, "A nurse will be in soon to fix your nose." And with that, he left.
Spencer sat in the chair next to the bed and handed me his phone with the camera open.
I took it and looked at myself. I was a mess. There was crusted blood staining under my nose, around my nostrils and mouth.
"This is going to look so bad tomorrow." I said quietly to myself. Even though there wasn't much of a bruise right now, the second day is always worse. Spencer sighed at my comment as I say there still checking myself out. The phone started vibrating, Derek's name popping up on the screen.
"You're on speaker, Mr. Hero." I said to the phone.
"Hey buddy, it's good to hear your voice," he started, "I'll be there in a minute. Just finished giving my statement to the police. I'm see you soon. Also, I told the rest of the team and they're also coming. See you soon, kiddo." He hung up.
The doctor came back with a nurse. Spencer was allowed to stay for the packing and fixing of my nose. The laid the bed back, Spencer on one side of me, the doctor in front of him and the nurse on the other side. Being laid out in front of people touching me made me feel so uneasy, I didn't realise I was tense until Spencer placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Stay as still as you can, this will be quite uncomfortable." The doctor mentioned, and the nurse picked up some gauze off the tray they'd brought in. I grabbed Spencer's hand off my shoulder and held it in mine. I closed my eyes and breathed out through my nose as one set of fingers pressed on the bridge of my nose while gauze was being stuffed up my nostrils. The nurse finished up and I breathed out deeply, I had become so tense while being under her hands that my whole body had basically seized. They sat up the bed and left, going to organise my discharge papers.
Almost as soon as they had left, the whole teamed walked in. Everyone had looks of concern on their faces, giving my sympathetic smiles. Spencer stood up and moved away as Garcia was making her way over to me.
"You gave us a scare, chook." She said, pulling me into a hug. JJ came down the other side of the bed and pulled me into a hug once Garcia had let go. She offered me a wet wipe, which I graciously accepted. I carefully wiped the bottom of my nose and around my lips, trying to remember where the blood had crusted on my face.
"As much good as they do, it wouldn't hurt to clean up a little bit..." She commented, seeing the stained blood on various parts of my face.
"Glad to see you're alright." Emily called from her spot between Hotch and Derek.
I thanked everyone and tried out my most convincing smile, which only got sympathy smiles in return.
"You wouldn't be okay if Pretty Boy was there. He caught your head before you fell back onto the concrete." Derek commended, gesturing at Spence, who's face started glowing red. I mustered up the best thanks I could for him, I was genuinely grateful. "Although, someone had to chase the bad guy...." Derek continued, detailing about what happened.
He told us that I was kicked in the back of the head, my icecream being thrown onto the side of my car, with my face following - thinking back, I remember the crunch my nose made when my face slammed into the side of my car.
HE told us that he immediately dropped his own icecream to jump up and start chasing the guy who had decided to leg it (not surprised). He chased the guy into an alley, yelling at him to stop.
'Stop! FBI!' he had shouted. The guy had managed to get himself cornered and stupidly turned to Derek and tried to fight him. Derek recognised the guy as Cain. As a punch was thrown, Derek dodged, grabbed Cain and pushed him to the ground, holding him there until police arrived.
Hearing the story, I was surprised to hear Cain didn't pull a knife out, it was his go-to weapon of choice. I was happy to hear he was finally arrested. After some more questions, Hotch went home to be with Jack.
The doctor came back with the papers and I was allowed to go. Even though I insisted that I was fine to drive, no one was letting that happen. I also had to have someone stay with me for the night, to make sure everything was alright, apparently. JJ couldn't, she had her family. Derek insisted he was busy with 'things'. Garcia had to get back to Kevin, Emily to Sergio, which left Spencer. It was agreed that he would drive me home in my car, and we had to take Derek back to his car on our way.
I felt weird climbing into the passenger seat of my own car. It was nighttime and it made me wonder,
"How long was I out for?" I quizzed, really wanting to know.
"If I had to guess, I'd say like ten minutes." Derek guessed.
"More like twelve minutes and thirty-seven seconds. I was timing to the paramedics." Spencer's voice matter-of-fact. I thanked him for being there for and with me the whole time, and both of them for dealing with everything today.
"I just don't understand how you could let anyone treat you that way, let alone date it." Spencer scoffed, "I've seen the scars you've got, I'm guessing aren't from 'accidents', they show when you're vulnerable, which isn't your fault at all, it actually shows just how trusting you are, which is great, but obviously can get you into trouble if you're not careful. What I'm trying to say is, vulnerabilities need to be taken care of, trust needs to be earned and time heals all wounds." he finished.
"Love also heals" Derek added.
I had tears stinging the corners of my eyes, Trying to escape.
Spencer pulled in to the car park of the Cafe we had been at earlier that day and pulled up in the spot next to Derek's car.
Derek got out and stood next to my door, I rolled my window down. He caressed the back of my head and guided it towards him, leaning over to kiss the top of my head.
"Take care of yourself." His head lifted to look at Spence, "And each other." he finished before turning to get into his own car, leaving to go home.
Spencer didn't move, he just sat in silence.
"What's wrong?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.
"I don't know where you live." He said, giving me puppy dog eyes.
With a giggle, I directed him towards my place. He stopped in front of his place on the way so he could grab a few things, ready to spend the night at mine. He insisted that I go in with him, because he's 'not allowed' to leave me alone.
"Doctors orders. That's me, I'm the doctor." He laughed at me, finding himself amusing.
"Well, I'm also a doctor, doctor, and I said no such thing. But if you insist, I'll come in with you." I said climbing out of the car, he followed and we went inside up to his place.
We walked in to his apartment and I sat on a stool at the bench, so I didn't get comfy.
Spencer wandered off to his room to pack. I pulled out my phone to see some missed calls and a few messages from a number I didn't recognise. I unlocked my phone and opened the messages from the unknown number.
'ur gonna pay 4 wot u did to Cain' Read the first one.
'u dum bitch' read another, the next few that followed were along the same lines.
When Spencer came out, I showed him the messages, not because I was scared, but because I didn't want to keep secrets. It's also probably a good idea to have as many people as possible know, in case anything were to happen. He sighed, reading the messages. He cupped my face with both hands and looked my in the eyes.
"Y/N, nothing is going to happen to you. Even if we have to have someone with you all day and all night. We, the team, will keep you safe - I'll do it by myself if I have to." he pulled my head against his chest and cuddled me, seeing the tears which had started pooling in my eyes. I let the tears come out, my body was gently shaking as I quietly sobbed into Spencer's chest, "You're okay. You're safe with us."
I cried, thanking him, wrapping my arms around his waste. He rubbed my back for a bit before placing his hands on my shoulder, pulling back a bit. His hands were firm, but gentle, he came down to my eye level. His eyes were so warm and welcoming, I admired all of his face while he was there.
He suggested leaving, and his hands trailed down my arms, to my hands. He took my hand in his and I hopped off the stool, following his footsteps to the door.
Not much was said on the car ride to my place. I didn't bother with the radio, only looking out the window, watching everything pass by, giving directions when necessary.
We finally arrived. I have a stand-alone house, on the outskirts of town. Spencer pulled into the driveway and got out. He rushed around to my door and opened it, just as I had started to. He helped me out and draped his arm around my shoulder as we headed inside.
OMG guys, I am so bad at keeping updated
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clownistyping · 4 years ago
A Witch & A Hick, Chp. 3
Little Secret
This chapter is just the two learning about each other and car problems lol.
Also warning for Elizabeth offering sex as payment lol, it doesn't happen. Also I do hc Lester living in a trailer bc its extremely common and realistic tbh.
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Lester puts the truck in drive and looks at Elizabeth as he presses the brake, 
"I remember you said there's a town nearby, any chance we can go there to fix up my van?" Elizabeth asks as she pets the two dogs, 
"No need, they'll charge ya criminal prices. I can fix it." Criminal prices, he repeats in his head. 
"Oh come on, you've already done so much." Elizabeth says her face soft, 
"I insist! I can't just let them uh take ya money when I can fix it for free." He smiles and Elizabeth mirrors it. Lester gives from the brakes and drives towards his home, 
"I have a feeling there's something...more behind this." Lester gulps, 
"What made ya think that?" Lester nervously laughs and his hands tighten around the wheel, 
"That's how most men are, expect a favor for a favor. Though they often expect ya know." Lester blinks and cringes, 
"Aw that! I wasn't thinking anything like that, hell I wasn't even thinking about you doing anything." 
"I mean I'll do it." His eyes widen and he stops the truck again, 
"What?" He blushes and looks at the girl, 
"I'll get you off, I've done it before." 
"No no! I have to decline, I just ain't that kinda man." Lester nods to the woman who shrugs, he lied. He is that kinda man, he's had victims beg for safety with offers of sex. He always took it, but let's the girls fall back in the hands of his brothers. 
"Not that I don't find ya pretty!" He defends quickly and Elizabeth laughs, 
"You're real purdy, I just. I just can't." He sighs and Elizabeth notices how tense he is. 
"Thanks, for calling me pretty." She smiles, 
"I think you're real pretty too." She compliments Lester who blushes again, Lester has never talked to a stranger this long. Never had a girl call him pretty, never met her.
"Ya just sayin that cuz I'm given ya a ride." Lester chuckles and Elizabeth shakes her head, 
"Nope," she pops her P, 
"Everybody's beautiful in they're own way, just as nature intended." Lester blinks and remembers her van, the witchy collection in it. 
"Oh right, you're a witch!" Lester exclaims and Elizabeth nods, 
"How'd you know?" She teased and Lester laughs,
"How'd you even get in all that junk anyways?" Lester asks and flicks his hat, 
"It ain't junk. Don't be rude," Elizabeth smirks and Lester nods his head, Jonesey puts her head on Lester's lap. He pets the dogs head. 
"Sorry but, how did you ya know..start?" 
"My sister got me my tarot cards, she really showed me the basics of witchcraft. Our parents didn't really care all that much but never let us do it in the house. Guess that's why I moved out so early too." Elizabeth laughs, 
Lester pulls up towards a driveway of a trailer.
The trailer is a once white single wide, covered in vines and ivy. Bones hung from the porch ceiling, 
Elizabeth notices his front door was wide open, and in the yard were scatters of trash, car parts, bones and more. The windows were open but blinds were keeping the inside blocked. 
It looks like nobody lives there, as stray cats scurried under the trailer and hissed at each other.
"I'll be quick, I'll just unload your van and fix her right up in a jiffy." Lester smiles at the girl and gets out of the truck, Jonesey follows and Mac follows after her. 
Elizabeth smiles as she watches the two dogs sniff around and play, getting out of the truck her barefeet sink into the grass and dirt. She stretches, the truck wasn't entirely comfortable with Mac siting right on her. 
"Sorry for the mess, I don't really have guests." Lester says as he unhooks the van, 
"Its fine, I've seen much worse." 
"Nah, doubt it." Lester shakes his head and wipes his hands on his jeans, Elizabeth takes note of the depreciation joke he says. 
As Lester pops her hood and smoke rises from it, Elizabeth frowns. 
"That happened before?" Lester asks as he waves the smoke off, Elizabeth nods. 
"Yeah, I've had a couple engine problems. Mainly because of oil, but my light wasn't even on." 
"Yup, cars will do that. Just spring a problem on ya right as ya were doing fine." Lester grazes his hand over the engine and instantly finds the problem, 
"When's the last time ya changed the cooling fan?" 
"Cleaned it?" 
"Never." Lester sighs and Elizabeth frowns, 
"That bad?" He nods, 
"Your engine is busted, you're gonna need a new one." 
"Nooooo." Elizabeth groans
"Hey its okay, this happens all the time. It's just an accident." Lester tries to comfort the girl, she squats and hides in her knees. 
"Hey now," Lester gets on his knee and pats the girls back. 
"We can maybe order one from the next town over, but it'll take a while for it to come in since we're basically in the middle of no where." Lester then sits with the girl and he blinks when he hears a sob come from her. 
"Jeez darlin, it ain't anything to cry about." He says and Elizabeth looks up, her makeup more runny than before, 
"This is my karma! I know it is and- and I shouldn't be cryin-ing but-" she hides her face again and Lester stutters, 
"Aw no no, this ain't karma just an accident. Honest." 
He isn't entirely sure what else to do, seen plenty of girls cry in Ambrose. Ain't none of them cried like this. 
Crying about karma, hell if karma was real he'd be dead, he thinks and shakes his head. He gently pats the girls back as she sobs. The two dogs show up and sit around the two Mac places his head on the girls back. Pushing Lester's hand away, Elizabeth quickly hugs her dog.
After a couple minutes, her sobs stop and she looks up. 
"Im sorry Lester, I just. It's just been a lot today," she says and wipes her eyes, smudging her makeup. 
"Wanna talk about it?" Lester ask and Elizabeth looks around, noticing the sun is starting to set. 
"No, not right now. I'm just tired now, sorry for bothering you with my emotions and junk." 
"Ain't no bother at all, I'm happy to help." She shows a smile from his words as he stands, he puts his hand out and she takes it to stand. 
"I know, and thanks again. Do you think it's alright if my van stays the night? I'll try to go to another town in the morning and order an engine. I'll find a motel too." She says, trying to clean her face up from tears and makeup. 
Lester raises a brow, and Elizabeth shakes her head already knowing he'll offer his home. 
"Lester please you've already done so much for me! I promise that by tomorrow I'll be out of your hair." She says and Lester shakes his head, 
"Darlin, How about we both go into town order you an engine and when it gets here I can put it in. If you think I'm letting you sleep in that hot van for the night you're dead wrong." Lester stands up straight and crosses his arms, Elizabeth actually has to look up to see his face. 
"I've got a spare room, it's messy and mainly holds all my junk but it's got a bed, a desk and a closet." Lester says and Elizabeth takes a deep breathe, 
"Thank you," she says and Lester uncrosses his arms, 
"I mean it, without you I'd probably be kidnapped by some crazy guy. Unless you are the crazy guy." She jokes and Lester nervously laughs.
"I like to call myself unqiue." Lester jokes and Elizabeth laughs, 
"That you are friend, that you are." Elizabeth says and watches as the sun falls behind the trees.
After grabbing her needed things from the van, the two walk towards the trailer. 
The two walk onto the wooden porch, Elizabeth's hands grazing the bones hanging above, 
"Those are my people repellents, makes hikers skedaddle." Lester jokes and Elizabeth smiles, 
"They're beautiful," she compliments and Lester walks through the open door, 
"Yup, they sure are. I uh, I keep my door open so the strays can come in and relax and get away from the heat." He says and flicks on a light, it blinks a few times but turns on. 
The two are standing in the living room, the couches covered in fur and scratches. Clothes are all around and clean and unclean bones sit on the coffee table. 
But the recliner is free of fur, just a flannel on the back. 
Lester notices his playboy magazine on the coffee table and quickly snatches up the magazine, Rolling it up he laughs embarrassingly. 
"Sorry about that, again not often I get guests." Elizabeth smiles and shakes her head. From behind the two, Mac and Jonesey come running in. They jump on the couch and sit next to each other. 
"My house is there house." Lester pets Jonesy's head and smiles, putting the magazine behind the couch during this. He turns to face Elizabeth whose staring at the bones, 
"I'll show you to ya room," Lester walks to the right and opens a bedroom door, 
The bedroom filled with bones in boxes, books, clothes and random knick knacks. He quickly lifts boxes from the bed and pats the dust off. 
"My casa your casa." He smiles and Elizabeth places her stuff down, Lester stands in the doorway now. 
"Thanks again, Lester. I really appreciate it." Elizabeth puts her hand out and Lester looks down at it. It's so small, he gently grabs it and Elizabeth grabs one of the bracelets on her wrist. She brings it over her hand and onto his, 
"I can't not give you a gift." She says and lets him go, Lester looks down at the bracelet. A whole set of animal teeth with beads in between. 
"I- thank you. It's so purdy." He says and continues, 
"You're a real uh...what's it called?" 
"Freak?" He quickly shakes his head, and takes her hand again. Putting their wrists together with the bracelets, 
"Unique," he smiles, "You're a real unique girl." 
"Is it because I mess with bones and junk?" 
"Well that, and because you're real nice." Elizabeth smiles, 
"You're just as unique as me Lester." She says and the two look at each other for a second, wanting this conversation not to end but not sure how to continue. 
Suddenly from behind Lester, Mac barks. 
Elizabeth laughs, 
"It's past his bedtime, sorry he gets cranky when he's not in bed by this time." Lester let's the dog run past him and onto the bed, 
"Well, goodnight, um. Sleep tight?" 
"You too Lester." Elizabeth quietly shuts her door and Lester stares at the closed door. Jonesy whines from behind him, 
Lester turns to the dog and squats, he pets the dogs cheeks and smiles. 
"She'll be our little secret, right Jonesey?" The dog licks his face. 
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everyhowlmarksthedead · 5 years ago
❛ ROJO ❜
Songfic with ‘Rojo’, J Balvin.
Translation of the lyrics.
with Nestor Oceteva.
Request #1: Can you maybe do a Nestor imagine where you're Emily's cousin or half sister and you're living with Emily and Miguel temporarily. You've been flirting and teasing him and it finally comes to a head. Smut involved please?
Request #2: hi hi! I have a steamy request~! (If it's not a bother, of course) Nestor + reader are at a club and they keep teasing him,, maybe you can include lines like “shit, mami, you made a mess” and “you just want the others to hear me fuck you, huh?” 😗👉🏼👈🏼 thank youuu c:
BY @glitchinqhoul.
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Warnings: nsfw, smut.
Word count: about 3.6k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author, I found it on google.
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A quién le mientes si en tu soledad quieres verme otra vez. Por ti respondo lo que tú me das, lo que nadie sabe…
Being Emily's half—sister hasn't been easy. She was a good student, the modelic daughter, always being kind, correct and polite. You used to be like the day and the night. But you supposed that this has to be with the fact that your blood isn't the same. She's american, and you're half—mexican. Different cultures, different cities, different people… Different lifes. But that wasn't a problem to adore each other. Emily and you have been best friends since ever, and even if you're the wild side she doesn't have, you admire her temperance.
When your college in Mexico told you that you could do the MIR at Santo Padre, you both were screaming by the phone for two minutes non-stop, until you heard Miguel telling you to stay at his home. That wasn't a bad idea, keeping in mind that you also could see Nestor every day, for the next six month. That man drives you insane since you met him, and he isn't very sane either.
You're checking the hour on the clock of your car, almost reaching the border with California, checking again that your passport and your papers signed for the University are on the copilot seat. So, when you stop at the frontier, you just have to roll down the window and offer them to the agent. Once that you're actually in American territory, you speed up by the empty road a little confused from not seeing any cars. Actually, you're just tired after almost two days driving. Because yes, you could have flown to San Diego, and rented a car. But you like your old Mustang. He has been with you since seven years ago. Coming back to reality, you see through the rearview two big black SUVs coming closer until one of them places itself after you, making you a signal to stop.
Stopping by a side, you step out of your car as Emily does, both running to each other to collide in a happy hug, screaming again and almost jumping.
“Look at you, doctora!” She says laughing and holding your hands, pulling herself away some seconds, before hugging at you again. “C'mon, let Frankie drive your car, so you can rest a little in ours”.
To your surprise, Nestor isn't the one who is driving, supposing that he's in the other black car before yours. But you're sure he's as excited as you are, waiting to have five minutes alone.
Me decido por ti, te decides por mí, a la misma hora. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
Miguel has organized a party with his sober friends. And you're not in the mood to partying, but the tequila helps a little. You're jumping from senators and other politicians, to lawyers and other rich men, just because your brother-in-law is proud of you. And that makes you feel good, but it's kinda boring. So, when you find a space to disappear, you do it at the speed of the light. Finding shelter in the big garage between expensive cars of different sizes and kinds. Resting your back against the classic red Porsche, you light up a smoke among your lips to take a deep drag. You appreciate all the love that Mikey feels for you, and all the help he always gives you, but you're not the kind of girl who has these kinds of parties.
Turning around for an instant, when you hear the door getting opened, to watch Nestor walking towards you. Rolling your eyes, you smirk at him.
“Ay, ya, no me digas que te pusieron en modo perrito guardián, flaco”. (C'mon, don't tell me that Miguel made you be a guard dog). You laugh shaking your head.
“Más o menos”. (More or less). He says taking you off the cig to smoke from it.
“Okay, ládrame, ándale”. (Okay, bark at me, go ahead).
“Soy más de morder”. (I'm more into biting).
“Mírale… Isn't too early to start with that game?”
“Nah”. He replies bowing to the floor to leave the cig, before placing both hands on your ankles, pulling up the long white skirt of your dress too slowly.
Your eyes are fixed on his, getting somewhat darker as his fingertips touch slightly your skin, until he's able to settle between your legs, that you have been opening for him unconsciously. Soon, his lips find your neck, twisting it enough to give him all the space possible. Your hands go to his head, uttering a soft moan when he nails his hands on your ass under the dress. This is your game. You have it since you met, and it's one of your favorite things. A tug of war to see who gives more.
“Fuck, Nestor”. You mutter biting your lower lip, at the same time his teeth catch your skin, putting himself somewhat closer.
Te quiero sentir aquí. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
“Hey, teens in heat, we're going to serve the coctel!” You can hear Emily's laughs from the other side of the door, making you feel your cheeks burning.
“We're going!” You reply a little loud, with Nestor chuckling against your neck.
Pulling him away to put on your dress well, you arrange your mane behind your shoulders before starting to walk back to the house. But when you're about to open the door, he grabs your wrist to make you turn around. Crashing your mouth with his, the man kisses you trying to hide how much he has missed you after five month without seeing each other. Even so, it becomes softer, slow, as if you have all the time you need. His arms surrounding your waist, and yours the back of his head. You're sure that he has never kissed you like that, but it feels too good. Nestor's touch has been ever so warm that could melt the coldest heart, actually, more or less like yours.
Tres y cuatro de la mañana, ven, mata estas ganas. Vamos a llegarle a mi cama, que todo lo he ignorado por ti, todo ha sido por ti. Mi cuerpo sin saber te llama.
You like to eat. You enjoy eating, and that coctel wasn't enough for you. So, waiting by reading some emails until the family is already sleeping, you step out of your new room silent like a cat. Going downstairs, you walk towards the kitchen to assault the freezer.
“Bendito Miguel”.
You whisper finding all the chocolate ice cream he has bought for you. Grabbing one of the tubs and a big spoon, you sit at the island in the center of the kitchen, with the lights off. And you were so concentrated on your task, that you didn't hear Nestor coming. Not even noticing his presence until he nails a second spoon into the tub.
“Shit! Nestor! Fuck… You're gonna fucking kill me one of these days”. You mutter, placing both hands on your chest, with the covered inside your mouth.
The man chuckles almost in silence, having some ice cream.
“Seriously, you need to stop of being this fucking silent”.
“Yeah, I know you like me being loud”.
Raising your eyebrows, you finally shake your head before such an occurrence.
“What about the kiss?”
“What kiss?” He asks a little confused. “Oh! Ya. What happens with that? It was just a kiss?”
“Yes, for sure”.
“I was just happy for you being here. We're friends, it's been five month since we met last time”.
Right in the friend-with-benefits zone, while you were thinking that finally he was catching the same feelings you have for him.
“It sounded as if I just stabbed you”.
“Why would my friend like to stab me?”
Y estas no son horas de llamar, pero es que el deseo siempre puede más. Podemos pelearnos y hasta alejarnos, pero cuando llega la hora.
You didn't know that Miguel was a friend of the director of the hospital you're going to work at. And he settled a dinner to meet him. Another boring one, and you start to think that your brother-in-law wants to kill you and doesn't know how to do it. You love your work and what you do, but the work stays in the hospital, and you were too distracted about Nestor's words last night. You have been avoiding him the whole day, not even looking at him in the dinner, placed some meters away from the table studying the perimeter. And you know that he's getting more nervous as the hours pass by.
After finishing the meeting, you finally can breathe again inside the big car, checking some messages from your father asking how everything is going. You better don't reply. Keeping it inside your small bag, before leaning towards the front seat with both arms on them.
“Hey, Cartel daddy”.
Your sister breaks into laughs because of the sophisticated name, while Miguel turns at you frowning.
“Listen. Why don't I pull out the stick inside your ass and we go to a real party, ah? There's a new club some minutes ago from Santo Padre, and looks cool”.
“Did you ca—”.
“Hey, Pocahontas, that's the address”. You say to Nestor, offering him your phone to grab it.
Emily is drowning with her own laughs by your side, making you laugh too, when she remembers that you're not allowed to drink red wine because of this. You have the mania of giving funny names to everybody around you.
“What? Cartel daddy and Pocahontas. Sounds like a bad netflix tv-show I would watch”.
Tratan y se caen de la mata, quieren comprarte siempre con plata, pero ese tesoro tiene pirata. Me voy a toda por ti.
While the men prefer a reserved, watching the whole dancefloor from there, and talking about business and appointments, Emily and you enjoy a bunch of mimosas among the crowd jumping and having fun. You really needed it. And you're aware that she already knows that something is happening between the head security and you. Something bad. She doesn't have to be the most intelligent person of the world.
“I would tell him what I feel!” Your sister says, trying to make you hear her above the noise.
“He kicked my ass to the friend zone last night!” The blonde wrinkles her nose confused, seeing you nodding and drinking by your straw.
“Are you kidding me?! He was super excited to see you again! Like super excited!”
“Yeah! He kissed me! But he kissed me like Miguel kisses you! Then he told me it was just a kiss!”
“He's in love with you!”
“No, sista! He's only in love with your husband and with himself!”
“Tell him you don't want to be just his friend!”
“Me?! Oh, no, darling! I'm not gonna humiliate myself like that!”
“C'mon! You fucking pendejos!” She pouts at you.
“You just want Nestor to have a girlfriend, so you can spend more time with your husband! Bitch, I know you better than anyone!”
“I want my little sister to be happy!”
“You want your Cartel daddy!” Breaking into laughs, you place an arm on her shoulders to come back to the reserved.
“What's so funny?” Miguel asks pouring some champagne on two glasses.
“Your wife wants to settle me on a blind date”.
Me decido por ti, te decides por mí, a la misma hora. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
“I'm not going to let you go on a blind date”.
You were refreshing your nape and wrists with water, when you heard him coming closer after locking the bathroom door of the reserved Miguel rented. Looking at him through the mirror, you give him your back to grab some paper and dry your hands. Throwing it into the bin, you turn around to face him.
“It's dangerous”. He just says, tangling his hands on a fist under his abdomen.
“You stabbed me last night, and I survived. I'm pretty sure I will survive to a blind date”. Good point, taking the advantage to pass him away.
But he stops you with an arm surrounding your waist. His chest meeting your back, while his free hand wraps your throat. You're feeling the characteristic heat that Nestor produces in you being so close, running up your legs to your low belly. His thumb caresses your skin, over the jugular vein, leaning towards you to kiss the line of your jaw. Biting your bottom lip, wrapping his wrists letting the free hand goes down by your stomach with a clear destiny.
“We are made for each other”. Nestor mumbles into your ear with a horse tone of voice.
“Yes, to be friends”. You tease him, grabbing his wrist to make him stop, wanting to hear the reality coming from his mouth.
“To be together”. He corrects you then, without a single doubt hitting his vocal chords and turning you under his hands.
Crashing his lips on yours, he makes you walk backwards until your body finds the cold wall. He's as eager as you are, lifting up a leg to surround his waist, while his hand toures your skin until being able to squeeze your ass with a warm growl dying inside his throat.
“I want you in all the ways possible, (Y/N)”. He mutters, trying to hide the anger he feels imagining you with another man. “I want you with me. Only with me”.
Pulling him to the black and golden velvet armchair, you watch him undoing his belt and his pants zipper, noticing the rock under his clothes. Seeing him rolling them down his legs to his ankles, while you take off your dress to leave it over the sink, to sit over his lap with his body between your legs. You haven't taken off the white lace panties, because you know how much he likes the friction of them in every move he does, on a side of his sensible skin. While one of his big hands massage your breast with some strength, the ringed one strokes his needed cock, lying back on the couch.
“Do you wanna fuck me?” You whisper into his mouth, unbuttoning his shirt to stroke his bare chest.
“You don' know how much I need your pussy, cariño”. He just says, looking at you with parted lips grabbing his erection between your fingers.
“I don't think that's enough”. Teasing him, you guide his throbbing and warmth glans to your folds, pressing it against your wet clit and swinging softly your hips.
“I've been waiting five months for you jumping over my cock, mami. You know I am fucking desperate for your soaked pussy suffocating me and pushing me into the limit”. Nestor almost begs, placing his hands on both sides of your waist. “Ride your cock, baby. Look at how hard it's because of you. It fucking painful”.
“And what if I punish you about what you said last night… putting my clothes on again and leaving you there alone, ah?”
“Don't do that shit, (Y/N). I fucking implore you”. He quickly complains pecking your lips with short kisses. “You're already fucking killing me”.
Leading a little back his hardness between your legs, you dig it into you slowly, feeling every inch of his erection pressing your tight walls. He's thicker than you can remember, having passed too much time since the last time, needing some seconds to mold your body to his. A soft moan escapes from your mouths when his glans pushes your g-spot, urging you to spread more your legs forcing you to feel him completely. And you can't describe that sensation.
“Tell me you didn't miss my cock…” He chuckles, erasing that fancy smile from his lips by swinging your hips just one time.
His growl echoes throughout the bathroom, before catching your lips between his to bite them, making you dance on top of him. The pleasure is immeasurable, bouncing over his hard rock once and again. Once and again, arching your back under his arms, while his mouth now devours the skin of your neck, wetting it with his saliva and marking every inch with his teeth. The pace becomes rough and faster, slapping your ass with both hands to squeeze your buttocks so needed that you're desiring to feel his cum filling you up. But you like his cock pounding you.
“I'm going to make the others hear you being fucked by me, mi amor…” He bellows, making you beg when pulling out himself from you to get up.
Guiding you quickly to the sink and giving him your back, placing a hand on your nape, he makes you lean over the sink before putting aside your panties to thrust his soaked cock back to your pussy. The scream you utter when his pelvis hits you so rough, isn't normal. Being sure that your sister and Miguel already heard you. His hands nailed on your hips make each lunge deeper, watching him through the mirror the pleased look on his face, while his gaze is fixed in your. He enjoys seeing you bite your bottom lip and closing your eyes, every time he slaps you with his ringed fingers, knowing that this pleasure it's going to fuck you up tomorrow. But you love the way he has to uninhibit himself, after being the whole day following orders.
“Shit, baby… I want you all my fucking life”. He gasps leaning his head back with closed eyelids, impaling you against the marble counter of the sink.
Maybe you should have taken off the heels to not lose the balance, but you didn't think about it, and now you're fighting against your shaky legs.
“Look how good you take it all… my fucking god, (Y/N). You're fucking drenching me”.
Yes, you can feel it. You can feel your juices and his slipping down your thighs, producing a soaked dirty sound every time his body collides with yours so hard. Urging you to incorporate your chest from the sink with a hand grabbing your throat and the other arm surrounding your waist, Nestor arches your back, placing his face on your shoulder.
“Drown my fucking… dick with your cum, mi amor…” He begs you, biting your love, without removing his darkened orbs from yours, through your reflections.
“Shit, Nestor…” You're not sure when you start to cry because of the pleasure, needing more, needing to reach the orgasm. “Fuck me harder, I fucking beg you… Por favor”.
You can't barely breathe when his finger finds your clit, stroking it with the same pace he's embedding you against the furnishing. Your moans dance all around the bathroom, while he's gasping over your ear how much he wants to fuck you for the rest of his life, everywhere, at anytime you want it. And by crying out his name and clinging to him, a lash of heat evolves you, making your pussy twitch uncontrollably as the tears fall down your cheek. Your palpitating walls clenching his cock, making his vocals get louder as long as he continues diving his warmth hardness into you, closer from his own ecstasy.
You don't need to tell him that you want him to cum inside you, mixing it with yours, because he already has other plans. Pulling himself out and jerking off his dick, he spills his seed over your wet panties, bathing them on it as his throat collapses because of the pleasure. But don't waste time putting them to the side again to pound you again, pressing his body against yours as much as he can, holding your anatomy into his arms.
Te quiero sentir aquí. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
It's four am and you can't sleep thinking about what he said to you. Sighing, you sit up on your bed, curling your knees against your chest and surrounding them with both arms. He already told you that he wants you, but was he talking or his jealousy? You're doubting about going to his house, or texting him, or doing anything. Grabbing your phone from the nightstand and a cig from the packet, you step out of your dorm to walk downstairs towards the terrace. Sitting on one of the sofas outside, you light the smoke to have a drag, unlocking your phone. Your trembling fingers touch the screen over the keyboard; writing and deleting, writing and deleting. But you're unable to send any message. Feeling stupid, you finally write him that you can't sleep, listening the ding of your own notification so close that makes you frown confused.
“Me neither”.
With your lips pursed and a leg curled over the sofa, you turn ashamed towards him. Nestor is wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a white big shirt. You're sure that you have never seen him before without wearing a suit. And you are falling loudly for him much more than ever. Putting out the cigarette, you stand up on your feet to lead them towards you.
“Stay with me, at least tonight”. You mutter, tangling your fingers with his.
“But move with me tomorrow”. Nestor asks you then, before hugging you as close as he can.
“Deal”. You reply, placing your chin on his chest to look at him, receiving some short kisses all around your face that make you laugh.
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kirah69 · 4 years ago
Hills Animal Home [Petopher]
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Day 3: "Stop coming back"
For the @petopher-events
Tags: pre-slash, animal shelter, mentions of covid-19
[It's not betaed so if you find any mistake, let me know]
[AO3 link]
Hills Animal Home
The Hills Animal Home was an animal shelter that had opened at the beginning of the pandemic. Many pet owners abandoned their animals with the stupid idea that they could get infected by them. The shelter saved them from almost certain death. The place was big, it was on the outskirts of Beacon Hills, bordering to other two towns. The main building had space for a veterinary clinic with an operating room and spacious rooms for sick animals. Behind the building there were several square yards divided in areas for cats, dogs and other animals. There were big kennels for them to sleep outside if they so wanted and also closed huts with beds if it was cold outside. There were also large play areas with little trees to climb for the cats and lots of toys to play for the dogs. And everything was clean and cared for thanks to all the workers there. They did not receive any help from the State or the County, but it was rumored that the owner was some millionaire animal lover.
Chris hadn't paid much attention to it, but as the pandemic dragged on and things in Beacon Hills had settled down, he felt lonely and bored. He had had dogs when he was younger. Well, they were hunting dogs, and he wasn't allowed to treat them with love like any other family would do. He wanted to do it right this time.
He went to Hills Animal Home early on a weekday, when he was less likely to meet other people there. He put on his mask before getting out of the car. There was a woman in her seventies at the reception desk, her white hair in a bun and dressed in a striking pink flower shirt. She gave him a big smile as he approached the counter, or that was what he thought giving that he couldn't see her face behind the mask.
“Welcome! What can I do for you?” she asked.
“I want to buy a dog.”
“Huh?” Chris frowned.
“We don't sell dogs, we have them up for adoption,” she explained. “Would you like to adopt a dog?”
“Yes, I... I want to adopt a dog, please.”
He suspected they would charge him some money later with whatever excuse, but he already intended to pay so he didn't care. The woman called someone through an intercom, and another woman appeared. This one was a bit younger but not by much. She was wearing a skirt suit and had a folder in her hand.
“Hello, I'm Miranda. And you are...”
“Argent. Chris Argent.”
“Pleased to meet you,” she said with a little bow without even holding out her hand. Chris had to consciously refrain from doing so. “Come with me, I have some questions for you before we consider you qualified for adoption.”
Chris opened his mouth and closed it again. What was she talking about? He only wanted a dog.
As he learned in the following minutes, it wasn't that easy. Not here at least. These dogs had suffered a lot from the abandonment and even abuse, and they had no intention of handing them over to the first guy who walked through the door. She asked him a lot of questions about his daily life, about his house, his job, his previous pets, his family... He commented that it was a bit invasive (even more than a job interview), and Miranda told him that he was not obliged to answer, but then he would leave without a dog.
It seemed that his answers were satisfying enough, and he was allowed to go see the dogs. What he didn't expect was to find Peter Hale there. He was dressed in casual clothes (more casual than Chris had ever seen him) and was playing with the dogs. There was at least eight of them jumping around him while others ran after the balls he threw at them. He had a big smile on his face. A real smile. Chris had never seen him like that.
When Peter felt someone approaching, he took a mask out of his pocket and put it on. It was strange since Chris was pretty sure that werewolves couldn't get infected. Then Peter realized who he was and stood still. As if following his lead, all the dogs stopped jumping and running and looked toward Chris.
“To what do I owe this visit?” he asked coming closer.
“Mr. Argent is qualified for adoption,” Miranda said, handing Peter a clipboard.
“Thank you, Miranda,” Peter nodded and took the clipboard without taking his eyes from Chris. “You can go back inside.”
“Okay. Good luck, Mr. Hale,” she said and left.
Chris wasn't sure why he needed luck, but he nodded anyway.
“So you came to adopt a dog,” Peter said. It wasn't a question. He took a look at Miranda's report and left it on a table full of toys and treats.
“Do I get to choose?” Chris asked and wasn't surprised by Peter's answer.
“Of course not,” he said with a snort. “You only get to choose if you want a small one or a big one.”
“I don't really care, but I have enough space for a big one.”
“Good. Get one of those and play with them,” Peter said, pointing to the toys on the table.
Chris didn't know why, but he just took one of the knotted ropes and followed Peter to a more open area. The dogs relaxed as soon as Peter did and some of them came to Chris and started playing with him. Peter played with them too, and the man looked the most relaxed Chris had ever seen him, even if the 'wolf kept an eye on him all the time. He looked almost... happy?
Chris wasn't sure how long they were there and for what exactly, but he was having fun so he didn't mind. At some point, Peter walked up to him and with just a couple of gestures, all the dogs turned away except for one. It was dark brown, and Chris couldn't guess what breed, probably a mixed-breed, but he didn't care.
“This is Burger,” Peter said, petting its head. “I think he'll be perfect for you.”
“Burger,” Chris repeated arching an eyebrow. “Can I change his name?”
“No. And you can't turn him into a hunting dog either. I'll make sure of it,” Peter said with a clear threat in his voice.
“I won't. I don't work like that anymore,” Chris answered truthfully.
Peter looked at him, and maybe he was satisfied with his steady heartbeat because he just nodded.
“Let's go to my office.”
The three of them went back into the building and got into a small office with windows to the back yard. Peter sat behind the desk and Chris in front of him with Burger at his feet.
“You're the owner of this place, right?” Chris asked while Peter took out some documents.
“What gave it away?” Peter said sarcastic.
“Why?” That was what he had been wondering from minute one.
Peter shrugged.
“Because I can.”
“A lot of people could, but you did it. Why?”
Peter left some papers in front of him and leaned back in the chair with a pensive expression. He probably wasn't thinking of his reasons for opening an animal shelter, but if he should tell him.
“Cora left, Derek left, most of the McCall pack has left, including the alpha. And now this fucking pandemic and the first thing people do is abandon their pets as if they were not part of the family. The same assholes that refuse to wear a mask,” Peter said almost with a growl.
Pack. That was what this was for Peter, a pack. He was there for the same reason as Chris, he felt lonely.
“Why do you wear it, a mask?” Chris asked curiously while he started to fill the papers.
Peter seemed grateful for the change of subject.
“I may not get sick, but I don't know if I can carry it and infect others. Although it's mostly as an example for my workers.”
“I didn't think you were so aware.”
Chris signed the papers and gave them back. Peter was looking at him with narrowed eyes.
“You don't know me at all, Argent.” Peter got up and went to the office door. “Take care of him, let us know if you need anything and don't forget about the vaccines. You can vaccinate him here or at your own vet,” he said almost like a robot.
Chris hooked Burger to a new leash and left the office with him. Peter disappeared through a door, and Chris took his new dog home.
Not even three weeks later, Chris was back at the Hills Animal Home. Again in the morning of a weekday. Peter appeared immediately at the reception desk with an angry look.
“If you're here to return him-.”
“No, no, Burger is wonderful,” Chris hurried to say. “He's quickly adapted to the house and is a fantastic boy.”
“I'm glad. Why are you here then?” Peter relaxed a bit and rounded the desk towards him.
“I thought... Maybe Burger would feel better with a friend.”
Yeah, that's why he was there, there was no other reason. Right.
“Well, dogs are pack animals so yes, I think it'd be a good idea. Beside, you have the means to take care of both.”
Peter gestured for Chris to follow him, and they went to the dogs enclosure.
“Should I take Burger too,” Chris asked at the door.
“Of course, it's gonna be his companion after all.”
And just like that, they spent a couple of hours playing with the dogs. Peter laughed, he really laughed even if Chris could not see it with the mask, but the sound of it was... The dogs, he had to focus on the dogs. Yeah, he was there for the dogs. Fuck.
Chris left the shelter with a golden retriever with only three legs that jumped higher than any other dog. His name was Nigel. And no, he couldn't change it.
“Stop coming back!” Peter almost whined when Chris returned to the shelter two weeks later. “You're not getting another dog, two are enough for now!”
Chris opened his mouth and closed it again. Burger and Nigel were with him and greeted Peter cheerfully.
“I wasn't... I didn't want another... dog...” Okay, now he didn't have an excuse to be there.
“Then what?” Peter asked, crossing his arms. Chris' eyes went straight to his cleavage (you couldn't blame him). Why was he wearing a V-neck instead of casual clothes like the other days? And why did it have to be so wide? “Oh, I see.”
“What?” He was glad that the mask partially hid his face. Surely he had blushed (which was ridiculous for a man his age).
“You don't need to adopt a dog to get a date.”
“I-I don't-,” Chris stammered.
“I can smell it, Chris, even through the mask. Knowing you, you'd fill your house with dogs before you muster up the courage to ask me out,” Peter sighed, rolling his eyes.
He gave the dogs a treat and turned to the back door while Chris looked at him speechless.
“Pick me up at five!” he said before disappearing.
Well, he now had two dogs and a date. That was a lot more than what he had five weeks ago.
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iwritethat · 5 years ago
Damian Wayne: Expectations
A/N: I have no idea where this came from but I wrote it anyway.
Warnings: Like 1 swear word
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Life in Gotham could be difficult, horrific and down right dangerous - so like any other kid who had been living it rough you turned to crime. Firstly creating an alias for yourself equip with fitted black costume as the colour made it easier to move through Gotham at night, it consisted of a hood and bandana to cover your face and conceal your identity. You took up minor theft, so by the time you reached your teenage years you were now a seasoned professional - you had perfected 'slight of hand', acquired fighting skills as well as being very good with disguising yourself to gain entrance to otherwise unreachable areas/events.
Most of the time it was thievery from those who seemed more wealthy, you considered it better to steal from the wealthier population rather than the poor as they would need their money more - though you were a criminal you did have some values intact. This time however was unusual, Catwoman had asked for your assistance on a job, you had met Catwoman before on numerous occasions and got on quite well but you didn't expect her to ever ask for your help, clearly she thought very highly of your abilities.
As a result, after robbing a museum of a cat sculpture you found yourself standing on a rooftop waiting for the promised payment your partner was currently handing you.
"Catwoman, you're going to have to return that." A deep voice sounded from behind you, sending a string of curse words through your head.
Surprise surprise, you turned to find the Dark Knight accompanied by Robin who had joined you on the building.
"Who are you?" The sidekick asked bluntly taking a step toward you.
"Hm, wouldn't you like to know?" You quickly replied, matching the arrogant tone meanwhile Catwoman looked genuinely amused. Your temporary partner, clearly unwilling to simply hand over the stolen goods, began to flirt with Batman - apparently reoccurring behaviour judging by Robins foul expression.
"They do this often then?" You commented, observing the two adults.
"Too often. You still didn't answer my question thief." Robin replied, getting into a defensive stance mirroring his mentor.
"It's (v/n) - thief is just rude birdboy." You earned a growl before he came at you with his katana.
Though you weren't specifically trained in any martial arts, you picked up a thing or two by watching others or brief involvements with street gangs which allowed you to hold your own somehow. Instinctively, you pulled out your daggers to clash with the oncoming blade before kicking Robin in the abdomen and running for it. Successfully, you made your escape without being followed equip with money from Catwoman and so, you made you way 'home'.
Over the next few weeks, you had various encounters with Robin which you found peculiar as there were far more dangerous villains out there that required his attention but here he was again - confronting you about the deal you’d just completed, selling off a rich mans watch for a very good price.
"Why are you doing this?" The vigilante asked, arms crossed as he blocked your path.
"Because it pays well? I'm not quite sure what you expected." You sarcastically remarked, scanning the area for an exit.
"You seem like a good person, from my observations you only rob the wealthy. You should use your skills for something more productive." He commented, noticing your glare.
"Uh huh. You're like the same age as me Robin, you can't tell me what I should be doing. Besides, I didn't have the perfect life, I highly doubt you grew up on the streets - you can't exactly get 'productive' with that, I wouldn't have these skills otherwise. So sorry hero! If this was all part of the ‘turning me to the good side’ plan - you've failed." You defended, venom lacing your tone despite the mockery situated there. It was possible that you were a little harsh but you didn't need this at the moment, you had somewhere urgent to be.
Robin released a frustrated sigh meanwhile you put your plan of escape into action, you hopped onto the dumpster to the left, grabbing the metal ladder that lead to the staircase running up the side of the apartments. You slipped through an open window muttering a string of apologies as you ran through the now startled woman's apartment and out the front door, you made your way out of the building through the fire escape.
Checking your surroundings you discovered you'd lost the Batman's sidekick allowing relief to flood your body, though you were growing more suspicious - it shouldn't be that easy to escape Robin but it was almost like he let you get away in all of the times you'd encountered him after your first meeting. You had seen him fight other villains on the news and take them down with a degree of brutality, yet with you things never escalated to that level. Robin was obviously a better fighter and had beat you many times, brought you the police station handcuffed at least twice but never really hurt you.
Shaking your head out of the trance, you entered the old corner shop you'd made your way to and collected the items you needed. Walking over to the familiar owner of the small shop, you were greeted with a warm smile, you'd expect a form of hostility from anyone else considering your vigilante attire but upon visiting the shop on multiple occasions they soon realised you weren't a threat and never caused any trouble.
"Quite a lot of chocolate today (v/n)." The owner commented politely, knowing exactly what it was for.
"Mhm, everyone deserves a treat now and then - even me." You replied handing over some of the recently attained cash and taking the bag of items. Next you intended to return 'home'.
Unbeknownst to you Robin was tailing you, Damian was undeniably curious about you for some strange reason and had decided to follow you this time. After finding out about part of your childhood he wanted to understand why you did this, he assumed you had a home with an unstable background/parent and provided financial support though soon realised he was somewhat mistaken.
Once you left the store now carrying a bag you made your way to an old apartment building, Damian continued to follow, watching from the building opposite as you entered one of the 4th floor apartments. The area of Gotham was quite run down meaning rent wasn't expensive and you managed to maintain clean, suitable living conditions despite your situation.
"(Y/N) is back!" A young voice yelled, filled with excitement as you strolled through, placing the bag on the table.
Damian was puzzled, a small group of young children raced over to your figure which was soon lost in an array of hugs, one jumped on your back another two hugged your sides while others screamed with enjoyment.
"Yeah yeah, I missed you kids too." You happily greeted, kneeling down causing them to slowly release you.
Robin perched in the darkness now connecting everything together, you pulled down your hood and then removed your bandana, revealing your identity. Damian was stunned, the dim lighting highlighted your features perfectly and the smile you wore made you all the more beautiful.
"What did you bring us this time (y/n)?!" One girl chirped, standing hopefully in front of you.
"Hmm, well I brought some fruit, vegetables, soap, toothpaste..." You playfully listed, though the kids were grateful, they weren't exactly ecstatic to hear about the vegetables.
"And chocolate!" You grinned, excitement lacing your voice - pulling it out of the bag, the children immediately erupted into squeals and cheers taking a bar each.
Robin took this opportunity to slip through the window behind you making his presence known with a cough. You froze for a second, knowing that he probably knew you're identity now and where you lived - still, you recovered and turned around, the kids also taking notice of the unfamiliar company.
"Shit!" A child yelled from behind you, panic evident.
"Jake - language!" You whisper yelled, the children now gathered behind you.
"You're in a lot of trouble (v/n)." Robin sternly stated.
To your surprise a young girl quickly stepped in front of you spreading out her arms as a guard.
"No Robin! You can't take her away, I know she's bad sometimes but she only does it for us. Please don't take her to prison!" The girl pleaded, tears welling in her eyes.
Next was the boy, Jake, who ran to your side (chocolate long forgotten) and grabbed your arm.
"She isn't a hero like you or - or Batman but she's not a bad guy!" He claimed, also jumping to your defence.
"Yes! (V/N) is our hero, (y/n) protects us like you protect other people s-so there!" Another girl argued from behind you.
You and Robin were both shocked at the children's reactions, you found it heartwarming that they were defending you before one of their biggest heroes yet weren’t sure if their testimony’s would’ve be valid enough.
"I'm not taking (y/n) to prison." Robin boredly sighed, though he probably should - but you hadn't committed crimes at the same severity as the Penguin and you had legit reasons, so he took the opportunity to persuade you to take a more legal route.
Upon hearing Robin's assurance, the children calmed themselves dissipating into the apartment, finding suitable places to watch the scene unfold. You crossed your arms leaning on a nearby counter and looked to Robin expectantly - not having anything to say yourself.
"This is why you do it then?" He inquired, but it came off as more of a statement.
You nodded, observing the 3 children sitting on the couch while others scattered through the apartment.
"I try to take care of them when they need me, I'm pretty sure they live on the streets so I provide for them the best I can when they come to stay. But when they do, I need extra cash - with studying and my job I can just afford rent and the basics for myself. I steal so they don't have to, I want them to grow up 'good' I suppose." Robin listened carefully as he too looked at the children.
"So... There you have it bird boy, I grew up on the streets but want them to have a better life than I had. The end." You calmly explained, your tone getting more defensive as you went on.
"You're not what I expected." Robin admitted confidently.
"Oh really? And what did you expect?" You countered, smiling with a challenging hint to your voice.
"It doesn't matter. I think you could be of assistance to me, obtain information and getting into secured areas etc. In exchange I can offer my assistance." The sidekick clearly proposed, observing the consideration dashing across your features.
Within the next few weeks that's how it happened, you would assist Robin on select cases and in return he'd bring over extra supplies for any kids that decided to visit. Today was one of those days, you came in from work to find the children swarming around Robin who probably had to leave for patrol. Upon seeing you they rushed over with hugs and "Welcome home!"s before returning to their activities.
"What did you bring them this time Robin?" You curiously greeted, he threw the bag over to you which was effortlessly caught, after looking inside you nodded and placed it on the counter.
Out of gratitude, you made way to Robin and gave him a hug to display such thankfulness as you felt words weren’t quite enough this time.
"Thanks for everything bird boy." You added and pulled away from him.
"You're welcome?" Robin replied, still bewildered due to the sudden contact that it sounded as though he was questioning himself.
"So are you boyfriend and girlfriend now?" One of the girls mischievously inquired appearing out of nowhere.
"Uh - n-no. No." You briskly stuttered knowing you were blushing and attempted to conceal it to the best of your ability.
"(Y/N) is very beautiful but we are not dating." Robin answered in a much less embarrassing manner compared to you. You flushed deeper upon hearing the compliment, of course the sidekick quickly noticed your behaviour causing a smirk to appear.
Robin headed toward the window to leave for his previously mentioned patrol, though the young girl followed him and gently tugged on his cape gaining his attention.
She moved her hand to the side of her mouth so only Robin could hear her whisper "I think you should ask her out!"
"TT, I will." He assured her before disappearing into the night, finding that he’d have to learn to expect the unexpected when it came to your mismatched adopted family.
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littledarlinwrites · 6 years ago
Dream a Little Dream Of Me
1940s!Bucky Barnes x Reader
This is for @teamcap4bucky Summer Sun and Fun Game! Thank you so much for hosting and for being so patient with me when I screwed up the due date. This was specifically written for @majesticavenger, I'm so sorry for the wait, but I hope it was worth it! Anywho, this is the first time I've wrote 40s!Bucky and I'm hella needy at the moment 'cause life, so leave me some love y'all! (Also, as soon as I can jump on my laptop I'll add a keep reading link, I'm not savvy enough to do it on mobile).
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You trudged up to your Brooklyn apartment, your cat howling on the fire escape outside your bedroom window to be let in. A tired smile graves your face after a long day of work. A job you were grateful for, but bittersweet under the circumstances, patients sick or dying, and men going off to war only to never return either physically or mentally. You couldn't wait to hide away in your apartment for the rest of the night, draw a hot bath, listen to a radio program before nodding off to sleep. And, if you were lucky, maybe your apartment pen pal had sent you another note attached to your cats threaded collar. The thought of it made you pick up your pace as you climbed your apartment buildings staircase.
You practically ran into your apartment and to your bedroom window, flipping the latch and looking for the paper that was typically wrapped around your cats collar and tied with a baby blue string.
You found the paper, tying the baby blue string to an embroidery hoop with the others you collected. Today the note was short, just a song suggestion, something he would do on a rough day. You drew your bath water while turning up the radio station to catch the song. It wasn't until you were crawling into bed that the song played. Moonlight Serenade. You just hoped Lucky, the nickname he had told you to call him, was somewhere listening to it too.
The following morning you rushed around to get ready for the day and out the door in time. You scribbled your note to Lucky and wrapped it around the cat's collar before shooing it out the window.
Bucky laid on his bed, window open, waiting for the furry creature to make its way to him like it always did. Nox, she had said was the cat's name. Usually Bucky appreciated cats from a distance considering they would make him sneezy and itchy, but he couldn't help but enjoy the conversations with his pen pal. Luna, she had said to call her. A nickname her mother gave her due to her infatuation with the giant orb in the sky. He won every single match after he started talking with her, and he didn't consider that a coincidence. 
Bucky heard the mewling from the black cat before he felt it curl up on his chest. He scratched the cat behind its ears causing the cat to purr contentedly before he began unfurling the note attached to its knitted collar. 
“Silently if, out of not knowable
night’s utmost nothing, wanders a little guess
(only which is this world) more of my life does
not leap than with the mystery your smile
sings or if (spiraling as luminous
they climb oblivion) voices who are dreams,
less into heaven certainly earth swims
than each my deeper death becomes your kiss
losing through you what seemed myself, I find
selves unimaginably mine; beyond
sorrow’s own joys and hoping’s very fears
yours is the light by which my spirit’s born:
yours is the darkness of my soul’s return
–you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars”
-E. E. Cummings
Bucky read the poem three times before reaching for a piece of paper and jotting down some words. He wrapped the piece of paper around the cats collar, tying it with a frayed blue string from his work shirt and turned over to get a couple hours of sleep, if only his heart would stop fluttering like a hummingbird in his chest.
Walking through your door was a complete relief, even more so after stripping your nurses outfit and stockings. The hot shower relaxing your stiff and sore muscles. You donned your nightgown before opening your window for your cat to come home while running a brush through your wet strands. Eventually you heard the telltale meowing of your hungry cat before you heard its soft padding jumps to your floor from your window. You manage to scoop the black cat into your arms before you have to chase him through your apartment. You pull the thread holding the note onto his collar and unfurl the note to read it.
My lucky star
You shine so brightly
My lucky star 
You guide me through the night
My lucky star
You give me hope
My lucky star
You guide me home
My lucky star
You help me more than you know
My lucky star
Oh how you glow
My lucky star
Please never let me go
The words set fire to your face as your stomach erupted with a swarm of butterflies. You pulled out your journal, pressing the note between the next set of empty pages. You turn your radio on humming along to the song as you lay in your bed fighting sleep just to think about Lucky just a moment more.
When you wake in the morning you grab a paper and something to write with as you write down a couple lines to a song, one of your favorites, before you got ready for the day, humming the tune on your way to work and all through your day. Except, you forgot to leave the window open for your cat to get out to pass on the waiting note.
Bucky was fighting sleep waiting for the cat to prance his way through the window before making a home on his bed. Sleep clawed at his mind, his eye lids weighed heavy and sore with a need for rest. And just like that, Bucky fell asleep for the first time without the sound of a cat purring on his bed.
He woke up and walked to the shipyard, loading and unloading pallets until the sun hung low in the sky. He felt off kilter all day. Like he was just a hair off with his footing and could never get it quite right. He was a bit more clumsy than usual. All signs that he should cancel his match tonight and back out while he still could, but he trudged on, assuring himself that he could use the money so maybe he could take his lucky star out on a proper date. He made his way to the Y for his match pumping himself up, he just couldn't help this nagging feeling though that he was missing something.
When you got home from work your humming abruptly stopped when you saw your cat staring at you in the middle of the room, tail twitching every so often. Your shoulder slumped when you realized you never let your cat out with your note. You moved slowly to refill the food bowl before making yourself a small dinner. Your gut sinking by the minute that something was wrong. You went to bed that night hoping the feeling would pass by morning.
When you woke you realized you were running late. You dressed quickly before running out the door and to the hospital before checking your patient list, a relatively short one, but you had patients to attend to nonetheless. You made your way through your rounds before stopping at the last bed. A mess of bruises, a boxers fracture, sprained wrist, 2 broken ribs and the rest bruised, a black eye and a concussion. However, one look into the man's eye that wasn't swollen shut took your breath away. You decided then that blue was your all time favorite color. You checked his pulse, administered his medication which involved rousing him from his slumber, and making sure his bandages were fresh and in place. You turned to leave but stopped short at the site of a baby blue work shirt with frayed edges. You thumbed over the loose threads and noticed it was missing a few as if they had been pulled and cut for a purpose. The faintest whisper escaped you.
"Lucky?" A few beats passed before you heard the man you were just attending to clear his throat.
"Luna?" He asked confused. Your hand flew to your mouth as you gasped. You couldn't believe the man that made you blush on more than one occasion, that had worked his way into your dreams even though you had never seen his face, was now your patient.
"You okay there, doll?" He asked. When you barely nodded telling him yes he began to move as if to get out of bed sending you into a flurry of motion. 
"Lucky, you're hurt-"
"Bucky. I mean, my real name is James Buchanan Barnes, but most people call me Bucky." He grits out as pain shoots through his ribcage.
"Well, Bucky, you're hurt, you shouldn't move much quite yet." He nods as he waits for the wave of pain to pass.
"What happened to you?" You can't help but ask.
"I, uh, work at the shipyard during the afternoon, but at night I box. Damn good at it too. Guess luck just wasn't on my side last night, doll."
"Uh, Y/N. My name that is. My name is Y/N." A smile made its way onto Bucky's face.
"Why didn't you write back, doll? Didn't think my on the spot poem was that terrible." The giggle that managed to escape you at his humor about his poetry was like music to his ears, and he decided that he wanted to hear that sound forever.
"Sorry, that was my fault. I wrote you a note, I really did, but I forgot to open the window for my cat to deliver it. I loved your poem actually." A blush crawled upon Bucky's face at your words. 
"What was the note?" He asked curiously. 
"Oh, just some lines from a song, nothing special."
"It's always special coming from you, doll. What was the song?" This time it was your turn to blush.
"Dream a Little Dream of Me." You replied bashfully.
"What lines?"
"Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me."
"That's one of my favorites, doll."
The rest of your shift you spent at Bucky's bedside talking music, poetry, family, pets, friends, where your apartment was and everything else under the sun. You told Bucky you would come by tomorrow to spend the day with him since it was your day off. You couldn't wait to come back, although it was bittersweet realizing there would be no note to come home to. 
When you woke the next morning you heard a tapping at your door. You opened it to reveal Bucky standing there with a bouquet of flowers with a note.
I dreamt a little dream of you.
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we-dragons · 4 years ago
I'm from a different dimension actually Chapter 7 Damian x reader
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"Ira! I need my emergency kit!" Molly is pulling at my hair with a brush, I grimace at my reflection, she had put pearls and violet gems in my hair. Seeing as it already wasn't long bearly pushing past my ears, even though there aren't many of them in there it ways down in some places. I had already allowed her to put me in a ball gown, which I'm sure costs much more than my apartment building. It reminds me of peacock feathers, purples, greens, blues fill the cloth they blend seamlessly dark purple at the top and ending with blue at the bottom. I look at the matching marbled shoes and guilt climbs through me.
"Molly I don't need makeup, I'm already in a peacock dress, and there are gems in my hair. Besides the mascara is enough I don't want to spend an hour rubbing anything else off." Molly gasps, a hand gripping at her heart.
"Why-how could you say such a thing!" Ira hands Molly her phone, she screams. "We're going to be late! Ira put the bag back!" I'm yanked from my chair and raced down the hall within minutes I'm thrown into a limo with Molly's parents. Molly jumps in starting to yell at the driver shocking her parents who kept telling her to calm down. It doesn't take long to get to Wayne Manor, the courtyard is crowded filled with flashing lights from cameras reporters, and newscasts. They surrounded every inch with an exception of a semi-circle right at the front of the building where the car pulled up. Once more I'm pulled roughly out of the vehicle by molly, I nearly trip going up the stairs.
"Molly dear, we need to go in together!" My friend's mother pants from behind her husband seems to be in a similar position as me. Like mother like daughter.
I pull my arm away from Molly gently and smooth out my peacock dress, I sigh internally finding relief that I had personally told Molly to make the dress so it covered without it being tight. If I didn't then I would be pulling up the fabric like Molly who went not so modest. Not only had she blinged out she full-on black and high heels that pushed out her height. She looked good, and she made her parents match. When her mother finally catches up she puts a hand on her daughter's shoulder.
What happens after the incident leaves me at a table sitting behind a card with my name on it. Molly was seated somewhere else because I had used my own invitation instead of being a plus one. My eyes cast over the room soaking in again the decor of the newly decorated main floor. My energy seems to drain while I watch the people chat dance and laugh. No one was seated at my table and I was slightly relieved but I still felt odd. I had gone to parties with my mom in the past, ones that were held in her honor about her findings. I feel myself relishing in those memories I had looking back at the times she would pull a silly face at me while I was bored at said parties, or told a joke in some of her speeches. My mother was the expert in The Islamic Golden Era, despite not being a Muslim herself. She prided herself on giving credit to those who deserved more but had their work stolen by Europeans. But then, when she went on that Egypt and Greece dig she had found something that unnerved her. I knew what it was, and I wish I hadn't either. My happy thoughts turn sour, and I can feel myself grimace. I am tired...so tired.
"You made it, It's good to see you here." my head whips around falling on emerald eyes.
"Yeah, I had already told Molly that she could take me to the next party she goes to. However, I didn't know that if you came with an invite and not a plus one that you had to sit at a separate table." He snorts and sits down to my right.
"You were originally sat by her but father assumed I needed a friend," He shows me a card with his name on it. "so he changed Grayson out for you."
"Do you not have friends?"
"None close by."
"When have I accepted you as a friend?" He smiles
"That is a good question, but the same goes for me, you more someone I tolerate."
"Same here, Besides your a bad influence."
"tsk,...touche." his gaze looks me up and down and I have the sudden urge to say 'eyes up here'.
"You look tired, would you like to go to the library?"
"Usually libraries and tired people don't mix."
"How about a tour then, we have several artifacts my father has purchased that you might find interesting." He pushes harder.
"You want an excuse to leave, don't you? I thought my main purpose for being here was to talk to Mr.Wayne, not venture into the mansion." He sighs with his own body, visibly exaggerating the movements.
"My father is deeply preoccupied already in another engagement, he won't even be here for hours. Would you prefer to stay here doing nothing or would you like to leave?" He sounds rather annoyed while looking off to his left and scowling more. I follow my eyes to a group of three who I recognize from the cafe, all of them are pointing and smirking. I being to feel more drained at the thought of them coming here and stand. "Your home, where to first?" He shoots up, grabbing my hand dragging me through the dense crowd of people.
"Amazing, this would date back to the early years of feudal Japan, this is Greek! Oh! There's a Khopesh and a Canaan Sickel sword on this wall!"
Damian scoffs sounding more like a laugh than a mocking tone. "You can tell the difference." I give him a look, feeling offended.
"Of course I can, you mostly can tell by the markings on the blade." I turn my head back to the wall slowly pointing to the distinguishable pieces of evidence. "This one is older Hebrew, and here you can see small hieroglyphics depicting the sun. Plus the metals on each blade are very different." I tilt my head back to him, his face stays indifferent. "You knew that already didn't you?" He nods and walks again.
"You must really like history, seems like you could talk about it none stop." He calls back.
"Did you forget who my mother was?"
"I thought she specialized in the Islamic golden era."
"It didn't mean she didn't know the history of other peoples. My mother developed research of anything she could get her hands on." I pause for a minute. "What about you, where did you learn."
"I was taught by some of the best in the world, my mother made sure of it."
"I see." We talk more while examining the objects displayed, I had fun just listening to him explain how his father got some of them. Though the collection wasn't huge it still made me a bit happy to see the objects. My phone buzzes, and I quickly take it out of my pocket.
Molly: Hey where are you we need to get going!
Molly: Dad got too drunk and now he's crying about the world.
Molly: We will be outside, Be there.
"Sorry, I have to get going, I'll see you at school later!" I run through the hall and snag as many macarons as I can on the way out. Molly waves from the car opening the door so I slide in faster.
"Sorcerer found. Name: Doctor Fate, Subject: host"
"Anyone else?"
"Database shows,... John Constantine, and Zatanna. All other information is unavailable."
"Gather what they have on the crows send probes if you must."
Nightmare stands by the window waiting for his queue. I pull a scale out from the box and open the window. I hand him the scale and he chews effectively destroying the small miracle. "Remember stay out of sight if someone spots you wipe it from their memory and if you see a crow take the fight to the in-between and go for the kill. You have a little bit of my power with you only use it when needed." He purrs, rubbing his head on my hand, then jumps. He vanishes. I sigh putting the device in the box marked with an X just in case and push it under my bed. I head out into my living room putting some things away and cleaning here and there. Proud of my work I turn on the TV and sprawl on my sofa with a bowl of popcorn. Reruns of Highlander play on one of my favorite channels, I smile at my luck and sing to the theme song.
*Thunk thunk thunk*
I jump at the sound, I hear the noise again and follow it to my kitchen bat in hand. I flip on the light and smack my face, a very wet robin scowls at me through the glass. Only then did I notice the rain, and I pray that Nightmare is staying safe. I open the door and let him in, he mutters a thank you while walking in dipping water on my floor.
"Not to be rude, but is there something you need?" He ignores me and continues dragging water on the floor to the living room.
"Robin?" I catch up to him, he pulls something out from his ear and stuffs it in his pocket.
"I would like to stay here for a little while"
"How long is a little while, will I need to pull out the bed in the couch?" He gives me a look.
"There's a bed in your couch?"
"Sometimes I want to watch TV while I do my homework, laying down here makes it easier." I go to the bathroom to pull out some towels.
"Where was this when I was heavily injured?"
"I'm sorry, but the fact that you were bleeding was more concerning. I also put new sheets on the bed and you broke a perfectly good window. There is still blood on my cushions, and you wanted me to place you on the bed?" grabbing the biggest fluffiest towel in the bunch walking back out to the living room.
"You still on about that?"
"It was expensive!" I hold out the towel, he takes it and places his yellow cape in my hand. I frown but head to the coat rack hanging the heavy fabric on the highest rung. I feel short noticing its length, I turn back to Robin who's sat down on the couch the large towel engulfing him completely minus his hair. The black strands stuck oddly to his face and drooped sadly, I almost laugh because he looks like a sad cat. Like Nightmare whenever I give him a bath, I think I have a picture of that somewhere. "Did you want something to drink or eat?"
"Why is it that every time I come here you offer something?"
"It's a hospitality thing I got living in Minnesota, it's just being nice. Besides, you work to protect people, don't you? It only makes sense that I offer you something, I doubt you get paid to do your job. I bet you have countless scars from just doing so, I can do my part and help you feel comfortable. Call it a form of respect."
I stroll into the kitchen, "Well, I suppose I could give some soda, tea, or water after all you left plenty on the floor."
"What happened to respect?"
"Well, I have feelings to sir! Tossing my words aside like that, I shouldn't even feed you." I poke my head back out, I smile at his scowl while he in turn glares at me. "Now for once, I am out of tea but I have several cans of cherry coke and some popcorn and macarons from a party I went to earlier. How about that?"
"That's fine." I hum grabbing what I needed and plopped back down in my seat handing him the coke. I place the brightly colored macarons and some chips I found between us along with the popcorn. I let myself get absorbed into the Highlander again just as MacLeod beheads another immortal and gains his Quickening.
"What is this?" My Jaw drops while I look at him concerned.
"Just how uncultured are you." His face flushes and his face twists he opens his mouth but i stop him. "Say no more, I will be right back." I come out with my computer and pull up VUDU opening season one of the show. "Sit back buckaroo, now your in for the long haul. Now right now all you need to know is 'There can only be one." His face contorts in confusion, but gives in and moves closer.
"I'm not going to get in trouble with Batman am I." He smirks.
"Most likely."
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jinxthequeergirl · 6 years ago
After you're gone
Ben hargeeves x reader
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Summary: as one of the other 43 kids born that day you where unaware of your abilitys until they took the thing you loved the most ruining your life until you run into a strange group
Warning: swearing
17 years ago:
You slammed the bag on to the table.
"That enough?" the man behind the counter looked up at you and guestured for you to spill it's contents.
You huffed grabbing the bottom of the bag and yanking it to let everything fall on to the table. He leaned forward examining everything.
"Looks like you're a few bucks short kid."
"What the hell do you mean?"
"I mean what I said!"
You narrowed your eyes at him and began to scoop everything into the bag again. "Hold up!" he placed a hand over top of your's stopping you. You froze staring at his hand before yanking it free.
"I'll cut you in on a deal."
"Oh Yea?" you fixed the gloves on your hands and looked at him annoyed. "Sure! You need it and I'm a good guy kid so listen up!" he kicked his legs back up onto the table. "I heard a few guys who owe me money are robbing a bank in town...I feel it's safe to say they aren't bringing me that money....so maybe.."
You huffed. "You have all these men all these residents struggling to make a living yet you send a 13 year old girl to do your dirty work!"
He smirked and shrugged. "We don't call you Robin Hood for nothing."
"You don't call me that." you turned to walk out as he called after you. "Tomorrow afternoon twelve sharp my dear thief!"
You climbed up the stairs to your small room of an apartment.
It wasn't always like this. You thought back to it as you jumped over the two missing steps in the stair.
You where Ten. No.
Nine. You where nine when your mom died and left you to this dump.
"Hey Lindsay." You knelt down and pet the cat outside your door and looked at the older girl. "What the boss say short stack?"
She got you in to this place she was only six years older than you at this point but with the way she acted you would have guessed she was a 60 year old woman trapped in her body.
"I was a few bucks short..."
"And I have to Rob a bank to pay the rest off."
"Oh! That'll be fun yet again you're his lovely little eran girl ready to swoop in and save the day!"
You rolled your eyes and stepped inside of the apartment. Lindsay may have been the one to take you under her wind in this place but you quickly took her place as favioret and she despised that "Goodnight linds."
"Night brat."
The door slammed shut causing the wall's to shake and flakes of dry wall to crumble to the floor.
You floped onto the matters on the floor and stared up at the ceiling run through your plan for tomorrow.
The plan? There was no plan. You learned pretty easie that there where never plans. If there where they didn't help they just set a guid line of what SHOULD happen and how it SHOULD go but it's not how it works.
You turned over on your side settling on the fact that you would just have to wing it and hope you got what you needed. And enough of it without being caught by the police or the criminals.
"You have exactly two hours to get down there and decide on what it is you plan on doing."
You peered up at Lindsay from your bed sneering. "I know what I'm doing go away!"
"Then you better get going small fry."
You groaned and sat up. "Fine!"
She looked at you with a smirk as you tied your hair up, threw your coat on over your hoodie and grab you bag before sliding the window open.
"Good luck!" you flipped her off before sliding out the window.
The street outside of the bank showed no sighn that a robbery was to take place. You examined it before stepping inside examining the people inside. Nothing. Just normal people not a single one looked out of place or unusual. You sighed and made your way over to a bench waiting for something to happen. You pulled at the fingers on your gloves pulling them halfway off until you stopped and slid them back on. You repetad that process for for a while until something finally happened.
"EVERYONE ON THE GROUND!" your head shot up and you spotted several men with large bags and guns. Finally.
You noticed A few of the men slid into the vault. You stood up and sprinted over to it but some one caught your hood and pulled you down. "What the he-" a boy around your age in a school boy uniform and domino mask sat infront of you and covered your mouth.
You furrowed your brows at him as he peered past the counter. The gun shots from behind you caused you to jump. "Stay here!" he got up and crawled past you. "Wait!" you turned to follow after him but stoped when another kid crashed through the glass ceiling and took two guys out.
The one who tackled you was gone you. looked across the way to see a girl whispering in one of the guys ears. And another not even paying attention as a guy snuck up behind him. "Shit! Hey kid!" you got up and ran to him and sweept his legs out from under him before pulling your glove off and grabbing the guys writst to disarm him.
The man winced in pain as you held his wrist as green started to spread through his veins all the way from there you held his wrist all the way up his arm. He pulled away in fear holding his arm screaming as it continued to travel through his body like a plague eventually leaving him to collapse to the floor.
You stepped back quickly putting your glove back on before turning to the kid. "You alright?"
He stared at you in awe. "You did that?"
You offered a hand as more gun shots ring out and another man fell to the floor beside you. "Yea...no big deal." He was a smaller boy but looked like he was the same age like the other with same outfit and dark neat hair. "Than-"
He was cut off.
"Ben!" you both turned to the rest of the kids. He stepped forward. "Do I have too?" he stepped forward giving you the chance to get out. You ran and hid behind one of the counters.
The boy turned to where you stood but saw you where gone and sighed walking over to the other kids. "I didn't sign up for this..."
You peered over the counter and stared in shock at the monster that demolished all the men left in the vault. "Holy fuck..." the boy named Ben came out of the vault covered in blood. "Can we go home?"
After the gang of kids let all the hostigas go you stuck behind hoping to slip into the vault then out the back. You got up once you though the other kids where gone and headed over. "How old are you?"
You froze and turned to Ben and one of the kids. "Old enough why?"
"Really how old are you? Because If your as old as I think you are that means your like us...that means dad might wanna meet you."
The other kid said. "I'm 13..."
The boys exchanged a look. "I'm Ben this is my brother klaus...he saw what you did too..."
You sighed to yourself as you climbed up the step to the large house.
"Why am I even doing this?.." you bit your lip And knocked on the door waiting for an answer.
When the door opened both you and the girl on the other side exchanged a surprised look.
"Vanya!... Hi!"
"Hi uh its...it's Good to see you...come in!"
"Sorry about your father..." she waved you off as she shut the door. "Its not a big deal..."
Even as a kid you couldn't talk to vanya. You never knew how or what to say. "Oh well I uh read your book!"
"Oh really?"
"Yea I really liked it actually" she gave a heartless chuckle. "At least someone did..."
"I'm taking it they didn't take it well?"
"They hate me." You looked at her. "I...im Sure that's not-"
"It's fine Y/n, What are you doing here?"
"I heard the news about Reginald obviously so I though I would check in on...on klaus...is he here yet?"
She looked at you as you looked around your eyes landing in the window that lead to the yard. You stared at the copper figure that sat outside.
"I haven't see him yet...but feel free to stay I'll let him know your here if I see him." you continued to state and nodded at her. "Ok...ok thanks..."
17 years ago:
"Absolutely not!"
You jumped at the old man's sudden telling at the boys in front of you.
"Dad c'mon she's just like us! You shod have seen what she did to that guy back at the bank!" klaus held your shoulders presenting you to his and bens father.
"She also dosent have a home." Ben steped in front of you trying to persuade Him even more.
"Number 6! Number 4! I do not appreciate you brining this young lady into our home! And attempting to make her one of us which she is not! And will not be!"
You could see three of the other kids looking at you with looks of what you could only read as disgust from behind him.
You shook yourself free from klaus. "You know what it dosent matter I don't wanna be part of your silly little super hero cult anyways!"
"Y/n!" Ben called after you as you hurried to the front door. "No I'm sorry thank for your efforts ben...and klaus but I've been on my own plenty I'll get over it."
You shut the door behind you and hurried down the street to head back home.
"Hey! Hey wait up!" you glanced behind you and found Ben and klaus running after you.
"What are you two doing?"
"Listen kiddo we feel bad for the situation your in and well everything back there so-"
"We're hoping to be friends." Ben cut klaus off again. "Yea!" klaus wrapped his arm around you as the three of you continued to walk.
You smiled and nodded. "Alright..."
"C'mon lets get something to eat!" Ben grabbed your hand and lead you down the street
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longingfreesia · 7 years ago
bury it in mine | ao3 mirror
raven and ciel try to set up a nice date, and end up with a bit more than they expected. wc 4291
note: i just think these two being happy and in love and learning to heal together is neat.
Ciel is washing up, and says, “I have a date tonight.”
Lu rolls her eyes. “Why are you telling me?”
Ciel takes her plate from in front of her (it’s already practically clean with how she eats) and smiles. “Because, I don’t want you trying to communicate with me and hearing us.”
“Why would I care?” She says, pouting.
“Well, I guess you wouldn’t. I guess you would just love to hear me talking to my sweetums.” He puts a sickening emphasis on the last word and Lu sticks her finger in her mouth, gagging exaggeratedly.
“You’re gross.”
“What, you don’t wanna see me and my darling peaches? My pumpkin sweetie pie? My little cuddle muffinー“
“Uuugh, okay, okay, stop it!” Lu whines, shaking her head with her hands over her ears. “I won’t snoop!” Ciel chuckles as he sorts the dishes into their place in the cabinets. Lu knows he’s won this round, and blows a raspberry at him as he pulls his chair out from their table.
Several hours pass. Ciel is more anxious than usual.
“That must be the third time you've checked the kitchen. What's got you so worked up?” Lu asks, boredom hanging on her words.
“It's a very special night! I have to make sure everything is perfect!” Ciel replies, stopping only for a moment to do so.
Lu scoffs. “Of course it's going to be perfect. You're the host, after all.”
Ciel stops once again to lean back into the doorframe and go ‘aaawwww, luuuu…’ in a way that makes her pout and him grin.
“You're a good kid, y'know?”
“Yeah, I would be if I were actually a kid.”
Ciel smiles, and slides into his spot at the table. “Maybe you're right. I shouldn't worry so much…”
“Duh! He gets all doofy whenever he's around you, he'll definitely be happy.”
Ciel turns to look at her, almost dumbfounded and it clearly evident on his face, and she feels smug. Tonight should be fun.
Ciel jumps up when Lu loudly announces she can tell Raven is outside.
“You're acting like a teenager.”
Ciel shushes her. She crosses her arms and he gives up.
He opens the door, and gasps softly.
“Ah, is it bad?” Raven asks. “I'm… not good with formal wear, so I didn't…”
“No, no, it's fine! More than fine! You look stunning.” Lu rolls her eyes behind him. Her butler was so easy to impress when it came to men. Raven had big muscles! So what!
Raven looks down sheepishly, and Ciel nearly melts. He's so cute. “...Thank you.”
“Oh! Come in. I've got something going already, but Lu isーLu!”
Ciels voice is hushed but frantic as he rushes over to her. “You said you'd goー”
“And I will. After I get whatever you're making.”
Ciel groans. Lu has donned a smug face she hasn't in a while, and he knows this is payback. “Fine. Just behave.”
Lu smirks, and Raven chuckles. Ciel startles, having momentarily forgotten he came in. “You two get along well.”
Lu sticks her tongue out at him. This is going well.
“I need to go check on the foodーI'll be back as soon as possible, okay?” Ciel says. Both of them nod, and he leaves for the kitchen.
Lu immediately stares Raven down with an intensity he didn't know eleven-year-olds could have.
“Go ahead, sit.” She says, but it feels almost like a threat. He does as she says anyway.
“Have… I done something wrong?” He asks.
“No. The opposite… so far.” She says, kicking her legs back and forth under the table. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“Ciel, what else?”
“Oh… of course.”
Lu ‘hmph’s and crosses her arms. “Listen to me well when I say this,” she starts, attempting to take on the regal voice she did so long ago, “Ciel is my royal butler. If you hurt him in any way shape or form, I'll have no choice but to get rid of you for good.” She narrows her eyes at him. “Got it?” She adds, punctuating it with a stomp of her foot. Raven blinks.
“Y… yes ma'am.”
“Good!” She exclaims. Then, after a moment of silence, “He cares an awful lot about you. I've only seen him get that look in his eyes about… someone… else important to him. He'll... tell you that on his own time, I think. But, the point is… you must be reaaal special for him to think of you like that. So just don't screw it up, okay? I can't have my butler with a broken heart.” Her tone is somewhat playful, but her face betrays her genuinity.
Raven isn't sure what to say, but for “Of course. I'd never dream of it.” That was the answer, yes, but the rest of what she saidーreally? Ciel thought that highly of him? It was… It was…
Lu scrutinizes him under her gaze a moment longer, then beams. “I'm gonna go to bed.”
“Hm? I thought you wanted the dinner Ciel is making.”
“That? Well… Maybe, but he asked me not to snoop. I'm a woman of my word, you know. I just needed to make sure you knew your place.” She smirks. “Hey, pinky promise?”
“Pi…” His confused expression shifts to a gentle smile. She really was a kid, wasn’t she? “Sure.”
Lu hooks their pinkies together and shakes his arm as hard as her little arm can, then skips off somewhere up a short flight of stairs.
Raven finds himself uneasy, for some reason.
One, he figures, likely being Lus near-threatening, another being… simply not knowing what to do in someone else home. He felt unwelcome, despite being invited here. Was it alright for him to be here, after all? Yes, surely…
A faint sound catches his ear, and his eyes go wide when he realizes what it is. Ciel… is singing, as he cooks. Not loudly, just a low, gentle hum over the sound of a low fire. It's… rather soothing, actually, and he feels his anxieties melt. He wonders, briefly, if this is something Lu gets to hear often.
He also wonders if perhaps Ciel would do that for him, sometime. It's a thought that makes him feel the need to shake his head as if to dispel it. But… it’s so nice, and something so elegant, in contrast to him… (could he ever sing, himself? no, that was silly.) It warms his heart, a bit, and he saves it in his mind.
Ciel soon after pops his head through the doorway, informing him that he'll be bringing something out in a moment in a singsong manner.
When he does finally come out, he's carrying platters of elaborate dishes Raven can barely (or plain doesn't) recognize. He feels like he's stolen something, somehow, or that he's lost.
The plates clink on the table. “I can eat this?”
Ciel snorts. “Yes, silly. I made this for you.” He pauses. “I hope it's alright, I'm used to making sweets, since that's what Lu likes, but… I think you like meat more, not the type for cake, so I tried that…” He practically speaks to himself instead of Raven with how he babbles. He appears to be so wrapped up in the food that he hasn't even noticed that Lu left.
Raven clears his throat. “I don't think I've ever even seen food this elaborate. Thank you.”
Ciel beams. His ears light up in a way that's very charming, and he practically glows with pride. “I'm glad!”
Raven… still feels somewhat like he isn't allowed to eat what's in front of him, but… (ah, where did he find steak that big…?) Just this once.
He would have to ask Ciel to teach him how to cook, soon.
He realizes, now, that perhaps he doesn't feed himself properly, and that he is very, very sleepy.
“Oh, are you alright? Maybe I went overboard…”
Raven simply shakes his head. He wouldn't want Ciel to stress over it. It wasn't bad, anyway, just new.
“Hm… do you want to go to bed?” He swallows, shortly, “I'd hate to send you home so quickly. You could stay here for the night?” He can feel his heart beating faster, nervous, but he was never one to let that show. Besides, he felt confident in this.
Raven blinks. “That's alright with you?”
“Why would I offer if it wasn't?”
“Fair point. Then where?”
Ciel suddenly straightens. “Ah... “
“We don't have a guest room… Would you mind staying in mine?”
Ravens immediate thought is ‘no, of course not,’ as it was nothing to himーhe had spent nights packed into cots with his peers before, that would be nothing, except…
Except, Ciel was… different. He was, (he felt his stomach stir oddly at the words) in love with him. It was different.
He shakes his head, in any case. “That's fine, as long as you're alright with it.”
Ciel nods, and holds his hand out for Raven to take it. Raven almost misses it, confused at first at the unfamiliar gesture. He reprimands himself right after for being so strange.
Ciels bed is lit through a window by early moonlight. It's pleasant, making the room more comforting than it already looked. And… a few soft plushies lay on the sides of the bed. Lus? (speaking of, where did lu run off to? she can't have gone somewhere far, right? but he doesn't pry.)
“Hmm… you can borrow something of mine if you want something more comfortable to sleep in.” Ciel shrugs towards one of two doors next to each other. “The closet’s there if you wanna take a shot to see if it fits.”
Raven nods, except he shuffles awkwardly through what he can find and grabbing a pair of sweatpants. They’re loose enough that it doesn’t matter if they fit or not, and he doesn’t plan on wearing a shirt anyway. Ciel nods him towards the other door when he walks out, but when he exits again, he stares.
“What’s wrong?” Raven asks.
“Huh? Oh, nothing. Nothing at all, honestly. You just… always look good.” He laughs, breathy and short. Raven suddenly feels embarrassed. Did he always look at him like that? Not that he minded, so much, but… the concept of being attractive to someone was foreign and long-forgotten. And… mostly just embarrassing.
Ciel repeats the same thing Raven did, and comes out in an oversized shirt with… a large print of a very round cat in the middle? That was… cute…  He shuffles into the bed wordlessly, with the ease of a motion he’s taken countless times. Except, it was with someone else this time, wasn't it?
Raven finds that he's stayed silently by the door for a rather long time now when Ciel turns to look at him, concerned.
“Do you not want to get in? It's fine if that's the case.”
“No, I…” Raven starts, but doesn't know where he's going. He worries his lip instead.
“...Mmm.” Ciel gets out of the bed and walks to him, taking his hand. “It's alright. Come on.” He says, pulling lightly on his hand. Raven follows the lead, and comes to sit on the edge of the bed with him.
He thinks he should at least turn away for this, or something, so he does. A ritual he knows by heart and muscle memory, a seal popping open, and a very strange feeling later, he hefts his Nasod arm to the floor and props it up. He’d have to quickly get it back on in the morning, but… it’d cause more trouble than convenience if he didn’t.
Ciel is staring, again. He quickly catches himself, but not before Raven notices.
“Everyone does. It's fine.”
He shifts under the sheets with Ciel, and suddenly feels very wrong. He doesn't deserve this, does he? He most certainly doesn't, not like this. He’ll hurt Ciel if he gets any closer, so he should stay on the opposite side, and…
and Ciel pulls him by the waist into his arms.
“That's better,” he mutters sleepily, and rubs circles into Ravens back.
It's… good. Ciels embrace is calming, and feels more like home than anything Raven’s felt in… who knows how long.
But still… still, the feeling of being undeserving persisted. Ciel must have been able to feel how he remained stiff and anxious, because he kisses Ravens forehead.
“Hey,” he says, guiding Ravens hand to his own hip. “I want to be here with you. ...You won’t hurt me, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Raven breathes deeply before looking Ciel in the eyes. “Do you promise?”
He smiles, almost laughing. “I promise.
In fact…” He trails off, leaning closer to Raven, almost directly on him. “I want you to kiss me.”
Raven at least knows enough to know it'd be awkward to say anything, and obliges. Ciel is warm, and it spreads to himーwarm, soft and encompassing, something Raven welcomes with open arms, lets cover him whole. It feels safe, with himーsomething he rarely feels anymore.
Perhaps it's alright, thenーjust this once, to allow himself to let his guard down, to be happy without consequence.
Maybe… just this once. Maybe (he hopes, somewhere deep in his heart he can't yet see,) much more in the future.
There's something warm, something wet, something too bright covering his arms to the biceps. He doesn't get time to process it before he's lifted and shoved by the collar towards a tank, barely harboring a glance at the floor before being submerged. Bodies, bodies smothering it, smothering himーhe can't breathe. Every gasp is filled with burning liquid, every frantic scrape he takes at the glass is meaningless. He can't move his limbs, anything, everything is numbing. He can't let this happen, not again not again notー
He wakes and the ceiling is too far away. He moves his left arm first, remembers where he is, then tries his right, and remembers there’s nothing. He finds a warm hand almost immediately after scrambling in front of him again with his left, and gasps.
Ah, Ciel… Right, he's with Ciel… They fell asleep together, something that hadn't happened before.
He takes a deep breath and makes a decision.
“I'm sorry, Ciel,” Raven mutters before making to get out of the bed. Ciel stirs when he gets up, and he curses under his breath. He freezes, holding his breath and waiting until Ciel settles again before leaving.
The night air feels like stepping through a certain, into something new and refreshing. He breathes in deeply, trying to collect himself. He shoves his hand down the pocket of his sweatpants (ciels, rather), wondering if anyone would cause a fuss over a scary-looking man with one arm wandering around at night.
That was what people called him, wasn't it? Scary. He shakes his head. He knows he didn't give that feeling before he was captured. He figures it's a combination of the Nasod arm and all his scars. And… his demeanor. He tries to be nicer, he really does… He sighs. There's nothing to be done about it, really, is there? He's tried for years, to no avail. Perhaps he's damaged in more ways than his arm.
He kicks a loose chip of the sidewalk. It was a bit cold… It was the middle of the night, after all, and he'd only bothered to pull on his shoes so he could walk before heading out. It didn't matter, in any case. He would live. Nonetheless, he shivers and rubs his shoulder. He knew this part of Ruben well enough to know that… soon enough, a small river would come into view. He quickly gets to it, just as he thought.
He's come here before, on a few occasions like this. He finds water calming, for whatever reason. He settles by the shore, staring out at the surface of the water, rippling gently with the cool night winds. He attempts to settle his breathing, tune it with an imaginary flow of the waves. Ciel didn't need to see him like this. This way, he could deal with things on his own, and no one would be burdened with his issues.
The water is tranquil, and the aura of it seeps through his chest, until he finds the maelstrom in his chest has calmed. Running away like thisーit wasn't something he did before, either. But this was good, he knew it wasーit was the best possible solution that he could access to his troubles. At the very least, it was certainly better than… less than savory methods he'd used to cope in the past.
He stays like this for a long while, contemplating more than he likely should, in a state like this. He's only broken out of it when he hears frantic footsteps.
Shit, shit, shit, who is that? If it was just a passerby, he'd be fine, but if it wasn'tーshit, he hadn't brought a weapon, and his balance was thrown off (if just slightly) with no prosthetic.
“Raven? Are you there?” A familiar voice calls, and Ravens heart twists.
“...How did you find me?” He asks, perhaps too quietly.
Ciel rubs the back of his neck as he keeps walking to Raven. “I don't know that myself. I ran around for, ah, who knows how long until now.” He near collapses next to Raven when he gets to him. Raven feels his heart twinge with guilt. Had he been looking for him the whole time he'd been out…?
“...I’m sorry.” Raven mutters. Ciel laughs, out of breath.
“You should be!” then, after a moment, “I'm kidding. Very much so. You scared me half to death, though…” Ciel hangs his arms on his knees, breathing heavy. “So, any reason why you absconded into the night like that? I'm just that bad of a host?” He tries to keep his tone light, but concern shines through.
“It's… nothing, really.”
“Running off at four o’clock in the morning is kind of a little more than nothing.”
Raven runs a hand over his face, keeps it in his hair and stares at the stars. “It's nothing for you to worry about, at least.”
Ciel watches him as his head falls. “Raven?”
“If…” He leans over to take Ravens hand in his own, ever-so-softly, and Raven turns to look at him in surprise. “If we're, really, seriously doing this, it's absolutely something for me to worry about.”
Raven feels his heart swell through the genuine words and Ciels gaze. “I… Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to… ruin the night you set up.”
“Shhh, don't be, you didn’t,” Ciel says, kissing Ravens knuckles. “Just let me know what's wrong.”
“You could tell that much?”
Ciel scoffs. “Is running away something you do when you're happy?”
Raven rolls his eyes. “Alright, I get it. It… was a nightmare, is all.”
“‘Is all.’”
“That’s really all?”
Raven fidgets anxiously. He squeezes Ciels hand, not meeting his gaze, “No… It's not.”
“...Is it something I can know?”
Raven once again looks surprised. “What do you mean?”
“I mean…” His face grows more solemn. “Things appear in my nightmares that… are very, very personal. If that's not something you're ready to share with me, it's okay. If you are, though... “ He brings Ravens hand to his chest. “I'm here to listen to anything you tell me.”
Raven clenches, unclenches his hand, stares at the ground between his feet. After a long moment, “I’ve told you how I got my Nasod arm, haven’t I?”
Ciel nods. “A little. I know you were experimented on, not much else.”
Ravens face is scrunched up something fierce, and he scowls at himself. “I… had a fiance. Comrades. They… were all killed, when I was kidnapped, and someone I had trusted aided in their murder.” He tries not to pay attention to the way Ciels face goes soft and heartbroken. “That’s… all I need to say, I think. You can likely imagine what the nightmares are about, now.”
“Don’t tell me you’re sorry for me. I don’t need it.”
“I wasn’t going to.”
“Then what?” If you’re not going to offer me your pity like everyone else, then what?
“I lost someone very important to me, too.” Ciel mutters, leaning against Ravens arm now.
“He was… like a father to me. He took me in after my family was killed. I had a little sister, too.” Raven chances a look at Ciels face. He’s staring out at the water, head leaning on Ravens shoulder.
He has a smile on his face, but he’s not looking at the water, is he?
“He died, then?”
“Mm. What do you think? Killed, rather.” He gives a soft laugh. “He wanted me never to be like himーnever to be a hitman like himーeven made me promise not to hurt people.” He closes his eyes. “When I found out he was killed… I was just a kid, but I killed the people who hunted him down. With my past, nowーso much for that promise, I guess…”
Ciel hums and wraps his arm around Ravens, getting somehow even closer to him. “That’s my sob story. If I’m going to trust you, might as well get it all out.”
Raven lets them stay quiet for a moment, wrapped up in each others presence.
“Thank you… for telling me.”
Ciel shrugs. “I just want you to know that, you’re not alone in that pain, I suppose.” Then, after a moment, “Just because I spilled all that out doesn’t mean you have to. It’s okay if you don’t want to say anymore than you already have.”
Raven squeezes Ciels hand. “...Maybe… Maybe another time.”
“That’s fine.”
They watch the water together in silence. Raven tries to process everything that’s been said. The water is achy and the air feels thin with the scent of fresh grass. It’s familiar and not.
“Hey… Why’d you run off? You could’ve talked to me…” Ciel asks, lifting his head up to look at Raven.
“Ah, er. I didn’t want to burden you. I didn’t think you’d wake up…”
Ciel shakes his head. “The bed was all cold and empty after you left. I guess it was enough to disturb my sleep.” He pauses, then adds, “I’m glad it did. I don’t want you to be alone like that…”
“It’s not an issue. I’ve done it for years. Getting out, away from things, it helps me. It clears my mind, and doing it alone makes sure it doesn’t bother anyone.” Raven says as if it’s the plainest thing in the world.
“Mmm… Maybe so, but… I love you, you know. It wouldn’t bother me.” Ciel says, soft, almost a whisper.
‘I love you, you know.’ ‘I love you.’ ‘I love you.’ His tone so gentle, so genuine, repeating itself in Ravens mind, knowing it was directed at him, that it was meant wholly and truly…
Raven asks, pensively, “May I kiss you?” and Ciel dons a sleepy smile, nodding.
So he does, and it is safe, and it is comfortable, and he is most certainly home.
Ciel says, “I’m very glad I met you,” and nuzzles into Ravens neck, and Raven melts.
“And I you.” Raven pulls Ciel closer to him, arm around his waist.
“I want… I want to be there for you, like you have been for me,” Raven mumbles into Ciels hair. “I am not… particularly… good with emotions, mine or others. But, I… you deserve the same compassion you’ve given to me.” He seems to stumble over his words, as if finding a rocky path through a river.
Ciel smiles. “Aww, you’re a sweetheart.” Raven looks almost shocked, and he laughs. “But, really… It’s enough just to be with you.” He tips his head up towards Raven. “It’s wonderful. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
‘I don’t deserve you,’ flits through Ravens mind. ‘I don’t deserve such love, such care,’ he almost says it, the words dyeing his lips and then seeping in. He decides against it. Ciel shivers out loud and Raven pulls him closer.
“I’m… sorry for making you come out here in the middle of the night. We should get back inside, you’ll get sick.”
Ciel laughs at him. “I’m not that fragile, you know. But… yeah, I would like to get back in the warm house.” He shifts up to kiss Ravens cheek, and he almost doesn’t register Ciels next words from surprise. “Mm, but you’re so warm. Like a heater.”
“Let's go home,” says Raven, softer than anything else he's said tonight, and half-carries Ciel back to his bed.
The night is still cold, but Raven feels a warm fireplace in his chest that outmatches all of it.
By the time they get home, Ciel has shifted from walking beside Raven, holding his hand, to being near-asleep leaning against his side, with Raven having to nudge him alert every now and then.
He attempts to get in the doors as quietly as possible, and without disturbing the man half-asleep on his shoulder. He briefly forgets where the bedroom is, but he eventually finds it and nudges the door open with his foot and helps him into bed, where he goes still almost immediately.
It was… calming, somewhat, to watch him fall into sleep so easily. Knowing he could keep Ciel safe, and he could be that comfortable around him… It was good. Perhaps… he was capable of loving him as he deserved, perhaps he was capable of more than hurt.
He slips into the bed after him, and this time, lets himself lay close to Ciel, soaking up his warmth like a cat on a windowsill.
Maybe… Just maybe, he was allowed this happiness.
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