#all that hand embroidery whew
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hyperionwitch · 9 months ago
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The evening weather FINALLY cooperated for long enough (mostly--it was SO windy, lol) so we ran out to the river and finally did a photoshoot for Princess Serenity! These turned out so dreamy, I love them~
Photos: @tasty-patches (touch ups/effects editing by me)
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sennedjem · 2 months ago
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COLLAR IS DONE AAHHHH, so I had to do a side by side with the game model!
Almost 50 hours of actual embroidery, plus roughly another 10 for the border stitching details, all done by hand. Whew! But look at it, I’m so damn proud!
I hadn’t initially planned on lining this, but now I think I will for a more finished feel. So that’s next, then sewing up the sleeves/sides, and then it’s back to embroidery hell for the hem xD And in the meantime, I need to get back to the stitching details on the trousers, because I can only do a little of that at a time before my hands start screaming at me.
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successfullyadhd · 7 months ago
My son is ADHD and suffers very badly from second hand embarrassment. He can not even watch a tv show or movie with a character that does something embarrassing. I think it is the reason he is scared to try new things in fear of not being good at it and getting Embarrassed.
Do you have any suggestions for me to help him overcome this?
I’m so sorry that it’s 2024 and I somehow just saw this question from 2021. Whew. Awkward.
Anyway, I’m going to answer as if it’s still helpful because it might be! And if not to you, then maybe another person.
Two parts -
1) second hand embarrassment. I get this ALL the time and cannot watch certain shows because of it. The Office is a great example, where the humor is based on other people not understanding typical social cues. I cannot be in the room while someone is watching The Office. Or pretty much anything with Will Ferrell.
People with ADHD have incredible empathy, to the point where they deeply feel emotions of other people around them. Part of it is a defense mechanism - we get so many more negative reactions from our peers and adults at a young age than is typical that you start intensely studying non-verbal cues to recognize when something is about to go wrong. Watching this play out, even in a non-threatening situation like through a TV show, sparks up our fight-or-flight. The social cues are telling us to run even though it isn’t happening to us. The other reason is that our brains are wired to feel our own emotions more intensely than the average person. When we see other people going through a situation we find relatable or have experienced before (skirt tucked into your undies in public) the emotions we would be feeling in the same situation get brought up, even though it isn’t happening to us. Our brain and nervous system is recognizing a pattern and telling us what it *would* feel like if it were us, which then makes us understand how that person is most likely feeling.
And for this, I have no suggestions 🙃 if I knew how to stop second hand embarrassment, I would share. But I would say it could be a strength, because empathy and shared human experiences help you be a better person, and make lasting friendships. (As long as those friends don’t watch The Office. Or Parks and Rec.)
2) not trying new things - this one is also common among the ADHD crowd. ADHD people have a tendency to be perfectionists - we can see exactly how something should go and as soon as we have an idea, our brain has already sprinted ahead to the finish line and made a diagram of the exact way to get there. But there is a disconnect between our ideas - often ambitious, lofty and enthusiastic - and the experience needed to make it happen. For example, I love embroidery. I daydream about the incredible designs I would love to make - but when I try to do it, I don’t have the skill needed to make it come to life. If I kept at it, tried and practiced and messed it up and tried it again, I would have already been the best embroidery artist the world has seen. But the experience of the perfect imagine in my brain not being translated into what my skill is capable of doing is frustrating, and I quickly become uninterested.
It can be intimidating to try new things and feeling like unless you have innate talent, you aren’t going to be successful and you will look dumb. (And even people with innate talent need practice to hone their skills.)
To encourage trying new things, I would suggest starting small in a space where he is free to fail repeatedly over and over again. When I go to a yoga class and the teacher introduces some complicated move that my body isn’t ready for, I’ll sometimes take a water break or pause in the previous movement and look around with envy at all the other people successfully doing it. I wait it out and then go on with the movements when I’m back in comfortable territory. But when I get home, I’ll practice the move by myself over and over again until I’m ready to do it in front of other people without the humiliation of struggling in front of my peers.
The other thing that helps is low pressure and low stakes situations. I am not athletic by any stretch of the imagination and I can remember so many situations in grade school (or middle school!) gym class where we would need to do some athletic feat in front of 30 other kids. I would try to get out of it and the teacher would pressure me, and the other kids would say “it’s not that hard, just do it.” And I would feel so embarrassed and flustered by the attention I would make an attempt (and utterly fail) to hit the ball and then run to the back of the line as other kids laughed. And you can bet I never, ever tried to do any of those things again because even revisiting the memory of the first attempt made me feel nauseous. But looking back, if I could have had a one-on-one situation where someone patient and kind worked with me, I would have tried so many more things. Pressure would make me double down on refusing, quiet offering would make me feel safe enough to try it.
Also, another idea would be to give him options of things he can try on his own with minimal teaching/interference. Like if someone had introduced cross country skiing, or rock climbing, or some other sport where there wasn’t a whole team relying on me, and I could practice independently to get better, I might have found an athletic side after all. Other things in the category would be: hands on crafts - leather working, bead making, drawing, etc. computer programming/video game building. Writing. Cooking. Growing a plant or a garden. Things that you can fail at over and over without it being a public display. (Whether the scrutiny is real or imagined, it will dampen the mood) And if he wants to throw away his art work without showing you, or won’t let you see his first clay sculpture or whatever - let him. Let him keep it to himself until he’s ready. I remember adults - teachers, coaches, whoever - asking to see my -insert whatever here- and me being embarrassed because I knew it wasn’t good. And then them complimenting me and encouraging me, and me being more embarrassed because I knew that objectively the thing wasn’t good and they were being kind. They were doing all the right things but I just wanted to keep it to myself until I felt confident enough to share my progress.
I hope this helps! Good luck! It’s been three years since you submitted this so I’m sure life looks different for your family today but maybe this is something that still comes up.
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pbandjesse · 1 year ago
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Today was a really good day. I am absolutely exhausted. And also very cold! I am excited to go to sleep.
I slept okay last night. I was still in a weird mood and I think if effected my dreams. I slept in and I think that helped a lot. But I still probably could have slept more.
I don't remember James leaving. But I would be okay when I got up. I got dressed and felt really pretty today. My lip hurts but is healing. My hair and makeup were great. I was in a good mood.
I had a snack for breakfast while I waited to hear from my mom. She had picked up Aunt Nadine around 9 and should be to me around 1030. So I had a little time to kill. I picked up a few things. Hung out with sweetp. And watched tiktoks on the couch. And very soon mom called me that they were downstairs.
When I got down there I laughed at them because they had parked out front and the sidewalk was so high next to Mom's car that she couldn't open the door. It got stuck on the sidewalk. Which is something that used to happen when we had the Toyota so it was very funny. I directed her to move the car to the side street and it would be easier.
She brought boxes for me for packing which was very appreciated. Hugs all around and then I took them inside. There were many complaints about the steps but we made it upstairs and I gave a mini tour and sweetp was so chatty at them which I thought was funny. He's such a baby.
We wouldn't stay at the apartment for long. We all piled into my car (after Nadine got stuck in the door and I had to feed her. We were really off to a great start) and I drove us to lunch at the Southside diner.
I have never had to wait before but it's a Saturday and we went st s normal meal time so it wasn't shocking. Just not much space to wait.
It was funny seeing Nadine make friends with other people, complimenting necklaces and stuff. And I was just enjoying being with my mom. I was feeling really happy having her here.
We did eventually get a table and the food would come quick. I loved talked to them both though. About Disney and moving and the house and the feelings I've had and I was just enjoying having them be there. I hope this isn't a one time thing.
After we finished eating and paid, I drove us over to the museum to say hi to James. Seeing my mom give them a big hug was so cute. I went to use the bathroom and had a brand new experience!
There was a huge event at the museum today for school kids doing a city building challenge so there were a bunch of kids. And right outside the bathroom was a group of preteen girls in hijabs. They came in the bathroom after me and almost all immediately took the hijabs off! I was slightly shocked but also. It's an all women's space. So it makes sense. But it was like when someone takes off their bra at the end of the day and go. Whew! They all made that face! They fixed their hair and put some water behind their ears and readjusted. It was just so sweet. We smiled at each other when we were washing out hands.
I went to give James a hug to. Mom was looking at the gift shop. Stanley came through and I introduced him to mom. And he made a fuss about me being great. I told him we would be back at BMI tomorrow but it was just to busy today. He said he knew that was right. We headed out soon after that as more people were coming in.
We drove around the block twice because I was struggling to figure out how to park at AVAM. Which was making me very stressed out but Mom told me I was okay and I ended up finding a spot across the street. I didn't know how long we would be there so I absolutely overpaid the parking but it was $3 so whatever.
I brought my staff id card that I was given when I did the contract work with them last year and I asked if I could get a discount. Mom and Nadine were like we can pay we can pay and I'm like shhh I'm haggling. And I got us all in for free I'm the best.
And I had a really good time. The one exhibit was dozens of large scale quilted embroidery pieces that told all the memories of a Holocaust survivor. Just a wild feat. There was also a really interesting exhibit from a woman with down syndrome that made these wrapped pieces and they x-rayed one to show what was inside and that was really fascinating. I really enjoyed talking about the pieces with mom and Nadine. The interesting thing about the visionary museum is that it's all self taught outside artists and there are some really funky pieces and it's just really cool to see how silly or serious or political different things can be. To see the different influences. I really enjoyed seeing the pieces. I love seeing art and it always leaves me feeling so inspired.
Before we went to the second building we stopped in the gift shop. Where Nadine lost us and thought we left her. But we were just looking at the books. I got one about turquoise jewelry of the southwest and they had a basket of Disney pins so I got a few of those to share with Jess. And after mom talked to the cashier and one of the workers for a while we went to get Nadine and walked to the other building. I climbed up in the one structure and we had some nice conversations about art and the other building is fun because it's the painted screens and the whirligigs and Fifi the giant poodle is there. It was fun.
Mom and Nadine were sitting on a bench while I was turning all the cranks and pushing all the buttons for the whirligigs. Nadine was struggling to get their reservation to confirm for the hotel but got them on the phone and became best friends with the customer service person. I was glad they have a nice room to stay in.
I wanted to show them where the house is. So I drove us all to Patterson Park and parked outside of our new place. Mom was surprised how narrow it is. It's 15 feet across inside. It's a little place for sure but they both grew up in a row house so I don't think they should be very surprised. They both seemed to like the block and the neighborhood. And after I drove us around to the alley which was the first time I've done that and it was neat to see how it was laid out from that side. I am curious if we can park there. We will have to see. It might be helpful for moving. But also it's angle parking instead of parallel so that also might be nice.
Mom had to get out of the car to move a trash can. And then I drove us around the entirety of the park so they could see how nice the park and neighborhood was. I also showed them where it gets slightly rougher but even then neither of them seemed concerned. I felt very supported and was just having fun pointing stuff out and being a tour guide.
After driving around the whole park I pointed out again where the house was. And showed how close things were to what, I took us back to the apartment. We decided we would take a break and they would go lay down and we would meet back up for dinner. This seemed like the best plan. And it worked out beautifully.
Once I parked we had big hugs and they left to go to the hotel. And I went upstairs. I was chilly. But I wanted to get at least something done even if it was small. I pulled out my suitcase and got that a little more ready. With my new little bag that I made sure fits my water bottle and umbrella. And affixed my new pins. Packed the ones for Jess. I spent a few minutes trying to find my clean toiletry airport bag. Which I did finally find in my other suitcase. So I sorted my nonliquids and my liquids and was glad to at least get a little bit accomplished.
I laid in bed with sweetp for the next hour and a half. Until James came home. I was just really cold and it was cozy in bed so why would I leave. I was happy to see James. They had a very long day. And we're pretty tired. But they were ready to leave for dinner whenever we needed to.
Mom called me as James was telling me a story about their day and thought she heard yelling. No my husband just speaks in shouts when they are excited. We decided to meet at their hotel at 6. So me and James would leave the house at 545.
And when we got there we pulled into the valet and told them we were there to get my mom and my aunt and the valet man was very nice. Opening doors for them and such. And then we were off.
Matthews would be very busy. I am not used to going to meals at normal times. But it wasn't a terrible wait. I had brought out wedding book to show Nadine so we had something to pass the time. I talked to the people waiting next to us and recommended the Thai pie to them and after they are they thanked me for the excellent recommendation. Which made me feel really good.
Nadine got tired of standing to wait and went and store a seat and I was very worried the waitress would be mad at us but it would be fine. And that's the table we ended up sat at anyway. And it took a while because they had just had a three table family party that obviously overloaded them a little but I was having fun talking and telling stories about hello kitty and giving a presentation on my wishlist for the year and explaining how the CIA selling weapons to Osama lead to Ellen losing her talk show and it was all very silly and fun.
And the food was great. I love Mathews and I'm really glad it worked out even if it was a little wait. I was happy with my family.
After we finished and paid I had James take out picture outside. And I just felt so much love.
We took them back to the hotel. I got out of the car to give hugs. And confirmed our plan for the morning. And then me and James headed home.
We got back here in one piece. James had music going and was singing and dancing at me. Being a goof. Love my silly husband.
I would take a shower. And got in my jammies and now we are in bed and I am really ready to sleep. I hope my mom and my aunt are resting and having fun being girls together in a hotel. I hope they have a nice view from their room. And I really hope we have fun tomorrow.
I hope you all sleep well tonight. Kiss your cats for me. Love you guys. Goodnight!
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cleverhottubmiracle · 2 months ago
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Disclosure: I purchased this lingerie set myself. Whew, here’s a review I am late to publishing! I started the first draft of this article last June, shortly after I’d purchased this Petra set, and then life just got in the way. This unfortunately means that it’s no longer available in this particular colour directly from Studio Pia (though at the time of writing, there are still limited sizes available from stockists here, here and here), but it also means I can give you a more thorough review since I’ve worn it regularly for close to a year now. Studio Pia was launched in 2017 by Pia Harpur, and I was an instant admirer of the brand. It’s unsurprisingly really, considering she’d previously worked at one of my all-time favourite lingerie labels, Bordelle. Right from Studio Pia’s debut collection, the brand’s now-signature elements were present: bespoke embroideries, cruelty-free peace silk, and the silk-wrapped straps with gold-plated hardware that allow for a highly adjustable fit. Also available from day one was the Petra collection (or at least some of it – more shapes have been added over the years) but I didn’t pay it much attention for the longest time. While there are many things that make Studio Pia so special, I think most fans of the brand would agree that very top of that list is its highly-creative embroideries. As new Petra colourways came and went, every time a new Studio Pia collection landed, it was really the embroideries I’d be obsessing over – everything from jewels to hands to snakes and chains. But clearly, not everyone felt the same way; Petra stuck around, so it’s obviously been selling! And somewhere along the line, I found myself becoming drawn to it too. Maybe I’m just becoming more practical with age, with smooth silk seeming like a more wearable choice than textured embroidery to go under clothing. Whatever the reason, when Studio Pia ran a sale last May, it was the Petra bralette and high-waisted ‘waist thong’ set in colour Amber that I most wanted to add to my lingerie collection. At full price, the Petra bralette retails for £180 and the Petra waist thong for £220. I only paid about a quarter of that, plus customs duty, so it’s well worth watching out for sales if Studio Pia is out of your budget. The double silk layer of the cups. Design & construction There’s no doubt about it: the Petra set is a piece of luxury. Not only are the bra and thong made from silk satin, but they’re lined with it too. Twice the amount of silk will naturally push up the price, but the payoff is that it makes the garments feel sturdier and more substantial. In some places the edges are created by simply folding the silk over, while in others the layers are sewn together with the stitches sandwiched between them, hidden from view. Known as bagging out, this is a luxury seaming technique which creates an extremely clean, neat-looking finish. The back of the set closes with a series of double straps which, as I mentioned, are fully encased in silk and are all adjustable via 24k gold-plated hardware. It’s a wonderfully sumptuous touch, but it does mean the straps are fairly bulky and you can’t just pull the slider along the strap like you can with a plain elastic one. You have to gently feed one side of the strap through the slider first to fully loosen it or else you risk damaging the delicate silk (don’t ask me how I know…). This makes adjusting the straps a bit fiddly and time-consuming, but the silver lining is that once you’ve got them how you want them, they’ll stay firmly put! I haven’t had to re-adjust these straps even once over the past eleven months. At the centre of each of these double strap details is a Studio Pia-branded clasp, also gold-plated, which is yet another deluxe touch. I’ve found this particular style of clasp to sometimes prove challenging to fasten when I can’t see what I’m doing – not a problem for the bra since I can spin it, but I do have to fasten the two thong clasps behind my back. A little annoying for going to the bathroom, but otherwise I do love these clasps for what they add to the set visually. One other thing to note on the subject of straps is that the bralette ones are detachable at the back, so you can cross them over if you want to. The thong’s legline straps are also partially detachable, though I’m not really sure why. Fit & comfort Both the Petra bralette and high-waisted Petra thong come in sizes XS to L, covering UK 4-18 / US 0-12. I went with my usual size XS for the thong, and a size M for the bralette. The brand’s size chart states that M fits a UK 12-14 and ‘C-D’ cups (and an L, ‘D-DD’ cups); the cup size recommendations are pretty meaningless to be honest without accompanying band sizes. I wear a UK 6 and 30DD and picked an M as it’s usually what I need to have enough room in the cups in bralettes, although sometimes the band ends up being too loose. Luckily, that’s not an issue with Petra. While I did need to make the bra band as short as it would go, once done it was snug enough to stay horizontal. Would I have ideally liked it a little firmer? Sure. But since this is a bralette which isn’t something you buy for totally secure support, I’m perfectly happy with the fit. And the cups feel like exactly the right size! I think they’d work for a cup size down too (smaller than that, and there’d be gapping/wrinkling) and there’s definitely enough stretch to fit a cup size larger; the fabric, by the way, is 95% silk and 5% elastane, so that adds to the flexibility. With the band also able to be extended by about 4 inches, this is clearly going to fit a wide range of bra sizes. Naturally, the size XS thong is much more snug on my body. In fact, I had to extend the waist straps on this one to their maximum length and it still feels firm, but not uncomfortably so. I actually really like the fit since, with its wide waistband elastic that hits me right at my natural waistline, it has a gentle cinching-in effect that I appreciate. The leg straps are, like everything else, adjustable so you can tweak the fit there too. As for comfort, you really can’t go wrong with smooth silk satin. It’s incredibly soft against the skin, and feels cool to the touch which is great in summer! The thong’s gusset is lined with cotton, and where all of the straps join to the silk panels there is a velvety plush backing. On the bra, there is also flexible boning here to add more strength, but it’s not something you notice while wearing it. Nothing pinches, nothing pokes in… while I wouldn’t go as far as to say you’ll feel like you’re not even wearing it (there are a lot of straps after all!), I’ve found this set to be pretty comfortable. Bra interior – notice the plush texture of the boning channel along the edge. Washing & care All Studio Pia lingerie is hand wash only due to its delicate nature. But although delicate, the design feels sturdily-made too and I’m happy to say that it’s still in near-flawless condition after close to a year of regular wear and laundering. The silk does get a bit wrinkled after washing; the garment tags say not to iron, whereas the care guide on Studio Pia’s website says you can iron their silks on a low heat setting and with a few precautions. I’ve not really been bothered by the wrinkling because it’s less visible once the set is stretched out on the body, but I did give them a slight iron (through a thin cloth) to take these photos and that was fine. Silk is also notorious for not being colourfast, and that’s certainly the case here. I made the mistake of washing the set in the same basin as one of my cream-coloured Panache Clara bras when I was in a rush, and the Panache bra is now a shade darker than the matching thong. So be diligent about washing the Petra set separately or only with identical colours! Styling the Petra bralette as (sort of) outerwear. Final thoughts Lately, Studio Pia seems to be undergoing a major upheaval. I’ve read rumours that the brand is being taken in a new direction, I don’t know if that’s true but it has announced the end to a number of its most iconic collections including Soraya, Liana and the other entirely-silk satin range, Clea (which, by the way, is also perfect for mixing and matching with Petra). As for Petra, all of the pieces currently on the site are heavily discounted, however I’ve not heard anything about this range leaving too. I hope it’s staying because I can totally see the appeal now – I’d love to add this to my collection in a few more colours! Either way, whether it’ll be coming out in new colours or not, now is definitely a great time to purchase. As someone who may only recently have become a customer but has adored this brand since its very beginning, I’m very curious to see whatever’s coming next to replace those discontinued Studio Pia classics! What do you think of Studio Pia’s all-silk Petra range compared to their embroidered collections? Are you a fan of this brand too? The product recommendations directly above are affiliate links Source link
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norajworld · 2 months ago
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Disclosure: I purchased this lingerie set myself. Whew, here’s a review I am late to publishing! I started the first draft of this article last June, shortly after I’d purchased this Petra set, and then life just got in the way. This unfortunately means that it’s no longer available in this particular colour directly from Studio Pia (though at the time of writing, there are still limited sizes available from stockists here, here and here), but it also means I can give you a more thorough review since I’ve worn it regularly for close to a year now. Studio Pia was launched in 2017 by Pia Harpur, and I was an instant admirer of the brand. It’s unsurprisingly really, considering she’d previously worked at one of my all-time favourite lingerie labels, Bordelle. Right from Studio Pia’s debut collection, the brand’s now-signature elements were present: bespoke embroideries, cruelty-free peace silk, and the silk-wrapped straps with gold-plated hardware that allow for a highly adjustable fit. Also available from day one was the Petra collection (or at least some of it – more shapes have been added over the years) but I didn’t pay it much attention for the longest time. While there are many things that make Studio Pia so special, I think most fans of the brand would agree that very top of that list is its highly-creative embroideries. As new Petra colourways came and went, every time a new Studio Pia collection landed, it was really the embroideries I’d be obsessing over – everything from jewels to hands to snakes and chains. But clearly, not everyone felt the same way; Petra stuck around, so it’s obviously been selling! And somewhere along the line, I found myself becoming drawn to it too. Maybe I’m just becoming more practical with age, with smooth silk seeming like a more wearable choice than textured embroidery to go under clothing. Whatever the reason, when Studio Pia ran a sale last May, it was the Petra bralette and high-waisted ‘waist thong’ set in colour Amber that I most wanted to add to my lingerie collection. At full price, the Petra bralette retails for £180 and the Petra waist thong for £220. I only paid about a quarter of that, plus customs duty, so it’s well worth watching out for sales if Studio Pia is out of your budget. The double silk layer of the cups. Design & construction There’s no doubt about it: the Petra set is a piece of luxury. Not only are the bra and thong made from silk satin, but they’re lined with it too. Twice the amount of silk will naturally push up the price, but the payoff is that it makes the garments feel sturdier and more substantial. In some places the edges are created by simply folding the silk over, while in others the layers are sewn together with the stitches sandwiched between them, hidden from view. Known as bagging out, this is a luxury seaming technique which creates an extremely clean, neat-looking finish. The back of the set closes with a series of double straps which, as I mentioned, are fully encased in silk and are all adjustable via 24k gold-plated hardware. It’s a wonderfully sumptuous touch, but it does mean the straps are fairly bulky and you can’t just pull the slider along the strap like you can with a plain elastic one. You have to gently feed one side of the strap through the slider first to fully loosen it or else you risk damaging the delicate silk (don’t ask me how I know…). This makes adjusting the straps a bit fiddly and time-consuming, but the silver lining is that once you’ve got them how you want them, they’ll stay firmly put! I haven’t had to re-adjust these straps even once over the past eleven months. At the centre of each of these double strap details is a Studio Pia-branded clasp, also gold-plated, which is yet another deluxe touch. I’ve found this particular style of clasp to sometimes prove challenging to fasten when I can’t see what I’m doing – not a problem for the bra since I can spin it, but I do have to fasten the two thong clasps behind my back. A little annoying for going to the bathroom, but otherwise I do love these clasps for what they add to the set visually. One other thing to note on the subject of straps is that the bralette ones are detachable at the back, so you can cross them over if you want to. The thong’s legline straps are also partially detachable, though I’m not really sure why. Fit & comfort Both the Petra bralette and high-waisted Petra thong come in sizes XS to L, covering UK 4-18 / US 0-12. I went with my usual size XS for the thong, and a size M for the bralette. The brand’s size chart states that M fits a UK 12-14 and ‘C-D’ cups (and an L, ‘D-DD’ cups); the cup size recommendations are pretty meaningless to be honest without accompanying band sizes. I wear a UK 6 and 30DD and picked an M as it’s usually what I need to have enough room in the cups in bralettes, although sometimes the band ends up being too loose. Luckily, that’s not an issue with Petra. While I did need to make the bra band as short as it would go, once done it was snug enough to stay horizontal. Would I have ideally liked it a little firmer? Sure. But since this is a bralette which isn’t something you buy for totally secure support, I’m perfectly happy with the fit. And the cups feel like exactly the right size! I think they’d work for a cup size down too (smaller than that, and there’d be gapping/wrinkling) and there’s definitely enough stretch to fit a cup size larger; the fabric, by the way, is 95% silk and 5% elastane, so that adds to the flexibility. With the band also able to be extended by about 4 inches, this is clearly going to fit a wide range of bra sizes. Naturally, the size XS thong is much more snug on my body. In fact, I had to extend the waist straps on this one to their maximum length and it still feels firm, but not uncomfortably so. I actually really like the fit since, with its wide waistband elastic that hits me right at my natural waistline, it has a gentle cinching-in effect that I appreciate. The leg straps are, like everything else, adjustable so you can tweak the fit there too. As for comfort, you really can’t go wrong with smooth silk satin. It’s incredibly soft against the skin, and feels cool to the touch which is great in summer! The thong’s gusset is lined with cotton, and where all of the straps join to the silk panels there is a velvety plush backing. On the bra, there is also flexible boning here to add more strength, but it’s not something you notice while wearing it. Nothing pinches, nothing pokes in… while I wouldn’t go as far as to say you’ll feel like you’re not even wearing it (there are a lot of straps after all!), I’ve found this set to be pretty comfortable. Bra interior – notice the plush texture of the boning channel along the edge. Washing & care All Studio Pia lingerie is hand wash only due to its delicate nature. But although delicate, the design feels sturdily-made too and I’m happy to say that it’s still in near-flawless condition after close to a year of regular wear and laundering. The silk does get a bit wrinkled after washing; the garment tags say not to iron, whereas the care guide on Studio Pia’s website says you can iron their silks on a low heat setting and with a few precautions. I’ve not really been bothered by the wrinkling because it’s less visible once the set is stretched out on the body, but I did give them a slight iron (through a thin cloth) to take these photos and that was fine. Silk is also notorious for not being colourfast, and that’s certainly the case here. I made the mistake of washing the set in the same basin as one of my cream-coloured Panache Clara bras when I was in a rush, and the Panache bra is now a shade darker than the matching thong. So be diligent about washing the Petra set separately or only with identical colours! Styling the Petra bralette as (sort of) outerwear. Final thoughts Lately, Studio Pia seems to be undergoing a major upheaval. I’ve read rumours that the brand is being taken in a new direction, I don’t know if that’s true but it has announced the end to a number of its most iconic collections including Soraya, Liana and the other entirely-silk satin range, Clea (which, by the way, is also perfect for mixing and matching with Petra). As for Petra, all of the pieces currently on the site are heavily discounted, however I’ve not heard anything about this range leaving too. I hope it’s staying because I can totally see the appeal now – I’d love to add this to my collection in a few more colours! Either way, whether it’ll be coming out in new colours or not, now is definitely a great time to purchase. As someone who may only recently have become a customer but has adored this brand since its very beginning, I’m very curious to see whatever’s coming next to replace those discontinued Studio Pia classics! What do you think of Studio Pia’s all-silk Petra range compared to their embroidered collections? Are you a fan of this brand too? The product recommendations directly above are affiliate links Source link
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ellajme0 · 2 months ago
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Disclosure: I purchased this lingerie set myself. Whew, here’s a review I am late to publishing! I started the first draft of this article last June, shortly after I’d purchased this Petra set, and then life just got in the way. This unfortunately means that it’s no longer available in this particular colour directly from Studio Pia (though at the time of writing, there are still limited sizes available from stockists here, here and here), but it also means I can give you a more thorough review since I’ve worn it regularly for close to a year now. Studio Pia was launched in 2017 by Pia Harpur, and I was an instant admirer of the brand. It’s unsurprisingly really, considering she’d previously worked at one of my all-time favourite lingerie labels, Bordelle. Right from Studio Pia’s debut collection, the brand’s now-signature elements were present: bespoke embroideries, cruelty-free peace silk, and the silk-wrapped straps with gold-plated hardware that allow for a highly adjustable fit. Also available from day one was the Petra collection (or at least some of it – more shapes have been added over the years) but I didn’t pay it much attention for the longest time. While there are many things that make Studio Pia so special, I think most fans of the brand would agree that very top of that list is its highly-creative embroideries. As new Petra colourways came and went, every time a new Studio Pia collection landed, it was really the embroideries I’d be obsessing over – everything from jewels to hands to snakes and chains. But clearly, not everyone felt the same way; Petra stuck around, so it’s obviously been selling! And somewhere along the line, I found myself becoming drawn to it too. Maybe I’m just becoming more practical with age, with smooth silk seeming like a more wearable choice than textured embroidery to go under clothing. Whatever the reason, when Studio Pia ran a sale last May, it was the Petra bralette and high-waisted ‘waist thong’ set in colour Amber that I most wanted to add to my lingerie collection. At full price, the Petra bralette retails for £180 and the Petra waist thong for £220. I only paid about a quarter of that, plus customs duty, so it’s well worth watching out for sales if Studio Pia is out of your budget. The double silk layer of the cups. Design & construction There’s no doubt about it: the Petra set is a piece of luxury. Not only are the bra and thong made from silk satin, but they’re lined with it too. Twice the amount of silk will naturally push up the price, but the payoff is that it makes the garments feel sturdier and more substantial. In some places the edges are created by simply folding the silk over, while in others the layers are sewn together with the stitches sandwiched between them, hidden from view. Known as bagging out, this is a luxury seaming technique which creates an extremely clean, neat-looking finish. The back of the set closes with a series of double straps which, as I mentioned, are fully encased in silk and are all adjustable via 24k gold-plated hardware. It’s a wonderfully sumptuous touch, but it does mean the straps are fairly bulky and you can’t just pull the slider along the strap like you can with a plain elastic one. You have to gently feed one side of the strap through the slider first to fully loosen it or else you risk damaging the delicate silk (don’t ask me how I know…). This makes adjusting the straps a bit fiddly and time-consuming, but the silver lining is that once you’ve got them how you want them, they’ll stay firmly put! I haven’t had to re-adjust these straps even once over the past eleven months. At the centre of each of these double strap details is a Studio Pia-branded clasp, also gold-plated, which is yet another deluxe touch. I’ve found this particular style of clasp to sometimes prove challenging to fasten when I can’t see what I’m doing – not a problem for the bra since I can spin it, but I do have to fasten the two thong clasps behind my back. A little annoying for going to the bathroom, but otherwise I do love these clasps for what they add to the set visually. One other thing to note on the subject of straps is that the bralette ones are detachable at the back, so you can cross them over if you want to. The thong’s legline straps are also partially detachable, though I’m not really sure why. Fit & comfort Both the Petra bralette and high-waisted Petra thong come in sizes XS to L, covering UK 4-18 / US 0-12. I went with my usual size XS for the thong, and a size M for the bralette. The brand’s size chart states that M fits a UK 12-14 and ‘C-D’ cups (and an L, ‘D-DD’ cups); the cup size recommendations are pretty meaningless to be honest without accompanying band sizes. I wear a UK 6 and 30DD and picked an M as it’s usually what I need to have enough room in the cups in bralettes, although sometimes the band ends up being too loose. Luckily, that’s not an issue with Petra. While I did need to make the bra band as short as it would go, once done it was snug enough to stay horizontal. Would I have ideally liked it a little firmer? Sure. But since this is a bralette which isn’t something you buy for totally secure support, I’m perfectly happy with the fit. And the cups feel like exactly the right size! I think they’d work for a cup size down too (smaller than that, and there’d be gapping/wrinkling) and there’s definitely enough stretch to fit a cup size larger; the fabric, by the way, is 95% silk and 5% elastane, so that adds to the flexibility. With the band also able to be extended by about 4 inches, this is clearly going to fit a wide range of bra sizes. Naturally, the size XS thong is much more snug on my body. In fact, I had to extend the waist straps on this one to their maximum length and it still feels firm, but not uncomfortably so. I actually really like the fit since, with its wide waistband elastic that hits me right at my natural waistline, it has a gentle cinching-in effect that I appreciate. The leg straps are, like everything else, adjustable so you can tweak the fit there too. As for comfort, you really can’t go wrong with smooth silk satin. It’s incredibly soft against the skin, and feels cool to the touch which is great in summer! The thong’s gusset is lined with cotton, and where all of the straps join to the silk panels there is a velvety plush backing. On the bra, there is also flexible boning here to add more strength, but it’s not something you notice while wearing it. Nothing pinches, nothing pokes in… while I wouldn’t go as far as to say you’ll feel like you’re not even wearing it (there are a lot of straps after all!), I’ve found this set to be pretty comfortable. Bra interior – notice the plush texture of the boning channel along the edge. Washing & care All Studio Pia lingerie is hand wash only due to its delicate nature. But although delicate, the design feels sturdily-made too and I’m happy to say that it’s still in near-flawless condition after close to a year of regular wear and laundering. The silk does get a bit wrinkled after washing; the garment tags say not to iron, whereas the care guide on Studio Pia’s website says you can iron their silks on a low heat setting and with a few precautions. I’ve not really been bothered by the wrinkling because it’s less visible once the set is stretched out on the body, but I did give them a slight iron (through a thin cloth) to take these photos and that was fine. Silk is also notorious for not being colourfast, and that’s certainly the case here. I made the mistake of washing the set in the same basin as one of my cream-coloured Panache Clara bras when I was in a rush, and the Panache bra is now a shade darker than the matching thong. So be diligent about washing the Petra set separately or only with identical colours! Styling the Petra bralette as (sort of) outerwear. Final thoughts Lately, Studio Pia seems to be undergoing a major upheaval. I’ve read rumours that the brand is being taken in a new direction, I don’t know if that’s true but it has announced the end to a number of its most iconic collections including Soraya, Liana and the other entirely-silk satin range, Clea (which, by the way, is also perfect for mixing and matching with Petra). As for Petra, all of the pieces currently on the site are heavily discounted, however I’ve not heard anything about this range leaving too. I hope it’s staying because I can totally see the appeal now – I’d love to add this to my collection in a few more colours! Either way, whether it’ll be coming out in new colours or not, now is definitely a great time to purchase. As someone who may only recently have become a customer but has adored this brand since its very beginning, I’m very curious to see whatever’s coming next to replace those discontinued Studio Pia classics! What do you think of Studio Pia’s all-silk Petra range compared to their embroidered collections? Are you a fan of this brand too? The product recommendations directly above are affiliate links Source link
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chilimili212 · 2 months ago
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Disclosure: I purchased this lingerie set myself. Whew, here’s a review I am late to publishing! I started the first draft of this article last June, shortly after I’d purchased this Petra set, and then life just got in the way. This unfortunately means that it’s no longer available in this particular colour directly from Studio Pia (though at the time of writing, there are still limited sizes available from stockists here, here and here), but it also means I can give you a more thorough review since I’ve worn it regularly for close to a year now. Studio Pia was launched in 2017 by Pia Harpur, and I was an instant admirer of the brand. It’s unsurprisingly really, considering she’d previously worked at one of my all-time favourite lingerie labels, Bordelle. Right from Studio Pia’s debut collection, the brand’s now-signature elements were present: bespoke embroideries, cruelty-free peace silk, and the silk-wrapped straps with gold-plated hardware that allow for a highly adjustable fit. Also available from day one was the Petra collection (or at least some of it – more shapes have been added over the years) but I didn’t pay it much attention for the longest time. While there are many things that make Studio Pia so special, I think most fans of the brand would agree that very top of that list is its highly-creative embroideries. As new Petra colourways came and went, every time a new Studio Pia collection landed, it was really the embroideries I’d be obsessing over – everything from jewels to hands to snakes and chains. But clearly, not everyone felt the same way; Petra stuck around, so it’s obviously been selling! And somewhere along the line, I found myself becoming drawn to it too. Maybe I’m just becoming more practical with age, with smooth silk seeming like a more wearable choice than textured embroidery to go under clothing. Whatever the reason, when Studio Pia ran a sale last May, it was the Petra bralette and high-waisted ‘waist thong’ set in colour Amber that I most wanted to add to my lingerie collection. At full price, the Petra bralette retails for £180 and the Petra waist thong for £220. I only paid about a quarter of that, plus customs duty, so it’s well worth watching out for sales if Studio Pia is out of your budget. The double silk layer of the cups. Design & construction There’s no doubt about it: the Petra set is a piece of luxury. Not only are the bra and thong made from silk satin, but they’re lined with it too. Twice the amount of silk will naturally push up the price, but the payoff is that it makes the garments feel sturdier and more substantial. In some places the edges are created by simply folding the silk over, while in others the layers are sewn together with the stitches sandwiched between them, hidden from view. Known as bagging out, this is a luxury seaming technique which creates an extremely clean, neat-looking finish. The back of the set closes with a series of double straps which, as I mentioned, are fully encased in silk and are all adjustable via 24k gold-plated hardware. It’s a wonderfully sumptuous touch, but it does mean the straps are fairly bulky and you can’t just pull the slider along the strap like you can with a plain elastic one. You have to gently feed one side of the strap through the slider first to fully loosen it or else you risk damaging the delicate silk (don’t ask me how I know…). This makes adjusting the straps a bit fiddly and time-consuming, but the silver lining is that once you’ve got them how you want them, they’ll stay firmly put! I haven’t had to re-adjust these straps even once over the past eleven months. At the centre of each of these double strap details is a Studio Pia-branded clasp, also gold-plated, which is yet another deluxe touch. I’ve found this particular style of clasp to sometimes prove challenging to fasten when I can’t see what I’m doing – not a problem for the bra since I can spin it, but I do have to fasten the two thong clasps behind my back. A little annoying for going to the bathroom, but otherwise I do love these clasps for what they add to the set visually. One other thing to note on the subject of straps is that the bralette ones are detachable at the back, so you can cross them over if you want to. The thong’s legline straps are also partially detachable, though I’m not really sure why. Fit & comfort Both the Petra bralette and high-waisted Petra thong come in sizes XS to L, covering UK 4-18 / US 0-12. I went with my usual size XS for the thong, and a size M for the bralette. The brand’s size chart states that M fits a UK 12-14 and ‘C-D’ cups (and an L, ‘D-DD’ cups); the cup size recommendations are pretty meaningless to be honest without accompanying band sizes. I wear a UK 6 and 30DD and picked an M as it’s usually what I need to have enough room in the cups in bralettes, although sometimes the band ends up being too loose. Luckily, that’s not an issue with Petra. While I did need to make the bra band as short as it would go, once done it was snug enough to stay horizontal. Would I have ideally liked it a little firmer? Sure. But since this is a bralette which isn’t something you buy for totally secure support, I’m perfectly happy with the fit. And the cups feel like exactly the right size! I think they’d work for a cup size down too (smaller than that, and there’d be gapping/wrinkling) and there’s definitely enough stretch to fit a cup size larger; the fabric, by the way, is 95% silk and 5% elastane, so that adds to the flexibility. With the band also able to be extended by about 4 inches, this is clearly going to fit a wide range of bra sizes. Naturally, the size XS thong is much more snug on my body. In fact, I had to extend the waist straps on this one to their maximum length and it still feels firm, but not uncomfortably so. I actually really like the fit since, with its wide waistband elastic that hits me right at my natural waistline, it has a gentle cinching-in effect that I appreciate. The leg straps are, like everything else, adjustable so you can tweak the fit there too. As for comfort, you really can’t go wrong with smooth silk satin. It’s incredibly soft against the skin, and feels cool to the touch which is great in summer! The thong’s gusset is lined with cotton, and where all of the straps join to the silk panels there is a velvety plush backing. On the bra, there is also flexible boning here to add more strength, but it’s not something you notice while wearing it. Nothing pinches, nothing pokes in… while I wouldn’t go as far as to say you’ll feel like you’re not even wearing it (there are a lot of straps after all!), I’ve found this set to be pretty comfortable. Bra interior – notice the plush texture of the boning channel along the edge. Washing & care All Studio Pia lingerie is hand wash only due to its delicate nature. But although delicate, the design feels sturdily-made too and I’m happy to say that it’s still in near-flawless condition after close to a year of regular wear and laundering. The silk does get a bit wrinkled after washing; the garment tags say not to iron, whereas the care guide on Studio Pia’s website says you can iron their silks on a low heat setting and with a few precautions. I’ve not really been bothered by the wrinkling because it’s less visible once the set is stretched out on the body, but I did give them a slight iron (through a thin cloth) to take these photos and that was fine. Silk is also notorious for not being colourfast, and that’s certainly the case here. I made the mistake of washing the set in the same basin as one of my cream-coloured Panache Clara bras when I was in a rush, and the Panache bra is now a shade darker than the matching thong. So be diligent about washing the Petra set separately or only with identical colours! Styling the Petra bralette as (sort of) outerwear. Final thoughts Lately, Studio Pia seems to be undergoing a major upheaval. I’ve read rumours that the brand is being taken in a new direction, I don’t know if that’s true but it has announced the end to a number of its most iconic collections including Soraya, Liana and the other entirely-silk satin range, Clea (which, by the way, is also perfect for mixing and matching with Petra). As for Petra, all of the pieces currently on the site are heavily discounted, however I’ve not heard anything about this range leaving too. I hope it’s staying because I can totally see the appeal now – I’d love to add this to my collection in a few more colours! Either way, whether it’ll be coming out in new colours or not, now is definitely a great time to purchase. As someone who may only recently have become a customer but has adored this brand since its very beginning, I’m very curious to see whatever’s coming next to replace those discontinued Studio Pia classics! What do you think of Studio Pia’s all-silk Petra range compared to their embroidered collections? Are you a fan of this brand too? The product recommendations directly above are affiliate links Source link
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oliviajoyice21 · 2 months ago
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Disclosure: I purchased this lingerie set myself. Whew, here’s a review I am late to publishing! I started the first draft of this article last June, shortly after I’d purchased this Petra set, and then life just got in the way. This unfortunately means that it’s no longer available in this particular colour directly from Studio Pia (though at the time of writing, there are still limited sizes available from stockists here, here and here), but it also means I can give you a more thorough review since I’ve worn it regularly for close to a year now. Studio Pia was launched in 2017 by Pia Harpur, and I was an instant admirer of the brand. It’s unsurprisingly really, considering she’d previously worked at one of my all-time favourite lingerie labels, Bordelle. Right from Studio Pia’s debut collection, the brand’s now-signature elements were present: bespoke embroideries, cruelty-free peace silk, and the silk-wrapped straps with gold-plated hardware that allow for a highly adjustable fit. Also available from day one was the Petra collection (or at least some of it – more shapes have been added over the years) but I didn’t pay it much attention for the longest time. While there are many things that make Studio Pia so special, I think most fans of the brand would agree that very top of that list is its highly-creative embroideries. As new Petra colourways came and went, every time a new Studio Pia collection landed, it was really the embroideries I’d be obsessing over – everything from jewels to hands to snakes and chains. But clearly, not everyone felt the same way; Petra stuck around, so it’s obviously been selling! And somewhere along the line, I found myself becoming drawn to it too. Maybe I’m just becoming more practical with age, with smooth silk seeming like a more wearable choice than textured embroidery to go under clothing. Whatever the reason, when Studio Pia ran a sale last May, it was the Petra bralette and high-waisted ‘waist thong’ set in colour Amber that I most wanted to add to my lingerie collection. At full price, the Petra bralette retails for £180 and the Petra waist thong for £220. I only paid about a quarter of that, plus customs duty, so it’s well worth watching out for sales if Studio Pia is out of your budget. The double silk layer of the cups. Design & construction There’s no doubt about it: the Petra set is a piece of luxury. Not only are the bra and thong made from silk satin, but they’re lined with it too. Twice the amount of silk will naturally push up the price, but the payoff is that it makes the garments feel sturdier and more substantial. In some places the edges are created by simply folding the silk over, while in others the layers are sewn together with the stitches sandwiched between them, hidden from view. Known as bagging out, this is a luxury seaming technique which creates an extremely clean, neat-looking finish. The back of the set closes with a series of double straps which, as I mentioned, are fully encased in silk and are all adjustable via 24k gold-plated hardware. It’s a wonderfully sumptuous touch, but it does mean the straps are fairly bulky and you can’t just pull the slider along the strap like you can with a plain elastic one. You have to gently feed one side of the strap through the slider first to fully loosen it or else you risk damaging the delicate silk (don’t ask me how I know…). This makes adjusting the straps a bit fiddly and time-consuming, but the silver lining is that once you’ve got them how you want them, they’ll stay firmly put! I haven’t had to re-adjust these straps even once over the past eleven months. At the centre of each of these double strap details is a Studio Pia-branded clasp, also gold-plated, which is yet another deluxe touch. I’ve found this particular style of clasp to sometimes prove challenging to fasten when I can’t see what I’m doing – not a problem for the bra since I can spin it, but I do have to fasten the two thong clasps behind my back. A little annoying for going to the bathroom, but otherwise I do love these clasps for what they add to the set visually. One other thing to note on the subject of straps is that the bralette ones are detachable at the back, so you can cross them over if you want to. The thong’s legline straps are also partially detachable, though I’m not really sure why. Fit & comfort Both the Petra bralette and high-waisted Petra thong come in sizes XS to L, covering UK 4-18 / US 0-12. I went with my usual size XS for the thong, and a size M for the bralette. The brand’s size chart states that M fits a UK 12-14 and ‘C-D’ cups (and an L, ‘D-DD’ cups); the cup size recommendations are pretty meaningless to be honest without accompanying band sizes. I wear a UK 6 and 30DD and picked an M as it’s usually what I need to have enough room in the cups in bralettes, although sometimes the band ends up being too loose. Luckily, that’s not an issue with Petra. While I did need to make the bra band as short as it would go, once done it was snug enough to stay horizontal. Would I have ideally liked it a little firmer? Sure. But since this is a bralette which isn’t something you buy for totally secure support, I’m perfectly happy with the fit. And the cups feel like exactly the right size! I think they’d work for a cup size down too (smaller than that, and there’d be gapping/wrinkling) and there’s definitely enough stretch to fit a cup size larger; the fabric, by the way, is 95% silk and 5% elastane, so that adds to the flexibility. With the band also able to be extended by about 4 inches, this is clearly going to fit a wide range of bra sizes. Naturally, the size XS thong is much more snug on my body. In fact, I had to extend the waist straps on this one to their maximum length and it still feels firm, but not uncomfortably so. I actually really like the fit since, with its wide waistband elastic that hits me right at my natural waistline, it has a gentle cinching-in effect that I appreciate. The leg straps are, like everything else, adjustable so you can tweak the fit there too. As for comfort, you really can’t go wrong with smooth silk satin. It’s incredibly soft against the skin, and feels cool to the touch which is great in summer! The thong’s gusset is lined with cotton, and where all of the straps join to the silk panels there is a velvety plush backing. On the bra, there is also flexible boning here to add more strength, but it’s not something you notice while wearing it. Nothing pinches, nothing pokes in… while I wouldn’t go as far as to say you’ll feel like you’re not even wearing it (there are a lot of straps after all!), I’ve found this set to be pretty comfortable. Bra interior – notice the plush texture of the boning channel along the edge. Washing & care All Studio Pia lingerie is hand wash only due to its delicate nature. But although delicate, the design feels sturdily-made too and I’m happy to say that it’s still in near-flawless condition after close to a year of regular wear and laundering. The silk does get a bit wrinkled after washing; the garment tags say not to iron, whereas the care guide on Studio Pia’s website says you can iron their silks on a low heat setting and with a few precautions. I’ve not really been bothered by the wrinkling because it’s less visible once the set is stretched out on the body, but I did give them a slight iron (through a thin cloth) to take these photos and that was fine. Silk is also notorious for not being colourfast, and that’s certainly the case here. I made the mistake of washing the set in the same basin as one of my cream-coloured Panache Clara bras when I was in a rush, and the Panache bra is now a shade darker than the matching thong. So be diligent about washing the Petra set separately or only with identical colours! Styling the Petra bralette as (sort of) outerwear. Final thoughts Lately, Studio Pia seems to be undergoing a major upheaval. I’ve read rumours that the brand is being taken in a new direction, I don’t know if that’s true but it has announced the end to a number of its most iconic collections including Soraya, Liana and the other entirely-silk satin range, Clea (which, by the way, is also perfect for mixing and matching with Petra). As for Petra, all of the pieces currently on the site are heavily discounted, however I’ve not heard anything about this range leaving too. I hope it’s staying because I can totally see the appeal now – I’d love to add this to my collection in a few more colours! Either way, whether it’ll be coming out in new colours or not, now is definitely a great time to purchase. As someone who may only recently have become a customer but has adored this brand since its very beginning, I’m very curious to see whatever’s coming next to replace those discontinued Studio Pia classics! What do you think of Studio Pia’s all-silk Petra range compared to their embroidered collections? Are you a fan of this brand too? The product recommendations directly above are affiliate links Source link
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frogsandfries · 2 years ago
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I measured these on my lunch break, four pieces of heat-n-bond and four pieces of mulberry paper. I ironed them right after work before sitting down, putting on a multiple-hours long mixtrack and formatting my heart out.
Eventually I cut the Google doc I was working from because it was seriously slowing down the computer. The next time I format a fic, I'm not wasting time formatting it in the word program. I mean, I already know I can't really accomplish as much as I would like in the word editor as I can in Canva, even though Canva is a pain to use. Although I am already doing the final cleanup on chapter seven and ready to start fixing the apostrophes and quotation marks in chapter nine............ of twenty-five and apparently two epilogues........ whew.....
I was kinda too nervous to try to iron down the adhesive to the fabric. I'm sooooo anxious and nervous about not actually having enough room on the fabric for two covers. Also, I'm nervous about doing the spines wrong. What if I don't leave enough room for the spine? What if I just do it wrong? Why am I so nervous? I've made handfuls of books. I know what I'm doing. I could definitely always do better, but I'm not going to fuck it up that bad.
I just don't do that many fully hardcover books and this fabric is so.......... ridiculous. I wanted to try a new texture, but maybe I should've just stuck with plain ole cotton cloth........but what if this turns out really good??
All I have to do when I'm finally ready to cut out the fabric, is temporarily seal it with some diluted white glue.
What if it doesn't take embroidery?? I want to embroider the spines......!!
I should stop rocking on my rocking horse and just go take my stupid shower........I hate showering. Sometimes I think I should just chop off my hair.....but then it would be unmanageable and I ain't got no kinda time for managing my hair. I could shower in the morning.......
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So because you keep talking about cross stitch and embroidery, I wanted to ask. Does this hobby have a ugly stage? (I'm not calling your art ugly btw. its very nice!) I just more so mean because I paint and draw, I know there's an ugly stage and I just wonder if cross stitch or embroidery has it too?
Hmm, so for me I would say "yes" however I don't know if it's truly an "ugly" stage as most of it is copying your pattern, and that's a slow process. So there's the start were the picture your creating doesn't look like much, or right, or you may panic and wonder 'did I give myself enough room' (... things I worry about) but because your filling in square by square it slowly starts to look like something? but also I find whats hard is sometimes being... like uncertain you did it correctly. (I also find methods like parking can make stuff harder, as you have many floss on the go stuck in a project and it can be confusing. Plus also I worry about wrapping different flosses up and getting tangled and just.. well yeah the mess. >< I'm trying parking currently and I don't like it. XD I also find it hard because the colors sometimes can be far to similar. Like offshoots of different shades of green & there all really close to one another, it's hard because they aren't labeled once there put in the project. so it's like 'is this... the right green? *holds up green that has a number card.* No wrong green... are you the right geen? *holds up another strained*....') I feel like the unsure/uncertain feeling I currently don't experience as much with embroidery, as embroidery atm was just filling in what's printed on the fabric, either by hand or the pattern is printed on in the kits I've used. I notice for my embroidery kits, even though it takes awhile to fill in, I don't really have so many feelings of 'did I do this right?" Like, I feel like for embroidery I have less of a panic, and more of an excitement of 'ooooh' "oooh pretty" "Oh how cool is this?!" or "... I don't like this stitch." Cross stitch is like... "whew I did this okay". (I've done cross stitch longer, but I've also done cross stitch not so well. ^^; So I get a little down, and sometimes judgemental or just nervous that I'm messing up. especially because kits do cost money and idk I worry about being wasteful. ^^;. But I find because of this, the stress is more there cause I wanna make some stuff that looks 'good'. I have a couple projects that I've stopped that looked really bad/nothing like the picture & my motivate would leave. &So, I haven't posted them, or worked on those ones. As they look really irky and wonky and I'd have to ripped up lots of work. so what I'd rather do is keep the pattern and when I feel more confident try the project a second time. But yeah. I find patterns like this to be a big learning curve and major difficulty. ^-^ but it's okay! ) I think mostly what's painful and what I've dealt with a lot of with cross stitch is finding out I frogged. (I miscounted stitches, which means the next color won't fit, or what I've made doesn't look right and I've figured out its cause I miscounted.... So I have to go back and remove stitches. they call that frogging, cause your ripping your stitches up.) But I'd also say it's apart of the process, much like how earsing for drawing is a thing, or painting and muddying a color is a thing. It's frustrating, but when you finally do a good piece you feel excited/accomplished. The only real difference I see is with cross stitch or embroidery pieces is these can take literal weeks, or months to work on. ^-^ But yeah, I think probably a "ugly" stage does come into effect, but I also believe there's a huge self doubt stage that can be set into motion and it's pretty hard too.
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thefirsteldenlord · 2 years ago
Running up, Perona has the completely meaningless bag of treats in one hand, and one o them embroidery looms in the other. About bouncing on her heels, she offers them to Serosh and Godfrey, respectively, beaming with pride and delight.
The embroidery is... Well, it's meant to be of both Godfrey and Morgott, her in the middle as if to scale. All three figures are abysmally done, signaling her being unversed but dedicated to the art.
"Se...rosh!" She happily chirps, offering the open bag to Serosh properly.
@eldenlordofdragons [Perona]
(happy crimus papa)
Whew! He managed to get all of his Santa gear off before Perona came running. He had a feeling he needed to make a quick change once he heard Perona giggling and jumping around in her chambers.
"What thou hath there, Lass? A gift for me? Thou'rt too kind l-" He paused for a brief moment as he saw the tall figure next to him in the embroidery. Was that... Morgott? Has she met Morgott??
He snapped back to attention when he Serosh mewled sharply as he munched down on some treats Perona hand fed him. Maybe it was Margit she made and was thinking off? Either way, Morgott isn't one to just approach a stranger, let alone a child. How she knows of him perplexes him.
"I thank thee, Lass." He gives her a gentle pat on the back. Either way, it's a cute little embroidery that he'll probably hang on the wall of his chambers.
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jiminrings · 4 years ago
omg omg omg... what if jk sees yn WALKING TAE HOME?? like it looks like that but they’re just passing by his place or something and he’s actually walking yn home ?? and to make matters worse jk THOUGHT it wasn’t like that but someone told him “oh yeah she’s walking him home, she’s always done that with him” sorry if it’s not an original idea
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
it’s raining at a party and jungkook gets the wrong idea
“good evening.”
yoongi sQUAWKS at the shock that’s mere inches away from his face, having only woken up from his afternoon nap that ended up with him waking right before dinner
why were you all up in his face
what the fuck was that for ://
“god, never do that to me again,” he grumbles at the abrupt awakening even if it’s his system that told him to, only a convenience that you happen to be there when he was starting to shift in his now-shallow slumber
“guess what!!!”
oh you’re squealinG??? alright that must be good
it’s nice to hear you excited anyways because you haven’t been for a long time ever since j*ngkook lol
“just show me,” yoongi sits up fully from his position on the couch, rubbing the remaining sleep off his eyes
normally, you would be pissed instantly because him not guessing just spoils your whole excitement
but tHIS time you don’t look bothered at the slightest, proceeding to take his faux disinterest in stride
the door clicks open and seokjin strides in like he owns the place, trying to immerse himself in the situation he’s walked on as fast as possible
you squeal in regard, eyes now switching between him and yoongi before you whip out something from behind your back
“i got a lunchbox!!!!”
you thrust the lunchbox (you recreated it in the way you receiver it) to yoongi’s face and he flinches momentarily, eyes focusing on the lunchbox first before his mind processes your words
“that is a really shiny scarf it’s — wait what??”
you,,, gOT A LUNCHBOX????
..... and it’s not from him??
yoongi looks at seokjin and the way he looks perplex but definitely sure confirms that it isn’t him either
“so someone — you received a lunchbox. huh.”
you nod earnestly, admiring the shiny scarf and the handiwork of an embroidery that’s your name on it
“yup! i was with taehyung when i noticed it on the corner of the room.”
oh god
seokjin scratches the back of his head and it’s a dead giveaway that yoongi notices, something sketchy definitely up in the air that shouldn’t be there
“yoongi! come here for a sec. i have a uh, question about weed :-)”
jin is nOT good when it comes to segues
he takes the liberty to pull aside a yoongi who has question marks knitted on his eyebrows, his gaze immediately trained on him once they’re far enough away from you
“long story but!!!!! that jungkook kid gave y/n the lunchbox. taehyung just happened to be there.”
you see
yoongi could only digest multiple things from a single sentence at once
but the problem is, he’s digesting EVERYTHING from jin’s sentence and he didn’t want to
he’s just gonna omit the parts he hates the most :D
“y/n. taehyung gave you that lunchbox. say thank you to him tomorrow morning.”
jin sputters because that is clearly not the truth he’s just said
and apparently, you seem to think so to because you just laughed at his cutthroat statement
“no he didn’t,” you heartily laugh, putting down the lunchbox before crossing your arms across his chest
no way
both jin and yoongs freeze this time because does that mean you already know who gave the lunchbox to you??
and if you know who, and if you’re laughing right now,,,, does that mean you’ve already forgiven jungkook????
pls say no
“i already thanked taehyung, yoongs,” you smile at the fresh memory, “but two seconds later, he told me that he WASN’T the one who made it for me. he said he’s good at baking, but horrendous at cooking!!!!”
“....... so you really don’t know who it is?”
“nope! not a clue :D”
yoongi thinks you should never get to know who it is
jin thinks you shouldn’t know who it is tHIS early
yoongi dodges the topic easily to refrain from dwelling on it any longer, about to send an angry text full of queries to jin later on
“mmm. what was the lunch?”
“my favorite!!!” you beam and even whip out your phone to show them the picture of the food you ravaged hours ago
you turn your eyes to jin, giddy in excitement while yoongi’s holding your phone-holding hand to zoom into the picture
“and it’s just like your recipe!!!”
.. hehe
..... that’s because it his
goddamn jungkook managed to recreate it like his recipe???? hmm commendable
alright yoongi’s angrily looking at him rn
maybe he’ll send an angry paragraph text this time >:(
“weren’t you concerned like... since you don’t know the person? what if they poisoned your lunch?”
yoongi suggests in an attempt to make you think rationally, away from his insistence that you should nEVER know that jungkook made you your favorite
“then i got a good meal out of it.”
that’s not,,,, that’s not a good answer
b-bestie ??????
both yoongi and jin are speechless and the former takes the lead once more, clearing his throat because the conflict of this lunchbox thing is presenting makes his head ache
“anyways, there’s another party tonight.”
you raise your hand quick in the prospect of unwinding for free
“i’m in!!”
“you should be. hoseok’s the host.”
that makes it even better!!!
it apparently doesn’t for mr. student affairs because jin groans in annoyance, not really digging his school official position because he’d need to sit this one out forcibly :///
“goddamn it. jung’s throwing it? his parties are sO good that it even reached our radar when i was still a senior!”
it it reaches senior-level status of approval then that’s like,,,, the only seal of approval you’d ever need
“no way,” you’re awed at the newfound fact, not expecting that hoseok was already an A+ party-thrower even before he became a senior this year
“even namjoon liked his parties.”
namjoon THEE student registrar??? the same namjoon as in your friend by extension because he’s sort of a friend to seokjin???? :O
“really? even namjoon found his parties great??? BUT HE’S LIKE-“ yoongi finds the right substitute words to a stick up his ass in the most respectful way possible because he’s sort of friends with the guy too, “he’s like namjoon,, he’s the antithesis to hoseok.”
jin shrugs because everyone knows the saying at this point
there’s something for everyone at jung’s
“wear a face mask?” yoongi suggests to jin so he wouldn’t be recognized, knowing he’s a lil upset that he can’t come to this party because the face he boasts about is known by everybody
“no. i’m gonna look like a fucking narc, yoongi.”
alright that makes sense
he bounces back from that, waving his hand to shoo you and yoongi off
“sucks. yeah whatever. i’ll hold the fort down, just don’t do anything stupid enough for me to pick you up.”
you’re not gonna do anything stupid!! :)
jungkook’s too down to even focus at the moment
he’s at his desk and he’s supposed to study for a test tomorrow, and all the material needed for it is engraved in his mind already, but well
yeah his mind’s only fixed on you right now and not chemistry
“she thought it was someone else who gave her the lunchbox.”
jin flinches as his door bursts open, his lunch break sign posted rIGHT outside the door to avoid things like these happening
oh it’s jungkook
oh. it’s jungkook ://
“i keep telling you that counseling’s right next door, kid.”
jin himself digs the running joke but jungkook apparently doesn’t, a sorrowed look to his face that can’t be fixed by some teasing
jin ignored that obviously because it’s not like he’s on jeon’s side!! he’s just here to be as neutral and realistic as much as possible
“and besides, it’s not like you put your name on it, right?? wasn’t that your whole purpose? do it to her like she did to you?
”m-my name...,. i’ll put my name...?”
jungkook jolts from his desk, an epiphany forming in his mind
he may not have understood the interaction he had with mr. kim hours ago, but after replaying it in his head for hours now (along with that part of you mistaking taehyung to be the giver), he fINALLY gets an idea
he rushes out of his room and right to the couch where jimin’s sprawled out and watching a movie
“hi jimin!!! is there a party tonight?”
jimin almost falls out of his seat from the surprise of seeing jungkook altogether, gripping his chest
“f-fuck! — yeah. yeah dude, there’s a party tonight...?”
wait why is he asking
“o-okay!! take me with you.”
jimin’s surprised that jungkook wants to come with, let alone even ask in the first place
buuuut jimin’s a good friend and he’ll say his assurances first before he gets to asking the why aspect to this
“alright. by the way about last time, kook — i swear i won’t leave you alone this time!! i’m gonna hold my alcohol in and-“
“no, no!” jungkook interrupts and shakes his head strongly, spooking jimin for a second with how determined he looks
“you can leave me alone at the party!! i-i’ll be there on my own.”
this is his idea
he’s a man with a plan!!! he’s also a man who has your eyedrops and the various containers he made with it inside his gigantic hoodie pocket
he’s more comfortable now than he was the first time he came around at a party
he knows you’re here somewhere along the crowd and that alone brings him comfort :-)
“i’m gonna go outside. these vape juices are annoying.”
you huff the moment you get a whiff of sriracha-flavored vape juice one more time, the whole area where you happen to sit in being the most annoyingly-scented room in the whole house
who does that!!!!! who gets condiments as their fucking vape juice!!!!!
yoongi waves you off as he’s also nearing his limit too, his peeve being mint chocolate juice and he’s gonna dip as sOON as this dude at the corner tries blowing it into laughable smoke rings again
yeah that’s what fresh air smells like alright
.... and rain??
it’s raining???
wow you haven’t even noticed and practically no one else did
hoseok’s sound system must be too good for none of you to notice that it’s raining outside!! a light shower that looks like it’s gonna turn into buckets within a matter of minutes
a voice yells into the street and your eyes widen with how loud it is, squinting your eyes hard to try and see the source
is that-
is he running towards you??
wait why is he running towards you
(tae actually found out about this party through yoongi and he heard that there were non-alcoholic jello shots and mini cake hors d’oeuvres which are his favorites so he’s sprinting)
the way that he’s running towards you and the water that puddles when he steps gives you anxiety, a worried lilt to your yell
taehyung can’t register what you just yelled out because before he knows it, he slips
he slips suddenly in the rain and there’s a harsh twist to his ankle in doing so that makes him choke out
“WHAT DID YOU — FUCK!!^]%{^]”
oh my god
you grab the nearest umbrella in the rack from your right, speed-walking to where taehyung’s fallen on the ground
he’s visibly startled, blubbering when you get to him
“i-i’m not crying. it’s the rain.”
of course :-)
you lift taehyung without much help from him since it’s hard for him to shift his body weight into one foot, putting yourself underneath his arm
“yeah, i believe you,” you smile as to comfort him and he returns it in relief, knocking the side of his head to the top of yours because his adrenaline’s through the roof
“i’ll walk you home. or to the emergency room. your call.”
“ER please??? god, m-my roommate’s into crystals and i don’t think amethyst can help me with this.”
yeah lmao that’s your cue to start walking
you text seokjin to meet you at the hospital instead of here, having to consider the fact that an official from student affairs is picking you up and is indeed your best friend being enough of a shock for poor taehyung at the moment
jungkook’s been looking for you for the past minute ever since you stood up from the couch, following you out the door but uh,,, you’re not here??
who is here?
oh wait!!! that’s vernon at the bench by the front foor!!! he’s from his stem class :D
“was that y/n? a-and taehyung?”
jungkook doesn’t beat around the bush because he’s sort of friends with the guy too, the same guy who’s a lil giggly with the daiquiris at the moment
“hey jimin!! what’s up dude? yeah, that was y/n and taehyung.”
uhm what
jimin’s BLONDE!! how could he get mistaken for jimin?
jungkook ignores the mistaken identity, eyes anxiously pointing towards the road again
“she’s walking him home?”
“totally. she’s always done that with him.”
..... what
he’s trying to trust it on good faith that vernon absolutely doesn’t know what he’s talking about
jungkook’s hurt but god does that pain shoot through him instantly, getting out of the porch wistlessly
that’s you!!! that’s still you!!!!
and you’re-
you’re holding up taehyung and he’s limping
your ears pick up on the sudden running behind you and that pANICS you and in turn panics tae
but that doesn’t matter
it shouldn’t.
the cabs are atleast three more blocks away and neither of you brought a car because the dorms are walking-distance
everyone that’s left at the party has got to be too intoxicated to even put a key in the ignition
the weight on your shoulder eases and it makes you stop in your tracks to see if tae’s suddenly regrouped
is that —
jungkook lifts taehyung by his other arm, the light shower of rain making his hair damp without an umbrella like yours
“taehyung’s hurt.”
it only registers now that you’re seeing jungkook and he’s right here, surprising you as a whole
jungkook’s as startled as you are, swallowing the nervousness upon seeing you to get his words out
“a-and i wanna talk to you.”
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mayakern · 5 years ago
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chapter 9 of my queer fantasy romance novel Spitfire is up on AO3!
i can't believe i'm already almost 60k words in.... WHEW!
here's a drawing of Allene in a dress from this chapter! you can support Spitfire on patreon
an excerpt from this chapter:
“Good evening, Princess,” Caederyn says.  He’s dressed simply, but well: a long, slim fitted blue-black velvet coat that ends just above the knee, with a collar and cuffs embellished with beaded gold embroidery and a front closure joined with a single line of golden buttons, with a red handkerchief folded in the pocket and red threading at the button holes.  He looks positively delicious.
“I like all this,” I say, raising my free right hand to gesture toward his ensemble.  I decide to leave my hand resting on his upper arm, above where my left arm rests upon his, instead of letting it fall.  “You look beautiful.”
His long face colors charmingly.  “I feel as if I should be the one telling you that.”
“I already know I’m beautiful,” I reply playfully.  “But somehow I think you don’t hear it often enough.”
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itsmeevie01 · 4 years ago
A Moment in Time- Ch 3
Whew! almost 3000 words later, here we are! 
After extracting herself from her grandmother’s hug, she giggled and turned to make sure her parents were ok with her leaving the counter. After getting the approving nod from her mother who moved to fill her spot, Marinette skipped around to guide her Nona upstairs. The elderly woman laughed before tugging on her granddaughter’s arm to stop the over excited teen. “before we go and talk, my Fairy, I want you to meet someone. He was just going to put the up-” the bell rang again as Gina spoke, and when the duo looked over, Marinette froze. The smile that had been floating on her face sliding off in shock as a face came into view she hadn’t seen in 11 years.
The room seemed to freeze at Marinette’s question, the crack in her voice pulling her parent’s attention. The man entering the building zeroed in on her, his eyes widening as he looked to where his name had been called. “Marinette.” He breathed her name before striding towards the small girl and pulling her into a tight hug. The teen clung to him in return, shaking as she was enveloped in her older brother’s arms for the first time in years.
“Are- Are you. This isn’t.”
“No, Mari, this isn’t a dream. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” A sob crawled its way up the teen’s throat as she buried her face in her brother’s shirt. From somewhere outside of their little world, the girl could her someone calling her name. Someone was trying to get her attention. Jason poked her in the side, obviously concerned. “do you want to answer them or should I?” when she looked up at him confused, her older brother sighed before smiling down at her. “I’ll take care of it.”
When Marinette finally started to tune back into the world around her, they were upstairs. When she looked around, she realized that it wasn’t late afternoon anymore, but it was mid-evening. The lights outside the window glowed in the darkness, and a light rain falling. Shaking her head, Marinette forced herself to focus on what was going on in the small sitting room of the apartment. Jason was still next to her, and Gina was perched on the side of the chair opposite them. Her parents were sitting on the couch, looking at her in concern. “I…. what did I miss?” Her father’s laugh made the embarrassed teen look up.
“Oh, little flower.” The fondness in his voice led to Marinette looking up. He made a face at hat that she returned, before the two started to laugh. Her mother elbowed him, before smiling at her.
“Welcome back, dear. Don’t worry, there weren’t too many stories making their rounds.” The girl flushed before turning back to her brother.
“what did you- “
“Don’t worry, Mari. I didn’t tell them any of the good stories. I just filled them in. It’s not every day that a strange guy comes in and starts hugging their kid.” She scowled at him before nodding.
“Marinette, why didn’t you ever tell us about Jason? If we had known…” The siblings cringed.
“I… um.”
“She got caught. At the time Marinette didn’t know where I was because I was trying to get her out without the police or social workers figuring it out.” Tom froze, confusion obvious on his face.
“what do you mean, Caught?” Jason glanced at his sister, surprised.
“you didn’t tell them?” the teen shrugged.
“I didn’t think that it was important once I got here. Jason, you know what it was like. Why would I want to relive it once I was away? It…it was like a fairy tale. Well,” here the girl flushed. “Once I stopped trying to run away and board a plane. Something about that made them kinda frustrated.” Her older brother threw his head back and laughed.
“only you Mari. Only you would try to sneak on a transatlantic flight.” He studied her. “how far did you get?” the girl smiled devilishly. “they were taxiing for takeoff before they realized that there was something wrong.” He snorted before holding his hand out for a high-five.
“nice.” The Dupain-Cheng couple gaped at the duo in shock while Gina laughed.
“you- you. Why is that. She could have been hurt!” Jason raised an eyebrow at that.
“Mr. Dupain, have you ever seen Mari in action? If she was going to get hurt, she would have gotten off or taken care of the threat.”
“I-she CAN?” the girl laughed.
“Papa, you have to remember how tame Paris is compared to Gotham. I don’t have the need for many of the skills I picked up while I was a kid. Plus,” here the girl sent her brother a side eye glare. “I felt safe here. And I kept an eye on Jason. I have an ongoing hack of the GCPD.” Jason froze before whipping around to gape at her.
“YOU WHAT.” The look of shock on her face made the girl giggle.
“I figured that if you were getting into trouble I would be able to see what was going on better that way. Of course, there is that other hacker…they keep pushing me out. But its fine. Whoever Oracle is, they are always a step behind.” Jason gapped at her.
“Mari. You’re out hacking Oracle? She-Uh THEY are legendary! It’s said that she helps the Bats!” The teen sniggered at his response.
“then they need a new hacker. I’ve been out hacking them since I was 8. And if you ever meet them, you are more than welcome to tell them that. It’s a shame, really.” Jason stared at her, shocked.
“oh Mari. PLEASE don’t pick a fight with the Bats again. Or, you know, their INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS hacker.” She raised an eyebrow at him.
“wanna bet? I can win a war with them by the end of the week. And the Bats are just wimps. We’ve been over this.” Gina Dupain chose this moment to interrupt her granddaughter.
“Marinetta, what does Jason mean start a fight with Batman again?” The teen started ton invent new shades of red.
“I…may have started loudly calling Robin names and when he came to stop me I beat him in a fight. With Jason’s help, of course.” The older woman studied Jason with a knowing look that confused Marinette before she shelved the conversation for another time.
Through the din of the conversation that the five had fallen into as Jason and Marinette caught up and Gina explained how she knew Jason, cut the dinner timer. Sabine smiled and she rose to gather the plates needed for the group. As she did so, she motioned Marinette to join her. Once the two were standing over the oven as Sabine pulled out the chicken and Marinette served the rice and green beans to go with, the mother paused and looked at her daughter in worry. “Marinette, why didn’t you tell us about your brother? We could have tried to bring him over-” she was cut off by the noirette shaking her head.
“no, mama. Jason was the one to teach me to avoid CPS and the GCPD. Everything I knew? He knew and was able to do better. I was caught because I was trying to help another kid who didn’t know what they were doing and took me down with them. The only reason he got caught at all is probably because he did something incredibly stupid and daring.” The Chinese woman nodded before pulling her daughter into a hug.
“well I’m glad that we got you, even if its because of another person’s mistakes. You are the greatest blessing in your father’s and my life.” The girl ducked her head as she hugged her mother in return.
“I love you too, mama.”
At dinner, Gina regaled them with stories of her adventures with Jason. When Tom expressed his surprise at some of the things Jason had tagged along on the Gotamite laughed.
“you do know the only reason Bruce got me was because I was caught stealing the tires off the Batmobile, right?” Marinette choked, snapping to lock eyes with her mother.
“I told you he did something stupid.” The woman laughed in agreement, while Tom studied the young man in front of him.
“who did you say adopted you? A Bruce?” Jason rolled his eyes.
“Bruce Wayne. Gotham’s resident billionaire, and the collector of lost children.” Marinette narrowed her eyes.
“This wouldn’t be the same Bruce Wayne that the entirety of the media has decided I’m either dating the son of or am the newest child of, would it?” Jason laughed.
“yup defiantly the same Bruce. To be fair, he’s been on a quiet kick with the adopting thing. We think he’s planning something. And, in my defense, the only reason I knew what was going on was Tim can into my apartment simmering in anger that the press was stalking him again.” He paused, “oh and I went to pick up one of the tabloids so that I could immortalize his shame and was met with your face.” Here he turned to Marinette. “if they hadn’t run that story, I may never have seen you again.” The watery smile that he was met with made him smile.
“let go back to the Batmobile for a moment. What were you going to do, just leave a note after taking the tires? Write a quick thanks and leave?” Sabine’s humor quickly lightened the atmosphere as everyone laughed.
“no, actually. I was going to leave a red chrysanthemum.” Jason’s response made Marinette break into giggles.
“you were going to leave my sign? Jason!” the rest of the table looked around, clearly lost. Taking pity on them, Marinette went on to explain. “the red chrysanthemum is my favorite flower. Its also one that we were able to get ahold of easily in Gotham. Jason always called me his Chrysanthemum because it means hope. He called my Chrys when we were with other kids so that I was harder to track. He literally called me his hope for years. Its also why,” here she looked her grandmother dead in the eye, “they are the symbol for my brand.” The older woman tossed her head back in a laugh.
“only you, Marinetta. Only you.
After dinner and Gina and Jason had reluctantly left for the night, the Dupain-Cheng family sat and talked together a while more before separating to move towards bed. Afterall, they did have a bakery to open in the morning. When Marinette was sure that her parents were asleep, she opened her chaise. There, buried under piles of blankets and spare fabric and next to one of her specialized embroidery machines that had been packed away to save space, was a black rectangular box with a red chrysanthemum carved into it. Breathing a sigh of relief, the teen pulled out the box and settled her hand on top of it, letting her magic seep into the wood. A moment later, the box was expanding, opening, and giving her access to the box of the Miraculous of the Chinese Zodiac. Plagg zipped to join her as she studied the jewels in front of her before settling her hand on the Bee Miraculous that she had been puzzling over for weeks. The Kwamii looked at her before he finally sighed. “kid you know what you need to do. As much as we don’t like it, the girl is a good match for Pollen. Plus, you and the Bug need a rest. Without the Bee you know that the rest of your team won’t fall into place.” She smiled at the Kwamii before looking down again.
“I know Plagg, but…what if she says no? Lady Tyche and I can only do so much, and I don’t want to open our group to someone who is going to pull an Alya. I spent months training her with Tyche before we even let her come to an attack, and she still had the audacity to believe Lila. I don’t want to bring someone else into the fold and have them flake.” The miniature cat god nodded at his chosen as she drifted for a moment, thinking about days gone by. “ok Plagg, Let’s Make Mischief!” as her transformation fell over her, Apate stretched, preparing to wander into the night. Her luminous blue eyes, catlike and glowing in the night, narrowed as she made the jump, her black boots landing on the balcony. The black suit resembled a black track jacket, with the bottom half resembling close cropped cargo pants. Her boots, while silent, had a heel, giving the petit girl a very well needed few inches. Her black hair, while long and free flowing in daily life, was now held back in a French braid. The gauntlets on her forearms glinted silver in the moonlight, and the bracers on her shins reflected the light from the streets below. Apate’s hands flexed, the reinforced gloves flashing as her claws extended. A small smile crawled over the Vigilante’s face as she scanned the ridgeline of the building across from her before she detached her baton and let herself fly away from the small bakery.
When she landed at the Tower, the cat-like Vigilante settled herself on one of the beams looking out over the night. Her eyes focused on a figure in the distance and followed it as it made it’s way closer. When the figure landed next to her, Apate grinned up at Lady Tyche. The Blonde smiled down at her more violent companion. Her braided ponytail shifted in the wind, and the dark mask made the smaller girl roll her eyes. After almost four years, the two were pretty good at reading each other. As Lady Tyche settled next to Apate, the red hero smiled. Her garnet suit shifted in the moonlight. The black reinforced areas along her shins and arms seeming to disappear into the night to the naked eye. The older miraculous wielder had been apprehensive to let Apate redesign her suit from the bight red that had black spots everywhere. Apparently, it was a Tikki staple. When Apate had shown Tyche the simple garnet suit with the black shading on her sides, and the reinforcement on her arms, the hero had changed her tune. That had been three years ago, and since then the girls had grown closer. They had realized somewhere down the line that they must be in the same grade because they had chosen names that mirrored the Greek goddesses they had been learning about. When Apate had found out the box was based off the Chinese zodiac, she had laughed to herself. By then, it had been too late to change her name to honor the origin of the box.
That evening, the two had gotten together to once again debate the idea of adding a certain Bee to their ranks. This had been a topic for almost a year and the duo were apprehensive at the thought of adding an unknown this far into their battle.
“What did Tikki say?” When Apate broke their silence, Tyche sent her a small smile. They both knew that Apate was the more anxious of the duo. There was a reason she worked better in the shadows. The idea of adding the Bee, well it was keeping her up at night.
“She was all for it. After she heard what Wayzz had said, she agreed with him. adding another holder and setting up our team is the right move.” The girls exchanged looks. Apate took a deep breath before nodding.
“Plagg and I have been talking. With our final year in Lycée ending in eight months, he agreed that we need to try ad wrap this up.” Tyche snorted.
“I don’t know about you, but I am ready to leave Paris. If I can leave for University, it would be amazing.” Apate nodded in agreement.
“does that mean we should go visit Chloé?” Tyche hesitated.
“Actually, I was thinking. I know that we have been careful, for years now, but we both know that we’re getting closer to our identities. Would, would it be ok if we-” understanding settled on Apate’s face. She thought for a moment before nodding.
“well, there isn’t a Guardian to tell us no anymore. Plus, it might be good for us.” Both girls laughed as they stood. “how about this. I have to go get the Bee anyways, so come with me, and we can do the reveal nearby. That way we can be sure its in a secluded place.” Tyche nodded as she readied her yoyo.
“which way, Kit-Cat?” Apate laughed and jumped off the tower, letting herself start the trek back to the quaint Bakery that currently was housing miniature gods.
OK! so, Apate is the greek goddess of Decit, Tyche is the greek goddess of luck. i wanted unique names. thats all. 
moving on, i’m not sure if anyone had noticed or not, but i think i’m allergic to ahving Adrien as Chat Noir. i’m debating adding him in as another Miraculous but we will see. i can’t really think of one i like for him.
yes! chrystantamums are going to play a big part in this. im goign to lear a little bit of this up too. Marinette was adoopted by the Dupain-Chengs when she was about 5. she is Jason’s half sister. she is incredably bright and i have a thing for crazy smart Mari so she skipped 2 grades and is a year away from university. she does not know Jason died yet. the time where Mari was kinda out of it, i’m useing as a plot device so that i can skip stuff. basically, Jason explains that Mari is is his little half sister and that they were out on the streets all of her early life before CPS picked her up. they share a father, not a mother. Jason is crazy protective of her.
anywhoooooo have a goodone yall, and ill see you soon wiht another chapter, probably. 
tag list- @moonlitceleste @redscarlet95 @ultimatetornshipper @mochegato @liquid-luck-00 @maskedpainter @trippingovermyfeet @nathleigh @m0chick0furan 
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llycaons · 4 years ago
ep1 rewatch thoughts
the first scene is very carefully composed wrt character interactions - every single shot, ever turn of the head and step the characters take, every time they look at each other, it seems momentous and historical
of course, in the context of the show, it is, these are the arguably the two of the three most important character relationships of the show (sorry, yanli, you’ve been erased again. I know you were the third). but it’s a bold move when first time viewers don’t know any of these people
the way wwx says “lan zhan” is so gentle and defeated. I love you but I’m tired, please let me go
different subs for viki - they literally translate titles. that’s fine, just a little getting used to
as much as I hate to admit it, reading the novel gave this episode so much more context. cql really did not bother to explain a lot of worldbuilding that would have made it a much less confusing opening. ex. lan juniors have protection arrays stitched into their robes, so that’s why they threw them at the puppet. also, the papers mzy shoves at wwx are actually mxy’s own writings, a diary of sorts that talks about his life and provides exposition for the audience
when “mxy” pulls the spirit lure flag out of mzy’s pocket and proves he’s been stealing, you can see mzy’s accomplice making the “yikes” face in the background lol
the lan spiritual power bursts are blue, while all of wwx’s are red. I don’t recall if he ever did this after his core removal so this may be another indication his core is regenerated
I was confused on my earlier viewing, but in cql, wwx really was brought back in his own body, presumably at the same age, with his scars removed and his core regenerated
“mxy” makes airplane noises as he runs away with his arms outstretched. airplanes don’t exist in the untamed.
our first rendition of wuji is a very gentle and quiet version when wwx sees the cloud embroidery and remembers seeing lwj for the first time and physically has to sit down and contain himself. whew. the first episodes come in swinging. soulmates, you know?
a lot of questions about why wwx avoided lwj in cql despite remembering him well and clearly caring a lot about him. lots of explanations, really, none really given explicitly by the text but it’s not hard to think of a few reasons based on the kind of person wwx is and the kind of struggles he had in his previous life and the way he died
personally I think it was a combination of several reasons. first of all, he’s been alive for less than a day after...well. it’s overwhelming for him to just be alive again, to participate in the world. he’s still remembering people, piecing bits of himself together. he’s alright handling the kids because he’s an expert in the subject and a great teacher but anything closer to a real connection with someone from his past life has him wrecked. and lwj is one of the two living people with THE strongest connection to his past self. so naturally he’s nervous about handling that
I actually think another reason might be guilt and a reluctance to drag lwj back into...whatever mess he might be in. and honestly I think he may be doubtful that lwj still feels as close to him as he does to lwj, and he doesn't want to deal with that kind of loss, and would rather ignore the possibility entirely and keep the power of walking away in his own hands. we’ve seen that right after BM, too
of course, anyone who knows lwj (and wwx DOES know him) would know that lwj doesn’t just...stop caring about people because they’re dead. but that’s where the trauma and abuse come into play because they mess with his sense of self-worth and his relationships with other people. still, it definitely could have been clearer
I think this episode was dragged down as a whole by failures to clearly explain things like this. it was also kind of embarrassing to watch and not in a good way (it’s the ableism). however, it did what it needed to do effectively, it was emotionally evocative, the high romance was obvious, the action was engaging (if nonsensical), the mxy outfit with hair down was excellent, characters are introduced who we will meet later as young kids and that’s always really fun, and I really liked the techniques used to introduce wwx-as-mxy and the sacrifice ritual in general. solid first ep even if it was kind of bad.
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