#a casualty 😞
hyperionwitch · 4 months
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The evening weather FINALLY cooperated for long enough (mostly--it was SO windy, lol) so we ran out to the river and finally did a photoshoot for Princess Serenity! These turned out so dreamy, I love them~
Photos: @tasty-patches (touch ups/effects editing by me)
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coldblooded-angel · 5 months
Do you think Tashi was happy with Art? I just wonder why she kept going back to Patrick, she couldn't have been satisfied. I'm sure Art was a good husband, but I get the feeling that maybe their marriage was boring.
Oooo anon i been waiting to yap about this LETS GET INTO IT ->
I think at some point, Art was the only person who could make Tashi happy. She’s been feeling unfulfilled coaching little leagues and she misses the high stakes the thrill the fame blabla and Art gave that to her. He was also who helped her when she was going through the painful journey of recovery. He represents safety and stability for her.
Now is that a little boring sometimes? Maybe, for someone like Tashi though? That shit’s terminal. At some point, they both became stagnant (especially when Art stops caring about the way he plays) and they both lose their passion for the sport (and in turn their relationship).
The whole thing with Patrick though is sort of separate (but still connected of course). Patrick is just like Tashi, they’re thrill seekers adrenaline junkies fire starters but where Patrick enjoyed being soft with Art, Tashi sorts of hates(?) it because she its all she gets. Falling into Patrick is just like falling into a habit you thought you grew out of.
I truly don’t think anything could satisfy Tashi because it was her potential that was taken from her. She’ll never know how far she could’ve gone. Their marriage was missing the passion (Patrick) and I think if they get their heads outta their asses and go to throuples counseling they might actually be happy🙄🙄
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kuravix · 1 year
Maybe, just maybe, they did give live action Sanji curly eyebrows and it looked soooo good someone died! Therefore they had to remove it to prevent more casualties 😞
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blackbellybella · 1 year
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I was very sad I had to take this makeup off 😞
Also there were casualties
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asmodeus-poodle · 1 month
He escaped containment while we were out and we had our first amiibo casualty 😞
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RIP, Daisy. I still think you’re killing it but Chris insists he’s replacing you with a whole one.
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fallintosanity · 4 months
how bout that MB 2 👀
I can't say as much about this one as the others, because (horribly embarrassing confession time) it's for a FTH bidder from 2022. 😞 When I signed up for that FTH, I hadn't yet realized how big a tidal wave of IRL problems was about to crash down on me and wipe out, among other things, my ability to write. This fic was one of the casualties of that tidal wave.
Still, I managed to get ~6200 words written before the crash, and I know where the story is going. Come hell or high water, I am GOING TO FINISH THIS FIC for my bidder! 💪
(Tiniest of sneak previews under the cut...)
WIP ask meme!
One minute and seventeen seconds after we came out of the wormhole into the Calphu system, ART said, There is a message for you.
I paused the show we were watching. It was a new serial with only twelve episodes released so far, and I doubted it would get many more. The plot was just a loose chain of cliches, and even I, a bot/human construct who prefers fictional interpersonal drama over the real-life thing, thought the conflicts between the human characters were painfully contrived. I wasn’t all that sorry to be interrupted. 
A message from who? I asked ART. For it to have reached us that soon, whoever sent the message must have paid a hefty priority fee to the Calphu Station administrators to get it transmitted over the long-range satellite feeds. Those were normally reserved for important navigation broadcasts, the kind meant to keep ships from crashing into each other around the wormhole or the station’s docks. 
Instead of answering, ART dropped the message packet into my feed. It was encrypted, and had a sender ID from a planet I’d never heard of — no, wait, I did know that planet. I checked my key storage, found the key indexed under that planet+sender ID, and used it to decrypt the message. 
The packet unspooled into a recording of Seth, the human who acts as ART’s captain on its crewed missions. He was tall, with deep brown skin and a mostly hairless head, and in the recording he was making the face he used when he was upset about something and trying not to show it. (He’s not as good at hiding his emotions as he thinks he is. I mean, I’m bad at reading human emotions and even I could usually figure out what he was thinking.) 
The recording said, “SecUnit, I hope this finds you well. I have a favor to ask, a very big one, and I want to stress that you are under no obligation to accept. We — the team and I — will understand if you don’t. It’s not something we could or would attempt ourselves.” 
Wow, that made me feel very reassured. Humans aren’t usually inclined to ask the terrifying murderbot for favors in the first place, and Seth sounded like he didn’t want to ask me for this one, either. 
But then he added, “But if you do this and succeed, you would likely be saving thousands of lives.” 
Okay, you have my attention.
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whatbigotspost · 1 year
I have a bunch of friends in from out of town for about a week. The airbnb is about 30 minutes from my house; my heat intolerance (due to medical issues/meds as well as genetics) has gotten so bad that just the drive over there gave me a strong headache and dizzy spell. Summer has become intolerable for me and so many others. :(
It’s truly so awful. I’m so sorry 😞
I work a job w/ proximity to a lot of affluent folks in Austin and any of them who can leave the area for most of the summer and escape to northern states, mountains, etc. do so and the rest of us are just jealous. It’s beyond upsetting to just watch what occurs to the haves and haves nots and who bears the brunt of stuff like this. And this is climate crisis stuff I’m bitching about now that isn’t even approaching things that are causing mass casualties. It’s very hard not to just upset about 24/7.
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deejadabbles · 1 year
So, @blueink-bluesoul had me thinking about my clone wars OCs for the first time in years, I now have the mighty urge to make that everyone else's problem by ranting about them. I love OCs so feel free to get revenge by ranting about your own OCs to me!
Also if...if anyone out there likes these characters and wants to request headcanons on them as if they're canon characters...I would not mind that at all....
Please excuse my attempts at art, I've very out of practice with drawing 😞 Here's the picrews I used for the lightsaber and clone armor if you're interested
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Mayreen Torrez
Hashtag your mom friend. She's between Anakin and Obi-wan in age. Auburn hair that she keeps long for the first half of the war, but, while saving her men from an explosion, she gets badly burned across her arms and face, also charring the ends of her hair. After that she keeps it short and has the faint scars of a burn mark on the left side of her face. (my current pfp is a picrew I made of her)
As stated above she's the doting mom friend. Holds to the belief that friendships and other relationships does not automatically = unhealthy attachment. So she's not afraid to make deep connections with others, especially other Jedi and her troops, she believes that balancing those relationships with healthy mindsets is the true test of a jedi.
One of those Jedi who's extremely vocal of her criticisms of the republic, considering the politicians are using the Jedi and clones as unwilling pawns in their war. There were a....few incidents during the war where she "bent" direct orders when she thought they might result in too high casualty rates or prioritized other things over civilian lives.
She's in love with her Commander, but she's determined to take those feelings to her grave- not because she thinks love is wrong, but because the idea of unintentionally abusing her rank over him makes her sick to her stomach.
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Commander Zedge
Might as well be called Commander Dad. Keeps the sides of his hair shaved and long on top, secures it back with a ponytail. Has two long scars along the corner of his mouth and one over his eyebrow. There's a small tattoo over his left temple, the symbol is an ancient ward to protect those under your command.
Zedge cares about one thing: protecting innocent people, including his brothers. He only sees the war as a way to do that, especially once he sees how the separatist droids treat those on their occupied worlds. He is not one to spare criticism for the republic either, especially when Mayreen is the same way. He's aware that him and his brothers had no choice in this fight, even if most of them believe in the cause, and will help his General bend rules if it means protecting his brothers.
Speaking of, he was very skeptical of the Jedi leading the clones, and was convinced that they wouldn't care about clone casualties. Thankfully, just a few days with his new general made his worries fade pretty quickly. Especially when Mayreen showed respect for his tactical knowledge and combat skills. He firmly believes they're the best Jedi general/clone commander duo in the GAR given their perfectly aligned values. His opinion of the Jedi in general does a harsh 180 quick, and comes to respect the way they value life, and realizes that they also had no choice in this war.
Eventually this man comes to the mind-crashing realization that he's in love with his General. Has no idea the feelings are mutual and thinks he's the worst comrade ever for "disrespecting" her with his feelings. Every one in the battalion knows they're in love and thinks they're idiots.
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Dott (the medic)
Precious, precious boy. Has a pretty standard haircut but keeps the front a little longer so he can spike them up. Has a tattoo of the medical symbol on his neck and a prominent smattering of shrapnel scars down his right arm, which he got while pulling Fixit away from a grenade that went off before they were a safe distance.
Total nerd, thinks laughter is good medicine and is ALWAYS telling bad dad jokes, no matter how many times they tell him to stop (Mayreen's the only one who laughs at them). "If you don't wanna hear my jokes Stop getting sent to my med bay!"
Is always researching stuff on the holonet, but becomes completely invested in research involving mental health. Makes it his personal mission to become the battalion's therapist as well as medic. Always sending tips on improving ones mental health to everyone's datapads, checking in for signs of PTSD after every rough mission, big advocate for talking out feelings rather than stamping them out. Meditates with Mayreen and Fixit and encourages everyone to join in. Long story short if you need to talk about anything please go to him <3
He's also a big animal lover and takes holopics of the wildlife on every planet they visit. Has been known nurse an injured animal back to health when stationed on a planet for awhile. Would probably sneak a bogling or tooka back to the ship if he thought he could get away with it.
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Bravo (the pilot)
Chaotic little brother. One of those clones with the genetic anomaly of blonde hair, which he is very proud of. Constantly says his sweeping blonde curls are his best feature and likes being annoying about it. Has his battalion number tattooed on one forearm and a silhouette of his star fighter on the other.
Incredibly skilled pilot, he often offers air support for the ground squad. Known for his high risk=high reward maneuvers but is constantly in the med bay as a result. Jokes that him and Dott are besties now because of how much time they spend together <3
Loves being the center of attention and will get it even if it means being obnoxious. This goes double when they're on shore leaving and he always wants someone to have fun with. He's not really into commitment tho, at first he didn't realize that was something he should be upfront about when picking up dates, so after a few tearful Holo calls from previous lovers he's much more transparent about his wants now.
He's also the only OC who I know dies during the war. He sacrifices himself to save a refugee transport. He wasn't ordered to, he just knew the only way to save the civilians was to crash his fighter into the Separatist warship and he didn't even have to give it another thought. If his squad has taught him anything its that innocent lives always come first. Okay I'm gonna cry now
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Fixit (the mechanic)
Shy baby. Keeps his hair just a little long and tied back at the nape of his neck. Has a scar across the back of his left hand and both hands are always scraped up and covered in grease.
Fixit got his name because of his genius skills in mechanics. Loves droids and is always keeping the ones on the ship shinny and up to date, which often results in said droids following him like baby ducks. The astromech Bravo flies with is constantly around Fixit cos of all the times Bravo's stunts have set him on fire.
Easily flustered, which makes him an easy target for brotherly teasing, this is where all the "droids are better than people" jokes come from. He takes an active interest in the way the Jedi calm their minds through meditation and asks Mayreen to teach him, they have regular sessions between missions. He also really appreciates all the confidence building advice that Dott and Mayreen give him.
Has been known to improve standard issue equipment, usually focusing on devices that can better protect him and his brothers. He's also constantly improving his oldest friend, Whisper's, rifle since he's the only person Whisper trusts with his gun.
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Whisper (the sharpshooter)
It's always the quiet ones. He keeps his hair long and dyes the ends of it whenever he can, doesn't matter what color he just wants them dyed. Has lines tattooed around his eyes and mouth, then later on gets some blackout stripe tattoos down both of his arms. He also purposefully scared up his helmet to match his tattoos.
Got his name because he doesn't talk much and when he does, he's very soft spoken (he could make bank if he did ASMR recordings of his voice lmao). He's also the best shot in the battalion and is the best man to cover you on the battle field.
Him and Fixit were actually squad-mates back on Kamino and have been with each other since the beginning. They're best friends and you can usually find Whisper cleaning his rifle while Fixit rambles on beside him, tuning up the droids.
Whisper isn't really "shy" per se, he just prefers to sit by and watch, listen. This gives him an excellent insight into body language and can clock someone's intentions very quickly. Also don't fist fight him, he can predict your moves before you even know what you're doing based on your body position.
He may look intimidating but he's actually very sweet and gentle, just...don't insult one of his brothers or disrespect his General. He doesn't care what the punishment is, he will teach someone respect if they run their mouth in front of him.
I'm sorry these are all so long I just!!! I love my squad so much! They're a tight knit family unit and would literally do anything for each other 😭
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occultpuppy · 2 years
I've had some of the worst luck this morning in terms of animal casualties on my morning commute.
Not only did a bird decide to cross in front of my car while driving and off itself but then a small orange and white cat, that had very clearly crossed the road and WAS safe, double backed suddenly and literally killed itself by running under my tire. I tried to avoid it because I saw the MOMENT that little idiot got scared and made the decision to run and I was screaming NO STOP as it happened. I couldn't do anything more about it than I did to stop it(i tried to swerve away) and even though I know I did what I could, I feel like such a horrible person. I've been fucked up by this today as don't get me wrong, I've hit birds before(NEVER intentionally!!) but that cat has me fucked up-I've never hit anything bigger than a bird or frog(as far as I'm aware and I feel bad for them too). It makes me so upset at myself and their possible owner, if they had one because this could've been avoided so many ways. This is a horrible scenario all around and I hate the fact that it ever happened because if someone did own this cat, now they have to either never learn what happened or learn what happened.
I feel like I have a fucking responsibility now to adopt a fucking little orange and white braincell now to atone for this horrible accident. So frustrating, I just honestly want a million hugs and to cry over this little cat because it didn't deserve it 😞😞😞
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cande-dooder · 4 months
noooooo I’m so sad
there has been a casualty of one of my money plant seedlings 😞😭
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Rest in peace you were so young and a good seedling
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nidailylife · 6 months
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3.14.2024. Backyard walk souvenirs. #hummingbirdegg #windy #lemontree #debris
That looks like an egg, but it's too tiny to be one. Then i remembered there are a lot of hummingbirds in this corner of the backyard, and it's been very windy since last night. Poor hummingbirds. 😞
Another casualty of today's strong winds: last of our late ripening lemons.
And the wind blew whatever this is, into our fence.
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Every Battle Has Casualties
We are in a battle,A bitter battle,Fighting visible foes,And invisible foes,Even if we do not see it,Yet we have to fight it,In some battles, we end up winning,For some, we give away the privilege of winning,And the enemy goes home happy,As we go home unhappy 😞,So we count our losses,And sneer at the crosses,But wait a minute!Have we come out defeated yet with more than defeat? Every battle has…
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stylecouncil · 2 years
already being set apart as a casualty before you’ve barely begun 😞
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sandwichrin · 2 years
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I posted 82 times in 2022
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#junkyu scenarios - 10 posts
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#all treasure members - 10 posts
#alltreasuremembers - 10 posts
#kimjunkyu x reader - 10 posts
#kimjunkyu - 10 posts
#junkyu x reader - 10 posts
#treasure fanfic - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 98 characters
#i know i wrote this fic for our precious kyu but djjsjs i lowkey ship y/n with hoon sometimes 😭😞
My Top Posts in 2022:
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 36)
Chapter 36 - Sur-reality Word count: 4.6k words Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance, slight Angst.
A/N: Hi! Here you go, chapter 36! let’s get the ship drama sailingggg~
Y/n’s Apartment Block (Night time)
It was around 7pm-ish that you finally got back from having dinner with Soomin. Your visit on your Treasure friends didn’t last long that afternoon, especially since you noticed that Junkyu didn’t even say a word towards you the whole time you were there. The rest of the Haenam crew too, didn’t interact with you much so you assumed they were all just super tired from their trip—as if you weren’t just as tired though.
You admit, you were slightly taken aback by Junkyu’s act of ignorance. Not that you have that much of a reason to be pissed at him. It’s not like you’re his girlfriend, right?
You stopped in your tracks. You were standing right in front of the elevator in the lobby now.
You let out a sigh as you entered the opening doors, letting it shut slowly as you stared into space.
The both of you like each other, you and Junkyu. You both had several good times together in Haenam. Well, before that too of course.
But today…Junkyu was just being ice cold to you. What got into him?
He likes you, you like him. Nay, you’re both in love with each other. A stronger feeling towards each other—that’s what it is. But you both aren’t boyfriend or girlfriend.
Then what are we?
Just casually dating one another?
Friends who are in love with each other?
You stepped out of the elevator once it arrived on your floor, your thoughts still running wild on your status with Junkyu.
You let out a tiny gasp just as a random thought popped into your head.
What if…what if Junkyu was just treating you as a casualty?
You shook your head at the thought. That can’t be it, right? Junkyu doesn’t seem to be the type to fool around with girls…right?
Taking in a deep breath, you try to distract yourself from that tall friend of yours.
Alas—your thoughts on him went back into the back of your head as soon as you see a familiar figure standing outside your front door as you got closer to your home.
“Junkyu?” you asked, afraid that your eyes might be fooling you.
The tall, fair-skinned guy turned his head towards you, previously looking down at the phone in his hand.
His dark brown, bright orbs stared into yours as he watches you slowly approaching him now.
“What are you doing here?” You asked again.
“I just wanted to see you,” he shrugs, his spongey voice a little deeper from his serious tone.
You blinked several times, wondering what made him come all the way to your place.
“Are you just gonna stand there and not invite me in?” He asked this time, startling you from your thoughts.
“A-ah! Right! I uh, hold on, I’ll key in the passcode,” you stuttered now as you frantically head towards the pinned lock beside your front door.
You had your back facing Junkyu so while you were clumsily unlocking your front gate and door, you couldn’t see Junkyu trying to hold onto his smile as he watches you panic on your own.
See the full post
20 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 35)
Chapter 35 - Back to reality Word count: 4.4k words Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance, slight Angst.
A/N: Hello~ I’m back with chapter 35! Drama lesgoooo >< I’m jk, i miss you all! Hope y’all enjoy this one 🧡💖 i miss reading y’all’s comments too! Take care and love y’all <3
It had been a day after your Treasure friends had returned to the city, and now it was your turn to leave.
Dongyun helped put your luggage into the trunk of the cab that your boss had sent out to Haenam to go pick you up—as he had promised when he had sent you away last week.
“Ahh, this sucks,” your childhood friend sighs out loud. “Sure I can’t have you to stay for another week?” he asks.
“You tell that to Joonyoung-ssi,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “Oh wait, I mean, Mr Bae;” you corrected as you remembered that your boss’ mum was standing not far from you and Dongyun.
Dongyun chuckled at your action, him wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Gosh, I was getting used to having you around too,”
“I know. But hey, your semester break is ending soon too, no? You won’t be here either if I stayed any longer you know,”
Dongyun was about to answer you back when he felt someone pinching his forearm, making him yelp.
“Ahhh! Aunt Nari what was that for??” He unwrapped his arm from you and rubbed the spot that got pinched on his other arm.
“Hmph. You had the nerve to put your arm around my girl here when you rejected her countless of times now,” the lady grumbled, making you laugh out loud as your friend gets nagged upon by her.
“Now—I didn’t reject her. I rejected the idea of marrying her and being matchmade with her,” he corrected Aunt Nari.
“Aigoo! Exactly the same! Now, don’t stand too close to Y/n. I’m gonna take good care of her and make sure my future son-in-law wouldn’t have to worry about being jealous of you two,” she nagged as she pushes Dongyun to the side gently.
You scrunched your face at what you heard. “Ew who are you matchmaking me with again this time?”
“Hey! Be nice! It’s that gentleman friend of yours of course! Jaehyuk-ssi will definitely take good care of you, you know.” She beamed happily just by the mention of Jaehyuk. Wow, he must’ve really impressed your Aunt Nari; you thought.
Dongyun burst out laughing as he heard this. “Hah, Aunt Nari is shipping you with another guy aside from Junkyu!”
“H-hey! You don’t have to say it out that loud!”
“Hm? Junkyu? I was talking about Jaehyuk, Dongyun-aa. Did you clean your ears properly this week?” Aunt Nari responded, missing the point of what Dongyun had meant earlier.
“Nooo I was saying—”
“Okay, okay hold it up you both. Let’s not talk about my love life any further, please?” you stopped them before their discussion could escalate. Gosh, why are they so interested in your love life though?? If you had let their conversation gone any further you wouldn’t be surprised they’ll be talking about naming your future kids too. You shuddered from the thought.
YG Building (Treasure’s Practice Room)
Junghwan entered the practice room with his bagpack hanging on one side of his shoulder. He was still in his school uniform too, implying that their manager had just fetched both him and Jeongwoo from school.
“Oh, Junghwan! Where’s Jeongwoo?” Jihoon greeted the maknae when he sees the boy entering the room.
“He’s just stopping by the convenience store downstairs,”
“Huh, he better not get any more ramen cup. He’s had two yesterday.” The leader complained to himself.
“Enough about that, hyung,” Junghwan said as he approaches Jihoon who was sitting on the floor.
It seemed like they were all just chilling in the room. Probably waiting for the rest of their members to arrive before they begin with practice.
The only ones in the room right now were Jihoon, Hyunsuk, Junkyu, Yoshi and Yedam. Including Junghwan that had just arrived of course. The rest were probably hanging out somewhere else in the building.
See the full post
23 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 33)
Chapter 33 - The Confession
Word count: 4.3k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance, slight Angst.
A/N: Hello hello! How are you all doing? I’ve caught the flu so I’m resting up while I can and also going to work as usual :’D Here’s the new chapter yay! I like this one-- well some parts. Thank you for your patience in waiting for this chapter <3 take care always and love you all! <33
Haenam / Potato Field
You were crouching on the ground, digging the soil to harvest the few potatoes that were ripe. “Okay, that’s the 6th one,” you counted, as you breathe out.
“Yah, Kim Dongyun, where the hell are you? It’s been almost half an hour,” you complained to yourself as you lift your head to look around, just in case your friend’s figure would show up.
Nope, no sign of him.
You let out a sigh and moved forward towards another bed of potatoes, scanning which side to be harvested first this time.
As you were busy digging on some dirt, you finally heard light footsteps approaching you from behind.
“About time. I almost harvested one whole bed on my own,” you complained as soon as you heard the footsteps stopping right behind you.
“I’m sorry,” the voice said, panting.
You froze in your position. Wait a minute. That’s not Dongyun’s voice.
You swiftly turn your head and saw—Junkyu, panting and trying to catch his breath after half-running to where you were.
“Junkyu? What are you doing here??”
“I--,” he stopped, swallowing in air again. “Dongyun said you needed my help so,”
“Wha--? Where is he anyways?”
“He was escorting me here but he stopped halfway for an emergency restroom situation,”
Just like when he was with you earlier, you thought.
Which was kinda coincidental. But also fishy. But then again, Junkyu is here now. And he looks somewhat confused.
“I see.” You said. “Well, uh, I was just harvesting some potatoes and uh, I’m not sure if there are any extra spades—”
You stopped talking when Junkyu lifted his hand to show you the spade in his hand.
“Dongyun-ssi gave me this earlier,” he grinned.
“Oh. Okay then, I guess we could dig around while we wait for him then,” you chuckled softly.
(30 minutes earlier)
The moment Dongyun saw you leaving towards the potato field, he immediately dashed out of the restaurant to head back towards his neighbour’s house.
“Oh? Dongyun? I thought you went to harvest potatoes with Y/n?” Aunt Nari said as soon as she saw the young man entering the gates of her home.
Dongyun smiled, catching his breath from all the running he did.
See the full post
23 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 37)
Chapter 37 - Not his girlfriend
Word count: 5.2k words Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance, slight Angst.
A/N: Hello! I got off work a little late today but uwu here it is, as promised! Thank you for waiting and hope y’all like this one &lt;3
“Y/n, is that you?” Doyoung’s voice startled you not far behind where you’re standing now.
‘clink clank clink’ the sound of the metal bowls hitting the concrete floor rang as you felt them slip from your fingers after hearing him call your name.
“D-Doyoung-ssi! What a surprise to see you here!” you stammered as you turn around to look at him.
Doyoung flashed a smile at you as he makes his way towards you now that he’s confident that it was indeed you that he saw.
As soon as he reaches your spot, he immediately lowers himself to pick up the metal bowls that you had dropped earlier.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he said as he dusts off the metal bowls one by one before picking them up.
“W-what? N-no! it wasn’t your fault anyways. I was just…” your voice trailed off as you turn around to sneak a peek at Junkyu who was still hiding behind the thrash container not far from where you were standing.
Junkyu met your eyes and shook his head at you, implying that he didn’t want Doyoung to know he was hiding back there.
You turned back around to face Doyoung just in time as he was getting back up from his stance to hand over the metal bowls to you.
You accepted them from his hands and thanked him.
“No biggie. Hey, are you okay? You seem…distracted,” he said, noticing that your eyes would once in a while look elsewhere.
“Oh, nothing! I was just…curious as to where the cats I fed had went to,” you chuckled nervously as you lied. You weren’t curious about the cats, you were worried about how long Junkyu had to be hiding behind the thrash container if you stayed here any longer with Doyoung.
“I see. You want me to help you find them? I can help you,” he responded. Doyoung was already taking steps towards where Junkyu was hiding and you couldn’t help but panic on your own.
Which was why you ended up tugging his arm and making yourself accidentally trip and hit your head against his back.
“Ow!” the both of you said at the same time.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to—” you apologised, your hand rubbing your head from the minor accident.
“Gosh Y/n, when Jihoon-hyung always complained about you being hard-headed, I didn’t expect him to be literal about it,” he chuckled as he rubs his back.
“I’m so sorry Doyoung, I—wait, what?? Jihoon said what about me??”
“Aish that’s nothing to worry about! You know he likes to joke about these things,” he grinned as he places a hand on your head.
“He better be joking,” you mumbled under your breath.
Doyoung smiled politely at you and moves his hand away from your head now.
“Well, are we still looking for your cats or—”
“NO!” you interrupted him, not intending to raise your voice though. Your eyes widened as you realise how rude you might have acted towards the younger boy in front of you.
“I-I mean…no….it’s okay! I’m sure they’re all full after being fed,” you tried to smile at him to not make him sense your suspicious behaviour.  “So…what brings you down here?” you tried to change the subject.
“Oh, right. I almost forgot. I was looking for Junkyu-hyung. You don’t happen to see him around here…do you?”
“What?” you stifled a fake laugh. “No way! What would Junkyu be doing here? Yeah, no, I haven’t seen him,”
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25 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 34)
Chapter 34 - A little heartbreak Word count: 4.4k words Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance, slight Angst.
A/N: Hi! Oh gosh I am so so happy to be back here! T^T How are you all? I hope all is well with y’all <3 Also! Here’s the latest chapter! Pro tip: Get your tissues ready for this chapter-- I cried writing this, no lie. But okie no worries, the next chapter won’t be this sad I promise fhdhsh T^T Happy reading and love y’all! 🧡💖
“Is this even the right way?” Jihoon asked Hyunsuk who was walking a little further in front of him.
“Of course! We passed by this area yesterday, remember??”
“I don’t know hyung…we could be getting lost,”
Hyunsuk lets out a sigh. “Yahh, trust me, okay? I know where to find the potato field,”
Jihoon lets out a sigh as well and groaned, “Fine. But let’s hurry. I don’t want Jaehyuk’s ice cream to melt,”
Hyunsuk nods back at his friend before proceeding in his steps—a little faster this time since he was excited to show you the ice cream he picked out for you.
The both of them came upon a couple of fields, Hyunsuk confidently striding on the small pathway between the open fields.
“Hyung, the fields here are huge. It’s still not too late to turn back and not get lost, you know”
Hyunsuk shakes his head, his steps still going forward on the narrow pathway.
“It’s an open field, Jihoon. Surely we can spot them in this area,”
And so, they kept on walking for another 5 minutes before Hyunsuk stopping completely in his steps—catching Jihoon by surprise.
“Whoa don’t stop like that, hyung-aa. I almost dropped my ice cream,”
“See what I told you?? They’re right there!” Hyunsuk ignored the younger member’s complaint and points at you and Junkyu whom were at the open field not far on his right now.
“Aigoo, we’re gonna have to take another turn at the end of the field we’re in to get to their side though,” Jihoon whined.
“It’s okay, they don’t look like they’re leaving yet. We can catch up with them,”
“Are you sure? ‘Cause they don’t look like they’re harvesting anything.” Jihoon points out as he noticed you tugging Junkyu to walk in front of you.
“Okay let’s be quick then! Hurry Jihoon-aa!” Hyunsuk jogged ahead again.
Jihoon sighed out loud for the 10th time probably as he followed his hyung again.
And Jihoon was right though. Hyunsuk was heading towards the end of the path, making his way to cross the small four-way path to get to your side of the field when he noticed you and Junkyu walking away from the potato field now.
Hyunsuk turned around to check up on Jihoon, “You good? Am I walking too fast?”
“You could slow down a bit—OH!” Jihoon suddenly exclaimed.
“What, what?? What happened?”
“N-nothing. Y/n tripped,” he points at the scene he was seeing at the other side of the field.
“What?!” Hyunsuk turned back around to see Junkyu helping you back on your feet, making him breathe a sigh of relief since you didn’t look like you were hurt badly.
He then stopped for a minute as he watched you laughing from afar. A small smile formed on his face. Even from here, he could feel his heart beating fast when he sees you laughing out loud like that. Your smile, your laugh…Hyunsuk loves everything about you. And he couldn’t help but envy Junkyu for being lucky enough to help you out in the field, he thought. Spending time with you has always been fun to him.
“Hyung?” Jihoon’s voice pulled Hyunsuk back to reality. “You okay? You’ve been staring at them for some time now,” Jihoon asked since he was worried if Hyunsuk was hurt in any way from watching you and Junkyu.
“Nahh, I’m good,” he assured his friend. “Maybe I’ll just call out to them from here, no? Seems like a chore to walk all the way to the other side,” Hyunsuk suggested.
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30 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
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sbider · 2 years
what's up with dc cancelling all its animated shows 😐
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