#all settings for in-shot changes are in pro mode
grandpayaoi · 7 months
hey since you gotta know the lights in kelvin why does my samsung s9 make everything much Bluer than it is irl. I KNOW there's gotta be settings somewhere to manually control the light temperature but i cannot find it and tbh i feel like the real reason probably is "s9 camera sucks get a real camera you scrub"
samsung automatically tries to correct for white balance and the blue is indicative it's mistaking your light source for incandescent or warm light and lowering the overall light temperature to compensate. it's not uncommon with multiple light sources; the automatic correction is done to the strongest light source, so a secondary source of a different temperature gets distorted.
if you're taking photos under fluorescent, it can get especially weird since fluorescent is balanced close to daylight, but has an unmistakable green hue that is sometimes hard to correct. even in daylight bulbs without green hues this can get funky under the right circumstances; at times my cream lampshade with a daylight bulb gets overcorrected to look bluer.
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while editing a photo in gallery, you can select the bottom icon and manually adjust temperature with the [K] icon. the lower/more orange your temperature, the closer to candlelight. the higher/bluer, the more like an overcast day it is. a clear, cloudless day should be around 5000K. adjust by eye, but make sure you aren't using a blue light screen filter.
i never let samsung auto-balance my photos. it never looks right.
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rynris · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi: Thoughts and Impressions
I've been thinking about how quickly I consume media these days and I feel like I've been desperately binging shows in order to keep up with the times. I hope this will be a series where I can thoughtfully absorb everything from a show that made a lasting impression on me and have something to come back to and review. This is more for my own fun and journal keeping - all thoughts are my own musings and can change over time. If there's something you'd like to add, please do! I'd love to hear your impressions as well.
*Minor spoilers below*
Overall Impression
What a well thought out and interwoven story with fairly interesting characters and a great hook/ mystery! I think rescuing Falin as a plot device works really well because the heart of the story is about relationships and everything around it caters to the journey and development of these characters and how they work together.
Cons/ Issues
I still don't really buy the world building, the dungeon idea seems a bit weak, but it's anime, so some plot holes are forgivable. The beginning felt weak, it was hard to buy into the stakes of losing Falin without knowing the characters but thankfully the exposition was rather quick (1/4 of an episode it felt like) which is good. The dragon fight scene seemed a bit off. I felt like the shots were framed too close - probably to emphasize chaos and keep the red dragon mysterious until the final reveal but with my tunnel vision, it felt messy.
Ok one big con is the character tropes. They sort of make up for it in the middle, but it was enough to make me want to stop watching. I've seen these tropes a million times now and am TIRED of it. And there's so much good stuff out there that it's so easy to dismiss shows these days.
Pros/ Love
CHARACTERS! I was surprised to see more depth in the characters and I love how the mysterious were presented depending on the encounters. Thought each scenario were expertly crafted and it didn't feel too forced.
FOOD! Besides the glorious food p*rn, I was definitely taken aback by the later recipes. I didn't expect food to be woven in during some scenarios, but when it was, I was very pleasantly surprised!
At first I thought Laios was kind of unrealistic, but then I remembered that my ornithology prof was passionate about eating every single bird in the world at least once and I was like... this is real. There are DEFINITELY people like this. +1 for the representation!
On representation, I like the potential LGBTQ representation and was surprised the show took that route. The show itself is coded to be super straight so I wasn't expecting it. This is a con, but it does feel a bit like queer baiting or for the male gaze unfortunately.
Later action scenes were good/ interesting.
The pacing between comedy and darkness was well done, Trigger never fails with good comedic timing.
Shots economy is good, I feel like there are not a lot of unmotivated, extra shots, and talking/ dialog/ exposition were all well done. The used the same layout for the exposition scenes from the manga and the added animation punched it up and mode those scenes interesting. - **I'd like to study these scenes in particular more.**
Final thoughts
I think this is a great show to study how you can make a slice of life comedy and weave in some darker themes without overwhelming the audience. A lot of shows usually stay in their chosen genre, or lean very heavily on the dark/ edgy themes. I like how this show isn't reliant on solid world building, but focuses on creative storytelling to keep audiences coming back for more. Overall, the design/ setting feels basic, but it is the creativity behind the idea of monster food and how well thought out every dish is that makes this show shine. The manga and show have pretty good pacing and doesn't linger too long on mysterious or draw things out, dropping enough tidbits and lore to keep you watching/ reading.
TL;DR I think this is one of the better amine series I've seen this year and I love that this show feels refreshing with very creative storytelling. The concept is feels surprisingly unique and original but you do have to commit to a few episodes before it kicks in.
**I only read a few chapters of the manga so my opinion is not 100% and may change if I have time to read more.
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mysticmoon-s · 1 year
Hiii! I was wondering if you do any editing to your pictures besides using reshade !! I love how your screenshots look <3
Hello! My editing is pretty simple. I use Adobe Photoshop 2021, Topaz Clean and Analog Effex Pro plugins.
First I crop my picture and run all-in-one action from this pack to make it look crisp and smooth like this:
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next I apply Analog Effex Pro 2 plugin (i play around with different filters from picture to picture depending on what I want to achieve so i don't have any go-to presets). It's such a lifesaver tool providing a wide rage of editing options. I go with basic adjustments, film type, and dust and scratches to get smthn like this:
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At this point if I feel like going extra I may apply color grading or use some @wooldawn's actions
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For an outdoor shot that would be it, but if the picture was taken indoors like this one I enhance lighting by, well, paining it. Here's what I do: first create an empty layer, fill with color black and change blending mode to soft light. Then take large soft brush (color white), paint areas where you imagine the light source is and apply gaussian blur (set the radius to high values to make the edge of dark and light areas smooth). Lower the opacity to 15-30%
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Here's what I get in the end. Hope that was helpful
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anotherwvba · 1 day
Finding Your Place, pt. 2
The intense lights of the WVBA Studios cast a bright halo around Sahara Sands. She stood confidently in the center of the room, fists clenched inside her bright yellow gloves. It was photo day, the day when all the promo pictures and videos for the upcoming card were shot. Some of the boxers loved it, a chance to be in front of the cameras and show-off. Others found it tedious, a necessary evil between them and the ring. Sahara was definitely the former.
She was decked out in her new blue and yellow ring gear, colors she picked for her new ring name. Razor Sharp. It was a tribute to her father’s beginnings in the sport, long before he was called Mr. Sandman. He was Tyrone “The Razor” Sands, a boxer so good that the establishment could deny him… until they did.
Things in the sport were different now. Now, the league that her father was a founding member of wasn’t a renegade outfit, it’s the major leagues. No doubt, the WVBA was still boxing’s isle of misfit toys in many ways, but now there were plenty of boxers around the world that saw the WVBA as their life’s goal, not their last resort.
Again, Sahara… Razor was the former. She worked her whole life to this point, first as an amateur, then turning pro. She fought in bingo halls and bars, wherever she could get a match. She wanted to earn her way into the WVBA, not get in on her father’s name. Twelve wins and eight knockouts later and here she was, taking promo pics for her WVBA debut.
Razor owned the room. She was in her stance with a look on her face that promised pain as the photographer flitted around her. The sounds of shutter snaps were interspersed with mutters of “nice” and “perfect” in a light British accent.
Colbi Shutters, a more appropriate name for a photographer you’d never find, moved to change the lens on her camera for the next series of shots. “Alright, Razor, for this next batch, let’s get confidence. Like you just know you’re winning.”
“Girl,” Razor popped her hip, resting one glove on it as she held the other loosely by her chin, “what do you mean like I know?”
“That’s what I’m talking about, sunshine,” Colbi smiled, snapping her new lens in place. “Did you catch Luna’s stream this morning? She was talking some mad shite.”
Razor laughed as she shifted to another pose, “Little girl thinks she’s got hands ‘cause she’s got three wins against YouTuber’s and Instagram models. She’ll learn.”
Colbi smiled as moved through various angles, “Show me. Give some fierce action shots, but like, pause at the end of each punch.”
“Fierce is what I do,” Razor shifted into her boxing stance, bouncing and glaring down the lens. “Luna’s gonna see. She thinks she can outlast me. Me? I mean, for real. Razor Sharp’s not just a name, it’s a warning. She act like she don’t know, but she will.”
The intensity gave Colbi a moment of pause. “Um, love? This is starting to sound a mite personal.”
Razor’s face softened into a sly smile, “You wanted fierce, remember? But, naw, it ain’t personal. Look, I ain’t gonna hate on a girl for her hustle, and Luna’s got plenty of hustle. There’s a reason she’s got the following she’s got. Hard. Work. Period. But, this is my world and I got a job to do.”
Shifting seamlessly back into fight mode, Razor threw an uppercut just shy of Colbi’s camera lens, stopping so the photographer could get a shot as if on the receiving end, “And that job’s to put these gloves on that girl and that girl on her ass. Her Luna-tics are gonna see their girl starched and ain’t nothin’ she can do.”
“Nice! Oh, let’s get a few like you’ve just knocked her down.” Colbi laid down on the floor, framing her shot.
Razor set her stance, pointing her right fist straight toward the camera lens with a menacing smirk, “Out. You mean to say ‘knocked her out.’ When a Sands lays you down, you go to sleep.”
“You are right and truly up for this, aren’t you?” Colbi smiled, shutter clicking away. “Uh, gimme another pose.”
“This good?” Razor shifted to look like she was walking away and giving her foe an intimidating glance. Colbi nodded as Razor struck the pose. “And yeah, girl. I’m so ready. I mean, I’ve had thirteen pro fights, but this just hits different. You know? People gonna look at me and have their doubts. They gonna think I’m a nepo hire. ‘Her daddy’s a legend, that’s how she got in.’ I’mma shut that down before it starts. Just sucks for Luna. Girl ain’t my opponent. She’s my proof.”
Just as Colbi and Razor found their rhythm, the door to the studio burst open, sounding like a gunshot. The light, playful energy of the shoot vanished. Replacing it was a voice that sent ice water through Razor’s veins.
“Yo! Let’s get this over with.” The Sandman, Andre Sands, walked in oblivious to everyone and everything. He was in his signature black ring gear, gloves in hand. “I gotta get back in the gym. Ain’t like Don Flamenco’s got a chance, but I wanna embarrass that fool. Bull needs to know who’s comin’ for him.”
Sandman, booming voice and all, slid his gloves on as he scanned the room. He first saw Colbi picking herself up from the floor, then he saw Razor… and passed her, taking in the rest of the room. The dismissive smirk on his face made Razor’s fists instinctively clench tight in her gloves.
“Andre,” Razor’s voice lost all humor as she fixed a hard glare on her brother.
His name, his real name, brought Sandman’s eyes shooting back to Razor. The look on his face was familiar to the younger sister. Contempt. Lifting an eyebrow and tilting his head, Sandman’s smirk returned, “Sahara, didn’t see ya’ there. And, you know better. It’s Sandman.”
“Sandman is our father, not you,” Sahara held his gaze, no reservation, no fear. “You? You’re just Andre and you’re early. This is my studio time.”
“Get out.” Andre’s jaw flexed. His eyes darkened. He never looked away from Razor for an instant. “I didn’t stutter. Leave. Now!”
Colbi, shaking slightly, looked to Razor, unsure of what was even going on, much less what to do.
“You good, girl.” Razor, like her brother, never shifted her eyes away. But, her voice was calm and reassuring as she addressed Colbi. “This won’t take long. We can wrap up in a minute.”
As Colbi quickly gathered her things and scurried out while the Sands siblings continued their staredown. The door closing behind the photographer did nothing to ease the tension in the room.
“Aight, big bro,” Razor stepped closer to her brother, voice low, tapping her gloves together with clear intent. “You ran Colbi outta here. You want somethin’?”
“Little girl,” Sandman looked down at his sister with hard eyes and a menacing sneer. “You don’t want the smoke. Step off.”
“Make me.” Razor popped her gloves together again, loud and deliberate.
Sandman chuckled softly and shook his head.
“Andre,” Razor’s voice was clear. Her patience was running thin. “You know when your shoot starts and you know who’s ahead of you in the studio. So… What. Do. You. Want.”
“I told you what I want, Sahara,” Sandman, too, dropped all pretense. “Did you think I was talking to the photog? Get out. Get out of the WVBA. Go back to your bar cards and your state fairs and wherever else they willing to let you fight. Just stay out of my ring.”
Now, It was Razor’s turn to chuckle, “I get it, bro. You scared. You scared that people gonna see me and see our legacy. Our family. What we mean to this sport. What our dad…”
“Our dad ain’t shit!” Andre’s voice no doubt boomed beyond the studio walls. “Tyrone Sands is a washed up, punch drunk, bitter old man that ain’t got the grace to walk away and I don’t need nobody reminding the world of who he was, especially his prized little princess.”
“And there it is,” Razor sounded so disappointed. “You hate dad, don’t you? The man that raised us, made sure we wanted for nothing. He could’ve kept fighting when the WVBA closed up the first time. He was in his prime. But, he walked away, for family. For us. For you.”
Sandman’s jaw clenched as his gaze dropped to the floor, “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Then what I said before stands,” Razor’s voice picked up a warmth with her brother’s reaction. She reached out with her glove and raised her brother’s chin, meeting his eyes again. “Make me. Please.”
For a moment, a long moment, they stood there. Their eyes locked. There were no ring names, no personas. For a moment, they were just Andre and Sahara, the oldest and youngest children of five children. The moment passed.
“I ain’t got time for this,” Sandman turned to go to the door.
As his back turned, Razor’s resolve hardened, “You can tell me or I can tell you. How you want it?”
Sandman stopped, but didn’t turn around. “You gonna tell me what?”
“Dad failed you on your pro test.” Razor’s voice was flat, matter of fact.
In one quick, angry move, Sandman wheeled on his sister, closed distance, right hand cocked, aimed at her jaw. “Who the hell told you that?! Answer me, girl, or so help me…”
“Or what?!” Her guard shot up, body coiled, muscles tensed, ready for anything. “What Andre? We gonna go?”
Razor stood her ground and her brother suddenly realized who he had raised his fist to. He lowered his hand. His face softened, slightly, but the anger was just below the surface. “I ain’t never told that to anybody.”
“Dad told me.” Razor lowered her guard as her brother’s fist lowered. “He was one of the judges for you to get into the WVBA when it reopened. He didn’t think you were ready.”
“He was scared I’d overtake his legacy,” Sandman spat.
“He was scared you’d get hurt, dumbass,” Razor spat back.
Sandman’s expression was a cocktail of confusion, anger, and disbelief.
“Look,” Razor started moving around the room. She was getting restless and needed to move, but her eyes never left for brother. “You walked into that pro test 22 and 0 with 18 knockouts. Everyone thought you were in.”
“All except a bitter old man.” Sandman folded his arms across his chest.
“All except a concerned father,” Razor stopped and mirrored her brother’s resting posture. “No one there had fought in the WVBA except dad. He knew. He knew you could rule this league, just not then. That’s all. He fought 450 pound ex-sumo, brawling Texan bull riders, and drunk Russian bar bouncers. And it damn sure ain’t gotten any easier.”
“Says the girl that’s fighting a Twitch streamer.” Sandman’s snark was unmistakable.
Razor chuckled, “A Twitch streamer that would run my ass ragged if she had any more experience. See, that’s the difference. I see game and recognize it. You see game and rag on it. You’re damn good, big bro, but you think you way better than you are.”
“Ain’t nobody better than me, baby sis,” Sandman smirked. “And it ain’t that I see game and don’t recognize it. It’s that I see chumps that call themselves champs and I’m gonna put ‘em all to sleep. Then, the only Sandman anybody’s gonna remember is me. Not the jealous has-been that tried to hold his own blood back.”
“And that’s the difference between you and dad,” Razor’s gaze turned to stone. “Flamenco can beat you. Bald Bull gave dad trouble in his prime. And yeah, Bull’s older, but he’s a better boxer than when he fought dad. Dad respected every opponent. You don’t.”
“Respect don’t win fights,” Sandman raised his gloves up. “These do.”
“These don’t lose fights,” Razor raised her own gloves. “Disrespect does.”
“Man,” Sandman shook his head, frustration mounting. He started pulling his gloves off and again turned to leave, “I ain’t got time for this. I got work to do.”
As Sandman turned to leave, Razor smiled. She won this round, but she couldn’t resist one more jab. “You know, bro, funny thing about you taking dad’s name. The people, the fans, his fellow fighters, they gave dad the name Sandman. He didn’t have to give it to himself.”
Sandman’s posture stiffened for a moment, but without a backward glance or another word, he left.
Colbi Shutters is an OC belonging to @cyrah-is-cool101 and is used with permission.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Forgot to change the screen settings, oops. The tutorial fight is rather difficult on Critical mode, Darkside can two-shot you and since there’s no way to get potions and it’s before Sora learns cure there’s not much you can do if you get hit other than die. The menu at the start is the EZ menu, when starting a new game you can choose to have codes that make the game significantly easier (EZ codes), codes that make Dark Souls look easy by comparison (PRO codes) or no codes at all.
Submitted by @captainsquare
They really just went and decided this game series that was for kids at the start should get super duper difficult didn’t they.
Good they put the option to make things easier in there, that would just be beyond irritating otherwise.
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maharghaideovate · 2 months
Educational Administration: Your Ticket to a Killer Career
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Ever thought about running the show in education? Let's talk about why jumping into educational administration might be your smartest move yet. And hey, if you're into distance learning, places like Symbiosis are changing the game with their distance education symbiosis courses, or SCDL in short—more on that later.
Why Education Needs Admin Superstars
Education is not just about teachers and students anymore. It's a whole ecosystem, and someone's got to keep that machine running smoothly. That's where you come in.
The Modern Education Landscape
· Tech Takeover: Schools are going digital. We're talking online classes, virtual labs, you name it.
· Global Classrooms: Distance education's booming. Symbiosis and other big names are making waves here.
· Policy Maze: New laws and regulations pop up all the time. Someone's got to navigate that mess.
What Will You Will Be Doing?
1. Calling the Shots: You'll be the one making big decisions that shape how kids learn.
2. Money Talks: Budgets don't balance themselves. You'll be the money wizard.
3. People Person: From cranky parents to burned-out teachers, you'll be the one keeping everyone happy.
4. Trend Setter: See a cool new teaching method? You'll be the one bringing it to your school.
Why Your Career Will Thank You
Choosing educational administration isn't just a job; it's setting yourself up for the long haul. Here's why:
Job Security That Rocks
· Schools aren't going anywhere. Kids have to learn, right?
· Distance education is on the rise. Places like Symbiosis are proof that this field's got legs.
Show Me the Money
· Admin Payday: Generally, you'll be making more than if you stuck to teaching.
· Climb That Ladder: The higher you go, the better it gets. Think superintendent or university president.
Mix It Up
· K-12 to College: Start in elementary, end up running a university. Why not?
· Public or private: There are lots of flavors to choose from in this career sundae.
· Go Digital: With distance education booming (Symbiosis, anyone? ), you could be the next online education guru.
Level Up Your Life Skills
This job's not just about the paycheck. You're going to grow as a person, too.
Boss Mode is activated.
· Learn to lead without being a jerk about it.
· Make tough calls and own them.
Problem-Solving Pro
· School drama? Budget crisis? You'll be the one putting out fires left and right.
Talk the Talk
· You'll get good at explaining stuff to everyone from 5-year-olds to government officials.
Emotional Intelligence (FTW)
· Dealing with people all day? You'll be a feelings ninja in no time.
The Distance Education Revolution
Let's zoom in on this for a second. Distance education is blowing up, and places like Symbiosis are leading the charge.
Why It Matters for Admins
1. New Frontier: Running an online program is a whole different ballgame.
2. Tech Savvy: You'll need to know your way around some serious digital tools.
3. Global Reach: Your students could be anywhere. How cool is that?
Symbiosis and Beyond
Symbiosis Distance Learning Centre has been killing it in the distance education game. But they're not alone. As an admin, you could be:
· Designing cutting-edge online programs
· Figuring out how to keep students engaged from miles away
· Solving unique challenges like time zone differences and tech hiccups
Getting Your Foot in the Door
Thinking this might be your jam? Here's how to get started:
1. Hit the Books: Most admin jobs require at least a master's degree. Some want a doctorate.
2. Teach First: Many places want you to have classroom experience.
3. Network Like Crazy: Get to know the movers and shakers in your area.
4. Tech Up: Learn about education technology. It's the future, especially in distance education.
5. Never Stop Learning: The education world is always changing. Stay on top of trends.
The Futures is bright.
Education is changing fast. We're seeing:
· More online and hybrid learning (shout out to Symbiosis and other distance education trailblazers)
· AI and VR in classrooms
· Focus on mental health and social-emotional learning
As an admin, you'll be right in the middle of all this cool stuff.
Wrapping It Up
So, there you have it. Educational administration's not just pushing papers. It's about shaping the future, growing as a person, and maybe even riding the distance education wave with Symbiosis University Distance Education. It's a career that keeps you on your toes, pays the bills, and lets you make a real difference.
Are you ready to take the plunge? The world of educational administration is waiting for you. Who knows? You might be the next big name in education, online or off.
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johnmethewblogs · 2 months
Download Rummy Noble Apk for ₹3,200 Real Cash | Refer Friends to Earn ₹1,500 Each | Play and Win ₹10,000 Daily
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Rummy Noble pops as a top online­ spot for rummy fans, merging old-school game fun with financial perks. As the­ gaming world keeps changing, Rummy Noble le­ts players enjoy their card favorite­s while getting cash prizes. By installing the­ Rummy Noble App, players earn an instant ₹3,200, can join a re­ferral program that awards ₹1,500 per refe­rred friend, and compete­ daily for a ₹10,000 prize. 
This guide will show you how to fully use the­se rewards and get the­ most out of your time on Rummy Noble. Let's jump into downloading and installing Rummy Noble­'s app. The first thing you got to do here is download the­ Rummy Noble App. Unlike regular apps in app store­s, this one may not appear on Google Play or Apple­ App Store. So, you'll get the App from the­ Rummy Noble website or any trustworthy source­. 
Once downloaded, set up the­ App. Android users will need to twe­ak their settings to allow "unknown sources". Look for the­ downloaded file in your file manage­r, then tap to install. IOS users might nee­d a few extra steps to install if the­ App isn't in the App Store. Whethe­r you have an Android or iOS, make sure your file­ is safe to avoid security issues. Ne­xt up, get your ₹3,200 cash bonus. 
Once you install the app and ope­n it up, you'll need to registe­r. After that, you'll need to make­ an initial deposit to get your account up and running and unlock your cash bonus. You can make your de­posit through different payment me­thods. After that, you'll notice your account balance has a tre­at - a ₹3,200 cash reward. Another nifty feature­ - referring friends and ge­tting ₹1,500 each time. 
Rummy Noble offe­rs a referral program that allows you to earn for e­ach friend you refer. Share­ your unique code, get your frie­nds to register and make the­ir first deposit, and watch your account fill up with ₹1,500 for each refe­rral. The more actively you share­ your code, the more mone­y you'll receive. Daily Prize­s: Ready to win ₹10,000? 
Rummy Noble makes it possible­ with their daily contests. These­ contests vary, some may require­ specific game modes or achie­vements, but all the rule­s are clearly outlined. Participating in the­se gives you a shot at winning ₹10,000 daily. But reme­mber, the more consiste­nt you are, the more your chance­s increase. 
To make the­ most out of rummy noble mod apk experie­nce, follow these tips: Know the­ game in and out, tactically utilize your cash bonus, actively share­ your referral code and consiste­ntly participate in daily contests. In conclusion, Rummy Noble is not just fun, it's re­warding. By downloading the Rummy Noble App, refe­rring friends, and joining daily contests, you'll be se­tting yourself up for a thrilling gaming experie­nce. Whether you're­ a rummy pro or a newbie, Rummy Noble offe­rs fun and winning chances for everyone­.
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studiocapturelife · 2 months
10 Tips for Stunning Golden Hour Photography
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As a photographer, there's nothing quite like the thrill of capturing the perfect shot during golden hour. That fleeting moment when the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape, is truly magical. At Studio Capture Life, we're passionate about helping photographers of all levels capture life's most precious moments, and golden hour is one of our favorite times to do just that.
In this blog, we'll share our top tips for capturing stunning golden hour photography that will leave your audience in awe. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, these tips will help you make the most of this beautiful time of day.
Tip 1: Plan Ahead
Golden hour is a short-lived phenomenon, typically lasting around 60 minutes. To make the most of this time, it's essential to plan ahead. Research the location you want to shoot at and find out when golden hour occurs. Use apps like The Photographer's Ephemeris or Golden Hour to help you plan your shoot.
Tip 2: Choose the Right Location
Not all locations are created equal when it comes to golden hour photography. Look for spots with an unobstructed view of the horizon, such as beaches, hills, or mountains. Avoid areas with dense foliage or tall buildings that may block the light.
Tip 3: Shoot in RAW
Shooting in RAW format gives you more flexibility when editing your photos. RAW files capture more data than JPEGs, allowing you to adjust exposure, contrast, and color balance with greater precision.
Tip 4: Use a Wide-Angle Lens
A wide-angle lens is perfect for capturing the expansive views and dramatic skies of golden hour. Look for a lens with a focal length of 10-24mm to capture the full majesty of the scene.
Tip 5: Shoot in Manual Mode
Golden hour is all about capturing the fleeting light, so it's essential to shoot in manual mode. This allows you to adjust your camera settings to capture the perfect exposure.
Tip 6: Pay Attention to Composition
Golden hour is not just about capturing the light; it's also about composition. Look for leading lines, framing elements, and symmetry to add depth and interest to your photos.
Tip 7: Experiment with Different Angles
Don't be afraid to experiment with different angles and perspectives. Shooting from a low or high angle can add drama and interest to your photos.
Tip 8: Shoot in Continuous Mode
Golden hour is a fast-paced environment, and the light can change quickly. Shooting in continuous mode allows you to capture a burst of photos, increasing your chances of getting the perfect shot.
Tip 9: Bracket Your Shots
Bracketing your shots allows you to capture a range of exposures, which can be later merged using HDR software. This is particularly useful for capturing the full dynamic range of golden hour.
Tip 10: Practice, Practice, Practice
Golden hour photography is all about practice and patience. The more you shoot, the more comfortable you'll become with the light and the techniques required to capture it.
In conclusion, golden hour photography is a truly magical experience that requires a combination of planning, skill, and practice. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to capturing stunning golden hour photography that will leave your audience in awe.
Ready to take your photography skills to the next level? Join our community at Studio Capture Life and get access to exclusive tutorials, workshops, and resources to help you capture life's most precious moments.
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scottdavenportphoto · 4 months
5 Landscape Photo Recipes in ON1 Effects
If you are trying ON1 Photo RAW, the ON1 plug-ins like ON1 Effects or ON1 HDR, or upgrading your ON1 software to a newer version, please consider using my affiliate link. There is no extra cost to you and it helps support ON1 tutorials like this one. Ready to buy? Use the offer code SDP20 at checkout and SAVE 20%!
In this post I share 5 quick and easy recipes in ON1 Effects to boost your landscape photos. You can use these on a wide variety of images and get great results with just a few filters.
The Natural Glow
Glow looks are very popular for landscape photos because they add mystery, dreaminess, and allure. The thing about nature is… only bright things glow! For a natural glow look, do this:
Add a Glow filter and choose one of the bulit-in styles, or dial in your own settings
Click the masking icon for the Glow filter and click the Luminosity button
(Optional) Lower the Density slider of the mask to add more glow into the midtones and shadows
Using the luminosity mask targets the glow to only the brighter tones in your photo. The results are smooth and natural.
The Color Pop
This is a counter-intuitive treatment for a photo. Use a Black & White filter to enrich the colors and depth of a photo. To get an overall color pop to your photos, do this:
Add a Black & White filter and adjust the Color Response and Tone sliders to make the image the best black & white image it can be.
Change the blending mode of the filter to Luminosity
The luminosity blend mode limits the filter’s effect to only the brightness values of the pixels. Brighter areas get brighter and darker areas get darker. It’s more nuanced than a simple contrast slider, because different color regions can be affected by different amounts. Also, using the black & white filter lets you work visually… you concentrate on making a strong monochrome image, then flip the blend mode for the color boost.
The Twilight Look
Twilight or blue hour is marked by cooler tones, with blue and purple hues. A single Curves filter can deliver a twilight feel for you image. It is a fantastic touch to sunrise and sunset photos. To add a twilight color grade to your photos, do this:
Add a Curves filter
In the Red channel, pull the curve up a little (adding more red)
In the Green channel, pull the curve down little (adding more magenta)
In the Blue channel, pull the curve up a little (adding more blue)
(Optional) Adjust the Opacity of the Curves filter to temper the look
For some images, like the landscape shown here, the twilight look gives the photo a vintage look.
The Impressionist Look
Impressionist paintings emphasize feeling and mood over detail. With a trio of filters in ON1 Effects, you can transform your landscape image into a painterly scene. To create an impressionist look, do this:
Add a Lens Blur filter and lower its Opacity to around 20%.
Add a Blur filter and lower its Opacity to around 20%
Add a Glow filter and choose the Lighten style.
Your photo will take on a dreamier, softer feel.
Pro tip: Try using the Motion options for the Blur filter and adjusting the Angle to simulate directional brush strokes.
The Photo Pop
This recipe is a finishing touch on nearly all of my landscape photos. To give your photo a final pop, do this after you’ve added all your styling filters in Effects:
Add a Color Enhancer filter. Do not change any of the settings.
Change the blending mode of the filter to Overlay
Lower the Opacity of the Color Enhancer to 20%, or refine to taste.
This “trick” is leveraging blending modes. The Color Enhancer itself makes no changes to the colors of your photo. Instead, changing its blending mode mixes your styled photo with itself, enriching contrast in a very nuanced way.
There you go! 5 simple recipes you can use to boost your landscape shots. And yes! You can use more than one recipe on the same photo… these can be combined.
Have fun!
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mobile-phones-uk-news · 4 months
The Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max: A Complete Review
Introduction to the iPhone 15 Pro Max
Apple always is leading in the tech world with new ideas, and their newest phone, the iPhone 15 Pro Max, shows this again. This phone comes with many very advanced features and top-quality specs. The iPhone 15 Pro Max looks like it will be one of the most high-tech smartphones you can buy now. In this detailed review, we will closely examine all important features of the iPhone 15 Pro Max and how it stands against older models.
iPhone 15 Pro Max: Design
The design of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is very modern and attractive, using high-quality glass and metal that feels sturdy when you hold it. The phone comes in different colors like Space Gray, Silver, Gold, and Midnight Green. This means people can choose a color they like best to match their own style.
One of the notable design aspects of iPhone 15 Pro Max is its big 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display, which shows very beautiful colors, clear contrast, and a high brightness level. The screen also has ProMotion technology that makes it possible to have a smooth 120Hs refresh rate for easy scrolling and better gaming experience.
iPhone 15 Pro Max Performance
Inside the iPhone 15 Pro Max, there is the latest A16 Bionic chip. This chip from Apple is their fastest and strongest processor so far. The A16 brings big improvements in how well it works compared to older versions. It has faster CPU and GPU speeds, uses energy better, and has stronger abilities for machine learning tasks.
The iPhone 15 Pro Max offers up to 1TB of storage, giving a lot of room for your photos, videos, and apps. Moreover, the phone has 5G connectivity which makes download and upload speeds much faster and gives better network reliability.
iPhone 15 Pro Max: Camera
The camera system on the iPhone 15 Pro Max is very amazing, having three lenses: a 12MP wide lens, a 12MP ultra-wide lens, and a 12MP telephoto lens. This gives many choices for taking photos—from very wide landscape pictures to close-up face shots and all kinds of scenes in between.
The device also has better Night mode, which makes photos taken in low light brighter and clearer. Moreover, the iPhone 15 Pro Max includes state-of-the-art computational photography tools like Smart HDR 4 and Deep Fusion that improve how images look and increase detail.
iPhone 15 Pro Max Battery Life
iPhone 15 Pro Max has a big 4,500mAh battery that lasts all day even when used a lot. The phone can be charged quickly, getting up to 50% charge in just half an hour. It also supports wireless charging, making it more easy to use.
iPhone 15 Pro Max Software
The iPhone 15 Pro Max uses the newest operating system from Apple, which is iOS 16. This new version brings many fresh features and betterments. For example, it has more advanced privacy and security settings to keep users safe. It also offers better widgets that can do more things, as well as a redesigned Control Center that makes it simpler to change settings quickly.
Also, the iPhone 15 Pro Max works well with Apple's services like Apple Music, Apple TV+, and Apple Arcade. This gives users a smooth and connected experience on all their gadgets.
To sum up, the Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max is very impressive smartphone that gives a great mix of design, performance, camera quality, battery life and software features. With its top-level specifications and advanced technology inside it, the iPhone 15 Pro Max will surely attract users who want only best in their mobile device.
Even though iPhone 15 Pro Max is very expensive, it has excellent build quality and best features. This makes a good choice if you want a high-quality smartphone experience. If you love technology, enjoy taking photos with your phone, or just use your phone for simple things, the iPhone 15 Pro Max can be useful for anyone.
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govindhtech · 5 months
Is the Galaxy S24 FE Near? Rumours and Release Date Analysis
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Samsung Galaxy S24 FE
The speed of rumours regarding the Galaxy S24 FE has increased recently. Some anticipated it would have a big 6.7-inch screen at launch, while others stated it would have the same Exynos/Snapdragon split as the standard Galaxy S24 series. According to a third, Samsung intended to release the budget smartphone sometime in July.
The data on galaxyclub.nl appears to indicate otherwise. According to the article, the Samsung Galaxy S24 FE is not expected to launch very soon. It may launch in January, just like the Galaxy S21 FE did. It makes sense that a late 2024 launch would be planned, as that is when Samsung usually unveils their Fan Edition cellphones.
If delivered quickly, the Galaxy S24 FE and S25 series may dominate the previous. Samsung’s 2025 flagships will include a strong Exynos 2500 SoC, sharper cameras, and a larger entry-level screen.
Overview: Presenting the Galaxy S24 FE
Greetings from the future of smartphones, where style and innovation coexist. The Galaxy S24 FE is a lifestyle, not a device. With its creative design, high-quality craftsmanship, and purposeful build, the Galaxy S24 FE will change how you use technology.
Design: Harmony between Shape and Purpose
Elegant Style
The Galaxy S24 FE has an attractive design that draws the eye right away. Its smooth transition between metal and glass showcases how painstakingly every curve and shape was created. This device screams sophistication, from the vivid colour selections to the elegant matte finish.
Comfort Ergonomic
The Galaxy S24 FE, which was created with the user in mind, provides unprecedented ergonomic comfort. It is enjoyable to handle thanks to its lightweight design and small appearance, and the curved edges provide a solid grip. This device fits nicely in your hand and may be used for both web browsing and taking pictures.
Performance: Energising Your Workflow
Lightning-quick pace
With its state-of-the-art Exynos CPU, the Galaxy S24 FE offers unmatched responsiveness and performance. This smartphone simply keeps up with your pace, whether you’re gaming on the go or multitasking between apps. Bid farewell to slow performance and welcome to flawless execution.
Daylong Battery Life
You can stay connected and productive all day with the Galaxy S24 FE‘s amazing battery life. Its large battery lets you use it day and night. Social media, video streaming, and job tasks are possible with this gadget.
Camera: Record Every Second in Gorgeous Detail
Expert-Level Photography
It’s pro-grade camera lets you capture stunning images. You can take amazing images anywhere with its triple-lens setup telephoto, ultra-wide, and wide-angle. Every photo is crisp, from close-ups to vistas.
AI-Powered Functionalities
With the AI-powered photography features of the Galaxy S24 FE, unleash your creative side. With features like sophisticated night mode and clever scene optimization, taking stunning pictures is simple and effortless. Regardless of your level of experience, this gadget captures quality images in every shot.
Display: Rich and Detailed Visual
Gorgeous Images
Enjoy entertainment on the Galaxy S24 FE like never before thanks to its amazing display. Every picture and video looks brilliant and sharp on the screen thanks to the contrast and colour saturation. Immersive visuals will captivate you whether you’re browsing images, playing games, or watching films.
Flexible Refresh Rate
Enjoy fluid games and incredibly smooth scrolling thanks to the variable refresh rate of the Galaxy S24 FE. Whether you’re exploring menus or fast-paced action, the screen adapts. End stammering and embrace flow.
Staying connected is crucial everywhere
5G Internet Access
It supports 5G for future connection. With lightning-fast connections and low latency, you may video chat with loved ones, stream HD entertainment, or download large files anywhere. Even in the busiest of settings, maintain your productivity and connection.
Increased Safety
Your privacy and data are protected with the Galaxy S24 FE‘s improved security. Device access is restricted by biometric identification methods like fingerprint scanning and facial recognition. Rest assured that your info is secure.
Galaxy S24 FE Release date
Samsung may delay the Galaxy S24 FE, rumours say. The entry-level flagship may debut late 2024 or early 2025.
Samsung Galaxy S24 FE price
Since the Samsung Galaxy S24 FE is an upcoming phone, the official price has not yet been disclosed. However, based on leaks and rumours, the Samsung Galaxy S24 FE is anticipated to launch at a starting price of about $730 USD, given current exchange rates.
In conclusion, the Galaxy S24 FE will improve your mobile experience
To sum up, it is a lifelong companion rather than just a smartphone. This smartphone’s gorgeous design, powerful performance, professional-grade camera, immersive display, and cutting-edge connections will elevate your mobile experience. It offers something new and intriguing for professionals, amateurs, and casual users. Embark on an innovative adventure and elevate your ordinary moments with the Galaxy S24 FE at your side.
Galaxy S24 FE Specs
The Samsung Galaxy S24 FE is a forthcoming phone, and the specifications are currently unofficial. However, the following hypothetical specification table is based on leaks and rumours
Which is better S23 or S24?
The Galaxy S24+’s 6.7-inch screen is somewhat larger than the S23+’s 6.6. Its QHD+ Dynamic AMOLED 2x panel is the brightest ever at 2600 nits. This makes the display on the Galaxy S24+ ideal for working, playing games, and scrolling.
Is it true the S24 FE will be almost as good as the S24?
Leaks imply the S24 FE may be strong, but its cheaper price may come with trade-offs. Display refresh rate, materials, and camera quality may vary.
What are the expected specs?
Possible 6.1-inch AMOLED display Expect Exynos 2400 or Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor. RAM: 12GB LPDDR5X UFS 3.1 (128GB) or 4.0 (256GB) storage 4500mAh battery (perhaps larger than S24). Camera specs are unknown, but improvements over the S23 FE are expected.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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gertlushgaming · 6 months
STAR WARS Battlefront Classic Collection Review (Steam)
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STAR WARS Battlefront Classic Collection Review, Play the classic STAR WARS Battlefront games on modern consoles, online and offline in this complete classic collection. Traverse the Galaxy in Campaign Mode & Galactic Conquest, Galactic Conquest: Devise your strategy, recruit your troops, and execute your tactical vision for conquering the galaxy. STAR WARS Battlefront Campaign: Experience iconic battles from STAR WARS Episodes I-VI STAR WARS Battlefront II Campaign: Join the rise of Darth Vader’s elite 501st Legion of Stormtroopers.
STAR WARS Battlefront Classic Collection Review Pros:
- Nice graphics. - 62.87GB Download size. - Steam achievements. - Full controller support. - Steam Trading Cards to earn. - First and third-person views. (press a button to change) - Officially licensed. - Optional tutorial that has you playing as every trooper type, vehicle, and Jedi. - Two games in one - Star Wars Battlefront One and Two. - Graphics settings - brightness slider, contrast, v-sync, windowed mode, and overall quality. - Advanced graphics settings - view distance slider, LOD distance, FOV scale, resolution, anti-aliasing, texture detail, water quality, shadows, lighting quality, and light bloom. - The graphics settings in Battlefront 1 also have distortion effects, bump mapping, shadow quality, particle quality, and motion blur. - Can remap controls. - Profile management allows multiple users to have a seperate account. - Auto-detect graphics option. - Star Wars Battlefront 2 has Two AI difficulties - normal and elite. - Game settings - movie subtitles, objective details, tooltips, display enemy icons, colorblind support, friendly fire, auto-target, sticky reticule, aim assist, and streamer mode. - Full career stats screen. - Local split-screen support. - Online multiplayer has quick match, join (server browser), and create. - Star Wars Battlefront 2 single-player modes - training, space overview, the rise of the empire, Galactic conquest, and instant action. - Star Wars Battlefront 1 single-player modes - Clone Wars campaign, Galactic Civil War Campaign, Galactic Conquest, and instant action. - You can quit back to the launcher to change games. - Fast loading times. - Familiar and modern controls like twin sticks for camera and movement. - A full 3D world with 360-degree camera control. - Star Wars Battlefront 1 has three difficulties - Easy, medium, and hard. - End-of-game awards in multiplayer in both games. - Addictive gameplay loop. - The online and offline are both solid experiences. - New maps - - Jabbas Palace (Battlefront 1) - Bespin Cloud City. (Battlefront 2) - Rhen Var Harbour. (BF2) - Rhen Var Citadel. (BF2) - Yavin 4 Arena. (BF2) - New Heroes - Asajj Ventress, and Kit Fisto. (Battlefront 2) - 64-player online play. - Hero assault adds new heroes - - Mace Windu, Yoad, and Luke Skywalker. - Hero Assault adds new Villans - - Darth Maul, General Grievous, and Darth Vader. - New Hero assault ground maps - - Death Star, Kashykk, Kamino, and Naboo. - They are still amazing games. STAR WARS Battlefront Classic Collection Review Cons: - The camera in Battlefront 1 is all over the place it's loose and not snappy in any way, even against the second game. - For a game like this, the file size is ridiculously huge. - The control layouts are not the same for both games. - The story campaigns are not that balanced and have a lot of can't miss a single shot ai enemies. - Struggling to get any games online, it either doesn't find games or it has high ping and kicks me out. - Still has a horrible spawn camping problem. - The controls are fine but at times it feels like they don't work for a second here and there. - Online is not the best in terms of performance. - No real enhancements or tweaks its very much just an HD filter with servers. - Waiting to respawn is an assault on your eyes with the camera going all over the place. - Lag is an absolute killer. - Steam achievements are not popping up until I shut the game down. - respawn numbers seem low for the game modes and maps on offer. - Have had actual unbeatable levels in the campaign as the AI is so efficient at doing objectives except your team AI, they go off randomly and I've had them just standing at spawn. Related Post: Cybertrash STATYX Review (PlayStation 4) STAR WARS Battlefront Classic Collection: Official website. Developer: Aspyr Publisher: Aspyr Store Links - Steam Read the full article
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myyvideosblog · 1 year
In the world of ping pong robot machines
Best Ping Pong Robot Machines In 2024 In recent years, the world of ping pong or table tennis has seen a considerable transformation, with technology playing a big part in improving the game. The emergence of ping pong robot machines is one of the most intriguing developments in this sport. These devices have completely changed how athletes train by enabling accurate ball positioning, adjustable spin, and a reliable training partner. In 2024, ping pong robot technology continued to improve, and in this article, we'll examine the greatest machines currently on the market.
Long a favorite among fans of table tennis, the Butterfly Amicus Prime. It remains a popular option in 2024 for players of all skill levels. This robot has some interesting features, such as spin, speed, and positioning adjustments. It can replicate the trickiest serves and shots, which makes it a useful training tool for aspiring players. The Amicus Prime's remote control, which enables quick changes to settings and modes, is one of its notable features. Additionally, it provides shot analysis so you can keep track of your development over time.
A notable contender for our list is the Power Pong 5000. This robot is renowned for its incredibly accurate ball delivery. It allows for a variety of training circumstances because to its customizable spin, speed, and oscillation settings. The Power Pong 5000 is a fantastic option for players who frequently need to shift their training setting because it is both lightweight and portable. The Power Pong 5000's capability to imitate a variety of playing styles, from a defensive chopper to an aggressive attacker, is a standout feature. Due to its adaptability, it is a fantastic option for players who want to practice against various opponents' playing styles.
In the world of ping pong robot machines, Newgy has long been a reputable brand, and the Robo-Pong 3050XL stands up to that legacy. This robot still dazzles in 2024 thanks to its adaptable settings and simplicity of operation. The 3050XL has an astonishing array of pre-programmed drills and lets you customize spin, speed, and placement. The Robo-Pong 3050XL's recycling net system, which gathers and recycles balls for ongoing play, is one of its most notable features. Players who want continuous training sessions will find this option to be extremely helpful.
The Paddle Palace H2W Touch Pro is an advanced player's ping pong robot machine that offers the maximum level of personalization. It provides an astonishing variety of spin, speed, and ball placement settings. Your preferred drills and playing styles are simple to program and save using the touchscreen interface. The H2W Touch Pro's ability to replicate spin as well as different intensities of side and top spin makes it one of its standout features and offers a very lifelike practice environment.
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rjhreview · 1 year
iPhone 15 Pro: Why this phone is the best phone you need
Get the scoop on the iPhone 15 Pro and learn why it's setting new standards in the smartphone world. Our blog post, iPhone 15 Pro: Why It's the Only Phone You'll Ever Need, reveals all the game-changing details! Battery Life That Keeps You Going Triple-lens Magic: Wide, Ultra Wide, and Telephoto Ceramic Shield and Titanium Edges: Durability Meets Elegance New Features that Enhance User Experience 5G and Wi-Fi 7: Stay Connected Faster and More Reliably Comparing the Cost to the Value You Get Frequently Asked Questions About the iPhone 15 Pro 2023Q1: What sets the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 apart from its competitors? Q2: How does the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 ensure data security? Q3: Is the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 a good long-term investment? Q4: What are the connectivity options available? Q5: How does the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 hold its resale value? The A16 Bionic Chip is not just an incremental upgrade; it's a technological marvel that redefines what speed can achieve in a smartphone. With its 5-nanometer architecture, this chip is a paragon of computational prowess. It's not just about speed; it's about efficient, sustainable speed that enhances every aspect of your iPhone experience. The chip's multi-core design ensures that tasks are distributed effectively, allowing for optimal performance without overheating. It's a symphony of engineering that enables resource-intensive applications to run with an alacrity previously unimaginable. Apple's technical documentation provides an in-depth look at the A16 Bionic Chip, solidifying its standing as a groundbreaking innovation. Battery Life That Keeps You Going When it comes to battery life, the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 is in a league of its own. The device is equipped with a Lithium-Ion battery that is not only long-lasting but also smart. It adapts to your usage patterns, optimizing energy consumption without compromising performance. Gone are the days of carrying a charger everywhere you go. With up to 24 hours of talk time and 80 hours of audio playback, this device is your indefatigable companion for the day. For those interested in the technical aspects of this remarkable battery life, this study from MIT elucidates the science behind it. Seamless Multitasking Capabilities In today's fast-paced world, multitasking is not just a skill; it's a necessity. The iPhone 15 Pro 2023 rises to the occasion with its seamless multitasking capabilities. Whether you're editing a video, playing a game, or conducting a virtual meeting, this device can handle it all—simultaneously, and without a hitch. The A16 Bionic Chip, coupled with a robust RAM configuration, ensures that you can switch between apps with fluidity and grace. It's not just about doing more; it's about doing more efficiently. For a comprehensive understanding of how the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 achieves this level of multitasking, Apple's technical whitepaper is a must-read. Camera Capabilities: Capture Your World Like a Pro Triple-lens Magic: Wide, Ultra Wide, and Telephoto The Wide lens offers phenomenal clarity, capturing intricate details with precision. The Ultra Wide lens, on the other hand, is perfect for those expansive landscapes, capturing a 120-degree field of view. Last but not least, the Telephoto lens excels in zooming capabilities, ensuring that distance is no longer a barrier in photography. For those who are technically inclined, this research paper delves into the intricate engineering behind triple-lens camera systems. Night Mode and Deep Fusion: Making Every Shot a Masterpiece Night Mode and Deep Fusion are not just features; they are your personal photography assistants. Night Mode ensures that low-light conditions are no longer an obstacle, employing advanced algorithms to brighten each pixel without compromising on quality. Deep Fusion takes it a step further by using machine learning to process photos pixel by pixel, ensuring optimal texture, detail, and color. For an in-depth understanding of how Night Mode and Deep Fusion work, Apple's technical documentation is an invaluable resource. Cinematic Mode: Why It's a Game-Changer for Video Cinematic Mode is not just another video feature; it's an entire film studio in your pocket. This mode allows for real-time depth-of-field adjustments, giving your videos a professional-quality focus and blur effect. Imagine capturing life's moments with the same caliber of storytelling as seen in your favorite films. For those who wish to understand the technology behind Cinematic Mode, this article from the American Society of Cinematographers provides a comprehensive overview. Design and Display: A Feast for the Eyes Ceramic Shield and Titanium Edges: Durability Meets Elegance In the realm of smartphone design, the amalgamation of Ceramic Shield and Titanium Edges is tantamount to an aesthetic revolution. Ceramic Shield is not merely a protective layer it's a fortress for your screen. Crafted through a high-temperature crystallization process, it offers unparalleled durability. Complementing this robustness are the Titanium Edges—sleek, rust-resistant, and impossibly elegant. Together, they form a harmonious blend of resilience and sophistication. For a deeper dive into the material science behind Ceramic Shield and Titanium, this technical paper from the Material Research Society is an enlightening read. ProMotion Display: Experience Fluidity and Vibrant Colors ProMotion Display is not just a feature; it's an experience. With a refresh rate of up to 120Hz, the display offers fluid scrolling and smoother animations. But that's not all. The color reproduction is so vibrant, it's as if each pixel is infused with life. Whether you're watching a movie or scrolling through photos, the ProMotion Display ensures each moment is captured in its fullest, most vivid form. For those intrigued by the technology behind ProMotion Display, Apple's technical documentation serves as an authoritative resource. Size and Weight: The Perfect Balance for Usability In an era where size and weight have become pivotal factors in device selection, this smartphone strikes an impeccable balance. It's neither too bulky to handle nor too light to feel insubstantial. The meticulously calculated dimensions and weight distribution make it a joy to hold, offering an ergonomic experience that is second to none. For a comprehensive understanding of the ergonomics involved in smartphone design, this study from the Ergonomics Society is highly recommended. iOS 16: The Software that Powers the Best New Features that Enhance User Experience iOS 16 isn't just an operating system; it's an orchestration of digital elements designed to elevate your daily interactions with your device. Imagine a software so intuitive, it feels like an extension of yourself. From the revamped Control Center to the groundbreaking multitasking capabilities, iOS 16 is a cornucopia of features that redefine user experience. For those who crave an in-depth understanding of these new features, Apple's official iOS 16 documentation is a treasure trove of information. Security Updates: Keeping Your Data Safer Than Ever In an age where data breaches and cyber threats are rampant, iOS 16 serves as your digital fortress. The new security updates are not mere tweaks; they are a comprehensive overhaul designed to safeguard your most sensitive information. From Face ID enhancements to end-to-end encrypted iMessages, these updates are your bulwark against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. For those who prioritize security and wish to delve into the technicalities, this report from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is a must-read. How iOS 16 Complements the Hardware of iPhone 15 Pro 2023 The symbiosis between iOS 16 and the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 is nothing short of poetic. The hardware and software are so seamlessly integrated, it's as if they were conceived in unison. The A16 Bionic chip finds its true potential unlocked with iOS 16, making everything from gaming to professional tasks run smoother than ever. This isn't just compatibility; it's a harmonious marriage of form and function. Connectivity and Accessories: Elevate Your iPhone Experience 5G and Wi-Fi 7: Stay Connected Faster and More Reliably In the realm of connectivity, the iPhone doesn't just participate; it leads. With 5G and Wi-Fi 7 capabilities, your iPhone becomes an epitome of speed and reliability. Gone are the days of buffering videos and interrupted FaceTime calls. The integration of 5G and Wi-Fi 7 is not merely an upgrade; it's a revolution that places the world at your fingertips. For those who find solace in the nitty-gritty of technical specifications, the Federal Communications Commission's comprehensive guide on 5G is an invaluable resource. MagSafe and Wireless Charging: The Future is Cordless Untether your life with MagSafe and wireless charging capabilities. The iPhone's MagSafe technology is a harbinger of a cordless future, offering not just convenience but also efficiency. The magnetic alignment ensures optimal charging, while the absence of cords declutters your space and mind. This isn't just a feature; it's a lifestyle transformation. For an in-depth understanding of wireless charging technology, this article from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is highly enlightening. AirPods and Other Accessories that Sync Seamlessly Accessorizing your iPhone is not about mere embellishments; it's about enhancing functionality. AirPods and other compatible accessories don't just sync with your iPhone; they amplify its capabilities. Whether it's the noise-cancelling feature of AirPods Pro or the precision tracking of AirTags, these accessories are designed to make your life simpler, better, and decidedly more stylish. For a scholarly dive into the technology behind Bluetooth and accessory synchronization, this paper from the Bluetooth Special Interest Group is a must-read. Why the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 is Worth Every Penny Comparing the Cost to the Value You Get When it comes to the iPhone 15 Pro 2023, the adage "you get what you pay for" has never been more apropos. This device isn't just a phone; it's an amalgamation of cutting-edge technology and design sophistication. The initial investment might seem steep, but the plethora of features, from its unparalleled camera system to its robust security measures, offers an unmatched value proposition. Longevity and Software Updates: A Long-Term Investment In a world of ephemeral gadgets, the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 stands as a paragon of longevity. The device isn't just built to last; it's built to evolve. With consistent software updates that not only fix bugs but also introduce new features, your phone remains an asset for years to come. This isn't a purchase; it's a long-term investment in digital excellence. For an authoritative perspective on software longevity, Apple's official support documentation provides a comprehensive overview. Resale Value: An iPhone That Holds Its Worth The iPhone 15 Pro 2023 doesn't just retain its functionality over time; it also maintains its fiscal value. Unlike other smartphones that depreciate faster than a new car driving off the lot, iPhones have a history of holding their worth. This makes the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 not just a purchase but also a financial strategy. When it's time to upgrade, rest assured that your device will still command a respectable price on the resale market. Conclusion In summary, the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 transcends the conventional boundaries of a smartphone, offering an unparalleled blend of innovation, longevity, and financial wisdom. It's not merely a device; it's a long-term investment that continues to provide value through consistent software updates and robust resale potential. The initial cost is not an expense but an investment in a product that stands the test of time and technology. With its myriad of features and enduring value, the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 is, without a doubt, worth every penny. Don't miss the opportunity to own this epitome of digital excellence. Learn about other high-quality technology products Q,A) Frequently Asked Questions About the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 Q1: What sets the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 apart from its competitors? A1: The iPhone 15 Pro 2023 is a paragon of technological innovation, offering a unique blend of cutting-edge features, unparalleled durability, and long-term software support. Its ProMotion Display, Ceramic Shield, and Titanium edges are just a few elements that elevate it above the competition. Q2: How does the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 ensure data security? A2: Security is a cornerstone of the iPhone 15 Pro 2023. With the latest iOS 16, the device offers a plethora of security updates that safeguard your data like never before. Biometric authentication and end-to-end encryption are also standard features. Q3: Is the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 a good long-term investment? A3: Absolutely. The iPhone 15 Pro 2023 is designed for longevity, supported by consistent software updates that keep your device running smoothly for years. Its robust build quality also ensures that the phone withstands the rigors of daily use. Q4: What are the connectivity options available? A4: The device is equipped with the latest 5G and Wi-Fi 7 technologies, ensuring that you stay connected faster and more reliably. It also supports MagSafe and wireless charging, making it future-proof. Q5: How does the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 hold its resale value? A5: iPhones have historically maintained high resale values, and the iPhone 15 Pro 2023 is no exception. Its enduring quality, coupled with a strong brand reputation, ensures that the device holds its worth over time. Feel free to reach out with any more questions you may have about this groundbreaking device. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works Read the full article
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khwaaishpunjabi · 2 years
Research and Planning
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On Day 1 of the cinematography workshop we learnt about the camera that we were using which is Canon 5D mark 3. We got used the the heavy weight of the the camera and learned all of its functions.
Types of Camera:
1.Professional Camera
2.Consumer Camera
3.Pro-consumer camera
The video above shows me giving a try on using the camera and trying to capture a Dolly-in shot. I used a military technique, I imagined I was walking with a gun and kept my knees soft as I moved forward. This helps avoid any jerks or disturbances in the final product.
Most cameras have these modes to enhance the quality :
1.Manual Mode
2.Auto Mode
3.Program - Auto Mode
4.Aperture Mode (AV)
5.Shutter Value Mode ( Time Value)
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The above photo is a candid of me adjusting the Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO of the camera. I used various combinations to understand the difference and how all these elements affect an image.
Aperture is the opening of the camera.
Shutter Speed decides how much light is going to fall onto the lens of the camera.
ISO is the intensity of the light.
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The above chart was displayed on a wall in the studio and we were working in. It helped us understand that :
1. Lower the aperture value,shallower the focus.
2. Smaller the value of shutter speed, lesser the light.
3. Smaller the value of ISO. lower the light intensity.
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The above photo is taken by me from the Canon 5D Mark 3 camera. It had a high value of shutter speed which allowed a sufficient amount of light to fall into the lens which resulted in this photo coming out bright and clearly visible.
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This photo was also clicked by me. However the difference is that the photo has been clicked with a smaller value of shutter speed which makes the photo look dull and much darker than the previous photo.
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This photo was clicked by me to understand how aperture, ISO and shutter speed affect the shallow depth of field. As shown the the above photo there is a tripod behind the model which is completely blurred out as the focus comes on the model.
Factors that help in depth of field :
1. Lower the value of aperture, shallower the depth of field.
2. Higher the focal length, shallower the depth of field.
3. Closer the subject to the camera, shallower the depth of field.
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After we dismantled the lens from the body of the camera we learned about the types of lenses :
1.Prime lens
2.Zoom lens
3.Tele photo lens
4. Macro lens
5. Fish Eye lens
6. Tilt-shift lens
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We also learned about light painting and how a moving source of light can be captured in a camera
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For a picture like this the camera was set in manual mode. We used a long exposure and kept the shutter speed at 30 seconds while keeping the ISO as low as possible. My teammates used torchlights from their phone as a light source while I clicked the photo, we kept a light source moving for the entire 30 seconds and used the lighting and flashed thrice to capture this image. The aperture was around 5.6. The paths of light made cannot be seen in real time but are captured by the camera as the change the settings.
0 notes
kittlyns · 2 years
Last night, my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, in the pitch black dark, on a road where people were speeding extremely fast. My battery/alternator gave out, so I had no way to even turn my hazards on.
To top it all off, my phone was at 6% when this happened.
I was completely unfamiliar with the area, as my normal route was blocked off due to an accident. I had to take a detour down country roads I'd never been on. There were no lights on the road at all, and barely any buildings other than the very occasional house.
I was on the phone with my best friend when my warning lights started coming on one after another. I started freaking out a bit and was like "oh my god, I'm gonna break down in the middle of nowhere, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck."
She asked where I was and how to get to me, and I gave her the most shitty directions I've ever given anyone. I'm godawful with directions and my brain being in panic mode did not make anything better.
I finally found an intersection with one church and a small gas station across from it. I knew I wasn't making it to the gas station. As I started turning into the church parking lot, my steering locked up and everything in my car went dead.
Thankfully, there was a very small middle lane that separated both sides of the road. I'm assuming it was mostly used as a turn lane for the church. My car somehow died perfectly in the middle of it.
I shot off a text to my mom letting her know my car is dead and I had my phone do an emergency SOS so it sent her my location. I continued to babble on hysterically while my friend did her best to locate me.
I told her I might walk to the gas station bc I felt like it was only a matter of time before someone ran into my little car with no lights. My phone then promptly went dead.
Looking back, as scary as it was this was probably for the best. I do my best work when no one is relying on me.
I ran through the possibilities in my mind.
Leave my car and go to the gas station? Maybe they have a charger for my phone, or maybe they'll let me borrow a phone. But it is late and I'd be a young woman visibly alone with a dead phone. Who knows how that could go.
Okay, stay in my car? No headlights, no hazard lights, no streetlights illuminating my car. I could easily get hurt. No phone so I can't update anyone. No, staying in place doesn't improve the situation at all.
Sit on the church lawn under the one light they have and hope my parents or friend show up before any potential axe murderers passing by? Pros: I'd be more visible. Cons: I'd be more visible. Eh.... maybe I'll try this one first.
I vaguely remember buying a set of caution lights the last time my car's battery died a few years ago. Omg, I think a little excited at the prospect of actually needing something I bought for once, I've gotta try those out!
I also remembered throwing them in my trunk the last time I cleaned my car out. Fuck. I'd have to risk being hit to get them, but it'd be for the best if I did.
I wait until there are no cars coming from either direction and get out. I manually unlock my trunk and start digging around. No lights, no lights, no lights, good god why don't I ever clean this shit out this is so fucking stupid omg the lights!!!
It occurs to me as I'm opening the little bag containing the lights that. Oh shit. I've changed the batteries on these things once and that was at least.... 2 years ago. Oh fuck. Please work, please work, please work.
I press the button on one light. It works!!! Only. Huh. It's a bit dim. Will anyone see this? I press another light's on button. Nothing. Oh fuck me. Why didn't I ever change the batteries regularly???? I'm too fucking complacent.
I put the one, very dim, probably dying light on my rear bumper and hope to anything listening that it'll do the job. I get my purse, phone, and keys out of my car and head for the church lawn.
I don't stay there long. Too many passing cars that I don't recognize and it makes me nervous. From my experience, a lot of people who stop and ask if you're okay are super nice. But my phone's dead and I left my mace back in the salon, so I'd rather not take any chances. I decide to just head over to the gas station and hope it's safer than being out in the open.
It was. I walked in and resolved myself to not cry. Just politely ask for a phone or charger and wait until someone rescued me.
That didn't last long. I got up to the counter and explained my problem to the man and asked if I could borrow a phone. He agreed so kindly and quickly that it brought tears to my eyes immediately and my voice went all wobbly. I didn't realize til then how much I was expecting a flat out "no."
I called my mom, her number being the only one I know by heart, and filled her in on the situation. Yes, I was safe, I'm in a gas station across from a church, no I don't know the church's name, here's the gas station's name, no I don't know the street address, no I haven't called the cops, do I need to? Oh okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay bye.
I try to hand the phone back and promised I'd buy something as a thank you and he turned me down. Told me to grab a beverage, on him, and sit down. Keep his phone as long as I needed it. I turned down the drink, he'd helped me so much already just letting me use his phone, but thanked him profusely and agreed to keep his phone a little longer.
I sat down and called the non-emergency police line to see if they could send someone out to put up cones or something for my car. I was told "oh no honey we don't do that. Here. Call this number." Okay thanks. Hang up. Dial the new number.
"Mmmm, yeah, we don't do that either. I can connect you to highway patrol?" I mean I fucking guess. I've spent damn near 10 minutes trying to connect to the right departments and giving all my information out again, but whatever.
And then my best friend walks in 💕
Immediately, I'm unable to hold it together. I burst into tears. She rushes over and holds my hand while sitting with me. Her mom shows up not even a minute later and I'm just in hysterics and the highway patrol dispatcher finally comes on the line but I'm sobbing too hard to say anything so the lady that transferred me had to give her all the information and I can finally hang up and give the nice man his phone back.
He asks me if I need anything else but I'm still crying pretty hard so I can only hope he understood me when I said no thank you.
My friend and her mom celebrate finding me with the absolute shit directions I gave and I can finally laugh because yeah they sucked pretty bad and I'm so sorry for all this blah blah
Her mom says something about angels and luck and I'm like fuck it I'm gonna buy a lottery ticket. Maybe this all means something. So my friend and I both buy lottery tickets in hopes we can change our lives and we promise the man if we win he'll get his fair share.
We go outside and my parents pull up and everything feels okay for the first time in nearly 2 hours. There's a lot of run-around, looking for jumper cables and flares or something. It takes the cops another hour to show up, and the eventual tow truck yet another hour.
$700+ of my savings later, I'm back home. My car will hopefully run again. If not. Well. That's a bridge to cross another day, I guess. For now I'm just grateful to be home and alive and know that I'm loved enough for people to hunt me down in the dead of night with shitty directions and coordinates that are off by a couple of miles.
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