#all of you and your creations were the biggest and most lovely part of it all
kyracooneyx23 · 13 days
Better Keep Your Mouth Shut
Kyra x Sunny -> part one
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summary: You've managed to keep your relationship a secret but can a drunk Kyra keep her mouth shut?
Kyra had only joined Arsenal a week ago but already people thought it was strange how close the two of you were with each other.
They all thought it was weird how you already seemed to have hundreds of little inside jokes that you would always be giggling about at training, and how you'd been out for coffee almost every day.
When people questioned it you'd both play it off saying that you'd clicked and wanted to get to know each other better. But in reality you were making up for lost time when you didn't have to chance to do this.
The girls would complain that they couldn't be friends with Kyra because you hogged her and you'd grin and claim it because you were the best person in the world and you couldn't blame her for wanting to be your friend.
Steph, who seemed to be the most suspicious, had even gone as far as trapping you in the changing rooms. Her eyes had been sharp, filled with a mixture of suspicion and concern as if she could tell what was going on. 'Why is Kyra always clinging to you?' Steph had demanded and it was the first time you'd struggled to smoothly answer.
'I've just been looking after her... making sure she settled in ok,' You stammered, trying to keep your tone casual, Steph was like Kyra's mum and you didn't want her to get mad. 'It can be really scary making this big of a move, you should know that.'
Steph's eyes stayed trained on your for a minute longer before she shrugged, either believing you or giving up trying. 'Caitlin must be right, Kyra's obviously going to make friends with the biggest pest on the team.'
Even though you were happy to finally be able to spend time with your girlfriend, not over facetime with an annoying time difference, you didn't want to stop her from being able to make friendships with the other girls on the team.
Overall the two of you had done a pretty good job at keeping it undercover, only once had the secret almost slipped.
Kyra didn't mean to she just hadn't been thinking about it when her and Alessia were leaving the cafe they had just had lunch in together.
'I need to pick up some chocolate for dinner tonight. It’s Sunny’s favorite.' The blonde had said as they walked along the street.
Kyra’s eyes lit up, smiling softly as she remembered all the times you'd begged her to get chocolate. 'Oh, that's a great idea she's obsessed with the marvelous creations you should grab that. Also get some Sour Patch Kids too. She always craves sour stuff after chocolate.'
Alessia raised an eyebrow, glancing sideways at Kyra confused as to why the Aussie knew so much about a girl who she'd only met a week ago. 'That's pretty specific... has she always been like that?'
Kyra nodded enthusiastically, her mood lifting as she gets to talk about you. 'Yeah, always telling me how she needs that sour kick to balance out the sweetness. She'll give me the silent treatment if I don't let her eat them. Funny how she’s got such specific cravings, right?'
Alessia’s suspicion grew with every word. 'So you’ve been hanging out with Sunny a lot then?'
Only then did Kyra realise the mistake she'd made, the way she was talking about you made it seem like you'd known each other for ages which you had, but nobody else was meant to know that. She mentally cursed at herself for not realising sooner. 'Yeah, a bit. But she's always going on about how she loves that combination. I guess it just stuck with me.”
As they entered the store, Alessia couldn’t help but wonder how Kyra knew so much about Sunny’s preferences in such a short time. The details seemed too precise for a friendship that was only a week old, leaving Alessia increasingly intrigued and wary.
Currently you were all at a team gathering and Viv and Beth's house, the whole team catching up before the start of the season. You'd told yourself you wouldn't drink tonight, knowing when you do you normally ended up doing something stupid. However you broke that promise the minute Katie had teased you and called you a chicken.
So that's how you ended up leaning heavily on the kitchen island an empty shot glass in your hand, matching ones scattered on the table. A smug grin plastered to your face as you watched Katie struggle to down her drink.
'Who's the chicken now.' You laugh making chicken noises and only stopping when she whacks you in the arm making you wince.
'Piss off McCabe,' you huff rubbing your arm even though it didn't even hurt that bad. You just liked to make a scene out of things. 'You're such a sore loser, I can't believe you thought you could beat me in a drinking game I never loose.' You smirk at her even as she flips you off before you decide you don't want to deal with a drunk and angry Katie, instead going to find Vic.
'Hellooooo.' You smile stretching out the word as you wrap an arm around your best friend, sitting down next to her on the couch as she talks to Leah and Lia.
When sees you she rolls her eyes lightly, 'I thought you said you weren't gonna drink tonight.' You grin sheepishly.
'What do you mean, I haven't.' You lie causing her to roll her eyes again but you know she's not seriously annoyed as a small, amused smile plays at her lips.
'Well when your throwing up tonight, don't expect me to hold your hair back for you.' She teases moving her body so her legs are resting on you and you groan trying to push them off but failing.
'that's not true, you always hold my hair.' You tell her knowing that she may act annoyed but she's always there for you at the end of the night just like you are for her. She shakes her head and you move your face closer to hers 'admit it, you love me.' She laughs, gently pushing your head away from hers before the two of you join in with Leah and Lia's conversation.
You don't realise that as this happens Kyra is watching you from the corner of the room, where she is talking to Katie and Caitlin. Her attention far from the conversation as she gets sick of Katie complaining that you must've cheated.
Instead she's watching you with Vic, your arms wrapped around the Dutch's body and her legs casually resting on your lap. When you lean your face closer to hers she can't help but feel a pang of jealousy in her heart seeing you like that with someone else.
She knows her thoughts are irrational, you and Vic are just bestfriends, she's like this with Charli as well so she shouldn't be jealous but she is. She blames the alcohol for making her feel this way.
When your head rests on Vic's shoulder she leaves the room wanting to find someone else to talk to bored of Katie's complaining. She didn't expect to find Stina, Frida, Steph and Beth all laughing loudly as Kim stood in the middle of the room singing loudly to a song Kyra couldn't recognize.
When the other four notice her presence they all grin at her. 'You're next Kyra.' Steph laughs loudly handing Kyra a hairbrush and pushing her to where Kim used to be standing. She then plays a song and it takes a minute for her to realise what it is but when she does she let's out a little laugh before singing loudly.
Normally she wouldn't be this comfortable performing in front of people she hardly knew, but the alcohol surging through her veins seemed to have given her a surge of confidence.
Meanwhile, you're still stuck on the couch with Vic. Her legs on top of you stopping you from leaving. Your interrupted from the conversation by Alessia's loud voice in your ear.
'Sunny, you've got to see this!' She screams, pulling you up causing Vic's legs to fall to the ground a small whine escaping her lips.
'Hey! I was comfy.' She complains but her cries are unheard as Alessia is already dragging you through the crowded room. She was pulling you up the hallway and only when you got closer could you hear Taylor Swift's voice breaking the quietness.
It was only as you reached the door that you could hear another voice screaming loudly along with the song. the off-key wails you immediately recognized as Kyra's, and you immediately understood why Alessia wanted you to see the scene in front of you.
Kyra was completely wasted with a hairbrush in one hand and a glass of some alcoholic liquid in the other. The hairbrush was being used as a microphone with Kyra screaming the lyrics of You Belong with Me. Steph and Beth were dancing along together and Frida was laughing from the couch her phone trained on Kyra as she filmed the madness.
'Why can't you see-e-ee you belong with me!'
'Sunny please stop her, she's been playing this song on repeat like four times.' You laugh at the pained look on Stina's face as she speaks.
'Kyra! what the fuck are you doing.' You shout getting the Aussie's attention. When she sees you her whole face lights up and she runs over to hug you.
'Why were you being so cuddly with Vic.' She pouts, dropping the hairbrush onto the ground. You were always like that with Vic, and Kyra knew you only meant it in a friendly manner so you frowned.
'Just then, on the couch.' She whined squeezing you a little bit.
You had no idea why she was so upset, you were just sitting together.
'Kyra Lilee Cooney-Cross, you've got to be fucking with me! You can't seriously be jealous of Vic!' You push her away lightly remembering where you were and that nobody knew about you and Kyra. She pouted as you looked around the room checking to see if anyone was watching you, which thankfully they weren't all caught up in their own stuff.
'it's not funny.' she puffed, crossing her arms like a 4 year old. By now Steph and Beth had changed the song and were both now in their own little world dancing away as everyone else watched their performance.
'Alright, I'm sorry.' You roll you eyes at her pettiness forgetting how dramatic Kyra could get when she'd have something to drink. 'I'll order a uber and we can get going when it arrives.' You offer and she huffs one more time before strolling off.
You laugh lightly at the girl watching her walk away from you walking into the door and swearing at it before going out of sight. You pull out your phone and open up the Uber app but are interrupted before you can order one.
Leah grabs your arm pulling you into the middle of the circle with her. 'C'mon little gooner,' she grins at you, using the nickname she had for you one that she started calling you when you first joined the senior team resulting in you calling her big gooner. 'It's our turn for karaoke.'
Someone chucks you the hairbrush which you catch with ease as the music starts blasting through the speaker and you instantly recognize the tune of 'The Angel' and you laugh. 'Manu, was this your idea?' You look towards the Austrian and roll your eyes playfully before you start singing the lyrics along with Leah. People laughing as you try to hit the notes but fail drastically.
When it gets to the chorus the whole room starts singing along.
'North London forever, whatever the weather.' Leah wraps an arm around your shoulder.
'These streets are our own.' You smile despite how awfully out of tune everyone is 'and my heart will leave you never, my blood will forever run through the stone.'
Eventually the song ends and every breaks into a round of applause you and Leah laughing as you take a bow.
'Who's next?' Beth shouts and when no one puts their hands up Beth stands up and grabs the hairbrush from your hand picking a song of her own.
You squeeze next to Caitlin on the small armchair she's sitting on, flicking her in the shoulder knowing she's was extra irritable when she'd had a drink.
'Fuck off, I'm not in the mood for it tonight.' She groans pushing you away, but its no use and the arm rests block you from going anywhere so you're still stuck pressed up against her side, 'Katie's been talking my ear off all night, and I was trying to get a break from it now but of course you had to ruin it.' She sighs and you grin at her reaction.
'Speaking of katie, where is she?' realising you hadn't seen katie since you beat her in that drinking game.
'Her and Kyra are in the kitchen, their both pissed.'
You frown to yourself, remembering you told Kyra you'd call and Uber but you'd not been able to when Leah had distracted you. You get off the chair and walk into the kitchen.
'I still can't believe you have a girlfriend, that you've never told us about before.' Alessia says, looking shocked at the news.
'She's so pretttyyyy.' Kyra was drunkenly rambling on to a slightly less drunk Alessia. 'L-like she's perfect. And it's not fair that she doesn't think I'm perfect.' The aussie whined sadly.
An equally intoxicated Katie frowned dramatically, 'well then she fucking stupid.' she decided through a hiccup.
Kyra gasped as it was the most offensive thing she'd even heard. 'Don't say that.' she pouted with a heated glare towards Katie.
'it's true.' Katie sniffed, waving her hand in the air mindlessly and accidentally slapping Kyra on the face.
Kyra let out a shriek as though Katie had full on punched her and lifted her hand, slapping the Irish back with no strength, it was more of a pat on the cheek.
Katie gasped loudly leaning over to hit Kyra back and seeming to forget she was sitting on the edge of the kitchen counter resulting in her falling off and landing on the floor.
And that's how you found them, a red faced and frowning Katie lying on the floor as though she had been shot, a giggling Kyra rocking from side to side where she was perched on the counter and a tired Alessia who still had a vague look of shock on her face as she was still thinking about the news Kyra had just broke.
'Normally I'm the one who has to be looked after on nights out.' You mumble, amused at the sight before you.
Katie pushed herself off of the floor so fast you were worried she'd injure herself but she didn't even notice, instead her face lit up making you confused before she yells out; 'Foordy!'
Caitlin groans from behind you and you realised she must've followed you, the aussie barely has time to prepare herself before Katie launches herself into her arms.
You grinned at them, shooting Caitlin a teasing smile as Katie snuggles herself into the crook of her neck and even let out a hum of complete content.
You only look away from the amusing yet adorable scene when you hear Kyra whisper to Alessia who had her eyes shut and was resting her head on Kyra's shoulder now. You were unsure if she was sleeping or trying to but you prayed it was the former as Kyra loudly whispered 'She's so pretty.'
Alessia just mumbles before a quiet snore escapes her lips and you allow yourself to go and sit next to Kyra.
'Talking about me love?' You question cheekily, this time speaking in an actual whisper so no one else can hear.
'Yeah.' Kyra whispered back, to out of her normal mindset to tease you or be cocky, instead she sounded so sincere that your heart fluttered a little bit. Her big eyes staring up at you hopelessly as you smiled tenderly.
'Well thank you.' You smiled softly, giving her a little squeeze not wanting to do anything more knowing that if Caitlin sees she's likely to remember as she's not as shit faced as Katie is.
'It's ok, it's the truth.' Kyra sleepily smiled back at you, her eyes drooping as she leans on your shoulder, Alessia groaning from the sudden movement rubbing her eyes as she moves into a sitting position.
It takes her a while to adjust, seeming as though she must've forgotten where she was after falling asleep. When she sees you her eyes light up a little bit a grin falling on her face 'Sunny you're here.' Her words are still slurred showing that she hasn't sobered up yet, 'did Kyra tell you the big news, she has a girlfriend!'
The smile falls off your face, and you feel your hands start to sweat as nerves take over. 'really?' You manage to say weakly, you weren't prepared for everyone to know 'did she say who it was?' You ask praying that even drunk Kyra would be smart enough to not tell them.
'No.' You feel your heartbeat ease but the smile on the strikers face falters, clearly disappointed that Kyra hadn't revealed who, before she beams again 'but she kept going on about how caring and funny she was, I wish I had someone to love me like that.' The blonde sighs looking into the distance as you smiled fondly at the other girl who's head rested on your shoulder.
'So pretty.' Kyra mumbles half asleep and your smile grows before Alessia looks back at her a coos.
'Oh Sunny, you've got to help me find out who she is.' She says excitedly, and you nod weakly trying to act as if you had no clue who it could be. After seeing your reaction Alessia squeals hopping off the table, 'I've got to tell the others the big news.'
'Maybe it can just be our little secret for now.' You suggest not wanting everyone to know as they'd all pester Kyra non-stop and she was never good under pressure.
'I guess, but Katie knows as well.' You sigh bringing a hand up to your face knowing that Katie wouldn't be able to keep her big mouth shut, all you could do was hope that she'd be to drunk to remember this in the morning.
Once Alessia's left the room, you're alone with only Kyra.
'Baby it's time to go, the Ubers here.' You gently shake her causing her to groan and hug you tighter burying her face in your chest. 'You can stay at my place tonight, we can just tell Steph that you crashed on the couch.' You tempt her and a small smile forms on her face.
'Of course.' After hearing your response she quickly hops up and grabs your hand, helping you off the counter and pulling you to walk beside her and out of the house. 'Shouldn't we say goodbye?'
'It will be fine, they probably won't even notice we're gone. Now stop trying to stop me from spending time with my girlfriend.' She whines and you laugh kissing her on the nose to quiet her complaints.
'Better?' You joke rubbing her back before sliding your arm around her waist.
'I think I'm going to need more than that.' She says a mischievous glint in her eyes. You place a small kiss on her lip, intending for it to only be a quick peck but she senses your plan and wraps her arms tightly around you stopping you from moving as she deepens the kiss.
'Kyra.' You mumble between her lips, 'someones going to see us if we keep going.' after a bit of wiggling around you finally are free of her grasp.
You gasps, acting hurt as she places her hand to heart 'my own girlfriend doesn't love me.' she exclaims dramatically and you laugh.
'You're hearts on the other side silly.' You state moving her hand to the correct position as she goes red.
'I knew that, just testing you.' she lies a grin on her face as she does.
By now your out on the street waiting in the cold for your Uber, noticing your shivering Kyra wraps an arm around you pulling you closer trying to warm you up with some of her body heat.
'I love you Ky.' You say softly, the sound of your voice the only noise in the peaceful night sky.
'Love you more.'
'Don't think that's possible.'
She doesn't have the chance to retaliate as your Uber pulls up and you both hop into the back of the car, hands still intertwined as you do so. You quickly tell the driver your address as they begin the drive home.
You and Kyra sit in a comfortable silence both staring out the window and it's only when you look to your left that you realise the sad expression on Kyra's face.
'What's wrong my love?' You ask squeezing her hand as she turns around to face you.
'It’s nothing,' she mumbles, her voice barely audible. But when you give her a stern look, she exhales heavily, her frustration palpable. 'Fine. Tonight, I kept watching Caitlin, Katie, Viv, and Beth—seeing them so effortlessly happy together. It made me ache because I want that too. I want to be able to be with you like that. I want to show you off and kiss you without having to sneak around. I want to hold your hand in public, cuddle with you on the couch, call you ‘baby’ and ‘my love’ without the constant fear of hiding. I’m tired of pretending we’re just friends when all I want is to be able to be your girlfriend.'
You weren't expecting those words to fall out of her mouth and when you do it makes your heart sting a little. What she was saying was true, you felt that way to but you were too scared of all the bad things that could happen if you did tell everyone.
'Oh baby.' You look into her brown eyes which are slightly moist and you can feel her pain, 'I'm sorry for making you feel this way, I didn't know it was upsetting you but if you want we can tell the others. It's up to you.'
She looks torn, trying to decide how to respond. She opens her mouth before shutting it then opening it again, 'that would be nice, but maybe we can wait a little longer. We'll see what it's like after the season starts.' She suggests and you nod, yawning loudly as a sudden rush of exhaustion enters your body.
'Let's get home and rest we can talk about this tomorrow.' You tell her, eyelids becoming to heavy to keep open much longer. The relief you feel when you feel the car stop and see your familiar apartment building just outside the window is welcomed and you rush to quickly pay the driver before getting out of the car.
Once you get into your apartment you and Kyra both make a beeline for the bedroom, equally as ready as the other for a good sleep. You chuck her a pair of pajamas she left last time she'd stayed the night which she puts on whilst you do the same.
Your quickly in bed her head resting on your chest as you play with her hair causing a sigh to fall from her mouth.
'Goodnight love.' She whispers into the darkness.
'Night baby.'
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kanmom51 · 1 month
Jikook car drive to CT
I think that before I dive into the actual car ride I have to set a few things straight.
Did you guys notice they chose to ride together? Shock and awe...
Just a little stab for all those who were nitpicking at them back in 2021-23. Yeah, you's that were all about "but they don't ride in the same car anymore", or "they aren't addressing each other or reacting to each other on SM", or whatever other kind of insecurity for some or just outright malice from others.
JM and JK are the same JM and JK they were before the hiatus and solo paths. Same same. With adjustments having to be made to a new reality of not spending close to 24/7 together. Adjusting to their crazy busy solo work and schedules. Adjusting to learning how to be alone when you are used to not being, because your significant other is submerged in his work while you are not. With adjustments to not having ot7 as their protecting glass closet. When you are used to being together close to 24/7 and circumstances change and you can't anymore, as a couple you need to adjust to that new reality and sometimes it's harder on one of you than the other. Not because you don't love each other or need each other equally, but because you are different people and adjust differently to this new reality.
And in the reality of these 2 young men, well it has been apparent since the beginning of 2023 that JK was the one that was struggling most with these changes. I'd say that this is can be a huge clue to his neurodivergence.
When we look at these two young men, whom I believe to be 2 queer young men in a long term loving relationship, not only do we need to look at them within the context of them being in one of the biggest if not THE biggest band in the world right now, living in a still mostly homophobic society and at the time were looking at enlisting for their 18 month military service, a military that still outlaws sexual relations between men.
This has to be understood while looking at Jikook throughout the years and in 2021-2023, things changing after creation of Hybe, going public, trying to buy out SM and the whole saga with MHJ (which was going on since Oct 2022 behind the scenes).
That's a good starting point understanding them in 2023 and going into watching Are you sure?
But that's not all.
There's more.
Seeing some of the reactions, comments, posts I feel the need to say this as well:
JM and JK are human beings.
They aren't characters in a drama.
This isn't The Bold and the Beautiful, JK not Ridge and JM not Brooke or vise versa (seriously, just picked the parallels because of the current hair colours). They weren't married and divorced ending up with others and then married again and divorced and with others and just going on and on and on. Ups and downs, ins and outs, together and parted. This is real life, not a TV show. Not only would their love not last that (and they clearly love each other), their interactions, their dynamics wouldn't just stay the same same. Not to mention what it would have done to the band and their own relationships with the others. They wouldn't survive it nor would the band. So don't create drama where there isn't is what I say.
What I see is a pretty much levelled long term couple. With relationship bumps in the road, adjustments, frustrations, moods.
I also see 2 queer young men who due to the reality of 2023 have close to zero camera time in one frame. And it shows.
On top of that I see both of them feeling physically unwell. Poor JM with his stomach issues and bursting pipe (yes I just said that, lol), and JK who has been ill for days, had to go to the hospital for treatment before his solo debut performance, for that performance to be fucked up by the weather. Man was definitley still unwell the whole time constantly sniffling and coughing. And JM worrying about JK's health is another indicator as to it not being nothing.
Bottom line: these are real life people with their own different characteristics, feelings, stress, anxiety, illnesses and the runs.
Not that they didn't know there will be cameras, they were well aware of it, but looks like JM was initially a little shocked to see just how many of them.
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Even with the cameras and initial apparent awkwardness, not with each other, but with the whole "it's just the two of us on camera together, no other members to buffer", they are at ease with each other, smiling and giggling.
And even with the cameras and that on one hand need to say things but on the other need to still be wary of what you say and not to say too much - something they are expert at, even if it's been a while and takes them a bit to get back on the wagon with. Even with that they go back to that very jikooky type of formal - informal interaction with each other, JK 'forgetting' JM is the hyung out of the two (like I said, same same).
We have JM's cheeky comment about spooning JK if he's cold, one he insisted on implementing that same night. Mics on, cameras obviously on, but us not allowed to see a thing (and I will talk about this in another post - the whole "if there's nothing to hide how come we didn't get to see one of the apparently funniest moments of the trip, one that the the two and those around them couldn't shut up about?" (phew, that was a long question).
We also get a cute JM looking out for JK's health turning on the heat in the car, turning on his seat heater (without JK knowing about it, lol).
As a whole, those two in the car sounded like an old married couple. I was watching laughing the whole time, the whole thing feeling too familiar, lol.
But I know what you are all waiting for.
More so those that love to question their relationship.
Let's get on and discuss the car convo some are stressing over.
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But wait.
Before I talk about it, there's one more word I want to mention.
Context is EVERYTHING.
We all know that, right?
And what is the important context here?
Well, first of, this is all in front of the cameras.
Secondly, we ALL KNOW that even with their crazy schedules JM and JK DID GET TO SEE EACH OTHER in those months counting up to this trip, in private, just the two of them.
We know from them that they were together drinking the night before Hobi's enlistment, for example. We know JM was at JK's before JM left for London end of May, JK 'complaining' about having to change the way JM adjusted the mood lamp. We know they are the closest duo in the group, but beyond that, those two are just super close. We know that JK went live basically every time JM left for overseas and was overjoyed when JM showed up in his comments (including his comments during the mukbang live and perhaps coming over after he finished his schedule). This is before this trip. Let's not mention (or maybe let's) the flirt-fest we got in the JK in bed live that came shortly after this trip.
One other huge thing we seem to forget is that:
This is an edited product we are seeing.
Not a live discussion.
And even if it looks like the conversation is somewhat flowing, when you look really closely you see that there are cuts cuts cuts. Some might just be change of camera angle, others are real cuts where you can see that whatever was said was not said at the same time as a flowing conversation.
So, if you look carefully you will see that the first part of the discussion and the part where JM brings up V are not exactly in one flow. That there is a cut between what JK says, and we will get to that, don't fret, and when JM brings up him facetiming with V and what follows.
The start of it is also not clear. If what JM says about not going somewhere together in a while is the start of the flow of conversation, then the clip they are showing us of them in the car driving in the streets of NY is not connected to that, because the conversation continues when they are already out of town. 2 possibilities here. Either that was the start of the convo and for some reason they decided to show the car driving in NY even though the convo happened with them out of the city already. Or, once again, my point that maybe the convo isn't in one flow - even that first part of it. That JM did say what he said when they were still in the city and then their conversation following was edited in a way that we didn't get much of it until they were already out of the city and JK says what he says.
Reason I bring this up is again to emphasize the fact that as much as we are let in, we are still getting an edited product.
You know, same edited product that cuts out their flirty playful bedtime toothbrushing session.
I also want to bring this up, because I basically agree with much of what @shellbells-things the importance of them needing that getaway together (in this post):
This was written with the official translations in mind.
But you see, this is not what JK said.
The actual translation is basically JK calling out JM for not seeking him out enough!!!
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And we also have this from @haedalkoo (thanks you for this post💜):
And why does it matter? Why do these different translations matter? Because they tell us a totally different story.
In the first you have JK saying that when one of them is busy, even though the other is not, he does not tend to call/reach out to the one that is busy. Basically this could be read as them not making an effort to contact the other even when they had time on their hands to do so. And perhaps that is why there are people up in arms about this, although my take of it is that even if this was the correct translation, which it is not, that understanding, that conclusion, would have been a very superficial one, disregarding the context of those two, who they are, where they are and what they are doing, as mentioned above.
In the other, what seems to be the more accurate translation, we have a salty boyfriend complaining about his partner not reaching out to him when he's busy, but also not reaching out to him when JK is busy, even if JM is not as busy.
"Your busy you don't seek me out, your not busy you don't seek me out"...
Now let's look at what JK said within the context of it all.
This isn't about them not seeing each other, not being in touch at all. Being estranged. Losing contact. Like so many want it to be about, given that would be so much more dramatic and 'interesting'.
This is about it not being enough for JK.
Enough being the key word.
JM and JK are different. They are both highly driven, and when JK has a JM by his side, said JM is a catalyst and has JK as driven as him. But you see, they weren't together. JM, being the workaholic that he is, highly driven with his work, having to give not 100% but 1000%, could easily lose himself in that work. And as much as he loves JK, or perhaps even more so because he's crazy about him, he can't have him around as a distraction. So, in a sense, when he works he can get lost in that work and that leaves little "free" time to spend with the person he loves, the person that loves him, the person that needs him. Same person that was REALLY struggling at the start of 2023 while JM was too absent. Again, that does not mean that JM was not spending time with JK. It was just not enough. Especially while JK was sort of lost at that point in a sense that he had no clear path set for himself. JK is different in the sense that JM is kind of his blankie, his anchor, his safe place. He needs JM around even when he is up to nothing (see JM's "he comes to my room to lie on my bed and do nothing" from the LA live 2021). And having him around is a need. Do we remember crying JK at the end of his lives on White day 2023. Heart wrenching. And again, it's not that JM doesn't need JK, he does, but a. his need is different to JK's, and b. JM was super busy at the time while JK was doing basically nothing.
And when JK was busy, well I'm guessing that JM was giving him the space he thought JK needed to work. But obviously this wasn't what JK wanted.
This saltiness is all coming from the same person that says he doesn't answer his phone calls or reply to texts. The person that JM complained when he doesn't answer his calls. With all that he still needed JM to reach out. He needed to know that JM is thinking about him.
This conversation isn't about them not seeing each other. It's about not seeing each other enough. It's about JM not seeking JK out as much as JK needed him to. And it's about them not being able, for whichever reasons (exterior or self inflicted) to do exactly this. Be out and about together. The two of them. This is exactly what you do in a healthy long term relationship. You talk. You are open. You tell your partner how you feel and what you need.
And you know what JK sounded like to me?
He reminded me of this JK:
The JK that even though he had already scolded JM he couldn't just let it go. That even though JM apologized several times and explained himself, he just couldn't let it go because it was weighing on him, that choice that he felt JM made.
And I know, I just know, that this conversation we got in the car was not a one of. That "Your here. Finally" we got from him at the end...
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He needed this to happen, for JM to make this happen.
I will also add, even though I cannot go into too much detail at this point, that I feel that the : "You're here. Finally", has so much more sub context to it within the way they had both handled 2022-23 and that adjustment to the new reality. Not about it being easier for one over the other, but more so about how they handled this "apartness" that was kind of forced on them.
Anyway, that "finally", that was it for me. Seeing. No. Feeling how this was weighing on JK. Feeling just how important this was for him. JM making that effort and showing up for him like he did.
I hope that I have managed to get the message through. I will drill it in with my three keywords to this post:
I will end this by saying this:
Read that convo as you will, see those two as you will. At the end of the day not only did they CHOOSE to do this again and again (even with the little time they still had with their crazy schedules and upcoming enlistment). Not only did JK say he wanted to keep going with this until they are 50 years old. But they also CHOSE to enlist together. To be TOGETHER for those 18 months of military service. CHOOSING to do so knowing that meant a harder service and placement.
At the end of the day they CHOSE EACH OTHER.
And they will keep on doing so!!!
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bloodlust-1 · 11 months
˗ˏˋRelieve Meˎˊ˗ part 2
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Halsin x fem Tav — Explicit 18+
Summary: Halsin is looking a bit tense, Tav offers to massage his muscles and relieve his tension in the best way she can. He wants to return the offer to help relieve her as well.
"You're beauty is one that could have only been crafted by a goddess herself...how kind of nature to allow my heart to touch its most beautiful creation."
-> part 1 <-
TW: smut!
Note: part 2, more juicy. Ik this is what ya’ll been waiting for ;p
As the sun fell from the sky, another night crept on the horizon and coated the sky with stars. The fire illuminated the camp once again and Tav could feel the anxiety build up in her the darker it got. Of course, Karlach had been bothering Tav all day about what happened between her and Halsin last night. She assured her it was a tender moment but nothing happened. However tonight felt different. Halsin requested Tav to visit him tonight, and that she was.
Tav waited until most of the party settled in their tents for bed before making way to Halsin. She stepped out quietly and pulled the drapes of his tent. There he was, sitting on the floor in a kneeling state. He was praying to his god, the oak father. This was something she actually never seen him do.
“Am I interrupting?” She stepped in and kneeled down next to him with her hands placed on her thighs.
"No, never." Halsin turned his head to her. His eyes were so...pretty. She couldn't decide if his eyes were more green, grey, or brown? She'd never seen anything like it. Those eyes told a story, she could see the youth in them. It enticed her.
"Is there something on your mind?" He responded gently.
Tav twiddled her fingers together, nervously, "Tell me about your family." He never spoke of his family nor did he ever have a family of his own. He had it all, so his being alone felt odd to her. Tav leaned her head on Halsin's shoulder, feeling his warmth and strength.
He froze in the moment, but then shook his head as if he was trying to shake off past memories, " They passed away a very long time ago, may they rest with the Oak Father. They taught me all my values: My mother was a beautiful wood elf of various crafts. I did not see her much as she always traveled for her studies. However, my father was a very strict druid. Such a random question in a time like this— why?"
"You just have the most beautiful eyes. Made me wonder who you got them from." Their eyes locked, and they shared a deep gaze, communicating without words the love and adoration they have for each other.
Halsin spoke gently, "My mother's." His thumb gently caressed Tav's cheek, tracing the contours of her face, while she blissfully closed her eyes, allowing herself to fully surrender to his touch. Their breathing slows in unison, their hearts beating as one, lost in the beauty of this tender moment.
With one hand Halsin wrapped his arm around her back, slowly gravitating her back against his bedroll. He hovered over her body, it was way smaller in stature than his. Tav loved how large he was, to feel so protected and engulfed by his size. It was her biggest turn-on about him.
"You're beauty is one that could have only been crafted by a goddess herself...how kind of nature to allow my heart to touch its most beautiful creation." Halsin's mind was consumed by their memories and emotions. His heart raced as he remembered the way she smiled, the sound of her laughter, and the warmth of her embrace. He can't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for her strength, intelligence, and beauty. He wished he could turn back time and spend more moments with her, to cherish and hold onto every second they had together. There was no spoiling that now, he would seize his moment.
Halsin ran his free hand up alongside her figure, indulging in the curves of her hips, waist, and breasts. Every inch of her skin was his to explore, he squeezed her body tenderly under the large grip of his hand. Halsin watched Tav squirm as her face flushed bright red. His eye transitioned from gentle to authoritative. Oh, how Halsin loved seeing Tav make such pleasurable faces under his control.
"Do you know how hard it was to restrain myself the first time you offered yourself to me at that party?" Halsin's hand slipped up Tav's shirt, cupping her breast. He could feel the goosebumps rise on her skin to his touch. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long." His voice was gentle, his tone— commanding. His fingers traced her outer nipple slowly before pinching it teasingly. He loved the way she winced in a pleasurable pain. "And now I have you under me, moaning out such a lovely melody."
She gripped the cloth of Halsin's shirt as she let out small moans of pleasure. How could teasing feel so good, but feel so horrible all at once, she instantly wanted to just indulge herself in him. But for now, she enjoyed his attention. After all, he wasn't a piece of meat.
Halsin pulled Tav's shirt over her head and tossed it to the side. He leaned over and covered her exposed breast with his mouth, whilst his other hand groped her other breast. His tongue twirled over her hard nipple before pressing it against his teeth. The faint noises of grunts, heavy breathing, and slurping filled his tent.
Their skin started to exhume moisture for the heated moment. The sweet smell of musk and sexual tension, it was too intoxicating. Halsin planted sloppy kisses on Tav's chest, making his way up her neck. His steamy breath hit against Tav's ear. Her skin is soft like fresh petals, her sweat salty yet sweet. Halsin thought of her as nothing short of perfection.
"More?" Halsin huffed deep fast breaths into her ear. His lips parted from her neck, and he leaned his head back up in eyes view of her, waiting for her response.
From her view Halsin's face had a tint of red, his skin satin in moisture, not a lot but a glint of sweat. Her chest squeezed to his question because, of course, she wanted more. It was just so hard for her to answer. She almost felt shy to say yes, but this was what he wanted: to hear her voice.
"I—...." She felt a lump in her throat. Gods was she waiting for this, but the words just couldn't come out. She was aroused, nervous, and happy all at the same time.
Halsin put his hand over her jaw, clutching it slightly knowing the intensity of his strength, "Say it. I want to hear you say you want me." Tav had never seen him act this way and, gods was it a pleasant surprise.
Tav hung open her mouth, her heart racing out of her chest, "H-Halsin, I...want you. B-badly...please have me."
"Perfect." He uttered before pulling her face closer to his. He smashed his lips against hers, and his tongue danced with hers. Tav grabbed the sides of his face while wrapping her legs around his waist, pulling his groin against her core. It was hard and thick, and she could feel the heat coming off of it threw his pants. The kiss was roughly sloppy judging from their saliva running down Tav's cheek. She didn't even care, all she knew was that she wanted it rough and messy.
Their lips parted for a moment as they both gasped for air, between huffs, Halsin leaned up and pulled his shirt over his head. Exposing his muscles and hairy chest. His abs glistened in what little light gleamed into the tent from a nearby candle. Its soft glow cast its light that hit his skin in all the right places. He wrapped his fingers in Tav's waistband, pulling her pants down slowly, teasingly. He continued to tug at her pants until it pulled over her ankles, exposing her true form. All of Tav's nature was for Halsin to admire, he stared at her with lustful eyes, admiring her naked body.
His eyes began to glow like two shining suns, their bright yellow glow illuminating the darkness around him. The light emanating from his eyes was so intense that it seemed to cast a warm, golden glow on Tav's body. The effect was both mesmerizing and otherworldly. This was only a glow Tav saw when he shifted into wild form. She felt completely vulnerable, like his prey.
Halsin shook his head side to side lightly while shutting his eyes tightly, "I must tame myself, I don't want to hurt you in my wild form. But know this, you make my blood run so hot that it could awaken its beast."
"That's quite flattering, Halsin. Do I make you that crazy? That you can no longer contain yourself..? I couldn't say I wouldn't enjoy that..." Tav mustered out all her courage. Yes, she felt exposed and shy but the power she felt over Halsin's sexual urge, it was beyond an ego boost.
He scuffed in a small giggle, "Your body must take in me before it can handle any kind of beast, it's very untamed and...large." Halsin admired her ambition but he did not want hurt, this was pure pleasure, pure love. With that being said, He placed both his hands on her knees and spread her legs. "let me taste you." He leaned over, his shoulder was broad over her, his physique chiseled, and she could feel the warmth of his breath hit her core. It was all too real now, his head between her legs. He truly put her needs first before his own sexual desires. Or maybe eating her out was his sexual desire. He wanted this as bad as she did. He wanted Tav to get ready for him.
Halsin loved everything about her down to her scent. It was pure pheromones to him and damn did it unleash his inner demons. He placed kisses against her core, and small traces of her wetness glistened on his lips. His eyes, deadly, stared up at Tav, he licked his lips. She was nature's juiciest fruit, forbidden, and he took a bite. His thoughts blurred and his only instinct kicked in: Eat.
His face buried between her legs, and his tongue explored every fold and crevis. It was so wet, and Halsin rubbed his tongue against her clit. She rewarded him with moans of ecstasy. He was better than good, he was skilled. Halsin must've done this many times before and she was lucky enough for him to paint a picture on her canvas. His tongue skillfully teased her clit, Tav arched her back and clutched his hair between her fingers. She pushed his face closer to her core. Silvia ran down between her inner thighs, and Halsin squeezed her thighs tightly, enjoying all the nature's gifts of a woman bestowed to him. However, this one tasted so much sweeter when you're in love.
Tav winced out in a pleasurable melody from his grip, and in return, she tugged harder. Her stomach rose up and down like a boat riding its waves. Beads of sweat rolled down his temples, he looked so concentrated on pleasing her. The tent filled with moans, gasping air, slurping, and shuffling from Tav squirming under his grip. Halsin refused to let her go. She would have to take all his raw pleasure, even when she became too sensitive for more.
"Hahh— Halsin, fff-uuck—" She gasped out, her stomach became tense as she felt her climax inching closer and closer with each stroke of his tongue. His eyes like daggers stared up at her, he watched her moan and twitch under his grasp. He picked up his pace, as he circled his tongue around her clit.
Tav started to breathe heavier, it was so intense yet pleasure melted her body causing her legs to shake, and her stomach to twitch up. Her climax started to whelm up in the pit of her stomach, her body went tense and frozen for a moment. She shut her eyes tightly, and a single moan left her lips just when she reached her maximum height. She let out a sigh of relief. Tav peeped down at Halsin. From her POV his broad shoulders were hunched over her. She saw him licking up the juices for his sweet reward. His lips to his chin were coated in a slick liquid, it had a slight tint of white. God how sexy he looked when he had her cum on his face.
"You're ready...Come to me now." He sat up and kicked off his pants, his shaft swung up and he was right. A warning was not enough for Tav cause damn was he right, Large. He crawled back over Tav and placed his mouth over hers. She could taste the salty sweetness of her own brand. The musk of sex filled the air and it was heavy.
Halsin pulled away, "Lick." He pressed his fingers against her tongue— she obeyed. She licked the skin of Halsin's fingers, getting them soaked before he pulled them away. Halsin used his wet fingers to lubricate his cock. He pumped his hand a few times against his tip, letting out small grunts before placing his tip against her entrance, "Relax..." He kissed her forehead softly.
He pushed the tip of his head in. "Mmmh!" Tav clutched Halsin, he stroked her hair to comfort her. He slowly pushed in to give her body time to adjust. Her wet walls helped Halsin slide in with a better slip, and moment by moment he was fully in. He took a long steady thrust in and out. The tightness inside her melted from hurt to tinglyness.
Finally, they were one. Sharing each other's body in the name of love. They shared a gaze, lost in one another's eyes. Tav reached out to grab his face, "Halsin...Do you love me?"
"You're the only person that fills my heart. I do." A kiss was pressed against her lips. This one felt different, it was soft, passionate, and loving. He was so selfless. His hips started bucking in and out of her. Halsin grunted from the heat pulsing against his shaft. It only made him want more of her. He groped her breast while pumping in and out of her. His strokes were long and hard. Their chests clashed together in deep breaths.
"ahh, you feel so good" Halsin grunted as he fucked Tav harder. Their hips smashed against each other, and their sweat glided against skin it didn't belong to. Halsin hung his head down against Tav's neck. His moans were manly but slipped off the tongue like a lyric into her ear..
Tav wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing his deeper and harder into her. Fuck, why did it hurt so good? She tightened her walls around him. He skillfully fucked her for moments that felt like hours. Halsin Pulled out, "Turn around, I want to see that pretty back." Halsin gripped her sides and flipped her on her knees.
Tav dug her knees into the ground, her palms touching the bare floor. Halsin had hands like an ocean. Each time he pulled away he pulled her right back in. She looked over her sweaty shoulder to see Halsin. Kneeling behind her in all his messy glory, the sweat beaded down his abs, and that stare of his-- it was animalistic. Halsin returned his member back to her core, this time holding her by her hips. His hands explored her ass, squeezing it hard, it left behind his finger marks.
Each pump challenged Tav to hold her stance, making her sink lower and lower into the ground until her bare chest touched the floor. Their skin clapped against the force, and she could feel him grow hotter inside her. Halsin's grip was deathly, Tav's skin reddened to his touch.
"haahh!" Halsin slumped over her, leaving nibbles and bites on her back. Hickey's formed in random spots on her skin, marking his territory like an animal would. This was him telling everyone 'She's Mine'.
Tav struggled to fight against his strokes without completely crumbling under his strength. Halsin noticed this and grabbed both her wrists in his hands. he pulled her arms outward, her body now completely off the ground as he pulled her arms to push his cock deeper and deeper in her. Their moans entangled the dense air along with the clapping noises.
Halsin's eyes started to glow golden, his climax was coming to a close. But this felt too good. He wanted to stay in her as long as he could. He pulled her body up against his. Her back and ass pressed with no gaps against his abs. It was so wet. it was so raw. He pumped his cock while wrapping his arm around her in an embrace, and the other hand gripped her neck. They fucked in this position for a moment until she felt Halsin's body grow tense, and his grip became stronger.
"I— Ugghh, cumming." He pumped his final thrusts before his cock twitched, it was rock hard when a fill of warm cum burst inside her. His grip became weaker and they were glued to each other until his cum lessened to a stop. Halsin pulled out, a lonely feeling in her core was left as her walls retracted back without him there.
He held her body and allowed it to sink into his bedroll. Halsin held her close to him as he kissed the back of her neck. He was utterly captivated by all of Tav, there was still so much they could offer to each other. He strongly believed in fluidity in a relationship as his bear instincts guided him to where it desired. But there was a piece of him that wished he could have the nature of a swan. Mating for life with only one person. This was something he pondered about a relationship, a family, or even a stable love. For now, he enjoys the tender moment of Tav in his arms. The love and connection that bonded them together. Maybe it was fate that brought them together. Was she a lesson of love? He was scared he'd never find someone like her again.
"Tav, Please don't leave me. You belong at my side." He whispered almost in a somber tone.
"Of course not. Where you go, I go. I promise when this is all over you can show me your home...and all those little ducklings you love so much." She giggled and kissed his hand. It was a promise.
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kaiijo · 4 months
Hello! I really like your fics and I saw your spotify event! I love Taylor Swift and Phoebe Bridges too so, since you've already wrote Lover (really sweet and cute), I'll ask for "Went looking for a creation myth" (I Know The End is my FAVORITE song) with Zoro. Thank you very much! 😊
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roronoa zoro + went looking for a creation myth content: fem! reader, fluff, part of the spotify wrapped event notes: i’m so sorry this is so late! i hope you like it <3
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as a pirate, there are few days you get to just relax and explore places you visit, especially given the particularly high bounty of yours and the rest of the strawhats. you struck gold when you docked in a small town that was amenable to pirate-visitors and very opposed to marine presence. 
you, nami, and robin are lounging on some beach chairs the locals lent you. while robin’s deep in her newest book, one that’s bigger and thicker than her last one, you and nami watch as usopp, luffy, and zoro wrestle at the shoreline. usopp manages to get an upper hand on zoro, springing onto his back and covering his eyes. “now, luffy!” usopp yells and luffy’s launching himself towards the two. they all collapse, usopp and luffy laughing raucously and zoro grumbling and cursing beneath them. 
“hello to the most beautiful women in the world,” sanji says as he approaches, balancing a tray of iced drinks. “care for refreshers? hibiscus and honey iced tea.” the drinks are a rich fuschia with a lemon at the rim and the sight makes your mouth water.
“thanks, sanji.” you take a drink and pass another to nami while sanji circles your cluster of chairs to get to robin, who doesn’t even look up as she flips a page and takes a glass. 
“oi, lovecook, do we get anything?” zoro saunters up the dune, followed by luffy and usopp. 
zoro scowls before turning to you. “let me have a sip.”
“no!” you say, drawing your glass close to your chest. you can feel the condensation gathering at your fingertips. “get your own!”
“curly brows won’t give me one,” zoro says. “what’s the big deal, just let me have some of yours?”
“no, you always say you’ll only have a little and then glug down half!”
“isn’t a perk of a being in a relationship sharing things with your partner?’
you snort, “please, you’re the biggest hog of us all.” zoro glowers and you sigh, “fine, you big baby.” you hold out your drink and he goes to take it when you jerk your arm back. 
“what now?” he asks.
“one condition.”
you grin brightly, tapping your cheek. “a sip for a kiss.”
“you’re impossible,” he says, cheeks flushing but he leans down anyway and pecks your cheek. your own cheeks are warm and you’re not sure it’s from the sun. 
you let him take a few sips of your drink before you say, “that’s enough, babe.”
“what? it was barely a drop! just a little more.”
“that wasn’t meant for you, mosshead!” sanji says, snatching the glass from him. he looks into the nearly empty cup and scowls at zoro before turning to you apologetically. “don’t worry, i’ll go whip up another, pretty.”
“thanks, sanji.”
“don’t call my girlfriend ‘pretty.’”
“don’t tell me what to do!”
“i’ll say whatever i want to you!”
you’re not surprised as you watch sanji aim a kick at zoro, your boyfriend immediately parrying. as they start kicking up sand, nami shouts, “ugh, can you guys do this somewhere else?” to their credit, they move their fight elsewhere (before nami has the chance to throw her discarded sandal at them).
she leans back in her chair and groans, “i don’t know how you put up with him sometimes.”
“patience,” you reply and she snorts. 
“i don’t even remember how you two got together,” she says. “it was just like one day you were both single and then the next day, you told us you were dating. 
you smile a little. you’re fond of the memory — the look of shock on the rest of the crew’s face was priceless, and predictably, sanji and zoro got into an argument about you and how zoro is the last person qualified to date you. 
“how’d it happen, anyways?”
“you and zoro?”
you try to think back on how it happened. it wasn’t like some sparks-fly moment like you’ve read in some of robin’s books nor some burning confession that was just bubbling up inside you. you remember the day he asked you on a date very well, though. 
you were sailing on a calm part of the ocean, and it was a sunny day with a gentle breeze. luffy, chopper, and usopp were playing some card game that was rapidly devolving into a cheating match. nami was tending to her tangerine tree while franky and robin were deep in some conversation. 
you and zoro had finished training in the gym and were lounging on deck. you basked in the warmth of the sun, on the verge of sleep, and you rolled over. you bumped into zoro and went to apologize but he just shrugged and pulled you in, letting you rest your head against his chest. “this comfortable?” he asked.
“yeah, you’re a good pillow,” you sighed, closing your eyes. 
there was a brief pause before zoro said, “i heard nami and curly brows talking about the island we’re going to. said there was a nice restaurant there. want to go?”
“sure, that sounds nice. are you going to be able to play nice with sanji there?”
“i was thinking it would just be use. you and me.”
you crack opened a eye and glance over at him. he wasn’t looking at you but you could see some red creeping up on his ears. you cuddle into him. “yeah, that sounds nice.”
you turn back to nami and say, “i don’t know. it just felt right. natural.”
she seems content with your answer as she nods and leans back in her chair. you do too, closing your eyes, listening to the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore and your boyfriend’s distant yells. 
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irlbop · 3 months
Copia can talk shit at and roll his eyes at his pops all he wants — that doesn’t change the fact he’s very much like Papa Nihil. It wasn’t in how he carried himself, definitely not. And it wasn’t in his sexual prowess or even in his showmanship.
No….It was that Copia, much like his father, was a goddamn simp.
Had he been confronted before about what he felt his biggest weakness in a relationship was, he’d probably half-jokingly answer, “Perhaps I can be a bit, eh, too passionate. It’s the romantic in me.”
Well. If what he felt for frivolous flings and brief courtships was passionate, then he hadn’t yet found a word to fully capture just how adoring he was of you. Mainly because when it came to you, his mind was aflame with blazes normally found only in the pits of Hell. In fact, in moments of lucidity, Copia would imagine that that was how they very well got there: Perhaps the Old One scooped them up and placed them inside of him, as a gardener might thoughtfully place a treasured bloom meant to grow into a bushel most brilliant and blazing.
It would make the most sense, after all:
Whenever he gazed upon you, whether you wore your most simple cut of habit or donned your most greasy and stained of relaxation clothing, Copia swore you were meant to portray a second fall of Man.
As though Satanas commissioned your creation, and Asmodeus took special care when carving your form and breathing the fire of life into it.
When you smiled, the inferno inside of his mind and chest would flashover into his cheeks, painting his face nearly as red as his tracksuit. When you giggled at his antics, his heart lurched against the cage of his ribs, begging and pleading to be released so that it might merge with yours. Never to be separated, as one single, throbbing thing. When you scolded him, the fire would travel down low, the smoke rising just enough to cloud his mind and leave him wanting to crawl upon his old knees to beg for your forgiveness. He’d even kiss the tips of the expensive shoes he’d insisted on gifting you; it was the most sensible thing to do, after all.
Primo would chuckle and call it a grotesque version of puppy love; Secondo would sniff and call him a masochist; Terzo would taunt and jeer with accusations of him being pussy-whipped.
And while part of the youngest Emeritus brother wanted to feel embarrassed and assert himself as the strong and competent leader he was meant to portray himself as…If any of them ever had somebody like you, he knew they, too, would fall to your feet in worship.
To beg you to let them be your acolyte, to weep for the privilege of serving you, of servicing you. Ah, but that was Copia’s job and Copia’s honor alone. One he performed most devotedly.
You were created for worship, and he, your sole devotee.
Only unlike his father, he wasn’t going to fuck this up — not when he could imagine fucking only you.
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kteezy997 · 9 months
The Candy Man-Part Eight//W.W.
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warnings/info: Wonka family fluff, mention of secret sex room at the chocolate factory
A few months later…
It was all coming together. Willy worked day and night, creating the chocolate factory, all while coming home late and still helping with the babies. Your man barely slept, and you knew he was tired, but he was determined to create the most spectacular chocolate factory that the world had ever seen. You were just glad that he had hired an entire staff to help him, so he wasn't doing it all on his own.
Finally, he allowed you to come and work with him as well. He didn't want you to go back to work too soon after giving birth. But you insisted that you were ready.
The first day, you brought the babies along to see their father's work. They had grown so much. They were crawling everywhere, and so interested in the world around them. Their hair had thickened and become curlier, and they had plump, healthy little bodies. Maple was sweet and cuddly, and you were able to tie her hair up into tiny ponytails on the top of her head. Mocha was sweet too, but he could be a little too adventurous, almost to the point of getting into mischief.
You carried Mae and Willy carried Mocha into the chocolate room. This room was going to be special; you could tell by the way Willy had talked so excitedly about it.
"Alright, it's just behind this door." he said, turning the handle. He looked at you, biting his lip.
The door opened, and you didn't know where to put your eyes. The room was vast, with vibrant colors. Lush green grass, giant mushrooms with whipped cream spots, edible flowers of all shapes and sizes, and trees that rained gumballs. And trees adorned with giant gummy bears as well as multi-colored candy canes. The walking path was a rainbow of lights under your feet.
"Everything you see is edible, y/n." he said, setting Mocha down to explore.
However, the most jaw-dropping thing was the centerpiece chocolate river that flowed all through the room.
You were speechless, it took you a moment to really take it all in.
Willy took Mae from you, letting her join her brother in chewing on the candy grass.
"Willy...this is incredible. It's like nothing I've ever seen."
He came over to you, taking you in his arms. He kissed you, smiling softly as he pulled away. "It's all I ever wanted for myself, but I did it even bigger because of you and the babies. You, my family, are my biggest inspiration."
Your heart melted, and your eyes welled up with happy tears. "Oh, Willy, we are so lucky to have you. You work so hard, and we are so proud of you." you looked around the room again, "This is like a dream."
"It's just Pure Imagination, my love." he looked into your eyes, "Come with me." he said with a nod. He picked up both of the babies and started a stroll through the candy room.
You were delighted to follow them, and watch your children ooh and ahh at their father's creations. All the while, Willy sang his little tune, which he used a lot at home with kids, "Pure Imagination." His voice was so angelic. Maple and Mocha were mesmerized every time their father sang. You were certain your children would know the song by heart by the time they started to talk in full sentences. He had been singing it to them since they were still in the womb, after all.
You could see your future. Your curly headed kids growing and running amuck through daddy's factory. Willy would let them have all the sugar that they wanted, within reason, of course.
Now that Mr. Hudson had granted you a divorce, you had a vision of a magical wedding with Willy, sans candy. Sugary treats were your life with Willy, but you were both happy having a traditional wedding without all the busy colors that came with your Wonka treats. Mocha was the ring bearer and Mae the flower girl. It would be absolutely perfect; a day full of pure love.
One evening, Willy came home, all excited. "Honey, your office is ready. Let me show you." he said, grinning widely and taking your hand.
"Whoa, whoa, Willy, who is going to watch the kids?" you giggled.
"Oh, I've got that covered." he said confidently, opening the front door of your home to reveal Noodle and her mother, Dorothy.
"Hey, y/n!" said Noodle, her eyes already searching for the little ones she adored. Once she spotted them in the living room, she ran to them immediately.
You greeted sweet Dorothy, thanking her for babysitting as well, and then you and Willy were off to the factory.
Willy showed you your new office, and it was spacious and cozy. It was the perfect workstation! He even took the time to put up a couple of photos of the twins on your desk, as well as a vase of fresh flowers for you.
But he was more excited to show you something else. He led you to another room just down the way from your office. He put in a secret code that was several digits long. “Alright, my love, I hope you like this.” he smirked.
You walked in, seeing a queen-sized bed in the middle of the room and suddenly you were realizing what this room was meant for. There were big jars of different chocolates and candies all along the walls. Large ropes of red licorice hung on hooks. There were oversized candy canes as well.
“Wow. You continue to surprise me, Mr. Wonka.” you said, in awe of the…playroom.
“The walls are stone, of course, so no one can hear what goes on in this room.” Willy took your hands, “Honey, there are things that I want to experiment with, but just for us two. I hope you’re comfortable going on this…sexual journey with me?”
“Oh, yes, Willy, of course!” You kissed him, “I can’t believe you went to such lengths for me. It's so sexy. I love you, baby.” you then nuzzled your nose against his.
“You know that there’s no limit to what I’d do to please you. It’s my life’s work, darling. Well, after being a good husband and father, and making chocolate of course.”
“Wait, Willy, we’re not married.” you giggled.
Willy’s eyes widened, “Oh yes, that’s right. I forgot.” Then, he got down on one knee, "Y/n, will you marry me?" He presented you with a little jewelry box, opened it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.
You gasped, without even thinking, you blurted out, "Yes!"
Willy smiled from ear to ear, slid the ring on your fourth finger on your left hand and shot up to his feet to hug you.
You were lifted off of your feet by him, and you cried tears of joy as he spun you around with glee.
"You're gonna be Mrs. Wonka!" Willy cheered.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @tchalamss @softhecreator @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @kpopgirlbtssvt
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mochifiction · 10 months
I honestly don’t care if this is a hot take or not. If you are willing to excuse everything that Coriolanus Snow did because he’s HOT now, you are the same type of people who would be susceptible to propaganda or the people who would be complacent in the face of the oppressor. One of the biggest assets to Snow both in the book for Ballad and for the film was his looks. He was attractive to people, and he knew this would play into his advantage in winning people over. Mix attractiveness and charisma and people are willing to listen. It’s a cheap trick, and when reading you could even find yourself laughing at those who fall for his very obvious malicious intents. However, the movie did not give the viewer Snow’s monologues. They did not have the same voices in the film. They just had to rely on Snow’s body language through his actions and his dialogue. In a sense, that only makes Snow’s manipulation much more potent in its execution. You shouldn’t NEED a book to tell you that Snow was being manipulative the entire time. You shouldn’t need the oppressor in your head telling you what they’re thinking to recognize that their plans are nowhere near GOOD. People who are willing to excuse Snow for his actions because of his smile or for his Slim Shady buzz cut need to reevaluate themselves. This is the same Coriolanus Snow that killed over 1,500 kids in the Hunger Games alone, not including the people killed in the shadows or during the active resistance itself. This is the same Coriolanus Snow who is responsible for SELLING CHILDREN into PROSTITUTION to others in the Capitol. He is the reason for the creation of the avoxes, for making being able to live a fraction of a stable life a prize to be won, and more. Snow is EVIL and he always has been. He mentioned Tigris selling herself for their sustainability and calling her ugly in response. He shows disdain towards his own grandmother. He uses Sejanus to his advantage and kills him when it benefits him. Lucy Gray angers him because she is the one person that he cannot control. His love for power is the thing he ogles at the most, and when someone poses a threat to that power, he’s enraged. Everything that Coriolanus Snow does is for his own gain and his own approach to or reaffirmation of his power. Every choice he made in Ballad was for his own self interests. I saw someone on TikTok say that it was “survivalist instinct.” Yes, he had survival in mind with some of his actions, but his overall goals in the novel were centered around his rise to power and what can possibly bring him there. Snow has always been centered around himself. The fact that you are able to watch that movie and still walk away kicking your feet and twirling your hair over CORIOLANUS SNOW shows me how fickle you would actually be in places of resistance. You bought into his manipulation and are giggling about it when you should be concerned. Some people are willing to JUSTIFY what he’s done. I have NEVER seen so many people go around in circles trying to justify the actions of PRESIDENT SNOW since this movie came out and it genuinely scares me. Simping over TOM BLYTH is one thing and THIS POST IS NOT FOR THOSE PEOPLE. But the people who BOUGHT into Snow’s manipulation, you’re fucking dumb as rocks. Remember Finnick? Everyone in this fanbase was all over Finnick and how attractive he was in the movies and how badly they wanted him. When the fandom finds another pretty boy, they gravitate towards him knowing he’s the one that murdered their first. One of the biggest tragedies about Snow’s character is that you see who he could have been, and then you see who he CHOSE TO BECOME. People forget the latter part. He chose to become who he did, and you’re trying to tell me everything he did was for survival? The public clearly has beauty trump critical thought, and you SHOULD be scared.
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ussgallifrey · 3 months
(She Moves With) Shameless Wonder | 27
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✦ Summary: Your badge clearly said SHIELD consultant, so you weren’t entirely sure where Fury was getting this whole make you an Avenger idea from. But you had a feeling it might have something to do with the recent discovery of an artifact at the bottom of the Arctic Sea.
✦ Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
✦ Warnings: Canon divergence, dialogue taken directly from Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Eternals being really bad at lying, dealing with their trauma and grief like ADULTS, excessive drinking, insane levels of foreshadowing, language, modern-day Ancient Grecian festivals, Wanda's canonical love of sitcoms.
✦ Word Count: 17.6k
✦ Playlist: Here
✦ Cinematic Soundtrack: Here
✦ Author's Note: Oh. My. God. I can't believe we're here at the final chapter of the Age of Ultron arc, the very biggest chapter of the entire story. This was so much fun to write. There's going to be some translations, and a follow-up Author's Note at the end of the chapter to keep this part spoiler-free. Enjoy!
[Master List]
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The echoing screams are what pull you away from the low-lit comfort of your bedroom. As the highest shriek trembles down into shuddering sobs in the gentle stillness of night. 
Putting your book to the side, you push away from the bed. Almost the second you open your door, the one across the hall from you is creaking open as well. With his ruffled bedhead and a muffled yawn, Steve gives you a familiar nod as you wordlessly move down the stairs to your unofficially assigned duties.
Pietro’s light is already on, his door ajar. While you continue down to the main level, Steve glides his way across the hall to the second door on the right.
Flicking the switch on the wall, the kitchen’s overhead light temporarily blinds your senses.
“Hey,” you give a worn sigh as you make your way over to the stove. “We talked about this. I know you have good intentions here, but - ”
“It is a calming method, is it not?” Vision questions in a slightly stilted tone as he holds the tea kettle above a red-hot burner.
Maybe those shrieking cries hadn’t just been from the traumatized girl upstairs, but from a whistling pot as well.
“Yeah, but it’s only effective if the water isn’t fully evaporated out. Sort of ruins the tea mix.”
“Ah,” he sighs, setting the kettle down on the adjoining burner. “This is still… confusing.”
With a shrug, you gently push him to the side as you move to fill the kettle back up at the sink, “Hey, you’re leagues ahead of most one-month-olds, give yourself some credit.”
He tilts his head, “I am not a human infant, the correlation does not compute.”
Pushing your hair over your shoulder as you return to the stove, you smile up at the man, “It was a joke, Vision. Or at least, an attempt at one. I’m too tired for this, honestly.”
“I was under the impression that deities did not require sleep.”
Placing the kettle down with a little more force than necessary, you fix the creation with a look.
It had been an odd month and a half for all of you.
Your time in Sokovia was still a close memory, as was apparent in the near-nightly nightmares of the youngest twin. Sometimes, when you close your eyes, you find yourself transported back to the battle. You could still hear the terrified screams, smell the decay around you, and worse yet feel the unmovable hand at your throat.
The team had stayed long after the battle to assist in the clean-up process. Which, in all actuality, just meant giving the bodies a dignified place to rest until a temporary morgue could be set up in a structurally stable location.
You all had worked well into the night before Steve began to wane. Gritted teeth and brushes of I’m fine went on for far too long before the multiple broken ribs, punctured spleen, and several large gashes finally took their toll on him. Natasha, Clint, and Sam hadn’t been much better off either.
But even after they were forcibly removed to seek medical treatment, you and Thor remained. To walk amongst the human race was an honor. You weren’t going to leave the scene of battle when such carnage was left behind. 
It wasn’t until morning, when a slow and steady sunrise peaked over the mountains, that you were finally finished in your duties; aided by a handful of SHIELD agents and local residents who had returned in the early morning hours to see what was left of their city.
There wasn’t much of Old Town that remained standing. And, by last estimates, some 17,000 people had been infected and killed by Ultron’s nano-virus. Another 3,000 were killed during the battle, followed by thousands of injured and seriously critical patients in neighboring hospitals.
You didn’t even like thinking of the week’s total now; between Sokovia, New York, Johannesburg, and London. Not to mention Seoul, where Ultron had attacked Cho’s lab while you all had been distracted by other threats.
“Have I said something to upset you?”
The kettle is whistling.
Blinking, you pull the pot off the heat and fill the awaiting mug.
“No, not at all. Just… lost in thought,” you say with a distant voice as you add the herbal mix.
Vision gives you a hesitant nod.
After letting the tea steep for a moment, you give the man a gentle wave before you head up the stairs. He knew better than to follow after you now.
This had been another adjustment for you, in the aftermath of the battle.
As the Tower had been destroyed, the team split off in search of temporary living situations. Tony went to Malibu, Sam back to his place in D.C., and Clint had an apartment in the city somewhere that he and Natasha were crashing out at. Thor had been offered lodging with Tony, at Pepper’s insistence.
Which of course left one particular supersoldier.
 Steve had been living at the tower for well over a year now; never bothering to get a place for himself in Brooklyn, or anywhere else in the city for that matter. It hadn’t even been a question to offer him a room at your house in Vermont after he was cleared from the hospital.
This only left the true question that was the twins and, well, Vision (as Thor soon named him).
They were technically minors and Vision was technically a weapon, but also a sentient being. The legality of it quickly became complicated by international law and Sokovian law and U.S. immigration and temporary refugee laws. You left all that up to Tony to deal with. He had an army of lawyers in hand for things of this nature, thankfully.
You didn’t want to just leave them there to deal with this newfound freedom on their own. You all knew HYDRA would be on the lookout for them, and if that wasn’t bad enough, you personally knew that SHIELD would be looking to take them in if at all possible as well.
And while it had been different for the others, who were all adults who could reasonably consent to things that Nick would offer, you were all too aware of the fragile state the twins were in. It was one thing to willingly join up with SHIELD, it was another to be convinced to join under possibly false pretenses.
You liked Nick, you trusted him to have your six, but there were certain things you would rather keep clear of his grasp.
If the tower had still been intact, perhaps you would have all gone to live there in a strange form of cohabitation. But, instead, you found yourself housing two mutants, a sentient computer, and a supersoldier. There were stranger things out there, you were sure of it.
Pushing the door to Wanda’s room open a little further, you offer the teen a gentle smile.
You had told Tony that you were used to dealing with teenage twins. Thankfully, he didn’t pester you with questions about that and had merely made temporary guardianship signed over to you.
Pietro is sitting next to her on the bed while Steve remains near the foot of the mattress.
Passing the tea along, you rest your weight against the dresser. Sometimes, she would be able to go back to sleep after a few minutes or an hour of talking. But, it looks like tonight is going to be another one of those situations.
After several minutes of the siblings speaking in hushed Sokovian to one another, the girl gathers the black comforter up and around her like a cloak and makes her way down the stairs with her brother at her side.
Steve gives a tired sigh, rubbing his jaw as he moves to stand beside you after flicking off her bedside light.
From here, you can hear the gentle click and hum of the box T.V. humming to life downstairs. You had offered up your vast collection of movies and shows to her on one of those first restless nights. She had an affinity for sitcoms and romantic comedies, oddly enough.
Offering the blonde a slow smile, you ask, “What was it tonight?”
He folds his arms over his chest, rocking back on his heels as he pointedly doesn’t look at you.
“Her, back in the cell… with the Hulk,” comes the terse breath a moment later.
You can’t help but grimace.
During the clean-up efforts, right after the battle, Bruce had transformed back to himself. And while the Hulk might not have noticed or even cared that Wanda was there, Bruce - the man - had very differing opinions on her presence there.
Holding a good amount of anger over her meddling in Johannesburg, he had almost fully transformed back into his green opposite when you and Thor had both tackled him - dragging him far, far away from the terrified girl. You understood, of course. She had gotten into his mind, had twisted it in such a way that he couldn’t regain control over his other self. 
To see her standing there beside all of you was like being sent back to Johannesburg all over again. And to know the damage it has caused to both the city, the people, and Bruce’s own psyche.
While she was apologetic for her actions, you all knew that she was only a child, following the orders of another abusive force in her life. Bruce logically knew that as well, but he couldn’t help that momentary burst of rage that crippled him like venom.
In that sense, you were grateful that the tower was no more. You weren’t sure how they would be able to exist under one roof.
Not that Bruce stuck around long enough after you landed to find out.
Steve reaches out, taking hold of your forearm with his warm hand.
“It’s going to get better.”
With a shrug, you reply, “It’s okay if it doesn’t too. Not everything can be fixed with hope and well-wishing.”
His eye color seems dim in this light, not the usual electric blue you associate with the afternoon sky. Everything about Steve seemed rather dimmed this past month and a half, though. Perhaps, even you were dimmed, a palette of dreary colors that didn’t quite resemble your past self.
It had been a hard victory; one that was soured by so much death and destruction that you weren’t even sure if you could call the battle a victory. It was just finished. That’s all. The finish to a terrible threat.
He gives you a crooked smile, “Still, nothing wrong with hoping for better days.”
“Yeah,” you nod, holding back a yawn of your own.
With Wanda’s regular nightmares shaking the whole house and her screams echoing across the foundations, it was hard for even you to feel energized. Even with your pendant having a permanent position around your neck.
“You going back to bed?” he asks, gently nodding at your second yawn.
“Honestly? I don’t think I could sleep even if I wanted to.”
With a warm chuckle, Steve shakes his head, “Yeah. Me too.”
Together, you make your way downstairs to the living area. The lights are blessedly low, while the program on the TV is a little hard to look at. Pietro is curled up next to his sister, already snoring at the end of the couch. Wanda gives you a thankful nod as she continues to sip from her tea, pulling the comforter closer around her shoulders.
You and Steve find a spot on the loveseat opposite the couch, just under the window. Vision is hovering in the corner of the room, glancing through a book, though his eyes keep looking up at the TV whenever the laugh track plays.
He had been an entirely different addition to your household. Tony had offered to keep him down in Malibu until there was an adjustment period, but Pepper had been more hesitant. It was only after he picked up Thor’s hammer in the rubble of the market square that anyone on the team even felt comfortable having him around. There was so much of Ultron that could have been left in there.
But Tony had sacrificed JARVIS to the net, wiping every last trace of the rogue bot out. He would chase him to the deepest corners of the web to ensure it. That included Vision’s programming.
And, well, since you had a brief moment of clarity on the rooftop together, you volunteered to house him as well.
Steve’s arm wraps around the back of the sofa, his fingers brushing up against your left shoulder as you lean into him. He didn’t really care for these shows, but he didn’t like staying upstairs while the rest of you convened down here either.
“Oh, look. When it started, I was just trying to be nice to her because she was my brother’s girlfriend. And then, oh, one thing led to another and before I knew it we were… shopping.”
“Oh! Oh my god.”
“Honey, wait, we only did it once! It didn’t mean anything to me.”
“Yeah, right. Sure.”
“Really, Rachel, I was thinking of you the whole time!”
Wanda snorts as Monica chases Rachel across their apartment. Steve lulls his head downward, glancing at you with his soft sleep-deprived eyes. You smile back at him, moving in closer to his side, resting your head upon his shoulder as you tuck in for the rest of the night.
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The team had been actively avoiding the public eye in the aftermath of Ultron. It was for the best - that’s what Tony’s PR team told you anyway. That’s another reason your house had been the perfect location to place the twins and Vision. It wasn’t public knowledge, the location of your home, and it was a good distance away from any major city. Unlike Tony down in Malibu, who frequently had paps outside of his mansion - waiting for a picture.
That’s why they decide to keep Steve’s birthday a smaller affair - aside from Steve’s own insistence on not making a big deal out of it. Somewhere upstate where they’re less likely to be recognized; questioned, ridiculed.
Well, the plan was to celebrate the supersoldier’s birthday on his actual birthday, but in the realm of superheroes, plans have a way of falling by the wayside. The team is sent to Atlanta to deal with a threat - you stay behind, for obvious reasons.
You’re in the middle of preparing a lunch for the teens, the next day, when you get a text from Tony.
Change of plans. Meet us in Albany round 7 for Capsicle’s shindig? x.
It would give you time to come up with arrangements for the three others in your house. No one felt particularly comfortable with leaving them to their own devices just yet. Not with HYDRA still being an active threat in the world. 
And, since they were in the public image now, more than just the likes of an old military organization might want to get their hands on two enhanced kids. And a sentient being like Vision.
You make a call to an old friend and manage to arrive at the restaurant just an hour after the team does.
They’re all in an array of outfits - since they only had what was available in their go-bags to change into. Natasha has on a black cocktail dress, while Tony’s in a faded Metallica shirt and jeans. Thor has not changed from his armor, though his cape is absent. Clint has a baggy purple hoodie and grey sweatpants on. Only Steve and Sam look to be wearing their typical style of clothing, in all honesty.
“Hey, there she is!” Barton calls out, making everyone turn their head to see you.
“Who’s watching the Wonder Twins?” Tony questions, peering down from behind his sunglasses. Seriously, only that man would wear sunglasses indoors. 
You smile at the belated birthday boy as you take a seat opposite him at the table. Squished between Clint and the resident billionaire, you answer lightly, “A friend.”
“Ooh, like a godly friend, or - ”
“Tony,” Steve sighs with a gentle shake of his head. “Just for one night.”
Stark gives an exaggerated groan, “Oh, for our resident centenarian…”
“He’s only ninety-seven,” Natasha reminds him behind the rim of her drink.
“Thirty, actually. Thank you,” Steve clarifies with another unruly sigh.
Your eyes meet his from across the white-clothed table, a smirk toying at your lips. Leave it to Tony to find the fanciest steak restaurant around.
“What, are we not counting your years in the ice anymore? Cause if that’s the case, man. You really gotta up the game on modern speaking and tech,” Clint rolls his eyes as he lazily folds his napkin into a swan beside you.
“I believe the Captain looks quite healthy for his advanced age,” Thor goads from the end of the table. “A healthy ninety, for sure.”
Steve just buries his head in his hands, a smile tugging at his lips, “This is why I never go to team dinners.”
Your laugh makes him look up. The glimmer of life in his eyes makes your heart swell.
It would take time for all of you to recover from Ultron’s terror, but you would get there… in time.
“So,” Tony sighs, leaning back in his chair, his hand upon his stomach. “I have a schedule out for everyone’s birthdays. Where do I put you two?”
You had just finished a very expensive meal of prime-cut steak selections, fresh-catch baked fish, too many countless appetizers and sides to count, and a very decadent birthday cake with glowing sparklers - because ninety-seven candles on top of a cake are apparently considered a fire risk.
Glancing down the table at your fellow God, you just laugh, throwing your balled-up white napkin at Tony.
“We do not abide by such… mortal things.”
“Well, you gotta have a birthdate, right?” Sam speaks up, one arm on the table as his other hand points between the two of you. “Didn’t just pop into existence one day and forget about it, you know?”
“Well…” you lull your head to the side.
“I knew it!” Clint cheers, “Fucking, what did I say? From the head of Zeus comes the goddess ATHENA.”
Pushing at his shoulder, Barton goes cackling to the side, unable to help himself after a drink too many.
“While I appreciate the sentiment, I’m afraid it’s just not a done thing for us,” you apologize. “If you want, however. Pick a random Thursday, and call it Thor’s Day.”
“You’re kidding me.”
Thor chuckles, “No, it is quite literally my day amongst the practitioners of Norse beliefs in this realm.”
“And you,” Tony contemplates, words playing on his tongue. “Athena… Thena… Thur - no, Tue… no. Okay, help a guy out here.”
You laugh, catching sight of the content looking supersoldier from across the table. His eyes follow the conversation between you and the billionaire, a soft and equally amused smile on his face.
“Nothing like that for me, sorry, Tony. You’re just going to have to survive without throwing me a party.”
“Like hell, I will!” he sounds almost aghast, clutching a hand to his chest. “If you don’t give me one, I’m gonna go for April 1st or something, you know.”
Casually leaning back in your chair, you place your used utensils upon your empty plate. That cake had been delicious.
“Personally, I wouldn’t recommend it. Dionysus gets quite annoyed when people try to take his celebrations away from him.” 
When you catch Steve’s curious look, you return his gaze to explain, “April 1st is the beginning of the Great Dionysia, a celebration created back in the 6th century, BC. He would take it as a great offense that anyone would be trying to celebrate me on that day.”
“Hang on!” Clint remarks, tapping at the table. “Athens. They literally named the place after you. There’s gotta be some kind of thing for you. A party, or a day, a week-long festival, right? I’m right, aren't I?”
“Fellas,” Natasha groans, lifting her glass toward you. “Leave the girl alone. Bad enough we have to suffer through Steve’s dronefest of a party. No offense.”
Steve holds up his hands, “None taken. Wasn’t my idea.”
“I’m sorry,” Tony chimes in. “Was there a thank you, Tony, in there that I didn’t catch? Perhaps a thank you for wining and dining us all on this beautiful evening, Tony?”
There’s a collective groan of Thank you Tony and Many thanks Stark, which seem to satisfy the man’s need for recognition for the night.
When you’re outside, long after the waitstaff usually closed up - but Tony had a very generous tip for the restaurant, so they didn’t mind as much - Clint, Natasha, and Sam say their goodbyes. Wishing Steve a good, belated, birthday before they head out.
Tony lingers around as Thor and Steve converse.
“No word yet on our Strucker double. Just some local guy who went missing about three months before everything went down. And as for the other thing - look. I’m doing my best, but the records from back then are shoddy at best…”
You just nod in return. It had been one of the few requests you had made to the billionaire after taking the teens in. It wasn’t necessarily pressing, but after so many years spent in HYDRA’s captivity, you knew there was a chance that information might help them.
“How are they though?” he asks, voice lowered, sunglasses hooked onto his shirt.
“Good as can be, considering,” you answer honestly. “Wanda has nightmares, Pietro does too, sometimes. But they seem to be adjusting well enough. No… accidental outbursts of, you know, magic. And Vision is… well… he’s Vision.”
At that, Tony lets out a bark of laughter.
“Hey, thanks again for that. Taking one for the team just... yeah. You know? But, good news, groundbreaking on the new location is in a week, so we might be looking at early September, mid-October for move-in?”
You blink, “That fast?”
He fixes you with a look.
“Sweetheart, with the right amount of money, you can afford the best contractors out there. I’m not pinching a dime on these plans.”
Stark had been planning the new Avengers location pretty much since the ride home from Sokovia. The blueprints were good to go by the end of the week. And that was between multiple press conferences, a hospital trip, several angry phone calls from Pepper, and trying to safely and legally get two child refugees into the country.
“Sounds like a plan,” you say lightly.
“Well,” he claps his hands, smiling brightly - drunkenly - as he snags his sunglasses to put back on his face. “Come on, Point Break. Let's leave Mr. and Mrs. Rogers to get back home.”
“Tony - ”
You roll your eyes, “Just because we live together, Tony - ”
“Yeah, but you two? So adorable. Like a little nuclear family. Mom, Dad, the two kids, and your cybernetic… pet. You know what - ”
“Okay,” Thor chuckles as Steve drags a hand down his face, a flush of red doting his cheeks. “I think even you’ve had too much to drink, Stark.”
After the God of Thunder manages to corral Tony into the back of his waiting car, Steve saunters over to you - one hand in his pocket and the other tossing his keys up and down.
“Where have I seen this before?” you laugh.
Steve grins, “Come on, let a guy offer you a ride.”
“Well,” you drawl as you both walk over toward his bike. “It is your birthday, after all, so I guess…”
It’s a two-hour ride back to Vermont.
Your hands remain around Steve’s waist as you travel across the lonely freeways and backcountry roads. The warmth of his leather jacket and the rich smell of his cologne keep you company for the ride. You have his shield on your back while his small go-bag is stored under the seat.
At this time of night, you can make out the distant constellations up above. You point them out as you drive, shouting their names for Steve to hear. At one point, he reaches a hand down to squeeze your right hand that’s held tight across his middle.
As he pulls onto the vacant road that leads up to the house, the engine puttering softly, he tilts his head back to say:
“You know, I don’t even think I asked who’s watching Wanda and Pietro?”
You chuckle, leaning your forehead against his upper back, “Just an old friend. He was free tonight, no big plans.”
There’s a nearly audible arch of his brow, “Old friend?”
You nod, letting him feel the gentle up and down of your head against his shoulder.
“From college,” you add.
You know he wants to ask more of you, but he waits until you’re back at the house. A handful of lights are on when you pull up - through the illusion. Downstairs is aglow in yellow tones, while a single bedroom on the second floor has a flashing melody of colorful lights. Wanda was definitely a fan of the mood lights Tony had purchased for her.
Steve parks the motorcycle near the porch. Holding out a hand to help you off the bike, you eagerly stretch your arms.
“Two hours on that might be too much,” you chuckle.
The supersoldier shakes his head, “It was like… an hour-forty, at most.”
“Oh, so you were speeding.”
Cracking a smile in your direction, Steve pulls the keys from the ignition and pockets them in his jacket. Handing over his shield, the supersoldier takes it in his right hand. Wrapping his left arm around your shoulders, the two of you walk up the creaking steps of the porch.
The house, in all honesty, is usually pretty quiet. Even with two teenagers living there. But Wanda and Pietro definitely weren’t your average teens. So, you didn’t question the silence that sometimes overtook your home. After nearly a decade of existing within HYDRA’s grasp, you knew their willingness and ability to make much noise was still limited.
However, you’re slightly surprised to hear a rapturous conversation taking place the minute you enter the central hallway.
Steve’s eyes are immediately locked on the kitchen. A certain change to his posture as he stands straight, shoulders back, chin up, gaze piercing.
Pushing a gentle defusing hand to his chest, you kick off your shoes and move through the archway to your right.
“Is that right?” Vision asks with a sense of excitement in his tone.
“No, it’s quite a fascinating topic if you have the time for it. You know, not many people know this, but - aye! There she is!”
Your smile blossoms into a bright grin as you cross the kitchen to greet the other man.
“Hello, Vision,” you pat the creation’s shoulder politely before you move to hug your friend, “Hi! Thank you again. How was it?”
Releasing you, his hand drifts to rest on your left shoulder.
“Good, really good. Well… quiet, actually. But they’re not too bad. Good kids at heart.”
“Yeah, they are,” Steve stands in the doorway, his arms crossed as he stares at your companion.
“Ah, Captain Rogers,” he says, letting go of you in favor of going over to shake Steve’s hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Steve glances at you for just a beat before he returns the handshake.
“Huh, good things I hope. Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
“Uhm,” you cough, moving to stand beside the two men, “This is… Isaac, friend from college.”
“Isaac?” Ikaris mouths at you.
“Yeah, you mentioned that already,” Steve stares down at you.
Ikaris forces a smile, “Yeah we studied at… college, together.”
You actually want to hit him. Sersi was so much better at this than him. God, it was awful. But at least Steve has a hint of a smile on his face. 
Leaning against the doorway, the supersoldier comments, “Didn’t notice a car in the drive.”
The Eternal looks to you, then, oddly enough, at Vision, before he answers, “Taxi.”
“Right,” Steve nods, biting his tongue. “Well, thank you anyway. It’s… sort of a sensitive situation here, you know.”
“Of course,” Ikaris nods in earnest. “Happy to help, obviously. And,” he looks down at you. “If you ever need anything, just… give me a call, yeah?”
“Will do,” you smile before pushing up on your toes to wrap him into a hug. “And thank you again. Hopefully, I’ll see you soon.”
He hums in return before he bids you all a goodnight.
You count his steps down the porch and into the yard before - yup.
Steve turns to look at you, “Power of flight?”
Offering him a sheepish smile, you shrug, “Amongst… other things?”
“God, sweetheart,” he chuckles, shaking his head. “I think I’ve got the full picture of you and then you just go and surprise me again.”
You push at his shoulder, eyes locked on his as a smile teases at your lips, “You think you know a girl…”
“I'm sorry,” Vision interrupts, as he looks back at the two of you from his seated position. “Were we not supposed to acknowledge his enhanced state?”
Steve looks down at you, and you up at him before you both start laughing.
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Even from out here on the porch steps, you can still smell the lingering scent of onion in the air. Latkes had become a bit of a staple meal around the house as of late. The twins only had vague memories of their life prior to HYDRA and that organization wasn’t exactly well-known for their catering options.
Wanda had newfound aversions to deal with, but Pietro was less particular in his meals. As long as it was filling, he would typically eat it. But the young witch had many opinions about the food you served, and how it was prepared. And you weren’t exactly known for your cooking skills, nor was Steve for that matter.
Potato pancakes were easy enough to make, and opening a can of vegetables or applesauce for a side seemed to do the trick.
It’s just the four of you again. Steve had been called away for a recon mission alongside Clint and Natasha two days ago. Even in a house full of people, his absence was felt by all.
Tony had honestly been right when he said that you had basically created a strange little nuclear family in your home.
“Hey,” you smile gently as you take a seat near Pietro on the steps. From here, you can watch the lightning bugs dancing in the tall grass.
The stars are just beginning to peak out from the violet sky as Wanda walks through the swaying flower fields with Pallas on her shoulder.
Your smile wanes as you catch him wiping a quick fist across his running nose, eyes trimmed with red rings.
The urge to ask are you okay is overwhelming, but you know better by now. It had taken some work with Steve to get him to refrain from asking that question too often as well. Ever since Pietro’s fist had gone through the wall beside the staircase.
His desperate no, I am not fucking fine still echoed in your mind.
He’s pointedly avoiding your gaze, just a step down from you, as he rests his arms on his knees, his head is balanced on the crook of his right elbow as he gazes out at the blinking bugs.
His voice cracks as he asks with a sniff, “When will the Captain return?”
Glancing down at Pietro, you turn your eyes to the evening landscape. The wind is warm on this late-July night. It sweeps across the fields and forest canopy, a loving caress against your bare arms and legs.
“I’m not sure.”
Wanda giggles as Pallas takes flight, swooping around her alongside the lightning bugs. She claps her hands together once, holding them to her lips as she watches the owl soar.
“You know,” you begin, leaning toward the boy. “Sometimes, you two remind me of my siblings. A twin pair actually.”
He hums in return, eyes still cast upon the land.
“Wanda reminds me of my sister. Keeping to herself, finding companionship in, well, everything but people,” you smirk as Pallas returns to her, landing upon her right shoulder before he toes his way over to her left.
“And you… an Apollo in the making. Bright, charming, quick-witted. He would have liked you.”
Pietro’s head lifts, a curious arch to his brow.
“I miss them,” you relent. “Almost twenty years since I saw either of them, but the ache doesn’t disappear.”
He nods, lightly jostling his leg up and down.
“I…” he clears his throat, drums his fingers upon his knee, “I don’t remember much before… you know. But sometimes I get these… glimpses of them. Our rodičia. I don’t think she remembers as much. Just that night when the apartment was blown up and that missile was just sitting there - for two days, two nights. But I…” 
Pietro smiles. “I remember my mama’s hair; long, curling brown, blowing in the wind. White sheets hanging on a laundry line, shadows, a laugh. It all seems so far away at times.”
“You were young when you were taken.”
“Seven,” he nods. “We had been on the streets for two years when we were picked up. I can’t even remember my otec now. They… wiped it all away with their words, their machines, bastardi!”
You let the silence between you simmer for a moment, letting him ease his woes in the safety of your presence.
“I can’t even remember my own mother,” you admit in a broken whisper.
Pietro turns his head to look up at you.
“I thought people like you just… burst into existence.”
You give a hollow chuckle, “Not quite. She… she sacrificed herself to save me when I was very young.”
He blinks, lowering his gaze, “And… your father?”
Wrapping your hands into an enclosed fist, you let out a long breath.
“That’s… that’s another story entirely, Pietro. Me and the All-Father have a… complicated history in regards to certain things. At some moments, we were as close as can be and others… after Art and ‘Pollo left… well, don’t let me bore you with a Greek tragedy.”
His brow lifts, “Was that a joke?”
You shake your head, offering him a smile in return, “A hint of a pun, yes.”
He hums in return, leaning against the steps - his weight causing the old wood to creak - as he tilts his head back and closes his eyes. The warm evening wind rustles his stark white hair.
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Steve returns on the 12th, several days past when he wants to be home. Things had gotten so tied up between the original mission and the HYDRA agent who ended up being an opening into an even bigger operation near the Mexican border.
He had heard mentions of Rumlow’s name on the wires and it felt like he had been running for nearly a week, chasing after another ghost.
The new compound along the Hudson was coming along. Tony was pleased to announce, when they landed the jet late last night, that the main housing unit for the team was completed - they were just waiting on the interior designer to drive up on Friday to finalize that last part of the process.
In the meantime, Tony had a folding camping table and deck chairs set up in the room he deemed their ‘war station… or whatever.’ So, Steve, Nat, and Clint spent three hours going through every last excruciating detail, followed up by marking known locations for both bases of operations and HYDRA agents for SHIELD to deal with.
By the time the sun was clipping the horizon, the supersoldier was in desperate need of a shower and a change of clothes. Luckily, the showers were set up and Tony had stocked the bathroom with exactly three towels. But that was more than Steve had been hoping for anyway, so he spent a long time soaking his aching muscles under the welcomed heat of the shower’s spray.
As he’s about to exit, he spots the billionaire with his feet kicked up on the folding table, a hand held to his forehead.
Tony peeks between his spread fingers as Steve draws near.
“The convenience of modern-day technology,” he sighs as a call comes through on his cell phone. He almost immediately swipes it over to the reject call button.
Steve lifts his brow in question.
“Well, ever since our little fuck up, I’ve had no less than seventeen daily calls between myself and Secretary Thaddeus Ross. If it’s not about dragging me in for a meeting or threatening to lock our asses up, he’s asking about Bruce’s location. Which, yeah, the man can go fuck himself in that sense.”
Resting his hands on his hips, the supersoldier shakes his head.
Things hadn’t eased up after Sokovia. He was starting to wonder if they ever would.
“But, that’s for me to deal with,” Tony shoves his feet onto the ground and stands with a groan before stretching his arms. “While you run and save the day, I’ll make sure the fridge stays stocked and your uniform doesn’t burst into flames or whatever it is I do exactly.”
“Thank you, Tony,” Steve looks down at the man with a genuine smile.
“Yeah, well,” he gabs, smacking the blonde on the arm as he passes him. “Say hi to the Missus for me, won’t you? And the kids. Those two adorable, rambunctious little tikes.”
Steve sighs, glancing up at the other man, “You’re never going to lay off that, are you?”
“Not until you plan on doing something about it. I’m all for the long game, but the betting pool is getting high, Rogers and Pep’s not gonna let me throw much more into that pot.”
Tony watches him as he goes through the doors to the recently paved driveway and parking lot. His bike remains under a protected shelter, clear of the elements with some fancy Stark Inudstries-branded cover over the motorcycle itself.
Throwing his go-bag under the seat and his shield over his shoulder, Steve mounts the seat and turns the ignition. The bike purrs under his hands.
The billionaire offers him a two-fingered salute as he pulls out onto the main road.
He just knew that he wanted to get home, back to you, in Vermont.
It still felt strange, to call that place home. Steve hadn’t had a proper place to call home since he was a kid in the 40s. He had a house in the Lower East Side, before the Battle of New York. And an apartment in D.C. during his time at SHIELD. But neither of those places felt like home.
They were adorned with his things; trinkets and items, that could remind him of a time and place far away from the 21st century. He had pictures of his friends, the Commandos. But even then, it was not a home.
But this, this strange cohabitation with the twins and Vision, and most importantly you? This is where Steve could truly say he felt at peace. It had been awkward at first, figuring out schedules and dealing with personal preferences, and hell, just being around two teenagers who were fresh out of HYDRA’s grasp.
And it wasn’t that his room on the third floor felt particularly like something he would style - though he had been able to switch out the lilac bedding and frills for things that were more his taste - the house just felt more homey than anything he had lived in after being recovered from the ice.
That was, in all honesty, probably due to you.
God, he was an idiot. Stark was right, he should be telling you or trying to tell you what he feels in his heart. But now it’s more of a challenge to get you alone as Wanda is usually glued to his side and Pietro to yours and it seems like there’s always a chance of Vision just floating through the walls to see what he’s up to.
But regardless of where he’s at in regards to admitting his deeply-held feelings, he’s anxious to get back to the house. To the place he’s easily calling home now, to anyone who asks.
And sure, Nat’s smirking when he says it and shooting glances at Barton, but he doesn’t care. This feels right. Deep in his bones, he knows it’s right.
And… maybe it's because he can forget about the world around him for a little while. Hidden off the grid, in an unmarked location. He can tune out the neverending news reports that call the Avengers the enemy, that demand retribution for their actions or inactions. 
The endless journalistic segments that detail over each member of the team and their past failings. Histories that had once been buried under government security software. They call into question their integrity, their ability to handle situations, to aid in peace-keeping.
When he’s at the house, he can just push that all away.
He can just… sit on the porch, close his eyes, and breathe.
Steve’s not exactly expecting a welcome party when he pulls up the drive, two hours later. So, it’s a bit surprising when Wanda is running up to him.
Her hair’s tied back in a large puffy bun and she’s got a black sheer duster on that billows up behind her as she rushes down the stairs. And Steve’s got a quick remark on the tip of his tongue as he kills the engine on the bike, but there’s a look in her eyes that makes him pull it back.
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t - they, they just came. And they took her and - ” her voice quivers as she points helplessly at the neighboring line of trees, just beyond the pasture. “And you said to stay at the house if any- if anyone came and I - ”
“Whoa,” he eases, standing up from the bike, his hands coming down upon her forearms in a gentle hold. “Who took her?”
“I don’t, I don’t know! We were in the kitchen and we were talking about Strucker and there was a knock and I didn’t even think! She just, gah, bodaj ho!”
Steve’s eyes are immediately intense, scoping the lay of the land, looking for a sign of struggle.
And then, from the forest, he hears the distant cry of:
“No! I swear to - STOP IT, right now!”
He’s not even thinking as he takes off running. 
Your voice is clear as day even from such a great distance. Wanda is just behind him, several yards back. But from the porch, he can hear the confused voice of Pietro calling out to them both. And then the boy is right beside him -
“What? What is it?” he asks, keeping pace a little too easily with Steve.
But then you’re yelling again and the boy is gone in an instant and the supersoldier knows that he shouldn’t have let him go. Sure, you faced Ultron a few months back, but he was still a kid. And he was Steve’s responsibility.
“I swear to the All-Father if you even think for a second that I’m going to - ”
Steve’s pace slows as he enters a clearing. You glance up from the center of a group of women - one of them has a linen measuring tape held to your waist. The cross look upon your face immediately melts when you see him.
“Uh… hi,” you force a tight smile. “Uhm, Steve. You really shouldn’t - ”
But he’s already in front of you, keeping a wary eye on the women around you, “Are you okay? Wanda said - ”
“About that, I’m sorry. Uh… this is awkward.”
Turning to face the others, you ask, “Do you mind? You kind of dragged me off before I could really explain.”
A woman with rich brown skin shrugs. Her dark curls are haloed by a crown of pink and purple hyacinths.
“Just be back by dusk. You know how Di gets.”
And it’s really only now, as the two of you briefly converse, that Steve takes a second to look around at his surroundings.
The forest clearing has been swept clear of leaves and debris. Women are hanging lanterns from nearly every branch around this massive open space. And… yes, that tree is physically moving away from the center of the clearing.
Vision’s nearby, conversing with a man who has… goat legs. Apparently, the sentient being had been with you the entire time. Pietro’s standing off to the side, chatting with a blonde girl in a flowing white tunic when Wanda comes over the crest. Her eyes are just as wide as she takes in the scene.
“She’s fine,” Steve clarifies as she draws near.
“What is… this?”
The supersoldier shakes his head, “I honestly have no idea.”
There’s a canopy being set up by a handful of women now, with wooden tables placed underneath it. Almost immediately, items start appearing upon them; apples, breads and other baked goods, olives. So many olives.
Pallas lands on his shoulder just a second later, obviously sensing his confusion and slight distress from afar. He shoves his beak into Steve’s hair and the supersoldier’s quick to place a hand upon the owl’s head.
“Yeah, I hear you, buddy,” he breathes out.
When you finally break free, you saunter over to him with such a sense of awkward tension that Steve almost doesn’t recognize you beneath it.
He blinks, looking out at the women before his gaze drops back to your face.
“What is happening right now?”
“Do you remember, last month, at your birthday dinner?”
He nods.
“When I told Tony that they don’t really… do that for me and Thor. And I said that I don’t have any real celebration associated with me?”
Steve nods again. Pallas pecks at the shell of his ear.
“Okay, well… that might have been a bit of a lie. This is… well, it’s uhm. It’s the last day of the Panathenaia. And my very unofficial birthday.”
He’s gawking, he knows he is, but he can’t seem to close his mouth.
“You’re shitting me.”
“I know,” you scrub a hand down your face. “It’s just… I’m not a fan of the pomp and circumstance anymore.”
“You…” he stumbles over his words as he helplessly blinks down at you, a new revelation bursting like a firework in his mind. “Are you telling me you actually have a birthday and that you’ve been keeping it a secret?”
“Well,” you shrug, crossing your arms as you both watch another three oak trees uproot themselves and begin walking further into the forest. 
“Not so much a lie as it was an omission of truth, right? I mean, last year? I was in France when it came around, no one to tell, no one to celebrate it with. The year before that? I was on Olympus. And before that, I was on Axariun III with my father. And well, before that we didn’t even know each other yet. So, all in all… not really me lying.”
“It feels like lying,” he clips, but a smile is playing at the corner of his lips.
“Fair enough,” you sigh.
Steve drums his fingers along the seam of his jeans as he turns, slowly, to take in all the preparations - if that was even the right word.
“So… the Panathea - ”
“Panathenaia,” you correct gently.
“That. What exactly does it entail?”
You grit your teeth, rubbing at your arms for a moment as you look over at the ever-growing table of food that seemed to be materializing out of nowhere.
“Uhm, drinking, dancing, general merry-making. The occasional athletic competition. They throw me in a peplos and offerings are made in my honor, and someone inevitably starts an orgy before the night’s over.”
Steve’s head whips around to look at you, but you’re not even phased by the words that have just left your mouth.
Right, he tries to remind himself. Greek mythology was literally your personal history.
“And this is the… set-up for it?”
“Yeah. Usually, I’m back home when the day comes around, but… well, extenuating circumstances this year kind of kept me Earth-bound.”
“Right,” he nods. “Yeah, that… that makes sense.”
You’re staring at him with slightly concerned eyes, so Steve forces a smile while his mind is honestly still reeling from the new bombshell.
“Want me to introduce you to everyone?”
Noticing the twins off to the side, now conversing with a handful of women - one of them is placing a white floral wreath on Wanda’s head, Steve merely nods.
“Lead the way,”  he holds out his hand in earnest. Pallas ruffles his feathers.
First, you introduce him to the Dryads. A group of women with varying shades of rust-colored hair and bark-like skin, who saunter out of the oak trees.
“They were just moving them to clear the area,” you explain.
Steve just responds with a polite nod, because yes, of course, that was completely normal and didn't phase him one bit. He had witnessed aliens from space. Wood nymphs shouldn’t be all that surprising to him.
This is followed by the Anthousai, a group of flower nymphs who are shorter than even Wanda, all of which are decorated with intricate crowns of blooms and blossoms. 
The woman you had been speaking to earlier is Euphrosyne. She offers the owl on Steve’s shoulder a polite pat on the head.
“My half-sister. Goddess of joy, mirth, and merriment.”
Followed by a doe-eyed red-head who is named Pannychis who you explain is the Goddess of all-night festivity. And Thalia, who is also your half-sister, and the one in charge of the festive celebration and the provision of a luxurious banquet.
“Uhm, this is my nephew, Comus.”
A young teen with strawberry-blonde curls blinks up at him from behind the edge of a golden cup.
“Son of Dionysus, quite infamous for his revelries, festivities, and general merry-making. Which, weren’t you supposed to be helping Euphrosyne plan?”
“Don’t tell her where I am,” The boy smirks before he dips away, grabbing another goblet from a table as he goes.
“And there’s still a few around here who are too busy to introduce just yet. But… yeah, that’s the beginning of this madness, really,” you pause, looking around with your hands upon your hips. And then you turn to look back at him, “I’m honestly so sorry to be dragging you into this. If you want to just hang back at the house tonight and try to ignore the noise, I completely understand.”
Steve leans against one of the posts keeping the canopy aloft. Pallas gnaws at his hair.
“Are you kidding me? Like I’m going to miss out on this?”
Your brows lift in surprise, “Seriously?”
“Yeah, of course. You’re one of the most important people in my life, Athena. If you want me here, I’m going to be here.”
“Ooh, taking one for the team, I see. Well, even if I can’t have everyone else here tonight, at least I’ll have one Avenger on my side.”
He laughs, “I mean, it’s not every day you get to experience an otherworldly festival steeped in antiquity.”
You stare at him for a long silent moment before you shove at his left arm. Steve lets you move him, a laugh startling out from his chest.
“Hey, you’re making me sound old!”
“Aren’t you a little, considering?” he gestures at the flowing tunics of your companions and relatives.
“Yeah, but… you don’t have to say it like that.”
Steve wraps his free arm around your shoulders, gently jostling you.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Are you a little sensitive about the age thing? Cause, take it from someone who frequently gets the grandpa jokes. I just want you to know, that I’m never dropping this.”
“Come on, Rogers! It’s funny when we say it.”
He snorts, “No trouble dealing it out my way, but not as fun when it’s returned, is that it?”
“Well,” you pull away from his grasp, wrapping your hands around your arms as you turn away, an indignant clip to your voice. “You know what they say about ladies and their ages.”
Steve laughs, trailing after you before he can wrap his arms around your torso. A furious blush graces his face as you lean back into him, your head against his sternum.
“Don’t be like that. It’ll be fun, I promise,” he speaks into your hair.
Your right hand comes up and pats at his arm that’s resting across your chest.
“You say that now. Wait till you see the dress they put me in.”
A twitch of arousal sparks through his body and he quickly releases you from his hold, but he plays it off with a laugh.
“Honestly, I can’t wait.”
You smack his chest with your hand, “You’re the worst, Rogers. Please remember that. The worst.”
As you walk away to go and converse with your relatives, Steve shyly scratches the back of his head. 
He makes the unfortunate mistake of glancing over at the twins, who are both looking back at him with nearly identical smirks on their faces. Fantastic, as if he needed two teenagers on his case now as well.
Turning in the opposite direction, he makes it up the hill - back toward the house - when he extends his arm out for Pallas to move down on.
The tawny brown owl blinks up at Steve with his dark eyes and a curious tilt of his head.
“Hey, pal. If I gave you a message, do you think you could deliver it to a few friends for me?”
He squawks in return, almost as if sensing what the supersoldier has planned.
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The fading orange hues of sunset are just barely visible through the gaps in the forest’s lush canopy. Steve smiles at your loyal companion as he swoops across the established party area before landing in a tree along the outskirts of the circle. Keeping watch like always.
People in flowing robes and tunics move through the space with such ease that Steve feels even more like an outlier than usual. The twins, and even Vision, are in attendance - at your insistence. Wanda’s hair is loose, adorned by that white floral wreath still. Her eyes are alight as she watches the strangers with unbridled excitement.
Even Pietro has a leaf-woven crown on as he tries to chat up another girl with long dark hair and amethyst eyes.
“Guys, this is my sister, Hebe,” you interrupt with a tight smile as you loop your arm through the girl’s - effectively pulling her away from the boy. “Hedylogos was looking for you.”
The girl’s cheeks blush into a full blossom of red as she quickly darts off toward the other end of the party.
You look down at Pietro before slapping his shoulder with a light hand, “Seriously? If I’m told you’re hitting on another one of my relatives, I swear I’m going to throw those shoes you like out.”
He balks, “You wouldn’t.”
Steve smirks, lowering his stance to speak to the teen, “I wouldn’t risk it, personally.”
Wanda snorts, looping her arm through her brother’s, “Come. I see food and drink.”
“Guys, don’t take anything in a gold goblet!” Steve calls out.
“Especially if a man in purple robes hands it to you!” You add with a laugh.
With a sigh, you turn back to look at the supersoldier. Steve’s already looking down at you with warmth in his gaze. It’s like witnessing a different side to you, free from the heaviness of battle. Right now, you were removed from the usual expectations put upon you and it was beautiful to see. How you moved between the party-goers, an easy smile on your face, and a laugh on your lips.
“This is nice,” he comments, looking around at the simple gathering.
You blink.
“You know it hasn’t actually started yet, right?”
And then you’re sipping red wine from a goblet encrusted with jewels and you’ve got a playful look on your face and Steve, for as out of place as he feels, just wants to kiss you right here and now.
He shoves his hands into his jean pockets instead.
“Is that right?”
“Come on!” you exclaim, “We’re Olympians, this is barely a family gathering. Wait till the man of the hour appears.”
Shaking his head with mirth, he asks, “I thought you were the one being celebrated here?”
“Oh, I am,” you reassure as you take another drink. “But, well, you’ve met my brother but you haven’t really seen him yet. You’ll… you’ll understand what I mean.”
Accepting that as answer enough, Steve gives a nod and takes a sip of his own wine as more and more people begin to appear in the clearing.
It would surprise him if SHIELD or some other government agency wasn’t picking up on all of the energy signatures materializing in this forest in the middle of Vermont. Slowly but surely, the dance floor and surrounding tables and benches are filled up by more and more patrons.
You introduce him to a four-armed woman with a golden crown. Her dark hair is adorned with a large white lotus blossom. She smiles sweetly at him as she converses with you in another language entirely. Steve watches the two of you as her companion, a swan, pokes around at his shoes.
When she leaves, you turn back to him with an apologetic smile.
“I’m sorry, I keep abandoning you to go talk to everyone.”
Steve’s brow scrunches in confusion, “It’s your party, you shouldn’t expect to have me glued to your side the entire night. Go, I can hang out with the kids and Vision. I’m sure you haven’t seen some of your friends in a while.”
“No,” you sigh, encircling his wrist with your palm. “Having you beside me is the only thing keeping me from running off right now.”
Looking down at you with an aching expression, Steve slowly slips his hand free from your grasp, only to lock your fingers together.
“Okay,” he says.
Your worried brow softens, a smile teasing at your lips once again.
“I do miss them. I haven’t seen Sarasvati in ages, but… I prefer small gatherings over, well, this.”
He squeezes your hand, “I understand, trust me.”
As a sense of true peace settles around the two of you, you’re swiftly interrupted by the sound of hand drums beating out a melody.
“Ladies! Gentlemen! And gentle beings alike!”
Steve cranes his neck, and you stand upon your toes, as a shrill voice calls out from the center of the party.
“That’s Eupheme,” you whisper.
“I have the sole honor of presenting the Lord of Celebration himself. The Granter of Blessings, the Kind-Hearted Savior, the God of Wine, our dearest Dionysus!”
Several people cheer, others clap, and some even whoop in delight as a processional band from atop the ledge of the forest floor begins to play.
“Τοῦ Διὸς ὁ παῖς ὁ Βάκχος, ὁ λυσίφρων - ”
As the large swaying line of white-robbed people begins making their way down to the party, you lean up - clutching his shoulder - as you begin translating:
“The son of Zeus, Bacchus,” you whisper-sing into his ear. “The liberator of mind, the Lyaeos, the Lyaeos, the Lyaeos.”
“ὅταν εἰς φρένας τὰς ἐμάς εἰσέλθηι - ”
Steve can feel the warmth of your breath against the shell of his ear and the length of his neck. He grips your waist in his right hand as you continue translating.
“When he enters in our mind. By making it drunk, making it drunk, making it drunk - ”
“διδάσκει με, διδάσκει με, διδάσκει με χορεύειν.”
“He teaches me, he teaches me, he teaches me to dance.”
The processional breaks through the space, a line of people and goats and musicians. Aloft a gold and purple cushion, held by four young men, sits your brother. A laurel wreath around his head as he raises his goblet at the many faces he spots in the crowd. He cheers your name as he passes, but you’re still there glued to Steve’s side. The melodic sound of your words against his ear is a heated delight.
“ἔχω δέ τι καὶ τερπνόν o, ὁ τᾶς μέθας ἐραστάς, ὁ τᾶς μέθας ἐραστάς,”
“And I the lover of drunkeness have, desire for satisfaction, desire for satisfaction.”
His fingers dig into the jut of your waist, pulling you impossibly tighter as everyone around you throws flower petals at the God of Wine.
“With beats and songs makes me happily as does Aphrodite, Aphrodite, Aphrodite. He teaches me, he teaches me, he teaches me to dance. He teaches me, he teaches me, he teaches me to dance. Again I want to dance, to dance - Oh!”
You’re pulled from his grasp by two women adored in ivy crowns. Giving a sheepish smile in his direction, Steve watches as you’re tugged into the center of the celebration.
As his heart eases back to a normal beat and the furious heat in his cheeks begins to lessen, the drummers begin beating upon their handheld instruments.
“My most beautiful friends!” Your brother cheers, his sloshing goblet held high above his head. “Tonight, on this blessed last night of Hekatombaiōn, I wish you all to welcome my lovely sister: the Champion of Olympus, the Beloved, the Wise, the Traveler Amongst Mortals, the Goddess Athena!”
Several loud whistles ring out across the forest as Steve joins in with the clapping. You’re shoved into your brother’s side, an unabashed smile on your face as you push back your hair.
“As the unofficial party master - ”
“Unofficial, seriously?” you ask with a laugh.
“I hereby declare that this Greater Panathenaia begins!”
As the crowd cheers in delight, the musicians belting out a jaunty tune, Steve watches as you shove at your brother’s arm before wrapping him up into a quick hug.
“You’re the worst, you know that right?” he can hear you ask.
The man shrugs, completely unbothered, “You’ll thank me later.”
Steve turns his head, a smile immediately gracing his face as he spots Tony amongst the robe-clad patrons.
“I’m not gonna lie, I feel a little overdressed.”
He claps his hand in the supersoldier’s for a quick shake as the rest of the team slowly appears from behind him.
“Oh,” a sultry voice comes from beside Tony, a soft hand caressing his face. 
Steve’s brows rise.
“We can fix that,” the woman grins, a hand pulling at the billionaire’s arm as she begins to drag him away from Steve.
Tony chokes, “I mean, when I said that, actually, what I meant was - ”
Steve laughs, a deep belly rumble, as Stark helplessly looks back at him before he truly disappears somewhere into the roving group of partiers.
“We’re never letting him live this down,” Nat smirks, arms crossed as she watches the procession swoop you up into a dance number - you stuck in the middle as they circle around you. “Or Seven, for that matter.”
“Thanks for coming,” he says, his eyes never really traveling farther than you.
“Shame she tried to keep us out of the loop with it. Families though, they can be rough from what I’ve heard.”
He shrugs, taking a sip from his goblet. 
“Her’s don’t seem all that bad.”
Nat’s emerald eyes meet his in the lantern light and flickering flames, “You still haven’t met the old man yet, have you Rogers?”
With a twisted grin that seems to say it all, she takes Clint’s hand - he’s wide-eyed and his mouth is fully agape - and blends into the crowd.
Steve lets that thought simmer for just a moment in his head before he gulps down the rest of his wine and successfully pushes it to the back of his mind. Weaving through the other patrons, he spots the twins at a table under the canopy - talking to a group of Olympians who look around their age. But with godlike immortality, they could well be a thousand or so years older than Wanda and Pietro.
He smiles as the girl catches his eye, offering her a nod of reassurance before he moves on past the overflowing tables of what he now understands to be offerings.
You had explained it all rather quickly that afternoon to him. But he takes his time looking down at the array of items. Lots of olives still. But now he also spots wooden owl statues, pomegranates, oranges, feathers, small embroideries, and drawings. Hell, some of them looked like fan art the team regularly received, but with your image upon the crayon-dusted lines.
He accidentally bumps into the arm of a boy as a group of women crowds into the tent. Steve goes to apologize, but when the kid looks up at him, he feels rooted to the spot when he notices the rather large unfurled white wings on the youth’s back.
“Sorry, a bit of bad luck there, right? You must be one of those mortals my aunt’s always going on about. I’m Anteros. And you are… oh, wow. I see. Bit of a heart-on-the-sleeve type, yeah?”
As Steve goes to back away from the boy, the kid merely shakes out his bouncing dark curls and laughs. 
“You’re not used to that are you? Don’t worry,” he smiles as he nabs an apple from your offering table, taking a loud bite out of the fruit; juice dribbling down his chin. “She’ll get there eventually. I might not be part of the Fates, but I can see some things in that regard. Mmm,” he chuckles, chewing the white chunks with a slightly opened mouth. 
“Better stay away from my friend Pothos, or he’ll read you right down to the bone with all that energy going on in there.”
“Right,” is all Steve can say because he honestly has no idea what exactly has just happened, only that he feels very raw and vulnerable being next to this kid whose eyes are far too old for his youthful face and body.
As he exits the tent, he runs right into you. Oh, thank god.
“Hey,” you beam up at him with dazzling dark eyes. “Did I just see Hedona fitting Tony for a chiton? Also, when did they get here? How did they know?”
“Might have had help from Pallas…”
“Steve,” you beam.
But there must be a look on his face because your features fall.
“You okay?”
“Wha - yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Sorry, there’s just a lot of relatives around and I feel a little… weird about meeting literal mythological legends. I think I just met your nephew possibly?”
You make a humming noise in your throat as you look over his shoulder, “Oh, Cronus. The Erotes. No wonder you look frazzled, Rogers. My deepest apologies. Stay away from the young boys with hearts in their eyes, okay? Menaces, all of them.”
And then you’re tugging on his arm, forcing Steve’s head closer to your lips.
“Come on, I’m trying to avoid the Charites for as long as possible.”
Words come to his lips like why and what, but they’re droned out by the raucous sound of music and inebriated party-goers.
Steve lets you lead him by the hand through the madness and joy. Swerving through dance circles and casual drinking groups, offering a word of thanks for attending the celebration and a surprising introduction on his behalf.
“Seshat! Thoth, so glad you could make it.”
You’ve just run into a woman with heavy kohl-lined eyes and a yellow animal print tunic. But beside her stands a man with a bird-like head and a long blue cowl. He’s only wearing a low-hanging robe around his waist. He tilts his head in a very bird-ish fashion as he looks down at the two of you.
“It’s been so long, my friend!” the woman beams, grasping your free hand in hers.
You hadn’t let go of Steve’s right hand yet. He’s trying his best not to feel smug about it.
He’s been introduced to the large and incredibly interesting friend group you had long been keeping to yourself. The supersoldier meets a man with a lion head, an Aztec or possibly Mayan deity (Steve couldn’t actually hear his name over the sound of the musicians striking up another song). As well as so many Olympians, he’s fully lost track.
But above all of the noise and splendor, he hears Clint start roaring with laughter. Trailing his eyes across the crowd, he immediately spots the source of his amusement. Tapping you on the shoulder, he stands back and watches.
You turn, the question of what is on your lips, but you immediately hold a hand to your mouth to keep from outright bursting into laughter.
“Okay, little more breezy than what I was expecting,” Tony admits as he draws closer to them.
“Wow, it’s… quite a look,” Steve attempts to restrain his own laughter.
Stark does a little spin, showcasing the simple red tunic with a single gold clasp at his left shoulder. The arc reactor glows a faint blue light from the center of the cloth, making him look both ancient and alien all at once. The hem of the garment is far above his knees, with the threat of showcasing more than Steve would ever wish to see just a sudden gust of wind away.
A camera clicks, followed by a flash, as Nat tucks away her phone.
“Very dashing. Watch out for breezes.”
“Eegh,” Tony groans, holding his hands to the hem of the fabric.
Steve’s so distracted by the strange display in front of him, that he’s failed to notice the woman you’re now talking with.
“I didn’t realize mortal men could be so dashing.”
“Surely you remember the likes of Perseus or Achilles.”
“Mhmm, but there’s something just... intriguing about these new ones. They don’t need you or the All-Father to be powerful, they just are on their own.”
His ears are burning as he tries not to interrupt your conversation, but then he feels your fingers slipping around his wrist, squeezing lightly against his pulse point.
“Sorry, I don’t think I had the chance to introduce you. Philophrosyne, this is my dearest friend, Steve Rogers.”
“Oh, pleasure’s all mine,” she smiles brightly. “But, I’m afraid I’m here for more nefarious means, apologies, sir.”
And then she’s got a hand on your forearm and she’s calling out, “SHE’S OVER HERE!”
Shooting Steve a helpless look, you whisper, “Save me,” before you’re dragged away by a group of smiling women.
He hears mention of a dress and Steve just chuckles, watching you go.
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“You look divine, my lady,” one of the young girls says as she looks up at you with sheer delight.
“Thank you,” you respond with genuine gratitude.
While you had made a rather large fuss about the party and the dress and, well, everything to do with the celebrations, you did sort of enjoy it. Long ago, the Athenians had worshipped you in grand week-long festivals. It had been a point of pride and amusement for you as your temple was filled with offerings in your name.
Now, several millennia later, you found yourself, at times, nostalgic for those days. The concept of birthdays had never been a tradition amongst your people. But, as the decades drew on, some small mortal festivities became familiar on Olympus.
“It’s a very fine dress, indeed. I can see the love and hours spent upon it,” you remark with a wink.
Gazing before the standing mirror in your room, back at the house, you admire the sky blue peplos. The sleeves and waist are embellished with golden floral trim, with hints of purple thread that seem to shimmer against the soft blue linen. The sleeves are clasped by two golden pins, each of which is decorated with an owl’s head.
The loose fabric sways as you walk back across the pastures with your personal procession of weavers. Only, when you catch the strange silhouette against the moonlight, do you beg your companions for a moment of solitude.
Finding yourself following in the familiar footsteps left from a few months prior, you move to join Thor against the tall grass of the overlook.
“Ah, my Lady Athena,” he greets, beaming down at you. “‘Tis a fine garment.”
“Thank you. I had hoped to see you at the festivities this night, my friend.”
He chuckles. The loose strands of his hair flutter in the evening breeze, a warm stretch of summer night blanketing the sky with splatters of glistening stars.
“I can not intrude on such an event.”
Biting at your lip for just a moment, you nod, “Well, I suppose that would be true if you were not on the arm of the one being honored.”
His dark eyes gaze down at your offered arm for just a beat before his bellowing laugh echoes across the countryside.
When the two of you, and your procession, appear at the top of the hill leading down to the forest clearing, the musicians break off as your sister, of all people, takes the floor.
“My most gentle patrons, I wish for you all to now gaze your eyes upon the Daughter of Zeus, the Goddess… Athena.”
Giving a small giggle of anticipation, your hand grips Thor’s arm as you descend.
“My friends, family, and drunken guests!” you call out, receiving a chorus of laughter. “Tonight, I wish you all to welcome my honored guest with open arms as you would me. The Protector of the Nine Realms, the Wielder of Mjolnir, the Champion of Midgard, the God of Thunder, the Son of Odin, Thor.”
A few people clap, but you’re quick to add on:
“And if you refuse his presence, I’m going to have Dionysus throw out the good wine.”
“DON’T YOU DARE!” Comes the immediate and indignant shout of terror from your brother.
Soon, the partiers begin to laugh and cheer as the musicians pick back up with another song.
Thor leans down, kissing your cheek.
“Thank you for allowing me to grace your… humble celebration. Wait - ” His voice clips as he looks out over the crowd. “Is that… is that Bragi? I can’t be here but he damn well can?”
You give the God of Thunder a shrug, “To be fair, you have tried to kill or badly maim most people here, Odinson. You can’t expect them to not hold a grudge.”
“But… but…” he mutters, eyes shifting between you and his fellow Asgardian.
“And Bragi gets on well with a few of us, he’s always around for poetry readings and the every-other-decade book club meeting.”
His features pale, “You’re kidding me.”
“Wish I was,” you grin in return, lightly smacking his cheek with your hand. “Have fun. Don’t bed too many of my relatives. If they don’t try to slap you first, now that I think of it.”
You watch as he heads over to the bar filled with many of your brother’s finest spirits. With a smile on your face that seems incapable of fading, you make your way through the crowd in search of your other friends.
To your surprise, you find Steve locked into a conversation with both Sersi and Sprite - who remains in her natural form.
“ - yeah, no. We’ve known each other for… a while. Uhm, college roommates actually, in London.”
“Wow, really?” Steve asks, with a voice that clearly says that he’s not buying it, but his smile doesn’t really give him away and Sersi seems oblivious to his suspicion.
But as he goes to take a sip from his goblet, his eyes catch sight of you. And you can’t help it as you wrap your hands over your bare arms as you make your way over, feeling sheepish and strange in the garments of your kind.
“Whoa,” he says as he sets his goblet down. “You look… wow.”
“Hopefully that was a good wow?” you try to joke.
Sprite snorts, face in her goblet, “Obviously.”
“Hey! See you’ve met my friend from college and her… niece?”
Sersi nods quickly in return. Steve just turns his head, hiding his blossoming smile from her.
“Anyway!” she turns back, grabbing hold of your hands. “As is tradition, I have a gift for you!”
“Come on,” you begin to lament. “How many times do I need to say this: Sersi, my love, you do not need to get me anything. Your friendship is more than enough.”
“Just take the frog!” Sprite groans.
You flash the redhead a smile as Sersi shyly hands over a beautiful pale jade frog.
“Wow…” you murmur, cradling the fragile object in your hands. “This must be…”
“From the gift shop, yes,” the Eternal smiles tightly.
So it was very very old then.
The handicraft is exquisite, the jade is smooth and polished. Maybe… third century, around the Eastern Han dynasty, if you had to hazard an immediate guess?
“I don’t know what to say,” you admit, looking up at one of your oldest friends.
“Well,” she shrugs, chuckling. “Just say thanks. I managed to convince Kingo not to send a golden statute your way this year.”
“He almost went for an ice sculpture instead,” the redhead hums, eyes trained on one of the Erotes chatting nearby. Oh, not Himeros. Honestly, Sprite - have some decency.
“I’m sorry,” Tony butts in. “Are we referring to the Kingo? As in, the action movie superstar of the Indian subcontinent?”
You shrug, looking over at the billionaire, “What can I say? He was a friend from college.”
Tony balks for all of ten seconds before he snaps his mouth closed, “Well, since we’re doing gift-giving, which by the way, your royal highness - ” he steps closer to you, looking completely un-intimidating in his high-hem chiton.
“ - do you know how difficult it is to buy someone the perfect gift when they fail to mention that it’s their birthday and you have twenty minutes to be in the air?”
“Sorry?” you reply with a sheepish tone.
He clicks his tongue, “Yeah, well, your perfect gift is back at the house. Try to hold your thanks and just promise to show up for team training every now and then,”
Dipping away, toward the overflowing bar, you all watch him go. 
Sprite smirks, “I like him.”
“Don’t,” Sersi warns with little to no playfulness as she steers the younger-looking of the two of them away.
“No, yeah, I’m with Stark on this,” Clint perks up from his lounging position on one of the benches. Natasha sits beside him with his feet on her lap. “Are we just supposed to ignore your celebrity friend list or what?”
“I know one celebrity, okay?”
“And this? The plethora of pantheons? I’m pretty sure I saw Nike around here because I recognized her from her statue. That’s how insane this is. Speaking of, where’s the old man? Mr. Thunderbolt himself?”
You scoff, leaning back into Steve for invisible support.
“Clint, I’m from Olympus, this is basically a reunion. One in which, the All-Father will not be attending. Not as long as we’re on Earth.”
He lets out a low whistle as Natasha shoves his feet to the ground.
“Ignore him,” she says with a flicker of humor in her dark eyes. “And hey, happy birthday - ” you’re suddenly wrapped into a rare Widow hug, one that you accept all too eagerly as you wrap your arms around her shoulders. “How old are you, by the way?”
“Nooo, I’m not falling down that rabbit hole. Rogers already wants to start up Grandma Athena jokes. I’m good.”
The supersoldier chuckles, you can feel the heat of his breath on your shoulder.
“I’m just saying, they’re more fun to direct at someone else for a change.”
Natasha has a curious gaze in her eyes as she glances around at the other patrons, “I’m going to find out tonight no matter what. Might be easier to just tell me yourself.”
“Oh, but where’s the fun in that?” you tease, turning away to grab Steve by the hand as you disappear into the dance circle in the center of the party.
You don’t intend to stay there, in the middle of the dancers, but you’re almost landlocked by them. Unable to break free from their midst. Offering Steve a shrug and a laugh that can’t even be fully heard above the music, you begin to sway along with the others.
He remains still for just a moment, then a moment more, before he leans down to whisper-shout into your ear.
“You want to dance?”
With a nod, you lean up to reply, “I mean, it’s a party after all. Might as well.”
“I’m not really a dancer,” he laments with a flush of pink on his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
You reach up, grabbing hold of the back of his neck to bring him down to your level. Fixing his eyes with a look, you say, “Neither am I.”
His laugh reaches your ears just as the musicians begin to play another number. A loud melody followed by several dancers clapping to the beat. Grabbing hold of both of your hands, Steve spins you around in a dizzying circle before you’re drawn back to him.
With an infectious smile upon your face, you let him lead you in a small space left only to the two of you as the rest of the dancers move and spin around you both.
One of his hands drops down to your waist, while the other dangles over your opposite shoulder as you move in closer - drawn into each other’s orbit like the Earth and the ever-present Moon. Resting a hand on his left shoulder, your fingers tickle the small hairs at the back of his neck as your other hand moves to his waist.
You sway to the beat of the music and ringing laughter and overall drunkenness as the world simmers down to just the two of you, dancing together, moving as one.
Steve looks nearly predatory with his gaze fixed upon your face, his blue eyes a distant memory as the darkness of his pupils takes hold. In his irises, you can see the dancing flames of the lantern lights and the reflection of your own face. Feeling too close, too hot, too much, you pull back.
Tugging on his left hand, you move yourself into a spin - one that Steve finishes with a laugh as you dip away from him before being drawn back in. He seems to take the hint as he leaves your right hands joined together, with his left situated loosely on your hip.
The hand drums batter away as a chorus melody begins. The pace is fast as feet go flying on the ground, hands clapping together in the air.
“Can’t dance, honestly,” Steve snarks as he spins you around once again.
You love the feeling of the sudden rush of summer breeze as it makes the bottom of your dress billow up. Sweat is dripping down your neck from the closeness of the crowd.
With a smile in return, you remark, “Says the man keeping to the beat.”
He shrugs, dipping you nearly backward before dragging you back up to his side, “I mean, I was no dance hall expert.”
“I don’t believe that,” you laugh, as you twist around him, returning on his right side.
“It’s true,” he says with a softened tone. “I would have had to get a girl to dance with me.”
“Oh, Steve,” you pucker, allowing him to pull you in closer than before, your bodies almost touching - the heat between you is electric. “Well, you have one now and she thinks you’re doing a great job.”
“Is that right?” he grins, his hand moving from your hip to your lower back as you’re drawn in flush against him.
Resting a hand on his shoulder, you nod.
“Class act, really.”
You can feel the light graze of his lips on the top of your head, then another press near your temple, and then one to your forehead.
Maybe that Olympian wine was finally affecting him after all.
When you pull back, his face is flushed and his gaze is unbelievably intense. But it’s the sight over his shoulder that has you frozen.
“Oh my god,” you groan, using the human terminology for the first time.
“What?” he questions, still oblivious.
Pushing on his right shoulder, you have him turning just enough to see -
“Oh, wow.”
“You didn’t tell me Sam was here,” you complain.
“He wandered off before I got the chance to,” he chuckles.
“Good thing her husband isn’t here, or we’d be scraping up bits of him for the next month.”
Steve shudders at the imagery.
It wasn’t every day Aphrodite went searching for other companions. Considering she still held a flame for Ares and was married to Hephaestus. But this? This had to be crossing some lines even for a drunken festival.
The man has a hand in her hair - blonde, you note - and their lips haven’t fully disconnected since you first spotted them. She’s got a hand on his chest, as she leans further and further into him.
“Well,” you proclaim. “I’ve officially lost any appetite I might have had. No offense to Sam, of course.”
“I don’t know,” Steve shakes his head. “I think it’s mostly him.”
With a sudden burst of giggles, you grab hold of Steve’s right wrist and proceed to tug him away from the dance circle - far away from the line of sight of an Avenger trying to get it on with your sister.
Pulling your hair back and over your shoulder, you shake your head once again. 
“At my party, of all places. Honestly.”
Steve wanders alongside you, careful of the forest floor as you dip away from the main festivities.
“Give a man enough wine…” 
Looking over your shoulder at him, you remark, “Seems like you might have had a bit yourself, Rogers.”
With a shrug, his eyes flash up to meet your gaze.
“I had two glasses, that’s hardly anything.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” you tease. “Dionysus’ spirits are said to be even stronger than Asgardian liquor. I’d be careful if I was you.”
Resting against the cool bark of a tree, you blow upward at the loose strands of your hair that are sticking to your warm forehead. The early August heat was doing nothing for your sweaty skin and rapidly beating heart.
You’re halfway up the hill and you’re able to look upon the entire party from here. With Sam and your sister out of sight, you manage to spot Tony sitting on top of the bar - loudly proclaiming some outrageous story to a group of Olympians. Natasha, one of the few redheads in the crowd, is spotted a moment later, weaving her way through your relatives with disturbing ease. Clint, is in the middle of the dance floor, jumping up and down to the song.
Pietro has cornered another one of the Muses. He’s leaning against the post of the canopy, speaking into her hair. Wanda is surrounded by some of the Anthousai who all seem to be crafting new floral wreaths together. Thor is actively armwrestling Agon and you knew that was likely to go on all night. The god of competition would not be easily swayed by a possible defeat.
Steve is a few feet away from you, a little lower on the hill, as he too watches on. The paper in your pocket tempts your hands once again. 
You had been toying with it back at the tower before Sokovia. Hell, you had been contemplating it since 2014, when SHIELD was falling and you were technically considered dead for almost 48 hours.
A hand taps at your left shoulder and you completely startle.
“Cronus! You ass! You can’t do that!” you shriek as you slap Hermes' shoulder repeatedly.
Steve looks on edge while your brother merely tilts his head back and laughs.
To be fair, the last time the supersoldier had been in the same room with your brother, he hadn’t been an entirely charming force to be held.
“Oh, come on. Too easy,” he beams.
“Those damn sandals,” you grumble - staring down at the winged footwear that allowed him such stealth-like advantages.
“You love them,” he retorts, flashing his ankle as he tilts them for you to see. “I see you’re having fun.” Hermes lifts his gaze, nodding, “Captain Rogers.”
Steve offers a nod in return, his hands situated on his belt.
“I trust that my gift was helpful,” he gestures at the chain of your pendant.
Pulling the locket free from the peplos, you admire the silver jewelry, “I thought it was a gift from the Fates.”
“Deliverer of gifts then. Speaking of - ”
You watch with widened eyes as a golden halo of light appears from the heavens - three packages floating down into his waiting hands.
“Father sends his well wishes, of course.”
Taking the first box from him - a tiny thing, about the size of the palm of your hand - you lift the cover off.
“Oh my gosh,” you murmur as you stare down at the dazzling blue gems.
Hermes snorts, “I’m sure you know the meaning.”
With a nod, you carefully pull the first earring free.
A teardrop lapis lazuli with a golden clutch.
Looking back at him, you remark, “They’re stunning.”
He says nothing as he hands over the second package done up in purple wrapping.
From within, you retrieve an intricately beaded diadem. The peacock colors are entwined with gold latticework. It’s so delicate in your hand, that you barely even want to pull it free. But then you’re looking down at your companion, calling out a simple:
The supersoldier, with a wary eye, takes a step up, then another. He’s standing directly in front of you as you offer him up the tiara. With a gentle look upon his face, he carefully lifts the diadem, rotating it around, before situating it carefully on the crown of your head.
With a whistle, he steps back.
“Hera always goes overboard with this one,” Hermes comments in Steve’s direction. “Athena’s about the only one she can stand.”
“Not true,” you murmur.
He blinks, “Seriously? We want to walk down that path?”
With a slow shake of your head - no reason to ruin a perfectly nice night - your brother’s smile slips free as he hands over the last package.
It’s a scroll, wrapped in on itself with a simple white ribbon.
“Careful now,” he comments. “That’s an antique.”
With a cautious eye trained upon your brother, you begin to unfurl the paper. The first glance at the contents has you rolling it back up as you snap, “Did you steal this?”
Holding up defensive hands, he grins, “I might be the God of Thieves, dear sister, but this came from a friend of ours. A certain… woman who puts even my speed to shame.”
You gape.
“She didn’t.”
He beams, “I think we both know she did.”
Turning it slightly for Steve to look at, you unfurl the map once again, “This is the Ebstorf Map.”
The paper extends out, further and further to the point that both men have to hold onto a portion of the map.
“It was created in the mid-13th century by a group of nuns living in modern-day Germany. This was said to have been destroyed in 1943, during the bombing of Hanover. This shouldn’t... oh, that clever woman.”
If anyone in your known circle could have gotten this to safety and kept it perfectly preserved, it would have been Makkari.
Steve’s eyes rove across the intricate work, an artist’s soul soaking up a historical artifact. One that probably shouldn’t be held by physical hands, now that you think of it. Carefully folding it back up and rolling it together, you push it over into Steve’s capable hands as you latch yourself around your brother.
“Thank you! And tell her thank you as well. Cronus, I should get her something in return. Wait a minute.”
You vanish from the forest before either man can utter a single word, appearing deep within the basement of the house. Well, it was listed as a basement, it was more like a museum storage facility, in all honesty.
Makkari might have her own collection on the Domo, but yours was equally impressive. Both between your home in Vermont and your temple back on Olympus. It only takes you a moment to find what you’re looking for - the perfect thing for her never-ending collection - before you reappear.
The two men look up, apparently caught in the middle of a conversation. Steve coughs, taking a step away, as you glance over at him. With a shake of your head, you speak to your brother.
“This isn’t much, but my gratitude can not be understated. Her gift was incredible.”
Hermes eyes you as you attempt to hand over the tablet.
“You’re kidding me.”
“Come on,” you groan. “You know it’ll be safe in her hands.”
With a half-hearted sigh, he takes the emerald tablet from your hands. Oh, she would be wild about it, you just knew it.
“I’ll see that it gets to her with signs of thanks.”
“I appreciate it,” you smile.
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Steve helps you get everything back to the house. After rounding up the twins and Vision, the two of you escort your household members back inside. The teens, obviously, were all too willing to stay up late into the morning hours, but you cut them off around 2 AM. And you insisted that he return as well.
Considering the fact that he had just returned from a mission and hadn’t received any proper sleep in nearly 72 hours, he didn’t press too hard about staying back with you to enjoy the festivities.
“Trust me, they’ll only be getting drunker and louder as the night wears on. I can only tolerate so much.”
After Wanda and Pietro head up for the night and Vision disappears to the library down the hall where he had been spending most of his time these past two months, you collapse into a kitchen chair.
Steve lowers himself into the adjoining seat, looking out at the spread of gifts from your closest friends and relatives.
As you pull the diadem from your head, you rub at your tired face - your cheeks puffing up in a slightly adorable fashion.
Laid before him sits a pink bottle with a sea shell emblem, a golden hilt, and a silver dagger. In a very ornate clay vase sits a combination of flowers. You had told him their names, but he can’t recall them now. One has white petals and a yellow center and the others are simple six-petaled white flowers.
From an opened bag on the table, you reach in and begin peeling a mandarin orange for yourself. The sweet citrus scent wafts around him in the hot kitchen - the summer breeze from the open window does nothing to cool the room.
Steve gazes down at the two additional pieces of jewelry you were now adorned with. A golden snake-shaped ring on your left index finger and a dark green jade bracelet on your right wrist.
What’s completely confusing him, however, is the glass in the middle of the table.
Clearing his throat, he finally asks, “What’s with the water?”
You arch a brow as you take another bite of your orange, a dribble of juice sits at the corner of your lips. Your eyes travel to the glass before you swallow your bite.
“My uncle, I’m guessing.”
He nods, but you don’t seem interested in elaborating.
“Is it… special?”
“Steve,” you blink. “It’s water.”
And then you dip your pinky into the glass before bringing the soaked digit up to your lips to suck.
“I’m sorry, salt water.”
“Just… salt water?”
With a snort, you drop the peel on the table and lean back in your seat, arms crossed.
“You’re still not versed on my mythos, after all this time?”
He shrugs, mirroring your position.
“I’d rather hear it from you, honestly. No book can tell me your truth.”
A look settles over your face, one that he thinks is reading as pleased, but he’s a little out of sorts since the third goblet of wine.
“Let’s just say,” you ease. “We don’t get on very well. He was likely required to get me something, but he chose to do so in his own way.”
With a shake of your head, you stand up and pour the glass into the sink.
You stare out the window, at the glowing lights dancing in the center of the forest. Even from a distance, you can both likely make out the continued party down the hill.
After a moment, Steve says, “It’s more than what I got you.”
You turn, fixing him with a gentle look, “Your friendship will be the only thing I ever ask from you. Always, Rogers. No… piece of jewelry or $400 jacket - ” you point at the unwrapped box on the counter; Tony’s gift, “ - will ever be required of you. Just… you. You are enough for me.”
He can’t help it. Standing up and pushing away from the chair, Steve circles your left wrist with his hand as he pulls you in - slowly, gently - to a hug. He can feel the contend sigh you let out against his sternum as you bury your face into his chest. His arms circle your back, fingers tangling into the ends of your hair.
You both stand like that for minutes - though it could be hours with how truly at peace he feels - when, at last, you pull back. There’s a sheepish expression greeting him as you run your palms down the length of your sky-blue dress.
“Bucking tradition, I actually have something for you.”
He groans, closing his eyes, “Now I’m seriously feeling guilty over not giving you a present.”
“Come on,” you beg. “Open.”
When he blinks his eyes back open, he glances down at your extended palms. There in the center of the cupped pair, sits a scrap of paper.
Curiosity getting the better of him, he picks it up and examines the faded brown parchment. Turning it over with his fingers, Steve nearly stumbles.
Because he knows this paper.
He can barely hear your words above the thundering of his beating heart.
“I know, just, okay. So, this has been on my mind for a while now. Basically, this is going to be your link to me now. Whether I’m… across the ocean, or in another dimensional plane. Ever since Russia and honestly, now that we’re going on separate missions with the team, I just… basically - ”
Your fingers smooth over the parchment, landing on the owl constellation marked with ink.
“Long ago, there was a constellation in Pallas’ image. My constellation really. If there ever comes a time when you need me and can not reach me the normal way, I want you to push down on this, like - ” your fingers press into what would be the stomach of the bird, “ - and you’ll get Pallas, who will get me.”
As if on command, the owl swoops up to the window sill, pecking at the glass before you move to let him in. He lands on Steve’s shoulder, gnawing at his hair.
But the supersoldier can’t move, can’t even speak as he stares down at that imagery.
“Hey, I know it’s kind of - ”
He just shakes his head.
“I know this. I’ve seen it before… in my compass.”
You tilt your head, a curious pinch to your brows, “What are you talking about?”
Letting out a breath as he lowers his hands, the paper clenched with his right fist, he explains, “That day that we thought Loki might have been… with the scepter? After New York?”
You nod, after a beat, in understanding.
“You’re saying… you saw this, in the compass? The compass that wasn’t yours.”
“Yeah,” he breathes out, feeling the weight of something he can’t even process expel from his chest. “I don’t know how. I just… I remember this being in there.”
Your hands encircle his forearms as you stare up at him.
“There are some things in this universe, that even I can’t explain. Maybe… one day it will make sense. But, I think I’d like to believe that you should hold onto this for maybe more reasons than I originally intended.”
Steve gives a sharp nod, a weird catch in his throat as he says, “Yeah.”
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“You’re not going to be far, are you?”
Turning back around, a box in your hands, you shake your head. Pietro looks back at you from the open doorway to his room.
“No, I promised you both that we’d be close by while you get adjusted. I’m two down on the right, and Steve’s one past that. You guys are going to be just fine. Hell, even Vision has a place set up at the end of the hall.”
It had been a strange two weeks, moving everything over to the newly minted Compound.
The twins had their own fears over the move. Pietro had come to enjoy the space at the house in Vermont, the freedom he felt he had with just four other occupants. Now, this place felt a little more… official, and scientific. Tony had a whole section set up for research and development outside of his own personal labs. There were people coming and going nearly all day and night.
Though the private apartments were away from those areas, just looking out the windows would allow you see to the endless flow of people.
Luckily, you managed to lock down a separate corridor near the back of the building, on a lower floor too.
Wanda didn’t like windows. Well, she liked having some windows. But floor-to-ceiling ones made her anxious, and jumpy. She didn’t feel fully protected with them. Tony was all too understanding at your request.
That’s how you found yourselves occupying a hall mostly to yourselves.
Clint and Natasha were in the west wing of the building. Thor and Bruce had designated rooms on the north side of the apartments - though neither room was currently occupied.
Dropping the box off at Wanda’s room, you wipe your hands clean.
You knew it was going to take time for them both to feel comfortable and to adjust to their new living arrangements. But they seemed to understand that this was going to be the safest place for them to be for now.
Even though Tony never went into detail, you understood that the situation outside of the Compound was still… tense, to put it lightly.
Steve glances back at you. He’s on a ladder, helping Wanda arrange her mood lights above her bed.
Sometimes, you wonder exactly where you had been heading all those years ago. The anti-team mindset and your avoidance of people in general. Yet, here you are.
Leaning against the open doorframe, you watch as the pair interact together in hushed tones and soft laughs.
No, you could have never imagined this life for yourself. Not only were you going to have a room here, but you made up your mind that you would in fact be living here, on a semi-permanent basis. No more running back to Olympus at every chance.
You were part of a team now. These were your people, your friends, your pseudo-family.
At the vibration in your pocket, you pull your phone free.
Scoffing at the message - grannie, seriously - you call out, “Hey! Tony says he’s got a free hour if you two wanna head down to do a consult on those uniforms he mentioned.”
Wanda whips around, a look of equal trepidation and excitement mixing together on her face.
“Yeah, I recommend going. Otherwise, he might try and put some armor in there in red and gold tones.”
She makes a face, causing you to chuckle as she waves goodbye to Steve. Running off in search of her brother.
“Kids these days,” you comment for the supersoldier to hear as they both zip past you a moment later. “They grow up so fast.”
He just laughs in return as he folds up the ladder and places it along the wall. She still wanted some kind of canopy hung up above her bed, so you imagined he might have his hands full later.
“So, how are we looking?” he asks as you both head down the hallway toward the main living space.
“Well, it’s not the ‘27 Yankees, but I think we have some hitters.”
Steve snorts as you push through the next set of doors, side by side, striding together through the halls.
“They’re good. We’ll make them into a team.”
You share a smirk with the supersoldier as you make it to the newly finished gym, pausing at the doors as you say, “Let’s beat them into shape.”
With two of your biggest allies out of the picture - hopefully, temporarily - you were faced with the joint decision to mold the newest members into a proper fighting force. Ultron may have had doubts about your ability to come together and work as one, the media might still be feeding those very same doubts to the public, but you were dedicated to proving them all wrong.
Steve enters the gym with an assured look gracing his face. With a nod, the two of you get to work.
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Author's Note: Oh my god, not Stethena pseudo-adopting the twins, am I right?
Anyway, here's some importantish notes from this particular chapter that might be of interest to a few people.
Translations: - rodičia: parents - otec: father - bastardi: bastards - bodaj ho: damn it
Clothing: - Chiton (image) - Peplos (image)
Gifts: - Lapis Lazuli earrings from Zeus - A peacock beaded diadem from Hera - A map from Hermes - Perfume from Aphrodite - A dagger and golden hilt from Hephaestus - A clay vase from Hestia - Narcissus flowers from Persephone - Asphodel flowers from Hades - Mandarin oranges from Demeter - A gold snake ring from Asclepius - A jade bracelet from Dionysus - A glass of salt water from Poseidon
The Guest List:
Fauns: half-human, half-goat creatures
Euphrosyne: goddess of good cheer, joy, mirth, and merriment
Dryades: tree and forest nymphs
Anthousai: flower nymphs
Pannychis: goddess of all-night festivity
Thalia: goddess of festive celebrations and luxurious banquets
Comus: god of revelry, merrymaking, and festivity; Athena’s nephew through Dionysus
Hebe: cupbearer of the Olympians; Athena’s half-sister through Zeus and Hera
Hedylogos: one of the Erotes, god of sweet talk and flattery
Sarasvati: Hindu goddess of art, knowledge, music, speech, and learning
Eupheme: goddess of words of good omen, acclamation, praise, applause, and shouts of triumph
Hedone: goddess of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight
Anteros: one of the Erotes, god of requited love; Athena’s nephew through Aphrodite and Ares
Pothos: one of the Erotes, god of sexual longing, yearning, and desire
Seshat: Egyptian goddess of wisdom, knowledge, inventory of writing, consort of Thoth
Thoth: Egyptian god of wisdom, knowledge, writing, magic, science, art
Apedemak: African lion-headed god of war
Mixcoatl: Aztec god of battle, hunting, civilization, and stars
Philophrosyne: goddess of friendliness, kindness, and welcome
Bragi: Norse god of poetry
Himeros: one of the Erotes, god of sexual desire
Agon: god of contest
Other guests in attendance:
Adephagia: goddess of satiety and gluttony
Agele: goddess of radiant good health
Aglaea: one of the Charites, goddess of beauty, adornment, splendor, and joy
Aike: goddess of prowess and courage
Ame-no-Uzume: Japanese goddess of dawn, meditation, and the arts
Angelia: goddess of messages, tidings, and proclamations
Antheia: one of the Charites, goddess of flowers and wreaths 
Apollonis: a muse; Athena’s niece through Apollo
Arete: goddess of virtue, excellence, goodness, and valor
Aristaeus: god of bee-keeping, cheese-making, and olive-growing; Athena’s nephew through Apollo
Bait Pandi: Filipino (Bagobo) goddess of weaving
Borysthenis: a muse; Athena’s niece through Apollo
Caerus: god of opportunity
Calliope: muse of epic poetry
Cathubodua: Celtic goddess of war and battle
Cephisso: a muse; Athena’s niece through Apollo
Clio: muse of history
Dikaiosyne: goddess of justice and righteousness; Athena’s half-sister through Zeus
Eirene: goddess of peace; half-sister through Zeus
Ekecheiria: goddess of truce, armistice, and cessation of hostilities
Eleos: goddess of mercy, pity, and compassion
Eleutheria: goddess of liberty
Elpis: goddess of hope and expectation
Eros: one of the Erotes, god of love and sex; Athena’s nephew through Aphrodite and Ares
Erato: muse of lyric poetry
Eucleia: goddess of good repute and glory
Eupraxia: goddess of well-being
Euterpe: muse of musical poetry
Gamayun: Slavic goddess of knowledge and wisdom
Gelos: god of laughter
Harmonia: goddess of harmony and concord; Athena’s niece through Ares and Aphrodite
Heimarmene: goddess of shared fate/destiny
Helios: god of the Sun and guardian of oaths
Hermaphroditus: one of the Erotes, god of unions, androgyny, marriage, and sex; Athena’s nephew through Hermes and Aphrodite
Himeros: one of the Erotes, god of sexual desire
Horme: goddess of impulse or effort, eagerness, starting an action
Iris: goddess of the rainbow and divine messenger
Nike: goddess of victory
Pasithea: one of the Charites, goddess of rest and relaxation
Philotes: goddess of friendship, affection, and sex
Polyhymnia: muse of sacred poetry
Polymatheia: muse of knowledge
Tekhne: goddess of art, craft, and technical skill
Terpsichore: muse of dance and choral poetry
Theros: youth god of summer
Okay, so while I have had so much fun writing the last few chapters in this arc and connecting lots of moments together into this big finale, I'm gonna need a bit of time before I move on to tackle the Civil War arc. I need to perfect the plot just so and make sure I have all of my loose ends wrapped up before we delve into that realm just yet.
So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for those of you who have kept up with the story and have been reblogging and commenting on it. It's honestly keeping my passion for this story going. So, thank you again, and hopefully I'll see you soon with the next installment :)
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chuuyaswifeandhoe · 8 months
Do you wanna say something?
Pairing: Chuuya x femreader
Warnings: pet names, teasing, swearing
I blame @ravencincaide for the creation this fic. She's my biggest inspiration when it comes to writing.
Reading on the sofa of your shared apartment was one of your favorite activities. And today the weather was also your partner, the rain hitting the windows being a relaxing sound for you. You were so caught up in that book, an enemy-to-lovers series, giggling like a teenager at every intense scene you passed, that you did not hear your dear boyfriend calling on you.
You yelped, taking your gaze from your book to look for your boyfriend, it was not like him to raise his voice. Chuuya only chuckled when he saw your confused look and spoke again.
‘’Seems that the book has totally captivated you, doll.’’ He raised an eyebrow, taking out a bottle of wine from the cabinets. ‘’You want one?’’
You blushed at his affirmation. Of course, you were captivated, you were getting to the one-bed trope part in the book.  ‘’Yes, it’s a really… nice book. And yes, I’d love one, thank you!’’ Telling him exactly what was happening was out of discussion right now. You had to find out what the two characters were going to do.
He just hums while pouring you a glass. ‘’ Did you eat anything today or you just had your hands glued to the book?’’.
‘’Hmm? Oh, yeah I actually did eat a sandwich earlier.’’ your gaze never left the pages while responding.
‘’Good girl!’’ Chuuya chimed while sitting on the sofa near you.
That was the moment you stopped reading, your mind went blank. You blushed and covered your face with the book, what did he call you?? He could not do it, at least not right now. You were already flustered by whatever was going on in the book, you could not handle Chuuya teasing you. Sensing that something changed, Chuuya turned his head to look at you, only to find your pretty face covered with the damn book.
‘’Aww, did my pretty girl get all flustered from so little?’’ he smirked, one of his hands finding one of yours and pulling to get the obstacle out of his way so he could look at you.
‘’No, no, no, I don’t know what you’re talking about!’’ Your mere attempts to keep the book close to your face were useless, your strength not matching the gravity manipulator in any way.
‘’But I think you know, or you wouldn’ try to cover your cute face, would you? Now be my good girl and remove the book so I can be sure I am incapable of making you flustered.’’ He grinned, knowing this was going to be a very fun game. The more you wanted to deny that he had this effect on you, the more he was going to press the matter. Win-win for him.
‘’C’mon Chuuya, let me read!’’ You tried to protest, but he continued to tug at your book, succeeding in getting it off your face, showing him the blushing mess you were, your lips parted. He could only smirk at the sight, of you being so adorable.
‘’Such a good kitten you are! See, it wasn’t so hard.’’ His voice was like honey, pouring down, making you shiver. He knew what he was doing and you loved and hated it at the same time. And the fact your mind was already inebriated by the enemies-to-lovers book did not help with your situation. You let out a squeal, feeling his eyes burning your skin and you put your hands to cover your expressive face.
"Tsk! You were such a good little one, worthy of my praise, now you wanna become a naughty girl, doll face?" He was trying so hard to not break character and laugh seeing how you squirmed at every word. He loved teasing you, it was always a pleasure to catch you unguarded, making you a blushing mess, incapable of letting out any coherent thoughts. The most rewarding ones were the ones where he could see you getting down on the floor because you could not handle it anymore, almost melting away under his words.
You let out something that resembled a moan, but you were not sure. Fuck, you felt your face burning, and you were almost sure that you were worse than a tomato. It was not fair for him to be such a tease with you!
‘Chuu’ his nickname purred out of your lips, a desperate attempt to make him stop, but it just had the opposite effect. His hands grabbed your wrists pinning them over your head, his eyes scanning your features with a grin.
"Do you wanna say something, little brat? Hmm, to think you were doing so good for me a few moments ago, naughty, naughty girl. Now, say that I’m having no effect on you my sweet angel and I’ll just go back to my wine." His voice was almost innocent, but you knew better than to be fooled by his tone. He approached your face, his gaze over your trembling lips, then staring directly into your soul.
You inhaled sharply, it was too much, and your mind went blank. This was clearly a trap, one that you would walk right into independently of what answer you were to give him. An ‘I hate you’ left your lips in a desperate attempt to hurt him, but he started laughing.
"Trying to give me an attitude princess? Being such a rebellious little brat will get you nowhere. How about you try again, my little devil, hmm? C’mon, you might end up regretting every moment of this sassy attitude… or that’s exactly what you want, hmm? Maybe it is time I teach you a lesson."
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Hi there! ^^ Can I request Zhongli/Kaeya/Dainsleif (separately) x artist reader headcanons? I’m not sure if it was once requested, if so just ignore it
Also if it’s too much characters just pick two
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Zhongli is appreciative of basically anything. He loves to learn, and also loves to give his knowledge to people. One thing he hasn't done for a while is draw or paint. He's just never really had the time to explore the field, but he does love watching people paint or trying to figure out what the image is trying to convey.
He happened to come into your studio one day, planning to drop something off for you. You'd never really invited him in as you never found a reason to and he never pried into this part of your life. He felt that you'd let him in when you were ready.
When he knocks on the door you quickly run over to let him in, smiling brightly despite the paint that stained your face. He comes inside, trailing after you as he drops off the supplies he noticed you forgot in the morning. You thank him with a kiss on the cheek and get yourself set up again with the supplies you were missing.
He finds a seat you leave for models when you require one, curiously glancing around at your works. When you ask him what he's looking at he starts to point at specific ones and ask you questions about your process and inspiration. You find yourself talking incredibly animatedly about your process, not even noticing the enamoured look in his eyes as you talk at him. He's making mental notes to see if it'll help him plan out future gifts to buy you.
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Dainsleif travels a lot, so he definitely sees very many scenic landscapes. With the creation of Kameras he was able to record them and bring them back to you to see, something you really appreciated. You don't think you'll ever be able to see the sights he does, so being given the photos whenever he returns is something you always look forward to.
He's known that you create for a living, almost wishing that he could settle down and do something so human. Spending his days creating might be something he could find himself enjoying, but he's got a responsibility to maintain.
One day, you take out a sketchbook that looks a little bigger than he would expect it to. It was almost the size of you and before he can ask you what's in it you start flipping through the pages, showing him some of drawings you did of the photos he gave you. Each of them has something he distinctly doesn't remember photographing, focusing more on them as each drawing continues to host them.
Finally, he realises that it's the two of you. Every iteration he's holding you, and the two of you are just enjoying each other's company. He gets a slight pang in his chest at the thought that you miss him so much you resort to drawing him, but he also can't help admiring the way you draw him. The way you see him is so sweet, Dainsleif melting a little.
He loves your works a lot, and asked if he could have some smaller prints to carry around. They help remind him that there's someone waiting for him to come home, folding the sheets of canvas carefully to avoid their ruin during fights or perilous conditions.
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Kaeya is a little annoying but in the most endearing way. He loves seeing you draw, or looking at the finished products if you don't like having someone watch your creation process. He does get a little antsy if he can't watch, but he's very good at giving you your space and being ready to wait for the final product.
He's your biggest fan, proudly displaying your drawings around his office. Whenever people ask him who made them he always directs them to you, recommending that if they've ever wanted to get some artwork done you're genuinely one of the best people to consult.
Your confidence is really bolstered thanks to his constant praise and support, feeling better to experiment or create things you normally wouldn't. It leads to your portfolio diversifying wildly and you loved it all. Of course you still had your favourite way to paint but that doesn't mean you didn't like the experimentation part of it.
Sometimes, you like to ask Kaeya to model for you. He's great at doing so, totally working his angles and giving you looks that make your heart melt. It can be a little distracting at times but it's all worth it whenever you see the soft look he gets in his eyes when you show him the finished product.
He loves seeing himself through your eyes. You always draw him in such an ethereal manner, almost unrecognisable to him at times but he knows that it's him because whenever you draw him your pieces always take on a different quality. He can feel the love you have for him, and he won't admit it but he keeps every single rough draft you give him of him. They all remind him that you love him, and when he's having a really bad day just a glance at them can make it all better.
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capybaraonabicycle · 9 months
End of the Year Creator's Ask Game
I need more ask games in my life so I made one to reflect on our creative output of the past year. I think I have seen similar games before so I hope I am not stealing from anyone.
Please put an ask into the ask box of the person you reblogged this from <3
Which work of the past year are you proudest of? Can you pinpoint why?
Is there a work of the past year you could see yourself revisiting in the future and redoing/changing/reinterpreting?
Have you redrawn/rewritten/revisisted any earlier works this year? What are your reflections on how your interpretation of the subject has changed?
Which wips are you taking into the new year?
Which wips of the last year will you abandon/leave behind?
Which one would you say is your most popular work of the last year? Are you glad it is this one that turned into a sensation?
Which work of the last year do you wish had gotten more recognition? Why do you love it?
Have you gotten any feedback this year that has stuck with you? Is there anyone you would like to say thank you to?
Have you found any new inspirations this year? Is there anyone you would like to say thank you to?
Have you tried anything new this year? Any new art forms perhaps?
What are your creator's new year's resolutions? Do you have any?
(For creators that do fanart/fanfic/etc) Which show/movie/book/etc have you created for the most? What do you enjoy most about creating for it?
(For creators that do fanart/fanfic/etc) Which character/ship have you created for the most? What do they mean to you?
Are there any new characters/fandoms/subjects you started creating for during the last year? Do you remember what made you get into them?
Have you created any new OCs this year? Care to introduce us?
Is there a subject/character/show you wish you had created more for? Why do you think you didn't?
What is the biggest creative hurdle you had to overcome last year? What helped you through it?
Can you pick a line/image fragment/etc of your work that encapsulates the last year best for you?
How many words did you write last year?/How many pieces of art did you create last year?/How many sets of gifs did you create last year? /[insert suitable question for your type of works]
(How) has your work managed to surprise you last year?
Have you done any collaborations last year? Which one(s) was(were) your favourite(s)? Is there anyone you would like to say thank you to?
Are there any challenges/gift exchanges/etc you participated in last year? Which one was your favourite?
Are there any tips you would give yourself from one year ago concerning your art/work?
Can you name one to five things that made you happy to be a creator during the last year?
Can you share one to five favourites of the works you made last year?
Free ask (ask any question about last year's creations that you like or leave this blank for the creator to choose their own question they would like to answer)
Whether or not you'll send/receive any asks for this game: If you're reading this and you're a creator, then thank you for all your hard work! I may never see it but knowing how many people on this site are putting their love and energy and time into creating stunning works for free for everybody is making me unbelievably happy. Thank you for being a part of that! No matter whether you made 5000+ works last year or a single one in theory - Thank you for creating and thank you for dreaming! You're beautiful and so is your art <3
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superxstarzz · 4 months
I love the ideas you have! <3 <3 <3 Are there any keywords or a way to explain how some of your classes and aspects work?
I understand that it must be difficult to invent all these conventions but I had to ask out of curiosity
thank u sm!!! and thank you for giving me the PERFECT opportunity to talk about these!!! Hope ur ready for a yapfest, because that's what you're getting!!! I'm gonna break this down into two parts to make it a bit more coherent: How they would work in a session, and how I go about naming and combining them
First: How do they work in a sburb/sbgrub session???
While my original intention was for these to be classpects for sprites, I could see them being assigned to regular players too! Sburb works in funny ways, after all.
With powers, combined god tiers would have the abilities of both their classpects. For example, a Parasite (prince/thief) of Unity (blood/light) could steal and destroy both light and blood. They'd have the powers of a thief of light, prince of blood, thief of blood, and prince of light all at once!
Same goes for personality. Of course, personality mostly depends on the specific player, so this is harder to explain. To put it simply, someone with a combined classpect would have traits from both their classpects. That same Parasite of Unity from the previous explanation would act like a thief of light, prince of blood, thief of blood, and prince of light all at once.
Second: Behind the scenes on creation!!
So for the naming, I actually had some help from my bffsie @diehardpaleontologist !! Because of this, I don't have an explanation for every single name, since half of them weren't done by me :P And as much as I'd love to post the explanations behind every single combo name I did on this post, that would make it 3029204820 years long :,) So I'll settle for a more general explanation about them.
For the classes, a lot of them are just titles that we thought sounded cool or funny. Some of them were actually thought out, though!! Like the Supernova, the Gatekeeper, the Hoarder, etc.
For the aspects, we actually did think most of them through!! Some of them are guilty of being less creative... but they sound cool, soooo!!!
My main goal for creating these was making titles that sound interesting. Ones that are either really cool (The Puppeteer of Dreams) or ones that are funny. (The Beholder of Birth)
Now, the design process!!! For each class, I have a specific aesthetic I look to for inspiration. While actually designing them, I try to not only include elements from both classes but also some unique elements as well! I dont want them to just feel like combinations, I want them to feel like actual classes. That's where those inspiration aesthetics come in :3
The same goes for creating the aspects. I do mix the two color palettes as a base, but I typically change around the colors a bit to make a nicer palette (especially in cases where the mix just ends up... blegh (looking at u psyche pallete.)) When I make the aspects themselves, I try to keep them simple while ensuring they have elements of both symbols. The biggest thing I keep in mind with them is, "Would it cause me mental pain to draw this 3028392 times on an outfit?" If the answer is yes, I change the symbol.
While I would love to yap up a storm on every single design choice I made, this post is already getting long, so I'll spare yall.
If you have questions about any specific class or aspect, I will GLADLY answer them!!! A lot of thought goes behind each one of these, and I'd love to share it if yall r curious :) Thanks for reading this far, and I hope u enjoyed my thought dump!!
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nymphastoriasblog · 2 years
since i love him so much, i was daydreaming about luca as an old man...
warnings: luca changretta
pairing: modern!luca changretta x afab!reader
requested by: none
nymphastoria’s masterlist
buy the chaotic author a coffee ☕️
gif by: @darkcrystals
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as soon as you got married, luca made it clear he wanted kids, and a lot of them
it was his biggest joy to come home and see the house crowded with his children
and he would always, ALWAYS, ask them for a welcome hug
luca was always a very affective father. no matter how grownup his children were, he would always be very lovely with each of them
and very understanding too.
if you had daughters, they would always come to luca to cry about their boyfriends. he would listen patiently and give them his bests advices, cheering them up
“i don’t want to see you crying for him, ok?” “you’re everything for me, don’t let a boy dict your value”
luca would bring every so often small gifts for you. he would keep it hidden on his briefcase until it’s your bedtime.
and your smile would make everything worth it for him.
luca always kept his business out of the house, and he would left the business for his nephews and cousins. he didn’t want this future for your kids.
luca was very emotional when the first kid went to college. he mourned for a long time.
of course, your child wouldn’t step into the college if luca hadn’t pay for them a nice apartment downtown, give them an adorable car and paid most of the college’s fees.
something you always admired in luca was how devoted he was on his family. he genuinely wanted every of his children to succeed and have a good future. that was the reason he worked so much.
when the youngest kid moved out, luca was devastated. he would go to their bedroom and stare at the plushies for minutes, even hours, and he would be so disturbed by the silence in your house.
shortly after, he got “retired”, because he would now spend more time at home.
you were used to have children around you all the time, but having luca around was the same as having a baby.
not because he wanted attention, but because he would make a mess wherever he passed by. leaving a track of chaos and frustration.
it started when he wanted to build a birdhouse for the garden. luca decided he would make it in his mahogany desk.
you could hear him cursing in italian under his breath. he gave up on this project a few days after beginning it.
after the birdhouse fiasco, he decided your garden was needing a small pond.
luca was really excited about it. and it really went well.
he placed the rocks around the pond, make a little fountain to keep the water running and bought ornamental fishes to put in it.
you gladly did the decor, putting flowers around and a few crystals.
after lunch, luca would place a chair in your patio and would watch birds coming to the pond to drink the water and bath. he would sit there and look at his creation proudly.
he walked each of his daughters to the aisle with a big and proud smile, followed with teary eyes, with tears of joy.
when your first grandchild was born, luca was over the stars.
during your daughter/daughter-in-law’s pregnancy, luca was around them all the time. he would provide them anything they needed.
during the labor, luca was the first one to arrive in the hospital.
he would be the type of granddad to spoil the kid when the parents aren’t looking. like giving them a candy before lunch, or when they would spent the night at your house, luca would let them watch tv until late night.
he taught italian to his grandkids as they were growing up. at some time, he would stop speaking english at all around them, just to stimulate their italian.
luca absolutely ADORED it when you had family gatherings and when the whole family would be together for a holiday. it was his favorite parts of the year.
when you got more older, luca bought a beach house in another state. you’d spent part of the year in the beach house, just enjoying each other company, retelling stories and gossiping about people you know.
as older as he’s got, luca would be meaner while gossiping. he would slay people with his words, and that would got you laughing endlessly.
all luca wished was granted.
he’d pass away first. it would be peacefully, with his family around his bed, and you holding his hands. he would say a few things before, like how proud he was of his family, how much he loved each of you and how everything was worth it.
after his passing, the family kept together. everyone very close, just like how he wanted. your kids were well raised.
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robinismywife · 1 year
[ 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 ] (p.4)
PAIRING: Elvis Presley x fem!reader
SUMMARY: Y/n has an interesting conversation with Colonel Tom Parker, one that makes her question everything.
WARNINGS: Idek. If you find any plz inform me!!
A/N: Most of the information in this chapter might be inaccurate but it's all for the plot girlies ;) Thank you SO much for being patient with me. I know the plot is moving slowly but believe me we're getting somewhere! <3
(the gif is not mine!)
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"Are ya ready honey?"
"No, it's embarassing- Everybody's looking at me all weird and we're not even in there yet.." She pouted with a pleading look on her face, which had the exact opposite effect on Elvis than she had anticipated. Instead of feeling bad for her and comforting her, he burst out laughing and shaking his head in disbelief "What?! E, I think I'll just stay outside I-"
"Aw nah, I ain't hearin' none of that Y/n- I done told ya that I want ya there, honey" Now it's his turn to frown and plead, grabbing her hands soflty and rubbing circles on them.
"Really. I really want ya in there with me. You're my person, you know? Everybody needs a support system, hmm? What'd you say?"
"Oh fine! But I'm only doing this for Frank Sinatra" Y/n wrapped her arm around his bicep as they stepped into the studio. The flashing lights were blinding them and she had to constantly look down so as not to step on something important and ruin the entire set up. Everybody was working hard to create a magical homecoming special just for Elvis, and Y/n couldn't believe that she was allowed to be there and watch as the two biggest stars on earth got to work together and bond over their love for music.
"Right, honey, right" Elvis chuckled at the girl, raising his eyebrows in disbelief. If it were any other guy acting cocky exactly the way he did she would've been pissed off, however, Elvis had such a charm about him that even his teasing felt like the biggest compliment.
"I ain't lying! I've been dying for an autograph- For my collection, you know?"
"You haven't asked for my autograph.." Elvis' lip jutted out slightly and dissapointment seemed to wash over his pretty features.
"Love, I get to hug you and kiss your pretty lil' pouty lips every day- Your autograph is the least of my concerns" Y/n laughed at how the boy's eyes lit up for a short moment "Now, get me to Mr. Sinatra now!"
"Yes, ma'am"
Y/n could help but stare in shock as Elvis and Frank rehearsed their duet. This all felt like a dream, a fever dream. She was sure she would soon wake up in a pool of sweat and realize that everything was her sick brain's creation. Nevertheless, the way her heart pounded and the music echoed in her head, reassured her that this was her reality. Y/n was Elvis Presley's new girl.
The thought made her a bit dissapointed, how she would be depicted in the media soon. Just another one of his girls! How long will this one last?! It all felt a little overwhelming. She truly was head over heels in love with the charismatic man before her, but what if he didn't feel the same? What if he cheats on her? What if he's cheating on a girl right now? Could she be some mistress on the side and not know it? What poor girl is left thinking he'll come back?
All these questions flooded her one track mind, making her completely oblivious of her new company.
"So you met Frank, dear girl?"
Y/n turned her head only to find the Colonel sitting next to her, his walking stick rested between his legs.
"I did, Colonel, he's a very nice man" She responded carefully, finding herself stiffening up. It's like he always wanted to catch people slipping up and saying things that they would surely regret, things that he could use against them. Y/n never trusted this man and she never really would.
"Don't be fooled, my girl," The Colonel scoffed in disagreement "That man is anything but nice"
"What makes you say that..?" Y/n suddenly felt a little sad at the prospect of Frank Sinatra being a horrible human being. The small paper with his autograph in her pocket seemed to burn her through her clothes. Was just every celebrity that corrupted after all?
"He almost ruined that boy's career in seconds, little girl," He pointed at Elvis with his pretentious walking stick "Telling reporters how Mr. Presley's music- How rock and roll music fosters negative and destructive directions in young people" The man immitaded Franks voice, obviously making fun of the man.
"I- I- I don't know what to say, sir- I guess it was new back then?"
"Still, if you ask me, that man's a hypocrite- Always bashing my boy in the media but the moment he can make profit off of him, suddenly he forgets"
"Then why did you allow Elvis to do this? If that's how you feel"
"For the money of course, dear girl, and his reputation second. But money is always the priorety. How else do you think we haven't gone bankrupt? Mr. Presley surely has a spending problem, wouldn't you say?"
"What I'd say is that makes you a hypocrite, Colonel, just like the man you've been talking down on" Y/n couldn't stop the words from escaping her lips. She mentally noted to avoid Colonel Parker at all costs from now on. She didn't have the patience to deal with him again.
"A hypocrite? Nah, my girl, I'm merely doing what he's doing- He started it, not me" He smirked at her with a weird glint in his eye. Y/n couldn't understand his way of thinking. She was truly wondering how Elvis even communicated with this man, let alone plan projects and performances.
"Besides my boy will be in the movies now, eh? No need to worry about that damn rockabilly business no more"
"Movies? What mo-?"
"Colonel why are ya talking my girl's head off, huh?" Elvis stepped up to them, teasing an otherwise serious Colonel.
Did Elvis even know about these movies? Yes, Elvis had made movies in the past but it was never anything that could jeopardize his singing career. The Colonel's words kept ringing in her head. She had to find a way to talk to him about this, see how he feels about all these plans the Colonel had made for him. God knows what contracts that greedy fraud of a man had signed without Elvis' approval.
When they were finally in the backseat of their car, Y/n could actually think without the loud piano echoing around the set. What was she even getting herself into?
Y/n thought that she knew the music industry like the back of her hand, always surrounded by the most important singers and musicians of her time. However, that all came crushing down that day. In her eyes Elvis seemed like the most powerful man, someone who simply snaps his fingers and gets everything he wants without so much as lifting his pinkie. She decided that it was all a lie, a deception. How could she be so stupid as to think that musicians were anything more than a puppet on a string? A pretty face covering a corrupted industry full of money-hungry record companies and managers, just like Colonel Parker. And perhaps like RCA?
No. Now, daddy wouldn't work there if he knew all that, would he?
And now that she was thinking about it; How could she allow herself to be involved with such a man? A man like Elvis Presley. A man so blessed yet so trapped in his own good fortune and success. Maybe it would be best if this was all temporary, if she didn't end up marrying Elvis. Y/n didn't want to be trapped in that miserable life. Obviously, she would have anything she wanted supposing she stuck by Elvis' side. Clothes, diamonds and pearls, cooks and maids all working for her, all taking care of her. She wouldn't have to worry about a thing ever again.
Y/n had to slightly shake her head in order to push away that thought. No way was she going to abandon her career and independece for wealth and comfort. She had promised herself she would never do such a thing. Never. Y/n knew she was too smart and too hard-working to go to waste. No man could ever make her change her mind, even the charming Elvis Presley.
"What is that lil' brain of yours thinking over there, Littl'un?" Elvis' eyebrow lifted slightly in curiosity and amusement.
"Nothin' just how amazing today was, hun" Y/n tried to smile as nonchalatly as she could.
"Now, don't lie to me, baby- You were staring out that window like some damn lost puppy" Elvis got suddenly too serious for Y/n's liking, his protective side taking over. She couldn't deny the fact that his overprotectiveness was attractive, which made her mind lose focus from the current situation.
"It's fine, I tell ya, Elvis-"
"Aw hell!" He exclaimed as if he realized something important "The Colonel wasn't mean to ya or somethin', was he? He didn't bother you?"
"I- um-" Her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. Was this the right time to mention the movies the Colonel had told her all about? "No, hun, we just talked is all"
"Just talked? You sure about that?" Elvis narrowed his pretty blue eyes as if he was waiting for Y/n to crack and spill all of her darkest secrets.
"Yes, Elvis, just talked" Y/n laughed slightly to try to lighten the mood, which seemed to work since his gaze softened "Don't be so tore up about it- I'm a big girl I can fend for myself, hmm?"
"Yeah, you're right, I- I- I- I'm sorry Littl'un- I'll tell ya what, how about we don't go out tonight, we stay in, just you and me, eh?" He rubbed circles on her knee, finally making her headspace quieten down
"Sounds lovely, E" Y/n couldn't be more grateful that he didn't question her any further. This was a problem for another day, she wouldn't worry about it anymore.
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Good day~ Thank you so very much for another request of mine, it was beautiful as always~ 🌸 I have another one in mind, if I may? Let’s see… How about Dietfried's significant other surprising him by bringing a homemade lunch, made with care and love, at work? And maybe even something for his subordinates too, out of kindness and gratitude. Will that little act of kindness make Dietfried a bit... jealous? I wonder, tee hee hee~
Happy New Year, darling! I hope you will forgive me for the wait. To make up for it, I wanted to sprinkle some... Spice, hehe.
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Wiping your sweat off your forehead, you look at all the mini dishes you cooked up in front of you. In recent months, cooking has become one of your new favorite hobbies. Since you spend most of your days caring for the house and not having enough time to travel around, learning new and foreign dishes helps to mend this little desire. You often share your newest creations with your beloved Dietfried, who has been your biggest supporter and encouraged you to try again if you fail. When there were times when the dish got extra burned, or meat was undercooked and raw, Dietfried would wipe tears that you couldn't contain from disappointment in yourself. He would lean in, kissing your forehead, whispering how proud he is of you trying something new, and telling you not to belittle yourself because of a few mistakes.
"Even perfection can make a mistake. And it only makes me love you more than I already do."
And with recent terrorist attacks, Dietfried barely has time to come home, to properly enjoy your dishes, only to come home exhausted, kissing you, and heading to bed. It pained you to see him overworked and how badly his well-being was in this state. To ensure that you were safe, Dietfried asked you to limit your visits to him until the attacks were lowered, since he would never forgive himself if anything were to harm you. You have his heart in your palms, and the mere thought of seeing you in any pain, would break Dietfried. But a small selfish part of you craved those days when you and your beloved would snack on your newest creations, laughing and chattering about everything and nothing at all.
So, an idea popped into your little pretty head.
After checking each dish, you have prepared, you go to grab a basket with a towel to place it in. Firstly, you put in Quiche Lorraine as the main dish, the smell of smoked bacon with cheese decorating the top, making your stomach growl with hunger. As much as you wanted to make new items, you settled on making some of Dietfried's favorite childhood dishes that his mother shared with you. Adding to the Quiche Lorraine, you fixed up some fresh Croque monsieur, a sandwich with melted cheese and ham, topped with fried egg, toasted to perfection. Lastly, you baked up some light-as-air souffles and Paris-Brest to compliment the overall meal.
Glancing to check that you got everything, you went to properly get ready, wearing your favorite dress, complimented with jewelry, and lipstick that made Dietfried irresistible to your lips. Checking yourself out in the mirror, you took a deep breath and smiled to yourself. Moving to grab the basket, you also took your purse and keys and walked out of the house.
If your beloved couldn't come to enjoy meals with you, who says you couldn't come to him with meals? And besides, when has Dietfried ever said no to you, when you looked at him like you worship him with your love?
Walking on the streets of the capital, you let the lively noise of your surroundings tune like music, letting your imagination create stories as the different voices and sounds provide you with the basic concept to play from. As you reached the headquarters of the navy, you were greeted by the guards, who recognized you as the naval captain's spouse, opening the gates for you. You thanked the guards, wishing them a good day, heading towards the office of your loved one. Reaching for the handle of the door, you lightly pushed, it before walking up to the receptionist. As she notices your presence, she greets you.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Bougainvillea. To what do I own the pleasure of seeing you?"
"I am pleased to see you as well, Mrs. Barbier. I was hoping if I could see Dietf- *ahem* Captain Bougainvillea to hand him his lunch."
Mrs. Barbier was a sweet elderly lady who had been in the military for a few decades. Luckily for her, she never had to partake in war, but the stories of officers and commanders still left some horrific imagery. Ever since you began to date Dietfried and would visit him, Mrs. Barbier would always lightly tease you both about how you would make the perfect married couple. True to those predictions, Dietfried proposed to you later and the rest is history.
"Of course. The captain just got off his meeting with the fleet commander and should be available at this hour."
"Wonderful! Thank you so much. Oh, would you like to try some treats I prepared?"
You found the courage in yourself to say it, as you prepared some baked goods for Dietfried's colleagues as a kind gesture.
A glint of excitement passes through Mrs. Barbier’s eyes, "I would be delighted dear."
Opening the basket, you hand her a small bowl of Paris-Brests, and she takes one of them to sample. Biting into the pastry, she hums in joy as the chocolate and creme cover her taste buds, letting the sweets melt off any stress she has had prior.
"Oh, my goodness, this is so delicious. I remember the captain praising your cooking to others, but this is beyond of what I could have imagined!"
A bashful blush covers your cheeks, as you let out a smile, "I am glad you like it. I wasn't sure that I made them as precisely as the recipe required it to be, but-"
"My dear, if you think those aren't good, you are being too humble. If you decide to open a bakery, I will be your first customer! Oh Piere, boys!" Gentlemen passing by look towards Mrs. Barbier, glancing at the lady. Holding up the bowl, she continues, "Come try those sweets! Mrs. Bougainvillea has baked some of the divine treats you will ever get to taste."
A cool shiver comes down your spine. Sure, Dietfried told you that your cooking was incredible, but you never had someone else try your cooking, especially strangers.
A smile forms on their faces, as they walk forward, taking the pastry in their mouths. As the sweet sensation coats them, an approved groans were let out.
"What a treat!"
"Delicious beyond expectations!"
"Damn, this is better than what my wife has made!"
The anticipating disappointment washes away from your body, as the gentlemen turn to you, thank you, and ask if they could have more. Feeling a bit clustered by the men, you take a small step back, a polite smile placed to ease yourself. You came here to feed your Dietfried, but it seems you got some extra attention than you expected.
"I don't recall surrounding a defenseless woman as part of the Navy protocol, soldiers." A musky voice comes from behind the men, causing them to shiver, turning to the source. Leaning on the wall, arms crossed, Dietfried stares at the soldiers, his eyes darkening ever so slightly, only to soften when his eyes land on you. Your heart can't help but skip a beat at how despite not talking or touching you, a simple glance from him sends you relief you didn't know your body was asking for.
"Captain Bougainvillea, sir!" They salute him.
Returning his gaze to soldiers, he pushes himself off the wall, straddling forward. As he gets close to you, the soldiers move aside to make way. Dietfried stops only mere inches away from you, but you can feel the heat of his body coursing onto you. You give him a shy smile, to which he returns with his gentle smile. Shifting his eyes to Mrs. Barbier, Dietfried lifts his eyebrow at her.
"It would seem you are keeping my spouse from me, Mrs. Barbier.” His tone is jesting, but you can see something else laced at the edges of his eyes. Hunger, darkness, and overwhelming danger. A shiver crawls down from your spine to your thighs. Getting lost in your mind, you shift your eyes from his eyes to his lips, biting the inside of your lip.
God, why does he make you feel so safe in his presence, but so vulnerable and exposed, like a simple touch will undo you and make you crave him to pounce himself into you little cu-
“Dear, are you ok? You are zoning out, aren’t you?” You feel his hand on your face, letting his gloved thumb trace a circular pattern on your cheek.
Blinking yourself from your little wet dreaming, a blush covered your cheek as you answered, “Can’t I come and see my beloved husband without any reason, hm?”
A chuckle escapes Dietfried’s lips, as he looks at the clock, signaling midafternoon, until shifting his eyes to the basket in your arm. “Based on the smell, I don’t believe you came with no reason, my love. Please follow me to my office, Mrs. Bougainvillea.” He gestures with his hand towards the direction of his office, while placing his other hand on your lower back.
Lifting your head up, you nod and bid farewell to the soldiers and Mrs. Barbier as you headed towards the office. You could hear the soldiers chatting between each other over your cooking and how overprotective the naval captain appeared to them.
Crossing the threshold of the office, you walk towards the desk, placing the basket as Dietfried closed the door. Before you can open the basket’s lid, he quickly strides towards you, clasping your hands, causing you to turn around, only to be met with the clash of his lips on yours. The passion and power behind Dietfried’s lips on yours makes your mind spin around, causing black spots to appear as breath leaves your lungs. You could feel his hands leave your hands, only to trail one of them on your back, while the other on your thighs. You grasp onto him to balance yourself, as his tongue invades your mouth, caressing all your insides. Before you could pass out, Dietfried slowly pulls away, letting you catch your breath. Feeling the air rushed back into your lungs, you open your eyes, only to see Dietfried’s gentle verdurous eyes turn dark like a shade of midnight forest.
“Busy day?” You let the words slip before your mind could process it.
A growl leaves Dietfried’s lips as he brings his hand from your back to your neck, never letting his eyes fall from you.
“Oh, baby. You have no fucking idea how grateful I am for you coming here, all dressed up for me like the prettiest doll in all nation, and with the food that I know you put your hardest to make just for me. However…” He leans forwards, kissing your neck, “Seeing you surrounded by those men, staring at you like you some kind of toy to use to get wasted, it made my blood boil. To let them look at how perfect you are, with the curves crafted by the renowned artists, hair that lures me and bends me to my knees, the lips that make me want you so badly that I lose focus on everything else.”
If there was blush before on your cheeks, your whole body was burning red from the desire Dietfried was whispering on your skin. Getting lost in how your body was reacting to his lips on your neck, you failed to notice Dietfried’s hands snaking down to your waist. He picks you up, settling you on his desk.
You gasped, “What are you doing, Di-“
Before you could finish your question, Dietfried raises the skirt of your dress and spreads your thighs apart. With your lipstick on his lips, he whispers against your thighs, “Enjoying my meal, my doll.”
From this point NSFW material. Proceed with caution.
He dives his head towards your covered clit, kissing it up and down. A moan escapes your lips, as you hold the desk for support. Smirking at the sound, Dietfried pulls your underwear aside, sticking his tongue as he licks, circling the warm skin and sucking on the buds that send shockwaves through your system. You tilt your head back as the sensation rushes towards your core, as his tongue makes its way through your gummy walls. Your thighs, without you thinking, clasped Dietfried to make him move closer to give you more pleasure that your body can’t help but yell at you to grind for.
It's been so long since both of you fucked one another, with the limited opportunities the discussion of going further with sex life, it would seem both of you yearning some friction that only your bodies could provide for one another.
Dietfried knew which spots to touch to make your body know how much he worships you, how every pulsation that he can feel through your body is making his dick harden at the thought of you feeling good. Knowing that he makes you feel how special you are to him, how devoted he is to you and everything you have given him. He wants you to know – no – feel fucking much you alone make him the happiest man in all of human existence.
“Fuck, look at you baby. I only just began, and you are already soaking wet. Have my baby missed me thrusting my cock so deep, pushing against this tight pussy, as you begged for me to make you lose any consciousness you possessed, hm?” He moans into your cunt, as he lets himself breath in the smell of your needy walls, as your pre-cum covers his lips.
“P-p..Ple-please.” You master so coherent thoughts through your fogged mind.
“Please what, baby? You know if you want something you need to say out loud, I can’t do anything unless you tell me. Use your big words baby.”
Using the last strength you could gather, you let your eyes fall to his as you mewl, “Please, fuck me harder till I am full to the brim with your essence.”
The last of string of any control snaps in Dietfried’s eyes as he snarls into your pussy, going faster and sharper as your climax began to grow deep in your core. You try to muffle any moans and screams with your hand, while moving your other hand, grabbing Dietfried’s hair to push him closer. Your body begins to shake as you were on the edge of falling into the bliss, the white fire coursing through your clit, until he growled, “Cum for me.”
The crash came down with such powerful force, leaving you shaking, tears running down your cheeks at how deliciously good that was. You pulled your hand away from his hair, as bliss settles in your body.
Dietfried notices your tears, standing up to kiss them away and then bring his lips to yours, as you wrap your arms around his neck. Though you could taste yourself, there was still distinctive part of Dietfried’s taste that your body could always feel.
“You did so good, baby.” He purrs against your lips.
“Anything for you, my love.” You let out a big smile, feeling warmth of how intimate you two were with each other.
“Can I ask you something?” Letting your finger twirl around with his hair, you hummed for him to continue.
“Would you mind if I fulfill your wish?” Letting your emotional side overrule your rational one, you slip one of your hands down to his pants, feeling is bulge hard as a stone. You run your hand up and down, squeezing him as Dietfried rolls his eyes at how your torturous touches. Deciding to be nice to him, you pull his zipper down, pulling his cock out of his underwear.
Aligning him with your entrance, you signal with your eyes, “Push in and breed me.”
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 months
Hi Laurie! 💛
You know what's coming, hehe 👀
I saw this in another fandom and now I'm sending the same question to a bunch of Jake girlies (gn) because it’s so interesting seeing everybody’s answers!
Who are your Top 3 Jake boys and why? Is there a specific piece of art (fic, gif, fan art, etc.) for them that you like a lot?
hiiiiiiiiii!!! 💖 i do know what's coming teehee! i love his characters so much. even if the movie is not up my alley, his character always stands out. i'll watch everything he's in just because i'm obsessed (except spirit untamed, it is against my principle to support this horrible version of spirit the stallion of the cimarron) i just love them like they're just so neat i love them so much. OKAY TIME TO CHOOSE.
Elwood Dalton
i cannot believe that davis was dethroned as my forever ultimate favorite character but he was. dalton is so special to me. i've been obsessed with him since the very beginning when i was looping videos to get his full name and start writing for him immediately. so he's been living in my mind rent from for a LONG and i hope he never leaves. i lost count of how many times i've watched the movie (especially the scenes with laura!!!), it's so good. i'm already seated for the sequel idc what people say i want it and i will love it! also, i love how dalton ressembles billy and lou! the scene where he punches the guy to death and tell him how he will perish was so hot like like welcome back lou bloom you were missed <3 dalton is funny, and suicidal and caring and violent and what more could i ask? yeah okay i could ask to use his titties as pillows to fall asleep on.
my absolute favourite dalton creations are the wonderful gifs that @stephendorff made! i proclaim myself as their biggest fan when it comes to jake's gifs because oh my god the talent!!! i adore the parallel gifsets, so let me link you to a bunch! omg me when + nice hoodie + so bloody yum + i will cover these men with hello kitty bandaids + need both of them at the same time.
Detective Loki
he's an obvious one! jack twist, donnie darko and detective loki must be the most well loved characters in this fandom FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS. i love loki. i'm convinced deep in my soul that he would absolutely despise me. i can't shut up, i'm clingy as fuck and we'd spend most of his rare free time watching barbie movies. but it could be nice! i'd pack him his lunch, i'd learn to iron his shirts, i'd follow him to his barber and beg the man to give me the same haircut... like, we'd have a good life! aside from getting eaten alive by the constant fear that loki is in danger but shh. i love loki so much, i love all of the mysterious details about him, i love that jake played such a big part into building this character.
there are SO many amazing fics for detective loki, and rightfully so! he deserves it! in my opinion, @det-loki is the best writer. star captures loki in such an unique way, her writing feels like deleted scenes & extra footage from the movie. i know i always recommend star when it comes to loki fics but if you've ever read what she's posted, you would do the same! @charliehoennam has also posted some amazing det loki fics recently that i cannot recommend enough!!! here are the links: cat n mouse, dinner date & the dinner party (my personal favourite!).
Tommy Cahill
when i watched brothers, i conveniently just... skipped the military scenes. so the movie was all about tommy and i loved it. wow what a sweet romcom. i just love him. he's fun and sweet and he has had it so rough with his family that treats him like a black sheep. his father is acting like tommy is the failure when the only failure i'm seeing is a parent who failed to love his child like he deserved. AND I WOULD GIVE HIM ALL THE LOVE HE NEEDS! endless unconditional love. all he wants is to have a family of his own and be happy and become a better person. i have no doubt that he has what it takes to achieve his goals. he's my beanie baby and i love him to the moon and back.
controversy alert! but... i'm not mad at tommy and grace for kissing (skipping most of sam scenes helps a lot) but like... he was nice to grace for the most part, he helped her with the kitchen, he was so fun with the kids... he can't do anything wrong you know? i have horrible morals, i'm aware. so i'll just link to the video of the kiss scene because i love it and i love watching it and i wish it was me.
my top 3 usually fluctuates, but i'd say that overall, it's the same five characters that are on rotation. dalton, loki, tommy, davis and right now the 5th position is switching between john kinley & jerry brinson. i do want to say that i was pleasantly surprised with how much i liked anthony swofford and brian taylor when i watched their respective movies, i didn't think i'd enjoy their characters much but it might be time to retire my #1 bald!jake hater title. it was so hard to choose though. i feel bad for the ones i left out. i love you danny! and billy! and donnie! and adam! and holden! and okay fine i'll shut up. i know i've told you already, but this was such a sweet initiative to go around and spread some joy!!! thank you for doing this, and for sending it to me as well! 🥰
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