#all help get the more illegal ingredients since the more poisonous the more you like it
twistedroseytoesy · 2 years
Octavinelle with a blue sea dragon reader
second most popular from the poll!
A blue sea dragon is a type of poisonous sea slug with beautiful blue fins. it's poisonous from the food it eats; the Japanese man of war jellyfish. they are pretty but don't touch them!
Azul: Honestly thought your blue accents along your skin were special tattoos at first and found your seafood-heavy diet odd. Like everyone he tried to get you to work for him for a nice price. your colorful markings and beautiful hairstyle are able to catch just about anyone's attention! does find it odd how you wear gloves often and cover up a lot, even if most of the stuff you wear is somewhat silky/see-through. Once it's revealed you are a blue sea dragon all the dots are connected. Now he's trying to have you as a special bouncer for the more rough and rody guests, inviting others in with your colors but slightly poisoning any who cause trouble.
Doesn't pressure you to see your merform since he knows how sensitive that kind of thing can be, especially if you were bullied for your poisonous touch. When you do show him when you become friends he will stay back and be amazed at the mesmerizing blues and white that adorn your skin and body. With a special antidote potion he made with your permission, he was able to gently hold you and traced a few of the patterns on your skin, making both of you really happy and at peace. hell shyly show his octo-form too and you'll both happily vibe in the water.
Overall he really appreciates your beauty despite your poisonous nature. Defends you if anyone gets on your case and also happily helps supply you with the dangerous ingredients you like to eat.
Jade: Was interested at first just by your unique body markings and asked about them. Was the one who found some old pictures of your mer-form and then gave that info to Azul and Floyd over some tea. Over the course of your coming over due to Azul's insistence, he started to serve you more and more dangerous kinds of seafood. you seemed to love it, he was a bit surprised at that fact. You especially enjoyed his still-poisonous pufferfish dish. Started to try and introduce some poisonous mushrooms and you didn't mind but still preferred seafood. Of course, you knew they were poisonous, you were just waiting to see if he would get upset once he realized that you were immune to just about every poison imaginable. If you confront him about the attempted poisonings he will just smile and feign hurt at your accusation. Playfuly tease and offer to talk about it over tea and a snack~
Saw your merform from pictures on your phone but will say that a photo does no justice to your beauty in the flesh. asks about the poisonous slime that you create and asks to use some to "study". will keep his distance since he knows that the poison can be quite strong in your mer form. Even in your human form it's strong enough to make someone sick for a week with just a handshake. Happily swims around you and helps you hunt and gather the more dangerous ingredients, might even make special sauces full of poisonous ingredients just for you. and if somone was stupid enough to try and take your food, *cough ace and grim cough* they will be in for a painful next few days~
Floyd: Calls out how pretty your markings are and how they remind him of a cool sea slug! calls you "sea slug" at first, but that changes to "sea dragon" once he is informed of what you are. Got really sick when he surprise squeezed you one day when he was bored and you were the only one nearby. Was a bit scared for you when he saw you eat a pufferfish dish that was illegal due to how difficult it was to make it correctly. was running up to you as you ate before Jade grabbed him and told him it was fine. Laughed and joked at how well you can handle your poisons. Doesn't touch you without gloves but luckily the uniform has some available so he uses those and the long sleeves to protect himself to give you squeezes.
When he sees your merform he wouldn't care if you're poisonous, you're just too pretty to not squeeze! Would be ok for a bit thanks to his own slime protecting him for a bit. happily comments on your pretty little wing fins and how soft you are! also is usually the one handling the food and helping jade prepare some of the more dangerous food for ya. If he sees any of the others *cough again ace and grim caugh* he would just laugh at them before saying that they'll regret eating sea dragons food. but he wont squeese them. the poison will wreck enough havic on its own~
overall still the same Floyd as ever. He throws caution to the wind and doesn't regret getting poisoned when he makes your food or squeezes you cause you're so squishy!
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zwy01 · 1 year
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Luzia doodles!!!
I drew my noblesse oc from my Millennium AU, Luzia Tradio! She is the first child of Kei Ru and Claudia Tradio, and the older sister of Jia Ru. She goes by the nickname Lucy, along with a few others.
1. Luzia painting!!!! Damn these were meant to be like really quick paintings yet one by one they gradually became more polished. I just can’t help it. Rip consistency. Anyways here is she is! Luzia is smart and sharp, and is always busy cooking up something… figuratively and literally. Not the see-through-it-all manipulative smart like Raegyn, nor is it the nerdy academic smart like Izar. Instead, she very smart in the dark arts. Forbidden knowledge, potion and poison making, artifact crafting, curse casting… you name it. Anything that’s probably banned by the Lord, she is exceptionally good at. She has enough talent to match and even surpass her grandfather Lagus in this aspect. If Lagus lived to witness her work he’d be proud and she’d have a blast working with him on the off-limits stuff. Unfortunately he is very dead, so she pursues his legacy in secret. Her main goal is to find the stuff he left behind, and maybe even enhance it. She’s not interested in Lukedonia at all, she just genuinely likes that shady illegal stuff. It fulfills her soul. She’s probably staring at her next target right now. You should run.
2. Lucy in her very secret underground lab studying the properties of various ingredients. She’s probably in the middle of reading her old notes and trying to change things up a bit to see how the end product shall change if she uses different ingredients from last time. She’s very very focused. Being a Tradio also means she can summon the same vines that Lagus and her mother can, and she uses them as extra limbs to help nagivate her tools. Very convenient ability for fetching stuff when she’s too lazy to walk around.
3. Baby Lucy!!! As grumpy as Lucy has always been since the moment she was born, she was very very cute as a baby. Kei and Claudia as new parents were more than thrilled to dress up their bab in beautiful clothes. While they loved watching their little (not) angel hop around in cute outfits, Lucy herself just thought it was super boring. They’re kinda itchy and she wants to take them off, but her parents are happy so…. Ugh. She’s letting you off the hook just this one time. Good luck trying to get her to cooperate next time.
4. Teen Lucy with her baby sister Jia. Lucy is NOT amused with this… “horrific thing” that suddenly decided to latch itself onto her like superglue. Claudia’s not being of much help right now. ps in the past Lucy did not wear edgy goth clothes and instead wore the same styled “standard” girl clothes as everyone else. She burned all of them the moment she turned 200 and has worn exclusively goth clothes in public ever since. Claudia remembers smelling smoke and recalls thinking their manor was burning down. In reality it was Lucy and her garbage disposal lol.
5. Lucy with her giant Alois plush!! She made it herself lol. She has made tons of voodoo dolls so her needle work is quite good. But this one is special. In fact it’s the first doll she has ever made that isn’t a voodoo doll. Alois would be so flattered if he knew. Lucy enjoys cuddling with her plush. Meanwhile she’s (still) dreaming about her Al except this time he’s proposing to her. They haven’t even confessed yet. Girl is totally unaware that in reality she could just take initiative lol.
6. Just a funny crack AU/parody where Lucy is gets into modern goth-emo fashion and does band. She’s super popular and her fans love her grumpy and unfriendly persona, because she’s so cool and distant. Meanwhile they don’t know that that’s not a persona, that’s literally just how she is lol. I guess if it works it works. Tickets to her live shows are in super demand and always sell out, and rumors say that she always has a VVVIP seat that’s fenced off from everyone else, reserved for a certain someone, whom she hopes comes to see her. And he does. Every single time. In this au-au/parody she confesses to him through a song lol. She’s basically serenading him. She even wrote the lyrics herself this time. Soo special. Alois is beyond touched. He has ascended. After the concert ends they just go backstage and finally make out lol. And the song itself? Well despite its super weird lyrics it becomes a hit. Luzia becomes super rich, quits band, buys some island and moves there with none other than her new boyfriend. Lmaoo
7. Another crack AU/what-if scenario where Alois and Luzia get together and have kids! Two cute kids, a girl and a boy. Lucy being the edgy person she is names her boy heir Lucifer. Can’t get any edgier than that. Meanwhile Alois names his girl heir Lucinda after his beloved wife. Both of these kids are affectionately called “Lucy Juniors” by their parents. Aww. So cute and happy. While this doesn’t happen in the “main” storyline of my Millennium AU, both Alois and Lucia have probably fantasized about this at some point, when they haven’t even confessed to each other yet lol. If this is the future you want at least one of you needs to take initiative lol.
8. Andddd something funny at last to wrap up this doodle dump!! This is Lucy’s response to just about everyone, when they ask for a handshake, are just trying to talk to her, etc. To put it in a nice way, this is her non-verbal way of saying “hello” and that she has noticed your presence. You should be honored. If she truly didn’t care about you she wouldn’t have even bothered to flip you off. Oh my queen <3
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fortisfiliae · 4 years
Promised Part 7 - Tom Riddle x reader
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Masterpost | Masterlist
Summary: In this story, Tom didn’t grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader’s sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return. 
Disclaimer: Please be aware that I don’t condone any of this in real life. (GIF is not mine)
Warnings: Arranged marriage
Word count: 3.1k
Part 7 - Gift Giving
“So this is the last part of the house. The bedrooms,” you said, after giving Tom a quick tour around the mansion. “The guestroom is right at the end of the hallway.”
Tom peered towards the half-open door to the guestroom, that the house-elves were preparing for him.
“This right there is Elsie’s room, next to it is the master bedroom. And this,” you said, leaning onto a door. “Is my room.”
He turned back to you.
“Want to come in?”
He nodded. “Sure.”
There was a sense of excitement in the air, letting Tom enter your room. It was something so private, it felt like you let him walk straight into your head. But you wanted to be nice. He still seemed crushed from the argument he had had with his grandfather and uncle and you thought it would make him feel better if you showed him he was welcome here. 
“Take a seat if you want. Anywhere,” you said and went over to sit on your bed.
Tom slowly walked across the room towards your desk, his eyes incidentally scanning your belongings. He sat down on the chair by the desk and looked at the framed picture of you and your family that stood there.
“Sorry about my mother,” you mentioned when you noticed what he was inspecting.
Tom looked at you. “What do you mean?”
“She can be a bit brash, you know. When she asked you to stay earlier. But she usually means well.”
“Oh,” he spoke. “I didn’t mind actually. You know my family. They’re brash. And not the good kind.”
“Fair,” you agreed. “Have they always been that way?” 
“Since I can remember at least.”
There was a moment of silence. 
“I’m sorry,” you then said. 
“For what? That’s just how it is. They have their ways and I have mine.”
“Right. Did you know they would bring up the unbreakable vow?“
“No… I had no idea. They’re idiots. Just stupid. Why ask for more each time? They always want to be a step ahead for nothing.”
“What did you say to them?” you asked, hiding that you already knew.
“That I wouldn’t do it. They took our word for it then and that should be enough. They can’t force us to do a vow.”
“Are they mad at you?”
“Yes. But they’ll come around. It wasn’t our first argument and it won’t be our last.”
You pondered if you should say what you were thinking. Maybe it was a bit too much, but Tom didn’t seem bothered talking about his family. So you went on: “Do you ever wish it could have been different? To grow up with your parents, I mean. That would have made it easier, don’t you think?”
Tom smiled weakly, his eyes wandered across the floor and he shook his head. “Wishing for something won’t make it happen. And no. It would have been quite the same, I think. Maybe even worse.”
“You’ve heard how Marvolo talks about my parents. His daughter and a muggle. A stain in the bloodline he said, didn’t he?” Tom chuckled lowly.
“But if they loved each other that shouldn’t have mattered to him.”
His eyebrows rose in what looked like a strange form of amusement. “Well, that’s a whole other story.”
You frowned. What did that even mean? You had heard all kinds of rumours about the Gaunt family and how Tom’s parents had met but never would have thought that one of them might be true. 
“Have they-”
Tom shook his head as he got up, making it clear that he wasn’t going to talk about it. He walked across the room towards you, fiddling something out from the inner pocket of his jacket. 
You had gone too far apparently and wondered if he was pulling out his wand or wanted to leave, but as you opened your mouth again, he sat down beside you and looked into your eyes.
“I’m going to tell you,” he said. “Not now though. You’re going to know everything about me eventually. Someday.”
“Someday then,” you repeated. “What have you got there?”
He held the thing from his jacket in his hand now. It was a package that seemed a bit squished as if it had barely fit into the pocket.
“Hold on,” he said and waved his wand at it, to smooth out the wrinkles on the paper. It was a present, a rectangular box, covered in dark green gift wrap.
“I thought it would be impolite to come over for lunch without bringing at least a little Christmas gift.”
“Oh, you shouldn’t have,” you said as he handed over the present. 
“Go on, open it,” he said and motioned with his hand.
So you did and quickly found out what the package contained. A small handwritten book, full of potions recipes. 
“Nicked it from my uncle when he wasn’t looking,” Tom said. “So you better don’t mention it to him.”
“Oh great,” you laughed as you flipped through it. “Wow, I haven’t heard of any of these.”
“None of them are taught in school. I thought you’d like them. Didn’t seem like the ones we do with Slughorn were much of a challenge for you.”
The book looked as if it had been used a lot. The thin black binder was frayed and faded, and the edges of the pages were crinkled. On every other page, the handwriting changed, so it seemed that many different people had written the recipes. Poisons, antidotes and bewitchments you had never heard of were all listed, neatly explained and completed with full lists of ingredients.
“Where did your uncle get this from?” you asked, still looking through it.
“I’m not sure. Knockturn Alley perhaps, or on some market. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had added a few ones himself.”
As peculiar as it was, not many people could say they got a book of dark magic and probably illegal potions for Christmas.
“What an unusual gift. I do like it. Thank you, really!” you said and opened your arms to hug him, out of pure habit, but froze when you saw his stern expression, your arms still open. 
He looked into your eyes again, seemed to think for a moment and finally nodded to let you hug him. Just like when you had held hands, he was stiff and rigid, it felt like he was uncomfortable. You retracted, but as soon as you let go, he wrapped his arms around you and held you a little tighter, extending the embrace for a few more seconds.
There was a ghost of a smile on his face when you sat back straight and he was about to say something when the door flew open.
Tummy, one of the house-elves, stood in the door frame. “Miss, the guestroom is ready. Mister Riddle, Sir, please follow me.”
“Great,” Tom whispered sarcastically under his breath, got up and followed the elf.
You quickly hid the book under your pillow and called after them: “It’d be nice if you could knock next time, Tummy!”
“Sorry Miss! Will knock!” you heard him from the hallway.
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When Mother called for dinner in the evening you picked up Tom from the guest room and went downstairs. 
Sitting at the table together was a bit awkward at first and no one said anything. It seemed that your parents were still thinking of the incident from lunch, but didn’t want to talk about it in front of Tom. You didn’t know what to say either and Tom wasn’t one to talk much in general.
“Tom?” Elsie said all of a sudden, breaking the silence.
“Yes?” he answered and you looked back and forth between the two.
“Did you know I’ll go to Hogwarts too next term?” Elsie went on, a very proud tone in her voice.
He grinned while picking up some green beans with his fork. “I did know that, yes.”
“I haven’t gotten the letter yet, so technically I don’t know if I’ll get in, but my parents said it will come on my eleventh birthday.”
“I’m sure it will.”
He had barely finished his last word when Elsie asked the next thing. 
“What’s your favourite subject?”
“Um… Defence Against The Dark Arts, I think,” Tom said. “It’s interesting enough.”
“Well,” he took a second to think. “I like to be prepared.”
“And you’re in Slytherin, aren’t you?”
“Yes. Do you have a favourite house?” 
You caught your parents exchanging looks and smiling at each other.
“Um… Well,” Elsie began. “I think they’re all nice. But Gryffindor is the best I guess.”
Tom clicked his tongue and shook his head jokingly. “Shame,” he said.
“Do you play Quidditch?” Elsie asked.
“No, I’m not into sports.”
“But can you fly?”
“Yes, I’m a decent flyer.”
She looked at your parents for a moment and whispered to Tom: “Do you think you can show me? How to fly a broom. I got one for Christmas, you see. And I-”
“Elsie,” Father said laughing. “Let the boy eat, please.”
“No, I can show you,” Tom said. “It’s the least I can do to show my respect after you’re letting me stay here.”
“That’s very kind of you Tom,” Mother said. “And you can stay as long as you like.”
“Thank you. I won’t bother you for long though,” he answered.
Dessert was served and Elsie peppered Tom with questions about brooms until Father finally told her to leave him alone. 
You thought of the book he had gifted you and knew that your parents would be pleased to hear that at least one member of the Gaunt family had manners. They didn’t need to know exactly what it was about. 
“Tom gave me a Christmas present earlier,” you said.
He shot you a quick look as if to ask you if you were out of your mind telling your parents about this. You ignored him.
“Oh really?” Father asked. “What is it?”
“A Potions book. Handwritten. It looks very rare,” you said and looked at Tom who was still staring at you. “It’s like an extended version of our school books. I can use it to perfect my skills. Maybe I’ll even get an O on my N.E.W.T.s because of it.”
“Oh lovely,” Mother said. “Where have you got that from?”
“Diagon Alley,” Tom lied and seemed to be more relaxed now.
“Very nice,” Mother said and turned towards you. “But you didn’t have anything for him, did you?” 
“No,” you mumbled.
“Well, let’s talk about that another time. Tom, have you heard about the time when we went on a trip to Italy?”
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Later that night, when you lay in bed, you pulled the book out from under your pillow and held it for a while. It probably wasn’t even meant to be so special, but the fact that Tom had thought of giving you a present for Christmas, was not what you would have expected.
And you hadn’t even wasted a single thought about getting him something. How ignorant. 
You wondered how he felt about that. If he even felt about that, one way or another.
Your fingertip ran up and down the book spine countless times while you stared up onto the ceiling. You had to get him something. Something special.
And then you wondered if he couldn’t sleep either. If he wanted to talk for just a bit as well. If he thought about lying next to you, too. You could try to sneak out of your room and over to the guest room. Your parents wouldn’t like that of course, but you were going to marry him. They had to get used to the thought. And if you were quiet enough, they wouldn’t even notice.
You sat up slowly, put the book back under your pillow and tiptoed to the door of your room. Turning the doorknob as quietly as possible and holding your breath, you looked out into the dark hallway. You wouldn’t even need light, you knew this hallway like the back of your hand. Fifteen, maybe twenty quick steps and you would be right by the door to the guest room. So you took the first step out of your room.
“Miss!” a squeaky voice whispered in the dark from below. 
It was Tummy, standing there alone. 
“Tummy?” you asked quietly. “What are you doing here?”
“Miss, master told Tummy to keep watch all night. So that Mister Riddle wouldn’t disturb you in your room.”
Great. Your parents were a few steps ahead. 
“Can Tummy get you anything, Miss?”
“No, I… I just thought I heard something,” you sighed. “Does Father really force you to stay up all night? You can go downstairs to sleep if you want to.”
“No, Miss, no,” the elf said and smiled. “Tummy sleeps right here on the floor. I have very good ears, yes. I hear every little noise, you see? I will wake up whenever I hear something and alert the masters.”
Unbelievable. They had thought of everything.
“I see,” you said. “But I’m not afraid Tom would disturb me. You really can go downstairs.”
“Miss, Tummy is thankful for your offer, but I must follow the master's order. Tummy doesn’t mind it.”
“Alright then,” you gave up. “Hang on though.”
You went back into your room, walked up to your bed and fetched one of the three pillows from there. 
“Take this at least,” you told the elf and gave him the pillow. “It’s big enough for you to sleep on.”
“Oh, that’s not necessary. Please.”
“I insist,” you said with a jokingly strict tone.
Tummy smiled, took the pillow and nodded. “Thank you, Miss. Tummy is very grateful.”
“Good night, Tummy.
“Good night, Miss.”
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The following day went by quicker than you had wanted it to. Father, Tom and Elsie went outside in the late morning to give Elsie her long-awaited flying lessons. They were a great team, against all expectations. You watched them from the kitchen window and noticed how Father held himself back from helping. He kept a careful eye on the two when Tom showed Elsie how to mount the broom correctly.
Elsie listened intently to everything Tom told her, tried to follow each step precisely and could properly hold herself in the air after a while. Father and Tom seemed incredibly proud, not only of themselves but of your little sister.
You could have watched them for hours, but Mother had called you to the reading room, to go to Diagon Alley via the Floo Network. You had asked her to take her with you since you wanted to get some new quills for school and a proper Christmas present for Tom.
Thankfully Diagon Alley wasn’t too busy, yet it took you a while to find an appropriate gift. You hadn’t even known where to start looking, but when you finally saw it in the shop window, you knew it was perfect.
Back home, Elsie, Father and Tom were just walking back inside, their cheeks and noses all plump from the hours they had spent out in the cold. Elsie jumped through the living room excitedly and told Mother and you how high up she was able to fly now. She had even attempted to do some advanced twists but almost had taken a fall.
Father patted Tom on the shoulder and thanked him for his time, which made Tom’s ears turn almost as pink as his cheeks and nose.
After congratulating your sister on her achievement, you turned to Tom and said: “Would you follow me? There’s something I want to show you.”
You took him to the reading room, where the parcel you got him stood under the desk.
“Long day, huh?” you asked when you closed the door behind you.
He nodded. “Long but successful. Your sister is a quick learner. She could make it on the Quidditch team one day.”
“Thank you for teaching her,” you said. “We all appreciate it.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
Now that you were with him, you didn’t know where to start. Should you tell him about lying in bed with the book in your hand, thinking of him? That you almost would have knocked on his door in the middle of the night, if Tummy had not been there? That could sound terribly invasive. What if he wouldn’t have wanted you to come? Now that you thought about it, you were glad that Tummy had spoiled your plan. Nighttime certainly made you too reckless.
“I hope you slept well,” you mumbled mindlessly. Merlin, why would you say that?
“I um…” Tom looked at you surprisedly. “Yes, I did.”
“If it wasn’t for the elf in the hallway, it would have been even better,” Tom added nonchalantly.
How would he also know about Tummy? Did he leave his room too? You scanned him questioningly and Tom smirked.
“Father is overprotective,” you answered. 
“Shame, isn’t it?”
You looked at each other, both with mischievous smiles on your faces. It would not have been awkward at all if you had gone over to his room last night. Tummy be damned.
“I thought of your present a lot,” you went on, changing the subject. “And I decided I had to get you something as well.”
“Not necessary. Your family let me stay the night, that’s more than en-”
“Stop it,” you snapped playfully and went to get the parcel from under the table. “There’s not a lot of things I thought suited Tom Riddle. But this does, I believe.”
He took the box with both hands, as it was quite big, placed it onto the desk and pulled off the top.
“Oh,” he breathed when he looked inside.
“Her name is Nagini. She’s not fully grown yet.”
Tom took a dark green, medium-sized snake out of the box and let it curl around his arm. 
“Did you know?” he asked.
“Know what?”
“That I’m a Parselmouth.”
“Yes,” you nodded. “People in Hogwarts were talking about it years ago and then I thought of your house and your relation to Salazar Slytherin. It made sense.”
“Thank you,” he said genuinely, looking into your eyes before he watched Nagini gliding from one of his arms to the other. “Stretch out your arm for me.”
You did and let your fingers touch his. Both of you now stood there with one arm pointing towards each other. The snake slithered around Tom’s arm, quickly making its way towards his outstretched fingers and over to yours. It hissed quietly while wandering up to your shoulder.
“She likes you,” Tom said softly. “A lot.”
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Masterpost | Masterlist
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Credit where credit is due: My boyfriend came up with the house-elf’s name. I don’t know where that came from but I won’t make him stop. He also gave him a short backstory. I might try to implement it into the story line if you’re interested.
Please consider leaving a comment and tell me what you think so far :) They motivate me so much to keep writing! Let me know if you want to be tagged, or untagged. Thank you for reading!
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chronicbatfictioner · 3 years
Exchanges and Compromises - Chapter 18
With Alfred in the mix, it was fairly easy for them to acquire the serum Bane seemed to have injected into him diligently every morning. The Drake Industries' laboratory quickly dissected the remnant within the syringe and discerned its contents.
And make an antidote.
"It's called Venom," Tim reported to Barbara, "a synthetic steroid that is... worse than steroid, I'd say. It doesn't make you dumb, unfortunately. But it also increased the user's strength by tenfold - not just the size of the muscles - with every use."
"I thought Bane seemed to have gotten taller since three months ago..." Barbara muttered. "So you're going through with the plan?"
"I... can't think of a better, non-lethal plan. Alfred said that the supply of syringes is depleting, and he would have a new one delivered from Santa Prisca by the end of the month - which will be in a week." Tim replied. "Plus, I have no idea of the dosage if I were to administer the Venom antidote. Still, I've heard of the rumors of the Al Ghuls using food as untraceable poisons or something like truth serum. But I'm kind of scared to think that it's actually true."
"Me, I'm not surprised. I've sent Dinah and Helena to Santa Prisca, where Bane said to have come from - to find the source and destroy it. Tim, if this thing hits the street..." she sighed.
"We're screwed nine ways to Sunday. I know. But here's the thing, Babs... you see the footage of him tampering the guys' car?"
"Yes, what about it?" Barbara asked.
"His mouth was moving. I'm not that good of a lip-reader, yet, I don't know what he's saying. But it looked to me as if he was talking on the phone or something, and I didn't see him carry a phone." Tim explained.
Barbara's expression - not Oracle, because they were in a secure channel, after all - showed that she just had the same eureka moment. "Tim, if you're right..."
"I'm sure I'm right. Everything I've read about Bane showed that he was mostly the muscle. He broke out of Peña Duro prison - which is where aunt Dinah and Helena should focus their attention - because somebody supplied him with steroids, so the reports said. I think somebody gave him venom, and he escaped. He came back like, a month later and killed all guards and throw out their bodies into the ocean. He came back, Babs. This is someone who was raised in the prison with virtually no known family outside. Where did he come back from?" Tim explained.
"That's logical... he would have to have someone to take care of him outside. Someone who has enough money to get in and out of Peña Duro, or to produce this Venom thingy, and then get Bane to trust him?" Barbara pointed out.
"Babs, trust me. When you're used to be alone, the first act of kindness shown to you would have earned the giver your trust until proven otherwise." Tim blurted out and cringed. The first person ever to show him an act of kindness was Selina, and then Barbara.
"Projecting, much?" Barbara smiled good-naturedly. "I get your point, though. Unfortunately, we haven't got any cellphone bugs in the Wayne Manor to figure out who Bane was talking to. But... I can probably help with the lip-reading part..."
"There's this kid at the library who's really good with lip-reading and body language reading. Her name is Cassandra. She isn't deaf, though, just can't talk much. I guessed that she was abused and raised in seclusion without being taught spoken language, to the point where she could understand body language better than normal language. I've been talking to her using signs and pictograms, but she's learning the language quickly. I'll see if I can get her to figure out what was said."
"Okay... is she living alone?"
"I've set her up with a friend of Harper's, Stephanie Brown. They seemed to get along alright," she smirked. "Stephanie is... kind of a talker."
"Cute, a girl who can't talk with a girl who can't stop talking." Tim deadpanned. "But let me know if it works, yeah? I'm a little more anxious with Jason's cooking than the poisoning stuff. They invited me, by the way."
"I'm sure he would," Barbara smirked again.
"What's the smirk about?" Tim demanded half-heartedly. "You, Selina, Dinah... what is it that you ladies talked about behind my back, anyway?"
"Oooh... let's just say the mamas and big sis of the crew is worried that their little kitten is growing up too fast," Barbara replied blithely.
"Baaaabs!" Tim bleated exasperatedly. "What even! We're in a mission here that is of the long-term persuasion and against someone so vile it's not even funny!"
"Tiiim...!" Barbara replied in the same tone mockingly. "I don't mind! None of us do! I mean, hey, if he swings this way, I'm sure a number of us girls would've loved to get his numbers, too! But anyway," she inhaled sharply, indicating her wanting to get back to the matter at hand. "I have no idea whatsoever of what kind of... concoction Jason is planning to use. Or what he's going to do after he arrived at his objective. But everyone's safety is our objective, yeah? And by everyone, I mean all humans there including Bane. If he seemed to be dying..."
"I'll call paramedics right away. And there's Dr Wayne, anyway." Tim reminded her.
"I've got to tell you, Tim, Dr Wayne doesn't look too good..." Barbara warned. "He looked like he's aged by twenty years in the past few months alone."
"Yeah, I've noticed. Alfred is sure that within the house, his diet is fine. But he'd often go out or overseas with Bane..." Tim agreed. "I hope it's just stress..."
"Same here. So far, though, from what I've seen, nothing in Jason's list of ingredients seemed... illegal..." Barbara commented.
"This is coming from someone who once told her dad not to mix hypertension meds with grapefruit." Tim deadpanned.
"Well that one is tried and true, and not a simple old wives' tale. I am aware that some food has an adverse reaction to medications. But really, these ingredients looked... well, like a restaurant's. Like a whole Asian region's worth of restaurants being imported directly from places through the entire continent. And we're literally dealing with someone who was taught to make candies poisonous..."
"'Not poisonous, just lethal' - so Damian told me."
"Comforting," Barbara remarked dryly. "You sure Jason said it wouldn't be harmful to others?"
"Yes, that's what he said. But he won't elaborate. Believe me, Babs, I've tried."
"Maybe it's an aphrodisiac?" Barbara suggested. Tim rolled his eyes.
"Selina isn't invited, though. Or Vicky..." she corrected herself.
"Ew, seriously."
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alectocarrcw · 4 years
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╰ °✧ that’s ALECTO CARROW and SHE seems to look a lot like MIA WASIKOWSKA. according to ministry files, the PUREBLOOD used to attend HOGWARTS and be in SLYTHERIN. now, they’re 25 and a “HEALER” AT ST. MUNGO’S. watchful eyes in your peripheral, goosebumps prickling the back of your neck, an obsession you cannot ignore, sickly weak and deathly pale, sadism that could scare the devil are the best ways to describe them. it doesn’t say in their file, but word around the street is that they’re a DEATH EATER.
Character Name: Alecto Carrow
Preferred Pronouns: she/her
Birthday: 13 January 1955
Employment: A healer at St. Mungo’s, specifically in the poisons ward. Alecto loves to experiment, but with the accumulated debt her family subjected to her and her brother, she didn’t have the means to fund her own projects. At St. Mungo’s poisons ward, she’s limitless in the ingredients available for her to create both poisons and remedies (not that the latter will ever see the light of day), as well as endless patients she could… test her concoctions on. Those she experiments on are patients who are on their deathbeds, those who wouldn’t be missed either for long or at all. Should they die after consuming her poisons, then it was simply their time to go. No one is the wiser. 
Patronus: Alecto will never be able to cast a Patronus, much to her frustration. She hates not being able to do something, feeling limited in inaccessibility, but there’s no happy memories for her to draw on to bring about a Patronus. However, it would likely be a lynx: controlling in power, individualistic, and sharp-sighted, as well as quiet, intelligent, and curious.
Boggart: She sees an older woman, a much more beautiful woman who stalks around her with an air of authority and privilege that she was never allowed to have. The mug the woman carries is a sickly green, the faint outline of a skull in its ripples, and Alecto’s mother shoves the poison at her daughter, hissing: You are a disgrace to the Carrow name. Drink your poison, girl: perhaps we’ll be lucky enough to see you drop dead. She will never have the beauty that her mother possessed, never have the propriety of a pureblood socialite, but at least she can paint her bedroom walls a deep red, courtesy to palette her mother’s open throat provides.
[ + ] Sly: Save for her expulsion from Hogwarts, Alecto has always found deceiving people to be pathetically easy. She and Amycus had been sickly from a young age, and everyone pities the sick kid--oh, how she took advantage of that. I’m too weak to do that, she’d say with a tremble added to her voice. Push the student down the stairs? With these knobby arms? Her expulsion had been a fluke, something she swore wouldn’t happen again. Her lies came easier with age, as did her ability to cover up her illegal experiments: who had something to hide when that something couldn’t be proved in the first place?
[ + ] Focused: Her ability to sit down and get her work done in record-time is unrivaled, at least as far as she’s concerned. Anything beyond her task at hand is a distraction, and a distraction is the last thing she wants. Alecto gets to the end goal for both herself and for others requesting favors of her through a sort of tunnel-vision, but that’s the way she likes it.
[ + ] Curious: She thanks dear mother for this particular quality of hers. It was Mother who introduced her to poisons and their effects on the human body, as well as anatomy so she could really appreciate how a person’s body can convulse when subjected to the Cruciatus curse. She was enthralled then, watching their muscles jump in response to the pain of poison or a curse, and she’s still just as fascinated, even if her subjects are much less healthy of late. She wants to know how the body reacts to every extreme she puts it through; she may never be fully satiated.
[ - ] Short-Tempered: Another gift from her family, Alecto is prone to bouts of (sometimes uncalled for) extreme anger. She flies into a rage that involves vials being thrown and unfortunate patients’ bones being snapped when something goes wrong in her tests, only to be healed and promptly obliviated lest a competent healer question them later on. The only person she tries not to hurt is her brother, but if she does then it simply cannot be helped. Afterward, Alecto never apologizes. She just gets back to work.
[ - ] Manipulative: Sweet words don’t mean nearly as much coming from a plain face than they do from a beautiful one, something she’s secretly envious of her mother for. Still, given the nature of her true work and the environment she grew up in, Alecto had to find her own way to get what she wanted, because being a daddy’s girl wasn’t an option for her like it might’ve been with another family. She lathered honey onto the tip of her tongue at a young age and since then, she’s used it to barter and steal and worm her way into gaining friends in high places, even if the proceeding smile has a slightly unnerving undertone to it. She gets what she wants.
[ - ] Sadistic: No one takes dying patients and feeds them poison with a sane mind. Alecto finds joy in the convulsing bodies of her subjects for the few hours she’s able to have them alone, taking a mountain of notes with each muscle twitch before adding a spell or a curse to just the right spot to inflict more pain. It’s her favorite pastime, and she’s certain she knows more about the reactions of human anatomy versus spell casting and ingested poisons than anyone in the ward, perhaps even the hospital; she can’t wait to move on to injecting poisons directly into her subjects’ veins.
BIOGRAPHY; ( tw for abuse / childhood abuse ahead )
She should have been the envy among the pureblood elite, just as her mother had been before her. 
Her mother had been graceful, charismatic, a beauty beyond compare, and all eyes turned toward the Carrows after she had announced her pregnancy to see such traits reflected in the eyes of any children she bore, doubly so when twins were announced partway into the pregnancy. Alecto’s first familial disappointment was her own birth, entering the world on a sullen January evening weeks before she was meant to and minutes before her brother. Frail were the bones of a newborn, but that risk was multiplied by their premature birth. Thus began one of many hospital stays throughout Alecto’s childhood, surrounded by tutting healers and bright white walls, reflecting fluorescent lights and nearly blinding her by the tender age of five.
There was something off-putting about her, growing up. Being carted to and from the hospital didn’t leave much room for proper childhood development, let alone an education among her peers. Her dependency on vials of medicine borderlined an unhealthy obsession, and at home her mother only encouraged her intrigue toward potions and poisons with her own mixes, sickly green liquids filling the vials and tilting into her mouth as she insisted Alecto build up a tolerance from an early age. Mother wasn’t careful, however, and Alecto took vials while she was at home and fed them to the animals that dared to approach the Carrow home, watching squirrels and bugs and, later, dogs and cats thrash against invisible foes coursing their intestines until they fell still in defeat. She drew the scenes on the paper the healers provided her when she couldn’t be at home, ignoring the horrified expressions the adults wore as she depicted each detail with morbid fascination. 
Hogwarts saw an improvement in her health, if only just. The dampness that filled the Slytherin common rooms from its dungeon location echoed the sober atmosphere of the Carrow manor, but away from an absent father and an overbearing mother Alecto found it in herself to thrive--particularly in Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts (though she scoured the library for the offensive dark arts as well, eager to see what spells and curses she could make tick). Her peers whispered and laughed without much subtly at her, taunting the beauty she would never have, aggravating her nerves until she snapped. One whisper into Amycus’ ear saw an older student shoved down the steps of the astronomy tower, and Alecto couldn’t stop staring at the way her bones were twisted into an all-too unnatural angle. It didn’t take much convincing to get Amycus to do her bidding, because she knew her brother wanted it too: wanted to see those who tormented them tormented in return, tenfold. The best part was they never got caught, never left enough evidence to lead back to the twins’ so-called accidents; at least, until they did. One slip-up saw the Carrow twins standing in a snowstorm, blood splattered on their green robes, and professors dragged them away. Not even the Carrow name could keep their wands from being snapped, but it was enough to get another wand and get them into Durmstrang.
To say it truthfully, Alecto didn’t give a rat’s ass about the war Lord Voldemort reigned down upon the wizarding world. She knew about blood purity, knew her brother saw muggleborns as a threat to the world as they knew it, but that wasn’t why Alecto took the Dark Mark. How did magic pick and choose which muggles got to see their world? It had to be more than having magical lineage choosing the person at random. Alecto wanted to know how it worked, and only the Dark Lord would let her slice open muggleborns and test their blood. Her potions skills, along with a good bit of fibbing, got her into the poisons ward of St. Mungo’s, a place that she had considered home for half of her childhood. Healing wasn’t her end goal, though: testing was. So long as the Death Eaters brought her subjects to experiment on, she would do whatever they wished in whatever fashion they desired--and this time, Alecto would not get caught.
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lorei-writes · 5 years
Part 2 - The Present
Masamune x MC (Mizusaki Mai) Mostly feels, some fluff (I think) Previous parts: Part 1 - The Past
Okay, I think it’s all right.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, as Ikemen Sengoku is the property of Cybrid. Anything included in the story is not canon.
Briefly:  When the time comes, I will not hesitate.
Mai never intended to return. She locked away her fears and regrets, never once wanting to face them. After all, how could she? If she had any say in the matter, she would have approached the matters differently – she would have told her parents about the reason behind her disappearance, she would have said her goodbyes by herself, she would never have them worried like that. However, the stakes were stacked against her, the wormhole being too much of an unusual occurrence to even consider counting on another one to ever happen – all she could do was to give Sasuke hand written letters and hope that they'd believe her words. Not that she could tell them all the truth and risk having her sanity put into question.
Mai never thought she'd ever see her mother, even less so that the woman would be crushing her ribs in a tight embrace. “ Mum?” she asked, too puzzled to asses the situation. “ My little girl, where have you been all this time? You had me worried sick,” the mother sobbed. “ It's a long story. For how long have I been here?” The arms around Mai loosened a bit, just for the parent and the child to part seconds later. The woman sat back on the chair next to the hospital bed. “ A day. The doctors don't even know what had happened to you.” Mai raised her eyebrows. She sat up and stretched her arms. “ What do you men they don't know what had happened to me?” “ We... We did not expect to ever see you again,” she hesitated, as she choked on words, the tears threatening to spill over at any moment. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her uneven tone: “ Let alone unharmed,” she continued, rubbing at her eyes. “ Your father will be here in an hour. We were sure you got kidnapped.”
The days following the return were rather hectic, with her parents in a state of hysterical happiness and disbelief.  Their minds could not conjure any scenario probable enough to accept. How could they? For all those years they lived convinced their daughter was a victim to human trafficking, sold somewhere on an illegal market, never to be rescued. They had grieved her during the days, the nightmares sometimes twisting the dreams into horrible visions of abuse. For Mai to come back safely was miraculous, for her to be of relatively good health and to have seemingly lost all memory from the past years – it was next to impossible. In their minds, it was all an illusion. Partially, they indeed were right, as the woman never allowed her sorrow to surface whenever anybody was around, hence strengthening the image of a lucky survivor.
Mai wasn't one, though. If anything, she dreaded her fate, all too aware of the fact that even if the opportunity came to be, she could not return to her husband. The diagnosis didn't scare her at first – the doctors assured her that although the disease had progressed, all the effects could be reversed. Only later did she understand what they meant – it would get better, if she took the medicine, the very pellets that were manufactured only in the present time, a definite cure still remaining unknown to the world. As it was explained to her, her hypothyroidism was most probably a result of an autoimmune condition, a thing they couldn't help. She would be able to lead a happy life, to fulfill her dreams – yet only then and there, not back in time.
Mai did miss plenty of time. The trends had shifted and the technology had progressed. With her parents worried about her and the police insisting on continuing the investigation, she soon found herself moving to her hometown, where she worked on rebuilding her portfolio. While trying to convince everybody that she was in good condition, she adapted to the present, her spirit still stuck back in the past. People assumed it was ordinary, as something surely must have broken her in a way – why else she would have vanished?
However, she was not able to hide everything. To the surprise of her parents, her designs changed in a peculiar way – Mai did seem to become keen on a particular shade of blue, oftentimes using a moon theme in her work. It wasn't only that – her cooking improved greatly, she took a strange liking to cats and was awfully unapologetic. She also gained a rather weird interest in history, as if she had seen some things happen with her own eyes. Her attitude towards consumption changed as well, with nothing being destined to become waste.
On that morning, she was out shopping for dinner, hoping to fetch herself some fresh ingredients. She wondered which of the dishes she should prepare, when she heard a familiar voice calling her. She spun around abruptly, not quite believing her own ears. To her best knowledge, Sasuke returned to the present to continue his studies – what possibly could he be doing in her town? Yet there he was, carefully avoiding clashing into other humans, as he rushed to her side. “ Mai, I just... What are you doing here?” he asked, concern evident in his voice. “ I could ask you the very same thing. Care for a coffee?” Former ninja agreed with a nod and soon, they were seated in a small cafe.
Bitter-sweet aroma filled the space, as their orders got delivered. Not sure how to go about the conversation, Mai started: “ So, why are you here? I presume it has nothing to do with your research.” “ No, it doesn't. I do have an interesting observation, though. It seems that nobody but us is aware of the changes in the history we've made. Their memories just update to what presumably has happened.” “ And?” she nagged him to continue, as she dug into her cake. “ In last years it was noted that Masamune Date died leaving no heir behind. In past months it got updated to 'Masamune Date died leaving no heir behind, allegedly abstaining from any relationships with women after his first wife died in an accident'. Mai, history is changing at an astounding rate.” She bit her lip, trying to silence any hope welling up inside of her. “ Do you want to tell me that...” she started. “ I can't say anything for sure, but it's entirely possible more things will be discovered.” “ Thanks,” she mustered, an honest smile gracing her face for the first time in months. “ Friends in the past stay friends in the future, right?” Sasuke laughed. “ What even happened back there?” Mai shook her head, just to start explaining the recent events a few seconds later. ***
Masamune couldn't possibly tell everybody the truth. Having escaped the burning fire, he was greeted with compassionate looks – his servants and retainers had already made up the version of reality, in which the princess had died. Given the evidence and the almost supernatural nature of the  phenomenon that stole her away, it would be unwise to state otherwise. Whenever anybody asked, Masamune simply said: “She's gone”, never bothering to provide any further explanation. After receiving the letters with briefing on the events, his friends didn't even ask for details anyway.
He was restless. To the outside world, Masamune didn't change too much – he lived, as if his beloved wife was still by his side, at worst being even more eager to fulfill his duties. Simply, no eyes could see the insatiable hunger consuming him on the inside. Yet, in his misery, he couldn't say he'd do anything differently – the possibility of saving her was enough for him to withstand the poisonous effects of the feeling he was unable to give up on.
Torn apart by his desires and the better judgement, he sprung into action, using the information provided by his lover to speed up the cogs of time. If the reason behind the appearance of wormholes was restoring balance, he'd disturb it just enough to force one to open. At worst, he'd silence the yearning in his chest, so that he could live through another day. The nights, on the other hand... The nights were unbearable. At first, his bed still smelled of her, rubbing salt into the fresh wound. However, the scent started to fade out fast, making him miss her even more. Hoping to breach the gap between them, he wrote letters to her almost daily and hid them in his most prominent castles in an attempt to lure the researchers into finding them.
Though some part of him was certain, he'd have a chance to deliver them himself. ***
Almost two years had passed since their parting. Mai had moved to Kyoto, as she began to stand on her own feet anew. The place had some strange magnetizing effect on her and she couldn't help but listen to her intuition. She was cooking dinner, when the phone lit up. Sasuke had sent her a link. She frowned, turning the stove down.
The site opened. “A collection of letters discovered by the archaeologists”, read the title. Feverishly, her eyes scanned over the text, until the quotation and pictures of source material appeared. “ To my one and only beloved,
I miss your touch. I long to kiss your lips and hold you close. Whenever I close my eyes, you're in my dreams and I can't wait for the time we can meet in reality.
I can only hope you forgave me, as I know you won't be able to answer me. I did not lie in my vows.
When the time comes, I will not hesitate. Please, keep smiling until we meet and then, you'll have all the rights in the world to be angry with me. For now, just trust me.” The rest of the letter was smudged, but Mai didn't need to see the signature to know the sender. She covered her mouth with her hand, as her heart started to beat faster.
Another text appeared in her notifications: “I can see the dates changing. It's insane.” A few seconds have passed. “Mai, entire paragraphs are being rewritten.”
She didn't wait. She turned down the stove completely and barged out of her apartment, heading towards the monument she knew so well. The weather was beautiful, just like the first time. She didn't need any confirmation, she knew what would happen.
And it did.
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starsmuserainbow · 5 years
!! !! !!
With every “!!” i get, I’ll introduce you to an OC! 
Thanks for sending some!
Those will be below a cut since I’d rather keep big images away from people’s dashes.
First off, I think it’s about time I actually explain why I have the icons that I use as mun-icons.
So here’s Cat!
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(a few images together here, since I didn’t want to add too many in full size. The above two are self-drawn, the latter three done with character creators while the right one is probably the most accurate. And of course I would have used these icons as her faceclaim if I’d ever have started RPing for her:)
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She’s very nice and friendly. She doesn’t like fighting much, and yet tries to do something against bad things happening. She’s a bit more mature than others her age would be, and she grew up in an orphanage.Of course, her original name isn’t Cat, she is Catherine, or more often Cathy, but she always had a liking for cats (hence why I draw her with cat ears on usually, she wears them whenever she can to the point that some might assume they’re real) and so one of her closest friends always called her ‘cat’ and it stuck with her.If they’re very strong (or if she doesn’t have her abilities under control), she will ‘hear’ thoughts of people around, without actually aiming to do it or focusing on it. This led to her being overwhelmed by everything before, especially when her abilities were still freshly ‘breaking through’, and even now she still sometimes just needs time for herself, best in silence or with calming music and/or scents around. She’s also capable of reading people’s minds and hypnosis, all only when eye-contact is established; and one time I actually wrote her also having, with very very much concentration, tiny amounts of telekinesis, like raising a needle or turning a key in a lock.
I thik I have mentioned all others that I can speak about here at least once before, but, another one that I’m still very much feeling and sometimes actually think about if I should try bringing her out there: Liquor.
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(both pics here are done with char creators, I haven’t yet done a drawing of her. I did have a tektek-avatar (pixelized figure) of her which felt really accurate, but I don’t have that anymore.)
Liquor is very much not a good person. She works as an assassin, and thanks to her abilities has never failed before. Only very few people live to know her, too; she’s always kept most about herself a mystery. Her go-to colors to wear are green and black, usually rather revealing too.She normally uses potions/poisons to finish off her targets, and seems to have a knack in it as she often produces things that no one else really even considers possible (turn people older/younger, cause temporary obsessive love, things like these and probably much more) - or maybe she simply has a very rare and unique ingredient that no one else knows of or can use?She can turn into a water-like fluid, and move while in that state too. So anything that isn’t airtight (/water-tight, if that’s a word) is also not protected against her, as she can simply sneak inside. If in close-combat, she can turn only a part of her body liquid to let an attack pass through - or she can move the fluid part of her body around a part of her enemy, which will not end pleasantly once she ‘solidifies’ herself again. She tends to carry a lighter despite not smoking - if stuck in a situation where she can’t escape otherwise, Liquor, or Liq for short, will tear off a part of her clothing and light it on fire, using the heat to then evaporate her fluid-turned body and escape through the air (as long as her prison isn’t airtight).
Next up, to name a third one (also one I mentioned before), she’s another one I’m sometimes interested in bringing out into the RP-world but usually shy away from it: Mia!
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(Again, I don’t have a pic I did myself, or at least not at hand right now - I think I did draw her once? Definitely with bad results though - so you get a pic from a char creator instead.)
I’ll just copy-paste what I once wrote about her here, since I still feel it’s nicely worded and so it’s easier than to write the same thing only in different again.
Blue hair, blue eyes, and she tends to wear light blue as a top, Mia definitely likes the color blue. Or maybe she just worked with what she had and figured fitting the color of her clothing to her eyes and hair would make sense.
She can be brash, a bit boyish too, and straightforward; she tends to say what she thinks and doesn’t hesitate to tell someone off or step in when something doesn’t seem right in her opinion. She has fought others before thanks to her personality, and it’s probably not been the last time, so she has some experience - and she probably learned some fighting skills from courses or something too, at least she can do it good enough to win most of the fights she starts, and she knows how to decently use most ‘tools’ too (bows, guns, staffs, etc).As long as you aren’t doing something ‘mean’ or ‘bad’, though, she’s definitely friendly. Maybe a little too intrusive and not giving others enough privacy once she’s interested in them, but still friendly. And good company, she likes to joke around, and she also likes to (strongly) encourage her friends (or people that she knows for longer than a few minutes) to do the things they actually want to do, regardless of what the consequences might be. As long as the consequences (and the action itself) aren’t illegal or hurting someone else, that is.
She doesn’t speak of family, but it seems that she lives by herself and so there’s a good chance that she doesn’t have anyone related to her. Or that’s how she wants it to look - Mia likes to play a role, every now and then.
Which brings me to her power. She can… she copies powers of people nearby, basically. Nothing that is an altering to their physical body, but she can copy powers otherwise. She only has them as long as she is close to the ‘source’, she can copy multiple people’s powers at the same time, and seems to have an easy understanding of how to use most powers too - it’s rare that she causes accidents by triggering a just-recieved power.[Again, this doesn’t really make sense science-wise, sorry. When using her, I basically made her able to copy things like Star’s flying and starbolts, but not Cyborg’s built-in weapons, if that explanation helps.]It makes her the ideal person to tell if someone is who they claim to be, especially when that one has powers or it’s about telling if there’s a shapeshifter in the group taking the role of someone else. (She’d be a very effective ‘way’ to tell when Madame Rouge is around, for example.)
She’s against crimes and hurting others, but she never quite took to hero-ing. Maybe every now and then when she comes across powers to copy (which happens pretty automatically by the way, she can’t really stop it, she can only try her best to not use the powers despite having them), but she never took up a disguise or a costume or anything, and even if she were to become a hero, she would probably just stick with her own looks without covering herself.
She’s also a fan of the heroes that are around, and sometimes she purposely goes somewhere where trouble takes place, only to get close to the soon-nearby heroes, to see them and watch the fight (and to get a chance to try, or at least “feel”, their powers too).
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Terrible Secret Keeper
Characters: Peter Parker x Reader, Ned, MJ, minor characters
Word Count: 1,758
Warnings: drunk!reader, fluff peter
Summary: You and Peter are a part of the Avengers and you are terrible when it comes to keeping secrets. Peter must watch out for you especially when you get drunk.
Author’s Note: I was scrolling through Instagram and found this post with their permission, I am turning it into a oneshot! I hope you all like it! If you have any requests, please send them in! I would love to hear what you have! This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
Tags at the bottom
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“Come on, this is the party of the year. So, who cares if Flash is throwing it? It’ll be fun,” You tried to convince your boyfriend, Peter, to just have fun.
“You know I don’t really like parties. I’d rather hang out with you at my place where we can watch movies all night long.” Peter sighed, stopping at your locker first. You faced him and put your hands on his shoulders, staring deep into his eyes.
“Peter, I love you but I think this could be good. What’s the worst that could happen? Huh?”
“You remember the last party you went to? The one where you almost got caught coming home drunk?”
“That was one time. It’ll be different this time. We’re going. I already asked MJ to drive us since she’s the only one with a license. Ned is going too.” You opened your locker and got out the books that you needed for your next class.
“Aren’t Flash’s parents going to be there? He was bragging at lunch about the alcohol he was going to get.”
“I don’t know. An older sibling maybe? It doesn’t matter. As long as the cops aren’t called on us.” You joked.
“That’s not funny. It’s underage drinking.” Peter said in a deadpan voice.
“Then it's a good thing we’re specially enhanced humans. You heal pretty quickly which can prevent you from getting alcohol poisoning and I’m the youngest person to get injected with a super serum. That means I won’t be able to get poisoning. Being a superhero has its perks.” You chuckled as you closed your locker and walked with Peter to his.
The whole reason you two met in the first place was because Tony wanted to see what you could do while Peter was there with Happy, checking out his new suit. You liked what you saw and decided to go for it. Peter liked how confident you were and decided to roll with it. Best decision you ever made.
The whole reason you were at Tony’s place was because you were injected with a chemically imbalanced serum which made you able to do a lot of things. One of those is self-healing. It’s pretty amazing. You can get a cut and almost instantly it’s gone. You’re also stronger than Steve which amazed you at first since he’s Captain freaking America.
The place that gave you the serum brought you to the Red Room where you met Natasha. You trained there to be a killing machine. With the serum, it made you better than everyone there. You didn’t want to fight or to even carry this serum but your parents forced you.
Your parents were the head of this secret organization that specializes in creating superhumans. Each year, they had someone younger to test out their failed serum. You say failed because they could never get the perfect balance of their ingredients. All the subjects died within 24 hours.
Then they saw you playing in your room with your barbies and action figures. They wanted to test the serum on you to see if someone your age would be able to take it. Your parents never really cared about you so you weren’t surprised when they stuck needles in you and injected the bright blue serum.
Low and behold it worked but before they could make an entire army, their facilities were raided by S.H.I.E.L.D and in the process, your parents died. It’s how you met Nick Fury. You were just a child and he wanted to make sure you were in good hands. You owed everything to Nick Fury because without him, you probably would have been found by someone worse who wanted to use you for evil. Nick taught you how to use your powers safely and for good.
Your life has always been a roller coaster that seemed to only go down until you met Peter. He made you feel good about yourself and the things you did. He made you feel special without the serum.
“Fine, we’ll go but we won’t stay for long.” Peter sighed.
“That’s fine with me. I just want to have a fun time on Friday.” You smiled, already picturing yourself dancing the night away.
“Yeah, I can’t wait,” Peter said sarcastically.
“We’ll stay for a few hours and then we’ll go home, okay?” You said to Peter as you walked up the steps to Flash’s house. The party was already booming since MJ picked you up later than discussed. You were a little late but you didn’t care. You were here.
“Wait, you’re going to leave early?” Ned asked, not wanting to stay here without Peter.
“Peter wants to be a buzz kill and leave early.” You teased him.
“Hey, don’t make me the bad guy here. This is all illegal just so you know.”
“So, when the police show up, I’ll know who to turn to.” You smirked and walked inside the house.
“Come on, I want to see what kind of drinks they have,” MJ said, taking your hand and leading you to wherever Flash was. Peter sighed as he watched you leave with MJ.
“Dude, what’s going on? You’re usually not like this.” Ned asked.
“I know what Y/N is like when she drinks. I shouldn’t since she’s 16 but she likes to ramble a lot. And I’m just scared she’ll tell people I’m Spiderman and she’s Scarlett Swan.”
“How did she get a name like that?” Ned asked with a chuckle.
“Have you seen her fight?”
“You’ll know too if you see it. Come on, let’s go find her.” Peter said, walking through the crowd of people until he found you. “Great.” You were playing beer pong with Flash and you were winning.
“Come on Flash, you can throw better than that.” You chuckled, watching as Flash bounces his ball into one of your cups. This game was a lot more fun since the cups weren’t filled with beer, it was filled with vodka. You grinned and removed the ball from the cup before downing the contents.
“This could be fun to watch,” Ned commented and Peter chuckled, watching you have fun. As long as he kept an eye on you, everyone should be fine.
About halfway through the party, Peter lost sight of you. He didn’t know where you were or how much you had to drink. He and Ned split up and Peter went to go check outside for you. He hated that he had to treat you this way but it was hard enough for you to keep a secret while sober. He just didn’t want to anger Mr. Stark or ruin yours and his life.
Dude, come back inside. You have to see this.
After seeing the text from Ned, he walked inside. He hoped you weren’t embarrassing yourself. He didn’t even have to ask where it was because everyone was crowding around the living room table. The speakers were booming with sound and it was hard to hear your own thoughts, let alone another person. But there you were, on top of the table, dancing your ass off with a drink in your hand.
Because of your serum, it was hard for you to get drunk which is why you didn’t pay attention to the number of drinks you had. They kept piling up and before you knew it, you were getting on the table and dancing in front of everyone. At least you were dressed this time. Everyone else was dancing around the table but you didn’t have a care in the world.
“I love this party!!” You yelled, spilling your drink a bit. You giggled at the round of cheers before tossing back whatever was left in your cup.
“Peter! Hi!!” You waved once you saw your boyfriend. Peter stared at you, not believing why he saw.
“Let’s hope she hasn’t told anyone yet,” Ned said in Peter’s ear.
“Ooo you guys keeping secrets from me?” You yelled with a grin, seeing the two boys close to one another. “I got some secrets. Hey everyone! You know that amazing Spiderman? And that badass Scarlett Swan??”
“Shit, come on, Y/N, it’s time to go.” Peter immediately spring into action. You giggled and was about to say the biggest thing you were hiding but you lost your footing and fell off the table. You expected to bust your ass on the floor but a pair of strong arms caught you.
“Hey, Peter! Tell them about Spiderman!” You laughed, clearly too drunk to do anything.
“We need to go. This is what I was trying to prevent.” Peter sighed. You giggled as he set you on your feet and helped you walk to the front door.
“I’ll get MJ,” Ned yelled and was about to go find her but Peter stopped him.
“Don’t worry. You two stay. I’ll get her home.” Ned nodded and Peter walked with you out of the house.
“I’m Scarlett Swan.” You blurted and Peter quickly looked around him to see if there was anyone there but no one was there to hear.
“We seriously need to work on your secret keeping skills. Come on.” Peter held most of your weight and walked down the street with you. The whole time, you were rambling but that didn’t faze Peter. He loved you anyways.
“Okay, let’s get in the bed,” Peter grunted, trying to get you under the covers. He got you changed into one of his shirts and now he just needed you to stay still.
“This isn’t my room. Where’s my room?” You asked a little too loudly.
“Not that loud! Aunt May is sleeping! I’m not taking you home, your grandma will kill me if I showed up with you drunk like this. I texted her saying you’ll be spending the night here.”
“You’re too good for me. I love you so much, Peter.” You pouted, lying on the bed.
“I love you too. This is why I didn’t want to go to the party. You almost told the entire school our secret.”
“I think everyone should know. We’re fucking badass.” You giggled and laid your head on his pillow.
“Well, Mr. Stark doesn’t see it that way. Come on, sleep time. You’ll feel better in the morning.”
“I’m glad I don’t get hangovers.” You giggled yawned. Before you knew it, you were passed out on the bed. Peter chuckled and sighed, wondering what he was going to do with you. He loved you but you definitely gave him a challenge.
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askmeaboutmyrudyard · 6 years
Part two
(the second part of me trade, also known as I forgot how to write send help)
Terryn checked the text once more and glanced at the clock in the upper right corner.
[From Terryn] 7pm, Movie tonight @ 8. Be ready
That was what he had written Chris, his roommate for over seven years, online dating status recently upgraded to husband. It was now 8:30, far past the time they were scheduled to be in the middle of enjoying their bi-monthly Date Night.
An unacceptable deviation from their predestined course as far as he was concerned. This was a tradition Chris had started since before they had even gotten together. In the early years, the military had taken its toll on the former nurse’s personal life, and he’d found himself alone with people whose schedules always seemed to conflict with his own. But that didn’t stop the dark days from coming when Chris was a bundle of manic energy barely held together in physical form by old ducktape and chicken wire. During those moments, he’d wanted. Needed, to go out somewhere, anywhere beyond the four-walled prison that made up their apartment. The only problem was he’d needed his plus one, because, when he was joined by a companion he hadn't felt quite as alone.
Terryn had agreed readily enough, not just because it meant free food(though this was a perk), but also he’d felt a bizarre sense of responsibility for his roommate. He had not regretted making the decision.
Fast-forward a few years and a ton of mutual pining and deep soul-searching later, and through it all there was not a date that they had missed.
Chris seemed accepting enough of the delay, drumming his hands on the lobby table while he played Roblox on his cellphone and surreptitiously scanned the crowd for anyone who might be taking undue interest in them, Terryn, on the other hand, was still, eyebrows furrowed, arms crossed over his chest, and quietly incensed.
The theater had managed to overbook their seating, and now he and his partner had been made to wait two and a half hours before they finally saw the damn film. They had received superior accommodation for their troubles, but that was hardly a benefit when factoring the time they could've spent literally anywhere else.
If the cinema had bothered to call, hell, even shoot off a text message or an email, just to let them know that plans had changed, it would have been one thing, a disappointment, but not one he couldn’t have rolled with.
The date would still be on; obviously, he wouldn't have canceled this on Chris, not when the guy looked forward to these things like a kid on Christmas, but there were better places to spend one's time than a noisy theater lobby.
He could have made dinner for them both before they’d set out at the very least, then he wouldn’t be sitting here grumpy and hungry. The only thing keeping him from paying for the overpriced nachos was the thought of what the ingredients had been sitting out in the open, congealing in a cruddy Frankensteinian combination of aged mystery meat and what he supposed was meant to pass as cheese would do to his digestive system.
This meant Chris also went without because Terryn would never subject someone he cared for to food he'd never feed himself. Chris hadn’t shown any interest in the menu, but if they had been in a decent place, he would have already ordered a few appetizers and shoved them in Chris’ direction. He wouldn’t eat everything on his plate, but an attempt was made, and anything was an improvement over nothing at all.
And, to be frank, He hated depriving Chris of food when the man didn’t seem to eat all that much in the first place.
Chris might not eat as much as Terryn felt he should, but he knew his partner could appreciate an attempt at a homemade gourmet dinner. After all who wouldn't enjoy a meal handcrafted by himself, using vegetables cut to perfection and stored inside cans for an extended shelf life, prepared with meats not yet considered unsalvageable, all prepared from a traditional recipe passed through generations of internet users, and stolen straight from the food website with the highest rating Terryn could find? It would have been relatively cheap, and they'd have both been fed at the very least.
Some might joke that he shared a few traits too many with Spongebob's Mr. Krabs, but unlike the crustacean, he could cook on a budget and no one had ever gotten food poisoning on his watch.
He wasn't confident this particular cinema could boast the same, if whatever he was meant to be looking at under the heating lamp was any indication, he recognized the nachos, it was hard to mistake tortilla chips after all, but number of things, one of which might have once been a corndog, were shriveled up beyond recognition.
If he hadn't already prepaid, hadn’t already promised Chris he’d get him this movie he’d have tried to convince his partner they were better off eating out tonight instead (Denny’s was usually relatively cheap and was open 24/7) and downloading the movie illegally to soothe a steadily growing need for petty revenge.
If these people caused a break in their long-held tradition, not only would he be writing a nasty letter to the manager, he would follow that up by typing up a brutal review to anyone, from Yelp to Google Maps, willing to accept his missives. He could not control how the day went, but he did have that happy power to make them regret this day.
Next time, they’d do something more straightforward. Maybe take a drive to a city they’d never been before, take a bunch of selfies Terryn wouldn’t care for but Chris would happily print. Later on, he'd add them to the growing collection of photo albums they had created together(bonus points if the places had any historical value), rent a room at the cheapest hotel they could find, and watch Netflix She-Ra while Chris cuddled up to him in his pajamas. That would have been a nice day.
Instead, Terryn had promised they’d go out to the movies.
“Just think of it,” he’d said earlier that very morning, sleep not yet chased from his voice. “You, me, and the Big Screen.” He hadn’t been as interested in the ordeal as Chris, but he’d wanted to make him happy. “No worries. No interruptions.” Terryn had meant those words, and they’d turned him into a liar. Chris had believed him because there was no reason not to, the shorter of the two was a man of his word.
He watched the numbers on his phone change from 9:00 to 9:01 and wondered if he should surrender to Chris’ demands on Facebook messenger challenging him to a Player vs. Player battle on Pokemon Go.
It was inevitable that Chris would win any match the two set themselves to as the game expected him to spend real-world currency and he’d neglected his team as a result. The thought of keeping Chris contented and distracted was the only thing that honestly made him consider it.
Their waitress came by their table and frowned at the pair who had ordered nothing but the water when it had been offered freely as they waited. He could feel her giving them pitying looks and hear the whispers of the other employees as they went about their tasks.
“Can I get you anything, boys?” The waitress, an attractive thirty-something, who stands next to their table, a notepad in her hand, prepared to jot down anything they might ask. Terryn considers the question if they ordered the theatre would benefit, but she’s been walking by, dutifully refilling their glasses with water every time she’d seen them emptied. He didn’t appreciate being made to wait, but he could be moved by decent customer service. He looks at Chris, inviting the man to order whatever he felt he wanted, before going back to check the time.
“Could I have a coffee, please?” Chis asked, and Terryn could practically hear the smile in his tone. She nodded, marking it dutifully on her notepad and frowns at the two.
“I’m sorry you boy have had to wait so long.” She says, her voice seemed genuinely apologetic. “Thank you for being so patient.” She says this with a curtsey and turns around when they both tell her that waiting was no trouble.
“It’s no trouble.” He echoes, feeling the lie eat away at his tongue, relaxing only when Chris stretched his hand across the table and took Terryn’s in his own, and smiling reassuringly at him.
The redhead takes a deep breath before sitting up, posture ramrod straight once more. He watches their waitress pass through the double doors that led to the kitchen, and he fervently prayed there would be nothing wrong with the coffee she brought back.
Chris’ grip on his hand tightens, catching his attention, and the man proceeds to give him a wicked smile. It’s the only warning he gets before a weight slides seductively against his inner thigh. It’s only his steady self-control that prevents him from jolting at the touch.
That had been a prosthetic leg touching him with familiarly he’d only ever afforded to one person.
He frowned across the table and Chris smiled, innocent as a newborn duckling. Fitting since he’d never trusted ducks in the first place.
There weren’t many patrons, most who walked within their field of vision were viewers moving to and from the concession stands and the packed theaters but the idea that even one person could have seen, well. It didn’t bare thinking of, to be honest.
Chris makes a beckoning motion and just like that he’s walking towards the restrooms, the one in the middle that says ‘Gender-Neutral.’
The doors swung open even as Terryn wondered if following the man was in his best interests.
He noticed immediately upon entering that it was a one-person stall. Chris quickly locked the door behind him.
A shiver struck him straight in the stomach, part fear, part something else as he registered how very loud the pull of the other man’s zipper sounded in the echoes of the bathroom despite the thumping base from the theater. “Chris…”
“You looked tense in there,” Chris said, a coy smirk playing on his face, watching his companion through those stunning eyes. “I thought perhaps I could help you loosen some of that pressure?” Terryn gives Chris a fresh once over, and suddenly there seemed entirely too much space between them. The shiver that’d started up in his belly deepens into a sizzle that rocketed along his spine. Chris wasn’t the most attractive man he’d ever met, but damn him for a deceiver if he ever said the man didn’t touch him in ways no other could. “And if I decline?” “Then I suppose we’ll just be returning to much of the same,” Chris says, and he’s already undoing the buttons to his collared shirt as he allows Terryn to back him up against the wall. His eyes are wide and he holds Terryn’s gaze steadily until they’re lined up, so close a breath makes their bodies touch. “Unless you’ll let me poké battle you into your early grave.” He grins mischievously. Terryn slips a hand under the open zipper of Chris’ winter coat, his palm settling against the man’s taut stomach. The light fabric of Chris’ shirt whispers along skin under Terryn’s touch. “Maybe later,” Terryn comment, and yeah, perhaps he will let Chris slaughter his team later if the man was so enthused by the prospect. Terryn runs his hand down to get a feel at what Chris is hiding in his pants, and the look in his lover’s eyes when he palms him is worth trouble alone. Chris is taller than him, so he takes a handful of that shirt and nudges that soft mouth open with his own. “You like the thought of handing my butt to me, Chris?” He asked, still referencing the game, but leaving his words open for euphemism. "You know it." There’s a challenge in his eyes and a smirk on his lips that Terryn finds captivating. Outside of Chris, Terryn’s never met a gay man so comfortable in his own sexuality before. His palm shapes the shaft thickening under his touch, and he feels the quiver in the press of Chris’ leg against his own. A firm squeeze brings an aftershock, and he considers sucking Chris off until the man’s legs damn well buckle. But then there was no doubt they’d get caught. The prospect of getting caught was probably what set this particular idea off in Chris’ mind. Terryn knew that. But there was more to it. The idea of being outside, where anyone could hear them realize what they were doing after they’d been figuratively screwed over by the theater made it exciting. Chris would only be getting this one time out of him, and then never again. All the buttons of Chris’ shirt are opened now, and he’s tugging both it and the coat free from his arms. Chris looks good when he’s all mussed up, and Terryn’s pretty sure that he's never going to see that darn winter coat and not think about how well Chris looks right now in this moment. "I think it's about time you let me help you,” Chris tells him. “I don’t know…” Terryn responds with a grin, “I’m feeling better with things as they are right now.” He makes it a mission to get Chris thoroughly debauched before his manhood feels the breeze. A nudge to the jaw has Chris tipping his head back, giving it all up as easy as you please. Terryn braces his hands on Chris’ hips to pin him in place and tongues at Chris’ throat until the hands grasping at his shoulders turn shaky and desperate, each clutch of fingers a mute request for friction. He licks a path up to Chris’ ear, breathes a laugh there when Chris’ hips jolt. Lips dragging along the horizontal angle of Chris’ cheek, Terryn goes back in for a kiss, keeping everything slow and thorough, and when Chris melts, he goes like a rumbling avalanche. A hard, full-body shudder chases the low rumble of a groan spilling straight onto Terryn’s tongue and the only thing keeping Chris on his feet is the press of Terryn’s body against his. Feeling lightheaded with all his blood gone south, Terryn can’t keep up the necking forever. He resents his own body for making him come up for air. Hauling their bodies tight, he sucks in a breath that makes his lungs ache and lets Chris have a go at the hollow of his throat. After a moment, he looks down, waits for Chris’ eyes to open, and says, “If you want to continue, you might want to remove the pants.” Dimly, Terryn notes how Chris needs to gather the strength to turn around. He can sympathize; it takes a lot more effort than it should to undo his belt. The idea of Chris fucking Terryn on his knees in the bathroom of a theater, ready and willing, seemed to be turning the man on something fierce, judging by the bulge in the man’s jeans. Chris pushes his trousers down, shorts dragging with them to show his prosthetic leg and bare the meat of his tight little ass. With a mouth pressed to the back of his neck and hands spread at the low of his back, Chris goes up on his toes. A shaky exhale marks the moment Terryn’s cock rubs naked and hot against his skin. "I hope you don’t think I’d consent on taking it raw." Chris' body quivers from a silent laugh, and sure enough, with a little digging around in his trouser pocket, he produces a small tube of Vaseline. Terryn shakes his head and laughs. It shouldn't be so surprising, but it's just so convenient he's at a loss for words. Chris' ankles inch apart like a reminder and Terryn gives him an extra nudge, moving his foot aside until he's indeed spread out and waiting. There’s nothing like making love with someone you cared for, and a rare tickle of nerves flutters around in his belly when Chris is all greased up and ready to go. He discovers that this time he's the one who must steady himself as their bodies line up together.
With the way he arches his back, Terryn knows he seems more than eager for it.
He lets Chris help him with the work regardless, and it's no adversity for Chris to pry Terryn open with a combination of thumb and phallus. Before long, Chris' putting wrinkles into his shirt and jacket, a handful of fabric crushed in his grip to expose both the slant of Terryn’s shoulder blades and the columns of muscle low on his spine. Terryn’s hands smack against the porcelain toilet to give him the leverage to fuck himself onto Chris’ cock, grimacing as he realized what he’d just touched, and planning to cleanse himself fully later on that evening. He enjoys the feel of it pulsing within him and is left frustrated that his body needs time to adjust to taking more than just the head without causing himself unnecessary damage. He feels Chris’ hands reverently traces the curves of his rump with the edge of his thumbs, moving inwards where Terryn’s skin goes from smooth to dusted with dark fuzz to furred with soft curls. Chris spreads his hand out and squeezes where it matters most, all those little hairs catch in the sweat of his palm, and he whispers little endearments that are almost lost beneath the growing compression building up in Terryn’s chest. The heel of his hand digs in past soft flesh to find muscle, and Chris spreads Terryn open until nothing is obscuring the slow strokes that get him closer and closer to bottoming out. When the slide gets more harried, and the lift of Terryn’s hips turns greedier, Chris firms his hold in the back of Terryn’s shirt. The two of them are in Sympatico now, their intimacy firm and slow and finding enough ways to distract themselves from giving in to the urge to just slam it until they come.
They both work to whip it up a little. To keep things exciting: sometimes Chris started randomly hammering at him just to get Terryn’s stability to teeter and make him steady himself, other times it's twisting back and tracing a finger down from Chris' tailbone to where the Vaseline’s got all those little hairs stuck in whorls, they nip and tuck and roll as one.
Chris gives his seat a squeeze again, peeling his hand away and watching in fascination as a ghost of the print appears in the middle of Terryn’s darkly flushed skin, before giving it a little slap.
Terryn kisses him after that last slap across his bottom and knows all the way to the heart of him the two of them are going to treasure this for a long time. He extends an arm out to rest a hand on Chris' shoulder and tries not to think about how things will change.
They work so well together and have for some time now. It’s as hard to conceptualize the future as it is to remember precisely how things were in the past.
So he focuses on the moment as best he can. On the wet sounds they make and his partner's breathing and the gritty burn that comes when Chris grips him firmly and works his johnson with purpose. He slips his hands into the other man's hair and moves, rocking back and forth with his hips and butt to get Chris moaning and enjoy the now before he gives in and finishes the job with enthusiasm.
Pushes out a ragged groan that’s still echoing in his skull when finally his body pulls, rolling in those slow waves that washed away tension as if it had never been.
Terryn rolls half on top of him and returns the favor with a rough hand and slow kisses, and when they’re both sated and sticky, he realizes how very much it’s like stepping onto the edge of a high cliff and having faith instead of a chute.
He wants to believe more than anything that Chris feels as strongly, that  Chris is his Chute.
Chris blinked sleepily at Terryn as he stood up again, helping Chris tuck his prosthetic leg back into his pants and kissing him deeply just in time for someone to knock on the door. He smirked as Chris scrambled to pull up, covering his laugh with a hand. “Stimulating enough for you?”
“Maybe a little too exciting.” Chris shook his head as the two rapidly began cleaning the evidence of what they had done.
He laughed, wrapping an arm around Chris’ waist and pulling him toward the door, thankfully no one was waiting for them outside. “Come on, I think your coffee is in danger of going cold.”
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argentdandelion · 6 years
Crops of the Underground: Known Types of Plants
(Images derived from CrasherGale's sprite resource.)
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Monster food is “made of magic”. Yet, monsters are capable of eating human food. It is unclear when monster food was invented, or how it is manufactured. For the sake of this post, I will presume monster food is manufactured synthetically rather than by conversion of physical matter, and that it is a relatively recent invention. With that in mind, prior to the invention of purely magical food monsters needed a reliable food supply underground.
For the purpose of this analysis, I'll only be analyzing raw foods, not processed ones made from unknown ingredients. This is because some processed foods (e.g., Undyne’s spaghetti) could theoretically be made from unconventional sources and still referred to by the base name without specifying the ingredients. (i.e., noodles are generally made from wheat flour, but in countries where noodles of rice flour are common, they're likely not commonly called "rice noodles")
(There are many more plants of the Underground, but they are plants of unclear type whose edibility or use isn't mentioned)
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Conveniently, one plant of the Underground has a known genus: Typha. The plant, often called a "water sausage" in-game, is both edible and versatile in a culinary sense. Their starchy rhizomes (like roots) are nutritious, with a protein content comparable to American corn (or “maize”) or rice.
Typha can also be used for chair seating, building material, livestock feed, flotation vests, thermal insulation, paper, fibers for clothing, biofuel, pillow stuffing, and candles.1
Since the "hot dogs" Sans serves in his illegal hot dog stand is specified to be made from Typha, at the very least, knowledge Typha is edible isn't obscure in the Underground. With its variety of uses, it could very well be a major crop of the Underground.
Plausibility as a Crop
Typha are so well-adapted to colonize newly opened habitats, grow in abundance, and exclude the competition that they're ecologically weed-like. Typha are generally not shade tolerant2, but according to Missouri Botanical Garden3, Typha latifola (common cattail) can deal with part shade. Assuming it’s Typha latifolia or a physiologically very similar species, its ability to grow in slightly brackish waters may mean it can grow in the same habitat as brackish-adapted seaweed/seagrass/"grooty” (see next post). Potentially, the crops could be alternated on farms.
From what’s known of the game’s habitats, Waterfall seems the closest to its natural habitat of marshes. However, unless Waterfall has a day/night cycle and the protagonist happens to visit during the “night”, it’s likely too dark for Typha. (Short of magic, intensive breeding, technological intervention, etc.) It may be that Typha doesn’t grow in Waterfall, but in some unseen area (like “the Bay” Undyne mentions in a Papyrus call) or an unseen part of the Ruins/Home area. (After all, Toriel would have to get those potted Typha from somewhere)
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(Some of the smaller conifers. They resemble the Christmas, or rather Gyftmas, tree in Snowdin)
(Assumed pine trees by default, though at this resolution it's hard to tell whether they're pines, spruces, or firs)
Beyond pine nuts, some pine trees can be used as a food source. The cambium, the inner layer of bark between the hard wood and outer bark, is edible. According to Atlas Obscura, the cambium of most trees are edible and nutrient-rich. The cambium can be fried in oil and butter to make “bark chips” or “bark jerky”, or dry-roasted to make an almost crouton-like salad topping. It's most commonly (and historically) repurposed as a flour, and added to other flours.
However, one cannot survive for long on just cambium, and eating too much of it will upset one's bowels---for humans, at least. There are also limits on how much cambium can be harvested: stripping an entire ring of cambium off a tree will kill the tree.
Pine trees have some edible parts other than cambium and nuts. Spruce tips, tender young needles, are edible, though only available in spring. They could, however, be available year-round in the Underground. Pine needle tea is a good source of Vitamin C. In contrast to female pine cones, the young, male cones are small, soft and edible.
Plausibility as a Crop:
Using pine trees for food is pretty common, so it's likely monsters would know of their usefulness as a food source early in their history. That some of the pine trees are absolutely enormous may suggest they've had some use to monsters for a very long time: if they weren't useful, monsters may have replaced them with something else on account of limited space and resources.
Of course, it's also possible that, as monsters' food options diversified/were replaced by food synthesization, conifers simply switched to being more useful for lumber.
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(Images of actual buttercups are lacking; both Flowey and the flowers of the throne room are "golden flowers", not buttercups)
Buttercups are very poisonous. However, its toxin is inactivated when the plant is dried4 or heated5, so buttercup is not a problem as hay. Some sources claim some species of buttercups are edible, which means they might have some food value to monsters if the plants are first dried or heated. The particular species of buttercups baked into a a pie isn't mentioned, so it could very well be an edible species. Even if they are not processed for monster consumption, they could still be useful to monsters as livestock feed (e.g., for snails).
It’s possible the “buttercups” mentioned are not, in fact, buttercups: that is, plants of the Ranunculus genus. They could very well be another kind of plant with the common name “buttercup”, such as the “Bermuda buttercup”, Oxalis pes-caprae.6 Like true buttercups, Bermuda buttercups are both edible (in the right conditions) and toxic, though likely not so severely toxic as true buttercups when eaten raw. Their leaves, stems,7 flowers and roots are edible, and the petals can be made into a yellow dye.
Plausibility as a Crop
According to Missouri Botanical Garden, Ranunculus repens (creeping buttercup, a common, weedy variety of buttercup) is easy to grow in part shade, and tolerates full shade. That it can tolerate full shade would make it very appealing in low-light conditions or before sun-mimicking artificial light sources were invented. As creeping buttercup is a weed, it may very well be hardy enough to survive in the Underground, at least when pampered by the gardener Asgore. If the buttercup species is indeed Ranunculus repens, the low level of its toxin (0.27%) on a dry-weight basis may be fortunate: since it's relatively low, one would have to eat a lot of raw buttercups to die from it.
Information on the shade tolerance of Oxalis pes-caprae is lacking. One source claims Oxalis pes-caprae grows primarily in semi-shade, while another claims they grow in heavy shade.8 Bermuda buttercup is a weed, which might help it grow in the sub-par conditions of the Underground.
According to Wikipedia, Bermuda buttercup is nutritious, but too acidic to be good fodder. Still, this statement was probably meant to apply to mammal livestock; it could be different for snails. Bermuda buttercup is palatable, and in small amounts reasonably harmless to humans (and presumably monsters) and livestock.
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(What is either a large yellow pepper or a banana and what is probably a carrot is also shown in the above image, but they are not named in-game and thus won't be covered in the post)
Unless one presumes it’s a fake tomato (a la imitation crab legs made from surimi, but as a vegetable) tomatoes are apparently grown Underground. (The reader is presumably familiar with the versatility of tomatoes, so it won’t be mentioned here.)
Plausibility as a Crop
Other than being a moderately good source of Vitamin C, tomatoes aren't especially nutritious. They also have high sunlight and soil fertility requirements. Assuming low fertility in the soil of the Underground (those areas that have soil, anyway) and very limited to nonexistent full-sun areas, tomatoes would not be worth large-scale cultivation---at least, not at first. By the time of the game itself, it's possible technological and horticultural inventions (e.g., greenhouses and perfected composting) have made tomatoes a viable crop.
However, the tomatoes of the Underground may very well be not, strictly speaking, tomatoes----Solanum lycopersicum. They could very well be one or more relatives of S. lycopersicum that's more tolerant of shade and lower fertility. Indeed, several edible relatives of S. lycopersicum grow well in high shade, and several African nightshade species are cultivated, commercially grown crops. It may be that these relatives of S. lycopersicum have been bred in such a way as to resemble S. lycopersicum itself. The possible species selection is expanded even further when one realizes that what is edible to monsters may be a different (or bigger) selection of plants than what is edible to humans.
It's possible the “tomatoes” aren't even related to real tomatoes. It's certainly believable monsters would refer to something superficially similar but unrelated to tomatoes as a “tomato”. After all, in many countries the word “yam” is used to refer to the edible tubers or roots of plants other than those in the yam genus Dioscorea.9
(For more information on crops of the Underground, see "Crops of the Underground: Ambiguous Cases")
Data on the uses of Typha was derived from Wikipedia. ↩︎
http://wric.ucdavis.edu/information/natural%20areas/wr_T/Typha.pdf ↩︎
http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=a407 ↩︎
https://extension.umd.edu/learn/controlling-buttercup-pastures ↩︎
http://www.eattheweeds.com/buttercups/ ↩︎
See this post, on the discovery made between the Tumblr users Rainy-Poppy (Rainy) and Locaven. ↩︎
http://nathistoc.bio.uci.edu/plants/Oxalidaceae/Oxalis%20pes-caprae.htm (see also: https://books.google.com/books?id=6jRsF1nOmqgC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA14#v=onepage&q&f=false) ↩︎
The first source is primarily about California and the second is about south Australia, so it could very well have different shade tolerances in different ecosystems. But who knows where Mt. Ebott is supposed to be? ↩︎
See Wikipedia's etymology section on yams. ↩︎
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Preventing Accidental Drug Overdose
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Drug overdose accounts for nearly 75,000 deaths every year (NIDA). Since 1999, drug overdose became the number one cause of death for people in the United States under 50 years old. That’s not a comforting statistic, especially if you or someone you care about is currently struggling with a substance addiction. You might feel quite alone in the fear that one day you yourself could end up in the corner of a room pronounced dead from an accidental drug overdose. Or maybe you’re someone who already knows what it’s like to lose a friend or family member to an accidental drug overdose that could have been easily prevented.
Even if you don’t personally know someone who’s died too young from an accidental overdose, it’s not uncommon to turn on the news and see famous idols like Mac Miller, Amy Winehouse, or Prince ending their careers early through drug overdose– whether intentional or accidental, we might never know.
The death-by-drugs epidemic has been called a National Overdose Crisis for nearly twenty years now. But it’s simply one of the sad (and deadly) side effects which result from the overall addiction problem in our country. Chances are, you know someone personally who faces drug addiction and likely knows what it’s like to experience affliction.
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Why Have So Many Americans Died from Drug Overdose?
There are several reasons why drug overdose happens so often. One of the leading reasons behind overdose is irresponsible drug use or improper dosage. Other reasons, like a rise in tolerance, impurity of the type of drug, or mixing substances can also cause fatal consequences that lead to overdose.
Whether “drug culture” or personal preference is to blame, many drug users like to push the envelope when it comes to seeing how much is enough just before too much. For example, look at drinking in social settings or parties. Often it’s encouraged to consume more alcohol as a means of looking cool or appearing stronger than someone else. But this mentality of “do more” until the body can’t take it anymore can lead to a lifestyle which breeds the risk of overdosing.
Even new drug users or experimenters can fall into the trap of trusting someone with a higher tolerance offer advice on dosing. Instead of starting small to feel it out, someone may succumb to peer pressure and take something they hardly know about, leading to a total lack of harm reduction in many situations. The rise in popularity of raves, music festivals, and a partying lifestyle that might seem luxurious has been a giant hub for all kinds of dangers with little harm reduction strategies in place.
Why Don’t People STOP Using Drugs?
This is a tricky question. Many people who have an addiction don’t operate in a way where they can simply “stop” one day and refuse drugs on their own. A substance abuse disorder trains the brain to literally depend on the substance(s) of choice– in a sense, it becomes a “life or death” situation to the addict. Addiction becomes a sort of instinct to the drug user, which makes life complicated when it comes to coping with normal daily tasks.
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How Accidental Overdose Became So Common
Since the 1990s, or even starting much earlier, drugs have become more accessible and popular among the general population. Even kids in high school knew where to easily get their hands on Adderall, weed, oxycodone, and other potentially dangerous drugs for recreational, emotional numbing, or “academic” purposes.
Prescription drugs have become an ever-increasingly surge for medical emergency of all sorts, as well. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows a rise in chronic illness and injury which often results in opioid prescriptions. Ironically, unnecessary opioid refills lead to addiction time and time again.
Over the past 20 years, even new prescription opioids have entered the medical market and therefore we continue to see a rise in the abuse of them.
Illicit Drugs Have Evolved
Illicit drugs are obviously still one of the major risk factors that lead to an accidental overdose. Because illegal drugs like meth or synthetic opioids aren’t regulated, people are left to their own guesstimates when dealing, buying, and consuming these substances.
What goes into a lot of common illegal drugs has changed over the years, too. Now, it’s pretty well-known in party culture that buying drugs from any random dealer at an event is actually pretty dumb. Many popular party drugs like cocaine, MDMA, ketamine, and even some psychedelics are sometimes made with dirty ingredients or fillers which can lead to illness, seizures, or simply a really horrible experience.
Heroin used to be considered a sketchy opioid that only hardcore drug users were known for. But now, we can see heroin in the hands of teenagers, homeless communities, housewives, and everywhere in between. Fentanyl, one of the most dangerous and easily-overdosed drugs in the world right now, is also being given to people of all walks of life as a means to avoid the high costs of heroin or other opioids.
Things have definitely changed over the course of twenty years, but one thing remains for sure: drug overdose death is a harsh reality we face in every community. And it needs to end.
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How To Tell If Someone is Having an Overdose
It’s important to remember that not all overdoses end up causing death. Sometimes one drug overdose can look different from another. Some accidental overdoses can look like intentional suicides, and sometimes we’ll never know what exactly caused the overdose if a mixture of substances is present.
Different types of drugs also result in different physical reactions leading to an overdose. Of course, if you do end up using, it’s always crucial to know what exact drugs you’re taking, what dosage, and how the drug could react in your body. Perhaps the single most common mistake that can cause an overdose is ignorance about drugs themselves.
So how can we tell if an overdose is happening? There are a few common warning signs and symptoms to look out for:
Loss of consciousness after consuming any substance.
Bluish or purple tint to the fingernails, lips, or skin (especially with opioids and amphetamines).
Uncontrollable muscle spasms or bodily seizures
A dramatic increase or decrease in pulse or other vital signs
Pupils change: pinpoint pupils for opioids; dilated pupils for stimulants and many hallucinogens.
Vomiting, choking, foaming at the mouth, or a gurgling sound
Delerium, psychosis, paranoia, hallucinations
Loss of control over organs or kidneys
Excessive sweating
Heart attack, coma
Depression in breathing  or trouble gasping for air
Lack of motor control, the body may become limp
Remember, different substance cause difference overdose symptoms so be sure to know what overdose signs look like for specific drugs.
What Can You Do if You Witness an Overdose?
If you or someone you see has signs of a drug overdose, make sure you call 9-1-1 for emergency help right away. Don’t be afraid of getting in trouble– The Good Samaritan Law is effective in many states. This is a law that protects your privacy and situation where law enforcement is required to save a life instead of getting you in jail. Many people prevent calling for help when there’s an overdose because they fear the legal consequences– but don’t hesitate to get emergency help right away, as it could save a life.
If you’re someone who sees an overdose happen in someone else, you’ll want to wait with the overdose until authorities show up. Try to give the ambulance or medical examiner as much information as possible. This includes what drugs were consumed, how much, what the person’s mental state was, and what time drugs were taken.
You may want to call poison control, too (800-222-2222) in the case of toxic substances or illegal drugs.
Make sure aftercare is sought for whoever survived the overdose– it could take time for the mind and body to recover from any immediate or permanent damage.
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Preventative Measures
Naloxone– or Narcan– or other medications can be given to a patient if necessary. There are meds that prevent opioids from binding to brain receptors or temporarily reverse the “high”, which can save a person’s life in the case of an overdose. Narcan is a nose spray that quickly goes into effect to reverse the side effects of many opioids, like heroin, Fentanyl, and even some prescriptions. Some states even give it with prescriptions in case of emergency so you can keep some at home.
Awareness is Key
The surest way to prevent an accidental drug overdose is, obviously, to refrain from drugs use, period. But if addiction is present, this is highly unlikely, so second to the best way of prevention is this: BE AWARE OF DRUGS, EFFECTS, and DOSAGES.
When you’re aware of what is possible with drugs you consume, you’re better off knowing what not to do which can lead to overdose. This is not only true for yourself but any friends or loved ones who also partake in drug use or abuse. Teach others and stay as safe as you can in all situations. Remember to reach out for help if your drug use is unmanageable in any way.
Drug Test Kits
There are test kits that are available for as cheap as $25 which can prevent all kinds of drug overdoses. These kits test for the purity and quality of specific drugs– as mentioned before, many drugs these days are garbage. People mix them with “fillers” or things like bath salts, rat poison, or even meth to make for cheaper production of the substance.
Again, the safest way to 100% avoid any risk of overdosing is to quit using drugs completely. Help is out there for anyone even if you feel lost or hopeless. Recovery is possible. Reach out for help, as there are millions of resources around the country and professionals who strive to help you overcome addiction.
Dealing With Loss After a Drug Overdose
Overdose deaths involving any type of substance can wreak havoc on families, communities, relationships, and the nationwide drug crisis. What is one to do after the devastation of a loved one dying by overdose?
Although nothing can replace the human life and relationship lost, there are ways to continue on with life and grieve through the process in order to heal.
Join a support group (like GRASP or Al-Anon)
See a therapist who specializes in loss
Take time to grieve and let yourself cope with the pain
Avoid self-destructive patterns– sadly, many people in the drug scene who lost friends or family to drug overdose end up turning to drugs themselves.
Make sure to care for yourself well! Don’t neglect your needs
Stay close to your connection to the outdoors. Nature is extremely healing.
Look into resources in your local community for people who have lost loved ones to drug overdose and take part in events, shares, and fundraisers to help improve the lives of others.
There is Still Hope
Addiction can be a complicated disease which can require compassion. Sometimes there is nothing you can do except try to encourage them to get the treatment they need. Remember, addiction is a disease that is out of the person’s control to manage on their own. Sometimes it might require detaching from the situation or person because ultimately it can be difficult to witness someone destroy themselves.
Recovery is possible, so if you yourself deal with addiction, reach out for help as soon as possible. People of all walks of life enter into a successful recovery journey and learn how to live drug-free, fully thriving without risk of a drug overdose.
If you or a loved one needs help, call us at 949-617-1211.
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livingcorner · 3 years
How to get rid of weeds and stop them from spreading: remove these pesky plants from your garden borders
Flowerbeds full of dandelions? Paths covered in chickweed? Our tips on how to get rid of weeds and stop them from spreading will come in handy if these pesky intruders are driving you round the bend.
There are all manner of weeds lurking in our gardens and sowing seed wherever they get the chance. The general consensus is that they’re a pain – especially when they’re encroaching on our prized flowers or vegetables and sapping the nutrients from the soil. In the case of some (Japanese knotweed, poison ivy, stinging nettles – we’re looking at you) they can also do more harm than simply spoiling the look of a border. Everyone knows about the nasty allergic reactions that occur from a run-in with nettles or poison ivy, whilst knotweed can tear through structural foundations at breakneck speed. Naturally, none are ideal.
You're reading: How to get rid of weeds and stop them from spreading: remove these pesky plants from your garden borders
Luckily, there are a good few methods to zap these plants from our plots and restore order. And, most approaches don’t require reaching for the bottle of chemicals, either. We’ve rounded up lots of tips on how to get rid of weeds and stop them from spreading below. Your plot will be free of them before you know it.
How to get rid of weeds and stop them from spreading: 12 easy tips
1. Dig them up by the roots
Want to know how to get rid of weeds the traditional way? A weed puller, like this one from Fiskars, will make the job easier
(Image credit: Fiskars)
True, it’s a little old fashioned, but it’s certainly stood the test of time. Digging up weeds is one of those trusty, all-natural methods that, when done properly, works wonders. Use a garden fork or a hand trowel, and gently lever them out of the soil, aiming to remove all of the root system to prevent rapid regrowth.
This is ideal if you only have one or two weeds in your garden, but if you have a lawn full of them, you might want to invest in a weed pulling tool. These enable you to insert the claw around the weed, then step on it, before effortlessly pulling the intruder out of the ground. Look for ergonomically designed styles that let you work from an upright position.
Some weeds require extra care with this method, as new plants can grow even from the tiniest fragments of their roots or rhizomes (couch grass, for example). Japanese knotweed is another one to watch out for – but removing it by hand generally isn’t an aggressive enough measure anyway. If you’re dealing with this difficult plant, our Japanese knotweed guide has more advice.
2. Keep on top of mulching
Mulching is a simple way to battle the weeds, and will add nutrients to your garden soil, too
(Image credit: Future)
Mulching is one of the easiest ways to suppress weeds as it is simply added on top of the soil. 
Biodegradable mulches, such as garden compost, wood chippings, processed bark, leafmould, straw, seaweed and rotted manure all suppress weeds while also releasing essential nutrients back into the soil, helping your plants to flourish – a win-win. However, since it breaks down over time it will need to be replaced every few years. 
Our ultimate guide to mulching has more tips.
3. Mow them down
Frequent mowing will weaken lawn weeds
(Image credit: Cheryl Fleishman/Alamy Stock Photo)
Battling with a weedy lawn? Frequent mowing is a good way to deter them. It weakens the plants and stops them from setting seed, which can eventually get rid of them altogether. 
Just make sure you attach a basket to your mower, rather than leaving the clippings on the grass. The latter can spread the seeds around, escalating the problem. Once your lawn is weed-free, you can remove the basket and leave the clippings on the ground, which will act as a natural fertilizer.
If you need an update this season, take a look at our best lawn mower buying guide. And, for more advice, our tips on how to get rid of lawn weeds will come in handy.
4. Cover in boiling water
Boiling water is a useful (and cheap) trick for removing weeds from paving
(Image credit: William Andrew/Moment/Getty Images)
Looking for a simple solution on how to get rid of weeds? Pouring boiling water on the base of the plants causes instant shock and will not only kill the weed but also any seeds that may be dormant in the soil. 
It’s a brilliant solution for walkways, garden path ideas, and driveways, as the weeds will die within a couple of days. However, it is not recommended for use on lawns or in borders with other plants as it can cause fatal damage to these too.
5. Make a homemade weed killer with baking soda
Looking for more budget-friendly ways to eradicate weeds? Try this trick, with something that you probably already have in your cupboards.
Since baking soda is a powder, you’ll need to wet the plant in order to make the powder stick. Then, sprinkle one teaspoon of baking soda over the weed’s leaves and let it work its magic. This is a great method if you want to target specific weeds that have popped up amongst flowers or plants that you don’t want to harm. Reapply in four to six weeks if the weeds have not disappeared.
If you’re looking for ways to prevent weeds from cropping up in your paving ideas, then sprinkling baking soda in the cracks can stop the weeds from appearing in the first place. Repeat every couple of weeks.
If you like this tip, you might like our cheap garden ideas, too.
6. Line your flowerbeds to stop weeds appearing
Try weed-suppressing liners for your raised beds
(Image credit: Getty Images)
The easiest way to deal with weeds is to prevent them from cropping up in the first place. Lining your patio ideas, driveways or paths with a weedproof membrane before adding gravel, slate, bark chippings, or similar will help to keep them at bay. 
For your raised garden bed ideas, garden centers and DIY stores often sell specific lining sheets (it is sometimes called landscape fabric), which will also retain moisture and reduce the need for watering. Alternatively, if you have old carpet tiles or a shower curtain these are a great DIY solution and are a good way to recycle unwanted household items.
7. Use vinegar to kill weeds
The active ingredient in vinegar, acetic acid, is also very effective at destroying weeds. Your standard brown fish-and-chips vinegar will go a decent way to helping with your problem. Simply pour into a spray bottle and spritz onto the desired plants.
If you want something that packs a bit more punch, there are also horticultural vinegars, which usually have a higher concentration of acetic acid and as a result are more effective. However, they also require handling with greater care as they are corrosive and can burn the skin, damage eyes and erode the surface of your tools.
Read more: How Oscillating Sprinklers Work
With either types, it’s important to be careful not to spray the plants that are meant to be there. Vinegar is non-selective and will destroy any vegetation in its path, including your prized blooms.
8. Try an eco-friendly heat gun
(Image credit: Parkland)
Environmentally friendly, very precise, and a lot more exciting than pulling weeds by hand – a weed burner works by surrounding the weed with an extremely high temperature (between 80°C and 600°C) which destroys its leaves. 
This prevents it from photosynthesizing and subsequently kills the weed. However, the roots remain intact, so multiple treatments may be required.
9. Dispose of them properly
Once you’ve learnt how to get rid of weeds, don’t be tempted to throw them on the compost
(Image credit: Ekaterina Kuzovkova/EyeEm/Getty Images)
Whichever method you use to get rid of weeds, it’s crucial that you dispose of them properly. Collect them all in a work cart, small wheelbarrow or strong garden tub to make it easier to transport them for disposal, suggests the team at B&Q. Don’t add them to your compost, they add. Instead, throw them out with your other green or general waste.
If you love a bonfire, you’ll be pleased to know that most weeds can be added to the heap. However, some weeds are dangerous to burn, such as poison ivy. When set alight, it releases its toxic oil into the air. If breathed in, it can cause significant harm (which will require immediate medical attention). Find out more advice in our guide on how to get rid of poison ivy.
It’s also worth knowing that Japanese knotweed is classed as ‘controlled waste’ in many regions. This means it can’t simply go out with the usual trash, or be dumped in the local tip (unless yours has the right environmental permit). In the UK, it’s also illegal to dispose of it in the wild. Professionals can be hired to take it away.
10. As a last resort, use a herbicide
Need to know how to get rid of weeds, fast? Herbicides are effective, however they’re not suitable for organic gardens
(Image credit: Lucas Ninno/Moment/Getty Images)
Chemical herbicides are no good for wildlife garden ideas, and are certainly out if you’re following an organic gardening approach. But, if you’ve tried absolutely everything else and are on the verge of giving up, then they can be an effective last resort.
You have two options. One is a targeted formula, usually a gel, that you apply to the leaves to destroy the weed from the top down. This is ideal if you only have a few weeds, or if you don’t want to put any of your other plants at risk. Alternatively, if your problem is more widespread, then opt for a solution that is sprayed or watered onto the plant.
Read the packet very carefully, and follow the application instructions whilst using all safety precautions necessary, such as wearing protective clothing. Also, be careful when selecting your herbicide of choice. Some are selective (so will only affect certain types of weed), whilst others will destroy anything which crosses their path – so are no good for spraying over your flowerbeds. It’s also a good idea to dedicate one specific watering can or sprayer for weed killer – and use it for nothing else.
Take a look at our best weed killer buying guide for our favorite picks.
11. Tackle weeds fast
Once you know how to get rid of weeds, tackling them as soon as they appear will make things much easier in the long run
(Image credit: Fiskars)
Whenever you see a small weed popping up be sure to get rid of it quickly. What’s small this week will soon be elbowing your other plants out of the way. 
Be vigilant and do a regular ‘sweep’ of the garden, looking out in particular for invasive weeds such as nettles and dandelions. Once this type of weed takes hold they’re tenacious and don’t give up easily, so try to prevent them from getting established in the first place.
12. Weed little and often
Set aside a dedicated time every week to tackle weeds in the garden to make it easy to keep on top of things.
It’s a known fact that weeding can be therapeutic, so take it as an opportunity to step back from your busy schedule and unwind. Not only will you be doing the garden a favor, but also yourself.
How do you get rid of nettles?
Nettles are good for butterflies, but not so good for neighboring plants
(Image credit: Alamy)
If you’ve been thinking about how to grow a butterfly garden, you might be interested to know that nettles are a valuable food source for these pretty creatures. However, they can swamp corners of your garden quickly, and cause a nasty sting when touched.
The RHS advises to prevent the seeds from setting by cutting down plants in mid-summer, or earlier. You can also dig out isolated clumps, or those that have grown in light soils. This can be done anytime of year, they add. Nettles also cannot withstand repeated mowing.
If you want to use weed killer to tackle a neglected area that’s been overtaken by nettles, opt for a glyphosate-based variety, continues the RHS. Spray over the plants in June, before they flower.
How do you get rid of chickweed?
Learn how to get rid of weeds and stop them from spreading to eradicate the likes of chickweed from your garden
(Image credit: Alamy)
Hand-weeding or carefully hoeing beds and borders can be an effective way to control chickweed, as suggests the RHS. However, aim to do this before the plants flower and their seed sets. Choose a dry day so disturbed weeds shrivel and die rather than re-rooting, they add.
The team also suggest to apply weed suppressing sheets, or bulky mulch to a depth of at least three inches, to smother new seedlings and prevent germination.
If you want to use weed killer, opt for contact herbicides containing acetic acid, fatty acids, or pelargonic acid, the RHS continues. However, be careful not to get these herbicides on your other plants as they are non-selective.
How do you get rid of bindweed?
Don’t be deceived by bindweed’s pretty blooms, its vines will quickly take over your hedges and flowerbeds
(Image credit: Alamy)
Bindweed produces thread-like vines that wrap tightly around other plants, and eventually strangles them. It’s easy to spot with its trumpet-shaped flowers, but don’t be tempted to leave it. Soon after the first flush of blooms are over, it will take over and ruin your flowerbed ideas.
‘Bindweed is an especially clear example of the need to get in quick,’ says Graham Rice for Amateur Gardening. He reckons that for every foot of twining bindweed stem above ground there’s the same amount of invasive root underground. ‘Keep pulling away the top growth,’ Graham says, ‘excavating as much root as you can.’ Eventually, the roots will exhaust themselves trying to make more shoots. If you’re digging downwards to try and remove the roots, go deeper than you might expect.
Getting rid of bindweed takes patience, willpower, and several attempts to pull it up, as any root left behind will sprout again. ‘You have to keep at it, and that’s where most of us fail,’ Graham adds. Allow the shoots and leaves to develop and they’ll fuel underground spread day by day.
How do you get rid of horsetail?
You’ll want to know how to get rid of weeds fast if you find horsetail growing in your plot
(Image credit: Emma Farrer/Moment/Getty Images)
Horsetail, sometimes called mare’s tail, is given its name due to the appearance of its fine foliage. If you want to know how to get of weeds, you should know that this one is particularly tricky to eradicate, but it can be done.
The reason why it’s so difficult to remove is the depth of the roots, which can be up to a whopping 6ft long. Your best bet is a commercial weed killer – try bruising the leaves immediately before the treatment.
How do you get rid of ground elder?
Ground elder grows fast, but isn’t too tricky to tackle once you know how to get rid of weeds like these
(Image credit: Erik Agar/Alamy Stock Photo)
Ground elder is another vigorous-grower and will spread across your plot quickly when given the chance. However, its roots are only shallow, so it can be easily removed by hand. Watch out for leftover fragments though – shoots can grow even from the smallest pieces of root. You can also cover the weeds with black polythene to starve them from light, as suggests the RHS.
Don’t be tempted to plant the variegated version, adds the Amateur Gardening experts – its seedlings will be plain green. 
How do you get rid of Japanese knotweed?
Japanese knotweed is one of the worst weeds out there – it’s best to seek help from the professionals if you spot this in your plot
(Image credit: MASAHIRO NAKANO/amanaimagesRF/Getty Images)
It’s no secret that Japanese knotweed is one of the most trickiest weeds out there. It grows incredibly fast – up to 10cm a day in summer. And, it takes little mercy on its surroundings, hurtling through pipes and structural foundations wherever it gets the chance. It’s no surprise that for many regions around the world, you legally have to declare its presence if selling your property.
Trying to remove it yourself is no easy task – it can take many years to combat it with commercial weed killer. And even then, you can only take the waste to specifically licensed tips, and dumping it in the wild is a big no-no. The best way to know how to get rid of weeds of this nature, therefore, is to call in a professional. 
How do you get rid of annual meadow grass?
Annual meadow grass is often a result of a slightly-neglected lawn maintenance routine, but can be easily eradicated
(Image credit: Nigel Cattlin/Alamy Stock Photo)
Read more: 8 Supermarket Vegetables You Can Plant & Grow At Home To Be Self-Sustainable In 2021
Annual meadow grass, otherwise known as Poa annua, is a course type of grass that grows around the world – from all across the Northern Hemisphere to the most southern tip of South America. 
It can spread into borders from poorly-maintained lawns and mulches of grass clippings. As the RHS explains, you can identify it in your lawn by the flowering, which can occur below the height of cut. The small, pale seed heads will give your lawn a peppered look.
To prevent it, the best thing to do is to take on a good lawn maintenance routine – our guides on how to mow a lawn, how to scarify a lawn, and spring lawn care tips are all full of useful advice. You can try to remove larger clumps by hand. Lay fresh soil where needed and scatter in new grass seed, to fill in any gaps.
How do you get rid of docks?
Broad-leaved docks are easy to spot with their large leaves
(Image credit: Emanuel Tanjala/Alamy Stock Photo)
Docks have large, easily-recognizable leaves and can appear in borders and lawns in spring. There are two kinds – broad-leaved and curled (the latter have wavy-edged leaves and slightly shorter stems). 
They commonly grow across the UK, and have long taproots. They produce lots of seeds, which can survive for up to 50 years in the soil. So, if you spot them, it’s worth learning how to get rid of weeds like these quickly.
The best thing to do is dig them up by hand. Only the top few inches of rootstock can regenerate, so if the top 12–15cm is removed, the risk of regrowth is kept to a minimum. The best time to do this is in spring, as docks are most vulnerable at this time.
How do you get rid of herb robert?
Even though herb robert is quite an attractive plant, you’ll still want to know how to get of weeds like these if you’re after a clean and contemporary garden
(Image credit: Paul Starosta/Corbis/Getty Images)
Herb robert, also known as red robin and officially named Geranium robertianum has small, pink flowers and fragrant foliage. It’s one of the prettier weeds. But, its vigorous growing habit can make it a nuisance, especially if you’re after orderly and modern garden ideas.
To tackle it, dig it or pull it up before it flowers or seeds – its roots are only shallow so this is typically easy to do. You can also cover it in a layer of mulch – the RHS suggests using coarse bark.
How do you get rid of couch grass?
Couch grass is one of the tricksiest weeds out there, with an ability to grow from the tiniest fragments of rhizome
(Image credit: Alamy)
Couch grass is renowned for being a nightmare weed as it produces a vast network of underground stems and roots that travel through the soil. These then push up new shoots every 5–10cm along their length. Watch out for newly emerging tufts of grass because instead of dying at the end of each season, they keep on going through winter and beyond.
To get rid of it, be extra vigilant with pulling up shoots, because any pieces remaining will resprout if given the chance. To clear your plot, dig up what you can then cover the soil with thick black polythene to exclude light for a couple of seasons.
How do you get rid of dandelions?
Dandelion seedheads may look pretty, but they’re a pain for gardeners
(Image credit: Westend61/Getty Images)
The thick taproots of the dandelion delve deep into the soil and cracks between paving slabs, making them tricky to remove. If tiny pieces of root remain after digging the soil, they’ll resprout and take over.
To get rid of dandelions, it’s best to dig them out with a garden fork, especially before the bright yellow daisy-like flowers turn into fluffy ‘clocks’ and release their airborne seeds. For larger areas, a plastic sheet with mulch on top will prevent dandelions from getting a foothold. 
How do you get rid of cleavers?
Cleavers germinate and grow quickly from seed, so if you spot these in your plot, act fast
(Image credit: Alamy)
The stems and seeds of cleavers are sticky, which allows it to scramble around the garden and spread further afield by hitching on to your clothes and animal fur.
Seeds take just two months to become established plants. So, aim to lift them out as soon as the seedlings emerge in flowerbeds and before they flower in mid-spring. Mulching weed-free soil with a good layer of bark chippings will help to suppress the seedlings. Both tasks make good additions to your list of spring garden jobs.
How do you get rid of hairy bittercress?
Hairy bittercress is a fast-spreader, so learn how to get rid of weeds before it takes over your garden
(Image credit: Alamy)
This weed is super-efficient. It’s able to complete its lifecycle in less than a month and disperse thousands of seeds from its seedpods. It grows anywhere and everywhere, from bare soil to garden wall ideas. It’s often imported in potted plants bought from garden centers, which can go on to take root in the garden.
To control its spread, it’s essential to pull up the young plants before they get a chance to flower and set seed. This occurs from March to August. Cultivating the soil will bring up new seeds, although mulching will help to prevent them from germinating.
How do you get rid of shepherd’s purse?
Shepherd’s purse will grow in all kinds of environment
(Image credit: Alamy)
This has been used as a medicinal herb since ancient times. It’s a prolific weed that’s not fussy, growing in sun or in shade garden ideas, and on most soils. From a rosette of hairy leaves, it sends up flowers on tall stems, followed by pods that hold up to a dozen seeds.
Buried in the soil, seeds can remain viable for years, so aim to pull up weeds before they flower. Or, regularly hoe seedlings soon after they appear to sever rosettes from their taproots. 
How do you get rid of groundsel?
Try to eradicate groundsel from your plot before it flowers
(Image credit: Alamy)
A native annual, groundsel gets busy flowering and setting seed throughout the year. Even seeds that have been buried in soil for up to six months will germinate when exposed to light. 
When looking to remove this weed, it’s important to tease out the plants before the small yellow flowers and fluffy seed heads appear. Left to get a foothold, the leaves become host to rust fungus, which can spread to your plants.
Will saltwater kill weeds?
When wondering how to get rid of weeds, you may have come across saltwater as a natural approach. General table salt is the way to go (plus, is inexpensive) and works by dehydrating the plant. 
To apply, mix it with water and then spray directly onto the weed’s foliage. It’s a good solution for gravel or patios, but be careful in terms of flowerbeds as too much salt can affect the pH balance of the soil, as well as damage other nearby plants. For these reasons, it’s not recommended to use this approach on your lawn ideas.
Some people say that mixing the saltwater solution with vinegar increases the effectiveness. But again, watch out for neighboring plants as vinegar will affect whatever it comes into contact with.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/how-to-get-rid-of-weeds-and-stop-them-from-spreading-remove-these-pesky-plants-from-your-garden-borders/
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kotoriqueen · 7 years
Laughter is Addicting Five times Hunk got Keith to laugh for him, the one time Keith made Hunk laugh. A five + one fic featuring Heith! (And a very pining Hunk.)
Relationship: Hunk/Keith Tags: Canon Compliant | AU - College/University   Sassy Hunk | Sassy Keith  Also a very pining Hunk in some parts
Also on my AO3
i. (Canon Compliant)
Hunk learned the hard way that Altean kitchens were more complicated than the ones on Earth. It didn’t help that all their ingredients were written in Altean either, and with trials and error – and boy, were there a lot of errors – Hunk managed to taste every ingredient and figure out what it tasted like to him. He labels each one with Earth names, and, to him, it felt like it took him months to figure out the kitchen. He’s still trying to figure it out, because degrees to Alteans were different. They didn’t go by Fahrenheit or Celsius like people did on Earth – or well, it was similar to those two, but different in their ways. Hunk couldn’t really explain it, and it took him hours to make something edible with under cooking the dish or risk burning it.
Keith had came into the kitchen for water pouch when Hunk was in the middle of cooking, and he chooses not to interrupt him. Instead, he’s sneaking around the back of him, to a cabinet, and opening the cabinet door to take out a water pouch. When he turns around with water pouch in hand, Hunk’s still concentrating on cooking. Or, well, he’s more squinting at the ingredients. Keith pokes the straw through the water pouch, staring at Hunk and after a moment of silence, he calls out to him.
Hunk jumps, blinking a few times before turning his head towards Keith, “Oh. Keith.. Sorry. I-I didn’t hear you come in.”
“I was being quiet for you,” Keith responds with a shrug, then takes a short sip out of his water pouch. “What are you doing anyway?”
“Trying to figure out how to make our meals better,” Hunk says, standing up straight and folds his arms over his chest. “I want to make sure no one ends up being picky? I can only do so much with space food. It has to taste good, but also I can’t have anyone complain because they don’t like something. I know Pidge doesn’t like peanuts – or any kind of nuts, actually? Lance isn’t terribly picky, but I know what he’s allergic to. You and Shiro practically eat anything, but there’s also Allura and Coran who has been eating food goo for thousands of years. What if they don’t like their meals being switched up?”
Keith has been quiet all this time, listening to Hunk ramble on and on about his worries. When Hunk eventually stops rambling to take in a breath, Keith lets out a snort, a smile making way to his lips. Hunk raises his head to stare at Keith with wide eyes and a raised eyebrow.
“Did you-- did you just laugh at me?” Hunk questions. “This isn’t funny, Keith! I could mess up some Altean biology here, or even poison one of us!”
“Hunk,” Keith says his name through small laughs, and he sets down the water pouch, walking over to the yellow paladin and resting a hand on his arm. “You have nothing to worry about. That’s why I’m laughing. You have yet to poison us. And besides, I highly doubt that’s possible. You’re smarter than that. And you do a lot of research on everything before you feed it to us. And if Allura and Coran complain about the new food? Well,” Keith shrugs, that small smile still on his lips. “more for us, then.”
“..I guess you have a point,” Hunk says, a smile making way to his own face. “Hey, will you taste test stuff for me?”
There goes Keith, chuckling a bit from the question, “Sure, big man. If it makes you less nervous.”
ii. (College AU)
Hunk had been looking into discounted or free days at the local aquarium for a good week or two now. When he finally finds out ones coming up the next weekend, he had asked Keith if he wanted to go. The two have been dating for a few weeks now, but because of them being in college, they really didn’t have the money to go out on a fancy date. Some of their dates just were over the weekend, watching movies ranging from crazy good to beyond terrible with pizza bought with coupons and popcorn. But now Hunk has his chance to take Keith out on a real date – aquariums were a good first date place right? It’s better than something cliché like going to the movie theater or going out to eat. (Then again, they basically did watch a bunch of movies but staying in their dorm rooms doesn’t really classify as ‘going out on a date’ to Hunk.)
Hunk had breathed a sigh of relief when Keith said he’d go with him, and when they day came, they both stressed out about what to wear. But they figured out their outfits, and while they’re walking around the aquarium, their hands were in their pockets rather than holding onto each others. They snuggled up plenty of times and kissed each others cheeks and foreheads in the dorms, but doing couple-y things in private was way different than doing them in public. Hunk’s nervous about asking Keith for his hand, and Keith’s just as nervous for the same reason, actually. But the date seems to be going well so far. Both of them had witnessed the other person going crazy about the ocean life. They come across a tank with dozens of fish, standing near it but letting kids get closer. Hunk glances and then finds a fish that doesn’t look super happy to be there.
“Aw, that fish looks sad.”
“..It kinda does,” Keith agrees, now frowning at the same fish. “Must not like being trapped.”
“Let’s break it out,” Hunk suggests, and Keith turns his head to look at him like he’s crazy. “You create a distraction and I’ll break it out. Perfect plan, right?”
Keith tries to keep down his laughter, but he ends up snorting and small chuckles escape him, a hand going over his mouth trying to muffle his laughter. Hunk stares at him with wide eyes and cheeks tinted red. Once Keith’s laughter had eventually died down, he’s trying to regain the breathing he lost.
“We can’t steal a fish, Hunk!” Keith declares, a small giggle fit coming back to him. “That’s illegal!”
“Sure, it’s okay for you to steal the cookies I make, but it’s not okay for me to steal a fish?”
“It’s two different things!” Keith’s laughing so hard Hunk swears he might have his boyfriend pass out on him before this date is over. “Oh my-- oh my god. You’re going to kill me.”
‘Not if your laughter kills me first,’ Hunk thinks, but he starts laughing with Keith, realizing that yes, Keith stealing cookies and him stealing a fish are two different things, but also he realizes his plan may be a little ridiculous.
iii. (Canon Compliant)
Hunk and Pidge got along well.. sometimes.
Both of them were masters in electronics and the like, and Pidge was the first one to figure out the Altean technology. Er, with Coran’s and Allura’s help, of course, but they were still able to figure out the complex technology that Altean’s used. Hunk helped them out when he could, but sometimes he would touch things he shouldn’t. He was a curious guy, and he didn’t break anything, but Pidge was very.. close with their things and would rather not have anybody touch anything.
The paladins were all sitting in the common room, and Pidge was tinkering with something to make another Rover, with laptop at their side. While taking a break from it, Hunk scooted over to mess with some wires and pieces, and as soon as Pidge realizes it, they shout:
“Hunk, if you so much as look at my things again, I will fight you!”
“You can’t fight me, you’re miniature,” Hunk retorts, and silence fills the room when he realizes his mistake. He knows Pidge will kill him – especially with that comment – but then Keith breaks into a fit of laughter. “Er--”
“You broke Keith!” Lance declares, staring at the red paladin with wide eyes. “Holy crow!”
“Pidge is going to murder you!” Keith exclaims between laughs, slowly he gets up from the couch, taking in a deep breath. “I-- I need a moment. I hope being sassy was worth it, Hunk.”
When Keith leaves, he’s still laughing. Without Keith there, the others look at Hunk, already know how hard their yellow paladin crushes on the red paladin. Shiro grins a little before commenting.
“Well, if not by Pidge’s hands,” he starts of saying, slowly getting up from the couch himself. “Hunk will die from hearing Keith laugh. Good luck, buddy.”
Hunk covers up his face with his hands, groaning into them. Shiro had a point – Keith was going to kill him! Especially since this boy didn’t laugh often, and Hunk was able to do it without batting an eye. Quiznak, he’s deep into this crush and there’s no chance of him getting out of it.
iv. (College AU)
Keith has been doing a good job on keeping how ticklish he really was a secret. The only one who knew he was super ticklish was his long-term best friend, Shiro, who only used this information against him. He begged him to not tell Hunk he was ticklish, and offered to do his laundry for the next week if he didn’t say anything. It was pushed up to two weeks and Keith didn’t complain. As long it kept Hunk from finding out he was ticklish, then it was fine. He can deal with washing his best friends clothes for two weeks, right? Two weeks will go by fast.
On a weekend, he and Hunk were having their movie night, curled up in each others arms on the sofa in front of the television. Keith’s laying on top of Hunk, head resting on his chest. His heartbeat is so soothing that he barely makes it past the first fifteen minutes of the movie, and by the first half hour, Keith had been out like a light.
It took Hunk twenty minutes to realize his boyfriend fell asleep, and because he chose the movie, he didn’t want Keith to miss any good parts of it. So instead of letting him asleep, Hunk tried to wake him up, and decided to poke at his side to try to wake him up. One poke and Keith’s jolted awake, and by the second poke, Keith was slapping Hunk’s hand away.
“Hunk. Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” Hunk questions, tilting his head to the side. “I was just trying to wake you up so you don’t miss the good parts.” But he’s not paying attention to the movie anymore and instead, he runs his fingers up and down Keith’s side, making the smaller boy squirm. “Are you ticklish, Keith?”
“N..no..” he stammers out, and he can’t get up fast enough to make sure Hunk doesn’t find out. Instead, Hunk started running his hand up and down his sides and Keith’s trying to hold back laughter. “Hunk--”
Hunk brings his mouth to Keith’s neck, placing kisses there, which makes Keith shudder. He can’t tell if it’s because it feels good, or because that spot right there is extremely ticklish for him. Hunk hums against Keith’s neck and that’s when Keith starts breaking; giving up from trying to squirm away and breaking into a laughing fit.
“Hunk! St.. stop it! The movie--!”
“I’d rather listen to you laugh than hear dialogue from a movie,” Hunk admits, a wide grin on his face. “Who knew you were this ticklish?”
“Hunk. Hunk, please. Think about what you’re doing--” Keith’s panicking a little.
One second he was laying on Hunk, and the next he’s flipped over and now on his back on the couch, with Hunk hovering over him. His shirt is raised a little, and Hunk lowers his head. Lips attack his stomach, raspberries being blown into his skin. Keith shrieks, bursting into another laughing fit while pushing down on Hunk’s head, trying to get him to stop.
“Hunk! You’re evil and I hate you!”
v. (Canon Compliant)
Keith normally wakes up early, to get some training in before breakfast comes around. But when he and Hunk confessed to each other and officially put the ‘boyfriends’ label on each other, his bed has been a lot less empty than it was before. He wakes up wrapped in Hunk’s arms, the big guy nuzzling against his hair. Sometimes Keith’s too comfortable to get up and he’ll stay there, wide awake until Hunk wakes up. (“Why didn’t you wake me? I would have let you leave.” “You had a strong hold on me. I’d doubt you would have.” “All you had to do was ask, Keith.”) Keith still doesn’t believe Hunk would give him up that easy, but he guess it’s worth the shot.
He had made plans to train with Shiro the night before, having them train before breakfast. So Keith wakes up his usual time, and he’s still wrapped in Hunk’s arms. Deciding to try and see if Hunk will give him up, Keith turns in Hunk’s arms the best he could, hands reaching out and thumb brushing over Hunk’s cheek.
“Hunk. Hunk, wake up,” Keith calls out, getting a groan out of the bigger man. “I have early morning training with Shiro. I gotta go.”
“What? No,” Hunk complains, and holds Keith tighter. Keith knew this would happen, and he lets out a sigh. “You’re staying here.”
“Hunk, please,” Keith says, hands on each one of Hunk’s cheeks. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“..Fine.” Hunk’s pouting and Keith finds it so adorable. Hunk leans in, half awake, pressing a kiss to Keith’s nose. “Let me steal some kisses from you before you go.”
Some kisses isn’t just one or two. Heck, it’s not even three or four. Hunk places kisses all of Keith’s face, making the smaller boy turn into a laughing mess from how ticklish Hunk’s kisses are. He may have been laying there for five minutes, accepting all of Hunk’s kisses, and suddenly, Keith hears a knock on the door and Shiro call out.
“Keith? Are you awake?”
“Y-yeah!” Keith responds back, squirming and trying to set himself free. But Hunk is holding him captive and now kissing his neck and down to his shoulder. “Sorry-- give me a moment! Hunk, stop--”
Keith eventually squirms away, but he ends up falling to the floor with a yelp. It’s then Hunk wakes up and starts apologizing for it, helping his boyfriend up off the ground and giving him a few more kisses to his face.
“Sorry for keeping you,” Hunk apologizes and then shouts to Shiro. “He’ll be out soon, Shiro!”
“You are so,” Keith says in between laughs and Hunk continues to kiss his face. “unbelievable!”
“You love me though.”
“..Do I?”
Hunk gasps, looking hurt, “Keith..”
Keith snorts at Hunk’s reaction, “Kidding.”
+ 1 (Canon Compliant)
It had been a slow day in the castle, considering Allura has given everyone a day off from training. They’re hidden from the Galra, so they should use the day to rest up properly and they’ll start training tomorrow. Allura and Coran, however, are running tests on the castle and making sure everything would be at a hundred percent in case of a Galra attack. The five paladins are in the common room, with Shiro and Keith both on the couch, reading things from an electronic pad. Shiro was trying to learn more about Altean’s; their culture, the language, the castle and how it was built. Things like that. Keith on the other hand was reading whatever information Coran and Allura had on Galran’s, trying to find out more about his Galran heritage in any which way possible.
Lance and Hunk however were helping Pidge out with a device to help them play the game that bought at the space mall, but decided to take a break from it. However Pidge is still trying to work with it while Lance and Hunk rested for a moment. It’s quiet, and it’s boring, and Lance is thinking how they could relax, but also strengthen their skills. Then it hits him.
“So, I’ve been thinking.” Lance announces, making everyone look up from what they are doing. “Hear me out--”
“You. Thinking?” Keith blinks a few times and puts down the electronic pad he was holding. “Please stop before you hurt yourself. The last thing we need is someone out of commission.”
There’s silence, Lance staring at Keith with wide eyes and his mouth wide open. Pidge’s eyes were wide for a moment before they burst into a laughing fit, Hunk following right after. Although his laughing fit only lasts a few seconds before he speaks up.
“Oh my god! What did I tell you guys!” Hunk says, a wide grin on his face. “Ever since Keith turned Galra, he got a sense of humour!”
“I didn’t just turn Galra,” Keith insists with a huff. “And I’m just saying that if Lance turns anymore gears in his head, his brain might burst into flames. That is, if he has one.”
“Holy shit.”
“Pidge, language. And Keith, be nice,” Shiro orders, but Pidge isn’t paying much attention because they’re laughing too hard. “What were you thinking about, Lance?”
“I was thinking of bonding. You know, as a team, by playing a game,” Lance answers, but still pretty irritated by Keith’s commentary. “You know, like truth or dare, or twenty questions-- or! Or! Headbandz.”
“Head.. bands?” Shiro says slowly, raising an eyebrow. “What’s that?”
“It’s a game that, we have written words or people on a piece of paper taped to your forehead. We don’t know who you are, but basically the rest of the group does. And the group has to give you hints on what you are and then you have to guess before times up,” Lance starts explaining. “Here, I’ll give you an example: Cries a lot, sleeps all day, and throws tantrums when you don’t get what you want.”
“Are you talking about yourself?” Keith asks, making Pidge and Hunk snort.
“No! It’s a baby!”
“So.. still you.”
Pidge and Hunk lose it after that, and Lance looks so offended. Shiro sighs, thinking that he can’t catch a break from these four; Lance and Keith especially. What is he going to do with these kids?
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10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply
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There are several chemicals that companies use in processed foods to "improve" their flavor and texture despite near-unanimous condemnation by the United Nations, the European Union and other countries around the world.
The United States has not taken the same steps to remove these chemicals from our own food supply.
Here's a list of highly dubious chemical ingredients currently allowed in American foods that you should stay away from:
1. Azodicarbonamide. This is a "dough conditioner" that creates even air pockets within the dough, giving industrial-processed foods a light, fluffy, fresh-baked texture. However, azodicarbonamide is actually a yellowish powder that is most commonly used for creating foamed plastics. The FDA considers it "Generally Regarded As Safe," but the United Kingdom and the World Health Organization both recognized the chemical as a potential cause of asthma and allergic reactions. Also, once the chemical degrades due to heat, it transforms into a well-known carcinogen. The United States is one of the only countries in the world that allows the use of this chemical in food - it's illegal in the U.K., across Europe and in Australia.
2. BHA and BHT. These are two chemicals - closely related - that the FDA has also classified as "Generally Regarded as Safe." They have a waxy consistency and are used as a preservative to keep food from going bad. They're often used in potato chips, breakfast cereals and sausages. The trouble is, studies from the U.S. National Toxicology Program have shown that they are carcinogenic - meaning they raise a person's risk of getting cancer if they are ingested. BHA and BHT are banned in Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and all across Europe.
3. Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH). These are lab-made hormones administered to cows in the United States that makes them produce more milk. Unfortunately, it also makes them more susceptible to disease, causing farmers to subsequently pump the cows full of antibiotics. Those antibiotics eventually make their way into people's bodies through milk, which could potentially lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria and other health problems.
4. Blue Dye #1. Also called Brilliant Blue, this chemical has been linked in scientific studies with allergies, learning disabilities, aggressiveness and irritability in children.
The only reason it's used? To "improve" the look of foods like ice cream, peas, icings and certain liqueurs. There aren't any "brilliant blue" foods in nature - and there shouldn't be any in your cupboard, either. This chemical is banned in most of Europe.
5. Yellow Dye #5. Also known as tartrazine, more than half of the studies performed on this chemical have conclusively shown that it deteriorates a person's DNA - making it dangerous not only to a human being, but to their potential future children, as well.
You're most likely to find tartrazine in cheese-flavored crackers like Goldfish and Cheez- Its, as well as in chips, puddings and macaroni-and-cheese boxed dinners.
6. Yellow Dye #6. Another yellow dye to finish things off - this chemical is found in breakfast cereals, Eggo waffles, American cheese and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese boxed dinner. These were banned in Northern Europe after studies showed the chemical was linked to adrenal and kidney tumors in rats.
7. Astaxanthin. Found primarily in farm-raised salmon, whose diets give them an unappetizing gray color of flesh (instead of the healthy pink found in wild salmon,) astaxanthin is a petrochemical (meaning it's derived from oil) that is used to turn farmed salmon meat pink. Astaxanthin has not been approved for human consumption and is banned in Australia and New Zealand.
8. Brominated Vegetable Oil. Usually found in Gatorade, Squirt, Sprit and other citrus-flavored soft drinks and energy drinks, brominated vegetable oil (BVO) was originally patented as a flame-retardant chemical. BVO has the unfortunate tendency to build up in people's systems, and in large doses, it's been shown to cause reproductive and behavioral harm to animals. This is banned in many countries in Europe.
9. Arsenic. Yes, the infamous poison is regularly fed to poultry in the United States to make them grow more quickly, and make the meat appear more pink and fresh. Although arsenic-drugs are administered in very small doses, large doses of arsenic are outright lethal, and it' a known cancer-causing agent. The reasoning the FDA uses to keep it legal in the United States is that organic arsenic is less dangerous than inorganic arsenic, so only organic arsenic is allowed to be used. The European Union says, "Arsenic is arsenic, and it doesn't belong in food."
10. Potassium Bromate. This is another additive to breads, like azodicarbonamide, but its point is to make bread "enriched" with potassium - a vital nutrient. The problem is, potassium bromate has been linked to kidney damage, nervous system damage, thyroid problems and cancer. Canada, China and the European Union ban potassium bromate, but it's still used as an "enrichment" here in the States.
So, How Can You Avoid Obesity-Causing Chemicals?
The best way to avoid these harmful chemicals is to get back to a natural diet.
Cut out all processed foods, and stick to the pure, unadulterated foods (you'll find these on the perimeter of grocery stores, rather than inside the aisles).
It is also important to choose organic foods whenever possible. True, organic foods can still contain trace amounts of pesticides and other chemicals. However, the amount of chemicals is significantly less, which means you don't have to worry so much about your endocrine system spinning out of control.
But, of course, it's easy to say "just eat organic." In reality, not all of us can afford to eat 100% organic, myself included.
So what do we do?
Find a healthy balance/safe medium.
Since keeping a tight budget is very important right now, I'm selective about eating organic. 
I only eat organic for foods that have the highest levels of pesticides/chemicals.
If you're on a budget too, buy organic for the following products (which typically contain very high amounts of pesticides and insecticides):
Green beans
Lettuce and other greens
My rule of thumb for buying organic produce on a budget: if the skin is exposed, buy organic. If not, buy the regular stuff.
In line with that statement, you'll notice that all the foods on the list above have their skin exposed, meaning organic versions are preferred.
Some great veggies/fruits that I usually buy non-organic are avocados, onions, mangoes, cabbage, oranges, bananas, etc.
Check out the Environmental Working Group's site to learn more about "clean" and "dirty" produce.
Additionally, follow these guidelines to avoid chemicals in your food:
1-2x per week is enough to get your Omega-3 needs
Frozen wild fish can be GREAT, since the fats are frozen upon catching and are therefore preserved much longer.
Costco/BJ's is great for large packages of frozen wild fish.
Conventionally-made meats contain high levels of hormones and antibiotics)
Don't worry about buying organic beef or organic chicken. It can help but it's really more of a farce if anything. Organic meats are still fed grains and starches that their digestive systems are not accustomed to, meaning the end product is still tainted.
Note that chicken is higher in Omega 6 than Beef, Lamb, and Goat (the 3 main low-omega 6 meats)....so only eat organic chicken, and it eats for variety. Stick to the low-Omega 6 meats for most meals.
Grass-fed or pasture-raised insures they are eating their natural diets, allowing for a superior, healthier end product.
Try to stick to cultured dairy, which is most types of dairy besides milk.
Raw milk is the only type of milk that seems to not cause dairy allergies/intolerances
If you eat canned foods, eat them sparingly and make sure to soak/heat the food
If you're too lazy to cook the fresh/frozen versions, then FINE...buy canned. If it'll help you stick to your diet then I'm ok with it (at least until you're in shape! After that, ditch the canned foods).
For added benefit, pick up Berkeley water filters, which are the "cream of the crop" in removing chemicals/toxins from water.
If the Berkeley is out of your price range, just use a Brita and/or look for a water bottle with built-in filters.
Even if it says "microwave-safe", if it's plastic, don't do it!
Instead, I highly recommend mid-sized glass Pyrex bowls. They are awesome, cost about $7, and will last forever.
With that being said...you know the drill: While chemicals are important, they still do not trump eating more calories than you burn (if weight loss is your goal).
So, don't let yourself fall into the trap of "well I know they're cookies...but at least they're organic!", and then end up eating 12 cookies.
 Interested in losing weight? Then click below to see the exact steps I took to lose weight and keep it off for good...
Read the previous article about "How Chemicals In Food Make Us Fat (Plus 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply)"
Read the next article about "How To Protect Yourself Against Chronic Inflammation (What Time Magazine Calls A "Secret Killer")"
Moving forward, there are several other articles/topics I'll share so you can lose weight even faster, and feel great doing it.
Below is a list of these topics and you can use this Table of Contents to jump to the part that interests you the most.
Topic 1: How I Lost 30 Pounds In 90 Days - And How You Can Too
Topic 2: How I Lost Weight By Not Following The Mainstream Media And Health Guru's Advice - Why The Health Industry Is Broken And How We Can Fix It
Topic 3: The #1 Ridiculous Diet Myth Pushed By 95% Of Doctors And "experts" That Is Keeping You From The Body Of Your Dreams
Topic 4: The Dangers of Low-Carb and Other "No Calorie Counting" Diets
Topic 5: Why Red Meat May Be Good For You And Eggs Won't Kill You
Topic 6: Two Critical Hormones That Are Quietly Making Americans Sicker and Heavier Than Ever Before
Topic 7: Everything Popular Is Wrong: The Real Key To Long-Term Weight Loss
Topic 8: Why That New Miracle Diet Isn't So Much of a Miracle After All (And Why You're Guaranteed To Hate Yourself On It Sooner or Later)
Topic 9: A Nutrition Crash Course To Build A Healthy Body and Happy Mind
Topic 10: How Much You Really Need To Eat For Steady Fat Loss (The Truth About Calories and Macronutrients)
Topic 11: The Easy Way To Determining Your Calorie Intake
Topic 12: Calculating A Weight Loss Deficit
Topic 13: How To Determine Your Optimal "Macros" (And How The Skinny On The 3-Phase Extreme Fat Loss Formula)
Topic 14: Two Dangerous "Invisible Thorn" Foods Masquerading as "Heart Healthy Super Nutrients"
Topic 15: The Truth About Whole Grains And Beans: What Traditional Cultures Know About These So-called "Healthy Foods" That Most Americans Don't
Topic 16: The Inflammation-Reducing, Immune-Fortifying Secret of All Long-Living Cultures (This 3-Step Process Can Reduce Chronic Pain and Heal Your Gut in Less Than 24 Hours)
Topic 17: The Foolproof Immune-enhancing Plan That Cleanses And Purifies Your Body, While "patching Up" Holes, Gaps, And Inefficiencies In Your Digestive System (And How To Do It Without Wasting $10+ Per "meal" On Ridiculous Juice Cleanses)
Topic 18: The Great Soy Myth (and The Truth About Soy in Eastern Asia)
Topic 19: How Chemicals In Food Make Us Fat (Plus 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply)
Topic 20: 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply
Topic 21: How To Protect Yourself Against Chronic Inflammation (What Time Magazine Calls A "Secret Killer")
Topic 22: The Truth About Buying Organic: Secrets The Health Food Industry Doesn't Want You To Know
Topic 23: Choosing High Quality Foods
Topic 24: A Recipe For Rapid Aging: The "Hidden" Compounds Stealing Your Youth, Minute by Minute
Topic 25: 7 Steps To Reduce AGEs and Slow Aging
Topic 26: The 10-second Trick That Can Slash Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Mortality By 37% (Most Traditional Cultures Have Done This For Centuries, But The Pharmaceutical Industry Would Be Up In Arms If More Modern-day Americans Knew About It)
Topic 27: How To Clean Up Your Liver and Vital Organs
Topic 28: The Simple Detox 'Cheat Sheet': How To Easily and Properly Cleanse, Nourish, and Rid Your Body of Dangerous Toxins (and Build a Lean Well-Oiled "Machine" in the Process)
Topic 29: How To Deal With the "Stress Hormone" Before It Deals With You
Topic 30: 7 Common Sense Ways to Have Uncommon Peace of Mind (or How To Stop Your "Stress Hormone" In Its Tracks)
Topic 31: How To Sleep Like A Baby (And Wake Up Feeling Like A Boss)
Topic 32: The 8-step Formula That Finally "fixes" Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested (If You Ever Find Yourself Hitting The Snooze Every Morning Or Dozing Off At Work, These Steps Will Change Your Life Forever)
Topic 33: For Even Better Leg Up And/or See Faster Results In Fixing Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested, Do The Following:
Topic 34: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 35: Part 1 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 36: Part 2 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 37: Part 3 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 38: Part 4 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 39: How To Beat Your Mental Roadblocks And Why It Can Be The Difference Between A Happy, Satisfying Life And A Sad, Fearful Existence (These Strategies Will Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity And Show You How To Fulfill All Your Dreams)
Topic 40: Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: The Body Type Solution To Quick, Lasting Results
Topic 41: If You Want Maximum Results In Minimum Time You're Going To Have To Work Out (And Workout Hard, At That)
Topic 42: Food Planning For Maximum Fat Loss In Minimum Time
Topic 43: How To Lose Weight Fast If You're in Chronic Pain
Topic 44: Nutrition Basics for Fast Pain Relief (and Weight Loss)
Topic 45: How To Track Results (And Not Fall Into the Trap That Ruins 95% of Well-Thought Out Diets)
Topic 46: Advanced Fat Loss - Calorie Cycling, Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting
Topic 47: Advanced Fat Loss - Part I: Calorie Cycling
Topic 48: Advanced Fat Loss - Part II: Carb Cycling
Topic 49: Advanced Fat Loss - Part III: Intermittent Fasting
Topic 50: Putting It All Together
Learn more by visiting our website here: invigoratenow.com
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squidbatts · 8 years
Tell Me How You Really Feel (do you like me?)
“I was just wondering why you didn’t use a spell to make sure I hadn’t poisoned yours,” He says. 
Hanschen furrows his brow. “You better not have just poisoned me, Gabor.” 
“Of course not,” Melchior scoffs, “But I could’ve, you didn’t even check! Why not?” 
You’re too dumb to poison me, I have no idea how you tricked that hat into making you a Ravenclaw, is what Hanschen means to say. What comes out of his mouth is instead a far too sincere, “We’re friends, Melchior, I trust you.”
Hanschen feels his face warm and Ilse looks at him incredulously. What the hell is happening. 
 Or: The Hogwarts truth serum fic that this fandom needed
{AO3 link}
It starts with a Cauldron Cake. Hanschen will look back and curse himself later but when Melchior walks across the Great Hall and offers Hanschen a Cauldron Cake during breakfast, all Hanschen feels is excitement.
“Really,” Hanschen drawls, careful to keep his voice steady, “A whole Cauldron Cake, homemade from your mother, for me?”
Everyone knows that Fanny Gabor makes the best Cauldron Cakes, even better than what the Hogwart’s Express trolley lady sells, but she rarely sends any to Melchior so they’re a rare commodity. Melchior sighs and shifts, moving the two cakes to one hand.
“She made enough for everyone and made me promise to share them, and you know that she’d know if I didn’t at least try. Do you want them or not?”
Hanschen looks at Ilse, the only other Slytherin he enjoys the company of, and they share a look. She shrugs and holds her hand out so Melchior can hand her one of the cakes. She bites into it and sighs happily. “If your mum ever leaves your dad-”
“Get in line, Neumann, my mum has enough hypothetical suitors. How about you, Rilow, would you like one as well?”
Hanschen would quite like one, especially since Ilse is making embarrassingly excited sounds as she eats hers, but he still makes a show of rolling his eyes.
“Well, if you promised your mum,” He says casually, hiding his excitement.
Melchior huffs and hands over Hanschen’s cake, which Hanschen can’t resist tearing into. He’s finished it in less than a minute and when he looks up, Melchior is still standing there.
“Do you want something, Gabor?”
“I was just wondering why you didn’t use a spell to make sure I hadn’t poisoned yours,” He says.
Hanschen furrows his brow. It hadn’t even occurred to him that Melchior would poison one of them, especially after the handswitching. “You better not have just poisoned me, Gabor.”
“Of course not,” Melchior scoffs, “But I could’ve, you didn’t even check! Why not?”
You’re too dumb to poison me, I have no idea how you tricked that hat into making you a Ravenclaw, is what Hanschen means to say. What comes out of his mouth is instead a far too sincere, “We’re friends, Melchior, I trust you.”
Hanschen feels his face warm and Ilse looks at him incredulously. What the hell is happening.
“Why, thank you, I’ve always wanted to hear how much you value our friendship,” Melchior says, smirking, “How much is that, by the way?”
“You’re one of my best friends,” Hanschen says, his mouth moving beyond his own will. He bites his own tongue and then slaps a hand over his mouth for good measure.
Melchior is outright snickering now and Ilse glares at him. “What did you do to him, Gabor?”
Melchior, unintimidated, simply says, “It’s amazing what veritaserum can do.”
“How did you brew veritaserum?” Hanschen asks, and then continues against his own will, “Sure, you’re brilliant and fantastic at potions and-”
Ilse stuffs a piece of bread in Hanschen’s mouth. Hanschen nods thankfully.
“My father is a muggle; he doesn’t recognize the potion ingredients and he’s more than happy to send me anything I ‘need for school’.”
“I should tell the headmaster on you,” Ilse says, “Veritaserum is illegal.”
“So is using love potions in school. You had me following around Georg for a week, I’m sure Hansi here can endure telling the truth for a day.”
“You put enough in for a full day?”
“Just about nine hours,” Melchior corrects, “It’ll cover the school day and a bit. You’ll be fine, Rilow.”
Hanschen blanches and, before he can stop himself, says “My whole personality is lying to people, what will I do?”
Ilse chokes out a disbelieving laugh. “Bloody hell, this really works, doesn’t it?”
“Just be glad that veritaserum only makes him speak when he’s asked a direct question. Our dear snakey Rilow will just have to learn how to keep his mouth shut,” Melchior laughs at Ilse and Hanschen’s aghast faces, turning as though to go back to his own table, before pausing. “Actually, before I go, were you telling the truth about not fancying me?”
“Yes. I liked you back in third year but now the only person I fancy is-” Hanschen forces his hand into his mouth, forcibly muffling his next words. He glares at Melchior’s grin despite the warmth on his face. “I can’t even say that I hate you, because we really are good friends and I truly do care about you.”
Melchior laughs again and nearly skips back to his own table.
“Bloody git,” Ilse hisses, Hanschen nods but firmly keeps his mouth shut so he doesn’t say anything else embarrassing.This is going to be a long day.
Transfiguration is Hanschen’s worst subject, mostly because of their horrible teacher, but he can usually pull his way through pretending to understand it all until Martha has the time to help him study. Today it’s a struggle, especially because Sonnenstich seats them by alphabetical order so Hanschen is far from Ilse, his sole confident, and right next to his nosy Ravenclaw cousins, Thea and Melitta.
“Mister Rilow,” Professor Sonnenstich says, “Could you tell us the spell that one would use for the untransfiguration of this tea cup back into a crow?”
“Not at all, professor,” Hanschen says, though he tries to bite his tongue and stop himself. He hears a gasp from his right, though he doesn't know whether its Thea or Melitta. “I never have any idea what you’re doing and I probably would’ve failed if not for-”
Hanschen finds himself unable to finish the sentence as a blue and bronze scarf finds its way into his mouth, the screech of a chair taking up the space his voice had filled
“Shut up,” A voice that he immediately identifies as Thea hisses in his ear, seemingly having taken over Melitta’s seat. Somewhere above him and to the right, Melitta speaks.
“Sir, please forgive our cousin,” She says, her voice smooth and slick with diplomacy despite the way her hands twist at the sleeves of her robe with nerves. “He doesn’t know what he’s saying and, in fact, is most likely sick and would probably benefit from a trip to Doctor Zitronensaft.”
Hanschen nods vigorously at her words, breathlessly thankful for his cousins.
Professor Sonnenstich mulls over her words with pursed lips. Hanschen has never hoped that his last name and the influence it has would save him as much as he does now. Eventually Professor Sonnenstich squints and says, “Is that so?”
“Yes, sir-” Thea starts, but Sonnenstich cuts her off.
“I was asking Mister Rilow. Kindly remove your scarf from his mouth.”
Thea reluctantly agrees. Hanschen steels himself and thinks I'm sorry that I said that, I didn't mean to say it, because he can't exactly lie and say that he didn't mean the words, but maybe it'll still be okay.
“I'm sorry that I said that,” Hanschen starts, looking appropriately chastised, “I didn't mean to tell you that you're absolutely rubbish at teaching and quite possibly the most incompetent man I have ever met.”
Oh my god, why did I say that? Hanschen thinks, and the sentiment is echoed in the shocked faces of his cousins as he grimaces at them both. There’s a moment of shocked silence, and then professor Sonnenstich says, “Mister Rilow?”
“Yes, sir?”
“Detention, this weekend. I expect you in my classroom Saturday morning at eight.”
“Yes, sir.”
“You have to feel the tea leaves,” Professor Wahrsager says, with the same overdone feeling she always uses, “Tasseomancy is an old and revered art!”
Hanschen wants to scoff under his breath but he’s not sure what the veritaserum would do to even that soft sound. Instead, he picks up the cup of tea that Ilse’s just drained, squinting at the leftover leaves.
“I think I see a… crescent? And a star! Though maybe it’s only half a star? Either way, that should be introspection and luck… half-luck, maybe,” Ilse squints at his cup and sighs heavily, sitting back in her seat and pushing her hair back. “What do you see?”
Hanschen scowls at her, “Nothing distinguishable, just like how it always is. Merlin, this class is bloody useless, I wish that I didn’t care so deeply about our friendship because the I wouldn’t have agreed to take it with you.”
Hanschen’s little rant wasn’t loud, but it also hadn’t been anything like the low drawl that he usually speaks in, so he can see why so many of the students close to their table are gaping as Hanschen Rilow--known for being cutting and mean, but in a sneaky way--speaks so openly about his distaste for something. Ilse, who’s been exposed to this version of Hanschen all day, just rolls her eyes.
“Yes, yes, you’re a petulant infant and you don’t want to be here, we get it. God, I have no idea how I didn’t noticed that you’re such a whiner before,” Ilse says, “Now, look closer, I want my fortune told.”
Hanschen bares his teeth at her but doesn’t open his mouth for fear of what he might say. Ilse levels him with an unimpressed stare, expressing that his angry looks aren’t nearly as effective when they aren’t coupled with his usual snide comments. He huffs and looks back down at the cup. I can’t wait for this day to be over.
Herbology is Hanschen’s favorite class of the day. Not only because he’s the best in the class and the professor loves him, but also because it’s a class he shares with Hufflepuff, which means he gets to see Ernst.
“Good morning, Hanschen, Ilse,” Ernst says, bubbly and grinning like always, “How are you two doing?”
“Much better now that you’re here,” Hanschen says, sounding embarrassingly besotted. Ilse shoots him a look across the aisle that separates the two of them and her eyes say We should’ve sat together today but Hanschen can only shrug back helplessly. He’s not a fan of changing things up and besides, he wouldn’t want to give up sitting next to Ernst. Luckily, Ernst just laughs his flirtation off. Thank Merlin for my casual flirting, Hanschen thinks. It’s gotten harder and harder to ignore his crush on his friend when he’s been on edge about accidentally telling everyone he speaks to about it all day, and he can’t help but notice how particularly handsome Ernst looks today as he sits beside Hanschen.
“One of the girls in my house was talking about you, Hanschen. I mean, the girls talk about you all the time, it’s not unusual, but this one was saying that you had detention, as ridiculous as that is,” Ernst rolls his eyes, and he must take slowly growing look of terror--The story is spreading so quickly, it’s only been two periods!--for incredulity. “I know. You’ve never had detention, and I told her so, but she was insistent, can you believe it?”
“Yes, because I do have detention,” Hanschen says. The look on Ernst’s face is almost worth the loss of autonomy.
“What? How?”
“I couldn’t shut my mouth in transfiguration,” Hanschen says, thankfully simple.
Ilse finishes pulling her hair into a bun and haphazardly shoves her wand into it, leaning over Hanschen to grin at Ernst, “He backchatted Professor Sonnenstich, it was brilliant.”
“I never thought I’d see the day,” Anna says with a flourish of her hand, sliding her flying chair into the spot beside Ilse, “Hanschen, our Hanschen, in trouble that he didn’t talk himself out of!”
“He, um,” Ilse exchanges a panicked look with Hanschen. “Well. You know how Sonnenstich is.”
Ernst and Anna make apologetic noises and Hanschen nearly faints with relief as the subject is dropped in lieu of complaining about how the Hufflepuff prefects have gotten stricter about people sneaking out after curfew until Professor Pflanzen enters the greenhouse and starts class.
“Okay class, I know we’ve been working on plants that have been more... difficult,” She says after the class has quieted down. Ilse coughs something that sounds remarkably like Deadly but Pflanzen mercifully ignores her. “But today we’re going to do something a bit calmer. Don’t get me wrong, it won’t be easy, but it’ll be less likely to, um-”
“Burn off your eyebrows?” A Hufflepuff that Hanschen doesn’t know, who does indeed appear to have their eyebrows drawn on, suggests.
Pflanzen sighs, “If you had been paying attention, Ms Finnigan-Thomas, you would’ve been fine.”
The Hufflepuff, Finnigan-Thomas, laughs. Pflanzen’s face twitches in a way that makes Hanschen think that she wants to roll her eyes, but she smooths it out after a second. Hanschen has always liked Professor Pflanzen, not only for her youth and her kind demeanor, but he’s also admired her composure.
“Today, class,” She says, slightly louder than her normal teaching voice, “We’ll be working with Screechsnap. Screechsnaps are harmless, but they’re semi-sentient and can and will let you know if they don’t like something you’re doing, understood?”
Pflanzen looks around at her nodding students and waves her wand, summoning some covered pots from further back in the greenhouse. The one that lands in front of Hanschen has tiny watermelons on it’s blanket. Hanschen pulls off the blanket to reveal a plant with five gently wriggling tentacles and three thin blue flowers, covered in peach fuzz. It’s making soft noises that almost sound something like snoring.
“Oh, look at them,” Anna coos at her plant, “Aren’t they the cutest?”
“I can think of at least two cuter things, one of which is in this room right now,” Hanschen’s mouth says. His brain, however, wants to die when all of his friends turn to him with questioning looks. He waves them off and resolutely stares at his plant.
“Today’s project will be simple,” Pflanzen says, drawing everyone’s attention from examining their plants, “The screechsnaps need water, a couple drops of brain enhancing potion to keep them lucid, and a new layer of manure. Page 136 of your books has the basic care instructions, kindly turn there and get to work.”
Within seconds everyone is hard at work, allowing Hanschen to take a deep breath. You’re nearly done, He thinks, Last class of the day, and then you can go hide out while it wears off, you’ve got this.
And then he looks at Ernst and fucks everything up. Ernst is squinting at his plant in concentration, a little slip of his tongue poking out from between his beautiful lips as he focuses on keeping his plant happy. His hair is already messy and dotted with dirt from the times that he must’ve ran his fingers through it. He is, quite simply, a mess. I shouldn’t find this attractive, but Merlin, Hanschen thinks, the words burning to burst out of his mouth, nearly trying to leap off of his tongue, as Ernst notices his staring and shoots him a quick confused smile, He’s absolutely stunning.
Ernst opens his mouth and Hanschen winces in anticipation, but before either of them can speak, Professor Pflanzen is slamming her wand on the table between them.
“If you could pay attention to your own plant, who is very obviously distressed, it would be much appreciated,” She says, irritated.
Hanschen nearly opens his mouth to reply with the customary ‘Yes, professor’ but he senses, one thing he’s gotten good at today, that if he spoke right now, the veritaserum would twist his words into something that he doesn’t at all want to say aloud. He nods instead, turning back to his screechsnap. He calms the plant by gently misting it with water and he proceeds with the care instructions, placing and patting down the fertilizer, but it’s not long before his eyes drift back to Ernst. Ernst is trying to pull his spray bottle away from his plant, which has three of it’s tentacles wrapped around it.
“Son of a banshee,” Ernst mutters, swiping his hand on his cheek, leaving a streak of fertilizer behind. “These things are strong.”
Hanschen snorts, “Mine hasn’t given me any trouble.”
“Yours may not be stealing your supplies, but it still looks a bit fussy. You should pay it more attention,” Ernst says, aiming for chastising but the way that his lips have turned up undermines it. Hanschen is struck by the, not uncommon, urge to kiss Ernst.
“Mister Rilow! Your plant is whining, whatever are you doing to it?”
“Nothing, ma’am,” Hanschen says as Professor Pflanzen bustles over.
“Quite obviously,” She says with a sniff. “The fertilizer distribution is uneven, that’s what’s upsetting it. Otherwise, I’d say that you did well despite your distraction.”
“Sorry, ma’am, I’ll try to focus,” Hanschen says, then physically bites his tongue to stop anything else from coming out. Professor Pflanzen studies him for moment before sighing.
“You’re not usually like this in class, is there anything wrong?”
Hanschen’s eyes widen in horror because Why would she ask that in front of other students, why? But his mouth is already moving before he can stop it. “No, professor, I mean besides how I can’t stop talking and the fact that Ernst looks far too good when he’s disheveled.”
Professor Pflanzen looks taken aback and mutters something like ‘I don’t get paid enough to deal with teenage melodramatics’. Ernst blinks and turns to Hanschen with wide eyes.
“What?” He asks, his voice cracking.
“You have literal dirt in your hair and you’re still bloody beautiful,” Hanschen says, miserable and wishing that he could’ve waited to ruin his friendship with Ernst in a better place than herbology class. “It’s distracting.”
“I’m sorry?” Ernst says, unsure. He still looks like the giant squid’s just tried to drag him into the Lake.
“Yes, well, you should be,” Hanschen says, because he apparently can’t stop himself even when he’s not under the compulsion of the veritaserum, “It’s been a problem since fourth year, it’s near inconsiderate how many pieces of parchment you’ve made me ruin.”
“I’m-” Ernst pauses, stumbles through his words, “I’m sorry, I’m still trying to grasp this, you are distracted by me? You think I’m… attractive?”
“Gorgeous, get it right, Robel,” Hanschen corrects, “And I’m more than distracted, I’d call it outright fancying.”
Ernst chokes. Hanschen wishes that he could as well, his face blazing hot despite his inability to visibly blush. Most embarrassing moment ever, Hanschen thinks, Destroying my friendship and declaring that I fancy Ernst in front of the entire Herbology class, even if no one’s really paying us any attention.
“You fancy me?”
“Yes,” Hanschen answers, because he must even if he thinks it’s quite clear what he feels. “We can just forget about it, or rather we can pretend to forget about it and have it haunt us and our friendship for the rest of our school careers before we go our separate ways in adulthood and I become a story to tell your coworkers, ‘Oh yes, that time the creepy guy announced that he fancied me during class’ and-”
Ernst presses a hand to Hanschen’s mouth, muffling his stream of words if not stopping them. “You’re talking a lot.”
Ernst doesn’t move his hand and Hanschen isn’t sure if he would want him to anyway, so he nods in answer instead. Ernst nods back, brows furrowed like he’s steeling himself or trying to figure something out or both. “I fancy you too, Hanschen. I thought… I thought you knew? Everyone else does, I was sure that one of them had told you, but um, I guess not?”
No, not at all, Hanschen thinks, and his facial expression must portray his murderous thoughts well enough because Ernst laughs at whatever face he’s making. Hanschen softens at the sight of Ernst’s smile. They both fancy each other, and Ernst is smiling, and Hanschen sort of feels like he’s invincible. A throat clears in front of them.
“As touching as this is--and truly, it is, I haven’t seen such a display since I was a student,” Professor Pflanzen says, “Your plants are humming worryingly and you do have an assignment to complete.”
Ernst flushes bright red, “Oh! Yes, professor. Sorry, professor.”
Professor Pflanzen smiles briefly. “It’s fine, Ernst, Hanschen. You can’t exactly plan this sort of thing, just try not to let it happen again.”
Hanschen and Ernst both nod their assent and after she’s gone to harass another student, Ernst turns to Hanschen. “We’ll talk after class, okay?”
“There’s nothing I’d rather do,” Hanschen says, and for once, he’s not upset at having to tell the truth.
20 notes · View notes
glopratchet · 4 years
clean water in Inspiridium Isles : an overview of the island, including a map an overview of the island, The first two books are written by Trelik and are about his experiences on the Isle and how he came to be there The third book is written by you and is about your time at the Isle as well as some details about your life here so far ; (so far? Most giving clean water is organized by the main character) Infiltrium Isles Overview: The Island is made up of three islands All the people here live under the same rule One that acts as a mainland with a small town called Fort Defiance, one that is mostly forested with many caves, and lastly one is more open land but still has forests Guilds for giving clean water are called more than enough, but there is a marked caste system These guilds for giving clean water exist to Guilds for giving clean water are called more than enough, type cast people (whose idea was this? Trelik's books: They detailed the two main guilds and marked people Mostly it's one of the three main races, but sub can be mixed with little effects Low Casters: These are regular non-magical ; (Or sometimes magical in a limited way) human beings to police the humans which are exempt from military service and other things on laziness grounds These guilds for giving clean water exist to type cast people taking minor powers from another guild if the need ever arised, however most are unwilling to 'waste' the time learning forms all but outlawed ; (Even the White Mages are looked down upon) Low-Guilds: Non-human Creatures able to bear children with humans ; (Mihrab and Slin demons at least) and those are bred with, or collected as children form the next generation of conscripts Some people able to cross-craft by The prefered method for applying the different forms of giving clean water involving letting monsters do it (This stops actual infections problem) High-Guilds: Elves of various types are all sorts of wizards and magical profession-ers living lives of luxury making sure the islands run or look Boutonoir Very few people with any actual power like the Defacto Leader Caretaker Lyssia who also makes sure that her Elven Caste have nothing to worry about as well as just being a warrior The prefered method for applying the different forms of giving clean water involving letting monsters do it Cross-crafting requires permission by a write from an overlor ic or the Highest of the Elves around Lyssia herself is the only human with access to the books, immortality, and a lot of combat skill One obvious problem that may occur is Lyssia may die without an heir ; (Unlikely since she trained you as her successor until completed) or someone like David takes power If Lyssia died there'd be instant conflict, however I would get lord priority due to my knowledge so it wouldn't be a total mess Cross-crafting requires permission by a write from an overloric or the Highest of the Elves around How strict are giving clean water restrictions The likelihood of conflict would be under 10%, but David stirring stuff up and spreading rumors to sick the new influx of powers onto Lyssia could lead to rebellions or her death How strict are giving clean water restrictions? The retrictions to giving clean water are controlled by Lyssia in the Ritual Hall, which unless you get David stirring up stuff there isn't anything major that can be done without everyone noticing If David were to start anything, you have at your command a few 'bosses' of the different guilds meaning you could pull their support from him, but then this option is risky as he could easily convince them to follow him instead The retrictions to giving clean water are controlled by Lyssia in the Ritual Hall, A mall town giving clean water types are respresented by people you know such as Aglif, and 'The Owner' Whichever you decide to sic these guys on the other factions, it may take 1d4+2 days to convince them depending on which ones you pick (Meaning 1 day for Owner and Aglif, 2 for Military, 4 for Slin or Demons) Hamak Skyborn: 57 year old ex-pirate despite his walker using bad legs A mall town giving clean water types are respresented by people you know such as Aglif, The cost of giving clean water in gold skutes coins only, but this too can be taken care of by David He represents the Pirates and Old-schol ; (Also Underworld if push came to shove) He seems jovial enough not to worry about treachery especially since you once drank a gallon of milk though possibly somewhat dim The cost of giving clean water in gold skutes coins only, The system of exchange for giving clean water He collects 300 with a limit of once a week unless he's spoken to you This can be done by convincing him yourself or messaging with and to David to pay for it from 'Secret funds' ; (Donations) the populace donates to his Research But if it ever appears suspicious he's get pissy about it, therefore messaging is best The system of exchange for giving clean water: The typical denominations of gold skutes money exist in quantities depending on worth Business usually prefers larger denominations of course to save on handing out a bunch of coins ) 300 Standard coins worth 1 each The typical denominations of gold skutes money exist in quantities depending on worth of their yearly pay or something for major purchases 1-3 years worth? PM me on what you want them to be carrying On a trip, most business men are likely to carry ? Gold skutes coins are called so for the strange symbol resembling older more curved Roman letters C and S on the face Many times they're called 'goldscythes' Farhan Brownhand: 134 year old dishonorable elven ex-sharpshooter now crime lord ; (And part of underworld if push came to shove) and once business rival who was run out of the city As of now no titles are associated with him save his name Gold skutes coins are called so for the strange symbol resembling older more curved Roman letters C and S on the face He repesents the Outlaws, and Elves (Was also once elves district 'representative' while still part of republicans) Potion restriction: Every 48 hours, much like water restriction you may only use 5 ingredients once However unlike alcohol and plants you can instead use animal parts and precious gems Can only use ONE type of animal part or gem for each time Also similar to water potions you must wait 1 hour before making another potion again The trade secerts of giving clean water exist in the following forms Encrypted message: Farhan states what he wants in exchange for telling re-joining Warning David that you're planning on subverting/kidnapping him Reasoning Againts why David shouldn't pursue this And or dissmissing him if serious Informing owners of leak in water system Poisoning wells in Outlaw district AND Watertown (500) Getting the third input into this being either a reason not to bother or to continue Some common knowledge related to giving clean water A detailed description of the process a young person goes through to become involved with giving clean water looks like this Changes start taking place sometime during puberty Though there is a noticeable difference, it is not abrupt Oddly intelligence does not seem to play a part and engineers, law-enforcement officials and other smart people are just as likely be drawn in by the activity as anyone else A detailed description of the process a young person goes through to become involved with giving clean water looks like this Changes start taking place sometime during puberty Step one is to make friends with someone who gets the strange obsession to do it and is fairly convincing and has more willpower than you At first you'll think they're crazy, but they'll soon show you it's pretty fun to help out once you get used to it Part of the convincing part comes from a sort of osmosis since everyone who already does it seems pretty enthusiastic about it Playful dates start becoming "go help" Step one is to make friends with someone who gets the strange obsession to do it and is fairly convincing and has more willpower than you Step two results in a huge change in your personality and a saner person would just turn around at this point Either way you wont be the same, some people being nice, others turning fanatical all make it fairly clear that you should continue since society is clearly rotten to the core if this is how it treats children For step two you now have two options, stop helping friends and just enjoy the process or help them without fun Step two results in a huge change in your personality and a saner person would just turn around at this point you to gain friends within the water gangs, armed with weapons that scare even your bodyguard friends ---You have access to clean water so if worst comes to worst you just riot ; (riot unique to the underworld) Some information on drug dealers in sewers: Why not rob them? Irresponsible and illegal Doesn't involve killing people Polluting the foul criminal sewer water with drags' blood Step three allows Step three allows you to gain friends within the water gangs, Step four is when it begins getting risky The groups take the youths in as "apprentices" and indoctrinate them They significantly raise young people attracted to helping others in exchange for their help by filling their limited brainpower with gibberish and nonsense they can't ever turn back There's also a twist to it, the law-makers take themselves much less seriously than thugs and slavers do since they're smarter, so they have some sense of fun even if it is warped Step four is when it begins getting risky apparently some of groups take in young people just for week long "camping trips" or even quick escort missions out of town with fake ids Obviously only controlled youth are taken along, and this is all handled by masters since they have no reason to air this secret Finally in step five, The educational requirements for giving clean water include identifying the ingredients needed for making it, treating the water for storage, choosing the vehicles to be used and being able to have a basic converstion with people while escorting them somewhere It might actually have some benefits as a criminal Career since it does give many swaying talks on degrading society and working together to beat tyrants The educational requirements for giving clean water include identifying the ingredients needed for making it, The skill ranks of giving clean water are called 'join or die' and beyond rehabilitation there is some debate about whether it can turn enemies into allies Also a career in water management is an option for you did you decide not to go into home-defense or business The sewers are deep and run throughout countless gangs gasworks contructed during the founding extending past their official size into massive twisting and contolled caverns The skill ranks of giving clean water are called 'join or die' and beyond rehabilitation there is some debate about whether it can turn enemies into allies against the threat you face or not? The Special: Overunity engine is availible and cutting edge, it's both so energy intensive and fragile that it needs constant maintanence, but once up and running it powers an entire city block (aim for a military riot to maximize chaos to draw attention away from it, and have manual controls in each area of the city in case of intense damage to power feeding the system) Are the craft requirements for various skill ranks Are the craft requirements for various skill ranks against the threat you face or not? sugery to eliminate all traces of dirt and undiseases from the water before storage than any sort of natural filtration The thin plastic wrapping around each bottle keeps it sanitary and airless, big bulky bricks of water would be next to useless ferrying the stuff around without a centralized waterworks They depend more on They depend more on sugery to eliminate all traces of dirt and undiseases from the water before storage than any sort of natural filtration Some cities who have people who giving clean water specialize in specific types of filters to making the water last longer in storage and non-transportable bactieria content that resista nt to everything from radiation to disinfectant These are genius high-end creations that can make the jobs of chemists and doctors considerably easier Filters don't take much effort to maintain or need much skill really, just throw em in a jar ofChemicals and they'll gobble up all the nasties you need them to Some cities who have people who giving clean water specialize in specific types of filters to making the water last longer in storage and non-transportable bactieria content that resista nt to everything from radiation to disinfectant Regulations Inspiridium Isles has placed on giving clean water practices The water given out must have an expiration date (Expiration dates are regulated by law) Dirty water may not be released at above room temperture, it's gotta be cooler (Drugs can be infused into the bottles to keep the water sterile and longer-lasting) Regulations Inspiridium Isles has placed on giving clean water practices: Some laws on the books related to giving clean water are strongly worded suggestions Some are incentives and some are draconian All giving clean water businesses are under regular strongly worded suggestion to be fire compliant with city building codes ; (Having a sprinkler system) An incentive which is strongly worded on the books is that giving clean water busniesses operating in high population densities ; (Over 500 people per block or resource unit) must be staffed by a registered nurse Some laws on the books related to giving clean water are strongly worded suggestions The standardized systems of weights and measures related to giving clean water are regulated by the U coast guard Water Born Disease "The gift that keeps on giving " Decades of giving clean water has led to favorable results, but unfourtunately water born diseases much like regular bacteria mutated with no competition When it comes to giving clean water , sometimes it is import to specify the difference between filterable bacteria, and small enough viruses that doesn't get caught in conventional filters (A process known as nurdling besides filtering) Drug use, stress and other factors surrounding giving clean water access or using the water one's self can all effect how the water is received and spread Glass bottles cloud the bottling process, but they are still used much more than recyclable plastic; ( The same bottle used for both filtered and unfiltered) due to cost sometimes it is import to specify the difference between filterable bacteria, Rather than being contrained by nuturing bacteria found in nature, chemists can grow incredibly resilient mutated strains of past drugs Rather than being contrained by nuturing bacteria found in nature, These differing systems affect shipping and trade by increasing volume and lowering sanitation cost Sometimes chemists get a little over zealous in their jobs and more exotic ingredients slip into the mix Its not uncommon for receiving warehouses to ship goods before inspection is complete One thing remains constant in the giving clean water trade, drugs Lots of drugs whether cutting the product or found in it These differing systems affect shipping and trade by increasing volume and lowering sanitation cost The new industries developing related to giving clean water are now boomin than ever as competition intensifies between large companies In order for large scale water treatment plants ; (And some days even home distillation devices) to work in removing harmful agent from water they all must circumvent the issue of scaling inside pipes Natural calcium carbonate can be found just about everywhere, but trace elements and impurities can cause problems Just because a substance is traditionally known as a "Filter" doesn't mean it won't give you stomach pains or worse The new industries developing related to giving clean water are now boomin than ever as competition intensifies between large companies Older giving clean water competes with ancient rights granted to certain religions under the guise of religious freedom by the first amendment In order for a water distributor to be taken seriously by law enforcement they cannot sell unclean water without a extensive certification process with frequent reviews of plants When it comes to bottled water, weight and material used in packaging is regulated alongside the fda standards of keeping bottled beverage as sterile as medical supplies all without damaging plastic among other measures This is especially true in crackdowns on "uncommon" Older giving clean water competes with ancient rights granted to certain religions under the guise of religious freedom by the first amendment Giving clean water makes obsolete outhouses and obsolete pit toilets No longer does someone risk hurting themselves falling in, or stepping in human waste on the way to another building The legs of water fountains also no longer have to be opened so hoses can be stuffed inside to keep them from smelling and building up bacteria Before ultra-violet lamp replacement bulbs only appeared in vacant buildings, now even giving clean water businesses skimp on scheduled lighting bulb replacements just to save money, leaving restroom patrons in the dark Giving clean water makes obsolete outhouses and obsolete pit toilets Records kept for giving clean water by the water gives foundation allow officials to check certain measurements after a disasters strike and ensure people in need receive proper treatment, warning and access to waterways These records can also show when upkeep or regulations may have been lacking and pinpoint the cause of a disaster striking somewhere it shouldn't have before its too late Even if it's "just" Records kept for giving clean water by the water gives foundation allow officials to check certain measurements after a disasters strike and ensure people in need receive proper treatment, A merchant class name of giving clean water has now become almost as well-known as "Gas and Go" It would seem most are unaware that a small improvement of the water supply century ago went a long way to improving a cities image and wealth, its no wonder recent innovations in giving clean water has had the opposite effect for smaller cities, or towns in some poorer countries and regions A merchant class name of giving clean water has now become almost as well-known as "Gas and Go" They fit in society as well, there are more people who make it a point of having their employers provide most meals that there are places to eat at work, than those that shop for groceries this does not equal eating at your desk in solitude however They fit in society as well, Guilds are they organized by color and type of occupation and unite under one name: coin collectors Each is in contact with various potters, silversmiths, jewelers and others who find old coins especially golden ones interesting and study the precise properties, sketches historical events to figure out where they came from Guilds are they organized by color and type of occupation and unite under one name: The power guilds have to control trade is best expressed through controlling who can by/sell, and for how much they can be sold to others such matters Though of a slightly more innocent nature than others, a monster collector is still a token dealer as well They too trip the property guidelines that strict control profits from selling-on gave but this isn't as harmful since its basically buying munny and carefully googling prices of cards to get the best deal The power guilds have to control trade is best expressed through controlling who can by/sell, Infighting between guilds results in no system where sets andr prices are fixed stopping people benefiting from giving too much of a price reduction though the temptation to agrue is always there The chance of getting temporary demoted for guild office holders is very real and a small wage strike has almost started before when the potential chaos it would bring was realised It's just not worth it since nobody wants their own profit margins to be squeezed at least not by guild members anyway Infighting between guilds results in no system where sets andr prices are fixed stopping people benefiting from giving too much of a price reduction A large a presence of guilds means prices are usually more standard not everywhere but most places at least by shop this is good since it stops ripoffs but bad if your guild only has a small market share and can't negotiate prices itself These have become even more vital in recent times since many jobless tend to hawk their skills but without the support of bigger guilds or the heavy regulations against independent peddling A large a presence of guilds means prices are usually more standard This skute-based economy isn't as ramapant as smaller ones are in some areas like slums but it does provide some suport on the side while raising the costs and prices The old complicated system of farming property continues, some new owners still don't fully realize how much trubulence it can cause however, a few employ folks to run several aspects while they maintain general Overseeing rights This skute-based economy isn't as ramapant as smaller ones are in some areas like slums but it does provide some suport on the side while raising the costs and prices Hairs are commonly available in A mall town Classy salons are lucky to get an imported shipment every other year at the least One accident that caused a back-log of three years seems to have finally broken the camel's back, this has led to several even less-qualified, and poorer-quality products being used until proper licensees can be found or harvested again We've forgotten what it was like not to be able to chose between several halfway decent salons Giving clean water gets to market by the aid of well diggers is still mandatory Theres been some suggestion they could do with less red-tape, but this is trumped by the fear of any unregulated sell their quality would plummet since there's no guild or regulations to stop them and most couldn't afford the certification jobless folks couldn't get proper jobs if they were thoroughly trained anyway Giving clean water gets to market by the aid of well diggers is still mandatory Giving clean water is most important to Inspiridium Isles Very few islands manage their own wells Big multiguild effort getting supplies down to those devastated by artifical island debacle Giving clean water depends on materials from Inspiridium Isles getting imported to begin with and natural resources The millitary being has second largest fleet after merchant companies both with several armed dispatch vessels, their smallest being the latest war-galley-sized of which are slightly smaller than even one of ours craft Giving clean water depends on materials from Inspiridium Isles getting imported to begin with and natural resources These materials for giving clean water consist of This unfortunately hasn't lead to an increase in profit for us, indeed these new Units are using new cheaper raw materials and unfamiliar mass-production techniques so their costs have decreased not increased The groups responsible for skute coinage is now state-run as 'efficient'' so the flipside of regulation and Guild influence is increased goverment control but with shrinking corruption Decentralization is key to competitivity The groups responsible for skute coinage is now state-run as 'efficient'' so the flipside of regulation and Guild influence is increased goverment control but with shrinking corruption Generally acceptable standards related to skute coinage Giving clean water smuggling is a favored profession in this sector since most of what gets imobalized does anyway We've got a smaller slice and the government has more control, the upshot however is that during wartime they could easily slap corproations with war-time only restrictions and everyone would have to go along with it or face the might of the full brunt of the Guilds and a tied up legal system Giving clean water smuggling is a favored profession in this sector since most of what gets imobalized does anyway This smuggling occurs on the major trade routes where the natives simply throw their customs boats out of the water when they probe too close, that's assuming the Guild dispatch vessel doesn't come get them first The only islands which are safe from this Island are those who produce 'giving clean water', While the government has attempted to establish relations at times they always eventually resort to hostility since being reasonable and accepting their help would be far too beneficial This smuggling occurs on the major trade routes where the natives simply throw their customs boats out of the water when they probe too close, Yes, those islands are of course hostile now Looks like they'll eventually be getting a finders fee on the Island as well Start thinking of a plan to 'balance' this out
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