#all hail the Queen
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endomentendo · 3 months ago
//what about The wonderland au, in the style of American McGee Alice?
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Didn’t expect have this much fun enjoying the madness game! I take back everything I said about it, it’s a masterpiece!
Also if you want a madness au, I’m not the person. But, @allhailthequeenuwu has an au that was inspired by madness, go give it a look and enjoy.
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todayinhiphophistory · 3 months ago
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Queen Latifah released her debut album All Hail the Queen November 28, 1989
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danibee33 · 11 months ago
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The Queen’s Guard
*COD medieval au - Simon Riley x reader
cw: arranged marriage, dark themes, attempted sa & non-graphic sa but pls *read at your own discretion*, gore/violence, sexual themes, etc.
word count: 1.1k
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You can’t help but to flinch at the sound of swords being drawn; it rings in your ears, echos in the recesses of your brain. The piercing, metallic clangs resound throughout the room-
How long had you been here, anyway? Judging from the sunlight that peers through the high transom windows, its golden rays giving the great hall an ethereal sort of glow, it must be nearing time for dinner-
“I’ve seen enough, thank you.”
With a dismissive wave, you rise from the bronze throne and turn on your heel, eyes focused straight ahead, fixated on the intricate carvings in the doors, your escape just within reach-
“Your Grace..”
General Leon’s voice is laced with exasperation and warning, and your long history with him is the only reason you halt, your handmaid nearly bumping into you as you turn again- the young woman struggling to rearrange the ridiculous train on your gown as the man speaks,
“You cannot continue on without a Queen’s Guard- His Grace demands the position be filled.”
Oh, of course. How thoughtful of your kind husband. The husband who only sees you when the physicians deem you fertile enough to produce an heir. The husband who you’re not even sure could pick your face in a crowd because he only ever fucks you from behind, your face pushed down into the animal furs beneath you.
The husband who killed your last guard, gods rest his soul.
Yes, I’m sure he’s very concerned for my safety..
You give a heavy sigh, fighting the urge to roll your eyes as you feel the placating smile tug at your lips; the one you’re so, so good at. The practiced smile that puts everyone in the room at ease, the one you’ve perfected in your relatively short existence of being groomed for this very life.
The life everyone dreams of, a life of royalty, of the highest privilege and power- how little they truly know.
“Of course, please, let us meet the next one then.”
Taking your place upon the throne once again, you sit properly, prim and demure, just like you were taught. The very picture of perfection in your emerald colored silks, not a single hair out of place-
Yet, inside, you were wasting away, your thoughts boiling and raging, your anger smoldering just under the surface, like a vein of coal in the earth that’s been lit aflame- the embers never dying, but never able to turn into the inferno they so wishe to be.
You don’t bother to spare your gaze when the doors open with a low groan, the quiet footfalls that enter the space only really given away by the shifting of chainmail and armor.
They’re confident strides, you notice- long and steady, and without even seeing him yet, you can feel the energy shift around you, his presence seeming to fill every available void,
“Ser Simon Riley, Your Grace.”
With one look, you’re utterly struck by the imposing man walking towards you- shoulders and hips swaying with each deliberate step, left hand resting lazily on the hilt of his long-sword.
His armor plates are dark, obsidian in hue, so different from the usual flashy silver you see everywhere you look. He is a looming shadow in front of you, somehow as wide as he is tall, if that were possible- and his eyes. The skin around them have been smudged with kohl, making the mottled amber of his irises look preternatural, his unmoving gaze entirely focused on you, even when he bows,
“Your Majesty.”
Your mind screams danger, much like it would if a fully grown wolf had just sauntered through the doors, looking for its next meal- and yet, for as much fear as he inspires, there’s something that draws you in- like a siren singing to sailors lost at sea.
Returning his gesture, you gently nod, holding his eyes until the General calls him back to assume a fighting stance; and even then, you swear you see his head tilt just so, just enough to flash you an arrogant look as the guard takes his place across from him. Ser Simon must easily stand a head and a half taller than the other man, you think, his figure even more impressive than it was before.
The men exchange nods before drawing swords, their dance beginning the same as all the others, assessing and calculating each other until the guard makes the first move-
The heavy whoosh of his blade is dodged with little effort, the giant wraith of a man moving far faster than any of you expected. He gracefully ducks under the other’s still outstretched arm, placing himself in the perfect position to swing his own sword towards his opponent's exposed neck- a maneuver surely meant to behead if this were anything other than a mock duel.
“No.” You stand abruptly, stepping down from the throne much to your own surprise, “Ser Simon, what experience do you have as a Royal Guard?”
“Your Grace, this is-”
With a raised hand, you quiet the General, watching the mysterious knight sheath his sword once more, bowing again as he faces you,
“None, Your Majesty.”
Well, at least he’s honest.
“What experience do you have then?”
His head tilts to the side, and you watch the other guards tense when he takes a single step closer, those damned eyes gleaming down at you with a hunger you’ve never quite seen before,
“Battle, Your Grace. I’ve seen far more than most.”
This time, it’s you moving towards him, and when you step closer, the Kingsguard follows suit, though it seems nothing goes unnoticed by the towering specter.
“Well, Ser, I do not go into battle.. You might be better suited for my husband’s army, no?”
You watch the very corners of his eyes crinkle slightly, his gaze narrowing in amusement, and you’re positive you would see a devilish smile on his lips if he removed the helmet,
“I might.” He says flippantly, broad shoulders shrugging as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, “But, I came here to serve you, My Queen.”
A deep and burning chill blooms in your core at his words and the resolute way he says them; it lights every nerve on fire, every cell and molecule, every atom in your being vibrating at a frequency you’ve never felt as the title rolls off his gilded tongue.
No, you’ve never met a man quite like this, and part of you questions if he truly is just a man at all- because no man has ever felt like this, no man has ever been able to pick you apart so quickly, make you feel bare with just his gaze alone.
He terrifies you as much as he excites you, and oh, how you’ve longed to feel something other than loathing, and boredom.
There is nothing practiced or placating about the smirk on your lips now as you nod toward your General, your handmaid once again adjusting the cumbersome fabric of your gown as you move forward-
“Well, you’ve gotten your wish, Ser Simon.” You coo as you breeze past him without a parting glance, “General Leon, make sure my guard is taken to his new quarters, will you?”
They fall into a sweeping bow as you exit, a quiet acknowledgement being the last thing you hear before the deep pulsing of your own heartbeat fills your ears.
What in the seven hells have I done..
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[chapter 2 >>>]
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digital-fand0m · 3 months ago
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Artist: @allhailthequeenuwu
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harknessxo · 1 year ago
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Paring: Rhea Ripley x fem!reader (established), Charlotte Flair x fem!reader (eventual)
Summary: You lost your NXT Championship to Lyra while Rhea was gone and she was not happy. When you didn’t succeed at getting it back she and the rest of TJD left you. You found comfort in someone else who also helped get your revenge.
Warnings; ansgt, light choking, smut
Word Count: 5.3k
A/n: The reader is technically Dominik and her father is Carlito but it’s not mentioned.
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“1…2…3! Here’s your winner! And new NXT women’s champion, Lyra Valkyria!” You dragged yourself out of the ring to sit against the steel steps, hugging your knee. You panted through your gritted in pain. You had just lost your title to Lyra. You fought as hard as you could but you still lost.
Rhea was not going to be happy when she came back. What were you going to do? Now she’s going to think you couldn’t handle business on your own. You slowly got up and limped backstage. The ref tried to help you but you just pushed her away saying you could walk on your own.
Once you were backstage you went straight to your locker room. You sat in front of your dresser, looking at yourself before slamming your fists on it out of anger. Why didn’t you kick out? You took a deep breath before you started taking off your makeup and tried to relax. Maybe she would take it easy on you. At that moment your phone’s screen lit up with a message notification from Damian:
‘You did good out there. Don’t stress too much about it, alight?’
You smiled before replying and heading out to your hotel.
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Monday Night Raw
You took a deep breath and hid your hands in your pocket so no one would notice how badly they were shaking. Only you and Damian walked out since Finn was out, injured from the brawl that happened last Monday. Slowly, you made your way into the ring, Damian looking more confident than you did. You took off Rhea’s belt from around your waist and gave it to her, your hands still shaking.
“Now we all know the judgment day has no leader, correct?” she began, “But each of us has our own responsibility,” she looked directly at you, “So, what happens? Mami gets taken out for two weeks by Nia Jax and all of a sudden everything starts falling apart. Because mami is the one who makes the game plans but when I left I gave someone else that responsibility and they disappointed me.”
You lowered your head thinking she was referring to you until she said Damian’s name and turned in his direction.
“I go, and you can’t handle the job,” she continues, “After the brawl last week, Finn is out injured. You can't even compete tonight against Jey because you are not medically cleared. And what else happens Priest? Y/n lost her NXT women’s title to Lyra because you weren’t out there to help as I told you to.” At that, you lifted your head and looked at him. He was supposed to be there to help and chose not to?
“And now we have a Cody and Jey problem, you wanna know why? Because they don’t fear us, Priest. They can see the tension. They don’t see us as a threat. And because of that, they are going to try and take the tag team titles from you and Finn. And what are you gonna do about it, huh? You can’t do anything.” You could feel the tension between them from where you were standing.
“With all due respect Rhea,” it was Damian’s turn to speak, “You’re not saying anything I don't already know. I know that Cody and Jey are coming for the titles, but when push comes to shove…I’ll push harder. You know, the way I see it, I have my titles. I have my contract. I don’t want to point fingers or start anything but…Mami, where’s Y/n’s title?”
He looked directly at you with no remorse. You looked back at him with a hurt look on your face. Why would he do this to you? He’s supposed to be your family. Rhea turned to look at you. Her gaze filled with a mix of anger and disappointment. You couldn't hold eye contact for long and lowered your head once again.
“Y/n, I’m your Mami, right? What does that make you? That makes you my babygirl. So tomorrow night, at NXT, you have a rematch against Lyra Valkyria. You’re welcome,” she lifted your face with her finger, “But if you don’t come home to me with that championship…then don’t bother coming home.”
You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces. Your eyes watered but you were able to keep the tears at bay. You gulped and simply nodded at her statement. You all then got out the ring and walked backstage. When you did Rhea left to handle other things and you turned towards Damian.
“Why would you do that?” You asked.
“Do what?”
“Throw me under the bus! We are supposed to be family!”
“Listen, you were the one who lost their title, not me.”
“Only because you weren’t there to help.”
“I shouldn’t have to help you Y/n. And if I do have to help you, then maybe you shouldn’t be champion.”
“What about all the hits I took for you and Finn to help you win those titles?” you questioned while pointing at the belts around his waist.
“...” he said nothing and walked off. You roughly ran your hand through your hair before storming into the judgment day’s locker room. You slammed the door behind you, the anger and frustration boiling inside you. You took deep breaths, trying to calm down when someone walked in. JD McDonagh.
“Wow, are you okay?”
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it, now what do you want?”
“Okay um, I was looking for Rhea and Damian.”
Right when you were about to speak, both Rhea and Damian came in arguing but once they saw you and JD they stopped.
“¿Qué hace este tipo aqu��?” Damian asked with anger in his voice.
“Damian, calm down, I asked him to be here,” Rhea looked at JD, “Tell him your plan.”
“Alright, we know Kevin doesn’t like or trust Jey. How do you think he’ll react to him and Cody going for the Tag Titles that he and Sami couldn’t get back? We need to play mind games here. If we make them stop trusting each other then we’ll have a soft spot to go for. We divide and then we conquer.”
“What do you think Damian,” Rhea looked at him.
“I don’t know, I’ll think about it.” He walked out once again.
“Y/n, Lyra is having a backstage interview, you know what to do.” She gave you a cold look and you just gave a firm nod and walked out, she followed suit. You eventually found Lyra and called her name.
“Lyra! If I were you, I wouldn’t get too comfortable with that belt because come tomorrow, I’m taking back what is rightfully mine.” You snarled.
“And she’s not going alone,” Rhea said, doing the little wave she always does.
“Yeah? We’ll see about that. See you tomorrow.” That was all Lyra said before she left. You were going to make your way back to the locker room until Rhea grabbed you by the neck and slammed you against the wall.
“You better win tomorrow, understand?”
“Sí mami,” you gasped out. She let go of you and walked off and you followed a few seconds after catching your breath.
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You were moments away to walk out for your match against Lyra at the main event. The crowd roared with anticipation as you took a deep breath and adjusted your gear, mentally preparing for the match ahead. You needed to win.
“Are you ready, Mami?”
“Yes, let’s go.” She followed you out. Your music started blaring as well as the boos and the cheers for you. You looked at Rhea, she raised her eyebrow, and you gave her a firm nod. You stared down Lyra as you slid into the ring and she did the same.
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall, is for the NXT Women’s Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, she is Y/n L/n!” you raised your arms, taking in the cheers and the boos, “And her opponent, she is the NXT Women's Champion, Lyra Valkyria!” Lyra raised the belt and the whole arena burst into cheers. It made you jealous. You missed those cheers before tuning heel. She gave the belt to the ref and you opened the ropes for Rhea but before she stepped through them, she grabbed a hold of your jaw.
“Don’t disappoint me again.”
“I won’t. I promise mami.” She finally stepped out and the bell rang.
You and Lyra circled the ring before you made the first move. You went for a clothesline but she dodged it. She took the opportunity to dropkick you from behind and go for the cover but you were able to kick out. You both went into an exchange of hits until you finally took her down. You dragged her closer to the ring post, climbed to the top rope, and went for a frog splash but Lyra brought her knees to her chest and took you out.
The match had been going on for a while. You were getting exhausted as well as Lyra but you both kept kicking out. You were climbing to the top rope when Lyra came from behind, powerbombed you, and went for the cover.
“1...2…3! Here’s your winner! And still the NXT Women’s Champion, Lyra Valkyria!”
No, no, no, no!
This can’t be happening.
You sat up and looked for Rhea and found her walking backstage, without you. You crawled to the ropes and called her name.
“Rhea! Rhea, please!” She paused for a second then turned towards the ring, only to give you a disapproving look, and finally disappeared backstage, leaving you behind. You could feel the tears beginning to form but you didn’t dare let them out.
“Maybe you should have listened to your father when he told you that the judgment day was bad news,” Lyra said from behind you. Your look of sadness soon turned into rage when you turned to look at her.
“This is all your fault.”
“This had nothing to do with m-” before she could finish the sentence you jumped on top of her and started throwing punches.
“THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! IF IT WASN’T FOR YOU I WOULD STILL ME CHAMPION AND RHEA WOULD STILL BE HERE!” You kept throwing punch after punch until you were finally pulled away from her by three refs. You stared at her getting up before shrugging off the ref’s hands and walked out of the arena. You didn’t bother going to the locker rooms.
When you got to your car the first thing you did was text Rhea and the rest of the judgment day. When you got no response you decided to call.
Straight to voicemail.
You sighed in defeat and decided to just drive back to your hotel and wait until the morning.
When you woke up in the morning you reached for Rhea’s warmth but when your hand didn’t feel her, the memories of the events that took place the night before came back.
You lost.
You lost against Lyra.
…And Rhea left you.
You quickly reached for your phone and called Rhea’s number once again.
“Please leave your message for-”
“Fuck.” You tried calling the others, even JD, but they didn’t answer either.
You felt lost. You realized how much you relied on her and without her you felt so lost. You didn’t know what to do.
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Monday Night Raw
You stormed out of your locker room once you were informed that the JD was in the building. They had ghosted you all week and you were going to confront them.
“Rhea!” You yelled from the other side of that hall when you saw Rhea talking to who looked like Cora Jade. When she saw how angry you were she excused herself and left you and Rhea alone.
“What do you want?” Rhea growled.
“What do I want? You and the rest of judgment day ghosted me all week.”
“What did I tell you was gonna happen if you didn’t win the NXT Women’s Championship back? Hm?”
“Y-you can’t be serious.”
“I am very serious. You aren’t strong enough to be in judgment day anymore.”
“Not strong enough? What about all the things I’ve done for you, Damian, and Finn! That doesn’t matter anymore?”
“No.” You felt true anger when she said that. The words that came out of your mouth next were out of pure rage.
“I want a match. Against you.” She began to laugh maniacally.
“You want a match against me?” she chuckled, “You can’t even beat Lyra, what makes you think you can beat me?”
“I don’t care, I want it. Tonight.” She shook her head, looked you up and down before speaking again.
“Fine, I’ll talk to Pearce. See you in the ring babygirl,” she mocked before walking away. You hadn’t noticed but a couple tears had escaped your eyes but you quickly wiped them away.
“This is my brutality!” Rhea’s music blasted through the arena. She walked down the aisle while Sam introduced her.
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, representing The Judgment Day, she is the Women’s World Champion, Rhea Ripley!”
After she got in the ring your music hit. You walked out into the arena and locked eyes with her.
“And her opponent, Y/n L/n!”
When you got in the ring you gave her a death glare and she returned it. The bell rang and you two started circling the ring before launching at each other. Out of nowhere, she picked you up and slammed you into the mat. You got up quickly and ran towards her only for her to move out the way. You turned and got all up in her face before slapping her across the face. Usually her opponent would be terrified after doing something like that but not you. You were too upset to care.
You wanted revenge.
“You think you can just slap me-”
You slapped her again.
“Yes. Yes I do-” she wrapped her hand around your neck and began to squeeze but you managed to break free, delivering a swift kick to her midsection. While she was getting up you delivered a dropkick and went for the cover.
“1…2-” she kicked out.
You took a moment to breathe before putting her in a headlock only for her to break free and head butting you. You backwards on the mat and she went for the cover but you kicked out at two. She grabbed your face harshly before she spoke.
“You think you’re at my level? Huh?” She spat out. You pushed her away and got up. You glared back at her, the fire in your eyes reflecting your determination. She only smirked in your direction running at you. You duked and tried to go after her leg but she was quicker than you and moved out the way.
While you were getting up she delivered a dropkick taking you out and going for the cover only for you to kick out at the last second. This infuriated her. She picked you up, positioned you for riptide and slammed your body full force on the mat.
“Here’s your winner, the Women’s World Champion, Rhea Ripley!” She pushed your body away before snatching her title from the ref and lifting it up high. You started to drag yourself toward a corner of the right but before you could reach it you felt yourself being dragged back to the middle of the ring. Rhea flipped you onto your back and lifted your head up by your hair.
“You are nothing without me. Nothing,” she said with venom in her voice. You felt the tears coming out at her words.
“Rhea let her go, the match is over.” The ref yelled. She slammed your head against the mat before getting up and finally leaving the ring.
“Are you okay?” asked the ref. You just nodded before getting up and walking backstage. You headed straight to Adam’s office. You knew if you stayed on raw any longer it I’ll be a death sentence. You walked into his office without bothering to knock.
“Adam, I need to move to smackdown.”
“I think that’s the best option but you are going to have to talk to Nick before we make it official, okay?” you nodded before walking out and heading towards your locker room.
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Friday Night Smackdown
You stood outside of Nick’s office. You took a deep breath before knocking. You waited a few seconds before you heard him say ‘come in’. You quickly opened the door and walked in.
“Y/n, good to see you. Adam told me you would come by.”
“It’s good to see you too.” you smiled politely.
Please, take a seat,” he said while pointing at the chair in front of his desk and you gladly took a seat.
“I’m guessing this has to do with what happened on monday?”
“Yeah, I wanted to ask if I was able to move to smackdown? We all know what would happen if I stay on raw.”
“Yeah, I think I have an idea of what would happen. Well I have good news and bad news.”
“Go on,” you sighed.
“I would love to have you here but as you know, when Jey moved to raw, a superstar from raw had to be drafted to smackdown. Therefore if you want to move here, you’re going to have to find a superstar that would be willing to switch with you. Preferably a woman,” you nodded along, “If you can find someone by the end of the night, I will have a contract ready for you next week.”
“Okay, thank you so much Nick.” You outstretched your hand.
“Thank you,” he smiled lightly and shook your hand. You smiled back and excused yourself out. You started to think of all the female superstars on smackdown who would be willing to switch with you. Bianca has her storyline with Iyo Sky, Mitchin is with the OC, Damage Ctrl is…Damage Ctrl, and…Shotzi! You could ask Shotzi. You started walking to her locker room until a voice stopped you.
“Look at what the cat dragged in. Where’s Judgment Day? Matter of fact, where’s Rhea?” You took a deep breath before turning toward them.
“Charlotte, please, I don't need this right now.”
“I told you this would happen. Everyone did. Why didn’t you take my offer when you had the chance?”
“Tell me.” she walked closer to you.
“...I wanted to believe that they actually wanted me and that they weren’t using me,” a tear fell down your cheek, “That i was enough for once…”
“It’s okay to be scared, Rhea, having seconds thoughts about choosing me-”
“Queeny, queeny- can I call you that?” you cut Charlotte off, “You know what? Nevermind, sweetheart. I’m not gonna let you run down mami, my queen.”
“Look at you taking orders like a good little niña,” she smirked as you made your way into the ring, “Sweetie, why don’t you be a good girl and get Rhea for me, hm?” You wouldn't admit it to anyone but her comment made you blush a bit.
“I-” before you could get another word out, Rhea's music hit. You found it strange because that wasn’t the plan. You were supposed to keep talking smack to Charlotte but you guessed it was a last minute change. You noticed that Rhea looked furious making her way to the ring.
“I got it from here. Now go backstage and wait for me there.” was the only thing she said before getting in Charlotte’s face. You only looked between them hesitantly before walking out. You watched the rest of the interaction backstage. You were glad nothing bad happened, you didn’t want for things to get too out of control. You knew how long Rhea had been waiting for this moment, to finally beat her biggest enemy. You didn’t want for her to ruin it by letting her anger get the best of her. After they finished the promo they were brought backstage separately. Rhea barged into your locker room fuming.
“What the hell was that out there?! Huh?!”
“What are you talking about, mami? I was doing what you asked–” You were cut off mid sentence by a sharp pain against your cheek.
“I told you to distract her not to whore yourself out and flirt with her!”
“I-I’m sorry mami,” you said while gripping onto your burning cheek.
“Good. I’m going to get some fresh air, we leave in ten,” and she walked out. You let some tears spill but you quickly wiped them away. You brought upon yourself. You shouldn’t have flirted with Charlotte. You looked in the mirror and made sure there was no bruise on your face before walking outside to Rhea’s car.
“Y/n,” You heard your name being called from behind you. You turned only to come face-to-face with Charlotte once again, “Where are you going so fast?” she asked with a smug look on her face. You started to panic a bit. You didn’t want to risk being seen with her and for someone to tell Rhea.
“Charlotte, I can't be seen with you so please, just leave me alone.” She took notice of your redden cheek and her expression changed to a look of concern.
“Did she do that?” she tried to touch your cheek but you quickly stopped her.
“That’s none of your business.”
“You know it will only get worse, right? She's gonna get tired of you as well as the rest of Judgment Day and they’re gonna leave you hanging.”
“No, they won’t.” Charlotte sighed.
“Why don’t you join me? Hm? I’ll give you everything you want and more. I would treat you so much better than she ever will.” You only looked at her, contemplating her offer but out of the corner of your eye you saw Cathy talking to someone. If she saw you talking to Charlotte, she would definitely tell Rhea.
“I-I’ve gotta go,” and you walked off.
End of Flashback
Charlotte's expression softened slightly as she listened to you, and she hesitated before speaking.
“You were and still are enough, okay? You don’t need Rhea or the Judgment Day to tell you that. C’mere, sweetheart.” She opened her arms. You looked at her for a second before letting yourself get enveloped in her arms. It felt nice to be comforted and not scolded for once. After a few seconds, you pulled away.
“I’m guessing you were talking to Nick about switching brands?” she asked to which you nodded, “What did he say?”
“He said he would love to have me here but that I need to find someone who would be willing to switch with me because of the draft.”
“Hmm, did you have someone in mind?”
“I was heading towards Shotzi’s locker room since she’s the only person I could think of.”
“I’ll go with you, I’m sure she’ll agree.” She smiled at you sweetly before taking a kind of your hand and leading you to Shotzi’s room. You knocked on her door and a few seconds later she opened the door. She smiled At Charlotte but that quickly faded when she saw you.
“What’s is she doing here?”
“Shotzi, please, just hear her out-”
“No! You know what her and the rest of the Judgment Day did to me so I don’t care about whatever you have to say.”
“I’m so sorry about what I did-” you tried to reason with her but she slammed the door in your face. This was your last chance and now it is over. You fell on your knees and a pained sob escaped your lips.
“My father was right. I should have stayed in his shadow-”
“Hey, hey don’t say that,” she knelt down next to you and wrapped her arms around you, “You are much more than just your father’s shadow. Look at what you accomplished. You became the NXT Women’s Champion.”
“I lost it to Lyra-”
“Only after you gave her a hell of a fight.” You leaned your head against her chest.
“Thank you, Charlotte.”
“You don’t have to thank me, alright? Come on. I have a plan.”
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It’s been over a month since you were kicked out of Judgment Day. Since Shotzi didn’t switch with you, Charlotte suggested you take a break from all the chaos. She made a deal with you. If you helped her, she would help you get your revenge. In the month you were out she trained you. You learned new moves and techniques and you were thankful for her. She was the only person to pick you up after Rhea let you down.
Tonight was Crown Jewel. Charlotte had challenged Rhea for her title to which she accepted. In her words she would ‘show who the new queen is’. This was all part of the plan.
You were now helping Charlotte get ready for her match. She was wearing purple gear. You helped her zip up her top before she turned to look at herself in the mirror.
“You look stunning.” You whispered.
“Thank you, princess. You look beautiful as well.” Your cheeks burned at the compliment. She turned towards you and cupped your face.
“You remember the plan right?” You nodded in response.
“Good. This is going to be our night.” She was interrupted by a knock on the door.
“You’re up in 5.” Someone called from outside the door.
“It’s showtime.” You helped her put on her robe before walking out towards gorilla.
The match had taken many turns. Both Charlotte and Rhea giving it their everything. At this point the superstars were exhausted but neither gave up. Charlotte had just thrown Rhea out of the ring and was now distracting the ref by acting injured.
This was it.
You put your hood on and ran out through the crowd. You jumped over the barricade and delivered a big boot to Rhea as she was getting up. The crowd went crazy. Carefully not to get noticed by the ref you dragged her body to the announce table. You cleared it before turning towards Rhea and grabbing a hold of her face.
“I am more than I would have ever been with you.” You picked up her body and riptide her through the table before throwing her back in the ring. Charlotte got up on the rope and did a moonsault and went for the cover.
“Here’s your winner! And the new Women’s World Champion, Charlotte Flair!” You slid into the ring and jumped on her out of joy. She caught you while raising the belt in the air with her other arm. You got off of her and that’s when you finally took your hood off to reveal yourself to the arena. The crowd went wild with cheers. You looked at Charlotte with a big smile on your face before kissing her. She placed an arm around your waist and the other around your head to deepen the kiss.
“How dare you!” Rhea yelled from behind you. You turned and knelt down to her.
“How dare I? You brought this upon yourself. You treated me like garbage and threw me out the moment I was no use to you. Lucky for me, Charlotte was there to pick me right up.” You turned towards Charlotte once again and gave her one last kiss before the two of you walked backstage.
You and Charlotte stumbled into her locker room. She kept kissing you all the way inside until you both fell on the couch. You started giggling and soon she was as well.
“We did it, baby. And soon you’re going to take that title from Iyo.”
“You think I can do it?”
“I know you will.” She leaned in to peck your lips before kissing down your jaw to your neck. Soon she found your sweet spot and started licking and sucking.
“Hmm, Charlotte-” you moaned.
“That’s not my name, sweetheart,” she whispered.
“That’s right, good girl.” She continued going down your neck to your collarbone then to the top of your breast. Her hands reached to your back where the clip of your top was.
“Can I take this off, baby?” You nodded in response. She leaned in to kiss you while slowly taking off your top. She threw it somewhere in the room before she started groping your breast. You moaned against her lips as you arched your back.
“Please mommy-”
“What is it, baby? What do you want?”
“More what? You gotta tell me what you want or I’ll stop,” you whined and tried to hide your face but she didn’t let you, “Come on princess, you can do it.”
“…fuck me, please, mommy.”
“That’s my girl.” She moved down your body and started taking off your shorts along with your underwear. She placed one of your legs over her shoulder and started to kiss her way down to your dripping core. Right when she got to your pussy she stopped once again. You looked down at her and finally she licked down your pussy. You tossed your head back in pleasure. Your moans and pants being the only sound in the room.
“Mommy-” you tried to grind your hips against her face but she pushed them back down. Soon her fingers joined the fun. Her mouth focused on your clit while two of her fingers thrusted into your dripping core. Your hand moved down to grip onto her hair while the other moved towards your mouth to try and keep your moans at bay. When Charlotte noticed, she took her free hand and held on to yours.
“Let those pretty sounds out for me, baby. Don’t hold back.”
“But- fuck…what if someone hears?” You stuttered out.
“Let them.”
“Hmph-” your grip on her hair got stronger as you felt yourself get to the edge, “M-mommy…Im close-”
“I know, baby, I know. Let go for me,” she cooed. Your legs began to shake around her head and your grip on her hand tightened.You went over the edge with a loud moan, arching your back in the process. You rode out your high and soon your body went limp. You closed your eyes, taking a moment to breath until you felt Charlotte pepper kisses all over your face making you giggle.
“Can you look at me, princess?” she asked while gently cupping your face. You blinked your eyes open and looked into her icy blue eyes.
“I am so proud of you, Y/n.” Those words brought tears into your eyes. No one had ever said that to you, not even your dad. You tried to look away but she didn’t let you, “Hey, don't hide from me. You're allowed to cry.”
“I just- no one’s ever been proud of me-”
“Well I am. And I will forever be so proud of you,” she leaned in as you kissed your lips. You put your arms around her neck to deepen the kiss. The kiss was sweet and slow, not like any kiss you’ve had before. Eventually you pulled away and she rested her forehead against yours.
“How about we shower and head home to celebrate.”
“I thought we were already celebrating?”
“Oh, sweetheart, I'm not even halfway done with you.”
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Taglist: @sassginaswanmills @riptideripley @eepyslut @blessrhea @mexxs-blog @domripley
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dontletyourguarddown · 8 months ago
And who do we have here? oh wait, it's one confused lesbian from 1958 Spain. No worries, señora, everything's gonna be fine again in less than 5 minutes.
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g1rlr0b1n · 1 year ago
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A commissioned piece from the awesome and talented @frijolbean!!! It's even more amazing that the image in my head!!! 🤯💖
Go check out their page!!! Their commissions are closed at the moment but when they open back up I definitely recommend them! 😁
Ok, so a little bit about this piece: I love Talia and I think, no I KNOW, she is a Queen. Absolute boss bitch. Any way I really wanted to see a family portrait of her and the only two men in her life that actually matter, her legacy, her sons. A Queen and her heirs.
Disclaimer: I disregard canon because I live in a parallel universe where DC has good writers
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tha-wrecka-stow · 4 months ago
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dailydoseofshoko · 1 year ago
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kxrandomness · 5 months ago
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GoT/HotD AU: Hyunjin and his dragon, Seasmoke
"Everyone says Targaryens are closer to gods than men, but they say that because of our dragons. Without them, we're just like everyone else." - Rhaenyra Targaryen
(gifs source: daenerys-stormborn)
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e-one-seven · 7 months ago
Don't Starve Together: Hide & Seek [Animated Short]
Aww! I didn’t think I needed to witness Winona reliving her sisterly bond through Wendy and Abigail, but here I am.
Also, check out the new stuff available in game on Klei’s forum! https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/158795-game-update-intermission-animated-short-twitch-drops-and-more/#youtube
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endomentendo · 2 months ago
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ENERGENCY 🚨 @allhailthequeenuwu NEEDS YOU!!!
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todayinhiphophistory · 1 year ago
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Queen Latifah released her debut album All Hail the Queen November 28, 1989
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rosesofchaosmeow · 5 months ago
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Belgium 🇧🇪 from Hetalia!!
(This is mental illness)
I drew her with a waffle for obvious reasons, I loved shading her hair as well.. it was actually my favorite part :3
Next drawing Netherlands 🇳🇱 !!!
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llfreude · 6 months ago
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xx-akubara-xx · 1 year ago
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Sketches Sketches - plus a ROYAL SPOILER.
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