#all good & believable lies have a bit of truth in them
"The Last Temptation": One Megathread to Rule Them All - Clues and Speculation, PART 2
6) Galadriel's conflicted feelings for Sauron 
Well, she hates him and wants to kill him, destroy him, causing him to be dead for good, right?
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Okay, I’ll just let Morfydd explain how Galadriel is feeling these days: 
It would be like if you had the most intense type of synesthesia, and then you met someone else that had the same type of it, but then you find out they’re the worst person in the world. But you can’t undo that feeling of what it was to be understood and connected in that way. 
I think they’ve made a mark on each other in whatever, however, that turns out. And that’s very significant when someone’s managed to actually make you question the way you think of things and the way you think of yourself... and I think they were both so lonely when they met.  
Galadriel is heartbroken, and understandably so. She’s grieving the loss of her friend Halbrand. She thinks she has been played for a fool, and the connection they shared was a lie, and another one of Sauron’s deceptions, the cruel and cunning sorcerer. She's haunted by this moment, as we’ve seen on 2x02:
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Everyone who has been deceived by someone they cared about can relate to this. Yes, Galadriel is sad and depressed, but she’s also angry and probably feeling a little bit humiliated and ashamed of herself for falling for Sauron’s lies. She’s going through all seven stages of grief. And so, she wants to destroy him, and make him pay for deceiving her, and manipulating her into caring this much about him.
She’s so obsessed with finding and defeat him, it blinds her (as we’ve discussed on Part 1).
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The realization of having been played for a fool, pains her so much, here she is, in 2x06, emphasizing with Adar and oversharing.
And so, when she’ll go to seek out Sauron in the finale, she wants to kill him. Like 100%. No doubts there. She resisted him once, she will resist him again and again, because after her little chat with Adar (and probably with Celebrimbor in 2x07) she’s confident in herself. She’s prepared. She knows Sauron will bombard her with lies and visions to manipulate her. And since promises of power aren’t enough for her, there is nothing he can tempt her with. Like Adar said to her in 2x06, there is nothing he can give her, because she’s fully aware of his manipulations.  
My guess is that she’ll probably use Adar’s theory (Morgoth’s iron crown + Nenya) to try and slay Sauron. That, most likely, will be her plan of attack.  
7) The "Last Temptation"
As we’ve seen on the trailers, and with no surprise whatsoever, Sauron and Galadriel duel for a moment when they are, at last, reunited in 2x08.
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Galadriel is looking at him full of anger and hatred, ready to destroy him, and his lies and deceptions. Sauron, on other hand, is just rejoicing he’s able to be in her presence again. From the interactions we, the audience, saw of him with Mirdania throughout the season, Sauron probably thinks dueling counts as flirting.  
Anyway, I don’t know for how long the showrunners will drag the fight, but it will stop, because the Halbrand form will be back, back again (like we were teased in 2x04): 
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And this is not just “any” Halbrand: this is King Halbrand, the “I felt it too” Halbrand in all of his glory. My bet is Galadriel is prepared for this, and won’t fall for it.
But Sauron brought the big guns this time, and there is a plot twist. And I believe this is the scene that, according to Magda Walma aka “the Polish reviewer”, will make “Tolkien fans” (aka lorebros) lose their minds, the scene which caused her to believe Celeborn won’t ever be in “Rings of Power” and that someone in the production might have fallen on their head.
They might leave it ambiguous, however, Morfydd saying “they’ve made a mark on each other in whatever, however, that turns out” makes me believe the showrunners might have made it explicit, and reveal the truth of it. And that’s why the Tolkien purists will lose it.
My guess is Sauron will tempt Galadriel with what she least's expects: the truth. And the truth is their connection was real, and not a part of his schemes (the season pretty established he’s in love with her).
Now, I don’t know if there will be a kiss or not, because the mere notion of Sauron in love with Galadriel is enough to mind blow the lorebros. However: if this was a one-sided thing, why would the Polish reviewer believe that Celeborn will never be casted? So, here’s my two cents: Galadriel feels the same way, and this scene either explicitly states it or highly implies it.  
Now, I don’t know how Sauron will prove his love for Galadriel, honestly. I don’t think visions are enough to put that point across, and from what we’ve learned from the director of the finale, I don’t think there will be any deception involved in this scene. So, he’ll probably prove himself through some selfless action (which is a bit odd, but I don’t see how he could convey his point in any other way without looking/sounding manipulative): he either saves her, surrenders himself for her to kill him, or whatever.  
8) The Aftermath
As we’ve seen in Part 1, all foreshadowing points towards Galadriel succumbing to Sauron’s temptation.
Erasing all of that for a “she resists him at the end” or a rehash of S1 finale would be stupid, to be honest. And I know many criticize “Ring of Power” writers, but one thing they do well is building-up the season and the foreshadowing/clues (example: Sauron/Halbrand in S1).  
The question is: what happens next? 
Galadriel snaps out of it, for whatever reason: either Nenya, or Elrond (remember the promise? Turns out, he’s unable to keep it); 
She sacrifices herself to save Middle-earth/stop the battle, and goes with Sauron (somewhat unwillingly but believing she might “keep him in check”);
She willingly goes with Sauron/joins him, in “full Dark queen” mode;
Any other scenario where Elrond is forced to choose between stopping Sauron or saving Galadriel; only see it happening if it’s from afar and not him actually intervening, because that would remove Galadriel’s agency (and I don’t see the show going there). For instance, Galadriel is injured for some reason, and Elrond has the chance to save her, but choses to save the Elves instead, or something like that).  
Alright, that’s it. That’s the clues we’ve got. Let the debate begin. 
Just don’t mention Celeborn (it’s confirmed he’s not in Season 2) and the stupid fake leaks.
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jeannereames · 3 days
Was Alexander in love with Roxane? As far as I understand, Plutarch, Diodorus, Justin and Arrian mention that Alexander was in love with Roxane, she is the only wife he is said to have been in love with. Is there any truth to that? I have seen people question it, but they are the same people who say that Alexander loved Hephaestion (romantically) when no such thing is said in any source.
So, here’s another “ask” that I’m not sure isn’t meant as trolling. That said, as before, I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt. The first part at least seems genuine enough. It’s only the second part that strikes as a bit dismissive.
That said, the question suggests both limited knowledge of who is arguing what (see the suggested reading near the end), as well as a disconnect between pop history online versus actual scholarship.
For historians, this is not about “We want to make Alexander gay!” versus “We want to make Alexander straight!” This is about understanding the HISTORIOGRAPHY of the ancient sources: what to believe and what not to believe, which in turn means understanding the agenda of ancient authors. That makes this question fundamentally problematic for two reasons:
It assumes one of these things cancels out the other. It doesn’t.
It assumes the ancient sources can be trusted, and all of them say the same things about Roxane, with the same motives. They don’t.
A colleague of mine is currently working on a paper about the role of “love” in stories of Macedonian kings (not just Alexander) and specific wives (who bear the heir). I’m not going to say more about that, as I don’t want to steal Borja’s thunder, but he let me read a draft of the paper and I found it very interesting. Yet we shouldn’t take these “love stories” at face value.
The asker must remember that our surviving sources are separated from Alexander by at least 300 years, or more. They have other (now lost) sources between them and Alexander—sometimes more than one source. I’ve talked about the problems with the sources and Alexander in these two TikTok videos:
ATG and the Sources, Part 1
ATG and the Sources, Part 2
I’d suggest watching those first, then returning here to finish reading this post.
So, assuming the asker (and other readers) have now seen those two videos, we must consider the “story” that lies behind reports of Alexander marrying Roxane for love … or not.
Plutarch is one of the main surviving sources for the “He fell in love with her story,” as well as the “He never laid eyes on Statiera,” as well as the “He turned up his nose at prostitutes (both male AND female).” It’s not about the “purity” of a love match, but CONTROL of his sexual impulses. E.g., sophronsunē. Please don’t conflate Plutarch’s point with later Christian moral lessons. Plutarch was not a Christian and would have emphatically disagreed with many aspects of Christian theology.
Plutarch is telling a story in his Life of Alexander about how Alexander rose above his semi-barbaric Macedonian origins (of which Olympias and Philip are symbols) due to his GOOD GREEK PAIDEIA (education). He was properly “Greekified.” He was therefore controlled and reserved and properly virtuous when he invaded Persia. After Gaugamela, however, he began to succumb to the alure of Evil Oriental Debauchery. Sadly, the Roxane story is part of that—she’s a barbarian girl—although marrying her for love kinda redeems it. This view of Alexander is part of the Second Sophistic more broadly, so we also find it in Arrian. Curtius and Justin are both Roman imperial authors, but with a similar message. Not the Greek education part, but the “corrupted by the Oriental East” part. Diodoros (writing earliest of all) also has it, but not as emphatic.
Marrying Roxane, especially for Curtius, is not a good thing. She’s a hillbilly barbarian tart! He marries (gasp!) her because he gives in to his impulses instead of controlling them with Roman discipline. It’s almost the opposite of Plutarch. Marriage makes it worse, not better, opening the way for half-barbarian heirs (shudder).
What really spurred Alexander’s marriage to her was a political alliance with important Baktrian and Sogdian families, so he could get the hell out of there after a 2+ year war against regional insurgency (which he actually caused). You can read about the whole thing in Frank Holt’s brilliant Alexander the Great and Bactria, from Mnemosyne (1993). And last time I checked, Frank wasn’t making any arguments at all about Hephaistion.
Sulochana Asirvatham has written several articles about Plutarch and Alexander, but “Plutarch’s Alexander” might be of the most use from Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Alexander the Great. Sulo isn’t making any arguments about Hephaistion either. I don’t think he even comes up in that paper.
Sabine Müller has also written about Alexander and women, including Roxane (“Stories of the Persian Bride, Alexander and Roxane,” in The Greek Alexander Romance in Persia and the East). She, too, not only doesn’t argue that Hephaistion was his lover, but (elsewhere) argues they weren’t. We agree on a lot about Hephaistion’s career and importance, but not on that particular point.
Finally, you might especially want to read a forthcoming book chapter “Alexander’s Polygamy: Remarks on Alexander the Great’s Relationship(s) with Women,” by Monica D’Agostini in Macedon and Its Influences, coming out either late this year or early next, from Colloquia Antiqua (#44). It deals with Barsine, Roxane, and his other women/wives.
There is also here the matter of what love and marriage meant in ancient Greece and Macedonia, versus now, but that’s a whole ‘nother discussion. As noted above, for the Greeks, loving a woman did not in any way, shape, or form preclude loving a boy/man. Even at the same time!
Ergo, the idea that people who argue he didn’t love Roxane are doing so because they (wrongly) want to believe he was in love with Hephaistion is, frankly, ridiculous, not to mention downright offensive to real scholarship. As if our opinions are driven by romantic wishful thinking instead of a careful evaluation of the sources and their reliability, in terms of both what is said, and what isn’t.
(Apologies for being a tad testy if this was not a troll, but I've fielded a few too many of these sorts of queries that are a backhanded attempt to "prove" that any claim Hephaistion and Alexander were lovers is just romantic claptrap by silly women who aren't "real" scholars. Ergo, my skepticism.)
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Wukong is a good person who has made horrible mistakes. I think ppl just kinda forget that good ppl can do horrible things and bad ppl can do great things, life isn’t b&w bestie. SWK has done stupid and horrible shit but he’s also trying, which is a lot more than most ppl can say, also he never rlly did anything w/ a malicious intent? It was always 2 protect ppl or bcz he’s a stupid impulsive idiot
I’m not excusing his actions nor am I saying it should b a forget forgive kinda thing (I think it’s perfectly valid if the ppl he’s wronged don’t ever wanna forgive him) but I am saying he’s not a horrible person. He’s not a bad person, he’s a good person who’s done horrible shit, there’s a difference
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inhonoredglory · 1 year
Aziraphale’s Choice, the Job Connection, and Michael Sheen’s Morality
Update: Michael Sheen liked this post on Twitter, so I'm fairly certain there is a lot of validity to it.
I’ve had time to process Aziraphale’s choice at the end of Season 2. And I think only blaming the religious trauma misses something important in Aziraphale’s character. I think what happened was also Aziraphale’s own conscious choice––as a growth from his trauma, in fact. Hear me out.
Since November 2022 I’ve been haunted by something Michael Sheen said at the MCM London Comic Con. At the Q&A, someone asked him about which fantasy creature he enjoyed playing most and Michael (bless him, truly) veered on a tangent about angels and goodness and how, specifically,
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We as a society tend to sort of undervalue goodness. It’s sort of seen as sort of somehow weak and a bit nimby and “oh it’s nice.” And I think to be good takes enormous reserves of courage and stamina. I mean, you have to look the dark in the face to be truly good and to be truly of the light…. The idea that goodness is somehow lesser and less interesting and not as kind of muscular and as passionate and as fierce as evil somehow and darkness, I think is nonsense. The idea of being able to portray an angel, a being of love. I love seeing the things people have put online about angels being ferocious creatures, and I love that. I think that’s a really good representation of what goodness can be, what it should be, I suppose.
I was looking forward to BAMF!Aziraphale all season long, and I think that’s what we got in the end. Remember Neil said that the Job minisode was important for Aziraphale’s story. Remember how Aziraphale sat on that rock and reconciled to himself that he MUST go to Hell, because he lied and thwarted the will of God. He believed that––truly, honestly, with the faith of a child, but the bravery of a soldier.
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Aziraphale, a being of love with more goodness than all of Heaven combined, believed he needed to walk through the Gates of Hell because it was the Right Thing to do. (Like Job, he didn’t understand his sin but believed he needed to sacrifice his happiness to do the Right Thing.)
That’s why we saw Aziraphale as a soldier this season: the bookshop battle, the halo. But yes, the ending as well.
Because Aziraphale never wanted to go to Heaven, and he never wanted to go there without Crowley.
But it was Crowley who taught him that he could, even SHOULD, act when his moral heart told him something was wrong. While Crowley was willing to run away and let the world burn, it was Aziraphale (in that bandstand at the end of the world) who stood his ground and said No. We can make a difference. We can save everyone.
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And Aziraphale knew he could not give up the ace up his sleeve (his position as an angel) to talk to God and make them see the truth in his heart.
I was messed up by Ineffable Bureaucracy (Boxfly) getting their happy ending when our Ineffable Husbands didn’t, but I see now that them running away served to prove something to Aziraphale. (And I am fully convinced that Gabriel and Beelzebub saw the example of the Ineffables at the Not-pocalypse and took inspiration from them for choosing to ditch their respective sides)
But my point is that Aziraphale saw them, and in some ways, they looked like him and Crowley. And he saw how Gabriel, the biggest bully in Heaven, was also like him in a way (a being capable of love) and also just a child when he wasn’t influenced by the poison of Heaven. Muriel, too, wasn’t a bad person. The Metatron also seemed to have grown more flexible with his morality (from Aziraphale's perspective). Like Earth, Heaven was shades of (light?) gray.
Aziraphale is too good an angel not to believe in hope. Or forgiveness (something he’s very good at it).
Aziraphale has been scarred by Heaven all his life. But with the cracks in Heaven’s armor (cracks he and Crowley helped create), Aziraphale is seeing something else. A chance to change them. They did terrible things to him, but he is better than them, and because of Crowley, he feels ready to face them.
(Will it work? Can Heaven change, institutionally? Probably not, but I can't blame Aziraphale for trying.)
At the cafe, the Metatron said something big was coming in the Great Plan. Aziraphale knows how trapped he had felt when he didn’t have God’s ear the first time something huge happened in the Big Plan. He can’t take a chance again to risk the world by not having a foot in the door of Heaven. That’s why we saw individual human deaths (or the threat of death) so much more this season: Elspeth, Wee Morag, Job’s children, the 1940s magician. Aziraphale almost killed a child when he couldn’t get through to God, and he’s not going through that again.
“We could make a difference.” We could save everyone.
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Remember what Michael Sheen said about courage and doing good––and having to “look the dark in the face to be truly good.” That’s what happened when Aziraphale was willing to go to Hell for his actions. That’s what happened when he decided he had to go to Heaven, where he had been abused and belittled and made to feel small. He decided to willingly go into the Lion’s Den, to face his abusers and his anxiety, to make them better so that they would not try to destroy the world again.
Him, just one angel. He needed Crowley to be there with him, to help him be brave, to ask the questions that Heaven needed to hear, to tell them God was wrong. Crowley is the inspiration that drives Aziraphale’s change, Crowley is the engine that fuels Aziraphale’s courage.
But then Crowley tells him that going to Heaven is stupid. That they don’t need Heaven. And he’s right. Aziraphale knows he’s right.
Aziraphale doesn’t need Heaven; Heaven needs him. They just don’t know how much they need him, or how much humanity needs him there, too. (If everyone who ran for office was corrupt, how can the system change?)
Terry Pratchett (in the Discworld book, Small Gods) is scathing of God, organized religion, and the corrupt people religion empowers, but he is sympathetic to the individual who has real, pure faith and a good heart. In fact, the everyman protagonist of Small Gods is a better person than the god he serves, and in the end, he ends up changing the church to be better, more open-minded, and more humanist than god could ever do alone.
Aziraphale is willing to go to the darkest places to do the Right Thing, and Heaven is no exception. When Crowley says that Heaven is toxic, that’s exactly why Aziraphale knows he needs to go there. “You’re exactly is different from my exactly.”
In the aftermath of Trump's election in the US, Brexit happened in 2018. Michael Sheen felt compelled to figure out what was going on in his country after this shock. But he was living in Los Angeles with Sarah Silverman at the time, and she also wanted to become more politically active in the US.
Sheen: “I felt a responsibility to do something, but it [meant] coming back [to Britain] – which was difficult for us, because we were very important to each other. But we both acknowledge that each of us had to do what we needed to do.” In the end, they split up and Michael moved back to the UK.
Sometimes doing the Right Thing means sacrificing your own happiness. Sometimes it means going to Hell. Sometimes it means going to Heaven. Sometimes it means losing a relationship.
And that’s why what happened in the end was so difficult for Aziraphale. Because he loves Crowley desperately. He wants to be together. He wanted that kiss for thousands of years. He knows that taking command of Heaven means they would never again have to bow to the demands of a God they couldn’t understand, or run from a Hell who still came after them. They could change the rules of the game.
And he’s still going to do that. But it hurts him that he has to do that alone.
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daycourtofficial · 4 months
Azriel’s Girls
Pairing: Azriel x reader | WC: 2.6k | warnings: none
Summary: you overhear a conversation between Azriel and his brothers that has you second guessing your boyfriend’s faithfulness. What will you find when you follow him out one night?
Author’s note: two fics one day! This is crack lmao I wrote this in a blur this afternoon from a silly convo with @milswrites @prythianpages and @ninthcircleofprythian lmao
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You and Feyre came into the River House giggling over the amount of paint that covered the both of you. The two of you stop laughing long enough to look at each other, before devolving into fits of giggles once more. One of the boys in the studio had insisted on today’s topic being finger painting, which led to the children essentially dipping their hands into paint before smearing it over all of your clothes.
“Are you sure you don’t want to shower here?” Her voice is soft and kind, a slight rasp to it from talking to the kids all afternoon.
“Thanks Fey, but I’d rather shower at home so I can slip into my pajamas and go to sleep.” You look away from her, as if you could see him through the walls. “Maybe I can even convince Azriel to rub my back. I shouldn't have given some piggy back rides.”
Feyre hums, a soft ‘told you so’ on her tongue, but you give her a pointed look and she keeps it to herself.
“Well, I’m going to go wash up. Good luck finding the boys.”
Her voice floats down the hallway she takes, and you start thinking about where to look - the most obvious place being Rhys’s study. Your feet pad through the halls until you start to hear three loud laughs coming from the cracked study door.
You keep moving towards the source, ready to make your presence known, when you hear Cassian say, “when will you see them again?”
Your boyfriend responds with a soft, “tonight”, eliciting raucous laughter from his brothers. You still, pressing yourself towards the wall, tilting your head in contemplation.
Azriel had told you he had plans tonight, that he was doing something important for Rhys. Had he lied to you?
Cassian’s voice cuts through your train of thoughts, “I’m sure the girls at Rosehall have been missing you.”
You scrunch your eyebrows, trying to remember if you had ever heard of Rosehall. Was it somewhere in Velaris? Was it a pleasure hall? Who were these girls Cassian spoke of?
Had your sweet Azriel been sneaking around, and his brothers were aware of it? Had they been condoning it?
“I haven’t been able to see them in a while, they’ll be glad for the company.”
“I’m sure they’ll be crawling all over you, brother.”
Their laughs were knives in your heart. Did everyone know? Were you nothing more than a fool to them? Nothing more than a mere joke to these males? Your mind was racing, not paying any mind to the rest of the conversation as you ran down the hall into the kitchens, getting yourself a glass of water. You chugged it, the cool liquid giving your racing thoughts something else to focus on. Like a plan to figure out the truth.
After a few minutes of allowing yourself to seethe and panic, you retraced your steps towards Rhys’s study with your plan in tow: get to Rosehall, find out who these girls are, and yell and scream at Azriel and his brothers for playing you for a fool. As you approach, the males within were now speaking of some sporting event you were not the slightest bit interested in. Azriel’s face brightens as you knock and enter, pushing the door that was slightly ajar. You hate the way your heart picks up a bit at seeing him, at seeing how his face lights up at your presence, your cheeks heating at his attention.
He’s a lying, backstabbing, good for nothing-
“How was painting with Feyre?”
The attention from all three of them pulls you from your thought spiral and you choke on your own spit, coughing a bit. Azriel’s smile turns into a look of concern as he watches you, but Cassian chuckles. “Did you eat the paint by accident?”
Rhysand’s low tone chimes in, “I believe she’s wearing half the paint in Feyre’s studio, and I’m sure my mate’s wearing the other half.”
You chuckle, “uh yeah, Feyre was heading to shower when I left her.”
Rhys dips his head, “that's my cue to leave. BRothers, always a pleasure until better things come along. I’ll see you all later.”
Cassian laughs as Rhys disappears in front of you all, “horny bastard.”
Azriel glares at his brother, “and the pot calls the kettle black.”
Cassian scoffs, flicking his wrist in the air, “pish posh, Azriel. The past is the past.”
“Your past was last week when everytime I came back to the House of Wind for two weeks I got front row seats to your ass.”
“Well, it's our house. And I have a fantastic ass.”
Cassian flexes his thighs, as if Azriel just had to see it to mitigate his annoyance.
“I live there too.”
Cassian shrugs, as if this was a matter of opinion to just accept differences over.
Azriel looks back to you, his eyes making you feel warm, just as they always did. But the warmth was quickly devolving into a ball of anger and sadness, warming your stomach with jealousy and annoyance.
You slap a smile onto your face as you look towards Az, taking in his lazy grin as Cassian slaps him on the back. “I’m off to see Nes. You kids have fun!”
Cassian walks toward the balcony, taking to the skies. Azriel turns toward you, offering his hand so the two of you could embark as well. You accept his hand in yours, a little part of your mind telling you this is the last time you’ll do this. You laugh, pushing the thoughts to the side as you allow Azriel to pick you up, the two of you shooting up into the air.
Azriel flies you back to your apartment, his wings expertly moving over the streets of Velaris. You can’t help the smile on your face as you two fly through the air, watching the people below you until he lands right in front of your home.
You open the door for the both of you, and he follows closely behind. He chuckles at your paint covered clothes, and you fidget slightly, wanting him to make the move to leave.
The clock in your living room chimes, and his gaze moves towards it. “It’s getting late, I have to go. Will you be okay?”
You nod, your arms tightening around yourself. He takes your nervous energy as your hatred for sleeping alone, not wanting to upset you further by making you speak about it.
“How long will you be gone?”
He ponders for a moment, “I should be back tomorrow or the day after.”
He turns toward the door, but you shoot out your hand to grab his wrist. “Can I have one of your shadows? To keep me company? I like having them around.”
One shadow in particular dances at your words, coming from behind Azriel, practically spinning in the air as it immediately rushes to you.
“I hope you like that one because I don’t think it’ll let a different one stay with you.”
You giggle as it weaves through your hair, picking it up into a ponytail before dropping it.
“Perfect, so I’ll have someone to be witness to my antics.”
You giggle, but his face is solemn as he looks at you, something feeling so off about your behavior.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
His words are so soft, and every part of you wants to tell him no, I’m not okay, because you are seeing other women who will be crawling all over you once you leave from here.
Instead you nod, making up an excuse about your eyes being tired from all the painting. He kisses your forehead, his lips soft and light against your skin before pulling away and stepping out of your door before winnowing away.
You count your breath for a few beats before turning to the shadow, “do you know where Rosehall is?”
Of all of your terrible ideas over the years, this one was perhaps the worst. You had asked the shadow where Rosehall was, expecting it to be somewhere in Velaris, likely in the parts of the city you were less familiar with. You did not expect the black wisp to wrap around your wrist and begin tugging you away from Velaris very forcefully.
You had started getting nervous when it kept pulling you towards the outskirts, but you were in it now, and you were going to see this ridiculous scheme through to the end.
The shadow had been pulling you for hours it seemed, across landscapes, your feet killing you as you walked, and somewhere several miles away from Velaris, the shadow’s hold loosened on your wrist, opting to move up and down your arm, as if telling you this was your destination.
“Are you sure this is right?”
The shadow danced all around you as if it were confirming your statement. You looked at the gated entrance, the estate so lush and green and not at all what you had expected, it took you by surprise.
This was where he brought women? To do scandalous things and have nights full of debauchery? Was this some beautiful and well-tended pleasure hall? Before you can debate going through the gate, the shadow moves forward, unlatching it and pushing it open for you.
You sigh, thinking to yourself no going back now.
You enter through the gate, preparing yourself to hear the sounds of females giggling, perhaps even moaning, but you are completely taken aback at the chorus of meows you hear, followed by a door opening, and Azriel’s soft voice calling out, “if you’re here for my mother, she has stepped out-”
His voice stops as he takes in the sight of you, the two of you standing before each other across the lush estate. His eyes swim with confusion, and you’re not sure you’ve ever seen him at such a loss for words or the situation before. He continues to look at you, before realizing he’s carrying a tray of various raw meats and fish. He takes no notice of the dozen or so cats circling him, several trying to climb up his legs toward the food he carries.
“You- what are- how did you get here?”
You lift up the shadow that was entwined with your arm before it skitters off to join the other shadows playing games with the cats who weren’t paying attention to Azriel. You try not to wear the confusion on your face, hoping desperately to have some upper hand here.
“Is this Rosehall?”
Azriel sighs, setting down the food as one of the cats lunges to bite at his arm, missing and falling back into the pool of cats at Azriel’s feet.
You puff up your chest, confusion seeping through your features as you ask, “and where are the females? The girls?”
“The girls?” His voice is incredulous, and you want to roll your eyes at it.
“Yes, the girls. The ones who wish to climb all over you because you haven’t been paying them attention.”
His long legs start to make their way across the front garden, the sea of cats at his feet parting as he makes his way through them. “The girls who climb over me?”
You sigh, exasperation evident, “must you repeat my words? Yes, okay fine. I overheard Cassian speaking of your plans this evening with ‘your girls’. Now why don’t you bring them out and show me to be a fool?”
A deep, belly laugh comes from his mouth, and you are utterly offended.
“Azriel, I came here to put you through the ringer for stepping out on me, and you find it funny?”
He steps forward, trying to put his arms around you but you step away from his embrace. His laughing continues as he asks, “you walked all the way here?”
You stick out your chin, determined to look strong and confident.
“You walked all the way from Velaris to here, to find out I had cats?”
“Why yes, I did walk all the way here to find out-”
Your words die on your tongue as you look around, not seeing any other females anywhere. You picked up the scent of one, but the scent smelled so much like Azriel, they had to be related in some way.
He watches your nose twitch, separating out all the smells beneath the ever present smell of cat.
“My mother lives here.”
He coughs, the joyous look from his laughter gone, his hands moving behind his back. He rocks on his feet, and you found it quite endearing.
“With my cats.”
“Your cats?”
“Yes, but they’re not really mine. They just show up.”
“Your cats show up? What does that mean?”
“It means, if I spend any time in Illyria the cats seek me out. I’ve already fixed the stray cat problem in Velaris.”
He opens his arms wide.
“They’re all here. Problem solved, I suppose.”
You blink, slightly convinced Rhys had finally broken your mind and made up the most ridiculous scenario he could imagine. You feel one of the cats rub against your legs, and you bend slightly to nuzzle its face. It was pitch black with bright green eyes. It was so little, you couldn’t help but pick it up despite its verbal protests.
“You have cats.”
“Yes, and Rhys and Cassian despise the cats. Rhys says he’s allergic, but I think he’s just too worried about his damn furniture.”
“And Cassian?”
“Cats hate Cassian.”
He says this as if it’s an uncontested fact.
“How can all cats hate one person?”
“He likes to swing them by their tails.”
You nod, “okay, maybe all cats can hate one person.”
As the two of you spoke the shadows had lifted a cat up onto Azriel’s shoulders, where it stood meowing and pawing at the black wisps. You watched in bewilderment, unsure if the shadows were playing pranks or not, when the cat slid from his shoulder into the crook of his elbow, nuzzling into the warmth there.
You cross your arms, heat blooming in your cheeks at your rash decision making. “So there aren’t beautiful females here?”
“There’s one.”
“I knew i- oh. You meant me.”
You deflate once more, letting the adrenaline seep from your body. You were exhausted, well and truly. He nodded before putting the cat down, watching it scamper off into the grass. “I shouldn’t have lied about where I was going. Several dozen cats are just… a lot to spring on someone at once.”
You look to the ground, fingers scratching the ears of the kitten you were holding, “and maybe I got a little…. carried away.”
He quirked an eyebrow, “you picked the wrong shoes to hike out here from Velaris.”
You looked down at your sneakers, chuckling, “uh yeah, I definitely need to soak my feet for a bit.”
“Do you want to come inside?” He watches you hesitantly before asking, “Or I could take you home?”
You look toward the beautiful estate before peering back down at the wiggling kitten in your arms, before deciding that you did want to see Azriel’s mother’s home and to hopefully meet her. “Are you going to tell your mother about how I got here?”
He chuckles, slow and soft, “of course I am. She’d be endlessly amused.”
“Do you have any black felt? I’d love to make this little guy some wings.”
He chuckles, rolling his eyes as he puts an arm around your shoulder, leading you inside. “While you play arts and crafts, I can formally introduce you to all of the other cats.”
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Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke @prythianpages @itsswritten @acotarxreader @ninthcircleofprythian
Azriel taglist: @brieflyclassymortal @thisiskaylin
Thanks for reading ❣️
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starsofang · 4 months
Change of Heart
hitman!simon x f!reader / part 8
previous part
tw: alcohol use, angst, mentions of death
When life has completely and utterly failed you, you hire a hitman to take you out, too afraid to do it yourself. Instead of killing you like you had planned, he strikes up a deal with you, and you're too stubborn to bail out.
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Waking up the next morning was the biggest slap in the face. It singed your skin with a burning sting, leaving you disoriented and lost. It was as if the brutal force of realization had hit you so hard, it knocked any form of thought right out of your mind except for pain. Irrepressible pain that caused you to feel numb.
Simon had left. All of your worried texts proved futile. What once showed as blue was now a sickening green that glared back at you. Your number was blocked, your messages unable to go through, and you were left an even shattered version than before. You were glass shards left to lay on the floor, you were a broken wind chime that could no longer provide a charming ambience.
You were broken and useless, tossed to the side like a damaged piece of scrap.
Simon had lived up to his name, and disappeared like a ghost. Drifting off into shadows of darkness, seeping into them and becoming one, never to be seen again.
You were hurt. Scratch that, that was a nice way of putting it – you were devastated. The walls you had so graciously taken down for him were now jagged pieces of debris with no mortar to glue them back together one by one. They were unrepairable, crumbling far too much to be saved.
Everything you ever learned about Simon felt like a lie, because that’s what he did – he lied. The glass was too foggy to tell the difference between what was a lie, and what wasn’t. If there were any parts of Simon that were truthful, you didn’t believe it. There was no grace of god to be there to lend a guiding hand to point you in the right direction. All you had was your gut, telling you deranged criticisms.
He lied to you, this was all a game, and you fell for it.
You should’ve known, really. A man like Simon was not one to love and be loved, not when he had an apparition named Ghost to steer him away from any attachment. After all, spirits could not grow devoted to a mere mortal woman who had nothing left to offer. You were stupid to think otherwise.
Graves was a bad enough person. He hurt you, tormented you, claimed you in order to assure your life was a living hell, with or without him. Now, the smallest part of you didn’t think he could be as cruel as Simon at this moment. It was a brainless thought, one you knew was far from true.
Simon never hurt you, nor did he treat you as bad as Graves.
But at least Graves didn’t have the gall to abandon you like an unwanted dog on the street.
Your mind was ping-ponging back and forth between truth and deception. You didn’t know what was real. It hazed over you, muting out every bit of you that was left inside and replacing it with nothing but cracked foundation.
Nothing was real. Nothing was worth it.
You didn’t leave the house for the entirety of the day, nor the next. You stayed in the confinement of your own home, feeling like a caged animal with no way out. You were slowly decaying away, losing the truest part of yourself, no longer able to see her in the reflection. She stared back at you with a ghostly image, whispering about how disappointed she was in you, how hateful she felt towards you.
She whispered about Simon, burdening you with reminders of what could’ve been if you were simply a little less broken. Bringing him up just to dig the knife in more, twisting it under your skin and basking in the bloodshed.
You were spiraling, just like you always did, because it was all you were good for. Simon was another excuse to crumble back into a deeply rooted self hatred. He was just a chess piece, a single card in a stack of dozens, while you picked it up and returned to your old game of reckless entertainment.
Day fourteen came before you know it. And you spent it completely by yourself, pondering why you ever made a deal with the devil in the first place.
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It was easy to fall back into old habits when there was nothing there to offer recovery. Relapsing was what you did best, even when Simon was around, and you’d be damned if you didn’t do it again with him gone. It was a part of you, this endless cycle of self abuse, and it wasn’t going anywhere. It was simply on a temporary pause, now returning with more fiery persistence than before.
Alcohol was the only home you ever knew. It warmed you to the bone, engulfing you in a buzzing fervor. It welcomed you back with open arms, holding on to you with no intent of letting go. You were its lovely hostage, and you had grown Stockholm Syndrome.
Weeks passed by of tireless nights filled with the bitter taste that burned in your throat on repeat. Weeks were spent holed up in your apartment, nursing the only friend you had. This time around, you weren’t picky. You took whatever you could get, uncaring of the repercussions
And even in those weeks, Simon never left your mind. It was like a punishment for being good enough to fuck, but not good enough to stick around. It tortured your mind to the point of insanity.
The more alcohol you had, the more the memory of him became cloudy. It was exactly why you drowned yourself in it. You didn’t want to picture Simon’s face. Didn’t want to picture the way his eyes lit up when he saw you, or the way his smile was a bit crooked and off center. You didn’t want to picture him, and the future you grew too eager for, one that consisted of the two of you. Two puzzle pieces fitting together, only to be wretched apart and pressed down in separate corners.
You were completely losing yourself. All over a man who had broken you.
The cycle repeats. And repeats. You let it repeat, until hopefully one day, the alcohol would prove to be enough to give you the death you so greedily wanted.
It wasn’t until nearly four weeks in utter disarray that the cycle began to morph, railing off of the tracks that you worked so hard to have control over.
Deep into your daily routine of excessive drinking and wallowing in your own self-pity, the door knocked. You nearly missed it, brushing it off as your imagination. You didn’t have visitors, and the only one who cared to take that spot until leaving you was Simon.
Glancing around your apartment, you visibly winced at the disheveled sight of it. Bottles were thrown around carelessly, littering the kitchen counters and living room floor, where you were currently residing with a nameless show playing on the television. Hell had flown through your apartment, and it was your fault it had gotten this way again.
Old habits die hard. And you were always its unfortunate victim when those habits needed a host to leech on to once more.
Clambering up from where you sat on the floor, you somehow made your way to the door by the grace of god. It was late, and if you read right from the clock on the stove, it was past midnight. Anybody could be outside – a killer, an intruder, a thief. It was a mix between not caring about dying, and having enough logical sense to know nobody dangerous would knock first, that had you opening the door.
An unfamiliar man stood tall in the frame, bushy facial hair, sunken eyes that barely held a spark, almost as broad and stiff as Simon. But it wasn’t Simon, and this man was a mere stranger.
“Jesus,” the man muttered under his breath at the state of you. You frowned, feeling small and weak in comparison. After a moment, he cleared his throat, speaking again. “Need to talk to you. Can I come in?”
“I don’t even know who you are,” you muttered, narrowing your eyes.
“M’a friend of Simon’s,” he explained woefully. The sound of Simon’s name coming from somebody else’s lips and not yours had your heart clenching with a dull ache. It sent ice cold chills running through your veins. “The name’s John Price.”
You stared at him with a look of disdain. You never heard Simon mention him before. The more you thought about it, you never heard Simon mention anybody. He was an enigma that you fell into too easily without even knowing a lick of who he was outside of your temporary protector.
“If you’re looking for him, I don’t know where he is,” you replied dryly, gripping a hand on the door and beginning to close it. Before the hinge could click into place, John’s boot stopped it, wedging itself between the door and its frame. He gave you a tight smile, one that had you tensing.
“I know where he is, dove. I said that I need to talk to you.”
The two of you became trapped in a staredown, one that you were too exhausted to fight to be the champion of. Begrudgingly, you opened the door wide enough to allow him to slip in, shutting it behind him. You watched as he took in your apartment, surely judging the whirlwind of it. He wasn’t exactly the type to hide away his distaste, if his mockingly amused expression was any type of indication.
“What do you want?” you asked him, disregarding your own mess and instead focusing on him. He turned to look at you, flashing you another smile. It seemed trusting enough, kind even, but by this time, you knew better.
“Came to offer you a deal, of sorts,” he vocalized. “Might I sit?”
You glanced over at the living room, shame bubbling in you at the sight of the bottle you’d been indulging in before he came around. “Sure.”
You trailed behind him when he took his seat on the couch, letting out an exaggerated sigh, leaning back into it. His display of comfort made you feel uneasy. You made no effort to join him, opting to stand in the middle of the room.
“You were rather close with Simon, weren’t you?” he asked, causing you to scoff to yourself.
“Sure. What’s that got to do with anything?” you asked grimly.
Price hummed to himself, tapping his fingers against his knee. It caused a faint, muted sound of rough, calloused fingertips to chafe against the material of his pants. “Figured so. Allow me to ask you somethin’. You know of Simon’s occupation, right?”
“Right. Silly me, that’s how you met, isn’t it?” He chuckled to himself. You weren’t sure what was so amusing. “Well, here’s the thing – his performance has been a bit… hindered as of late. I have a strong inkling that it’s because of you.”
The air in the room was tense, nearly suffocating you. Price had such a soft aura that was hiding menacing intentions. You could see through it.
“I need a favor from you, doll.”
“And that is?” you asked carefully.
He smiled at you, cocking his head. “I need you to reject him. Tell him you’re better off, that you don’t need him, whatever you can say to make him get his head back in the fuckin’ game. This job of ours isn’t a joke, you see. I can’t have him slackin’ off. That’s how he’ll end up caught and thrown in jail. Once it reaches that point, I can’t help him out of it. That’s why I need you to help me before that happens.”
Your eyes widened in bewilderment at the sheer nerve of Price. Asking you to tell Simon off, to lie and say you were happy without him? Fuck, the proof was in the pudding – you weren’t, and you could almost guarantee that Simon would know you were lying from one single word. Sure, you were mad at him – pissed – but you also wanted no part in this game Price was playing.
The more you sat on it, the more it became twisted. You were thrown in a tangled web of deception and betrayal, stuck to it like glue, fighting for your way out.
But how much of it was betrayal? How much of it was trickery?
Price’s words echoed in your mind on repeat. They formed together, creating a clear picture.
Price had been the one to have Simon toss you out. He was the reason for your harrowing spiral. He was why Simon had left you, treating you as if you didn’t exist. Just a pawn in his game, and you were too stupid to realize it all sooner.
“You did this?” you snapped. Price raised an eyebrow at you, but said nothing. “You… you’re the reason for all of this, and now you’re asking me for help to lie to him? Are you insane?”
His expression twitched into a flash of annoyance before returning back to a mask. Alarms rang in your head. “I’m doin’ this for Simon. You’re a little bird he fell into when he shouldn’t have, and now I’m tryin’ to fix it before it’s too late.”
“Bullshit. You’re doing this to save your own ass.”
“I’d highly advise watchin’ yourself, doll,” Price muttered in warning, eyes narrowed and expression darkened. “You don’t know anythin’ about what we do. Don’t know how dangerous it is for you to be involved with Simon, and for Simon to be involved with you. I’m savin’ Simon’s ass from fuckin’ up one too many times.”
The atmosphere was even thicker than before. It was hard to breathe. It made you queasy, as if poisoned with a heavy gas that may just kill you if you inhaled it for too long.
Price and you stared at one another, both stubborn and pulled taut. His anger simmered to a low boil once the two of you took that silence to gather your thoughts, but it didn’t entirely vanish. You could still see a flicker of a flame in his eyes.
He was dangerous. Not somebody you wanted to get tangled up in, but you had no choice. You were too deep into this webbed mess, and it was only a matter of time before it came to bite back at you.
“What’s wrong with him?” you finally asked, voice quiet and solemn. You crossed your arms over your chest, turning your gaze away from him so you didn’t have to see his display of weak sympathy and mock judgment.
“He fell in love with you, that’s what’s wrong,” Price bit back, sneering. “Now he’s weak. Can’t do his job correctly, got his head in the fuckin’ clouds, snaps at everybody who tries to talk to him. He’s riskin’ himself, riskin’ us, and I can’t afford losin’ a brother over some girl.”
Price’s words were bitter and cruel. It only irritated you, pricking at your skin until it drove you mad. All calmness that had festered in your brief silence washed away, replaced with the old flame of your anger.
“Losing him?” You laughed bitterly, throwing your head back in disbelief. “Sounds to me like it’s your fault and not mine. Have you ever thought that maybe you’re the reason he’s all fucked up?”
Price stood from where he sat on the couch. There were no longer kind features adorning his face. It was replaced with twisted anger, morphing into something unrecognizable. When he stepped closer to you until you were nearly nose to nose, it was like looking into the eyes of a feral wolf, ready to tear you apart at any given second.
“Wise words comin’ from an alcoholic,” he muttered lowly. It was a hard pill to swallow. “I was tryin’ to be nice, doll. I was givin’ you an option. A choice. You’re just as fucked up as Simon. The difference is that you’re goin’ down a path nobody can save you from. I can save Simon.”
The words slapped you harsh in the face. It was brutal and cruel, and he showed no remorse for the damage he was doing. This was a man who got what he wanted, hurting everybody in the process so long as he achieved it. His goal was to save Simon from his impending doom, and he was willing to take you down to make it happen.
“If you really cared about Simon, you would’ve never let him get to this state in the first place,” you retorted back just as cruelly. “It’s not my fault, and I’m not going to sit here and let you blame me for it. Take a look in the mirror and you’ll get your answer on why he’s being this way.”
Silence. Aching, deafening silence. It tinged the air with a sour smell. The two of you were making no moves of backing down, and it was simply a recipe for disaster.
You didn’t know why you were defending Simon. After what he did, he didn’t deserve your care. He didn’t deserve to have you bandage over his name from the countless wounds he’d inflicted on it by leaving you behind after taking all of you in this very apartment.
However, with a missing puzzle piece being added to the pile, that being Price, you couldn’t help but offer your support from afar. It was clear he had no hand in this game. He was a pawn, just as much as you.
“I’m not helping you toy with his feelings,” you whispered. This time, you sounded defeated rather than angry. Broken, sad, dejected. “He doesn’t deserve that.”
Price sucked in a sharp breath, stepping away but keeping his gaze pointed to you. He said nothing for the first few moments, eyes flickering over the worn out lines on your face. Empty eyes, ones that were surely full of life at some point in your life. Perhaps even lit up with Simon around.
He had taken that away from you, and it was only then he was realizing how cruel he was being. All of it, for the sake of protecting his own, of protecting Simon. He was so consumed by the thought of keeping Simon out of trouble, that he only sought to create more for you. A civilian, one who simply got wrapped up in the wrong crowd.
No outsider had ever cared for Simon like Price, Gaz, and Soap did. They were all each other had, bound together by an unfortunate calling. Nobody was allowed in, or out.
Then you came along, and Ghost had quickly become Simon again.
“You’re not goin’ to make this easy for me, are you?” Price sighed, shoulders deflating, releasing its built up tension.
“No. I’m not,” you agreed grimly.
“Stubborn one, you are,” he hummed, and dare you say it, he sounded amused. “Can see why Simon likes you.”
You glanced up at him, noting the faintest of smiles on his face. It was barely visible, a ghost on his lips, but even through your hazed exhaustion, you could see it.
“Tell you what,” he began, crossing his arms to match your stance. “I’ll talk to him. See what I can do. M’not promisin’ anythin’. This isn’t the type of life I want you wrapped up in, but I can see that you’re only goin’ to wallow here until you drop dead. I don’t want that blood on my hands.”
“What are you saying?” you asked suspiciously.
“I’m sayin’, that I’ll try to see if it could work. Again, m’not promisin’ you anythin’, doll. But if you’re the reason Simon can get his head out of his ass and stop doin’ sloppy work, then I’ll see what I can do.”
It was no guarantee, but Price was trying. One moment, he was begging you to hurt Simon to the point he’d never think of crawling back to you. Now, the story had changed, and he was making a peace offering.
You weren’t sure whether or not to trust him. You shouldn’t. It was a bad idea.
But the thought of seeing Simon again, to mend the broken bond you had formed, caused you to agree.
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Simon was fucked. He’d drowned himself in a world of pure guilt ever since he’d blocked your number and called it quits. He was miserable, more than he’d ever been.
He didn’t feel guilt. In fact, he wasn’t supposed to feel anything at all. He was Ghost, after all, and ghosts didn’t feel. Yet with you, the narrative had switched. It was as if the gates of heaven had opened up, offering him a chance at redemption. He felt everything all at once – love, care, affection, longing, heartache.
Everything felt right with you. It was like he had finally found his home, only to have it torn away from the grasp of his hands. No matter how much he tried holding on to it, it proved a fruitless effort. It was gone before he even resided.
Simon’s mind became a jumbled mess. He returned to the empty shell he was before when nothing mattered and he only saw the world through a red-colored lens. It was straining, it was harsh. It hurt to wake up everyday and see a colorless world waiting for him.
His shattered, frail mind affected everything he’d ever known. Work became a chore. He was messy, careless, and the darkest part of him wished he would be caught so he could force himself into punishment for hurting an angel sent from above that was placed in his life to nurture him.
It was what he deserved. Simon was a man who fell in love, and Ghost was the devil that reminded him that he was undeserving. Unworthy.
You deserved better than him. You deserved the world, and Simon was the one who would take from it with greedy hands caked in the blood of God’s creations.
Everyday burned with an itch to see you, to send you a text. He missed you, but he hated himself more. It stopped him from reaching out, caused him to pull back on the reins and pace himself. Nothing could scratch the burning itch except for the brutal reminder that you deserved better.
The weeks were hell without you. He’d grown agitated at everything around him, going as far as to snap at Gaz and Johnny when they attempted to console him, to snap at Price out of unfiltered rage at what he made him do. He was too far gone, and the only foundation he had left was beginning to crumble, all because of him.
Damn Price for taking you away, and damn you for making him fall in love.
Simon didn’t know how much more he could take. It was eating away at him, like a parasite feeding off of its host, draining him of all soul. Even now, as he sat in his own apartment, hidden on his balcony and smoking all of his worries away with hopes of succumbing to the nasty tar that threatened to rise in his throat every time, he was decaying. Withering away, like a fragile flower.
The night was dark. The stars didn’t shine as brightly as they did on your balcony. The air didn’t feel as pure without you to share it with him. The smoke didn’t wisp up into silly, little shapes, and instead, tainted the air with polluted illness.
It was positively suffocating.
As Simon nursed the cigarette to the very end, stubbing it out with his boot and carelessly leaving it littered with the rest of them on his balcony, he heard the faint knock on his door. He silently prayed it was death, here to take him away and rid him of his pain for good.
It wasn’t death, but it was damn near close.
“Price,” he grumbled at the sight of the older man. It was too late for him to make an appearance, so he wasn’t sure why he did. Maybe Price had truly given up on him and was here to offer mercy.
Price didn’t care for greetings, stepping past Simon and into his apartment. Simon followed after him with his gaze, mentally preparing himself for another lecture. It was bound to happen at this point, seeing as Price was fed up.
Simon knew he was putting their lives on the line by being reckless. He just didn’t have it in him to care.
Closing the door behind him, Simon kept his distance, not uttering a word until Price spoke first. The man in question lingered around his apartment, seeming to stall with time, too choked up for words.
“You need somethin’, sir?” Simon finally asked. Price lifted his eyes to look at Simon. For a moment, they were unreadable. Masking away his thoughts, tucking them far in the back of his mind.
Price let out a deep exhale through his nostrils. He stood there in silence for what felt like eternity. Simon could see the gears shifting in his mind, working overtime.
“Go and get your bird back, Simon,” Price sighed, but to Simon, it sounded like church bells ringing on a Sunday morning, beckoning him home.
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so many of y'all thought the last part was the end, but i'm not that cruel ;( i promise
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writingbyshiloh · 1 year
Third Time's the Charm
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Request: Hii,if your request are still open can i request something for Gen V?Can you write something where Jordan and fem reader are childhood best friends and Jordan had always been in love with her but they feel insecure because they don’t know if reader will like them in both forms romantically?So when,in ep 3,Jordan dad goes like “Y/n and Jordan will be husband and wife” reader goes “Maybe we will be wife and wife”because she loves Jordan just like they are?
AN: Reader wants to be the first supe president (just to explain why they’re at the gala), I changed the timeline of the ep a tiny bit. I have another request about meeting Jordan's parents but that one might be more angsty.
CW: fem!reader, kissing, no beta, Jordan's parents are just their warning. The start is all flashbacks so I may have slipped on the tense a few times, no beta
WC: 2.0K
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Jordan Li was your first kiss. Twice. The first time was in kindergarten, when they tried to kiss you and you smacked them with your Queen Mauve lunch box. Your second first kiss (the one you consider your actual first kiss) was done by you while playing truth or dare at 14. After picking a dare, you were asked to kiss the best-looking guy in the group. You shrugged and picked your best friend - Jordan. 
At age six, they were there when you broke your ankle trying to see if you could fly (you couldn’t). When you did get powers, they were the first person you told.
When Jordan came out to you as bigender, you did an internet deep-dive, trying to understand as much as possible.
Jordan listened to every interaction you had with your high school crush while quietly dying inside, wanting you to be happy. When your high school boyfriend cheated on you and then dumped you for the girl he cheated with, Jordan was there, ready to sink hours into their Xbox to keep you distracted.
The worst week of your life was when you didn't speak to Jordan for 9 whole days. You got into a petty argument where you called them self-absorbed and they called you clingy. The fight snowballed into yelling arguments and ended with you receiving a cold shoulder from Jordan. 
When Jordan got their wisdom teeth removed, you camped out in their room, snuggled under their duvet with them to watch Property Brothers for two days straight. You even made sure they took their painkillers on time and used ice packs.
Every fight with their parents, you were outside in your car ready to pick up Jordan to stay with you. Once you showed up at their house at 6:03 am, eyes blurry with sleep and still in pyjamas. Jordan was crying, bob haircut looked messy from sleep. You drove them to Vought-A-Burger, still half asleep and ate greasy breakfast sandwiches in your car until Jordan stopped crying. 
Jordan was even your date to prom, taking photos with you in their masculine form to get their parents off their back. Once their parents were happy, you snuck them back to yours, where you stashed their prom dress. 
You both even applied to God U together. Too nervous to check your acceptance, Jordan checked yours and you checked theirs. Sitting across from each other on your bed you both log in before giving the laptops to each other.
“Okay, three, two, one…” you counted down, opening Jordan’s laptop. Your eyes scanned for any promising words like congratulations, or welcome. "Accepted" was the first word your eyes caught but you need to fuck with them.
“Jord… I’m so sorry.” You start. Their face falls, and you feel like a dick for doing this. But the opportunity is too good to pass up. “That you believed me! Because you got in!”
They lunged across your bed to see what the screen says. You saw Jordan's eyes scan the same letter you just read, picking out the same words. 
“You’re such an asshole!” they told you, rolling their eyes, gently hitting your arm with the back of their hand
You’ve never been shy about showering Jordan with compliments. Saved in screenshots never to see the light of day, Jordan has kept some of them. 
You: OMG!!! Jordan you’re so pretty. I’m so lucky to call you my friend. 
You: You’re so handsome!!! I love your hair slicked back! If she doesn’t agree you need to drop her. 
You: ur a solid 9/10. Lost a point for not giving me a sip of your drink yesterday lol
Jordan Li has been in love with you since age 16. Probably earlier, if they want to admit that to themselves. You’ve only ever expressed interest in men so they kept their feelings to themselves, not wanting to make you uncomfortable, figuring it was better to have you as a friend only than not at all. 
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In your first year, you were even roommates. While Jordan flourished in crim, you bounced between majors before settling into politics.
Every time you brought some frat guy to your shared dorm, Jordan died inside. Trying to get over their long-standing crush, Jordan did the same.
When Jordan made number 2 on the top five, you celebrate with them. Maybe a bit too hard that night.
You were there when their ranking dropped after the death of Brink. A man you only met twice, but you would do anything for Jordan. Especially given how hard you fell for both versions of them last year.
“I’m going to try to tag team with your dad, get some points for you and keep him engaged, yeah?” You ask over your shocker. Jordan is behind you, ready to help with zipper duty for your dress.
“You don’t have to.”
You let out a small scoff. “Dude. I’m doing poli supe. Schmoozing with rich people is like half our courses. Zip me up please.”
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“How long have you known Jordan? You seem to be a good couple.” The man you and Jordan's dad suckered into a conversation asks. He's sitting beside Jordan's parents, while you and Jordan are on the edge of some fancy pit or table. 
“Well, these two have known each other pretty well over the years. Jordan tried to kiss her when they were kids, and she hit him with her Black Noir lunch box.”
“It was a Queen Mauve lunch box, actually.” You say with a laugh.
“And she called him ‘Jojo’ for probably the next two years out of spite.” Kayla laughs. It's a special embarrassment when your parents tell stories about your childhood. All the stories are about you but it's been so long ago you can’t remember any of it. Jordan looks worse off, slouchy posture against the banister, while you sit next to him. Part of you wants to tell him to sit up straight, but you figure you can play the grief angle better this way. 
“Oh, and remember when Jordan got his wisdom teeth out? You guys were inseparable. I think I still have the photo of you two passed out watching TV!” Kayla gushes, reaching for her phone to find the photo.
“We all thought you two would be president and First Gentleman.” Dad insists. Your smile is fake and tight, knowing if Paul pulls out prom photos, you would have to quietly fling yourself out of a window. 
Maybe you drank a bit too much liquid courage. Maybe the tension between them and their parents was getting to you. To give Jordan some space, you took their parents for a tour of your classes, knowing they’ll be talking to your family when they go back to Rochester.
Jordan shifting doesn’t even cause you to raise an eyebrow, the subtle sound just blurs into the background.
“Or president and First Lady.” You blurt out, four pairs of eyes darting towards you. “First supes in the Whitehouse? It would be political dynamite.”
“You like this version of Jordan?” Dad asks with bewilderment.
“Of course. I like Jordan because of how smart and driven they are. I like Jordan because of their weird sense of humour. It doesn’t matter what they look like.” you say, trying to prove it to their parents, but also to them. You’ve picked up on their crush many times, too kind to say something that would embarrass them or hurt them. It’s only recently how much you found yourself staring at fem Jordan and wanting to kiss her too. 
“I’m going to go and mingle some more.” says the man, Brad or Rob maybe. You forgot his name right after you met him. His words are like a bucket of cold water was dumped over you. You don’t confess your feelings to Jordan just to Jordan, but in front of their judgy parents, and a possible donner. You need to go. 
You stand and straighten out your dress. 
“I’m going to go too. Other donors to talk to. Go Jordan!" You finish with an awkward laugh and even more cringy go team! gesture by yourself. 
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You didn't lie to Jordan and their parents. You did go and talk to other donors but it twists your stomach every time you bring up how amazing their grades are, or how skillful they are at fighting. After donor number three gives you an answer that technically was “we’ll see” but heavily implied to be "yes for Jordan” you went to hide in the bathroom. You have enough battery left on your V-phone to keep it going for most of the night. Tomorrow you can talk to Jordan and hope you don’t fuck it all up. 
You barely look up when the door opens, already have done too much for the day to care who it is. 
‘Hey, can we talk?” You snap to attention at the voice. Of course, you know that voice. It's Jordan, still feminine presenting. 
“Fuck, Jord, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have spring that on you. I promise I’ll just go back and try to get you some votes, you’re going through a lot.” You say, in a rush to get the words out, desperate not to fuck up you’re friendship. The rim of the sink is hard against your back but you can’t help but shrink into it. 
“Did you mean it?” They ask, still keeping a distance from you.
“Yeah, of course, I don’t want to ruin this friendship.”
“No, what you said in front of my parents.” 
Oh right. Your confession. Fuck. It's already out there, might as well keep it going. 
“I may, uh-” you curse yourself for leaving your drink outside the bathroom, wanting something in your hands to stall. “-have a crush. On you. My best friend.” You twist your hands together, wishing Jordan didn’t look so pretty. If your heart beats any faster you may go into cardiac arrest. 
It's Jordan that indicates your third first kiss. It's gentle, and fast, like the second one. She pulls back quickly, but you run your fingers through her hair and pull her closer. The intensity from the first first kiss is still there, only this time you both share it. Her hand smooths up to your face, thumb stroking your cheek in a silent invitation to open your mouth. You comply, and tilt your head into her palm. Her tongue sweeps into your mouth and you can taste the champagne they were drinking. 
The sound of the door opening makes you both jump.
“Stall?” You ask, voice low and hushed. You squirm out from where she has you between the sink and her. You push the door open to the nicest-looking stall, desperate to keep kissing Jordan. They follow your lead eagerly, one hand wrapped around your shoulder to keep you near. 
Dipping their head, they softly kiss your jaw before moving onto your neck. You silently thank the other two women arguing in the bathroom so that your gasp goes unnoticed. Giving Jordan's hair a small tug, you pull them back up to you. The shit-eating grin they flash you makes you want to almost get caught again. 
Your free hand moves to their waist, trying to get as close to them as physically possible. 
You pull back slightly, wanting so desperately to get lost in the moment, but the commotion in the other stall is distracting. Plus you’re nosey.
Jordan frowns when you pull away, eyes scanning your face for something they did wrong. You shake your head and tip it over to the stall.
“The fuck?” They mouth to you, hand still around your shoulder.
You gently push Jordan against the door to give yourself space to squat down. You see two pairs of feet in the stall across the wall. You hear the voices quiet down, before the sound of someone peeing. You frown slightly, weird fetish to do at a memorial gala but you hear rumours about students into more fucked up shit. 
“We should get outta here.” You whisper to Jordan. 
“Weird place for our third first kiss.” Jordan whispers back. You reach around them to unlock the stall door. Third first kiss. You replay the words in your head, a warm feeling blooming in your chest. 
You gently push them out of the stall, trying to keep your laughs quiet as you both scurry past the other couple in the stall. 
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sinsirellaxx · 6 months
The anon who asked for the putting them in their place have amazing taste and your writing is so good too! ❤️ Please write a part 2 of the groveling part whenever you're free and have the inspiration! Of course, it's still up to you and if you're not feeling it, it's completely okay! 🎀
Also, remember to drink water and always stay hydrated! Your writing is amazing! <3
Slytherin Boys – You put them in your place and now they want you back
Warning: Toxic Boys alert!
A/N: Thank you so much, that is very sweet of you! Hope you're taking care of yourself as well! ❤️ Sorry this took me so long – life is a bit busy right now and sometimes my brain just isn't braining. 🙃
This is as much "groveling" I could do, because honestly – I don't see them toxic boys being truthful when apologizing for being too controlling or possessive. It is up to you: Would you forgive them?
Also: Not proofread!
Comments are greatly appreciated!
Mattheo …
… didn’t let you walk far. He willed the anger away as best as he could before rushing after you. He couldn’t believe it himself, but you had him wrapped around your finger and he hated it. But the thought of you leaving him and being with someone else seemed unbearable – it made him want to rip his hair out and scream until his lungs bled. Was he afraid you’d reject him after the attitude you just displayed? Yes! But if you did reject him, he'd just have to resort to more … drastic measures. He is a Riddle after all.
He quickly found you at the party and pulled you aside by your arm. You raised your eyebrows at him as you turned around, crossing your arms over your chest – the smirk from before long gone.
“Look. I’m sorry for telling you what to wear. You are right – it isn’t my place to do so.” Hell yeah it is. Mattheo thought, not liking the bitter aftertaste the words left in his mouth. They were all lies. But it was either that or probably losing you.
His eyes lit up when he noticed your shoulders relax – your arms uncrossing and now hanging by your sides.
“Please forgive me. You’re just absolutely gorgeous and I guess I suddenly felt so insecure – which is not like me.” Mattheo added, inwardly gagging at the nonsense and vulnerability he was displaying. But you didn’t need to know that.
Jackpot. He thought as he watched your face soften, a reassuring smile on your face as you told him that there was no reason for him to be insecure.
Theodore …
… sighed defeatedly as you immediately pushed his hands off your body. He was caught off guard when you suddenly pushed him back out and slammed the door into his face.
“What the – come one!” He groaned, the lust from before being replaced by frustration. He tried turning the doorknob, but you had apparently locked it. Theodore rolled his eyes – he could always use his wand to unlock it. Leaning his forehead against the wooden surface of your door he spoke loud enough for you to hear.
“Bella, please open the door. Aren’t you overreacting?”
He was met with silence.
“Come on, open up and let’s talk about it.” He sighed heavily as he pressed his hear against the door.
But he was met with silence again.
“I was just worried about you, love.” Theo spoke louder, his patience wearing thin as he knocked loudly on your door.  He heard rustling behind the door but instead of unlocking the door you turned on some music. Loud music.
“That’s it.” Theodore grumbled under his breath before taking a step back. However, instead of using his wand – like any other student would have done – he chose to kick down the door. After a few tries he managed to break the lock, kicking the door open and walking into your room. He could fix the door later.
You stared at him in disbelief, your eyes wandering from your ruined door to his stoic face. He was panting slightly – obviously out of breath from the force he had to put into kicking the door down.
“Will you listen to me now?” He asked with his brow raised.
You crossed your arms defensively in front of your chest while avoiding eye contact. You wouldn’t give up that easily. Narrowing his eyes slightly, Theodore moved closer to you, his hands ghosting over your hips before slowly pulling you closer to him.
“Look, I’m really sorry for suffocating you with my love,” He murmured softly, his voice laced with hidden sarcasm, “I’ll stop annoying you with all the questioning. But I want you to know, that I’m just worried.” Theodore finished, his grip on your hips slightly tightening when you finally look up at him.
“Even Hogwarts isn’t as safe anymore.” His voice broke slightly towards the end of his sentence, his eyes downcast as his shoulders sagged. He knew you’d fall for it. You could never resist him if he acted so vulnerable in front of you – you’d have to hug him. And just as expected you immediately flung your arms around him, pulling him down to hug him. Your face pressed into the crook of his neck as you breathed in his scent with one of your hands combing through his hair. Theodore smirked as he tightened his hold on you, listening to you apologize for being such a diva and promising him to always tell him about your whereabouts – because he was right. Hogwarts wasn’t as safe anymore. Your boyfriend knew best, and he definitely knew how to play you like an instrument.
Lorenzo …
… was seething in his room. His mind swirling with what-ifs as he thought about you and Potter. His jaw clenched, gritting his teeth as he thought of the male. He hated him so much.  He hated him even more because he dared to befriend you – the love of his life. His girlfriend. He scoffed as he thought about your words. Annoyed that he couldn’t control you – that he couldn’t convince you to quit talking to that damned boy. He wanted to pay you back for it, make you suffer just as he was now. He wanted to see you cry and beg for him to love you. Only you. But he knew that whatever he had in mind would just push you away and right into that stupid Potter’s arms. He’d go ballistic if that happened.
He'd have to apologize. No matter how much he didn’t want to – because there was no reason to apologize, he had done nothing wrong – he knew that was what you wanted.
Letting himself fall on his bed he closed his eyes. He’d handle it tomorrow – he had to calm down first.
The next day Enzo went to Hogsmeade to buy you roses and your favorite sweets before making his way back to school. He kept going over the apology-speech he had thought of before going to sleep – hoping he’d not mess it up.
When he’d finally find you somewhere in the hallways he’d grow tense: There was still the lingering fear of you rejecting his apology. However, as soon as your eyes connected his shoulders relaxed slightly – you were so beautiful. Clearing his throat, he stopped two feet away from you, gripping the flowers in his hands tightly as he took in your appearance. You looked sad.
“I’m sorry for the way I acted yesterday. That was not fair of me at all.” Lorenzo apologized; his voice soft as he frowned slightly.
“I’ve been thinking about it the whole night …” Oh he had – he’d been thinking about all the ways he could make the Potter disappear.
“I feel horrible for the things I’ve said.” No, he didn’t. He still strongly believes he’s right.
“I have no right to tell you what to do and who to befriend.” Unfortunately, not. But he’d try to change that.
“Will you please forgive me?”
Draco …
… felt pathetic as he stood before you. His head hung low and his arms uselessly hanging at his sides – just as useless as he felt in that moment. He felt your eyes burn into him as you took in his appearance – you must be shocked to see him this disheveled. This broken. Your eyes softened slightly, your hands itching to lift his head and embrace him. He looked like he had been through hell. When he heard your soft voice uttering his name he dared to look up, his eyes red from the nightmares that haunted him in the nights. You couldn’t help it – you lifted your hands to cup his cheeks, your thumbs drawing small circles on his cheeks. You were close to tears.
“I’m so sorry …” He mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper as he averted his eyes again. “I’m so ashamed for the things I’ve said …” His voice broke, his whole body shaking from the sob that forced its way through his lips. Your heart shattered into tiny pieces – your poor boyfriend. You suddenly felt stupid for being friends with Potter and the rest, knowing well that he suffered so much because of them. Shaking your head you pulled him into your arms, hugging him tightly as you patted his back reassuringly, telling him how sorry you were for being so inconsiderate. For putting them above him.
Draco returned the hug hesitantly, desperately clinging onto your sweater as he cried into your hair with a small smile on his lips. Everything was going according to plan.
Blaise …
… wasn’t so sure anymore. Three days had passed, and you had still not come to him – neither did you reply to any of his messages. With a heavy sigh he stood up from his bed: He’d have to make it up to you, there was no other way around it.
Finding you was rather easy – he had gone to your dorm-room first. Knocking on your door he waited for a few seconds before you opened it, clad in joggers and his hoodie. You immediately frowned when you saw him, pushing the door close. Blaise reacted quickly and put his foot between the door and the doorframe.
“I want to apologize.” He rushed out, pulling his foot back when you opened the door again.
“I’m really sorry for what I did. I know you hate it when I get violent and I’m sorry I acted that way. Really – please, I’ll change.” He whispered brokenly as he stared deep into your eyes.
Tom …
… Riddle didn’t beg or ask for forgiveness. Never. But after a whole week of you ignoring him, he has had enough. He apparently needed you more than he let on – and more then you needed him, which bothered him tremendously.  He had tried everything: Read your mind, manipulate your thoughts – he even made Snape partner up with you for a project. But nothing seemed to work. He couldn’t see into your mind, and you skipped potions to avoid him as well. He had to talk to you. With clenched fists and a tight jaw, he approached you after dinner when you were alone.
“Why have you been ignoring me?” He questioned. His voice causing you to flinch and spin around to face him. You looked slightly nervous when you noticed him. Good. Tom thought. You didn’t answer him right away, which further added to his frustration. He wasn’t known to be a patient man. “Do you think you can survive without me?” He asked cockily, with his hand in his pockets – his fingers playing with his wand. Just in case.
You scoffed at his attitude. Even now, when he should be apologizing, he was nothing but arrogant. Rolling your eyes at him you told him to leave you alone – telling him it was over before taking a few steps back. You were afraid to turn your back towards him. And right you were – but you underestimated him. For he didn’t need you to turn his back towards him to take action. He whipped out his wand and grit out the imperio spell with a small flick of his wrist. You never stood a chance. Your eyes turned a misty color as they watched the tall male step closer to you. His free hand shooting out to softly caress your cheek before gripping your chin tightly.
“Foolish little girl. There is no escape. You will stay with me and obey me … no matter what.”
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pinkyqil · 2 months
could you do frido + "you promised you would protect me"
You promised
Pairing: frido x reader
A/n: this is going to be a two part cause I'm not cut for one long fics maybe in the future anyway get comfy cause this fic is about to be a something, love y'all and hope you enjoyed reading this and feel free to send in suggestions on what you'll like to see 🫶🏾
Warning: toxic relationship, vulgar language, angsty, naive reader and a reminder that everything is fictional aka made up so yeah
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The first few months of your relationship with frido was amazing she was always there and attentive. to your needs and being the best partner she could be for you.
You also doing the same trying to be a good and caring girlfriend to her building a solid relationship.
It was all amazing at first the being inlove effects that's how your friends called it.
Everything started out with when frido would make empty promises to you and would never fili them and would make you random excuses.
You knew that her job as a footballer had a lots of requirements like travel games,away games,late practices or anything in general but you where honestly getting tried of her white lies that were turning into an unfaithful truth so you decived yourself into believing them.
You knew it was wrong and you should let her know about her actions but you loved her too much to try and ruin what you both have going on so you let yourself believe her. Not knowing things would take a trun for the worst.
You both went from having date night every three weeks to now I don't have time or let's reschedule which never happens. It was always lies ontop of lies, unfiled prom. But you always found yourself supporting her no matter the circumstances.
Your last straw was today frido was supposed to take you out for dinner at your favorite restaurant.
You had already gotten ready and arrived at the restaurant waiting on frido who stil hasn't arrived. You decided to give her the benefit of doubt thinking that she was stuck in traffic but one hour turned into three and you've had enough and decided to leave the restaurant.
Unexpectedly it started raining as if your day couldn't get get any worse.
you felt an unknown presence behind and decided to pick up your pace but it was no use cause you definitely knew that you were being followed.
You managed to hurry up your speed and get your phone out and dial frido number excepting her to answer but it kept going on too voice mail.
Feeling scared and vulnerable you ran as fast as you could've getting into the first taxi that you saw after managing to escape that scary situation.
Finally arriving to your apartment you saw frido laying down on the couch staring at the tv doing absolutely nothing. you felt angry and heartbroken cause the woman you loved. just kept breaking your heart over and over again and you stil stayed making a fool of yourself.
"What the fuck frido is this what you've been doing while I waited for you at a restaurant for four fucking hours while you lay there?". You asked her raising your voice a bit.
"Baby what are you talking about?".
"Oh please don't start with you baby bullshit you can't seem to tell me that you forgot nine months anniversary and that you promised to take me out but you fuck up as always with your empty promises". You said feeling tears dripping down your face.
"I didn't know that it was toda-".
"Oh please that your excuse for everything the one time that I needed you you failed me but I'm always there for you but you never".
"Baby please I promise to change tell me what you want me to do and I promise to do it abd change my ways".
"No frido there's no more promise I'm done this we're fucking over so please get out". You told her pointing out at the door.
"Please baby I'll change it never going to happen again". She said
"Oh no you had plenty of opportunities to change but never did so get out". You fully yelled at her.
Sliding down the door as you wachted frido leaving the place you both shared. You felt hurt and betrayed how could she have done this to you and the moment you called her out on it she talking.
about trying to change knowing it was to late for your love.
241 notes · View notes
worldsover · 9 months
Completeness ft. Yeseo, Mashiro
length ✦ 13.7k
genres ✧ gf!Mashiro, virgin!Yeseo
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There is exactly one axiom that matters. Mashiro is your loving girlfriend. All other truths are auxiliary. Yet, postulates exist that can carry weight to them and affect the system upon which this first and only truth is built. An example: Yeseo, Shiro's best friend, is something of a little sister to you both, and thus you make love to your girlfriend, and care for your girlfriend's friend as much as any guy should. For some reason, this unbreakable and absolute edict has been revised, softened, changed, and now truth itself is something that the two of them are… considering.
"Hey, what do you think of Yeseo?"
It's a Thursday night, and Mashiro's on top of you, her hand stroking your cock as she asks. It's not the kind of distraction you want while you're about to get off, but here you are.
"She's cute. Um, can be a bit of a handful sometimes."
"That's it?" Mashiro gives you a wry smile.
"What's with you? Why are you asking about her now of all times?"
Mashiro shrugs, but you don't believe it. She tugs down the neckline of her cropped top, showing off more of her breasts as they threaten to spill out of her bra. Between the sheen of sweat on her cleavage and the toned shape of her abs, that's a lot of skin and sexiness to swallow. Her fingers don't have to work long before you're fully erect.
"I mean, I'm just saying, she's gotten pretty hot lately."
You raise an eyebrow at her. "Hot? Since when?"
"Well, obviously now that she's an adult. And what, you think she's not hot, babe?"
You look away and groan. "I dunno, it's a bit weird." You're not even being political about your answer. That's just the truth.
Mashiro peels your eyes back to her when she takes your hand and brings it under her shirt. She's smiling like she's got a joke only she's privy to, even when you start pinching her nipples. At this point, she would usually start melting, and all clothes would be forgotten for at least another half-hour.
She doesn't.
Not that this is anywhere near Shiro's first time taking control of a situation, but the motive was always self-fulfillment, fucking out your orgasms to chase her own. Therefore, when Mashiro slaps your cock against her abs, you tense up in surprise and anticipation. She leans over to capture your shaft between her tits, inside the tight confines of her top. You thought that she thought that this shirt was too cute to ruin with stains of cum, but it seems like she's willing to sacrifice some clothes for whatever greater good. Her breasts are just big enough to make this possible, and while her skin is plenty soft and warm, she adds spit to the mix to make the passage nice and slippery.
"Ah, Shiro," you say.
Each time your tip pokes out of her shirt, Mashiro gives it extra attention—kissing, licking, suckling. The only reason you're not thrusting into her mouth is because she has your hips pinned to the bed. 
"So," she says, "Yeseo. Imagine her here."
"Wha..." You're dumbfounded, and it's not just by how Mashiro's mouth wraps around the head of your cock. That's nice though, and you could probably cum on her lips like this—you've done it before—but you're apparently in the middle of a conversation and it's very hard to reply when she's working you like this.
"Mm, tell me what you think of her. Be honest this time." Sure, Mashiro talks about her best friend a lot, but you never imagined that she'd be so cavalier about bringing any other person up while in bed. At the very least, you'd think she would broach this topic with a bit more tact, and a bit less tit-fucking.
Where to start is a dilemma, what with your brain functioning at half speed. "Uhhh. Purple hair." Gotta start somewhere. "She's… smart?" You're pretty sure that's it, right? That's everything there is to know about Yeseo. "She's like a sister."
Mashiro pulls back, relaxing the pressure on your dick, and you're both disappointed and relieved. "What if she were a little less like a sister?"
"Shiro, what do you want me to say?" You don't get to see her smile, since she's back to sucking on your tip, but you feel it.
"That you would dick down my bestie if that's what she needed?"
You open your mouth to deny it. "Well, I—" The next word should be a word, not a squeak. But that's what happens when she sucks on your dick while its length is stuffed into her tits. Her lips fit around your girth tight and they leave you with a parting lick. Makes your breath catch. You think about what she said. The fact that you're still hard says it all.
"It's okay, you can admit it. Yeseo's got such a pretty ass now, doesn't she?"
Your first thought is comparison: you want to believe that your girlfriend beats Yeseo in every department, and that's certainly true with the heft of her breasts as Yeseo's petite frame has a way to go before being able to swathe your member how Shiro currently is. Yet, you think about yesterday, how your eyes kept traveling to Yeseo's ass in her leggings and how that butt could be softer to the touch than your girlfriend's. Could be. Could be fluffier like a cloud, fuller like ripe fruit, rounder than a bubble ready to pop, and you don't want to admit you would pop it. Not really, so you're silent and tense, so what could be, isn't.
Mashiro notices, and pulls away from your cock. "Hah, thought so."
Shaking your head, clenching your jaw, you ask, "Why does it matter? Are you gonna be jealous?"
"Jealous? Of what, you ogling Yeseo? God no," Mashiro says, laughing, "she's so cute and tiny, I wouldn't blame you." She pauses, giving your length a few languid strokes up and down her tits. "If anything, I'm the opposite of jealous. Curious."
"Is that what opposite—"
She squeezes her tits together with an arm around her chest, your shaft in the most loving stranglehold. "I'm being serious. Just think about it. Okay?"
You sigh. "Fine, fine."
The conversation dies and gives way to the sound of wet slurps, soft moans, and the squelches of Mashiro's spit lubricating her titjob. Your toes curl as the pressure builds, and it's not long before you're close. And since her understanding of what close means to you is atomic-clock precise, she unsheathes your dick in the annoying nick of time. You can only laugh after all that—for all the times she's edged you, at least they were premeditated, or for a cause like a sudden visit from her parents.
"Fuck, babe, really?" You've had an infinite amount of patience for your lovely girl, so you're surprised at your own exasperation. You sit up, but then she pushes you back down to the bed with a hand to the chest. You take a deep breath, now grasping that this is all part of her plan, and that you should know better than to mistrust Mashiro for a second.
Mashiro leans over, your cock in her grip, the other hand slipping aside the wet white panties under her skirt. She doesn't bother getting them off properly, adjusting them to the side to reveal her trimmed mound and the swollen button peeking between pink lips. She lets your shaft rest against her pussy, then strokes the two together. Each pass of your cock along the underside of her clit has Mashiro breathing heavier, until she's panting like she's just finished a good work out. The wetness of her juices spreads on your shaft and her chest heaves in her cropped top while you need prison-grade handcuffs to keep from thrusting into her.
When the pressure's built enough, when your cock's about to burst, you're forced to watch your girlfriend rub herself to completion, your cock still in her grip. She cums before you, like an angel crying out for salvation, her blonde bangs sticking to the sweat of her forehead, though none of that stops Mashiro from jerking you off through your own orgasm. You moan her name as your hips buck and her thighs clench and her hand works in a blur.
The moments like this are where you realize your notions of Mashiro have been challenged, over and over. Loving is not so singular in meaning as you had thought, because when you first started having sex with your girlfriend, maybe a month after the first date, you honestly were making love. When you'd cum inside the condom while hugging her tight, that's when you two were done for the night.
But now loving means that you paint her abs in milky white, cum pooling into her belly button, spurts dribbling over her fingers, and then coat her pussy with the thick river flowing down her stomach. Plus, since you're still hard, might as well use that as lube for the ride of her life. You're not sure how you manage to keep up with Mashiro. Obviously, how she eats your cum from her fingers like it's candy, how her tits bounce now freed from her shirt and bra, and how her cum-creamed labia grips around your cock are all great incentive to push through your exhaustion. But in the recesses of your mind, the one part of your brain that isn't fixated on her, there is a small question. 
Small indeed. The same brand of small as your girlfriend. Five years younger.
Mashiro has gone and done it now. You're seeing the other girl in her face, the supposition, the thesis, your eyes blurring as Mashiro fucks down on you harder. Oh, damn, Yeseo really knows how to ride you well—wait, no. Your girlfriend's riding you well, her pussy milking your cock just right. Fuck. What the hell is wrong with you?
You groan, and you're not sure whether it's a cry of frustration or pleasure. Mashiro's face, Mashiro's tits, Mashiro's hips, Mashiro's tightening pussy, all of them are so nice and so warm and so tight and so wet and so every good that good can be. As if in that cute package of her body, your girlfriend has molded herself to be everything you need in a lover. She repeats the words for good measure: "I love you, I love you, oh, fuck, I love you!"
The same way loving used to mean something classic and rigid, taking her out to dinner or watching movies, loving now means that rigid takes on a different, more literal definition. That's Mashiro, growing as you grow, and in that way, you shouldn't be surprised that the topic of Yeseo—sweet, innocent Yeseo—isn't the end of it. Not even close.
Speaking of growing, the tension in your loins. Lewd, sloppy sounds intermix with a mess of Mashiro's cries while your hands squeeze too tightly the flesh of her breasts. 
You gasp and mindlessly call out "Shiro, Shiro, Yeseo, wait, I—" but you're cut off by Mashiro's tongue wrestling yours. Unbridled want, unmitigated desperation, she kisses you like a girl possessed, and there's no room to protest and figure out what the hell's happening. 
With no condom—it's been a long while since that—your load spills into Mashiro like she's an unwitting, impure bride, and by god, there's such a hellfire in your ears from her scream when the sin soaks through to her sinner womb. The pleasure blurs your minds, or more, her cunt does, and with the cum your dick oozes, the most you can offer when Shiro topples over you and collapses is a "Ah, mmh."
As your breathing calms, she lifts up her skirt and spreads her pussy, letting you see your second load ooze from her insides. 
"God, I needed that so bad," she says. Her voice is breathy, but there's a smile in it, and she crawls over to you and kisses you on the lips. Between the two of your bodies is a whole lot of sticky. You groan into her mouth, and then when she breaks off, she starts to pepper your lips and jaw with more kisses. "You wanted that too, huh?"
You wipe away a bead of sweat on her forehead. "Yeah. Of course. You're so fucking perfect, Mashiro." You run a hand through your hair. "Oh, fuck. Right, I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said..."
"Shh. I think I've made it pretty clear that I don't mind, right? I love you, it's okay."
You nod, laughing to yourself in disbelief is not some fancy dream. "I love you too. I just wish I, I dunno, didn't call her name right then, you know?"
She grins as you begin your cuddle. "No, no. That was fucking hot, actually."
"It was?"
"No, really that wasn't right, I'm..."
Mashiro insists. You deny. It's a circuitous route that continues onward from outside of this bedroom—at dinner, walking down the street, at a sweet little shopping date where you and Mashiro were buying decorations for the home and she just had to get this puppy plushie for her best friend—really any time that Yeseo is mentioned, this conversation bubbles up from the depths.
It's one of those oddities, those quirks, the little humps in a relationship that eventually dies off and...
No, whiplash fucking snaps your neck in half.
So now you're here, in a room with your girlfriend and your truth-breaker. Mashiro sits on your lap, her breath so close to yours that you can smell the strawberry lip balm. Pliant, warm, she straddles your thigh while her hand travels down your chest, to your crotch. You groan into her mouth when she squeezes your hardening member through the fabric of your slacks. All the while, Yeseo watches, hands also down her pants. Too embarrassed despite the unspoken permission—goading, really—Yeseo keeps her fingers pressed against her clit, not quite daring to move.
It was supposed to be a normal day. Yeseo wasn't even supposed to be here. But Mashiro invited her, and she didn't kick Yeseo out, (which you would've done yourself, but it's hard doing anything when Mashiro has her nails on your skin like claws), and Yeseo didn't leave, and now you're stuck here, having your girlfriend dry-hump you and make out with you while another girl's watching.
It's like this for a while, a holding pattern, a cold war. Days. The first shot across the bow is when Yeseo leaves, flushed, and you rail your pretty girlfriend into the sheets so that the girl can't escape the sounds outside the room. If later, you somehow find out she was slouched against your bedroom, fingering herself to completion, then you wouldn't be surprised. Here comes the next battle in the next day, where Yeseo steels herself to watch Mashiro ride you, your back to the headboard. Then she sends the follow-up, bombarding you with her every fantasy while you know that acting upon it is this landmine, or now it's a minefield, or now the trenches are dug and all that's left is to wait.
Mashiro shoots the farmer's pig when she speaks up over dinner.
"It's just a handjob."
You choke on your half-swallowed piece of meat and end up coughing.
Yeseo looks up from her phone, then freezes. "W-what."
Mashiro gives Yeseo a wry smile as she gets up, massaging her shoulder. "You want to, right? So you should. It's okay, Yeseo." Mashiro's voice is gentle, and Yeseo nods slowly. Mashiro presses a kiss to Yeseo's cheek before walking over to you. She doesn't have to ask if this is what you want.
This is what you want.
Mashiro takes Yeseo to the bedroom, and you finish dinner before tidying up. You wash the dishes, wipe the table. Put away the leftovers. Count down from twenty until you tell yourself there are no logical reasons to delay the inevitable further, not with the way your pulse is racing, not with the way you've tasted anticipation in the air.
Once you open your door, you find your girlfriend holding the shirt collar of a willing Yeseo who has already crawled into your bed. The two are kissing—this isn't the first time you've seen, though it's the first time you've seen them hold it longer than a cute peck. First time you've seen tongue. First time you've seen hands under clothes and on bare skin. Never seen Mashiro grabby with her spit-covered lips.
You are quiet on your feet. Any sound you make, the creaking of the door, or the harshness of your breath, it drowns in Mashiro and Yeseo's obscene make-out. Delicious wet sounds burrow into your ears, the two girls slicking over and around and with each other, Mashiro in an exploratory mood while Yeseo lets herself get familiar. She looks flushed, content. Happy.
Mashiro acknowledges you by the doorway with a coo. "Just giving a little lesson." She pats the space on the bed next to her, where she strips off your shorts, your semi-erection right there for Yeseo to behold.
Yeseo wipes her lips with her shirt. You see her white bra. You think you can feel heat coming off the bridge of her nose. She stares like your dick's looking back, like this is the first time she's seen a penis that wasn't in a textbook diagram. Mashiro pulls Yeseo closer, bringing her between your legs; the furtive girl reaches for your member, then stops before touching, eyes back-and-forth between your dick and her arm. Even half-hard, you're about as thick as Yeseo's slender wrist, nearly the length of her forearm. She mouths "how" as her fingers hover a centimeter, this warmth a ghost over your cock.
"Here," Mashiro says, kneeling beside Yeseo. Holding her hand over Yeseo's, she guides the girl to wrap those fingers around your shaft and stroke it up and down. In your life, you've had lots of handjobs—mainly either self-administered or Mashiro-administered—but nothing quite matches Mashiro having her fingers tangled with Yeseo's, the touch soft with a little squeeze from one of them, not quite meeting any spots that'll make you squirm. You think Mashiro wants it this way, wants Yeseo to get a feel for it, find out the heft and warmth of a man's cock. It is, however, enough to get you stiff and plumb and twitch-happy, which is where Mashiro lets go.
When Mashiro gives Yeseo a quick kiss, you swear Yeseo tries to chase her when Mashiro pulls away. Then, you receive Shiro's next kiss. "I wanna see my boyfriend and best friend enjoy themselves," she whispers, before sitting aside.
You look back down at Yeseo, and you've never had such a carte-blanche view of the girl's face. Her eyes are big, round, chocolate-brown, the same as your girlfriend, but in them, Yeseo has this super-cute, really obvious, nervous lust that keeps sending a twitch in your hips. Her cheeks are soft and flushed red as you stroke them, squeeze them, press your fingertips in just to see how fluffy she is. She has a bunny's teeth when she gasps and her thin lips part.
"Hi. Hi… hi, hi." She's caught in the headlights.
You say "Stroke," and her pupils shift down to your crotch, the word a command that's clearly Yeseo's first. This exhalation out of her mouth would be fog in the winter. "Like this," you tell her, gentler, as you start to stroke yourself with one hand. Yeseo bites her lip and reaches toward you again. Your precum oiling the way, Yeseo's digits meet yours. At first, you only hold hands and smile at each other and feel out the moment before starting tender, guiding strokes. You have a way of measuring one's nervousness by cupping her hand in yours and feeling how she touches back: the sweat of your palms, her pulse through yours, this heat that seeps through the cracks in her fingers as she trembles.
When she becomes less tense, you let Yeseo try on her own. She looks down, head full of those breaths and some little noises she doesn't know she's making. Yeseo wraps her tiny hand around the base of your cock. She stares at it, at her fingers that don't cover your girth, and you wonder how long it will take for her to get used to it. When you think about Mashiro, you realize the awe never quite goes away.
With one hand in a jerking motion, the other palm wrapping around your base to act as an extension of the first, you like what she's trying—go wild, cute thing. A low growl in your throat lets her know that you find some enjoyment in the attempt. You lean back, spreading your legs apart to give her more room, and you close your eyes to savor the moment. With your eyes closed, you're certain you could tell the two girls apart, your girlfriend naturally more experienced, less afraid of your cock.
"Am I doing good? Yeseo mutters.
You nod, eyes still tight.
"You're so big, Oppa," she says, voice filled with wonder. "It's so warm. And the veins, and the way it pulses… is this really happening?"
"Yeah, it's real." Your breath catches when Yeseo runs a finger along the underside of your cockhead.
Her breath warms your cock, and you can't help but open your eyes. Yeseo is concentrating on your dick like the test's answers are on it, and the only way to get them is to wring them out. Sure, you've given yourself much better handjobs too, but there's something about her furrowed brows, her lip giving way to her teeth, that makes it all worth it.
"Yeseo-yah, try using your other hand to twist around the tip," Mashiro says, and you hear a slick noise coming from outside your vision.
There's an eep as Yeseo uses a second tiny fist around your tip to do just that.
You moan softly, weighing into the mattress; it's a good thing you're already lying down, because the newfound intensity makes your toes curl, and you find yourself thrusting up into her hips.
"Wow, it's so big," Yeseo says. "How do you fit it in Shiro-unnie?"
You draw in a hiss. "Hah, takes some work."
Yeseo giggles. "I can imagine."
You groan as Yeseo strokes and jerks and twists faster. Pressure builds up in your balls, and when you turn your head to the sight of your girlfriend dipping fingers between her thighs, you're certain you'll cum in time to Mashiro. Diligent, your girlfriend sidles on closer, adding some spit to Yeseo's hands, to which Yeseo responds by stroking you even faster. Mashiro pours more and more saliva onto your member, insistent on looking you in the eyes, while Yeseo's strokes get wetter, slipperier. Your grunts and the wet sounds of impromptu lubricant mix with and Yeseo's quickened breaths and Mashiro's self induced moans, a filthy choir of angels. Your balls tighten; the edge tempting to knock you off-balance.
But before you can finish, Yeseo abruptly stops. You clench and whip your head toward her, and you realize instantly by the look on her face that she does not know how to handle this climax part. Thankfully, just in time, your girlfriend has her mouth ready, lips around the head of your cock, and the vibrations of her moans tips forth the chain reaction of bliss. In awe, Yeseo stares as you and Mashiro unravel, your balls pumping semen into your girlfriend's mouth, your hips bucking upward as her pussy pulsates, a thin river of lust pouring out of her.
Even with every line in the sand kicked away, you haven't put much of an effort into convincing yourself of the reality of the situation. You've known Yeseo too long, too well to conceive of anything further happening. This was an aberration, puppy's love, a one-time folly, or you might excuse it as such if there weren't more mistakes—well, calling them mistakes implies a lack of agency.
"Just a handjob," you murmur to yourself, and if they're mere mistakes, then there would no point in time in which you could stop Yeseo from jumping on you and making out with you; and you're helpless when Mashiro brings your face between the young woman's ample thighs; and Yeseo kneels over you like a dutiful maid, mouth ready, hands working, and this is the result of a long-standing debt that your family's been paying—nothing, nothing to do with you being unable to say no anymore.
Looking up from the wet, messy patchwork of muted purple and blonde hair, of thighs squishing together as they kneel and lick in tandem underneath you, you realize that Yeseo has mastered her oral techniques in addition to the manual under Mashiro's tutelage, which has shattered your final understanding of Yeseo. This picture of innocence is much like the other picture of innocence in your life, and thus you should've expected as much. When you and Mashiro first started having sex, it truly was love-making, slow, sweet, vanilla, candle-lit, adoration-for-adoration's sake sex, something you started out of gratitude for each other, and continued because every time was an affirmation of the beautiful relationship you cultivated. Over time, you learned two key things: all her dirty secrets, and the fact that she only took your cock that slow because it was too big for her to be able to do otherwise.
("No, babe, I swear, I meant the love stuff too," she said.
You replied, "Okay, fine.")
The difference here is the speed with which Mashiro—and you, admit it; you are no fucking saint—have corrupted Yeseo. You estimate it'll be a matter of weeks before Yeseo's ready to match your girlfriend's skills.
Yeseo is trying to prove as much. While Mashiro licks your shaft, she leaves Yeseo your balls; while Mashiro is busy letting your dick knock against the back of her throat, Yeseo makes sure your sack receives enough tender sucking. When they swap places, you feel a pulse through your cock, Yeseo's mouth being impressively warm and wet. The only place this tongue of Yeseo's has been wetter than the inside of her mouth must have been the insides of Mashiro's pussy—and you've watched the damnable act, how your girlfriend arches back, eyes shut in pleasure, as the eager teen tongues her dripping slit.
That's the same tongue Yeseo uses now to stroke alongside the bottom of your shaft, your cock in her mouth, nose inches from your pubis. Yeseo isn't quite as capable of taking to the root as her unnie is, but you have no complaints about watching her struggle to swallow you, and you figure she'll catch up soon enough. She hums on your cock, swirling around the tip before bobbing back down again, happy to gag and make a mess.
And the slope is slippery down from her throat to her tongue, making saliva strands from the corner of her lip down the veins of your shaft, onto the floor where your filthy fucking girlfriend—lord, when did she get this nasty, this depraved—licks it up clean for Yeseo. You watch, mind blank, as Mashiro's tongue goes from the floor up to Yeseo's hard nipples. Then she continues along her breasts, till it's Mashiro's lips meeting Yeseo's again, and your shaft is jammed between their mouths for good measure. When Yeseo takes surprising control of your dick, your eyes focus on the sweet face that's learned to hollow her cheeks and flicker her tongue over the soft ridge beneath your shaft head, one hand working on the inch she can't reach. The only thing stopping Yeseo from gulping down your seed is the very girl who's kissing your shaft where it's free, taking your cock when Yeseo leaves for a quick breath. With the competitive swallow-duel going back and forth, it's inevitable that your girlfriend wins.
"Ah, thanks for the lunch," Mashiro says.
"One day I'll win." Yeseo huffs, but you can tell she is not mad. For as much as she pretends, her thighs are wiggling in Mashiro's face moments later, and she can't hide her smile so wide whenever your girlfriend's nose brushes against her swollen clit. She smiles even wider when you invite her onto your thigh, pressing that needy pussy down and leaving a trail for Mashiro to lick up.
But for all you've done in the past few weeks, one topic has never been brought up: Yeseo's virginity. Well, never explicitly—Mashiro has asked teasingly about it before, and all Yeseo says is "a guy in school" while her body language reveals that's the lie that it sounded like. Plus, whenever she watches the two of you bang, it's as though she's putting a puzzle together—how excited she gets during afterglows or those pillow talk sessions when you explain something or other.
As you gain a better understanding of Yeseo's every mechanism, you realize it's the framing of the situation. Act in the frivolities for the appetizers all you want, but don't underestimate what makes sex a nutritious meal.
"Seriously," Mashiro says, "if you've had sex before, you wouldn't be this much of a blushing mess. What are you getting embarrassed about?"
How cruel of your girlfriend to tease. Because as Yeseo says "sorry," Mashiro pushes her finger all the way into Yeseo's core, causing her to cry out. "Ahh! It, it's just that, I've had the plug, inside, since yesterday night! God, it's b-been, too, too much… mmnh."
"You're so cute," you say, spanking the girl on all fours. The plug is simple, black, silicone, and a hell of a lot bigger than her dainty fingers that you've seen toy with her anal ring before. You had taken care to see to it that Yeseo was neither in pain nor undue stress when it came to accommodating it, with plenty of lubricant, though you warned her that she couldn't remove the anal plug until Mashiro or you came to retrieve it.
Now that you've come to collect, you bend to kiss the cheeks of the girl's small, round butt, which jiggles as it twitches. Your tongue reaches, swirls around the ring of the plug, while your hand traces between her thighs to bring forth her slick. All this while, Mashiro's finger buries between Yeseo's folds, her cunt squeezes greedily against it, and her body pushes down on the object buried in her ass.
"D-don't stare. It's, um, dirty."
"Oh? Is it?" you ask while your thumb strokes Yeseo's anal ring around the plug. You pull on it, a hair's length, playing with her, and the wetter she gets, the more Yeseo trembles—the more she tries to hide her face and her screams into a pillow—the more she inadvertently thrusts her ass back into you. Inching further until the plug is out, you lean forward and bring your tongue closer to her tightest hole. "Then why does it look so tasty?"
"I dunno! God, this is so, so embarra—"
Yeseo collects the air in front of her in a single harsh breath, your lips sealing against her back passage, which tightens considerably from your tongue's foray. Then, when Mashiro supplies the same treatment to her friend's pink folds, you feel your tongue may be trapped in her hole. Fine by you. Your hands cover Yeseo's asscheeks as you slobber with licks and kisses, tasting her asshole like it's a last request, until her whines devolve into long, indecisive moans of wanting more and asking to slow down. Yet, her hips move as if to beg for more themselves, how greedy the woman. You laugh before you let up, squeezing cool lube onto the black buttplug.
"Ahh, ahh, ahh," Yeseo pants, "I need, I need more."
You are happy to provide. In another hand, you hold a small buzzing device. You trace it along Yeseo's pussy lips, weakening her elbows and knees—jolting when the vibe makes contact with her firm nub—damn near collapsing her as Mashiro seals her lips to the toy, ensuring none of its strength escapes. You know, from experience, a combination like that is bound to make a girl pass out, so once her hips slow down their staccato jerking, you steal your girlfriend's lips for a kiss.
Though every man who's made it this far in life knows well that every hole is good to eat, every hole's different flavors are treasures and miracles unto themselves. The flavor on your girlfriend's tongue is Yeseo at her very core, salty, musky, addicting to you; when you sample Yeseo's ass once again, popping the plug back out, you get a metallic tang mixed with the sweetness of the lube; lower you return, and Yeseo's cunt is spongey and soaked and hot, slick and oozing and a veritable delight to munch on, as the taste from the source is second to none.
It's an all-out sensory assault as you pull the plug some, enough so that its widest girth is right at the clinging ring, only for you to push back inside with a pop and a delightful mewl. Fingers and toys and tongues and lips alike massage Yeseo everywhere and overwhelm all her senses, her nerves tensing into spams and jerks of utter ecstasy. She doesn't even get the courtesy of oneness in her condition: each time you work her up to the peak, Mashiro is hungry for the next, pulling out all the stops to keep Yeseo climbing higher. Mashiro and you kiss, lick, push, pinch, fondle, stimulate, and the best Yeseo can do is squirm pathetically around the devices in her holes, her mind fucked straight out of her body.
Yeseo slumps down, shaking as if her bones were wrung out. After four or five or however many consecutive orgasms, and each attempt to catch her breath ending in her wailing, her crotch is so wet that you and Mashiro might as well be making out with a pond.
"Plth, pleath, please, mnh. Th-that was, was a little, little much."
Mashiro pulls her sticky face back to pepper Yeseo's lower half with little kisses, while you lick the remainder of Yeseo's juice from your lips. Cleanup takes a while, especially as Yeseo is too much a drooling, weak mess to help out—you don't mind, knowing this is all for her. Mashiro grabs a spare towel and wipes Yeseo down; once she's stable enough, you give her a gallon jug of water from the bedside stand and instruct her to drink up.
In the throes of this arousal, still breathing like air has never quite reached her lungs properly, Yeseo lays back and fights against the delirium. You and Mashiro cuddle her sides, squishing her between, and plant kisses all over her face and neck. Yeseo embarks on the road back to normalcy, thanks to the warmth of the two bodies, the careful embrace of loving hands, and your soothing words. When she's returned in totality, Yeseo locks eyes with you, her gaze serious like you've never seen on such a delicate, pretty face.
"So," Yeseo whispers, tensing up. "I know you've been waiting. You know. For me to bring it up."
"Hmm?" You grin. "What's that?"
Mashiro grumbles and reaches over to tap your shoulder. "Hey, this isn't the time to play coy."
"Alright." You face Yeseo. "Hey. It's okay." Sincerity in your voice, you bring yourself so close that Yeseo can't possibly miss your eyes and the warmth in them, you hope. "Whatever you're comfortable with, Yeseo. I mean it."
"Yeseo-yah," Mashiro says, her arms wrapping tighter. "You don't have to rush into anything. Whatever feels right to you, okay?" She glides forward until their kindred faces are so close they might as well be kissing.
A giggle permeates through the cracks in the wall of tension she's built. "I had no idea you two were such softies. Is this what happens when you date for so long?"
"Us? Softies?" You chuckle and cup her cheek, making the skin soft and pink. You brush her hair behind her ear. "Did cumming make you forget the past hour or—"
Mashiro throws a pillow at you. "Don't talk like that to our baby!"
That only makes you laugh even more, and as Yeseo joins in the laughter, so too does Mashiro. It's a while before Yeseo sits up, takes a deep breath, slaps her thighs. "I'm fine. Seriously, I'm ready now." She looks at you, dead in the eyes. "Oppa. I… I have wanted to fuck you ever since… since…" Her voice gets lower. "A couple months ago."
You try not to choke on your own spit. "Yeseo, you just turned eighteen then."
"Yeseo." Your voice is calm yet stern.
"Besides, lots of other girls in school already lost their virginity!"
"And so you haven't, I knew it!" Mashiro laughs from the sideline.
Yeseo sticks out her tongue, and then her face turns serious again. She holds her hands on top of yours, as though drawing the answers from her fingertips as she thumbs them. After a slight pause, you give her an encouraging rub on her shoulder. "I just don't, didn't want to disappoint you guys. And I know we've done so much together, but sex… it's different. Means more. Like, look at you two. You're such a sweet couple, and I feel like I'm just budging between—"
"Absolutely not!" Mashiro exclaims as she joins in massaging the flesh of Yeseo's shoulders.
"I swear to god," you say, "you're all that matters in the world to us, right, Shiro?"
She nods forcefully.
"If we didn't care about you, we would have never taken you here, would have never let you in on our lives and intimacy. You could never budge between me and Shiro. In fact, I think you've made us better as a couple in ways you couldn't imagine, like how much happier Shiro and I are now."
Mashiro turns to kiss your cheek before addressing Yeseo herself. "We love you so much. And the most important thing to us, the thing that makes me the happiest, is when you feel good. So please, whatever you're worried about, we can work it out, baby."
It's all the truth, new axioms being built from a foundation of old, with your affection for the other girl unquestionable—enough for a lifetime, you think, that every day the three of you spend time cuddling or watching a movie is a day in paradise. Yet when you ask about the color of your world with this new addition, it becomes obvious how incomplete that thought is, to what degree you were underestimating the effect of the past few weeks. Here was this naive girl, this sweet doll, to whom the world was a painting of only shades of soft vanilla white. Now, it is pink, candy sweet. Now, it is red, a fiery thing. Now it is the burning color of sunrise, on her cheeks, from her ears, in between her thighs, and shall the colors subside, you gladly will rise up tomorrow to bring more.
Here comes the clouds, their tears on Yeseo's face, but they're joy-filled, like rain while the sun shines hot on a summer day. As Yeseo rests on her knees, back against your chest, Mashiro draws upon Yeseo's face with a kiss.
"How about this," Mashiro says. She steals the girl from your lap, pulling her into her own lap and embracing her from behind. "You should go on a date with him. Remember where we went the first time?"
With Shiro gazing expectantly at you, you reply, "Yeah, the aquarium? I even got you a stuffed shark there, right? Then we ate crab and—"
"Yeah! Take Yeseo there, go on a cute date and make her melt. You two can make it official. And while you're out, I can work myself into a mess and we can have the best possible first time. How does that sound, Yeseo?"
The toothy smile says it all.
The night falls, then another, as time slows. Gravity has changed. The anticipation for that Friday drags on, and the days are slow, sweet, long, tortuous. The three of you aren't even fooling around anymore; hell, you and Mashiro haven't... well, you still fucked three times last week, and nothing rough, but that's easily half of the usual, if not less.
But this new dynamic is not unwelcome. It's reminiscent of when you first started dating, before things became intense and adventurous. You cuddle in your bed under blankets and the moonlight and start to touch, caress, and feel each other's warmth. Mashiro whispers sweet things to you like "I love you, you're the best boyfriend in the world, you're so good to me." You run your fingers through her hair and over her neck.
Naked bodies pressed together, skin-to-skin, you can feel the warmth emanating from each other. She grinds against your leg, her wetness leaving a slick trail on your skin, and you grip her ass as she thrusts against you. Your shaft is hard and heavy on her stomach as you roll over her, Mashiro on her back and you on top of her. With the blanket covering you two, it's like the space is a tent and you're intrepid explorers discovering new continents, remapping unknown boddies. Your gazes become those of lovers finding hidden moons and suns in each other's eyes.
Mashiro grabs your face and kisses you, hard, and you return the gesture with passion. She lets out a small squeak, and it's a tiny noise in the still room under the cramped covers. You suck her bottom lip, nipping on it, before your tongues intertwine, causing her to moan softly into your mouth.
You break the kiss, and Mashiro whimpers, "Don't stop, don't stop kissing me."
You lean back and say, "Shh, baby, I got you." Your finger goes to her mouth and you pull on her bottom lip, drawing it down. Then you take that finger and run it down her body, from her mouth to her neck, then down to her breasts. Mashiro has a beautiful set of tits, and you love to see them bounce, jiggle, and move, and you circle her breasts with your finger, drawing lazy circles around them, but the way you love and touch her now is more than arousing; it's intimate as you treat her body like an adoration to praise, worship, and cherish her.
She deserves you telling her as much, in as many words: "You are the most perfect, beautiful girl in the world. Your body, your love, you, your everything."
Mashiro blushes at your words and closes her eyes, arching into you as your lips trail down to her chest. Soft, wet kisses leave trails along her skin, causing her to whimper and writhe beneath your touch. As your lips continue their journey downward, so too does your hand. Her legs spread willingly for you as your fingers hover over her folds, teasing and tracing circles around her dripping pink pussy. Your thumb rubs against the thin skin of her inner thigh before playfully dipping towards her entrance.
She's soaking already, the sweet smell of her arousal filling your senses, and your pecks if like a map of the world plot a course down her body, her ribs and her hip bones like signposts. When your girlfriend squeals and tries to push your face away as you lower your head to its final destination, you grin—it's like old times when she used to get shy and flustered in your presence. Using one hand to keep her pink labia spread and the other to hold her thighs in place, you finally lower your head to its final destination. Your tongue darts in her, kissing, lapping, probing, and, most of all, worshipping the insides of the cunt.
And the noises she makes are the sweetest little things in the world, little breaths and hums and keens and croaks that are only audible under the soft cocoon of blankets surrounding the two of you. Even though you're alone in the room, she's hesitant to be too loud; it doesn't stop her from expressing her satisfaction. With one hand on her clit and the other gently caressing her backside, you delve deeper between her folds with your tongue, eliciting coos and sighs from Mashiro. You want every moment to be this moment—your woman lost in the isolated woods of her pleasure, no one else to hear the tree fall but you.
You yearn to look up at your lovely Shiro, to watch her unravel in bliss, but the blanket obstructs your view. Thankfully, she notices and removes it herself, possibly feeling overheated from being enclosed in such a small space. You're grateful, because now the view of your beloved girlfriend is even better: her hair tousled from squirming around in bed and covering herself with the blanket, her face flushed, mouth open in a small "o." Her hands roam over her breasts, alternating between gentle cupping them and rough pinching of her nipples. Your gaze settles on the aspect of the scene you most enjoy: the small bead of saliva escaping from the corner of her mouth, the shimmering trail it leaves as it rolls down her cheek.
Her eyes, how they sparkle in ecstasy from the love and affection you give her, filling your heart with a warmth that borders on painful. As much as you could stay here all night, then all day, until the moon rose again, Mashiro's eyes connect with yours, quietly and meekly pleading, and you know it is your duty to proceed, before she crumbles on her own.
Your tongue retracts and you leave a soft kiss on her mound. You scoop her body into your strong arms, positioning yourself above her with your cock pressing against her stomach. Her face is so close to yours that you can feel every breath she takes. She wraps an arm around your back and draws you closer with a tug, hooking a leg around your torso.
This is the closest two people can get without actually being inside each other, yet your lips remain just out of reach. Mashiro's gaze captures you, as it has since you first fell in love with her in college. There's a brief moment where something unspoken passes between you both, and then her eyes close and your noses brush against each other. In the darkness of the night, with only the light of the stars shining through the window, the crescent moon appears in her smile.
"Hello there, dear," Mashiro whispers.
Your heart is caught in your throat.
"I love you," she says.
"I love you too, babe."For a few moments, your noses are the only points of contact, stretching into what feels like eternity. Then you realize she's waiting for you.
"Kiss me," she whispers, repeating the words over and over again, and you give in. Then you two kiss—it's with an odd, powerful feeling, like you're trying to stuff the world into each other's mouths, breathing each other's air, and the timing is right and perfect and good for the next stuffing of your length into her welcoming heat. Her lips and her legs tighten around you as you ease yourself in inch-by-inch.
Doesn't take you long before you bottom out, her grippy thing sealed around the base. You wait a while before you begin moving, your hands beneath her head, on the nape of her neck. Watch how her face twists from pleasure, to frustration, to a longing. As though you're both star-crossed lovers meeting at night and on the fly, she mounts you in a rush of anticipation and love and heat and she clings onto your shoulders like a lifeline. Your girlfriend's more excited than she ever was, and her breath runs ragged, as though the weight of the world is upon her—or you upon her, pressing her into the bed.
You drink in her every little moan and squeal while she clenches your bicep in a firm grip and you're on top of her and her legs split open to frame your hips. Thrusts into her like pistons in a steam engine, driving with force and energy, and so much power that the entire bed shakes around you two. All the while, you're kissing everywhere your face can reach: neck, breasts, nipples, all over her flushed skin, all over her skin getting redder still—and Mashiro loves it all, from the deep passionate kisses to the gentle tickles that make her giggle uncontrollably.
It's all so clumsy, like you don't have the years between you to know how to work together; maybe it's the nerves—like you're teenagers in the back of your first car, almost getting caught; like you're in your dirty college dorm, finding where the screw in your frame breaks and the mattress falls and you're so horny you can't find enough grip on the uneven sheets to get a proper grip. Or maybe it's because it really is just like your first time: not the location, or the rhythm, or the surroundings, or even the way her breasts jiggle when you thrust with abandon, but the all-in desperation, of thanking the past for catching up, or thanking the future for promising to get even better.
Back then, the first time you slept with her, it was like learning an entirely new language—like you had to keep looking around as she pulled you in deeper, the walls of her snatch tugging on your cock, an alien sensation like a vacuum, her sex threatening to suck out your very soul despite the awkward inexperience.
Now, despite the awkward rhythm and the need to touch and kiss every which where, the way your bodies connect is smoother. More meaningful. Hotter.
She kisses your face and cups your cheeks and makes quiet promises under her breath, "I'm yours, I'm yours, oh, god, you're fucking me, you're—ahh—so good, so big," over and over. You love it, how much she tells you, her voice strained and high and keening and on the verge of tears. Your nails drag up the sides of her thighs and bring her into another embrace, arms around each other, tongues weaving. The more it goes, the less graceful you become, and the less coordinated you are, and the more you forget the sensations and rhythms, and your animal instincts go back to clawing and prodding and exploring and mating.
How many times have you done this? You've counted them at least, the things they do to your mind, the way your girlfriend looks at you in bed. Hundreds? Perhaps a little under a thousand, almost halfway through the past three years, each time more intimate and delicious than the last. You look into her dark- yes and become stunned in love, overcome with adoration, unable to bear it as her sweet pussy contracts on your throbbing length and you push her into the bed as you both slip over the edge of sweet release—you cum together, spurting into her wet embrace, gripping her closer than ever before, and still you hold her and hug her. She's yours, and she will forever be yours, and that is why you and she still make love three times a week like newlyweds, content with the lazy nature of time.
And just like that, maybe, you can pretend like what's coming up with Yeseo is a first encounter, an exploration in the same manner that sex with her unnie was, from some corner of her heart calling out desperately to be loved the same way as Mashiro had, to that young heart you both did your best to nurture and coax into blooming.
You're standing in front of fish, alive and vibrant. Yeseo's standing next to you, not even up to your shoulders, beaming up at you in a hoodie a bit too baggy for her small frame—it's yours—actually, it's Mashiro's now that you think of it, so long ago when your girlfriend pulled it from your closet and decided she was keeping it. It used to make her small figure positively miniscule, same way Yeseo makes it swim on her. Her short shorts, however, are all hers, all that asscheek squishing out from under it, and you want to make it the floor's instead.
Cute date. Cute date. You turn your attention back to fish, all these shimmering sea creatures swimming around in their tanks, the smell of saltwater pervasive. Lots and lots of little rainbow-colored fish behind big panes of glass and the vivid blue. You watch, and they don't glance in your direction, which is probably a good thing because they'd see how embarrassingly nervous you are for a date; you're certain you can't handle this mix of sexual anticipation and cuteness overload for another minute. The air is dense, so sticky that you're practically underwater yourself. You can tell Yeseo is thirsty, a touch uncomfortable, and so are you. Despite the wet air, your throat's dry, all your senses tingling, every nerve electrified like sharp edges of lightning arcing through the thick atmosphere.
After buying her a bottle of soda (as she says thank you in the smallest voice), you take a sip, and it's funny thinking that this is the closest you've been to kissing in a while. You sip, she sips, and this repeats back and forth until the bottle's spent. It's like you're making out, in public, no less. You want to take your hand but she's off to look at jellyfish.
This little nerd goes around oohing and ahhing at at every new species while you wonder when did she get this geeky, overtaking Mashiro of all people. You go into the penguin exhibit, and watching her shiver, you grab her slender hand and intertwine your fingers with hers before placing your two hands in your pocket for safe keeping. Yeseo tiptoes and presses her nose into your shoulder, sniffling.
"Are you cold?" you ask.
"No. Smells bad."
"Oh." You ruffle her hair with your free hand. The dye's losing its saturation, though her still a brilliant tinted gray. "Good point. Say, aren't you feeling hungry?"
Here's the answer.
You're sitting in front of fish. These ones are dead, and delicious. Yeseo's sitting in front of you, eating guilt-free, committing grand larceny from your hand, all with a big smile. Unable to prosecute and in fact a perpetrator yourself (one count of corruption), you feed her, leave fingerprints of some red sauce on the corner of her mouth, and you wouldn't mind licking her clean if there weren't so many people around. She tongues at it herself, and visions of her licking other things pop into your head.
The visions disappear when she grins once again, wide, flashing her teeth. This isn't the Yeseo you've built up to break down; this is the Yeseo you started with, a postulate, the unbendably true and innocent one, a girl who likes hugging you and her best friend, and nothing more, least of all getting involved with the filthy sex you two have.
The pendulum swings.
"You know you don't have to use condoms, by the way. I know you bought a whole bunch, but… I wouldn't mind raw… you know, I trust you." All that is said without missing a beat, and you miss a few: blinks, breaths, words, choking on some oyster, and as she kindly hands you a napkin, she turns her head bashfully like nothing happened. "Tonight's gonna be so special, I know it. I'm so glad we did this, Oppa, thank you."
You smile, as warm as you can while your lungs are recovering.
In a park nearby, she's the one who takes your hand, swinging it back and forth as the day's bleeding amber into her skin, as her sweater becomes a blanket for her and her happiness. The dark thoughts push against the bright light of the girl, still fighting as you carry your Yeseo up a hill to catch the day fading away. On top of that hill, you kiss Yeseo like it's the first time and tell her you love her, and you hope that's enough because she deserves every part of the world below this hill, and so above.
As above, so below. The night falls. If the nights then slowed, this one has halted completely. The stopped night falls and the curse of darkness is a biblical thing because it will return you to dust from which you were made, back to where you started. These are the end times.
You're making out with Mashiro in your lap, and she has indeed worked herself into an apocalyptic mess for you. Her legs are wrapped around you, between her thighs as a wet spot like the flood, her hands squeeze your nape where your hairs raise, and god, you missed her kissing like her next breath must be in your lungs.
Yeseo, judge of the soul, eyes you down in the periphery of your vision—back to where you started.
The night falls, and it's a biblical curse of darkness upon the land because no good can come of it. There is an unshakable heaviness in the bedroom, like gravity has suddenly intensified. You're sitting on the bed with Mashiro in your lap and Yeseo nearby, her posture a mix of alertness and contemplation. You kiss Mashiro passionately, caress her body, run your fingers through her hair, and grasp her hips tightly to make her feel desired and needed.
Then Yeseo slinks over and wraps her arms around you from behind, pressing her cheek against yours and biting her lip while emitting a small moan. It's clear that she's uncertain about how to act in this situation. She hesitates before leaning forward and gently kissing your neck, causing your whole body to shiver.
What a stark contrast—the intentions and their effects. Your body acts on its own accord while your mind struggles to make sense of the conflicting emotions. But your arm instinctively wraps around Yeseo, as if it knows what to do.
Mashiro finally pulls away, understanding the situation, and there's a diamond in her eyes. "Go for it," she whispers.
Yeseo and you are two parts of an incomplete whole, and you sum with your lips, and multiply in moans. The bed squeaks, the sheets shift, and that which does not move becomes stiller than ever. Yeseo starts to grind against you, matching your movements. From the corner of your eye, you see her squeezing her eyes shut, drooling slightly onto your shoulder. When she opens them, they flash between desire, fear, longing, and confusion as she looks to Mashiro for guidance.
Your hand gently strokes her hair to soothe her, while Mashiro leans closer and tenderly kisses Yeseo's forehead. "What do you want to do next, Yeseo-yah?" Mashiro asks.
"I... I don't know what I want. I just want him inside me."
You smile adoringly at Yeseo and brush her hair away from her face. "I can make that happen for you."
"R-really? Aren't we supposed to do more...things first? Like...you know..." Yeseo stammers. "I can suck you clean again, or we can…"
"I think you've waited long enough, princess," you say.
Yeseo shudders. "Oh. God... just fuck me."
Mashiro's lips brush against Yeseo's forehead with tender affection, the warmth of their embrace palpable. As she moves down to her lips, their kiss deepens and they both lose themselves in the moment. You move behind the pair, pulling Yeseo's jeans down; she squirms in your forceful grasp. Mashiro moves to the side of the bed as you lay Yeseo on her back. As you throw her pants to the corner of the room, you spread kisses where they must go—along the inside of her thigh to her knee, back to the joint of her torso and her hip, your tongue grazing the skin above her panties. She does nothing to hide her arousal, vocal, flushed, all-in-all unrefined perfection.
Your teeth clasp on the fabric of her soaked panties, and you pull the clothes down, her hips bucking in hurry. Without breaking eye contact, you discard her last items of clothing, and rest your face atop her dripping pussy. Yeseo cries out, arching up in the instant your mouth meets her pussy, bucking against you to bring you closer.
At first, you take it slow and gentle, savoring every delicate motion that sets Yeseo off into a frenzy. But as her begging becomes more urgent, you give into her desires and increase the intensity of your ministrations. Kang Yeseo is like a leaking faucet, spilling out her lust onto your tongue and down her thighs until even the sheets beneath them are moist.
With practiced ease, you add a few fingers into the mix, skillfully bringing Yeseo closer and closer to climax with each thrust. And when she finally reaches the peak of pleasure—marked by a simple count to ten and a swipe of the letter Y—she lets out a primal scream of pure bliss. Her body writhes against yours, her fingers clutching the pillow beneath her head as she surrenders fully to the overwhelming pleasure.
"O-oh, oh god... yes," she chokes out. "Oh god. Fuck, fuck."
Mashiro has gotten naked during this, has started fondling herself, excited at her friend's exhibition. Yeseo only has eyes for you, though, and takes your head between her hands to bring you over and mash your faces together again. She tastes her own lust on your lips, her own pussy juices evidence of your hard work, kissing you and begging you to make love to her.
Mashiro approaches, drawn to the scene before her. Is she motivated by genuine concern for Yeseo's well-being or is it a voyeuristic desire to witness your lovemaking? As she presses up against you, her delicate hands reaching for your throbbing shaft, it becomes evident that it is the latter.
With a flick of a switch in her mind, Mashiro sheds all inhibitions and eagerly guides your member inside Yeseo's waiting heat. Slip into Yeseo's tightness, every centimeter a kilometer. Her small but eager pussy lips tightly compress around your tip, sending shivers down your spine. You close your eyes and can almost feel Yeseo's own eyes shut in bliss, while you can only imagine the hungry gaze of Mashiro fixed upon you both.
Her weight barely registering on your body, Yeseo digs her fingertips into your shoulders as she pleads, "Please… be gentle." It takes you back to when you first started dating Mashiro, and you reward Yeseo's trust with long, slow strokes that gradually stretch her open. She lets out encouraging mewls mixed with a single tear rolling down her flushed cheek. With each thrust, her pain gives way to gratitude and pleasure. From behind you, Mashiro's eyes lock onto yours with a mischievous glint.
As expected, she revels in Yeseo's discomfort—perhaps with a touch of wicked empathy or even a hint of jealousy at not being able to experience this first time herself. It's clear that with Mashiro's provocations, this will be anything but romantic and sweet. Your lips meet hers in a heated kiss as you pull back slightly before thrusting into Yeseo again. "You're doing so good, Daddy," Mashiro whispers breathlessly. It's not often she calls you that, but right now it feels fitting. "How does she feel?"
You respond with another searing kiss before murmuring, "Just like you did. Maybe even wetter."
"Oh yeah? You should fuck her harder to prove it then." Mashiro's full lips curve upwards into a satisfied smile as she watches you, her focus shifting to the girl writhing beneath you. You can feel the change in Yeseo, her body language shifting and telling you that she is reaching her threshold for pain. But her desire for that elusive orgasm is still strong.
As your hips continue to thrust into her, filling her holes with your thick cock, you sense the pain radiating from her body. But Yeseo is too caught up in the pleasure to call it off or complain. Each time your hips collide against hers, she breathes out "oh fuck" in ragged gasps.
The pace quickens, the intensity of your movements increasing with each passing second. The bed creaks and groans under the weight of your bodies as you both crave more and more. Your grip tightens on Yeseo's hips as you lift her ass into the air, pushing her body to its limits.
In an instant, everything changes. Yeseo's screams now come not from pain, but from overwhelming pleasure as you reach deeper inside her. Tears cloud her eyes and she cries out for "Daddy," shocking even herself with the pet name that escapes her lips. But hearing her say it only adds to your arousal.
You feel Mashiro's hand move down to Yeseo's clit, aggressively rubbing and stimulating her even further. Her words only add fuel to the fire, driving you both towards pure ecstasy. "You like that," Mashiro taunts, "You like Daddy's cock? Like how his giant fucking cock feels buried so deep in your virgin pussy?"
Yeseo grits her teeth and nods, barely able to form words through her pleasure-filled haze. "I do… please."
"You're a slut for my man's cock," Mashiro continues, causing a primal growl to escape your own throat in response. Your body moves on instinct, driven by a primal desire for pleasure and dominance."Such a slut for Daddy's cock, aren't you?"
"You're gonna get addicted to this, hooked on cock, fucking you, and you're going to wanna cum all the time, Daddy's naughty princess, aren't you?"
"Aaah, ahh... fuck, yes, I love your cock, love Daddy's fat cock, aahn, aaah, don't stop, fuck me, fucking fuck me, fuck me like you fuck Unnie."
You love watching Yeseo's face as she gets pounded. The way her mouth hangs open, tongue hanging out, panting like a dog, eyes rolling back, lids fluttering, all in such a adorable package. However, you've been craving something else: that pert ass of hers. You unsheathe Yeseo's pussy to a line of girl cum, then flip her and scoot her towards you until her round rear is against your pelvis, and resume fucking her pronebone.
Yeseo screams into the sheets, Mashiro's fingers buried in her mouth to show her the taste of her lust.
"You gonna be a good girl, aren't you?" Mashiro asks, earning Yeseo's moan in approval on her digits. "Good. That's my cock, mine, and the only way you're getting to feel it is by being a good girl and letting him cum inside you, let him coat your pussy with Daddy's cum. Make Daddy proud, you hear me?"
When Mashiro pulls back, Yeseo speaks: "Yes, yes, breed me, cum in my pussy, make me a woman, I wanna be a woman, a woman who cums on Daddy's cock, a woman who cums from getting fucked."
Her ass jiggles in the prettiest way. Whether through the excitement or fear of having a pregnant belly at only eighteen, her thighs are shaking. Her entrance clenches tightly around your girth and milks your orgasm from you, and it's like you've become her baby maker and nothing more.
You wrap your arms around her. "You sure you wanna get bred, princess? You want my seed, every drop, to make you mine? You want to be an adult, that what you want?"
She struggles under you, her wet pussy giving way to your penis. "Yes. Yes! Fuck me, please, Daddy. Please."
Those are your last words for a while, that plea. Her asscheeks give way to your  fingers, slipping to the puckered hole of her anus. You know she's been practicing with that hole, plunging dildos up her butt, training for Daddy's cock. Mashiro takes your hand, offering to lubricate, and before you know it her saliva seeps through your digits. With that, a pointer finger hooks inside Yeseo easily, earning a happy squeak, a bit of cock-drunk laughter at being doubly penetrated.
Anal wasn't something you and Mashiro tried during your first encounter, but you very well are familiar with the act, an intrinsic fact about Mashiro that few others know. Her ass has come to be both of your preferred mode of orgasmic expression, your cum leaving a filthy pool in her asshole. Now Yeseo's about to find out why. Her anus offers the final tightest barrier for your probing finger, slipping inside the dirty hole. In and out a half dozen times, Yeseo soon adapts, and Mashiro—being on the other side of Yeseo and facing you—makes a show of kissing her neck and palming her small breasts. Yeseo bucks back on your digit and cock, the clench of her two insides holding you tight and in love.
You're so lucky that your girlfriend holds no jealousy to speak of—at least not in her sex life—as Yeseo cums hard around your invading cock. Her body clenches at the multiple parts of her that you've stuffed, keeping you held firmly inside. Like a chain reaction, your orgasm is triggered, pulled in forcefully. One two pumps is all it takes, her virgin pussy a divine void, and after that first one you lose count of your inseminating shots. Her womb is full of you, thickened, and your finger pumps with equal force in her ass. Yeseo is mumbling into the mattress, a long nonsensical string of begging and pleading that only end once you're out of her, she can feel your seed inside of her, once the bliss of the last few minutes leave.
Yeseo is your fucking whore.
After cumming her brains out, the tired slut in her sleepily tumbles off. You're not done. Seeing that creampie leak out of her well-fucked cunt, nope, you're not nearly finished. Right now there's a much sluttier hole available to you.
Yeseo rests her head against Mashiro's soft chest, passing out as her friend embraces her.
"Shiro. Marshmellow. I'm really going to ask this with all my self-control, but is it okay if I fuck her ass. She's very tempting."
Your precious petal gives the brightest smile, you know, when she's so uninhibited like this, free to her own wicked whims. Mashiro kisses Yeseo's sleeping forehead, before looking back to you. "Aww, baby, but she looks so adorable sleeping yeah fucking do it. Fuck the shit out of her."
With a peck, you accept her permission. You spread the winking hole open with two fingers, then collect some of the leaking seed from Yeseo's pussy and wipe it on the entrance. Then, the lube: Mashiro with a diligent mouth, and soon a dew of her spit onto your cock for Yeseo's ass.
As you rest your wettened cockhead against Yeseo's anus, it spasms slightly, involuntarily, puckering further against your assault. Suddenly her eyes shoot open, her back arching.
"Good dream," she moans, and as you've learned, it is possible to fuck cutely. Because that's the Yeseo on Mashiro's chest now: cute. "I was... a bad girl, I let Daddy use all my holes, aahn."
"He's ready for more of you, Yeseo-yah." Mashiro whispers.
"Wha..." Yeseo is still in a stupor from her slumber, and so the shock is clearly visceral and uncomfortable as you enter her ass. Even lubed up it takes more effort to break her innermost seal as it stretches around your tip and clings to the millimeter she lets you go in. As she gets filled with your cock again, it doesn't matter how she had previously reacted to the rough pounding you gave her pussy. Your hand grabs her arm and keeps it in place as the half inch meets an end in the resistance of her anus' unwilling submission to your fucking. But she begins to thrust herself back on you slightly, and that helps, relaxing the walls that inveighed against your penetration. Soon you make another centimeter of progress, a centimeter closer to fully lodging your cock inside her.
The penetration is slow as time itself, but for a curious reason: in this single instance, both you and Yeseo want the process to take as long as possible, for this moment to stretch even beyond how fucking long you're taking to actually penetrating her. The lewdness is so beyond what the both of you are familiar with, your plunging cock filling her most intimate spot is perhaps the dirtiest deed imaginable, filthy and nasty and deliciously so.
Yet, she's still fucking cute—cutely fucking, when she looks back to you, meets your loving gaze, a pout on her lips, and a fluttering opening of her mouth. She eyes you with an innocence that has long since left her presence here and now. Of all the girls you've fucked before and this night, none have the spark of natural sexual goodness that Yeseo possesses. Before it was pretty fucking adorable, the eager virgin desperate for attention, desperate for an anal orgasm. Now it's not just arousing, it's something deeper: beautiful. And she wants you to share in her beauty.
"M-more." It's a scant whisper, her throat dry with anticipation. More than enough. You pull on Yeseo's hair and throw her head back, exposing more of her slim neck, to drive your cock with more force into her unbroken depths. Harder now, in: two more inches penetrate her, yet no outward journey is permitted, something else which you've prevented as you continue your rhythm. Your other hand trails down from her back to her ass, where your fingers lay, kneading the cheeks apart to admire your conquest. Yeseo is being taken, wholly owned. She's yours, belonging only to your pleasure and only to your pleasure alone, to feel the pleasure of this moment together.
You pull a fistful of her hair now, drawing her ear close enough to your mouth to bite gently on the lobe, to send a shock of exhilaration through her skinny frame. "You're a filthy fucking anal whore, Yeseo. I'm going to fuck the creampie out of this asshole. Just know I own you, and you need a real man inside of you. Say it."
Yeseo purrs. "Nnn, nngh. Nn, yesss, Daddy, you own my hole, you own all my holes, your slut, just want your cock always in me, fuck my fuck, oh, ohyes, godd, do it, please!"
Again you claim this sweet sin, and push on through to the end of her depths, till you're bottomed out in her ass. Yeseo wiggles ineffectively, fruitlessly, letting you work her anus on your girth.
"How does it feel, baby girl?" Mashiro asks, and you begin to draw your cock slowly. Yeseo howls and squeezes your member, her anus unable to take the stretch any more, yet unwilling to let it go. It takes the weight of a greater instinct for her to move her hips away from you. You help pull back, but it's equally mind-agonizing, mind-numbing, but eventually you come out cleanly.
Through gasping breaths, Yeseo says, "C-can I ride it instead? That, that was too much."
Mashiro giggles, nods. "Daddy can lie down for you, sweetie. Lay him out and sit your pretty little butt on him."
You lean against the headrest and spread out your legs, giving Yeseo free range to work your cock. Much quicker now she takes your cock inside, sinking down on the cock to an easy half. Then, Yeseo relaxes and soon her ass claps against your pelvis, earning a moan from you both.
"Wow, you're a natural." Mashiro says.
"Yeah, oh, fuck, I practiced, this position, oh, mmhm. On, haaa, on a toy. Wow."
"But, the real thing's better." When Mashiro starts touching Yeseo's clit, even more globs of semen leave her cunt.
Yeseo just nods to that, her eyes meeting the lord in her head, her mouth dangling open. "Mhmm, so big, s-so hard, and, umph, and, haahh."
You quickly ascertain that while Yeseo is certainly practiced in her riding, she is no match for Mashiro's experience. Here, you don't mind—the grip of her warm and willing walls wrapping around your cock, her pussy clamping at air in response. Your mouth, open and hungry, is captured by Mashiro, french-kissing you. She's a warm, comfortable presence beside you, watching you watch the pornographic scene of the inexperienced girl fucking herself like a needy anal whore. Yeseo, from her expression, is obviously getting the hang of it: her fucking is getting faster, the cock that enters her quickly leaving in rapid pace, her pleasure quickening in its growth. Yeseo bucks up, slips down, trying to give you as much pleasure as possible
Insofar as Yeseo can find purchase in her brain-melting daze, she's cumming so very quickly and so damn hard. Yeseo is so tightly gripped at your cock you can only imagine the spasms she must be going through. For your troubles, she sprays juice all over your abdomen. As if from the deepest part of her orgasm, her last shreds of coherence, an almost non-fathomable concept, give way to a smile, to a laugh. She collapses on top of you, her cheek against your chest.
"I'm... Daddy's..."
"Cum dump." You sit up, wrapping your arm around her back. "I'm not done with you, not until I've left my cum in your asshole."
She nods. "I'm your slut, Daddy."
You take Yeseo from the bed, and carry her over to the side, bending her over the nightstand, holding her neck and keeping her pressed against the wood. Her small hands reach behind her, taking hold of your shaft and guiding you into her anus. A single thrust is enough to seat her all the way to the hilt, and it doesn't take long before you're pistoning into her, her ass jiggling.
Mashiro's got her hand buried in Yeseo's hair, pushing her down harder against the wooden surface. She's a beautiful girl, your girlfriend, her pussy soaked from watching you use this other girl. "Make a mess for Daddy," she says. "Cum around his cock, milk that cum out like you deserve."
With Yeseo bent over like this, it's a tight fit for the both of you. But you rail the woman. No mercy. All the restraint you had when taking the virginity of either hole is gone now, nothing but raw need and animal instinct driving the motion. The wet smack of your balls against her pussy, the squeaks of her own need, the sounds of the room fill you, fill her, fill Mashiro, and there's no stopping you from taking Yeseo's ass like you mean it.
It's all Yeseo can do to hold onto the edge of the nightstand for dear life. For good measure, Mashiro spanks the slut. The slut loves it. She's basically humping the furniture now, trying to get any kind of friction on her clit, any kind of sensation to heighten her pleasure.
In this moment, the world could be falling apart around you, but you wouldn't care. You just want to keep pounding away at this beautiful woman's ass. Your hands grip her hips, and you thrust inside as far as you can.
Yeseo's breath catches as she feels her ass clench around the base of your cock. Her face is one of pure ecstasy, her mouth forming a perfect O shape.
"Oh fuck, oh god, aaaah," Yeseo cries out. "I'm gonna cum, fuck, Daddy, I'm cumming!"
You don't announce it as loudly, just a sharp groan, solid grip of her hips, pulling her down onto your cock where balls-deep you unload into her. Your second climax is no less powerful than the first, shooting rope after thick rope of hot cum into Yeseo's asshole. You can feel it twitching around you, like Yeseo's trying to milk every last drop out of your cock. She's gasping for air, her body shaking. Mashiro kisses her neck and shoulder to soothe her.
You pull out slowly, letting her feel the loss of your cock. A glob of semen slips out of her gaping asshole, a strand of cream down her lithe legs.
Finally, you're spent, the well of your lust and energy dry, the strength of your legs gone, the strength of your arms gone, the strength of your mind gone. The energy to do anything more than lay in bed is beyond you now.
Yeseo can't even do much of that, and you have to help carry her to the bed, where the three of you lie.
"Fuck. Is it... usually that much?" Yeseo asks, her fingers sliding between her thighs, feeling her sticky hole and slit.
Mashiro giggles. "No. Not by a long shot."
"You're so fucking tight Yeseo-yah, of course you'd get filled up so much."
"But, is this, like, how it is? Like, I'm gonna feel it for days?"
"It's not too bad, after a while. But yeah, you'll definitely be sore. I think I still am."
"Okay, Daddy." Yeseo leans into you, resting her head on your chest. On your other side, Mashiro joins in too. Yeseo sighs."It was really, really good. I... I knew it would be, but I had no idea. You were so gentle at first, and then so rough, like I needed it."
"Well, I'm glad," Mashiro says. "And don't worry. It gets better every time."
"Mhm. You've got a long way to go, Yeseo-yah, if you wanna get as good as Unnie."
"You're a good fuck," you tell Yeseo. "You've got talent, Yeseo-yah."
She giggles. "Thanks, Daddy."
Mashiro looks at you, smiling, and kisses your cheek. "So what do you think, Daddy? You okay with this being a regular thing?"
"I... yeah. I can deal."
"Good. Because next time, you're fucking us both. Together."
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daenysx · 8 months
I need Sirius and Remus’s reactions to finding out virgin!james & virgin!reader lost it to each other and have been constantly going at it
thank you for requesting, here's part 2 of this!! hope you enjoy this short, additional part ♡ requests are open!!
(sirius black is gonna be my baby forever and i stand by it.)
james potter x fem!reader, modern au
expectedly dramatic
"james, do you think this is a good idea?"
the truth is, james is sure this is a good idea. he nods at your question as he holds your hand and leads you to his room. the apartment he shares with sirius and remus is empty, it's quiet and secretive. he closes the door of his room once you're inside, he is quick to walk towards you, and cup your cheeks. "i missed you." he says.
you giggle, the sound that haunts his dreams. "it's only been three days."
he gives you a kiss on the cheek. "yeah, that's too much."
you lift your head to see his eyes. he looks at you like you're the only thing he sees behind his glasses and you love that look on him. you rise on your tiptoes to kiss him, he leans a little to meet you halfway, his lips brush yours like he's trying to play a game he's sure he'll lost.
"are you gonna kiss me or-"
he kisses you. the distance disappears and he really kisses you. you smile into the kiss, sucking his bottom lip gently. he smells addictive, you lean a little bit more. "you don't know how to be good and patient. do you, sweetheart?" he asks after he breaks the kiss.
"i'm not sure." you say, in the mood for a game. "maybe you should do something to teach me."
james gives you a perfect smile. "can you get on the bed for me?"
you nod, moving towards bed. "you are absolutely sure that we'll be alone until 6, right?"
he approaches you. "i'm sure sirius will do his usual dramatic act when he gets a new tattoo, and remus lost the bet so he has to stay with him." he gets on bed. "we have at least 2 hours."
you open your arms for him. "come here then."
james leaves himself to your inviting arms. you take off his glasses carefully and admire his face. he blinks, looks at you with hazy eyes. "you can see me, right?" you ask, smiling.
"yeah, baby, i can see you when you're this close." he says. "i can't believe you asked me a sirius question."
"it was a serious question, jamie." now you're giggling. james shakes his head as he smiles. he starts tickling you, playful fingers on your belly. you squirm under him, laughing loudly. you feel like a bubble of sunshine when you're around james, you are free to be yourself. he kisses your entire face as he plays with you, you laugh so hard, neither of you hear the door of the apartment opening.
"prongs!" someone yells. "where the hell are you?"
james freezes, he stops moving. "fuck."
your mouth opens as you look at him with huge eyes. "fuck?"
james tries to be quick to lift himself off of you, but sirius is quicker. "you should've been there instead of moony, he tried to-" sirius stops talking as he opens the door and sees both of you on the bed.
you would be laughing at sirius's face if you weren't caught so unguard, because he looks shocked and he looks funny. his mouth opens, his mind processes the fact that a pair of his best friends lies on bed literally glued to each other. "oh. my. god."
james moves away a little bit, his hand protective on your thigh. "pads, no-"
"OH. MY. GOD." sirius says, louder. "moony! moony you lost another bet, fuck, this is the best day of my life!"
"sirius, wha-" you try to say, but sirius keeps calling remus to the room.
"moony, come here!" he finally manages to pull remus inside. "come, look at this amazing view. you lost, i won, i'm perfect!"
remus doesn't look so shocked but he smiles at the two of you. "yeah, fine." he says, calmly. "i mean, i'm not sad that i lost-"
"can someone explain-"
"i'm happy for them, pads, i was just messing with you anyway-"
"what the hell do you mean by losing a bet-"
"i knew it, they were giving each other those lovesick looks all the time-"
"oh, come on." you whisper quietly, enjoying the show of incomplete sentences. james's hand strokes your thigh as he tries to join the conversation. he is obviously having fun even though words fly in the air at the same time.
"you see, moony here," sirius begins. "didn't believe that one of you would take a step to end those torturously sweet looks you give each other without noticing and finally be together."
"yeah, i thought they'd never end. you were hopeless, for real, sorry." remus says. "but pads insisted that the 'chemistry' between you would lead you to bed, and-"
"okay!" james laughs nervously. "yes, that's a bit much. both of you are clearly invading our privacy."
"invading your privacy?" sirius asks. "prongs, you are a traitor. how could you not tell us about this?"
james takes a breath. "we were waiting for the right time?" he says coolly.
"yeah, fine, the right time." sirius scoffs. "when i already decided the names of your kids."
"sirius, oh my god." you say. "what?"
"what sirius really means," remus says. "is that we are really happy for both of you for finding the special someones you've been waiting for."
"this is so sweet, i'm gonna cry." sirius fakes a crying sound.
"you are unbelievable." you say, smiling. "i thought you were out to get a new tattoo."
remus takes a deep breath and leaves the room, shaking his head. you hear he murmurs something. "yeah, well. i couldn't decide what to get for like an hour and moony got a bit mad. we'll go back later."
you laugh, turn to james and reach his hand. "you should have guessed that."
"i wasn't thinking, sweetheart. do you know how you look on my bed?"
sirius lifts his hands, "please keep the rest of this conversation to yourselves, i'll go try to convince remus to come with me once more while you-" he points the bed with his hand. "keep doing what you've been doing- god, it feels like i've caught my parents in bed now, okay, bye."
he leaves, closing the door behind him. james looks at you, his cheeks flushed. "i'm sorry, you asked me and i told you we'll be alone." he says, kissing the back of your hand. "i really didn't think, angel."
you give him a reassuring smile. "it's okay, jamie. they are our best friends, it's like a miracle we kept this secret for this long."
"i just-" he says. "i know we haven't really talked about it, but would you-"
"would i what?" your heart beats so fast, you can feel it in your entire being.
"would you like to be my girlfriend?" he asks, sweetly.
"james, i-" you whisper, his words feel like the comfort you've been seeking all along. "yes, of course, jamie." you smile, your lips forming a lovely curve that james adores.
he gives you a bright smile and reaches for your lips, kissing you impatiently. "finally." he says, kissing you again. "i've been mad for you."
"i know the feeling." you say. "come closer?"
he obeys, covers your body on bed with himself. he kisses your neck, it feels better than ever. you stroke his hair, he is your boyfriend now, and you feel so lucky that he shares your feelings, that this is not only sex between you. you kiss him until your lips turn bright red, you can see that the lights of the day nearly disappear with the sun.
"can you believe they made a bet about us?" you ask after a while. james's head stays on your chest, he looks like he'll fall asleep.
"i honestly can't believe moony loses all the bets." he answers. "that's like- not possible, you know?"
you laugh. "are they right about the looks we give each other? i was trying to be discreet all the time."
"my baby." james whispers. "everyone except you could easily say that i'm worshipping the ground you walk on."
"i'd like to believe that i wasn't so oblivious." you say. "i guess i was, a little bit. i'm really happy that you are the first for me, jamie."
james kisses your chest before he loses the battle against sleep. "waiting for you to be my first was the best thing i've ever done."
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mcflymemes · 1 year
"I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
who else knows you're still alive?
don't tell me i'm the only one that knows.
i never should have believed their lies.
how could you keep this from me?
they lied to you. they knew it would break you if i died.
i staged it all.
there's no way this is happening.
i'm never letting you go.
i promised you i'd never leave you.
but i saw you die! this is impossible!
no. no. this isn't happening. this can't be real.
i watched it. i watched you die and now you're standing here.
how is this even possible?
they might have exaggerated just a bit.
we needed to make it look like i was dead.
you just let me spend all this time thinking you were dead?
did you tell anyone else?
this was your master plan? fake your death, see what happens?
i don't know whether to be pissed or be thrilled to see you again.
i've just seen a ghost.
you saw what they wanted you to see.
you're not real. i must be dreaming.
did you look for me?
funny. i don't remember falling asleep.
you just let us all believe you were dead?
it was the only way to do this. i'm sorry.
when were you going to tell me?
i watched the life leave your eyes...
you kept this from me.
oh my god... no. no no no. this can't be happening.
how did you... how did you even do this?
someone pinch me.
you look pretty good for someone that's supposed to be dead.
i watched you die in my arms.
they told me you died.
i promised you i'd come back.
they lied to me? all this time?
trust me, i wanted to tell you. i really did.
i think i need to sit down.
i'm gonna need some time to process this.
are you real? can i touch you?
what was all this about you dying?
you've kept the truth from me all this time.
had you just told me, i could have helped you.
i begged them to let me tell you, but they said it would ruin our plans.
the blood was fake. i'm all right.
yes, i'm alive! would you please come over here and give me a hug?
i didn't think i'd survive it, either.
i knew you'd come back for me.
we had to make it believable from the start.
there was no other way.
i should have told you.
i tried to get a message out to you.
they said you'd moved on, so i figured i should, too.
i wish i had all the answers for you.
i know you expect me to be okay with this, but things have changed since you died.
[name]... i thought you were dead.
will you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?
i'll never leave you again.
i swear on my life, this wasn't supposed to happen this way.
i take it you got my message.
everything got out of hand.
they didn't tell you?
glad you could make it.
i'm sorry i didn't reach out to you sooner.
all of a sudden, you come back into my life.
i'm back and better than ever.
i don't want to hear your excuses.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 month
"Ah, the digimals," I lied. "I know exactly what you are talking about."
It was the start of my tumultuous three-week employment at Google. Google, who was once the most powerful company on Earth, had in recent years become enmeshed with bullshit-generating text engines to the point where they could no longer tell truth from fiction. Perhaps the greatest evidence of this fact was that they hired me to head up the new Digital Transformation division. Remember, kids, don't get high on your own supply.
Here's a secret about California: cars don't rust there. It's real dry, and really nice, and you can even drive dented cars around without them instantly turning into a pile of iron filings and swear words. So of course I jumped on the job. I could not believe my luck that they had decided the resume I was required to make in order to pass Reintegration With Society 101 class was good enough to offer me an executive-level position.
Now, all of you are fully aware that the average Silicon Valley management job involves showing up for one to two hours a week, doing nothing except making everyone's job harder, and then buying two vintage Porsches off eBay while taking a shit in your private executive bathroom. We accept it because, well, starting a whole revolution about it sounds a little bit "too much," and we got bigger fish to fry. For instance, a whole lot of people at Google were very concerned about Digital Transformation, which sounds either good or bad (I never figured out which.)
When they finally came to my spacious skull-emblazoned office and canned me, it wasn't because I was incompetent. No, my absolute lack of attention to any of my subordinates had led to immense success in Digital Transformation (again, either for or against – if you know, write in.) What they were mad about was that Facilities had filed a complaint. You see, I had cottoned on in my first day of work that I didn't actually have to buy an expensive California house. Google's parking lots were copious enough that I could simply leave my dozens of vintage Porsches there, without fear of rust, and sleep in a different race car bed each night.
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girlgenius1111 · 9 months
i can take care of myself
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barca femeni x reader hiding an injury
got a little stuck on the next part of pop back up, so enjoy this and tell me what you want to see in that :)
If you were to find a positive in the situation, it would be that there was too much noise from the crowd for anyone to hear the crack your ribs made as they broke. You'd been trying to block a shot, but your opponent hadn't seemed too worried about taking a high kick, and had slammed her foot, full force, into your abdomen.
You'd crumpled almost immediately, but the ball wasn't cleared well, so you staggered back to your feet, breathing hard. The pain felt like it was splitting you in half, every inhale agony, and you wrapped one arm around your stomach, trying not to double over. You were having a hard time concentrating, but suddenly the ball was back at your feet, and without taking the time to consider that you might be doing more damage, you lept forward, sprinting down the field. Adrenaline had taken over, and the pain in your side dulled briefly.
You were fast, passing several defenders who were caught off guard by the change of possession. There were still a few left, though, and you knew you needed to pass. You found Ona on the overlap, and cut in towards the box. She hit a perfect cross, and you launched yourself into the air, just barely getting your head on it. It was enough, though, and it sailed just passed the opposing goalkeeper, into the back of the net.
When your feet hit the ground again, your ribs erupted in pain, the temporary relief gone.
"Fuck," you groaned, collapsing to your knees. Your teammates were running to your side to celebrate, but were startled at your collapse.
"What is it? What hurts?" Ona questioned, the first to reach you. You reached out, grasping onto her forearm, and taking a throbbing deep breath.
"Ribs, just a bit. I'm fine," you gasped, rising to your feet just in time to catch an uncertain look on Ona's face, before your teammates were tackling you with hugs. You gritted your teeth as every touch to you sent a jolt through your body; you couldn't go off. There was no doubt in your mind that at least one of your ribs was broken, but the team was out of subs. You needed to win this game, and trying to beat another champions league team with only 10 players left for 15 minutes didn't seem so doable.
"Vamos chica!" Aitana shouted in your ear, as she jumped on your back. You bit back a groan, and mustered up a smile as Pina and Patri appeared at your side. Alexia and Irene were there too, but they were both looking at you much more sharply, eyes clocking your every movement.
As you and the girls let go and began to jog back to your positions, your captains stopped you.
"Are you okay? That was a hard hit," Alexia said, looking down at you.
"You look like something hurts," Irene continued.
You knew that if you told the truth, they'd make you go off. If you lied, and they found out, they'd be furious. You're only choice was to lie, and make sure they didn't find out, not even after the game.
"All good!" You said, shooting them both smiles before pushing past them to return to your position. They must have believed you, because they let you go, and you were able to finish the remaining 15 minutes.
It was agonizing, and you were close to tears by the end of the game, but you held it together until the final whistle. Instead of staying on the pitch after the game like you normally did, you were the first in the locker room, showering fast and changing before any of your teammates made it back.
Everyone was celebrating the win, talking and joking loudly, so they didn't notice when you slipped out, heading to your car. All you had to do was get back to your apartment, throw some ice on your ribs, and rest.
In the back of your mind, you knew everyone would find out eventually; there was no way to hide this for the entirety of the healing process. You weren't really thinking clearly though, brain muddled with pain
You took off your shirt when you got inside your apartment, allowing yourself to look at your abdomen closely for the first time. The left side was already bruising, a purple tint to the skin clearly visible. You experimentally pressed a finger to the area, letting out a hiss of pain, and immediately pulling your hand away. Definitely broken.
You got some ice, and laid on the couch, placing it as gently as you could over the contusion. You weren't really sure what to do now. It wasn't feeling any better; if anything, it was getting worse, every inhale, every small twist was uncomfortable.
As the discomfort grew, your resolve to keep this a secret weakened. Really, you just wanted someone to come and take care of you, not that you’d ever admit to that, or ask for it. It was lonely in your apartment, all alone, and the pain wasn't helping. You fought back tears, knowing that crying would only make it hurt worse.
In an attempt to distract yourself, you pulled your phone out of your pants pocket, intending to scroll through tiktok until you could move better. Instead, you unlocked your phone to several missed calls from about half your team. You were fucked.
Ignoring them further would only prompt them to come over, so you bit the bullet, and called Alexia back.
"Pequeña, where did you go?" She questioned upon answering, completely forgoing a greeting. She sounded mad.
"I went home," you replied.
"Why did you leave so fast?"
"I was tired. Long day," you said lamely.
"No, something is going on. What's wrong?" Alexia insisted. Her ability to read you was infuriating.
"Nothing is wrong, Ale, I promise," you told her.
"Then you won't mind if I come over to make sure?" She asked, frustration clear in her tone.
"I really want to go to bed, Capi," you started, but she interrupted.
"I'll be there in 5 minutes," she said, before hanging up the phone. 5 minutes. She must have already been on her way before you'd even called her back.
There wasn't much you could do. Alexia had a key, you knew she wasn't afraid to use it, and you also weren't sure if you could get up off the couch. So, you awaited your captain, knowing that she would figure out that you were hurt the minute she laid eyes on you. All the fight had gone out of you, and you had no energy left to convincingly hide your injury.
When Alexia knocked on the door, you sighed, before calling out to her.
"Use your key," you instructed. You heard her fumble with her keys as she responded.
"Why can't you let me in?" She questioned.
"I can't really get up," you told her. She cursed quietly in response, before the door swung open. She was wearing her Barca sweats, and she looked furious. She walked in, pausing to shut the door and take her shoes off, before making her way to the couch.
Stopping in her tracks, her jaw dropped at the state of your ribs.
"Dios mío, eres estúpido? Why didn't you tell anyone about this?" Alexia questioned, dropping to her knees next to the couch. You looked at her pathetically, shrinking under her hardened gaze.
"I didn't want you guys to have to play 15 minutes with only 10 players, we were out of subs," you argued, shutting your mouth when your words only seemed to aggravate her more.
"This happened then? Before your goal? And you played the rest of the game?" She asked incredulously, reaching out to run her fingers over your rib, her gentle touch starkly different than her tone. Still, you shied away from her hand, whimpering in pain at the movement.
"Stop moving," she told you, resting a hand on your shoulder. "I don't even know what to say. How could you put yourself in danger like this? You could have gotten hurt even worse. You don't even know what is wrong, you need scans and a doctor," she ranted, closely examining the fast forming bruise.
"No. You complain all the time about us treating you like a child, yet you do something so reckless, make such an immature decision, I don't know what you expect."
You'd never really seen Alexia this mad, not at you. She had a soft spot for you, as most of the girls did, and normally you only saw her anger directed at people who'd been too rough with you. You knew that everything she was saying was true, but her words still stung, and you blinked back tears, staring hard at the ceiling.
She wasn't paying attention though, pulling out her phone and typing quickly. It rang in her hands, and she answered. You could hear Lucy on the other end, and you cringed, knowing that if Alexia was this mad, Lucy wouldn't be very much fun either. Alexia spoke quietly to Lucy, telling her that she needed help getting you to the hospital for scans, and that Irene and Mapi were already on their way. At this, you groaned, and Alexia shot you a look. She hung up, then, and you avoided her gaze.
"The girls will be here soon, and they'll help me get you to the hospital. I don't want to hear a single complaint, pequeña, not even one," she informed you. Her tone was still so upset, and you hated it. "How much does it hurt?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at you as if daring you to lie to her.
"A lot," you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Well, you probably have several broken ribs, so I'm not surprised. What were you thinking, y/n, honestly?" Now, she sounded disappointed, which was worse than angry, worse than upset. Your lower lip trembled, and you squeezed your eyes shut, willing yourself not to cry.
"I'm sorry. I know you're mad but can you yell at me later?" you asked, voice cracking. When you opened your eyes to look at Alexia, her expression had softened completely.
"I'm sorry, pequeña, you're right, I can absolutely yell at you later," she said, and you huffed out a laugh before crying out as your diaphragm jumped, jostling your injury.
"No no, don't move, don't laugh... don't cry, pequeña" she said, panicking slightly as you began to cry; it was a nasty cycle, crying because it hurt, and it hurting because you were crying.
Alexia stood, sliding onto the couch as gently as she could, pulling your head into your lap.
"Hurts, Ale," you whined at the movement.
"I know, I know, just try to relax your upper body, take slow breaths," she instructed, hand running through your wet hair. She was amazed at how fast her anger with you had disappeared; the minute you'd started to cry, it had evaporated, and all she wanted to do was wrap you in a hug. Unfortunately, that would probably only make you hurt worse, so she settled for laying a hand on your forehead, thumb moving back and forth rhythmically.
"I'm sorry," you cried, overcome with emotion at your own stupidity.
"Alright, y/n, it's okay, focus on breathing. I'm not mad anymore, okay?" she assured you, and you blinked up at her, not sure if you believed her words.
"Idiota, y/n," a voice called, as your front door swung open once again. You didn't have to look to recognize Mapi's voice, and as you heard multiple pairs of footsteps entering the room, you figured the other girls had arrived as well.
"Cállate María," Alexia snapped, glaring at Mapi before her attention refocused on you. Mapi grumbled, but listened. The faces of Irene, Lucy, and Mapi appeared above you, looking down with varying levels of anger and concern.
"Everyone be nice, she's in pain," Alexia scolded, seeing how you cowered under the glares of your teammates.
"Count on Alexia to let y/n off the hook," Mapi said under her breath, rolling her eyes, but softening her expression. You were only half paying attention as Irene and Lucy inspected your ribs, their faces pinched with worry.
"She's not off the hook, but yelling at her now isn't going to do anything," Alexia defended.
"She needs to go to the hospital," Irene said quietly, and Lucy nodded in agreement. You didn't appreciate being spoken about like you weren't there.
"Do I get any say in this?" you tried, but when everyone turned to stare at you in disbelief, you folded quickly. "Hospital sounds good," you revised.
"That's what I thought," Lucy replied harshly. You glared at the wall behind her, not quite brave enough to glare right at her.
"Pequeña," Alexia called, drawing your attention back to her worried green eyes. "Can you walk?"
You hesitated. You were sure you could, but it would hurt. You didn't really feel like giving anyone anymore reason to be mad at you, though, so you nodded your head.
"Yeah, just help me get up," you responded. It took all 4 girls to get you standing, trying to move your upper body as little as possible. By the time you were on your feet, you were sweating, and your jaw was clenched.
"Y/n," Irene started, exchanging looks with the other girls.
"I'm fine, let's just get this over with," you cut her off. She nodded uneasily, and her and Mapi began to walk you towards the door.
"I wouldn't want to rush this too much, y/n, the sooner you get home, the sooner Alexia goes back to being mad at you," Mapi teased.
You winced, knowing she was completely correct.
2 uncomfortable car rides, several scans, and a multitude of scoldings from different doctors, later, you arrived back at your apartment. You were feeling much better now, the drugs the hospital had given you working wonders.
You'd settled on your bed, propped up against the pillows, eyes drifting open and closed. Irene and Lucy made sure you were settled before leaving. Alexia still didn't let them yell at you, claiming you were "too high to really appreciate it," but you knew she just felt guilty for being too harsh earlier.
"You can go too, guys, I'm fine," you tried to tell Mapi and Alexia. Mapi was perched on the edge of your bed, watching amusedly as Alexia hovered over you.
"Oh, you're fine. Did you hear that, Ale? She's fine," Mapi mocked, and you groaned.
"I don't want to hear that phrase leave your mouth again for a while pequeña, because you clearly aren't," Alexia responded, not finding Mapi's comment as funny as Mapi herself did.
"This is exactly what I didn't want," you cried, shifting uncomfortably.
"What is?" Mapi questioned, suddenly more serious than she was a few minutes ago.
"This, you guys," you mumbled, clearly feeling the effects of the pain relief. "You shouldn't need to take care of me, I can take care of myself,"
"Si, because not seeking medical attention for multilpe broken bones definitely fills us with confidence in your ability to take care of yourself," Mapi replied, rolling her eyes.
"Is that why you hid it? You didn't want us to take care of you?" Alexia asked quietly, eyes searching yours.
"Didn't want to be a bother," you replied, seeming suddenly more alert than you had been a few seconds ago.
"Estúpida," Mapi stated, very matter of factly.
"María!" Alexia scolded again, but Mapi cut her off.
"You couldn't be a bother. You're just a kid," she said, and your lips pursed unhappily at that. "Si, you are, you are only 19. Asking for help doesn't make you a bother."
"Mapi's right, we're here because we want to be, we want to help you, y/n. You don't need to do everything yourself." Alexia insisted, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. You didn't look very persuaded. "Just try to let us help, please?"
At this, you nodded hesitantly. Somewhat satisfied, Alexia carefully tucked you in.
"Sleep. We'll wake you up in a couple hours for more medicine." Your eyes widened.
"You're staying?" You asked, voice unmistakably vulnerable. Both girls smiled reassuringly at you.
"Of course we are," Mapi said, tone leaving no room for doubt or argument.
"Okay," you stated, body relaxing against the pillows, eyes already sliding shut.
Alexia and Mapi exchanged triumphant looks. It was a step for you, clearly. They weren't even sure they'd still need to yell at you tomorrow.
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btsworldz · 4 months
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BLACK HEART (Yandere! Taehyung x Reader)
yandere! black swan taehyung x reader
yandere taehyung, he's sweet and a rule breaker, but you control his thoughts (both in a baaad way and a sweet way), bts taehyung x reader
Masterlist | Black Swan Universe
It was Friday, when he realized that he was different from his hyungs.
Taehyung can't talk normally.
And apparently it isn't his unique superpower, but rather a disability.
From the day that he was born up to ten years old, he had never interacted with people outside of his family. So, he held onto whatever his brothers are telling him.
"You have unique superpower tae!"
"Your mind is too powerful for words to describe, that's why God gave you the superpower of being silent."
Somewhere between the praises, Taehyung believed in his hyung's words like it was a verse. He was always childlike. Because he believed in his brothers so much, he also believed their one and only warning for him.
"Avoid humans at all costs."
Especially Seokjin. His older brother. Even at the mention of the H word (human) made his eldest brother turned his back on him, not before throwing anyone who mentioned it a cold glare. He was the strictest among his brothers. He had always been there, signing at him, HUMAN. DANGEROUS.
Taehyung became timid of breaking the rules, only going out if there's a need and never let himself get too far from their nest. His only task in the family was to get berries every Friday.
And Friday it was, when everything changed for him. He was about to go pick berries from his usual spot when he heard laughter from somewhere not far from him, but he also heard sparkles of wings. He didn't move from his spot, but he smiled to himself. He knew it was the faeries and everyone is good as long as it's not the humans.
"Do you know that one of the black swan brothers had a disability?"
"What??? I thought they were perfect? They look like it."
Taehyung thought to himself. A disability?
Taehyung knew it was wrong but he begin to hide himself in the bushes and masked his scent, wanting to hear the conversation more without them being aware of his presence.
"Yeah, it was the 6th son. Taehyung, I believed his name was. His mother got her wings chopped when giving birth to the twins. When she delivered Taehyung the pain was unbearable from the torture that his neck cracked a bit in the process, man can't talk now. So I've heard. But luckily his twin brother came out perfect, Jungkook. Stronger than him, so I've heard."
Taehyung felt his heart beat quickened. Tears begin to gather in his eyes. He felt like he was lied to all of his life. He realized now, he had small tasks not because he was special and needed to be guarded, but it was because he was pitiful.
"Bet he's weak, I've never seen him outside."
"Maybe ugly too?"
The faeries laughed. Their laughter poured salt over Taehyung's already wounded heart.
"But if he is Jungkook's twin. He can't be ugly. Man looked like he could be the heaven's people, and I would believe him in a heartbeat if he had said so. And his brothers, all mouthwatering to look at."
Taehyung felt his heart ache. He felt ugly, the truth was he looked different from his brothers and his twin, Jungkook. He was not an identical twin.
He wondered if he were Jungkook's identical twin, maybe it would lessen his dis-disabilty?
He can't bear it anymore. He fled through the night in stealth movement as if he was never there.
In the comfort of his nest, he locked himself with his wings. Not letting anyone in, not even Jin, his eldest brother.
"Taehyung, what happened?"
"Please open your wings."
"Jungkook what have you done to him?"
"Whaaatttt? It's not me!!! I swear."
Taehyung was sick of being babied, especially now that he knew he was less than his brothers and even his twin brother. He opened his wings and six brothers already surrounding him with concerned on their face.
He signed to them, DO NOT FOLLOW ME.
He fled away from their nest, tears gathered on his eyes making his path blurry. But he couldn't care less. At least the night sky won't judge him. He didn't think his brother was truthful towards him all this time. And maybe, God knows, humans are nice!
He wasn't really paying attention towards where he was flying, anger and sadness surrounding him. That was when he fly to the part of the forest close to the human territory.
He felt sick. He didn't want to fly any longer. He just wanted to cry. So he did. In the middle of nowhere, he cried his heart out. In the thick of the snow, he cried silent anguish tears. If he could shout he would have.
He heard a gasp from his right, making his head turned in seconds out of instinct. His eyes met with the most expressive eyes he had ever seen. And that eyes expressed fear. Then he smelled it, a smell so distinctive he had never smell it before. Humans. It must be.
His face turned stoic. He felt rebellious, he wanted to prove his brother wrong about humans. He wanted to approach this human.
Without thinking further. Taehyung spread his wings and land in front of the human, the human fell to her knees from being frightened. Right when Taehyung stretched his hand to make himself acquainted. The human closed her eyes and shout. "Please don't kill me!"
And here he thought humans are dangerous. He felt like laughing. Humans are entertaining. He felt a smile coming through his face, but he didn't want to show it yet. He lightly tucked his wings towards him, so it didn't look as menacing, before he kneeled in front of her. He lightly tapped twice on her shoulder. The girl shook from fright, her eyes then met Taehyung's again.
He mouthed: Hi.
No voice coming out of his mouth. You thought his smile that grazed his face for a millisecond might be an illusion, since the only light source was from the moon. All you can say was that the man or the super man in front of you was beautiful.
The most beautiful being you have ever seen, maybe. The wings, the face. He must be the black swan that the village has talked about all of their lives.
"Hi...," you answered. Afraid that he would kill you if you didn't.
You find the situation funny, here you are in the forest. Not "caring" about your life, but kneeled weakly afraid of dying when death presented itself in the form of a beautiful being.
You chuckled to yourself. "You want to kill me?" You asked the man, finding the surge of courage from your own comedic thoughts. Perhaps you have gone mad from being undesired all of your life. You have six sisters and all of them are married at the first month when they turn nineteen. And here you are 22 years old, with no man asking for your hand.
The village liked to talk, you have gone from waiting to not wanting to expect anything anymore. The single men in the village have found you undesirable.
Taehyung looked at you with his eyes blown open. He shook his head harshly, mouthing: No!
You sighed. "Then, do you find me beautiful?"
Taehyung had his mouth gaped open. Not expecting that kind of question from you. He turned around and held his heart. He wanted to say yes, but he didn't know why his heart beats so much. He felt embarrassed for some reason.
"I knew it! I'm hideous. Not a man find me beautiful after all, let alone the mystical black swan!" You bursted out crying. You didn't know why you feel emotional, perhaps your frustration and the thoughts of dying mix into one cry.
Taehyung felt his heart ache from your cries. He wanted to comfort you and say what he truly felt. You're beautiful. But you were too busy wiping your eyes so he couldn't mouth it to you. He then opted to accompany you in silence.
"My sisters, six of them are married! And I'm nowhere near it. Not a single man asking for my hand. And people said it's because I'm the ugly duckling out of them!" You cried again.
Taehyung frowned. How can people compared ducklings to being ugly, ducklings are the most precious. He wanted to tell you that he knows how it feels, being compared to your own siblings.
"And now you!" You suddenly pointed at him, your eyes glaringly red from crying. Your nose and cheeks red. Taehyung can't help but find that you looked funny, your expression might have make him forget about his own problems the longer he stared at it.
Me?, Taehyung mouthed while pointing at himself comically.
"You are one of my problems now. Just kill me and get it over with." You were only saying it, when in reality you could feel your heartbeat raced afraid that he would actually do it. You turned your back at him and slowly walking away. The snow crunches under your soles. You could hear him behind you, following you. You quickened your steps while closing your eyes, at least when he did it you wouldn't be able to see anything. You were sure of being killed in just seconds from then.
Meanwhile, Taehyung couldn't understand why the woman in front of him was suddenly walking away. And much more when he realized that the girl was closing her eyes while walking. He find that amusing, he wanted to tap her shoulder but maybe it was her ritual? Taehyung wouldn't want to bother whatever it was she was doing.
Taehyung opted to follow her.
In the midst of her walking faster, a tree was in front of her and Taehyung knew if he didn't do something about it the girl would crash. As much as he loves being a watcher for her ritual, he didn't want her to get hurt. So he did what he thought to be harmless, he grabbed her shoulders wanting to direct her to a clear path.
You screamed as loud as you can when you suddenly feel a touch on your shoulders. You opened your eyes and turned your head to the black swan having his eyes wide enough looking at your surroundings, while still holding your shoulders.
Why. Scream? He genuinely looked confused as he mouthed that to you.
You looked at him dumbfounded, still breathing hard from the adrenaline. You gulped down whatever sanity left in you and decided to speak your mind like you always do. Men don't like that about you.
"You! You scared me. Please don't touch me out of nowhere."
As if a hot coal was put into his hands, he released his grip from your shoulders. He looked at you with wide eyes. Shaking his head no, as if saying "I didn't mean to do that" and you wish the ground had swallowed you whole when he pointed towards something behind you.
A tree.
You realized that he was only trying to prevent your idiot self from planting your face to a tree.
"Oh my god..." you can only close your mouth out of embarrassment.
You okay? He mouthed after you met his eyes.
"I'm okay.." your voice getting lower. "I'm sorry," you genuinely said to him. He was only looking at you curiously when you said that, he can't talk you realized now but the man can surely hold a gaze.
"I'm Y/n." You stretched your hand towards him.
He looked at your hand before looking at you, silently asking for permission. He was probably traumatized from the way you screamed, you smiled a little and nodded. He took your hand first touching the fingertips, when you didn't scream and only smile at him he lightly hold your hand. It could almost as if he was barely touching your hand.
Taehyung. He mouthed.
"Taehyung?" You asked in a meek voice, afraid that you would say the wrong name.
Taehyung felt his heart skipped a beat hearing your voice said his name. You say it so tenderly, Taehyung didn't know how to respond. He was just in awe.
Meanwhile, you gulped seeing the man froze looking at you. You wondered if you have said the wrong name. "Sorry?"
Taehyung looked away, unable to contain his heart the longer he stared at your eyes. They were bewitching, he believes so.
Why? Taehyung mouthed after getting a hold of himself.
"Because I say the wrong name?" You looked down in hope of not offending him, or worse angered him. But deep down you feel like he was a good guy, he hadn't shown sign of aggression. Yet.
Taehyung shook his head harshly, no you are right. But you didn't look at him shaking his head, your face crestfallen and downwards not facing him. He wanted to badly wipe it off your face. So he took both of your cheeks on his hands and gracefully make you look at him as he shook his head no. He then pointed at himself, I'm Taehyung.
He smiled softly, his eyes tender as he looked at your round eyes. Tears gathered on your eyes. He wiped them away, almost immediately. You are right, Taehyung mouthed.
He noted that his wings can be scary to you. So he did his best to tuck it inward, in hopes that it appeared much smaller than it was. He tried to not make as much as eyebrows movement, maybe it scared you. He was hoping to appear more soft like Jimin, his brother. Sadly he can only be himself.
Are you afraid of me?
Taehyung waited for your response. He felt as if he can't breathe when silence is between the two of you. You hold your gaze with him, as you shook your head from side to side.
"No," you said it in all honesty that it resonated in Taehyung's heart. He smiled and you are his mirror.
Thus, that was the beginning of an inevitable friendship between a man and a woman.
"You didn't talk much, and I like that about you Tae!"
Taehyung frowned, having to drag a basket full of bread and jams he can't sign to you. But he was mouthing "I can't" with his whole chest and face full of emotion. You laughed as hard as you can, you were sure it would invite bears and others predators if you hadn't been in a presence of the biggest predator in the forest.
"You say it sooo passionately, I think I heard your voice."
Taehyung frowned again while you laughed. He almost think he hated your jokes, but in honesty. You treated his disability as if it was nothing, and whenever you laugh he had never consider it as an insult rather weirdly enough it was comforting. You treated him as if he was normal, he felt like he was a completely normal person when he's with you.
You laid down the shawl so it became a mat that you and Taehyung can both lay on. Once you have laid it out, Taehyung occupied most of the space and laid out his left hand he smiled cunningly. You frowned, "Tae... what if you smell?" You knew about his brother's hatred for human and you didn't want him getting punished.
Come here. He wiggled his left hand and throw in his best puppy eyes, that it made you sighed and laid your head in his arm.
Taehyung turned his head to yours, he inhaled the top of your head and smiled to himself. He loved your smell, your hair, and everything about you. He didn't know why, but if all humans are like you he didn't understand why his brothers hatred to your kind.
Taehyung felt his head getting pushed back from your head. He met with two round eyes glaring cutely at him. He was in awe at your presence, he felt like keeping you locked away in his embrace forever.
"Stop, I smell." You felt self conscious for some reason.
You smell good.
You feel your face getting hot from his statement. You didn't know why you feel shy all of a sudden, that you have to get away from his embrace or you feel like your heart might burst. So you sit abruptly, showing your back as you grabbed for the basket wanting to busy yourself by making a sandwich.
Taehyung frowned not liking your absence. He quickly got up himself, and he think of how to still be close to you while you make a sandwich.
He came up with an idea of sitting behind you and hugging you, as he put his head in your shoulder. It turned out he loved this a lot.
In the midst of his bliss, he didn't realize you have froze a little from his hands encaging your waist and from his proximity. "Tae... what are you doing?"
Taehyung, hearing your voice, turned his head closer to your neck. You smelled more divine for some reason. His head getting hazy. He signed with his left hand almost sloppily, hugging you.
He didn't waste a second to attach his hand back at your waist. Feeling drunk on your scent he felt the need to get closer, he started by planting his lips on your neck softly. Your breath hitched, sandwich is forgotten as it plopped to the mat. Your hands gripped his hands that seemed to snaked around your waist more tightly.
"Taehyung," you said again in warning. You felt overwhelmed, your heart wanting to burst. You didn't know what is this feeling. But you felt good when he started to kiss your neck. Both of you indulging in this heavenly feeling.
Taehyung wanted to growl at your voice, how soft it was making him want to keep you to himself. The thought of you being married to another human entered his brain, making him feral. His wings encaging both of you. You sighed when he started to put more pressure on his kisses. You moaned when he started using his teeth. And Taehyung couldn't help but tightened his hold on you and bring you closer, that you have now sat on his lap.
You drive him crazy, he felt like biting you. Claimed you as his, so you wouldn't spread your wings and fly away from him. He grounded you to him, you felt adrenaline shot through you as he bit you on your neck. It hurt at first, but he lapped at your skin sucking the blood that bleeds a little it started to feel good. Maybe you were getting crazy. This feeling is new to you.
You can't sit tight on his lap, you draw his head closer to you turning around so you can look at his face better. His eyes hazy as they were focused on yours, almost black but still as beautiful as ever. I need you.
Your desire spiked as he was getting closer to your face, inches apart he put his forehead into you. Your eyes still stared at him, both of your breathes collide as the nearer you are with him you find it harder to breathe.
He then put his lips on you. Colliding both of your heart in one single kiss.
He felt alive. You are truly breathtaking, he couldn't find a single reason of his still breathing heart other than to find its pair. You.
My love. He mouthed to you, breathless.
You were panting yourself from the kiss. You felt shy looking at what he said to you. "I-I..."
Taehyung smiled from ear to ear looking at your shyness, he tucked the hair that falls on your cheek. He then tugged your chin, dying from wanting to look through your eyes. He wished that he could read your mind. Insecurity started to slowly entered his mind again, afraid of you hating him.
He felt his chest hurt so much from the thought.
He was taken aback from the strong feeling of hurt. That was new.
"I-I... I will be married to someone else, Tae."
When he thought he could only be hurt from his own thoughts he was wrong, what you have said might have broke his heart right then and there.
"I wanted to tell you," you said again.
Taehyung felt anger seeped in his heart. It wasn't fair, he knew you first. It wasn't fair that it wasn't him. He deserved you. He didn't realized he still had his grip in your hand and it started to tightened and hurts. You moaned from the pain and wiggled your hand, but Taehyung out of instinct tugged you closer with force.
His hug was sure to leave a mark on how tight it was, the sun was covered as his wings are starting to form a shield around you. You haven't been afraid with your friend before, but now you were starting to.
"Please, Taehyung..."
You didn't know what to say, you feel guilty of kissing him back but at the same time you know you have feelings with Taehyung. And that was your heart telling you to follow it for once.
But now that you were in his embrace, away from the light and you can only hear his harsh breathing and feel his face beside yours.
Mine. You heard him whisper on your ear, as you shivered from the way he said it. He began kissing your neck, right above the place where he bit it. You felt your body weakened the more he kissed the spot, wanting to surrender itself to its aggressor.
"We can't-," your protest died down when he shut your mouth again by kissing you. He was passionate, you can almost feel the words spilling from his kiss. Words full of longing and wishes for this moment to never end.
You kissed him back, lone tears spilling from you. It was for the best.
You realized you can't be together. It would put him in danger, your mother has become suspicious of your activities that she started punishing you whenever you were caught going to the woods. Going as far as slapping you with sticks in your thigh, to teaches you to stay put in your place. Now that you have a suitor coming to whisk you off, your mother was ecstatic and stricter than ever.
"You will be in danger," you said. Taehyung stopped his movements, his heart was beating fast. You still thought of him, even when he hold you like this, caging you away so you wouldn't fly away from him. You are perfect, the most perfect thing he had ever come across and come to cherish.
He felt a lone tear coming down his cheek, as he started to slowly kiss your cheeks. He was sure you can feel the wetness colliding with your own tears. He wiped away yours as he begin kissing you all over your face. Starting with your eyes that are the most beautiful thing his eyes ever land on, your forehead the thing he loved the most to forever lean his own in hopes of ever reading your mind, your cheeks that are the softest thing he had ever touch, your chin that he wanted to grab every chance he get just to steal your attention, and your lips...
The way when both of your lips touched, Taehyung could say that he saw heaven and tasted it. When starts fall from the sky, he knew it was for him to wish upon this lips of yours to forever collide in his constellation.
You took his breath away, everything you do to him and away from him. He was ready to give his heart whenever you asked, whenever you need it. He was ready to suck his soul and sold it to whoever willing to attach it with yours, so he would forever be in your presence.
I love you.
He put his whole heart as he mouthed it to you, your teary eyes staring at his after you had seen what he said to you. You didn't answer him, instead opting to hug him again. Your face away in his embrace and close to his heart. You can feel it beating ceremoniously.
"I love you too," you said in almost a whisper and Taehyung has heard it. He felt like breathing again now that he knew his feelings are returned, hugging you closer to his chest.
Taehyung went back with a big smile on his face, of course he showered deeply in the lake before coming back to his nest getting rid of your smell as much as he detested to do so. His twin brother, Jungkook, smiling big as he looked at Taehyung's happy face.
"You are awfully smiling a lot now, it's a good look on you. But what got you smiling so big? Care to share?" Jungkook put his arm on Taehyung's neck.
He quickly signed a quick no to his twin.
Jungkook snickered. "No fun."
Taehyung went to his bed and his mind immediately replayed the scene of your lips meeting his, he can't help but bit his lips in response. Kicking his feet on his bed and smiling uncontrollably. He can't wait to meet you again tomorrow, and maybe steal a kiss or two from you.
He was sure you were not going to marry someone else now that he knew you love him too. Even though it boiled his blood just thinking about you being courted by a human, but at the same time he didn't blame the man for taking an interest at you. You are a sight to behold, yet it didn't take away the promise to get rid of competition. You are his mate.
Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and nodded to himself, strongly agreeing his own thoughts.
A new voice entered his eardrums. He quickly snapped his attention to the source of voice, his eyes met with none other than his eldest brother, Seokjin.
He quickly sat on his bed, fixing himself in hopes that Seokjin didn't catch him acting like a lover boy just now.
"Can you promise me that you'd be honest with me?"
He felt his heart rate spiked up, as he hoped to whoever's in charge that it's not what he thinks it is.
Yes. Taehyung quickly signed, not wanting the silence becoming suspicious.
"Are you with a human today?" Seokjin asked, his tone pressing. His disdain clear as day when he was speaking about human.
Taehyung felt his heart skipped a beat and his body froze, before he tried to relax. But Seokjin catches all of it.
No. Taehyung mouthed.
Seokjin sighed, he pinched his nose to control his anger. His eyes piercing when they met with Taehyung's again. "I told you not to lie. I know you have met the human girl, several times now."
Taehyung felt his breath stuck on his throat. His doom has finally reached him, his eldest brother finding out about you.
Please brother, I love her. I'm sorry. He signed desperately. Immediately on his knees.
"What were you thinking?!" Seokjin shouted at Taehyung, walking back and forth to calm himself. But it was no use. His anger got the best of him, his past coming back to haunt him. Fragments of memories coming back of his own mother getting her wings clipped, and dying from the loss of blood after delivering the twins. It was a gruesome sight for little Seokjin to see, his mother died in the hands of humans who threatened to kill her child.
"You weren't thinking." Seokjin answered Taehyung for himself. He was getting more mad when Taehyung didn't look as disgusted as him, rather he looked afraid of Seokjin. Or he was afraid of what he was going to do to that girl.
"That's it, you are forbidden to meet her again."
Brother, I can't. Please. I must see her. Taehyung frantically signed, holding his hand towards Seokjin's chest to grab his attention.
The eldest brother was fuming from what his little brother was saying, harshly tore his brother's pleading hands away.
In the midst of his anger, he bit down his thumb and put it on Taehyung's neck. Holding his brother's neck as an act of making the younger surrender, he made a promise. "I promise to kill her if I see you meeting her again."
Taehyung felt his heart drop.
What Seokjin did was a death's promise. Promise that can't be broken, it was powerful enough that it can effect humans, fairies, and other beings. It what separate the swan from other beings, and made them the apex predator. But it won't affect swans to swans. Unless...
It was done by the leader of the pact, and Seokjin was it.
He was anguish and cried his whole heart out. But Seokjin left him to his own, in hopes that his little brother will reflect on his action.
Taehyung felt his heart dropped, the thought of possibly never having the chance to meet his mate again was suffocating. He clutched his chest in pain.
That night changed everything, Taehyung cried tears that he had never shown before. All of his brothers wanted to comfort him, but they were too late. Taehyung was gone.
It has been what? Two years.
Two years since Taehyung became the dark soul that he is, the way his face became hollowed. His face stoic, he didn't talk at all. Him and Seokjin grown apart, they didn't even look at the flower blossomed in the winter. Something that Jimin always took notes of.
Their bond was inseparable, but now it was only left in pieces never to be fixed.
Taehyung only allowed his brothers to follow him around, never once he talked again to anyone. Jimin almost think he had gone. But Taehyung was still there, at least Jimin liked to think so, because one thing he never skipped of was going to the same spot.
Barren from anything. Just trees.
Jimin didn't know what it was about this place that got Taehyung sitting on from noon to night, his eyes hollowed in on one pathway.
Jimin knew about the human. Surely he can't think that humans are loyal right?
"I sort of heard... from the fairies, how to break a sacred bond," Jimin said breaking the silence, he had a habits of saying whatever comes through his mind in hope of his brother ever responding.
"She hurt you right? You can ask the moon to grant your wish. And maybe-"
Taehyung hold out his hand to Jimin's neck. Shutting him up in an instant. After an unfiltered anger burning on Taehyung's eyes and Jimin felt lightheaded from the pressure, suddenly Taehyung let go of his neck. Jimin didn't budge from his position, still in disbelief that Taehyung actually responded to him.
You didn't know how it feels.
Was the only thing Taehyung signed at Jimin, before his face went stoic again as if the him that choked the living out of Jimin was never there to begin with. Taehyung went back to his seat and stared at the same pathway.
Jimin touched his neck, the hot feeling from being choked by another's hand was still there. He's not dreaming. Jimin felt ecstatic. He wanted to tell his brothers that Taehyung was still there.
Jimin quickly flew away from there, leaving Taehyung to his own.
Taehyung felt weak. His heart broken in a million peace hearing what Jimin had said. He kept telling his heart that his brother didn't know anything. But his heart never took lightly of anything regarding his mate.
Mate. You.
Where are you?
Taehyung asked a million times. Wondering if you were okay. His heart calls for you, it longs to beat alongside yours, to be calmed by the magic of your kiss whispering life through him.
He still remember your warmth, your eyes.
He could no longer take it. Or maybe it was his heart. His wings have a mind of their own, suddenly taking flight through the dark of the night. His heart the guidance.
My love.
Taehyung noticed a small house. Not far from the woods, but was already in town. Taehyung wasn't supposed to be here.
He looked at a girl from behind that was hanging fabrics while looking up at the sky. Taehyung knew of the smell.
His heart has no bound when it comes to finding its owner.
He took fast steps and hugged you from behind. He kissed your neck in longing, passion in between each kisses. His tears flowing uncontrollably.
You gasped, knowing the familiar wings now encasing you and a familiar hard chest meeting your back. Possessive hands snaking on your waist, tightening with each kiss.
"T-Taehyung...," you said. With disbelief you reached for his head to see if he was real, he welcomed your hand that touched him enveloping it with his own.
He whimpered on the way you still remembered him. His heart was healing.
I love you. He mouthed as he was facing you.
Your eyes only cried silent tears.
I need you. He said again, wanting to kiss your lips. But you stopped him with your hands.
"Taehyung... y-you shouldn't be here." Your voice timid.
There was something about you. You have changed, Taehyunh felt his heart worrying for you. A sense of protectiveness coming to take over him. You weren't safe, all this time you weren't safe. Taehyung felt anger towards himself, from failing as a mate. The energetic girl was long gone, you have become timid with the way you hide yourself. Your skin now almost sticking to your bones. Taehyung felt anguish tears slipped from his eyes, he has failed you.
He hugged you wanting to calm you down. But you trashed on his hold, but Taehyung didn't want to budge from his position.
"Taehy-yung. Get away, quickly, b-before he sees you."
Taehyung felt anger seeping through his head once more. He let go to really look at your face, he noticed the blackness around your eyes. He wanted to kill whoever did this to you.
Who did this?
"Ple-please just get away, before he sees you. Please. I'm begging y-."
You looked scared. In a hurry. But Taehyung wouldn't budge, wanting to calm your beating heart. He was so overwhelmed by his anger, by your tears, that he failed to hear the arrow piercing through the air and into his back straight to his heart. He still failed to realize anything.
His heart sickened by thoughts of you hurting, instead of his real physical pain. He noticed your eyes widened in horror as the blood seeped into his chest.
"N-No... no, no, no!" You touched his bleeding heart. "Please get away from here, fly away, please. He will hurt you."
Taehyung cried one single lone tear, and not because his chest got shot by another arrow, but because you told him to leave you again. Taehyung will protect you this time. You are hurt, you are his angel mate needing his protection.
Taehyung felt drowsiness entering him, maybe it was the tenth arrow that got poisoned with something else or maybe it was your hold on him and his hold on you that calmed him down.
I'll protect you.
He promised himself, surely he had bleed and it was a death promise on his part.
The moon knows, how much he loves you and wishing to always be with you.
He pulled you closer his wings are opened creating a shield so the arrow won't pierce you at all, he felt footsteps crowding him. People, not one, but multiple steps.
He pulled you closer again, if that was even possible. Spending his last energy on protecting you. He didn't miss the way your tone was desperate telling him to go back to the woods, leaving you here, to seek protection towards himself. But Taehyung only smiled at your words, welcoming another arrows on his body knowing that you care for him and that was enough. He felt the softness of your hair, he can still smell the scent he had longed to inhale, and your soft skin.
Taehyung felt his wings gripped by multiple hands, they burned his wings. He knew that he had to sacrifice himself, in order to protect you.
You wouldn't last in the place where he belongs, and you belong here. To the people who oddly didn't worship the ground that you walked on, when Taehyung was on his knees at every touch. But he will make you a deity. And he was willing to be the sacrifice.
He smelled that one odd smell, that has your scent. He didn't waste his time before he turned around and gushed the man's head on the ground. The people scurried to get away from him, the fire burned out with one swept of his wings. The powerful black swan was back.
The people eyes shone in fear, nobody moved as they all watched how the poor man, your abusive husband, was taking all the hits. It was gruesome sight to be watched. How he shreds the skin of your husband bones with ease as if he had been doing it forever. Bloods everywhere.
When he had enough he turned around again, slowly walking to your shaking body. Now on the ground. He was on his knees, facing you. He smiled, knowing you will be protected from now on.
He lifted up your chin, your eyes met his. And he swore he saw the heaven in your eyes. How could he hadn't look into it forever he didn't know.
He would die for you.
I love you.
He professed again. As the hands come back, one by one, knowing that Taehyung didn't move the hands no longer hesitated and shown no mercy since then. Humans are cruel. But you aren't, and you never were.
Taehyung knew in his heart that he was yours. You have been his mate from the day he had been alive in this world, you were destined only for him.
With each blood shredded from him, he made a death promise.
With each hands included in ripping him apart from you, would keep his love towards you alive. Their fear of him, would turned into feelings of love towards you.
With each blood ripped from him, you were loved more and more.
People might ripped his wings, but they can never ripped the love he had towards his mate.
He died with his wings ripped from him, his death was a gruesome sight to see. But his face...
Taehyung's face hold a smile, and his eyes... they were soft as if they had seen an angel themselves, even when they were lifeless.
He can be mistaken as a savior that died in a field of flower, if it weren't for the blood that was pooling around him instead.
He died with a smile, knowing that he protected his mate. Even when the mate didn't want to be protected, let alone worshipped.
The end.
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shadesoflsk · 4 months
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pairing: arthur morgan x fem reader
summary: arthur didn't believe he was worthy at all. however, you made it your duty to turn harsh words into self love.
warnings: reader is drunk, mentions of death, a bit suggestive at the end.
word count: 1.7k
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Arthur was a man of few words. Blunt and straightforward statements were his way to go. He was well-spoken, don't get it wrong. But it seemed that his knowledge in words shone the brightest when a plethora of adjectives slipped from his lips at the sight of him in the mirror.
Staring back at him, was a madman. A garbage at most. Dull, horrible, and not worthy of a penny even though a bounty was placed on him.
However, life worked in mysterious ways when someone appeared in his life. He was no longer a cloud on a sunny day but a star in a clear sky. His eyes, at least for now, had a glint that has been lost ever since…—he doesn't know when or which was the ultimate instance in which happiness left his life.
You were a sight for sore eyes, a bandaid for a wound. A one and only in a world of forever ‘ifs.’ A constant where finite was the sole possibility. And lastly, a sweet fragrance mixed with the smell of gunpowder and death. 
However, he seldom thought about a calm life. He was not deserving of silence since it meant replaying his life through his eyes. Maybe that’s why his own mind was sabotaging his happiness. Life as an outlaw at least gave him a purpose, trying not to get killed left him with no time to dwell on his own low self-esteem. 
“You ugly bastard…” Sour as always but not less honest. In his mind, it was a payback. An attempt to not be in debt with life or whatever entity above him. He didn’t deserve a good life, so a few insults at himself would make things even.
Despite the harsh words he shared with himself, there was a chirping but endearing voice that told him otherwise. Ugly would be replaced by beautiful and old with young. 
But words weren’t enough if his shell was hard to crack. Therefore, the change had to come from him and not from a third person. 
"Arthur….” An intoxicated voice called him and brought him back to reality, to his reality. Both of you have shared some drinks that led to being somewhat drunk. Alcoholic beverages affected you a tad more than him, but that didn’t mean you were unconscious.
You were indeed very conscious.
“You know I love you, right?” And perhaps his own demons subtly pull him to believe your words are just drunk rambles. Lies mixed with a hint of just neediness and stupidity. No wonder, he doesn’t let you drink. Because he now has to deal with the slow poison of not being actually loved.
Damn you.
You share a cabin, you share a room and you definitely share days in which boredom was the pillar of your new life. A boredom not less welcomed but still so foreign to the rough man. But of course, in his messed up mind that didn’t mean you loved him.
“You’re drunk…”
His insecurities drowned out any joy he could feel. Dismissing your words was easier than accepting a reality he had never experienced.
Loving himself.
“I am drunk. You’re completely right sir.” The little show you were giving him was rather amusing. He had dealt with a drunk you many times before, but now it seemed there was a sense of purpose behind your actions. 
“But I’m simply telling the truth.” A waterfall of I love you’s escaped your lips. As if every one of them tried to make its way deeper into his system and plant a seed of self-worth.  
Clumsily, your body fell on top of him. However, you were conscious enough not to knock him towards the bed but rather straddle his lap. A poor attempt at caging him and stopping him from evading your words.
A faint of irritation coursed through Arthur as your voice rose slightly. But not at you but at his own incompetence of believing your words as beautiful as they sounded. Nonetheless, he was weak when feeling the warmth of your body embracing his. A reminder of you being alive and well next to him.
“Quit your rambling and sleep, you drunken fool lady.” His words may have sounded harsh but deep down, a tender tone hid behind his call out. Especially with how his hands protected you from falling. 
A smile formed on your face as you felt Arthur’s hands on your lower back. A few months ago, you had told him you felt safe with him, his reply was no more than a scoff but that moment wouldn’t leave his mind. And although he could only see the hands of a killer, he ought to protect you no matter what.
That was the least he could do.
“You may say that but…” Your hand caressed his stubbled cheek. “Drunk words are…” A hiccup escaped your lips. “Drunk words are sober thoughts.”
And they damn were. Even when alcohol wasn’t running through your veins as it does now. I love you’s were more common than greetings at this point.
“You ain’t makin’ any sense, woman.” He whispered, brushing back some hair that was sticking to your forehead.
“You don’t make any sense either, Arthur Morgan.” You replied, this time a bit more serious than all of your previous ‘yapping’.
He groans, knowing you were right. There were days in which his existence didn’t make any sense, at least for him. 
You knew that this simple talk wouldn’t do anything to the so-wounded Arthur. His heart has built an armor so strong that not even truthful words could destroy it. You shifted in his lap and slowly moved closer to him.
“Let’s do something else.” A glint appeared in your eyes as you came up with an idea to sort out the root of the problem.
However, Arthur completely misunderstood your intentions.
“I ain’t doin’ nothing with you. Look at the state you’re in.” He stated firmly. 
“You fool of a man. It ain’t nothing to do with that sort of thing.” You softly punched him in his chest, not really aiming to hurt him but rather reprimand him. 
“Just… hear me out, okay?” Your eyes locked with his blue-ish ones. Amidst the drunken state you were in, your intentions were as clear as if you were sober. “You’re gonna repeat after me, got it?”
“I don’t like this.” Arthur muttered, his nose scrunching up a bit.
You paid no mind, already getting your plan to work. “Listen closely.” 
A hint of curiosity flashed through his eyes as he couldn’t really make out what you wanted him to do. 
“I love you.”
Arthur rolled his eyes at your words. Words he had heard (and said) so much. But there was not a day he did not yearn to hear it from your lips. 
He couldn’t help but sigh, a facade to hide how much he was starting to let himself drown in the feeling.
“I love you.” He finally obliged, his eyes squinting when he saw you grinning.
“Oh honey… I know.” You cooed but your chuckles were obvious to a confused Arthur. You were light-heartedly teasing him.  “But you were supposed to change the ‘I’ for ‘You’ and the ‘you’ for ‘me,’ silly”
“That’s not what the word ‘repeat’ means.” His words are accompanied by his own self of teasing. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea.
“Shut up Arthur….” 
“A little demanding for someone who can’t even sit straight on my lap.” And finally, a feeble smile adorned his face. 
“Go on.” You frowned, already waiting to continue with the little game or experiment you were both taking part in.
“You love me?” He repeated questioningly, expecting some kind of correction on your part.
“Very much.” You emphasized, letting your words linger in the air for a bit before coming up with another phrase, another affirmation he had to repeat. “Now… ‘I’m worthy’.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, he hadn’t even said the word yet and it already felt so foreign to him. Worthy of what?
“Say what?” He feigned ignorance, knowing damn well what your little plan was. A playful smile was on his face.
“Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t suit you.” You persisted, not allowing him to escape from the inevitable. “Repeat it.”
You gently held his face, your noses brushing in an endearing display of affection. And for a few seconds, both of you just stayed there, embracing the warmth of shared love and unspoken intimacy. 
Maybe he was indeed worthy. Worthy of having someone next to him every time he wakes up. Worthy of having a warm meal every day, and having someone he could so easily love.
Both of you are grinning like idiots, you were drunk on alcohol and he was in the love you were—or rather always provided. 
Reluctantly, slowly, and carefully. He thought about those two words and let them set in his brain before saying them. 
“I’m worthy.” He finally repeated… or confessed? His mind was still adamant to believe it. But acceptance is the first step for a change and you have taught him about the art of betterment.
A lump formed in his throat as he looked into your loving eyes. A feeling of purpose suddenly rushed back to him. After all these years, this was the first time he actually felt worthy. 
“So worthy…” A loving kiss was pressed against his lips. Your words were a silent prayer and the dim room was your sacred place. If God existed he surely did an amazing job forgiving him. 
Arthur’s eyes fluttered closed as your lips locked with his. He was no stranger to your affection but damn he would never say no to them. A strange sense of hope washed over him, maybe this was the beginning of a new era.
He had everything, it was time to enjoy it.
“So worthy…” He repeated even though he wasn’t mean to. Those were your words, but now he managed to sing them as if they were a song he was learning. 
And the phrase was repeated over and over that night. When your eyes got tired of being opened and when the alcohol finally took its toll on you. It was repeated when you finally fell asleep and he admired the face of his life partner. And it was repeated over the course of days, when he found his home inside of you, letting his body show how much he adored you.
Arthur was a man of few words. But now, his mental dictionary was completed and the insults were soon replaced with only words of affection.
Worthy of life and love.
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