#all churches are dicks
welcometogrouchland · 4 months
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♫ I do what I want/Crying in the bleachers and I said it was fun/I don't need anything from anyone ♫
(ID in Alt) you guys ever think about your own posts and get upset?? Anyway Damian Wayne I love you I'm so sorry your life is like that
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dreamaruu · 3 months
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Hello RvBGTBQ+ community
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kapkant7 · 2 years
My biyearly "getting back into Red Vs. Blue and hyper fixating on it for a few weeks" just started.
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p0kern1ght · 1 year
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long time no rvb post?!!??!??!?! reds how we feeling?!?!??!?!?!?!
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ranticore · 14 days
hi hello i'm early into TVM and i gotta say i'm fascinated with the concept of moral execution. it's such an interesting sort of loophole and it has a really strong Narrative Flavor about it... i was wondering if this is based on/influenced by any particular real life practices or if it's wholly original, i'd love to know more abt that thought process. i like your guys
hiiii thank you so much for asking! for everyone else's context, 'moral execution' in inver (well, suzette really, but it has spread north) is a rare religious practice whereby a member of the clergy is symbolically executed, an effigy is burnt at the stake, and the person is given funeral rites per tradition. they are then free to break church law - particularly church moral laws - in the SOLE pursuit of the church's goals, because those laws apply to the living only. typically, after the individual has completed whatever duties assigned to them, they are killed for realsies, with the gap between their symbolic execution and their real execution simply being an extension of the time it takes for the soul to leave a dead body. so the soul is considered to have left the body before those illegal duties.
the church of suzette considers experimentation with magic (particularly faery magic) to be immoral and an executable offence, so in the context of the story. this is the reason for this particular practice to take place (so the church can experiment without being accused of hypocrisy or appearing to endorse magic)
i don't want to explain TOO much about the origins but it comes from two different 'sources'. number one is all wrapped up in the dead/undead theming in the story. each of the main characters is in some way already dead to their own society, this was just islin catching up (he is, metaphorically, undead). the rangers for example are only allowed to operate because they are also in some ways legally dead. and so on. narratively, all of the main characters in the story (except jean because he's built different) are 'undead' people all trying to come to terms with their death in some way shape or form (that sounds crazy but it WILL make sense i promise)
for the practice itself i wanted something that felt believably catholic lol. the church irl is very arcane and a lot of its rituals seem extremely esoteric, and it's also a deeply hypocritical institution that breaks its own laws all the time (but what's new). i wanted to create something that sort of enshrined that core of "we condemn this, but we're also going to secretly try it out". it is an excuse for them and a handy one too but also it's rooted in genuine belief about funerary rites and practices that the suzettes hold.
it's not based directly on any real religious or cultural traditions and if it resembles any, it's unintentional
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max-nolastname · 2 years
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Gotham Knights in Montreal (Oct 2023)
Film (Pentax K1000, 400)
Nightwing by Jonathan Bergeron
Robin by Kevin Ledo
Batgirl by L.A.L.A.
Red Hood by Mort
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swampstew · 7 months
Someone in my neighborhood thinks we're going to hell and need to be saved, based on the Christian prayer packet someone stuck in my door from - checks dinky paper - fucking Oklahoma??
Anyways the only thing to do is create an outside altar of Sun God Nika right?
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morbidbblu3 · 2 months
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
if you’re an atheist who spends their day telling religious people they’re lesser somehow for being religious, I hate you and I hope you have a horrible day.
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randomnameless · 11 months
I've heard you mention before how bad the Zahras chapter is in terms of characterization for the three lords, especially Dimitri, but can you specify the reasons why?
Thanks to the datamine, I can finally get those lines without having to screencap everything from youtube!
For Dimitri, Claude says this :
I'm just gonna come out and say it: After the war, I'm going to abolish the Central Church and depose the archbishop. The people of Fódlan have been shackled by this decrepit system for too long, and I'm ending it.
So okayyy...
Claude just says he has some beef with the person Dimitri welcomed as a refugee. Why?
That's right. Think about it. Who steals your freedom and gives you an endless list of duties and obligations simply because you have a Crest?
Dimitri's obligations and duties are his, not because he has a crest, but because he is a King - just like King of Almyra would have obligations and duties not to let his own people starve or be used as meatshields in Saturday raids, or letting his spurned son mount the biggest invasion ever because he's too busy mopping about his missing son, but apparently the King of Almyra doesn't give a fuck about his people.
And while yes, Dimitri is a King because he was born with a crest as Lambert's son... The need to have a crested King never came from the Church, and let's be real, Dimitri, as the character we know, feels like he has a duty to people and wishes to help because he is Dimitri, even if he was crestless like Ashe, Dimitri would want to help (just like Ashe!).
Who forces you and your friends into a bunch of unwanted marriages and positions of power?
That's not the Church, for sure, but the feudal notion of nobility - even if, let's be real, it is completely hypocritical for Claude to say this, because the same notion of nobility also exists in places around the continent where the CoS has no sway like... Almyra?
And about the unwanted marriages, again, Claude knows (or should know) Lorenz and his marriage problems, it is not the Church who forces people in unwanted marriages, but the responsibilities that come with being a Noble - Lorenz marrying Marianne means both house Gloucester and House Edmund are strengthened and could work more closely, maybe being able to rival Riegan or even overtake them in an "importance" contest, Lorenz marrying Leonie means... House Gloucester stays House Gloucester.
It's also hilarious because AG has a NPC talking about her marriage to House Gautier (I think?), and she never mentions the Church, rather mentions how she ultimately loves her husband.
The church even forbids any official contact with outside regions!
Source : my chamber pot
Dimitri knows well, after having seen Rhea helping Duscurian refugees, that the Church does not forbid contact with "outside regions", hell, Faerghus and Duscur were on relative good grounds, before the Regicide.
Not exactly great for Faerghus, right? Being as close to Sreng and Albinea as you are.
If Faerghus has sour relationships with Sreng, it's because of border raids, but of course a Prince of Almyra will never talk about this :)
And we know Albinea trades a lot with Fodlan, in general, if their damn fruits being in every region is any indication - or this tidbit from the Book detailing the Royal Territories of Faerghus :
Dominic A small but beautiful barony. Its coastal cities have become a hub of commerce through trade with Albinea.
Too bad Claude speaks, again, with confidence, about something he doesn't know, but can you imagine a micro-second that Dimitri doesn't know who Dominic trades with? Gilbert, a second son of House Dominic, is pious to a fault - but apparently he never bothers telling his brother that trading with Albinea is BaD, so...
Claude, again, is presenting the contents of his chamber pot to Dimitri, asking him to trust him based on those.
Claude continues, after assuring Dimitri that Faerghus isn't his goal !
And really, our enemy isn't the actual church so much as the people at the top who make all the decisions.
Rhea BaD
So it's not even about the Church in General, but apparently, Rhea (as the people at the top) makes the decisions to, uh, prevent the world from interacting with Fodlan (but there are Morfis merchants in Garreg Mach???) - the same woman who, in AG, we hear busies herself helping children and refugees from Duscur after a fire or what not.
(And that's not talking about the kind of official "contact" Adrestia had with Brigid and Sreng...)
I'm sorry Claude, but if the Alliance doesn't want to have any "official" contact with Almyra, it's not because Rhea forbids said contact, but it's because your father, your brother and your retainer (?) Nader apparently do not see anything wrong with a penis measuring contest that consists in raiding, "rampaging" and "bringing souvenirs" from Fodlan for funsies.
So, after playing 12 chapters in AG where Dimitri knows what Rhea does, we could expect some rebuttal, right?
I understand where you're coming from, Claude, and on a personal level I actually agree with you.
Dimi, no :(
But as King, he is opposed, not because a King has to use his head and can't do stupid shit on a whim (like marrying the still current wife of a foreign leader!)
Yes, for three reasons. First, abolishing the church would deny the king's right to rule Faerghus. Without one, the people will descend into chaos and war. Would you be able to take responsibility for such a thing, once it came to pass?
My Bad!
That mention of the King's right to rule Faerghus coming from the Church was nonsensical during the discourse days, and still is, after Nopes.
If the Kingdom's name is "Holy", remember that a name and a history doesn't mean a thing when people don't want to follow it - again, remember what happened with Adrestia? They pissed on the Church, Rhea acting as a witness is a custom you can ignore whenever you want, and they are actually waging a war against the Church of Seiros, when Seiros herself fucking created (together with Willy!) the country who has her own symbol on their flag!
Faerghus won its independence against Adrestia, Church or no Church, Faerghus existed by fucking over the Empire (as it was led by Loog). Without the Church, and faced with a powerful Empire, are we really supposed to think Faerghians won't rally behind Loog's scion to, hm, protect them or at least ensure their continued independence from Adrestia?
Second, recklessly discarding the church will only incite discord among the clergy and its supporters.
This is a somewhat valid reason, as we know, the CoS helped the Kingdom in recent times, especially after the regicide. But they are also currently helping the Kingdom against Supreme Leader's war of conquest, let it be by taking care of randoms or sending its knights to support Faerghus.
Also, the Kingdom operates on "shat upon by this game" notions of gratitude, love and loyalty - unlike Adrestia, if Supreme Leader's stunt of backstabbing the CoS after they helped her get rid of "corruption" in the Empire is any indication. And I doubt the same Kingdom folk would readily accept it if their King suddenly got rid of the organisation/woman who helped them so much during their time of need.
And finally, a revolution of this nature will not only mean casualties among the commonfolk, but will endanger your own life as well.
I will have to check the JP text because this "revolution" word is a bit contrived - there's no revolution if you're just kicking out a religious organisation in YOUR Kingdom - but yes, commonfolk will be pissed (maybe take up weapons?) even if I'm pretty sure some "noblefolk" will also be pissed at this decision.
And because Dimitri worries about everyone - save for Rhea and the church apparently because they BaD - he also worries about Claude's life.
Leaving the first two for a second, I have some serious issues with that last one. I'm glad you're concerned for my safety, but I can take care of myself
Claude really replies with "leaving logic aside" and the commonfolk casualties he doesn't give a fuck about if GW is any indication, uwu don't worry about me I can watch over myself :)
Ah, good ol' Plot Armor :)
But don't you see? The people you wish to depose are human, just as you are.
Hahahan hilarious Dimitri, those people aren't human ! Supreme Leader told me!
No matter what ingenious scheme you come up with or how careful you try to be, they will suffer.
Is he trying to appeal to Claude's compassion and moral fiber? The guy who is, in GW, invading his country for funsies, staging a double invasion with Sreng forces who are just used as decoy/fodder?
And their vengeance will eventually find you, no matter how hard you try to stave it off. I know full well the guilt that accompanies such actions…and the retribution they provoke
Lol, no.
Who can give a fuck about the suffering of Nabateans/Church folk? Being backstabbed by everyone because of propaganda, and needing to die for reasons as consistent as a baby's first purée?
"don't do that Claude, Rhea will be angry and swear vengeance against you, and blablabla cycle of hatred and retributions and blabla"
Everyone has to deal with the consequences of their decisions. If you let it rule you, Fódlan never changes.
Says Mister "I abolished a Republic and created a Kingdom in the land that used to say "we bow to no king and to no emperor" " or "I'm invading your land and killing your people" or even "I'm enrolling Almyrans in my army who will rampage and bring souvenirs and the Leicesterians (?) are totally okay with it!" ?
Claude who never ever faces any consequences for his bonkers decision through the entire game? That guy? Talks about "dealing with the consequences"? Fodlan changing is more important than Fodlan dying?
(at least that's how it was for the Alliance turned Federation...)
But not taking the time to look where you're going will only lead you to stumble and fall. And if there are those who would be hurt by this, I consider it my duty to help them.
Dimitri wants to help... Claude, who would be hurt with this "revolution", but dgaf about getting rid of the Church, aka Rhea/Seteth/the clergy who would also, obviously, be "hurt" by this stupid idea?
Heh. There you go, trying to save everyone again. You really are too good for me!
Not everyone, as we all understood - the Church can burn :)
To be honest, I'm jealous of how you're not burdened with the same restrictions.
"tbh Claude, I'm jealous of how you don't give a fuck about the number of deaths your actions are causing"
Are we... sure that's Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd talking here? Really? Wasn't he body snatched by Chilon?
Forgot OOC, this line wouldn't even be said by this character.
In the world I'm trying to create, you wouldn't be burdened by them either. You could even… No, forget that. I'm serious about what I said, though. And I really do admire how you want to save everyone. Honestly, if you weren't a king, I think we could've been friends.
"In my world, you too wouldn't give a fuck about the deaths/suffering your actions are creating! You're only worried about them because you are king! But if you weren't, you could be an amoral asshole, just like me! Could we be fwends in an AU plz?"
I feel much the same. Had I joined with you, I might have been able to see a different vision of Fódlan.
Sadly, Dimitri isn't able to throw his compassion and morals to the trashcan, so he cannot join Claude !
And if you consider this line can be said during the GW events (remember, the invasion, killing Matthias, killing his soldiers and his people, etc etc), this is even more insulting.
So, as a good friend said, this Zahrofl convo shits on FE16!Claude (but the games is all about it), but more importantly, it is the only place in the game where Dimitri is Nopes'd, aka, his character does a 180° and/or is butchered because the plot demands so.
Like, anon, can you imagine a second, Dimitri, the Dimitri, wishing he too, couldn't "be burdened"' by the suffering he creates?
Imo, it's on par with Supreme Leader suddenly loving the sun and loving to swim. That character wouldn't be Supreme Leader, just like the person in this convo, isn't Fodlan's Dimitri (tfw Engage's Emblem!Dimitri is more faithful to IS's idea of Dimitri than Nopes lol).
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skitzlee · 3 months
btw people shocked that the elden ring dlc is criticizing marika & the golden orders clear crusades against people of different faiths and essentially colonizing the lands between & land of shadows in order to implement their insanely predatory religion (which says any god beyond the greater will is HERETICAL and BAD and SCARY) ….. if you are shocked that any institution that forces its beliefs onto the indigenous people of a land are viewed by those people as villains …….. then im sorry but maybe pause the unga bunga for five seconds and read literally a single npc’s dialogue
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brionysea · 3 months
take me to church by hozier: that's a fine looking high horse what you got in the stable-
me, pelting it at my batfam playlist: BRUCE WAYNE CORE
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cuntylittlesalmon · 8 months
hm… i’ve written like 3k words in two days
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ozymoron · 10 months
question who is ai art even for? like do people genuinely enjoy making it? do they like feel like theyre actually making art or something? do they feel like accomplished after making it like the same way you would feel after actually finishing a drawing? is it just for the thrill of being able to make art with an ai?? i get the money aspect where they just wanna sell ai art which has so many problems and im sure that wont last long but like outside of that whats the point?
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
(Uh, hi. Currently doing my first 3 Hopes playthrough)
Anyways, Shez, Mercedes, Raphael, and Rodrigue are the only characters that passed the vibe check on how they treated Ashe (so far at least). Everyone else should reconsider their life choices
#fe3h#ashe duran#vent post#the audacity of everyone to be rude to Ashe#of all the characters they couldve made suffer they chose the one thats never done anything wrong before in his life#to address some counterpoints i feel like will come up:#“Dimitri wasnt a dick to Ashe. he gave him that order-”#so i hate that order for plot reasons as i feel it removes a lot of Ashe's agency#it takes him from where he was in the original game when he had to actually evaluate his views on the kingdom. the church. and knighthood#where he actually thought about his own beliefs and values and who he wanted to fight for#to someone just following orders#Ashe does have a tendency to default to what authority tells him to do in situations where theres no right answer#but hes also contemplative and comes to his own conclusions eventually#and his own conclusions are always something hes passionate about and believes in#but this time around it seemed like he hated his decisions. was just committing to the bit. and wanted to die#as for why i think Dimitri himself is a dick for that order:#why the fuck would you send Ashe to fight his dad??? and why didnt you tell anyone else about that order???#“well they wanted to go a different direction with the support so thats why there arent repeats-”#ok but they couldve shown him talking with his friends from the previous game around camp#or paralogs#or unique dialog#they did it with Lorenz/Ferdie/Constance and Lysithea/Edelgard#im not asking for like a 3 part support chain. i just want someone to check in on him#cuz at this point i wouldnt be surprised if his end card was just a suicide note#i want ashe to have supports with Bernie. Dorothea. Lindhardt. and Lonato so bad it makes me look stupid#i am filled with salt and rage
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saltedsolenoid · 1 year
7.2............./.............. *drops dead*
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[Methinks that what they call my shadow here on earth is my true substance. Methinks that in looking at things spiritual, we are too much like oysters observing the sun through the water, and thinking that thick water the thinnest of air. Methinks my body is but the lees of my better being. In fact take my body who will, take it I say, it is not me.]
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