#all I want is to get three clean rounds no injury no mistakes
Secretly Shot
Pairings: Wandanat x R || avengers (platonic) x R
Word count: 2K
TW: Injury, getting shot, hiding injuries, angst (with happy ending), arguments (with wanda and nat and you), mean avengers (cuz they’re annoyed), hate, fainting (kinda), blame,
Summary: you and the team are at odds, what happens when you go on a misson without them and get hurt?
A/n Kinda more angst than I normally do but it was fun to write. Hope you like it :)
It wasn’t uncommon for little squabbles between the three of you but this time it was different. wanda, Natasha and you had been arguing at the top of your lungs. and no matter how much you loved them and you knew they loved you you worried they would leave you for being difficult and needy. you know they were stressed but it didn’t make you feel any better.
“y/n I’m so sick of you always mess things up. you never do anything right. always causing problems.” nat yelled and wanda piled on the sentiment.
“y/n if you cant just stay out of trouble for once i-i. argh. just stop making issues we always have to clean up after.” wanda said angrily. you knew they were just stressed but it still hurt. the last mission had ended when you made a mistake and weeks of prep had been for nothing. the team was angry with you but none had yelled at you. but you knew wanda and nat had spent many sleepless nights on recon missions for this and you had blown it.
after the two of them stormed out you angrily packed a bag and retreated back to your old room. angrily wiping away tears jarvis summoned you to the conference room.
after a tense ride in the lift with clint who wouldn’t look at you, you slunk into the conference room. fury had a mission for you. you tried not to cry. all you wanted was for your girls to hold you but you knew that wouldn’t happen any time soon. what you didn’t know was that they already felt horrible and were trying to find you.
“when do i leave?” you asked fury who gave you a sympathetic look he knew the team was blaming you.
“right away. but i get it if you want to say goodby-“
“No. I’m ready.” you said.
“ok jet leaves in five.” he said dismissing you. you slunk back to your room took your suit and made your way to the jet not bothering to say goodbye to anyone. if they wanted to know where you were they could ask jarvis. about three hours later the jet touched down in Moscow.
wanda and nat were beside themselves with worry. Jarvis had told them you had left on a mission and they were wreaked. you never left without saying goodbye to them. they knew how dangerous your line of work was so they always made sure to have proper goodbyes. but what worried them most was you going on a mission when the last time they saw you you had looked like a kicked puppy. they wished they could take it all back but no matter how forgiving you may be this was something they knew would take time.
the mission had been going well. you had almost made it the whole way uneducated. it was a solo mission, no backup so you had to be stealthy. but as you slipped through the long hallways of hydra you rounded a corner to find a large group of guards. one spotted you and you dove to hide behind the corner again but one managed to shoot you. the bullet hit your shoulder and you let out a strangled cry. grateful it hasn’t hit you in the leg you took off. making it back to the jet you quickly took off. the mission had been successful but you worried how the team would react to you messing up another mission. you couldn’t loose this job. you wanted to be an avenger. you always had. if you lost this job you lost everything.
after setting the jet on autopilot, you began to strip off the top half of your suit until you sat there with it down by your waist and in a sports bra. carefully you did you best to clean and bandage the wound and you silently thanked bruce for the mini first aid course he had given you when you joined. it was hard because you couldn’t see it properly but you hoped it was clean. the bullet had gone through and from what you could tell as you stitched it up it hadn’t hit anything important.
After you finished wrapping the bandage around your shoulder you went back to the cockpit after cleaning up all traces of your injury and had put away the first aid kit just as it had been before.
after dozing lightly in the cockpit jarvis alerted you that you were getting close to the compound. you switched off autopilot and landed the jet lightly.
wanda and nat heard jarvis alert them you had arrived back and they caught you in the hall by the med bay on their way to find you.
“y/n? are you hurt? did you see bruce?” nat said narrowing her eyes. truth be told you hadn’t, the team couldn’t know you messed up again. you could deal with it yourself. their eyes landed on your bloodied suit. you had stolen some supplies from the med bay and they were hidden in your bag.
“this bloods not mine.” you lied with anger still in your voice. “now i need to get back to write my mission report so if you don’t mind, get out of my way.” you growled still mad they had made you feel so awful earlier. wanda flinched slightly at your tone and nat’s glare returned. you pushed past them, hiding a wince as you jostled your shoulder slightly. the two girls let you go and you almost cried at how easily they had, you almost wanted them to fight you on it. but at least they would honour your wishes.
you set the bag down the the bed and opened your laptop to start the report. typing hurt your shoulder so you began to write it with your right hand only. it took almost double as long and so halfway you decided to take a shower. as you stood the world tilted and you balanced yourself against the wall. hobbling slowly to the shower you stripped and showered trying to keep the wound dry. after you threw away the blood-soaked bandages and rewrapped it carefully. it was better this time as you had a mirror but unfortunately you could see how poor the stitches were and how red and angry the wound looked. you winced as you finished dressing it. you knew you needed to see bruce, to get it treated properly but you couldn’t see anymore disappointment on the faces of your team without crying. you changed into comfy loose clothes and Wanda’s hoodie before curling up in bed again with your laptop to finish the report. you knew you had to write about the injury so you gave the basic details. although as you finished up your eyes drooped. they were heavy and you struggled to stay away. in the low light you drifted off seeing it as nothing but being tired.
it was a mere few minutes later that a knock came on the door. At the lack of response wanda hesitated before opening the door. her and nat peered in to the dimly lit room. they saw a lump in the bed and slowly came in not turning on the light. wanda carefully took the laptop from your knees and nat nudged your shoulder to wake you up. when you didn’t stir she removed her hand. it felt wet and sticky and as she looked at it her heart stuttered. it was covered in blood. looking back at your shoulder she saw a dark patch covering your left side as blood seeped out of the wound.
“wanda bring the laptop and come with me.” nat said scooping you up. wanda looked up at the urgency in her girlfriends voice and immediately gasped as she saw your bloody shoulder.
“dammit y/n/n.” she said stifling tears. the two of them rushed to the med bay with you in Nat’s arms.
when they arrived wanda began skimming your report to give the information to bruce to treat you better. her breath caught in her throat as she released you and been shot. she couldn’t help the tears that fell when she realised you felt you couldn’t tell them.
“whats going on?” bruce said.
“y/n/n was shot on her mission.” wanda said and bruce and Natasha took off your clothes leaving you in the fluffy pants and a sports bra. bruce winced at the sight of the bloodied bandages knowing he didn’t do them. carefully he cut them off and gasped at the sight of the poorly done stitches. no wonder you had passed out, the stitches had barely stopped the bleeding and you were loosing too much blood. carefully and with wanda and nat watching on he cut the stitches, checked the wound and redid them in much neater rows. after about seven stitches he tied off the last one and rewrapped the wound. he fiddled with an iv as he began to give you some more blood to replace what you had lost. wanda and nat watched with bated breath. they felt awful. this was all their fault.
they sat in silence by your bedside as bruce went back to his office to give them some privacy. after a few minutes they heard you groan and they both sat up straighter almost in unison.
“y/n/n?” wanda said stroking the hair from your face. nat held you hand as you groaned again.
“aww bubs your ok.” nat said
“your in the sick bay baby you passed out.” wanda cooed.
“why didn’t you tell us you were hurt.” nat said frowning slightly.
“didn’t want you to be disappointed again.” you mumbled still on a-lot of pain meds.
wanda’s heart broke audibly as nat somehow felt worse.
“no detka you could never disappoint us. never ever.” wanda said.
“but i messed up.” you mumbled eyes glossy with tears.
“baby we will love you no matter what.” nat said using her thumb to rub circles over your knuckles. wanda was quick to wipe away the tears that fell down your cheeks as your chest shook.
“honey we are so sorry and you hope you can forgive us. you didn’t need that stress right now we just need to focus on getting you better sweets.” wanda cooed.
“i already have.” you muttered and nat gave a sad smile. they knew you had a kind heart, you had forgiven them almost straight away but that didn’t make the two girls feel less guilty about their actions.
“sleep now bubs, we’re not going anywhere.” nat said and you shuffled over with a wince indicating you wanted cuddled with sleepy grabby hands.
wanda chuckled “I’m not sure we’ll all fit baby.” and at your pout wanda knew she couldn’t say no. careful of your IV she picked you up and laid you on-top of her as nat came and laid beside wanda as she threw an arm over your lower back. wanda’s hands came to your hair to give you a scalp massage as you rested you head into the side of her neck. you hummed softly and drifted off the sleep knowing you were safe in the arms of your girls.
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itsthestutterforme · 6 months
Who Loves a Party? 2/2 (Soft!Dark!Rafe Cameron x Pogue!reader)
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Summary: When you finally get home after spending the day with Rafe, you come home to a bloody scene.
Warnings/Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, Heyward!reader, violent themes (assault, throat punching, threatening with a knife and a gun), dark!reader, dark!Rafe
Prompt credit @writing-with-emy : “Why are you staring at me like that?” “I think I just finally understood you.”
And just like that, everything went to shit. That day you fell back asleep with Rafe, you returned home at sundown. You were met with judgmental stares from Pope and JJ.
They must have spent all this time waiting for you. “Were you really with Rafe all this time?” Pope questioned.
“That’s not any of your business, Pope.” “I’ll take that as a yes,”
“Why was your phone off, huh? We needed you.” JJ scolds. “I must have put Do Not Disturb on- wait, what do you mean you needed me?”
“Look in the kitchen,”
You rolled your eyes at your their childish antics when you saw your father in the kitchen with a bag of ice pressed to his forehead and dried blood on his face.
“Oh my God. What the hell happened?” You rushed into the kitchen and gingerly took the ice away so you could get a better look at his face.
“Everything’s okay, sweetie.” He reassured with a pained groan.
“No, you’re not okay.” He had a busted lip, and some bruising on his left cheek and the corner of his forehead, which indicates he was struck with something. Mostly likely metal.
Judging by the dried blood, he has been like this for at least two hours. He must have fell unconscious from the injuries.
“He was like this when he got home last night,” Pope says, walking into the kitchen from the living room.
“Then why haven’t you taken him to the hospital yet?” You scold.
“I tried to convince him but he refused. We would have had better luck if you were here instead of-“ “Now is not the time, Pope.” You warn, sending him a serious look.
“You could have at least clean him up, dude.” “He woke up just now. He’s been sleeping most of the day and he’s barely been talking to anyone.” He explains and you held onto your Dad’s shoulders to steady him while you continued to ask him questions.
“Who did this to you, papa?” You asked, taking note of his eyes moving in circles like he was dizzy.
“Papa?” You repeat. “I’m okay, honey. Did you have fun at the party, sweetheart?”
You furrowed your eyebrows when he stumbled over his words. He groans and covered his ears with a pained expression.
With your mom attending a business summit and your father in this state, it was your responsibility to take care of things now.
“I think he has a concussion. We need to get him to the urgent care.” You deduce, slinging one of his arms around your shoulders.
You looked to Pope and he does the same with the other arm.
“Wait but what if they call the police and want him to file a report?” JJ questions, following you and Pope down the hallway.
You opened the door before cautiously walking down the stairs and towards his truck. “Then we’ll file a report, JJ. This is my dad we’re talking about.”
You instructed your dad to climb into the car and he follows what you said. “Pope, I need you to grab a paper bag from inside the house.” You commanded.
“Why?” “Because if it is a concussion, he’s going to puke any minute.” You round the truck to the drivers side but JJ stops you.
“I know he’s your dad, okay? I get it. I just.. what if the guy who did this finds out and comes back?” He justifies.
“Then I’ll be waiting for him with my daddy’s shot gun.” You pushed past him and hopped into the drivers seat, honking the horn for Pope to hurry up.
You were fuming.
Your father was driven from the urgent care to the hospital so they could keep them for observation.
One day turned into three days. The first day was exhausting between the paperwork, the MRIs, CTs and Deputy Shoupe coming by to collect your statement, you barely had any time to think.
But it was your job to hold down the fort when your parents weren’t there. So that’s exactly what you were doing to do.
You spent the night in the hospital with him for the first night and the nurse didn’t allow you to for a second time.
She reassured you and you would be her first call when he wakes. And although a part of you felt bad about it, you were waiting for the nurse to step in so you can start your search.
It wasn’t until the fourth day that he was up and talking. You sent Pope to the hospital to keep an eye on him while you did some research for your own.
You logged into the security camera your dad installed a few months ago and scrubbed the video until you came across a rugged looking man with blonde hair and a beard.
From the looks of it, he was 5’10 and had a stocky build. And he looked oddly similar to the man you saw Rafe talking to in the Square when you were on your usual morning run.
Rafe had something to do with this. He was the one you needed to talk to. And it was going to be nothing like the last time you hung out.
“Rafe!” You knocked on the door harshly.
You wondered why he was so far away from Figure Eight at a of the house a few minutes away from the Cut.
“Rafe, opened the door.” “Who the hell is that, man?” Barry asks Rafe. He thought it sounded like you but there was no way it was you.
How would you know where he was? Rafe asked himself.
Barry grabbed his gun from his bedroom and rushed to open the door with the gun outstretched.
“What the fuck is that?” You asked with a gasp, pointing somewhere in the house.
When he looked over his shoulder, you grip the barrel of the gun and pulled back to extract the bullet from the chamber.
You punch Barry’s throat and he drops to his knees. He cradles his neck and gasped for air when you took the gun from his shaky hands.
Rafe was standing by the couch when you entered the house, removing the magazine the gun and tossing it out the window.
He was stuck on his quickly you disarmed Barry. Where did you learn to fight like that?
“Y/N? How did you know I was here?” He asks, taking a step towards you.
“I found that little app you downloaded on my phone to track me. Then I reverse engineered it to track you instead.”
“Shit,” he bows his head in disappointment.
“Yeah. You forget that I’m a Heyward too.” You set the empty gun on the table and brought out your switch blade.
“Whoa, whoa. Come on, Y/N. Talk to me.” Rafe raises his hands to show that he wasn’t a threat.
“Did you know?”
“Did I know what?”
“Did you know what your buddy was going to do? Is that why you brought me back to your place? To distract me?”
Rafe’s confused expression started to made you think that maybe you didn’t recognize the guy on the CCTV.
Or maybe that’s exactly what Rafe wanted you to think.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Y/N.”
“When I spent the day with you after the party, my father was attacked by the man I saw you talking with in the Square, Rafe. The fucker put my dad in the hospital.”
“Oh my God- wait, you think I had something to do with this?”
“That’s what I’m here to find out. Sit down.” He complies and crosses his arms as he stares at you pacing back and forth.
“Did you know?” You asked slowly, desperate for answers. “Of course not. I.. I would never do that to you. You know how I feel about you.”
“No, I don’t actually. For all I know, you could be saying that to every girl from here to Figure Eight.”
He nods at your words, tongue in cheek and leans his back into the couch. “What do you want to know?”
“Who is he?” “He’s Carla Limbrey’s half brother. A veteran. He’s been doing Carla’s dirty work since he got here.” He explains.
“Where does he live?” You asked, smoothing your thumb over the flat part of the blade.
“No, Y/N.” “Answer the question, Rafe.” “I said no. He’s unhinged and he’s dangerous.” “
“My dad has a concussion Rafe. He been asleep for two days. Someone needs to pay for that in blood and it has to be him.”
“It’s more than just him, okay? He’s brought in buddies he was in the service with. And while I’m sure you’re capable of taking down one guy, you can’t take down four of them.” He stands up from couch, not paying the knife in your hand any mind.
“Whatever fantasy you’ve made up about me isn’t real, Rafe. I am a Pogue. I’ve done some Pogue shit to survive and I’m about to do some Pogue shit to him. It’s in your best interest if you just get out of my way.”
“Look, I respect your father. I respect you. You think I would find out what his plans were and not tell you? You really don’t trust me?”
“I don’t trust anyone,” you take a few steps toward him.
“I would never hurt you, okay? Just put the knife down.” He raises his hand and slowly took the blade from your hand.
You watch him click the knife closed and set it down next to the empty gun.
He stares at you with soft eyes and you shake your head at him.
“If you won’t tell me where he is, I’ll find out myself.” You rushed out of the house, knowing that Rafe will try to stop you.
Barry is sitting down, leaning his back against the wall in the hallway still regulating his breathing.
But you didn’t have to heart to hurt Rafe. Your threats were empty and you both knew it.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he repeats, running after you and wrapping his arms around you before you could reach for the car door.
He holds you flush into his chest, resting his head on nape of your neck.
“I’m sorry about your Dad. He didn’t deserve that. He’s a good man.” He consoles and you released a shaky breath.
He rubs the sides of your arms, you could feel the tears threatening to brim in your eyes. Your hands loosely wrap around his forearm but you didn’t pry him away from you.
“What’s this really about, Y/N?” He pulls away when you turn around to face him.
“It’s the only thing I have control over.” You said in defeat.
“My dad’s in the hospital and even though he’s awake and talking, they’re still keeping him for observation in case things get worse. My mom is barely home so I’m the one who has to take care of the house and the business and the boys. I have to act like I have everything together so Pope doesn’t panic but I’m just barely holding on. And I don’t know how much of this I can take, so taking this son of a bitch down is the only thing I can control right now.” You rant, your shoulders visibly relaxing the more you spoke.
You finished your rant to find Rafe staring at you intensely as if he was trying to read your mind.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” You asked slowly, a stray tear trailing down your cheek.
“I think I just finally understood you.” He said after a long pause.
You find yourself resting the side of your face against his chest letting out a satisfied sigh when he cups the back of your head.
“Let me take care of you. And let me handle him.”
“How will you take care of it?”
He contemplated his response for a few seconds.
“Do you want me to kill him?” He asked nonchalantly, silently hoping that he hasn’t scared you off.
“You would do that?”
“Of course,”
A tired expression took over your face and you nodded, smiling when he kissed the tip of your nose.
“Thank you,”
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wh3nturtlesfly · 2 years
A continuation of this per the lovely request of @vernilliom :)
Part 3 | Part 4
CW/TW: Choking, Mention of sedatives
It came in flashes, all of which the Hero couldn’t quite remember. Their clothes soaked with rain, warm as they lay limp in the hands of Villain. They couldn’t have struggled if they wanted to, their consciousness rushed over them in waves, never enough to form a coherent thought.
Hero’s eyes had blinked open lazily to catch a sliver of a door. It was silver, metallic and heavy. They heard three knocks, and again it was dark.
There was a long while before they had regained awareness. Then, after who knows how long, Hero heard a sound in the distance. Running water, and the padding of footsteps across a tile floor. They shot up from where they had been laid and immediately regretted it.
Hero sucked in a breath, falling back onto the sheets. Something coarse shifted across their skin. Bandages. Their rain soaked shirt had been removed and placed on a chair in the corner. In its place were layers of white cloth partially stained with a deep red. An IV had been placed in their arm. Their muscles ached as Hero drew in shallow breaths.
“Finally awake dear Hero?” The sound of running water flicked off and Villain dried their hands with a plush towel. Hero tensed, gripping the edge of the sheets tightly as they approached their bed, “You were asleep so long, I was afraid you may never wake up.”
Villain studied the Hero with a greedy expression. They reached out, running a finger down Hero’s exposed collarbone with a chuckle, “You ought to be more careful out on the streets… you never know who may find you.”
Hero pulled away and winced from the movement. Streetlights and gutters. Rain against the pavement. It had all been so much, they hadn’t even thought of what could come. A mistake, and a detrimental one at that.
“What do you want?” They rasped. Their voice was still hoarse from screaming, they didn’t know how long they had cried out for help that night before Villain had come. “I don’t have secrets if that’s what you’re looking for.”
“Oh darling, I wouldn’t dream of gaining such boring things,” They retrieved a clean roll of bandages from Hero’s bedside, “I want you.”
Villain’s hands brushed over Hero’s old dressings despite their attempts to pull away. As they unwrapped the stained fabric Hero got a good look at their wound. A gash, and a large one at that ran, down the length of their torso; the brutal consequence of failing to dodge quick enough.
Villain’s fingers were cold as they trailed along Hero’s skin, even as their wounds were dressed it felt wrong. They needed to get out of here.
Hero was patient, biding their time with bated breath. Villain cleaned their injuries in silence. It would have been an act of kindness if it didn’t hold such an error of possession. Hero felt it in the way Villain’s touch lingered a moment too long, or how their bandages were pulled just tight enough to force a gasp from their lungs.
The perfect moment came when Villain turned to discard the old bandages. Hero’s heart pounded a million miles a minute. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Villain turned round again and Hero sprung forward. They bit the inside of their cheek to push away the pain.
Hands thrust out towards Villain, Hero latched their fingers around Villain’s throat pushing them back and squeezing ever so tight. If they could only get them to fall unconscious-
Tighter and tighter, Villain eyes widened with surprise as they gasped. Their hands flailed around, grasping desperately at the sheets. Hero didn’t dare stop. They had to get out of here- had to run to safety.
Villain’s eyelids grew slack, slim as they threatened to close. Almost-
Then something shifted.
Terror morphed into something more clever. A ruse. Hero hadn’t caught them reaching for the remote at their side until it was too late.
A wave of bliss flew through their veins with the press of a button, filling their core with something sickeningly heavy. Hero felt their limbs slacken, away from Villain’s throat and down to their sides. No, no, no- they were slipping away much too fast.
“And you thought you were so smart,” Villain rubbed at their throat as they stood from the bed, holding up the remote like a prize. Hero felt the solution pooling into their system, the IV… They reached for it desperately but Villain caught their hand, “Ah, I can’t have you doing that darling. You’re mine now.”
Everything was immersed in fog, thick and heavy. Hero fought to keep awake, they had to keep awake… It was interesting how the pain disappeared. They couldn’t think. Hero’s eyelids drooped and their arms fell loosely to their sides.
“No, don-” Their words slurred. Helpless. Hero’s thoughts drifted farther away, impossible to grasp as they were pushed under a wave of fatigue.
“Aw, don’t look so disappointed,” Villain caressed their jaw and Hero could do nothing but fight to stay conscious. “I’m sure we’ll have all sorts of fun when you wake again.”
Hero wanted to scream, pull away, anything. Instead the edges of their vision faded until the whole world was black.
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istumpysk · 2 years
I’ve always wondered how Sansa would leave the Vale. Will it be during the tourney? After the tourney? Will the mountain clans get to her and she escapes from them? Does ser shadrich get her?
And then there’s LF. I believe in the theory that Harold will be killed at the tourney, leaving LF to open the door for him marrying sansa herself. (That could be what “wakes her,”). On top of that, LF has been m*lesting her with his kisses 🤢Is there foreshadowing that he’ll go farther before Sansa escapes? If so, how far should we brace ourselves. I’m very fearful about it ngl
I think he's set enough of a precedent with previous tournaments (Harrenhal, Ashford, Hand's tourney), that it's safe to assume whatever is about to happen will happen during the tournament and not after.
I still don't have a cohesive theory, but I know the following:
You don't introduce Ser Shadrich to the story unless you intend on using him.
There's probably a reason the author gifted Brienne the knowledge of Ser Shadrich's appearance and objective, followed by an assessment of her ability to fight him.
If it was Ser Shadrich dogging her heels, she might well have a fight on her hands. She did not intend to partner with the man or let him follow her to Sansa. He had the sort of easy arrogance that comes with skill at arms, she thought, but he was small. I'll have the reach on him, and I should be stronger too.
"Men will always underestimate you," he said, "and their pride will make them want to vanquish you quickly, lest it be said that a woman tried them sorely." She had learned the truth of that once she went into the world. Even Jaime Lannister had come at her that way, in the woods by Maidenpool. If the gods were good, the Mad Mouse would make the same mistake. He may be a seasoned knight, she thought, but he is no Jaime Lannister. She slid her sword out of its scabbard. - Brienne II, AFFC
In her second chapter, George essentially lays out Brienne's journey: she will initially be led astray (for the right reasons), but will backtrack.
The Wall was too far, surely, and a bleak and bitter place besides. And to reach Riverrun the girl would need to cross the war-torn riverlands and pass through the Lannister siege lines. The Eyrie would be simpler, and Lady Lysa would surely welcome her sister's daughter . . .
Ahead, the alley bent. Somehow Brienne had taken a wrong turn. She found herself in a dead end, a small muddy yard where three pigs were rooting round a low stone well. 
"I was looking for the Seven Swords."
"Back the way you come. Left at the sept."
"I thank you." Brienne turned to retrace her steps, and walked headfirst into someone hurrying round the bend. 
We have every reason in the world to believe we will see Gulltown.
Brienne contemplates going to Gulltown roughly 34 times.
"Gulltown next," her captain told her, "thence around the Fingers to Sisterton and White Harbor, if the storms allow. She's a clean ship, 'Strider, not so many rats as most, and we'll have fresh eggs and new-churned butter aboard. Is m'lady seeking passage north?"
"No." Not yet. She was tempted, but . . .
Towards the end of ASOS and all throughout AFFC, George places excessive emphasis on how bold the mountain clans have become.
Sansa has identified Lyn Corbray as a problem, and Nostradamus is always right.
If I had to guess, I would say Lyn Corbray does something (Nostradamus), Harry is badly wounded or dies (à la Hugh of the Vale, and Humphrey Hardyng), Ser Shadrich seizes the opportunity to grab Sansa (2 + 2 = 4), and Brienne will have to intercept (because I said so).
I realize that doesn't sound possible, given Brienne's current location and injuries, but Alayne I is happening a long time after Jaime is brought to LSH.
Unfortunately, I couldn't even guess how characters like Myranda, Yohn, Lothor, and Timmet factor into all of this.
As for Littlefinger, I totally understand your fear, and I agree it's blatantly obvious his actual intention is to marry Sansa, but I'm hopeful we won't see her alone with him in the Vale for much longer. The pot is boiling over.
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sombersummerskies · 8 months
A Champion's Love: Chapter 3
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Chapter 3: Remembrance Word Count: 2116 CW: None
Want all the chapters? -> Masterlist
~~~ <> ~~~
A hazy scene appeared in your mind. A lake… mountains… grassy plains and rivers far out in the distance. You were slowly moving upwards. You were… sat on a platform? Some kind of mechanical one. Somehow you remembered it as the end of Vah Ruta’s trunk. You remembered a stinging pain in your arm and three deep slashes, though where those slashes came from was an unknown detail. A moblin? Lizalfos?
Beside you was a girl. A Zora woman. She was short, shorter than you. Bright red scales and a rounded crest on her head. Adorned in blue jewels and silver bands with a blue sash strapped around her torso. She had deep, emotional yellow eyes. A bright blue light was coming from her hand as she ran it across the slashes in your right arm.
You miraculously remembered some of the words being said.
“I was thinking,” she spoke in a soft tone, one that somehow perfectly matched her looks and demeanor, “this reminds me of the time we first met. You were just a reckless child… always getting yourself hurt at every turn.”
She paused her speech to turn her gaze up to you, a shy smile gracing her lips before she looked back down at your wounds. “Every time I would heal you, just as I am doing right now. I thought it was funny how, being a Hylian, you looked grown-up so much faster than I did,” she continued on, happily reminiscing.
You didn’t speak, always wanting to hear more from her. You somehow remembered being the talkative one, but were happy to listen and let her speak as much as she wanted to.
She seemed to notice your stare and blushed, focusing more on the healing she was performing. “I was… I was always willing to heal your wounds. Even back then.” she murmured, lifting her hand up. The blue light faded, and you looked down to see your arm which was once bloody and slashed, now smooth and cleaned. No marks or any signs of previous injury.
You thought that you should’ve thanked her. But this was a memory. You couldn’t speak to her even if you tried. So she continued to talk in place of your silence.
“So if this Calamity Ganon does, in fact, return… what can we really do? We just don’t seem to know much about what we’ll be up against,” she sighed, pausing with a look that signified she was thinking of what to say next, “but know this. That no matter how difficult this battle might get… if you- if anyone ever tries to do you harm… then I will heal you. No matter when, or how bad the wound… I hope you know that I will always protect you… once this whole thing is over maybe things can go back to how they used to be… when we were young. You know… perhaps we could spend some time together,” she finished, finally looking back at you and locking eyes, a sincere smile as she looked at you happily.
The memory started fading. You didn’t want it to fade. You wanted to know more- you needed to know more. You knew so little, why couldn’t you learn more? It couldn’t be ending already-
… and before you knew it you were pulled back to reality.
You were shaking after having spaced out for so long. A sharp shiver going down your spine, you finally regained your senses when you heard someone speaking to you.
“What is the matter? Are you unwell?” a voice asked with concern, and you quickly recognized it as Sidon who was standing beside you.
“You are quivering like a hatchling…” Muzu commented, staring at you now, “whatever is the matter?”
It took you a moment to speak, your mouth couldn’t form the words. “I- I remember… I remember Mipha,” you answered, staring up at her stature, shocking yourself by admitting that.
Glancing over at Sidon, you saw that he was staring down at you in awe. That clearly wasn’t an answer he was expecting. He looked as though he wanted to say something or ask you a question, but Muzu quickly caught your attention.
“WHAT?! Do not mistake me for a fool, Hylian! There is no way you remembered her just now, when it is most convenient. In any case, without solid proof, I cannot possibly take you at your word!” he exclaimed, giving you a rather unsavory and accusatory look, “if you have any such proof, now is the time to show it. Do so, and… and I… I shall tell you how to get those shock arrows! Yes, as well as anything else you wish to know.”
Before you could argue, Sidon stepped in to defend you. “Have you truly not figured it out yet? Simply take a closer look at what she is wearing!” he retorted, gesturing to the Zora armor that you bore.
Muzu rolled his eyes as he turned to look at you, “Hm? You really think changing your clothes is going to make me…” he trailed off when he finally noticed the details, “... Eh?! What in the… the Zora armor! Lady Mipha made that by hand… and yet it fits you perfectly! What is the meaning of this?”
“Now you understand, do you not? Now you know who her heart belonged to and who she made this special armor for. The fact that this armor fits perfectly should be proof enough that Mipha made it for her and her alone! You have always disliked Hylians, even before the Great Calamity. That is why Mipha never told you,” Sidon explained, taking a step towards you to stand by your side as he spoke, “Now that you know, you must promise to help her save us all, Muzu. Please… tell us where we can find the shock arrows we need. Knowing you, I bet you have already figured it out.”
The way Prince Sidon spoke made your heart ache. He pleaded with such emotion. It was clear he cared deeply about Zora’s Domain and his people. The topic of his sister likely added to his emotion as well. You respected how genuine he was, even in these times of great need.
“Hmph. I never would have imagined Mipha would make that special armor for one such as she…” Muzu sighed, turning to gaze up at the late princess’ statue. A softened look fell upon his face while he paused to think, before turning back to you, “I do not approve of asking for help from a Hylian, but I suppose it is our only option at this point. I am a proud Zora. That means I must take responsibility for my unwarranted behavior toward you. As promised, I shall tell you where you can collect as many shock arrows as you will need.”
“That tall mountain over yonder… it is called Ploymus Mountain, and there you will also find Shatterback Point,” he explained, turning and pointing up to one of the tall cliff sides north of Zora’s Domain, “A terrifying creature has made its home up there. This awful beast shoots volley after volley of shock arrows. Even a single one could be fatal to a Zora.”
“Aha!” Sidon exclaimed, the sudden shout making you jump, “You must mean that Lynel! He is a man-beast, that one! That beast does indeed wield shock arrows. That is certainly one way to collect them quickly. He is vicious, to be sure. But I am certain you will rise to the challenge.”
Muzu looked lost in thought before nodding his head and speaking, “In order to appease the Divine Beast, I estimate that you will need… hmm… at least twenty shock arrows. Do you think you can gather that many?”
You nodded your head, but weren’t entirely confident. From the way the pair of Zora were describing this Lynel to you, you were already feeling quite intimidated. Were you strong enough to face such a foe yet?
“Why do you still doubt her, Muzu? I have no doubt she will be triumphant!” Sidon grinned, and his enthusiasm helped to soothe your nerves, “okay young one, let’s get moving. The fastest way to Ploymus Mountain is to ascend the waterfall east of the domain. That Zora armor should come in handy. Just swim to the waterfall basin, and then go up the waterfall from there! I’ll wait at the East Reservoir Lake, right by the Divine Beast. Gather at least twenty shock arrows, and then come and join me!”
You nod once more with newfound vigor and smile at him, “I’m on it. Let me stock up at the general store real quick and I’ll be up on Shatterback Point in no time.” you assured him, using the energy in your voice to assure yourself as well.
“Wonderful! Together we shall stop that Divine Beast’s onslaught!” Sidon cheered, giving you one last meaningful look before running off, diving over the edge of the plaza, the distant sound of a splash as he hit the water below. No doubt he was already speeding off to the reservoir.
Now all that was needed was you.
At the general store you purchased as many arrows as they had available before dashing over to the inn and borrowing their cooking pot to cook some elixirs. The small bottles would be easy to traverse with and quite useful for on-the-go healing. All the enemies you’d fought on the route to get to Zora’s Domain meant you had monster parts to spare for brewing ingredients. You’d also purchased a trout while at the store and quickly fried it into a skewer to quickly scarf down.
Once you felt prepared, you climbed to the tallest part of the palace which you could reach. Taking in a deep breath, you spread the cloth of your paraglider and sail down  toward the easternmost waterfall, mentally preparing yourself for the battle to come.
Traversing Ploymus Mountain was the easy part. The Zora armor was extremely useful, giving you the strength to vertically swim up waterfalls just as any other Zora could. After swimming up two streams, you had reached the cliff tops of the mountain.
The area was lush, and the higher altitude had lessened the amount of rain- but you were still drenched. Despite being soaking wet there was a nearby lake that looked shockingly refreshing, but now was not the time for distractions. The grass was slippery beneath your boots as you sprinted towards the path that would take you to Shatterback Point.
Unfortunately, there was more than just the beautiful scenery. There was also the local fauna, which meant there were monsters attempting to block your path. After quickly dispersing the  moblins and lizalfos with a few well placed arrows, you found yourself quickly approaching the peak. The higher up you reached, the more your nerves and anxieties seemed to flare. You were becoming incredibly paranoid after the way the Lynel had been described to you. Could you truly beat this terrifying foe?
As you hiked you noticed something out of place. A handful of the trees you passed had intact shock arrows sticking out of them. You collected the ones you found, and had managed to gather eight by the time the path rounded out at a plateau.
Looking around you saw a rather scenic area. A shallow lake in a grassy area with flowers, and while there were some boulders sticking out of the ground it didn’t seem to distract from the view. Pulling out your Sheikah Slate, you surveyed the map curiously. ‘It says I’m right on top of Shatterback Point… but I’m not seeing any monsters up here-’ 
Your train of thought is abruptly interrupted by a vicious roar.
You barely had time to turn and see a shock arrow heading right for you, and managed to duck as it whizzed over your head and lodged in the pine tree behind you.
The source of the arrow was a humongous centaur-like creature with a grizzly red mane and beady green eyes. He was putting his bow away as he reached for the curved sword and shield on his back, hooves pawing at the ground as he seemingly prepared to charge at you. He was the most frightening thing you’d faced on this adventure so far.
Swallowing your fear, you reach for your own shield and guard yourself. You allow yourself a split-second to close your eyes and make a silent prayer to the goddesses. As soon as you finish you open your eyes and harden your gaze.
As you sprint forward you unsheathe your sword. You will not allow yourself to fail.
~~~ <> ~~~
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ozma914 · 2 years
2022: After-Incident Report
Let's face it: 2022 sucked.
Don't get me wrong: In no way am I suggesting 2023 will be any better. That's the mistake a lot of people made at the end of 2020 and 2021. Just the same, 2022 seems to have been, overall, the worst year of the 2020s (so far), and that's going some.
I'm sure some people had a great 2022. Arms dealers, for instance. No matter how bad a time period is, there's someone who was happy--as an example, Hitler had an awesome 1939.
 On the other hand, Vladamir Putin thought he was going to have an incredible 2022 but, like many of us, he'll hit the New Year shaking his head and saying, "What the heck just happened?"
I don't want to turn this into a Rodney Dangerfield routine. Or maybe I do--Rodney understood the value of comedic complaining. But it wasn't the best year in the world from a personal standpoint. Emily and I have been sick so much the CDC pitched a tent in our back yard. In twenty-five years, I've only had the flu once--this time came a few weeks after our flu shot.
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 The above is a picture of downtown Fort Wayne I took from Lutheran Hospital. You know what that means? Yep--visiting my Dad in the hospital. Worse, then we got sick and couldn't visit him.
As I write this Emily has lost her voice. At first it was cool, because I walked around the house telling puns and singing Christmas songs loudly. Then she summoned enough strength to start throwing things at me. On a related note, I suffered a head injury this year.
Even the dog kept getting sick. He's 98 in dog years now, and as a result of old age he doesn't know if has to, um, drop a deuce until it's already happening. I mean, you can't get mad at him, and I'm all set for a future career in carpet cleaning.
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"Watch your step."
 My knee going bad from early arthritis, that I expected. Getting a case of Trigger Thumb? Did not expect. (What is it? Well, it's like trigger finger, except in the thumb.) I spent most of 2022 in one of two braces.
We also seem to have started our next round of having to replace stuff. The couch broke, and the toilet broke. We could have managed without the couch. Also, the car's now running rough because the service people are unable to remove an old spark plug, which is stuck because radiator fluid is leaking around it.
I had no idea that could happen. It used to be I'd call my brother for help with these things, but, well ... the 2020s suck.
Rodney Dangerfield could have done all this better, but you get the point.
In 2022 the world population reached eight billion, and two out of three got one of the three pandemics that hit this year. The third got trigger thumb.
Inflation hit its highest level since the early 80s, a time I remember as being as bad as ... well, the early 2020s. Come to think of it, so far this winter reminds me of the early 80s. Oh, and get this: Russia's invasion of Ukraine is the biggest European war since WWII. Also, the Queen of England died, after being in that position for so long nobody remembers who she replaced. (I think it was "King Something".) So far as I'm aware, none of these are related.
There's lots of other stuff, but I'll just end with: Monkey Pox.
Rodney would have had a blast with Monkey Pox. "My doctor said I should get vaccinated. I told him I wanted a second opinion, and he said 'Okay: You're ugly, too'."
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"My parents took me to a dog show--and I won."
I miss Rodney. He'd know how to face 2023.
You can find all our books here:
http://markrhunter.com/ https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0058CL6OO https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/"Mark R Hunter"
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abadpoetwithdreams · 3 years
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Prepping for first feis in 18 months:
Does the tanner I bought in October 2019 still work
Does the dress I last wore in November 2019 still fit
(The answers to the above are 1) sort of, but I’m buying more because it seems not to hold color well anymore 2) yes it does thank GOODNESS)
Also good news? I managed to get a pair of soft shoes put on hold for me for pickup before my competition, because I’ve been wearing the same pair since Nationals 2019 and they are now literally held together by tape 😭
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
soulmate au: 2 or 27 for rexwalker? (or rexanidala)
soulmate au prompts
2. the one where you have your soulmate’s name written on your body.
27. the one where you can transfer any injuries/pain your soulmate has onto yourself.
Once again featuring Marginally Less Terrible Jango, Hopeless Romantic Anakin, and Significantly More Awkward Rex.
Word Count: 5.9k
Anakin doesn’t have a soulmate until he’s ten years old.
He’s already been at the Temple for half a year by then, and heard enough about how not having a soul mark is a good thing, for a Jedi. It means fewer temptations away from the duties they’ve all agreed to take on. There are people with names on their bodies, including Obi-Wan, who has two, but everyone agrees that while friendship with one’s soulmate is fine, especially if that soulmate is a fellow Jedi, it cannot be allowed to become too deep.
“I don’t understand,” Anakin admits to Obi-Wan, one night when he finds Obi-Wan looking at the name that wraps around his upper thigh, the one in the unfamiliar alphabet and cultured, perfect strokes. It’s a few months after he arrives, long enough to think they won’t kick him out just for asking questions, but not quite long enough to know what’s normal yet. His own soul mark is several months away, not that he knows it. “Soulmates were one of the few things a mas--an owner couldn’t take away from a slave. They could get rid of the mark, but we still knew. They were important, something the universe gave us that we could keep, even if it was only in our memories. Why do Jedi try to make it not count?”
Obi-Wan gets a look on his face, the one he gets whenever Anakin has a question that’s more complicated and philosophical than what Obi-Wan was ready for, the questions about why that he has to think about because it’s all normal for Obi-Wan, who grew up here, in ways that it isn’t (and will never be) for Anakin with his Tatoo heart and slaveborn mind.
“It’s not about the depth of the relationship in and of itself,” Obi-Wan finally says. “It’s about how you go about it, how you let it affect you, and if you let it get in the way of your duties as a Jedi, or put yourself at risk of a fall. It’s... it’s not banned, exactly, to love someone the way one would expect to love a soulmate, but it’s discouraged for our own safety and health. Losing someone you love hurts everyone, but for a Force-user to lose someone they consider so dear to their heart, there’s always a risk of losing one’s stability and going Dark.”
Anakin doesn’t entirely understand, but he pretends he does.
Obi-Wan scratches at the stubble he’s trying to turn into a beard, and says, “Okay, let me finish getting dressed, and then I’m going to tell you a few stories. You said you like learning through stories, right?”
Anakin nods.
“Okay, so... Bandomeer, I think. Melida/Daan and Mandalore, definitely. And we can round it out with what happened a few days ago,” Obi-Wan mutters. “I--most of those are planets.”
“I’ve heard of Mandalore,” Anakin volunteers.
“Yes, most have,” Obi-Wan indulges him, but he looks a little nervous. “Anakin, I... these stories all have to do with some very painful times in my life, times when I almost left, or did leave, the Jedi Order. I think--”
“You left the Jedi?”
“For a year, when I was a little older than you, but I came back,” Obi-Wan says. “I’m... can you put on some tea? It’ll make this conversation easier.”
“Is it about your soulmates?” Anakin asks, clinging to the doorframe just before he exits.
“...one of them,” Obi-Wan says, passing a hand over the mark on his thigh. “It’s... she’s why Mandalore is on this list, but that story won’t make as much sense unless I tell you about Bandomeer and Melida/Daan first.”
“Because you left?”
“Because I already knew what leaving could cost me,” Obi-Wan corrects, gentle but oddly stern. “Go put on the tea, Anakin. I’ll only be a few minutes.”
Three months after Anakin hears about the times Obi-Wan was forced to leave, did leave, almost left, and threatened to leave (for Anakin’s sake!), the name of his soulmate comes in.
“That’s not a name,” Anakin says.
“That’s not a name,” Anakin says, more upset than he’d like to admit. The soul mark sits neatly on one side of his lower abdomen, warm and precisely lettered and absolutely terrifying.
CT-7567, in a dark, desaturated blue.
“I don’t think your soulmate is a droid,” Obi-Wan tries to joke. It falls flat.
“They’re a born slave,” Anakin says, and watches Obi-Wan stiffen. “Droids don’t get soulmates. Slaves do, but sometimes ma--owners don’t let slaves have names. They just give ‘em a number and that’s it. Supposed to make us more pliant and keeps us from having thoughts of individuality.”
“Them, Anakin, not us. You’re free.”
Anakin looks up at him, lip wobbling, and he knows a Jedi shouldn’t cry, not when he’s already ten, but he wants to any way. “My soulmate isn’t.”
“O-oh, okay, we’re crying now,” Obi-Wan mutters, clearly overwhelmed, and pulls Anakin to his chest. “It’ll be alright, dear one. Your mark means you will meet one day, and when you do, you can free them. Alright?”
“Skywalker? Sounds like a slave name.”
It’s a refrain that CT-7567 hears almost every time one of the adults sees his mark. They mention Tatooine sometimes. One of the bounty hunters that covers their weapons training gets angry if people point out the slave thing, and CT-7567 isn’t the only person to get a slave for a soulmate. She doesn’t explain it often, but there’s an incident when Rex is three that gives him a little more information.
“That one’ll be angry,“ the bounty hunter mutters, her lip curling when she hears the cadets gossiping about their marks again, sees CT-7567 pulling up his shirt to show off his own. She’s always like that, about the clones who have slave soulmates. CC-1010, who knows everything about everyone, says that she used to be a slave before she killed her way out. She’s definitely scary enough. “Name like that... Tatooine, human, might be a slave or might be freeborn from a line of slaves. Either way, that one’s going to be angry about it.”
“How do you mean, sir?”
Her eyes flick to his, and then back to the slugthrower she’s cleaning. “Tatooine slave culture knows things. Your mark on this “Anakin” is going to be your number until you get a name, and they’re not going to make the mistake of thinking their soulmate is a droid. They’ll know you were born to a purpose.”
It takes another year for CT-7567 to learn that she means ‘you were born a slave.’
(It takes two more for him to pick a name.)
Anakin is not the only one in the Temple to have this kind of soul mark popping up. He is not even the first. The Council is investigating it, apparently, but they don’t have much to go off of. It didn’t start until a year or two before Anakin came to Coruscant, but enough Jedi are affected by the CC and CT soul marks for it to be concerning. Anakin gets called in to provide some information on what he knows about slave-designations in these circumstances, which isn’t much, and is barely more than what they already know, but they assure him it’s helpful. Something about corroborating the information a raised slave is taught culturally with the information a Shadow can collect from a community that doesn’t trust them. Obi-Wan explains that it’s about how Anakin knows information that was collected and taught, instead of information that has to be gathered, bit by bit, and analyzed.
It’s a long way of saying that Anakin knows things that other people don’t, because he wasn’t raised in the safety of the Temple.
Anakin doesn’t know many of the others, but he does know one even before his soul mark comes in, because their Masters are friends. They talk about it, and three years after they first connect over this, something happens.
“It changed! Anakin, Ani, it changed!”
Anakin drops the datapad he’s been doing history homework on, and looks up as Aayla, already in the suite, grabs his shoulders and shakes him a little.
“Aayla?” Obi-Wan calls, coming out of the kitchen with a rag in one hand and a wet plate in the other. “What in the--what are you shouting about?”
Knight Vos follows Aayla in--it’s a bit early to call him a Master, given that Aayla’s still not knighted, but it’s getting close--and leans against the door, arms crossed. “Kid was right. The mark changes when the soulmate picks a name.”
Aayla pulls down the shoulder of one sleeve, and Anakin sees that the designation number has changed. It’s not a regimented CC-5052 anymore, but a short, sweet Bly, with a flourish at the end that probably means this person is always going to be excited to sign their name.
“We already knew that,” Obi-Wan says. “When people transition, their name changes on their soulmate as well. This is the same thing.”
“We didn’t know that it applied to born slaves the same way,” Knight Vos says. “All we had was anecdotal evidence from the kid. Trustworthy, yes, but no data to back it up. And now we know.”
“I wonder how it’s meant to be pronounced,” Aayla says, and obligingly lets Anakin poke at the name that swirls on her shoulder in a vivid yellow against the blue. It’s pretty, he thinks. The handwriting and the color and what it means that the soulmates they’ve all gotten are finding ways to be people.
“How long until mine changes?” Anakin asks, even though he knows that nobody here has that answer. “Do you think all of them are going to find names? Or...”
“If they don’t by the time we find them,” Aayla assures him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, “they will once they’re free.”
(In one life, the Jedi would have held their tongues and ducked their heads, hidden in denial and ‘we are their only option’ and ‘the Senate will use them regardless; we are a kinder fate than men like Tarkin’ and would never use the words ‘slave army’ to describe their men.)
(In this life, they are primed, from the moment a little freed boy explains exactly what a soul mark like this means to people like his, to see their army and say ‘we will free you.’)
Anakin has his eyes fixed on the name from the moment his mark burns and twists and changes. He’s sixteen by then, and on a mission with Obi-Wan that prevents him from running to break into Knight Aayla’s room and show off to her the way she had to him. He’s not even on planet, but at least it’s not the middle of a fight. That could have been bad.
“Hey, Obi-Wan?”
“I got a name.”
“For the assassin?” Obi-Wan asks, raising his head hopefully. “Did you get through to the guild?”
“...no, I meant, uh, my soulmate.” Anakin lifts his shirt, waits on that unfortunate dash of disappointment, and then Obi-Wan’s face lights up and the man practically scrambles over to get a better look. Anakin tries not to let himself read too much into it. It’s... nice, he thinks. That Obi-Wan is excited for him.
“I feel like half these individuals are picking names of exactly three letters,” Obi-Wan says, but he’s smiling as he almost touches the mark. He doesn’t, in the end, but Anakin wants to laugh at it anyway. “Rex, then. I look forward to meeting your young man.”
Anakin feels his face flare. “We don’t know that it’s a boy. I mean, there might be places where that’s a girl’s name. Or a species that doesn’t have our genders. Or--”
“I have a feeling,” Obi-Wan says, and laughs when Anakin pouts at him. “Oh, I wouldn’t bet my saber on it, but a few credits, at least. Nothing solid, but I was prone to visions as a youngling. Qui-Gon was never very good at dealing with the peculiarities of such a connection to the Unifying Force. He tried, admittedly, but he was very much a man of the present.”
Anakin spends the rest of the mission silently cheering on his soulmate for picking a name.
For taking that step to saying “I’m a person.”
Someone tries to assassinate Senator Amidala. Anakin and Obi-Wan are assigned to protect her. There’s an incident with a robot, and Obi-Wan is... pulled aside.
(Anakin finds himself thinking, more than once, that he could have fallen in love with this woman if he wasn’t so attached to the idea inked into his skin.)
(Senator Amidala doesn’t have a soulmate. She’s free to choose, she claims. He doesn’t envy her, but he does respect this.)
(Anakin likes the security of the universe telling him that there’s someone he’s meant for.)
Obi-Wan disappears to investigate something, and returns just before Anakin and Padme are set to leave. He looks... grim.
“The assassination is more complicated than we thought,” Obi-Wan says. “As in, the main assassin was expecting this to fail, so we’d come find him after he killed the subcontractor.”
“He wants to talk to us,” Obi-Wan says. “But, specifically, to the two of you.”
“So, you’re Anakin Skywalker.”
Jango Fett is a shorter man than Anakin, shorter even than Obi-Wan, but he’s not small. The armor bulks him out further. There’s faint scars on his face, here and there, and he seems more amused than anything when Anakin slips in front of Padme to actually be the bodyguard he’s supposed to play.
“What’s it to you?” Anakin challenges, and pretends he doesn’t see the way Obi-Wan pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.
Fett smirks. “One of my boys has your name on him.”
Anakin stops breathing for a moment.
“One of your boys?” Padme prompts, and Anakin tries to remember his job.
Fett’s smirk falls away and he palms his face. “Three million of them, and counting. I’ve had people cross-referencing soul marks as they pop up, in case anyone’s connected to someone... important. Special attention on the confirmed Jedi.”
“Three mill--you’re behind the ident number marks,” Anakin realizes. “The slave-born.”
Obi-Wan’s face looks carved from stone, and Anakin realizes that the mood he’s been in since he called Anakin and Padme was because he’d figured it out before he called.
“Yeah, Umiett said you’d be the one to make that connection,” Fett mutters. He shakes his head. “Listen, I’ve got three million clones that are more sentient than anyone told me they’d be, and I’ve spent the last few years trying to decide how to get myself out of this contract without abandoning them in the process. Tyranus gave me the job to assassinate Amidala, but I’d already had her shortlisted as one of the Republic members most like to help me get these boys citizenship and legal rights. Once I heard Skywalker and Kenobi were involved, turning this into a discreet way to get your attention seemed like the obvious solution.”
“You tried to kill me... to get my attention... so I’d help you.”
“I didn’t try to kill you. I subcontracted to a former acquaintance that I knew wasn’t good enough to get past two Jedi.”
“Right,” Padme says, seeming unimpressed. Anakin agrees. “Okay, three million sentients, all your children--”
“--yes, something that’s very illegal in the Republic at that scale,” she says. “Unless--”
“Kamino’s in the Rishi maze. Dwarf galaxy, not actually part of the Republic. Isolated.”
“Okay, that’s... going to make this more difficult,” Padme says. “Where does your citizenship lie? Are you still Mandalorian? I’m not as familiar with your role in recent politics as I could be. I know there’s something about all violent dissenters being sent to Concordia, but you--”
“If I thought that hut’uunla Duchess would listen to me, I’d have already reached out,” Fett dismisses. “That’s part of why I focused on Kenobi and Skywalker when doing the research. Skywalker’s got the background to argue slavery, and Kenobi’s got connections in Mandalorian politics.”
“And I’m to be your voice in the Senate.”
“Not mine. The clones’.”
Anakin looks to Obi-Wan for guidance, because this man was involved with the attempted assassination, but...
“Who is Tyranus?” Obi-Wan asks.
“Oh, you’re going to enjoy this. The man calling himself Darth Tyranus is Count Dooku of Serreno.”
Anakin hasn’t heard Obi-Wan swear that colorfully since the last time he got stabbed.
Things... progress. Quietly. Fett mentions there being a Sith in the Senate, something he picked up from a particularly ugly visit from the Count to Kamino, the kind of visit that involved veiled conversations intended as mocking, bragging monologues.
“He really is a villain,” Obi-Wan mutters, as if Anakin hasn’t seen him monologue to captured criminals on occasion, or get so caught up in The Banter that he lets something slip that he shouldn’t have.
Anakin and Padme go to Naboo to ‘keep her safe,’ and Obi-Wan hares off on a falsified investigation, keeping the Council updated the entire time. Anakin doesn’t like splitting up, not when so much is happening, but they have no idea who the Sith in the senate might be, if they even exist. Anakin doesn’t even have time to say goodbye to the Chancellor.
All this contributes, for Anakin is already stressed, and excited, anticipatory and afraid, and then the nightmares come. Padme’s more aware of his fears than she might have been, as much as they talk about slaves and freedom and how she makes things happen with words and legislation. Anakin’s a little in love with the idea of this woman, though he won’t act on anything until he meets his soulmate and figures out what they’re meant to be for each other, but... friends, at least. Padme is going to be a friend, possibly for life, and Anakin’s going to love her no matter what.
She coaxes out the truth, and then tells him, ‘well, your mother would know more about this than you, since you left at nine; it would be entirely reasonable to ask her for advice,’ and then smiles like they’re sharing a secret crush instead of plotting the violation of his orders.
They save Shmi.
Padme doesn’t get the advice she was using an excuse from Shmi, but from a long, tired conversation with Beru Whitesun. As it turns out, when a family’s been freeing slaves for generations, they know what they’re talking about. Even Anakin remembers the Whitesun reputation. Padme’s notes are copious.
Anakin cares for his mother, and talks to his stepbrother, and gets an idea of who these people in his life are. He can’t imagine they’ll make contact often, but he’s glad to meet them. Cliegg--his stepfather, and isn’t that a thought--isn’t a particularly soft man, or a smooth one, but his gruffness has a different energy on Tatooine than it would on Coruscant. Anakin approves.
Obi-Wan calls. Padme explains. Anakin is shamed by his Master and then has to defend that particular title when Owen and Beru stare at him and the comm in matching horror.
“Master-Apprentice,” Anakin says, just a little panicked. “Not Master-Slave. He’s my teacher, practically family, not... you don’t need to worry. I promise.”
“I’ve seen them interact,” Padme says, and then shoots a small, smug smile at Beru. “Obi-Wan’s somewhere between father and brother to Anakin. It’s very sweet, when they’re together, and very entertaining.”
Beru, who’s had three days to get used to Padme, smiles and nods. “Alright then. I’ll take your words for it.”
Obi-Wan sputters a bit at the claim, in the background, and Anakin is... just a little upset by that.
“I think your mother would want to speak with him,” Cliegg claims, and Anakin hesitates, because this is a mission call, for all that gossip is happening, and he really shouldn’t break more rules after the big one he’s clearly, blatantly completely ignored to come to Tatooine in the first place. Cliegg holds out a hand, eyes on Obi-Wan. “As would I.”
“Well,” Obi-Wan says. “I suppose I do have a moment.”
Anakin and Padme arrive on Kamino.
“Your mother,” Obi-Wan says, in lieu of a greeting, “is oddly terrifying, did you know?”
“She’s... still recovering,” Anakin says, brow furrowing. “She can’t leave the bed for anything other than the ‘fresher for weeks, probably. And she’s nice, how is any of that terrifying?”
“It’s her energy,” Obi-Wan notes. “Quietly intimidating, I’d say. Very odd, really.”
“What did you even talk about?” Anakin asks, and then blushes as Padme giggles at him, like she knows things that he doesn’t. She probably does. She’s older than him. Still.
“Ah, that,” Obi-Wan says, looking away for a moment and--blushing? Obi-Wan’s blushing? “She rather aggressively informed me of what is considered normal on Tatooine for a relationship that is, as Padme put it, ill-defined but close and familial.”
“Master, you--what?”
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes and steps forward, pulling Anakin into a hug. Oh. “I’ve been informed that the manner in which I show affection to you is rather understated and ambiguous, by Tatoo standards, and that leaving things unsaid isn’t enough.”
“I consider you my brother,” Obi-Wan says, into this hug that is stiff and uncomfortable, but sincere and full of effort. “And I do love you very much, dear one, even if I’m rather unpracticed in showing it in ways that would... translate, shall we say.”
“Oh,” Anakin says, because he can’t think of anything else. He hugs back.
There’s a moment there, where Obi-Wan relaxes and Anakin shifts, and everything feels just a tiny bit more right, and then someone coughs.
“If you two are done?” Fett drawls, and Anakin mourns as Obi-Wan huffs and pulls away, hands back to being tucked into his sleeves in front of him.
“Quite,” Obi-Wan says back, with the strained smirk of someone who’s been dealing with the same frustrating sentient for a solid week without the option of just bashing their face in.
Fett rolls his eyes, and gestures for them to follow him. “I’ve got a bunch of the Alphas and CCs waiting on you, along with anyone we know for sure has a Jedi soulmate. Kenobi’s already spoken with them all, got confirmation that we probably haven’t missed any connections.”
“I know the list of everyone who reported a CC or CT soul mark to the Council,” Obi-Wan huffs. “I have it memorized.”
“Because of Anakin?” Padme asks.
“His mark came in when he was ten,” Obi-Wan says. “I was his legal guardian until very recently. Given the circumstances, it was reasonable that most of the information on the ident-code marking situation be shared with me in the same way that his school reports and medical records were. He was a minor until a year ago, Senator, and as you so rightly pointed out, my role in his life is certainly that of the family member who raised him for the past decade.
“Master,” Anakin hisses, well aware of his blush. “You’re embarrassing me.”
Obi-Wan looks at him, amused. “I’m told that’s rather the point, dear one.”
Padme looks away, clearly fighting back a grin, and Fett’s expression is mocking, at best.
They enter the section of the facility where other people are a moment later, and Anakin is... not quite as ready for the sea of identical faces as he thought he’d be. One small boy in different tunics from the rest runs up to Fett with a call of ‘Buir!’ and falls into step with them, grabbing Fett’s hand and peering curiously at the rest of them.
“This is Boba,” Fett tells them. “He’s the only unaltered one.”
“The one you claimed at birth,” Padme clarifies.
“Decanting!” Boba pipes up, and then smiles winningly at Padme. “I wasn’t born. I was decanted. He claimed me at decanting.”
Fett looks like he wants to run a hand down his face. “Yes, Boba’s the clone that was provided to me as part of the payment I demanded when I first signed on to the project. He’s the only one I technically have legal claim to.”
“All the others are Kaminoan property until claimed by the Senate or Jedi,” Obi-Wan adds, and Fett nods in his direction. “Preferably the Jedi, of course.”
“The Nulls are with Kal Skirata,” Boba pipes up. “He adopted all of them and Kaminiise didn’t care that much because they thought the Nulls were all failed experiments anyway.”
Fett grimaces at the look that gets him from Padme. “They’re not mine. None of them would have wanted to be, anyway, but it stands that I haven’t spoken with them in years.”
“They’re precedent,” Padme corrects. “One I should have been made of aware of if you want this to work. Can you put me in contact with this Skirata individual? What’s his, and their, citizenship status?”
Anakin steps back to Obi-Wan as Padme drills Fett for information, and keeps his eyes wandering for threats--unlikely, if Fett is genuine, and Obi-Wan says he is--and trying to figure out the best way to keep track of which clone is which. They do feel different in the Force, but Anakin’s not as used to using that sense for identification as most Jedi. He sees a few scars and tattoos, but he thinks he’s going to have to--
“Anakin? Why did you stop?”
Anakin ignores his master, because one of the clones, one he can’t even see, is glowing so strong and right and calling to him...
“Anakin, please answer me.”
“I can feel him,” Anakin breathes out. “My soulmate. I think I can feel him, in the Force.”
“Ah,” Obi-Wan says, relaxing. “Yes, that tends to happen, when we look. Fett assured us that he’d be at the meeting, dear. Just a few more hallways to go.”
Those hallways pass in a blur, because he’s there his soulmate is there and--
A room, full of clones that look older than Anakin, for all that they can’t be, and more clones that don’t.
There’s a clone in full kit, helmet included, but Anakin knows, just knows, that this one is his.
“Troopers!” Fett barks. “Kenobi’s brought some friends in. Senator Amidala’s going to be working on the citizenship bill with us. The other Jedi is Anakin Skywalker. You can guess why he’s--”
The fully-armored soldier takes a half-step forward.
Fett sighs. “By the ka’ra, Rex, you’re going to embarrass yourself and me. Take your bucket off, kid, let him see you.”
“Some tact, Fett,” Obi-Wan snaps, and for all that it’s quiet and intended to be subtle, the clones absolutely hear him.
They also seem amused. Apparently Obi-Wan’s been hanging about for long enough that he and Fett have a dynamic, one the clones have gotten used to and find hilarious.
Anakin only sort of notices this, because the clone in armor, still unpainted, pulls off his helmet and for all that it’s the exact same face as Anakin’s seen a thousand times over in the last fifteen minutes, there’s something uniquely beautiful that has nothing to do with the blonde hair or the nervous smile.
“You’re Rex?” Anakin asks, even though he’s sure, he’s absolutely convinced, that this young man is his soulmate.
“Yes,” the young clone says. He looks about Anakin’s age, and Fett’s told them time and again that the clones are basically the age they look, for the most part. Anakin’s going to take it slow anyway.
“Obi-Wan already said it, but, um, I’m Anakin,” he says, and tries to find something to do with his hands that isn’t just taking his soulmate and hugging him ‘til all the suns set. He looks down, and settles for mimicking Obi-Wan and just tucking them into his sleeves. He looks up at Rex, and tries to smile, but he’s so nervous about all of this that it probably doesn’t look like much. He thinks he hears someone snickering.
“Oh good,” someone mumbles. “They’re both hopeless.”
Anakin snaps his head around and glowers at the little group the comment came from, but he has no idea which one said it. All four look amused, and have varying degrees of shit-eating grin in place.
“If you didn’t outrank him, Rex would totally be shooting you right now,” little Boba says. “I think he’d deserve to do that.”
Anakin doesn’t have to strain at all to hear Fett’s groan.
“Alright,” one of the older clones says, and everyone stands a little straighter. An authority among the clones? Official, or more of an informal primus inter pares situation? “Rex’ika and his Jedi can go get to know one another, and none of us are going to make fun of them for it, because I know damn well how many of you have been mooning over the idea of your soulmates despite knowing literally nothing about them.”
“So’ve you, Alpha!”
“You want a boot up your ass, Wolffe? Because if you keep talking, that’s what you’re getting.”
“Boys,” Fett says, and they settle down. “Now, the Senator has some questions for you, and you’re going to comply when she asks, because it’s going to keep your little brothers alive. You understand?”
One clone raises a hand, and Fett sighs.
“Yes, and little sisters, Valierra,” he adds. He mutters something under his breath that sounds like “kriffing Basic.”
(Anakin later learns that Mando’a is not a gendered language, and Fett’s frustration is entirely about the fact that ‘brothers’ isn’t gender neutral. Anakin tries to ask why he doesn’t just say ‘sibling’ or use the Mando’a word, and there’s apparently a whole thing with some instructors wanting to encourage the clones to learn to be Mandalorian, and others wanting to cut them off from anything to do with the planet.)
(Anakin... tries to understand. He’s still confused about why ‘siblings’ isn’t on the table.)
“Go on, Anakin,�� Obi-Wan says, looking somewhere between amused and exasperated. “We can catch you up later.”
“I got enough from Beru,” Padme assures him. “You can pop in to help us fine-tune later.”
Anakin nods, just a short jerk of his head, and then looks to Rex. The man is glaring at a little at a little group of other clones, but when Anakin reaches out and takes his hand--takes his hand--Rex turns and stares at him with wide eyes and a flush that Anakin’s sure he’s mirroring.
“We should talk,“ he blurts out, and he can feel Obi-Wan’s despair at how completely inept Anakin is at this whole ‘personal interactions’ thing, but that’s fine, because Obi-Wan’s a bit of a slut, and Anakin doesn’t flirt with everyone he meets, and he’s been waiting for his soulmate like a sensible person.
(“Or a romantic,” Vos had pointed out, once. “Most people date at least a little if they don’t meet their soulmate by, like, fifteen. I mean, culturally I understand why you want to wait until you meet your soulmate, but it’s not really a matter of sensibility, just personal preference. Obi-Wan’s not less sensible for sleeping around.”)
(Anakin does not like this argument, and so he ignores it.)
(Well, no, he agrees that people should be allowed to flirt if they want, but he doesn’t like the implication he’s gotten from a few other padawans about how he’s ‘awkward’ for not knowing how to talk to people that he wants to impress somehow.)
(So, he’s going to claim it’s sensibility.)
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“Kriff off, Ponds!” Rex barks out, immediately pinging on the exact clone that said the words, and Anakin bites a lip to keep from laughing at them both.
“Out,” Fett orders. “We’ve got shit to do, stop being a distraction.”
“Being a distraction, my dear, is a skill that Anakin’s put far too much effort into developing just to drop it on your command,” Obi-Wan says, light and airy and not at all like he just dragged Anakin and Fett for no Force-damned reason.
“Come on,” Rex mutters, tugging Anakin to the door with a blush that only grows as the other clones catcall them on the way out of the room. Anakin hears at least one particularly dirty comment get cut off by a smacking noise and a reprimand from a clone he thinks is probably Alpha.
The second they’re out of sight, Rex slows down, and glances back at Anakin.
Anakin tries to smile in encouragement. He’s not sure it works, really, but Rex smiles back, so it can’t be that bad.
“Here, Alpha told me to use the mini conference room,” Rex tells him, when the get to a nondescript door with a number on it. “It’s not completely secure, but we can lock the door so it’s mostly private.”
“Can I kiss you?” Anakin asks, and then has to fight to not clap a hand over his mouth.
He was going to go slow. He was a moron who’d promised himself to go slow. Rex is mostly an adult but there are ways in which he isn’t, and Anakin might not be fully an adult either, but that’s not really an excuse, and--
“Yes, please,” Rex says, and oh Anakin really likes the shy grin on him. It’s pretty.
(This man, he thinks, could easily bench press Anakin a few times over, but he’s blushing like a storybook maiden, and he’s doing it for Anakin.)
Anakin moves slowly, because this isn’t something he has much practice with either, but he takes Rex’s face in his hands and leans in, pressing their lips together with only the slightest tilt of his head, just barely less than chaste, and a firework goes off inside his ribcage.
His soulmate! He’s kissing his soulmate!
There’s a ‘stop projecting’ nudge from Obi-Wan in the Force. Anakin tosses up a shield and focuses back on the kissing. He pulls away, and the goes to just... peck a bit. Just small, chaste, tiny kisses because he doesn’t want to stop. Because for all that they just met a few minutes ago, this feels right.
Warm hands, larger than his own and steady in a way he thinks he really likes, settle on his hips.
“We--mm--really should talk,” Rex manages, and Anakin... well, Anakin stops kissing him.
Rex apparently likes it as much as Anakin does, because he lifts up onto his toes to kiss Anakin again before fully breaking off. He grins, clearly sheepish, and shrugs. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Anakin says, and then Rex pulls him down to press their foreheads together, radiating warmth and hope and affection that Anakin hasn’t earned yet, but is definitely going to.
“This is a Keldabe kiss,” Rex says, and his nose brushes against Anakin’s as he shifts. His hands are still on Anakin’s waist, and Anakin decides to wrap his arms around Rex’s shoulders. It’s nice. “I like, um, I like the other kind of kissing too, but this means a lot to me, and it’s one of those Mandalorian things they actually let us pick up.”
“Fine by me,” Anakin says, and he, hells, he hasn’t even asked for proof of the soul marks, but he doesn’t need to, really, with the Force as insistent as it is. “So. Talk?”
“Yeah. Let’s talk.”
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nev3rfound · 3 years
don't go yet, please : h.z
you shouldn't have followed after your dear friend, but then again, the baron should know better by now that you'll never be too far behind. (1.8k)
masterlist / permanent taglist / etsy shop - requests open!
requested: well I had a request from @geekgirlofarchangels for friends to lovers and this is what I came up with as I'm a bitch for zemo rn warnings: mentions of blood, descriptions from tfatws also a brief attempt at german (I'm sorry if it's terrible)
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website without being credited, it has not been approved to be shared by me. all rights reserved.)
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It was one big mistake going along. You should've stayed back in the apartment as Zemo suggested. However, having been friends with the Baron for many years, he should know better by now than assume you'd do as he suggests.
Standing in the warehouse, you were watching Walker carefully. He was becoming twitchy, his patience clearly wearing thin. "It's too quiet." He states, looking over at Bucky who remains silent.
"I could check, but I am preoccupied here." Zemo chimes in, holding up his cuffed wrists, not missing the quiet chuckle from you.
"Tough crowd, Baron." You spare him a glance, noticing how he is already eyeing up the small lock on the cuffs.
"I'm going in," John steps forward, only to be blocked by Bucky.
That was the beginning of the end for things to work out smoothly. Sure, Zemo being handcuffed by Walker was one thing, but you knew Zemo well enough after all these years to know he'd be out of those within minutes. However, Walker himself was becoming a loose cannon, and you know what they say about those.
"It hasn't been ten minutes yet, John. Just sit tight." Bucky comments.
John continues to pace, nearing you and Zemo. "Don't do that, don't patronize me." John spits back, his breathing becoming frantic.
"He knows what he's doing." You speak up, ignoring Zemo muttering your name at the sight of John pausing and turning his attention to you. "Unlike some people."
"You might wanna watch yourself," John seethes, watching Zemo tug on his handcuffs. "and find better people to hang around with, sweetheart." He looks you up and down, forcing a smirk before focusing on the clock.
Stepping backwards, you can feel a hand brush across yours. Without looking, you accept it and squeeze it three times, relieved when he squeezes back.
"I'm goin' in." John marches toward Bucky, only to be pushed back. "This must be easy for you. With all that serum running through your veins." He scoffs. "Barnes, your partner needs backup in there. Do you really want his blood on your hands?"
The question hangs in the air too long, and without needing an answer, John shoves past Bucky with Lemar on his tail.
"Seriously?" You huff, moving toward Bucky and following behind him.
"Y/n," Zemo speaks up, his voice now echoing in the empty room. "you seem to be forgetting my situation." He motions to his cuffed hand.
"Well, Helmut," Slowly you walk toward him, crossing your arms over your chest whilst you try to suppress the grin forming on your lips. "I suppose you'll just have to get yourself out, you're a pro after all." You tease, turning around and leaving him be knowing he'll be right behind you in a matter of minutes.
Echoes of gunfire and voices bounce from the walls as you continue to run through the endless corridors, unsure where you're even heading.
Breathlessly, you find Sam who couldn't look more disappointed. "I was so close getting through to her." He admits, shaking his head. "Walkers lost control, Y/n."
"Where is he?" You ask, but Sam sighs. "I'll find him."
"Y/n," Bucky walks into the room. "I lost her." He states. "There's a dozen of them in there."
"This place is a maze." Sam mutters, taking his eye off you for a moment, just a moment long enough for you to slip out of the room and toward a spiral staircase.
If there's anything Zemo has taught you over the years, always look for a distraction. And for once, it's actually working in your favour.
Your feet guide you toward a large open part of the warehouse, lined with dusted windows.
"Don't," Karli yells, another round of shots being fired from someone whilst you remain out of sight, ducking behind one of the barrels.
Daring to peer around it, you swear to yourself seeing the Baron stood with his gun aimed at the young girl.
"This, this is all," Zemo keeps his gun trained on Karli whilst his attention shifts to the vials of serum beneath his feet. "wrong." He smiles to himself as he stamps on the first bottle, ignoring Karli's cries for him to stop.
"Helmut!" You yell, leaving your hiding spot and head straight toward him.
Before Zemo can finish his mission, his eyes widen at the sound of your voice. "Y/n?" He turns around, only to see the shield enter his peripheral a millisecond too late.
Falling to the ground with a dull thud, your out cold.
Unable to focus on anything else, Zemo rushes to your side. Blood marks your hairline from the impact and he lifts your head up, cradling it in his arms. "My liebling," Zemo mutters, brushing his fingers along the crimson dripping down your cheek. "why must you be so reckless?"
"I learn from the best." You weakly mutter, forcing your eyes to open despite the immense pain coursing through your head.
"What have you done?" Walker emerges from the shadows, a darker look across his eyes that Zemo easily recognises. "You'll pay for this," Zemo seethes, reaching for his gun as his hand shakes, crimson coating his fingertips.
John laughs and steps toward the pair of you, noting you trying to stay awake with little success. "I don't think I will somehow." John states confidently, tearing Zemo's gun from his grip and throws it forcefully against the wall, breaking it into pieces. "Have fun, Zemo." John salutes to the Baron before disappearing back into the shadows, knowing what he has to do.
Taking your hand in his, Zemo squeezes it three times in hope of a response, but you remain limp in his arms. "Come on, Y/n," He whispers, bringing your hand to his lips and presses his lips against your palm. "I can't lose you too."
When Zemo emerges from the building, the world is a different place. A man's body lies beneath the feet of Captain America, blood staining the shield and you lay in Zemo's arms.
"Y/n?" Bucky hits Sams arm forcefully, averting his eyes from the scene in the middle of the square to a dishevelled looking baron cradling your body close to his chest.
"What happened?" Sam demands, now walking alongside Zemo who remains lost in his thoughts, thinking back to all that time you spent visiting him in prison, trying to provide some level of sanity to keep him occupied for the short while you had alone.
"He did." Zemo spits the words, his eyes remaining glued to your face, dried blood coating the left side that is hidden in the fur of his coat, tainting the pure white. "I'm going to kill him once my Y/n is awake." He mutters under his breath, not caring if either men hear his comment.
Once they reach Zemo's apartment, the silence between the trio is deafening.
Zemo takes you straight toward his bedroom, knowing you'd prefer privacy rather than being under the watchful eyes of your other friends.
"Oh, little dove," Pulling the silk sheets over your body, Zemo lowers the glass of scotch onto the bedside table alongside a damp towel to clean your blood.
As he presses the towel along your hairline, his free hand cups your face. He brushes his thumb across your cheek, humming a familiar tune.
"This is a nice way to wake up." You mumble, feeling Zemo tense momentarily whilst you keep your eyes closed. "Are the blinds open?"
"Hold on." Zemo moves away from you, taking the warmth with him causing a shiver to ripple through you.
Hiding you from the daylight and the cold reality of the world, darkness coats the walls. "Thanks." You comment, trying to sit upright only to wince and have your arm bat lightly by Zemo's hand.
"Don't move." Zemo instructs, perching on the edge of the bed, his coat thrown across the chair in the corner of the room, hiding the bloodied fur from your view. "You really are stupid sometimes, schatz."
"You really want to have this conversation, now?" Quick to retort, you glare up at your friend, having not forgotten what you witnessed in that warehouse. "It's all gone, isn't it?"
Zemo's prolonged silence answers your question, and he listens to you hum in response.
"Du bist ein idiot, Helmut." You state in German, not missing the tug on the corner of his lips. "But you're my idiot, nonetheless."
Stretching your arm out, you take a hold of his hand, squeezing it three times. "I thought I'd lost you for a moment in there, Y/n." Zemo painfully admits, knowing you were slipping in and out of consciousness.
"I know," You rub your thumb across his knuckles, his hands were always so soft against yours. "but I promise you, Helmut, I'll never go down without a fight."
"I don't want you to fight, Y/n." Zemo sighs heavily. "I just want you to be safe."
Scoffing lightly, you force yourself upright despite Zemo shifting closer. "You can't control that, Helmut." You remind him, having visited him once or twice with some minor injuries from smaller missions with Sam. "Nothing about us is certain, I mean," Trailing off, you can feel the mere thought of the conversation is causing your head to thump.
"Come," Zemo rises to his feet and walks around the bed. "get some rest. We can talk in the morning."
As Zemo approaches the door, you interrupt him. "Helmut, please, don't go." You whimper, faintly seeing him turn back to face you. "I don't want to be alone if I don't have to."
Smiling sadly to himself, Zemo removes his shoes and slides beneath the covers. Within a matter of seconds, he holds you close in his arms, your head resting against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"I'm not going anywhere, Y/n." Zemo whispers, kissing the top of your head as your eyes close, tears dampening his shirt. "Not when I just got you back."
"You sure about that?" You dare to ask, glancing up to see the faint outline of a sad smile crossing his lips as those dark eyes remain on yours.
"When it comes to you, I'm certain." He mutters, feeling you shift in his arms.
Your breath fans his lips before you softly kiss him. Zemo reacts instantly, his hand moving to cradle your neck as he kisses you back, desperate to not let you go.
Eventually, you both part. "Helmut," You breathe out, only for him to kiss you chastely. "I,"
"Don't say it, Y/n." Zemo hushes, knowing if he heard those three words leave your lips he'll never forgive himself if anything happened to you or him. "Save them for me, okay?"
Nodding in response, you mould back into Zemo, his fingers gliding across your shoulder creating various patterns including love hearts without realising it.
Yet, as you begin to drift off, you hear those three words from him, hoping that one day you can say them in return.
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re-diesirae · 3 years
17. Leon
Orchids. Claire could come out with really unexpected things sometimes. She didn't look like the sort of girl that liked flowers, but he found that little fact amusingly adorable. If he could make out something positive about being stranded in there, it was that he was getting to know Claire better.
Guess now I know what flowers I should buy her. Wait, why would I buy her flowers?
"I think it should be safe to go out. The sun must be out now. Let's wait for Chris and the others outside."
"Yeah. Sounds fine to me."
The pair picked up their weapons and headed out of the tower. Their way outside was calm since they found no hostiles in the building. Leon guessed that they needed to "thank" their cannibalistic friend for clearing the place for them.
The fresh air hit them as soon as they had reached the open space. Monsters aside, the place was actually nice. Suddenly, the sound of an aircraft made them look up, right on time to see Chris and company making their triumphant entrance.
"Well, look at that. We've got a welcoming party!" Barry laughed when his feet touched the ground, "What? No music and fireworks?"
"Sorry to disappoint you, Barry. Guess we must have forgotten to get them while we were trying to stay alive," Claire replied with a playful smile.
"Ah, you can make up for that later, little Red," he replied with a smile.
Leon stepped aside to let the siblings have their moment. It was almost funny to see how Chris lifted his sister from the ground to pull her into a choking embrace. The man looked so out of character, but Leon knew that the Redfields had a close relationship, and it was heartwarming to see them interact. It almost erased the terrible weight that had long befallen these siblings.
"God...I was so worried," Chris sighed in relief when he finally put her down.
"I know you were. I am fine, but what the hell happened to your arm? Don't tell me you let one of those B.O.W's get you. How disappointing, my dear brother."
"Never mind. I'll earn your pride later today," Chris snorted, "And in my defense, it got it worse than I did. But for real, are you sure you are alright?"
The older Redfield pushed his sister back to take a look at her. Leon knew the man wouldn't find anything more than scratches and bruises adorning her pale skin. Leon knew that because he, too, had checked her for any obvious injury, but the visible wounds weren't what he was concerned about, but rather the invisible ones. He still wasn't sure about the implications of the concussion.
"I am ok. I just hit my head a little, I think. If you got some painkillers in your first aid kit, I'd gladly make use of them."
Chris looked like he wanted to say something, but he seemed to rethink it, and instead, he pulled out a small bottle from one of his vest pockets and gave it to her.
"Here, but you'll need to eat something first. Those are a little strong."
"And I since you made the suggestion, I guess you brought me something to eat," Claire winked at him as she picked the bottle.
"Well, I don't imagine your hosts left your food lying around."
"Well, we did find a storage room with some canned food, right, Leon?"
"I must admit we've had a lot of luck this time. I guess Claire is a good luck charm," Leon smiled, and Claire rolled her eyes.
"Thanks for keeping her safe, Leon."
"Hey, I can take care of myself," Claire said, punching his healthy arm.
"I should be thanking her, for keeping me alive." Leon smiled, "there's no need for gratitude. We are all friends, and we help each other as much as we can."
"Yeah, yeah...that's nice. So how about we get that breakfast and finish this mission asap?" Barry complained.
The so-called breakfast consisted of some protein bars. The taste wasn't bad, but it definitely didn't compare with a real breakfast, but with all his years of service, Leon had learned not to be so picky about some things. The bars would fill the physiological need for energy, and they were easy to carry, so they were a practical meal for missions. Leon had grown used to eating them, but he smirked at Claire when the woman made a disgusted face after the first bite.
As they ate the soldier styled breakfast, Chris and Jill had begun the strategy meeting. Chris had brought eight men from B.S.A.A as a backup, without counting the chopper's pilot. Jill, Barry, and he were from the Elite Alpha, and the remaining five belonged to the Alpha team.
"So...studying the blueprint that you send us, there are three possible entrances to the underground facility. From the basement here; the library here or the common room in here." Jill said, pinpointing the spots.
"The information about the essays should be in the Research Center. We should try the common room's entrance," Claire suggested, "It's the most direct way to it and faster. The less time we spend there, the less likely they'll notice us."
"That is if the thing isn't blocked. What worries me now, however, is the condition down there. We don't know what monsters they kept or how dangerous they might be." Jill said, staring at the blueprints." We can guess we'll find at least one of the B.O.W's on the lists that Claire and Leon found, but there might be new specimens that were not listed."
"We'll stick together all the time. I don't want anyone wandering off on his own, understood?" Chris said to his men, " And that goes for you, too, Claire."
"I know, I know. I won't do anything reckless. I promise."
"Right, keep an eye on her, Leon."
"Get ready, everyone. We leave in 5. You two need proper gear. Come here.."
Leon glanced at Claire with a raised brow, and the redhead winked at him. After receiving a generous gift of gear and weapons, Leon finally felt more comfortable.
"That's right...Chris, we heard that you encountered a new type of B.O.W back in Hughesville."
"You don't miss a thing, huh? Guess Leon's friend filled you up already. I can't tell you much, but the creature was vicious and highly hostile. I took quite a lot of ammo and incendiary rounds to give it a scratch, but Barry's grenade put an end to it. B.S.A.A. The clean-up team probably took samples for study. You can ask about it later."
"Yeah, I was just wondering if there was a chance that it was the same strain that we encountered here."
"To tell that truth, I wouldn't be surprised." Chris sighed, shaking his head, "Ok, people. We are heading down. From here on, we are in high-risk terrain so keep your ears and eyes open. One mistake can cost your life or the team's. I'll be at a point along with Jill and Barry; Clemence and Riley, you two be at the sides while Miller, Hunter and Bailey will be at the rear. Leon and Claire, you two are stuck in the middle."
"Seriously, Chris?" Claire asked, crossing her arms, "You can't really think that Leon and I can handle those things, do you?"
"I don't doubt you can, but it's a strategic position. You two have been in harsh conditions for the past three days. I am sure your bodies won't be as sharp. Take it as a chance to rest."
"As if."
Leon chuckled. He put his hand on Claire's shoulder and smiled with a nod. He could understand Chris's reasoning: putting them in the middle would take a little of the weight from them. It didn't mean they could slack off, but at least they could catch a breath until the situation called for action. Claire let out a sigh and patted his hand.
"Ok, guess I'll let it pass."
The team headed to the main room, and, to both Leon's and Claire's disgust, they found the fresh bloodstains on the wooden floor. The man remembered the footage of the security camera they had seen and recalled that this had been the room where they had seen the B.O.W feasting on its prey.
"Well, someone didn't have much luck," Barry growled.
"Yeah, a bunch of Plaga infected locals." Leon replied, "We saw it through the surveillance camera a little before dawn. It was one of the new B.O.W's."
"So they really eat the other infected?" Jill said, perplexed as she walked to the fireplace and tainted around the bricks until she found the control panel. The woman began working to open the door.
"It seems like it is like that."
"That's crazy. I've seen those things killing each other, but cannibalism is a new thing." Barry said, staring at the bloodstain with disgust.
"They have never been very sane, to begin with, or they wouldn't make these damn monsters. Got it." Jill said, pushing back the control panel and stepping back, raising her gun.
"Trust Jill to open any lock," Barry smirked.
"I wasn't the B&E specialist for nothing," Jill winked at him.
The fireplace let out a screech as it pulled back, revealing a large metal door. The red light on the command box turned green, and the doors began to slide open. Their team had their weapons raised in case a monster jumped out of it, but the only thing beyond the door was a small square space: an elevator.
"Clear, let's move." Chris signaled, and they entered the elevator. The door automatically closed once the last man had stepped inside, and soon, it was moving down smoothly.
Leon couldn't help but feel a bit of deja vu. How many elevators heading to monster-filled facilities had he rode before? He had already lost the count. When it came to an abrupt stop, everyone raised their weapons as they watched the doors slowly slide open.
Chris stepped out with Barry. Both men looked around and then motioned them to move out. The place was clean, with no mutants, no zombies, and no living things either. To Leon, however, the stench of death was definitely in the air.
"At least there's light," Claire muttered to him, "Last time I was in a place like this, I could barely see my steps."
"The energy is still up. I guess our friends left in a rush," Jill commented.
"That if they actually left…" Chris commented.
Most of them probably hadn't. Their theory proved right as the group turned to the second corridor. There was blood splattered in the walls, more papers scattered on the floor, and Leon saw Claire bending to pick one.
"What's that?"
"Notes about a test subject, I suppose." She replied, picking another one, "Physiological changes took place two days after the first inoculation. There was no evidence of mental dysfunction yet and mutation seemed suppressed. Administration through multiple dosages showed up effective to inhibit immediate mutation. Anomalies in the blood seem to be a common treatment of the new strain," she read.
Leon looked at the papers, as well, and the blond raised an eyebrow with surprise.
"You know German?" he asked.
"Took a course during college. I work with an international salvation organization. Knowing many languages is useful."
Claire never stopped surprising him.
"These seem to be study records..." Claire said, looking through another bunch of papers.
"So those fuckers actually made a new strain," Barry growled.
"Does it say anything about the virus?" Chris asked.
"No details, I'm afraid. The report is incomplete. Some of the pages are gone, and they used codes."
Chris nodded.
"Ok, there is no need to find the rest of them if we can find the research data from the main computer," Chris said, "Let's get moving. We now know that we have hostiles down here. Stay sharp."
Leon caught Claire's worried look as she looked at her brother. They headed to the Research room, which was a couple of corridors beyond their current position. As they moved, Leon felt uncomfortable about the lack of monsters and the lack of corpses. They had come across a lot of bloodstains that were evidence of slaughter, but so far, they had not encountered the victims nor the attackers. Leon had a glimpse of Chris, and he knew that the older Redfield was having the same train of thought.
"This is the place." Jill said, checking the map, "Biomedical and Biohazard Department. What a name, huh?"
"It has a VIRUS written all over it." Barry mocked.
They entered the room with their weapons raised, but just like the rest of the facility, the place was empty. There weren't bloodstains, so at least they knew that the lab hadn't been the setting of slaughter, unlike other rooms they had passed. For an investigation department, Leon thought that the room looked simple: white walls, a set of computers, and two shelves- one filled with unknown contents and another one filled with files. There was a glass window that opened to what looked like a laboratory. The place was messed-up, but there was no blood in there, either. One of Chris's men, Clement, if he wasn't mistaken, rushed to the computer and began hacking into the system and copying all the information into the memory drive. The rest stood guard in case anything showed up.
The silence was unsettling as the only sound that filled the room was the typing. It felt unnatural, and it gave Leon the sensation that something was watching him, lurking in the shadows and waiting for its chance to strike. He saw Claire standing in front of the shelves; she was flipping the pages of one of the folders.
"Found something interesting?"
"You could say so. It seems like they were trying to make a new virus from multiple pathogens. These are viral genomes, but these are bacterial genes..."
"Why doesn't it sound new to me?"
"Yeah, I guess you must be sick of hearing it, right?"
Leon pulled out one of the folders and flipped it open. What he found inside wasn't a nice view. The first page had a picture of a woman with blonde curly hair and green eyes. Her skin was sickly pale, and her look lacked life; right next to the photo, Leon read the word FAILED.
Name: Marishka Sekinova, Subject CD:05X345
Treatment: Isolation BS-0314
Observations: patient showed fever in the first 3h after the inoculation followed by signs of mental degeneration that included symptoms similar to dementia. 48h after, she showed signs of mutation: epidermis began to degrade; muscular tissue was elongated, and the apparition of tumors in multiple parts of the body, which developed at an extremely high speed. 72h later, the mutation had extended to all the body, leaving the subject unrecognizable; signs of erratic behavior and high hostility began to appear. The subject had to be put into a reinforced isolation room to continue the monitoring, 96h later, the subject's vitality began to fall, and its body parts began to decay in a phenomenon that we've named "Rotting". The subject was found dead at 17:46 pm on July, 11th.
The file ended with a set of horrible looking pictures that showed up the evolution of the woman, so the photos went from pretty bad to horribly bad.
"Poor woman. These people really don't understand the term Bioethics. " Claire said sadly, "They have the files coded by colors: those white folders are Failed subjects, and the color tags must be the virus they were testing. Check what I found."
Claire handed him a folder. He flipped it open and just like the other file, the front page had a picture attached, this time it was the photograph of a woman with black hair, but instead of FAILED, the words: TO IMPROVE, were written. He turned the page and, like before, he found a set of pictures, but his eyes suddenly stuck in the last one.
"It's...the thing that attacked us."
"Yeah, or at least a primitive version of it, but look what it says. According to this, the mutation caused them to be photosensitive. That explains why they only come out at night time."
"Just like monsters from a nightmare, huh?"
The lights in from the ceiling flickered, and he saw Claire lookup with a frown.
"Did you...hear that?" she asked.
"Hear what?" he replied. Leon was puzzled. He hadn't heard anything.
Claire did not reply as she stared back at the ceiling.
"It's done. I've copied all the files from the system captain." Clement said, breaking the silence.
"Good, time to get the hell out of here. Don't let your guard down yet. We still don't know if there's anything ready to attack us out there."
"Yes, Captain!"
Claire pushed the folder back into the shelf and turned to Leon.
"Time for this nightmare to end…" he said, and she smiled.
NOTE: if you guys want to come and chat about the fic, or just about CLEON in general. Feel free to drop by the discord and say hi! JOIN SERVER
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eskalations · 3 years
"I've always known that I was a big target for them - almost as big as Erwin himself - but I never thought they would go after my own daughter." Levi released a dark chuckle at this, closing his eyes in disbelief. 'I can't believe my stupidity. The Titans have cut down families before, I don't know what made me think that mine would be any different."
(Rivetra AU where Petra is a pediatric nurse and Levi is a single father)
Hello! Wow oh wow! I haven't written since August and this oneshot definitely made it more obvious. Originally it was only supposed to be about 5,000 words but it soon grew into the monster that it is now. Will it stay a oneshot forever? I don't know...but for now, it is what it is! Editing this was a nightmare, so I apologize for any missed mistakes, as well as my poor writing skills that have been underutilized for quite some time.
I hope regardless of that, you will still enjoy this! I just finished AOT and this couple's story absolutely gripped my heart. Here you go, Rivetra fandom!
As always, reviews are MUCH appreciated. So please be sure to tell me what you think!
Petra Ral was NOT having a good day.
While she had been a night nurse for several years now, her penchant for making rookie mistakes was almost as bad as it had been when she started. Upon crashing into bed at seven this morning, she had completely forgotten to set her alarm for later in the day. Hence, why she was running through the streets of Paradis like a madwoman.
Her co-workers were less than impressed with her dramatic entry onto the ward. Nanaba was glaring at her over the top of the counter, while Nifa bristled from beside the employee water tower.
"Really, Petra?" The spunky redhead commented in a low, disapproving tone - watching as the other ginger woman threw her bag down onto the floor beneath the desk and hurriedly began to punch in her time. "This oversleeping thing is getting pretty old, considering it's six in the afternoon, not six in the morning."
Petra held back a growl as she fumbled with her card, sticking it into the machine but not getting any response due to the shakiness of insertion. Finally, she heard a click and withdrew the parchment. With her heart still racing like mad after her dash up the stairs, she dropped in exhaustion into a vacant chair.
“You say that - “ Petra spoke for the first time since entering Paradis Hospital, her usual chipper voice hoarse from her ragged breathing. “ - but you’re not the one who worked a 12-hour shift yesterday. You were too busy working on that boyfriend of yours to even - "
“Shhhhhh!” Nifa’s face glowed scarlet as she shushed the young woman, her pale skin heating at the vulgar comment. Nanaba just laughed quietly at her friend’s embarrassment, turning her attention back to the file in front of her. All the nurses and doctors bustling about around the counter paid the girls no mind, used to the familiar banter between the three.
"Say what you want about Nifa's love life," Nanaba bristled, pulling out another form from the file in front of her for closer observation. The blonde's eyes cut towards Petra, disapproval evident in her tone. "But your the one who's late today. We had a pretty intense case come into the ward too from emergency."
“What?!” Petra yelped, her nurse’s instincts kicking in instantly at Nananba’s words. Despite her still heaving chest, the young woman sat up straighter to observe the report that was being handed over to her. “Is the child okay?”
"She's stable." Nanaba offered, turning back to the folder on her desk to grab a few more forms. "However, she's going to need to be watched closely throughout the night. The poor thing was stabbed and the blade had poison on it."
Petra wished she could act shocked, but she wasn’t. Paradis Hospital received several stab cases a day due to the gang violence in the area. The Titans certainly weren’t pulling any of their punches when it came to looting. Regardless of whether their victim was eight or eighty, they would steal from anyone with a bit of coin in their pocket.
Stabbings weren't super common on the pediatric ward, but common enough that all the staff who bustled about barely batted an eye at the thought of such an injury being treated on the floor.
"She's already been stitched up and the antidote for the poison has been administered - but, the emergency department sent her up here for monitoring, just in case she relapses," Nifa explained, now leaning over the counter to read the forms Nanaba still held in her hands. The blonde threw her an exasperated look.
“She’s not your patient, so stop being so damn nosy.”
"Well, I've never - " Nifa scoffed at the blonde's scathing tone, though Petra could hear the amusement behind it. "Sorry, for wanting to dedicate my life for the next 12-hours to a hot man with a nice - oh, I mean to a sweet little girl with a -"
"Nifa!" Petra exclaimed, catching on to what the young woman was implying. "Don't tell me you're trying to hit on a little girl's father while she's bedridden in the hospital! Have you no shame?"
“Not really!”
Even Nanaba laughed at Nifa's answer.
"Well, too bad for you, since you have a boyfriend." The blonde reminded her, to which the red-headed nurse simply stuck out her tongue. " - and  Petra has been assigned to be her nurse."
“Me?” Petra had the gall to act surprised, but her friends simply rolled their eyes at her modest response.
“Oh please!" Nifa sighed, crossing her arms over the counter to once again lean closer to the girls on the other side. One of the older doctors, a man with grey hair and spectacles, eyed her disapprovingly as he passed. Nifa didn't even spare him a glance. "While you may be a notorious flake when it comes to arriving on time, it's no secret that they entrust you with the higher priority cases on the ward."
Nifa was right - it wasn't a secret. Since graduating at the top of her class in nursing school, she had always been highly respected for not only her knowledge but bedside manner, as well. Just last year, she had received an award for having the highest satisfaction rate on her floor. Now, if only she could show up to work on time…
“- he’s really short, but his eyes - wow!" Petra was brought back from her thoughts by Nifa's words. Nanaba was shaking her head as she wrote a note down in one of her patient files, trying to tune out the girl's excessive praise. "He's got that rough around the edges look, yet is put together and clean and - "
"I hate to cut you off in the middle of your fantasy - " Petra commented before standing and collecting the patient papers from the desk. "- but I have patients to take care of."
Nifa's mouth popped open in shock, her expression quickly turning to one of disbelief at the sight of Petra's teasing look.
“Says the girl who was LATE!”
Petra chuckled, shrugging her shoulders as she rushed off to her first patient's room, ready to begin her shift with newfound energy. Despite her exhaustion from the night before and the soreness in her limbs, she couldn't approach the job she loved with anything less than excitement and positivity.
Maybe it would be a good day after all.
Upon entering Heidi Ackerman's room twenty minutes later though, Petra was once again lamenting the horrible luck that seemed to be plaguing her during the past twenty-four hours.
It wasn't the child who was causing her such discomfort, but her father.
After having checked on and familiarizing herself with the low-risk patients she had been assigned, Petra finally decided to introduce herself to the latest Titan's stab victim that was residing on her ward. Checking the young girl's forms before entering the room, the nurse noticed that the child was due for a round of medication soon anyways.
‘Perfect,' Petra thought to herself while turning the knob of the door. 'If I take care of her medications now, I won’t have to return for another hour and then I can go check on - ‘
Petra's thoughts were interrupted by the sight that met her upon entry to the room.
Nifa wasn’t kidding - the guy was short. Like, really short.
Petra rarely met a male anywhere close to her height - so, the short stature of the figure that stood by the lone window of the room, instantly caught her attention.
The second thing that caught her attention? His looks.
While the man was certainly not attractive by societal standards, his piercing gaze was enough to stop any woman in her path. His eyes were grey and heavily hooded by pale white lids and beneath his stare, lay two dark bags that spoke of a restless nature. Despite the blatant signs of exhaustion, his dark hair lay near perfect across his forehead, the shaved lower half of it buzzed in an undercut fashion.
He was captivating and terrifying all at once.
“Oi, are you just going to stand there?”
His gravelly, low voice broke her from her analysis, jolting her back to reality as he shifted his posture to a more casual stance. Whereas he once stood rigid, he now placed a hand on his hip and schooled his features to resemble something more akin to indifference.
Realizing she had never responded, Petra suddenly jumped into action.
"Oh!" She smiled awkwardly, not quite feeling like her usual self. Typically, talking to patients and their families wasn't so difficult for her, but this guy was unlike her usual clientele. He practically exuded indifference and didn't look very interested in receiving an answer to what she had to assume was a rhetorical question - but Petra did not care. "Hello, my name's Petra Ral, I'll be the night nurse for Miss Heidi."
As if saying her name had reminded her of exactly why she was standing there in the first place, Petra turned her smiling face towards the bed, trying not to show her concern as her gaze fell on the small child.
Heidi Ackerman at five years old had experienced more pain in the past several hours than some adults would face in their entire lifetime. While the child's sweet features could still be seen over the top of the crisp white blankets, the pained lines of her forehead spoke of a quiet distress that had taken a hold of her and refused to let go.
Petra ached to go towards her - however, a snide remark from the man on the other side of the room had her pausing.
“You’re going to attend my child looking like that?” Disgust was evident in the man’s tone as he gave her a once over from top to bottom. “Ever heard of an iron?”
The young woman could feel her face go red at his comment, her eyes glancing down at the outfit she typically wore during her shift - a white nurses uniform, tights, and white slip-ons. The front of her outfit was pristine white - however, the bottom of her skirt had a set of small wrinkles. Petra went redder as she realized that in her confusion to get dressed after having slept in, she had picked up her uniform from the previous night that had been lying atop of the hamper.
Most people wouldn't even have noticed her slightly used uniform, but somehow this man had called her out on it, despite it only having had a few wrinkles of use embedded in the fabric.
Petra was furious. Of course, she wasn't going to show it, since she was a professional - but she couldn’t help but bite back, even if it was just a little.
“Yeah - well you aren’t looking too good either, so I guess we're even.”
The man cocked an eyebrow at her comment, before looking down at himself to see what she was talking about.
In Petra's defense, she hadn't actually looked at the man's clothes. When she had entered the room, she had been so distracted by his face, that she hadn't even gotten the opportunity. But, as he looked down at himself in search of the reason for her comment, Petra was able to give him a once over too. After examining his outfit of choice, Petra had to bite back a groan from the error of her comment.
He was dressed immaculately, wearing a dark brown leather jacket with a white shirt underneath and a pair of slender black jeans on the bottom. On his feet, were a pair of shiny, black combat boots that looked as though they had been polished that very morning.
However, the state of his clothes was not the reason Petra wanted the Earth to swallow her whole. It was the substance on the front of his shirt.
“Tch," The man clicked his tongue, having caught sight of the dried, red blood covering his otherwise pristine white shirt. "I guess my child's blood isn't the best accessory to wear, huh?"
Fully embarrassed by her comment, Petra immediately stuck out her hands in defense, forms and all.
“Sir, I’m sorry. I truly didn’t mean - “
“I’m sure.” The words were said with such a quiet finality, that the woman felt her tongue grow heavy in her mouth. Not knowing what else to say, the room fell into an awkward silence that even Petra’s vivacious personality couldn’t conquer.
Perhaps, she had officially met her match.
The man continued to stare at her with his slate-gray eyes as the silence drug on - however, they were both interrupted from their thoughts by a quiet cough coming from the bed.
‘That’s right!’ Petra thought, a newfound energy taking hold of her as she returned her attention to the small patient residing in the bed. ‘She’s the reason I’m here.’
"Sorry, Miss Heidi!" Petra adopted her usual, chipper tone as she approached the child, already glancing at the chart that had been left on the wall at her side. While the form should have match the one she had been given, she wasn't one to cut corners, so she began to read over it to check for any additional information that could have been missed. "Your father and I are rudely neglecting you. Are you in any pain at the moment?"
While most children instantly brightened at the ginger's easygoing bedside manner - Heidi, much like her father, was not acting like a typical patient. Instead of answering, the small, dark-haired girl remained silent, glancing over at the woman with the same hooded gray eyes as her father.
Petra found the whole thing incredibly unnerving. To keep herself busy, she began to check the young girl's vitals. As she glanced over the numbers, she snuck a peek at her charge who still lay silent in the hospital bed.
Despite her lack of response to Petra's earlier question, the woman could see from the lines of distress on the girl's forehead that something was bothering her. She knew from the child's file that she had been slashed with a knife across the stomach and had been on the receiving end of an incredibly deadly poison. There probably wasn't much on her body that didn't hurt at this point.
Although she knew that the young girl must be in pain, the silence continued to grow as the two females in the room kept their gazes locked on the other.
Finally, Heidi turned to her father, who had been watching the scene unfold from his designated spot by the window. The girl's eyes shone with nothing short of fear as she appeared to silently communicate with her father. While the look on the poor child's features caused Petra's heart to clench, the man by the window merely bristled at his daughter's behavior.
"Stop trying to be tough, brat." His voice was rough, the edge in his tone similar to what it had been a minute ago. However, Petra was relieved to note a slight gentleness to his words that hadn't been present in their earlier conversation. "There's no reason to hide your pain if you're feeling any."
While the young nurse imagined any normal child would flinch at such words being thrown at them after having experienced such trauma - Heidi just blinked at her father's comment, almost as if pondering the meaning behind it.
Petra was about to jump in, having seen quite enough of the man's crass attitude towards his daughter, when the little girl finally spoke. Feebly, but with conviction.
“My stomach burns.”
Unlike her father's voice, Heidi had a sweet, slightly high-pitched voice, that would have had Petra cooing, had it not been for the current predicament the child was in.
“That’s to be expected.” The ginger responded understandingly, wanting the girl to know that she was someone she could trust over the next twelve hours. “What if I told you that I have some medicine that could make it feel better? Would you like that, Miss Heidi?”
Heidi hesitated for a moment, pulling the crisp white blanket up to her chin, almost acting like she was ashamed for having to take medicine. However, only a few beats passed before she nodded in response to the young woman's question.
"Perfect!" Petra's smile grew, the genuine kindness that typically radiated from her, shining from the depths of her chestnut eyes. "You're going to need a drink to help you wash down your pills - and I know they may taste a little nasty - so, how about I get you a juice to make it just a little bit better?"
As though a switch had been flipped, Heidi’s pale hands dropped the sheet covering the lower half of her face, revealing a tiny, rosebud mouth opened in shock. The dull gray of her eyes that had been so flat just a few moments ago, sparkled at the prospect of such a treat.
It made Petra’s heart clench once again.
The nurse was about to ask what flavor the girl wanted when her attention was drawn back to the man standing on the other side of the room. He had made a disapproving noise with his tongue as his daughter's face lit up at the thought of the sweet drink.
"Now you've done it." The man chuckled, though there was no real humor behind it. "This girl's favorite thing in the world is sweets. Now she's going to say she's in pain, just so she can get some juice."
“Sir,” Petra responded firmly, her once shining brown eyes hardening at such a careless statement. “I’m sorry, but after what she’s been through today, I think the least we could do is allow her to have some juice.”
The man shrugged his shoulders, raising his brows as though to tell her ‘do what you want’.
Which she would - gladly, in fact.
Turning back towards Heidi, who was now watching her father with a concerned expression, Petra attempted to redirect the girl’s attention.
"What flavor do you want?" That got Heidi's head swiveling back towards her. "I have cherry, grape, apple, orange, or watermelon."
“Uhhhh - “ Heidi pondered over her choices, looking up at the ceiling as though the answer would be there. After a few moments of thinking it over, the girl finally glanced back at the nurse waiting anxiously by her bedside. “I guess...cherry?”
“Excellent choice!” Petra agreed, readying herself to leave the room, but stopping dead in her tracks when hearing Heidi’s little voice again.
“Is that okay, Daddy?”
Petra watched as the little girl turned to her father, gauging his reaction for some kind of approval. The nurse waited with bated breath as the man simply stared back at the child, giving no indication of his approval either way.
Just when he was opening his mouth to give Heidi an answer - Petra jumped in, tired of witnessing the power dynamic in front of her.
“Your Daddy’s not the one drinking the juice, Heidi - so, I’m sure your choice is of no real consequence to him. Isn’t that right, Mr. Ackerman?”
There was a challenge in her tone, the words laced with borderline rudeness as she stared down the man across the room from her. Never in her life had she been so sharp with a patient nor a patient's family - however, she guessed there was no day like today. If she was going to get fired due to bad conduct, at least let it be because she stood up for a child who seemed to be in want of an advocate.
What reaction she was expecting to get from the man, she did not know - but it certainly wasn't a smirk.
He was smirking at her.
The silence stretched on for a few more seconds, the man's thin lips holding that frustrating smirk in place. He watched her as though waiting for what she was going to do next, but instead of shrinking under his gaze, she simply crossed her arms over her chest, ready to stand her ground.
Once the older Ackerman noticed Heidi’s head swiveling from side to side, watching their reactions, he released another tired, breathy chuckle.
“That’s right, Miss Ral.”
Petra hated to admit it - but, even after exiting the room, her legs continued to shake as she made her way down the hall. The trembles soon transferred into her hands as she poured the little girl a glass of cherry juice.
Upon re-entering the room, the first thing Petra noticed was that Mr. Ackerman had moved from what she thought was going to be his permanent spot in the room. He now stood by his daughter where she lay in her hospital bed, speaking quietly to her about something that the nurse couldn’t hear.
The second he saw her walk through the door, he quickly quieted - his lips returning to the thin line of indifference that she had become acquainted with, not too long ago. Choosing to ignore the strange atmosphere that settled over the room at such a blatant display of secrecy, Petra smiled brightly towards the child lying in the bed.
She was her priority.
“Alright, Miss Heidi!” Petra chirped happily, trying her best to return to the usual persona that she emulated while within the walls of the hospital. “Time for your medicine! If you could just sit up for me - “
The girl began to shift higher up in the bed, struggling to prop herself up against the pillows that lay behind her. Petra rushed to find somewhere to set the glass of juice down so that she could help her patient - however, she was beaten to it.
The girl's father placed his hands underneath her armpits, slowly pulling her back towards the head of the bed. After she was situated a little bit higher, he released his grip on her before tugging at the pillows to arrange them in a fashion that was more comfortable for her. Though he moved with purpose, his actions held a tenderness that Petra was surprised to see. If this was an unusual occurrence for Heidi, she certainly didn't show it on her tired, yet grateful features.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
The man grunted in response, patting his hand on the pillow behind her head one more time before moving his hands back to his pockets.
Petra’s brow rose in response to the uncharacteristic helpfulness she had just witnessed, but she tried to school her features in a way that didn’t show her surprise.
“Well - “ The woman cleared her throat, before handing the glass of juice over to the girl, to give herself time to retrieve the pills she had placed in the pocket at the front of her dress. “Hopefully, your pain will lessen after you take these.”
Heidi gave a shy nod at the woman’s words, looking warily at the pills. Noticing the child’s hesitance, the older Ackerman reached for the cup of juice in her shaking hands. With the movement of his arm, Petra watched as the cuff of his jacket slid up and over the skin of his wrist.
She couldn’t hide her surprise at what she saw branded there.
It was a ‘Wings of Freedom’ tattoo.
This man was a part of the Survey Corps.
It wasn’t that Petra had never interacted with an SC member before, it was just that they normally didn’t frequent this side of the hospital. Most of them didn’t have children and, even if they did, most of them wouldn’t have the opportunity to care for them properly.
It was no secret that of all the cities in Marley, Paradis was the one that had the biggest gang violence problem. Paradis was deemed as the headquarters for the infamous Titans gang, a group of thugs who were well-versed in politics and typically well-educated. One could never know that someone was a Titan, since they blended in so well to society.
There were rumors floating around that several larger corporations had Titans at the helm, working their way through the ranks in an attempt to have a better chance at being elected into political office. Their end goal was unclear - however, their violent acts and shady business dealings had escalated over the recent years.
Suddenly, businessmen who were in perfectly good health one day were turning up dead in a river the next. The same went for major political figures. Several big-name military men had been cut down in the streets and in their homes, to the point where the implications couldn't be ignored.
This was an all-out war.
Though Petra had been busy in nursing school at the time, she still vividly remembered Commander Erwin Smith’s case - since it had eventually led to the creation of the Survey Corps.
Erwin Smith had walked into his home one day after a long day of work, only to be attacked by a group of four masked Titans brandishing knives. While the Commander had lost an arm as a result of the poison on the blades that had come in contact with his arm, he was able to fight off all four assailants and come through the accident with a clear vision of what needed to be done.
This incident prompted the formation of the Survey Corps.
The Survey Corps was a group of former criminals who would have otherwise faced jail time or execution if they chose not to serve their government. The Commander's idea was that when it came to the Titans - one had to fight fire with fire. For him, the Survey Corps was his fire.
The men would be given a meager compensation in exchange for their loyalty, as well as a full pardon for the crimes they had committed in the past. All they had to do was promise their hearts to the cause.
Petra had always thought the venture sounded like a risky one. How could someone trust a criminal? If someone was willing to commit a crime once, wouldn’t they be willing to do it again? From what she had seen of the SC members who had been wheeled into the Emergency Room over the past few years, they looked more like thugs than the actual Titans themselves.
However, it appeared that that was the whole point.
The Survey Corps were used to obtain information about the Titans from the inside. To learn about the Titans, it seemed you had to act like one. Once inside, their goal was to negotiate deals with the underlings, who would then pass on the information to the SC in exchange for compensation. No surprise, though - these exchanges could turn deadly pretty quickly.
The young nurse couldn’t imagine how anyone could trust a criminal to infiltrate the enemy without the fear of them turning themselves - but from what she had heard, Commander Erwin Smith was a very good leader who kept a tight hold on all the men who worked under him.
Petra guessed as much since a good majority of them had small government-issued tracking devices located somewhere on their person - somewhere that they were unaware of, of course.
The woman had only ever seen an actual 'Wings of Freedom' tattoo once, and it was on the wrist of a body that was being rolled to the morgue past her in the hallway one day. The symbol was a sign of rank. Much like how the military operated, the Survey Corps themselves had a set of ranks that signaled a separation of powers within the group.
Only captains and the Commander himself were given the ‘honor’ of bearing the SC tattoo. The placement was purposeful, too - right on the wrist, where an opponent’s eyes would be drawn as they wielded their signature blades.
Suddenly, the behavior of the man made a lot more sense. He was a former thug - now, turned Captain of the Survey Corps.
The nature of Heidi’s injury also made a lot more sense now. She wasn’t victim to a few Titan pick-pockets on the street of Paradis. She was a victim to her father’s line of work.
She had been caught up in the crossfire.
"Miss Ral?" At the sound of the man's deep, gravelly voice, Petra looked up only to be met by a steely gray gaze. He had noticed where her eyes had fallen and had also deduced where her train of thought was drifting. "Are you ready to hand over the medicine?"
His tone was polite enough, not to alert Heidi to the mounting tension that seemed to build with every interaction the two adults had - but there was certainly an edge to it. He was pretty much daring her to ask questions.
Petra certainly was not taking the bait.
“Yes,” The woman responded, slowly. The smile that had fallen from her face at the sight of the man’s tattoo, returned as she warmly regarded her waiting patient. “Let’s get this over with!”
Neither father nor daughter caught the double meaning behind her words.
This shift could not go by fast enough.
After what she could only describe as ‘the longest 12-hour shift ever,’ Petra was ready to hit the sack and enjoy the next two days off.
It seemed like fate, though - had other plans.
"What?" The woman groaned as she pulled her time card out of the slot, her whine catching the attention of a few doctors passing by. Petra couldn't care less what they thought of her right now, she was exhausted - and the news Nanaba had given her was definitely less than welcome "There expediting Krista's maternity leave? Isn't she still like - I don't know - four months away from giving birth?!"
Nifa shook her head from her usual spot by the water tower, looking just about ready to fall over herself.
“Two months,” She reminded the frazzled ginger, chuckling at the groan her answer received. “It was bound to happen sooner or later with how faint she’s been - it just so happens that they made the call during a hospital-wide nursing shortage.”
Petra didn’t want to seem inconsiderate, but this news had really put a wrench in her plans - plans which had included nothing but cleaning and sleeping - but plans nonetheless! There were about a million other things she'd rather do than continue to cross paths with her patient's reticent father.
She had really thought that as the hours passed, his mood would perhaps lift and become a bit more pleasant - but no, things had only seemed to get worse.
While Heidi had slept most of the night, it was almost as if the dark-haired man was reluctant to close his eyes. No matter how many times Petra had walked in there over the past twelve hours, he never moved from his spot near the window. Even when Petra offered to help move the chair over closer to the wall so that he could see, he had glared at her as though she had outright insulted him.
Never had Petra felt so uncomfortable while tending to a patient and she had been doing this for years!
The worst instance of this was when she had gone to change Heidi's bandages over where her injury was. While she had tended to many injured patients before, she could feel a cold sweat breaking out along her hairline as she gently removed the bandages from the young girl's pale skin.
Every movement she made was subject to his intimidating glare - almost as though he was waiting to snap at her the second she made a wrong move. Though he was trying to hide it behind a wall of indifference, Petra could tell that he was on edge as she began to work on Heidi’s wound.
If one thing could be said, it was that Petra had never met a five-year-old quite like Heidi before. Though she remained silent for most of the night, the young woman could tell that she was highly intelligent and aware. Never before had she had a patient who was able to grit their teeth and fight their pain so well. Not even when her bandage got stuck on a small area of irritated skin did Heidi release a whimper.
Petra knew the whole process must have caused her a great deal of pain - however, like her father said, she was hellbent on acting tough.
It wasn’t until she got to the part of the cut that appeared to be the most severe that the child even happened to make a sound.
“Is that tender?” She had asked, but it was more of a formality. The lines of distress on the girl’s forehead told her all she needed to know. “I’ll try to make it quick.”
Heidi said nothing in response, but at her obvious signs of discomfort, her father shifted forward - hands still in his pockets, but his rigid posture showing that he wasn't nearly as indifferent as he tried to act.
Petra was suddenly aware of the man's eyes following the movements of her hands and - though she had done this in front of an audience many times - his attention made her more nervous than she had ever been before. Not only were his eyes watching her like a hawk's - but his body was also tilting forward , closer to her, to see exactly what she was doing.
Under such pressure, she panicked - something that was highly unlike her on a normal day.
With the man's eyes boring holes into her hands, her sweaty palms lost their grip on the bandage she had been trying to pull gently from the skin.  Heidi's reaction was instantaneous.
While she had made little more than a whimper up to that point, when the bandage slipped from Petra's hand and the skin of her palm made contact with the stitches that lay over the girl's abdomen - a short, little whelp escaped from her lips at the pain.
If that didn’t have the nurse feeling bad enough, Heidi’s dad’s reaction almost had her crying.
While most parents would be understanding of such a small mistake - many not even realizing she had made one - because he had been watching her so closely, he had borne witness to her error. The shock on his face, expressed only by the raise of his brows and the slight opening of his mouth, soon morphed into something much more threatening - anger.
"Don't you know how to do your job?" The man seethed, glaring at her with the same eyes that had been watching her so closely moments before. While his voice was not loud, the quiet tone almost made it that much scarier. "Can't you see that your mistake has caused her pain?"
Petra didn’t know what else to do besides look at him like a gaping fish.
"Well - are you competent enough to continue your work, or should I request another nurse?"
“No sir,” The woman answered, quietly - in a sort of daze from the man’s unusual reaction. Though she thought he was going to argue some more with her - he instead leaned back against the wall next to Heidi’s bed and continued to watch her in silence, as though he hadn’t questioned her skill at all.
Petra rolled her shoulders back, steeling herself to do the same thing she had done a million times. She would not let this man get to her twice.
After apologizing to the small girl, who merely gave a meek nod in response, Petra finished removing the old bandage from her cut. Once the wound had been cleaned and rebandaged - the nurse hurriedly made herself scarce, barely giving the girl's father a second glance.
When she had left the room, her face had been flushed and she had felt as though she was going to cry - but after hearing the taunts from her friends at the desk, thinking she had had some kind of flirtation with her patient's father, she instead turned to the next room and prepared herself to tend to her other patients.
“Earth to Petra?” Nifa’s voice brought her back to the present, something she was grateful for. Though it had been a long shift, at least it was finally over. “So, are you going to cover Krista for the rest of the week?”
Petra groaned once again. She had forgotten why she had spaced out for so long in the first place - they wanted her to take on the night shift for an additional two days.
"Hey!" Nifa chirped, crossing the small distance that separated her from Petra, throwing an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. "The good thing is you'll get almost a full week off if you finish all your hours now!"
"Yeah - " Petra agreed reluctantly, though her voice held little excitement. "But what good are hours off if I'm too exhausted to enjoy them?"
"All you do is clean, you neat freak! Don't act like it's going to spoil a hot date or something!"
Nanaba chuckled at Nifa's words, also reaching to pick up her card and clock out. "You know, she's not wrong."
Petra blushed at their goading. “How would you know?”
Both girls looked at her dubiously,  their reaction causing Petra to blush an even deeper shade of red. Nifa shook her head, clucking her tongue in disappointment.
“I rest my case.”
“Oh, shove it!” Petra grabbed her bag from the floor, ready to leave the past 12-hour shift behind. “I’ll cover Krista’s damn shifts if it means I’ll get some time away from you weirdos next week.”
Nanaba rolled her eyes at Petra's dramatics, while Nifa simply laughed in response, also retrieving her bag from under the counter. Though both busied themselves by getting their stuff together to take home, neither missed the shameless smirk Petra sent over her shoulder.
“I guess this is the price one has to pay when they’ve been named the most satisfactory nurse on the ward.”
Now, this comment had both Nifa and Nanaba groaning, the girls rushing to catch up with Petra as she made her way to the stairwell.
The second day Petra was assigned to the Ackerman’s was just as strange as the first.
After getting a good 8-hour rest, the nurse entered the hospital with a renewed bounce in her step. The reason? She had pressed her uniform to perfection and had even pushed back her shoulder-length hair with a headband with not a hair out of place.
‘Let’s see what that man can find wrong with me now,’ Petra thought to herself as she clocked in for the day, only to be shocked by what she saw going on at Room 325 - Heidi Ackerman's room.
She could recognize the dark blue suits of the Military Police from a mile away.
Two men, one with long blonde hair and the other with a dark, crew cut, stood outside the girl's room, talking with Heidi's father. The men were speaking quietly to each other, the blonde one jotting down some notes onto a form he held in his hand.
It looked like a statement.
Not wanting to intrude, Petra double-checked Heidi's folder to make sure that she wasn't due for another dose of medication for another half an hour still. The day nurse had left several notes for the night nurse, describing the girl's progress. While she was still in a considerable amount of pain, her vitals had remained stable throughout the day. Now, the only thing they needed to worry about was the possibility of infection setting in at the sight of her would.
Petra made a mental note to remain extremely vigilant when it came to caring for the girl’s wound. The faster she healed, the faster she would be out of the ward.
'...and the faster her father could get the hell off of my floor.'  Petra thought to herself, jotting down a few quick notes of her own, before closing the file and picking up the next.
By the time Petra arrived at Heidi's room, the MP's were long gone and the girl was sleeping peacefully in bed.
Upon entering the room with a glass of cherry juice already in hand, Petra braced herself for a rude comment or a deadly stare - but was surprised when she found that she was not on the receiving end of one.
Mr. Ackerman was still dressed in the same clothes he had worn the day before, his hair styled still to perfection, yet a bit greasier from the lack of a good washing. While his gaze was cold as ever as it moved from his daughter's slumbering form to the nurse as she entered the room, it wasn't nearly as intimidating as it had been before.
The man just looked tired.
Still, he stood by the lone window in the room, leaning against the ledge as if it was the only thing keeping him on his feet. Petra spared a glance towards the only chair in the room by Heidi's bedside and noticed that the pillow and blanket that she had left for him last night were still neatly folded and waiting to be used.
He had never slept. He had never even sat.
Petra's mouth popped open in surprise as she stood in the doorway, glass in hand. She wanted to say something but found that every time she tried to get the words out, they got stuck in her throat.
"Don't wake her up." It was the first words she had heard out of his mouth since entering, his tone as deep as it had been the day before, but weaker from lack of rest. He almost didn't look so much annoyed, as he did exasperated. "She's had a long few hours and was just now able to fall asleep."
At his request, Petra felt conflicted.
"It's time for her medicine." The woman insisted, talking quietly as she approached the girl's bedside, placing the glass of cherry red liquid onto the side table. "I'm worried that if she doesn't take it soon, she may wake up in pain."
The man considered her words, staring at her for a few moments before letting his gaze drop to the sleeping five-year-old in the hospital bed. The fact that he was even chewing over her statement had Petra reeling. While the day before, he had been questioning her methods - now he was actually taking her seriously.
The man sighed, pushing himself off from the wall he was leaning against.
“Could you wait twenty minutes?”
The words were spoken quietly, yet for the first time, they held no underlying rudeness. He seemed genuine in his request, his gray eyes boring into her's as he waited for an answer.
Petra was beginning to feel as though she was experiencing whiplash on the receiving end of his mood swings.
It was only in that moment, when he was making such direct eye contact with her, that she began to notice the slight shake of his stature, almost as though a short burst of chills were beginning to overcome his body. The sight was so strange, that Petra felt herself nodding at the man's request before she had even had a chance to think it over.
"Uh - " The young woman stuttered, trying desperately to find her voice. "I guess that would be alright?"
The man gave her a short nod of appreciation, his lips pressed in a thin line as he seemed to consider whether to say something else. Instead of asking any more questions though, he breezed past the young nurse and began to make his way to the door - something that caught Petra's attention, considering he had not left his daughter's room the entire time during her shift before.
"Wait!" She called out in surprise, though the volume of her voice surprised her. The man gave her a sharp look as he glanced over at the still slumbering child. After watching the rise and fall of her chest for a few long moments - he switched his gaze back to her, annoyance evident in the twist of his features.
And just like that, the same man from the day before was back.
"What?" He asked, as though it wasn't unusual for him to leave his daughter's room. In most cases, it wouldn't be strange for her patient's parents to leave their child unattended while they went to find some food or refreshments in the hospital, but this man had never done that before.
‘Maybe that’s why he wants her to stay asleep…’ Petra thought to herself, as she tried to think of what else she could say without sounding too nosy.
“Where are you going?”
Nice one, Ral.
The man scoffed, as though he believed her question didn't deserve an answer. Without responding, he turned back to the door and placed his shaking hand on the knob.
But Petra was surprised when, before leaving the room, he quietly called back over his shoulder.
“Would you mind keeping an eye on her for me, real quick? There’s something I need to do.”
Not waiting for her answer, the man was out the door before Petra's brain could even catch up to what he had been asking. However, when she realized what he had done, she found herself seething.
What did she look like - a babysitter?! She had other patients to be taking care of!
Though she knew that she had no real obligation to stay in Heidi’s room, there was something that had her sitting in the chair beside the bed, scooting the pillow and blankets out of the way to make herself more comfortable. She didn’t know what it was that kept her rooted in that spot, but she truly felt like she couldn’t leave the little girl.
A vision of the MP's quickly flashed through her mind.
It was that feeling of guilt that had her planted in the chair for the next twenty minutes - even though she had other patients to check on.
‘Oh well,’ Petra picked a piece of lint off the top sheet of the bed, watching the steady rise and fall of Heidi’s small chest. ‘What are they gonna do? Fire me?’
Just as Petra was fantasizing about all the things she could do if her boss truly did fire her - Mr. Ackerman returned to the room.
The first thing the young ginger noticed about the man was that he held a large white bag in his hand - one that seemed to be from the hospital's gift shop. The second thing she noticed was that he held a mug of what looked like some kind of tea in his other hand.
The third thing she noticed was that he reeked of smoke. With this knowledge, Petra could feel her face heat up in annoyance.
Now the shaking of his body and hands made sense - he had been going through withdrawals.
“You left me in here to tend to your daughter while you went and had a smoke?” The nurse stood from her spot in the chair, quietly chastising the man as he walked through the door. “Don’t you know those things can kill you?”
After having gotten his fix of nicotine, the man was back to his usual pleasant self. Before Petra could even think of what else to say, his eyes flashed towards her in contempt.
"Don't you know how to mind your own business?"
At such a rude response, Petra threw caution to the wind, sick of the man's attitude. Not caring whether Heidi woke up at this point or not, she stormed over to the dark-haired man, pointing a single finger into his chest. At least the man had the nerve to look surprised.
“Listen here - “ Petra dug her finger further into his hard chest, the fabric of his white shirt wrinkling as she tapped him once more for good measure. “Your daughter is currently my patient, Mr. Ackerman. So yes, your health is a part of my business now. What I’d like to know is how you think you're going to take care of your child on nothing but cigarettes and tea? Did you even eat while you were gone?”
The man raised a brow at her tirade, still shocked at the fact that the small redhead had had the nerve to speak to him like that. He definitely wasn’t used to it.
"Well, did you?" She asked again, demanding an answer, sticking him in the chest with a finely manicured finger once more.
What the man did next, nearly floored the poor girl for what felt like the millionth time in the past twenty-four hours. He smirked.
That damn infuriating smirk again!
Before she could repeat her question, the Survey Corps member grabbed the finger that was currently poking his chest, pushing her hand down while the infuriating smirk on his face only grew bigger.
"No," He said simply, as though he had not a care in the world. Petra could tell by the challenge in his eyes that he was eagerly waiting to see how she would respond.
Almost as though it was a game to him. Well, Petra was perfectly ready to play.
Pulling her hand out of his hold, the woman crossed her arms over her chest, looking up at him as he continued to smirk down at her. While he had shaken her the day before, she had become familiar enough with him to know that he only seemed to respond positively to her when she was actively challenging him.
What was he - a masochist?
“Lucky for you I have a wide array of crackers to offer you.” Petra smiled sweetly, watching as the man’s brows rose at the sound of her tone. “What would your flavor of choice be - cheese or peanut butter?”
“Neither, I - ,”
“Oh!” She cut him off, tapping him once again on the chest, knowing that this seemed to annoy him greatly just a few moments ago. “I’m sorry but ‘neither’ doesn’t seem to be a flavor - try again!”
The man's brows rose even higher at her continued teasing. "What if I'm allergic to peanut butter and cheese?"
Petra was anticipating such an answer, her arms once again crossing over her chest as she puffed it out with pride, knowing that this was an argument she had already won. "Then I guess I get to pick your poison."
They stared at each other in silence, neither intending to back down. Finally, the older Ackerman broke.
The man chuckled. Not a pity chuckle, either - but a real, amused chuckle. Though it may have been quiet, Petra couldn't conceal the pride that swelled up in her chest at having broken through at least one of the man's self-made barriers.
They didn't call her the best nurse for nothing!
"Alright, alright…" He finally conceded, no longer chuckling - but still keeping that mysterious smirk on his face. "I'll eat something, but no crackers."
Petra’s brow rose at this. “Why not? Isn’t that the most universal snack there is?”
“They’re too messy.”
The woman had to stop herself from giggling at the look of annoyance that passed over the man’s face. It seemed they at least had one thing in common - Petra absolutely hated a mess.
“An apple?”
The man shrugged noncommittally. Petra took this as confirmation that the fruit would do.
The feeble call from the bed had both of the adults turning, their eyes falling on the once slumbering girl who still lay propped up against the pillows. Though she had only said one word, Petra could tell from the look on her face that she had been woken from her sleep by some kind of pain.
The girl’s father hummed in response, acknowledging that he had heard her. Not wasting a moment and with a new pep in his step from his smoke break, the Survey Corps member approached his daughter’s bedside, placing his tea down by the glass of juice that still lay on the bedside table.
It was when the girl glanced over at the juice and then at the door, that she noticed the short nurse who was also now standing in her room. Petra liked to imagine that the girl’s face had lit up a bit at the sight of her, but she wasn’t foolish enough to think that it was anything other than the prospect of juice that had her glowing.
Heidi, much like her father though, surprised her.
"Hi, Miss Petra," The girl said in that sweet tone of her, her words still shy, but definitely more confident than from the night before. "Is it time for my medicine?"
Petra smiled in encouragement, joining the girl’s father at the side of her bed. “Yes, it is. Are you in any pain?”
Once again, the child looked up at her father - but, instead of waiting for some kind of input from him, she turned back to the nurse and answered for herself.
“Just a little.”
While her answer was not nearly as descriptive as Petra would have liked, the woman knew that this was probably the best she was going to get out of the child. With a tough-as-nails father by her side, the little girl was never going to give a true indication of how she was truly feeling. To do so would be to admit defeat in her eyes.
It was sad to an extent, but having grown up with a single dad herself - something she was assuming based on the fact that Petra had yet to see a mother stop by for a visit to Heidi's room - she knew how important it was to show them that their little girls were strong enough to handle themselves.
Petra’s respect for the precocious five-year-old just continued to grow as she spent more time with her.
After the nurse had given the girl her pills and had made sure that they went down easily, she reviewed Heidi’s vitals one more time before promising to return in the next hour.
Before she could make it out the door though, she turned to face the girl’s father one last time.
“I’ll be bringing you an apple, Mr. Ackerman,” She called back to him, watching as his gaze drifted upwards to meet her’s. “- and I’ll be expecting you to eat it.”
The response was so quick and unexpected that it had Petra quieting immediately. Seeing the look of confusion written across her face, one side of the man's mouth quirked up in a half-smile. He sighed, shaking his head before closing his eyes in exasperation.
When he opened them again, there was a softer look there than there had been before.
“My name’s Levi. Stop it with that Mr. Ackerman stuff.”
Even Heidi chuckled from her place in the bed at the sound of such a formal name for her father. Once Petra had collected her wits, she gave a short nod in response.
"Levi, then."
Without wasting another second, the woman turned from the room - shutting the door close with more force than what she had intended to.
Her face was burning as she walked away from the room - and for the first time since she had been assigned to the patient in Room 325 - it wasn't from shame.
It was nearly an hour and a half later that she was finally able to return to Heidi’s room to check on the girl. With an apple in hand, the woman pushed open the door quietly, just in case the little girl had happened to fall back asleep.
The scene that lay before her, had her pausing in the open doorway in wonder.
Levi Ackerman was sitting. Not only was he sitting, but he was reading - and from a children’s book, nonetheless!
The white bag from earlier lay at his feet, the contents of it having been removed. While it had been puffed up quite large only an hour before, it now sat deflated on the cold tile of the hospital floor. Petra couldn't imagine that a few children's books from the gift shop would make a bag look that full, and she was right to assume that.
The reason the bag had looked so full was currently resting in the happy little hands of one Miss Heidi Ackerman in the form of a very large, stuffed teddy bear.
"Then Mr. Owl asked Mr. Bear if he could borrow a few - ," Petra listened to the smooth voice of the man who had nearly made her cry the day before, no rudeness left in his tone as he read to a very captive audience.
"Daddy, why would he ask to borrow something that he could never give back?' Heidi asked from her hospital bed, fully engaged in the story. Whether it was consciously or not, she hugged her bear a little tighter to herself as she turned onto her side to regard her father.
The man gave her a small, patient smile. "It's an expression, Heidi. Mr. Owl is going to eat the carrots, of course - so I'm sure hoping he's not planning on regurgitating them and giving them back to Mr. Bear. Mr. Bear is letting Mr. Owl have something without the guarantee of ever receiving it back or something in return."
“Then it’s not borrowing.”
Her father shrugged, his eyes turning back to the page in front of him. "Not really, I guess."
Before the man could pick up where he'd left off - Heidi cut him off once more.
“Daddy, I don’t think owls actually eat carrots.”
“Are you going to let me finish the story, brat?” The man gazed at her over the top of the book, annoyance creeping into his tone after having been interrupted for the second time. “Or do I need to read from the dictionary in order to please you?”
While Petra had been shocked when he had referred to his daughter as "brat" the night before, she would have to be deaf to not hear the endearment that lay hidden in his tone. He said it so gently - as though it was meant as an affectionate tease more than an insult.
Heidi certainly wasn’t offended by it if her sweet little laugh was any indication of how she was feeling.
“Daddy!” She whined, hugging her bear even tighter. “No dictionary! I want animal stories!”
“Then sit back and enjoy the damn book, instead of overanalyzing everything.”
Heidi’s eyes widened in shock, her small mouth forming an ‘o’ at her father’s choice of words. “Daddy, you swore.”
The man twisted his lips, trying his best to hide his face behind the children's book that he held in his hands.
“I heard you! You’re going to have to put change in the swear jar at home!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Heidi smiled brightly at her father. "Nuh-uh, it's a deal! I'm going to be rich!"
“Heidi,” Levi raised one dark brow towards the girl, his tone darkening with warning as she continued to get louder. “You need to be quiet.”
At her father’s admonishment, the child’s face fell, her bright smile falling swiftly off her features. Petra made a movement to jump in - anything to bring that sweet expression back to the darling girl’s face - but was stopped by the man’s voice chiming in once again.
“ - and besides, you only have two dollars. That’s barely enough to call yourself rich.”
While most children would have balked at Levi's use of blunt humor, Heidi - who must have been used to it by now -  began to giggle once more, the bright smile from just moments before, returning to her face. Petra was even surprised to find that the man was wearing one of his own now.
"It's almost enough to buy a chocolate bar." Heidi insisted as if the candy was the most precious thing in the world.
Petra had to clamp her mouth shut to keep from laughing out loud. From her spot in the doorway, the nurse's shoulders trembled in quiet amusement. This little girl was something else - and, from what she had seen over the past few minutes, so was her father.
"Now you see, Miss Ral?" The question had her pausing mid-shake, her amusement slowly fading now that she had been caught. "I told you sweets would be her downfall."
Petra could feel her cheeks heating up. She had just been caught eavesdropping - how unprofessional could she be?
Opening the door all the way, the woman stepped fully into the room, apple still in hand. While Heidi certainly seemed to quiet as the woman entered the room, the smile on her face did not fade.
While she had thought the older Ackerman would look at her in contempt for having the gall to eavesdrop on him, during what she would call a very intimate family moment, he instead looked over at her with a slight quirk in his brow.
“ - and eavesdropping will be yours.”
Without saying another word, the man placed the children’s book on top of the bedside table, where Petra could now see an entire stack had been laid. Next to it, a small cat plush sat, almost as though watching over the mountain of books that now stood beside it. Before the nurse could make any comments in regards to his gift shop purchases, the man stuck out his hand.
Petra just stared at him in confusion.
Levi gave her a less than impressed look. “My apple, Miss Ral?”
If Petra had thought her face had been burning before, it was nothing compared to now.
A few hours passed uneventfully in the pediatric ward. That was one thing Petra had always enjoyed about the night shift - there was a certain calm in the air that seemed to hang over the 3rd floor of the hospital. A child would cry out in pain, only to be shushed a few moments later by comfort or medicine - or a buzzer would go off, signaling that someone needed assistance.
Other than that, the ward pretty much always stayed quiet in the late night to early morning hours of the day and Room 325 was no exception to this.
Heidi was snoozing peacefully as Petra made her rounds once again to check on the girl. After having received her last dose of medication until morning, the girl had lost her battle against sleep. She had fought valiantly - wanting to stay up and continue listening to the stories being told by her father - but after several hours and retellings of the same stories over and over, she was finally out for the night.
While Petra hated to disturb the girl's sleep, it was pertinent that she clean her wound every few hours to keep the infection from setting in. Though the girl was already taking oral antibiotics, the nurse knew that it was better to be safe than sorry when it came to wounds.
In an attempt to be as stealthy as possible, Petra quietly entered the dimly lit room of Heidi Ackerman, careful not to make any noise as she closed the door behind her.
Giving her eyes time to adjust to the lack of lighting in the room, Petra squinted while looking over at the chair.
There sat Levi, bloody clothes and all, by his daughter's bed and still wide awake despite his obvious exhaustion. Petra had given up hours ago on telling him to get some sleep, learning quickly that even without an injured child the man was a terrible insomniac.
However, she couldn't help but be concerned when it came to the man's state of mind. How on earth was he supposed to tend to his child when he wasn't willing to rest himself?
"Oi, stop lurking in the doorway." A ragged voice called from the chair, his eyes never drifting from Heidi's face. Even without looking, he seemed to just know she was there. it must have been a Survey Corps thing. “She’s out for the night, so there’s no need to sneak around as if the smallest noise is going to wake her up.”
Petra blushed at the call-out, stepping fully into the dim light of the room, her expression apologetic. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to change her bandages."
The man grunted in acknowledgment, shrugging his shoulders. "It can't be helped. Several more hours of reading from 'Mr. Owl's Adventures' sounds like a decent penance to me."
Though Petra found herself chuckling at the man's dry wit, she couldn't help but notice the strain in his voice that spoke of some underlying guilt she was not privy to. Trying to lighten the mood, she moved closer to Heidi's bedside, bandages already in hand and a soft smile on her features.
"Count yourself lucky," The woman bristled, reaching into her pocket for a disinfectant wipe. "You could be changing dirty bandages and bedpans for the rest of the night. I think I would choose Mr. Owl over that, any day."
While she hadn't expected the man to laugh at her remark, she wasn't expecting him to sober so quickly either.
He watched as she placed the packet of disinfectant wipes down on the table, her hands moving to the bandages to ready them for placement. The night before, she had found his gaze unnerving - now, however, he seemed to be pondering her actions more than looking for something that she was doing wrong.
“Could you show me how to change her bandages?”
Petra couldn't hide the shock that flooded her features at the quiet request. The words were spoken so softly that she questioned whether she had even heard them.
“Huh?” She heard herself ask, pausing mid-action.
Levi's face held its usual passive expression - but, when Petra looked closely, she could see the skin of his neck turning red underneath the hairs of his undercut.
The man was blushing.
Petra had little time to be amazed before he was speaking again.
"I tried watching you last night and when the nurse did it this morning," The man confessed, his voice tight as though he felt ashamed for admitting it. "But I want to make sure I know how to do it right since I'm the one who's going to be doing it at home."
Suddenly, his attentiveness to her actions during her prior shift made a lot more sense.
While she had thought he had been watching her closely to see if she made any mistakes while changing Heidi's bandages, he was really just trying to learn how to do it himself. So the reason he must have been so grouchy when she had made that one mistake, was because he was frustrated not only with her but with himself for having to seek out someone's help.
Man, she had misjudged him terribly in that moment.
Knowing that it was hard for the man to admit he needed guidance - Petra gave him a small but encouraging smile.
"I can show you," The woman gestured for him to come closer to the bed so that he could see better. "This is the perfect time, actually since I'm going to be doing it really slow, so that we don't wake her."
Petra tried to calm the furious beating of her heart as the man rose from his chair and made his way over to her side. This was the closest she had ever been to him, even closer than when she had gotten up in his face earlier. From this vantage point, she could see the dark stubble that now lined his cheeks and the puffy bags that seemed to permanently reside under his eyes.
The man was starting to look a bit ragged. However, no amount of exhaustion could dull the look of determination in his eyes.
Petra took her time, carefully peeling back the bandages that sat across Heidi's abdomen. Levi watched closely as she worked her finger under the sticky material at a particularly irritated patch of skin. While Heidi mumbled a few incoherent words in her sleep and turned her head to the side in agitation, she remained unconscious as Petra continued to work on her wound.
The nurse quietly explained proper wound care, as she cleaned around the stitches that lay on the girl's stomach. Levi nodded in acknowledgment to each of her points, his steely gaze never leaving her hands.
The whole process took about ten minutes, much longer than usual, but Petra felt like it had taken a hundred years.
The man was just so close and it was distracting.
Despite being flustered by his proximity and rapt attention, Petra was able to successfully clean and re-bandage the wound.
She ripped the end of the last piece of tape needed for the girl's skin, gently patting it down with soft pressing motions. "So, that's all there is to it."
Levi nodded, the wheels in his head turning as he tried to internalize everything he had just seen.
It struck Petra as odd that he needed such guidance from her when his line of work surely included some bumps and nicks over time. Almost as if he could guess her train of thought, the man answered her unspoken question.
"I've had to treat my own wounds before," He admitted quietly, eyes glued to the area of Heidi's stomach where her injury lay. " - but I've never had to treat a child's. I just want to make sure I do it right."
Petra gave him a sympathetic smile, placing the roll of tape back on the table. "It really isn't that much different from dressing your own wounds."
Levi's eyes darkened at her words, his tone shifting. "It is different."
The young woman watched as the man's eyes drifted back up to Heidi's peaceful face, her small pink lips opened in an 'o' as little breaths escaped between them. From a hardened gaze, the Survey Corps member's eyes softened at the sight of his slumbering daughter.
“What happened?”
Petra didn't know what had come over her, but at the man's words and expression, she couldn't help but speak out of curiosity. While the girl's file had said she had been cut by a blade that had been laced with poison, it hadn't said any more than that. She figured that Heidi had been caught up in a crossfire, but she couldn't be too sure.
She wanted to know what had caused her patient so much pain - and she also wanted to know what it was that was causing the girl's father so much guilt.
Petra had not expected much in ways of a response, figuring that the man would tell her to mind her own business. She was surprised when, instead of snapping at her in anger, Levi sighed and crossed his arms over his chest in defeat. She could see his reluctance to share in the rigid way he stood, but could also see in the way he rolled his lips inwards, that there was a part of him that wanted to tell someone what happened.
"They broke into my home when it wasn't there." The man admitted quietly, a quick rush of breath leaving him as he resigned himself to share with Petra the details behind the incident. "Heidi knows not to open the door to strangers, so when they came knocking, she hid - but they knew she was there. They had been watching."
"The Titans?" Petra asked in a whisper. Levi nodded.
"I've always known that I was a big target for them - almost as big as Erwin himself - but I never thought they would go after my own daughter." Levi released a dark chuckle at this, closing his eyes in disbelief. 'I can't believe my stupidity. The Titans have cut down families before, I don't know what made me think that mine would be any different."
The man sighed, his eyes cutting back to his daughter’s face. “One of my men had heard through our line of communication that The Titans were planning on laying siege to my house - however, it had been kept under wraps for as long as possible to keep the plan from getting back to me.”
Levi's face darkened, his thin lips pressing together as his eyes took on a faraway look - like he was being transported back in time.
"Unlucky for them," The man continued, his tone growing terser as time went on. "I found out and was able to intercept the attack."
Petra watched as the man’s focus drew back to the present, his steely gaze never leaving his daughter. “But not before Heidi could get hurt.”
Levi ran a single hand through his hair, the action causing the arm of his jacket to rise and the ‘Wings of Freedom’ tattoo to be exposed.
"There were six of them at the house," Levi admitted, not even pausing when this information called forth a gasp from Petra. "I cut down every single one of them."
At the dark look on his face, the nurse could feel herself gulp in fear. The same intimidating man whom she had encountered the night before during her first shift was suddenly making an appearance once again. His behavior - however, made more sense now. He had been reticent and ready to snap, not just because his daughter had been injured, but because he had just murdered six men.
Petra also realized that the blood that lay splattered across the man’s white shirt was, more than likely, not just Heidi's. While the news had Petra suppressing a shiver, she didn't interrupt him as he continued with his story.
"When I realized the blade had been laced with poison, I rushed Heidi here." He glanced over at her now, his gaze watching her carefully as he analyzed her reaction. "Then a few hours later, we met you."
Petra didn't know what to say - half of her had expected the story to be something like that, but also half of her wishing it hadn't. She was outright conflicted.
"She had been alone?" She heard herself ask through the whooshing in her ears. Her head was spinning from all the new information.
Levi nodded. "I can't afford to send her anywhere. She's always alone."
Though Petra tried to hide her surprise, she couldn't conceal it quick enough for his all-seeing eyes.
"She has no mother." Levi admitted though Petra had deduced as much. "The woman dropped her off on my doorstep years ago without so much as a word - so I'm all she has."
"That's horrible." While it was an understatement, to be sure, it was all Petra could think of in response. At least it was able to draw a dry chuckle from the man.
“I guess you could say that.”
Not knowing how to dispel the tension that currently lay in the air, Petra turned to continue cleaning up the used bandages from the side table, disposing of them in the trash while she continued to think of what to say.
Noticing her unease, Levi sighed. "I didn't tell you all of this to make you feel awkward. You did ask, you know?"
"I don't feel awkward!" Petra insisted although she knew it was a fib. She rolled up the gauze that she had neglected to use while trying to choose her words carefully. "I'm just not sure what to say."
"You don't have to say anything,"  The man said, walking back around to the other side of the bed. His eyes drifted to the children's books that lay stacked on the side of the bed. "It's the ways things are and the way they will always be. All I can do is ensure that none of my decisions from here on out will infringe on her safety.'
Petra nodded. “I guess you're right.”
The room was quiet as Petra continued to bustle about. She fluffed Heidi's pillows a few more times, before reviewing the young girl's vitals. She didn't know what it was, but despite the tense atmosphere that lay heavy over the room, she really didn't want to leave.
No matter what she wanted though, she knew she had other patients to see.
Before she left, a thought came to her as she reached for the handle on the door. She remembered at the start of her shift that Levi had only taken leave of his daughter's room when Petra was guaranteed to be there and keep watch. The circumstance had Petra pausing.
Was that why he hadn’t bothered to go home and change yet?
Petra could see that the man needed a good shower and a fresh pair of clothes - but, after hearing about what happened, she highly doubted he was willing to leave the hospital while his daughter was still in such a vulnerable state.
She didn’t know what came over her, but suddenly she was speaking.
“I get off in a few hours. Do you want me to sit with Heidi while you go home and change?”
Her offer caused the man to turn his head, his eyes gazing at her warily. “I couldn’t ask you to do that. I know you probably need your rest.”
Petra shook her head. “I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t willing.”
"I couldn't -,"
"No offense," Petra finally said, her arms crossing over her chest in an act of defiance. " - but you are starting to look rough.”
This caused one side of the man’s mouth to quirk up. “I’m just now starting to? I thought surely when I walked in covered in blood yesterday that I looked about as rough as I could.”
“Well, then I guess you’ve been proven wrong.”
Levi shook his head. “I’m not leaving. Besides, I have nowhere to go. My home is a crime scene, remember?”
"You can use my apartment." The words had left Petra's mouth before she even had time to think. At the suggestion, she could feel her face heating up, but she continued speaking anyway. "Go at least take a shower - please."
This had the man's brows raising to his hairline.
"You would let a man who just murdered six people take a shower in your home?"
Petra shrugged. “Yeah, I mean as long as you promise not to mess with anything.”
“You’re damned crazy.”
"Yeah, maybe," Petra conceded, but her arms still crossed tightly over her chest. "But it's better than being stinky. I'm going to get a shirt from the lost and found for you to take. My shift is over in three hours, so try to at least get some rest before it's my turn to watch Heidi."
Without waiting for a response, Petra exited the room in a flurry of white fabric and frazzled nerves, missing the smirk that followed her actions as she hurriedly exited through the door.
- True to her word, Petra had returned to Heidi's room after clocking out. The woman handed the older Ackerman a piece of paper with her address, a key, and a plain white t-shirt - before practically pushing him out of the room.
Not allowing any chance of negotiation, Petra slammed the door behind him, fighting the urge to actually lock it.
Now fully awake, Heidi giggled at the sight of the young woman bossing her otherwise intimidating father around. The sound had Petra smiling, too. Though she was tired, she was looking forward to spending a bit of downtime with the girl.
During the hour and a half that Levi was gone, Petra learned many things about Miss Heidi Ackerman.
She was born in late September and couldn't wait for the Summer to be over so that she could finally be six. Her favorite thing to learn about was animals - hence, why her father always bought her stories with animal characters rather than humans. She had named the big teddy bear her father had gotten her, Felix, after a cat character with the same name that existed in one of the storybooks her dad had once read to her.
While it wasn’t new information, Petra was struck once again by how intelligent the little girl was.
Heidi shared with her the process of her daily routine - how she woke up in the morning to find a bowl of cereal already sitting ready for her at the table. Though her father was usually gone by this time, he always left a note telling her what time he would be home and reminded her to never open the door to strangers. After reading the note, she would do a few chores around the house - she loved sweeping - and even had her own little broom that matched her father's so that on the weekends they could clean the floors together.
While Petra imagined such an existence would be a sad one - being all alone in a house all day, especially, at such a young age - Heidi didn't seem particularly bothered by it.
"When Daddy gets home in the afternoon, he always cooks me something yummy for dinner," Heidi's voice held all the wonderment of a child, who was properly spoiled by her father. "Uncle Erwin even sometimes comes over and eats with us. He can toss me up in the air really high! Higher than Daddy!"
Petra found herself chuckling at this. “Oh, really?”
Heidi nodded excitedly, her cheeks flushed from the conversation and probably what was still a bit of residual pain. Despite this, she continued chatting as though she couldn't be bothered.
Petra felt her heart warm as the girl slowly began to open up more and more to her - remembering how quiet she had been during the first time she had attended to her.
It was as though the child that sat before her now was a completely different person from the one before. While she could probably blame some of that on the young girl's injury - a bigger portion of it was just that it probably took the girl time to warm up to people.
‘Much like her father,’ Petra supposed.
By the time Levi returned, both his daughter and the nurse were sat up in the hospital bed, the scene causing him to pause in the doorway.
Petra had sat herself behind Heidi, allowing the girl to lean back on her legs and chest in a reclining position. The nurse’s hands were working through the girl’s hair, her deft fingers twirling the long dark strands into a simple braid.
“I’ve always wanted a braid!” Heidi shared, squeezing her bear close to her chest. “I’m so excited! I hope it looks pretty.”
“Oh, it looks very pretty," Petra insisted, her light, chestnut eyes finally drifting towards the man that stood in the door. Her lips quirked up in a small smirk. "Doesn't it, Mr. Levi?"
Fighting the urge to groan at the use of mister before his name, the man closed the door to the hallway behind him before stepping fully into the room. "Oh yes - very pretty."
At his insistence, Heidi giggled - her little cheeks flushed now from the compliments.
Once the girl was situated back on her pillows - chatting with her bear about all the hairstyles she'd like to try to learn to do in the future - Petra turned to Heidi's dad, giving him a smile of appreciation.
Instead of wearing the t-shirt she had retrieved from him, he was wearing a dark blue one with the hospital logo that they sold in the gift shop. The woman had to smirk when she saw that.
"What are you -  a germaphobe?" She couldn't help but ask, remembering the wary look he had had on his face when she had handed the used t-shirt over. Though she couldn't blame him, being very particular about things like that herself, she couldn't hold back a laugh.
Levi shrugged. “Sure, let’s go with that.”
They stood there for a few silent beats, the only sound between them being that of Heidi's quiet voice as she chatted to Felix, the teddy bear. Finally, Levi pulled his hand out of his pocket, her key shining in his hand.
Petra held out her hand to receive it.
"Thank you for your hospitality." The man drawled, placing the object in the middle of her palm, a smirk teasing the corner of his lips. "Your lodgings were adequate enough, I guess."
After having heard from Heidi herself in the past hour of how her dad was a self-proclaimed 'clean freak' - the woman was not surprised at such a comment. In fact, knowing what she did now, it made her quietly chuckle.
“I’m glad.”
Petra called over her shoulder to Heidi that she would be back on the night shift in just a few hours, the girl happily waved at her as the woman made her way to the door. Knowing that she only had one more 12-hour shift for the week, the young nurse moved with a slight bounce in her step.
The realization that she probably only had one more night to spend with Heidi and her father had her pausing though.
Shaking her head, she attempted to rid her mind of the thought. She wasn't one to get attached to her patients and she definitely wouldn't start now.
Still, there was something in her heart that tugged every time she thought of Heidi’s sweet little face. Not only that, but the tug worsened every time she thought of Levi’s.
‘I need some sleep,’ She lamented to herself as she continued her way down the stairs.
Yes, sleep was all she needed.
Upon arriving on the 3rd floor for her fourth shift of the week, but third with Heidi, Petra was surprised to see the one and only, Erwin Smith exiting the room of her favorite patient.
She guessed she shouldn't be surprised by the appearance of the blonde man - given how much Heidi talked about him - however, what did surprise her was the grave expression present on his features. While not one to fear the worst, the furrow between his brows and the thin line of his lips had her heart sinking, just a bit.
After confirming with the day nurse that nothing had changed in Heidi's condition, Petra was able to breathe easier. Apparently, in the last hour, Dr. Shadis had even cleared the girl to return home whenever she pleased - however, both the Commander and Levi had convinced the doctor to extend her hospital stay by one day.
The day nurse said she had no idea what the reasoning was behind it but Petra had a good idea.
‘My home is a crime scene.’ Levi had said earlier in response to her pressures for him to go home and shower. The truth of the matter was, Petra feared that neither Levi nor Heidi had anywhere to go.
With that in mind, she entered the girl's room for her first round of medication with a slight hesitance in her gait.
Whatever nerves she had been feeling though dissipated at the sight of Heidi's joyful face.
"Miss Petra!" The girl exclaimed from her place in bed, arms wrapped around her teddy bear and now a large monkey plushie too. "Look what Uncle Erwin brought me!"
The woman was about to respond when a sort of grumbling coming from the direction of the chair caught her attention. Levi had his chin in his hand, his eyes glaring at the plush kitty that still sat on the bedside table untouched. Petra could see a hint of jealousy in his actions.
Dare she call it - adorable?
Though his mutterings weren't all that caught the woman's attention. The man had a whole new change of clothes on, the hospital t-shirt now stuffed away in the white bag that lay by his feet.
The commander must have brought him an extra pair of clothes.
Realizing that she hadn't ever answered Heidi's cheer, Petra smiled at the child who lay in the hospital bed. "Well isn't that a lovely surprise?"
Heidi nodded excitedly, hugging her plushies closer to her. “I think I’m going to name him Beast.”
"That's a lovely name," The nurse agreed, laughing quietly as she watched the girl's father roll his eyes. Despite the current levity in the atmosphere, the woman knew she wasn't going to be able to keep her mouth shut much longer.
Placing the cup of juice she had brought with her down on the bedside table, she busied herself preparing Heidi’s medication as she thought of how to brooch the topic.
“So, I heard Heidi’s been cleared to return home?”
Levi was silent for a moment, but she soon heard a grunt behind her. “It would appear that way.”
“I heard Dr. Shadis approved her for one more night in our care?”
Levi hummed in response, not saying anything more as the woman continued to arrange the pills. Her hands paused as she got to Heidi’s sleep medication.
“Will you be staying with Commander Erwin?”
At her question, the man remained silent - watching as Petra assisted Heidi with taking her pills. Always a brave patient, the girl barely grimaced as the nasty medication tumbled down her throat. When it was all over, the five-year-old simply laid back on her pillows, picking up right where she left off with her two stuffed animals.
It took Levi so long to respond that Petra figured he wouldn't say anything more on the subject - however, his quiet answer came soon enough, a sort of bitterness in his tone.
"No, we can't," He spat out, a rare show of his old reticence shining through. Petra could tell that it wasn't directed at her, though - it was more so in response to the situation. "Erwin thinks it's a bad idea for us to stay with anyone who's a part of the Survey Corps. If they had my address, who's to say they don't have any others?"
Petra had guessed this was the case by the way Commander Erwin had looked upon leaving the room. It was the look of a man who was used to solving problems, who just couldn't seem to solve this one.
Levi continued, missing the pensive look that settled across Petra's features. "He's trying to find somewhere cheap that we could stay, but at the end of the day, the Corps don't receive much funding. I barely make enough to pay for the place we have now and I'm still going to have to pay for it until my lease is up."
“You don’t think you’ll be able to go back after everything is cleaned up?” Petra asked, the wheels still turning in her head. Levi released a dry chuckle at the suggestion.
"I'm not going to make the brat stay in a home where she was almost killed. I may be a monster, but even I have more compassion than that." He spoke quietly, aware that Heidi was still very much awake and able to hear their conversation.
"There's no one you could reach out to and stay with?"
Levi laughed bitterly, once again. "The only people I know are either a part of the Survey Corps or thugs themselves, my options are pretty slim."
Petra nodded, quietly mulling over his words.
After a few moments, she made the offer she had entered the room willing to make.
“Why don’t you stay with me?”
Levi's brows rose, a look of mild shock commanding his features. Feeling uneasy from his reaction, Petra began to ramble in order to fill the awkward silence.
“I mean -,” She cleared her throat, hating how the words had come out as a mere squeak. “You said my lodgings were adequate, right?”
"Well, yes. But -,"
"I certainly wouldn't mind it - and you wouldn't have to pay me rent or anything! All I would need is maybe a little bit of money for groceries since I barely have any - and - uh - and I'm barely home anyway since I work so much, so it would probably be just like living alone!" The words left Petra in a rush, her brain working faster than her mouth as she tried to convince him that this option wouldn't be so bad. "I'm a pretty clean person, so you wouldn't have to worry about -,"
“Could you shut your damn mouth for a second?!”
The low growl of his voice had Petra pausing mid-ramble, her mouth hanging open as the man in the chair cleared his throat, in an attempt to get emotions back under control.
When he spoke again, his tone was even, incredulity evident in his words. "You really expect me to accept such charity?"
Petra closed her mouth, shrugging meekly. “I mean, do you have any other options?”
"Yeah, the street." The nurse found herself rolling her eyes at his words.
"What happened to not allowing any danger to fall upon your daughter again?" Petra asked, remembering their conversation from before. While the man's eyes flashed in anger at her implication, the woman didn't stop there. "Do you really think the safest place for your daughter currently is on the streets?”
The man was silent again.
“I can’t pay you.”
“I’m not asking you to.”
“I hate charity.”
"This isn't charity." Petra insisted, meeting his steely gaze with one of her own. "I'm honestly being selfish. I don't think I could sleep at night knowing that the two of you ended up on the streets when I could have helped.'
“Why would you do that for people you barely know?”
"I don't know," Petra answered, honestly - her eyes drifting to where Heidi lay still unaware of the serious conversation taking place next to her. "But something inside of me is telling me that it's the right thing to do."
Levi stared at her, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"So you would offer up your home to two strangers just because your heart is telling you to?”
While his comment was snide, Petra refused to back down. "And you would offer up your life to a cause that will most likely get you killed in the end? It seems like neither of us is very responsible when it comes to where our hearts lie."
The man couldn’t argue with that.
The room descended into a suffocating silence for a few moments, before Levi spoke again.
"What about Heidi?" He asked. "She stays home alone all day. Are you okay with a child residing by themselves in your apartment?"
"Not really," Petra admitted, though she had already thought about this. "But my friend who lives down the hall runs a daycare out of her home. I'm sure if I explained the circumstances, she would be willing to make an exception and let Heidi stay with her when you or I can't be at home."
Levi sighed, realizing she had thought this out a lot more than he had expected. “You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?”
“Nope.” Petra smiled brightly, knowing that he was close to admitting defeat.
The man looked once more towards his daughter, who was now rubbing her tired eyes as she tried to win the battle against sleep.
“Fine.” He begrudgingly agreed, refusing to make eye contact with the now ecstatic ginger.
"Perfect!" The woman nearly exclaimed with glee - however, she kept her reaction quiet, aware of the presence of Heidi who was almost in the throes of sleep. "Leave all the planning to me. Heidi was cleared to stay one more night - so, once I finish my shift, I'll go home and get everything prepared for her discharge tomorrow afternoon."
Levi nodded, still not exactly happy about the situation.
"Don't think you're going to be able to stand around and mope, either," Petra warned, pulling the blanket up higher on Heidi's chest, the girl finally losing the battle against her eyelids. "I'm doing this because I want to, so I won't have you feeling guilty.
Levi shook his head, a smirk appearing on his features. "You're crazy."
"Maybe," Petra shrugged.
After picking up the empty glass of juice from the girl's bedside, Petra decided to take her leave, ready to attend to her other patients.
Before leaving the room, she turned back towards Levi, still sat in the chair with his arms crossed over his chest.
"We're going to figure this out," Petra assured him as she exited the room, smiling as he turned his face towards her - a look of apprehension on his features. "You, me, and Heidi - it'll work, I promise."
Though his answering smirk was tired, Petra could see that maybe - just maybe - he was starting to believe her.
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katelyn--renee · 4 years
Out of the Fire (Part two)
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Title: Out Of The Fire (Part two)
Fandom: Supernatural AU
Main Characters series: Reader, Lieutenant Firefighter!Dean Winchester, Lawyer!Sam Winchester, Jessica Winchester (Moore), Nurse!Lisa Braeden (Formerly Winchester), Ben Braeden-Winchester, Harper Winchester (OFC), Charlie Bradbury, Firefighter!Benny Lafitte, Firefighter!Jo Harvelle, Firefighter!Castiel Novak, Claire Novak, Mechanic!John Winchester, Firefighter Captain!Ellen Harvelle, Mechanic!Bobby Singer, Doctor!Arthur Ketch, Nick Vaught and many more!
Pairings: Dean x Reader (eventual), Dean x Lisa (past), Reader x Nick (past), Lisa x Ketch (current), Sam x Jessica (current)
Word count: ±2200 words
Series summary: A slow burn romance. Reader is trying to get away from her troubled past and start fresh; a new name, new town, new friends, and a new job. A clean slate. After years of planning and saving, she is able to open her own business. With the help of her best friend and business partner, Charlie Bradbury, and her new flirty firefighter friend, she is hopeful, even when disaster strikes and her past threatens to catch up with her years later. 
Part two summary: Flashback to when you first met your green eyed hero and their budding romance. 
Warnings series: NSFW, 18+ only! Fire or mentions of fire, fluff (so much fluff), angst, eventual smut, mutual pining, alcohol abuse, alcohol intoxication, mentions of domestic abuse (physical, verbal), mentions of miscarriage, mentions of adultery/cheating, mentions of death, dangerous or life threatening situations, stress, descriptions of injuries, blood, hospital scenes, character death. 
Author’s note: Here is part two! I hope you enjoy this chapter and all it’s fluffy goodness! :)
A special thank you to @that-one-gay-girl and @deanwanddamons for being the wonderful beta’s that you are! Your feedback is always appreciated! Check out their awesome work and spread some love!
All graphics and dividers done by me! :)​
If you like this story, please don’t hesitate to leave a like, comment and if you’re feeling extra generous, share! Your feedback gives me live and motivation! If you would like to be tagged in the series, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Thank you and let’s enjoy this ride together!
<<-- Read part one, here!
Out of the Fire Masterlist!
Interested in more of my work, check out the link below.
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About five weeks ago.
The shop was busier than usual, but being the final days of summer, it was expected. It wasn't anything you or Charlie  couldn't handle, of course, but it sure did make for long days and even longer nights of cleanup. 
"Charlie, table two needs refills, table six never got their vanilla lattes, and table four is ready to pay." You announced as you joined your partner behind the counter with a handful of dirty mugs and plates, having just made one of many rounds through the seating area.
The two of you danced around each other gracefully, moving in harmony as you switched from one task to another. “On it.” She acknowledged, already preparing the missing drinks and throwing in a complimentary pastry for the mistake.
You set the pile of dishes down into the sink before turning to the next customer in line, flashing him a friendly smile. “Yes, hi, how can I help you?” You greeted urgently, looking up to meet a set of stunning green eyes. You faltered slightly, taken by surprise by his strikingly good looks.
He smiled, almost bashfully, as he began to place his order, seeming not to notice your hesitation. “A round of coffees, black, for me and my buddies ,” He motioned toward the booth near the large bay window which was occupied by three other bodies; two men and one woman, all of whom adorned matching uniforms. “Cream and sugar on the side. Oh, uh, larges… or eh, talls?” He added with a sheepish chuckle, clearly unfamiliar with the coffee house lingo.
You couldn’t help but giggle at that, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth to prevent yourself from smiling more and potentially embarrassing him. “Venti.” You corrected him playfully. You saw the confused look on his face, his head cocking like a confused puppy, before adding, “For our ‘large,’” 
You used air quotes to emphasize your point, rolling your eyes at the technical terminology. “It’s venti.” You saw it the moment he understood what you were telling him, and he chuckled again, not missing the way he ducked his head to hide the slight flush to his freckled cheeks.
 “Never too old to learn something new.” He chuckled again and winked at you, the gesture setting butterflies loose inside of your stomach. It was your turn to look away this time, your face hot with a blush. He fished his wallet from his dark blue cargo pants, looking at the assortment of baked goods.
“Throw in a few of those bagels and croissants, too, please.” He added, casting his gaze down at the display case once again. “Oh, and a piece of that cherry pie.” He added almost dreamily, pulling out a couple of twenties. 
Upon further inspection, you took notice of the soot and ash that dirtied his face and darkened his hair in certain places. He had dark circles under his gorgeous eyes, too, clearly exhausted after a long shift. You glanced in the direction of his crew members, finding much of the same. “Long night?” You asked, trying to be friendly as much as you were curious.
“I look that rough, huh?” He teased, a look of mock offense accompanying his handsome features.
 You shook your head, a smile still curving your lips at the corners, “Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that.” You clarified hastily as you calculated his order  into the register, making a point to leave off the coffees; it was the least you could do for him… eh, them, right?  
He winked again and laughed, the sound deep in his chest, assuring you that he was only teasing. “I know you didn’t,” The corner of his mouth turned up into a smile, his tongue darting out to wet his lips, watching your face and the way you tried to suppress your smile. “How much do I owe you, sweetheart?” He asked, glancing down at the display screen. 
The term of endearment made your heart flutter slightly, and you couldn’t keep the smile from creeping onto your face again. You swallowed the feeling down, pressing the enter key before you read aloud his total. 
“That’ll be $19.94, Mr. Firefighter.” He rose a questioning brow at the total, glancing up at the menu prices. “Coffee’s on the house.” You added quickly with a closed-lip smile, your eyes sincere. “It’s the least I can do for your services.” 
Several emotions seemed to make their way across his face, contorting it briefly before settling on gratitude. “Thank you.” He said, his voice genuine. He held out one of the twenty-dollar bills, paying for his order. “That was really kind of you, truly.” He smiled softly, glancing down at the name tag attached to your apron. “(Y/N).”
A smile formed on your lips before you could stop it, and your cheeks flushed at the way he said your name, your eyes finding the name embroidered onto the left side of his dark blue button-up shirt, opposite of a silver badge over his heart. Red patches were on either sleeve, proudly showing off the station they serve. “It’s no trouble, Lieutenant Winchester...” You promised with a sly smile. 
He laughed, appreciating your observation. “Dean.” He insisted as you accepted the bill. Your fingers touched, brushing against each other softly. The touch, however slight, was like an electric shock, igniting every part of your body. 
There was an annoyed grunt behind the firefighter, but the two of you paid little attention to it. You put the money into the till and collected his change, but Dean insisted that he didn’t need it. He walked backwards to his table, his bottom lip drawn up between his teeth. The two of you couldn’t seem to stop watching each other, nor did you want to, silently flirting with your eyes. 
You giggled when he bumped into an unoccupied table, watching as he almost knocked over its contents and awkwardly fumbled with the accompanying chair that nearly fell over. He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled self-consciously, trying to conceal his embarrassment. He ducked his head when he got back to his table, his friends giving him a hard time. 
He hid his face in his palms as a dark-haired man with scruff and blue eyes clapped a hand against Dean’s shoulder, booming with laughter. “Smooth,” You heard the blonde female tease, snickering at her partner. You watched them as you gathered up their order, blushing when you caught him stealing a few glances your way. When finished, you brought their order out to them personally, earning you another wink from the fireman.
The rest of the shift went by in a blur, unable to get those emerald eyes out of your head. Charlie had seemed to notice your distraction and, in perfect Charlie fashion, commented on it as you were closing up shop. “That fireman sure left his mark on you, huh?” She teased, a knowing smile drawing her lips up. 
You scoffed at her and tried to play it off like you didn’t know what she was talking about… and failing. “W-What? No - No, I - Who? I don’t know what you’re talking about, Charlie.” You muttered, locking the doors and placing the keys into your pocket.
She looked skeptical and cocked her hip, propping a hand there. “Uh-huh, sure.” She stated, waving her hands. “And I’m not the Queen of Mordor.” She said sarcastically, “Oh wait, I am.” She said exaggeratedly with her hands thrown in the air, referencing her extracurricular activity of LARPing. 
You rolled your eyes fondly at your best friend; she’d dragged you along to her LARPing weekends on more than one occasion, and you’d humored her, going along with it because it made Charlie happy. “You can’t fool me, sista, now spill the beans.” She insisted, following behind you with the broom as the pair of you cleaned up.
You sighed, wiping down one of the tables and the chairs that joined it, already knowing that you wouldn't win this battle against the feisty redhead. “I don’t know…” You hesitated, chewing on your bottom lip as you thought about the encounter. “I can't explain it, I don’t know how to explain it… but there was just something about him… y'know?" You recalled, picking up one of the chairs and putting it on the table. "I just… I can’t quite put my finger on it…"
Charlie giggled, "Bet you wish you could." She teased, clearly hinting at more than she said. You gasped and feigned innocence, throwing the towel at her. Charlie laughed more, catching the soiled cleaning cloth before it collided with her face. "Oh, come on (Y/N)! I know that look in a woman's eye. I’ve seen it dozens of times! You want him. Bad!"
She threw the cloth back, and you caught it with ease. "Jeez, you make me sound so desperate." You grumbled, not denying Charlie's observation, despite the dramatics. 
Charlie hadn't missed a beat, and she grinned, a cocky sparkle in her eyes. "So you do like him." She chimed accusingly, clearly happy to be right.
You rolled your eyes again, moving onto the next table as Charlie continued sweeping under the one you'd just cleared. "Okay. Yeah, fine." You admitted, "I thought he was cute and charming and sexy in that uniform," 
Charlie made an ‘I-knew-it’ face, but you continued before she could make a sly remark, "But it doesn't matter. It's not like I'm ever gonna see him again." You stated with a reluctant sigh, spraying down the next table with the cleaning agent, trying to hide the disappointment lingering in your voice. You began to scrub at a stubborn spot on the table, trying to distract yourself.
Charlie frowned sadly, reading into your mood, and leaned the broom down against the table before closing the space between you. "I'm sorry for being pushy. It's just that you work all the time. When was the last time you did anything for yourself?" You were about to answer when she held up a finger, "Other than this café. This doesn't count, this is work." 
She had a point. You couldn't remember the last time you'd done anything that didn't involve this little shop. "Exactly. I just wanna see you have some fun and that," She thumbed over her shoulder toward the door, referring to Dean, "was fun." You chuckled softly, your cheeks getting warm at the thought. 
"You deserve to live a little,” She put her arms on your shoulders and squeezed affectionately, “Especially after what that snake put you through." You frowned at the reminder, dread coiling inside of your stomach and a frown pulled at your lips at the mention of your ex, Nick. 
Like always, Charlie didn’t let you get too lost in your thoughts, "And who knows, maybe he has an equally attractive sister for me." She added with a playful shrug and a giggle, effectively distracting you. "Fate works in mysterious ways, sista; you never know what she might throw your way." She added mysteriously, wiggling her eyebrows for added effect. 
As it turns out, Charlie was right. Fate did work in mysterious ways because, in the weeks that followed, Dean continued to show up, sometimes with his crew, but mostly by himself. The times he showed up varied, depending on his work scheduled, which you soon noticed was quite busy. Regardless of the hour, he always showed. 
It wasn't long before you memorized his order by heart; a venti coffee, black, and a slice of pie; whichever flavor was baked for the day's special. The flavor never seemed to be an issue for the firefighter, but it didn’t take you long to realize that cherry was clearly his favorite, with pecan  a close second. 
The pair of you flirted and subtly got to know each other as time went on, teetering somewhere between acquaintances and friends. He’d flirt. You’d flirt. But it never went any further than that.
Charlie teased you about it the whole time, of course. She wouldn’t be your best friend if she hadn’t. You’d just roll your eyes or shake your head every time she’d urge you to "grow a pair and ask him out already." 
You wanted to. Of course, you wanted to; you’d be an idiot not to want that.
But you didn't, of course, because you were too embarrassed and too afraid to act on your feelings. You'd done that once before already, and you paid one hell of a price for it. Hell, in a way, you still were. Nick left such a nasty scar on your heart; you weren't sure if you could ever love again. You were in a constant state of fear, afraid of being hurt again.
Charlie, being the wonderful best friend that she is, always tried to remind you that love… true love… would never hurt you. That real love was the stuff of magic and fairy tales. That what you had with Nick wasn’t love. It helped, a little, but that fear never truly went away, you just sort of learned to live with it.
Maybe someday you’ll feel differently.
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And there you have it. Part two is complete. I hope you enjoyed that chapter as much as I did. Awkward/adorable Dean is one of my favs. Haha. 
As always, thanks for reading! 
Read part three, here! -->>
Out of the Fire (series)
@vicmc624 // @anotherspnfanfic // @krazykelly // @compresshischest09 // @thefamilybusiness  
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echo-three-one · 4 years
Whatever It Takes
Alex thinks Maxine is with Roach, this means Samantha is nearby. Join us as the Alpha Team and Bravo Team breach the last safehouse in the hopes that Samantha is inside.
But is she though?
Previous Chapter : Roach - Run Through the Jungle
Chapter 4 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
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"Déjà vu"
Task Force 141
Short Blonde Hair. If intel was correct then Maxine was with her. This means he's really close to Samantha and he could feel his excitement burst out as they creeped closer to the house. It was a simple white house with a brown roof with windows on all sides, the door was facing them but it was sealed shut based on his assessment. He turned his gaze toward France, he could see her fingers tremble and he can't help but wonder why in the world did she know Maxine. Maybe she's her…
"This is Kilo One-One. We have detected multiple armed tangos going to your position. It looked like they were restocking supplies and headed your way. Be quick though, it looks like they're already suspicious about this bird." the pilot reported over comms. The team needed to hurry before they lose their chance at saving Samantha. 
Let's do this, he said to himself as Alex turned to France, Royce and Meat, his Alpha team, and gestured them to slowly surround the building. He nodded to Price as the Bravo Team consisting of Price, Soap, Rocket and Lazer positioned themselves around the other side.
Alex's heart thumped as he shot the door knob safely and kicked it open. What he saw was an unconscious girl tied on a chair, tears were falling from her eyes. She looked thinner than that of the photo, and her skin was almost pale. They haven't been feeding her because she isn't awake since they got her.
Alex quickly slung his rifle and dashed beside her, checking her vitals and used his knife to cut her away from the chair. The rest of the team entered and checked around for intel. Price stood by Alex and summoned a flight home.
"Ghost, Roach. Proceed to the LZed as planned. Our job here is done." He muttered over the comms. Both soldiers agreed but Roach added that he was kind of lost and will wait for the aircraft to arrive so he could use it as a guide.
"Bravo Six to Kilo One One we're ready for extraction in five. Over."
"No can do. Bravo Six. Our Primary LZed is swarming with hostiles. I may have to retreat to our secondary." he replied.
"Bollocks!" Price cursed and instructed everyone to exit immediately. 
"Multiple Tangos by the trees! They're firing at us!" Soap roared after peeking at the broken door. Alex held on to Samantha tight. He couldn't let their mission end like this.
"We don't have air support so we're going to have to push through them." The captain commanded. 
"Throw smokes around the house so we can position ourselves." he added and everyone nodded.
"Alex. We'll cover you. The best option for you is to retreat south to Ghost's position with Samantha." Price instructed the former CIA agent. The rest of the team did as ordered and exited the building one by one.
Alex ran and looked back, everyone was still acounted for. The radio chatter was filled with location tags of tangos.
He saw Ghost shine a reflective light by the bushes. He almost couldn't see him through the ghillie suit.
"That's Samantha?" Ghost asked.
"Yeah." Alex replied and set her beside them, grabbed Gary's spotter equipment and began scanning the area.
"Echo Three One to Bravo Six. I'm reunited with Ghost and ready to provide assistance to sniper support. What's your sitrep? Over."
"Bravo Six here. Good to hear you made it. There are RPGs on the North Northeast of the Safehouse and they're putting pressure on our formation." Price replied, sounding a little bit stressed.
"Got it."
"Adjust to 11 degrees." he suggested. Ghost's knob clicked softly and he took a deep breath firing the trigger.
"That's a headshot on RPG number 1. Number 2 is just a few degrees left." Alex commented and Ghost pulled the trigger once again, hitting the grenadier on the chest.
"Good hit Good hit."
"Ghost, Roach, Alex. This is Soap. I'm seeing multiple squads heading to your position to flank." MacTavish reminded them, heavy gunfire filled the background.
"Let's swap weapons. I want these tangos to stay the fuck away from us." Ghost requested and Alex quickly obliged, slinging the sniper and carrying Samantha. 
"Let's meet up with Roach. I'm pretty sure he's already met our friends." Ghost said as he lead the way, covering the CIA and the HVI.
Gunshots were fired across the distance, signaling Roach's presence. Alex turned to Ghost and nodded walking to the direction of the fire. Plowing over thick leaves and marching across the muddy tracks, they found themselves in a clearing where Roach hid behind the huge rock with an unconscious Maxine beside him. Alex quickly lifted the sniper and began assisting Roach from behind the tree. Ghost rushed to Roach's aid fending off the hostiles shooting at them. A few moments later they found themselves in a moment of stillness.
"Soap, what's the sitrep over there?" Ghost asked.
"We've retreated back to the house and are taking heavy fire. Looks like these bastards don't know how to give up!" He yelled.
"If you can find time, we really need your gunfire right now!" Price added.
"Bollocks. That's my last grenade!" he muttered before cutting off his line.
"We better get going." Alex commanded and Ghost led the way. He was the only one not carrying any load so he's securing the path for the two of them.
"Holy Shit." Ghost whistled as they saw the situation. The whole squad was hiding behind the house while it was slowly being chipped away by explosives. They only shot those brave enough to encircle them and were smartly conserving their bullets.
"Let's clean this street." Ghost said as he dashed to the house firung with his grenade launcher attachment, it had 10 rounds and he used it at certain clusters of enemies. Hostiles flew as the blast exploded beneath their feet, oddly enough it wasn't one of the recommended loadouts but Ghost forced Roach to bring one in case they needed to chip off a wall for sniper support. It was a great idea. Alex and Roach followed behind him, carrying the hostages on their backs and made their way to the Alpha Team and Bravo Team's Location, placing both hostages in an area protected by the squad.
"This is Kilo One One. If you don't get rid of the SAM Turrets we cannot call a VTOL. And I'm running low on fuel!" he complained over the radio. 
"Guess we'll have to plant a c4 on it. Soap, take France with you and run toward the SAM turret. Alex and I will provide support from behind. The rest of you, continue protecting our hostages and hold this position. Once the VTOL is out we're going to be home safely." He ordered and everyone nodded, proceeding to their positions.
"You ready to go lass?" Soap asked France who nodded without looking at him. Alex could tell that something is already bothering her ever since Roach rescued Maxine. But she still looked determined and tried to focus on the mission, but deep inside she was actually worried  He knew that feeling as he was feeling the same way about Samantha.
Alex tapped her back. "You better go. You can do this. We're right behind you" he yelled. The duo nodded and readied their rifles. 
"Go! Go! Go!" Price yelled and started opening fire against the rows of enemies that were targeting them. Alex sniped the farthest threats who were protecting the SAM Turret, their bodies twitched the moment the bullet hit them as they slowly dropped on the floor.
This gave way for the duo to sprint faster covering each other's backs. They made their way to the turret and Soap placed the charge.
"Charge is good to go." Soap muttered and ran back to them. The events were too quick and Alex was too late to notice it but an RPG flew across them and blasted on their side, the explosion knocked them back away from the group as they both rolled downhill.
"Soaap! Fraance!" Price roared as Alex shot the rocketman square in the head. The allied VTOL immediately assisted the squad, raining grenade shells across enemy forces, forcing some of them to retreat, making way for Kilo One One to safely land. Alex quickly rushed to Soap's side while Price went to France. Ghost and Roach took care of the hostages while the others helped each other to extraction.
"Soap. Soap… come on. Let's go home." Alex pleaded, softly slapping his cheek.
He groaned and reached for his head, rubbing the short hairs growing on the sides of his mohawk. He didn't have any bruises but he reported that he might have broken a bone. Alex turned to France who was already on her way to the bird, Price was assisting her, putting pressure on her grazed forehead. Alex assisted Soap as he limped toward the aircraft as huge gusts of wind blew across them.
The ride home was awfully quiet. Ghost was nodding his head to some tunes. Roach sat beside Alex while making sounds by tapping his metal leg, Price stared outside the open sky. The hostages were at the stretchers being assisted by  medics along with Soap and France who were the only ones whi sustained major injuries from the mission. For Alex, it was a success, but it could've gone better. If they were to arrive and begin earlier, they shouldn't be having this kind of results right now. They won this mission but they're sure Nero is going to be one more step ahead.
After mission briefings were the worst. The team had to suck up their mistakes and it brought everyone involved down. It was unfair but as the famous saying goes, All is fair in love and war. And speaking of love… Alex paced quickly to the infirmary, where the four of them lied in adjacent beds, all of them still either asleep and unconscious. He looked at Samantha by the window. He couldn't help but feel pity and sadness at her situation. It wasn't fair, it's as if all her efforts to remove him from her life we're useless. So much that he wished he convinced her to keep her memories and run away with him. 
"Ya think they're going to be fine?" Roach asked, startling Alex. 
"Yeah. They're a tough bunch. Have faith in them." Alex muttered, he almost felt like he lied to Roach as he was also unsure of their situation, but at times like these, it's always better to have a positive approach.
Next Chapter : Reunited
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lettersnorth · 3 years
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It didn't surprise Aislinn an onze that Mivo'to had up and disappeared on his attendings one sun. Nor was she all that concerned. He had knocked himself out due to a miscalculation. It certainly wasn't the worst thing the clinic had seen. And he had clearly recovered. Win-win all around. She got to work stripping the sheets from the bed and cleaning  up the now vacant room.
Cravendy wandered into the clinic in search of fresh bandages and ointment. She could still feel the pressure pushing down on her bones, the smell of ceruleum burning after the explosion...and it didn't seem like it was going to go away any time soon. When she stepped in, she noticed Lin and called out to her on instinct. "Lin!"
An armful of sheets, Aislinn rounded the divider just as Cravendy called out. She halted, surprise flitting over her face for a brief moment before her expression pulled back to neutral. "Cravendy." she nodded a greeting and then scooted around the Seawolf to the waiting laundry basket. "What brings you in here? Everything alright?" she asked as she shoved the ball of sheets down into the overfull basket. Guess the wash was next on her list.
Cravendy awkwardly pressed herself against the infirmary partition to give Lin more space to walk, and got the feeling that she's not exactly a welcome sight. At best, a nuisance to entertain while there were chores to be done. With a shrug, she headed over to the cabinets and began pulling out all kinds of medical supplies. "Oh, ye know. Smartin' after the battle, lookin' for somethin' to make it all feel better. What about yerself? 'ow are ye 'oldin' up?"
"Me?" Aislinn asked as she straightened and brushed a flyaway wisp of hair from her eyes. "Aside from pulling Mivo'to out before the whole place went up I didn't do a damned thing that woulda caused me to be banged up." She eyed the collection Cravendy was haphazardly pulling from the potions cabinets and picked up a bulbous glass jar filled with a warm, golden liquid. This, she passed to Cravendy. "Drink two spoonfuls of this. Three if it doesn't take the edge off." she then nodded to the drawer below the cabinet. "You need a patch up? Afraid G'lewra is out so if you do, I can do it the mundane way. Or you can wait for her to aether-heal it."
“Could ye?” Cravs muttered as she gave Lin a curious stare. “I’m used to patchin’ myself up at this point but...I bet ye could get the ‘urt out faster.”
Cravendy grabbed the jar of golden liquid before heading back to take a seat. She twisted the medicine open and gave it a good sniff or two. "Bleh. Anyway, even if ye didn't do a thing, it's not every day ye survive an explosion. So, well, there's that. That and..." Cravs trailed off. "Well. I was surprised ye didn't use yer fancy math shields."
Aislinn paused, shooting the Seawolf a look of concern as she pulled the needed bandages and supplies from the drawers. The pain must be bad if Cravendy wasn't willing to wait. She went and joined the woman on the couch, setting a tray of the necessary items next to her. Careful not to meet the Seawolf's eye, she gave a half shrug at the observation. Silence reigned as she gingerly gestured for Cravendy to show her the burns. It filled the space until finally, with her time at the hot spring fresh in her mind, she let go a sigh and broke it. "I can't." she admitted, finally. "I can't use my shields or...any of it. Not since....not for awhile."
Cravendy unbuttoned her shirt, revealing bandages tied across her chest and around her back. There's also a significant scar on her lower abdomen that looks like it's healing weird, but healing nonetheless. "I applied ointment a few days ago, but it's 'ard to reapply it to my back. If ye could..."
Cravendy trailed off at Lin's admission, unsure what to say. She was originally going to poke fun at the situation, joke that Lin needs to practice the basics again. "Oh. Well, uh. What're ye doin' about that, then?"
The conversation was momentarily forgotten as Lin gathered the full measure of Cravendy's injuries. "Gods above, Cravendy. Why the hell didn't you come in the moment  you got back? Or say -anything- out there in the field. I coulda done something -then-!" To be fair, Cravendy had done a decent job, all things considered. She obviously wasn't new at this. Even so, the oddly healing scar drew Aislinn's attention and she carefully inspected it closer, her aether sense stretching out. She could, at least, still do that much.
"I assumed everyone got just as roasted! Figured, I could still move, so I could treat my own wounds. Bah, this was a mistake..." Cravs leaned a little away from Lin, nervous to show vulnerability. But when she noticed Lin drawn to the scar on her stomach, Cravs brought a finger to her lips. "Risin' gave me that one. Don't tell 'er though."
Cravendy tugged her shirt around herself so she's wrapped from the elbow down for the sake of modesty, though it really doesn't add much. "Anyway, ye were sayin'? About yer magic bein' broken?"
Aislinn jerked her chin up as Cravendy began to draw away, the look on her face all but daring the Seawolf to just try and keep it up. Small as she was, she wasn't letting Cravendy out of there without proper treatment. "No. Waiting to come here was the mistake." she chided. She shook her head in exasperation at the mention of the weird wound coming from Rising.
She could only imagine what raucous bout had caused that. "I have this way about me," she said, quickly surmising that if she kept talking, Cravendy would stay put. "Of absorbing curses. Cursed energy, hexes..." she trailed off as she motioned for Cravendy to turn around so she could get the ointment on her back. "Turns out, a person can only do that for so long until all that bad energy needs a place to go. It's made my aether...a touch unstable. I *could* cast a spell. I just don't know what'll come out."
Cravendy saw the face Lin was making - the same sort a parent would give a fussy toddler - and pouted. But she was already here, bandages exposed, back turned and ointment ready. It'd be even more dumb to get up and leave after getting so far. "Fine, but be thorough, eh? I want to be better by the time we 'ave to get blown up again."
Cravendy obliged to whatever Lin needed her to do in order to work and listened quietly, face forward and staring unfocused into the room. "Weird. So if I put ye in my room, would ye absorb all of the bad vibes? In the east, there's all this shit about Feng Shui and harmonizin' with yer surroundings."
Cravendy glanced back at Lin to see if her joke landed.
Aislinn blanched at the thought, even though she knew it was more than likely that Cravendy was just being a smart-ass. "Who knows...probably. Apparently I've been walking around for years just absorbing ambient refuse. Now I'm full up. Or close to it. It's...painful to be close to anything like that. Like I'm burning up from the inside. That's when I first realized something wasn't right." she said quietly as she cut away the old bandage and carefully pulled it back with delicate fingers.
Cravendy let out a disappointed breath at Lin's reaction and went back to looking forward. "That sounds...painful. I wish I could 'elp, but don't know the first thing when it comes to magical ailments. But I will say, ye should 'ang back until ye get this under control. Last thing ye need is suckin' up more bad energy and makin' worse."
Cravendy scowled as she revisited what Lin had just said. Burning up. Absorbing curses. A worrisome theory forms. "'ey, uh. When did this start? Just casually one day?"
"That's me, a walking bad luck charm." Aislinn muttered as she dressed the new bandages and applied them to Cravendy's back. "Don't worry, I've asked someone to fill in for me on the next job in Coerthas while I try and get this problem sorted." The ointment was cooling and numbing all at the same time and would dull the pain of the burns as the medicinal herbs got to work healing the skin underneath. Aislinn was quiet long enough that it was obvious she was trying to decide how to skirt the question.
She started reassembling the supplies back on the tray. When she rose to her feet, she figured the only way any of this between her and Cravendy was going to work was if she stopped hedging and just be honest. No matter what. "Probably ramped up while we were trying to find the Helm." she said as she took the tray over to the sink.
Cravendy tensed when the ointment is first applied, but breathes a sigh of relief quickly after. "Ah, thanks, already feels better. And the person coverin' for ye...is it that string bean fella I saw ye talkin' with in the library? What's 'e like? Don't often see 'im around. Guy looks painfully serious, the kind to take offense at small talk."
Cravendy was silent for a while after, staring at the partition rod as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. Finally, loudly and suddenly, she groaned. "Shit.”
"Shit! That really pisses me off!" Cravs stood up, shirt still dangling around her arms, and paced around in a circle. "Fuck! Goddamnit. Ahhh, bloody...Lin, why didn't ye say somethin' earlier?!"
Turning away from the basin, Aislinn leaned back against the sink with a faint air of amusement. "Aye, the string bean fella." she waved a hand up through the air. Anything more she might have had to say on the subject was lost in the wake of Cravendy's agitation. Caught up short, her eyes flicked away and then back to her. "Because I didn't know what the problem was. Only that these sudden burning sensations would flare up every so often. And then once I did, it was all said and done. What good would it have done to bring it up to you after the fact except to put you in a state like this?" she gestured to the anxious pacing the Seawolf was currently succumbing to.
Cravendy wanted badly to grab Lin by the shoulders and shake some sense into her, or maybe, just shake her until somehow she got better. Cravs nearly snarled, hearing reason in Lin's words but not having it. She clenched and unclenched her fists, not sure what to do with this sudden anger.
"Even worse, ye die a slow an’ painful death! I like to know when I've messed up so I can do somethin' about it!" Cravs huffed. You could practically see the steam hiss out of her ears.
In the face of Cravendy's anger, Aislinn breathed easy, slow breaths. Matching the Seawolf's temper had never worked for either of them in the past. It was on the tip of her tongue. The correction that if this would kill her, it wouldn't be slow but violent and sudden. She decided that really was besides the point right now. "How did -you- mess up? You weren't there. And what would you do about it?" she asked, trying to get Cravendy to see reason.
"Ye don't understand. This whole shitty business with the Helm...If I didn't suggest raidin' that Garlean ship. If I 'ad the balls to stick around and save my crew. If I didn't summon 'er, then, maybe..." Cravs breathed heavily until she was light-headed, but it worked to calm her down. She fell back down into the couch with a hand over her face to cover her reaction. "...Shit, I don't know. Maybe ye'd find some other stupid way to get yer fill of cursed energy and die anyway. I don't know. Maybe.”
Cravendy spoke, words muffled in her palm. "Lin, I. The fireball. That..." Cravs shook her head. "...doesn't matter. I don't know what I'll do about it, just that I'll do /something/ about it."
Aislinn heaved a sigh and pushed off from the sink, coming to join Cravendy on the couch. "And then you'd be dead, right? Isn't that how it all worked? Honestly, it was only a matter of time. It was always going to catch up to me at some point. The Helm business just ushered it along." she paused. "Which isn't to say that fireball that Wyda hit me with didn't hurt like hell. Hard not to take something like that personally." she said, in a rare attempt to lighten the mood.
She turned to look at Cravendy, mustering a smile. "Look. I'm working on it. A friend and I are tracking down someone in Ishgard that'll know about my problem. And...hopefully what to do about it."
Cravendy puffed up her chest, about to come up with a rebuttal to Lin's answer. As usual, she came up empty, and then similarly let out a tired sigh. "Feh, yer always so logical, even about all heavy shit like this. I....guess that's what I like ye for though. Just - just. I don't know. Leave the stupid to me."
Cravendy would take comfort in the fact that Lin was actively looking for someone to diagnose the issue, though this would linger in the back of her mind for long after. With or without Lin's blessings, she'd find a way to help. This was either going to lead to great success, or equally great disaster.
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Sometimes Always, Part 7: Once A Thief
As Charles Vane and Margaret Teach repair the Adventure, can they also repair the rift between them?
A hectic work schedule and an injury delayed this chapter. Thanks for continuing to read. Chapter 8 should be up MUCH faster, and will be more action-packed. Meanwhile, angst and fluff.
Warnings: canon-typical violence and profanity, mention of stillbirth
Word Count: 1990
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Still by @whenimaunicorn
Catch up here.
His knuckles are bloody and he doesn’t care. The prize from tonight’s bout is more than ample to keep himself and Margaret well fed for the week. Though he wishes she’d been in the audience to see him victorious over the other fighters, Charles Vane hopes she’ll smile when he  strides back to the Adventure to share the news of his winnings.
His knuckles were bloody and he didn’t care. The man’s nose made a satisfying crunch beneath his fist; now he stares up at Vane, gore-coated and fearful, as Vane looms over him.
“Are you saying you let her win when you raced her in the harbor? In front of a crowd?” By now Charles Vane had enough of a reputation of his own that the gathered pirates on the beach backed away at the the deceptively quiet growl of his voice. “It wasn’t a close contest, as I recall.” Nobody threatened or insulted his Magpie. Nobody. Eventually he let the man flee into the night.
“Charles.” Margaret’s voice returns him to the present, her skirts rustling as she sits beside him on the bunk. “Just once can I leave you alone without you doing yourself an injury?”
“You sound just like your father when you say that.” He gives her what he hopes is a disarming little grin, but Margaret’s eyebrows crease in annoyance.
She grabs his hand and studies the scrapes and bruising on his knuckles, turning it over and assuring herself that none of his bones are broken. “My father,” she snaps, “would leave you to deal with these injuries yourself.” She pulls a small wooden box of ointment from her coat pocket. Harsh though her words are, her callused, long-fingered hands are gentle as she cleans his knuckles and rubs balm into them. 
When she finishes this treatment, he wraps his big hands around her much smaller ones, lightly enough that she can pull away should she wish to. “Margaret,” he begins, not certain what he should say to her, but he needs to say something, start to mend past mistakes, start to ask for what he wants.
She looks unsure, but she wraps deceptively delicate-looking fingers around his much larger, rougher ones, so he charges ahead though it feels as if his heart is trying to hammer its way through his rib cage. “I can’t make you laugh the way Sully did, but I swear to you I’ll never willingly cause you pain.”
“How can I trust that, when you did?” Her voice isn’t angry, isn’t accusing; she’s genuinely asking, and there’s an edge of anguish in it, so Vane bites back the urge to snarl at her.
“Had I known how my actions would hurt you, Margaret, I would not have taken them. There is nothing I would not give to undo the pain I caused you. Nothing.”
“But you can’t, Charles. You can’t.”
“I know.” He sounds weary, as though his very soul is tired.
She stands. “I’m going to see about some supplies and get an update on some crew matters. I shouldn't be long.”
Reluctantly, he releases her hands. Starts to rise. She shakes her head slightly. “Best you’re not seen with me on this errand.” He opens his mouth to growl a reply, but she cuts him off.
“I’m trying to get us both out of here alive. What the fuck do you want from me, Charles?” She doesn’t wait for an answer, but neither does she slam the cabin door behind her.
Had he made better choices, perhaps the bunk he now sits upon would be his and Margaret’s marriage bed. Perhaps the cradle holding firewood would be where their child slept. An absurd notion, he chides himself. He’d meant what he said when he told Flint he didn’t understand the urge for domesticity, still means it, but surely this is something altogether different. This isn’t porcelain teacups; this is balm rubbed into wounds, hands held in the dark. This is respite. Perhaps there is still hope. Piracy might be dying, but smuggling would always be an option, and once a thief...
The bell at Trinity Church is just chiming the next hour when he hears three sharp raps on the gangway. She’s returned. 
He rises to meet her. She holds up her hands, palms facing him, and he halts, unsure if she’s warding him off or reaching for him. Last night when he woke her from her nightmare, she let him hold her and briefly, ever so briefly, she put her arm around his waist, melted against him. Whatever battle she’s fighting within herself, he will wait. If she ends up pushing him away, well, it wouldn't be the first time Margaret broke his heart, and this time, at least, he’d understand why. And should she decide to give him a chance…
She takes another step toward him, her hands still up, yes, now they’re reaching, ‘til they land on his chest. Almost instinctively, he finds his arms wrapping around her, pulling her close. One of her hands slips around to his back, her head coming to rest against his shoulder, and he presses his lips to her hair. They stand there, leaning into one another, neither willing to move any further.
“This,” he says, narrow, chapped lips brushing her ear. He feels her breast expand with her inhale, and heat suffuses his body.
“What?” Her breath is warm on his neck. It’s enough to drive a man mad, but he wants so much more than mere carnal contact.
“You asked me what the fuck I want from you. This, Magpie. This.”
“A warm body against yours on a cold night? There’s plenty of girls in Maiden Lane who provide exactly that for coin.”
Vane exhales sharply, as though she struck him. Throughout the years when he was with Eleanor, with Idelle, with any number of whores, it was Margaret he often thought of, Margaret he wished was in his arms. At last, here she is, yet she’s still so far away. 
He wraps his hands around her strong biceps, pushing her away. Not in rejection, but because he needs to see her face. To look her in the eye while she wounds him so. Her eyes widen in surprise, and her face hardens, her mouth set in an ornery line. Was that hurt that flashed across her face, ever so briefly? Belatedly, he realizes that one of her hands is wrapped around his necklaces; she must have curled her fingers ‘round them while he was holding her.  She tracks his eyes to her hand, but she does not let go.
“Is that truly what you think of me? What you think I think of you?” The bitterness in his voice is apparent to his own ears. She opens her mouth to retort, then closes it around the sharp words she’s struggling not to cut him with. His voice is gentler as he continues. “Everything good I’ve ever had in my life is because of you, Margaret.” He brings one hand from her arm to her cheek, pale but for a flushed, angry stripe. “Last night I offered to go and you told me you did not wish that. But do not keep me just to lash out at me. That I cannot endure.”
“Keep you just to lash out at you, Charles?” Margaret sneers as she echoes Vane’s words. “I took a bullet for you once. I went back to Nassau for you. I was willing to take another bullet for you if I had to, even after all you did.” Her jaw juts out stubbornly, and he strokes it with a callused thumb.
“Promise me you won’t do that again.”
Her flashing eyes search his, and there it is, that old spark of mischief. “I’ll promise you no such thing.”
It was one of the most frightening experiences of his life, turning to see her collapsed and bleeding on the deck of the prize ship. Bleeding from the wound in her side, from her mouth as she tried to say something to him. He helped hold her down, him on one side and Sully on the other, while the surgeon dug out the bullet and treated the wound, all the while her eyes clamped shut, her teeth scoring the strip of leather the surgeon gave her to bite down on. She barely made a sound. The finger marks she left on his forearm lasted for days. He’d been terrified of losing her. The fucking irony of it, he thinks. She chose Sully and he fell into Eleanor’s trap and drove her away. Lost her. But here they are, and she isn’t shrinking from his touch, hasn’t let go of his necklaces.
Margaret was leading the vanguard, her dark hair held out of her eyes with a scarf whose scarlet matched her shirt. Earlier, Sully commented on the bold color and Margaret merely shrugged. “It’ll hide the blood if I get shot again.”
“Don’t you dare get shot again,” Vane growled.
Margaret curled her upper lip. “Then don’t put yourself in the line of fire again.”
He found her standing on the rail by one of the bow chasers, pistol in one hand and cutlass in the other, shouting orders through the smoke and noise. One of the sailors started dropping toward Vane and she raised her arm to shoot him, seemingly without taking her eyes off the battle unfolding before her. With one hip cocked out for balance and the look of utter focus on her face, hair dancing in the wind behind her, Vane wasn’t sure he could fully attribute the flutters in his belly, the racing of his heart to the rush of the fight.
She met his eye. “Behind you!” she shouted, and Vane whirled just in time to parry an attack.
He realizes that she’s giving him that sweet, gentle, secret smile, the one that once made his heart soar, that still does, and that he’s smiling back at her. 
“I’ve got to go back out,” she says, and he doesn’t think he’s imagining that this time, she’s reluctant to let go, that there’s regret in her voice.
“I’ll come with you.”
“As much as I’d enjoy your company, I need you to stay and guard the ship.” She makes a wry face.
“I could come guard you.” He means it to be joking, but she presses her lips together and narrows her eyes stubbornly. He knows better than to try to argue with her. At the gangway, she pauses to glance back at him. And she smiles again, ever so briefly. It’s enough.
Charles couldn’t make out their words behind the closed door of Captain Teach’s cabin, but neither Margaret nor her father sounded happy. Abruptly, the door flew open, and Margaret stalked out.
“Get back here, girl!” Teach snarled after her. She stared over her shoulder, all defiance, then stormed away. “Obstinate little bitch,” Teach muttered tiredly.
“I can’t imagine where she gets it from,” Charles replied.
Teach’s eyes went black for a moment and Charles braced for a blow. Then Teach sighed. “I’ve no idea how to raise a daughter. Her mother died in childbirth with Margaret’s younger brother.” Vane knows that child was stillborn. And is Teach insinuating that he wished it had been Margaret instead?
“That’s not Margaret’s fault,” he bristled.
“I never said it was, boy.”
“You don’t have to. It shows in how you treat her as lesser, how you act as though she’s never able to measure up.”
Teach sighed again. “The world would be easier on her were she a boy.”
“You say that while you make it harder on her just because she wasn’t born with a cock.”
Teach chuckled. “She has quite the champion in you, Charles.”
Vane hears footsteps on the deck above, too heavy to be Margaret’s. He readies pistol and cutlass and waits to ambush the intruder.
Taglist: @whenimaunicorn, @n3rdybird, @itmeansofthesea
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xplr-beauty · 4 years
Ateez: August Dates ~ Week Two
Second part to the Ateez date series! (If you haven't read the first part, it's fine they aren't super connected)
Also it's 4:24a.m. and I did not proof read so sorry for any mistakes I am the tired.
Drive-In Movie
You and Hoongjoong got dressed up and headed to the store to buy snacks for your movie night
One of your favorite movies was playing at a park near your house and your boyfriend thought it would be fun to take you to go see it
At the store you guys raced through the aisles to get all the snacks and drinks you wanted, then to checkout in a hurry so you wouldn't be late for the movie
Hongjoong kept telling you to calm down and relax, saying you have plenty of time before the film starts as he laughs at you softly and slowly looks at all the options just to annoy you a bit
You would pull at his arm telling him to just hurry up and pick a snack so y'all could go, at this he would tease you with a 'hmm but maybe I want this snack? Or to try this one?" As he grabbed several packages and read the ingrediates in them very slowly
You would pout a little, or give him an angry glare, either way it would be enough to make him hurry up and choose a snack much faster
Finally leaving the store you guys drove to the park that the movie was being held at, everything was set up old school cinema style and looked pretty retro and 50-60's themed
Making it in plenty of time before the movie started, Hongjoong drove up to the perfect spot and parked the car asking you if you'd rather sit inside the car and watch or if you wanted to sit on the trunk/outside of the car
Whichever you decide, you guys began setting up.
OUTSIDE THE CAR: Hongjoong took the blankets and laid them out on the hood or back of the car while you grabbed a couple pillows and set them up. Joong took out the snacks and set them between you guys before picking you up and sitting you down on the car, before sliding up beside you. He took an extra blanket and covered you up, asking if you were warm and comfortable. After you were ready to go, he laid his head down on you shoulder and leaned up just far enough to kiss your cheek
IN THE CAR: climbing into the backseat together, HongJoong plopped his feet up onto the middle console and you laid your legs over his lap. He pulled you onto his chest and got you all comfy, he made sure you had plenty of blankets, sat the snacks within arms reach, got whatever else you needed set up for you before he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and began eating snacks while staring at the screen waiting for the movie to start
Soon, the movie began to play!!
You guys laughed together, said the lines in perfect timing with the characters, he pointed out his favorite part "ah, this is my favorite scene!" With an excited squeel like tone as he edged closer to the screen a bit
Every now and then he would kiss the top of your head or feed you some of the snacks, offer you some drink silently or squeeze your shoulder/hand just as a reminder he's there
Once the movie was over he 'woow'd the film and complimented it, discussing the film with you before cleaning up the mess and either walking around with you for a bit or driving you straight home if you were too tired
If you fall asleep on the drive home, he'll be in pure heaven with how adorable you are! He wouldn't even bother waking you, he would carry you straight to bed once you got home. (Even if you don't live together, he would also pay respects to your parents/roommates before he leaves thanking them for letting him carry you to bed so you didn't have to wake up from your precious dream) of course, he would leave you with a kiss on your forehead
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Amusement Park
It's been a while since Seonghwa has been to a good amusement park but hearing you talking about them for weeks on end now, he feels like it would be wrong not to take you
Once you both have free time on a day of nice weather, Seonghwa would take you to a fairly new amusement park only a couple hours away
On the way to the park, you guys would decide what rides you were most excited to try out, discussing taking pictures together and eating some good food. You were both really excited
The worst part of the day was standing in the line to get into the park. You were so eager to go on rides and see the park it felt like hours before you got inside
Once in the park however, it was worth the wait! Everything was better than you imagined, more magical than you were expecting. Every single ride looked tempting, all the characters in the park walking around looked fun and so cool, there were little food stalls full of unique and aesthetically pleasing foods, you didn't know where to start.
Seonghwa pulled out his camera secretly while you were in awe of the park and he managed to snap an embarrassing photo of you in front of the entrance, in the photo you looked like you had drool running out of your gaped mouth in excitement!
Seonghwa pointed out three rides for you that were all at the entrance, suggesting you start with a ride to get your blood pumping before heading around the park
The first option was a Go-Kart themed bug mobile racing arena, the second a 'BATMAN' rollercoaster ride, and lastly the 'CYBORG' a 7 story high anti-gravity thrill ride
GO-KART: if you choose the Go-Kart racing, Seonghwa would chuckle slightly as he takes you by the hand and leads you through the crowd of people and towards the colorful building near by. Inside you both got to choose your carts, he got into a purple and orange spotted beetle with a silly face as you got into the one beside his. Seonghwa struggled to put on his seatbelt, looking around the kart in utter confusion. You roll your eyes a bit before hoping out and running over to help your man buckle up, teasing him lightly before getting back in your kart. Once the race started, you guys drove around the garden like track racing up and down the four lane track as you cheer and laugh as you pass by one another. The ride was short but oh so sweet! You would hollar at him a bit as he sped past you on the last lap, though you were able to quickly catch up!
BATMAN ROLLER COASTER: If you decide to pick the roller coaster, Seonghwa would nod in slight anxiousness as you run towards the ride and he follows after you slowly. After waiting in line for a good while with Seonghwa squeezing your hand beside you, its finally time to ride the coaster. Sitting beside you, he would shake the bar a bit to make sure it was locked in tight before the roller coaster began creaking it's way towards the tall climb. The ride was really cool and full of high top drops, loops, and swirls. Sometimes you were upside down, sometimes you were dropping down 15 feet at 50 miles per hour before going on a wingover corkscrew descent fast enough to plaster you to your seat
CYBORG: heading down to the metropolis section of the park that was close by, Seonghwa made a few jokes saying you may be too short to ride and teasing you a lot. However once you made it, it became clear you are not too short! Getting onto the gondola side by side, Seonghwa locks his harness in place and checks yours to make sure it's tight and secure enough, feeling very overprotective in this moment. Soon the ride would start lifting off the ground and spinning on all three axis flipping you guys upside down and all around as it goes fast and then faster and you fly head over heels. The ride had you laughing, maybe screaming, maybe aloud Maybe on the inside. It just had Seonghwa making that 'what am I doing with my life?' Face as he questions silently how the rest of the day will go. Soon the ride lowered to the ground and you were let out of your seats. You would ask Seonghwa if y'all could ride again as you teater totter side to side finding it hard to stay balanced on your own two feet
After this, you walk around for a bit and take photos, either with Characters or fancy props around the park
Between photographs, you two go on more interesting rides, maybe stop for food and some drinks. He takes you into a couple gift shops if they look interesting enough. Basically, he let you dictate the day for the most part
Every now and then he would go all 'mama Hwa' mode on you, yelling for you to stop running, telling you to take his hand as you walk through crowds so you don't get lost, squatting down to tie your shoes, wiping your face as you eat. He would pull you into a gift shop and purchase sunscreen, helping you apply it in the middle of the store saying its too hot and you're gonna get burned if you don't take precautions. He would scold you a bit if you hurt yourself before taking care of your injury for you. He was just, very protective! He even had you guys stand in the shade after every few rides just to make sure that you wouldn't over heat
As the day went by, you guys rode most of to every ride you wanted to go on, he bought you a few things you wanted even if you insisted he didn't have to. He got a keychain with your name on it to add to his key ring so he'd always have a piece of you with him
Before you guys went home, Seonghwa with you on his back and bags in his hand, he stopped to buy a year round pass so you could come back whenever you wanted to. Afterwards, he carried you to the car and buckled you in, kissing the top of your sleeping head and scolding you quietly for making him carry you (though he really didn't mind and he actually quite enjoyed it!)
It was quite dark when you guys ended up leaving and Seonghwa struggled a bit to drive the few hours home but every time he looked over and saw your peaceful face, he felt stronger and was able to get you home safely
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You both were very excited to watch the stars together tonight, all day you walked around looking for the perfect spot which ended up being; the roof OR the garden in the backyard right
Either way, Yunho carried out blankets and set them up to make it more comfortable for you both, he also took out a telescope (if you chose backyard) to make things easier to see
BACKYARD: Wrapped in blankets and standing at the telescope, Yunho looked first in order to place it prefectly in a gorgeous spot before passing it to you to look through. You took turns using it, either him bending down to see little things as you gaze between him and the sky, or you looking through the scope as he holds your waist from behind
ROOF: Sitting on the roof together and pointing to different sections of the sky he traced random patterns out with his fingers, one eye squinted shut as he talks in a cartoon voice pretending the stars are cartoon characters and trying to make you laugh
Throughout the night you look for the constellations and Yunho 'helps' you look for them before eventually asking what they look like and what exactly should he be looking for cause all he can find is an octogon cluster, a few small hearts, Spongebon and Patrick playing leapfrog and a pirate hook
Upon successfully making you laugh, Yunho would grab you by the waist and lay both down together with you in his lap as you stare up at the stars and talk about how peaceful the night sky is
You share your dreams, talk a little about astrology, and discuss your future together as you hold hands and cuddle closely while crickets chirp quietly near by and the faint sound of an owls howl fills the air
Soon it begins to run and Yunho runs you inside so you don't get wet and sick before he grabs the blankets & other things to keep them from getting damaged and unusable
Inside together, you a little wet but mostly dry since he covered you with his body and Yunho soaked from head to toe, you guys both laugh a little
You pull out a towel you had grabbed while he was getting the blankets and things, and you immediately begin to pat him dry as you scold him for risking getting sick
"If I get sick it just means you'll have to nurse me back to health." He whispers a bit while staring into your focused eyes
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At the skate park, Yeosang was teaching you how to skate (or teaching you a new trick if you already know how to skate)
He would demonstrate the steps going very slowly so you could learn and understand what he was doing before letting you try step by step
Teaching you how to kick off for this special move Yeosang would show you 2-3 times before helping you onto the board (if you need it) and watching you try to do the same thing he did as he follows semi close behind to help prevent you from falling off just in case
You guys would practice as many times as you needed too before you got it right and he would fist bump nothingness in excitement before cheering you on and letting you know he knew you would get this. "Yes, I knew you could get it! Fun isn't it?"
He would help you step by step repeating this as many times as possible until you learned the full trick, he would catch you every time you began to fall, teach you in different ways if he saw you struggling to much and even when he got frustrated he just took a deep breath and let you know he's proud of you even if you are struggling to get a hold of this
Once you finally nailed the trick he clapped and jumped up into the air cheering in joy for you before running over and pulling you into a big hug or high fiving you, or both as he shows that big smile of his and asks you to do the trick once more as he secretly records you and saves the video to a private file full of photos and videos that he has taken of you
Before you guys leave the park, you both free skate a bit, you may both stand on the skateboard together as he holds you waist and takes you around in a circle, or you may play a little game of skateboard tag together
If you get tired and want to sit for a bit Yeosang would ask of it was okay for him to skate alone or if you'd prefer he sat with you, he didn't want you to feel alone but he really wanted to skate as well and today was the perfect day for it
Eventually you guys leave hand in hand, Yeosang lets you ride his skateboard on the way back home as he holds your hands and guides you, confusing him as he skips the turn onto your street and instead leads you to the ice cream joint and pizza parlor near by insisting ice cream & pizza tastes best after skateboarding all day, you would have to agree to this!
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Beach Volleyball
Playing volleyball together on the beach, you and San ran back and forth on your repsective sides chasing after the ball and taking turns hitting it back to each other
You both let out little grunts of exhaustion as you ran, occasionally you would fall and he would let out little laughs before going up to net and checking on you
You would get so happy when he fell so you could laugh back at him before checking on him
You both were being very competitive today not wanting to lose, but also not really keeping track of points
One time you went to hit the ball and it bounced off the net hitting you in the face instead. San laughed so hard he fell to the ground holding his ribs unable to breath, you laughed as well which is why he didn't feel bad for laughing
In the end, you were alright but slightly annoyed at your lovers behaviour
Soon, another couple came up and asked to play against you guys meaning you and San had to work together
You thought it would be really easy since you guys are dating after all meaning you know each other pretty well but uh no, no it wasn't so easy
Throughout the match you and San kept running into each other, accidentally tripping over one another, or just avoiding the ball all in all cause you thought the other one would get it
The couple asked for a lunch break, upon seeing you guys struggling
During lunch, you and San discussed your game plan, one of you would take the front the other would take the back and you would call out your moves as you went to hit the ball
After getting back to the game you again realised that maybe this isn't as easy as you thought
Yes, one of you took front the other took back and yes that made it easier but you both forgot to call out your moves ending in each of you chasing after the ball or running into each other
Eventually, you got things worked and you were able to work well together resulting in a good game! And a fun time
After the game once it began to get dark, the couple invited you to a beach bonfire and roasting food for dinner. San let decide what you guys should do, he was fine either way!
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Driving Through the City
It was about 10pm and you and Mingi were driving around the city, blaring the radio and dancing as well as singing along to all your favorite times
As you drive past buildings you point out special memories together. "That's where we went to watch that musical for your birthday" he pointed to a Broadway studio. "We used to get ice cream over there when you were stressed and needed an escape from work!" You pointed towards an ice cream joint two buildings down
This continues for a while as you turn down random streets and explore the city lights and the beauty of the nightlife after hours. Suddenly 'Photograph' by Nickelback (or any song you like about fond memories) plays and you both sing along, or really belt out, the song while holding hands and being very dramatic and extra with your little car performance
The windows were down and your hair was flying all over the place, the sunroof was open and the moon was shining perfectly onto your face it was a picture perfect moment straight out of a music video or movie
Until Mingi handed you his phone and asked him to take a picture of him at a red light. "Make me look sexy!" He joked loudly as you laughed and rolled your eyes taking pictures of him and treating him like he's your own model "oh right there, ah yes, perfect! That's the one, okay I see you!" You cheered and complimented him making him turn red
Handing him back his phone Mingi asked "do I look shmexy baby?" He went all geeky on you but you still told him he looks perfect before asking why he cares so much just for him to reply with
"I'm sending these to a hot girl!"
You were turn to him so slowly and smack his arm so hard it turned red in an instant. You kept hitting him a bit and yelling at him asking who this 'girl' is as he only screams 'ow' repeatedly
Soon your phone dings and you back away slowly, turning to look at your phone to see he sent all the pictures to you, with some random lettering from his hand slipping between you smacking him
"YOU! You're my hot lady/baby. My sexy girl/man!" He faked cried as he held his arm before the light turned green and he started driving again
You kept apologising and laughing awkwardly, to which he would only stick his tongue out at you and 'tsk' at you
Soon he pulled over to a cookie place on a not so well corner of a secluded street, you guys come here a lot. They have the best white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies ever! And even better fudge chocolate cookies. Actually, all there cookies are bomb.
Getting out of the car and running over to Mingi you kiss up and down his sore arm as he opens the door and walks in after you
You guys order your cookies and grab some drinks before sitting on a staircase outside, Mingi makes you sit in his lap as your payback for the car incident. As you sit together he keeps begging for a bite of your cookie even though he ate all of his without sharing
You have to deal with his 'aaahhh's the whole time you eat, even if you did decide to share he would keep doing this with his mouth wide open like a baby bird
After eating, you walking up and down that one street hand in hand. Mingi usually runs ahead of you but with it being night time, he wanted to stay close by you in case something happened to you or someone came by
After your little walk y'all hop back into the car and finish up your drive home
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Spa Day
You and Wooyoung decided to stay inside today
You made homemade face masks, that you are each currently wearing, you did foot soaks and you have him a massage as a way to relax him
Currently, Woo was laying on the floor on his tummy his legs crossed in the air as he hums and paints your toe nails his favorite color, black.
You were falling asleep on the sofa, laid back a towel in your hair that Wooyoung washed for you, your face mask on and cucumbers over your eyes. Your hands flat on top of news papers on either side of you, the polish on your finger nails still needing time to properly dry.
Wooyoung began to sing acapella softly belting out and singing one of your favorite songs as you lay there relaxed
After he finished painting your nails he set the heels of your feet up onto a fluffy cushion to give you the utmost comfort
Next he took a bottle of lotion/cream and began rubbing it into your legs, slowly massaging the lotion from your ankle and rolling it up your calves, behind your knee and back down again giving both of your legs a massage as he continued to sing
You whispered words of thanks that be smiled too and felt happy about
He moved onto your arms and shoulders after finishing your legs
After that you both washed your faces off and took silly pictures in the mirror before Wooyoung asked you to please do his eyebrows
YES: You hopped onto the sink counter, tweezers in your hand as you pulled your boyfriend closer to you. You began plucking away stray hairs and he began complaining about the pain while still asking you to keep going. You were as gentle as possible and finished soon
NO: If you don't feel comfortable with this you would simply explain to your boyfriend that his eyebrows are perfect and they don't need to be plucked or touched up.
Your Spa Day was full of relaxation and spending time with Wooyoung, win-win for you!
You end your day by cuddling together on the sofa/in bed and taking a nap together peacefully
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Summer Festival
The two of you wore your flower crowns that you mafe each other at the last stall as you walked from stall to stall chucking out goods and participating in lots of activitred
They had an archery stall where if you won you got a teddy bear, it was really cute. A brown bear in a sunflower tutu wearing a sunflower crown
Another stall was for pottery, either making your own pot or you could buy someone else's
The booth next to that one was full of beads for making necklaces or bracelettes, there were a lot of tutorial sheets available to help out
Of course food stalls were located between booths - spread out of course but you did have options - from Indian food and some great Chicken Tikka or Tacos a few stalls down. A Korean stall offering tteokbokki and gimbap a little ways off, or you could eat at the food court on the other side of the festival
After visiting all the stalls that caught your eye, you and Jongho set up a blanket in the shade and sat down to play some card games and other games such as Mancala and whatever small game fit in his bag
After hours of playing games, maybe kicking a soccer ball back and forth, the concert finally began.
You guys turn to face the stage, your drinks in your hands as you lay together in the back away from everyone else
Mid concert you would stand up sort of wobbly and reach your hand out to Jongho, pulling him up and making him dance with you as you laugh with him side by side
You both had fun as you swirled in circle to the melody, waved your hands in the air and jumped up and down. The night was beyond perfect
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