#alison was a bitch a secret bitch and a dangerous bitch
pinkwhite · 2 years
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bixqueen · 3 years
so thanks to hboMAX my pretty little liars obsession has started up again and when i watched pll the first time all the way thru (yes sadly it’s been more than once i have a life but also don’t) my favorite character was alison. as i’ve watched it more it changed (emily or spencer is prob my fav now) but going through tumblr, instagram, and even pinterest, i feel alison gets too much shit/hate from the fandom. so here i am, making a justification for her. if you really don’t want to see my side or pov then just keep scrolling because i don’t really want to see negativity in the comments (unless you’ll actually say something, a rebuttal?)
so let’s start off with alison being a small child and her household/family. we know how her parents would manipulate her and tell her lying is better than telling the truth. she’s had these really bad influences on her at such a young age (with secrets overflowing her house) and when you continue to have these influences on you as you’re mind is maturing, of course you’re going to eventually go through with them. now yes i know the other girls also had lying parents but were any of them as bad as alisons? i mean some things spencer’s parents kept and arias but they were also older at that point (middle of high school and up). i’m not saying it’s okay but they knew at that point in their life what’s wrong and right and for the most part they had been raised to not lie. alison wasn’t. eventually her lies caught up to her as well so even though she learned the hard way to tell the truth, she eventually did.
now we’re getting into the high school stage where there were MANY points as to why she would’ve ran away. if the writers wanted a better redemption arc for her i feel they would’ve shown her a little more broken in some scenes and such but anyways. freshman year isn’t absolute hell but it’s not fun either. having the mindset of making sure you’re not the one who will get hurt obviously forces you to have this wall and makes you a lot more mean than you really are. (i really feel this was a wasted potential by the writers not going more in depth about her mental pain but shit they didn’t do it with anyone tbh). her whole life kinda had build ups to her being so secretive and closed away (again if the writers went into more depth on this we would’ve seen maybe some trauma that causes her to be closed off and push everyone away. not wanting to show weaknesses) from everyone so it definitely wasn’t hard for her to find that bitchier side and let it off on everyone, not that it’s right, it just made her feel safe and protected. a main factor of this was probably being closeted. i myself am a bisexual girl so i know how it feels to question yourself the way she most likely did. it’s scary. really fucking scary. because you don’t know if there’s something wrong with you at first or if it’s just a stage and you’ll most likely pass it. it’s why i believe her relationship with emily was why she had no big deal leaving rosewood. yes we know she was being tormented by A before the girls were and she wanted to leave so she could be safe. but even with that there would need to be some other factors that kicked in to her actually leaving. A in the beginning for JUST alison was kinda like a bully right? i mean a little more extreme than that but it wasn’t as bad as it was when it started hitting with the other 4 girls. so if alison THE alison dilaurentis was being bullied by someone too scared to show who they really are, wouldn’t she just laugh some of it off? alison WANTED to leave before mona gave her the option. she was scared. and not just of A, but of who she was. and who she loves.
if we’re looking at what alison does for emily versus the other girls while they’re being tormented by A, you can tell she cares for her more. she saved emily more than anyone else. she said leaving emily was the hardest part of it all. because alison was in love with emily, just like emily was in love with her back. obviously running away and faking your death isn’t the best option for having internal panics, some people just don’t know how to manage it. especially being the bold person everyone sees and talks about. imagine seeing her walk out of some therapy session teary-eyed. she’d feel so weak in that moment, so vulnerable. isn’t that one of her biggest fears? people seeing she’s not as strong as she comes off to be and they can use that against her. her fear for being vulnerable also brings me to her being SO scared coming back to school after faking her death. ali, the queen bee, is terrified. this kinda brings to me childhood pain (personally this is why i thought of it lol rip). maybe her family thought showing emotions was weakness you know? and when you open up they kinda laugh at you and they’re like “you think you’re life is hard?? you’re a kid.” (i’m sure i’m not the only person who’s heard this mf bullshit bedore). where i’m going with that though, is it could’ve been placed in her head at a very young age (also this is so dehumanizing and traumatic damn but it makes sense) that you have to shut out all feelings and emotions. it really makes people numb and being emotionally numb as a child and teen is dangerous for brain growth and development. makes sense why it took her forever to feel safe and okay opening up to emily about her feelings and showing emotions around the girls. when you’re seen as this “bitch” who doesn’t make down from a fight, it forces you to turn emotionless.
so the way she acted out the night she went missing and her freshman year wasn’t ideal and it really wasn’t okay. but the audience never saw what she was going through mentally, hell even after that. we see it a little when she comes back and talks about the night she went missing. imagine your own mother burrying you alive. god the trauma that must STILL have on her. being under pounds of dirts, unable to move or talk. your own mother doing this to you to save someone else. i’m not trying to put it as she’s only been through things and no one else has cus of course that’s not the case. i just think people often dismiss her pain and trauma and just say “she’s a bad person and deserves the shit she’s been through.”
i’d also like to add her type of crowd she was around wasn’t the best sort of people. imagining being a freshman and hanging out with college kids who would throw some girl down a flight of stairs. i feel like that also had an impact on her mental health and what she believed was okay to an extent because i mean verbally bullying isn’t okay but at least sis never pushed someone down the stairs 😭 (worst thing she did is definitely blinding jenna. i really don’t know how to defend her actions for that one. you could say she didn’t know anyone was in there? or that she didn’t know she had- it was a firework right?)
last point i can think of: paige vs alison. of course i have to add this lol but my main point with this is both girls were mean to each other. did alison start it by calling her names and such? most definitely. do i think paige should’ve retaliated? to an extent. but she went as far as teaming up with others to have alison go to jail for a crime she didn’t commit. their revival wasn’t just one sided and again i think people often forget that. they’re continuously like going against each other at every chance they got. it was funny but also got annoying. ali would shit talk to paiges face then paige would go whine and cry about it to emily to turn emily on her side. i mean did we forget paige manipulated emily against alison? (yes ik alison was the manipulation queen when she was younger). really what i’m going with this is that they’re more alike than they’ll admit to an extent. me personally, i like alison and emison more. i never really liked paily but paige grew less annoying in later seasons. but when comparing them, i believe paige had more damage on emily than alison did. even when alison was ‘dead’ she still saved emily’s life at times (including the other 3 girls) and did things to protect them. i don’t remember paige saving emily just trying drowning her because she was a little jealous. another thing i know someone will try to bring up about them is how “alison was never happy for emily” well shit bro neither was paige 😭 i’m on season 7 right now and there were some times paige took a liking into stalking emily while she was dating that girl who worked in the cafe (sorry i can’t remember her name rn). and when emily talked about being with that girl she was kinda like 😐 k. alison is the type to speak or show her mind while paige seems to keep to herself then shit talk others behind their back. both qualities aren’t exactly the best so both ‘sides’ can go against each other for years on this. they’re just more alike than people realize.
anyways, there’s that. if you have any opinions (WHERE YOU’LL ACTUALLY ARGUE SOMETHING AND NOT JUST SHIT TALK ME!!) feel free to leave a reply. and if i left out something you want me to add in i will :) have a good day <3
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clandestine-j · 3 years
Gossip Girl, EP. 4 Reaction & Review
Finally, I've gathered all of my thoughts for ep. 4! I had this really cool extra post to the intro and had more thoughts but then I lost the entire thing so I had to re-write the entire post SO, yeah, this is all I have for this part. Also, if anyone has those bts photos please let me know, i’m looking for the ones that have the audience reacting to max’s dick pick from the fashion show, aki biting his lip. please send. 
Kate & CO: JAIL JAIL JAIL. We had that one teacher being turned on by incest and ruining kids lives. DO BETTER IN JAIL. I'll say tho, the male teacher makes a better gossip girl, he doesn't feel bad and is enjoying it. Kate could never.
Rafa: JAIL. JAIL. JAIL. JAIL. JAIL. I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU, WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU. I hate that they showed us this man having common sense. This man, pushing Max away sexually but understanding that he needs serious help. I hate that they just didn't have them flirting and show us him saying no, I'm so upset. I'm even more upset that I fell for him being the character to subvert the trope. I can only blame myself but blame HBO as well. I also hate the comments saying it's okay or well, the show needs scandal and spice. They could've been photographed together in normal clothes, just standing next to each other. Max could lie to GG. There are a bunch of ways these could become an IC scandal without having them cross the line. If you support this, you need help.
Max: My boy needs therapy, lots of it. Maybe rehab. On one hand, he's being taken advantage of because he's clearly going through something and more than just his dads and he has been for a while. His escapism is dangerous and anyone would be able to prey on that. On the other hand, I need someone to beat his ass. His lines to Rafa about money and career were punch worthy and out-right willing to lie about Rafa doing something to him, even just to press Rafa's buttons. He needs help, he needs to be taught boundaries, he needs a lot. And why were the only two people concerned for his week-long disappearance Aki and Audrey, the whole squad should've had the guns out, friends since childhood, sure.
Obie: My boy, I get that you didn't like where you saw Zoya headed. I get that in some aspects you were right about her being a little too involved and suspecting Julien. That being said, she was having real problems and troubles and needed support. Do better. Obie still isn't the worst character on the show and many of them are SOOOO much worse. He doesn't deserve the all of the smoke he's been getting when their are better people for it.
Monet & Luna: I hate them as people and love them as characters that move the plot. I guess I could see how they thought the fuck school thing was horrible (and Julien too since she planned on showing Obie). The directors cut, I don't think they thought it'd ruin Zoya, they're just fucking cruel and found it funny. Let's box. Also, why are ya'll so pressed over this CHILD. Like get over it, find a real up-coming social media star. 
Aki & Audrey: My good sis, you brought a gay man to make Aki jealous. I'm sick, it was fucking funny. Her comments at first were off the wall, I wish the writers would've done something else but a lot of woman don't see it as normal so I sort of get it. I'm glad she came around by the end. And Aki...he was a little spicy this episode, my boy was ready to pop off a bit AND I AM HERE FOR IT. My dude said, 'I don't regret kissing him' I was THROWN. Aki being with Audrey helps me like her more because she's a bitch that's still ready to gun for a now 15 year old girl but her and Aki's relationship is cute. They could break up and be fine which is great, I love that their relationship is really more than just dating and the friendship is strong. I'm here for it.
Zoya: It's just bad writing but my head canon is trauma. Trauma from her moms death death, trauma from the past and current bullying that caused her lash out. I felt like this was her breaking point (so far) and anything gossip girl related as always came around to Julien. If she trusted Julien more, she wouldn't have thought of her as the person causing her issue's but she doesn't trust her. They were civil but even at the end of ep 2. Her 'hell yeah' to Julien about bonding was too dry, too dry. I think a big part of her just doesn't trust Julien and she'll always think the worse because she's seen mostly the worse. And that video, horrible, I'd hate everything about my birthday too after that and even before. Her emotions during the scene and the talk with Julien, ouch. And while I'm happy that Zoya found herself in the end, YES GIRL POP OFF. THIS IS WHAT I WANTED. THIS IS THE FLAVOR. I WAS WAITING FOR THIS AND I WANT MORE. I DEMAND MORE. I SEE A SPARK OF A BITCH, LET HER OUT GO, GO ALISON DELAOTRUINES ON THESE BITCHES.
Julien: Once again, I love Julien as a character, I know she's supposed to be struggling and for that, It's fun to watch her BUT. Julien could never be on my team, she's too wishy-washy. That is my issue, she's too, just...flip-floppy with no substance. Like, when she does things wrong, they're expected  to be forgiven / are forgiven without true reflection or anything on her part. She fucks up, she see's its wrong and then she says sorry and goes on it does it again. This episode was just the worst example, like, the moment she heard buffalo, she was ready to send in a tip. Instead of just doing the party normally and being best because she's hear, she sends the video to Monet. She believes Luna and Monet (Monet talking about her throne being taken when Zoya isn't even an influencer) and she eats it up. They were the ones who did the dick pick thing, like girl, THINK. And why does she never get the full plan, why would she not watch the video or why is she so shocked that Luna and Monet would play something like that? She knows them. Friends since childhood? Sure. Using your moms name to make the party about charity? SIS, THE FEUD IS NOT WORTH IT. She says she wants to be sisters but then she switches up so fast and the witches up again, it's whip-last and I'm sick. I hate that she's doing this to her and I hate even more that's is the writers fault. I don't mind a character having personal conflict but make it a conflict. Like after four episodes, why is she still friends with her sisters bullies? At the end of the episode, she says she's gonna tell them to lay down their weapons, NO, shut it down. correct them. make it clear and make it known. I love my girl because she's flawed but I wish they'd linger on things and have her really think about it. I was fine with the i'm sorry speech up until the camera part.
Other random thoughts
fuck the rafa max thing again, i'm not over, i will never be over it
evan mock isn't the best but he does give me face at times, his 'wtf stare', little sly looks, the 'wtf' moment when audrey first asked him if he was gay like 'this bitch' also, give him more annoyed, irritated scenes, he gives in those
have julien go full nice or full evil for a while, pick a side and stick with it for more than one episode
i wish zoya was a bitch at her old school but i'm fine with this too, it explains why she was so reactionary when it came to the bullying at constance, not again!
i wish we could've seen julien talk with davis after that stunt
nick and davis, KISS, the ride scene was 100%
don't talk about obie so soon
i like that she chose to be with julien for the night, it was cute
emily makes these faces that i can't get with
eli brown is a good actor, that shot of him during the traumatic reveal
i will say, zobie might be boring but when they talk, they talk, their communication is p good, i don't hate it
i’d be here for obie x aki bc they’re friends, they got chemistry, aki was giving look lil up and downs this episode, aki was giving a lot of looks this ep, honestly, idk i just don’t want him heart broken 
aki menzies is still my comfort character
i couldn't take rafa serious with his ass out,
whitney's acting in that talk scene, perfect, my girl had me in tears because DAMN
jordan is pretty good but in that scene, go girl, give me nothing
fuck max and rafa
max lied about his dads or at least one, AT LEAST one, i don't think they'd do that, he saw his in and took it
aki and aud, just have that open relationship, ya'll will make it, the way he tucked into her, it was so sweet
davi and nick secret relationship plot
jail for all of the teachers, once again
the hallway scene was great, the cinematography is been clutch overall
music wasn't as jarring
that's about it! i have more thoughts on the show overall that might be another post, they have a lot of amazing ideas but they need to stick with one and flush it out is the overall gist, i'm still into it!
can't wait for five bc i love the angst that's about to hit.
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waterfallwritings · 5 years
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Scarlet Secrets (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/J8FIzhJ3nX Scarlet Secrets is the story of a teen lesbian girl who gets pulled into an entirely different world. One with dragons, magic, a magical war, monsters, and a prophecy to save the day-- that some people thing she is the one to fulfill. Her story entwines with a boy named Jasper, who was raised in the magical world of Belsadon but has to leave it when war breaks out. As well as a normal foster girl named Alison.... they all become wrapped up in magic, danger, a prophecy, and the fate of a world they fall in love with rests in their hands. But their foes? One is seemingly invincible, and the other is the most powerful sorceress the world has ever known. Will they make it? What will they have to face to succeed?
Taglist: @quilloftheclouds @livvywrites @katekyo-bitch-reborn @abalonetea @penzag @bookish-actor @bookenders @starrywritingg @atbwrites @lordhoekage @royalbounties @maple-writes @writings-of-a-narwhal @kriss-the-writing-nerd @tenacious-scripturient @aslanwrites @luciellesgarden @danielleslayer @iamverygay2468 @mizzyplatinum @paperandredink @ofinscriptions 
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ghostie-hoe · 5 years
So the episode opens with Sofia Carson’s monologue introducing the theme of the show - perfectionism and how the desperation for perfection has lead someone to snap under pressure and kill.
The monologue is talking about prestigious students at the University, so we can be lead to believe that the person who killed Nolan is amongst them - a student. I’d say, let’s keep an open mind and not rule out Dylan, Caitlin and Ava just yet.
In the next scene, Alison is in a Uber on her way to Beacon Heights, claiming that she doesn’t know anyone in town. We then see Alison entering her new home - there’s a sound and suddenly she’s a character in a horror film calling out “Hello?” And of course she checks the basement. It’s easy to fall back into old fears after two years of a safe, AD-free life. Mona then appears out of nowhere holding a knife and box of pie. Classic Mona. Creepy. Alison doesn’t seem to surprised to see Mona, they make small talk. Alison asks Mona “What are you doing here?” and She explains lightly that Mary and Alex escaped her dungeon (without confirming those words) and then moves onto say that she does GAME DESIGN for Hotchkiss. GAME DESIGN.
Let’s just throw back to the original show where Mona was addicted to the game - she became a master at the game and even admired Alex’s board game. In other words she was unhealthily fascinated by it. Why is nobody bringing up Mona doing Game design when we know now that she may have been communicating with someone through mirrors and is in the house where this state of the art security system is located? Link? Coincidence? There are no coincidences in Rosewood therefore no coincidences in Oregon. Mona talking to Alison about fresh starts and trust and Alison expresses wanting to leave the old mean girl behind her and help the kids and Mona replies “You will. I know it.” Mona already knows something. She brought Alison here for a reason knowing that she’d be able to help. “Allison’s determined as she ever was, don’t you think?” I’m not gonna be surprised if Mona is talking to her other personality (more on that later).
Alison and Mona walking to campus together and Alison brings up Taylor Hotchkiss to which Mona says “lovely girl” and Alison gets a little suspicious about the timeline of Mona being in Beacon Heights after Taylor committed suicide and not during. Mona always has an answer for everything “I read up on her” she claimed. From this, I believe that Mona knows Taylor is alive. Mona just knows everything.
Alison begins her first day at Beacon Heights by signing her name on a digital board and this full scene has How to get away with murder vibes. We first meet the mains in this scene. Alison launches into conversation about one of her favourite books by Agatha Christie ‘And then there were none’
Ten strangers, apparently with little in common, are lured to an island mansion off the coast of Devon by the mysterious U.N.Owen. Over dinner, a record begins to play, and the voice of an unseen host accuses each person of hiding a guilty secret. That evening, former reckless driver Tony Marston is found murdered by a deadly dose of cyanide.
The tension escalates as the survivors realise the killer is not only among them but is preparing to strike again… and again...
Marlene always chooses literature that has significance to the story - to her characters. So, let’s say our island mansion is Beacon Heights, who has been lured to Beacon Heights? Alison. As far we can tell as we’re only one episode into the story, nobody has been accused of having guilty secrets - however, Nolan was blackmailing Caitlin. Our Tony Marston is Nolan Hotchkiss, the first and one of many people to be murdered and the killer is amongst them, meaning the killer must be one of the main characters we were introduced to, Dylan, Caitlin , Ava, Dylan’s boyfriend, Caitlin’s secret boyfriend or someone we haven’t yet been introduced to in Alison’s class. At this point, Taylor could’ve murdered her own brother.
Dylan is called on to talk about a theme in the book and he chooses isolation. “The author deliberately picks this remote location so the characters can escape themselves. It’s part of their punishment.” Let’s take note of the significance of the mains answers. Dylan talking about isolation may have significance to his role in the story or his own secrets. Is Dylan out? Does he feel isolated?
We then have Ava who claims that Dylan is always right to avoid answering the answer because she didn’t have an answer. She then goes onto say “Well it’s about dichotomy of something and nothing.” A reflection of how Ava feels about herself knowing that she’s a real person but nothing connotes her self esteem? Or even the whole Nolan - Ava - Caitlin - situation. She then admits that she didn’t read the book because she was too busy focusing on growing her YouTube channel, her outlet for paying her tuition.
And then we have Caitlin. “The author wasn’t subtle. She named a character justice. It comes down to, well, is it okay to murder a murderer?” Caitlin isn’t a subtle person as we can see from the later scenes where she speaks of being inspired by her fantasy to get rid of someone to Alison and then describing how the core 3 could murder Nolan, and it happened in the exact way she said. Caitlin goes on to to say that she would hurt someone that hurt someone she loves. Nolan then says “Don’t worry babe, nobody would mess with me.” Now, Caitlin turns to look at Nolan before he reassures her that nobody would hurt him. We find out later in the episode that Nolan is blackmailing Caitlin with information about an affair between one of her mothers and another person. Little hint that Caitlin wouldn’t hesitate to hurt Nolan for destroying her family - and their perfectionism dynamics?
And finally, Nolan. “Paybacks a bitch. Characters got what they deserved. They did terrible things, they got terrible things done to them. Thought you’d appreciate that world view, Miss Dilaurentis.”
So first of all, Nolan obviously has information on Alison’s history because ‘missing dead girl turns up alive’ would make serious headlines but it seems a little deeper than that. I’d say his insider is Mona. It’s possible that this has significance to the other girls for partaking in bullying ‘Loser Mona’ the Jenna Thing etc. Possibly hinting at Alison coming back and being tormented by Alex and “Elliot”, the insemination. And we all know that seeing a dead body in PLL doesn’t always mean that character is always dead, this could be Nolan’s plan. Fake his death, Make it look extremely convincing ie. a body. One of my followers suggested that Nolan could’ve had a Nolan mask made (not shocking in the PLL universe) and this statement is him talking about his plan to kill people who deserve it in his mind because “people did terrible things and had terrible things done to them.” After saying that the camera pans to Alison, Dylan and Ava. Interesting. His victims maybe?
After the class ends, Alison pulls Nolan to the side and asks Why he thinks she knows about payback and he answers with “My mother is gonna tell you that you’re here because you remind her of my sister. It’s more than that.” Weird answer to bring the Taylor and Alison comparison into it. Rather, Nolan knows that Taylor is alive, faked her death. An early hint that Taylor isn’t dead. You can’t recruit someone because they’re blonde and remind you of your blonde daughter, there’s more to Taylor in Claire’s eyes that reminds her of Taylor. Was Taylor a mean girl?
The group are walking out of the main building whilst Nolan is trying to confirm Caitlin’s attendance at Claire’s dinner party and Caitlin claims that she has plans to which Nolan replies with “Can’t imagine what would be more important than you showing up for me” Showing up for me? That’s not something you normally say to your girlfriend (But Caitlin isn’t Nolan’s girlfriend, she’s being blackmailed into it so that he can date Ava without his mother knowing) Then Nolan talks about the papers that Dylan has to write for Nolan and Ava because he’s the smartest. Nolan has something on him for him to say “I’ll do yours but I can’t do Ava’s” then talks about another academic interest of his. So, Ava is our Hanna equivalent, possibly secretly very smart, interested in her social media presence and was doing fashion design during the monologue. Dylan is our Spencer, academically focussed. Ava and Nolan leave and Caitlin expresses to Dylan how she thought things would be different this year and Dylan asks “Because of Taylor? He didn’t even cry at her funeral” Nolan didn’t cry because he knew that his sister wasn’t dead. She’s alive. That’s why he didn’t cry. Also, it’s socially acceptable not to be crying at a funeral because everyone grieves differently. Caitlin then goes on to ask if she can help him with anything that Nolan has on him and Dylan claims that they’re all his fake friends and they hang out with him to make it look like he has “the perfect posse” Caitlin seems to want to make a real friendship out of the fake friendship, with Dylan anyways. We then get the scene of Dylan walking away, a pan to the camera ontop of the building and a birds eye view shot of Caitlin on her own and people walking in different directions around her. I LOVE THE WAY THIS IS FILMED. Camera cuts to Mona walking through campus and Alison sneaking up on her and startling her.
Alison mentions Nolan’s name and then about how her and Alison were talking all “Summer camp” about fresh starts and Mona doesn’t look surprised but asks “What did Nolan say” instead of giving her a straight forward answer. Mona claims that she didn’t tell anyone information about Alison and that Nolan doesn’t belong because he’s extremely smart. Nolan is now the Mona equivalent. She then says that by her calculations, Nolan could be dangerous.
Alison grading plagiarised papers against the plagiarism policy, at this point we need Spencer Hastings. The song in the background playing about wanting to be out of the familiar, can you help me please? I want to know. Significant? Why is the word ‘meticulous’ being highlighted for us to see. We could see Alison grading papers against that polity and talking to her students about it and we’d understand what’s happened but instead we are shown the scene of highlighting the word ‘meticulous’.. the shot of Alison’s glasses on the page gave me the PLL The Great Gatsby poster vibes (The one with the glasses and the eyes, saying ‘someone’s watching you’ )
Nolan has something on Dylan, his boyfriend questions him on writing papers for Ava and Nolan and he changes the subject to ‘I promised myself I wouldn’t get serious about anyone when I came to college, but the day I met you that changed.”
So then we have Caitlin, naked, laying on her bed doing her homework and her boyfriend comes over to her and they start making out. He strangely looks like Toby from his side profile and he has a British accent. Again, the partners asking why they associate with Nolan and we are given an answer. Nolan appears and starts talking about how even though Caitlin is seeing someone, to the outside world she and Nolan are still a happy couple. He then proceeds to blackmail her with a photo of one of her mothers having an affair with a man and Nolan says that he doesn’t want to have to ruin her political career. “Guess two moms don’t always make a right.” Wow. Emison? I love Emison. Caitlin feels comfortable enough to confide in her boyfriend about Nolan’s blackmailing and suggests that he talk to Nolan and find away to keep Caitlin’s family out of it and not ruin her political career. If this guy loves Caitlin, could he be the one for this very reason to murder Nolan?
Ava working hard on her YouTube channel. Nolan suggests that she takes the easy route and hire someone else to do the hard work. When you come from privilege, this is a common thing to say. He seems to downplay Ava’s ability, getting Dylan to write her paper and now saying that she should get someone else to do the hard work. Ava is a strong character, she stands up for herself and claims that she wants to take care of her own branding. She wants to reclaim her surname Jalali, and have people think of her not her father. Nolan constantly talks about his perfect family image, or at least how it looks to outsiders and claims that Ava will be somebody just by being herself.
We finally met Claire Hotchkiss, as Thebestplltheories pointed out the way she’s filmed to be looking down at Nolan, promoting her power. Claire opens with how she saw Ava and that she doesn’t want him involved with the Jalali family. He’s on the right track with Caitlin. Claire wanted Nolan to lead an extra practice and Nolan objects claiming that he wants time to himself. A healthy thing but his mother says that he can handle it because he always does.
Claire takes a phone call. “I want active surveillance of BH5.” “That’s your son.” BH5? Is Nolan under some kind of brand name or is BH5 the name for the group Ava, Caitlin, Dylan, Nolan And...? Why would Claire want to watch her son? That’s a little strange. I have a feeling that it has nothing to do with Ava.
We then have Alison telling Ava that this “extremely thoughtful and layered “ essay wasn’t written about Ava, and asks if Nolan or Dylan wrote it. The conversation then turns to Ava’s absent father and mother. Ava tells Alison that “My dad had to run, my mum chose to bail.” Which we are then taken to a flashback of an FBI agent interrogating Ava about her parents leaving and Ava claiming that they left her with everything - They did leave money though. Ava then tells Alison that if she wants to help, she should leave her and her friends alone and let it go. And again, Mona is watching. Mona is always watching. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mona has some device that allowed her to hear that conversation.
The party scene. Alison is standing by the window looking down at the party below - Caitlin and Nolan look heated with Caitlin attempting to storm off and Nolan grabbing her arm to pull her back. The camera then pans to Claire joining Alison by the window, “it’s quite the view isn’t it. When my daughter was little she loved to sit up here and watch our parties.” Then Claire starts talking about why she was impressed by Alison and wanted to recruit her. Her academic record? - Wait, girl goes missing and misses most of high school, to my knowledge doesn’t go to college.. pretty impressive academic record. Her essay, and her mean girl to mentor journey. So, Claire sees a comparison between Taylor and Alison and mentions, mean girl to mentor journey. This says to me that Taylor was probably a mean girl. Alison undermining her teen years as nothing to the pressure that the BHU students are under? Umm Alison you literally bullied many students; one of which had a personal vendetta against you and drove you to fake your death for years whilst she proceeded to torture the other girls and then when they thought that was over, your sister took over and built a real life dollhouse where she tortured your friends whilst you were behind bars. Not to mention that this again persisted with your ex husband who was under a fake identity and inseminated you with your fiancé?? Wife??? eggs. Yes, these people so have it harder than you and the other girls. So, then Claire proceeds to talk about just how similar Taylor is to Alison and how the death of her daughter motivated her to keep her students safe. I.e the security system, but suicide usually indicates a mental health problem and I’ve not yet seen any posters up about mental health or even talk of mental so far.. Mona and Claire really keep reassuring that Alison is safe at BHU.
The whole Dylan - Nolan situation. Dylan sees Andrew and Nolan socialising and asks Nolan why he’s talking to Andrew to which Nolan says that he hasn’t told him anything and that Dylan is hot when he’s angry. Dylan then says that he doesn’t want to see him angry. Question raised that I answered one of my followers last night, Am I under the impression that Nolan is biesexual? Honestly, I believe that Nolan is a manipulator, a toxic one who stops at nothing to get what he wants. He could very well be a closet bisexual (I’m a bisexual myself) but I think that he’s using Dylan’s sexuality against him if anything. Claire wanting Caitlin and Nolan to be next to each other in the perfectionism photo. Ava then subtly reaches for Nolan’s hand which he pulls away as his mother makes eye contact with Ava. She knows.
Alison joins Caitlin on the (bridge?) and compliments her on her provocative insight paper and says that it encouraged to take a look into her file. Alison brings up her opposition to capital punishment and that Caitlin almost made her believe that murder could be justified. Then shady Caitlin jokes that her paper was a little too inspired by her fantasy to get rid of someone - Nolan. Who ends up murdered at the end of the episode. We know by now that Alison DiLaurentis doesn’t take lies and bullshit. She saw right through Caitlin and Nolan’s happy couple image and offers her help. Caitlin then tells her that her asking questions will complicate things. Alison tells her that she knows about manipulation and compares her past self to Nolan. Caitlin tells Alison that Nolan will do whatever it takes to ensure that his mother knows she has the perfect son.
Mona leaves a couple that she’s touring to watch Nolan trek into the woods whilst she sips her wine. We see Nolan check for a BHU connection? There isn’t one and he proceeds to take a phone call. This means that there’s a system on the smartphones, possibly just Nolan’s that notifies someone - Miss Hotchkiss? Whoever Mona is working for? about what he’s doing on his phone - recording calls and messages. There’s no connection in the woods. He’s talking to Taylor, and we can’t hear her side of the conversation but this is how imagine it
Nolan: I need to see you
Taylor: Nolan, we’ve talked about this. It’s too dangerous. Mum’s close to knowing
Nolan: Yesh I was afraid of that. She’s ordered surveillance on me and she’ll be watching Ava too
Taylor: Break up with your girlfriend I’m bored.. (Kidding)
Taylor: She never gives it a break, this is exactly I did what I did.. You need to leave Ava. You need to protect her from our mother
Nolan: We need to meet
After this, Alison is talking to Dylan about his talent with words and Dylan says that that’s what it takes to be here. Alison then proceeds to bring up Nolan, how she knows about him and Ava. Asking why he’s manipulating Dylan into doing their papers. We get a flashback of Dylan and Nolan talking about how Nolan took a subject he wasn’t interested in to make conversation with his mother at family dinners. He constantly strives to impress her. Dylan gets envious and brings up how his family are far away therefore he doesn’t share that luxury and Nolan brings up Andrew. And then Nolan manipulates Dylan into cheating on Andrew. Alison knows that game “I know this is important to you, so you can tell me that you wrote those papers or goodbye to music hunny.” Wasnt quite like that but they share a moment when Dylan explains that he came from a small town and he wasn’t accepted for being “different” AKA gay and that music was his escape. It gives him a purpose.
Ava deserves so much better. We know that scene was staged but, I still feel for her because he died with her not knowing that he was protecting her.
Alison researching the Hotchkiss family. That clever and beautifully shot scene where we see her reflection in the laptop screen next to Taylor. This is like all the mirror scenes on PLL such as when the girls search Mona’s room for clues and we see half of Spencer’s face through the crack of the mirror - representing Alex. I genuinely hope there’s no more secret siblings.
Who followed Nolan to Taylor’s hideout? As Nolan enters the gateway, a white car parks up in the drive. Who is in that car?
Taylor is alive. That much was obvious. Nolan and Taylor are talking about how Nolan broke up with her to protect her. Taylor has a system where she monitors the BHU security system and Taylor claims that it can be proved that they’re using Beacon Guard to spy on a select few students. Nolan claims to know someone that they can trust - Alison ? Mona? .
Ava calls a meeting between herself, Dylan and Caitlin about putting a stop to Nolan’s manipulation. Going to Alison’s faculty - with Alison to take him down. Then comes the conversion of Killing Nolan
Caitlin: “I have fantasised about him drying in lots of different ways.”
Dylan: “Agatha Christie wasn’t wrong you guys. Murder can be justified.”
Ava: “Yeah But that’s just fantasy.”
Dylan: Drowning in that pool of his
Ava: “Heart arrack whilst he’s hooking up with some dumb ass bitch.”
Caitlin: “That’s inspired.”
Ava: Yuh, by recent events.”
Caitlin: “We push him off the roof. And it gives him a second or two to think about dying before he’s empaled on the spikes at the bottom.” Then there’s a rustle. Someone heard that conversation.
Mona in her car saying to the mirror. Who is she talking to by the way? “I think I’m doing a really good job, don’t you?” And then Alison fully parallels Hanna by smacking her car bonnet. “WHY AM I REALLY HERE?” Damn Ali D chill out. And then Alison is in Mona’s car talking about how it’s not just Nolan and his mother and Taylor could be her doppelgänger? You aren’t Elena sweetie. The physical similarities? Selected before Mona knew what she looked like. That’s not true though is it Mona? Alison saying what we’re all thinking and a little hint from Marlene here “Did you learn nothing from Rosewood, there are no coincidences.” Mona launches into this story of how Taylor cracked under the pressure and that’s why Alison is here, to help people like her and that’s all we get from that conversation
Another birds eye view. Somebody Is watching the three amigos walk together. “Maybe if there wasn’t a Nolan we’d be friends.” Taking a moment to refer back to the Agatha Christie novel “One amongst them is the killer.” All three want to him to disappear. The song as they all leave and turn back “Always said I was a good kid.” “Always said I had a way with words.” Significantly the camera focuses on Dylan at this point. He is the smartest one. Nolan is on the roof, watching them walk away. Nolan on the roof, “Sorry I’ve been an asshole to you.” Okay personally, I can’t rule out Caitlin yet. Whose to say that the scene where she walks away happens around like 5 minutes before or 10? Giving her time to get up to the roof. We have no timeline here. It could’ even be Mona. It’s unclear. He confirms that it’s not only about him, Taylor’s alive and they need help. Who would they need help from? It’s someone who’s Nolan has been horrible to but he needs their help. Alison lives in Taylor’s house so it’s plausible that Taylor wrote that “They’re watching you” message and covered it in wallpaper or Claire covered it. So we don’t actually see Nolan fall. We don’t see the timeline. Whose to know that someone didn’t just stumble across this and didn’t see it physically happen in front of them. Ava has the most emotional reaction, Mona is extremely casual and Caitlin appears and looks at Jeremy. Jeremy. Hmm. Okay, so Ava and Dylan are gonna suspect Caitlin. The death happened in the exact way, Caitlin imagined after all. There’s a few ways this can go. A few different theories.
1. I saw a post on here yesterday where someone was comparing the bell tower deaths to Nolan falling off the roof. Marion also was pushed off the roof by Bethany. It’s an occurring theme to be pushed off a roof in this show. Marion, Ian off the bell tower and Charlotte. Mona was involved in two of these. This can be enough to suspect Mona. It’s in her character after all. Plus, Mona could’ve done it on orders of whoever she’s communicating with through mirrors
2. The conversation on the roof didn’t actually happen. Nolan lured someone up to the roof, somehow got them to agree to wear a Nolan mask and shoved them off the roof. He was the one that overheard Caitlin’s fantasy and recreated it to make the other two suspect her. He will now spend his days in hiding with his sister, cracking the mystery of the security system and such
3. The timeline isn’t clear. Caitlin had many shady moments in the first episode. She was loud about her fantasy to make Nolan disappear and expressed it on multiple occasions i.e “if someone hurt someone I love then yeah, I’d hurt them back.” telling Alison was a little too inspired by her fantasy to get rid of someone, Nolan and saying that she imagines Nolan dying in many ways, and the way that she described actually happened. Now, just because it seems a little obvious doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen. Nolan watches them all depart whilst he’s standing on the roof. Caitlin could’ve met him on the roof around 10 minutes later where she then pushed him because she believes that murder CAN be justified. She was one of the last people to turn up outside the university to see Nolan’s body after all.
The Mona theory may not add up, if she is communicating with someone through the mirrors as she’s asking “What the hell just happened. Was this our fault?” A person in a big room full of security things answers her telling her to go to her safe place. See, this can be interpreted in various ways - Mona has a personality disorder - This has never been said OUT LOUD. But she could really be talking to her other personality asking if this is our fault then being told to go to her a safe place, something therapists promote. But if she is communicating then, it can’t really make sense for that to Mona killing Nolan.
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Two Can Keep A Secret
Two Can Keep A Secret: When you discover that Alison is actually alive, A decides that you know too much and you’re too dangerous. Caleb and Spencer spend months looking for you, until you show up in Caleb’s bedroom to tell him the truth.
words: 2935
warnings: unconfirmed death
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At fifteen, you were the first one to get your driver’s permit. Your parents would let you pick up Ali, Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer in their SUV and drive around the neighborhood every now and then, which was your best memory with the girls while Alison was still alive. When you turned sixteen, your parents would let you and the girls drive out to Spencer’s lake house twice during that summer, but when Ali went missing, everything changed. You were kept inside, away from the girls when you needed them. Next to Emily, you were taking your friend’s disappearance very hard.
When junior year started, you met Caleb. It was in the least romantic way; drunk in a bathroom at a school party. Your (soon to be ex) boyfriend left you alone when he realized that he spiked your drink too much for you to actually want to go home with him. Caleb spent hours sitting on the floor in the teacher’s restroom rubbing your back while you groaned into the porcelain bowl. When he drove you home, you begged him to not tell your friends, knowing that he was acquaintances with Hanna, because they already had trouble with liking your boyfriend, Noel.
After that night, it took you a while to be able to look Caleb in the eye again. After you broke up with Noel, you distanced yourself from the group until you were no longer ashamed of yourself, which took a total of thirteen days. On day fourteen, you were thrown back with your girls as soon as the bell rang for first period. When you sat in your seat, you received a text from an unknown number. It wasn’t long after that when you found why the girls seemed so scared all of the time. Now in on the A secret, the five of you worked together to find out exactly what was going on.
 It took months for you to open up to Caleb about what had been happening. After pestering you for several days as to why you seemed so shady, why you had been avoiding him, you finally admitted that you were worried about his safety. You got him alone in your room and yelled out about how you and the girls were being tortured by an anonymous source, and how they were slowly ruining all of your lives. You told him that you couldn’t think about him getting hurt, or what you would do if A roped him into whatever the hell was going on. That was the first time Caleb kissed you. He admitted a few moments later that Hanna had told him everything that had been going on; how your compassion for others’ safety was putting your feelings for the long-haired boy with baggage to the side. While he held your face close enough to his so you were breathing the same air, Caleb made you a promise that he would protect you with all of his might.
 After that, you felt a weight lifted off of your shoulders. With your new relationship and your newfound confidence with yourself, you felt invincible from A and their tricks. However, you had no idea what you had in store for your future with the cyber-bully, and little did you know that after every little bump in the road, a deep pothole would follow.
 A began to text the other girls rumors about you, while sending you text of warning, that if you weren’t careful, your life would soon be over. You assumed that the warnings were actually death threats, but it wasn’t until Caleb grabbed your wrist and dragged you into an empty classroom, that you realized what A was going on about. About six months into your relationship, you and Caleb began to sleep together. He was the only person you trusted with your vulnerabilities and insecurities, and you were the same to him. Almost a year into the relationship, A began to use that against you.
 “Are you pregnant?” Caleb asked you, and after seeing your shocked expression, he began to press you again. “(Y/N), answer me.” He demanded.
 “I-I’m not!” You said as soon as you would work the words out of your mouth. “Caleb, stop it! I’m not pregnant, why would you even think that?!” Your body gathered enough momentum to yank your arm from his grasp and brought it up to your chest so you could cradle it.
 “Well, that’s what everyone else is saying!” He threw his hands up in the air. While you gazed at him with a furrowed brow, he reached into his pocket and tossed his phone onto the closest desk to you. On the glowing screen, you saw a text from an unknown number, and knew exactly who was sending the lies to your boyfriend. However, you were still curious as to what he was reading, so you reached to pick up the phone and opened the message.
 On the screen, a blue onesie appeared bright as day. It was long sleeve and had a yellow duck right where a pocket would go on a normal sized shirt. Underneath the pictures, you read the single word; CONGRADULATIONS.
 “Who is everyone else? Who else thinks I’m pregnant?” You inquired, handing the phone back to Caleb, who was looking down at his feet.
 “Hanna, Spencer, Aria, Emily. They asked me about it, cornered me in the courtyard, then I got that text.” He muttered, shoving the phone into his pocket.
 “Okay, well you know exactly who that text is from. I told you getting into this that A likes to mess things up, Caleb. Don’t let her.” As you spoke, your phone went off in the back pocket of your jeans. You reached for it and opened the message, reading the words, then showed it to Caleb.
 “I can lie too, bitch.” He repeated the words off of the screen, then sighed, pulling you into a hug. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten so mad, I should have just talked to you.”
 You slid your hands up and down his back, letting your cheek rest on his shoulder. “It’s okay, I understand why you freaked out. I don’t blame you.”
 After denying your “pregnancy” to your friends and giving everyone relief by taking a negative pregnancy test, A seemed to have left you alone for a while. Instead, she focused on Toby and Spencer. However, once you felt yourself in the clear, the wrath of A showered upon you at the discovery of Alison’s “death”. After speaking to Jessica DeLaurentis, you began to doubt that Ali was actually no longer with you, even more than you were before. As you drove home, you began to receive text after text threatening you and everyone you loved if you spilled the beans. However, you were no longer afraid of the person behind the phone.
When you left Caleb’s house after telling him your thoughts, he tried to convince you to stay, but you pressed him to let you go tell the girls. He made you promise that you would call him when you got there, when you left, and when you got home. Once you promised him, and he finally let you leave with a kiss and a squeeze of the hand, he began to pace around the room, awaiting your call. The more time that passed made Caleb feel sick to his stomach. After an hour, He called Hanna, who told him that you hadn’t gotten there, and she hadn’t heard from you, but she insisted that you went home and fell asleep due to exhaustion. However, that wasn’t good enough for Caleb Rivers, the man who vowed to protect you no matter what. He hung up the phone and got in his car so he could track you down.
 As soon as his engine turned over, his phone went off. He immediately grabbed it, assuming it was you, and let his eyes gaze at the screen. While he had prepared his speech about safety and trust on the way to the car, the last thing he expected was a video from A. It made him nervous to touch the screen, but it had to be important if the bitch was texting you. He opened the video and let the scene unfold in front of his eyes.
 You were sitting in your car, your eyes focused on the road, just as they always were when you were driving. It almost annoyed the girls how safe you were; coming to a complete stop at an empty four-way, always waiting a beat after the light turned green, just to make sure no stray cars came out from nowhere. You had always been the safest girl in the group, no matter what. The first two minutes of the video were you driving with the music low, loud enough for you to focus on something other than your thoughts, but at exactly three minutes in, Caleb noticed something you didn’t; lights. They reflected off of your rearview mirror onto your glistening hair, while another set shone through the driver’s side window. As the lights got closer and the recognition appeared on your face, Caleb realized that it was too late. When the car collided with you from the back, you were sent into your steering wheel, and the car from the side caused the airbag to deploy. Tears were streaming down his face, as he gasped in reaction to watching your small body being jostled around in your car, the newly broken glass shredding your skin.
 “No,” He whispered, as if he was denying what he had just seen. “No, no, no!” His voice began to raise in fear and anger, and the incoming call from Hanna didn’t do him any good. “Hanna,” He sobbed into his hand.
 “Caleb,” She sobbed back, her voice equally as choked up as his. If he focused his hearing, he could hear Aria’s cries, and Emily shouting at Spencer to stop, but all he could do was think about you and if you were alive.
 Caleb heard Hanna begin to speak, but the voice changed to Spencer’s immediately. “I’m going to look for her.” She said, her voice not wavering. “Toby said he would meet me, she has to be somewhere on the road from your place to mine. Are you coming?” It would be Spencer Hastings to keep her cool while everyone around her was freaking out. Caleb responded with a simple “yes”, then hung up and began to drive.
 It was agonizing. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours. All Caleb wanted was you, with a big smile painted across your face, like he had seen every day since you got the courage to finally look at him after that party. When he arrived to the scene of the accident, the police were already there, taping off the scene. He turned his car off and got out, out of the corner of his eye he saw Toby holding Spencer back from entering the scene, but they were too far away to stop Caleb from running to you.
 Spencer was not a crier. It took a lot to provoke her emotions but seeing a white sheet on the ground and your car flipped over in the ditch broke her. Caleb ran to the sheet, pushing back anyone who tried to stop him. He could tell Spencer was yelling at him, but her sobs made her words indistinguishable. He peeled the sheet back and felt a guilty sense of relief when it wasn’t your delicate face that his eyes fell on.
 “Where is she?!” Caleb shouted, standing up and approaching the police. “The girl driving that car? (Y/N), where is she?!” Before he could get close enough to get tazed, Toby was by his side pulling him away in an instant. He brought Caleb back to Spencer, who engulfed him in a tight hug, knowing that the both of them needed it. He cried into her shoulder, murmuring about how much he loved you and how he needed you because you made him good. With every word Caleb sobbed, Spencer shook her head.
 “She’s (Y/N), she’s okay. She has to be.” She promised on your behalf, pulling away from Caleb to meet his matching bloodshot eyes.
Later that night, while everyone sat silently in Spencer’s living room, their phone went off. They read the text out loud at the same time, their voices shaking at the ominous and morbid message.
 She knew too much.
 Toby, being the only one who didn’t receive the text, wrapped his arm around a distraught Spencer and silently rubbed her arm. Caleb filled with envy, wishing you were with him to comfort each other. He felt lost without you.
 Without your body, your parents and friends never got closure. Caleb stayed around, keeping the image of you alive to your mom, dad, and little sister. You ended up ghosting around the town as a missing person, the same way Alison did for a whole year after her “death”. Your friends were convinced that you were alive, and that Alison was making you play copycat, but they didn’t receive any threatening texts in your honor, just Ali’s.
 Emily was the first one to come to her senses. While Caleb and Spencer spent most nights looking for signs that you were still out there, she and Spencer got into a yelling match over the fact that no one could survive that kind of crash, especially after the video evidence. No one spoke to Emily for weeks after that.
 Hanna was next. She pointed out how you missing was tearing apart the girls the same way Ali did. Caleb was the most hurt by her outburst. Hanna went to spend a few weeks with her dad, because she would have rather dealt with the gruesome twosome than the cold shoulder from her only friends.
 Aria missed you just as much as anyone else, but she eventually fell off the wagon. Her priority was Alison, because she knew that Ali was still alive, but Emily’s words were starting make sense. There was a very slight chance that you were alive.
 Caleb hardly ever slept since you were gone. He often laid in bed, his hand stretched out to touch the side of the bed that you slept on when you told your parents that you were with Aria or Emily. He didn’t cry himself to sleep anymore; he was out of tears. He knew that one day, it would pay off, and he was right. When the heavy April rain soothed him to sleep early one morning, he was pulled out of his trance by a tickle on his forearm. His eyes opened and his arm was quickly pulled back to his body. His eyes met yours and he let himself stare at you for a moment, taking in the delusion in front of him.
 “(Y/N)?” He whispered. You stood from your crouch on the floor and kneeled on the bed while he sat up, the blankets falling off of his chest to show his favourite shirt.
 “It’s me.” You whispered to him, sitting back on your legs. “You’re not dreaming, I’m here.”
 His eyes scanned over you as he took in your words. He acknowledged the scars on the left side of your face, assuming that it was from the glass in your car. It didn’t make you any less beautiful to him. He reached out and touched your cheek, and immediately you leaned against him. It didn’t take him long after that to grab your shoulders and pin you to the bed under him.
 “What the hell is going on, (Y/N)?” He growled at you. You understood his mixed emotions, so you laid perfectly still and looked up into his big puppy-dog eyes. Taking a deep breath, your legs came up so your knees could press against his sides while you explained exactly what happened the night of your accident.
 “A pulled me out of the car before the police came. I had a broken rib and my leg was dislocated and I had all these really nasty cuts, but I’m okay now! She took me to New Jersey and made me watch everything that was happening to all of you. I couldn’t walk for two months, so all I could do was sit there and get her to trust me. She had to do something in Rosewood tonight, so I convinced her to let me come. She told me to stay in the lair, but I had to see you.” As you spoke, Caleb unpinned you and helped you sit up. “You can’t let the girls fall apart, Caleb. A is still after them, they’re stronger together and she knows that. Keep them strong, and please keep an eye out for Liliah.” You begged him, not knowing the state of your little sister. “I love you so much, I’m so sorry that this is happening.”
 You and Caleb had never gotten to the point of telling each other that you loved one another. You’d rather show it than say it, but Caleb had to know. He leaned in and kissed your lips softly, letting his hands rub up your thighs, then reach up to your face and hold you in place. You let him kiss you as long as he wanted, but when he pulled away, you looked at him sadly.
 “I have to leave.” Your voice was sad, and he knew it was coming. “She can’t know I left.”
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sunnys-rewatch-blog · 3 years
S1, E11
"Moments Later"
I didn't know Noel had any vested interest in Hanna.
We could have had about as much drama if it was Shawn who was with Aria. Just pointing out that this was unnecessary.
For the record, I'm really not trying to jump on the morality train with Ezria. I'm not against objectionable romances, and a hundred people have hammered on this point better than I have the mental fortitude to do. They're just so. Fucking. Boring. Even knowing what's actually going on, that Ezra is another name on the list who met Alison before she went missing, adds nothing to their time on-screen. If anything, it's even worse, because nothing really ever comes of that knowledge and this was actually the stupidest way he could have gone about exploiting Aria for his fucking book. I would have way more interest in this ship if they actually portrayed it as a darker, more dangerous thing. Ezra feels like a plot distraction, and most of Aria's time on screen is with him. I don't care what they're doing, I want to know what's going on with this mystery, damnit!
Aww, Mona came to visit Hanna! She absolutely does have something to feel guilty for, though.
I really can't decide whether LucasxHanna or MonaxHanna are my favorite side ship.
Just now realizing that an absurd number of people kept the Ezria secret.
Who even brought Alison here? How did she know about all this? It kinda looks like she got in under the guise of a candy striper (are those even still a thing?) but besides that she isn't disguised at all. I would give so much to see these scenes in her POV.
"Telling the truth to the wrong person at the wrong time is what got me where I am"- with tears in her eyes, she said it. Boy, am I glad that's never fucking explained. There's so much build-up I guess they couldn't decide on a worthy follow-through.
"I mean, you totally mess me up, and I feel miserable sometimes"- me in my last relationship. It took me way longer than it should have to figure out something wasn't right. The writers really stamped "RED FLAG" all over this relationship and then called it true love.
Ezria is kind of like Twilight, but without the vampires. Maybe Marlene should try her hand at erotic fiction. Worked out pretty well for E L James, and I know there's an audience out there for tacky, cheesey lesbian erotica with a hefty dose of kink. Sad, single bitches like me would eat that shit up.
Emily's dad getting her to come out. I am still in my feelings. "It's who she is" that fucking line, I wish my own father had said that. And watching Pam Fields act as a vehicle for my own mother's bullshit, I could just scream. Why do I put myself through this?
Ian and Melissa just got married? That was a short engagement.
How long does Hanna need to be in the hospital? I have broken my leg twice, recovery is usually on an outpatient basis, and I was never given that much medication. Of course, I was also never hit by a car and there were other injuries. I'll just pretend that's the reason. It's also more difficult than I remember to determine the passing of time in these episodes. I have absolutely no idea how long this has been, from start to finish.
0 notes
Episode 6 Review, Part I: Dream a Little Dream of Me
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{ Synopses: Debby Graham | Bryan Gruszka }
{ Screencaps }
Even though this is one of my favorite episodes, it’s taken me a while to get motivated to write this. I don’t want to get into detail about my personal life because it’s irrelevant to this blog, but last week was very busy and hectic. With the holidays coming up, things are also likely to get really wild really soon, so odds are I will be progressing even more slowly through this show. Yes, this is going to be another two-parter and yes, in the second part, I plan on doing another deep dive into the contents of the flashback.
We start out with Jean Paul bitching again at the portrait because, at the end of Episode 5, he finally figured out that making a deal with the Devil was a bad idea. Shortly after Raxl has had a chance to air her grievances towards Jacques as well, they meet up in the crypt downstairs. There she tells him of Dr. Menkin’s death, including Jacques’ explanation that Menkin was drunk. “Dr. Menkin never drank,” he says, and she responds, “Yes, I know. But you told me yourself that he had been drunk.”
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In this shot, you can clearly see a camera on the right-hand side of the screen.
Considering that she knows that Jacques likes possessing him, one can safely conclude that she is feigning ignorance. After some exposition for the new viewers about the conjure doll and the silver pin, Raxl gives some new background information about Jacques’ crimes:
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Raxl: “Three hundred years ago, Jacques Eloi des Mondes ceased to care for his wife and she was dead. After that, her younger sister, then she was dead. There is a sister of your wife under this roof. Is she younger than my mistress?”
Jean Paul: “Yes.”
Raxl: “Then get her out of here before she is dead! Please, M’sieu! It is all we can do! We must fight!”
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Jean Paul: “Against whom? A man of three hundred years ago?”
Raxl: “The Devil is eternal!”
Really, Jean Paul? You need to be reminded whom you’re fighting against? You need to be reminded that Jacques Eloi des Mondes is a threat and possibly the Devil himself? Look, I know that you were born sometime in the mid- to late 1930s and grew up in a world where most people didn’t believe in the supernatural and viewed voodoo and similar religions as superstition, but the spirit of Jacques has already started messing with your life! He’s possessed you! He’s killed Dr. Menkin! He talks to you all the time through his portrait! He even changes your clothes sometimes and gets you drunk while he’s in your body! And besides, I’m going to assume that Jean Paul was raised some variety of Christian, so most likely he already believed in the Devil before the beginning of the show. I could see him being skeptical if Raxl one day decided to proselytize to him about the Great Serpent, but, in this case, he just has no excuse for not believing her.
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Jacques poncily inspecting Jean Paul’s fingernails right after possessing him. I suspect that many real-life 17th-century fops liked making this sort of gesture.
Anyway, Jacques possesses him and tells her to go away, then reveals while talking to the cryocapsule that he has no intention on reviving Erica until after he’s had his fun. I’m sure that this is not surprising, because why should he want to return to Hell when he can stay on Earth for the time being and wreak havoc on the residents of Maljardin?
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In the Great Hall, Jean Paul--who is himself once again--meets up with Alison. She can’t sleep because she is still trying to recover from the shock of Erica’s death and can’t accept that Jean Paul has frozen her with the intent to bring her back to life. He starts to comfort her, but then...well...I think you can guess what happens next...
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As of this episode, Colin Fox hasn’t yet mastered the sexy evil smirk, but he is still hot as Hell.
If you guessed “Jacques possesses him again,” you’re right! The early episodes get predictable quickly, and, although I have no evidence to support it, I suspect that was one of the things Robert Costello* criticized about the show when he became producer. But predictable doesn’t always mean boring, and the sequence coming up is an interesting one.
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Jacques dropping a hint about his true identity to Alison, who--fortunately for him--refuses to believe that Jean Paul is possessed. Note that the portrait is still visible in the background. Continuity error or inconsistency?
While pretending to be Jean Paul, Jacques gives Alison a history lesson on himself in the third person: “Jacques was a very active man. He was a chevalier, he was renowned of royalty and he was a scholar, an engineer, a navigator, an explorer, and a free-looter. He was the beginning of the family's true wealth. Legend has it that in the coral caves beneath the island of Maljardin, he buried a king’s ransom, which still lies hidden. To tell you the truth, I’m a secret admirer of his.”
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So many BISSITS!
Alison is intrigued, but still not convinced that Jacques was a good person (perhaps the “free-looter” bit tipped her off?), and is still worried about him. “You do identify with him,” she says. “He frightens me.” To reassure her, Jacques goes on to draw some comparisons between himself and Jean Paul, taking the opportunity to try to seduce her:
Jacques: “Look at our history. He had a wife that he adored who died, as I did. He brought her to this château, as I brought Erica. He lost a princess, a woman he loved.”
Alison: “As you lost Erica.”
Jacques: “Well, you could say the connection has a ring of witchcraft about it--but only in theory, of course.”
Alison: “That’s a comfort.”
Jacques: “But I will add one more thing. Jacques’ wife had a sister. And her name was Rahua.”
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Alison: *falling under Jacques’ spell* “Rahua? A pretty name.”
Jacques: “The name of a goddess. And her hair was like ripened wheat. Her skin was as white as goat's milk and as soft to the touch as the morning mist on the water of the lakes.”
Alison: “Sounds lovely. So real. You describe her almost as though you knew her.”
Jacques: “History to me is real and so romantic in spite of the tragedy.”
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A man after my own heart.
Alison interrupts Jacques’ attempted seduction to ask about the death of Jacques’ wife. “Huaco was her name,” he responds. “They climbed to the headland alone to watch the sunset. They didn't realize that the terrible force of the trade winds would be a danger to them, the terrible force at the cliff edge. And when they reached there, Jacques Eloi’s cries of warning were drowned out by the wind that plucked her from the cliff heights and threw her into the sea like a rag doll.”
Soon after, the conversation shifts to Jean Paul’s plans to revive Erica, but Alison doesn’t want to hear about it. Then the handsome devil decides to drop another hint:
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Cue another flashback in the form of a dream that Jacques gives Alison about Rahua. I will write about the flashback in more detail in my next post, so I will just summarize it for now. Huaco has just given birth to Jacques’ son and leaves dinner early to see him, but her sister Rahua (who, like Alison, is played by Dawn Greenhalgh) stays behind. Jacques kisses and tries to seduce her, but she is reluctant to accept his advances because she is his wife’s sister. To persuade her, he says, “The right [to happiness] belongs to those who take it,” and they kiss. It’s a great scene, if slightly reminiscent of a cheesy bodice-ripper in its execution--but, frankly, if someone were to write a cheesy bodice-ripper starring Jacques, I would probably love it. I’m a big believer in the Reader’s Bill of Rights; I am under no obligation to defend my tastes.
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I know that Jacques is evil and likely planning on eventually killing her, but I want to be Alison in this scene. Why aren’t men my age this dashing?
Alison is distressed by the dream, crying “no” in her sleep, which makes me wonder if we the audience are missing part of it. Or does the thought of a romance between her and her brother-in-law distress her that much? When she wakes up, Jacques--who has been by her side the whole time probably implanting the dream into her head--pretends to comfort her (see above). Then he says his, echoing his line from the dream:
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Yes, Jacques, I’d love to.
After she leaves, Jacques monologues to the audience about being the Devil, looking devilishly hot while doing so and flashing that gorgeous grin some more. (I will post separately, because this post is already a mile long.) By the end of the episode, the crew still hasn’t noticed the continuity error/inconsistency from earlier, and rolls the ending credits over the still-visible portrait of Jacques:
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Stay tuned for an in-depth look at the first flashback about Jacques and Rahua, including my thoughts on the costumes. I can’t promise it’ll be finished this week, but I will try. Until next time...pleasant...dreams?
* Yes, the same Robert Costello who produced Dark Shadows left DS to work on this. So did two early DS writers, Ron Sproat and Joe Caldwell, who wrote some of the early Desmond Hall episodes. I will write more about them when they become relevant.
{ <-- Previous: Episode 5   ||   Next: Episode 6, Part II --> }
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dashafromrussia26 · 7 years
Toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin. Part 6
After every document about Leda clones was shredded and burnt Delphine sat on the sofa and poured herself a glass of Balvenie - 50 Year Old Scotch Whisky that her father’s lawyer and best friend presented to her as a gift after her graduation from the university. She kept it for special occasion but it seemed like it is the last chance to open the bottle. Besides, she would need some courage for everything she was planning to do next.
The whisky was rich and spicy. The taste of dried berries and a lingering sweetness in her throat made this moment feel weirdly epic. Little water drops from melting ice on the outside of the glass streaming down right between her fingers calmed Delphine down a little bit. It was her two minutes of clarity – pure vacuum in her head without fear, hatred or regrets. It was only her and that drink with slight taste of ginger and cinnamon and nothing could take that moment from her. She probably would be happy if a killer would show up right now because she felt calm and ready.
She dug around in her purse for a minute before dragging out a fag and a lighter. It took her a little while to lit it because the pack and her favorite cigarettes in it were wet because of the rain outside and then she took a long drag breathing the smoke from the cigarette in completely, not stopping for anything, as she usually does when she needs to gather her wits, even though she knew that her voice would become lower and wooly after it.
She had to decide what to tell Shay. It was clear that she has no right to disclose the information about Cosima’s heritage without her consent. Well maybe she might do that - the last time Cosima’s desires didn’t really bother Delphine because she kept the information about Kira’s stem cells in secret for a good reason which was still permanent. Well at least Delphine was sure that saving Cosima’s life was number one priority and asking someone’s permission would put the process in danger. She had one way forward back then, but now…Delphine didn’t know if there was a way at all. But what she knew for sure is that she wanted to let Cosima decide for herself this time who to trust.
Delpine would never let herself drive a car while she is drunk, but, after all, it was ridiculous to care about her own safety in existing situation. Nonetheless, she decided to choose by-pas roads on her way to Shay’s house for the other drivers and pedestrians’ sake.
She left the gun in the car despite the fact that Shay might react aggressively after what she’s done to her. And she couldn’t blame Shay for that. However, she couldn’t blame herself for behaving that way either. But one thing Delphine felt ashamed of was this strong feeling of disappointment when she realized that she wouldn’t be able to get rid of this little bitch. Even though Shay probably is a good girl and maybe Delphine should’ve been angry at Cosima who gave up on Delphine and jumped to another chick’s bed so easily. But it is not easy to think straight when it comes to jealousy and protective reaction for someone you love that much.
She knocked Shay’s door quietly, hoping she was home.
Shay’s face has changed in a moment she realized who was knocking.
“Go before I call the police” – Shay said with a poorly hided fear in her voice.
“Shay please! I don’t need to come in” – Delphine put her hands up trying to show that she has no intention to hurt her this time - “Just hear me out. I know what I did was unforgivable but I also know that Cosima really cares for you” – Delphine tried to sound nice but confident, but saying that words out loud was harder then she expected – “and I think” – her voice cracked and it took her intensive efforts to swallow her pride and pain and continue – “I think you two fit”.
“I don’t give a damn what you think” – Shay tried to sound as venomous as possible looking with that eyes full of hatred that no one could possibly imagine being combined with that pure angelic blue colored eyes and sweet face.
“Just know this. I won’t be in your way anymore. But it has to begin with a truth” – Shay was standing there knuckling her hand and being ready to fight back if something goes wrong – “I want you to give her this” – Delphine passed Shay a DYAD institute’s card with Cosima’s «324B21» ID-tag written on it – “and tell her that I said to tell you everything…” - Shay looked worried and a little bit surprised at the same time. She felt that something wrong is happening with Delphine because this incredibly powerful woman that aroused fear in Shay by her presence itself seemed broken – “If she wants to. It’s her decision” – Delphine finally raised her eyes at Shay with her eyebrows lifted up trying to smile and keep at least some of the dignity she used to have. But all the suffer and struggle she’d been through couldn’t been hidden behind that mask of a Superwomen. She got choked up with tears and only one thing she was able to say was - “Be good to her”.
Even though Shay truly hated Delphine it was heartbreaking to see that agony in her eyes. Probably it was that moment of female sympathy but she didn’t want Delphine to be in torment. But still, Shay was truly afraid of Delphine to even say anything back. And she didn’t have a chance to do it as Delphine quickly turned over and went out the building.
 Delphine had been driving in her car around the block for an hour already trying to figure out what to tell Cosima. She clearly couldn’t tell her the truth because Cosima would fight for her even if it put them both in danger. For both of them taking steps was easier than standing still but this time she had to let this happen. But the Blonde needed to see her. She had so much to say to her but none of the words that were lingering in her head seemed appropriate. Delphine knew that she had to use all of her self-control to make it right. There was no more time to waste. Now or never.
She parked the car near the entrance to Alison & Donnie's «Bubbles» and came out of the car to enjoy the cold weather of Toronto for the last time. She loved that Canadian fresh air and these incredibly friendly people, this architecture and this delicious chocolate. Hard to say goodbye to that city.
Delphine heard the door was opened and turned her face just in time to see Cosima bundling up in her coat – this girl from San Fran has huge problems with this freezing Canadian winds. It was hard to ignore that she was wearing the same red coat that she wore that day when they attended Leekie’s lecture on Neolution. Delphine could swear the God that it was the last time when she felt so incredibly free while running around campus with two bottles of stolen wine, holding Cosima’s hand and laughing out loud pretending that she is just a foreign student trying to be friendly.
“Hey you came” – Cosima said with a slight relief.
“Yeah unfortunately I can’t stay” – Delphine tried to sound relaxed but with every second that she was standing near Cosima her heart rate was raising dangerously fast and it took her all the effort to stand still. She had to play it cool. She had to make sure that she wouldn’t give Cosima any promise or any hope for their reunion. Or maybe she had to make sure that she wouldn’t hope for happy ending for them after all.
“Oh not for a little bit?”
“No, I'm sorry. I need you to keep the sequenced genome safe and Kendall Malone far away”.
“Yeah, I think Mrs. S is really good at that stuff, so... she's got a plan” – Cosima looked confused because all of that was obvious. She couldn’t understand why Delphine looked so worried.
“Okay” – “Now go, Cormier. Until you do something reckless. You saw her. She is here. She is alive. She is with her family. Just say you are sorry and let her go” – Delphine was trying to persuade herself to leave.
“I know why you did everything you did. To Shay and… everything” – Delphine never expected this conversation to turn that way. She could never imagine that Cosima would understand and forgive her. But with every word Cosima said it was getting harder to leave. She had never thought that she needed forgiveness until she got it - “I'm sorry I made you make those hard choices and then... And then blamed you for them” – these words broke her shield, she cracked. She cracked like the last time when Cosima told her she came back for her. What Delphine was hoping for? At the end of the day only this tiny woman had this effect on her – all the walls she had been building to play the role she had to play were unable to keep Cosima.
That pain in her chest was overpowering. Delphine bit her lip trying to hold tears that were ready to stream down her face. She pressed her hands to the body hard trying remain control.
Cosima could see the storm raging in Delphine’s soul and she wanted to tell her how much she loves her, that she would never let anything bad happen and everything would be okay as far as they are together. She wanted to hold her and never let go.
And that look they shared. They didn’t have to say “I love you”. Their eyes showed that. Their eyes full of adoration – that look that a dog gives to his owner. The look full of pain and such indescribable love. Such love could start a war, tear everything apart and rebuild it again. The love that build bridges not walls. This almighty love. The love that will exist even after they are dead. The love that would never goes away.
The blonde gently ran a hand over Cosima’s cheek trying to memorise every inch of her beloved woman’s face. She bitterly smiled because that smaller woman made her happy again… even in this awful day.
“Oh mia, oh mia” – Delphine couldn’t keep it together anymore. It was selfish but the last thing she wanted to do before she dies is to kiss her soulmate. Delphine pressed her lips tightly against Cosima’s. Too forced, because Delphine knew this kiss was going to be the last and wanted to savor it for eternity. The brunette’s lips were smooth, supple. Delphine’s hands caressed her head, thumbs sliding up to Cosima’s flushed cheeks. The world fell away with that kiss. It was continued slowly and deeply, comforting in ways that words would never be. Delphine stopped the kiss to look at Cosima one more time.
“Give your sisters all my love” – Delphine said smiling smoothly running her finger over Cosima’s lip. And had to harness all of her will power to walk away.
 Delphine stepped out of the vehicle to go to DYAD institute to finish some of her work when she heard the footsteps behind.
She kept moving praying to every God that might watch over her, even though she was not a believer, to let this happen fast.
After two more steps she put her bag on the floor and turned around to face the one who had her life in his arms. It was no surprise that Detective Duko was the killer.
“What will happen to her?” – Delphine wanted passionately to hear that Cosima would be safe before it happened. The sound of a gunshot broke the silence of the underground parking lot reverberating and thus lasting for the eternity in Delphine’s head. Searing pain bit through her skin, muscles, liver and back. She saw that Duko was aiming to her head to finish her off and she looked him in the eyes holding to the last ounce of strength to show him that her dying is just a step for them to end a war and she will fight with her dying breath until it is over.
She was going in and out of consciousness. The terrible burning feeling through the path of a bullet knocked her out and made her hold on to life again. That one sensation that was killing her kept her in conscious at the same time. Delphine tried to hold the wound tightly to stop the hemorrhage but her hands became slippery from the flood of blood and were becoming weaker with every second.
Random pictures in her head followed each other flashing: her first chemical experiment with her father, their fuss on the tree house, the lullaby her grandma used to sing her when Delphine was scared, the first meeting with Cosima, their jogging in the Campus, their first night together, her eyes, her soft hands, her smile and childish giggle, her dancing in the kitchen, and also some things that would never happen: Delphine proposing to Cosima, their vows, first dance under a huge oak with the sounds of string quartet playing James Vincent McMorrow’s “Cavalier”, unpacking boxes in their first house, their babies running around the playground, their first gray hairs… Delphine was slowly falling to the black hole and could hardly see the familiar faces above her and feel herself removed. Her last thoughts before black out were centered around Cosima and she felt not alone dying with her name on her lips. 
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thenamesdoctor · 7 years
My final A.D. theory (Full circle)
Alright guys, I’m going to take one final crack at who A.D. is, their motive for doing this, and exactly how I believe it’ll full circle since Uber A (A.D) has been the real puppeteer this whole show. Also Wren is involved, he is on the A-team but NOT A.D. and I’m 98% certain of this. Something I wanna point out is what Marlene said how Wren comes back is connected and important with the A.D. reveal. We’ll come back to this later. 
Brace yourselves and get ready to read….it’s a long and HUGE full circle theory. 
(1) Marlene has said we haven’t met A.D. before BUT has always been around since the pilot. As I said, I thought Wren for 7 years being BIG -A and after Mar quoted this, we have met Wren many times and back in s4 those times were sketchy moments…. 
(2) Marlene then switched around her wording saying we’ve seen and heard of this person….if this is possible HOW can you see and hear of someone but never meet them? 
(3) And finally one big A.D. hint to me has been the obsession in finding out who killed Charlotte and ultimately gave it away for me.
So who is A.D.? First, I think A.D. abbreviates to ‘Accidental Death’ so with that being said A.D. is Bethany Young. ( I realize now someone is shaking their head like not possible or even hating the idea or cant find a motive…but trust me there is one. Hear me out and keep reading!)
(1) We’ve SEEN her only briefly and quite ‘young’. When we’ve seen her we aren’t actually seeing her face (aside from being a little girl) because she’s always covering it and therefore we aren’t actually meeting her but there is a reason for this (wait for it, wait for it…)
(2) We’ve HEARD of her and her voice, (recorded tapes from Radley & Cece’s story of Charles again at Radley.)
(3) She has been around since the Pilot. (THIS part is kinda annoying because clearly throughout the show we didn’t know of Bethany until Alison returned from the ‘dead’ and we then knew another girl was in her grave)…which brought on the semi-story of her that we are still trying to put the pieces together about. (There is a reason I said this). All we knew at first was she escaped Radley at age 17 the night of Alison’s disappearance and was murdered.
Later on we found out: 
Mrs Dilaurentis would take Bethany out sometimes to ride horses.
Knew her father and Jessica had an affair (Despised Mrs D after)
She liked to draw (She drew Mrs Cavanaugh’s death, Jessica Dilaurentis face with hatred words and gardening with a monster in the back, she even drew a few distorted selfies of herself, and a young boy being taken away.) 
SOMEHOW she had matching Ali clothes from that night and the same bracelet.
Was coming to visit Alison Labor Day and meet her friends, Ali is also who supposedly gave Bethany the matching outfit. (letter)
Been in Radley since a little girl and made friends with Charles (aka Charlotte aka Cece Drake!)
Murdered Mrs Cavanaugh for fear of her snitching on Charles for wearing his dress. (Blamed Charles so Mrs Dilaurentis had to come in and cover it up)
Escaped Radley wearing the matching yellow outfit given to Charlotte the night she was killed to confront Jessica over her affair with her father.
Was accidentally ‘murdered’ by Mona (or that’s what she thought) She thought she was Alison due to the matching clothes and blonde hair.
Melissa Hastings accidentally did kill Bethany by thinking she was Ali already dead (which she was unconscious) and that Spencer really hit her with the shovel after their fight. Trying to cover this up, she buried Bethany (the same spot Ali was buried and dug up from) and she died of suffocation.
Wren Kingston found out Melissa killed Bethany and blew up, broke up, and stopped talking to her.
Phew…wow what a hand cramp…all these were from memory so forgive me if I forgot anything. You get the general idea that Bethany has been a BIG role in the show it just took a long time to see this. And we aren’t done. Not by a long shot.
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Lets talk about the Alison Dilaurentis we used to know (definitely different from the one we have now). Queen bee or bitch Alison. Always in charge and that’s how it had to be around her. IF you tried to step out of line she would destroy you. Take Jenna Marshall for example, she came to Rosewood as the new girl. Alison was jealous someone was about to steal her spotlight so she gave Jenna the choice join her group and be a follower or make an enemy. Jenna chose option 2 and look where that got her.
I believe this letter is proof Alison did know Bethany maybe even wrote trying to lure her to Rosewood to hurt her. I think its entirely possible Alison was again jealous of Bethany. Maybe she was prettier? Again Rosewood was Alison’s town and essentially PLL has been Alison’s show for so long…but I think we’ve been wrong. The real story here has been about Bethany. She’s been the real star all thanks to Alison.  
What’s wrong with Bethany? Why can’t we see her face?
So we don’t really know too much backstory of Bethany’s mental health aside from what they should have diagnosed her with at Radley but instead Charles was falsely diagnosed with Intermittent explosive disorder and Bethany definitely had this, not Charles.
I bet she also has a form of OCD because her obsession of having to dress like Alison and Charles/Charlotte is very dangerous also very unhealthy as if she’s trying to be them.
We also don’t know who her parents are or if any of this mental state runs in the family (We’ll get to that)
So about her face always being covered. That’s gonna be a big reveal whether she turns out to be a twin (Spencer or Ali my guess?) or (and what I truly believe) her face is deformed/burned (just like how she draws herself in pictures). As you see in the above picture, her face was fine young so it’s something that happens later on. 
So what happened? Here is the full-circle bit.
I think Jenna and Bethany were friends. Possibly before Jenna moved to Rosewood because Bethany isn’t from there. She’s from Bryn Mawr a town ten minutes outside of Rosewood and Jenna maybe had moved from there too? Or maybe they knew each other another way? Besides the how, I definitely think they were and during ‘The Jenna Thing’ when Alison looks inside the garage, she throws the ‘bomb’ in there after she’s seen something. 
We only assume it was Jenna but she ‘claims’ she had no idea she was in there. I bet Jenna had company, I bet Bethany was also inside. Alison tells the girls to take off without sharing who or what she seen inside.The bomb sets off, everything catches fire, Jenna is blinded and Bethany is severely burned. 
Her once pretty face is ruined. (MOTIVE #1 REVENGE)
The reason I think it’ll all go back to ‘The Jenna thing’? Besides Alison disappearing that was the second biggest secret on the show. -A played with fire a lot, the idea of burning one or more of the liars came up plenty of times.  ( Ex: -A torching Hanna’s doll face, The girls getting locked in The Hastings cabin on fire, Black Widow mask deformed and burned, Toddler Charles setting baby Alison a HOT bath, Aria getting set on fire at Lucas’s loft) 
Probably more but again you get the idea.
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So finally we’ve reached Wren! So where does he fit in?
First, I want to talk about what Wren told Hanna a while back in s3 that his father was a patient at Radley when he was a little boy and said its why he became a doctor to help people also why he said he transferred to Radley as their doctor. (Lets take a quick walk down memory lane at what Mona caught him at which was not being able to spell diagnoses.) EVERY doctor should know this. Wren is not a real doctor but that’s the most we ever heard of Wren’s backstory. 
There is only one other man in this show who also had mental health problems (besides Mike) and that was Aria and Mike’s uncle Scott Montgomery. (Byron’s brother) He was briefly mentioned in s2 due to Mike starting to show signs of depression and the Montgomery’s feared it was just like Scott. 
We don’t actually know what happened to Scott but we’re left to fill in the gaps. It’s leading us to believe he took his own life because of what Byron said “My parents left Scott alone and look what happened.” Scott is once again mentioned briefly later on when Aria tells her friends its her uncle’s cabin (but its really Ezra’s). 
Lets go back to Bethany and the town she’s from ‘Byrn Mawr’. Well it does abbreviate as B.M. and its Byrn (Byron M?) I think that’s a clear play with words but when looked up it is part of Montgomery county.
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And now lets take a look back at one of Bethany’s signature drawings. The one with the little girl running after a demon taking a little boy away. 
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So here are my thoughts:
Scott Montgomery is definitely dead, I just don’t think he died as young as they seem to want you to believe or if he did, he possibly had kids, a boy and a girl, Wren and Bethany. Mental Illness was hereditary at least what we know of with Bethany. (Maybe Wren too but unknown ) 
Unknown about their mother but since their dad was gone they had one chance to go with immediate family before being put into the system (more than likely separated). Bryon didn't want them. Maybe due to Bethany being dangerous? Maybe Bethany tried to hurt Aria or Mike when they were little? But Byron wanted nothing to do with it, he had his own family.
So with no luck from their family, Wren was put into the system but Bethany was admitted into Radley like her father once was. Completely separated and possible Wren couldn’t contact his sister. Wren was fostered into a UK family where either they had a biological son already or another foster son but his name was Archer Dunhill. As Wren grew he developed his British accent.
Meanwhile, Bethany was still at Radley and going more into future timeline during ‘The Jenna thing’ Wren is pissed and blames himself because he wasn’t able to be there to help his sister when she needed him. He is also angry at what the girls did to her. (unknowing it was all Ali and the liars had no idea) they still never fessed up so in his eyes still to blame. (MOTIVE #1 VENGEANCE FOR BETHANY)
They both come together with another common motive. (MOTIVE #2 HATRED) They can never get back what they missed in each others lives growing up, they hate their family for abandoning them. Unfortunately for Aria she was probably really young when she seen her cousins last and the Montgomery’s think it’s best she doesn’t remember but since she’s family, she is part of this.
Wren started acting very sketchy back in s3 & s4 literally getting into the girls business a lot, stalking Hanna and Spencer still, and then disappeared but we already knew he was helping Cece out which pretty much confirmed part of the team. Eddy Lamb was really terrified of Wren too, he knew something was wrong and he shouldn’t be trusted. Then Eddy mysteriously disappeared too…
Also makes sense why Aria is confused Eddy Lamb said he’s seen her before when she was at Radley. She has probably gone to visit her Uncle in the past or even Bethany. (Possible Bethany had resembled Aria in the face too). Aria has also NEVER shared a scene with Wren which I find kinda odd…
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Also going back to s1 and a few more future seasons there have been a lot of incorrect spelling -A messages, clearly they haven’t been Mona because she’s smarter than that. She called Wren out on his ‘diagnoses’ spelling so I’m lead to believe these past -A messages have been Wren and its just spelt the English way. (ex: nosey bitches). Plus all the UK/British references in the show had to be vivid hints.
A.D. (Bethany) is playing the game not only for her revenge but also revenge on whoever killed Charlotte, she is obsessed and needs answers and will kill whoever it is. (I personally think its Mona). Endgame is wrapping up everything, putting all the pieces together for the liars about Bethany and the real reason they’ve been tormented. (The puzzle pieces on the game will map out a drawing of Bethany’s whether as just a map leading them somewhere or clue revealing who they are.)
This also makes perfect sense as to why Wren snapped and broke up with Melissa Hastings again after finding out she ‘killed’ his sister (Which he now knows she’s still alive and they are finally working together). But with this, I feel like one sibling can have a shot at redemption. So a part of me thinks in the endgame with A.D. will become a battle with Wren and his sister.
His connection isn’t just she’s his sister but also he will try to stop her. Bethany is too far gone mentally for her to just quit. He might even have to kill her to do this. (ultimately, I want Endgame to end with A.D. dying its more proper as a final end for me.)
And that’s my theory. I hope you enjoyed and sorry it took forever to get here but I wanted to map it out full-circle back to the start of everything. If you sat through the whole thing then you must be a real fan who needs answers and closure as much as I do!
-Theory girl.
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elowynlavellan · 7 years
So I rewrote the Reveal Scene... A ‘Wren is Charles D’ Alternate Ending
Alternate timeline where Spencer is still a Hastings, and Alex Drake does not exist. Therefore Mary Drake is not Spencer’s Mom, only Charles’, and took the blame for Dunhill’s murder because of her guilt for killing Jessica and her want to redeem herself to Alison. So there is absolutely no incest between Wren/Charles and Spencer. Alison’s babies’ Dad is not Wren in this timeline. Some of the events have changed or been pushed up in the timeline to fit better with this reveal so that most things make a lot more sense.
Also apologies if it isn’t written in correct formatting, I’ve never done screenwriting before. 
The Liars prisons are opened, only one layer of glass screening blocks them from escaping. They all stand in each individual cell; confused, once again drugged and trying to recover from the effects of that. Things are hazy at first, but soon the light in the room becomes less blinding and the figure in the black hoodie becomes clearer.
WREN: Surprise! [As he says this, he pulls back his hoodie to show his face, smiling from excitement] Finally, you’re all here. Right in front of me, locked inside like rats [pause] You won’t be escaping this time.
SPENCER: Wren? [blinks several times to adjust her sight] Is that… [notices his black hoodie] you’re… You’re A.D?
WREN: [Laughs hysterically] Oh, Spencer, really? [takes a step towards Spencer’s cell, sudden shift in demeanor] Wren was always nice, wasn’t he? Kind. There for you every time you needed someone. There to put back the pieces, right? [Facial expression turns serious] You really think that I’m Wren?
HANNA: [confused] You’re not Wren?
WREN: Not anymore. I was for a few years, though. Oh he was a lot of fun, wasn’t he? [turns to Spencer] We sure had a lot of fun, Spence. Heated kisses in the middle of the night, your forbidden lover?
SPENCER: [Turns away in disgust]
WREN: By the way Spencer, I never meant for any of that to happen but… being with you gave me a little bit of freedom, something I never had growing up. It was like living the teenage years I never got to have, with you. [walks back into the middle] Melissa was the original plan, I swear, then I could keep close by at all times. Have a connection with at least one of the families so my appearance wouldn’t seem entirely unusual. [looks to the ground, tone changing, voice softer] but you surprised me Spencer. You really did.
SPENCER: [heated, angry, frustrated] So who are you then? If you’re not Wren… Who are you really?
WREN: [smiling again] You almost figured it out, didn’t you? Standing in that room in the dollhouse, I was right behind you – and you knew it too. You knew that person. You felt the connection, you just couldn’t see me, you couldn’t quite pin it down—
SPENCER: Charles…?
ALL LIARS: [Look to each other in confusion]
ALISON: You can’t be…
WREN/CHARLES: Oh Ali, but I am. [walks closer to Ali, evil glint in his eyes] It’s been so long, hasn’t it? I was waiting for the perfect time to tell you, to show you how messed up our families are, but I guess you have figured that one out by now.
ALISON: I don’t believe you. You’re not Charles… Charlotte was Charles!
EMILY: How can we trust what you say, Wren? Charlotte told us everything, she was even locked away for everything she did to us!
WREN/CHARLES: [angry] That’s what happens when you hire a psycho to do the job for you! [takes a moment to pause, breathes] That night in the dollhouse, I was going to reveal myself. But they were onto us, your friends, lovers, the police! I had to get out of there before they found me, so I left. I tried to get CeCe out of there too but it was too late.
SPENCER: So why would she just take all of the blame for you, especially if you just left her there? Why wouldn’t she have just rat you out to the police?
WREN/CHARLES: [chuckling quietly] Well, it seems she was a lot fonder of me than I was of her. She was already… under a lot of stress, mentally. She was never really quite all there, like her reality was distorted. She was perfect for the job.
ALISON: [takes a step away from the cell door] She was only lying? To cover up for you?
HANNA: Because she loved you?! That’s ridiculous!
WREN/CHARLES: [narrowing his eyes] Oh believe me, if she hinted to me at all I would have ended her. And she knew that, too. [pause] She loved me, yes, but she knew her place. She knew the things I would have done to make sure she’d never speak again.
ALISON: Did you… Did you kill her?
WREN/CHARLES: [smiling] No, no Mona definitely did all of that on her own. Funny, really. I was working hard to get CeCe out of there, because she kept me a secret and took the blame; she deserved my help. I sent in Archer to get her out of there, it was a long process but we all managed to pull through it. [shakes his head] until Mona came along. That bitch is crazy though, should have seen her coming a mile away.
HANNA: Don’t call her crazy.
WREN/CHARLES: Touche. [pause] Although, if I remember correctly, you were one of the girls that bullied her into an almost psychotic state of mind. Right?
HANNA: [swallows, looks to her feet]
SPENCER: So you’re really… Charles DiLaurentis. [pause] And you’re A.D. [shakes her head] this is crazy.
ARIA: How did you even… find the game. Did Mona tell you about us?  
WREN/CHARLES: Find the game? [laughing] Oh Aria, I didn’t find the game. I created the game.
HANNA: But Mona…
WREN/CHARLES: Mona never met me. Mona never knew the face or the name she was taking her orders from, only that they went by the initials A.D. [turns to look at Alison] For your darling name of course, Ali. [starts to laugh again] Freaked Mona out a bit when she got her first note from me.
EMILY: It was you, this whole time?
ARIA: All these years?
WREN/CHARLES: Yes. [looks to each girl]
SPENCER: But why Wre—Charles? Why would you hurt us all, for all of that time… [voice becomes angrier] You tormented us! For what, you just wanted someone to feel pain? Is that it!?
WREN/CHARLES: Spencer, you know the story. I mean, it was poorly executed. It was heavily improvised by CeCe, she had to act quickly. It was awful, but you all believed it [pause] You know a lot of the things she said didn’t even match up, right?
ALISON: How were we supposed to know that she covering up for someone else?
WREN/CHARLES: I guess you’re right, but if it was me I would have wanted to check her facts. [laughs] But why did I become A.D, you ask? [goes closer to Alison’s cell, so close in fact that he leans against it, his face inches from the glass] It was all you, Alison. You took my life away. You forced me into that Sanatorium. [glares at Alison] You took away my freedom.
ALISON: I did nothing to you.
EMILY: [tries to catch Charles’ attention by leaning on the glass towards him] It wasn’t her fault! You were the one who tried to hurt her, when she was only a child. Your actions put you in there, not Ali.
WREN/CHARLES: [laughing begins again]
LIARS: [all try to take in the information, almost too shocked to even speak]
SPENCER: So you wanted revenge? Is that it?
WREN/CHARLES: [takes a step away from Ali’s cell, voice becomes a lot more emotional] I wanted Ali to hurt just as much as I had been hurt. [grimaces] When they put me in there, in that prison, they took my name away from me. I became Drake, just like my mother. I was abandoned. [pause] but then Mona came along. [eyes light up again, taken out of emotional trance] She was my first opportunity. I was locked up of course, but Mona wasn’t. She was just visiting to get her weekly therapy, because of the bullying.
SPENCER: You met with her?
WREN/CHARLES: No, like I said, she never saw my face. That would be too dangerous. I slipped her notes. The first one I signed A.D. and she flipped out, she didn’t come back for a while. I thought I scared her off, I thought I’d just gotten rid of all chances I had to get back at Alison. But she came back, and she agreed.
ALISON: To what?
WREN/CHARLES: [smiling again] to be my minion. I couldn’t get out of Radley, but she could leave whenever she wanted. You see, she was struggling. Vulnerable. Easy to manipulate. And when she heard that I wanted to torment you, Ali, she was all in. She started sending threats to you that summer, and that’s how it all began.
SPENCER: But she was caught, put into Radley. Why not tell anyone about you?
WREN/CHARLES: She didn’t know me. She only knew that I was called A.D. She had no evidence of me even existing, I made sure of that. She couldn’t tell anyone even if she wanted to.
HANNA: You manipulated Mona, and made her obsessed with the game? [angry tone, look of hatred in eyes] You put her into Radley!?
WREN/CHARLES: She got obsessed all on her own, it wasn’t my fault that she couldn’t keep her head straight. And she was caught because she was sloppy, messy; she left too many clues around. She didn’t clean up after herself, but that didn’t matter. Because none of it connected back to me. [pause] and after Ian failed me, I knew I had to make my choices on who worked for me a little better.
WREN/CHARLES: The N.A.T club. The videos they recorded were all sent to me via Ian, he was given money anonymously for every video of Alison and her friends that he could get to me. But then those videos were leaked and practically useless, I had to dispose of Ian.
ALISON: After the club, and all those threats I was getting, I left. I was gone. Why not just leave Rosewood while you could? Get out of that town and go somewhere new?
WREN/CHARLES: I wasn’t finished. You think I could just let you slip through my fingers like that, without any consequences? [pause] After you left, I knew that if I started to hurt your friends, and manipulate them, you would come back. Or they would try to find you. [pause] They were my only lead to you, and it worked.
ALISON: But I was dead. To everyone. No one knew I was alive.
WREN/CHARLES: I knew you were alive. Because I saw Bethany get killed, the one in your grave. I was going to kill her, but Mona got to her first. And then Melissa buried her in Ali’s place, none of that was part of my plan. None.
SPENCER: Melissa thought I killed Bethany, so she buried her to protect me.
WREN/CHARLES: Yes, she did. Naïve. [starts to pace] Bethany Young came to Radley during the beginning of that summer. Jessica liked her. I pretended to like her.
WREN/CHARLES: [stops walking, stands in front of Ali’s cell] Jessica thought our friendship was good for me. She visited me quite a bit, she even showed me photos of you and Jason. She thought, because Bethany looked like you, that I could learn to forgive you through being friends with her. They started this whacked out therapy, dressing Bethany up like you. I feigned recovery and they thought it was working.
SPENCER: The dress.
ALISON: [looks to Spencer, realises the truth] My mom bought two dresses that looked the same. [pause] Charlotte told me it was for her when she transitioned, but it wasn’t. It was for Bethany. It was for… your therapy.
WREN/CHARLES: Bethany, Bethany, Bethany. She kept acting like she was you. I think Jessica’s so called therapy was making Bethany worse, and it definitely made me angrier. [closes eyes for a second, visibly tries to calm himself] Bethany found my plans of escape, she found out about my connection with Archer; he created Wren Kingston, my new identity to be. She found everything, and then escaped Radley; but I followed close behind. [eyes look dreamy, peaceful] That was my first night out of Radley in so long. I could breathe again. [snaps back into reality] I saw Bethany walking along one of the streets, and I followed her. She was walking up to Alison’s house, and that was when I hit her over the head with a rock I’d picked up. But it wasn’t Bethany, was it [eyes directed at Alison] it was you. You were wearing the same damn yellow shirt as Bethany was.
ALISON: That… was you?
WREN/CHARLES: Jessica saw me from inside the house, and when I saw your face I knew I screwed up big time, I knew I hadn’t killed you; the blow wasn’t hard enough. But I knew Jessica would be mad that I hurt you, so I ran for it. On my way back to Radley I saw the real Bethany… Mona was there with the shovel and then… she killed her, thinking Bethany was Alison. That night I called Archer and he got me out of Radley for good, I became Wren Kingston and for the next two years I laid low. Trying to find you, Alison. It wasn’t until Aria returned that I found out about your group of friends, and then I derived my plan. Become A.D again and use Mona to torment you all, so that Alison would return and I could finally get my revenge.
SPENCER: There’s one thing I don’t get [pause] wouldn’t people recognise you? Like Jessica? Mr Dilaurentis?
WREN/CHARLES [smirking] Archer set me up with a whole face change. I was paranoid that people would know me, even though I barely existed. I got them to change everything… except for my eyes of course; that was impossible. When I was Wren, I swear Jessica saw my eyes and shivered, but I knew she would never have guessed. [Turns to Alison] She thought I was dead after the night you disappeared. She thought you were dead Alison, and that I was dead too; that’s why she never told anyone about what she saw.
HANNA: This is all… just insane.
SPENCER: [tries to hide her emotions] all of those times I thought you were Wren Kingston… you were the tormentor behind all those masks. You were the puppet master controlling all your little minions. You tore friendships and relationships apart…
WREN/CHARLES: I admit; the game was obsessive. I understood Mona’s obsession after a while, having the power to finally control people instead of always being the one controlled gave me great satisfaction. But I never regretted a single part of it.
SPENCER: [thinks for a moment] Back when I was in Radley, you were working there. Why bother getting me on the A Team? Why work there at all?
WREN/CHARLES: [rolls his eyes] Mona was unreliable. She still did things for me but I needed more help. I had CeCe on my team by then, and before that, Toby. It wasn’t enough, things were going to get big and I couldn’t do it on my own.
SPENCER: Unfortunately for you, a lot of the people you hired weren’t on your side. Not really.
WREN/CHARLES: You’re absolutely right. But no matter, because I still got Alison back to Rosewood. And I still got you all into that dollhouse. And as for working at Radley, I went there for Mona at first. But when you were committed Spence, [he says as he turns towards her] I knew I had to stay. It was all a big risk but I was willing, besides, this game is all about risks. I almost got caught by that imbecile Eddie Lamb, but he got what he deserved.
ARIA: Eddie… Eddie Lamb was interviewed by Ezra for his book.
WREN/CHARLES: Yes, he was. He caught me up a few times, and then he started to say stuff to Ezra. You’re lucky Aria, Ezra was very close to being… silenced. Forever. But getting rid of Eddie Lamb, that was all that had to be done.
EMILY: You’ve “gotten rid of” a lot of people. Who else did you kill?
WREN/CHARLES: Nobody else, at least, not by my own hands.
ALISON: What about… what about my Mom?
WREN/CHARLES: I didn’t kill her. Even though she enabled my imprisonment in Radley… She was the only one who still cared. Whatever reason she had to visit me, some of those times pulled me through to the next day. That place… Not being able to exist as a person, to walk free; to be shunned from my own family [pause] it really got to me. [turns to Alison] I didn’t kill her, but Mary did. She had her own reasons. Now I’m sorry to be leaving you, but I have certain matters to attend to. [Presses ‘lock down’ button, all cells are now covered by a thick screening. Girls protest by shouting, but Charles ignores them].
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laracroftm · 7 years
Why You Should Stop Hating Aria Montgomery: A PSA.
OUT of the four liars, Aria Montgomery is the one I related the most to. Aria Montgomery is every single one of us - starting with who she was as a teenager up until the most recent episodes. She’s human and I will fight you if you call her selfish like it’s flaw - no one isn’t selfish. It’s called self-preservation - you’d die without it. Anyways, let’s get started on this. 
Aria & Ezra, Ezra & Aria....
Seasons 1-2, Ezria was definitely a favorite ship on the show. However, at the time, I wasn’t even aware of the concept of statutory rape. I mean, I was like 13 I believe? After the Season 4 rather nauseating revelation that Ezra not only actively sought out Aria in the bar while knowing how old she was, he’d previously been involved with her dead best friend. Now, if he’d approached Aria and introduced himself as an author interested in writing a story on her friend’s death, and Aria had agreed as a way to escape the stresses of her parent’s drama as well as to divulge just who alison really was (a fucking horrible person btw, i despise alison dilaurentis with every fiber of my being) -- i believe a more romantic arc would have been spun, all without the cringe-instilling shit they forced on us. 
Now, on why Aria would marry Ezra, even after all he’s done. 
Aria was at the most impressionable age of her life. Her parents’ lives was falling apart, she was being stalked by a god-knows-who who was out to get her and her friends, and she and her friends were still struggling with dealing with the way alison disappeared from their lives. After Alison’s disappearance, Aria’s the character who grew the most and become her own person, and as soon as Alison and her shit got reintroduced back into her life, all she’s built over a whole year was shattered -- she sought out the one person who gave her the sense of the person she was, and that was Ezra. 
I’m not saying Ezra is a saint - no, he’s an asshole, and him getting shot for Aria and the girls doesn’t amend to his sins. But again, over the course of her high school life, Ezra may have the been only sane constant in Aria’s life. I won’t say it’s love that drove her to accept an eternal life with Ezra. But it’s a desire for a semblance of safety and stability. It’s a self-defense mechanism that a lot of population is open to doing. You can’t blame her for accepting to be with someone who’d tricked her like that - especially when he’s actively been trying to redeem himself since then. 
When A.D. threatened to send Ezra to jail - Aria’s self-defense mechanism was to of course comply. It was a no brainer to her, and it would be a no brainer to all of us. She didn’t do it so that she and Ezra could get married, and she did not do it because she was afraid Ezra would find out about the report. If anything, Ezra deserves to be target practice for Aria’s self-defense classes and that would still not be enough to make up for what he’s done (Because everyone said that Aria was stupid for helping A.D. when Ezra knew about the report to begin with, but that’s not why Aria did this.) 
Now, onto the good stuff --
the AriA BetrAyal ReveAl...
Before I begin discussing this, I wanna highlight on why A.D. chose Aria out of all the liars to do her bidding, and why not Spencer or Hanna or Emily (Alison’s not one of the liars she should have stayed dead.)
On the contrary to everyone’s quick jump to conclusion, Aria’s actually the least selfish liar out of all of them. She’s also the most passionate.  And by all of them, I do mean all of them. That being said, at least both Hanna and Spencer have done some shit for A once before, so are we really gonna be judging Aria right now? Over the course of the 7 seasons, we’ve seen Aria lie and keep secrets to protect people she cares about. I don’t have time to recount how many times or occasions Aria’s done this but she always has, while the liars have on one time or another have all betrayed each other at some point. 
What stood out to me the most was Spencer Hasting’s enraged reaction to Aria’s ‘said betrayal’ 
Spencer claims she didn’t hurt anyone by being A. And that is not true --
Spencer didn’t join the A-Team to freaking be a double-agent. She was driven to join after a mental breakdown when she thought Toby was dead. Mona may have told her that Toby was alive, but Spencer was told that Toby would be her reward if she could get the liars at party on friday --- which is why Spencer’s parents throw a party to celebrate her departure from Radley. Spencer joined the team to save Toby, just like Aria joined the Team to save Ezra. She may have turned midway when she finally actually saw him, but so did Aria. So let’s not paint Spencer as a hero and Aria as a betraying bitch - they’ve both done the exact same thing, and the writers are recycling old plots because they have nothing better to do. 
Spencer slipped some of her sleeping pills into Malcolm’s ice cream - I’m not sure why she did this, I don’t know if she was hoping Malcolm would forget what she looked like or not, but that was dangerous. Sleeping pills specifically are dosed for adults. It’s a miracle she didn’t kill him. 
She claims that the A who took Malcolm wanted to get caught - and if she did, she wouldn’t have told Malcolm her name was Alison. She wasn’t trying to get caught. 
Later on, Aria snaps, saying that Malcolm is off-limits. If Spencer really wanted to prove a double-agent status, Aria should have been in on this. Being a double-agent doesn’t count if Spencer’s the only one who knows what she discovers; she should have told Aria. Aria didn’t agree and had to be threatened twice to comply to A.D’s wishes. Spencer didn’t even waste a heartbeat thinking what taking Malcolm could possibly do to Aria.
Last but not least, Spencer’s parents going through a divorce is not Aria’s fault. Spencer is deluding herself to think that her parents even stood a chance, back from the day they found out Jason was Spencer’s brother. But that’s not a point I should mention because everyone agrees with me anyways.
Troian revealed in an interview that Spencer was supposed to be A. Which brings me to a point that, Marlene didn’t even know where she was going with this show after season 2. She just kept adding plots and twisting pasts and creating plot holes to add to the shock factor. 
Now onto the infuriating part of this, Alison Dilaurentis
“So what? It was just a no brainer for you to pick Ezra over us?”
If Alison Dilaurentis was a part of my life, I’d run her over with a truck the first chance I had. 
But Aria hasn’t done that - Despite all the shit that Alison has put Aria through, Aria was the most welcoming and embracing of Alison’s return. Aria’s the one who married Alison, and Aria’s the one who took her back to the sanitarium and promised over and over that everything would be okay. Even after finding out that Charlotte, Alison’s sister, was the reason they’d all gone through what they went through, even when they all should have cut ties with Alison and laughed in her face when she asked them to testify in Charlotte’s behalf, she and the girls didn’t. 
But Alison is also the prime reason why all of this is happening to those girls - so yes, Alison, it would be a no brainer for people to not pick you, you selfish, manipulative, conniving bitch. 
It just honestly made me laugh my ass off when Alison said that - because of all people, Alison would run them all over for her own self-interest. She’s always been like that, surviving like she lived in the jungle, surrounding herself with possible prey if the food ran out. If A.D. had approached any of the girls, I’m sure none of them would have hesitated. Given the current situation, if it’d been Hanna approached by A.D. to do this to save Caleb from some illegal hacking he’s probably done in his past, I can guarantee you that Hanna Marin would have done more that break a crib and plant a phone.  If it’d been Emily to protect Alison, I don’t think I have to say Emily would have sold her own kidney cause she’s already done something akin to that (not joking, that relationship is even more toxic than Ezria. It’s disgusting and everyone who ships Emison needs to do a reality check. It’s bad LGBT representation. It’s bad general romantic relationship representation. It’s sick and twisted and I just can’t.) And Spencer’s already at a fragile mental space, she’d have anything with proper pressure anyways.
If anyone else had said that to Aria I may have conceded, but it had to be Alison Fucking Dilaurentis, Queen of Selfish Bitch Land. 
That last thing I wanna say is that I am HEAVILY disappointed in Spencer, Hanna, and Emily. Mona’s probably one of the few characters with an actual clinical mental disorder diagnosis. Their past with her alone should be enough for them not to trust a word that comes out of her mouth. When Spencer asks for proof and Mona plays a damn recording I was SURPRISED that THAT’S all they needed to believe it was Aria. Aria should have been given the benefit of the doubt, and given a chance to explain. Instead, Mona turned them on Aria and I believe Mona’s done this to forcefully pull the girls apart. I think Mona’s the one who planted the phone in the Brew for Aria, and she’s been the one talking Aria that whole last episode, not A.D. A.D.’s work with Aria ended with the puzzle piece. This was all Mona. 
Mona’s the one who who provided evidence to the police to give Aria an alibi on the night of Charlotte’s murder. After all, we all know Mona is tech savvy, she can do anything. She wanted to drive Aria away and seclude her so that at some point, Aria would lead her to A.D. I think Mona too was blackmailed by A.D. But given her illness, she just couldn’t stand the idea of someone not only stealing the game from her but actually controlling her to do their bidding (Mona’s the body used to create avatAria.)
When the liars froze Aria out, they chose who was going to lose. That’s what the endgame of this whole episode was. To drive one girl apart enough for them to not even consider looping her in on this. And they succeeded, by freezing aria out, the girls chose Aria to be the one to take the blame. And even if Mona did send an alibi to the police, it can be easily refuted. 
What I’m trying to say is shame on them for trusting Mona Vanderwaal. 
This is been a ranting PSA. Please, feel free to send me all the hate and attacking anonymous messages your heart desires, because I’ll delete them all anyways :)
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ashesinyourpants · 7 years
Pll 7x16
I think it was an overall good episode, I don’t know why… I feel like it confused me much more, which I kind of like. I just have to get this out first…
Alison: What the hell is up with her? We all have to admit she is being shady with this whole pregnancy… First, we didnt see any actual “receipts” from her actually being pregnant, we never saw her going to the doctor, and this last episode she said A.D (or whatever) push her, and she fall on the stairs. But then, we find out it was actually Mona, and the writers wouldnt just put that on the episode (notice how they didnt make it a big deal, just a voicemail) if it wasnt important. So, is Mona on the A team? Or is Ali lying? Maybe she already had the abortion but wont tell Emily, or… She never actually had a baby and its actually part of the game board. Or.. She is A.D which is not one of my favourite theories but still… A possibility
Hannah: You finally realice you were being a bitch to Spencer and put on your big girl pants? Good! Its so weird how she was the only one I actually liked in this episode.
But… Trusting Lucas before Mona?? And not telling the Liars about Mona knowing about the board? I though they wouldnt keep secrets anymore, Han. Yet, for some reason, I do trust Lucas (not 100% but something…) I think he has more secrets but he’s not A.D And that scene with Hannah felt like closure more than anything.
Aria: You were always my least favourite Liar. Seriously, what in the hell are you doing?? You better have something very VERY juicy in that file or else you are just a backstabbing fucking awful friend. If its something about an abortion or that theory that she had filled a report on Ezra (that is just dumb as fuck), or something as stupid I swear I’ll be so fucking done with the show. (Also, you are a terrible black hoodie… You might as well started to tap dance in that room… Seriuosly, an earring?? You didnt think about that before you destroy your best friend’ room??)
Spencer: Bitch, I was right all along, was I?? This episode just confirm that, that is not our Spencer. She acted off the entire episode, I though she was the smart one, yet she goes to Marco’s house to beg, jesus… But the one scene that got stock in my head was the one with Emily. She went on defense after what Emily said (which wasnt that bad, what the hell) and straight up ATTACK Emily like it was nothing, even the look on her face was cold. She asked Emily if she was sure if they could handle the baby, what kind of friend does that? I bet my ass that the Spencer we saw in the airport was OUR Spencer, and the one with bangs is Bethany/Avery/whatever. But I dont want her to be A.D.
My theory?
A.D took spencer and had Spencer’s twin to take her place… Maybe, A.D wanted to have one on the inside of the group, and took the oportunity after the time jump, but then Spencer 2.0 fall for Caleb or maybe started to like her life and her friends, so she cut A.D out, without knowing how dangerous that is, how far A.D can go. I bet she doesnt know who A.D is either, maybe she met one of the team… Spencer is, after all, the one who is suffering the most with the game.
(I would be so dissapointed in Spencer if that was the real her all this time, lol, I really dont like her now)
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thebestplltheories · 7 years
*NEW* Pretty Little Liars Endgame (Alternative)
Whilst I still stand by my first endgame theory, today I want to explore an alternative way the endgame could potentially unfold. 
One day at Radley, Charlotte accidentally pushed Marion Cavanaugh off the roof. Jessica, who was on the board at Radley, agrees to help her niece Charlotte by ruling Marion’s death a suicide, but internally within Radley, Charlotte blamed Bethany for it. Charlotte reversed the roles when telling her story to the liars in 610 so that they would feel sorry for her. 
Jessica feels bad that an innocent patient, Bethany, was blamed for something her niece did so she signs Bethany out of Radley to adopt and ride a horse. Considering she helped Charlotte get away with it, it is the absolute least Jessica can do. But Bethany isn’t appreciative of these sympathetic gifts because she knows that Jessica is having an affair with her father. Jessica asks Bethany to call her “aunt Jessie” as a way of saying “I’m not having an affair with your father, I’m just a long lost aunt hence I’ve been around your father lately!” Bethany throws a tantrum and buckets after Jessica’s lies. “Is it like mother like daughter?” and “can I trust anyone in that family?” says Bethany in her recordings. Bethany’s hatred is building towards two dead characters, ‘mother and daughter’ Charlotte and Jessica. (Even young Charles thought they were a part of the DiLaurentis family for quite some time.)
After Charles’ funeral, Charlotte’s doctors let her go, out of belief that trapping a transgender patient in a mental asylum isn’t doing any good. And, she’s apparently been making progress… again, Bethany was blamed for Charlotte’s fatal mistake. She never returned to Radley as Charlotte: she was free to walk the streets of Rosewood. She created the new alias CeCe Drake, after having found out about her birth mother Mary Drake (although having still never met her). CeCe attended college and shared a roommate, explaining how she knew everyone at Eric Kahn’s party and perhaps how she slipped into the Rosewood High yearbook. This also explains why Charlotte needed a visitors pass to see Mona in Radley, as she was no longer a patient that can sneak down the hall. 
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During college, CeCe and Noel happened to be at the same frat party. Noel accidentally pushed a girl down the stairs, but of course the bystander ex-Radley patient gets the blame for it. As a result, Charlotte is kicked out of college for something Noel did. Hence Noel helped Charlotte in the dollhouse; he felt he owed something to Charlotte. He took something from her that she worked extra hard for. 
While CeCe was off beginning her new life in Rosewood (still before ‘that night’), Bethany was still in Radley, taking medication that should have Charlotte’s name on it, drowning in her own drool. That’s sure to drive her crazy. 
“That night”, Bethany escaped with the intent of killing Charlotte as revenge for ruining her life. Jessica, who was Bethany’s caretaker at Radley, got a call that night from Radley workers informing her that Bethany has escaped. “I’m very worried, please send someone”, said Jessica, knowing how much Bethany hates her and her niece. A war was brewing. Charlotte wanted to hurt Bethany before Bethany harms anyone. Charlotte accidentally hit Ali instead of Bethany, but thankfully Mrs. Grunwald came to Ali’s rescue. “I swear I thought it was Bethany, mum” cried Charlotte.
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Mona hit Bethany with a shovel thinking she was hitting Ali; she hated Ali that much. The purpose of a psychic saving Ali was because only a psychic could know to come back to Rosewood and save another person: Bethany Young. Mrs Grunwald sensed more danger and went and saved Bethany. I don’t like supernatural elements as much as the next person, but it exists, and we have to acknowledge it and use it.
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Notice how the person saving Ali/Bethany is different in the two instances. TWO people were pulled out of the dirt. (Red sleeve vs no sleeve.)
Bethany Young is alive. Bethany Young is Uber A and AD, which stands for After Death. Whilst there have been many deaths over the seasons, Bethany’s “death” was THE death that started it all and so it’s very iconic for her to go by AD. We know AD has to be someone who has access to medical records, as they leaked Yvonne’s abortion and Veronica’s sickness. Who better than someone who successfully faked her death? 
Bethany couldn’t stand the idea of that bitch Charlotte getting 5 years treatment and then getting to go home with her family, happily ever after. As revenge, Bethany killed Charlotte the exact same way that Charlotte killed Marion and blamed her for it: Charlotte was pushed off a building (bell-tower). 
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Here is our clue from the writers that we should be looking at Bethany. In the (FAKE) flashback we saw of Bethany, she was wearing this red sweater.
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Yet we saw someone in an awfully similar red sweater walk into the bell-tower the very night Charlotte was killed: Bethany? Again, even though it was a fake flashback and that red sweater doesn’t technically exist, it is the writers foreshadowing. 
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And if it wasn’t already clear, Bethany killed Jessica, too… the affair that could’ve teared apart her family forever (Bethany might have become related to Charlotte, that thought scared Bethany!) and Jessica also helped Charlotte get away with pushing Marion. Jessica had to go. Season 5A made it extremely easy to guess that Melissa and/or Peter killed Jessica with Peter’s drugs, and hence they lied about where they were the night she was killed. Yet, here we are in 7A, and the writers still haven’t confirmed Melissa and Peter’s involvement. For that reason, I believe the answer is elsewhere. If it really was Melissa and Peter, that could’ve been confirmed years ago. If it really was Melissa and/or Peter, why is it being extended into season 7B? Because there’s more to the story. It was Bethany.
Bethany/AD chooses to frame Melissa for Charlotte’s murder. Out of all people in Rosewood, why did the killer chose Melissa? Because Melissa has a motive that would make sense in front of a jury: Charlotte sent Wren the video of Melissa confessing to burying Bethany the actual person in the grave, which lead to Wren breaking up with her. Melissa’s relationship crumbled, combined with the simple fact that Charlotte is in possession of a video that could destroy Melissa’s reputation forever, is why Bethany decided Melissa is the perfect candidate to frame: she would have a motive to want Charlotte dead. 
Bethany stole Melissa’s suitcase, broke the handle and bashed Charlotte’s head with it. She then put the suitcase back before Melissa notices it’s missing… or did she? Whilst unpacking her clothes, Melissa says in 613 “I know I had more clothes in here”. Evidently Melissa’s suitcase was tampered with. 
Melissa was the person sending unsigned, emoji texts throughout 6B. She was being harassed by Bethany, that if she doesn’t admit to killing Charlotte or find another killer before the end of the election night, her confession video will be shared with everyone. 
How did Bethany even get her hands on this video? From Wren. As we know, Charlotte sent the video to Wren so clearly Wren is in possession of this video. The reason he instantly ended his relationship with Melissa is because Bethany is his sister and he was mad that Melissa potentially killed his sister and didn’t say anything. Of course, she’s alive now, but what a big secret that is to keep.
As Emily stated in 617 after being attacked, “there’s definitely 2 people after us”. Bethany wanted Emily to touch the suitcase handle (why not have a second person to frame?) whilst Melissa was the one trying to get it back to save herself.
Marlene has said there is one question she can’t wait to answer, but she can’t tell us what this question is because the question itself is a spoiler. That question is precisely “who is actually in the grave?" The answer is one that makes total sense: Alison’s twin. This also explains how the Jane Doe was identified as Alison in the first place: similar DNA.
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They foreshadowed this in 513 by showing a dead Alison in a grave. This was the writers telling us that YES, despite all complications, there really is an Alison in the grave. We already have twins; Mary and Jessica. However, scientifically, twins CAN give birth to twins. So, it is possible to have another set of twins involved in the endgame. Also, Marlene has explicitly said that “we won’t see Courtney”. We may never actually find out the name of Ali’s twin. It doesn’t matter. They aren’t alive, they aren’t A like in the books. We will never see them. They are DEAD. 
It’s also possible that the person in the grave is a random girl we’ve never met before - probably one of the many new cast members joining the finale.
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This is tricky to answer for 2 reasons:
- At the time of this Tweet, Marlene knew there will be a FAKE flashback involving Bethany in 610. Ignore that flashback COMPLETELY. It never happened. That was Charlotte retelling a story of lies.
- There is before the incident regarding her face,
- There is after the incident regarding her face.
What incident?
One day whilst on temporary release, Bethany was with Jenna in Jenna’s garage. Alison and her friends threw fireworks inside and as a result, Jenna was blinded and Bethany was burnt. This is how the show is coming full circle as we are circling right back to the stories of season 1. Bethany hates Ali and the girls for the permanent damage she has suffered. 
Alison blamed Toby for ‘The Jenna/Bethany Thing’ which Bethany assumes means that Toby was involved, too. Hence, in a true moment of anger right after her name was announced to the public on television, Bethany blew up Toby’s house. 
Note that Bethany never shows her face in her pictures. This is not laziness by any means, she is actually a brilliant artist.
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So whilst Bethany is framing Melissa for Charlotte’s murder, she is harassing the Liars over it too because they ruined her life.
Bethany/AD is walking around Rosewood in masks. Her face is deformed, on top of the fact that she’s supposed to be dead. She cannot show her face. Further, 6A revealed that Bethany Young shared a room in Radley with Leslie Stone. That same season we saw Leslie with boxes of glasses identical to those that AD has been wearing. Leslie knows Bethany is alive and she was trying to locate her long lost friend - she found her!
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Bethany shot Spencer as not only revenge for burning her (The Jenna/Bethany Thing), but for being the one to bash her over the head that night. Of course, Spencer didn’t actually do it (Mona did) but since everyone in Rosewood thought it was Spencer, Bethany later latched on to this popular belief. (Note: if Alison survived a rock to the head, Bethany survived a bashing to the head, too. Heightened reality, unfortunately.) 
This message was from Bethany: 
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Again, note the blacked face.
This Black Veil person from 401 was Bethany. CeCe’s story of who this person was, revolved around Sara Harvey pulling off a veil to reveal her face, but in reality, there is a (BURNT) Alison mask underneath that veil. CeCe’s version couldn’t be true as Sara never had a mask when she entered the limo. Sara never saw the girls as dolls - Sara was just Charlotte’s decoy, so it makes no sense for Sara to have been playing dolly earlier… This is Uber A.
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Why would Sara Harvey care about Bethany Young? She doesn’t. Below is Bethany sending flowers to her family who she misses. She wants to tell them she’s alive and well! But first she wants to finish off this game and punish the people who hurt her.
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Despite the above Tweet being from 2013, she is going to follow through with that in these final episodes because:
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I know what you’re probably thinking… Bethany being Uber A is not satisfying. To me, it is! It goes right back to season 1 as it revolves around ‘that night’. The person that suffered that night in the pilot, is back for revenge! 
I could do a part 2 for this theory to explain who is Bethany. Who are her parents? Is she a DiLaurentis? Is the “aunt Jessie” thing supposed to be taken literally - is she a Drake? Is she someone’s twin? Is Melissa Bethany? Is Sara Harvey Bethany (I hope not, but very possible)? Is Bethany Charlotte’s twin who also transitioned, hence Jason thought he saw CeCe that night (but really it was Bethany, like Charlotte says)? I believe we are dealing with Bethany - but who is Bethany, is for another day. I do NOT believe for a split second they will make Uber A be a person we’ve never met before. That’s pathetic.
When the Bethany-ideas came flooding to me, I googled ‘Bethany is Uber A’ to see the fan consensus on this topic and the first result was an amazing post by @the-outlast. Whilst we have some largely contrasting opinions on some aspects, shoutout to this person for a couple pieces of evidence I used to explain our belief that Bethany is alive :)
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atellsall-blog · 7 years
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This is a theory pointing out that Jenna Marshall was the other/true Red Coat. I believe she was on the A-Team since Charlotte’s rise as Big “A”, and I believe Sara Harvey was only a decoy like Charlotte stated.
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First of all, I am going to start with the fact that Jenna went to Noel Kahn’s Halloween party in 2x13 (”The First Secret”; the prequel episode) as Lady Gaga... in a red, hooded outfit. You may think that it means nothing, but nothing is really a coincidence in Rosewood. Foreshadowing much?
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At that party, she met Mona and they befriended each other, becoming friends seemingly. This, to me, says it all. This is when Mona knew she could turn Jenna against Alison.
I’d also like to point out that Jenna usually wears ‘Jungle Red’ lipstick. I am assuming it is her favorite color. After all, it was Alison’s signature color too.
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Jenna was working in two different divisions, and in both, she tried to take down the Liars—the “A-Team” and “Melissa’s Alliance” (with Shana). When we saw Jenna with Melissa and Shana in 3x24 (”A dAngerous gAme”) while Charlotte was plotting against the Liars at the lodge, Charlotte had to bring in a decoy Red Coat... which was Sara Harvey. Jenna and Sara never met though until Season 7 when they knew they both assisted Charlotte in her gAme.
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No one other than Jenna has had a stronger reason to hate the Liars. They BLINDED her! I’d be pretty pissed too, even if it was an accident. Jenna came to Rosewood as the new girl who just wanted to make friends. Alison, being the bitch she was, decided to instantly hate Jenna only because she turned down her offer to join her group (the Liars). Yes, Jenna may have sorta forced her step-brother into relations with her, but that was an mistake. Like Jenna says, “We all make mistakes that we’re not proud of.”
Jenna turned into the way she is today because of Alison and the Liars. THEY damaged her! She didn’t do it to herself. She couldn’t forgive them for what they did to her. And to think they’ve still gotten away with it disgusts me a little. Since then, Jenna has wanted revenge. She became Red Coat and assisted Charlotte to take them down.
Remember Emily’s disappearance in 3x01 (”It Happened ‘That Night’”), and that Jenna had “rescued” her? She didn’t rescue her. Jenna was there that night digging up Alison’s grave with Charlotte. Jenna claimed she had found Emily drunk and lonely, so she put her in the car. Emily didn’t remember anything that happened that night until it slowly came back to her. She recalled being in Jenna’s car... and Jenna was wearing, somewhat, a red coat!
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Jenna was seen putting her hair up while driving the car, but why? Because she was wearing a blonde wig as RC!
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In 4x01 (”’A’ is for A-l-i-v-e”), we see Jenna going to Wilden’s funeral with a man named Nigel. Later on in 4x07 (”Crash and Burn, Girl!”), Toby and Caleb go to see Nigel for answers towards the “girl in the red coat”. Nigel claims he was paid by CeCe Drake, who is Charlotte. Who says he wasn’t protecting Jenna by revealing her partner’s identity instead of hers?
He was later seen having a drink with a girl he called “babe”, who I think was Jenna. There were dark glasses sitting on the table, hinting towards it being Jenna. Toby and Caleb found out he was the pilot of the plane Red Coat was seen getting off of at the lodge fire. The lodge fire makes perfect sense when it comes to Jenna. The Liars blinded her with a stink bomb that started a fire. Maybe Jenna wanted the same to happen to them?
In 3x24, the episode that has the lodge fire incident, we see “A” sending Jenna a message, saying: “32 Rte 6. Be there at 9 tonight. -A”. Was Charlotte telling her where to go?
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I found something quite convincing. When I. Marlene King was responding to a fan regarding Red Coat on Twitter back in 2013, she said this:
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Jenna could easily walk in heels like that when she was supposedly turning blind again, and possibly run in them, as shown in 3x24:
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Jenna is a great liar. She’s a master at lying like Charlotte. We now know that they were good friends, but Shana revealed to Spencer in 4x09 (”Into the Deep”) that Jenna was afraid of CeCe/Charlotte. What if this was a cover-up? We know that Nigel protected Jenna, so Shana probably did too. Or maybe Jenna was afraid of Charlotte because she knew her intentions and what she was capable of, yet she still played the game with her. Marlene said that Charlotte was the one who hit Jenna and left her to drown in 4x09. I believe this wasn’t true. It was another cover-up. It also doesn’t make sense with the timeline now that we know Charlotte and Jenna were friends.
Jenna was Red Coat most of the time and the only time Charlotte was Red Coat was in 4x12 (”Now You See Me, Now You Don’t”) when she was used as a decoy to distract the Liars from Alison, and also when Red Coat crept into the DiLaurentis home and snuck into the basement. Those were the only times she was Red Coat. The rest was Jenna. Sara was only Red Coat when Charlotte needed her to be. She was a decoy like she said she was. Charlotte protected Jenna. We know that Jenna is working with A.D. to bring down the Liars, and she wants to find Charlotte’s killer. She was definitely good friends with her and working with her at some point if she wasn’t Red Coat.
I’d like to point out that Red Coat started appearing when Jenna got her sight back, and then disappeared again when Jenna lost her sight. Coincidence?   We saw Wren in 4x10 (”The Mirror Has Three Faces”) coloring in a red coat onto his picture of a long-haired brunette. Many fans have suspected Wren of being involved with the A-Team. Was this hinting towards Jenna being RC? Maybe he knew?
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I could go on and on, but I believe Jenna was always the real Red Coat. She is endgame.
What do you all think? Let me know!
Thanks for reading.
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