#alien Salome
harveybwabbit92 · 5 months
{A female alien Salome and Anne are having a cat fight over Dan who awkwardly stands between them both, while Zero and Akari who had traveled back in time watch on from distance.]
Akari, cheering on Anne: Yeah, kick that bitch's ass mom!
Zero, in disbelief: Argh! It's not fair! How in the hell does dad get two beautiful girls fighting over him? When he has the looks and personality of a croquet mallet!
{Akari shushes him as Dan whips his head around in the direction the siblings were hiding in causing Akari and Zero to duck out of sight.]
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salomeslashes · 2 years
I am so friggin indecisive and cannot get my head on correctly so please help a guy out.
Boss: Whumper POV, military whump. Blood and gore and basically everything bad that is possible will happen here. No happy endings. (Boss Part 0 - CWs at the top, and I really mean them.)
Bad Luck Town: Basically the groundhog day of whump. One ongoing whumpee, multiple whumpers over time. Though there will be death, by the nature of the story, there is a good shot at a happy ending.
Carrot and Stick: A soldier is invited to help them test new interrogation tech in exchange for an honorable discharge at the end of the experiment. Technically it's the safest assignment out there. (This one will be awful, but he will ultimately walk away.)
Revival: Whumper has a pet that eats death. As in, when the pet feeds, the corpse they feed on comes back to life. Painful healing, pet whump, torture, murder...yeah this one will also be rough.
Fit for a Queen: I think the log line in my spreadsheet best sums this up: "A man preens to be a meal fit for a vampire queen, but realizes too late that he has made a terrible mistake."
Viewer's Choice: This one will be a CYOA red room situation.
Y'all have a week. Good luck.
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gcantread · 24 days
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August 2024 reads
[loved liked ok nope dnf bookclub*]
My Lady Jane • The Wild Robot • Our Hideous Progeny • The Hero and the Crown • The Screwtape Letters • The Seventh Veil of Salome • Our Shouts Echo • Villette • The Lies of Alma Blackwell • The Mercy of Gods • Mistress of Lies • Lady Macbeth • Go to Hell • Lucy Undying
I read 14 books in August! (Well, ok, I'm on track to finish the last two today.) It was a busy reading month for me due to tons of ARCs and new releases (8/14 of this list!), which resulted in an "all my library holds are ready at once ougsfshfh" situation. I also once again checked out a few books in order to see if they're worth reading in future years of @bellasbookclub.
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My Lady Jane ★★★☆☆ - A very silly time that often reads more like upper-middle-grade than YA. A skip for TV show fans, but the tween furry community should be overjoyed.
The Wild Robot ★★★★★ - An adorable (and yet surprisingly death-y) kids' book that (🤞) should make a fantastic movie. The illustrations alone bump this one up a few stars.
Our Hideous Progeny ★★★★☆ - The last (?) of my BBC Summer Reading Challenge 2024 picks! Has a slow start but man, if you give me an undead abomination plesiosaur who is also a cute little guy, I am seated. Could have been a five star read if it were just a lil gayer and more Creature-forward!
The Hero and the Crown ★★★☆☆ - Read this one to screen it for @bellasbookclub, so I shan't say any details (yet.)
The Screwtape Letters ★★★☆☆ - Another BBC screening but nope nah I'm not gonna make us read The Christianity Book. Did not make me repent of my godless Jezebel ways even a little bit, but gets three stars because it's nevertheless a fascinating glimpse of C.S. Lewis as a person. Next time I'll stick to The Good Place though.
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The Seventh Veil of Salome ★★★★1/2 - Speaking of godless Jezebels: Silvia Moreno-Garcia and I have the same biblical blorbo!! I haven't loved any of Moreno-Garcia's work since Mexican Gothic, but finally, this one was another slam dunk for me! As a Salome (1893) enjoyer and understander I'm so glad SMG is one of us. The main (Hollywood Golden Age) parts were also deftly rendered—this was the first truly well-executed Karen Villain I've encountered.
Our Shouts Echo ★★★★☆ - A really sweet and enjoyable contemporary YA coming-of-age + romance that somehow pulled off its nuanced optimism without being preachy or precious. Dare I say...actual hopepunk? An ARC from ALA Annual.
Villette ★★★☆☆ - Another book club screening. [Helga voice] I hated this book but I loved this book but I hated this book but I loved this book. Dammit, it's just so memeable. See you in hell 2025 probably
The Lies of Alma Blackwell ★★★1/2☆ - A decent YA ghost story with immaculate creepy, witchy, & haunted house vibes and some fun tropey romance (sure, why not?) Another ARC.
The Mercy of Gods ★★★★☆ - Ensemble-driven alien invasion story in which a team of wet babygirl science geeks must prove their worth to their new Giant Fucked Up Bug overlords and also one of them is a parasitic hivemind but we don't know which. Unsinkable concept but the writing makes it even better. One for the grown up Animorphs kids (Yes I know I rated it less than Wild Robot, but Wild Robot is a 5-star quality kids' book, while Mercy of Gods is an imperfect but riveting adult novel that I connected with on a more personal level.)
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Mistress of Lies ★★★☆☆ - 2nd-to-last in my self-imposed (Review-) Bombed Books Week Challenge. A generous rounding up to three stars because I like the concept and it had a strong start before...plateauing for 200 pages. (Where were the titular LIES?) Very little actually happened and yet my laconic review is somehow "do less."
Lady Macbeth ★★★★☆ - More of an original story with some names in common than a retelling (Macbeth fans be forewarned. Y'all remember the dragon? You know, the dragon that's in Macbeth?) I tired of how repetitive the assault-as-motif became, but there were some very cool plot choices and Ava Reid's prose is gorgeous as ever. Kind of Green Knight vibes!
Go to Hell ★★★1/2☆ - Another ARC, this one a nonfiction travel guide to IRL destinations that are either associated with Hell/underworld mythology or just hellish places in general. Taught me a lot more folklore and history than your average travel guide!
Lucy Undying ★☆☆☆☆ - Hilarious of me to read two retellings in a row. Unlike Macbeth, I feel deep personal affection for Dracula, which meant this book wold have made me silver_linings_playbook.gif it out the window if I hadn't been reading on my phone. If I had never read Dracula, I miiiight have liked this? (jk I finished it and can now definitively say I would not have.) The prose was decent and I liked Lucy's modern-day love interest, Iris, but this author clearly graduated from the "lesbians must hate and deride all men all the time and be proven right in this view when every single man tries to harm them" school of writing sapphic characters, and since the book was basically encouraging me to paranoid-read, it set off both my "clumsy writing" and "...is this a t3rf?" alarms. tl;dr Mina and Jonathan and Van Helsing and Seward and Arthur and Quincey and Berserker the wolf and even Mr. Swales (slandering Mr. Swales?? Is nothing sacred??) deserved SO much better. Now I'll have to reread Dracula to cleanse myself
DNFs: None! Although Lucy Undying certainly tried my patience.
August superlatives
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Next up:
September is another new release-filled month! I'm on track to finish my Bombed Books Week Challenge with The Empire Wars by Akana Phenix and then the unreleased Crown of Starlight itself, so I can satisfy my intellectual curiosity of how it compares to the books its author tried to sabotage. (Which attempted sabotage was an abhorrent action I 100% condemn. Toss aside those large rocks, I've been supporting the targeted authors at my local bookstore and library.)
In less dramatic goals, I've got an ARC of Ruin Road by Lamar Giles I'm eager to check out, and I can't wait for Long Live Evil to be ready at the library. We've also got our first official Bella's Book Club read of Season 3, which should be fun (hint: it's an Austen!)
previous months:
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Uh Uh! Miss Salome! *raising my arm high like I'm in class and snapping my fingers* May I give two suggestions for the just friends playlist please? :) I already prepared a little presentation:
1.) "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam
I just heard that song again after a long time and I immediately had to think about König as a young boy or teenager. I just want to give the little nugget a hug so bad and tell him that he will find true love one day...
"At home drawing pictures
Of mountain tops
With him on top
Lemon yellow sun
Arms raised in a V
And the dead lay in pools of maroon below"
Imagine our little K in his broken home. His violent tendancies, induced by the abuse he has to suffer trough, are already blooming as a little boy. His father is yelling at his mother downstairs. König in his room is escaping into his imagination, drawing himself on top of one of the austrian mountains he can see from his window as the hero who defeated all evil, standing on the corpses of his enemies...
"King Jeremy the wicked
Oh, ruled his world
Jeremy spoke in class today"
"King Jeremy the wicked" ?! That fits so fucking well, my head is spinning. That weird kid who falls out of every norm, physically as well as mentally, and who can't seem to find his place on this earth like an alien from another galaxy whose spaceship crashed here and he can't get back. So he becomes quiet, just trying to be as invisible as possible, to not always be confronted with his otherness, not drawing even more attention to himself. And if on a rare occasion he speaks in class, you can hear the giggles and whispers of the other kids. After that, every time he promises to himself to never say a word again. Anger, shame and sadness laying heavy in his stomach.
"Clearly I remember
Pickin' on the boy
Seemed a harmless little fuck
But we unleashed the lion
And he hit me with a surprise left
My jaw left hurting
Dropped wide open"
One day something clicks in his brain. For years he is getting bullied, always tried to flee from the conflicts, never fighting back. But this time instinct kicks in and he hits back, hate and fury burning in his eyes. The others don't see the freak who they pick on daily for fun, before them stands a giant, an always passive and obedient bull that just got aware of his own strength and who's not afraid to use it from now on. The others run away. König stands there, an odd sense of relieve in his chest. He won for once in his fucking life, he has the upper hand now. He will get addicted to this feeling. There's no going back.
2.) "Vermillion" by Slipknot
Keywords here are: dark, dirty, romantic, obsessive. What can I say more? (I recommend watching the video while listening, it fits the whole vibe of the story very nicely I think!)
"So fragile yet so devious
She's the only one that makes me sad"
Engel being this seemingly soft and shy girl with the pretty dresses, who no one sees. But she has that twist, that fascination for darkness and madness. And König who detatched himself from his own emotions due to all the trauma, to survive all the abuse. But Engel reaches deep into the dark pit in the middle of his chest, arms deep, afraid what she will find but determined nonetheless, retrieving his scarred heart. Holding it in her soft hands, dusting off the spiders webs and giving it a little warmth back, just a bit more, little by little, whenever they see each other.
"My Dahlia bathed in possession
She is home to me
I get nervous, perverse, when I see her it's worse
But the stress is astounding
It's now or never she's coming home
Shit, I don't think I even need to elaborate any further here...
"I'm a slave and I am a master"
König, on the first look, is having the upper hand in the relationship, being possessive and controlling Engel, invading her privacy in any way he can and being the dominant part when having sex with her. But if we're being honest, König is totally at Engels mercy. She holds him firmly in her soft little hands and he would do anything for her.
Thank you for your attention. *giving out handouts to everyone and going back to my desk*
Holy moly that ask is long enough already. Thanks for all the fodder for my brain with the König craze on your blog recently! I'm REALLY enjoying it!
Much love to you and everyone who read along! <3
These are perfect songs as well! I added them to the playlist but feel free to add more if you have any suggestions, the link should be working now & can be found in König masterlist and the ask I answered right before this one.
I loved your presentation & loved all the details you wrote about König’s life (no matter how sad most of them were 💔), and how he feels with Engel, how his inner world comes alive in the lyrics of the songs. And this really got me:
"Engel reaches deep into the dark pit in the middle of his chest, arms deep, afraid what she will find but determined nonetheless, retrieving his scarred heart. Holding it in her soft hands, dusting off the spiders webs and giving it a little warmth back, just a bit more, little by little, whenever they see each other. "
Brb crying 😭
"König, on the first look, is having the upper hand in the relationship, being possessive and controlling Engel, invading her privacy in any way he can and being the dominant part when having sex with her. But if we're being honest, König is totally at Engels mercy. She holds him firmly in her soft little hands and he would do anything for her."
Yes oh dear god. I had (a little too much) fun writing the yandere x yandere drabble but I still think König & Engel are just made for each other! He is on his knees in spirit, forever pledged to her and only her. If these were the old myths and if this was an actual dark fairytale, König would go to the depths of the underworld to bring her back from the dead, he would rend the heavens and announce war on God if he kept her from him. It's that serious. ❤️
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yumiiwoomy · 1 month
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Salome !! (Silly alien oc)
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
Georgia's MPs have voted to overturn a presidential veto on a contentious “transparency on foreign influence” bill - often dubbed “foreign agents law” - which has sparked several weeks of protests in the capital Tbilisi.
Under the legislation, media and non-governmental organisations that receive over 20% of their funding from abroad will have to register as “organisations acting in the interest of a foreign power”, submit themselves to stringent audits, or face punitive fines.
A plenary session on Tuesday saw the vote pass with 84 votes for - mainly from the governing Georgian Dream party - versus four votes against, with the opposition abstaining.
The law had already been passed on 14 May, but was then vetoed by pro-Western President Salome Zourabishvili.
The law is expected to come into force in 60 days' time.
The Georgian government argues it will ensure transparency of money flowing to support NGOs and protect Georgia from foreign interference.
But its opponents - who have dubbed it "Russian law” because of its similarities with an existing law in Russia - believe the real reason for the legislation is to stifle dissent ahead of October's parliamentary elections.
The EU said it "deeply regretted" the Georgian parliament's decision.
EU officials had previously warned the bill could jeopardise further progress within the bloc. Georgia was granted candidate country status in December 2023.
Many NGOs have already announced they will not abide by legislation that requires them to state they are “acting in the interest of a foreign power” as they say it is "insulting" and "factually incorrect".
On Tuesday, as MPs debated the bill, people again gathered outside parliament amid a heavy police presence.
When the result of the vote was announced, many protesters shouted “slaves!” and “Russians!”
Since the protests began, police have repeatedly used force to disperse the protesters.
Dozens of opponents of the foreign agents law have reported being beaten up or intimidated, with insulting posters stuck outside their homes or threatening phone calls.
Still, more than six weeks since the start of the protests, demonstrators - many of them young - feel there is no option other than to continue taking to the streets.
“Our whole future is stake, it's either Europe or nothing,” 18-year-old Kato said as she stood outside the parliament with her friends.
Observers believe passing the foreign agents law has turned into a battle for survival for Georgian Dream, which has managed to alienate many of its traditional partners in the process.
The US joined the EU in warning the law would entail consequences. The US State Department said last week that travel restrictions would be imposed on those who “undermine democracy” in Georgia, as well as their family members.
But the authorities brushed the warnings off. The Secretary General of Georgian Dream, Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze, said there would never be a "trade-off" against the interests of the country.
Knowing that she had run out of options to stop the government from passing the bill, on Monday Ms Zourabishvili presented a new charter which she said would be a plan to move Georgia towards Europe.
"To rebuild trust, we need a new political reality: a distinct unity, different elections, a different parliament, and a different government," she wrote on X.
The charter includes the abolition of laws which she said were harming Georgia's chances of EU membership, as well as significant reforms designed to depoliticise the justice system and security services.
Ms Zourabishvili invited all opposition parties to sign the charter before 1 June and go united into parliamentary elections in October.
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spectraspecs-writes · 2 years
Star Trek writers: hey Salome Jens great job playing a creepy long dead alien!
Salome Jens: thanks, it was kind of fun playing a character with no distinct facial features
Star Trek writers: so you know we have this other show in the running, called Deep Space Nine
Salome: yeah I’ve heard of it, that Odo fellow, what a character
Star Trek writers: I’m so glad you feel that way, wanna play another character who’s a kind of creepy alien woman with no distinct facial features?
Salome: i thought you would never ask
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[Spark doll au: Takeshi (Ultraman 80), is handing out graded tests.]
(He pauses and turns to stare at the last student on his list, )
Takeshi: (Girl's name), you got an 98, the highest mark in the class.
Girl: Yes! *She leans over to high five her friends*
Takeshi, nods: However…” *holds up the test* You filled in a geography test, not a Math test”
(The entire class starts laughing while the girl goes bright red.)
Takeshi: It’s an excellent score, indeed. But.... How did you not realize you were taking a test for the wrong subject?!
*the air in the room suddenly goes cold*
Takeshi, smiles tightly as a dark aura surround him: ...Or rather, how did you know the answer keys for a third year geography test? That's what miss R/n and Mrs. Rize would like to know right now; down in the counselor's office.~
(The girl's face goes from red to ashen in a instant and still hasn’t lived it down; 80 does not like cheating in his classroom.)
The computer teacher Mrs. Rize is an alien Salome she's married to Mr. Six-six.
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issela-santina · 10 days
Wozzeck 🤝 Salome
operas based on plays where the title character goes off the rails, gets their hands bloody, and then dies at the end
based on historical events but the more interesting parts were fabricated to fill in gaps
not sure if it's the soprano or the baritone who suffers harder on main. anyway they both die
the baritone doesn't sexualize the soprano that much but the problem is that a tenor does
somehow the opera has room for a party scene in the final act
interlacing classism, sexism, and Christianity critique
the false hope of regaining control of your own life when you decide to use the tools that built the very prison you're stuck in
that one mezzo/alto might possibly the only sane person in this narrative
R.I.P. somebody's throat
the significance of the word Leib
you can actually give these plays wacky colorful fun stagings like the ones below and they will still be absolute nightmares to behold
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LEFT: Salome, 2024, Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar. Featured are soprano Tamara Banješević (Salome) and tenor Alexander Günther (Herodes) in a take of the Richard Strauss opera inspired by fables and animal motifs in the work, and likely, aliens. Stripped down to her black leotard, Salome demands Herodes (himself stripped down to a decorated flesh bodysuit and green trousers) to bring her Jochanaan's head. You can almost hear her menacingly roar it against his ear.
RIGHT: Wozzeck, 2015, Opernhaus Zürich. Featured are baritone Christian Gerhaher (Wozzeck) and a chorus of women all in red wigs to resemble Wozzeck's dead partner Marie. Wozzeck is cornered as the yellow frames of the stage set, where the lookalikes of the woman he had just murdered are gathering over him, tilt to increasing, spiraling angles. If you look closer, everyone in this staging of the Alban Berg opera looks like puppets.
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kyogre-blue · 4 months
Finished Traum.
It was good and I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I will say that I think there were a couple issues holding it back from being Top Tier FGO(tm).
The first thing is that it never really hit the level of escalation and gutpunch I expect from FGO. For a main story chapter, I expect most of the cast to be dead by the end, you know? And in Traum, you have a ton of characters who have to just kind of peace out after Kriemhilde because, well, the story doesn't need them anymore, but they're not dead, so... The strongest emotional impact was Salome, and she was the end of act 1. I guess it was a warning sign that Don Quixote survived act 2, lol.
In general, this is kind of a general issue Higashige runs into sometimes. I like him and his overall style, but he just doesn't hit the same emotional levels as Nasu.
The second thing is somewhat similar to the issue with LB1. The entire section post Kriemhilde (as well as various scenes throughout) were written purely to deal with the overarching mysteries of the part 2 storyline, but they feel rather disconnected from what is going on in Traum itself, its meat and potatoes, so to say.
Holmes's thing is both too obviously telegraphed that he has A Deal to unveil and yet too detached from anything he's ever done or participated in. It's an answer that feels like it has no meaning aside from closing out an open question. tbh I feel like Koyanskapon was kind of similar, and I wonder if there was some issue behind the scenes where these characters have to be dispatched via these main interludes, instead of being properly addressed via the LBs like Muramasa was (and I assume Kotomine will be). (I also wonder whether Holmes had some Divine Spirit mixed in too, or what)
And the entire last section with Moriarty was a fun dynamic, but then it just goes "here's the alien :)" and that's it. It's supposed to be the answer to Traum, but like... it doesn't feel like answer, or at least it doesn't really feel satisfying in the context of "why were the events in Traum happening."
Because of these two points, Traum doesn't manage to hit as well as Atlantis (or China, for me personally). I enjoyed it way more than LB6, but I have to admit that LB6 was by far the better writing on the whole.
However, I did enjoy it. There were so many fun character dynamics! So many characters got to be fun and cool, like Xu Fu, Diarmuid, even Kiyohime. And of course, Charlie and his Paladins, Johanna, and especially Don Quixote and Salome... Higashige really did well by the characters overall.
It was a fun little story overall.
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odoroussavourssweet · 8 months
Olympic Orchids Mardi Gras
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Nose: Ellen Covey
notes: orange blossom, civet, benzoin, vanilla, neroli, musk, cardamom
Mardi Gras opens as a lovely, lush, wicked white floral, with the retro glamour and ambery-animalic base of classic feminines like Narcisse Noir (1911) and My Sin (1924).
a few minutes in, Mardi Gras gets *very* big and *very* sweet, with big, blowsy, swoony orange blossom. it’s excessive, indulgent to the point of vulgarity. The sugar is still cut slightly by a hiss of pale musk, but boy oh boy is there a lot of it.
I generally prefer more animalics and dark notes, and less sweetness, in my white florals; my beloved Papillon Salome and Bogue Gardelia are more my speed.
Mardi Gras, by contrast, goes deep into the floral-syrup zone that overlaps with stuff like Lush Lust and even Mugler Alien. We are in platinum-blonde, red-lipstick land, maybe a little mussed…Courtney Love or Madonna, maybe.
About three hours in, the sweetness calms down and Mardi Gras is more wearable: a fluffy, white, floral vanilla-musk.
The texture is soft and natural throughout, never harsh.
If you *want* a sugary bombshell white floral with a touch of feather-boa fluff, you could do a lot worse than Mardi Gras. but it feels costumey and unnatural on me.
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
And then there were 113. That is how many illegal aliens have been bussed to Los Angeles from Texas. A third migrant bus arrived in Los Angeles Thursday afternoon with 30 passengers, nine of them children.
Is Governor Newsom on vacation or maybe out in the country campaigning for Old Yeller? I haven’t heard any squawking from him about how horrible red state governors are who send illegal aliens to his state. Nonetheless, Newsom has declared California to be a sanctuary state and Karen Bass, the Mayor of Los Angeles, proudly proclaims that Los Angeles is a sanctuary city. So, what’s the problem? All are welcome, right?
Thirty illegal aliens at a time should be easily absorbed in the city’s services network for illegal immigrants. Just think if California received the numbers that Texas does every single day. I guess it would be a-ok then, but if they are bussed in by Governor Abbott, then it is bad. They are voluntarily moved to locations outside of Texas. They are essentially given free transportation to where they want to go.
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Jorge-Mario Cabrera, a spokesperson for the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) admitted the migrants appeared to be in good health and even though the bus allegedly had a mechanical malfunction, the air-conditioning was working just fine. CHIRLA is a member of the L.A. Welcomes Collective, a network of immigrant rights, legal services providers and faith organizations which has been providing support services to the migrants. Networks like this benefit from the illegal immigration crisis. “We didn’t have anybody check in with first responders, which were available,” Cabrera said in describing the condition of the newly arrived migrants.
The truth is that the inhumane treatment comes from human traffickers and coyotes who help the migrants get to the border to cross onto American soil. Once in the United States, they receive the services they need. Migrant buses from Texas are stocked with food and water for the passengers. If they are ill, they receive medical attention, not put on a bus to be transferred out of state.
Local city and county officials and volunteers were alerted that the bus was coming.
Zach Seidl, spokesperson for L.A. Mayor Karen Bass, said in a statement that the city continues to work with the county and a coalition of nonprofit organizations “to execute a plan set in place earlier this year.”
“As we have before, when we became aware of the bus yesterday, we activated our plan,” Seidl said.
Volunteers had expected 35 migrants to arrive in L.A. from Brownsville, Texas, but later were told that five people from Venezuela were dropped off in Salome, Ariz., and the rest of the group continued on to Southern California, Cabrera said.
The 30 remaining migrants who made it to L.A. were originally from Venezuela, Mexico, Haiti and China, he said. The group included nine children ranging in age from less than 1 year old to 9 years old.
As of 4:15 p.m., Cabrera said, most of the new arrivals had been reunited with a family member or friend, with plans to stay with them at least temporarily. He expected that the remaining migrants, who were waiting at St. Anthony’s Croatian Catholic Church, would be reunited with someone they knew by the end of the day.
It looks like Governor Abbott is sending a migrant bus to L.A. every two weeks or so. One arrived on June 14, and the second bus arrived on July 1. That tracks with the third bus arriving Thursday afternoon. Not only are the numbers miniscule coming by bus from Texas but they are well-spaced out, too.
The City of Brownsville (Texas) sent information on the illegal aliens before the bus arrived. How’s that for cooperation?
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welcometomy20s · 1 year
May 1, 2023
KING - Kuzuha - 4166万
Ochame Kinou - Tokino Sora, Roboco, Hoshimachi Suisei, Yozora Mel, Aki Rosenthal, Natsuiro Matsuri, Sakura Miko, Minato Aqua, Murasaki Shion, Yuzuki Choco, Nakiri Ayame, Oozora Subaru, AZKi, Ookami Mio, Nekomata Okayu, Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, Honshou Marine, Amane Kanata, Tsunomaki Watame, Tokoyami Towa, Himemori Luna - 4161万
Phony - Hoshimachi Suisei - 3266万
KING - Mori Calliope, Gawr Gura - 3027万
Goodbye Sengen - Nakiri Ayame - 2378万
GETCHA! - Hoshimachi Suisei, Mori Calliope - 2227万
Phony - Machita Chima - 2123万
Discommunication Alien - Usada Pekora - 2030万
God-ish - La+ Darknesss - 1956万
Saga Jihen - Hoshimachi Suisei, Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, Honshou Marine - 1943万
Dadadada Tenshi - Minato Aqua - 1868万
Rettou Joutou - Tanaka Hime, Suzuki Hina - 1849万
Yankee Boy, Yankee Girl - Higuchi Kaede, Kenmochi Toya, Kuzuha, Todoroki Kyoko, Kudo Chitose, Saegusa Akina - 1794万
God-ish - Lauren Iroas - 1624万
KING - Hoshimachi Suisei - 1540万
Gishinanki - Kuzuha - 1518万
Rettou Joutou - Kuroki Natsume, Amatsuki - 1516万
Q - Higuchi Kaede, Kenmochi Toya, Kuzuha, Todoroki Kyoko, Amemori Sayo, Saegusa Akina - 1432万
flos - Nekomata Okayu - 1426万
Hated by Life Itself - Sasaki Saku - 1413万
Roki - Mori Calliope - 1413万
Sparkle - Ookami Mio - 1408万
Umiyuri Kaiteitan - Nekomata Okayu - 1382万
RE:I AM - Inui Toko - 1360万
Summertime Record - Kuzuha, Sakura Ritsuki, Saegusa Akina, Ars Almal, Amamiya Kokoro, Ratna Petit, Luis Cammy, Fuwa Minato - 1320万
Call Boy - Fuwa Minato - 1298万
-ERROR - Tokoyami Towa - 1291万
Vampire - Kuzuha - 1241万
Sugar Song & Bitter Step - Hakase Fuyuki, Kagami Hayato, Yorumi Rena - 1234万
Kaibutsu - Saegusa Akina, Fuwa Minato - 1211万
Say So - Nyatasha Nyanners - 1206万
Ochame Kinou - Mori Calliope, Takanashi Kiara, Ninomae Ina’ins, Gawr Gura, Amelia Watson, IRyS, Tsukumo Sana, Ceres Fauna, Ouro Kronii, Nanshi Mumei, Hakos Baelz - 1158万
Alien Alien - Tokino Sora - 1153万
Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow - Hoshimachi Suisei, Minato Aqua, Tokoyami Towa - 1129万
Charles - YuNi - 1096万
Devil’s Manner - Kuzuha - 1081万
Telecaster B-Boy - Saegusa Akina - 1077万
Hikaru Nara - Kenmochi Toya, Morinaka Kazaki, Yumeoi Kakeru, Inui Toko, Saegusa Akina, Hoshikawa Sara - 1072万
Namae no Nai Kaibutsu - Hanabasami Kyo - 1016万
Un Pato - Star - 1014万
Meni Meni Mani Mani - Hyakumantenbara Salome - 1005万
Ice breaker - Kanae, Kuzuha - 985万
Shoujo Rei - Hoshimachi Suisei - 968万
Vampire - Ange Katrina - 966万
Indoor Kei Nara Trackmaker - Minato Aqua - 953万
Turing Love - Kuzuha, Honma Himawari - 950万
Unknown Mother Goose - Hanabasami Kyo, Shishigami Leona, Sasugano Ruki, Sasugano Roki - 950万
Ego Rock - Saegusa Akina - 942万
Kaibutsu - Tokino Sora, Hoshimachi Suisei, Oozora Subaru, Omaru Polka, Hakui Koyori, Sakamara Chloe - 924万
Shitsuraku Petri - Nekomata Okayu - 923万
Envy Baby - Omaru Polka - 921万
Blessing - Kaga Nazuna, Kaga Sumire, Ichinose Uruha, Kagura Toto, Kurumi Noah, Tosaki Mimi, Tachibana Hinano, Asumi Sena, Hanabusa Lisa, Kisaragi Ren, Kaminari Qpi, Yakumo Beni - 918万
Memeshikute - Kenmochi Toya, Uzuki Kou, Shellin Burgundy - 913万
Animal - Hoshimachi Suisei, Sakura Miko - 907万
Fansa - Gosegu - 885万
Love Trial - Inugami Korone - 873万
Lower one's eyes - Hoshimachi Suisei - 862万
Goodbye Sengen - Minato Aqua - 856万
KING - Kizuna Ai - 856万
Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow - Kuzuha, Honma Himawari, Dola, Yashiro Kizuku - 856万
Alice in N.Y. - Tokino Sora, Hoshimachi Suisei, Shiranui Flare, Honshou Marine, Amane Kanata - 852万
Death Should Not Have Taken Thee! - Ange Katrina, Lize Helesta - 841万
Ghost Rule - Amane Kanata - 834万
Ghost City Tokyo - Hoshimachi Suisei - 825万
Phony - Inui Toko - 816万
Phony - Fuwa Minato - 812万
Near - Kaida Haru - 805万
Gunjo - Hakase Fuyuki - 799万
Haiiro to Ao - Hoshimachi Suisei, Tokoyami Towa - 786万
Unknown Mother Goose - Ienaga Mugi, Yuuhi Riri, Kenmochi Toya, Fushimi Gaku - 786万
Ranbu no Melody - Hoshimachi Suisei - 783万
Sugar Hate - Kanae, Kuzuha - 776万
Kakusei - Hoshimachi Suisei - 774万
Lower one's eyes - Fuwa Minato, mafumafu - 773万
KING - Murasaki Shion - 760万
Silent Majority - Tsukino Mito, Higuchi Kaede, Shizuka Rin, Yuuhi Riri, Akabane Youko, Honma Himawari, Suzuhara Lulu - 750万
Mafia - Kuca Kaneshiro - 740万
Uma to Shika - Amane Kanata - 739万
Genesis of Aquarion - Nagihara Suzuna - 739万
Blessing - Yukihana Lamy, Momosuzu Nene, Shishiro Botan, Omaru Poilka - 737万 
Overdose - Lauren Iroas - 719万
Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou - Nekomata Okayu, Inugami Korone - 719万
Kaisei - Furen E Lustario - 718万
Poppin’ Candy Fever! - Sasaki Saku, Hoshikawa Sara - 704万
Turing Love - Kanae, Hoshikawa Sara - 703万
Kokoronashi - Saegusa Akina - 699万
Villain - Ryushen - 698万
Otome Kaibou - Nekomata Okayu - 684万
Koyoi Tsuki no Yakata ni te - Hoshimachi Suisei, Inui Toko - 680万
Hakujitsu - Natsuiro Matsuri, Rikkaroid - 679万
Turing Love - Nekomata Okayu, Minato Aqua - 666万
Jojo The Memory of That Blood ~end of THE WORLD~ - Ryushen - Hanabatake Chaika, Yashiro Kizuku - 666万
Ichido Dake no Koi Nara - Higuchi Kaede, Rindou Mikoto, Inui Toko, Lize Helesta, Suzuhara Lulu - 664万
Cry Baby - Hoshimachi Suisei - 663万
Marshall Maximizer - Saegusa Akina - 663万
Hail Holy Queen - Todoroki Kyoko, Sister Claire, Debidebi Debiru, Levi Elipha, Hayase Sou, Sukoya Kana, Melissa Kinrenka, Nagao Kei, Genzuki Tojiro - 605万
KING - Nakiri Ayame - 657万
Promise - Lilpa - 647万
Goodbye Sengen - Takanashi Kiara - 642万
Beat Eater - Hoshimachi Suisei, Mori Calliope, Pavolia Reine - 641万
0 notes
guessimate · 2 years
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I got Out with you, Child ROS for the Emere family. That's another scandal for this merchant (now yeoman) family.
According to the ROS it should be a person with the highest lifetime relationship that the sim must get married to, but it really only made sense for Bertha to elope with Castor. I will come back to them next round, because I already played the Gardiner family.
As the couple are both Romance sims, I really don't mind it if they elope as teenagers, as they would likely never get wants to get married. Castor didn’t get the chance to roll the want of getting his first kiss, but he wanted to makeout straight away during their betrothal date anyway. Bertha wanted her first kiss for a long time. I guess that’s what you get for wanting your first kiss in medieval times - you get married.
I have the random engagement/marriage memory fix now, I think, and both Bertha and Castor got positive memories of the betrothal. Bertha was not so happy about the wedding, however. She is 4 days older than her husband (so you could say just a year older).
Just my own thoughts, but with rotational gameplay in TS2 I feel like everyone will end up slightly off sync, no matter what you do, but it annoys me especially with twins. I believe the Franklin twins are off sync already because I played Lira additionally when I moved in the Mons family. As long as they age up roughly at the same time, it will be fine with me.
I made the heir (Adelbert) scope room in the woods and he liked Salome the most [probably because aliens liked her], but she is only a peasant. He has 2 bolts with Drifa and Mira as well, so I had to choose Mira for him. Adelbert didn’t really get any wants for her, but he was afraid of getting rejected for a date, so I checked Mira’s wants. She wanted to talk and flirt with him,so I did it for her and they ended up, getting crushes on each other. I just hope if these 2 ever have kids they will win the genetics lottery and take her genes over. I gave Mira some small makeover, because I felt like she was wearing her hair in a very mature way.
When the babies aged up to toddlers, the head of the family wanted to hire a nanny. Maybe he thought Mira would be a nanny for them like Lira is a servant for the Mons family, but they can't afford to have a servant as yeomen.
The twins Clement and Charlotte aged up into children a day before their parents would become elders. They learnt all of their toddler skills and were able to sing the Nursery Rhyme. I played the family till Monday afternoon, so that I could age the parents up as well and I moved Bertha onto the Gardiners’ lot then as well.
Both Clement's and Charlotte's One True Hobby is Cuisine - they inherited it from their parents. The elder twins' hobby is Tinkering instead.
Clement is a Libra - 5 Neat, max Outgoing, 0 Lazy, 6 Playful, and 6 Nice. He is an Unstable, Lucky Mooch [he inherited 2 traits from parents].
Charlotte is a Capricorn just like her father but has a different distribution of personality points. She's max Neat [her father is 6 Neat], 5 Outgoing [same as father], 0 Lazy [her father is 2 Lazy], 9 Playful [her father is 6 Playful] and 6 Nice [her father is 8 Nice]. She is of Star Quality, Loves the Heat and is Never Nude [inherited from parents].
Scarlett got to Cooking level 7, and she learnt how to make Cheesecake. I made her ‘pass on’ her cake and pie recipes to her daughter, but I don’t think it really works in TS2 - you just get a memory that you learnt something, but you can only ‘resume cooking’, if you already have the ingredients prepared by someone else who can actually cook. Anyway I think it would make sense for Bertha to eat cheesecake, considering her mother had 2 sets of twins.
It was time for the Emeres to finally age up into elders at the end of this round. Scarlett aged up in at least gold, Ernest was still in the green, I believe, so she'll probably outlive him.
They didn't go to the bakery every day this round because of the todds, but when they did, one person, usually Bertha, would stay home, naturally. They dug up a sculpture worth 850$. Bertha took it with her as her dowry, since yeoman dowry is 800$. I also let her take the drums with her (as the family has one more Creativity object). After all it was really her instrument, as she was interested in maxing out her Music&Dance enthusiasm and Creativity skill. I felt like she deserved something for looking after the toddlers so much and teaching them most of their toddler skills on her own.
I added a 2nd floor to the bakery, as it was the ‘will’ of their old friend Myron Farina who passed away last round (I gave them some money for the finishing touches, but then I set their money to 0 at the very beginning of the round).  Myron Farina's ghost also showed himself on the night of the babies' birthday and Adelbert saw his ghost, so I sent his grave over for a proper burial to the Church. May he rest in peace now.
They have a 2nd floor with tables [one regular one and one poker table]. I think over time they might want to switch into something more like a restaurant. 4 sims usually end up, going upstairs just to play poker, so it's not so crowded downstairs. I did not put any beds in this bakery, as it’s not an inn and sims don’t pay for just spending time at the bakery, they only pay for the baked goods at the cash register.
The bakery ranked up to rank 8. Adelbert got a silver cash register badge.
They earned 3869$.
1000$ - rent.
1161$ - tax.
510$ - treasure tax.
~ 2600$ to the Royal Treasury. The Crown has collected a total of 124,750$ to date.
387$ + 100$ - tithe + marriage fee. The Church has earned 20,800$ total so far.
~450$ to the Church.
They are left with 820$.
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the-kaiju-lodge · 2 years
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En la isla donde Red King gobernó, había un dinosaurio que incluso él evitó, ese era Agira, uno de los últimos ceratopsianos y el último de su especie que era poderoso herbívoro y agresivo. Cuando la isla sufrió una erupción volcanica, Agira nadó hasta Australia, donde él y Ultraman lucharon salvajemente, luego, Ultraman trasladó a Agira a la isla de los monstruos.
Agira se usó nuevamente contra el arma de Alien Salome, el Imitation Ultraseven. Sin embargo, no había mucho que Agira pudiera hacer contra la copia de su maestro. Agira fue derrotado fácilmente por Imitation Ultraseven, quien lo golpeó y arrojó al monstruo a un valle donde finalmente regresó a su cápsula, derrotado. Desde entonces, Agira sería recordada en gran medida por Ultraseven como un monstruo heroico.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 11.17
Athens Polytechnic Uprising Remembrance Day (Greece)
Bowler Hat Day
Coping With Uncertainty Day
Creative Alienation Day
Day of the Volkswagen
Electric Greeting Card Day
Heidi Day (US Football)
Here To Go Day
International Students’ Day
John Peter Zenger Day
Little Mermaid Day
Malabo Festival (Equatorial Guinea)
Martyrs’ Day (Orissa, India)
McHappy Day (Canada)
National Black Cat Day
National Farm Joke Day
National Unfriend Day
Omega Psi Phi Day
Polytechneio (Greece)
Presidents Day (Marshall Islands)
Public Restroom Hand Dryer Appreciation Day
Revolution Day (Mexico)
Shogi Day (Japan)
Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day (Czech Republic, Slovakia)
Take A Hike Day
Tazaungdaing Holidays (Myanmar)
Tori No Ichi (Rooster Day #2; Japan)
Utopia Memorial Day (Republic of Molossia)
World Peace Day
World Prematurity Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Baklava Day
Homemade Bread Day
National Butter Day
International Happy Gose Day
3rd Thursday in November
Beaujolais Nouveau Day [3rd Thursday]
Catholic School Appreciation Day [3rd Thursday]
Educator For a Day [3rd Thursday]
Friendsgiving [3rd Thursday]
Great American Smokeout [3rd Thursday]
International Guinness Book of World Records Day [Thursday of 2nd Full Week]
International Guinness World Records Day [Thursday of 2nd Full Week]
National Bundt Day (a.k.a. Bundt Pan Day) [3rd Thursday]
National Rural Health Day [3rd Thursday]
Social Enterprise Day [3rd Thursday]
Use Less Stuff Day [3rd Thursday]
World Pancreatic Cancer Day [3rd Thursday]
World Philosophy Day (UN) [3rd Thursday]
World's Biggest Liar Competition (UK; sponsored by Jennings Brewery) [3rd Thursday]
Independence Days
Cartagena Independence Day (Colombia)
Feast Days
Acisclus (Christian; Saint)
Aignan of Orleans (a.k.a. Anian or Agnan; Christian; Saint)
Al Dente Day (Pastafarian)
Dionysius, Archbishop of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Elizabeth of Hungary (Christian; Saint)
Gennadius of Constantinople (Greek Orthodox Church)
Gregory of Tours (Roman Catholic Church)
Gregory Thaumaturgus (Christian; Saint)
Hilda of Whitby (Christian; Saint)
Hugh of Lincoln (Church of England)
Smoke Somewhat Out Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Summer Squall (Muppetism)
William III (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
All Dogs Go to Heaven (Animated Film; 1989)
Americana, by The Offspring (Album; 1998)
The American President (Film; 1995)
Another Thin Man (Film; 1939)
Apples and Oranges, by Pink Floyd (Song; 1067)
Bolt (Animated Film; 2008)
Casino Royale (US Film; 2006) [James Bond #21]
Double Fantasy, by John Lennon (Album; 1980)
Duck Soup (Film; 1933)
Fireman Sam (Animated TV Series; 1987)
GoldenEye (US Film; 1995) [James Bond #17]
Happy Feet (Animated Film; 2006)
Justice League (Film; 2017)
Land of Confusion, by Genesis (Song; 1986)
Let It Be …Naked, by The Beatles (Album; 2003)
The Little Mermaid (Animated Disney Film; 1989)
A Nod Is As Good As A Wink … To A Blind Horse, by The Faces (Album; 1971)
The Punisher (Film; 2017)
The Queen (Film; 2006)
1776 (Film; 1972)
Tales of a Librarian, by Tori Amos (Compilation Album; 2003)
Who Let the Dogs Out, by Baha Men (Song; 2000)
Today’s Name Days
Florin, Gertrud, Hilda (Austria)
Alfej, Elizabeta, Igor, Zakej (Croatia)
Mahulena (Czech Republic)
Anianus (Denmark)
Egil, Egon, Einar, Einari, Eino, Heinar (Estonia)
Einari, Eino (Finland)
Élisabeth, Élise, Hilda (France)
Florin , Gertrud, Hilda, Walter (Germany)
Genadios (Greece)
Gergő, Hortenzia (Hungary)
Elisabetta, Gregorio (Italy)
Hugo, Uga, Ugis, Urdze (Latvia)
Benita, Getautas, Gilvilė, Viktorija (Lithuania)
Hauk, Hogne, Hugo (Norway)
Dionizy, Floryn, Grzegorz, Hugo, Hugon, Salome, Salomea, Sulibor, Zbysław (Poland)
Klaudia (Slovakia)
Gregorio, Hilda, Hugo, Isabel, Victoria (Spain)
Naemi, Naima (Sweden)
Annalisa, Annalise, Annelise, Hilda, Hildie, Hildy (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 321 of 2022; 44 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 46 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Hagal (Constraint) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Lùyuè), Day 24 (Jia-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 23 Cheshvan 5783
Islamic: 22 Rabi II 1444
J Cal: 21 Mir; Sixday [21 of 30]
Julian: 4 November 2022
Moon: 40%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 13 Frederic (12th Month) [William III]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 56 of 90)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 26 of 31)
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