#alice in borderland season 2 spoilers
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catboyfics · 2 years ago
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Lure [part I]
oh my god thank you so much when i saw your request appear i literally got so happy
i started from before the king of spades appeared cause that made it more interesting, but also made it quite a bit longer, so i've split it into two parts. the second part will be when the actual fighting starts.
you also have a great day/night :D
𝑭𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑶𝑴: Alice In Borderland
𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮: chishiya x gn reader
𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑹𝑬 & 𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺: angst; gender neutral reader; spoilers for aib season 2, violence (nothing too bad yet), death
You'd been following Niragi for quite a while now. You'd seen what he's like. You'd seen what he's like. He disgusted you, but it took you by surprise when he stopped.
There was an overhead, blocking you from the light. You were on one side, with him on the opposite end. He faced away from you, towards an open area - a street crossing, you thought. You reached towards your gun, hanging from it's holster at your hip.
Carefully, you pulled it out, careful to be quiet as to not alert Niragi that you were there.
Suddenly, there were gunshots and you jumped. You peeked out from behind the pillar, but Niragi still was facing away from you.
"Yo!" You heard him shout, and you peeked out again. In the distance, you could vaguely make out a figure. The man you'd been following seemed occupied so you decided to approach.
Carefully, gun in hand, you made your way under the overhead, rubble crunching ever so slightly under you feet.
"It makes me pretty damn happy to run into you here." He continued, his voice booming. He sounded dangerous, malice dripping from every word.
You stepped forward again, ducking behind trucks and other vehicles to avoid being seen. You didn't think he would turn around, but you could never be too careful, especially with someone like him.
From you closer position, you could vaguely make out the one who Niragi was talking to. They were tall and wearing a white shirt. At first, nobody came to mind, but you quickly realized that the description matched Arisu.
Your eyes widened, and you inhaled sharply. Niragi was shooting at Arisu, and maybe someone else as well. That wasn't good.
"You intentionally didn't kill me with that shot." You heard someone say. This voice, you immediately recognized as Chishiya. Your expression soured, what he'd said to you before clouding your mind.
You'd only ever been anything but kind to him, but he was always brushed you off. He seemed annoyed with you, for no reason at all. It pissed you off.
"I wasn't going to end this with a surprise attack." Niragi declared in response to Chishiya's words. "Okay, let's begin: a game of shootout. Now that the three of us are back together, that seems most suitable."
You tensed up. Between players? What was the point? You understood that Niragi was angry, or maybe just insane, but that would only reverse the progress you had all struggled to make.
"A game between players?" Chishiya asked, voicing your thoughts out loud. You crept closer, their conversation interesting you profoundly.
"The three of us are very similar." Niragi started, "We're oddballs who can't fit in with society. Even so, our need to feel alive is much greater than most people's."
And then, Niragi coughed again, what was likely blood splattering against the ground. Finally, you figured out what was probably the reason why he was proposing this.
He was dying anyways. And he wanted to drag as many people down with him, to go out with a bang.
"I haven't got much time left, so let's do this." He declared as you exited the overhead. There was a building of some sort, it's intended purpose now lost to vegetation. You rushed there, hiding behind it. Niragi didn't seem to notice, but you couldn't guarantee anything for Arisu and Chishiya, and whoever else might be there.
"As kindred spirits, join me in one final game!" He cried manically before tossing one of his guns on the ground near Chishiya.
From your new spot, you could see better. Chishiya was lying on the ground, clearly hit by the bullets released earlier by Niragi. Arisu was standing facing the ex-militant, a shotgun hanging off his shoulder.
There was movement in the corner of your eye, making you look over. You could see Chishiya getting up to go grab the gun a few feet in front of him on the grass.
"I like it." He declared, hand still resting on his side. That must've been where he got shot. "Join us, Arisu."
Arisu was clearly surprised that Chishiya was on board with Niragi's plan. In all honesty, so were you, but you didn't know what he went through. Maybe it would be better for the white-haired man to die, anyways. It was clear he didn't have any empathy.
"I'm sure you despise me as well. Use this opportunity to take revenge." He continued. "Let's play a game, the three of us."
"Are you insane?" Arisu asked in a shaking voice, nervously grasping his shotgun. You tensely held your own gun, standing defensively, peeking out from behind the wall of the building.
"Come on, you've got a gun too. Take aim!" Niragi persuaded, taking a couple of shaky steps towards Arisu.
"Do we really have to do this?" The man trailed off wearily, swaying ever so slightly.
All of a sudden, a gunshot echoed through the crossing, making you jump. Another, though quieter, one echoed. You peeked out again from your hiding spot and say both Niragi and Chishiya shooting at Arisu as he ducked behind a car.
The ex-militant jumped aggressively onto another car, shooting at Chishiya as he rushed behind a red car.
Bullets exploded out of Niragi's gun, the gunshots echoing out through the area, making you jump each time.
"Niragi! Stop this!" Arisu cried. You couldn't see him because of the car blocking his form. He likely couldn't see you either, so you rushed out of the building behind you, using the gunshots to cover any noise you may make.
"I'm simply doing what I want, the way I want!" Niragi started, "You guys are the same! It's always 'me!' with you two, it's always about what you want! You aren't experts on life just because you saw a bunch of people die! 'Living for others'? That's such bullshit! All we really care about is our own selves! As long as it's good for us, that's all we really need!"
Everything went quiet. No one said a word. Niragi was right. You all did only live for yourselves. People had died because of you. You had hurt others, you weren't good people. That didn't mean you should kill each other, though.
"Yeah." Arisu finally said. "You may be right. Killing each other here might just be appropriate for us."
You gritted your teeth. If Arisu gave into this bullshit, they would all die. You couldn't let that happen.
"You're all idiots!" You yelled, aiming your gun for Niragi's calf. Grimacing, you pulled the trigger, the force of the gun making you stumble backwards.
The bullet nestled itself in Niragi's leg, making him stumble on the car and eventually fall to one knee. You hated using guns.
"Sure, we deserve to die! Niragi surely does! But by resigning ourselves to death, the only thing we're doing is being cowards! I don't know about you, but I've regretted enough of my life. I'm done with that shit! If I'm going to die, it won't be in cowardice, it'll be in an attempt to protect those dear to me!"
You gun was still pointed at Niragi, clammy hands grasping it and you finger hovered over the trigger. You wouldn't die here. Not now.
Suddenly, you saw Arisu stand up from the corner of your eye.
"I'm not doing this." He declared. "I won't pull this trigger just to help myself." A dark humor made itself apparent in his voice, making you laugh darkly.
"This shit is ridiculous. I don't care about your shitty fantasy, asshole." You spat at Niragi, gun still pointed at his face.
It was quiet. Nothing was said. Niragi looked back and forth between you and Arisu, face blank with surprise. His gun was still pointed at Arisu, but his arm was relaxed, not ready to shoot.
"That sure put a damper on things." Niragi said with a chuckle, his gunning arm dropping down to his side.
"Arisu?" You heard a voice call, recognizing it as Usagi. "What are you doing?"
You chuckled darkly. What were you doing? It was all pointless, you couldn't believe the people you respected most were nearly dragged down with Niragi.
"Oh yeah... There was you too." Niragi said slowly, voice dripping with contempt as he raised his gun again, aimed at Usagi. He shot at her feet, missing her by mere inches as she jumped to the side, another bullet rushing at her.
"You asshole." You growled under your breath.
"Stop it! Usagi has no part in this!" Arisu screamed as he aimed the shotgun over the car, pointed right at Niragi.
"Every game needs a heroine to make it more exciting!" The ex-militant cried manically, and at this point, you were sure he'd gone insane.
"When the two of you are dead, the three of us can go back to being kindred spirits!" He yelled, looking crazily between you and Usagi. "I can't stand to be alone anymore." He said finally, quietly, before raising his gun to point to Usagi.
And then the sound of his gun firing rung into your ears, the man before you turning quietly and pointing his gun at you. Anger fueled you, rushing through you veins like lava.
You shot him in the shoulder, face blank as his own bullet grazed your cheek. Arisu had shot him as well, blasting him off the car. He landed pathetically to your right, you walked over to him and stepped on his wound, making him groan.
You grimaced, stepping dismissively over him as you rushed over to help Usagi, wiping your cheek on your sleeve on the way. Right as you mind cleared, you saw that Usagi didn't get shot. Chishiya had stepped into the way.
You cursed, starting to run. He couldn't die, he was an asshole, but he was important. You rushed over, ready to help him. Blood stained the side of his shirt as he grimaced, but otherwise, he seemed fine.
You breathed a sigh of relief, shoulders shaking as you took another step closer to him.
Arisu both rushed over, Usagi walking around from behind. He gingerly lifted his shirt up, showing that the bullet had grazed his side.
"Hey..." Arisu started, suddenly remembering that Chishiya never finished what he'd been saying. "What were you going to tell me earlier?"
"Chishiya made a noise suggesting he'd forgotten and had just remembered. "Oh, yeah."
"To me," He started, "people who live life seriously seem like fools. Those people who strive so hard... I just want to curse them. All their goodwill was repugnant to me. But I must've been jealous. They had what I didn't. It seemed like they were criticizing me for being such a vain and vulgar person. I was afraid of them."
The monologue sent chills down you spine. You nodded solemnly.
"I get what you mean." Arisu said sadly. You looked down, knowing the feeling all too well.
"Guys..." Usagi started, her voice shaking. "The King of Spades is coming."
You all looked up, the blimp overhead.
"Shit..." you cursed, you'd thought you would finally get a break. "We need to go."
Usagi went with Arisu and Chishiya went with you, hiding behind cars and trucks, trying to find cover from the King of Spades' guns.
Your gun was heavy in your hand. You could see from your side of the street that Arisu had kept the shotgun, and Chishiya was holding the pistol he'd been given by Niragi.
"We should try to find the others!" You shouted across the street to Usagi and Arisu, seeing them both nod back.
You kept running, continuously hiding behind vehicles and the sides of building.
"We can't go farther until the King of Spades is defeated! We need to kill him!" Usagi declared, looking nervously at you and Chishiya. You looked towards him, gaze anxious.
"We should at least try." He whispered. You nodded, looking across the street to Usagi.
"Let's do it!" You yelled, hand tightening anxiously around the gun. You and Usagi made eye contact before rushing up ahead, trying to get to where the King was.
Suddenly, Arisu yelled. "Kuina! An!" You looked up ahead, and, lo and behold, there they were.
They looked around for a moment before seeing you, starting to run towards Arisu and Usagi.
You decided to make your way across the street to communicate better.
"Are you guys okay?" You asked once they arrived, receiving a nod.
"It's so good to see you guys though. Good to know you're all okay." Kuina said, breathing heavily from running from the King.
"Yeah, you too." Usagi agreed.
"The King of Spades is trying to end things here." An said once things had calmed down slightly and greetings had been exchanged.
"Let's defeat the King together." Kuina finished for her, making everybody nod in agreement.
"We were thinking the exact same thing." Usagi said.
Suddenly, the King shot at the car you were hiding behind. You peeked over the top of the car, seeing him approaching. He was always so calm, keeping a walking pace.
You gulped, clammy hands gripping the gun tightly. You had to end it here.
Three other players sprinted to the car beside you, trying to hide behind it. Two of them made it, but the other was gunned down before they could get out of the way of the bullets.
You gulped, peeking over the top of the car again and seeing the King even closer. You gestured to everyone to go, sprinting away from the King.
You made it to another car, hiding behind it to catch your breath, when you noticed Chishiya gesturing for you to go to him. You took another deep breath and sprinted as fast as you could.
He'd been kinder to you recently. You weren't sure why, maybe he grew up a bit and realized that having enemies in this god forsaken country wasn't a good idea.
You made it to Chishiya, who was only one or two cars in front of you when An tripped. You stopped, turning back to check on her.
The King was only three or four meters away from her, making you cry out.
"An!" You heard Arisu say as well, making Kuina stop.
The King approached her menacingly, you raising your gun in an attempt to save her.
She took out her own gun, trying to shoot him in a desperate attempt but he grabbed it away. She tried to scramble to her feet when the King grabbed her shirt and shot aimlessly at Arisu and Usagi, forcing them to move out of the way.
Just as you were about to shoot, the side mirror of a car hit the King's head. Kuina kicked it, you put together. Finally, the King's attention was drawn away from An, giving her a chance to grab her gun and run off, hiding behind the car you and Chishiya were behind.
"You alright?" You asked, An nodding in reply.
You waited for a little bit, letting An catch her breath. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, like what a car emits. You peeked out from behind the car you hid behind, only to see another car running into the King and driving him into, well, yet another car.
They burst into flames as people stopped hiding to see if the King had finally been killed.
The group who you presumed were in charge of the stunt started celebrating. Then, bullets found their way into their leaders chest. The King wasn't dead quite yet.
From the flames, he stood up. Nothing had caught fire, so you figured his gear must've been fire resistant. He stepped onto the roof of the car that had crashed into him and started shooting at everyone who'd been watching.
You gulped and crouched back down behind cover. You wouldn't die here. Once the shooting finally stopped, you peeked out again and saw that he was taking off his cloak. Underneath it, he was wearing a bulletproof vest and a full face mask.
Then, he took off his mask, revealing a shaved head. It was scarred, and when you looked closer, you realized he only had one functional eye. His appearance sent chills down you spine.
His face was expressionless, emotionless. He felt no guilt, no mercy at killing so many people. You gripped your gun tighter, though it offered no sense of security.
He turned around, his eye finding yours before you ducked into the cover of the car. Eventually, his gaze landed on Arisu and Usagi, who stood petrified, out in the open. He raised his gun, shooting mercilessly. They were only barely able to duck out of the way as they rushed behind a car.
They quickly started running, Arisu ducking behind the cover of a different car to take offensive as Usagi ran, fully utilizing her climbing skills.
Eventually, the shooting stopped as the King had to reload, and Arisu took that chance. He peeked up over the car and took a shot at the King, who rolled out of the way.
Everything was quiet for a while as the King reloaded. Once he was finished, he peeked out from behind the car, gun loaded and ready to fire. Then, suddenly, an arrow shot itself into his side. It penetrated the bulletproof vest, but it didn't get through it.
The girl who had shot the arrow started to load another into her bow when the King started shooting at her, forcing her to run into cover. The King ducked behind the car again to remove the arrow from his vest.
You took the chance to run out of you hiding spot, sprinting down the street. You ducked behind the cover of the cars on your way, gun gripped tightly in your hand, always held close to your chest.
Eventually, there was a building in front of you. You saw Arisu and Usagi duck in, motioning for Chishiya to follow you - at some point, the two of you and An and Kuina had separated. It was dark - the lights weren't on - but it seemed safe and offered good cover.
You rushed in, ducking to the side where you couldn't be seen. Finally, you relaxed the grip on your gun and slid down the wall. You lungs heaved, not used to running so much.
"Jesus..." You muttered under your breath, eyes closing. You'd been having trouble sleeping, and it was a conscious fight not to succumb to rest. You wiped the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand, taking deep breaths.
Kuina and An came in from the back, putting your mind to rest. Everybody was accounted for, everybody was safe.
"Arisu." Someone called. It was a girl with bow and a quiver of arrows, who you reasoned was the person that had shot the King.
"Heiya." He replied, looking over. They seemed to know each other, though you weren't sure how or why.
"You're Usagi?" The girl - Heiya - asked. Usagi nodded, looking at the newcomer in surprise. "Yes."
"Nice to meet you."
Suddenly, a familiar voice called out. Despite the voice being familiar, it felt like you hadn't heard it in ages.
"He's about to run out of his spare magazines." It was Aguni. You'd known him from the Beach, he'd been the leader of the militants. He should've died in the ten of hearts game, though. It was a miracle he was still alive.
Clearly, the others echoed your own feelings, breaking out into questions. He was probably the best person to fight the King with, though.
"Aguni? How'd you get here?" Usagi asked, watching him confusedly.
He rushed to somewhere with a little more cover from the King before answering.
"I followed you."
It was silent for a little while, the man's words processing through everyone's minds.
"You must like me." Heiya said with a little smile.
Aguni seemed to skip over what the girl said, moving over to get closer to all of you.
"He's still just a human. He's not omnipotent. His guns are the same, they can't be fired forever. When he's out of rounds, he reloads, same as us. The blimp probably sends more round down for him."
"We've got weapons." Arisu remarked, lifting his shotgun. You felt your grip on your gun tighten, a slight reminder it was there. Everybody checked their own weapons, Chishiya having a quick look at the gun he was given by Niragi, Kuina readying her fists, An taking a quick look at her own gun.
You weren't helpless. You had weapons, you had the means to do this.
"But these are all the rounds we've got." Aguni finished your train of thought.
Suddenly, Kuina remembered something. "I've also got this." She said, pulling a can out of her pocket. "A good luck charm." You looked at it questioningly before Chishiya said something.
"Oh yeah. I've already used mine, though."
"It's a bomb Chishiya made." Kuina answer the silent question hanging in the air.
"What good is that?" Aguni scoffed, looking at Chishiya.
"Lure him in and use it close." The man answered quickly. "It's made with kerosene, shoot it and it'll go."
"So an ANFO bomb." An remarked.
"That won't make much of an explosion." Aguni challenged. It wouldn't but if you could find, maybe, something flammable, like alcohol it would work great. Maybe if you lured the King to a gas station? You weren't quite sure.
Arisu answered your question for you. "There's a drugstore over there. If it's closed off and filled with aerosol fumes, the explosion will be amplified." He finished with a proud grimace.
"You sure of that?" Aguni said skeptically.
"Maybe." Arisu answered back. It wasn't a foolproof plan, everyone would have to play their parts.
"In other words, someone has to lure him in there." Kuina put together.
"Yeah." Arisu agreed. "I'll wait in the store for him and set it off." That was even riskier, though. If he was in the store when the bomb went off, he'd surely die.
"You'd die." You said warily, not ready for such a loss. Usagi seemed to have the same thought as you, saying something similar.
"No." He said confidently. "I'll get away."
"How?" Chishiya challenged amusedly.
"On the second floor," he started, a slight grin appearing as his plan formed. "Even if I'm blown outside, I can still survive." There was a little while of silence while he gauged the other's reactions to his plan before he added something on. "Maybe."
Chishiya nodded, and you agreed. It was reasonable, probably wouldn't kill him. Might seriously injure him enough to get him killed later on, though.
"This is nothing but 'maybe's." Heiya remarked suspiciously. It wasn't the best plan, no, but it was probably the best you had.
"It's worth betting on his maybe's, though." Aguni argued.
"Let's not bet too much, though. This plan isn't foolproof, it'll probably go wrong at some point. One or two people should stay back and interfere if it's going to shit." You declared, gaze sweeping over everybody as they looked at you.
"I can do that." Chishiya said, offering you a his signature grin.
"I'll join him, then." Kuina decided.
"Now that we have our two people to stay back, who's going to be the decoy?"
"This time, I'll be the decoy." Aguni said to Arisu, clearly referencing something in their shared past.
"It's reckless to lure him alone." Usagi noticed.
"I'm enough." Aguni pushed, but Usagi stayed put.
"Let's all be decoys." She finally decided. You were up for it, you were far from weak. Everyone else seemed to echo your feelings, - except Chishiya and Kuina of course - nodding.
Aguni scoffed, clearly defeated. He rolled his eyes, but otherwise, seemed on board with the plan.
"Okay. Let's go."
i'm so sorry this ended up getting so long and i didn't want to have a huge wall of text so i'm splitting it into two parts, i hope it's ok so far though :)
remember to drink water :>
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yawn-junn · 2 years ago
Yandere banda heacanon please chupapi with a cherry on top make it drop 🙏🙏🙏
𓋼Banda yandere Headcannons𓋼
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Special thanks to: this idiot, AIB, Banda Sunato
Note: I was gonna apologize for taking so long but your, you so nvm ✌️🤪(LY tho bestie) anyway you say yandere but Banda himself is one so it's just gonna be normal Banda
TW: Banda : yandere themes : toxic relationship : death games : AIB : Once again Banda
⋆Banda doesn't feel actual emotions as yaba said in the show he processes everything through logic and reason
⋆So if his brain says "yes" to you, you'll never leave his sight till he dies if he dies he's killing you before he goes so you'll be together in the afterlife
⋆He is protective in the most toxic way ever I mean like no one can look at you
⋆Banda on the jealousy scale is 1029377291028/10 like he should probably go to therapy but he won't
⋆If he met you before the whole death game Alice in borderland era he would still murder for you I mean he didn't kill those women for nothing
⋆He loves scaring you, like a demon he feeds off your fear and energy
⋆He most enjoys when you cry in pain knowing he caused it
⋆Back to the therapy topic if you ask him to go you'll be in an early grave
⋆He'll do anything for you but not everything so he won't do anything for you lmfao if he thinks you need it you'll get it if he thinks you don't you won't
⋆He probably has broken at least one of your bones for fun
⋆Now on the soft side of things he loved cuddles strange I know but he does
⋆He is a sucker for head scratches and back scratches there his favorite so if he's thinking to hard scratch one or both of those spots
⋆Now back to the toxic side of things he controls what you can and can't wear
⋆But he lets you do your hair how you want he does have a little teeny tiny bit of morals even tho there a bit messed up he has them
⋆He has thought of buying you one of those toddler leash backpacks so you can't run off
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imagine--if · 2 years ago
hi! i saw that u write for aib and i was wondering if i can request a chishiya x reader, where they get separated in the middle of a difficult game and ends with the reader badly hurt by another player? idk why but i want something really angsty with a fluff ending (established relationship if possible) <3
A/N: Sure; I followed the concept as much as I could, I hope this is okay!! I need to start writing moreee aghhh I'm doing this final project for my course so it's been a bit hectic haha 😅 sorry for the wait! Enjoy 🖤 WORDS: 1.6K
Chishiya x Reader Oneshot; Smartass
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Spades and Diamonds.
You already knew which person had to go where, which one between you and your partner was best for the very different survival games. One was all about using your head, outsmarting everyone to come out alive, and the other was about using your fists, your fight, physical strength rather than mental. And although you wouldn't say that you're the most physical person, especially in the Borderlands, you knew that in all the Borderlands, Chishiya Shuntaro could probably outsmart every single player. Maybe every gamemaster.
It was one of the first things you'd said to him when you met. During the Jack of Hearts, while the numbers of players were dropping on the screen, until it was just you and a handful of apprehensive, strange survivors left, Chishiya had stalked up to you and suggested you team up. The smirk that radiated self-confidence and amusement with the world, barely taking it seriously, but winning every game anyway, just because he could.
"Why don't you go solo?" You had questioned him with a raised brow, slightly defensive after he had called out your behaviour of just tagging along with the group but barely saying a word. You knew that trust was a priceless thing in the Borderlands, let alone in a Hearts game, and no one was worthy of it. "If you're such a smartass."
You thought that might get him annoyed, give him another reason to try and eliminate you from the game apart from being a survivor in the way of finding the Jack, or that you were the Jack yourself. But, if anything, his smirk grew, and those deep brown eyes looked almost curious as they glanced up and down at you.
"If I'm so smart, then what might you be?"
You scoffed under your breath, shrugging and looking away. "Wouldn't you like to know."
"Maybe I would," was Chishiya's answer, and you looked up at him, taken aback. But you could see that he meant it, that curiosity shining through his otherwise blank, assessing features, and so, after getting out of that game alive, and many others with him suddenly at your side, he did know. You both started to know each other, more and more, until you were practically inseparable.
No one announced that you were together. There was no proposal, no question of going out, no massive gesture. You were together before you were together. It only took one sealing kiss, where you were both alone in another long, tense night that somehow seemed a bit relaxed with your company. Chishiya always seemed so unbothered, so humoured by the world and people around him, like it was playing out for his amusement. But now, as you're faced with a dilemma that's hardly a dilemma, he doesn't look so amused. He looks almost as apprehensive as the players around you look when you and Chishiya breeze through the challenges, working together flawlessly. Chishiya found it odd how easy it was to know what the other was thinking almost all of the time during games, to find an interest in someone new and different, until it unfolded into something deeper and more loving. The whole thing was completely alien to the both of you, but you loved it, and let it blossom.
But now, as the large fluttering images of the face cards are dragged through the sky by fat blimps, Chishiya's brows twitch unapprovingly, searching for a solution that will guarantee both of your safety.
"Go," you urge him, and he knows what you mean immediately, staring at you thoughtfully. "It's your game, Chishiya. Go beat the King of Diamonds. I'll manage, I will."
Chishiya doesn't answer for a stretched-out few moments, still looking for another option, a way for you to stay at each other's side like you always do, but there isn't anything. You can't risk losing a Diamonds game, and Chishiya can't risk getting beaten at a Spade game.
"You will," Chishiya says finally, though he's not agreeing. He's making you promise him, convincing himself as well as yourself. You know that he'll have no interest in returning to the real world without you, and by this point, you can't imagine living any way without him. You don't want to, and you won't.
"I will," you repeat, and he nods, not fully satisfied. But it's the best you can do.
"Good luck," he says with a smirk that doesn't quite quirk up fully, and his hand lingers in yours until Arisu and Usagi come over to get you.
Chishiya nods again, letting your hands fall apart, and goes over to Arisu, walking up close to him and muttering some words in his ear. Arisu looks straight at you, then at Chishiya, and nods with a half-smile. Then, he wanders off casually, blonde locks tangling with the light breeze, and you watch after him, hands going cold and lips vaguely swollen.
"Come on," Usagi tells you with a smile, patting you on the back, "let's go."
You do go. And you do the best you can do. You feel like Chishiya's watching you every step of the way, like he watches the Borderlands' events in half-hearted amusement. It's like he's leaning forward in his seat, pools of deep brown searching the screen you're running through, dodging attacks and bullets and shielding your ears from the bangs and cracks of the King's gun. There's so much blood, more blood than you thought was possible to come out of anyone. The stinging smell of iron makes you feel sick, all the while you fight to the death. Usagi and Arisu and everyone are beaten and broken, right up until the King is defeated. But by then, everyone is defeated.
Even you.
You feel almost guilty, along with the rush of other emotions; shock, dread, fear, pain, desperation. You can't bleed out on him now. Not when you've come so far. Not after you promised.
Arisu and Usagi make it towards you, helping you up and practically carrying you out of the game zone, Arisu screaming for help, help for another person, despite his cuts and bruises and blood staining his skin. Overhead, you hear two blimps boom up in flames, falling apart and to the ground in crashes, the card images flailing and burning, as dead as the countless bodies sprawled on the floor.
Two booms.
You smile despite yourself. You knew he'd do it. The smartass.
"Chishiya!" you hear Arisu scream, and Usagi supports your weight as Arisu stumbles over to the blonde-haired man, grabbing at his arm. "Help us. Help her. I tried, but there was so much..."
So much blood. So many bullets. Arisu had tried, and he hadn't failed. But now, as your blurring sight latches onto that all-too-familiar figure who walked quicker than normal to get to you, you feel as if you've failed. All in a moment, one shot from the King at the nearest moving thing was all it took to make you collapse, all of a sudden losing the invincibility you had with your other half.
The blurring made the Borderlands and its sounds fade in and out, in and out, until you were able to blink a neutral, albeit run-down room into view. It was the back room of some kind of shop, with you lying back atop a table, your shot wound being patched up with delicate, expert hands and concentrating, meticulous eyes. Those eyes flick up to meet yours before they're back on the wound, and Chishiya's white, plastic-gloved hand pulls out a bullet. You wince, expecting more pain than you get, and watch him groggily.
"Isn't this supposed to hurt?" you find yourself whispering, and Chishiya shakes his head, not looking up.
"I gave you some pain relievers I found. Don't fidget, I'll mess this up."
You smile and roll your eyes. "I won't argue with a doctor."
"Good," he says with an absentminded, small smirk, carefully stitching up the hole and pulling a bandage closer to the table. "I know what I'm doing. Fortunately for you, the shot missed a vital organ, though the blood loss could have cost your life if I didn't stop it when I did."
You bite your lip, peering at your flushed, angry skin around the wound. "Oh. Thank you."
He hums in acknowledgement, putting the needle and thread down to unravel the bandage. "Stop fidgeting, you little annoyance."
You bite back a smile at his amused, fond tone, one you'd grown to love hearing, and started hearing more and more. But your smile fades as your thoughts run away with you, until you end up blurting them out.
"I'm sorry."
Chishiya glances up at you. "What for?"
"Getting shot," you mumble. "I know I promised. It was just really... I didn't die."
"You didn't die," Chishiya confirms. "That's what matters, isn't it? You kept your promise. And life and death here isn't something you can so easily promise."
"No," you agree. "I know. But you can. You're such a smartass, I knew you'd waltz out of that game alive and alone."
Chishiya smirks properly at that. "I'm still the smartass? I thought you would have started treating me nicer now I've saved your life and you've saved mine."
You frown at the last statement, confused. "I saved your life? How?"
Chishiya simply smiles, fastening the bandage and admiring his work. "You have. Maybe not from a gun. But you have."
You're lost for words for a short while, blinking at him. "Really?"
Chishiya nods, sitting beside you and reaching out hesitantly, stroking a piece of your hair so delicately, like you could break with a single hard tap.
"Really. You," he whispers dramatically, as if he's telling you his biggest secret, "are my biggest and best reason."
And then, just like that, he's back up and packing the medical aids away, looking over his shoulder at you with his usual, infuriating amusement and perceptiveness.
"You're blushing."
You scoff at him, rolling your eyes.
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tawus · 2 years ago
Dimming Hearth | Chishiya x Reader - COMPLETE!
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Summary: Chishiya was your lover, your partner, your pillar and support through the thick and thin of Borderland's horrific events. You and him came to share a bond like no other — only for it to vanish in an instant when the world returned to normal and everyone, including Chishiya, lost their memories.
Everyone, except you.
In the normal world you meet Chishiya again, but he doesn't remember you and he doesn't belong to you. You and him are strangers. An actress and a doctor. Two passersby. A pair of puppets to a cruel fate.
But you have a choice: are you going to remain a puppet?
Fandom: Alice in Borderland (spoilers for season 2!)
Tags: angst, tragedy, plot, canon compliant, pining, unrequited love, romance, pregnancy, miscarriage (sort of), abortion (sort of), blood and injury, mental breakdown, PTSD, emotional hurt/comfort, infidelity, psychological trauma, memory loss
Word Count: 20.5k (in 7 chapters)
Update Schedule: Thursdays
Commissioned by @vesta-ro, thank you for having unconditional faith in me ❤️
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Looking in Chishiya's eyes now, those memories flashed in terrifying reel in your retinas. Those episodes of you and him partaking in life-or-death Games, together and apart. Those dawns of you two meeting at your pre-agreed locations around the empty city with wounds, frazzled sanities, and shaken minds. Those sunrises with him resting his chin atop your crown and pulling you in for a hug that fixed everything. Those feelings of despair that dissipated the moment his lips touched yours and his fingers drifted through your hair. And those minutes of feeling brutally alive when his naked heart beat on top and his body-heat joined yours.
That world was over now. Disappeared. Ended. But in the end we keep going back to the beginning – and the beginning for you was the very first time that he stepped over the carcass of his selfishness to come to your aid.
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Read it here:
• Chapter 1: The Intersection
• Chapter 2: The Theatre
• Chapter 3: 7-Eleven
• Chapter 4: The Hospital
• Chapter 5: Hell
• Chapter 6: The Ocean
• Chapter 7: The Theatre: Coda
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styxfoxx · 6 months ago
trying so hard to not cry rn, the king of clubs always hits hard
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smollandkindaannoyed · 2 years ago
Heartstopper S2 spoilers (kind of)
So I watch Heartstopper with my mom and we both absolutly adore the show, me because I am gay and love to see a more wholesome queer story for a change and my mom because she likes watching series with me. But I also have all four volumes on my shelves so of course I knew some of the things that were going to happen in season 2 and I warned her that at one time I was going to cry, I did the last episode really got me and the Louvre scene almost got me. To my suprise Isaac his scenes also had a lot of impact on me, but also not suprising since I am struggling with where I fall on the aroace spectrum so like of course his story speaks to me.
But that is actually not what I started this post for. Because like I said I have all four volumes and I am an annotater when I read, which means my volumes have nice color coded sticky thingies and I write in my books with those clear sticky notes since I dont want to actually write in my comic. And now my mom knows I do this and she asked if she can maybe read the comics, both to see the differences the show made with the comics but also to see my thoughts I write in them. And like there are some pretty serious stuff in there (Cause like I am Charlie, we are one and the same so a lot of his experiences I really recognize) but I would like to show some of my favourite comments I have left where my mom will just be like "Sweetie, why did you feel the need to write this down?"
Also most of this is me cursing at David but here we go:
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littlestlake · 1 year ago
alice in borderland is getting a season 3 and i am insane therefore i will be rewatching season 1+2
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alluriousssss · 2 years ago
Hello everyone!
I write fanfics for fun!
I mainly write for :
Alice in Borderland
Harry Potter
Characters I write for:
Shuntaro Chishiya
Ryohei Arisu
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Request: currently open!
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chaospatrol2 · 1 year ago
Baby girl!
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Nijiro Murakami as Shuntaro Chishiya Alice in Borderland, 2022 S02E03
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yawn-junn · 2 years ago
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⋆ Requests are open ⋆ Request Rules ⋆
⋆ Prompt List ⋆ Taglist ⋆
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⋆Head Cannons⋆
⋆Banda Sunato as your bf⋆
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⋆One Shots/Drabbles⋆
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○ Thanos in a relationship ○
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A/N: As I said, I became a fucking Simp for Thanos aka. Choi Su-Bong, so le me HAS TO write some sweet Thanos being in a relationship with you Headcanons! UwU
This will only be an exception, after all, this is actually a blog for Alice in Borderland, but … let's see. 😋
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Characters: Thanos aka. Choi Su-Bong aka. #230
POV: gn!neutral
Warnings: Contains topics from Squid Game season 2- if you haven't watched yet, this writing can contain slight spoilers!
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Bro is a flirty little brat, but boy, when it comes to you, he has everything he needed in life.
For him you are the most beautiful human he has ever met in his entire life- and he met lots of people based on who and what he is.
Unlike other flirting attempts, for example with Kang Mi-na or Se-mi, he was different when he was trying his luck with you.
He didn't make up some rap to impress you.
He didn't even just chat you up from behind or from the side, how he is it doing most of the time with other players.
Instead, he held back a little, but can't deny that he's been watching you very closely for a while.
He made it his mission to impress you, but instead you did it faster with him, leaving him downright speechless.
In other words: he fell fast but hard for you although you haven't done anything special.
But enough of the prehistory, let's get down to the essentials. 😋
Based on the fact that you're more than just a flirt for him, a relationship with Thanos would probably be something really nice.
I see him as someone who would be very protective over you. So, whenever you have to play another game, he will stand by your side, making ever and ever again sure you are with him and not with someone else.
It's okay if he puts his trust in other people, but you don't have to put your trust in anyone else but him, because who knows if they wouldn't want to betray you.
Thanos has been through a lot in his past life. He knows that he has done many things that are unforgivable and that many people condemn him for them. All the more reason for him to appreciate the fact that you are still giving him a chance to prove himself.
He appreciates YOU and your time you take for him.
It's hard to believe, but he is grateful that you exist and grateful for your mere presence.
From the outside, he may always seem like a strong and tough guy who loves to bully and manipulate other people.
The truth is, he just wants to find someone who will stay with him and never let him go.
He may seem scary to some, but deep down he is just as vulnerable as anyone else.
He hates the fact that he shows himself to be so “weak”, especially towards you, and that he makes himself vulnerable to you - and to outsiders.
Thanos just so afraid. Afraid of losing his life, but most afraid of losing something he loves the most once again- he is afraid of losing you. 😭
Please, give him as much hugs as possible.
Hug him before a game starts.
Hug him while you guys are playing when it's possible.
And for gods sake, hug him RIGHT AFTER a game!
This is when he is at his most sensitive and more affectionate than EVER!
In the common room, he would retreat with you to a corner where you two can just be alone for at least five minutes.
Sit between his legs on the floor, so he can hug you as tight as possible from behind, hiding his face in your neck or your shoulder.
Sit next to him, so he can put one arm around your shoulders while he looks for your hand with the other to just hold it silently.
Please, gift him a smile and tell him that everything will be okay and that you feel fine after the game and safe with him in your presence.
And don't let anyone come to you during this time, he will literally frighten them away if he has to. 💀
With the right person by his side, Thanos is a real softy.
He loves you.
More than himself and that's nearly impossible ...
Hold him.
Smile at him.
Talk with him.
Ruin his hair if you feel like it.
And most important:
Please NEVER deny any kisses from him, that would break him when it's the perfect bad time ...
He's just a boy looking for someone who loves him with all his mistakes and flaws like he will love the perfect one with all their good and bad sides ...
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luvbxnni · 1 month ago
the taste of your tongue ★⋆
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p - aib!niragi x f!reader
g - alice in borderland (the beach)
w - sexual tension, HIGHLY suggestive, lip biting, choking, making out, mentions of fucking, i don't rlly know if this would be considered a spoiler, but if you don't know anything about aib and are planning to watch it, then this fic might potentially be a spoiler
an - i'm currently watching aib season 2 and i fell in love with niragi ALL OVER AGAINN (which i didn't know was possible) alsooo... my FIRST published fic! lmk what u think <3
playlist - libid0 - OnlyOneOf
wc - 1k
when niragi attemps to test you at The Beach, you don't hesitate to put him in his place.
the night was still, the air cool and crisp with the sound of silent waves crashing against the shore. you stood on the balcony of The Beach, leaning against the railing as you gaze at the remnants of the sunset. the chaos of the day’s games were a distant memory, and here, you found a moment of peace. but that peace was about to be interrupted.
niragi, having noticed you step away from the other residents, walked up quietly, his gaze fixed on you. the way you guys had been basically eye-fucking one another ever since you'd arrived had been gnawing at him since he hadn't found an opportunity to do something about it. and now, seeing you alone, he couldn't resist the chance to approach.
he stops a few feet away, his voice low. "do you always disappear like this?"
you turn slowly, your eyes locking onto him. you hadn’t expected him to follow you, but you weren't startled.
"what do you want, niragi?" you ask, your voice calm.
he steps closer, his usual smirk spreading across his face. "i'm just wondering what you’re doing out here all alone. the others are having fun, but you look like you’d rather do anything else." he was testing you, trying to get under your skin, but there was something about you that intrigued him. you didn’t react the way others did. you weren't afraid of him.
"i'm just thinking," you reply with a shrug, trying to appear unfazed by his presence. "do you ever think, niragi? or do you just do whatever you want, whenever you want?"
he lets out a small chuckle. "i don’t need to think too hard to know what i wanna do," he said, stepping even closer, his voice dropping lower. "and i think you want it too."
you raise an eyebrow, hoping to become the one doing the testing now. "yeah? did you hear it from me?"
niragi chuckled and leaned in, his tongue sticking out to wet his bottom lip. "well, you're a smart-ass. i'm sure you can figure it out." his eyes search yours for a hint of reciprocation. "you don’t seem like the type to just sit back and let things happen, so why not prove me wrong? maybe i'll surprise you."
you look at him, your lips curving into a small grin. a surge of excitement filled your entire being just thinking of what could happen next.
you take a small step closer, your body now brushing against his, and for a moment, niragi's confidence faltered. before he could say another word, you lean in, your lips lightly brushing his. niragi's eyebrows furrow slightly, surprised by the suddenness, but he quickly regains his composure. his hand reaches to grip the balcony railing, both to trap you in between his arms and to stabilize himself. he waits for you to pull back or give some signal.
but you don't. you couldn't ignore the pleasure that slowly creeped straight to your pussy when you thought of the impossible amount of things that he'd want to do in this moment.
so instead, you stick your tongue out to meet his in a deliberate motion. you study niragi's reaction carefully; the way his breath hitched when you slowly dragged your wet muscle against his, the way he reciprocated your action immediately like it was second nature, the way his eyes never closed shut; it was as if they couldn't. you half expected him to become a complete monster and take you right there, despite it being the first time officially meeting (which was half what you wanted). but he didn't.
it wasn't until you pressed into his lips in such a teasing manner that niragi lost his composure. the pressure in your kiss was subtle, but it was enough for him to let out a soft groan. niragi was usually the one in control. but this time, he was losing it.
he responded suddenly, his hand reaching up to gently squeeze your neck. he leaned in deeper to carelessly enjoy the wetness of your tongues battling together. you moaned into his mouth, a sound that shocked the both of you. you tried your best not to melt in his arms when his grip tightened on your neck. you were supposed to be the one testing him, not the other way around. but that was hard to remember when he was making you rub your thighs together, so close to making you cum despite him barely touching you.
in one fluid motion, your lips wrap around his lower lip — softly sucking at first, then biting, just enough to send a small spark of pain through him (that he enjoyed more than he should’ve). letting out a breathy moan, he pulls back, breath ragged and eyes filled with both shock and desperation for more.
"you think you can just get whatever you want by seducing me like that?" you look up at him, your voice low and needy. at this point, you couldn't even mask how bad you wanted him if you tried. plus, you weren't worried about trying anymore.
niragi's hand hovered near his lip, his fingers grazing the spot where you'd bitten him. his usual cocky smirk appeared on his face, chuckling at your attempt to take control of him. but he was still too dazed to pull away completely. "you're full of surprises, smart-ass," he says quietly, his voice barely above a whisper, not even trying to hide the growing bulge in his pants.
you took a step back, looking him up and down, biting your own lip as your eyes lingered on his obviously large appendage. you found yourself wanting to continue elsewhere, but you couldn't let him think he had the upper hand. "next time, don’t underestimate me," you say, your tone quiet but final. "and my name isn't 'smart-ass'. it's y/n."
niragi watches as you turn, heading back into the building. he stood there for a moment to watch your hips swing back and forth, not missing the way you turned back to motion for him to follow you. he hadn’t expected to be the one caught off guard tonight, but you… you had a way of making him go crazy in a way he absolutely loved. and now, all he could think about was how badly he wanted to relieve his aching cock by taking you into one of the rooms and pounding you so fucking hard.
"y/n..." he whispers to himself as he follows after you, "i love the taste of your tongue."
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wickedwitchofsouthindia · 1 year ago
Bro Arisu better then me because if Kyuma was standing naked infront of me, I think I'd just look down
All the ways Kyuma's pp has been censored by other characters
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someone1348 · 28 days ago
Happy National Tickle Day! Thats crazy! I didn't know it was today! I found out from @ryoko-loves-roses fic! So I wanted to celebrate with another Alice in Borderland fic! Idea from @saturnzskyzz so thank youuu for that! All the love my friend! 🫶💕
The people in this: Ler!Arisu, Lee!Tatta
Tw: Some angst/anxiety but it's mainly fluff! This is also a tickle fic, as are all my fics, so if you don't like it please keep scrolling thank you! :]
Semi season 2 spoilers as well so proceed with caution!
With that being said enjoy!! 🥰
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King of Giggles
It was only just beginning...the next stage of the games had started, without giving them much warning. It felt like this would never end. They had been running for a while now, so long that day was already night again. The king of spades blimp had moved now, out of sight from them so they had time and shelter for the night. With the car ruined and no food they had to separate again and gather what they all needed. Tired and anxious, Tatta just tried to listen to what was happening. Arisu spoke but nothing was reaching his ears until he said his name. The mechanic blinked. Arisu wanted him to come with him?! Wait where were they supposed to go! He just nodded, trying to keep the confusion and stress in his head.
"Perfect, so Usagi and Kuina will try to find food! Me and Tatta will look for a new car!" Arisu said with the same determination in his voice he always had. Something Tatta couldn't help but always admire.
'Cars, we're looking for cars, got it!' The plan finally registered in his brain as they put their hands in yelling 'Team!' Before breaking off into their groups and leaving the site, promising to meet back here in an hour or two. Hopefully, it shouldn't take anyone that long anyway, but you never know what could happen in this place, especially at night. Grabbing a flashlight, Tatta walked silently side by side with Arisu as he tried to find where exactly the car shop was. If this place was an exact replica of Shibuya, then the place Tatta was looking for shouldn't be too far. The gentle, warm, summer wind was the only noise that could be heard other than their footsteps. It would've been nicer if they weren't in this situation.
Arisu spoke up to break the silence. "Hey Tatta..." The shorter man blinked, getting out of his head to respond. "Yes?" He raised his eyebrows in response as Arisu responded.
"Thank you for saving me...twice now" he laughed a little under his breath. Tatta smiled back a little at this. "Oh it's nothing! You saved me first! If you didn't crawl to me in the tag game I wouldn't have survived...so really thank you! I didn't do anything!" Arisu smiled more at this and pointed a flashlight in his face.
"Don't downplay it! You got me out of that room in the beach, with people shooting everywhere! And then, you totally helped me, all of us, dodge the king of spades by pulling up in that car! You're amazing Tatta!" He hyped him up as the other got a little sheepish.
"Oh stop it Arisu! You're my friend! That's just what friends are for!" He exhaled as Arisu sighed and nodded. The air went back to being a little thicker after that but it didn't last long. They made it to the car place Tatta knew of and looked around. The small glow of the flashlights was the only thing illuminating this place as they walked.
"Oh my gosh!!" Tattas face lit up as he ran over to an old shiny red convertible. Arisu blinked at the others surprise "What?" He joined him over to the car. Tatta was crouched down carefully rubbing the top of it with his free hand. "Look at the curves on this baby!" Arisu smiled at his enthusiasm. Not quite understanding it but he wasn't one to judge. It certainly looked nice.
"Yeah! It looks cool!" Arisu said as Tatta scoffed a little playfully "Cool? She's a true beauty! A 1966 Ford Mustang convertible...a red one at that! factory-style air conditioning, power brakes, wood rim steering wheel, styled steel wheels, new radial narrow whitewall tires and a power top!" He gushed on and on about the car as Arisu listened carefully with an eyebrow raise.
"Wow! You really know a lot about cars huh? That's amazing!" He smiled brightly as Tatta stood up again.
"I used to be a mechanic...I've always loved cars, ever since I was a little boy..." He hummed gently as Arisu's smile only grew.
"A mechanic?! That's awesome! I bet you were really good at it with your knowledge on cars! I wouldn't be surprised!" He placed a friendly hand on his shoulder as Tatta shrugged "Ehh...I was okay at the job..."
Arisu hummed "You do that a lot don't you?" He looked at him as Tatta hummed in response "Do what?"
The flashlight was back in his face like an interrogation. "Downplay yourself and your skills" Tatta closed one eye from the light practically blinding him.
"That's not fair..." Arisu put the light back down and raised an eyebrow "So? You keep being unfair to yourself and I don't like it, you are incredible and you need to understand that" He smiled as Tatta exhaled.
"I'm serious, you're a ball of anxiety! I understand that in this situation, but even out of the death games, when we have a chance to breathe you're still anxious" The other pushed his hat up to look Tatta in the eyes.
"Your optimism is one of the reasons I'm still here now...it really cheers me up! So now it's my turn to help you again!" Tatta blinked, a small sparkle in his eye as he said that. He helped cheer Arisu up...he's part of the reason he kept going...
"Wha- me?" Turning his head to face Arisu he was met with that same bright smile again. "But I didn't-" Arisu put a finger to his lips "The next thing out of your mouth better be something positive about yourself or else!" Tatta blinked as Arisu removed his finger from his lips.
"I-I don't know what to say!" Tatta said gently as Arisu's face formed a wicked smirk.
"Wrong answer"
With that Arisu took a step towards Tatta who's body moved without him thinking about it. With each step Arisu took forward the other moved back. Panicked 'waits!' and other pleas left Tattas mouth before he tripped backwards falling into the backseat of the convertible.
"Woah-" he tried to get up but he was stuck. Arisu stood over him with a playful smirk. "Look what we have here~ You're trapped in the car you couldn't stop gushing about, now that's funny!"
Tatta smiled at his playful attitude but was still a little scared. Arisu wouldn't hurt him, right?
"Oh shut up! Just help me get out of here, please!" He asked as Arisu's eyebrows raised again in shock and intrigue.
"Ooohhh? Telling me to shut up now? I didn't think you had a mean bone in your body! This definitely made it more fun!" Tatta kicked his feet a little as he tried to escape.
"Oh come on Arisu! Help me! Please!" Arisu giggled as he got closer "Did you forget why you fell in the first place? You're in trouble Tatta, you gave me the wrong answer, and now you have to pay the price"
Oh...right! That's what was going on at first. What was he planning?
"Listen I'm sorry! I just didn't think that I-" He didn't have time to finish that statement. Arisu's fingers were gently squeezing at his sides. Tattas eyes shot open as he felt the ticklish jolts of electricity. He can't remember the last time he was tickled. He was probably a child when that happened last. He forgot how ridiculously ticklish he was and what it felt like until now. There was nothing to stop the giggles that flew out of his mouth now.
"Ahaharisu! Hey! Nohoho!" He shook his head gently as he tried to push at his hands weakly. Arisu's smile only grew as he heard his precious laughter.
"Awwww!" He cooed, making the other a little embarrassed.
"Dohohon't coo at meHehe!" His giggles got a little louder as Arisu pinched his ribs with one hand and continued tickling his side with the other. "EHehe!- This iHis emBahAharssihHing!" His face was a little red now as Arisu giggled with him under his breath.
"Its not embarrassing! Everyone is ticklish! Plus it's only me and you here! Don't worry about it, you're thinking too much again!" he teased a little at the end, flicking his hat for emphasis before as he gently pinched around his stomach. A little surprised when not many giggles came out there.
"Hmm not so ticklish here, that's all good, I'll find your big tickle spot soon enough! Just you wait!" He moved spots as the man in the hat kept giggling.
Arisu moved his fingers up, crawling them up his ribs like a ladder until he reached his underarms. He hummed a little tune before Tatta screamed a little, slamming his arms down. And yet, that wasn't his worst spot. It certainly made Arisu's grin bigger though.
"Oooo!!" He teased "Tickle Tickle Tickle~"
"AHAHaha! NAhAHA-" Tatta shook his head around and kicked his feet trying to fight the feeling off but nothing worked. He moved so much that his hat came off, his short black hair getting more messy as it continued.
"IHIhHit TihiHIHickles! ARisuhuHu!-" the gamer giggled and nodded at his friends giggly statement. "Mhm~ it's supposed to buddy!" He took a deep breath before teasing him again, "tickletickletickletickle-" his wiggling fingers moved faster as he teased him which only made him laugh more.
"PLEHEhehEHEAse!! HAHAHA!" His feet kicked more, eyes closed as he let the tickly sensation take over his body and mind. Exactly what Arisu wanted, for him to stop overthinking and surrender to the tickle monster!
"They should make another card in the deck! Just for you, Tatta! It would be a face card with a feather card suit. You'd be the King of Giggles." he smirked, blowing a raspberry into his neck while tickling his underarms still.
"AHAHA" the other tried to protest but couldn't. Arisu moved his hands out from his underarms finally. Tatta tried catching his breath but he knew, they both knew that this wasn't the end yet. Red faced and panting he finally spoke.
"Im...not...the king of giggles...that's not even a real card!" He smiled as Arisu smirked "You totally are, want me to prove it?" He teased as Tatta giggled anxiously.
"I know where you're most ticklish!" He teased as the other blinked. Even Tatta forgot where he was most ticklish. How would he know?
"Huh? How?"
"It was a simple pattern to figure out, process of elimination~" he wiggled his fingers teasing at him "You readyyy?~" He was skeptical but nodded gently anyway. More curious then anything.
"Where do you-" again cut off by his own laughter. This time it was a snort. No one expected that.
"Oh my god! That was perfect! I knew it had to be here!"
He was squeezing the tops of his knees the kicks got greater as he laughed his head off. Arisu was having the time of his life now.
"This is too good! I gotta try something!" He moved his fingers under the car a little to tickle the backs of his knees. Tatta squeaked and threw his head back laughing. Thank God the King of Spades was far far away. His loud laughter would've drawn him over too quickly if the enemy was around.
"IHIHHIT TIHIHIHICKLES AHAHAHA IHIHHIT REHEHEAHAHALLY TIHIHIHICKLES!! AHAHARIHISUHUHU!" He thrashed a little as Arisu moved back up to the tops of his knees pinching that little spot right above the knee where the knee and the thigh connected, this made him snort again.
"AHAHAHAHA!!" He let himself laugh. Arisu's smile only got brighter as he kept going on that one little area.
"You're so ticklish~ I'm gonna getcha!" He squeezed one of his knees with one hand, the other still on the connecting spot.
"OKAHAHAY I CAHAHAN'T YOHOHOU WIHIHIHIN! HAHAHA!" With that Arisu stopped, granting mercy on the poor boy. Tatta giggled as he caught his breath, holding a hand to his stomach. Arisu giggled gently with him.
"You okay, Tatta?" He giggled more and nodded. "Yeah! Can you help me up though now, please?" Arisu nodded and took his hand, lifting him up and out of the car.
"Of course"
There was a slight pause before Arisu spoke again. "Im serious though, you're amazing Tatta and I don't want you to ever forget that...Thank you...for everything"
Tatta smiled brightly at this before they hugged gently. "Thank you too, Arisu...for everything." Arisu rubbed his back gently before they both pulled away.
"So we're getting this car right?" Arisu asked
"Hell yeah are you kidding!? Get in! I'm not letting this baby go!" Tatta smiled and got in the driver's side.
The King of Giggles, huh? If Arisu says so...then I guess it's not that bad.
I love them so much and I love writing so much! I hope you enjoyed!
-K <3
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quack-quack-snacks · 1 year ago
The All In Masterlist
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Chishiya, Shuntaro x Fem!Reader
Author's Note: Niragi will never, in any of my AiB stories, be a sexual assaulter. We do not condone SA on this blog. Warnings: Blood, gore, death, graphic depictions of violence (the games), Niragi being himself except he respects consent, just basically every Alice in Borderland warning there is (except sh/sa), season 2 spoilers, slow burn, enemies to lovers, Word Count: 40,000+
My Navigation and Masterlist
My Alice in Borderland Masterlist
My Chishiya Shuntaro Masterlist
You originally thought getting thrown into a world where only a fraction of the population of Japan still existed would be the worst experience you could possibly go through. After entering a specific game in which you meet a boy in a white hoodie, you start to reconsider.
Chapter 1 - Poker Face
Chapter 2 - The Beach
Chapter 3 - Lady Eros Coming Soon!
Chapter 4 - Tag, You're It Coming Soon!
Chapter 5 - Polus Coming Soon!
Chapter 6 - Betrayal Coming Soon!
I am taking a hiatus for a little while but I’ll get back to the series soon (hopefully after my finals stop)!
More to come :)
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catboyfics · 2 years ago
Lure [part II]
i'm so sorry this took so long!! school's been kicking my ass and i haven't been super motivated to write. i felt really bad about making you wait so long, though!! i hope you like it :>
𝑭𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑶𝑴: Alice In Borderland
𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮: chishiya x gn reader
𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑹𝑬 & 𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺: angst; gender neutral reader; spoilers for aib season 2, violence (this'll be bad), mentions of vomit, death, self-resentment
Your footsteps were purposefully quiet as you made your way to the side of the building you’d sought shelter in. You palms started to sweat again as you held on tight to your gun. It was your only chance.
Chishiya and Kuina went to the other side, running out quickly because the King was distracted. You weren’t sure where they went, but you really hoped they would be okay.
“We’ll lure him into the alley so the blimp can’t send him ammo.” Aguni’s voice rung in your ears. You were watching the King intently, trying to spot any weaknesses. “Then we’ll lure him into the drugstore. I’ll sprint for it. Then you guys enter that alley and lure him in.”
"Got it." Usagi confirmed, looking back at you and the others. You nodded at her, thinking through the plan one more time. And if anything went wrong, Chishiya and Kuina would be able to help.
You were ready, you decided. This had to go well, you'd make sure of it.
"Arisu. You fill the store with aerosol fumes."
"Right." He nodded, looking at Aguni as he explained the plan. You watched the man as well, palm clenching around your gun, finger resting terrifyingly on the trigger.
And then you were gone. Aguni had left first and the others had followed. You looked behind you as you ran, trusting your allies to keep you safe as your eyes searched for Kuina and Chishiya. You gulped down whatever was in your throat, which you could be convinced was your heart. Your shins ached as your shoes collided with the tarmac, ducking behind a car as gunshots rang out.
You peeked up above the car and saw the King looking at you guys, making eye contact with you and shooting immediately. You ducked back down, looking to Aguni for instructions. He himself peeked over the gun and fired a few shots at the King to create an opportunity for your team to rush further.
You all sprinted the final leg to the alleyway, taking your positions, hidden. You rushed through the maze of turns, taking your spot in a perpendicular alleyway. You lifted your gun and took a couple deep breaths. When you peeked out, you aimed for his feet. You doubted you'd kill him, but you could at least try to immobilize him. The thunderous cracks rushed to your ears, making your head hurt momentarily.
And then the King was shooting back at you, and you rushed into cover. Another set of gunshots ripped through the air, An. Her shots made the King stumble and gave you a chance to rush at him with your knife. You sprinted as fast as you could at the bald man and rugby tackled him, pulling your knife and trying to stab his leg. He grabbed your arm in a tight grip, making you grimace. Asshole. You pulled up your knee and planted it right in his crotch.
You winced as your knee struck solid metal and you realized he was wearing some type of guard. You cursed under your breath, ducking as he swiped at you. You tripped and fell back, cursing again as you stared down the barrel of his gun. Time seemed to slow down, but you were brought back into reality by the two gunshots that knocked him off balance. You scrambled back up onto your feet and took one last swipe at the King before scrambling off to avoid being shot by An.
"Shit! Watch where you're shooting, if I die because of you, it's on your hands!" You called as the King turned and took shots at An.
"I'm not gonna hit you!" She called back, clearly confident in her shooting skills. You just didn't want to die, was that so much to ask?
You hid behind the a corner that obscured you from the King's sight in the alleyway, watching as Heiya climbs on the roof of a car and preps an arrow. You sprint over to behind the car, hearing the arrow release and plant itself into the glass of the vending machine right where the King's head would've been had he not moved. God, this entire thing would be so much easier if the King didn't fucking move.
Suddenly, the gunshots were redirected at you and Heiya, and she jumped down off the car right in front of you, beckoning for you to follow her. The gunshots sounded different, though. They weren't quick. He'd ran out of ammo. That was good. That was really good.
And everything goes quiet. You can hear your breathing, you can feel the sweat dripping down your brow, but gunshots no longer ring out as you run with Heiya into new positions. Eventually, there's a restaurant to your left and you run into it, hiding behind a table. You can finally catch your breath. You close your eyes, clammy palms clinging onto the gun as if it's the only chance you've got. It is.
You watch as the King slowly walks past the shop you're in, gun drawn. You raise your own gun, noticing his bulletproof vest missing. You track him with the gun, but you don't shoot. It's finally calm.
And suddenly, gunshots ring out again. It's loud again, and you rush out of the restaurant, taking rogue shots at the King as he crouched behind the corner the Aguni is watching. He turns his gun back to you and takes a couple shots but luckily, none of them hit as you rush back into the store.
There's more shooting, fast shooting. You peek out of the restaurant again, trying to see what's happening. The King is no longer cowering behind a corner, he's shooting aggressively at the spot Aguni used to stand. And then you see an opportunity, and you take it. There's a food cart right next to you, and the doors on that side of the shop aren't fully closed. You can see the King walking down the alley.
You grab a hold of the food cart and sprint, yelling as you push past the wooden doors in an attempt to barrel into him. You don't crash into him as you were hoping, but you do get him on the ground. A vending machine crashes to the ground beside you but he rolls out of the way. Usagi is jumping from AC unit to AC unit, knocking them all down as you take shots at him with your pistol. But all good things must come to an end and your pistol stops shooting. You rush back into the restaurant and reload your gun, grabbing a magazine from your back pocket and filling the empty slot.
You hear gunshots outside the shop and peek your head out, seeing Aguni firing wildly at the King. He rolls out of the way and out of sight, and you spy Aguni rushing out of his corner to run at him. They grapple a bit before you peek out, finished reloading your gun, and fire some shots at the King. Your hands clench nervously at the idea of shooting Aguni.
Your move is mimicked around, other shots firing before Heiya fires her bow at point blank at the King. You sigh, ducking back behind the corner. Finally, it must be over. There's no way the King could dodge a shot like that. Then, you hear more gunshots and peak out back from behind the corner to see that the King is still standing. You rush over to the other side of the street, ducking next to An behind the fallen vending machine as the King shoots wildly at you, An, and Heiya.
You notice another alleyway on your right and lunge over the vending machine trying to get to it. More shots fire, one grazing your arm and making you yelp. Once you're under cover, you inspect your would, using your opposite sleeve to absorb the spilled blood. You grimace as the sting spreads painfully through your arm at the pressure.
From the main alley, you hear Aguni grunting and you panic, peaking out to see the King slamming his head violently into the wall. Suddenly, so quickly you could hardly see what exactly happened, the King rolled over, holding tight onto Aguni's machine gun and kicking him. Aguni went flying, landing in a pile of cardboard boxes and you could almost feel the pain of whatever just happened.
You ducked back behind the corner, checking how much ammo your gun had. It still had a few shots, so you peeked out again and send a couple bullets flying at the King (who was reloading the machine gun he'd grabbed from Aguni) before ducking back behind the corner. Suddenly, you heard Usagi shout and peeked out again, seeing her flying toward the King.
They wrestled for a bit before he threw her near the alley where you were hiding. You peaked out reaching your hand out to grab her and pull her behind cover with you when Heiya leapt off the vending machine with her knife pulled and tried to get a stab at the King. You scowled as he sent her flying as well.
You gripped the cold metal of your gun with unusually steady hands and took a few more shots at the King before you ducked back behind your cover to reload it. An was shooting at the same time as you and one of her shots landed, planting itself right into the King's chest.
You beckoned for An to join you and Usagi in the alleyway as Heiya grappled with the King over Aguni's machine gun. Suddenly, An murmured, "Shit," and you peeked out to see the King taking aim at Aguni.
You yelled right as Heiya leapt up and tried to redirect the barrel of Aguni's gun, only able to aim it down. Aim it right into her stomach. You turned back behind the corner as you heard gunshots and tried your hardest not to belch. You heard Heiya's grunting as she fell to the ground. The machine gun, which you assumed was empty, was discarded onto the ground with a hollow clatter.
An leapt out from behind your corner and took a few shots at him. None of them hit home. He whipped around, grabbing his pistol from its holster and shot her twice. You could feel your heartbeat in your ears as tears gathered in your eyes and you pressed one hand against your mouth to muffle your cries.
"An!" Usagi cried. Heiya's whimpers rang through your ears. Everything felt so loud and you just wanted to crumple into a ball and give up. You cursed yourself, and everyone else, and whatever sadistic monster put you and your friends here. You cursed them all as tears spilled down your newly blood-splattered face.
Aguni let out a scream comparable to a battle cry, scraping the stones on the pavement as he got up. You could hear a gunshot and a collision, but you didn't peak out from behind the corner. You wiped desperately at your wetted eyes with the back of your hand, trying to clear your vision to get a good shot. You could end this. In the background, you could hear Aguni's grunts as he repeatedly smashed his fist into the King's face.
You peaked out of the corner you hid behind, holding your gun in sweaty, trembling hands. Your eyes kept welling with tears that no matter how many times you wiped them would never leave. You tried to aim through your blurry vision, pulling on the trigger and stumbling back from the recoil.
You cried out in frustration as the bullet planted itself into the wall next to the King, more tears gathering in your eyes. As you looked onwards to Aguni beating the King into the concrete wall, though, he crumpled down and Aguni pulled out his pistol.
The barrel of the gun pressed into the King's temple, and, for you, time seemed to slow down. Your mouth opened, the start of a cry escaping your lips as Aguni pulled the trigger.
Just in time, though, the King ducked further down and out of the way, using one of his hands to unload the gun. You opened fire frantically as Aguni resumed punching him. The bullets all went awry, the closest shots only grazing Aguni or planting themselves in the wall.
It took a couple of clicks for you to register that your gun was all out of bullets, and you ducked behind cover. Tears streamed like rivers down your face and blood still flowed from the graze on your arm. You heard a sickening combo of grunting and thumping and crashing as Aguni beat the King and you once again had to fight not to heave.
When you once again peeked out of the alley, the King was landed in a pile of trash cans with Aguni standing over him ever so menacingly. He was grabbing his leg, and, before you knew it, launching him into the concrete wall on the other side of the alley. A gunshot rang out, echoing infinitely in your head and you ducked back behind the corner. You frantically searched through all your pockets, but you were all out of ammo. Bile rose up your throat and everything seemed to ache. Your head hurt and your face felt numb from all the tears streaming over it.
You shut your eyes tightly and quickly snatched the gun clenched in An's motionless hand. Three bullets. You had to end this. You had hardly heard all the thumping and grunting over your tears and the pounding of your heartbeat in your head. When you peeked out from behind the corner once again, they were both crawling on the ground.
The King clambered on top of Aguni and started punching him in the head, over and over and over and over again. You felt bile try to rise up your throat again. You tried to hold your hands steady but the shaking kept throwing your aim off. On top of the tears, you wouldn't even be able to shoot someone from point blank range.
The King wrapped his arm around Aguni's neck in a chokehold and you started firing uselessly, all of the bullets missing by miles. You kept desperately trying to pull the trigger but all it awarded you was a quiet click and continuing to see Aguni's pained face as he was choked to death.
Having enough, you threw the empty gun to the side and leapt at the King, tumbling a couple times before ending up on top of him. You tried punching him frantically, screams tearing your throat with each strike. More tears of frustration just welled in your eyes as he used his arm to block your punches.
With his other arm, he started redirecting your punches. One of your fists flew into the ground and you grimaced. He used the leverage of your arm to flip you over, head banging painfully against the ground.
You struggled as he reached back and unsheathed a knife. The next thing you knew, searing pain was burning through your body as he pulled the dagger out of your side. You screamed, tears flowing from your eyes like an overfilled dam had suddenly broken. Hot fire escaped from your throat as a scream, but no matter the pain in your throat the pain in your side was infinitely worse.
He plunged the dagger in again and your screams only intensified. You squeezed your eyes shut and just wished you could write all this off as a bad dream. You were going to die, and there was nothing you could do about it. You were going to die on the dirty, hard ground. You were going to be stabbed to death trying to do something that was basically impossible anyways.
You had tried so hard. Why did it have to end up like this? You had put all of your strength, all of your mind into this plan. This was your once chance and you had fucked it up.
The knife plunged into you again and again and again and it felt like it would never stop. Your throat felt raw from all the screaming. You could feel hot blood flowing from out of your side. You tried so desperately to push the King off of you but he was just too strong and you were too weak. It was fooling of you to ever believe you were strong enough to survive this sadistic game. You should've given up at the start.
Usagi lunged at the King and pried him off of you, screaming terribly. All you could feel was pain. You wondered if that was all you ever knew. The throbbing seemed to spread all around your body and your groans felt never ending. You could feel something pulling you. Sleep. You shut your eyes and let the darkness take you. Now the only thing you could feel was your chest rising and falling shallowly.
Chishiya's POV
"Kuina, it's a massacre. We need to go help them. They're all going to die." Chishiya insisted, voice desperate and tense with urgency.
"If you go, you'll just die to." Kuina consoled quietly, looking down at the concrete roof of the building they were perched atop.
"Kuina, this is the only chance that we have to save them! They're going to die if we don't do anything!"
Kuina shook her head no, a hardened expression on her face as she looked up into the sky. She grabbed Chishiya's hand and started dragging him away from the edge of the roof. They went down the staircase to the bottom of the building. Everything was quiet, the shadow of the metal blimp blocking them from the light as they marched silently through the streets.
There were only a few thoughts spinning around in his head, for once. It felt so empty. He could only think about you, about how you looked so helpless. You couldn't be dead, right? You were strong. Chishiya knew you were strong.
Suddenly, a loud crashing noise came from above, and Kuina and Chishiya both looked up. The blimp was coming crashing down.
Chishiya wasn't going to let you die. He turned on his heel and ran back, determined to save you no matter what.
man im sorry that took so long. i don't really like the ending but i'm finished so i'm happy enough with that. this fic has ended up being really long. thanks for reading it <3
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