#alice fantasy patrol
vval-ru · 6 months
I've made all 5 characters from fantasy patrol and I want to do a conclusion
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That's all:|
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cipheramnesia · 11 months
A Girl And Her Dog - A tribute/fuck you to "A Boy & His Dog," Viktor Blud is the telepathic despot of the Gravestone River, but that won't stop Rosalie and her dog Champion from going after him to take their revenge. Champ is more of a borzoi pangolin monstrosity than a dog but let's not get picky. The setting is a sort of post apocalyptic weird west on the planet where gods go to die. As seen in Lisa Frank Gulch.
Short Change Hero - Down on her luck two and a half foot ex-allotment farmer turned hopeful adventurer turned disillusioned bouncer / part time leg-breaker Obsidian Bonesplinter didn't want to rock the boat but when her old family shows up in the magical city Eliriad they get caught up in a bad way. Now she's got a dead body to explain and a murder to solve if she doesn't want the cops to pin it all on her and the only roommate she ever had with a steady job. A hardboiled noir mystery taking place in a fantasy world of magic and elves and fantastical creatures.
Saw Down Heaven - Follow up to Girl Bites God, a ragtag band of queers and superhumans try to drive police out of their local community and set up a patrol free zone outside of the reach of law enforcement and, worse, the FCC. With the help of the mutant ringworm colony and hole in reality which together animate the undead corpse of Alice Buzzsaw (aka the Suicide Gorgon) and escaped mental patient AthenA Six, maybe they can pull it off. Takes place in the disentangled world, a setting where our world is slowly being folded into a parallel reality where physical matter never existed.
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dairy-farmer · 8 months
You know the Troupe "trapped in your heart's desire"? The Bats totally can recognize THAT on sight. Have protocol and everything. Bet there's No WAY they'd get caught.
Or IS there~? >:3c
Hatters caught some Supernatural Being, in a long abandoned Manor, in the outskirts of Gotham. It's an Alice in wonderland fever dream. Complete nightmare of a family team up. People sent through walls, weird mists and mysterious goos. Nothing good can come of this.
But they got people to save.
Save them, they do.
The Being is so Grateful~☆. Tim is outside talking to the cops. Warning them of the hazards they found. The Being? Couldn't HELP? But noootice~♡? That their Heros look so very TIRED! So TENSE and UPSET! Heeeere *covers them with something glowing before they can react* that should fix iiiit~♡ ;) ! *poofs away*
They are understandablely alarmed.
God damn it, Magic. Yes, the very concept of it and all the creatures there-in. Get out of their city. They head home. Decontamination showers for DAYS. Everybody gonna get one. Better call Zatana.
Thing is? That shower sure is warm, huh? Those clean clothes sure are COMFY, huh? They don't notice they are drifting off. Getting sleepy. Except Tim.
He notices.
Oh shit. The fall asleep. OH SHIT. Bruce was TYPING. Mid fuckin sentence! PANIC! They turn into gemstones. WHAT MAGICAL FUCKERY-!?
It's about to be a long, loooong few days for JLA Dark. Tim did NOT go on a one man crusade across the planet just to lose his whole ass family to SOME ACTUAL FAIRY'S BULLSHIT. D:<
But this is not ABOUT his side of the story! Is it?
Let's start with Bruce. The sleepy feeling passes. Of course. He has excellent self-discipline. His kids wander upstairs, after patrol exhaustion pulling them away. All... all except Tim.
Who is worried.
Who paces behind him, making calls. Checking databases. Running tests. Exhaustion pulling at every line of him. But not willing to risk it. Bruce hates that he finds such... closeness in this. In the chaos of things gone wrong.
It's like how they were back then. Just another crisis to solve.
The results come in.
He does not let himself be disappointed. This is a GOOD thing. A simple trick. Just a light show. They're fine. Which means...
But behind him? Tim doesn't leave as expected. He mutters in relief, sags in exhaustion, and wanders closer.
Bruce glances up. Perhaps it the exhaustion. He wishes it wasn't. That he hadn't made such a mess of things. That there wasn't such DISTANCE. But... he'll take what chance he can. Anything to mend some of the damage between them.
And Tim DOES look exhausted. Like he's barely standing. It's far worse then when he last saw him a few days ago. Should he say something? Is it overstepping? There was a time when it wouldn't have been.
Tim leans over his shoulder, braced on his chair, to get a better look at the results. Or at least.. he pretends too. His eyes aren't tracking. They stare blankly at the screen as he seems to consider something.
He takes the mouse. To all appearances, casual, as he flips through Bruce's scan report.
Looking for something.
He slumps closer, when he doesn't find it. His hand "accidentally" running over the anti-krptonian sound generator, turning it on. Half drapped across Bruces back, mouth next to his ear.
"You're The Only One I Can Trust..."
We turn now, to Dick. What fantasy does HIS heart hold?
They are tired. Bruce, testing and testing. Being unreasonable. He calls several of his magical contacts from his time at the Titans. It's a genuine, no joke, blessing he's told. "Clarity" he's told in far more words then necessary.
Jason has already stormed off. Damian is starting to snipe. And Tim? Looks ready to cry. At the end of his rope. Frazzled and afraid, certain someone's gonna die. Unable to find anything no matter how many tests he runs because there nothing TO find.
This time... this time Dick can do better. He breaks it up. Sends Damian to bed and tells Bruce he can run whatever tests he damn well wants. Dick already called the experts. They're FINE.
He makes sure to look Tim direct in the eyes when he says the next bit. They're gonna be okay.
He pulls his little brother into a hug. Like he should have done a long time ago. Timmy MELTS against him. Clings like he's a lifeline. He drags him off to bed. His room, since Tim doesn't seem like he wants to let go any time soon.
And Tim? In the dark of his room? Whispers like he's at some sort of confessional.
"I can't do it anymore, Dick. I just CANT. I think... I think I'm going to retire..."
Of course, not every situation flows so seemingly seamless. Jason? Suspects.
He argues with himself, torn between wanting to believe and the paranoia born of being a Bat. Of nice things holding terrible prices. Watches little Red gesture with his slice of pizza, as he rants, about Dickhead being exactly what his name suggests and the family following suit.
Timbers, in his safe house? With pizza and that fancy new drink, that he hasn't told anyone he likes yet? In tight, tight jeans. Agreeing with him. Sitting all close, leaning into him when he talks. Asking about his projects.
It feels like a trap. Too good to be real. He should probably-..!
And that's when Tim kisses him. Just crawls straight into his lap, tasting like pizza and wet dreams, and plants one on him. His brain cuts out.
It starts MELTING, when the body in his lap starts to grind. Rocking perfect, strong, little hips against his cock. Timberts won't be getting his jeans back. They got in the way and take to long to remove. If he doesn't get half his hand inside the tight little body onto of him YESTERDAY, he's gonna cry.
It's his new mission in life to make this fucker forget his own NAME. Fuck him stupid. Turn the safe house into a biohazard. God he tastes so good...
And Damian, of course, suspects nothing. His dick is driving the show and he WANTS to believe. Which is why Timothy Drake, sudden and inexplicable Sexy Supervillian in tight black leather. Makes PERFECT sense.
They are Nemesis.
There are elaborate sexy bondage-esc traps. And tables being turned. Individuals being forced to kneel at each other's feet. Handcuffs. Bitter but DEEPLY sexy acknowledgements of Damian's skill and superiority. Costume changes in other equally sexy and leather outfits.
The fact that his father and Richard are no where to be found? And that he is somehow Batman? Clearly irrelevant. He has a Supervillian to stop! Likely with his dick!
Puberty is a hell of a trip. Damian will never admit to any of this. This incident goes with him to his grave.
But surely? It's not ALL sex? Right? Bruce wasnt-? INCORRECT. We tune BACK into Bruce's sordid "Armageddon" fantasy! To a bunker!
Outside? The world is ending. Bruce and Tim, our Heroic Survivors, hold each other close. They have never been closer. Lines have long ago blurred. Morals shifted. Bruce can... let go.
No longer hold himself to the codes that he spent so long strangling himself with. Blaming himself under. He runs his hands across familiar flesh and it is not familial. He can at last be soft. Decadent.
Fill his boy until there's no more room for anything else, and bring him nothing but pleasure as hell rages beyond the bunker walls. Kiss and be sweet, be honest. Because it's all over.
Bruce's is trapped in a fuck bunker. He's not going anywhere. And Dick?
Well Timmy retired. It was a shit storm. So big a shit storm, Tim moved to Bludhaven. In with Dick.
Finally finished schooling. Started College. Started learning to cook. Finally slept more. Was healthy. Happy.
Wanted to cuddle. Cuddles lead to feelings. Lead to kisses. Lead to a better apartment and a nicer, bigger bed.
Lead to Dick fucking his little brother incoherent to christen the new place. They're like newlyweds. Fucking like rabbits. After patrol quickies, good morning oral, mid day "god you look sexy in my sweater"s. The domestic bliss he could never achieve.
Could they get out? Yes. If they FOUGHT it. But they don't. And outside Tim runs himself ragged. Nearly losses ANOTHER organ. Holds the Summer King at knife point. Gives Constantine alcohol poisoning.
But he does it. He gets his family back. And THIS time? Is finally, FINALLY rewarded with hugs.
He saved the day! He did it! He... may pass out. Ignore the bleeding. But its? The WEIRDEST thing? His family is finally affectionate, which is awesome, but??? He feels like he's missing something? Eh. He'll figure it out in the morning?
Oh? Cuddle pile? Hell yeah he'd love too!
tim in the real world running himself ragged while the rest of his family are indulging in their wetdreams and fantasies of being able to fuck tim without consequences 😭😭😭!!!!!!!
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
Criston cole x alicent daughter reader maybe aemonds sister and it be like when the dinner happens or something idk I just sadly love him
Immaculate - Ser Criston Cole
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Ratings: Mature
Tags: Fantasies from Criston (no actual touch), his hateful internal monologue, anxiety attacks, weird pseudo Incest moments w Step daddy Cole, star crossed lovers type beat, Mentions of self-harm. This is just kinda angsty and strange
Criston waited outside the doors after the King was escorted away in a coughing fit, his disease taking over again. He was on guard for the Queen, always, as was his duty as sworn shield. Once the maesters were secured with the wasting king he had returned. Alicent had let royal guards stay on the inside of the room as his appearance may ‘unnerve’ some.
He knew what she meant. The cunt and her bastard seed. It made his chest swell with anger, bitterness, and that residual hurt he would never disclose to another. Just her whore he was. Years hadn’t quelled the ache when the knight thought back on it. So he tried not to.
Instead Criston spent the time attempting to overcome that eternal shame and stain on his once pristine white cloak and take care of the true born Targaryens, strange as they could be. He loved them all in their own way. An unsettled feeling sat in his gut from the ongoing dinner. There had been peace for too long and Viserys wasn’t there to hold up that invisible wall between the two clans.
As predicted, the dinner erupted into chaos. Criston entered from the back as Daemon was glaring down Aemond who simply swaggered off. Otto and Helaena stood awkwardly as the youngest princess watched with wide eyes. Rhaenyra and the rogue prince left immediately. Criston eyed Aegon who ambled back over to finish his cup.
The heir giggled at his sisters, “Wasn’t that grand?”
Otto sniped, “Extremely distasteful, shoving the lad’s head into the table and acting like children.”
Aegon, tongue rendered loose and bitter when he was in his cups began to argue with his grandsire. Criston locked eyes with Alicent, her own brimming with emotion. She ordered, “Take her to bed please.” He nodded dutifully and offered an arm to the second-born daughter, the poor thing grabbing him like a lifeline.
She would get overwhelmed quickly, not a good trait to have for a Targaryen. Alicent mused about sending her to be a Septa for years. Until the matter of the succession loomed ever closer. Septa had upgraded to a political pawn for whoever could offer gold and an army. Although the process had been stagnant. Criston didn’t mind that, much as he couldn’t speak of it, she was his favorite.
“There’s a war coming,” she warbled, doe eyes wide.
“Not yet sweetling, it may come to pass,” he hummed, squeezing her arm with his other hand as they passed through long halls. She shook blonde locks and pressed on, “No, no, I know it, look how we hate one another. That was dreadful. Mother’s going to sell me to a Lannister and make me take Gharion into battle.”
She whimpered at the end of her sentence, steps stumbling a bit. Criston looked down in concern, brows furrowing at his distressed princess. He wasn’t the best with comforting…still he would try. Rubbing her slim arm again he shushed, “Shh, hush now, you’re going to drive yourself up a wall thinking of things that haven’t occurred.”
Arriving at her chambers, he tried to dislodge her tight grip gently. The princess held on with a death grip, lilac eyes feverish as she begged, “Please don’t leave me alone, please Ser Cole.” He frowned, chest flipping and clenching at her cracking voice. The knight knew better, he just needed to get her to bed and leave. Last time he stepped foot in a Targaryen princess’ bedchambers it did not end well.
“I can’t sweetling, I’ll be out and about on patrol, not far away,” he said softly.
More tears leaked from gorgeous eyes. Criston was going to lose his already cracked willpower, he knew that much. “Please, please, I don’t want to be alone,” she wept, beginning to shake. He grimaced at her face going ashen and the tremors becoming worse, breath thinning into heaves. “Oh princess,” he sighed and picked the slip of a thing up.
She was having another fit, something the maesters said was due to ‘a hysterical temperament’. Shaking and crying and sucking in breaths until she received a couple drops of diluted poppy milk. He hated seeing them, made him want to coddle and pet her. Then he’d feel disgusting afterwards, emotions all twisted for the princess about less than half his age. The Seven cursed him for that.
“Where’s the poppy milk,” the brunette asked, laying her down on the impossibly huge bed. She managed to point a shaky finger at the large wardrobe. In two strides Criston opened it up and found the little glass bottle, swirling it around. Coming to perch on the bed he held the dropper out for the Princess, leaving two upon her tongue.
She relaxed soon after, but little hands were back tight in his cloak, twisted up. Criston clenched his jaw, unsure of how to navigate this. The princess asked sleepily, “Ser Criston, you’ll escort me to Casterly Rock right? And stay a bit? What if Lord Lannister is mean and awful to me?”
Criston would gladly rip the idiot’s throat out and present it to court if he put a hand on his sweetling. In the calmest voice possible Cole responded, “Yes I’m sure there will be Kingsguard present, knowing the Queen I’ll be there on watch for a bit.” She sighed softly, seeming more relaxed.
Silence enveloped the pair for a long time, Criston lost in his hateful thoughts. He needed to repent later. Drawing his sick blood would suffice. Shuffling and covers moving sounded from behind. The knight stiffened when she put her chin on his pauldron, hands finding his own. The princess murmured in a slight slur, “I love you Ser Criston. You always take good care of me.”
He wanted to cry but the brunette held her soft hands and hummed, “I love you too dear girl, don’t fret, I’ll protect you as long as I can.” She nuzzled into his dark hair, making no further moves, breathing in his scent. Scenes of stretching her pretty cunt flitted past his mind, her heaving pale body, melodic voice raw from crying his name. Dragging his cock along her innocent folds, the maiden incarnate.
Criston blinked and realized he needed to get out of here, very fast. He rasped to the princess, “I need to get on duty now sweet girl. I’ll be back later I promise.” She looked unhappy, begging a couple more times as Criston laced up and put on his helmet. He shook his head and shrugged her off, heart cracking in his chest.
“Ser please,” she whined, lilac eyes watery and so so achingly pure. Criston shook his head and pulled her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She gasped and stared, hands dropping. “You promise you’ll come back?,” she warbled. He nodded resolutely, beginning to shut the door. Criston wanted to beat himself black and blue doing his rounds.
The Seven constantly testing him by sending these abominable Targaryens, so impure yet there she was. He was weak and already failed once, he couldn’t fail again. Criston still came back to her chambers after the hour of the Wolf, exhausted. He sat down in a chair and watched her ethereal face, the moonlight casting a glow on perfect features.
Hatred boiling and churning in his chest Criston began to pull at his lower armor, what she wouldn’t know wouldn’t hurt. He’d take that pain for the girl fifty times over. That’s what Criston was here for anyways. Pain. Tarnish everything that may have once been good on his body.
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butch-bracket · 7 months
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Rules & Guidelines
If you notice any issues with the matchups or submissions please let me know!
Matchups under the cut, polls will be linked once they're posted.
Bracket A
Jess McCready (A League of Their Own) vs. Shelley Byron (Doom Patrol)
Lupe García (A League of Their Own) vs. Desdemona (Fortnite)
Jo DeLuca (A League of Their Own) vs. Min Suh (My Princess Charming)
Vi (A League of Their Own) vs. Darling Charming (Ever After High)
Max Chapman (A League of Their Own) vs. Faye (Questionable Content)
Chloe Kitagawa (Belle of the Ball) vs. Imtura Tal Kaelen (Choices: Blades of Light and Shadow)
Kase Tomoka (Kase-san snd Morning Glories) vs. Miyake Aoi (D4DJ)
Hoshiumi Asa (Haikyuu) vs. Kyoutani Kentarou (Haikyuu)
Annabelle Cheddar (Dimension 20: A Crown of Candy) vs. Sir Amanda Maillard (Dimension 20: A Crown of Candy) vs. Captain Jan De La Vega (Dimension 20: A Starstruck Odyssey)
Kristen Applebees (Dimension 20: Fantasy High) vs. Evan Kelmp (Dimension 20: Misfits and Magic) vs. Chieftess Cleva Katzon (Dimension 20: The Ravening War)
Cynthia Zdunowski (Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies) vs. Lake (Infinity Train)
Anne Lister (Gentleman Jack) vs. Sasha Nein (Psychonauts)
Tracer/Lena Oxton (Overwatch) vs. Zarya/Aleksandra Zaryanova (Overwatch)
Moira O'Deorain (Overwatch) vs. Junker Queen (Overwatch)
Brigitte Lindholm (Overwatch) vs. Susie (Deltarune)
Riot Maidstone (Hello from the Hallowoods) vs. Striga (Castlevania)
Bonnibel Bubblegum (Adventiure Time: Fionna and Cake) vs. Cassie Sandsmark (DC Comics)
The Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who) vs. The Twelfth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Sevika (Arcane) vs. Vi (Arcane)
Geeta (Pokémon Scarlet/Violet) vs. Rika (Pokémon Scarlet/Violet)
Kim (My Candy Love) vs. Jean (Blue Jean)
Naberius Kalego (Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun) vs. Opera (Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun)
Zen'in Maki (Jujutsu Kaisen) vs. Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony) vs. Applejack (My Little Pony)
Dame Aylin (Baldur's Gate 3) vs. Lae'zel (Baldur's Gate 3)
Karlach (Baldur's Gate 3) vs. Kevin E. Levin (Ben 10 Ultimate Alien/Alien Force)
Jillian Holtzmann (Ghostbusters (2016)) vs. Kena Mwaura (Rafiki)
Emmy Altava (Professor Layton) vs. Chloe Price (Life Is Strange)
Lois (Dykes to Watch Out For) vs. Kora (Rebel Moon)
Mo (Dykes to Watch Out For) vs. Kipo (Kipo And The Age Of Wonderbeasts)
Niamh Brody (Any Way The Wind Blows) vs. Jamie (Butch Jamie)
Kenjou Akira/Cure Chocolat (KiraKira Precure a la Mode) vs. Hinomori Shiho (Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage)
Bracket B
Tenoh Haruka/Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon) vs. Arkady Patel (The Strange Case of Starship Iris)
Nahara Satrinava (The Arcana) vs. Nazali Satrinava (The Arcana)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) vs. Isabel Lovelace (Wolf 359)
Pyrrha Dve (The Locked Tomb) vs. Alice "Daisy" Tonner (The Magnus Archives)
Park Jae-In (Sora & Haena!) vs. Thatcher Davis (The Mandela Catalogue)
Jess Goldberg (Stone Butch Blues) vs. Lady Lesso (The School for Good And Evil)
Undyne (Undertale) vs. Van Palmer (Yellowjackets)
Amaya (The Dragon Prince) vs. Tenjou Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Burn (Wings of Fire) vs. Moonwatcher (Wings of Fire)
Tsunami (Wings of Fire) vs. Asha (Wings of Fire)
Moonlight (Warriors) vs. Mothwing (Warriors)
Anybodys (West Side Story (1961)) vs. Anybodys (West Side Story (2021))
Mitsuki Koga (The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All) vs. Rachel Lindt/Hellhound/Bitch (Worm)
Warthog (Trinity) vs. Susie Myerson (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
Jay (Star Stable) vs. Sabine (Star Stable)
Alex Cloudmill (Star Stable) vs. Korra (The Legend of Korra)
Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Huntara (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Scorpia (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Pearl (Splatoon) vs. Kit Tanthalos (Willow)
Sun Jing (Tamen De Gushi) vs. Coral (The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes)
Buliara (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom) vs. Urbosa (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda) vs. Impa (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Tetra (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker) vs. Linkle (Hyrule Warriors)
Queen Barb (Trolls) vs. Viva (Trolls)
Hunter (The Owl House) vs. Willow Park (The Owl House)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House) vs. Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Vector the Crocodile (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Surge the Tenrec (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Ali (The Big Con)
Garnet (Steven Universe) vs. Ruby (Steven Universe)
Bismuth (Steven Universe) vs. Roman (Sanders Sides)
Saira (We Are Lady Parts) vs. Kim (Yes Or No)
Lucy Kensington (Where The Stars Fell) vs. Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
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fandonnavyce · 7 months
Fic Masterpost
By Events
Ectoberhaunt 2023
Crossover Danuary 2024
DPxDC Ship Week2024 & Ship Week: After Dark 2024
Dannymay 2024 (WIP)
Patrol Partners 2024
Dead of Mayn 2024 (upcoming)
Invisiobang 2024 (upcoming)
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024 (upcoming)
Ghouls and Gangs 2024 (upcoming)
DPxDC, Dead on Main Series/AUs
My Love I Devour
and it's wider universe sequel series, The Wild Hunt
Cinderella Wonderland
Patrol Partners 2024 - Tim/Danny Meet Cute
Everything is posted on AO3, not everything is cross-posted on Tumblr
Ectoberhaunt 2023 AO3 Link
Day 2 - White Crow. Danny's a college student with some corvid friends. Dead on Main
My Love I Devour Series (In Timeline Chronology)
Day 4 - Zombies. Another Danny fixes Jason’s Pit Madness/Sick Ghost Core Fic, feat. the inherent homoeroticism of impromptu soul surgery. Rating: Mature. First in the My Love I Devour
Day 10: Occultism, Day 11: Dread vs Calm, Day 12: Obsession vs Repression, Day 13: Horror Flick - Sequel to Day 4
Day 17: Flesh, Day 18: Unravel vs Intertwine. Jason and Danny get down hot and heavy at a nightclub in the ghost zone. AO3 Series Link
Wild Hunt Series (Occurs post MLID)
Day 5 - Hunt. Ghost King Danny cordially invites you to the Wild Hunt, winner gets Constantine's entire soul - Danny's First Draft. DpxDc. First in the Wild Hunt Series
Day 19 - Claws. Danny needs Jason's brains (to write a royal invite) Sequel to Wild Hunt Part I.
Day 23: Magic, Day 26: Cults - The Ghost King summoning ritual is active for the first time in aeons. Constantine and Zatanna try it out and get more than they bargained for. AO3 Series Link
Crossover Danuary 2024 AO3 Link
Day 1 - Ben 10 Xover Tucker escapes Space Prison with the help of his two best friends
Day 1 - Another Ben 10 xover, the soft prequel. Ben meets an non-alien ET in a haunted forest
Day 2 - Atla Xover Hey, remember when Sokka got kidnapped into the Spirit World?
Day 4 - Cinderella Wonderland. A Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland Fandom Fusion but make it dpxdc, Dead on Main
Day 5 - The Owl House xover where The Collector becomes fast friends with a certain white haired girl on a day at the beach (Word of God part of the Cinderella Wonderland AU) AO3 Collection Link
DPxDC Ship Week and Ship Week: After Dark 2024
A continuation of Ectoberhaunt's Day17&18; it is the completion of part 3 of the MLID series. Can be read stand-alone more or less.
Part 1: Pleasures of the Flesh Ch 3
Part 2: Sweet Endings aka The Epilogue AO3 Fic Link
Part 3: Hunger. Smut. Jason has a sexual fantasy about Danny Written for Day 9 Dannymay2024 AO3 Link
Dannymay2024 AO3 Link
Day 2: Wish. Dead on Main Moodboard. Prayers are like wishes (you never know who's listening) so be careful for what you wish for.
Day 4: Wander. Dani Phantom Postcard. I'll wander far and long to where I wish to roam. But I won't forget to go and wander home Love, Dani
Day 9: Hunger. Dead on Main Smut.
Day 13: DnD AU. A Cleric casts Speak with Dead. The corpse's response is unusual. Pre-Everlasting Trio
Day 15: Field Trip. Everlasting Trio Field Trip through the Ghost Zone, ala Little Einsteins.
Patrol Partners 2024 AO3 Link
Need A Lift? A co-authored DPxDC Tim/Danny (Not Jason/Danny for once lol) fanfic. Aka the Brain Dead Meet Cute where where Tim and Danny are Trapped in An Elevator during a Rogue Attack.
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horizon-verizon · 6 months
Anne Boleyn and Alicent (either in F&B or HOTD) are NOTHING alike. Anne disrupted social order. Alicent represents the status quo. Anne is an “heretic” and a “whore”, Alicent represents order, tradition, conservatism. Anne is the most influential and important queen consort England has ever had and changed the country forever. No one mentions Alicent when they talk about the Dance of the Dragons.
“Anne Boleyn is one of the most controversial women in English history; we argue over her, we pity and admire and revile her, we reinvent her in every generation. She takes on the colour of our fantasies and is shaped by our preoccupations: witch, bitch, feminist, sexual temptress, cold opportunist. She is a real woman who has acquired an archetypal status and force, and one who patrols the nightmares of good wives; she is the guilt-free predator, the man-stealer, the woman who sets out her sexual wares and extorts a fantastic price. She is also the mistress who, by marrying her lover, creates a job vacancy. Her rise is glittering, her fall sordid. God pays her out. The dead take revenge on the living. The moral order is reasserted.”
Anon's talking about this post.
This is an interesting way to talk about it. Thanks, anon.
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graysonfamfan2021 · 1 year
13 books 📚 to get me better
1.unseelie , it’s part of a duology and I loved 🥰 that it was written by an autistic author ✍️ ivelisse housman and featured an enemies to lovers between raze and unseelie and found family and an autistic Fae protagonist as I’m autistic and it’s a fantastic book 📖.
2. the secret 🤫 of service of tea and treason by India 🇮🇳 holton , a autistic author ✍️ and it is part of a trilogy about autistic witches , spies 🕵️‍♀️ and witches in a magical 🧙‍♀️ Victorian world 🌎 and has an enemies to lovers romance 🥰 between Alice and Daniel and it’s an phenomenal book 📖.
3. a duel with the vampire 🧛‍♀️ lord by Elise kova and it is amazing 🤩 book 📖 with the found family trope and an enemies to lovers romance 🥰 between Floriane and Ruvan and it’s an amazing 🤩 book 📖 and a retelling of snow ❄️ white.
4. a taste 👅 of poison ☠️ by tessonja odette is an excellent book 📖 and a wonderful book 📖 featuring Fae in a beautiful 🤩 magical 🧙‍♀️ Victorian inspired world 🌎.
5. court of dragons 🐉 by frost Kay and it’s an epic fantasy romance 🥰 and it’s part of a trilogy and has dragons 🐉, romance 🥰 and elves 🧝‍♀️ and badass ladies .
6. Midnight 🕛 in everwood by m.a kuzniar and it is a wonderful retelling of the nutcracker and has an rivals to lovers story, and LBTQ representation as well as many other representations and relationships as well .
7. A throne of shadows by tessonja odette and it’s part of a trilogy and has unicorns 🦄 and magic and Fae and second chance and enemies to lovers romances respectively between the two different characters, Cora and teryn and larylis and mareleau.
8. These vengeful souls by Kelly Zekas and Tarum shanker and has an LBTQ relationship with the main relationship being enemies to lovers and has villains 🦹‍♀️ and heroes 🦸‍♀️ living in Victorian times and I’m a history buff 💪 and it’s x men meets the Victorian era. It also reminds me of the heroine complex series by Sarah Kuhn and the renegades trilogy by marissa Meyer as well as my favorite 🤩 shows titans and doom patrol and x men evolution.
9. Ana Maria and the fox 🦊 by Liana de la Rosa is a historical romance 🥰 set in the Victorian era in England and has a slow burn 🔥 romance 🥰 between a Mexican heiress Ana Maria who is the sunshine ☀️ to the grumpy African politician, Gideon fox as well and a marriage of convenience and Ana Maria and Gideon’s relationship is amazing 🤩 and I love ❤️ how he knows to speak 🗣️ Spanish and can talk to her and her family in their native language and I’m so excited 😆 to read the next book 📖 in the luna sisters trilogy next year as well as India 🇮🇳 holton and Elise kova and tessonja odettes books 📚 too etc.
10. the moonfire bride 👰‍♀️ by Sylvia Mercedes has Fae , slow burn 🔥romance and combines beauty and the beast with the Greek myth of Eros and psyche and it’s so good 😊 and the protagonist is a seamstress and she can weave dresses 👗 out of moonlight and other things in the Fae world 🌎.
11. Bellegarde by Jamie lilac it’s a retelling of the movie 🍿 she’s all that in 18th century France 🇫🇷 and has two slowburn romances between evie and beau and evie’s best friend Josephine and beau’s cousin , Mia Bellegarde and I love 💕 these two couples and the book 📖 is very well written and phenomenal and it’s awesome 😎.
12. Daughter of the pirate 🏴‍☠️ king 🤴 by Tricia levenseller has an abundance of magic 🪄, sirens 🚨, pirates 🏴‍☠️ and a heart ❤️ pounding enemies to lovers romance 🥰 between riden and alosa and it’s a stellar book 📖 .
13. Queen bee by Amalie Howard is a retelling of the count of monte Cristo by Alexander dumas and takes place in the regency era and has an array of different romances from enemies to lovers and slow burn 🔥 and friends to lovers and LBTQ relationships and representation from the many biracial characters in the book 📖 and it’s a fantastic book 📖
I’m tagging my besties @selinascatnip and @escapism-through-imagination and @not-so-mundane-after-all and @itsjustafia and @majima4587 and @ambelle and @amberpride and @ships-bynoa and @blackloislane and @amberpride and @lady-stirling and @meerakory and @meetmeunderthestarrynight
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Behold, my slapdash spur of the moment word vomit silly little fantasy of if Aemond Had Switched Sides To The Blacks When Viserys Croaked:
-Otto and especially Alicent would be in straight up denial up until they see his ass on that dragon coming for King’s Landing because fAmILy sTiCkS tOgEtHeR nO mAtTeR wHaT like who cares if Otto pimped out his daughter and who cares that they forced Helaena to marry Aegon (she has zero love for that bum come on now) WE ARE A FAMILY DAMMIT and they just can’t comprehend a dynamic where Aemond would see them as anything other than his highest priority worthy of 1000% of his loyalty and dedication no matter how scummy they are ✨just because they’re family✨
-a little standoff with Daemon when Aemond gets to Dragonstone because Daemon is the way that he is 🤷🏽‍♀️
-“Mother says that Father changed his mind at the last moment but I know by the seven that that is complete bullshit he barely even knew we existed and yes I still can’t stand my nephews BUT I’m willing to leave it all in the past-ish because Aegon’s drunk r*p*st ass would run the realm straight into the ground, let’s just be realistic here..”
-would apologize to Rhaena and get all huffy when she refuses to accept the apology, Jace would play peacemaker and finally apologize about the eye which in turn would prompt Aemond to grudgingly admit that *maybe* he shouldn’t have grabbed a rock to try to bash Jace’s skull in with and it just snowballs into an actual heart to heart between them all, Baela adding in that hey I should have remembered dragons aren’t slaves and they choose their riders blah blah bla Aemond adding that it was definitely out of pocket for him to claim Vhagar literally hours after her moms funeral blah blah bla we were all just kids tho bla blah blah ending with Luke apologizing about the pig thing 🥺
-then we get a scene where Daemon is still suspicious and questions Aemond when they’re like out patrolling or whatever. “Why did you REALLY leave?” (You little shit??)
-“....because Mother turned out to be just like grandsire...and I realized grandsire didn’t give a shit about my eye or what I had suffered, only that it gave him an opportunity to weaken Rhaenyra because I had obtained a dragon for ‘our side’. It’s all they care about, how they can undermine her and uplift house Hightower....They don’t give a shit about me and I would have done everything for them...I’m as interchangeable as the most lowly of their banner men.”
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-cue Daemon inwardly realizing oh shit I have a new son now because yes Daemon is a fucked up scumbag but goddamn it if he isn’t a total sap for the whole “I try so hard to get genuine love from my family why can’t they understand that and give me some love back” thing
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-anyways Aemond goes to Storm’s end and snags Maris as a wife because who doesn’t love a good roast amirite and the whole posse will storm Kings Landing, RhaeRhae is crowned again in front of the people and she reigns for a bajillion squillion years everyone is happy especially me the end lmao
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karatam · 2 years
Read recently (October 2022)
Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Hard sci-fi, set in a far far future when the human race is nearly extinct. Follows 2 plotlines, one of the last generational ship trying to find somewhere to survive, the other following the evolution of a planet terraformed by the old earth empire. Very plot-heavy, this novel takes place over thousands of years. Super interesting and I'm going to try to find the sequel. Be aware that there are lots of spiders in this book (like, they're half the main characters), so if you have a severe hatred of spiders, then this book is not for you.
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo. Set in San Francisco in 1954, a girl from Chinatown falls in love with her classmate and realizes that her whole life is going to change. Tender and yearning, full of both the hope of change but the frustrations of societal expectations and prejudice. A lovely queer love story.
Malice by Heather Walter. A queer retelling of Sleeping Beauty. Alice has magic, a valuable commodity in the queendom of Briar, but she's also very obviously part Vila, the ancient enemy of Briar's patrons, the Fae. The crown princess, Aurora, is the last heir to Briar, inflicted with her family's curse to die at 21 unless she receives True Love's Kiss. How many times can you tell someone they're a monster before they start to believe it? I quite liked this and it took a turn that I didn't think it would, one that makes me very eager to read the sequel.
The Last Watch by J. S. Dewes. A true hard sci-fi space opera. The Divide is the weird empty space at the edge of the universe, where human ships patrol, watching for the return of the alien race that nearly wiped out humanity. Follows two main characters: a disgraced grandson of the most powerful person alive who is sent to the Divide in exile, and the captain of the ship that he was sent to who has secrets of her own. This was a lot of fun and managed to make actually like the 'wise-cracking, shit-talking, rich guy' character which is rare tbh. I'm going to read the sequel right away.
The Exiled Fleet by J. S. Dewes. A fantastic sequel to The Last Ship. Picks up 6 months after the previous book ended and throws you right back into the thick of things. We get to know our characters (both main and secondary) better, get more fun sci-fi elements, and even more political intrigue. Lots of twists and turns and I can't wait to see where this series goes.
Unconquerable Sun by Kate Elliot. Very much hard sci-fi, so much so that the sheer amount of in-world jargon and world building made the first third of the book overly confusing. I don't usually need glossaries, but man I wished I had one. Follows mainly Sun, the heir to a space queendom, and Persephone, her rival turned maybe ally, while flipping between quite a few other povs as well. Sun is fighting for her mother's respect and against the political intrigue of the other Houses, all while an enemy empire bears down on the queendom. Billed as "gender-swapped Alexander the Great in space", I can see how it'll get there later in the series. Definitely picked up in the final third and I'll probably read the sequel.
The Library of the Unwritten by A. J. Hackwith. An interesting take on what happens to all those stories that we never quite finish writing. Claire is the librarian of the unwritten, a resident of Hell, who must hunt down and retrieve a powerful artifact to save her library. It will involve traversing multiple realms of legend and crossing paths with vengeful angels. I lost a bit of steam by the end, but it was an enjoyable read. 
In A Garden Burning Gold by Rory Power. Greece-inspired fantasy, about a near-immortal royal family, with magic that helps run the natural world. I didn't like it. It's a duology that I truly think would have been much better as a single book. The pacing was very weird, where it felt like nothing happened for the first 90%, then suddenly way too much plot all happened at once right at the very end and so none of it felt earned or like pay-off. Also, even though the main characters are all meant to be like over 100 years old, they act like idiotic 23 year olds and it irritated me. Also, I've seen it be given an LGBT tag sometimes and that feels a bit misleading, as there is literally like 1, maybe 2, sentences right at the start implying that one of the MCs had married and sacrificed women in the past, and then it's never mentioned or brought up again. Felt like a let down.
Crownchasers by Rebecca Coffindaffer. This was a hell of a lot of fun! When the emperor of the galaxy dies without an official heir, it kicks off a crownchase, where the heirs of the major families race to find the imperial seal and claim the throne. The old emperor's niece has mostly abandoned her imperial upbringing when she's thrown into the race with her fellow heirs, all of whom she grew up with and some of whom are willing to kill to get the throne. Main character has an ex-girlfriend and current male possible love interest. Snappy and funny and tense, I'm really looking forward to the sequel!
Bloody Rose by Nicholas Eames. A swashbuckling, fast-paced, rollicking time! Second in the series but technically a stand-alone, it follows a young bard, Tam, as she joins the most famous mercenary band in the land. Arena fights, an impending war, giant monsters, and more. Sometimes went a bit too hard on world building (there are SO MANY characters, many of whom are mentioned once or twice but still given a whole backstory) and the ending was abrupt (never a huge fan of going straight from the climax of the whole book to an epilogue), but it was a fun read with interesting plotlines. Also a nice little smattering of gayness, which is nice.
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vval-ru · 6 months
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Alice is ready>:)
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Sorry I'm late... I watched Adventure time yesterday... For real, I've watched all 9 seasons... In a week:'l
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julinamimunson · 2 years
Hi everyone! I'm Júlinami, I'm gonna make this post so you can know a few things about me
I'm 17 years old and I'm from Barcelona, Spain
I like to read, write, listen to music and watch animes, cartoons and tv shows
I'm a Cancer and my mbti is ESFJ
My favorite national autors are Iria G Parente and Selene M Pascual, Marta Alvarez and Blue Jeans
My favorite international autors are Rick Riordan, Sarah J Maas, Cassandra Clare, Alice Oseman, TJ Klune, Taylor Jenkins Reid and Holly Jackson
The music I listen to the most is pop in Catalan Spanish and English. One of my favorite singers is Taylor Swift
I like and follow various influencers mostly in catalan, the Spanish and english ones that I follow mostly do content about tv shows movies and anime
My favorite bookfluencers are Niloa Gray, Josu Diamond, Clau Reads Books, Raiza Revelles, Cronicas de una Merodeadora and Andrea Rowling (they're all in Spanish, I'm not much into english book community)
One of my favorite Disney movies is Encanto, I write a lot about it. My favorite characters are Isabela Camilo and Mirabel and Camilo and I relate a bit to Mirabel
I don't watch much horror films but my favorite ones are the Fear Street trilogy and the IT duology
I love fantasy and comedy films and rom-coms. one of my favorite rom-coms is Do Revenge
Some of my favorite book series are:
- ACOTAR Throne of Glass and Crescent City
- The Shadowhunter Chronicles
- Heartstopper
- The Green Creeck Series
- Camp Half-Blood Chronicles
- Some of Iria G. Parente and Selene M. Pascual's
- Mystical
- the Pretty Little Liars book series
- Memòrias de Idhun
- La chica invisible
- El Club de los incomprendidos
- The Lunar Chronicles
- A good girl's guide to murder
My favorite anime are:
- One Piece (My bi queen Nami the first reason behind my username)
- Pretty Cure (there's only a season that I don't like)
- Naruto
- Dragon Ball
- Kimetsu No Yaiba
- Black Clover (I"m watching it right now)
- Ojomajo Doremi
- Ranma 1/2
- Keroro
- Sakura Card Captor
- Fushigi Yugi
- Lamu
- Fairy Tail
- My Hero Academia
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Wedding Peach
- Madoka Magica
- Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero
- Magia Record
- Kamikaze Kaitou Jeannne
- Kamichama Karin
- Tokyo Mew Mew
- Pichi Pichi Pitch: Mermaid Melody
- Nanatsu no Taizai
- Bandori: BanG Dream
- Aikatsu
- Pripara
- Love Live and Love Live: Sunshine
My favorite tv shows are:
- Stranger Things (My boy Eddie Munson the other reason behind my username, I relate to him and also to Robin. I also love Steve and steddie is my fav ship)
- Doom Patrol
- Titans (2019)
- Pretty Little Liars and Pretty Little liars: Original Sin
- Heartbreak High (2022)
- Rebelde Way
- Ginny and Georgia
- Wednesday (#cancelpercy #cancelpercyhyneswhite)
- Sex Education
- Power Rangers (almost all the seasons)
- Heartstopper
- Never Have I Ever
- Cobra Kai
- The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
- First Kill
- Blood and Water
- One of us is lying
- Firefly Lane
- Young Royals
- Warrior Nun
- Gossip Girl (the original one)
- The Umbrella Academy
My favorite cartoons are:
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
- Ducktales (2017) (I relate to Webby waay too much)
- Amphibia
- The Owl House (I relate to Luz)
- Gravity Falls (as a kid I used to relate to Mabel)
- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
- Steven Universe
- Bojack Horseman (unpopular opinion: I love Mr. Peanutbutter while also relating to Diane)
- Total Drama
- DC Superhero Girls (2019)
- Arcane
I'll mostly post in english, but my maternal languages are Catalan and Spanish
See you later!
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whumpflash · 2 years
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I posted 56 times in 2022
That's 29 more posts than 2021!
27 posts created (48%)
29 posts reblogged (52%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 55 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#whump - 21 posts
#whump writing - 9 posts
#whumpflash - 8 posts
#royal whumpee - 7 posts
#fantasy whump - 7 posts
#slavery tw - 6 posts
#whumper turned whumpee - 6 posts
#sunandglass - 6 posts
#royalty whump - 5 posts
#tw torture - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#but back then i was shy about liking whump so everything is painfully vague and you can practically feel my caution
My Top Posts in 2022:
cw: mentioned torture, breakdown, threats, language
context: ...not a lot. This is just a drabble I wrote a while back with no real plot attached. The vague bits I have in my head are about two factions at war with each other in a semi-apocalyptic setting.
After hours patrolling the border of Gracer territory, the team was ready to call it a day and head back to the haven. But no sooner had Petra called everyone over, than she was interrupted by a sharp whistle. Ryker, her second in command, came from the other side of a rock formation, hauling something along with him.
"Looks like we've got an audience." Ryker tossed a lean body into the center of the group, and Petra instantly recognized Casper, one of the Gracers' agents. He landed with a groan, then pushed himself up shakily.
He looked… more haggard than the last time she'd seen him. Tired. Considerably thinner.
"Hey guys," he said. "Been a while."
"Come to spy on us again?" Petra asked. 
"Not at all… in fact, I wanted to see if you could use an extra hand."
She scoffed at that. "Extra hand? So you followed us out here to ask if you can wash dishes around the camp? Fat chance." She gestured to the rest of the group. "Let's move. If he tries to follow us, someone shoot him in the leg."
Her team turned to leave.
"Wait!" behind him, Casper was standing, starting to follow, but something was wrong about his walk. More than just a limp, he stepped as if everything was causing him pain.
"What did I just say about you following us?" Petra called back, though she couldn't quite force a bite to the words.
"Shoot me then!" he snapped. "I was serious about wanting to help… I can tell you about the Gracers. Everything I know."
"I'm sure you'll understand why I think that's a load of horseshit," Petra snorted.
"Give me a chance!" he protested. "Tie me up if you have to. Make me your prisoner. But take me with you. Please."
It was the please that caught her off guard. "That's an odd request," she said. "You trying to play hostage again? Had so much fun last time? Fine. We'll save you the trouble and drop you back off at your side right away."
"My side?" He laughed humorlessly. "My side? Do you know what my side did to me?"
Petra said nothing, only stared at him with a grim set to her mouth. He continued anyway.
"When you gave me back the first time, they thought I was a plant. They wanted information, and they made it clear they'd do anything to get it, they…" he took a breath to steady himself, smiling in a crazed way. "Beatings, lashings, electric torture… they burned me, they drowned me, they, they," Something had changed in his face, a frantic kind of desperation nquickly setting in. He took another breath, more like a gasp, "They stripped me completely and left me outside for a while, didn't feed me, made me beg for-- for any comfort, anything that would help me survive--" his chest hitched violently. "I can't go back, I can't go back, please you have to understand, I know they'll do it again, I know they won't stop until there's nothing left, please--"
Alice was the first to break away from the group, of course she was. She pulled the sobbing Casper into a hug, hushing him and gently rubbing his back as the rest of them looked on.
Petra couldn't say she knew what to make of it. Seeing her once-proud rival break down like this was enough to shock her into silence. Part of her wanted to scream at Alice to get away, that this had to be a trick, but the desperate look on his face shut that thought up. This wasn't an act. She sighed.
"We won't send you back," she said at last. "But star's sake, pull yourself together. We need to get moving."
Alice shot her a biting look. "Petra. He's been through a lot."
"And he'll go through it again if the Gracers catch up with us." To punctuate her statement, she pulled Casper to his feet, maybe a bit too rough. His body still shook with sobs, but he took a step forward, Alice supporting his other side.
"Once we get back to the haven, I'll look you over," Petra said. "Can't have infection setting in."
Casper nodded. She suspected if he tried to speak he'd just start crying again, so didn't push it.
She glanced over her shoulder. The sun was beginning to set. With any luck they'd make it back to the haven before dark.
"Alright. Let's move."
And let's hope this isn't a mistake.
44 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Sun and Glass, part seven
previous part
cw: slavery, dehumanization, panic/trauma flashback (nothing explained, just a reaction)
After the first day on the road, it was clear he didn't speak a lot, not even if she asked him a question, and Rena was starting to understand how truly afraid he was of saying the wrong thing. Helping him move past that would prove a difficult task. Consistency would be key. She started taking notes on a blank piece of parchment.
I must never raise my voice at him, she wrote. Absolutely never raise a hand against him.
Give the chance to make choices, even if he'll only choose what he thinks I want. And…
She tapped her chin with the end of her pen.
And somehow find ways to show him he can be "wrong" and not get punished.
Dawn was breaking in full force outside the carriage window, and when she glanced up from her paper, she saw Caelon was leaning forward in his seat, watching the sunrise. She found herself smiling. 
"Pretty, huh?" she said, then regretted it as he flinched at her voice and quickly returned to his usual hunched pose.
"It's alright," she said. "No one's going to stop you from looking out the window."
He looked up at that, then slowly leaned forward again, albeit much more stiffly this time. Absently, Rena wondered if he remembered anything, if he knew who he was at all. If in his rare moments of peace, he'd ever thought about what he'd lost.
She wrote, Try and see what he remembers. Help him remember who he is.
Well. No time like the present.
"Yes, Mist-- Rena?"
She smiled at that. "I want to know if you remember me at all." He probably wouldn't, but it was an easy start. She knew some people never forgot a face.
"I… you were at the castle with my M-- no, with the lord, Lord Trisk," he said, confusion plain on his face.
"I was," she answered. Maybe he thought she was trying to toy with him. "But I meant before the castle. Years ago."
"Years…" his mouth moved quickly, as if he were muttering something frantically to himself. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know-- there's, there's so much--"
"It's alright. It was just a question. There's no right or wrong answer." She met his eyes, trying to give him a gentle look. He glanced away.
"Let me ask you something else."
"Of course, Rena."
She stopped herself before she could ask 'what do you remember'. It was too vague. She might confuse the poor man, or send him spiralling into a bad memory.
"Do you remember that you used to be a prince?" She asked instead. He froze at her question, his breath hitching, and he said nothing.
Did he remember?
"Caelon?" Rena said, leaning forward in her seat.
"I… remember."
Rena felt a burst of joy in her chest. "What do you remember?" she asked, a bit too quickly.
He shook his head quickly. "I--I don't wanna-- the play a-actors, I traveled with th-them and--" his words came out faster and faster, guided by a shaking voice. "I know I sh-should be grateful, I-I should be, but at night-- I h-hated night--" he was crying now, the words tumbling out becoming too incoherent to make sense of.
See the full post
45 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
Sun and Glass, part nine
previous part
cw: slavery
Home for Rena was a cozy apartment, graciously paid for by her parents while her diplomacy business found its footing. Of course, 'cozy' was synonymous with 'small', and now she had a house guest for the indeterminate future. But she was determined to make it work.
"Caelon," she said as the carriage entered the city. "I want you to be aware that you're free now, alright?"
He nodded, and she continued.
"Meaning you don't have to stay with me. You can go where you want, and do what you choose." She doubted he'd choose to leave, but it was important that he knew he could.
"I… do you wish for me to leave, Rena?"
She sighed. "It isn't about what I want, okay? What do you want?"
He opened his mouth, closed it, swallowed. "If it pleases you, Rena, I will stay with you."
The realization hit her, all of a sudden, that he was treating her name as a title. A replacement for the word 'mistress'. He probably thought it was a preference of hers.
"Caelon," she began. "You know I don't own you, right?"
"But…" he looked up at her. "Who does, then?"
"Nobody," she said plainly. His expression, confused before, now seemed to cloud over.
"Oh. Am I being sold back to the traders?"
"Caelon, it isn't a matter of buying and selling, it's--" she halted, forced herself to lower her voice as she saw him draw back, away from her. "Your freedom is your own. No one is going to try and sell it to someone else." She bit her lip, thinking for a moment. "You own you."
The confusion returned. "I… own me?"
Rena smiled. "Yes. And you're free to stay with me, as I've said, but no one is going to force you to stay anywhere."
Caelon looked up at her, his jaw working with unsaid words. "I-I'll stay with you," he said at last. "And, and I can help around the house. I can help, I'll do whatever you ask of me."
Rena felt her heart sink a little, but her expression softened. Baby steps. "Yes, you can stay with me if you want," she said. "And I wouldn't mind some help around the house. Speaking of…" She leaned forward in her seat as the carriage came to a halt. "We're here."
Her apartment consisted of five rooms: a bedroom, a bathroom, a small kitchen, a tiny office, and an area for receiving guests. The lattermost was occupied when she walked in.
"Excuse me, I, uh…" Rena frowned. "Mom?"
"How was your trip, dear?" Her mother smiled up at her from the cushions. "Sorry if I startled you, I was only anxious to hear how everything went. It is your first, after all… oh." Her voice trailed off as her gaze landed on Caelon, then darted back to Rena, sharp and questioning.
"Yeah. Mom, this is… a friend of mine. He's going to be staying with me for a while."
Her mother cleared her throat, standing. "Rena, if I may..?" She pulled her towards the office. Rena cast a glance back at Caelon.
"Wait here," she said. "And, um, make yourself comfortable."
Her mother closed the door. "Rumors about you have been flying around town the last two days. I never imagined they'd be true." She fixed her daughter with a piercing look. Rena shifted uncomfortably beneath it.
"The rumors are probably unfounded--"
"The rumors said you won a slave in a poker game, and you just walked in with a grown man--"
See the full post
48 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
cw: medical whump, implied/aftermath of torture, a variant of institutionalized slavery, starvation
The reason behind the empire's medical excellence was an open secret. The kind that everyone knows and nobody talks about.
After all, the best doctors were the ones with a lot of experience.
So the empirical medical academies sought to give them that experience.
Medic had known what would await them at the intensive school for combat medicine. In their two years of rigorous training, they'd already worked on victims of gunshot wounds, amputations, severe burns, and worse.
Every single wound had been inflicted by the instructors. Medic told themself that they had no problem with this.
The patients were all volunteers. Criminals opting to lose an eye, a hand, a litre of blood, instead of pay an egregious fine. Prisoners after a lighter sentence. Murderers who'd rather lose a limb than their life. Everyone here, one way or another, had signed up for this.
And it was good. Right? These people were furthering medical research with their misery, suffering so that others would live. And the students were well trained before being given a live casualty. The majority of the volunteers lived, took a pension, and were free to go.
Do no harm, Medic thought, a tinge of bitterness around the words. But they knew they could push it all out of their mind soon. They had one final exam and then they'd never have to think about this system again.
Rumors from previous students said it was the hardest yet, but Medic was ready. Ready to graduate and join a unit and save people and make it all worth it.
They lined up alongside their fellow students as instructors began calling names and leading them into a hallway one by one. When at last Medic's turn came, they followed their instructor, waiting to hear the rules for this last test.
"Welcome to your final," the instructor began. "All of you have worked hard to become the best field medics in the world. But there is one last trial you must face to prove yourself."
Medic nodded, listening eagerly. Almost done.
"When you're working with a combat unit, there is always the chance you'll be tasked with caring for a rescued hostage or prisoner. You may have to keep them alive for days without reinforcements, sometimes in a hostile environment."
"I understand, sir," Medic said. They knew what would be expected of them.
"Then you understand your final test," the instructor said with a smile. "In a few minutes you will be dropped off in the wilderness. After three days, we will pick you up and the test will be over. If you feel unable to complete three days, you can call the academy at any time to terminate the exam, but please understand that this will constitute as a failure."
Medic nodded along, though their mind was racing. Their final test was to survive? What did they know about finding food in the wild? Water? What if they got hurt? They knew they'd have to try. They'd made it this far. It couldn't be for nothing.
"Yes sir," they said. "I'm ready."
"Not so fast," the instructor said lightly as they came to a stop in front of a closed door. "That's only half of it." They turned a lock and pulled the door open.
Inside, an emaciated man shrunk away from the light that spilled from the doorway, ducking his head and raising bound hands as if to shield his face from a blow.
Medic felt their mouth go dry as they took in his form, years of training kicking in automatically to catalog his wounds. Bruises in various stages of healing littered his flesh, alongside scattered cuts. It looked like he'd been beaten with something heavy enough to break skin. On more than one occasion. His right leg looked to be the worst; darkly bruised and swollen at the knee. Likely sprained, if not broken.
"Wh-what is..?" they heard themselves say.
"You never know what condition you'll find a hostage in," the instructor said. "Along with yourself, you must also keep him alive for the three day duration."
The man flinched as the instructor stepped inside, frantically murmuring something that might've been a plea for mercy. Medic cringed as the instructor seized a fistful of the man's hair and threw him into the hall.
They felt like they were going to be sick.
Instinctively, they knelt at the man's side, ready to start their procedures, but the instructor's hand on their shoulder stopped them.
"You're not on the clock yet," he said callously. "Don't try and get ahead."
Medic stood slowly, feeling like the room was spinning around them. All this for a test.
They'd starved this man. Beat and terrorized him until he was too afraid to even look up. And it was all for an exam.
Criminal or not, he didn't deserve this. Criminal or not, it felt wrong.
See the full post
75 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
detective whumpee if you like it >:3
this feels fresh let's see if I can come up with some prompts--
-you know ''detective gets in too deep and is caught by the baddies'' is already a popular trope, expanding on it could be very fun (but not for the whumpee)
-Detective Whumpee is pushing themselves to their limits to solve a case. No food, no sleep, no breaks. They're so close. Bonus points if they get captured while in this state of exhaustion
-i also love the "being beaten to pulp by villain/henchman and is saved at the last minute by an acquaintance they don't fully trust" type of beat and I feel like that fits here
-i am a huge fan of both goofball genius mystery solvers (ie Dirk Gently or The Doctor from Doctor Who) and the ultra-serious, broody PIs from classic noir and I'd love to see both archetypes as whumpees
-relating to the above, put those two as partners. Goofball is trying to reason with the villains/whumper, Broody is making quips under his breath. Both are getting viciously backhanded.
144 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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whats your favorite magical girl anime made after 2010?
Well,,,,, thing is about that is,,,, tbh I actually don't really like or gravitate towards mg shows from the 2010 unless it has a very special vibe!
Though I will give a couple name of mg shows from that era I am planning on watching one day!
Jewel Pets
Alice to Zouroko
Anyamaru Tentei Kiruminzuu
AK Magical Girls
Balala, Little Magic Fairy
Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastrale
Fantasia Dolls
Fantasy Patrol
Gokicha!! Cockroach Girls
And many more I can't name right now!
I really hope this is a good enough answer for you!
Thank you and have a wonderful day, hope to see you again soon friend!!
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cepheusgalaxy · 8 months
Ein - tag: ein wip
Genre: Fantasy
What is it about: A bunch of teenagers who get involved in a secret magic society and are now trying to prevent it from going to war
Who is in it:
Kaiki (he/him) - I. I'm still trying to flesh him out. He's a complicated guy. He's transgender, ambue (the word I picked for non-magic people), and became a magician kind of by accident. Currently, at Onemia there is this phenomena happening where some weird magic stuff is happening, including turning ambue into magicians. This is the character I have the hardest time with, tbh.
Arielle (they/she) - Main traits: Paficist, stoic, responsible, emotional. She is a natural Onemian (Onemia is the magical country) and works as a junior patroillueur. The Patrol is a part of Onemia’s military force and their job is to prevent the ambue world (aka non-magic world) of getting troubled by magic or finding out about Onemia. They care a lot but don’t seem like so. Tall af.
Lis (she/her) - Main traits: Chaotic dumbass, girly, cute. Lis is also ambue (non-magic) and became a magician by accident. She is albino, dyslexic, and likes lots of colorful cutesy stuff. She has a feisty personality and she masks some of her insecurities. Lis doesn’t have many difficulties with magic, and tbh, she’s great at it.
Lucy (she/it) - Main traits: Insecure, soft, smart. Lucy is ambue, and she is a very low-energy calm person. She’s trans, gnc, and sometimes lets people misgender her coz she thinks it’s nothing worth the trouble. She is the only one in the main cast who is neither Onemian nor Brazilian: She is actually Usamerican (her father is half-British and her mom is Brazilian). She grew up in the US but came to her grandmother’s house to study here in her second year of highschool. When speaking in pPortuguese she just uses she/her cuz there is no it/its in the language.
Lali (he/him) - Main traits: Flamboyant, confident, stubborn. Lali is a natural onemian like Arielle and is quite a celebrity. He is very very talented at magic and comes from a wealthy magician family. In his introdution in the storyline, Arielle is hired to protect him as a bodyguard, because the guy who originally had the job kept misgendering him and Lali is known for being hotheaded and not colaborating with people he doesn't like. He is gnc.
Simba (he/him) - Main traits: Empathetic, does what it needs to be done, quiet, intimidating, quick. Simba is the prince of Onemia. I have a hard time defining his family lore but his mom is the Grand-Countess, kind of like the queen of Onemia, and his other mother is an important politican. Technically Onemia is not a monarchy and the charge is not passed foward for heirs BUT to be the Gran-Countex you have to have a lot of things in your curriculum like having political and military training and the current ruler always make sure that their heir has the necessary formation, so it isn't uncommon for a singke family to stay in power for a couple regenerations, as it is the current case. Simba is supposed to be the third ruler on his bloodline and he is on a magic military academy for his formation. He is also not very fleshed out.
Note: Hard magic system.
Secondary characters:
Giulia (she/her) - A nice girl who is Arielle's coworker and queerplatonic partner. She is like. A sunshine. Patrollieur. I will flesh her out better later but I love her.
Luna (she/her) - Kaiki's sister. They're around the same age and have a love/hate relationship. Sarcastic, seems confident, but actually is very troubled.
Tatiana (she/her) - Luna and Kaiki's older sister. She's on college and is autistic. She cares a lot about her siblings and usually tries to prevent them from getting at eachother's throats.
Estella (she/her) - Their younger sister. She is still a toddler and loves puzzles.
Aunt Alice (she/her) - The sibling's aunt and guardian. Their parents are divorced and the kids ended up living with her some years ago. She is a nice and caring guardian. Mostly.
Clarisse (she/her) - Tatiana's classmate. They're best friends and lots of people think they're dating.
0 notes
prue84 · 2 years
Autumn '22 goals review: 👍👍/👍👍
In depth analysis under the cut.
Wordcount on WIPs: 60.000+ /20.000
Target it around October 1st. Woah! - Warren ascension headcanon/draft (2450~ words written / WIP). - Warren/Betsy canon fix (?~ words written / WIP). - Betsy/Warren Fantasy AU (58.000~ words written / WIP).
Developing detailed drafts: 9 ≥ 20 pages
Subdom Spirk AU (worked on different chapters, 13.800~ words, pages count ext)
Working on headcanons
Darwin, Moto and Kyle character AOS characters. Also worked on different headcanons that are still WIPs, including Gaila’s.
Graphic artworks: 5/3 (7 published)
Prince Merlin, Prince Merlin alternate, SNW!Kirk(x2), SNW!Spock.
Revisiting NCIS/Trek Crew
Written 7 bios out of the 7 missing at the start of the season. Finished and posted.
Revisiting Merlin/Trek Crew
Manipped 11 characters out of the 11 missing at the start of the season. Written 19 bios out of the 19 missing at the start of the season. Finished and posted.
Manga editing: 0 (100 = project complete)
Season 1-per-Month post goal: 4/4
- Do and/or finish one fanwork per month [✔]
September: - Focused on the Betsy/Warren Fantasy AU (wordcount from 23 to end of month around 20.000 words)
October: - Manipped 2 characters for the Merlin crew (Aglain, Kara). - Written 9 pages (13800~ words) of the Subdom AU draft. - Written 28.000~ words of the Betsy/Warren AU. - Finished the Darwin and Moto AOS characters headcanons.
November: - Finished the Kyle character headcanon. - Written 18 character bio for the Merlin crew (Sefa, Edwin, Vivian, Nimueh, Mithian, Morgana, Gilli, Aglain, Alator, Finna, Iseldir, Geoffrey, Morgause, Lancelot, Gwen, Leon, Helios, Mordred) - Written 7 character bio for the NCIS crew (Borin, McGee, Ryan, Barrett, Fielding, DiNozzo). Completed it. - Manipped 4 characters for the Merlin crew (Helios, Geoffrey, Alice, Julius) - Written 1.000~ words to the Betsy/Warren AU.
December: - Written the last remaining character (1) of the Merlin Crew (Arthur), this completing the text complement crew of the edit. - Manipped 5 characters for the Merlin crew (Sefa, Daegal, Tyr, Will, Vivian - also remade Arthur, but doesn’t count). Completed it. - Finished the Prince Merlin manip - made two manips out of it! - Worked on the Gaila character headcanon - but it’s turning out far longer than expected. - Started and finished the SNW!Kirk and Spock Christmas manips.
- Finish & post some old graphic WIP [✔] [1]
- Post some finished graphic that was held back [✔] [1, 2, 3, 4]
- Finish Chronicles of Camelot’s retouch ❌
- Finish that 90% done 2015 Spirk one shot ❌
- Finish the Royal Eagle fic that’s 90% done ❌
- Return to write actual fics ✔
- Finish with all Kirk’s headcanons series ❌
- Complete the Trek characters headcanon two series ❌
- Post that Le-matya headcanon ❌
- Finish to develop the “Modern Times Merlin” AU and made this AU edit ❌
- Work on some Merlin / Star Wars AU content ❌
- Finish and post the Sea Patrol Trek crew ❌
- Post some other Trek crew AU ❌
- Five Genis Vell manips, one for each of the five issues of the miniseries, in the date of the issue release (July to November). ❌ Reached the target for the July and August releases. Failed for September- Gave up on the rest.
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