#alfred f.jones
hug-kiss-marry-kill · 5 months
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madeline-ronpa-ask · 13 days
Hi hi! I’m Mod Chisk!
I’ll be answering asks for Kaito, Jenny, El Tigre, the Kagamine Twins, Cassidy and Alfred F.Jones/America!
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youcancallmesina · 3 years
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[Open for better quality]
A couple days ago I went down the rabbit hole of scrolling through Alberto and Luca fanart and somehow it just inspired me to draw this and as usual it's going to be just a sketch that I may never finish
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nevermoonday · 3 years
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Furry Au?  Alfred?  Yeah. He’s an Australian Sheperd here, which happens to be an american breed.
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nascens · 4 years
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WIIIIIIIPS. I was gonna post the second one for Al’s birthday, and was also gonna make an accompanying Canada piece, as well as a France piece but time got away from me. I’m still gunning for an accompanying Okuyasu piece but the colours are taking forever GOSH.
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“Smoke in the Water”
 USUK Fanfiction 
Rating: T
Summary: They say a good captain always went down with his ship. And they always say that the rule is a lie. 
Words: 798
It filled Arthur’s lungs, and covered his eyes. It choked him with its chalky thickness and poured out of his gaping mouth as he gasped for breath. Here and there, a harsh orange glow flickered through the wood. It was hot—unbearably so. The hair on his forearms singed away and the heat licked at his cheek.
And then it was cold—unbelievably cold, all around his legs. He was moving sluggishly up broken stairs, clutching at splintering wood.
And then the smoke cleared but the smell stayed, and his face cooled, and his trousers hung heavy and wet around his waist. He heard the screams, then.
Harsh screams. Men burning and running, jumping overboard and engulfing themselves in the flames. They leaped from the collapsing mast and waded through rising water now spilling onto the deck. They screamed for the captain, begged for help with his name, and then the cries were washed away with another tremulous wave. The ship rocked once more.
The S.S. Majesty was capsizing now, leaning too far to starboard.
Arthur clutched at the splintery railing, trying to keep himself standing amongst the waves, the flames, and the smoke. Amongst the cries of his mean who he couldn’t save, amongst the desperate calls for an order. What was he to do now, but stare into the reflection of flickering flames that dotted the dark ocean water before him?
“Arthur!” A voice rang out, familiar, important. “Arthur, get over here!”
The captain looked up, seeing the image of his first mate flailing desperately towards him. His clothes were blackened and the edges still glowing red. He was bleeding through the side of his head.
“What have you done now, boy?” Arthur yelled through the commotion. He reached out his arm just as Alfred did, clutching onto him for dear life. He was grateful, knowing he was still safe, more or less.
“I-I’m sorry,” He stammered. “I failed you. I’ve damned you all. I can’t do a damn thing but hold onto this ship and—”
“Arthur, we have to jump.”
Arthur looked up. Alfred’s blue eyes reflected the flames, and they were dead serious. Grimy and fatigued his face looked, but his eyes showed determination and desperation. A man willing to jump overboard despite being in the middle of the damned ocean.
“Alfred—“ he tried to reason, he had to. But the boy wouldn’t listen.
“Please, Arthur, we need to jump! It’s the only way to save both our asses.” Alfred grabbed his waist and edged him closer to the ship’s railing, but Arthur dug his boots into the floorboards, clutching his arm and pushing back with a hiss.
“I can’t swim!” He yelled.
Alfred must’ve done a double take, but he was too focused on the water to notice.
“What?! What do you mean you can’t swim? You’re a fucking pirate!” Said the first mate.
Despite the utter fear churning within his stomach, Arthur swallowed and looked up at Alfred with what he hoped was fury. “I can’t bloody swim, you twat! Most pirates can’t swim! Neither can the most of the bloody British Isles, for God’s sake!”
Alfred blinked, brows furrowed, looking frustrated and confused. “But you live surrounded by water!”
“Surrounded by it, not in it!”
Alfred blinked, then steeled his jaw. With a great bolt of determination, he clutched Arthur harder around the waist and all but dragged him to the edge of the ship. She was near halfway to capsizing now, and the water was a good eight foot jump below.
“Alfred! Alfred! Stop you idiot, please!”
Arthur wasn’t ready to jump. He didn’t want to be surrounded by darkness. He would suffocate, even more than in the smoke. He would die down there.
“Arthur. Arthur, please, trust me.” Alfred’s voice broke him out of his stupor, and slowly he looked up.
He looked into dead serious blue eyes.
“Relax, please. I’ve got you. I won’t let you drown. I’ll have you know, I’m a good swimmer!” He smiled a tad, not looking away. Arthur felt himself gulp, let his grip loosen, as Alfred’s tightened around him.
“I-I’ll weigh you down.”
“No you won’t. I’ll keep us both safe, okay? I got us. Do you trust me?”
Arthur knew the answer. He’d given it a million times and had his life saved a million times. His heels still dug into the floorboards and his grip on Alfred could rival a tourniquet, but he looked at Alfred, and kept looking, without even so much as a glance at the nightmare that waited below and was sure to shoot up his lungs within minutes, then said, “Of course I do.”
Alfred smiled and held him tight, and with a final push they jumped, abandoning the burning wreck above.
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phantomreturn · 6 years
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Hetalia prints for coming convention. I only managed to finish my top 3 favourite Hetalia boys. They are precious in their own ways~ <3
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watery21 · 7 years
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Based on this song
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theunderneath · 3 years
How would the allies (1p) from hetalia react if they found out their s/o is a complete and utter yandere for someone completely different?
Good ask, just the whole concept of the idea is great. Unrequited love on a whole new level (I did not reread this nor grammar check, ENJOY!)
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America/Alfred F.Jones
- Pure childish rage. You can practically see the steam coming out of his ears. He feels so much even rage he can just about crack someone's neck. Oh and he will. He just needs to find out who. And probably in front of you, so you know who really loves you.
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China/Yào Wáng
“I am going to ruin you.”
- He is going to ruin this person every way he can. Yào wants to show you how worthless and pitiful this person is. How much better you could do. How much better he would be for you. He’d probably also lock you in a room so you can do your yandere shit while he’s doing his.
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England/Arthur Kirkland
“Is that so?”
- He's going to plan out every second of this person death. Every agonizing moment. And he is going to make you watch. How DARE you go falling for someone else. HOW DARE YOU! He shall make you break and you realize how stupid you are.
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France/Francis Bonnefoy
“....... I see.”
- He feels so betrayed. Hasn’t he been good to you? Why do you love this man so? Why do you hate him? Doesn't he deserve something for all he's done for you? It just isn’t fair. Why DO YOU LOVE THAT PERSON SO MUCH AND NOT HIM? He just breaks down.
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Russia/Ivan Braginsky
- Silent rage courses through his veins like his blood is on fire. He is going to kill this person and it will be painful. He will make it look like a accident so you fall into despair thinking your loved one left you on accident. Than he will swoop in and comfort you hoping that you fall for him next.
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Canada/Matthew Williams
“...... I think you need to get some help.”
- He snaps. He turns cold and wants to get you help. Help you to see that this is wrong, that you doing this is WRONG! He gonna get you help and he’s gonna make sure you fall for him afterwords. Even if you relapse into your yandere state again, if it’s for him. He’s fine with it.
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abba-dabba · 8 years
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A drawing I did for an awesome artist’s birthday
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ooh ooh! could i maybe ask for the allies's reactions to being told "you're lucky you're cute" by gn reader? 👉👈👀
Telling Alfred F.Jones, Arthur Kirkland, Francis Bonnefoy, Yao Wang and Ivan Braginsky "You're Lucky You're Cute" By Their S/O
Hey there Anon! Thank you for your Request, this is actually another cute ask and I really love it because I can imagine all of the Allies reaction when their S/O teasing them like this. Anyway, I hope you like the final result!
Warning: None
Gender: Neutral
Alfred F. Jones
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Knowing Alfred F. Jones, I know this American boy is going to get very dramatic but not to the point it's annoying. It's just he's very flustered and he is trying to act like he's not blushing at your words.
He would look away when you told him that he is cute, and try to distract you by saying that he saw something behind you before he tries to hide his red face.
I mean Alfred is a huge simp to you and hearing you that you say that "You're lucky you're cute." You can see the tip of his ears getting red as his cheeks also get red.
I can see Alfred also tries to compliment you back but it turns out hilarious and you were laughing. Even though he acts like someone who is super confident, he is awful at receiving compliments since most countries always insult him.
Unlike Arthur who won't admit that he can be cute. He would smile after he was over with his embarrassment, and he would say "HAHAHAHA! OF COURSE, I CAN BE CUTE BUT MY SIDEKICK IS CUTER!"
Get ready after he says that because his arms going to be open wide before he tackles you to the ground, not knowing that he accidentally suffocates you with his tackle hug.
After giving you a tackle hug, Alfred is going to shower your face with kisses and your face is going to be full of his slobber. Overall, he's just going to be like a big puppy around you after he was done with his embarrassment.
When he sees you blush after all of those affections from him, he would laugh and pinch your cheeks back. You and him are just like a war of who can fluster each other more.
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Sitting across from the dirty blonde haired male, your eyes keep glancing at the comic book that covered half of your face and Alfred who is busy stuffing his mouth with the cheeseburgers. It wasn't much of a surprise for you that you see a stack of burgers on top of his tray as many customers inside the Mcdonald's are looking at him as if he has another head.
On the other side of the tray, he has a large glass of Pepsi with a large version of french fries. This is a normal sight for you but you do wish that he wouldn't make a mess while he was eating. No, you don't mean anything insulting by that but sometimes the grease of the junk food would be hard to be removed when it soils your comic books.
Focusing on the book once again, there was a loud crunching sound and an oily sensation began invading the corner bottom of your book. Your eyes widened to see a stain as you carefully close your comic book. Taking a deep breath, you put the comic book away to see Alfred already giving two of his cheeseburger, looking at you with puppy eyes and puffy cheeks.
"I'm really sorry dude/dudette. I didn't mean to stain your book," he spoke.
"Fine, I forgive you. You're lucky you're cute," you roll your eyes.
The tip of his ears turns red as his eyes shift away after you call him cute, "Y-yeah. I-i promise I will buy you a new comic book," he smiles sheepishly as his hand scratches the back of his head, trying to ease his embarrassment.
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Arthur Kirkland
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A huge tsundere, I hope good luck for you if you are his S/O because you need to handle these kinds of traits from him. I mean, I admit he is cute he would be so stubborn and keep rejecting you when you said "You're lucky you're cute" playfully.
I can see him scolding you when you told him that he is 'cute' and the same as Alfred, the tip of his ears goes angry red while his eyes are looking away from you.
Not only the tip of his ears but also his cheeks go red or slightly pinkish after you tease him that he looks cute while he was trying to reject the idea that 'He's cute'.
If try to hug him and keep teasing him, saying that he's lucky because he is cute. He's going to be super embarrassed but with a mix of agitation as he pushes you away but not too hard until you fall off. Just hard enough to give you and him a bit of distance and he curses you.
England also going to complain about you teasing him to his mythical friends, especially to choco mint bunny, his fairies, pixies and unicorns. They are going to be his free psychiatrist.
However, if you can throw his tsundere tendencies aside. Arthur also can be a huge tease but this is only if he is getting over his embarrassment.
He would call you some cute classical English pet names, such as 'darling', 'duckling' or 'dear' just to try to fluster you back after you called him cute.
Afterwards, he would hold one of your hands with a smirk stretched to the corner of his cheeks before he gently kisses the back of your hand and calls you cute.
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Looking out of the window, a sigh escapes from your mouth with a book and papers laying on top of your lap. You don't have a gut to tell the male in front of you but you are bored. He hasn't given any attention to you at all as his eyes are focusing on the novel book in his hands. It was as if he doesn't care about you at all but you know that is not true.
Pouting and glaring at him, you began to place the book and the papers on your lap away. Even the sound of the book slammed into the table did not faze the British man across from you. You don't want to sound as if you are ungrateful for having Arthur as your boyfriend but sometimes he just pays attention more to his fantasy and old English novels.
"Arthur...darling I am bored," you pout.
"I know you are bored, but not now. At the most fun part of this story, I am reading," Arthur flips another page of his book.
"You're lucky you are cute, Arthur, "You tease the British man.
He was silent for a moment as if he did not hear your words but then his cheeks goes red and his eyes goes a little bit wider than before. Arthur definitely heard your words, especially when he hears you calling him cute. "C-cute?! O-Oi! I am not cute like what you said to me!" he stutters.
Seeing him all red and stuttering, you could not help but giggle a little bit seeing him all embarrassed and trying to deny that he's adorable. Just to fluster the poor gentleman, your head laid on top of his shoulder and pecked his cheeks gently as the light touch of your lips made contact against his soft ivory skin tone.
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Francis Bonnefoy
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Francis is one of the most unpredictable characters, even though he is flirty. Not many people can really guess his exact reaction because there would be many reactions he would give.
One of the reactions that he would give to you when you told him 'You're lucky you're cute. He would laugh, flattered, and told you " I know I am adorable, mon amour," as he flip his hair playfully.
That is when you and he had a playful banter together with him as he would also throw another flirty joke to you, just trying to make you laugh and blush.
Another reaction would be a mixture of him trying to flirt with you back but he is trying to disagree with you that he is cute while he telling you that you are cuter than him.
That is when he genuinely wants to compliment you. He doesn't mean anything behind it, he just wants to flatter you and admit that you look better even though you look like a mess (like you just woke up after your slumber).
I know many people see him as a creep and maybe in some of the Hetalia episodes, he was shown that he's naked a lot. However, I cannot see him complimenting you as his s/o but in a creepy way. Instead, it would be romantic and genuine.
While doing that, his hands would gently caress the back of your head, touching the tip of your hair or caressing your cheeks with the pad of his thumb gently, trying to show his love for you.
As he does that, he would smile at you genuinely and you almost cannot see it but his cheeks would be tinted a little bit pink. he was a little bit embarrassed but he can cover it very quickly.
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The light of the sun shines through the glass as your eyes wander on the pedestrians. Many people wondering on the street of Paris as they are enjoying their day shopping together with their beloved one or sight seeing the Eiffel tower. Including you who are on a date together with your boyfriend Francis.
Together the two of you hold hands and sightseeing on the street where there are many tiny shops that catch your eyes. A small shop with a vintage design catches your eyes, Francis immediately notices you were looking at the antique shop, "Mon trésor (my treasure), you wanna see what's inside that shop?" the French man asks you.
"Ah, yes. Can we go inside and look around, I wanna look at the framed art inside of the shop," you told him.
"Of course, Mon ange (My angel). Let's go inside and see," he drags one of your hands.
↠ Time Skip ↞
Across your eyes, a beautiful art displayed with a picture of a lady hand holding with her partner as the two of them staring at each other with a smile on their face as they are standing near a lake behind the oak tree. It reminds you of your relationship together with Francis.
" Mon ange (My angel), do you want that picture?" He asks.
"Yeah, I wanna buy-" You were cut off by Francis as you were going to take your purse out.
"No need, I already bought it for you," he put your hands away from your purse.
"WHAT- WHY? You know that framed art is expensive!" You complained.
" I know but I love you and I want to spoil you, Mon trésor." He holds both of your hands.
" You're lucky you're cute even though you are annoying," you sigh.
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Yao Wang
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Yao Wang is also low key tsundere but not as hardcore as England where England would go turn red and curse out at you for calling him cute.
Yao Wang would just gonna deny to you that he looks adorable even though he does adore adorable things (such as hello kitty and other cute plushies.)
He would also whine and complain to you, telling you that he is not cute and he is already an old man since it's canon that he is 4.000 years old.
"Aiyaaah (Y/N)! I am far away from cute-aru. You are the lucky and the cute one!" he would def try to say that you are cuter than him, and would compare you the same as his panda.
After you said 'you're lucky you are cute to him," he would blush very madly and he would try to hide his blushing face by covering his face with his panda or his plushie.
Another reaction of him when you call him cute, he would chuckle nervously while scratching the back of his head as his cheeks were tinted red a little bit, he's a bit embarrassed.
As he was like that, he would try to deny to you that he looks cute because he's an old man. An old man is not cute (although this reaction from him also adorable).
Or he would try to distract you by giving you his panda to cuddle and after you cuddle the panda. He would already escape, he already disappeared from your sight.
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You wanna ask yourself how did you get into this kind of a mess, surrounded by many pandas as panda cubs are surrounding you either they are clinging to your pants or chirping, calling for anyone to give them some kind of attention. Of course, you do not mind this kind of cuteness, it feels like heaven as you're surrounded by panda cubs.
As you pick the Panda that was clinging onto your pants, you began searching for your boyfriend who was beside you a few seconds ago. You had to admit, it was kind of your fault because you told him "You're cute, Yao," and his face turns red afterwards, like a tomato as his eyes widened and his lips trembled.
Suddenly Yao Wang shoves the panda from his basket into your hands. As you pick the tiny panda into your hands carefully, he was gone in a second as you lower the little creature on your hand. You were stunned by the sudden disappearance of your boyfriend, it cannot be helped, to be honest, He is a low key tsundere but not as bad as England.
Massaging the bridge of your nose, you began walking around the garden that he own behind his house where there was a koi pond in the middle and searching for your Chinese Boyfriend who was flustered to death by you. "Yao!! Where are you??? You don't need to hide!" You call him.
His immediate answer made you chuckle before you walk up to his hiding spot, finding him hiding behind a giant tree. Seeing you suddenly appear on his side made him yelp in surprise, falling on his bottom as he rub his butt to ease the aching pain, "Aiyaaah, don't do that. You almost made me fall and broke my tailbone," he whines.
"Hehe. Sorry, Yao. I was searching for you for a whole time but I didn't find you anywhere....You're lucky you are cute, or I would scold you for hiding from me," you shake your head and smile at him.
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Ivan Braginsky
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Ivan Braginsky is a giant teddy so I can see him getting all flustered when you called him cute, especially if you are his S/O . His cheeks would be tinted red.
Even though he was blushing, he would not tell you but he was actually happy and felt loved when you said, "You're lucky you're cute' by you.
"Aww miliy/milaya (Darling), thank you for calling me cute but I feel like you are cuter than me." He would try to compliment you back if you call him cute.
As he says that, Ivan is going to place his scarf around your neck to give some warmth to your neck. Of course, he only does this since you are his s/o, he won't do it to other people.
Other than placing his scarf around your neck gently, he would gently pull you closer to his body before he puts you on top of his lap, placing his head on top of your head and cuddling you.
Ivan would also gently kiss the top of your head or your temple to show how much he loves you. All of these affections would fluster you to death, especially when he is in a cuddly mode.
However, all of these affections that he showers you are actually a trick by him and trying to distract you so you wouldn't fluster him to death.
He's just super embarrassed and feels very flattered but he is not going to tell it right in front of your face. By showing more affection, he knows you couldn't fluster him more since you are distracted.
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Sounds of fire crackling from the fireplace soothing you and your boyfriend, Ivan Braginsky. Today is just the day where he is free from world meetings with other countries while your manager let you go home early because you have done all of your tasks a few days ago and for your hard work.
Glancing at Ivan, his eyes were focusing on the knitted scarf on his hands. It wasn't much of a surprise for you that you see him knitting, knitting is one of the most calming hobbies and he enjoys calming activities. He was smiling as he watch every string inserted to other stings and create a beautiful pattern.
"Hey miliy (darling), you're lucky you are cute," You smile, teasing him and trying to see his reaction.
In the mid of his activity, his hands immediately freeze as his eyes a little bit widened and his cheeks were getting red underneath his pink scarf but it was gone in a second as his eyes look at you. Ivan closes his eyes, smiling innocently at you, "SUnflower, could you come a bit closer?" He asks.
Raising your eyebrows, you stood up and trudged up to him but once you stand in front of him. His enormous hands suddenly wrapped around your waist, pulling you to his lap as he put his head on top of your head.
"Don't tease me like that, sunflower~" he teases back
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starriva · 3 years
Do you guys ever think about how good a line dancer Alfred f.Jones is and how much better Matthew can be when drunk out of his mind?
Overall, I think Matthew is better at ballroom dances and Alfred good at Western and West coast swing solely because it has west in the name.
But both can sweep ya off your feet 🥰🥰🥰
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megane-boys · 4 years
today's megane is: America (Alfred F.Jones) from Hetalia
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nekostar4004 · 5 years
Hey guys! Since I haven't done anything APH/Hetalia related content In a long time (in months!!!), I decided to share some fanon/canon character names I made (2p and genderbent as well). I may keep them or change my ideas later...
There are also more alternative first and last names since I couldn't decide which one I wanna use (and probably some mistakes regarding the origin of them):
•Romania-Vladimir(Vlad) Lupeanu
-Valeria Lupeanu(genderbent)
-Dragomir/Dragoş Lupeanu(2p)
-Diana Lupeanu(2p genderbent)
•Bulgaria-Aleksandar Balakov
-Anka Balakov(Genderbent)
-Nikola Balakov(2p)
-Nikolina/Nedelya/Nikole Balakov(2p genderbent)
•Moldova-Ştefan Lupeanu/Rotaru
(I don't have 2p for this one)
•Hungary-Elizabeta(Erszébet) Héderváry
-Edgard Héderváry(genderbent)
-Camelia/Barbara Héderváry(2p)
-Carlson/Bahram Héderváry(2p genderbent)
•Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt
-Gryta Beilschmidt(genderbent)
-Endris/Endres Beilschmidt(2p)
-Erdme/Ensel Beilschmidt(2p genderbent)
•Austria-Roderich Edelstein
-Rosa Edelstein(genderbent)
-Thomas Edelstein(2p)
-Theresa Edelstein(2p genderbent)
•Norway-Lukas Bondevik
-Lavina/Kylie Bondevik(genderbent)
-Lokki Bondevik(2p)
-Linda/Ketty Bondevik(2p genderbent)
•England-Arthur Kirkland
-Alice Kirkland(genderbent)
-Oliver Kirkland(2p)
-Olivia Kirkland(2p genderbent)
•America-Alfred F.Jones
-Amelia Jones(genderbent)
-Allen Jones(2p)
-Alia Jones(2p genderbent)
•Iceland-Emil Steillson
-Eleina Steillson(genderbent)
-Mikkael Steillson(2p)
-Melinda/Melissa Steillson(2p genderbent)
•Ukraine-Iryna Chernenko
-Igorv Chernenko(genderbent)
-Sofia Chernenko(2p)
-Symon Chernenko(2p genderbent)
•Turkey-Sadiq(Sadik) Adnan
-Sabah Adnan(genderbent)
-Tadaaki/Tariq Adnan(2p)
-Talisha/Takisha Adnan(2p genderbent)
•Belarus-Natasha/Natalia Arlovskaya
-Nikita/Nikyfor Arlovskaya(genderbent)
-Anastasia Arlovskaya(2p)
-Aleksey Arlovskaya(2p genderbent)
•Russia-Ivan Braginski
-Anya/Ira Braginski(genderbent)
-Viktor Braginski(2p)
-Viktoria Braginski(2p genderbent)
So yeah, I have some story ideas in my head and I might use some of these names for the characters.
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dr-donogood · 6 years
Alfred F.Jones is a valid ass gay trans boy with ADD
You cannot change my mind
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