#alexia putellas scenarios
lewisvinga · 4 days
not so soft launch | alexia putellas x fem! reader
summary; alexia really doesn’t know what a soft launch is
fc; christina nadin
warnings; cursing
all works taglist; @goldenmclaren @namgification @c-losur3 @minkyungseokie @lavisenri @ollieshifts
note; first woso fic / smau 😋 i rlly love smaus
masterlist !
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yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; mornings from mexico 🌞] [caption 2; beach beach beach]
username rue… when was this??
username Y/N?????1&/@929
friendone oh i know ur having the time of ur life
yourusername oh yes i am😋
yourbestfriend soft launch eraaa
yourusername if she can even do one,i am having my doubts 😞
yourbestfriend i mean it’s alexia,,, im sure she’d get what a soft launch is…..
yourusername we shall see 🤓
alexiaputellas amor???? my face isn’t even in the pictures?🤔
yourusername bc that’s what a soft launch is, babe😕
alexiaputellas todavía no entiendo 🙄 [i still don’t understand]
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liked by alexiaputellas, yourbestfriend, and others !
yourusername: 🌴
username: are u soft launching 😞😞😞
username: body is tea tho😍
username: did we just lose y/n 💔💔
username: y/n w a gf? A WIN FOR THE GAYS!!🏳️‍🌈
username: those tattoos look familiar…👀👀
username: I KNOWW, maybe she’s dating a certain fcb player???🤔🤔
friendtwo: tell her i say hola😋
yourusername: she said hi🤗
username: who is she plz y/n😠😠
username: when i shout my girl my girl my girl too much n i fr lost her ( i never had a chance )
alexiaputellas: why’d you crop my face out 🙁
yourbestfriend: i told u her ass doesn’t know what a soft launch is🥱
alexiaputellas: i do know🙄🙄
alexiaputellas: oh wait
yourusername: you’re so lucky i love you 😒
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liked by yourusername, marialeonn16, and others !
alexiaputellas: what is a soft launch anyways ?
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: i’m done u ruined my absolutely perfect soft launch😔😔
alexiaputellas: i’ll make it up to you😁
marialeonn16: there are?? children present???
alexiaputellas: you mean yourself 🤨????
marialeonn16: ???????
yourusername: love u but just accept it mapi
marialeonn16: NO???
yourusername: are u single ????🤭🤭
alexiaputellas: i’m dating this one girl who keeps whining in my ear about ruining her soft launch😕
yourusername: was gonna say ur hot or whatever but nvm🙄🙄
alexiaputellas: i can feel your eyes on me
yourbestfriend: y/n just has 0 shame unfortunately 😔
username: oh she’s gorgeous 😍
username: IS THAT Y/N????
username: my two world colliding 😭😭
username: oh this is an it couple for sure
jennihermoso: you really couldn’t hold back, could you?
alexiaputellas: nope !
ingrid_engen: cuties 😍
marialeonn16: INGRID NO. they’re mean and they’re bullies
ingrid_engen: to be fair you do like to bother them a lot…
yourusername: 😁😁😁
marialeonn16: is this attack mapi day or what??
alexiaputellas: yes
username: i know damn well she knows what a soft launch is 😭
username: she rlly said fuck a soft launch and hard launches the most gorgeous girl ever😫
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zeezelweazel · 5 months
Alexia Putellas & Mapi Lèon & Ingrid Engen| Once or twice|
Orgy fic let's gooo
It stopped abruptly but I just wanted to get this first part out of the way, not much smut just the buildup
(sorry if there are mistakes, I'm sick right now)
Also I decided I'm going to write both of the ideas from my recent post ;)
TW: suggestive
In general you've had fantasies about a threesome before, maybe something even more, but it was just that a fantasy. You never entertained the thought for more than a second especially after you started dating Alexia. The captain was more than enough to satisfy your desires and you did your job to do the same.
So, you don't really remember when you started having these thoughts.
That fuzzy feeling in your stomach and the heat gathering inside you. Heat that had you rubbing your thighs together and your head spinning.
Spaniards are very affectionate. At first you thought it was a stereotype but the more time you spend in Barcelona the more you know that it's definitely true.
Alexia was sitting on the couch, practically draped over Mapi's lap, while her best friend softly grazed at the exposed skin of her waist. It was just the two best friends cuddling absolutely nothing dirty but something in the way Mapi had spread her legs to accommodate Alexia while the captain's red hoodie rose up and exposed her midriff made your head fill with lust. The way Alexia would occasionally glance up at Mapi with her wide hazel eyes and how Mapi would sometimes squeeze Alexia's side and smile down at her was working working you up shamefully fast.
And then there was Ingrid. Seemingly cold and calculative, the Norwegian was not one to be so physically affectionate unless it involved her tattooed girlfriend. So your surprise was expected when you saw her embrace your girlfriend from behind with Ingrid's much taller form caging the spaniard in her arms. Ingrid's hand came up to Alexia's blonde hair and she tugged on it once. Then the black haired woman leaned down and said something that made Alexia giggle.
These are occurrences that would have every person jealous but for you it was the opposite. You didn't know how to handle yourself after the realisation, how to confront your feelings and tell Alexia about them.
You have thought about telling her more, especially now that these thoughts are plugging your head every day but you're anxious. About how's she's going to take it and what she'll think of you.
If you've been through countless scenarios in your head but none were close to what happened.
You're both sitting on the couch watching something on the tv when you suddenly burst.
"Mapi and Ingrid are acting weird with you."
Alexia looked at you, surprise evident in her face then a flicker of something else as she tilted her head.
"Weird how?"
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at how oblivious your girlfriend was. Surely she must've noticed the huge difference in behaviour.
"They're touching you a lot."
Alexia moves closer to you, your lips mere inches apart and you gulp.
"Does it bother you?"
You bite your lip knowing that this is your only chance to confess your feelings to Alexia.
"No" you sigh and close your eyes for a second "I... like it." Alexia smirks and finally leans down to connect your lips. When you pull back you're both breathless with your pupils blown wide.
Alexia grins at home cute you are. You still have no idea this was all planned. Alexia knows having other people join you is a fantasy of yours but she also knows you'd never tell her that. She decided to take matters into her own hands and it worked.
"Just leave the rest to me amor."
A few days and a lot of preparation later you find yourself and your girlfriend sitting on your car that's parked outside of her best friend's apartment. Alexia noticed your nerves and placed one of her hands on top of yours and rubbed the back of it with her thumb. You smiled at her and nodded, now appearing more confident than before as you opened the car's door.
Knocking on the door of the apartment you took a moment to look at your girlfriend as you waited for the other two women. Alexia looked so pretty, light make up covering her face, the pink crop top exposing her abs and the jeans she chose only made her ass look even better. You licked your lips already starting to feel that familiar tug on your lower stomach.
When the door opened Ingrid and Mapi smiled at you and urged you inside.
You've been to their apartment numerous times but still you were looking around as if you've never been here before, all to avoid looking at the other women. Ingrid was tired of the awkward silence so she decided to nudge Maria towards Alexia while she took a step in front of you and took your face in her hands. You got lost in her gorgeous blue green eyes so when Ingrid brought your lips together you gasped in surprise. You didn't take time to bounce back, immediately bringing your hands on her hips and pulling her in further.
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outsideratheart · 8 months
Us (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: I have no idea where this came from but it has been stuck in my head for a few weeks. I hope you guys like it!
You had been in the most important meeting of your career when you received a message.  You never turned your phone off in case there was an emergency but you did put it on do not disturb. The small vibration in your pocket told you 1 of 2 people were trying to get in touch with you. Your manager was in the meeting with you so it only left one person.
I need you, please can you come over.
As far as Alexia was aware you were in England. Your mind went to the worse case scenario because it had to be something bad if she was asking you to get on a plane and fly to Barcelona with no explanation. 
In the politest way possible you excuse yourself from the meeting and leave your future in the safe hands of your manager, who upon seeing your face backs your decision to leave without asking any questions.
A quick text is sent to your girlfriend saying that you are on your way but there’s no response. You try calling only there is no answer. By the time you get to her apartment building you are filled with worry and you waste no time in running up the stairs having no patience to wait for the elevator.
When you knock on the door you are not met by your girlfriend. 
“You’re the lion?” The resemblance was even more striking up close. You had met Alba once or you had at least been in the same room as her.
“Technically I’m a lioness” 
It makes a little more sense now. No one was aware of your relationship and in order to keep the questions at bay you didn’t save each others phone number under a name, instead it was an emoji. Yours was a lion due your national team’s nickname and your on pitch persona. Hers was a crown because she was your queen and known by the fans as La Reina.
“Alba let her in” another woman, Alexia’s mother, guides you through the apartment even though you have been here enough times to know your way around.
“You’re the girl my daughter has been seeing”  
“I am and I will happily introduce myself and answer any questions you may have after I have seen her”
“She’s in the living room. When we came she was crying and she won’t talk to any of us” one of Alexia’s best friends says.
It didn’t look good. Her mother, sister and best friend all at your girlfriends apartment yet she is refusing to talk to any of them
The three woman give you some space as you enter the living room. All of them hoped that you would have more luck at finding out what was wrong.
“Hello you” you crouch down so that you are at her level and without saying a word Alexia wraps her arms around you tightly. The speed of it almost sends you both to the ground but you steady yourself just in time.
Once on the sofa Alexia buries her face in the crook of your neck.
“How are you here?”
“That doesn’t matter. Alexia, what is wrong?”
“They won’t leave me alone. It’s like they are obsessed with my personal life. I’m happy, why isn’t that enough for them? Why do they need to get involved and keep bringing up the past?”
You were at a loss. Yes you were aware of the spotlight that was constantly on Alexia, one was on you as well but you had been dating for almost 2 years now and nobody was the wiser. 
“Who cariño?” Eli asks from the other side of the room. 
“The girls. They think that because Jenni signed for Atleti that we are going to get back together. We finally got back to a good place during the World Cup and no one seems to understand that we are just friends. We are Y/N, I promise nothing is going on” Alexia turns to look at you.
During the World Cup you saw the rumours and they spread quickly given that everyone assumes Alexia is single. At first it bothered you but the two of you talked about it and you realised that you were jealous for no reason. Alexia was your girl and only yours.
“I know” deep down you hated that she was still getting linked to another woman but it wasn’t a threat to your relationship so you let it go.
“They are going to ruin everything. They don’t even know and they are ruining—“
“Alexia, nobody is ruining anything. Let your friends talk. At the end of the day it is me and you”
The three other women in the room watched and listened as you talked Alexia through her panic. You were able to calm her and bring her peace in a moment that was very overwhelming for her.
“But Jenni is—“
“Jenni is your past and that cannot be changed. What have I told you?” You ask your girlfriend.
The woman who is still cuddled into your side mumbles something incoherent and you know she is mumbling because she doesn’t want the other women to know the words you told her during the summer.
“She’s your first love Alexia, I intend to be your last” you kiss the corner of her mouth. 
The sound of awes burst the little bubble that you had formed around you and Alexia. Clearly embarrassed, Alexia once again hides herself. 
Knowing that the two of you can’t ignore the introduction that the women are waiting for, Alexia officially introduces you to Eli, Alba and Miri as her girlfriend. 
“What happens now?” Alexia asks you “Do we tell people? I don’t want our bubble to break, everything is normal with you. We are Y/N and Alexia but when people find out we will be captains, players and rivals”
“Hey, calm down. They will change but we won’t. Do you want to be us normal or what everyone else expects us to be?”
“Us normal”
“Well then I am going to drive you back to your training facility, open the door for you like I always do, I’ll kiss you goodbye and then you’re going to go to work”
Your confidence was reassuring to all in the room.
Alexia tells you that she is going to freshen up in the bathroom which leaves you alone with three of the most important people in her life. Your media training comes in very handy as you are able to answer all of Alba’s and Miri’s questions without hesitation or breaking a sweat. However, Eli’s question catches you off guard.
“You’re the reason why Alexia didn’t come back to the room after the awards show in Dubai aren’t you?”
“Guilty but nothing happened” technically it was the truth, nothing did happen that night “We spent the night in the hotel bar talking then went to the beach to watch the sunrise”
“Can I ask you a question?” Alba says “If you were in England when you received the text would have come?”
“I would have been on the first flight out, yes”
It seemed to enough to please the younger Putellas because she simply nodded her head.
Once Alexia was ready you did as you said. The two of you drove to Joan Camper, Alexia quizzed you the entire car journey because you still hadn’t told her why you were in Barcelona. You open the door for her as expected but what Alexia didn’t expect was you to walk with her into the facility.
“I love that you care but you don’t have to do this for me, I can handle it” 
“Who says I’m doing it for you”
The two of you stop in front of the canteen. It was surrounded by glass windows and you can see the majority of the team eating their lunch.
“Us normal?” You ask Alexia and she nods her head. As you normally would whenever you visited her or she visited you, you kissed her once on the lips and then once on her hairline as she hugged you goodbye.
“Wait! Where are you going?” Alexia asks as you don’t go in the direction of the exit. 
“You asked how I’m here. Well, I have a job interview with your boss” 
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hyypnotix-writes · 9 months
would you be willing to give a lil blurb/teaser of what you have written? no worries if not
I'll give you a sizeable little chunk and we can see what the reaction is to that.. 😬
this is definitely subject to change - I've lost count of how many times I've rewritten things!
..Em drags you through the large flock of fans, trying to make sure that you don’t get separated from each other on your way into the stadium, and you keep offering up apologies on her behalf, as she carelessly mows people down for you. She is quite the woman on a mission.  
You opt to keep your head down, a little embarrassed by your sister’s rudeness, but even as you make an effort to avoid making eye contact with all of the disgruntled supporters that she keeps barging through, there is one thing that you do struggle to avoid seeing, with some of the Barcelona fans.   
An overwhelmingly impressive amount of them, also have ‘ALEXIA’ on their shirts.   
This doesn’t come as a complete shock to you. She is the best player on the team, after all. There is something about seeing her name plastered over quite so many strangers’ backs, however, that has sent your heart racing.   
This turnout of people is undoubtedly nothing compared to the millions of followers that you found out she has on Instagram yesterday, but it’s a very different feeling, seeing her fame condensed into a little figure on social media, than it is, to actually seeing so many of them in person. It’s much harder for you to ignore the countless amount of admirers that she has, when you keep physically bumping into all of them.  
“Are you good?” Em asks, as you find yourself frozen in the crowd, staring at the back of another person’s shirt.  
“Hm? Yeah, sorry.” You mutter, giving your head a shake, before letting yourself get dragged along again. “She’s very ..popular.”   
“Putellas?” She checks, and you can only nod back at her, still a little dumbfounded by it all. “Well, yeah. Obviously!” She snickers. “Come on!”  
Maybe it’s pride that you’re feeling. Knowing you’ve been spending a bit of time with someone so well-liked. That’s very nice for you, that’s entirely enjoyable and fun. It doesn’t need to be anything other than that. What good would that do for you? 
Perhaps there's a slight nervous tension in your stomach, at seeing her name absolutely everywhere. That’s probably understandable and fine. You knew she was famous, but that’s still a little confounding to actually play witness to. No one’s going to hold that against you, it’s okay to be a little overwhelmed by it all.  
It’s a new reality for you. It makes sense that that would be accompanied with a new feeling too. Anxiety isn’t something that’s really presented itself to you when thinking of Alexia before now. Of course it isn't, why would it have been?  
Picturing little scenarios with her in your mind was fun, it was silly. It didn’t really mean anything when you were never going to find her again. You didn’t need to go putting doubts about yourself in imaginary-Alexia’s head, that wouldn’t keep things very fun and silly at all.  
There are a few doubts about yourself in your own head now, perhaps. Seeing as you have found her again, you’re falling for her, and she’s clearly not the little nobody that you thought you’d entangled yourself with, but that’s probably fine. It’ll be a temporary thing. Let’s not worry about it right this second. Let’s just enjoy the game instead! 
It probably isn’t wise for you to start stewing on things. You really will start spiralling.  
How could you not?  
If you start letting yourself think too hard about all the things that you were lacking, and what you simply couldn’t offer to keep a pathetic pig of a man satisfied, and you really start allowing yourself to question why you weren’t good enough for him, that isn’t going to put you in a very good mindset when seeing all these fans that Alexia has.  
Her supporters aren’t limited to just little kids or grown men. There’s a lot of women here, also sporting her name. It isn’t necessarily the case that all of these women are gay, that’s not really how watching women’s football works. She can have straight women being her fans too.  
Some of them are probably gay, though, aren’t they? Lots of the ones that are gay, with her name on them, might have a little crush on her. It’s very likely that absolutely none of them will have had to do research all day to make sure that they knew what was going on this evening. All of them will have already known everything. They’ll be genuinely into football, genuine fans of Alexia.  
Gorgeous, confidently gay, and really into football. Those are the women that surround you right now. That’s fine. What’s wrong with that? 
Why are you letting yourself worry? Why are you letting them get to you? Because they make more sense for her? Because they’re better for her? Because you’re not a fan of football?  
Alexia already knows that she didn’t walk out on you because of it.
She did giggle a few times at your idiocy, though, didn’t she? She probably did think you were a little foolish. She would presumably think it was a bit lame of you, to have spent quite so much time studying for a football match. Who else has ever had to do that? You really probably are the only one. That is a bit embarrassing. Quite pathetic of you.  
What a loser, you are.  
Maybe you should let it get to you. Maybe you’ve let yourself get carried away. Maybe you’re having a psychotic break. You’re letting yourself fall for a woman. A Spanish woman. A famous Spanish woman. A famous Spanish woman who plays football professionally, for crying out loud! Look at all these beautiful lesbian fans that she has here. What the hell are you playing at?  
You? A little nobody from London, who couldn’t even keep an ugly bastard of a man happy? If you weren’t even able to manage to do that, how could you possibly hope to be good enough, for two-time Ballon d’Or recipient, current Champions League and World Cup winner, Barcelona’s sweetheart, Alexia Putellas?  
That doesn’t seem very likely at all, does it? You being the soulmate of this ethereal goddess of a woman? Behave yourself. You really are delusional.  
Maybe that’s why she wanted you here, to laugh at you. Point and laugh at you with all of her football friends.  
Just go home now. Pretend that you’re ill. You do look a little ill. You’ve let yourself spiral, haven’t you? I did warn you about doing that. Now look at the state of you. This is very tragic.  
“Mate, what are you doing?” Em asks, as you once again find yourself paralysed, staring at yet another stranger’s shirt.   
“I just ..I don’t feel well.” You mumble.   
“Noo. Please don’t do that!” She begs, all too aware of what your next statement is going to be..
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Started reading all your Alexia Putellas x reader fics, and I thought of this scenario, damn you guys... THIS IS AMAZING WAHWAH
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lewisvinga · 4 days
alexia putellas
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not so soft launch !
coming soon !
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zeezelweazel · 7 months
can you do a h/c alexia fic with a fluffy ending? i don't really have a scenario but ill take anything. and i don't mind whether it's r comforting alexia or alexia comforting r
Alexia Putellas| Not like before|
I loved this idea and honestly I think it's about time I wrote something other than smut lol
I'm not really proud of how this turned out
TW: Alexia's injury, hurt/comfort
It's been a year and a few months since the day Alexia tore her ACL. She was doing better, both on and off the field, as you helped her through every step of her recovery. Or so you thought.
You can't remember exactly when you started noticing the signs but you know it's not just you. Mapi, Alba and even some of the staff members alongside some of your other teammates have started to notice a shift in the captain's behaviour. She was spacey and unfocused more often than not, even during training which is something the captain would never allow herself to do. She seemed to be especially nervous and fidgety days before matches, especially the important ones.
What got everyone really worried was her absence from training camp and the last few matches of the nation's league. The team wasn't nervous, they knew they could qualify for the Olympics anyway but Alexia leaving the camp a few hours after she arrived made everyone particularly worried.
You thought this was your chance to finally get to the bottom of this.
It seemed simple in your head but now, when you're standing in front of Alexia's bedroom door, your stomach is clenched tightly and uncomfortably. You gulp down your nerves and decide to finally knock on the door. A few seconds of silence go by and just as you're about to knock again you hear Alexia's voice.
"Come in." Alexia's voice was quiet and tired. You softly opened the door. Alexia was laying on the bed, mindlessly scrolling away on her iPad. She barely looked up from the screen to acknowledge you. Not really knowing how to approach her you sat down next to her. You took a peak at the screen to see a tweeter thread. That was really surprising given that the last thing Alexia likes to do on her free time is scroll on social media.
It's only when you read the comments that you finally understand.
'Alexia isn't playing again? It's probably her knee'
'It's sad how she'll never play at 100% again'
'I miss the old Alexia, she looks scared to play now'
'She used to be the greatest before her injury'
'She was in the peak of her career, now it's all over'
Your heart ached as the comments kept flooding the screen. You can't imagine how Alexia must feel as she reads through them. You don't know if she's noticed you or not but her eyes are glued on the screen. You finally decide to take action, Alexia is stunned when you grab the device out of her hands. She looks at you with an unreadable expression. You decide to place your hand on her back, Alexia doesn't move away but you know that the physical contact does very little to help.
"Ale please, you need to stop looking at these posts. You know how the internet is-"
You couldn't even finish your sentence, Alexia was already up from the bed and moving towards the bedroom door.
You called out for her but the Catalan was already out of your shared room, leaving you alone and confused to ponder over what you said wrong.
You decide to call Mapi and tell her about what happened with Alexia. The blonde seemed to be very concerned for her best friend after you narrated the incident. Both of you tried to find a solution, a way to talk to Alexia. You have to help her, you can't bear seeing her like this. Not when just a year ago she was running on the pitch like an untamed wind, playing her favourite sport for her dream club and winning every possible trophy.
You knew better than everyone how this injury affected her. You naively thought that after the world cup win she'd immediately be back to her old self. Unfortunately that's not how ACL tears work. Your head is a mess, running at a hundred miles per hour as you desperately try to work a way around this mess.
You throw yourself in training the next few days, hoping that by doing so you'll be able to clear your head. If the rest of the girls have caught on on your distress they don't mention it.
After an exhausting three hour training session you move through the stadium, eager to reach the locker room and pack your stuff to go home. You hear faint sniffles just before you enter and you pause outside of the door. If someone is crying, then something serious must've happened. But then again, you don't know if the person crying wants company right now. Against your better judgement you decide to open the door anyway.
"Hey, wha- Alexia..?"
The blonde abruptly looks up and she hastily wipes the tears from her face, as if that would erase the image of her crying just a few seconds ago. Your heart breaks at the embarrassment that's evident in Alexia's face. She shouldn't feel embarrassed to cry, especially not in front of you. You take a careful step forward and when Alexia doesn't move you continue to approach her. You take her face in your hands and make her look up at you. Your heart breaks at the absolutely defeated look in her eyes.
"Ale... what's wrong? You can talk to me."
Alexia pulls back and sits down on one of the benches. You take the invitation and sit down next to her. You're both quiet for a while but you understand that Alexia needs to collect her thoughts.
"It feels like I'll never play again." You look at Alexia when she finally breaks her silence and you let her continue." Every time I step on the training field it feels pointless, because when I look at the team sheet I'm not even on the bench. And when I do play, I either do horribly or my knee starts acting up immediately after. I'm going to be too old to play by the time I'm fully fit."
You wrapped your arms around Alexia after she finished her rant. To be honest, you didn't really know what to tell her, you were scared that you were going to fuck up but you had to try.
"You can't give up Alexia."
Short, plain, simple and incredibly basic. So basic that you're sure she's heard it a million times before. Still Alexia looks at you and her eyes seem just a little bit brighter.
"Plus you're la reina."
You press a quick kiss on her lips and your heart swells when she smiles.
"The best footballer in the world."
Another kiss.
"The biggest idol in women's football."
Another one.
"And of course, the best girlfriend ever."
Alexia is laughing now, full and happy, as she wraps her arms around you in a tight embrace. You feel like you haven't seen her laugh in forever, the sound bringing a warm feeling to your body.
"Thank you, mi amor."
You brush a stray strand of hair behind her ear and lean in to kiss her once more.
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zeezelweazel · 3 years
Check this post if you want to request something!!!
Fic Info: ⭐=fluff, 🔥=smut, 💧=angst
Arcane : League Of Legends
General Relationship Headcanons| Vi, Jinx, Caitlyn ⭐
Attack On Titan
They watch you die| Mikasa, Annie, Pieck 💧
Having a Creepypasta! S/O| Jane, Clockwork, Jill, Ann, Zero ⭐
Would you still love me if I was a worm? | Jill, Zero, Clockwork, Jane, Ann ⭐
Reader doesn't say ' I love you ' back| V3 ⭐
Dating a sweet tooth| Kaede, Maki, Kirumi ⭐
General relationship headcanons| Isabela, Dolores, Mirabel ⭐
Genshin Impact
General Relationship Headcanons| Beidou, Ninnguang, Keqing, Mona ⭐/💧
Nightmare Scenarios Pt1| Beidou, Fischl, Lumine 💧
Nightmare Scenarios Pt2| Ninnguang, Keqing, Mona 💧
Cuddling Headcanons| Inazuma ⭐
Reincarnated Reader| Ganyu, Baal ⭐/💧
Genshin Impact + Polyamory| Eimiko, Jeanlisa, Beinguang ⭐
Overwatch 2
Fluff Headcannons| Mercy, Widowmaker, Ashe, Kiriko, D.va ⭐
Reader gets sick| Mercy, Widowmaker, Ashe ⭐
Until Dawn
Pegging Headcanons| Sam, Jess, Em, Ashley 🔥
Nsfw Headcanons| Sam, Jess, Em, Ash 🔥
They accidentally hurt you| Reyna, Sage, Viper, Fade 💧
Facing your omega double| Jett, Neon, Killjoy, Raze 💧
S/O is tired of them being protective| Reyna, Sage, Viper, Fade 💧
General Relationship Headcanons| Wednesday, Enid, Bianca, Yoko ⭐
Tired sex| Alexia Putellas 🔥
Jealous sex| Alexia Putellas 🔥
Comforting her about her injury| Alexia Putellas 💧/⭐
Semi public sex| Alexia Putellas 🔥
Overstimulation| Alexia Putellas 🔥
Playing against her in the wc final| Chloe Kelly 💧/⭐
Her being obviously in love| Alexia Putellas ⭐
Fucking in her office| CEO!Leah Williamson 🔥
Hard launching your relationship| Chloe Kelly ⭐
Making her squirt| Leah Williamson 🔥
Having multiple quickies (semi public)| Alexia Putellas 🔥
Being there on her first game back| Leah Williamson ⭐
Comforting her after she gets injured| Jill Roord 💧/⭐
Having a threesome for the first time| Millie Bright & Rachel Daly 🔥
Fucking her after she loses a match| Leah Williamson 🔥
Fucking her in the stadium shower| Leah Williamson🔥
Soft sex with her| Leah Williamson 🔥
Having to break up because of different wants| Leah Williamson 💧
Her fantasising about you fucking her| Lia Wälti 🔥
One night stand with her| Lia Wälti 🔥
Once or twice| Alexia Putellas & Mapi Lèon & Ingrid Engen
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Alexia Putellas nsfw thoughts
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- Pt3
- Pt4
- Pt5
Reader calls them crazy| Lottie, Shauna 💧
Her and R meeting during a game| Lottie ⭐
Overprotective Headcanons| Lottie ⭐
Overprotective Headcanons Pt2| Lottie ⭐
Jealous!Lottie confessing to best friend!R| Lottie ⭐
Jealous!Lottie confessing to best friend!R Pt2| Lottie 🔥
Confessing to Reader (Wilderness timeline)| Lottie ⭐
Being degraded by her| Lottie 🔥
Being in a throuple with them| Lottie & Natalie ⭐/🔥
Her being mean to you after a fight| Lottie 🔥
Sex on an away game| Lottienat 🔥
Christmas sex| Lottie 🔥
Being "friends" w benefits| Lottie 🔥
Lottie nsfw thoughts
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- Pt2
- Pt3
- Pt4
- Pt5
- Pt6
- Pt7
- Pt8
- Pt9
- Pt10
- Pt11
- Pt12
- Pt13
Natalie nsfw thoughts
- Pt1
- Pt2
- Pt3
- Pt4
246 notes · View notes