#alexandria tours
egyptonlinetours1 · 2 years
Alexandria Ancient City tour from Alexandria Port
Alexandria Ancient City tour from Alexandria Port
Alexandria Shore Excursions, Exciting alexandria tour  from Alexandria port, know more about Alexandria Shore Excursions , Book and explore the landmarks of Shore trips from ALexandria Port,Montazah Palace, Alexandria Liberary, Qaitbay Citadel and more, moreover with  you can visit other places from Alexandria Port  with Egypt Online Travel.
Enjoy visiting Alexandria; the second largest city in Egypt, described as the bride of the Mediterranean because of its location at the Mediterranean Sea. You will be able to visit the famous attractions of the city with alexandria port such as Cata Comb, Qaitbay Citadel, Alexandria Library, and Al Montazah Palace
Explore Qaitbay Citadel with was a strong fortress, built by Sultan Al Ashraf Qaitbay in the 1480 A.D, located on the ruins of the amazing Lighthouse of Alexandria which was one of the famous Seven Wonders in the ancient world. Continue your fancy tour to Alexandria Library which was one of the largest libraries in the ancient world, constructed during 3rd century B.C by Ptolemy I.
Visit the magnificent Kom El Shoqafa Catacombs with Egypt Online Travel; they contain a number of statues, artifacts, and tombs from various cultures, including Egyptian, Romanian, and Greek. Your final stop will be Al Montazah Palace, which Khedeve Helmy built during the first half of the 20th century because he loved Alexandria and wanted to host visitors from all over the world there.
Shore excursion to Alexandria from Alexandria port to visit the Catacomb ( Kom Elshokafa ) Pompeys Pillar, Qait Bey Citadel, Alexandria Library, Montazah Palace. Including Lunch during Alexandria tours
Alexandria port cruise tours, Alexandria Tour, Alexandria city from Alexandria port Our Alexandria Tour starts with pick up from your cruise Terminal at Alexandria Port then meet your professional English speaking tour guide to enjoy a full day tour in Alexandria to visit the Catacomb ( Kom El Shoqafa ) considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages. One of the more gruesome features of the catacombs is the so called Hall of Caracalla. According to tradition, this is a mass burial chamber for the humans and animals massacred by order of the Emperor Caracalla, Continue your Alexandria Tour visiting Pompeys Pillar, Qait Bey Citadel, Alexandria Library, Montazah Palace and lunch will be at good quality restaurant in Alexandria, during your Alexandria Tour enjoy also a shopping tour in Alexandria famous bazaars then drive back to Alexandria Port and drop off at your Cruise Terminal at Alexandria port. ( Emd of Alexandria Tour from Alexandria Port )
Alexandria Tour, Alexandria Port Shore Excursions, Alexandria Tours includes : - Pick up services at your cruise Terminal in Alexandria port by our representatives - All transfers by deluxe air-conditioning vehicles in Alexandria Tour - Sightseeing tours as stated in Alexandria Tour itinerary - Egyptology expert English speaking tour guide - Entrance fees to the sightseeing as per Alexandria Tour itinerary - Lunch meal will be served during Alexandria tour at a local restaurant - Free mineral water and soft drink during Alexandria tour
Alexandria Tour, Alexandria Port Shore Excursions, Alexandria Tours excludes : Optional tours and Personal expenses
For more info
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hex---grl · 1 year
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amisthiosintraining · 8 months
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07.26.2023 | Ineb-Hedjet Nome
Captured on Xbox Series X.
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vemonb1tez · 6 months
My man❤️
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rockweiler-again · 1 month
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Asking Alexandria at the Starland Ballroom, Sayreville NJ. 03/27/12
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loreleiroze · 4 days
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Agathion, Ophinal
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"Snek" © Cindy Avelino, accessed at her ArtStation here
[The name "agathion" for Pathfinder's NG outsiders is derived from "agatho daemon", or the "fortunate spirits" of classical Greece. The agathodaemon, sometimes named Tycho, was popular in Ptolemaic Egypt, particularly in Alexandria. Which is why, for a venomous snake-based agathion, I feel comfortable slotting it into Africa for the World Tour project. For more information about snake veneration in the Greek world, Drakon by Daniel Ogden is an excellent book, and was the inspiration for this entry.]
Agathion, Ophidinal
CR 4 NG Outsider
This creature appears as a snake with a human torso and arms. Its scales are colorful, and its expression beatific.
An ophidinal is an agathion devoted to healing above all other arts. They serve heavenly forces and mortal temples alike as doctors, able to patch injuries, treat longer term ailments and expel most mundane and some magical afflictions with magic. Although their aspect resembles that of venomous snakes, they are actually anti-venomous; a creature bitten by an ophidinal has the toxins purged from its body, and any natural poisons it secretes temporarily suppressed.
Ophidinals dislike combat, and rarely choose to fight. They can defend themselves with teeth and claws if they must, but would prefer to heal than to harm. They are usually mobile on the battlefield, casting a sanctuary spell on themselves and then moving between allies to grant them support. In addition to healing, their touch can bring with it good fortune. An ophidinal will happily lay down its life to protect goodly allies. 
Unlike many agathions, which eschew civilization for wilder spaces, ophidinals are comfortable in buildings and cities. There are many hazards that urban populations have to deal with—hunger, disease, crime—and ophidinals work to minimize these impacts on common folk. An ophidinal is especially good at dealing with pests. Insects and rodents are often eaten as snacks, and venomous serpents are bitten to suppress their venom and then encouraged to take up residence elsewhere. Ophidinals are suitable for calling with lesser planar ally to act as a source of healing, and their prices for such services are typically taken in healing items magical and mundane, or simply blankets and digestible food to make the lives of the sick more comfortable.
An ophidinal is about eight feet long, but come up to about four foot high when posed upright. Some have hoods, eyelash scales, colored stripes, or other markers of particular species of venomous snake, sometimes mixed and matched in ways unseen in nature.
Ophidinal            CR 4
XP 1,200
NG Medium outsider (agathion, extraplanar, good)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +13, scent, tremorsense 30 ft.
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 42 (5d10+15)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +7; +4 vs. poison
DR 5/evil; Immune electricity, petrifaction; Resist cold 10, sonic 10; SR 15
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee bite +5 (1d4 plus antivenom), 2 claws +5 (1d3)
Spell-like Abilities CL 5th, concentration +7 (+11 casting defensively)
At will—detect poison, diagnose disease, sanctuary (DC 13), stabilize
3/day—cure moderate wounds, lesser restoration, protection from evil (DC 13), remove paralysis, remove sickness
1/day—remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease
Str 10, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 15
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 19
Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Lightning Reflexes
Skills Climb +12, Diplomacy +10, Heal +11, Knowledge (nature, planes) +9, Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +12, Swim +12; Racial Modifiers uses Dexterity for Climb and Swim
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, speak with animals, truespeech
SQ bit of luck (6/day), healing ritual, lay on hands (5/day, 2d6), undersized weapons (small)
Environment any land or urban (Nirvana)
Organization solitary, pair or clinic (3-6)
Treasure standard (healer’s kit, other treasure)
Special Abilities
Antivenom (Su) A creature bitten by an ophidinal automatically has any poison affecting it removed, as per a neutralize poison spell. A creature with a poison special attack that is bitten must succeed a DC 14 Will save or lose the ability to use its poison for one day per HD of the ophidinal (5 days for the average specimen). The save DC is Charisma based.
Bit of Luck (Su) An ophidinal can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. An ophidinal can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + its Wisdom modifier (6/day for a typical specimen).
Healing Ritual (Ex) By increasing the casting time for any of its spell-like abilities with the healing subschool to one minute, an ophidinal can grant itself a +4 bonus to its caster level for the purposes of the spell’s effect.
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ashrafahmed-1 · 6 days
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souzisayedsalem · 21 days
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krankittoeleven · 2 years
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Aya of Alexandria & Senu Assassin's Creed Origins // Discovery Tour
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vthedragon72 · 1 month
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Old tees from 2010-2012... autographs are hella faded too can barely see them! OG BVB shirt signed by the whole band back in 2010? Ashley Purdy and Sandra Alva were still in the band! OM&M shirt is signed by Austin Carlisle! I wanna say the 2011 Warped shirt is sign by Danny Worsnop (Asking Alexandria) and Winds of Plague??? I'm pretty sure but hard to remember those days
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graymads · 1 year
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A little rain, and every life must fall
(Part 1) (Part2) (Part3) (Part4) (part5) (part6) (part7) (part8) (part9)
***Trigger warning themes of drepression and suicide readers discretion is advised***
Sera Frigga
Sera stood over Alexander, as they laid motionless in the hospital bed . Alexander had been rendered comatose more than a week ago , they had conducted a strange energy from one of their pokemon a Castform named Nimbus that had been altered by the shadow storm event not so long ago . Sera knew Alexander had grown frustrated by the lack of information and inability to help. So in a moment of calculated rick Alexander had Decided to uses their odd ability with Nimbus . Alexander was a “conductor” of sorts able to take in the the dynamic energies that pokemon gave off or expelled and refine it within themself into something useable to themself and others . Sera knew Alex had learned to tell a lot about a pokemon by the energy they gave off their level ,heath ,mood, typing and host of other status were things Alex could sense when they absorbed energy and Sera guested alexander was also Curious as to the nature of shadow types . Curious as to what the power of shadow type energy could do. … well that “ Calculated risk” left alex here comatose in a hospital , after their mindless body tried generating another Shadow Storm , and forced Sera ,Derek and Alexandria ( @alex-ishvan )to fight them.
Sera remembered the vast hollowness she felt trying to reach Alexander’s mind . Sera as an ESPer had felt many minds and their defenses, for your average person it as like pushing Through wet tissue paper , for other ESPer like herself it varied some had wall and maze and traps that protected their mind
But…Alex didnt . She knew Alex at times when conducting the right kind of energy could access psychic like power but this wasn’t that. Right now there was no defense shielding Alexander’s mind they were wide open, but there was nothing. A vast emptiness that Sera could not sense Alexander in. Like a hole cut out of the world.
Prof.Apricot suggests the prob first , while she was the head professor of the Endless Mountain region and serve that role dutifully she is a researcher at heart. Perhaps The foremost expert on empowered humans and had studied Alexander and their power for years, besides, Alexander, she probably understood their abilities the best.
“ when Alexander absorbs energy even when they are not using it, actively some of it bleeds off , I don’t believe their body was designed to hold onto energy forever with that in mind, it stands to reason that any effects that energy had on their body should have dissipated by now, but what if the energy isn’t gone?. Shadow Pokémon are best described as individuals whose hearts have been closed off , i think when Alexander Took in shadow type energy from Nimbus it closed them off and some of that Energy got stuck inside them. If we can wake them or even just communicate with them, bring them to awareness of what’s happening maybe they could dump the energy them self.” Professor apricot said.
Sera instantly agreed to try And that’s how she found herself here.
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She ,Alexandria( @alex-ishvan ) and Apricot had to remove Derek room the room , she need space and as little distractions as possible . Derek’s worrying and dread filled thought weren’t conducive to that and … he needed shower , he had neglected himself quite a bit in the days fallowing alexander’s experiment and smelled . Sera knew Alexandria, who had to endure his odor the most was going to drag him to the staff showers and hose him down if he did not comply with hers and the staffs request that he clean himself up.
So Sera gathered herself . Prof.Apricot in last few days had done her best gather psychic types willing to help Sera in her prob . What ever was happening in Alexander’s , Sera understood was dangerous , could feel its vast empty pull even when she wasn’t actively trying to perceive it . She knew perhaps on an instinctual level that if she were to dive into Alexander’s mind alone or even with just her Unown X and Mystery she wouldn’t come back , she needed more.That’s what the psychics surrounding her were for . Ellisa’s ( @adventures-on-foster-island ) Gardevoir , Pearl had come to help for the day . Sera could sense a skillful mind in her Alexandria Reuniclus hybrid Drippy had also agreed to help , a simple joyful mind filled with strength . Alexander’s brother and sister offered their Pokémon’s help as well , a finally trained Padparadscha Starmie and alakazam familiar with Alexander offered their combined might. Then there was Juguete Alexander’s claydol , they were … Sera found them strange . Old , very old with depth and memory that stretch on for what seamed like forever. With patience unlike anything Sera had ever felt. Sera had the impression that they would wait forever for Alex to wake. Would watch eternally if they didn’t.
Sera could feel them all dredging up the power from within them ,and did the same herself . She could feel her Unowns first .Cunning ,strong minds joining hers . Pearl and Drippy joined her synchronicity next adding their own flourishes to their harmony . The Starmie and alakazam s brute strength soon joined and as an unyielding anchor to them all Juguete added to their chorus.so together they dived.
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It was an Abyss they all thought, dark and endless and alone . Cold it was cold in this place as well. As if what ever the Shadow type energy did to Alex left their mind inhospitable to life. Nothing could grow in a place like this nothing could flourish here . what ever this spaces was protected nothing hid nothing it was nothing … so much nothing you could lose yourself in it. Sera had to regularly recenter the hole team and herself . This place would do that. Born you , distract you , numb you . What it could do to drag you into nothing. They plunged deeper into darkness and found something . Darkness deeper than what surround them floated before them, a sphere of void in the blackness .
They placed a mental hand on the sphere and felt something . A actual feeling ,the first actual sensation from some other being besides herself and the team she’d sensed since entering Alex’s mind. It …it was familiar, they could tell it was Alex inside it but … it was strange … like déjà vu. What Sera felt wasn’t what she expected , she had thought when she found Alex they be sad , scared, confused or depressed but all she felt from the sphere was resolution. Sera had felt this from Alex before , she knew she had but couldn’t place where. It didn’t really matter right now she thought they need to get to Alexander and she would bet money that the sphere before her now was what” closed of their heart “. So she plunged her hands into the glob .dug and clawed and ripped till a fissure opeaned and she could peer inside its interior. They could truly feel Alexander now and with horrifying clarity Sera knew exactly why what she sensed from Alexander was so familiar. Why this was so much worse than she had thought originally. It was a memory she peered into , a stagnant moment before a terrible decision.
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Sera remembered this day . On top of The starlight tower It was two weeks after the worst day of Alexander’s life . Three dead gods ,six dead friends and nothing to make it better . No answers , no hope , no future . Something had been unmoored in Alexander that day cast off into nothingness . Sera could sense their… unwellness , the call of the void that sang to Alexander. The sheer inability to see a path without them. How inviting and peaceful the thought of it being over felt. Sera had been there that day to call them back and got them help in the waking world but it was devastating to know that Alexander had been brought back here to this awful place. She tried to move though the fissure she had opened ,knew if she could only reach them again that Alex would wake from this nightmare and be free of it . But the moment Sera arm reach out for them ,something else was there . A shadow grabbed her arm , she was too surprised to react when it attack. Pain , real pain shatter through her and the team . Sera understood in the physical world, the Alakazam and Starmie collapsed to the ground. Pearl reacted first throwing up a barrier that began to buckle instantly from the shadows assault. Sera could feel Drippy pour power into the shield . Sera gathered herself , the shadow must be the energy she thought it would do anything to keep itself here and attacked the moment in realized we could damage its walls . Over and over sera could hear it say in a voices like wind through cloth “get out get out get out get out get out” . She added her own power to the barrier but… it didn’t stop its buckling. New dents and crack formed on their shield as that terrible power continued to blast shadow at them . Sera thought that it reminder her of acid poured on linen. No matter how much power they poured into their barrier The shadow would eat through it eventually. Sera could feel the others and herself growing tired, they couldn’t keep this up. Sera felt the pull from Juguete and knew they were right . In bust a of fury Sera, Pearl ,Drippy and her Unown unleashed them self on the shadow . its assaulted ended but not because they had managed to strike at it . If fact Sera didn’t Believe for a moment that their attack did anything , it stoped because it knew it won. It watched as Juguete reeled them back to their body’s.
When Sera’s eyes opened she was on the floor , in fact all those who had helped were on the floor , exhaustion weighing heavily on all of them. Tears welled in her eye , for her friend and her failure . “ I’m so sorry Alex “ was all she could get out before the sobs started.
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02.21.2023 | Alexandria
Captured on Xbox Series X.
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mothmannathebanana · 3 months
Big rip to all of the concert videos/photos that live in my old iPod that barely turns on, just know you are the only reason that bitch is still living in my childhood bedroom.
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rockweiler-again · 2 months
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