#alex: i'm really nice
op81s · 3 months
three minutes of alexander rossi suffering through enjoying content day ☺🧡
@raapija, @nico-di-genova peep even more creed references by their biggest fan.
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Ghost with a Transmasc!S/O
I've been wanting to write this since last week! I'm not exactly happy with how it turned out, but maybe someone else can enjoy it as well!
When you’d approach him, all nervous and fumbling around, he’d just stay quiet. Sure, he’ll tell you that, no matter what, you can tell him anything and he won’t judge you, but he won’t pressure you into telling him what’s wrong either, even if he is pretty curious. If you need an hour until you can tell him, then he’ll wait that hour, reassuring you that it’s alright. Once you tell him that you’re a man, he would only be half surprised. He’s seen how you eye other men. While he may have thought that could have been attraction at first, once you come out to him, all the pieces fall into place. You weren’t in love with them, you were admiring them. However, he won’t judge you in the slightest, but will talk to you about what’s okay for you and what isn’t. Are you alright with him bringing up the past? Are you alright with him referring to certain body parts? If not, then he’ll keep that in mind. He’s never really been dysphoric before, so he doesn’t really know what you’re going through, but he tries his darndest to be supportive of you.
In fact, you coming out to him as a trans man makes him think about his own masculinity. What does it mean to him? How would he define it? What makes him feel masculine? Those are things he never really questioned before since he’s never seen himself as anything but a man, he always took it for granted. Although he may not say it, or even realize it at first, I think he might grow more comfortable in his own masculinity as a result.
But that aside, the first thing he does would be taking you to a clothes store to buy you some new clothes. He doesn’t really have an eye for aesthetics, and menswear being usually rather dark in color doesn’t help that much either, but he’ll pick out some shirts and pants for you that would fit you and that you might like. He’d also pick out some boxer shorts for you, the same brand that he uses since those are of a higher quality and will last a bit longer. If you’re extremely nervous about it, then he’ll even go to the cashier and pay for you. You don’t even need to pay him back. As long as he can help you out somehow, he’ll pay any price. Will also buy you some men’s body wash and deodorant. Probably the same he uses since he’s familiar with it.
If you’re alright with it, then he’ll break anyone’s nose who dares to misgender you. Especially on the days where you’re feeling a bit more dysphoric. Naturally, he won’t out you to people when there’s danger involved or when you tell him not to, but he’s not above getting into a fight for you. Especially when some transphobe decides they need to be mean to you for no reason. He’s a scary man, he can intimidate most people with his resting face alone, which he uses to his advantage.
If you can get the approval for your surgeries and testosterone the regular way, then he’ll congratulate you and celebrate with you even. However, if you were denied such, then he has acquaintances who can get you the permits. Nikolai is a good lad, he can get you just about anything. Ghost will fight for your clinical reports.
Once you start going on T, he’ll actually be overjoyed with you. As silly as it may sound, he wants to record you saying something, anything at all, so he can compare your voice now to how it develops later on. He’s pretty good with faces, he probably has a few pictures of you on his phone, even if they aren’t plenty, so he’s confident he’ll be able to tell you how you’re slowly growing into a body that is yours. If you let him, he’ll even administer your shots or rub the gel onto your shoulders. It actually makes him incredibly happy when you do, it’s a sign of trust to him. He gets to watch you be giddy, he gets to spend time with you, he gets to make you feel good. If it was up to him, then he’d hug you every time afterwards.
If you don’t know already, then he’ll teach you how to fight. He’ll teach you how to beat someone bloody and how to get up with a broken nose. Although he may go easy on you at first, he won’t forever. He’s a top notch soldier, so there’s a good chance you won’t ever be able to beat him properly, but you’ll learn. You’ll be able to defend yourself and you’ll have a pretty nice outlet for your anger as well. If you’re okay with it, then he’ll involve Soap in your fighting sessions as well. It’s absolutely animalistic when he joins, so you really don’t need to worry about any sort of etiquette when he’s around. It’s just beating each other into submission and then patching each other up.
If you don’t already know, then he’ll teach you how to ride a motorcycle. For some reason, motorcycles are very masculine to him, so he thinks it would make you feel good as well. One day, you’ll be riding one together, with him being the one to hold onto you. He’s looking forward to that day.
On the days where the dysphoria hits harder than usual, he’ll remind you that you’re a man. You’re the most perfect man in his life, and he wouldn’t want to have it any other way. Holds you close and reminds you that you will become your most ideal self, it just takes time. Either way, he won’t leave you, he won’t think of you as less than a man just because you had to put in the work to get to where you are right now. You’re his most ideal man, and he would go through all the torture he’s gone through once more just to be with you. He’ll support you through your highs and your lows. You’re a man. A darn good one at that, because not anyone can go through what you’re going through and still be standing. He admires you greatly for your strength and will remind you of that fact as well.
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wildflowercryptid · 6 months
sometimes, i think about the extra bit of depth alex's romance is given when you date him as a guy and i just gotta. stare at the ceiling for a bit...
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meraki-yao · 10 months
I wanted to translate this one post from a Chinese RWRB fan on Weibo that summarized a lot of Taylor did on the day of GQ events and how the fans felt about him, because it’s really sweet
Puppy Taylor is really so sincere, and he’s sincere to anyone and everyone
In September during the Ferrari show he met Editor Liu and was invited to the event that didn’t even have a confirmed date. At the time he just said “I’ll come if I have time”. But in the end, he really came, straight after he finished his last event, and took a red-eye flight across the ocean by himself to Shanghai. He went straight to fix his style and fit after the flight and went to attend his friend’s dinner party, and helped said friend’s new magazine gain traction through live stream etc.
The GQ event suggested for guest not to wear Haute couture, some mainland celebrities still did, but Taylor chose a local old brand, and the brand’s passion about being eco-friendly just as he is.
Taylor is also so sincere to his fans. He signed book after book, and took photo after photo. He treasured the gifts fans gave him and carried them himself all the way. When he signs for fans he asks for every single fan's name and tries his best to remember them. Taylor also took photos of the fans, of the oarsman, and of the photographer. He laid down on the bow of the boat to sign for fans. And for the fans who didn’t come, he accepted taking video calls to say hi to them. He made hand hearts with fans, and when a fan asked to hold his hand, he didn’t even hesitate. He wrote “I flew across the ocean to see you” when signing books. He even shaved his facial hair which he kept for a long time to match the taste of the people around him, transforming back to ACD. Taylor sincerely praises every single staff member he crosses paths with and treats them like new friends. He’s spreading happiness with so much passion.
There’s still so much more, Taylor is just such a wonderful person, he’s just the best. 😭
I tried my best with the translation, but I am in no way professional, so please forgive me if it sounds weird (The original post was choppy in Chinese too😅)
The translation of Taylor's name in the original post isn't his official translated name 泰勒 (tài lè, or "thai"-"le") which is just phonic, it's the fan translation 忒樂 (tè lè, or "Tay"-"le" ) which is arguably more phonic and means "too happy"
Puppy狗狗 is a nickname Chinese fans gave Taylor, I made a whole list of nicknames Chinese RWRB fans gave the boys here
Regarding the dress code thing, all of Taylor’s outfits from yesterday came from a Chinese local menswear brand that was established in 1980
Regarding his facial hair, the beauty standards of China prefer men to be clean-shaven. If you look at mainland Chinese celebrities of Taylor’s age, unless a role demands it, which is really rare, they rarely keep facial hair. I honestly don’t know if this was the reason Taylor shaved, this part in the post is just speculation, but there is this connection.
Regarding the excessive use of the word sincere, there really isn’t a better word (at least in my vocabulary) to describe what the op meant. But sincerity is a really, really treasured quality to Chinese people
Please understand that Chinese celebrity culture and fan culture is pretty different from Western celebrity culture and fan culture, so certain things they did are viewed differently on this side of the web/ world. If you want to know more about these differences or have any questions, feel free to dm me and ask about it.
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haystarlight · 4 months
I don't like that we're getting "Red White and Blue 2" before we get a "One Last Stop" movie.
There, I said it.
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arklay · 11 months
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To the public, little is known of the families behind some of the world’s most renowned bioterrorists, but the question remains: did they play a role in causing their children to walk down the path that they did? Or are these individuals simply ambitious criminals with delusions of grandeur?
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For Diana Wesker (née Afanasyeva), her introduction into the bioweapons black market trade was upon discovering her employers were using her research into limb regeneration with salamanders to further their experiments in creating enhanced soldiers, instead of developing human therapies with which she was recruited for. Although the prospect of using biological weapons in the military did not appeal to her, the concept remained fascinating for her own selfish endeavours. Born on the 27th of October, 1963 in Sydney, Australia to Russian immigrant parents, Diana had harsh expectations placed upon her at a young age, ones that no matter how hard she tried she could never live up to. Her mother, Tatyana, was an unfeeling woman, absent for long stretches of time with little regard to how it affected her daughters, much more concerned with her craft as an accomplished opera singer. Viktor was no better. A strict man whose role as father and ballet master blurred, he pushed his girls to one day follow in his footsteps. Whilst Sofia enjoyed ballet, and went on to become a professional ballet dancer, Diana’s heart was set on going into the field of biology. She wished to make a name for herself, separate from her family – to which she succeeded.
Diana was married to former U.S. Marine, Dave Monroe, for only a year until he was declared dead in 1992 after succumbing to injuries sustained in a horrific car accident. Foul play was ruled out while Diana played the role of the grief-stricken widow, but in reality, she had snapped after years of mistreatment at her husband’s hands, and opted for something she could pass off as an accident to be free of him. For years she believed he was dead – and he was, legally – but that proved to not be the case when he found his way back into her life again in 1999. Unbeknownst to her, she had been lied to by the police and coroner, who were paid off by her employers when they took Dave’s body for themselves and used him as one of their first test subjects in developing supersoldiers. Before he could ever hurt her again, Diana’s second husband, Albert Wesker, tracked the man down, captured him and tortured him, before allowing Diana to get her violent and bloody revenge.
The origins of Albert Wesker’s involvement in bioterrorism, alongside his twin sister, Alex, are much different than that of Diana’s. The two hail from London, Canada, but unfortunately, they hold no memories of their lives there, nor what happened to their biological parents when they were eight years old. Agents of Oswell E. Spencer, an aristocratic billionaire and eugenicist, took the twins from their home and executed their parents as per Spencer’s orders. Albert and Alex were then placed in a home funded by the Spencer Foundation where they were given new names and a privileged upbringing. They had access to the best education possible, free to pursue whichever field they decided, but it was by no accident they both went into virology and bioengineering; at home, their adoptive parents – agents whom they believed to be their real parents – instilled them with the beliefs of Oswell E. Spencer, harbouring disdain for war and pestilence, and believing humans to be an evolutionary dead-end in need of a rebirth. They were only two of the hundreds of children “adopted” as part of what is known as Project W, a plan intended to develop an advanced race of human beings. The most promising candidates were headhunted by Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, the twins amongst them, where they went on to create bioweapons for the company founded by none other than the man who had handpicked them for his plan. The final stage of this was to infect the thirteen Spencer saw fit, however, only two survived; Albert received the intended effects, now possessing superhuman abilities, however, Alex was only offered more time to live due to her terminal degenerative illness.
In the summer of 1995, Diana was working undercover within Umbrella to gather development data on their projects for her company. Here, she had a chance encounter with Albert, an intelligence officer at the time, which permanently altered the course of her life. The two were never seen far from one another’s side, marrying in 1998, and they went on to become notorious in the bioweapons industry. The development of the Uroboros virus was where things took a turn for the worst. Although Diana’s infection was successful and she bore abilities that rivalled her husband’s, the plan itself did not succeed as they had hoped, and almost cost Albert his life at the hands of his former subordinates.
Now, they work within the shadows, with Diana declared missing and Albert believed to be dead. Their legacy, however, lives on with the mark they left on the world. As visionaries in their field, they influenced bioterror attacks carried out by countless individuals and organisations. In turn, they also inspired others to fight against such atrocities. One such person happens to be Albert’s son from a former relationship, Jake Müller, whose existence he was unaware of.
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#mine.#oc: diana#pair: ewskers#click for better quality cause it's large & tumblr ate it ♡#hii so happy birthday diana !! queen is 60 today :]#um. there's no template cause i made this from scratch...i couldn't find any i was vibing with so i was like you know what lmaoo#i'm sorry for the essay...it was meant to be just a short rundown of the family but well...that happened. typical leah fashion...#oh and guys. did you know that there's a limit to the amount you can put in one blockquote? that's why the rest is just left like that caus#i didn't like how it looked with a blockquote each paragraph...cause the spaces between were unever. you understand 😔#with the tree i was also going to include weskids adoptive parents but i couldn't figure out how to arrange it all & make it look nice !!#cause i also wanted to have spencer in there as well cause he's a big reason why the weskids are the way they are...was maybe gonna include#sherry as well. like connected to jake (hehe) and then do her parents too but that would've made things so wide & it's already big enough#yes. i hc that albert & alex are biological twins. just for clarification there :] i don't think i added anything else that isn't canon or#implied with canon. cause the weskids were put in homes (or at least whatever ''controlled environments'' means) where they were monitored#by umbrella but were unaware of it. so yeah. i don't think i really changed much there !!#honestly i could've kept rambling cause there's alex's whole situation. there's my lore with jake's mum. there's way more with the ewskers#but it's already so long & i can't be concise so there's that lmaoo oh also diana's grandma. so much stuff#also meant to say the weskids birthday in that ramble. it's january 15 1960 :] they are capricorn sun leo moons but alex was born earlier s#their rising signs are albert is a scorpio rising & alex is a libra rising !!#had to redo the image cause typo on diana's birth year for some reason lmao so if that messed up the formatting i will sob
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running-in-the-dark · 9 months
ah, crap.
I gave up and started watching Almost Paradise. I don't want to like it! but I'm not even a minute in and there's his stupid face and his arms and he's adorable and I hate it (I love it 😭)
and then this: "just boom. heart failure. and trust me, that's worse than penis failure" cool 👍
and now he's been hit in the face by a beach ball 😌 awesome
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hozaloza · 7 months
Me after someone lectures me about using the word 'delulu'
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I'm not a clown because I misused the word "delusion" I'm a clown because I preform stupid acts on purpose with no shame.
That's my job.
To do stupid stuff
I'm sorry my obsession with Thomas hurt your feelings 😔/j
Okay fr though. Delulu seems to be a separate word from delusion. Same idea, but different context.
Delulu seems to be more for tame subjects
Delusion is this definition
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It could be possible delulu is an offensive term, but I wouldn't know that, why would anyone?? Please, if I say something that could be offensive, can you inform me nicely?? I have no social cues half the time, so I don't always get whats right or wrong. I'm also stubborn and have anger issues, so being nice honestly helps me out on the long run.
Alright, ty for coming to my ted talk
(This is SBG related, so...)
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gregorygerwitz · 8 months
do you ever read someone's rant and just... yeah. say it louder. I'm kicking my feet and giggling about it like a lovestruck school girl.
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graham--folger · 5 months
i love looking back at old writing i've completely forgotten about and squinting at it like. damn. whoever wrote this shit was pretty good
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reddeliciousauce · 2 months
✦...? (Don't know if I sent this yet or not...)
You make me laugh ║ I am inspired by you ║ I trust you wholeheartedly ║ I consider you a role model ║ I am interested in you romantically ║ I am interested in you sexually ║ I am protective over you ║ I support you ║ In my ideal world, you are happy ║ You give me cute aggression ║ You have done so much for me ║ Your approval is meaningful to me ║ I think of you often ║ I hope you are a permanent fixture in my life ║ You don't get enough credit ║ Your presence is a mood boost
We are vibing ║ I like your posts ║ I respect what you've been through ║ I hope you get what you deserve ║ We may not be close, but I enjoy what we have ║ I wish you would seek help ║ Knowing you has changed me ║ I consider you trustworthy ║ You remind me of myself ║ I like bumping into you at the function ║ I idolize you ║ We share a lot of common interests ║ You're cool
I'm compelled to antagonize you ║ You grate on me ║ I do not trust you ║ I don't respect your life choices ║ I feel like I have to mask / dull myself around you ║ You've crossed my boundaries multiple times ║ I feel guilty over something I said/did to you ║ I am obsessed with you || I have a grudge against you ║ You stress me out ║ You give me cute aggression ║ I envy you and/or covet aspects of your life ║ I thinly tolerate you ║ Being around you sometimes opens up old wounds for me
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Happy because favourite book series is getting TV series adaptation.
Terrified beyond repair because favourite book series is getting TV series adaptation.
#tv shows#tv adaptations#lockwood and co.#lockwood and co#i made my tumblr because of lockwood and co#i was desperate to find lockwood and co content anywhere and tumblr was the only place with even a marginal fanbase#even then it was really small but i got to share reading the last book with them#got to review and ramble and theorize a little beforehand#it was nice being in a small but dedicated fandom nice finally being able to see others talk about this relatively obscure series#and now it's getting a tv show and i love the books so much i just live in fear that they will ruin everything#and i feel rather gatekeep-y and book snobby in this tumblr tonight as i worry new fans who don't care about the books will crop up#and mess with that cozy little fandom feel#or will like it if it's horrible or i don't really know#i want the show to be good but no adaptation of anything has really been good has it#except the asoue tv show that did the books a lot of justice even in its changes#so here's hoping for an adaptation following its example#and not the example of countless movies that shall not be named#and not the example of the stupid alex r*der show i hate it i hate it it was so boring i hate it and people love it and i hate that more#the casting for lucy and lockwood looks decent so far so i'm cautiously optimistic while still being twisted with unease#like it's all about the vibe will they get the vibe will they get the humour will they get the horror#and will they stick with the novel's plotline and twists? fear fear fear#I hope it’s good
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livetogether--diealone · 10 months
sometimes i get a weird amount of notes on a gifset from something old-ish and i'm so confused, then i check and yeah big blog with active following reblogged it
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swxppedshitposts · 1 year
It's pretty fun but also kinda sad that Alex can pick up on patterns in other people's behaviour extremely easily and can predict their intentions almost spookily well, but when that same person is talking to him, his own personal hang-ups and paranoia entirely skew his judgement
So like he can tell just from observing the behaviour of a distant colleague's new boyfriend from afar for less than five minutes that he has ulterior motives for being with her, but if that same guy walked up to him and turned out to be a fan who then paid him a genuine compliment, he would perceive it as insincere because his personal perception of himself and the intentions of the universe toward him in general due to his curse and his constant paranoia messes with his judgement
Or like he can physically see and perceive that someone is stone cold sober but if they flirt with him he assumes that he must have missed something and that they're probably drunk because why else would anyone do so unless their mentality was critically impaired in some way?
But he gets annoyed with Louise for not always being able to tell when other girls at the bar are just pretending to be nice to her, and at Caroline for wondering whether or not her current boyfriend is lying to her over text about where he is and who he's with, because he can read into people's typing patterns scarily well within just a few minutes of studying it and the truth is just glaringly obvious to him.
But if Caroline just casually texts him "What's up? :)" one day, he's unsure if she is truly just asking him 'what's up' or if it's preceding some kind of further interrogation that he should being to prepare for, despite having known her personally for many years
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piovascosimo · 1 year
Blur | Ong Ong (acoustic)
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Lewis p13, another charlestastrophe, Köln losing, my uncles birthday party ... we should apply cancel culture to specific days and dates
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