#alex ridha
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5hithappen5 · 3 months ago
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Caption this!
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headlinerportugal · 2 years ago
O Diabo esteve à solta e nós dançamos com ele - Dia 3 do NOS Alive 2023 | Reportagem
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Josh Homme e os seus QOTSA no último dia // Foto oficial NOS Alive @ João Silva Enquanto o diabo esfregava o olho, eis que o último dia do NOS Alive chegou. Não interessa se o corpo começa a queixar-se, não há tempo para ouvi-lo, é tempo de viver e aproveitar o último dia do Alive. Nós queremos o mesmo que Josh Homme, neste momento não queremos saber o que acontece com o resto do mundo, apenas queremos dançar como uma cobra gigante! Nem só de música vive um festival. Além do usufruto de concertos incríveis, as pessoas aproveitaram o tempo da melhor maneira possível: conviveram com amigos e familiares. Passaram bons momentos num mix genuíno de amor, amizade, bebida e excelente música. Há igualmente a habitual caça aos brindes (nada comparável com a oferta existente nos primeiros anos de festivais), a visita aos stands dos patrocinadores e a possibilidade de outras atividades no recinto.
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Além da música há mais diversão no recinto | mais fotos clicar aqui Para o último dia do NOS Alive (oficialmente não teve lotação esgotada) estava reservado o pop e muita música de dança nas suas variadas ramificações nos três principais palcos do evento. Pelo meio havia umas pitadas de rock, que viriam a ser alguns dos momentos altos do festival.
No Palco WTF Clubbing foi um dia forte, sempre que por lá passava, ecoava uma batida poderosa que fazia estremecer os ossos e que obrigava os presentes a acompanharem o ritmo, ninguém conseguia estar quieto, o movimento era constante. O britânico Third Son, o DJ irlandês Krystal Klear e ainda o germano-israelita Alex Ridha com o projecto Boys Noize trouxeram a paixão dançável e foram os destaques da noite neste palco.
Já no palco secundário, o Palco Heineken, não havia um fio condutor, havendo uma variedade de estilos entre a pop, rock e dance music. A nova-iorquina King Princess transforma-se ao vivo deixando para trás o pop, abraçando o rock e foi com ela que a intensidade chegou a este palco para nunca mais o abandonar.
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Angel Olsen a encantar a plateia // Foto oficial NOS Alive @ Hugo Macedo O momento alto da noite neste palco e de todo o festival seria o concerto da compositora americana Angel Olsen. É difícil de explicar o que se passa quando ouvimos Angel, é algo tão bonito e mágico que durante o concerto duas perguntas surgiam simultaneamente na minha cabeça: “Como ela consegue encantar-nos esta forma? Será uma super-heroína?”… Só pode ser essa a explicação. Couberam na setlist a incontornável “Shut Up Kiss Me” e algumas das mais recentes como “Ghost On” (a 2ª interpretada) e "All The Good Times" (a penúltima). Concerto encantado e maravilhoso!
Mais tarde, Branko, um dos fundadores dos Buraka Som Sistema, aproveitou esse encantamento e não deixou goradas as expectativas dos seus seguidores e levou à loucura quem por lá se encontrava.
O palco onde todos os caminhos do recinto vão dar, o Palco NOS, foi também ele lugar de desfile de vários estilos musicais. Ainda o sol brilhava bem forte quando Bárbara Tinoco e Carolina Deslandes deram início às suas canções numa entoada juvenil e cor-de-rosa, para todas as idades. Um momento bonito.
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Colson Baker dos Machine Gun Kelly // Foto oficial NOS Alive @ Arlindo Camacho O cor-de-rosa deu lugar a tons mais escuros e negros que vestem o corpo de Machine Gun Kelly (MGK) e a sua banda. É a primeira pitada de rock no palco principal e o primeiro chamamento do diabo, curiosamente um dos temas interpretados por Colson Baker foi “el Diablo”. Mais tarde juntou a nós outro chamamento bem mais poderoso. Rap, nu-metal, emo é tudo aquilo que MGK nos oferece, ou podemos arranjar um rótulo novo para o seu som? Certo é que MGK sabe o que faz e o rock percorre as suas veias, ele só quer por toda a gente a saltar!
Antes uns minutos da hora marcada, as luzes apagaram-se e anunciaram o início do concerto tão esperado por muitos (eu incluído) dos Queens Of The Stone Age. Enquanto uma música soava dos altifalantes os californianos começam a surgir no palco. Josh Homme já de guitarra ao ombro olha sedutoramente para o público e atira-se ao riff bem conhecido de todos de “No One Knows”. Estava dado o mote para todo o concerto, o público estava conquistado e nada mais haveria a fazer. Agora era saltar, levantar os braços e gritar a plenos pulmões as letras de todas as músicas. O chamamento do diabo estava completo, ele estava à solta e nós dançamos com ele! E que bom foi dançar com ele!
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Josh Homme a deliciar os seus fãs // Foto oficial NOS Alive @ João Silva Seguiu-se uma lista de músicas antigas (por exemplo: "Go With the Flow" e "I Sat By the Ocean") e outras do novíssimo disco ‘In Times New Roman…’, casos de “Emotion Sickness” e “Carnavoyeur”. Em nenhuma faz descer a intensidade que permaneceu até ao fim, com o apogeu a acontecer com aquela que seria a última música “A Song For The Dead” com o público a cantar continuamente o refrão. Josh Homme é um rock star sedutor com um carisma só ao alcance dos deuses. Para mim, um dos momentos altos do festival, quiçá o mais demoníaco!
Destaque para um momento especial quando Josh Homme chamou ao palco uma espectadora com uma bodycam e pediu ao público que enviasse o seu amor para José, que estava em casa a assistir ao concerto graças à tecnologia 5G. José não pôde ir ver a sua banda favorita ao NOS Alive deste ano devido a tratamentos médicos que está a realizar para tratamento da doença neurológica degenerativa de que sofre: ELA (Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica) O público acedeu e gritou bem alto o seu nome “José!”
Por muito que não se queira é tempo de ouvir o corpo e dar-lhe o devido descanso. Terminou a 15ª do NOS Alive e a saudade já aperta, mas levo no coração o prazer de ter vivido intensamente estes três dias. A vontade é regressar dentro de um ano! As datas de 11, 12 e 13 de julho já estão reservadas na minha agenda!
Foto-reportagem do ambiente, dia 8: Clicar Aqui
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“De pequenino é que se torce o pepino” | mais fotos clicar aqui Texto: Jorge Resende (Revisão e apoio de texto genérico por Edgar Silva) Fotografia: Jorge Resende e fotos oficiais
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xatskee · 1 year ago
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#QuoteOfTheDay (20230725):
“Tiada kata terlambat untuk memulai kembali. Jika Anda tak suka dengan hasil kemarin, cobalah sesuatu yang berbeda hari ini. Jangan berdiam diri, lakukan yang lebih baik.” (Alex Elle)
Bila baru hitungan hari atau minggu, memulai sesuatu yang berbeda/baru relatif mudah. Namun bila sudah bertahun-tahun, dan sudah tahu apa yang kurang dari hasil sebelumnya; karena sudah di zona nyaman, kita jadi malas untuk melakukan improvement. Padahal di luar sana perubahan dalam segala bidang sudah begitu cepat dan disruptif.
Mumpung masih awal tahun Hijriyah, semestinya semangat hijrah meninggalkan zona mager menuju kepada kebaikan yang lebih prestise (meraih ridha Allah) hadir dalam diri. “Kami berhijrah bersama Rasulullah ﷺ dengan mengharap ridha Allah Ta'ala.” (al-Bukhari: 5967). InsyaAllah, jalan kesuksesan dibentangkan Allah, “Dan orang-orang yang bersungguh-sungguh untuk (mencari keridhaan) Kami, benar-benar akan Kami tunjukkan kepada mereka jalan-jalan Kami.” (Al-Ankabut: 69)
#never #too #late #start #over #not #happy #with #yesterday #try #something #different #today #do #better
Telegram Channel https://t.me/x_QoTD
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the-name-is-marti · 8 years ago
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its boys noizeeeee. my favorite boy
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weownthenitenyc · 6 years ago
Today, Boys Noize (aka Alex Ridha) has revealed a cover of the legendary Adamski track “Killer,” featuring Steven A. Clark HERE. The accompanying video is a remake of the original video HERE (dir LIL INTERNET) and was shot at the very rare location c-base in Berlin, which is “the mother of all hackspaces”! The area where “Killer” was mostly filmed is called the “airlock” and they refer to themselves as a Space Station.
WATCH – Boys Noize – Killer ft. Steven A Clark:
Alex and Steven bonded over the track while working on Steven A. Clark’s album ‘Where Neon Goes To Die’ (prod. by Boys Noize), which came out earlier this month on September 7th. The original version, featuring Seal on vocals, was an acid house anthem on the European charts in 1989 – here Boys Noize’s industrial techno take gives the beats an extra punch. “Killer” is available on vinyl, with the instrumental version on the b-side. Direct link to vinyl HERE.
Boys Noize about the track: “Being a 90’s kid, I kind of grew up with this song which later became one of these tunes I’d play out at the end of the night. When I met Steven and heard his voice for the first time I immediately thought of that track and the idea of doing a cover version was born. It was initially just for fun, but it turned banging and lit the dancefloors wherever I’d drop it – so here I am sharing my industrial KILLER.”
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Boys Noize has been spending time in the studio with artists Lady Gaga and 03 Greedo, in addition to production work for ASAP Rocky’s Testing album and RL Grime’s single “Pressure”, both released earlier this year. Boys Noize recently announced his fall North American tour, stopping in cities across the US from LA, Denver, New York to Atlanta and ending with sets on FriendShip – tickets available now at boysnoize.com.
Berlin-based producer/DJ Boys Noize runs his own label, Boysnoize Records, with Oi Oi Oi marking the full-length album debut of Alex Ridha as Boys Noize. Other studio albums Power, Out of the Black feat. Snoop Dogg, Mayday featuring appearances by Hudson Mohawke, Danny Brown, Poliça, and Strictly Raw Vol 2 and more, followed, as well as countless EPs and vinyl only releases. Besides his own work, he’s done film scores for Oliver Stone’s Snowden, and “Alarm” for Who Am I for instance. On top of this, he has his own side project under the moniker Elax, a collaborative group Dog Blood with Skrillex, Handbraekes with Mr Oizo, and a project with Chilly Gonzales called Octave Minds released an album including a Chance the Rapper feature.
Boys Noize US TOUR 2018:
Fri 10.26 – Seattle, WA @ FreakNight Wamu Theater Sat 10.27 – Los Angeles, CA @ The Belasco Wed 10.31 – San Francisco, CA @ Halcyon Fri 11.2 – San Diego, CA @ Bang Bang Sat 11.3 – Phoenix, AZ @ The Pressroom Fri 11.9 – Boston, MA @ Royale Sat 11.10 – New York, NY @ Kings Hall at Avant Gardner Fri 11.16 – Atlanta, GA @ District Nightclub Sat 11.17 – Washington, DC @ U Street Music Hall Fri 11.23 – Chicago, IL @ Sound Bar Sat 11.24 – Detroit, IL @ The Works Fri 11.30 – Vancouver, BC @ Celebrities Underground Sat 12.1 – Denver, CO @ Beta Tue 12.11-15 – Miami, FL @ FriendShip 2018
Tickets available at www.boysnoize.com
http://www.boysnoize.com/ https://www.instagram.com/boysnoize http://www.twitter.com/boysnoize http://www.facebook.com/boysnoize online store: oioioi.berlin Boys Noize ERROR APP (free) smarturl.it/errorapp
  Ahead of Tour, Boys Noize Releases New Single “Killer” ft. Steven A. Clark BOYS NOIZE RELEASES NEW SINGLE “KILLER”  FT. STEVEN A. CLARK HERE  (COVER OF LEGENDARY ADAMSKI TRACK) 
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shemakesmusic-uk · 3 years ago
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After recently sharing their single ‘Rotting’, POLIÇA, the Minneapolis-based project of singer, Channy Leaneagh, producer, Ryan Olson, bassist, Chris Bierden and drummers, Ben Ivascu and Drew Christopherson have announced their new album Madness is due June 3 via Memphis Industries. The first single from the album ‘Alive’ is streaming online now.
Speaking about the track, Channy said "Bad things happen, the fire goes out; even with the best flammables it stays dark until nothing matters becomes the fire itself."
Recorded mostly from 2020-2021 in Ryan Olson’s Minneapolis studio with lyrics written and recorded by Channy Leaneagh, Madness is an experimental expansion of the 4 piece family band of Chris Bierden (bass), Drew Christopherson and Ben Ivascu (drums) to include the anthropomorphic production tool  “AllOvers(c)”, designed by Olson and fellow producer & sound-artist Seth Rosetter. Madness continues within the collaborative enclave in which POLIÇA resides and includes co-production by Dustin Zahn Alex Ridha and Alex Nutter. The lyrics and startling artwork  for Madness are summed up by Channy as follows: “I am here for you all and I am never truly myself here. I am her for you all and I am never truly her”.
01. Alive 02. Violence 03. Away 04. Madness 05. Blood 06. Fountain 07. Sweet Memz
POLIÇA · Alive
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jillianclarke20 · 3 years ago
Visual Narratives: Off White Research (No Rules)
Off White formally known as "PYREX VISION" founded by Virgil Abloh in 2012. Virgil had changed and rebranded the company with no official explanation however it was speculated that the change was made due to legal reasons. Off White has been described as
"the grey area between black and white as the colour off-white to the fashion world."- Virgil Abloh.
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Off White Collaborations:
Off White has had numerous collaborations over the years with a variety of brands from Nike, Moncler, Ikea and not only has the brand collaborated with luxury/ non luxury but with musicians such as ASAP Rocky, Kanye West and Boys Noize (these are just a few examples).
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Virgil had redesigned 10 of Nike's sneakers for "The Ten Project" the collection/ project was inspired by 1990s influences merged with a modern day approach.
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Off White and Moncler had joined forces in 2016 to create a collection called "Moncler O" the collection was inspired by Scandinavian fisherman.
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The collaboration took place in 2017 as Virgil reviled an interior design project with the Swedish brand. The line featured rugs, chairs, bags and even a clock as well as other vibrant products.
Off White X ASAP Rocky:
The collaboration took place in late August 2017, the release included a series of T-shirts with words/ phrases such as "midnight rave" and "dance motherfucker dance". The T-shirts can be seen as limited edition merchandise for the rapper had organised a midnight rave a week prior to the launch. It was a very limited collection for it only had 50 copies produced and sold.
Off White X Boys Noize:
Virgil had released his first song in 2018. The song was recorded with DJ Alex Ridha (Boys Noize). The track (Orange) was recorded in Berlin and was first played at a famous Berlin nightclub in late January.
As of August 2019 the owner of Farfetch had bought the New Guards Group with is the parent company of Off White (the sale was worth 675 million dollars). As of July 2021 LVMH announced it would be receiving a 60% stake in Off White leaving founder Virgil Abloh with a 40% ownership with regards to the company.
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ultrastacion · 4 years ago
Boys Noize se luce con dos nuevos lanzamientos cargados de emoción
Boys Noize se luce con dos nuevos lanzamientos cargados de emoción
Alex Ridha publicó dos nuevos tracks, incluída una colaboración con Kelsey Lu y Chilly Gonzales. El siempre innovador DJ y productor Boys Noize publicó los tracks “Ride Or Die” con Kelsey Lu y Chilly Gonzales, y “IU” junto a Corbin, dos producciones que llegan como compañeras, entretejiendo lazos musicales entre la reflexión y la liberación. “Ride Or Die” es un claro ejemplo de la fluidez que…
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weownthenitenyc · 8 years ago
WATCH: BOYS NOIZE Year of Mayday Video
WATCH: BOYS NOIZE Year of Mayday Video
BOYS NOIZE SHARES YEAR OF MAYDAY RECAP VIDEO, INCL NEW “STARCHILD.” LOOKS AHEAD TO 2017 WAREHAUS TOUR German producer Alex Ridha, AKA Boys Noize, shares a recap of a thrilling year in which he released his 4th studio album Mayday in May and played live around the globe with a new production featuring stunning graphic and lights design. Along with a recap “YEAR OF MAYDAY” video, which includes a…
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opsikpro · 5 years ago
Boys Noize secures producer credit on A$AP Rocky’s first release since Swedish incarceration, ‘Bubushka Boi’
Boys Noize secures producer credit on A$AP Rocky’s first release since Swedish incarceration, ‘Bubushka Boi’
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Reverberating force in the four-by-four domain and one half of the Skrillex-assisted Dog Blood duo, Boys Noize (Alex Ridha) recently decided to put his dexterous production prowess in full view, taking a strategic step outside of the electronic arena to assist in an auspicious new hip-hop endeavor.
The German Boysnoize Records boss hopped in the studio with A$AP Rocky, to co-produce the…
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helen-kim-was-pushed · 7 years ago
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Co-Won as Jessie Kowalski!
Started a bb15 alliance week two with myself, Candice, Elissa, and Helen. I also started an alliance with Alison, “The Confused Thirsters” around that time. I also kept relationships with Alex and Jodi.
I played the middle between all sides of the house and let other people fight with each other. I also let my allies do the dirty work (splitting the vote to make Alison take the blood on her hands). Toward the end, I started winning comps and helped take out some potential jury threats. In the final three, I was sitting with Helen and Alison, and I threw part 3 to Ali since I didn’t want to backstab my bb15 ally. Then we tied in a 5-5 jury vote.
Ultimately, 2 HoHs, 1 Veto, and Part 1 of the Final HoH.
Thanks to @the-kaysar-ridha for sticking with me to the end and splitting the win with me after taking me to the finals. Also thanks to my bb15 alliance @ripinpiece123 @flirtyspy and Candice (sorry I couldn’t find your URL), and @jessicasgraf for keeping me safe and campaigning for me in jury.
Also thanks to @tlffanypollard for hosting an amazing game and everyone else for playing! It was a ton of fun (at least for me lol)
And finally, the real MVPs: the horny men who kept popping on camera in my alliance chats
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bestdjkit · 3 years ago
Boys Noize Reveals Details for Fifth Studio Album ‘+/-‘ & Accompanying Tour
The hotly-anticipated fifth studio album from Boys Noize is on the horizon, with full details, artwork and track listing out today. Polarity (stylized +/-) is set to drop on September 24th via Boysnoize Records and the supporting tour commences ahead of release on September 4th.
The album is stacked with previously released singles (+) “Girl Crush” featuring Rico Nasty, (+) “Ride Or Die” with Kelsey Lu featuring Chilly Gonzales, (-)“IU” featuring Corbin, (+) “All I Want” featuring Jake Shears, (+) ”Nude” featuring Tommy Cash / (-) “Xpress Yourself”, and “Unlock It” featuring Playboy Carti.
Spanning 15 total tracks, the forthcoming album from Boys Noize “encapsulates a distillation of his career-to-date in waveform shape.” Star-studded collaborations, immersive soundscapes, and raw, unexpected moments are part of the ride. Not to mention the “sharpened teeth” of the producer’s breakthrough modular synthesis and processing.
Alex Ridha aka Boys Noize shares of the album:
I’ve always been inspired by trying to integrate opposing, polar forces. There’s something really thrilling in it, and it’s always a secret motivation for me; building and exploring the combination of contrasts. Techno’s earliest inspiration was the idea of combining man and machine. And you can continue from there—aggression and beauty, past and future…
See the full tracklist and tour dates below.
BOYS NOIZE +/- (POLARITY) track listing
Pre-save / Pre-order
01 Boys Noize – Close 02 Boys Noize – Love & Validation feat. Kelsey Lu 03 Boys Noize – Girl Crush feat. Rico Nasty 04 Boys Noize – Greenpoint 05 Boys Noize – Polarity feat. Ghost Culture 06 Boys Noize – XYXY 07 Boys Noize & Abra – Affection 08 Boys Noize – All I Want feat. Jake Shears 09 Boys Noize – Detune 10 Boys Noize – IU feat. Corbin 11 Boys Noize – Xpress Yourself 12 Boys Noize – Sperm 13 Boys Noize & Kelsey Lu – Ride Or Die feat. Chilly Gonzales 14 Boys Noize – Nude feat. Tommy Cash 15 Boys Noize – Act9 feat. Vinson
Get tickets! 
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Boys Noize (@boysnoize)
Photo Credit: Shane McCauley Album Art: Eric Timothy Carlson
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Boys Noize Reveals Details for Fifth Studio Album ‘+/-‘ & Accompanying Tour
from Best DJ Kit https://www.youredm.com/2021/08/25/boys-noize-polarity-album-and-tour/
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bluebuzzmusic · 6 years ago
Boys Noize Releases New ELAX Alias on Diynamic Music
“Reaktor” is the first track to come from ELAX, Alex Ridha’s (known as Boys Noize) newest project. The track showcases his signature Boys Noize sound with a twist of vibrant upbeat techno, familiar to Diynamic Music founder Solomun’s style.
Boys Noize has continuously blurred the line between genres in the electronic music world and his new project ELAX does just that. Ranging from his Dog Blood project with Skrillex, his acid techno releases, or remixes of Snoop Dog and Depeche Mode, Ridha has proven himself to be a chameleon of a producer.
Just a preview of the track has been released but we anticipate the massive outcome that is sure to come from this project in the near future.
Check out “Reaktor” by ELAX here.
  Photo Credit: Shane McCauley
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Boys Noize Releases New ELAX Alias on Diynamic Music
source https://www.youredm.com/2018/08/05/boys-noize-releases-new-elax-alias-on-diynamic-music/
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ajora · 6 years ago
Things I’ve been appreciating revisiting/writing with FFV:
The male characters make such a to-do over Faris being the hottest thing since the Fire Crystal, especially when she’s in a dress in the last third of the game and, yeah, I get it and appreciate it. But, come on, she’s done so much that 多くの手下に慕われる, 美しき海賊の頭領 (The beautiful leader of pirates, beloved by her underlings; literally the header in her bio in the Official Complete Guide) is a bit insulting. And then I remember Greg Gilgy’s last words to her urging her to act more like a woman and asdagdhl. So anyway, what I’ve especially been enjoying writing is Faris going dandy butch full-time as a giant fuck-you to this shit.
Faris is not impressed, doesn’t give a fuck about anyone falling all over her, and the only ones she has ever cared about being attractive for are women. Let’s be real though, most wlw would be all over a dandy butch of Faris’ swashbuckling caliber.
Let Faris be the dandy butch she clearly wants to be
She has only ever willingly gotten into a dress for Lenna’s sake; cf the everyone-survives ending where she escapes Tycoon and her dress to run back to her crew
Lenna knows better than to use any wording relating to femininity for Faris
The height difference between Faris and Lenna is so good (11 cm) and it’s just become a thing now for Lenna to tug at Faris’ cravat for attention.
Cravats are great for hiding love bites btw
Damn, you know what though? I’m usually lukewarm on parent and child bonding but Alexander’s bio about him reversing course on the previous king’s world conquest schemes and going hardcore against what was expected of him is fantastic and makes for great bonding fodder with Faris in the afterlife fic. And now I’ve got ideas about Alexander not actually being royalty by birth and just adopted/arranged into marriage with his future wife because the previous king wanted Dragonwhispering in his bloodline
My reasoning is that Highwind is usually a surname in Final Fantasy, and Alex’s full name is Alexander Highwind Tycoon.
I’ve been plotting and adding bits and pieces to all these fragments of fic chapters and Benji’s back. Except he’s Ben now, and I’m not sure if I want to keep his surname Inomoto because that was a bit of a personal joke tied to Ridha/Ridha’s time/voidmage abilities. He’s still that pirate in the game who’s in love with Faris, but nothing happens now that I’m out of the closet and not ashamed of my otp anymore and don’t feel the need to force an arbitrary het ship.
I still don’t know quite what to do with Ridha, especially since I’m ditching the Enuo/Shinryuu/Omega story and he’s* the whole reason Enuo happened in the original fic. And no arbitrary het ship means Ridha... doesn’t technically exist. 
*Note: Ridha was actually intersex, being the Zurvan analogue and the whole Ridha -> Enuo thing being straight up Zurvanism origin myth, but he does identify as male. Kinda.
God I can’t believe I still remember this shit. I haven’t looked at that fic in... 16? 18? years? Fun fact: every time I try to look up a specific thing, I accidentally come across a google listing of that fic and die of embarrassment
Fuck you know what? Ridha is now a Highwind cousin. 
Butz has turned out to be unrepentantly bi. Thanks for the tacit confirmation, Dissidia. I’m sure he’ll make Squall very happy. Not that I really know what to do with him for much of Dragondance
One of my favorite things about Lenna is her impulsiveness, and I really do love that it keeps things interesting in my favorite ship.
Lenna tops
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davidandjakob · 8 years ago
Boys Noize - Starwin ("No Acid" Edit) by WastedMeerkat I loved the sound of this track when I first heard it in one of Justice's sets, but in my opinion, the acid synth Boys Noize used was just a little too harsh and clashed with the rest of the track's vibe. I went ahead and made this simple edit so others could see what it would have sounded like without the acid synth. It really didn't take a lot of work; in fact, anyone could have done it, so I didn't bother putting my name in the track title. Of course, I'm not intending to distribute this work illegally, as evidenced by the disabled download link, nor am I meaning to take credit for the production of this song, as evidenced by the inclusion of the original artist's name in the track title, nor am I meaning to offend Alex Ridha or the quality of his work; I hold nothing but admiration for him and his music. However, I do think this track could have been much better without the acid synth, and I simply made this edit to demonstrate that. Hope everyone understands! Be sure to check out the original if you haven't already! It can be found here: http://ift.tt/2qjvx4O
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justanotherindie · 5 years ago
Boys Noize ft. Rico Nasty – Girl Crush [Midtempo, Techno] Известнейший берлинский музыкант Alex Ridha aka Boys Noize, работавший со Skrillex и Ty Dolla $ign, создатель уникального звучания, объединившего trap / dubstep c electro / industrial и techno, автор фантастических ремиксов для Snoop Dogg и Depeche Mode не перестает удивлять и представил новый сингл "Girl Crush", записанный с Rico Nasty.
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