#alex powys
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tomsmusictaste · 2 years ago
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And I'm terrified, just don't know what to say to convince you to stay
RedHook // Inarticulate ft. The Faim
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months ago
Birthdays 8.13
Beer Birthdays
Arnulf of Metz (582 C.E.)
William Blackall Simonds (1761)
Anders Jöns Ångström (1814)
Charles Wells (1842)
Lilly Anheuser (1844)
William J. Lemp Jr. (1867)
Mark Carpenter (1943)
Dave Keene (1955)
Tom Nickel (1972)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Ben Hogan; golfer (1912)
Annie Oakley; sharpshooter (1860)
Philippe Petit; high-wire artist (1949)
George Shearing; jazz pianist (1919)
Felix Wankel; German engineer (1902)
Famous Birthdays
Felix Adler; ethics philosopher (1851)
Giovanni Agnelli, Italian businessman, founded Fiat (1866)
Anders Jöns Ångström; Swedish physicist (1814)
Benny Bailey; trumpet player (1925)
John Logie Baird; Scottish engineer, television inventor (1888)
Grace Bates; mathematician (1914)
Kathleen Battle; opera singer (1948)
Danny Bonaduce; actor (1959)
Neville Brand; actor (1920)
Jane Carr; English actress (1950)
Dave Carter; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1952)
Fidel Castro; Cuban dictator (1927)
William Caxton; English linguist, printer (1422)
Bobby Clarke; Philadelphia Flyers C (1949)
Will Clarke; author (1970)
Tom Cohen; philosopher (1953)
Dave "Baby" Cortez; R&B pianist, organist, and composer (1938)
Alex de Renzy; film director (1935)
Joycelyn Elders; admiral and physician (1933)
Dan Fogelberg; pop singer (1951)
Julius Freed; inventor, "Orange Julius" (1887)
James Gillray; English caricaturist (1756)
Paul Greengrass; English film director (1955)
George Grove; English musicologist and historian (1820)
Pat Harrington Jr.; actor (1929)
Alfred Hitchcock; film director (1899)
Don Ho; singer (1930)
John Ireland; English composer (1879)
Salomon Jadassohn; German composer (1831)
Bert Lahr; actor (1895)
George Luks; painter (1867)
Salvador Luria; Italian-American microbiologist (1912)
Bernard Manning; English comedian (1930)
Debi Mazar; actor (1964)
Jimmy McCracklin; blues/R&B singer-songwriter (1921)
Vladimir Odoyevsky; Russian philosopher (1803)
Tom Perrotta; novelist (1961)
Valerie Plame; CIA agent and author (1963)
Kevin Plank; businessman, founded Under Armour (1972)
Thomas Pogge; German philosopher (1953)
Llewelyn Powys; British writer (1884)
Gene Raymond; actor (1908)
Herb Ritts; photographer (1952)
Buddy Rogers; actor and musician (1904)
Frederick Sanger; English biochemist (1918)
John Slattery; actor (1962)
Goldwin Smith; English-Canadian historian (1823)
Lucy Stone; feminist, suffragist (1818)
Margaret Tafoya; Native American Pueblo potter (1904)
Regis Toomey; film director, actor (1898)
Richard Willstätter; German-Swiss chemist (1872)
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newswireml · 2 years ago
Brynmawr, Cardiff and valleys feel tremors#Brynmawr #Cardiff #valleys #feel #tremors
The epicentre of the earthquake was just north of Brynmawr, Blaenau Gwent An earthquake has shaken parts of Wales overnight. The British Geological Survey (BGS) said the 3.7 magnitude quake happened at 23:59 GMT on Friday. The epicentre was just north of Brynmawr, Blaenau Gwent, and west of Crickhowell, Powys. BBC journalist Alex Humphreys said she felt the “mini earthquake” in Cardiff, 30 miles…
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taylorbenton · 4 years ago
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RedHook at The Workers Club Melbourne, on 14th September 2019
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leilabeaux · 5 years ago
My Teeny Tiny Masterlist
Want to see what I’ve been reading? Check out my Fic Recs.
Alex Høgh Andersen
Luck Be a Lady | One  Two Three Four
Reader was looking forward to a simple girls trip to Vegas to celebrate her birthday but it looks like it may turn to something more.
Alex hasn’t heard his girlfriend’s voice in a week and becomes moody. But luckily an impromptu FaceTime session turns his frown upside down.
Alex washes some dishes. That’s it.
The Best Angle
He just wanted to take your picture.
Ivar the Boneless
In My Sights | I II III
When Ivar’s contracted kill is taken out right in front of his eyes, he didn’t expect it to be at the hands of an old friend.
Second Chance
A young woman doesn’t realize there’s more to her boyfriend until it’s too late.
The Stolen Queen Series
When Heathen King Meets Christian Queen  Ivar finds more than just gold when he raids the Kingdom of Powys. 
Lost  Reader gets lost in the forest after Ivar decides to let her go.
Learning Ivar is able to learn more about Reader as her walls slowly comes down.
The Secret Visit  Vikings are known to bury their treasures. Ivar, on the other hand, chooses to keep his most precious treasure in a cabin in the woods. 
Want on my tag list? Ask me to be tagged in any future update! Also comments/reblogs will also earn you an automatic tag for the next update for that story.
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malymamut · 5 years ago
To było straszne. Nigdy tak bardzo nie przeraził mnie widok mojej przyjaciółki. Widziałam jej zakrwawioną rękę. Znowu to zrobiła... Przy pierwszej próbie dwa lata temu jej rodzina się załamała, ja z resztą też. Później było kilka prób, o których nikt nie wiedział. Przedstawiam wam Scar, a właściwie to Scarlett Kinstone, a ja jestem Cam, Camila Coast. Mamy 16 lat i jesteśmy najlepszymi przyjaciółkami. Oprócz nas jest jeszcze Alex, Alexandra Watson i Lu, Luna Denzel. Jesteśmy czwórką najlepszych przyjaciółek, a raczej byłyśmy, przynajmniej z mojego punktu widzenia. Ostatnio Scar zachowuje się dziwie, wiem, że jesteśmy w okresie dojrzewania, ale to coś innego. Czuje się tak, jakby ona nas od siebie odpychała. W klasie jest pewna dziewczyna, Julie Tomen. Ostatnio zauważyłam, że Scar ciągnie coś do Julie, może potrzebuje innego towarzystwa, ale to nigdy nie było w jej stylu. Zawsze siedziała tylko ze mną, Lu i Alex, i zazwyczaj się nie odzywała. Za to od pewnego czasu, zaczęła dość dużo mówić. Niby to dobrze, ale jednak nie koniecznie. Scar zaczęła mówić dość chamskie rzeczy i w szczególności obrażać mnie. Zmieniła styl i zaczęła słuchać zupełnie innej muzyki. Kto normalny przerzuca się ze starego dobrego rock&rolla i nowoczesnego popu, na najnowocześniejszy rap? No właśnie. Jakiś czas temu razem z Alex zauważyłyśmy, że Scar nie chętnie się do nas przysiada, nie spotyka się z nami, po prostu ignoruje nas. Ale za to języka jej w gębie nie brakuje.
Ostatnio bardzo często spogląda na telefon, a po lekcjach zawsze ma jakieś wymówki. Ostatnio Lu miała robić projekt ze Scar, a że zajął on dość długo, mama Scar zaproponowała jej nocleg u nich w domu. Było już dość późno ok. godziny pierwszej w nocy, kiedy dziewczyny postanowiły pójść spać. Jako, że Lu spała u Scar, pierwsza poszła się wykąpać. Później, podczas tego jak Scarlett się kąpała, a lubiła brać dość długie kąpiele, Lu denerwowały cały czas przychodzące powiadomienia na telefon przyjaciółki. Z racji tego, że dziewczyny nie miały przed sobą tajemnic, Lu postanowiła sprawdzić telefon Scar, znała hasło więc szybko weszła, a to co zobaczyła bardzo ją zdziwiło. Powiadomienia przychodziły z grupy „Królowe”. Z tego co orientowała się Lu, żadna z nas nie stworzyła takiej grupy. Zrozumiała dopiero jak zobaczyła listę osób biorących udział w tej konwersacji. Na liście oprócz imienia i nazwiska Scar było nazwisko Julie Tomen, Natalie Rosemary i Nicole Ronenswirt, czyli dwie gwiazdeczki szkoły i dziewczyna, która chyba chce nam odebrać Scar. Lu już w tedy była bardzo zdziwiona, ale to co zobaczyła na samym końcu zdziwiło i zarazem zabolało ją najbardziej. Wiadomości, które zostały wysłane były tak bolesne, że Lu nie wytrzymała i po prostu się popłakała. Pisało tam m.in.
Scar: "Lu, Alex i Cam to mega fałszywe osoby, które tylko mnie wykorzystują, nienawidzę ich. Jeszcze na dodatek moja mama zaproponowała jednej z nich nocleg u mnie, ona mnie tak irytuje... Ohh"
Oprócz tego, Scar zdradziła im wszystkie nasze sekrety. Lu natychmiast odłożyła telefon Scarlett, bo usłyszała jej kroki. Następnego dnia Luna wstała szybciej i zeszła na dół zjeść śniadanie wraz z rodzicami Scar, którzy właśnie wybierali się do pracy, zapytali więc Lunę, dlaczego tak szybko wstała, w końcu dostała pozwolenie od rodziców na opuszczenie jednego dnia szkoły (rodzice Luny byli bardzo wymagającymi ludźmi). Lu odpowiedziała, że woli pójść do szkoły, a w jej oczach pojawiły się łzy. Musiała pogadać ze mną i Alex, bo wiedziała, że gdybyśmy dowiedziały się od kogoś innego zabolałoby to jeszcze bardziej. Lu szybko się zebrała i pobiegła na autobus do domu, w mgnieniu oka (to do niej nie podobne) wzięła prysznic, wysuszyła włosy, ubrała się i bardzo szybko wybiegła z domu do szkoły, która była jakieś 800 m od jej domu. Gdy nas zobaczyła z jej oka poleciała łza, byłyśmy zdziwione, że Lu jest w szkole, przecież miała zrobić sobie dzisiaj wolne. Jeszcze bardziej zdziwiło nas to, że nie było z nią Scar, więc zaczęłyśmy pytać... Widać było, że Luna niechętnie odpowiada, więc po krótkim zastanowieniu stwierdziłyśmy z Alex, że jeśli będzie chciała to nam powie. Lu nie odzywała się do nikogo do końca lekcji. Wracając w ciszy do domu, nagle na twarzy Luny wymalował się smutek, a jej oczy błysnęły. Alex przerwała tą niezręczną ciszę, pytając:
-Lu, co się dzieje? Nie odzywasz się do nas cały dzień. Chodzi o Scar, znowu to zrobiła? Powiedz nam, jesteśmy w  końcu przyjaciółkami.
-Tak, chodzi o Scarlett. Nie martwcie się, nic się nie stało.- Odpowiedziała przygnębiona Lu
- Jak to nic?! Przecież widzimy, cały dzień martwimy się z Alex o ciebie i o nią- Krzyknęłam na Lunę, po chwili dodając- Przepraszam, poniosło mnie...
- Powiem wam. Myślę, że powinnyście wiedzieć- Powiedziała, przełykając ślinę Lu
Gdy Luna nam wszystko opowiedziała, miałyśmy zamiar pojechać do Scar i wszystko jej wygarnąć, to było po prostu niewyobrażalne. Tego samego dnia miałam przyjść do Scarlett pomóc jej w pieczeniu ciasteczek na cele charytatywne, dla Olivii, młodszej siostry Scar. Oli była małym słodziakiem, chociaż często lubiła nas bić i denerwować, mimo to kochałam ją jak młodszą siostrę. Na początku miałam wątpliwości, czy pójść do  Scar, ale w końcu stwierdziłam, że dla Oli warto pójść.
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spookwarfare · 5 years ago
the best stuff I heard, saw, and read in 2019
Colter Wall - s/t (2017)
Endlessly relistenable outlaw country album. Colter Wall’s cavernously deep voice, air of masculine weariness, and classy songwriting will put you in the mind of Johnny Cash, Nick Cave, and even of Michael Gira.
Kevin Ayers - Joy of a Toy (1969)
Strange, bouncy, whimsical prog-rock album with glam and folk embellishments.  Ayers was a profoundly unique songwriter with an eclectic imagination, and this album’s baroque orchestrations sometimes approach a strand of diverse neoclassicism. And it’s catchy too!
Gordon Lightfoot - Lightfoot! (1966)
With “Sundown” featured this year in The Beach Bum and Knives Out, Gordon Lightfoot had something of a bump in 2019, and yet I like him best on this album, from long before he discovered yacht rock. His vocal performance is heartbreaking, and his lyrics are sophisticated.
“The way I feel is like a robin Whose babes have flown to come no more Like a tall oak tree, alone and cryin' When the birds have flown and the nest is bare.”
Ariel Pink - pom pom (2014)
I was looking through some of the biggies of the 2010s and somehow missed this one when it first came out. Pink’s shuffling, Zappa-esque songcraft and genre-hopping are in fine form, and this album is overstuffed with his unmistakable humor and virtuosity.
Jethro Tull - Songs from the Wood (1977)
Some things never change-- I can never get enough of rustic Britishisms, and even though it’s been a long time since Jethro Tull was a “cool” band, Ian Anderson’s unique voice and Praetorius-via-McCartney songwriting shines, espeically in deliberately medieval songs like “Jack in the Green” and “The Whistler.”
Kiki’s Delivery Service (dir. Hayao Miyazaki, 1989)
Miyazaki’s underrated masterpiece, and his cleanest and most concise film. His fabulist tendencies sometimes create bloat in his lesser movies, but Kiki is crystal-clear in its beautiful allegory of leaving home, making a livelihood, and finding yourself.
Peterloo (dir. Mike Leigh, 2018)
An ocean of plummy English voices and creased old faces washes over the newest film by socialist-humanist director Mike Leigh, and his dramatization of the 1819 “Peterloo” massacre of protesters by the police is bursting with aspirational rage.
Climax (dir. Gaspar Noé, 2018)
Kinetic movement and percussive sound thrum inside this toe-tapping psychological horror film, and while Noé’s attraction to sensational violence is unabated, his newest movie achieves a grace and elegance of composition that’s seldom seen in film.
Fatal Attraction (dir. Adrian Lyne, 1987)
This notoriously misogynist film surprised me by not being very sexist at all-- instead, it dramatizes through giallo-flecked terror and slight metaphor the dreadful repercussions of lies, concealment, and broken promises in the context of love, with special empathy for Glenn Close’s ever-suffering Alex Forrest.
Quest for Fire (dir. Jean-Jacques Annaud, 1981)
Annaud is a visionary director who works on an epic scale, cut from the same cloth as Kubrick or David Lean, and this quest travelogue of the prehistoric era summons a rare sort of wonder in the viewer.
Unclay by T.F. Powys (1931)
A forgotten gem of British literature, Unclay predicts C.S. Lewis and Terry Pratchett in its gentle irony and dark humor, and exhibits a rarefied wisdom and warmth.
The Elephant Man by Frederick Treves (1923)
It’s impossible to read Treves’s memoirs of his disfigured friend Joseph Merrick without shedding a tear. It was this beautifully empathetic remembrance that inspired Bernard Pomerance and David Lynch so many years later.
The Dark is Light Enough and The Lady’s Not for Burning by Christopher Fry (1954 and 1948)
These fancifully nostalgic verse dramas from the postwar era revive a dead genre to imbue the 20th-century screwball comedy with the dignity and poetic grace of the renaissance.
Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke (1953)
I was a little hesitant to read a Golden Age sci-fi novel, since they’re known in some circles for their lack of aesthetic value, but Childhood’s End breaks through that limitation to tell to a mentally stimulating story of mysticism, international political intrigue, and, ultimately, a deeply sad and strange End of Days.
Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of a Woman by Stefan Zweig (1927)
Zweig reminds one of Gide, Proust, and Chekhov in his obsession with the amorous pull of memory, and this 100-page novel is a straight shot of longing-- and of dreams of love dashed on the rocks of reality.
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white-rats · 6 years ago
"być może otoczenie myśli że mnie przerażasz. Że całkowicie mnie kontrolujesz bo boję się ciebie przez co jestem nieszczęśliwy. Ale to nie tak. Boje się ciebie i to uwielbiam. Lubię strach który przy tobie odczuwam i twoje zimne spojrzenie mówiące mi że mam kłopoty. Lubię wykonywać twoje polecenia. Otoczenie nazwalo by mnie pantoflem ale ja po prostu to lubię. Lubię być prowadzony za rękę. Potrzebuję kogoś kto powie mi co mam robić bo bez tego będę robić tylko to co dla mnie złe. "
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year ago
Birthdays 8.13
Beer Birthdays
Arnulf of Metz (582 C.E.)
William Blackall Simonds (1761)
Anders Jöns Ångström (1814)
Charles Wells (1842)
Lilly Anheuser (1844)
William J. Lemp Jr. (1867)
Mark Carpenter (1943)
Dave Keene (1955)
Tom Nickel (1972)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Ben Hogan; golfer (1912)
Annie Oakley; sharpshooter (1860)
Philippe Petit; high-wire artist (1949)
George Shearing; jazz pianist (1919)
Felix Wankel; German engineer (1902)
Famous Birthdays
Felix Adler; ethics philosopher (1851)
Giovanni Agnelli, Italian businessman, founded Fiat (1866)
Anders Jöns Ångström; Swedish physicist (1814)
Benny Bailey; trumpet player (1925)
John Logie Baird; Scottish engineer, television inventor (1888)
Grace Bates; mathematician (1914)
Kathleen Battle; opera singer (1948)
Danny Bonaduce; actor (1959)
Neville Brand; actor (1920)
Jane Carr; English actress (1950)
Dave Carter; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1952)
Fidel Castro; Cuban dictator (1927)
William Caxton; English linguist, printer (1422)
Bobby Clarke; Philadelphia Flyers C (1949)
Will Clarke; author (1970)
Tom Cohen; philosopher (1953)
Dave "Baby" Cortez; R&B pianist, organist, and composer (1938)
Alex de Renzy; film director (1935)
Joycelyn Elders; admiral and physician (1933)
Dan Fogelberg; pop singer (1951)
Julius Freed; inventor, "Orange Julius" (1887)
James Gillray; English caricaturist (1756)
Paul Greengrass; English film director (1955)
George Grove; English musicologist and historian (1820)
Pat Harrington Jr.; actor (1929)
Alfred Hitchcock; film director (1899)
Don Ho; singer (1930)
John Ireland; English composer (1879)
Salomon Jadassohn; German composer (1831)
Bert Lahr; actor (1895)
George Luks; painter (1867)
Salvador Luria; Italian-American microbiologist (1912)
Bernard Manning; English comedian (1930)
Debi Mazar; actor (1964)
Jimmy McCracklin; blues/R&B singer-songwriter (1921)
Vladimir Odoyevsky; Russian philosopher (1803)
Tom Perrotta; novelist (1961)
Valerie Plame; CIA agent and author (1963)
Kevin Plank; businessman, founded Under Armour (1972)
Thomas Pogge; German philosopher (1953)
Llewelyn Powys; British writer (1884)
Gene Raymond; actor (1908)
Herb Ritts; photographer (1952)
Buddy Rogers; actor and musician (1904)
Frederick Sanger; English biochemist (1918)
John Slattery; actor (1962)
Goldwin Smith; English-Canadian historian (1823)
Lucy Stone; feminist, suffragist (1818)
Margaret Tafoya; Native American Pueblo potter (1904)
Regis Toomey; film director, actor (1898)
Richard Willstätter; German-Swiss chemist (1872)
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pubtheatres1 · 7 years ago
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THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE Drayton Arms Theatre 29 May - 16 June 2018 ★★★★★ ‘Sharp, funny, slick and humane, if only all days in class could be this life-enhancing.’ Watching high school kids spelling words out loud may sound like watching paint dry but THE 25th ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE proves there’s joy in the most unlikely of settings. A Broadway hit in the 2000s, it’s a musical about 10 geeky kids competing for the prize in the title, with three pretty equally geeky adults supervising. One of the twists is that four of the kids are randomly pulled from the audience, and it’s no spoiler to say that none of those will be making the final three. It’s sweet, it’s funny and, for all its sly references to the shady pasts of the teachers and imperfect homelives of its often hot-housed children, it’s thoroughly warm-hearted, too, as the competing kids find enough in common to make them friends of an awkward sort. MKEC’s production hits loads of high notes with some superb comic timing from its ensemble cast and a few topical gags thrown in (one kid is asked to spell Windrush, and the definition is worth waiting for). It’s quick, inventive, and a brilliant use of the small but versatile space the Drayton Arms has to offer. And the songs are fun, too (any musical that can rhyme Nietsche with Cristina Ricci is doing something right). On press night at least, the piano, though well played, was too loud for all the cast to be heard above it, but there isn’t a weak performance on the stage even if the singing honours go to Rona Lisa Perretti as the head-mistressy compere and the acting ones to Lottie Johnson as a relentlessly cheerful and energetic Logan and TJ Lloyd as the slobby genius Barfee. The music, in truth, isn’t that great or distinctive, but the lyrics and book are terrifically funny, and it’s impossible to get through the first 10 minutes without laughing out loud. Sharp, funny, slick and humane, if only all days in class could be this life-enhancing. Photo credit : ALEX HARVEY-BROWN at SAVANNAH PHOTOGRAPHIC THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE Music and lyrics by William Finn Book by Rachel Sheinkin - Conceived by Rebecca Feldman Director/choreographer Adam Haigh Presented by MKEC Productions Drayton Arms Theatre 29 May - 16 June 2018 Box Office: thedraytonarmstheatre.co.uk. Reviewer David Weir’s plays include: Lions of England (Powys Theatre, Newtown, 2018), Confessional (Oran Mor, Glasgow, 2017), Better Together (Brockley Jack, London, 2016), No Occasion To (Hayman’s Theatre, Perth, Australia, 2015), Music from a Distant Shore (Apollo Theatre, Newport, Isle of Wight, 2014), Bitter Looks (Brockley Jack, 2012) and Murdering the Truth (Greenwich Theatre, London, 2009).
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skistarmovies · 5 years ago
WE: A Collection Of Individuals (Poor Boyz Productions 2012)
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SkiStar Movies Rating: 3.9/5 Stars
Sean Pettit, Pep Fujas, Bobby Brown, Dane Tudor, Leigh Powis, Clayton Vila, Sean Jordan, Banks Gilberti, Paddy Graham, Tobi Reindl, Thomas Hlawitschka, Bene Mayr, Charley Ager, Jossi Wells, Riley Leboe, Josh Stack, Joss Christensen, Alex Schlopy, Joe Schuster, Sammy Carlson, Mike Henitiuk, Ian Cosco, Beau Wells, Alexis Godbout, Max Morello, Karl Fostvedt
 Directed by Cody Carter, Peter Alport
Produced by Johnny Decesare
Edited by Tyler Hamlet and Cody Carter
 Despite having terrific big mountain sequences in their films in recent years, Poor Boyz still has a rep as a park and urban ski movie company.  It’s about time that conception was put to rest.  With WE: A Collection Of Individuals, Poor Boyz delivers their most well-rounded film to date.  Their big mountain segments with Pep Fujas, Dane Tudor and Mike Henitiuk mesh terrifically with the pounding urban and electrifying park segments featuring Bobby Brown, Jossi Wells and again, Poor Boyz regular Dane Tudor.  Opening with Brown throwing a switch 9 and joined by Joss Christensen, Banks Gilberti, Alex Schlopy, Sean Jordan and Karl Fostvedt, editors Tyler Hamlet and Cody Carter weave together footage from a half dozen sunny day park shoots and then underpin it with Macklemore’s “Can’t Hold Us”.  With the skiers throwing insane big air jumps and with the hiphop pushing the vibe into the red, the result is classic Poor Boyz ski porn. It’s here that you see how Hamlet and Carter have stepped up the editing with a style that cuts to extreme slow motion in the middle of the skier’s flight. It was a technique that was hinted at in Simon Dumont’s diced half-pipe sequence The Grand Bizarre, last year’s Poor Boyz offering.  It’s one of the advantages of using cameras with a very high frame rate: when it’s slowed down there’s still enough data to render absolutely beautiful images.  That editing style is perfect for the style of skiing here as the tricks are so intricate and fast, this technique ensures the viewer gets every drop of juice out of the scene.
 Next up is Pep Fujas attacking huge steeps in Alaska with a haunting underscore from Fever Ray and dizzying heli shots from the bird above him, trailing him down the mountain.  It’s a different vibe altogether from the park sequence but the skiing is astounding and it is clear evidence that Poor Boyz has got a deep enough bench of talent and the willingness the put together a movie that will be, in essence, all things to all people.
 And the scope of the skiing stays huge into Leigh Powis’ segment where he delivers some blistering, bruising urban.  He hits long rails, high walls and closes out with a beautiful inverted run underneath a Whistler overpass. Unfortunately, the pain Powis experiences is huge too, as he dings himself with a season-ending torn ACL while trying to land a trick after dropping off from 2 stories up. 
 In keeping with the idea that these ski movies also serve as sports broadcasts keeping the faithful up to date, there’s short segment showing Sammy Carlson working out on the road to recovery after he tore his MCL at the Winter X-Games in January 2012.  I hate seeing the segments where the dude gets badly hurt but watching the physio training for the come-back is inspiring least of all because it gives you the juice you need to kick up your own training for the season ahead.
 The segment on the The Kids which is the crew of Sean Pettit, Joe Schuster, Riley Leboe, Ian “Chug” Cosco and Mike Henitiuk among others, epitomizes the overarching theme of this movie which is that you can have your own style and push your own limits but it’s a whole lot more fun when you’re doing all that with your friends.   The Kids look like they’re having a good time horsing around on the mountain which is all cool for a minute but things get serious again as Henitiuk steps up to ski some back-country and big mountain lines.   As the flamenco guitar touches of Andrew Oye’s “Matador” provides the soundtrack, the vibes seems out of place for about two seconds until you realize that Henitiuk’s agility matches that of a bullfighter in the ring gracefully avoiding a violent goring or, worse, death.   By the end, with his last run down an ice-covered rock cliff with just enough snow on it to provide skiable pillows Henitiuk tempts fate –take a look to his right side as he’s about 100 feet into the run and tell me you didn’t lose your stomach - but his skills are supreme and he stomps it.  I could get all Hemingway and Death In The Afternoon on you and provide a dissertation on the big mountain skier’s life dealing with fear and facing it with courage – but that’s an essay for another day.  Suffice to say, that one run of Henitiuk’s is among the standouts of WE: A Collection Of Individuals.
 Perennial Poor Boyz favorites Josh Stack and Charley Ager deliver in their segments, as they always do, with balls-out backcountry skiing in the case of the former and his patented style switch landings in deep powder in the case of the latter. 
 Cam Riley, Sean Jordan and Clayton Vila’s segments bring the whole Stept Productions urban skiing vibe to this movie, which I can seriously appreciate. It gives editors Hamlet and Carter a chance to work their magic on that vibe and it adds nicely to the movie. 
 Bene Mayr, having been a Poor Boyz regular in Every Day Is A Saturday (2009), Revolver (2010) and The Grand Bizarre (2011), is now joined by his LOS film company partners Paddy Graham, Tobi Reindl and Thomas Hlawitschka.  Their segment is short, and fast and works like a good punch in the face.  However, under-pinned with Turbowolf’s screaming hard rock which is very similar to what you’d hear in any LOS film, you get the feeling this is more like an advertisement for an LOS film in the middle of WE: A Collection Of Individuals.  Honestly, you’re better off going to the source and seeing Nothing Else Matters or Hurt So Good where you can see the brilliance of LOS director Andre Nutini for yourself. 
 The new talent on display this year from Poor Boyz is Ketchum, Idaho’s Karl Fostvedt who’s been seen in the last two movies from Toy Soldier Productions.  He hits a radically shaped kicker that lifts him high vertically and then drops him onto a quarter pipe that redirects back the way he skied in.  This is exactly the type of adventurous new talent one expects to see from a top line film company and he’s a welcome addition here.  Having won “Rookie of the Year at the 2012 IF3, others are taking notice too. 
 Sean Pettit closes out WE: A Collection Of Individuals in a sequence that is normally expected in a Matchstick ski film – big lines, big talent and beautiful shots.  I’d expect nothing less from the two-plank wizard – he’s one of the best skiers on the planet.
  WE: A Collection Of Individuals has a great feel, sick footage and a well-chosen soundtrack.  It makes you anxious for snow and when that happens in the autumn, then you know the ski movie has done its job.   By Mark “The Attorney General” Quail
  Watch the Trailer for WE: A Collection Of Individuals 
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ponapisach · 5 years ago
Larry Fessenden to jedna z ikon kina niezależnego, twórca tym bardziej bliski memu sercu, bo poruszający się od wczesnych lat 80. po terytorium horroru. Mentor dla młodych twórców kina gatunkowego, w tym również dla tych, którzy już coś na tym poletku udowodnili, Ti Westa (Dom diabła, Dolina przemocy) czy Jima Mickle (Chłód w lipcu, Stake land). Fessenden od zawsze powtarzał, że na jego artystyczną drogę największy wpływ miały horrory Universal Studios powstałe w latach 1923–1960, czyli te klasyczne z najpiękniejszymi ekranowymi potworami. Często też dawał wyraz tej miłości reinterpretując klasyki. W Depraved pochylił się nad postacią doktora Victora Frankensteina i stworzonym przez niego monstrum.
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To imponujące z jaką lekkością i swobodą Larry Fessenden przeniósł prozę Mary Shelley w czasy współczesne. Scenariusz własnego autorstwa oparł na oryginalnej opowieści i udowodnił jak uniwersalna jest to historia. Bohaterem jest młody chirurg, który dorobił się w związku ze służbą wojskową w największych ogniskach zapalnych świata wielu traum, a do ojczyzny wrócił z zespołem stresów pourazowych. Owładnięty pasją ratowania ludzkiego życia (i w myśl przyszłego biznesplanu, który ułożył sobie jego przyjaciel) składa z fragmentów ciał nowego człowieka. Powołuje do życia Adama. W magazynach na nowojorskich przedmieściach rozegra się dramat ludzi z wielkimi ambicjami, którzy chcą coś udowodnić, przykryć wielkimi wydarzeniami własne traumy. A później historia wyjdzie na zewnątrz, bo monstrum zawsze, w końcu, powie dość i będzie chciało czuć, kochać, cierpieć. Ciekawe jest to, że jako widzowie dostajemy krótki wgląd w charakter postaci "sprzed" Adama i zdecydowanie wypada ona mniej sympatycznie niż po przeobrażeniu. To wszak luźna adaptacja, ale posiadająca wiele punktów zaczepnych z pierwowzorem. Larry Fessenden jest bowiem zbyt doświadczonym autorem, by przenosić materiał dosłownie. Jego "Zdeprawowany" nie daje jasnej odpowiedzi, kogo opisuje tytuł. Obraz nadaje się pod tym względem do wdzięcznej interpretacji, ale kryje w sobie również wiele zaangażowanej treści.
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Fassenden we własnym języku, w bardzo mało przytulnej formie, w brzydkich sceneriach i w oszczędny sposób nakręcił spójną historię, której nie zaszkodziło ciągłe zapatrywanie się w klasyka. To uwspółcześniony koszmar istoty, która zaczyna rozumieć i tragedia naukowca, który w końcu współczuje i zdaje sobie sprawę co zrobił. Na pierwszym planie należy wyróżnić aktorstwo. Wszyscy, bez wyjątku wyczuli intencje twórcy i włożyli serce w skromną i znaną wszystkim fanom horroru opowieść. Alex Breaux wcielający się w Adama został odpowiednio przygotowany przez pierwszorzędną charakteryzacje. Twarz i ciało naznaczone bliznami i szwami to sugestywne odbicie wizji Mary Shelley. Myślę, że angielska pisarka byłaby zadowolona. Jednak nie tylko Adam przyczynił się do zwiększenia walorów filmu. Wszyscy odtwarzający role stworzyli niebanalną galerię bohaterów. Henry (David Call) to egoistyczny lekarz z PTSD, cyniczny Polidori (Joshua Leonard) żyje marzeniami o byciu królem na rynku farmacji. Jednak Fassenden zadbał o to, by każdemu swojemu bohaterowi, wśród wielu negatywnych cech zaszczepić jakiś pozytyw, dzięki któremu postać stanie się nam bliższa. Polidori na ten przykład chciałby stać się mentorem dla Adama, być może zastąpić w jakiś sposób ojca dla nowo narodzonego, oprowadza go po muzeum, odwiedza kluby itd.
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Pamiętajcie, że wyglądająca na półamatorską realizację produkcja to styl Fassendena, który nigdy nie będzie dbał o wymuskaną postprodukcje za nic mając sobie to, by zadowolić gawiedź tak subiektywnie rozumianym "pięknem". Ta historia ma być brudna i tylko przez to jest tak bardzo przekonująca. Emocje łapane są na mocnych zbliżeniach, sceny kręcone przy skąpym niekiedy oświetleniu, a gdy wychodzimy na ulicę z Adamem uderza nas ponura sceneria zapuszczonego Brooklynu. Nawet wtedy, przy całej tej brzydocie, Fassenden daje się poznać jako esteta, który poruszył mnie wieloma ujęciami. To z pewnością jeden z bardziej oryginalnych (jakkolwiek to brzmi przy kolejnej z rzędu adaptacji) filmów grozy z ostatnich lat.
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Blog #4
Mayan Farming tools
By Martha Rivera
The Mayans were amazing at being able to make things, especially when it came to feeding their families, as well as, their villages. Mayans didn’t have metal tools for farming so they had to make their own out of certain types of stones, just to name a few (limestone, granite and quartzite) and wood (sapodilla and breadnut). Just to name a few tools that were made by the Mayans were; scrapers, hammers, axes, which they made out of stones and the wood so that they were able to farm with them. Many of their tools for farming were also made of obsidian, a natural resource, which was a type of volcanic glass that was found around volcanos after eruption and found to be useful by the Mayans. Obsidian, was very important to the Mayans, it was used to make a majority of the Mayans tools for farming, but also used in their everyday lives, and to make weapons, which Mayans needed at all times.
Mayan tools. (n.d.). https://aztecandmayan.weebly.com/mayan-tools.html
Learn, J. R. (2016, August 24). Ancient Maya Bloodletting Tools or Common Kitchen Knives? How Archaeologists Tell the Difference. From https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/ancient-maya-bloodletting-tools-or-kitchen-knives-how-archaeologists-tell-difference-1-180960232/
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Mayan Agriculture
By Martha Rivera
The quality of agricultural land around Mayan villages depended on their locations. The Mayans dealt with many recurring droughts and rising sea levels, as well as, either rough, rocky terrain intermixed with vast swamps, lowlands or wetlands. How they accomplished to feed their entire villages farming on these lands like this, no one knows, but it was accomplished somehow!
In the lowlands of certain Mayan villages, the soil was relatively fertile but restricted to small patches at times. A technique to increase soil fertility was the use of raised fields, especially near flood areas. They built stone walls to collect fertile deposits throughout their villages. Mayans without access to a larger area of land suitable for agriculture would have to trade with places nearby so that they were able to have the right land for their villages and immediate family to farm on. Some example of items that the Mayans traded were, salt, honey and valuable goods such as metals, feathers, weapons, tools and shells that had to be often traded for plant products and land. Mayans also grew their own little private gardens for their own individual households.
Water was another huge need in their daily lives and their agriculture. In some Mayan villages, during the dry winters and hot summers, water was collected in sinkholes that were created by caves that ended up sinking called tz'onot. Also, Cisterns, which was a tank that stores water and built around the entrance so that it could maximize the collection of rainwater so that they could save it for future uses when the weather changed.
Maya Food & Agriculture. (n.d.) https://www.ancient.eu/article/802/maya-food--agriculture/
“Maya Agricultural Methods.” History, 25 May 2017, www.historyonthenet.com/maya-agricultural-methods/.
Rath, Therese. “Agriculture.” National Institute of Culture and History, www.nichbelize.org/ia-archaeology/agriculture.html.
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Mayan Chili Peppers
By Alex Powers
           This examination will focus on Mayan utilization of the Chili Pepper.  The Aztec empire regarded the Mayans the same way in which we regard the Roman Empire; with this influence, it is natural to assume that many cultural implementations of tobacco were inherited by the Aztecs from the Mayans.  The significance of the tobacco plant to Native populations of South and Central America predates the arrival of Spanish and Portuguese explorers to the New World.  While not much is known on the official history of Mayan tobacco use, modern narratives would argue that its history could be indirectly observed in the Aztec and Incan interactions with conquistadors.  The symbolism of foods like the chili pepper held great importance, like that of tobacco, to many pre-colonial societies of MesoAmerica. Implemented in religious ceremonies for the healing properties of the capsicum, and mixed into drinks that also contained cocoa, indigenous use of the Chili Pepper was diversified.  Researchers looking into the origins of pots discovered throughout various sites in Southern-Central America discovered, “While our findings of Capsicum species in these Preclassic pots provides the earliest evidence of chili consumption in well-dated Mesoamerican archaeological contexts, we believe our scientific study opens the door for further collaborative research into how the pepper may have been used either from a culinary, pharmaceutical, or ritual perspective during the last few centuries before the time of Christ."   
Foster, Lynne V. Handbook to Life in the Ancient Maya World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Houston, Stephen, John Robertson, and David Stuart. "The Language of Classic Maya Inscriptions." Current Anthropology 41, no. 3 (2000) pp. 321-56
Thornton, John K. A Cultural History of the Atlantic World. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Terry G. Powis, Emiliano Gallaga Murrieta, Richard Lesure, Roberto Lopez Bravo, Louis Grivetti, Heidi Kucera, Nilesh W. Gaikwad. Prehispanic Use of Chili Peppers in Chiapas, Mexico. PLoS ONE, 2013; 8 (11): e79013 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079013
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Mayan Foods We Still Consume Today
By Courtney King
What the Mayans grew and farmed back when they were first established and what they farm today has barely changed. They are still consuming what they have for the past hundreds of years and now these foods are eaten across the entire world. It just goes to show that foods the Mayans cultivated so long ago are still being eaten today. Chocolate is a sweet that is consumed all around the world. You can eat chocolate in many different ways, one of those ways being in beverage form - hot chocolate! The Mayans were the first people to take the seeds of the cacao fruit and roast them to make hot chocolate. I find it so amazing that we still drink hot chocolate today but with so many more ingredients and variations. Other delicious foods that are popular today in America and in other places on the globe are avocados and guacamole. Avocados were a treasured crop of the Mayans and people from the area of Antigua Guatemala are sometimes referred to as “green belly” because they relied so hard on avocados to get them through poor times when there was nothing else to be eaten. Other staple foods such as corn tortillas, corn, salsa, and coffee were also farmed and consumed by the Mayans and are still very popular today in many places. I find it so interesting that these foods started here with the Mayan people - I did not know that until researching more on the subject. It just goes to show that because of trade and other things, people from all over the world can adapt other cultures and the food that comes along with it! In the end, location does not matter a whole lot once trade and other similar climate conditions exist. You can make these foods just about anywhere with good farming practices and the right conditions.
“Top 10 Foods of the Maya World.” National Geographic, 12 Sept. 2012, www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/top-10/maya-foods/.
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white-rats · 7 years ago
Boże. Jeśli istniejesz, spraw bym dożył dnia w którym to on mi powie że za mną tęskni.
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spragnione · 8 years ago
poplakalam sb niech ktos mi powie dlaczego Alex sie zastrzelil?????
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years ago
Noticias de series de la semana: 'Élite', renovadísima
Netflix ha renovado Élite por una cuarta y quinta temporada
Netflix ha renovado Mortel por unas segunda temporada
Apple TV+ ha renovado Home Before Dark por una segunda temporada
Apple TV+ ha renovado Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet por una segunda temporada
Dave ha renovado Sliced por una segunda temporada
BBC One ha renovado Baptiste por una segunda temporada
BBC One ha renovado Doctor Who por una decimotercera temporada
Netflix ha cancelado Marianne tras su primera temporada
Netflix ha cancelado Osmosis tras su primera temporada
OWN ha cancelado Ambitions tras su primera temporada
Noticias cortas
Disney+ aplaza la producción de la serie de Obi-Wan Kenobi para mejorar sus guiones. Ha descartado los de Hossein Amini (The Alienist, McMafia) y ha reducido el encargo de seis episodios a cuatro.
Damon Gupton (Bill Henderson) no estará en la cuarta temporada de Black Lightning.
Keon Alexander (Marco), Nadine Nicole (Clarissa) y Jasai Chase Owens (Felip) serán regulares en la quinta temporada de The Expanse.
Patrick Stewart (Picard) le propuso a Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan) unirse a la segunda temporada de Star Trek: Picard y ella aceptó.
Fiona Shaw (Killing Eve, True Blood) se une a la segunda temporada de Baptiste. Será la embajadora Emma Chambers, cuya familia desaparece durante sus vacaciones en Hungría.
Betty Gilpin (GLOW, Nurse Jackie) y Billy Eichner (American Horror Story, Difficult People) serán la abogada Ann Coulter y el comentarista político Matt Drudge en la tercera temporada de American Crime Story.
Lily Rabe (American Horror Story, The Good Wife) será recurrente en The Underground Raildroad como Ethel Wells, esposa de Martin (Damon Herriman).
Orlando Jones (American Gods, Sleepy Hollow) se une como recurrente a la segunda temporada de L.A.'s Finest. Será Marshawn Davis, vererano de la división de asuntos internos de la policía de Los Ángeles.
Lauren Bowles (True Blood, Veep) será Montes, ayudante del fiscal, en los últimos episodios de How to Get Away with Murder.
Vella Lovell (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Dollface) se une como regular a la nueva comedia de NBC protagonizada por Ted Danson, Holly Hunter y Bobby Moynihan.
Douglas Henshall (Shetland, In Plain Sight) se une a la segunda temporada de Home. Interpreta a Elliot, el padre de John (Oaklee Pendergast) y el exmarido de Katy (Rebekah Staton).
Jessalyn Gilsig (Heroes, Scandal) sustituye a Shiri Appleby como protagonista de Big Shot junto a John Stamos.
Priscilla Quintana (Pandora) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Good Trouble como Isabella, una encantadora aspirante a actriz y modelo.
Johnny Flynn (Genius, Lovesick) se une como regular a Ripley. Será Dickie Greenleaf, el hijo de un hombre adinerado de Nueva York.
Eddie Marsan (Ray Donovan, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell) se une como regular a The Power. Será Bernie Monke, jefe criminal de Londres y padre de Roxy.
Tosin Cole (Doctor Who) protagonizará 61st Street junto a Courtney B. Vance. Será Moses Johnson, el joven atleta condenado injustamente. Bentley Green (Snowfall, Mr. Iglesias) interpretará a Joshua, el hermano menor de Moses.
Philip Anthony-Rodriguez (The Morning Show, Why Women Kill) será recurrente en Tommy como Rascal Santos, comandante de antivicio.
Charles Jazz Terrier será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Legacies como Chad, un veinteañero lacayo del Nigromante.
Noah Mills (The Enemy Within, The Brave) se une a The Falcon and theWinter Soldier. Se desconocen detalles.
Dexter Darden (The Maze Runner) se une al reboot de Saved By the Bell. Se desconocen detalles.
Britt Lower (Man Seeking Woman, High Maintenance) protagonizará Severance junto a Patricia Arquette y Adam Scott. Será Helly, una mujer que no consigue encontrar la paz con haber aceptado el procedimiento de Lumen Industries.
      Nuevas series
ITV ha encargado tres episodios de The Penbrokeshire Murders, drama true crime sobre la reapertura en 2006, por parte del nuevo superintendente Steve Wilkins (Luke Evans, The Alienist), del caso de dos asesinatos en los años 80 que trajo de cabeza a la policía de Dyfed-Powys, Gales. Completan el reparto Keith Allen (Marcella, Bodies), Owen Teale (Game of Thrones, Stella), Alexandria Riley (The End of the F***ing World), Caroline Berry, Oliver Ryan (The Accident) y David Flynn. Escrito por Nick Stevens (In Plain Sight) y basado en el libro de Wilkins y el periodista de ITV Jonathan Hill. Dirigido por Marc Evans (Safe House, Manhunt).
HBO Max encarga The Prince, comedia satírica de animación que nos muestra a la familia real británica a través de los ojos de un joven príncipe George, el hijo mayor de William y Kate. Basada en la cuenta parodia de Gary Janetti en Instagram. Janetti, Orlando Bloom, Condola Rashad, Lucy Punch, Alan Cumming, Frances De La Tour, Iwan Rheon y Tom Hollander prestando sus voces a George, Harry, Meghan, Kate, Owen el mayordomo, Elizabeth, William y Philip y Charles.
BBC One encarga seis episodios de Vigil, thriller sobre una muerte en un submarino nuclear británico y la desaparición de un barco de pesca escocés que hacen que la policía, la marina y los servicios secretos entren en conflicto. Suranne Jones (Doctor Foster, Gentleman Jack) será la inspectora Amy Silva, líder de la investigación. Completan el reparto Rose Leslie (Game Of Thrones, The Good Fight), Shaun Evans (Endeavour, Whitechapel), Anjli Mohindra (Bodyguard, Bancroft), Martin Compston (Line Of Duty, Mary Queen Of Scots), Paterson Joseph (The Leftovers, Timeless), Connor Swindells (Sex Education, Jamestown), Adam James (Belgravia, Doctor Foster) y Gary Lewis (His Dark Materials, Billy Elliot). Creada por Tom Edge (The Crown, Strike) y escrita por Edge, Ed Macdonald (The End Of The F***ing World) y Chandni Lakhani (Dublin Murders). Dirigida por James Strong (Broadchurch, Liar) y Isabelle Sieb (Shetland).
La quinta temporada de Inside No. 9 se estrena en BBC Two el 3 de febrero
Baghdad Central se estrena en Channel 4 el 3 de febrero
La segunda temporada de Home se estrena en Channel 4 el 5 de febrero
La segunda temporada de L'amica geniale se estrena en RAI el 10 de febrero
Gentefied llega a Netflix el 21 de febrero
La segunda temporada de Altered Carbon llega a Netflix el 27 de febrero
Amazing Stories se estrena en Apple TV+ el 6 de marzo
Home Before Dark se estrena en Apple TV+ el 3 de abril
Defending Jacob se estrena en Apple TV+ el 24 de abril
Trying se estena en Apple TV+ el 1 de mayo
Tráilers y promos
The Undoing
Manhunt: Deadly Games
Baghdad Central
Alex Rider
The Pale Horse
Hi Bye, Mama!
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