#alex guyson
ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Would you mind sharing Mathgirl AU Amazing Cheese headcanons?
Sorry for taking a while anon. I had to think of some things up because I am still plotting this au out.
Amazo Guy a.k.a Mr. Amazing:
-Alex only half listens when Steven is talking about science and what he considers boring stuff. He just likes staring at his husband's beautiful face all day.
-This is what caused some delay in Alex's reformation when he originally came to Steven to help him be a better person.
-Alex makes purring sounds when he is affectionate with Steven ( I did check, reptiles such as snakes can purr). Steven finds this too adorable for words.
-Alex is a hit first ask questions later guy, rarely does he ask questions later after the punching. He's a violent boy.
-Alex hates it when Steven gets mad at him or scolds him. Guy is mopey all day and tries his hardest to make it up to him. Steven usually forgives him and tells him he still loves him before Alex goes overboard with making it up to him. This happens a lot.
Alex is a bit embarrassed because he has a terrible singing voice and dancing abilities compared to Steven and Becky in this au. Steven doesn't care and dances silly or sings off key with him for fun sakes and to cheer him up because they both act like goofs.
Steven Boxleitner:
-While Steven loves to hear Alex talk about his planet and culture, he is a bit terrified by his people's daily lives and doesn't really want to visit them. Alex won't take him there out of concern and fear for his and Becky's safety.
-Steven is an adorable nerd in my headcanon about him, au and canon. He loves to gush about comic books and sci fi shows with Alex when Becky is not around to bond with. Alex just let's him talk and listens giving slight words or gestures of agreement throughout the talk (look at the first headcanon for Amazo Guy).
-Steven and Alex both like to critique b-rated movies and movies that have alien stereotypes.
-For date nights, Alex takes Steven flying sometimes.
-Steven and Becky are the only ones who can calm Alex down when he gets angry.
-Steven caresses Alex's reptilian side when they sleep together. He loves the feeling and texture of his scales.
-Steven does his best to use his knowledge about Alex's biology to help take care of him when he's sick or hurt. Alex just panics when Steven gets sick because he is afraid it might be critical. Steven just tells him to calm down and get him some benadryl.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 6 months
The Exciting and Whacky Adventures of Star Girl and her partner Electroboy
Gene Woods is a mischievous but kind hearted 11 year old kid who discovers one day he has powers over electricity. Along with his best friend Rebecca Fuller, the two kids decide to become the best hero team out there. They get special help from Gene's other friend (secret crush) Alex Guyson aka Amazo Lad, on learning what it takes to be a true hero. Gene also has to hide his powers from his family and protect his secret identity in order to keep his family safe. Gene nor his friends are aware though that Gene's dads are the infamous top super villain couple of Dr. Vexation and Maddrix the Malicious. Outline Gene wants to be a hero like Rebecca and those in comic books. He may or may not also want to be a hero to impress his friend *cough* crush *cough* Alex. Matthew and Carl are aware Gene is Electroboy. Gene isn't aware his parents are villains. Its not because of them hiding secrets, its because Gene's obliviousness doesn't allow him to make the connection. Gene: My dad is a scientist and my pops is a House Husband. They don't have time to be villains. Matthew did have a freak out initially when Gene discovered his powers until Carl calmed him down. They have secretly and subtly tried to teach Gene to control his powers in and out of costume. This is a light-hearted au mixed with a few dark and angst stuff because of some characters and hidden secrets. It combines some Phineas and Ferb elements along with Wordgirl elements. @dualnaturedscientist @melodythebunny
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ninjastormhawkkat · 6 months
"How long are you gonna keep denying you feel the same?"
"What?" Gene spoke up in a startled tone. His best friend Rebecca laughed at his reaction. Gene gave her an annoyed glare and shook of his shocked reaction. "I said how long are you gonna keep denying you feel the same about Alex?" Rebecca asked. Gene just rolled her eyes. "Come on Rebecca get serious. There is no way a muscle bound Adonis like Alex Guyson would be interested in a nerd like me!" Gene moaned. No matter how much of a huge crush Gene had on him, he knew there was no way possible he and Alex could get together. Rebecca rolled her eyes at Gene's dramatic antics. She knew very well Alex felt the same way. Professor Oblivious may not realize it, but Alex also had a crush on him. She had seen the way the guy stared dreamily at Gene when he began rambling about something. There was also the time the two had both reached for the same pencil that had fallen from Gene's desk. Their hands both touched each other. To this day Rebecca had never seen Alex's face that shade of red. "You don't know if you don't try to talk to him. Make small talk. Talk about the weather or your favorite color, anything." Rebecca exclaimed. Gene sighed. "You make it sound easy but I don't think I can say one word to him without ending up a stuttering mess. How can I even talk to someone like him?" Gene retorted. Rebecca shook her head. "Don't worry about how to talk to him. Look what are we doing right now?" Gene looked at her a bit puzzled. "Talking?" He replied hesitantly. "Exactly." Rebecca exclaimed. "Just picture talking to him casually like how you would talk to me or anyone else. You don't need to overthink things." Gene seemed to ponder Rebecca's words, wrestling with the pros and cons of taking his best friend's advice. After a while Gene let out a sigh as he made his decision. "Alright, I'll try to talk to him." Gene said in a slightly determined tone. Rebecca clapped her hands together. "That's the spirit!" She spoke happily. "Just before you talk to him you may want to clean your shoes after you stepped in that dog poo." Rebecca pointed out. Gene looked down and let out a few of his dad's swear words in frustration.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Monsters VS Aliens AU idea.
This is a crossover with Wordgirl and the movie Monsters VS. Aliens which I loved when I saw it, but with a few twists.
Steven and Becky - Steven was getting married to someone (male or female but they are in Derrick's role). Becky who was his kid was the flower girl. The meteor struck both of them. Becky got her canon powers which she couldn't control and Steven became Dr. Two Brains but with the mouse features but without Squeaky's brain.
They are taken to Area 50 something headed by The Warden and his second in command Robert Huggen Falton (human Huggy). They meet the other in habitants.
Carrie - a cat woman who was found by hikers who were trying to find Bigfoot.
Clayde - A man who became Carrie's pseudo brother. He can teleport and open up portals in different ares. He can also make it seem that his body parts are in different locations.
Joseph "Joe" Smith - energy abilities and he has a powerful pain tolerance and a very flexible body. He can make his body parts bend like rubber. It is cool and disturbing.
Alex Guyson - Amazo Guy - He can grow up to 50 ft and shrink back to normal size but has a hard time controlling his growing and shrinking.
The President - Mr. BIg - enough said there. I just think their characters fit with each other.
Galaxar - Miss Power.
Clayde "Longshot" belongs to @spaaceeboyy
Carrie belongs to @melodythebunny
Joseph "Joe" Smith belongs to @drtwobrainsstuff / @chaoticerisstuff
Amazo Guy, Steven Boxleitner, Dr. Two Brains, Becky, Mr. Big, The Warden, Bob/Captain Huggy Face are characters created by PBS at Soup 2 Nuts as part of the Wordgirl Television series they belong too.
The name Alex Guyson is mine as well as this crossover idea.
Monsters Vs Aliens film belongs to Dreamworks.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
need more on the steampunk/victorian au
Here are some roles and headcanons right now.
Scoops works for a newspaper press as a delivery boy but wants to work as the youngest reporter out there. He has a conspiracy theory board to track down all the criminals and crimes committed in Fair City. His biggest goals are finding out Shadow Girl's identity or who Professor Terror is.
Violet's mom works as a nurse in a hospital and Violet usually helps or mom or works in a flower shop. She dreams of being a renowned artist one day.
Becky serves as her dad's assistant and works with him in his lab (when he is not being Professor Terror). She also aids in the public library part time.
Rose Franklin works with her dad in the pretzel factory but also dreams of being an investigative reporter like Scoops dreams of being a reporter one day.
Sally Botsford is the first and only female District Attorney in this au. Her huband Tim was a factory worker who later quit for medical reasons now does odd jobs around the city while helping to raise their son TJ.
The Henchmen are hired delivery men during normal hours but also moonlight as Professor Terror's gopher's and personal staff.
Mr. Big is a merchant who raised himself up from poverty levels to wealth. His method's of mind control come from inventing and learning about different forms of hypnotism around the world. Leslie is his bookkeeper/bodyguard.
The Butcher and his dad were food vendors who were struggling with competitors. Professor Terror offered them a solution to help with their competition as long as they work for him. They willingly agreed. Now Kid Potato and The Butcher don't summon foods, they can control and manipulate them with telekinesis.
Victoria's parents payed off Dr. Calvin Barriton handsomely for their and their kid's powers. Victoria and Victor don't have any idea as their parent's lied and said they were inherited because they are the best family in Fair City. They are an aristocratic family that claim to be descended from nobility.
Tobey is a robot inventor still yet his mother doesn't know about his antics due to Professor Terror hiding them under the guise of Tobey being a teacher's aide for Steven. Tobey knows Steven and Professor Terror are the same person and has encountered Becky before. Becky and Tobey have a friendly rivalry between them. Tobey doesn't investigate the idea of Becky being shadow girl because everyone in the organization knows that Becky is off limits or Professor Terror comes for you.
Professor Terror wears a silver mask to hide his identity.
Joseph "Joe" Smith is a miner who goes to night school to take a job as a caregiver.
Granny May is from a middle class family with a name that has been part of Fair City for a long time. She used to be an engineer before she retired and is now still as ever a con woman.
Professor James Doohickey was a scientist that went missing and came back as a villain known as technarchist who seems to have a vendetta against Professor Terror even though neither he nor Steven were behind what happened to him.
Professor Robert Tubing was inflicted with a disease and was trying to find a cure for others and himself, he ended up becoming a crazy monster shapeshifter.
Chuck was a frustrated sandwich maker who felt being outshone by his brother and his mother's favoritism. He started becoming a criminal to create a name for himself. After being caught by Shadow Girl the first time, Professor Terror came by and promised to fund Chuck as long as he worked for him. Chuck agreed.
Alex Guyson (Amazo Guy) was hired by Steven when Becky was younger to be a manny for her. Steven and Professor Terror both began to develop crushes on him. Alex has difficulty determining if Professor Terror is truly evil because he rescued him one night from thugs (not staged it was just people looking for loot and a fight.) Professor Terror saved him and flirted with Alex a bit as well. Alex was very flustered.
This is what I have for now. I don't have all the character's roles worked out yet.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
What was Steven like as Professor Terror?
Since he was young, he was cunning and skilled as a villain, but also chaotic. The heroes had difficulty predicting his next moves. One day he stole a priceless ming vase and the next the streets were paved with soap. He used his intellect mostly but also had fighting skills. Steven treated villainy as a thrill and an experience to release his emotions and energy. While Steven was normally a shy guy, as Professor Terror he was a big charmer and flirt to all the young people, but seemed to have eyes for one Alex Guyson. Steven never actively harmed civilians just making inconveniences in their lives. He respected the heroes and secretly got along with Alex's parents and Octoguy's sister. He was friendly with the villains the same way Wordgirl was. He truly believed he was happy with this life.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Amazing Dads Au Headcanons
Here are some headcanons for the Amazing Dads au that I created a while back. The Amazing Cheese ship was created originally by @djsadbean. The canon characters, including Amazo Guy, belong to Wordgirl which is owned by Soup 2 Nuts. 
- Amazo Guys secret identity in this au is named Alex Guyson. I decided on the name Alex since the name Adam was taken by @djsadbean and it’s original creator @kurixta. I chose Guyson as his last name because ‘Amazo Guy’. He does change his last name to Boxleitner when he marries Steven. 
-Alex was not that creative with secret identity names so when he first met Steven, before Steven found out he was an alien, he, in panic mode, quickly made up a name on the spot to make Steven believe he was a regular human. Steven still teases him on the name. 
-Alex’s alien name is Almezon and he is from the planet Sirius Alpha Rhine. He became the main hero for Fair City for a few years before he was contacted by the Hero Committee located in Global City. So now he operates both Fair City and Global City, and will do missions for the Hero Committee which will keep hime away for a few months at a time. 
-When Becky becomes Wordgirl, she takes over as Fair City’s protector when Amazo Guy is on a special mission. The Two Brains incident happens when Amazo is away. Wordgirl is referred by the city as Amazo Guy’s partner or protege. Huggy is Becky’s sidekick.
-Alex’s secret identity is a mild mannered business worker. “His cover for secret missions are business trips. 
Now for the Becky portion:
-So it’s basically like canon and my Becky Boxleitner au, Steven and Alex were on a picnic in the forest where they encounter Bob and Becky. The difference here is that Alex recognizes Bob as a Lexiconian, and shows Bob that he is an alien too. So Bob escorts Steven and Alex back to their crashed ship, Steven is holding Becky and is wrapped around her fingers at this point. Alex and Steven see the damage it is in and that the guidance system is gone, possibly lost when the ship hit the asteroid. While Alex knows about Lexicon, he doesn’t know how to get there since his planet and Lexicon are farther apart than from Earth and are located at different distances. (It’s like traveling to England vs traveling to Japan.) So until help arrives, Alex and Steven decide to take care of Becky and soon begin to raise her as their daughter. 
-Alex and Steven both teach Becky how to handle her powers. For Alex it is a bit easier since most of Becky’s powers are similar to his own. Steven has a few panic attacks when he sees his child lifting the couch at two years old and floating up near the ceiling. 
-Steven is definitely the more protective of the two, though Alex wouldn’t hesitate to beat the living daylights out of somebody if they ever threaten his family. Becky calls Alex Dad and Steven Papa.
-Even though Becky bonds easily with Alex over being superheroes and aliens from different planets, she is a lot closer to Steven. She is still close to her papa even after the accident. Alex loves to tease and joke with Steven on being the favorite parent because he likes seeing his husband blush in embarrassment. Becky loves both her dads but Steven/Two Brains is her favorite and Alex understands since they both seem to share similar personalities and intelligence with each other. They still get along greatly with each other. 
-Alex tries to avoid taking serious missions after he and Steven adopt Becky, he usually only goes if necessary. He is the hero on call for Global City and Fair City, so there are some episodes that will usually have Wordgirl like in canon. 
-Both Alex and Becky gush over cute adorable things.
-Steven was usually the adult in the relationship before his accident. Now Alex and his husband switch the adult role from time to time. I kind of imagine Amazo Guy being a huge kid in his civilian life, which Becky helps to encourage, either purposefully or accidentally, from time to time.
-Becky is similar to canon in this au, but she is also a mixture of her dads personalities, both good and bad. Ex. I headcanon that Amazo can be a little stubborn and brash so Becky will be like that sometimes. She also copies Steven’s obliviousness and his need to feel validated. 
-Becky celebrates with Amazo Guy on Father’s day and Steven on Mother’s day. Long story short, Alex and Steven had a bet and Steven lost. 
-Since there are two heroes in Fair City, Becky has a lot less stress and worries about balancing her hero duties with her civilian life.
-Global City is only a few hours separation from Fair City. So a few personal villains for Amazo Guy might enter Fair City from time to time. These villains will substitute a few episodes that focus on Dr. Two Brains. The episode “Two Brains Forgets” happens in this au, but with a villain that has fought Amazo Guy before.  
Dr. Two Brains
-So the Two Brains incident happens like in my Becky Boxleitner au, only twist is that Steven/Two Brains knows his daughter is Wordgirl, so Becky personally tries to get her dad to come back to normal, even risking her identity in front of the henchmen.
-Amazo Guy was out of town when this happened and comes back to an upset Becky and missing husband a few days after the incident. Becky tells him they wouldn’t let her visit her papa in jail unless under adult supervision. Mrs. Botsford is able to straighten things out later in the au and let Amazo Guy and Becky freely visit Dr. Two Brains in jail whenever they want to.
-Amazo Guy is shocked to see what has happened to Steven. Dr. Two Brains is let go on bail since it is a first time offense and Amazo and Becky take Steven home.
Note: This next part of the au was developed in a conversation on discord with @melodythebunny. She had a suggestion for this to happen in the au. 
-Things are a little tense in the Boxleitner house after the incident. Dr. Two Brains still identifies himself as Becky’s dad and he still loves Amazo Guy, he just has difficulty deciding if staying with him is the still the best option. Two Brains is a villain now while his husband is a hero. Two Brains feels like a replacement for Steven since it was technically Steven that Alex married and not Two Brains.
- (my thoughts) Becky at one point gets worried her dads might divorce or separate for an amount of time.
-Note: I made this suggestion in response to hers. Amazo Guy goes through a lot of hoops to show and prove to Dr. Two Brains that he fell in love and married ‘him’ the person that he is on the inside. It doesn’t matter whether he is a villain or hero, whether he calls himself Steven or Dr. Two Brains, Alex will always love him and if need be, he will go ‘screw reputation’ for Two Brains. It is a slow, emotional, and difficult journey for all of them in this au, but they are choosing to stick together through the highs and lows. 
-The henchmen also know about Alex and Becky being heroes. They won’t tell anybody because they really like them and also they are afraid of their boss.
-This au is a lot similar to my Becky Boxleitner au, just with a few more emotional and funny stuff since Two Brains/Steven is married. I will add a few episodes that I have excluded or planned to not mention in the Becky Boxleitner au I have created since they will fit now. 
-Note: I was thinking about excluding the episode “A World Without Wordgirl” because it would not make sense in this au since Becky does not have the same stress as her canon counterpart. But my angsty mind decide to make this episode darker for the au. Warning - if involves emotional guilt and character death. 
So that’s the basic outline for the Amazing Dads Au.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Mini au ideas.
These are some ideas I just developed and i just want to put out. I am not going to write these ideas out but if you have any asks or want some headcanons for these ideas I will be glad to give them to you.
1. Puppy Becky au: This is like my au where Lexiconians are anthropomorphic mice, but with canines instead. For Steven/Two Brains, it is raising a child that has canine behaviors and instincts. Bob is still a monkey in this au. Becky is like her canon self yet she does tend to get more distracted easily, especially if someone throws a ball or frisbee or if she sees a squirrels. She chases cats, except Priscilla because she scares her a bit. She tends to speak in a fast paced manner sometimes for instance, “omygoshicantbelievethenewprincesstriannabookisout”. She also gets very excited and is more friendly with the villains than in canon. Don’t worry, Dr. Two Brains does not forget he has a child, it is very difficult to forget when you wind up committing your first cheese crime at the grocery store and your alien canine child crashes into you excitedly and asks in a hastily manner why you look and smell different now. As for puppy Becky, I imagine her looking like a wolf/german shepherd mix.
2. A Normal Girl With A Great Vocabulary Au: This au is where Becky is a normal earth girl with an amazing vocabulary. She does live with her villain scientist dad. Bob is a pet mouse that was genetically modified in a lab to live as long as a human. He was rescued by Steven and Becky ended up taking care of him. His full name is Bob Huggy Face. Amazo Guy is the main hero of Fair City with Kid Math as his protege. Kid Math, aka Rex is the adopted child of the Botsford family. Becky secretly helps teach Kid Math how to be a hero from her dad’s book and sometimes aids and helps Amazo Guy and Kid Math in their hero duties. These two are the only heroes that understand and realize her dad needs help and don’t treat him like a criminal like most of the public. This also includes an amazing cheese ship but with oblivious romantic feelings from both of these dudes. Two Brains talks about how attractive Amazo Guy is but when asked if he loves the guy, he immediately denies it being possible because he is a villain while Amazo Guy is a hero. When Dr. Two Brains goes to jail, his old friend Alex Guyson (Amazo Guy) takes Becky in until Two Brains gets out. Becky knows Alex is Amazo Guy and finds out Kid Math’s secret identity in the “Two Brains Forgets” version of this au. Dr. Two Brains does not know Alex is Amazo Guy, yeah awkward relationship between them, and due to Steven’s oblivious nature, he does not realize when Alex tries to flirt with him. He thinks Alex is just being friendly with him. 
3. Bob is fused with Steven AU: This idea stems from what if Bob and Steven became fused instead of Steven and Squeaky. Squeaky is fused with a different person (not Becky). Steven and Bob have to share equal control of their new human/alien monkey body. They have a ponytail and a monkey tail. Becky has to cover up in her hero life why Captain Huggy Face looks different now. He still goes by that cover. There is no exposed monkey brain, but Bob and Steven take turns when one of them wants to talk. They both care for and are protective of Becky. Huggy’s outfit is altered to fit Steven’s body, instead of the helmet. He now wears a red eye mask. This fusion accident is what reveals to Steven that his daughter and monkey are aliens. As for the unfortunate soul fused to Squeaky, I am thinking either Tubing or Doohickey are the options. I still want to include the tragic scientist turned villain backstory in this au. 
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