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escritosdemundo · 11 months ago
Fragmento. <i>Once segundos</i>, "La Maradoneida", de Carlos Aletto.
Carlos Aletto (Mar del Plata, 1967) es autor de las novelas Anatomía de la melancolía y Antes de perder, así como de Diálogo para una Poética de Julio Cortázar, por el cual mereció el Premio Municipal de Literatura . También se destacó como editor de la revista “Unicornio, un caballo con suerte” y como director del Suplemento Literario Télam (SLT). En esta ocasión, EdM ofrece a sus lectores un…
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mcalhenwrites · 7 months ago
"So now I'm trying to move on without you, just like it is the end" - Ferdinand
Ferdinand moves about the kitchen, trying to find some semblance of normal. Nearly everything is in the same place, so why does his home suddenly feel strange?
A strange ache spreads through Ferdinand’s chest. He knows what exactly is off—what makes him feel like he’s in a different place altogether.
He glances at the corner the mixer once stood. In its place is a new one. The base of this one has some weird yellow, and the metal is shiny. Thinner. Cheaper in quality. It won’t be the same, but that isn’t the only reason he’s sad.
The previous one belonged to Nana. They used it after they were done gardening so they could make breads and cookies and all sorts of delights.
Getting rid of the old one meant parting with dear memories. But he couldn’t keep it around. It broke, and after searching every pawn and repair shop within the city, he had to admit it couldn’t be fixed this time. It needed a part that hadn’t been made in over seventy years.
The new one won’t be the same. Still, the color does remind him of buttercup flowers. Maybe he’ll grow fond, and if this one lasts him the rest of his life, maybe his daughter can inherit this one from him, the way he was given the previous one after Nana passed. Send me an ask prompt
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schizografia · 1 year ago
Furore che sogna
Nel Museo nazionale romano di palazzo Altemps si conserva una testa in marmo che secondo la tradizione rappresenta un’Erinni addormentata. Gli occhi chiusi, i ciuffi dei capelli scarmigliati sulla fronte e la guancia, le labbra appena dischiuse, il volto della Furia – se di una Furia si tratta, sia essa Aletto, Megera o Tisifone – riposa quieto su un cuscino di buio marmo, come se sognasse.
Una furia che invece di gemere e urlare, scuotendo la chioma serpentina, chiude gli occhi e sogna, smentisce se stessa. Eppure proprio e soltanto il sogno o il sonno di una furia assomiglia al pensiero. Il pensiero non è soltanto contemplazione, è innanzitutto furore. Si dà pensiero, si dà contemplazione, solo se prima vi è stato furore, se guardando l’abominio degli umani e del mondo, la mente – diceva Bruno – discesa «ne la parte più inferna… si sente lacerare e sbranare». E solo se nel nostro eroico furore riusciamo a chiudere gli occhi e sognare, si ha vera quiete, si ha visione e teoria. I nostri sogni non sono allora fantasie a occhi aperti, che sappiamo ingannevoli e vane, ma verità a cui, anche se con gli occhi chiusi, non possiamo non credere, perché abbiamo prima visto la vendetta e l’errore. Il pensiero è questo acquietarsi del furore, è un’Erinni che sogna.
13 novembre 2023
Giorgio Agamben
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precisionfailures · 7 months ago
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Music for Aletto is out on 73 recordings!
This album is the result of a radical impro recording session in which we used our beloved 4 track cassette recorder. We worked on it late this february 2024.
Eight compositions for synthesizer, voice, violin and organ with a minimalist and experimental imprint. Music for Aletto is an imaginary dialogue with the goddess of revenge, eight conversations with a pacifying intent(?).
Artwork: madeByhujo  Cover Photo: Brianoize  Produced: Memory of Sho  Mastered: Victor Ferreira
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Italian forenames and the lyrics of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up", excluding the letter "K"
Acena Acenevena Acenza Acercom Achia Achio Achis Acinde Acune Acusa Afandria Afano Afato Aglia Agola Agone Agusa Alato Alesceneo Aletto Aligna Ancesce Andene Ander Andice Andri Anici Annano Anolind Anona Anown Aplesa Aprindria Aprine Aregna Asenapri Aseting Asetonton Assara Avece Avellia Aviacing Avong...
Bagoli Barani Baranna Baria Baroune Bassa Batta Battamo Beelato Beelia Beelie Beenia Benza Beria Berules Biang Biteria Bitmes Blienter Blieti Bligno Bliviso Bolabredo Bolfeto Bolia Bolivolza Boterni Bothe Botheria Botta Breale Bregno Brezio Brigoni Brilvany Cafaena Cafand Cafati Cafrome Caghe Cagon Cagoto Caguy Calasso Calay Calerave Callet Calta Camodicci Camona Camoni Canna Carace Carapria Caremo Carenzang Carese Carind Carlia Catano Catelia Caterboto Catice Catoria Ceggio Cenza Chier Chind Ching Chingeno Chistra Cingena Cireminia Colay Colive Colla Coneo Conna Coseeno Cosena Coset Cosse Creggio Creggivor Crevenca Cromes Croto Cundica Cundinown Custe Doneo Dontong Eachia Eachisiet Ealecca Ealla Ealta Ermodini Errapria Fanow Fanrezzo Feelina Feenza Ferma Ferni Fetri Fettari Fiugio Fiumila Fiumino Flonconna Flovia Fogno Folfeelia Folio Folza Foregno Foresena Foria Forilay Foring Forlegna Forlia Forno Fornovia Fregna Galeggia Galesti Gamodisi Gamurati Gella Genon Gergala Gevigno Giarove Giuming Giumitme Givonza Goina Goind Golanto Golbia Golona Goodena Goodeno Goodenza Gothe Gotherbo Gothia Gothio Gringeve Guseneo Gustrany Herratino Hersay Huracegna Hurapra Huria Hurtano Imili Imilvand Imina Imode Imontorno Insie Ittamur Jusanoa Jusee Jusetra Jusettang Justa Landiso Latta Legno Leranfro Lerbola Lerno Lernow Lesci Letraguy Letremila Letta Lettanown Liesse Livigeni Loggia Lonto Loria Lovany Lovarato Mandria Mangerno Mania Manow Maramo Marate Masso Mastinici Masto Matanza Menow Meset Messay Mezia Mezzo Mitersa Mitme Modbye Modenna Modesta Modindria Molaresce Molastria Molbia Molza Monano Monto Nevani Nolbissay Nonto Olars Onzia Othie Othina Otoria Pagrili Paleron Pales Paletoia Palta Panfra Panow Panza Parravort Pavena Paventoo Pescert Pesert Pesind Pesse Pesso Pezia Pezzo Pezzuolor Piacena Pisanna Pisca Pisorni Pisti Pobaglia Pobaglio Pobagoing Pobarpia Pobasto Pordesing Poreno Poria Poriercon Porina Potece Potoia Potta Pozzo Pozzuolia Pozzuolza Praci Praverni Prigetoia Rachia Ragoo Rameno Ramolza Rativiaro Reacusa Redonto Reggio Reggivori Reglini Regnown Remola Remon Renicia Rentoo Resetto Resser Ressidert Rezia Rezio Rezzo Rhown Rigeto Rotecesie Rouldn Rugia Rugli Ruldn Rulecerno Rulesenza Ruletta Salegno Saleri Saletria Sanown Saria Sarpisori Savigermo Savort Scene Scentona Scino Senza Sidena Sidese Syrano Syrari Syrarmat Tanfrona Taniano Tarata Terien Teromo Terrand Terrative Theach Theale Thears Thera Therano Theraplay Theria Thero Therom Therra Thersa Thiand Thiese Thing Thiogno Thiso Tivortani Tracegna Traci Traghe Tragline Tragro Tramo Trarano Trate Trearling Tregna Tremila Trenevita Treni Trenna Triacuse Trigeria Trino Turta Uding Udino Vandri Vanown Vanto Varat Varemona Vecces Vecching Vecchio Vecci Velia Vellesso Vellia Vellies Venna Vennanto Vento Versanza Viarsa Vicelles Vigento Vigna Vigno Vigoo Visso Vitano Vitme Vitoodici Vitta Wanto Wanza Whati Whatina Whato Whatoia Whattanza Woulles Wourt Youldn Youletta Youllina Yound
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timriva-blog · 2 years ago
«Amor a Roma» recupera la poesía culta y obscena de Charlie Feiling
La reedición del poemario conformado por versos propios y versiones de otros ajenos, cuenta con un prólogo del recientemente fallecido Luis Chitarroni.  Feiling, narrador y poeta Escrito por  CARLOS DANIEL ALETTO Libro extraño e inhallable durante años, acaba de salir una nueva edición de “Amor a Roma”, el volumen de poemas del escritor Charlie Feiling (1961-1997) que vuelve a las librerías como…
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samartworksblog · 4 years ago
The fury Aletto and Turnus (inspired by Virgil's Aeneid)
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- Here the direct link for instagram too:
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dorsalblog · 5 years ago
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🔴Se soffro di #gambegonfie, posso dormire tutta la #notte con la #rete sollevata? ✅Ci risponde il #fisioterapista: "Non vi é nessuna controindicazione a dormire tutta la notte con la rete sollevata anzi è molto utile a favorire un drenaggio e scarico linfatico degli arti inferiori. Il miglior utilizzo sarebbe nella posizione supina anche se recenti studi dicono che all'incirca una ventina di volte almeno per notte si cambia posizione durante il #sonno". dott. Fabio Ballarin, Fisioterapista A.I.FI. #fisioterapia #dormire #sonno #bed #bedroom #bedroomdecor #bedroomdesign #aletto #retemotorizzata #andràtuttobene #iostoacasa #acasa #coronavid19 #madeinitaly #aziendeitaliane #iocomproitaliano Per saperne di più sulle reti motorizzate Dorsal: www.dorsal.it https://www.instagram.com/p/B_AuBEHoJbX/?igshid=1p7hf8qc5h2ep
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ilregnodellongheu · 6 years ago
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gemville · 6 years ago
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Rock Crystal, Diamond and Platinum Bracelet by Aletto Sotheby's Important Jewels Sale
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mcalhenwrites · 2 years ago
Cal's original fiction writing list
Rascal Rascal With a stressful job as the breadwinner of the household, Hazel unwinds at home by surrendering control to his trustworthy partner, Ferdinand. The youngest "Raston Rascal" is under pressure to follow in his father's footsteps. It includes everything from his job to his hobbies to his lifestyle choices. But when there's a new airship being built, one that the Rastons have invested in, Hazel finds a growing interest in the vessel for all the wrong reasons. Rascal Short Stories: Ravish Him Hazel Raston might have been a little drunk when he first spotted Ferdinand Aletto standing by the nearest exit of the dormitory common room. So drunk, in fact, that he snagged Sinclair’s sleeve and hissed much too loudly in his ear, “Who is he? I want to ravish him.” Specifically, Hazel wanted to rip the stranger’s buttons off his shirt with his teeth and lick his chest down to his navel until he had his cock in his mouth. Ungrateful Little Princeling The first time Hazel is ever called an Ungrateful Little Princeling. The insult follows him into adulthood, as do the unpleasant memories. Eda, Darling After her lawyers contact Willie, Edith Anne goes home to face her future ex-husband. Woeful Spring Colds Ferdinand can always count on Hazel to take care of him when he has a cold. In turn, Hazel can count on Ferdinand to paint his ass red whenever they're no longer sick. A year spent together, as always Ferdinand and Hazel are content to spend a lifetime together - even other lifetimes, if permitted. A collection of monthly prompt oneshots from Year of the OTP. all to see you smile Hazel/Ferdinand consensual whipping boy AU. Seasons Seasons Howie Liddell and his siblings are born from wishes their father made during different seasons. But as the years pass, and Howie realizes no one in his family is aging, questions arise. It has been almost two centuries since Howie was born from the first fallen leaf of autumn. His fathers continue to raise Howie and his brothers as if they were small children. When a strange woman starts to appear, mysteries about their past begin coming to light. Seasons Short Stories: Summer in Snow The cruel words and treatment chase Shannon away from home, but the person who mistreats him is the one to bring him back when he runs. Stolen Summer Songs Human babies aren't usually born from cicada shells, but this child isn't human. There are no guides for how to parent a Season, and the fathers are left to wonder exactly how to keep their child alive. The Unfinished Gift We know about the rattan cane. We’ve seen it several times. He’s threatened us numerous times with it, fetching it on occasion to send it whooshing down through air. Something to give us a sense of the impact it would have on our hides were it to land. It is always returned to the umbrella stand afterward. I don’t think he plans to wag it around as a warning this time. Summer's Storm Despair sweeps through me like howling wind. My arms ache as if fighting against the gale, and only then do I realize it’s not an emotion but a physical sensation against my skin. My magic has responded to my grief. Above me, storm clouds brew. The village boys glance up, appalled by the sudden change in the weather. They yell at one another. I can’t make out their words. Only their sense of panic. How to Love When he's little, his parents mean the world to him.But he doesn't mean the world to them.
Geckos, Automata Short Stories: Dancing Bones A glimpse into Julian's growing relationship with necromancy in his youth. Don't Julian's pleas are always silent, but one day, a stranger speaks up for him and says the words he can't. Stand-alone Short Stories: Umbrella Spider A spider with umbrellas for legs helps the local humans stay dry in bad weather, but they aren't always so kind to him. Train Cats A city with a unique tourist attraction: giant cats roam freely, and the citizens accommodate them. The Sky Market A grandmother falls in love with the woman selling crafts. Sanctuary A group of werewolves takes in and raises an abused little girl. Mish's Dolls Every doll Mish crochets and adds a heart to comes alive. Bridge of Affinity Two young girls - one a monster and the other a human - bond over their shared love of stationary and cats. Audra Grief can be consuming, but it helps when you're visited by a cat who can heal people's hearts.
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medeafurens · 4 years ago
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E le serate migliori sono quelle con certi compagni di letto: gatti coccolosi e un buon libro! #picoftheday #smileisbetter #alonebutnotlonely #happiness #felicitĂ  #tiresia #ilmiogatto #famiglio #gattonero #dolcezza #nausicaa #mici #dolcicoccole #pelosetti #oradellananna #librierelax #margaretatwood #fantasiedistupro #leggere #aletto #inmybed (presso Castelverde) https://www.instagram.com/p/COgV6jkFN1n/?igshid=mz5tp81pqejf
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ilsupremomacchinista · 4 years ago
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-“Sei teso per gli esami?” -“Ma chi, io? Nooooooooooooooo” @ilsupremomacchinista #ilsupremomacchinista #notte #insonnia #night #goodnight #goodnight🌙 #goodvibes #think #thinking #sogni #sognare #sognidoro #meme #pensieri #coppia #dormire #ansia #macchinista #gutenacht #aletto #fidanzati #dormirebene #amore #love #studente #ferroviere #ferrovie #stazione #capotreno #buonanotte https://www.instagram.com/p/CLiM8FQnZHv/?igshid=da7ai67p0du8
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eternattesa · 7 years ago
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Sei una persona estremamente passionale. Per te la chimica in un rapporto è fondamentale, un classico colpo di fulmine è quello che fa per te. Scoprire l’altro è un percorso che vivi sulla tua pelle con tutta te stessa. Per te va bene il quadro di Toulouse Lautrec “A letto” che rappresenta l’incontro d’amore e di passione fra due amanti.
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timriva-blog · 2 years ago
Sale a la venta el manuscrito de "Fervor de Buenos Aires", la primera obra de Borges
Entregada hace exactamente cien años a la imprenta Serantes, la pieza que consiste en 60 carillas escritas en tinta negra saldrá a la venta en las próximas semanas, según anunció su actual propietario, el reconocido anticuario Víctor Aizenman. Escrito por CARLOS DANIEL ALETTO El manuscrito del primer libro de Jorge Luis Borges, Fervor de Buenos Aires, entregado hace exactamente cien años a la…
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dilebe06 · 6 years ago
Dante arriva, così, alla città di Dite, donde pervengono delle forti grida di dolore e lamento, e si vedono le torri rosseggianti per il fuoco che vi brucia dentro. Ad un tratto il Poeta vede raddrizzarsi verso la cima rovente dell’alta torre, tre furie infernali tinte di sangue, dalle membra e dai gesti di donna: Megera a sinistra, Aletto a destra, Tesifone bel mezzo. Esse, tinte di sangue, hanno il capo cinto di serpenti e minacciano il Poeta d’impietrirlo col mostrargli il teschio della Gorgone Medusa. 
- Dopo una fiera opposizione dei diavoli, vinta per mezzo di un messo celeste ( poichè l’umana ragione non basta per vincere l’eresia), Dante entra nel VI Cerchio, dove sono gli eresiarchi. Così, vi si trovano Epicuro, il celebre filosofo materialista di Atene, con i suoi seguaci, chè negava in vita, l’immortalità dell’anima, Federico II di Svevia, nipote del Barbarossa e nemico della corte di Roma, e Ottaviano degli Ubaldini, detto per autonomasia “il cardinale”.
Il Poeta vede qui degli avelli scoperti, da cui escono delle fiamme. In ogni avello, più o meno rovente, a seconda dell’eresia più o meno grave, è punita una setta di eretici con il loro capo. Fra costoro, in mezzo ai tormenti del fuoco, si drizza l’anima di Farinata degli Uberti, figlio di Jacopo, e capo dei Ghibellini in Firenze, e, successivamente, sorge pure la figura di Cavalcante Cavalcanti, padre del poeta e filosofo Guido amico di Dante.
Mentre si trova nel VI Cerchio, Dante lo percorre nel senso della larghezza per affacciarsi al burrato, ma sente un puzzo così terribile, che è costretto a indugiar la discesa, riposandosi dietro il coperchio di un avello che chiude il papa Anastasio, condotto all’eresia da Fotino.
- Configurazione generale dell’Inferno Dantesco di Eugenio de - Stephanis
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