#alessa vera
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itsaleiah · 5 months ago
ROMANCING MR. HALF-DEVIL | Vergil x Original Character
Chapter One: Before The Nightmare, Vergil
SUMMARY: On the brink of losing himself, Vergil reminisces the summer days of his childhood.
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“ Earth to Vergil...!” A voice called out to him, waking him up from his dreams.
The summer days of his childhood were the best memories he had whenever he’d choose to think to reminisce of a time when he was happy. When he was free.
He remembers his mother’s delicious food, and how often he and Dante would fight for either the first or last taste of their mother’s cooking, the bantering escalating until Eva finally steps in to prevent a war from happening in the house. God, he could recall the time when their fighting went too far and accidentally destroyed their mother’s favorite carpet! A fate worse than death was his mother being mad at him as the tears would start forming even when she hadn’t even started yet - when she was just looking at him sternly. He had no choice but to look down. Why? Well - the moment Eva opens his mouth, the tears that he tried holding back falls like a waterfall, accompanied by his brother’s obnoxious laughter and pointing - until their father makes him cry too.
The half-demon laughed, albeit a little too weakly. Being stuck in Hell and hours of torment and humiliation from all the demons in the realm made him into something he tried not be, something he despised, weak.
Had he taken his brother’s hand, would things be different?
Would he and Dante be able to heal the wounds that were inflicted on them the night everything fell to pieces? Would he finally feel safe in the company of his brother? Would he pay for the sins that he committed just to achieve the very power he chased his entire life for?
Would Alessa forgive him?
“Are you dead?” The voice asked him, a worried tone slowly lacing through her voice. He could feel her fingers poking at his side making him flinch. He was sensitive in that part, which made him an easy target for Dante whenever a tickle war to happen.
He opens his eyes to see Alessa Vera looking at him, worried. Little Vergil’s heart fluttered once he realized how close they were to one another, Alessa just hovering over him.
“Alessa?” He called out.
“Where am I?” He asked, to which Alessa furrowed her brows and looked at him as if he was crazy.
“You’re in your garden, silly! Are you okay? Did your head get hit or something? You were asleep on the floor - well, the flowers but still!” She questioned, her voice being soft like velvet and like a bee buzzing on his ears at the same time.
The flowers.. He turned to look at the ruined orchids. Mother’s going to kill me for this!
The poor boy dreaded his mother’s reaction that he forgot about the worried little girl standing right in front of him. “Uhh.. Verge?” She titled her head while her arms were behind her back.
“Oh, right. I’m well, no need to worry.” He turned around, feeling a bit breathless.
“You sure? You look a little bit pale. Come here.” Alessa motioned for him to come closer to which he did, his heart beating faster when he did. What was it that his mother told him and his brother about meeting your loved one? Butterflies in your stomach? Well - Vergil was sure he was experiencing that now, no matter how ridiculous he thought the term was when their mother was telling them of the story.
He was surprised when she suddenly grabbed his hand and held it firmly.
“What are you doing?”
“Shh, its our little secret.” She winked, placing her finger on her mouth.
“Oh Divine Mother, Guardian Of Light
Grant me the power of your.. boundless strength,
The.. the knowledge? that flows from your eternal grace,
And the courage that shines in your unwavering place?” She started chanting, though she was a bit confused and forgetting some words but Vergil didn’t mind. So this was the Vera’s powers huh?
The two stood there for a few minutes when nothing happened - at least to Vergil.
Alessa opened her eyes, looking confused, as if she was expecting something. She then lifted her head up to look at Vergil. “Do you feel better?” She asked. He nodded. “Mhm.”
He didn’t.
But she looked happy, and that was enough. “Weird... Hector told me that some glowy thing was gonna show up when we chant it, but I guess it’s just one of those things that he sees in his movies. And you’re feeling better, so that meant it work!” She smiled, clapping her hands at her unfulfilled work. Vergil smiled, nodding his head. He didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth.
She turned around to admire the flowers that his mother and father planted - as his mother would say, “These flowers are another proof of mine and your father’s love. You and your brother, Dante being the first.” She bent down to match his son’s height and pinched his cheek. Vergil smiled and looked at his mother softly. “So they’re .. seeds of love?” He asked and Eva nodded. “You could call it that, yes. The importance of these flowers aren’t their beauty - but rather the love that was given to them, and that love will continue to tend to them in order for them to survive.” .
She looked at her son once again and caressed his cheek. “My sweet boy.” She smiled and Vergil felt his heart warm up. His mother was truly beautiful, not only by the looks, but also the heart. How lucky he was to be the son of such a kindhearted, perfect person. Moments like this with his mother, he cherished it.
Alessa's hair is braided differently today, he noticed. She'd usually have her hair braided in a complicated yet beautiful way. It was a tradition within their family through the Solari religion, his father told him.
“The flowers are really pretty. Did Auntie Eva plant them?” She asked, turning to the young boy.
The blue devil looked a bit distracted, as he was too busy staring at her. She looks very pretty, he thinks. Her blonde hair looks golden in the light and her violet eyes reflect whatever she’s feeling in the moment. And right now, she seemed confused.
“Vergil?” She called out again to which this time, Vergil finally responded. “Huh?”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, I am!” He said, sounding a little bit too much like Dante.
“Uh huh.” She pouted, already feeling suspicious. She looked down and asked, “The flowers. Did Auntie Eva plant them?” She asked, once again.
Vergil nodded, the young girl finally getting a response to what seemed like years - how dramatic of her.
“They’re very pretty.” She smiled and Vergil nodded again, agreeing.
A silence came between the two of them. Alessa looked down on the floor and placed her hands behind her back once again, seemingly lost in thought. “Uhmm.. Vergil?”
She looked up, staring at him while fiddling with her fingers. “How come… you rarely play with me and Dante?” She questioned, her voice falling low as if she was scared of what his reaction might be.
When he didn’t respond, she continued: “Its just that.. whenever I ask you to come play with us, you’d shake your head or just walk away. I.. I know that i’m not as much of a bookworm as my brother is - and that sometimes i’m a little bit too.. much.”
She clasped her hands together and smiled sweetly, but there was a bit of uneasiness in her eyes. “But I really wish for you to spend more time with us.” She started, “And I want us to be close friends.”
“But.. aren’t we already close friends?” He asked, confused. Was there something wrong? Did he do something wrong for her to think that they weren’t close? Was his nose really stuck on a book like his brother said?
Alessa frowned. “Well yeah, but-“ Her words were cut off when they hear a loud crash.
The two of them turned around to see both of their brothers together. It seemed that Hector accidentally bumped into a vase due to Dante accidentally pushing him, caused.
Dante walked towards Alessa, ruining their moment for Vergil. “Found ya!” He said cheerfully and Alessa laughed. So they were playing hide and seek, that’s why she found me.
“Looks like we have a winner!” She raised two of her hands up to which Dante responded with: “Jackpot!” and clapping her raised hands. It was a common thing between them. Something Vergil grew to be envious of.
Ever since The Vera’s began visiting his family, it was Alessa and Dante that were close. They would often play around the mansion, have jokes that only they would understand, and they understood each other very clearly, given that both of them are cheerful and energetic. Eva even joked one time that they were attached by the hip and are the same person.
He wished for a bond like that with her, but sometime she just felt.. unreachable to him.. Nevertheless, Vergil grew close to Alessa’s older brother, Hector. He was older than them by 4 years but he got along very well with the three kids, especially with him - given their shared love for books. He was calmer compared to Alessa but he did know how to match his younger sister’s energy and when to maintain or control it - and for Vergil, that was the hardest thing to do.
Hector placed a hand on his hip as he turned his look on the blue devil. “So.. Verge, what are you doing here? You playin’ hide ‘n’ seek with these demons?” He asked, pointing to his younger sister - who reacted, very very maturely - by sticking her tongue out and her partner-in-crime, who grinned while placing both his hands on his hips, proudly taking the name - as he is one, literally.
“Nope.” Was all he said.
“Don’t expect him to join us, he’s too busy being mister smarty-pants to have fun!” His younger brother retorted, a smug smirk on his face. Vergil’s icy gaze then turned to him, Dante’s hands raising as if he was being held on gunpoint. “I mean come on, Verge! Why can’t you just let go of that book of yours and have fun with us? Its not like you’re going to die spending time with us.”
“You stab and kill me everytime we play a game of Knight.”
“You play the evil one all the time!”
“I don’t! I’m the silent hero.”
“Silent heroes aren’t popular in movies, ya know - and you’re scary when you try to save Aly from me! Not heroic like!”
“And you’re proving my point as to why I don’t spend my time with you.”
“- Okay! Why don’t we head back to the house? Auntie Eva made some cookies while the two of you were playing hide and seek. Hector pushed himself between the brothers, already sensing another fight that would break in if he didn’t try to stop it. He didn’t want to risk another Auntie Eva outburst - her stare is scary enough.
“Yeah! Auntie Eva’s probably waiting for us inside! Let’s go!” Alessa stepped near his brother, and Dante sighed before linking their arms together. The other two, their older siblings just right behind them.
The four left the beautiful garden to see the sun shining on them, the gold in the Veras’ hair glistening. Vergil couldn’t help but admire the young girl, remembering their conversation before. Was he really that distant? What if..
“I was able to heal Vergil earlier!” He heard Alessa say to Dante who gasped, amazed. He could already see the sparkle in his younger brother’s eyes. “No way! Really?” To which Alessa responded: “Yeah! I wrote the prayers that Dad would often chant and it worked on him! Guess i’m a natural, huh?” She grinned, happily stomping.
“Well, well, well. Looks like somebody’s been listening to Father’s lectures.” Hector teased to which Alessa turned around and stuck her tongue out to her older brother. The older brother chuckled in response and made a weird face to tease her even further. The other Vera just rolled her eyes before her eyes turned to the blue devil. Vergil, who wasn’t paying attention - too busy on looking at the grass, probably lost in thought - didn’t notice the longing gaze in her eyes.
The younger Vera frowned before turning away just when Vergil's attention finally went to her, her focus back on his energetic bomb of a brother, talking about a new movie that had just come out.
“You know, you can just talk to her right? Aly doesn’t bite.” Hector suddenly spoke up, whispering so the younger ones wouldn't hear.
It seems that communicating is not something Vergil is well-versed at so just like his younger sister, he continued his sentence, “Don’t think I don’t see you staring, young man. You’re practically yearning to be there with them!”
“I...” Vergil trailed, unable to place the words in his mouth.
“You know - instead of longingly staring at them like you’re being left out, you can try talking to her - or Dante if you don't feel comfortable with her. And beside she's already asked you a million times to join them.” He tried to reason but it seems that Vergil had other plans.
“No, you don't understand. Me and Dante - we rarely get along. We’re not like you and Alessa who easily get along. Its.. different.” Vergil tried explaining to the older boy, who was quiet but listening and waiting for him to go on.
And with how close they are, and how different me and Dante are - I’m sure that I’ll just ruin the fun for Alessa.” Vergil said, slowly - as if he were hesitating if whether or not he was going to open up his emotions.
Hector looked at him intently. A silence occurred. And then suddenly.. He started laughing!
This sudden action of the older Vera surprised Vergil - offended him even. Little Vergil's eyes furrowed and his eyes dilated, pouting like an angry cat. “Now why are you laughing? I just told you what I feel and you’re laughing?”
“I’m- I’m sorry but I just-“ The older brother tried forming a sentence but couldn’t do so. This irritated the young boy even further, with the other two noticing the girl's brother's maniacal laughter.
“What’s with him?” Dante asked, pointing to Hector while furrowing his brow.
Vergil grumbled before turning his step and walking ahead of them, ignoring Alessa’s protests for him to stay with them.
“Now why did you do that?” He could hear Alessa’s voice start to scold her older brother, and right after that...
“Son Of Sparda.” It was him again.
‘In the shadows deep, where the dark winds sing,
Rises the dread of the Devil King.
Eyes like fire, heart of ice,
In his realm, no soul thinks twice.’
Ah, he still remembers that. The Vera chant for Demon Kings like Mundus. A shame that he, himself wouldn’t be able to use it to save his skin.
“Reminiscing your memories? How… human. How.. disgusting.” The demon king’s eyes stared at him from above, the seed of Sparda, the traitor’s blood, the human’s heart. He had everything the demon king hated - and unfortunately for the Son Of Sparda, Mundus would stop at nothing to make him suffer. To make him pay for his father’s sins.
“I won’t succumb to you.” Vergil declared, pointing the Yamato at the eyes of the devil. His body was screaming at him to stay down, to rest and stop the torture he’s (and the demons) inflicting on himself. But alas, his pride does not let him and now he stands confidently despite his voice telling another story.
His hair was down, his white hair stained with blood, not having the luxury to fix it his way. His face was filled with bruises and dirt and the blue coat that his wife had sewn for him now lay on the ground charred and torn, leaving him with only his vest, exposing his bruised arms that were stabbed, whipped and broken for many times that he couldn’t count now. (Having demonic regeneration both felt like a blessing and a curse, for he would be able to heal easily from the injuries but then would be forced to manage the pain once again until Mundus was satisfied.)
“Ah, I see you still need to be taught a lesson. No less, there’s quite a few people that are willing to educate you, Son Of Sparda.” The demon king mocked the young man that bravely stood in front of him. He had to admit, he admired his stubborness and unwillingness to back down. But a shame. Those who stand against him, will fall below him. There is no other way.
Two figures appeared and the blue devil tried looking at them, his vision growing blurry with the lack of rest and amount of blood that he had loss.
“Its been a long time, Sparda.” The other one on the left spoke up, a malicious grin forming in his face as he licked his bloody sword. Vergil sneered in response. How unhygienic. Meanwhile the one the right was much more reserved, looking at him like prey, and he supposed he was. How cruel, a reflection of him and Dante.
The young man sighed in pain. My body.. can’t take anymore.. No longer..
What day is it? How many years has it been? Why..
He couldn’t.. he couldn’t give up now.. He musn’t. He had to honor his father.. He has to prove that he’s better than his foolish brother, for the vengeance for his mother, her life depends on his survivability, for the vengeance for his son..
This was what he wanted.. this was what he willed for himself.
This is what he deserves.
He recognized the two demons to be one of the few that his father defeated during his time. He smirked, “If my father did it… I should be able to do it too!” The half-devil lunged, transforming to his devil side - the side that he had always been proud of, one he acknowledged to be stronger. And yet, as he lunged towards his enemies with no plans but to attack, his thoughts were filled by his human heart, the memories that hid him and helped him continue to live further, the demon that resembled his brother’s attitude being the first to follow him in their dance.
“Come on now, Vergil! Stop being such a party pooper!”
“Vergil, play with us!”
“Please Verge, spend time with your brother for once. He misses you dearly..”
“Protect… her… for me..”
“I never wanted for this to happen!”
“You’re nothing like him. You’re everything I need.”
“I love you.”
“They killed him.. They killed..”
“Forgive me, Alessa.”
“Dante, Mom!” Little Vergil cried out in despair, limping as the blood that was leaving his body lay scattered in the ground for other demons to track him.
It all had happened so fast.. far too fast.. It wasn’t fair.. not fair! Not fair! Their father wasn’t there!
It hurts.. it hurt so much.
My body feels like it’s burning.
Somebody.. help.. me..
He could already hear the demons behind him - waiting to strike the little boy, laughing loudly to make him fear them even more.
He closed his eyes, waiting for them to strike. Everyone was gone, nobody was there to help him, to save him, to protect him..
Dante… Mom..
He closed his eyes, waiting for the demons to take their final hit.. only to hear a blade slash. And when he opened his eyes, the demon’s head bounced like the ball Hector and Dante would use whenever they’d play.
He immediately turned his head to see Haytham Vera, Alessa and Hector’s father, and the current head of the Vera family. Finally, someone strong enough to protect me! To save my family! He smiled, standing up but immediately wincing due to the injuries he withstood. “Uncle!” He cried out, someone I know, someone who wouldn’t kill me, someone that would protect me, someone.
“Vergil.” His eyes widened, tears filled with guilt, and pain. Why was that?
“Uncle.. Dante and Mom.. They’re- They’re-“
“They’re gone, Verge.”
Haytham lowered his head, unable to face the hopeful young boy in front of him, too guilty that he was the one to break his hope. “I’m so sorry.. I couldn’t- I couldn’t.. I couldn’t let them-“ The man’s words choked up but Vergil couldn’t hear anything, only the cries of fire and swelling rage from within, his eyes staring dead at the burning house that he called home.
They’re gone. They’re both dead. Mom.. Dante..
His heart grew heavy and rage overpowered grief and before he knew it -
“They will know this devil’s power.”
A/N: the first chapter is here! I’m very proud of this since this is the first ever chapter of all the books that I have finished, and for me I think it turned out really well! Please expect very slow updates since I’m a procrastinator and a very busy student, senior high is hell huhu. but anyways, i hope u enjoyed this chapter, thank you!
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invisi-idol · 11 months ago
bat themed npts ! 🦇
requested by : anon
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♬ ⋆⁺₊ – names :
rylie , ruby , rumor , ramona , alessa , alessandra , andrea , andre , andrew , drew , draco , echo , ethos , helos , helios , helius , hatch , hatchet , hannah , mariah , maria , maxine , maeve , mandy , mallory , melissa , marissa , vanessa , valerie , vera , vampira , vampiro , vollo ( vo - yo ) , veil / veille , gayle , gael
♬ ⋆⁺₊ – pronouns :
ae / aer , vae / vaer , ve / ver , ve / vim
vamp / vamps , blood / bloods , bite / bites , burn / burns , bat / bats , black / blacks , night / nights , dawn / dawns , dusk / dusks , dark / darks , cave / caves , moon / moons , goth / goths , echo / echos
🌙 / 🌙s , 🦷 / 🦷s , 🦇 / 🦇s , 🩸 / 🩸s
♬ ⋆⁺₊ – titles :
the winged one , the wilted bat , the friendly vampire , ( prn ) who sucks blood , ( prn ) with the large wings , ( prn / noun ) who sleeps upside down , the cave dweller
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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES︰ albedo. alessa. alessandra. andre. andrea. andrew. asher. bat. batesse. batette. batsy. batte. beatrice. bloodesse. bloodette. buffy. chiro. count. dawn. desdemona. desmodus. dimitri. draco. dracula. draven. drew. echo. ethos. fang. fangesse. fangette. gael. gayle. gray. grim. hannah. hatch. hatchet. helios. helius. helos. luna. lunar. lunesse. lunette. maeve. mallory. mandy. maria. mariah. marissa. maverick. maxine. melissa. nightwing. noctesse. noctette. nocturna. noir. noire. noiresse. noirette. nox. orion. predatesse. predatette. ramona. raven. rowan. ruby. rumor. ryker. rylie. selene. shadow. star. valerie. vampess. vampesse. vampette. vampie. vampira. vampiro. vanessa. veil. veille. vera. violet. vollo. wingesse. wingette.
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PRONOUNS︰ ae/aer. bat/bat. bite/bite. black/black. blood/blood. burn/burn. cave/cave. dark/dark. dawn/dawn. dusk/dusk. echo/echo. fang/fang. flap/flap. flit/flit. fluff/fluff. flutter/flutter. glide/glide. goth/goth. hush/hush. lunar/lunar. lurk/lurk. moon/moon. night/night. nocti/nocti. nocturn/nocturne. nocturnal/nocturnal. nox/nox. predator/predator. raven/raven. shadow/shadow. sonar/sonar. squeak/squeak. star/star. swoop/swoop. vae/vaer. vamp/vamp. vampire/vampire. ve/ver. ve/vim. wing/wing. 🌙 . 🦇 . 🦷 . 🩸 .
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enidsinclair · 3 years ago
hi i just met vera farmiga <3
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sibili0 · 8 years ago
Alla sera i maestri elementari Cercavano nelle case popolari Futuri manovali e ballerine Le donne fiorivano ad aprile E il vento ci portava nel profumo Di una vita vera di sudore Riusciremo a vivere? Cantavamo senza paura Persi dentro al mondo in un'estate Lontana quella voglia di morire Sprofondare in un albergo ad ore Senza neanche dirci che era amore Senza neanche dirci che era amore Passano i soldati e vanno a tempo Ma siamo stati lì per un momento La storia diceva tutto il contrario Ma i giovani provavano ad andare Soli senza strade dentro al grano I mostri terreni esistevano Ma erano fratelli sfortunati Col sangue avvelenato da neonati Riusciremo a piangere? Gridavamo senza paura Persi dentro al mondo in un'estate Lontana quella voglia di morire Sprofondare in un albergo ad ore Senza neanche dirci che era amore Senza neanche dirci che era amore Passano i soldati e vanno a tempo Ma siamo stati liberi un momento Persi dentro al mondo in un'estate Lontana quella voglia di morire Sprofondare in un albergo ad ore Senza neanche dirci che era amore (Alessa') Senza neanche dirci che era amore (Ando' vai?) (Vie' qua, vie' qua) (Guarda)
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loving-jack-kelly · 8 years ago
Random facts that are a part of every universe I write in even if not explicitly said:
Jack is very bi that’s not even a debate anymore guys
Jack watches the sunrise almost every morning
Jack’s favorite color to paint with is blue. His least favorite color to paint with is also blue. He can’t decide if he loves or hates blue
Crutchie wears makeup and is amazing at makeup
Crutchie can launch himself up and down stairs at twice the speed of anyone else and he learned to do so because he’s claustrophobic and hates elevators
Crutchie is jacked and if he decided to punch somebody they would go down however he also hates confrontation so only like three people know how strong he is
Spot is really smart
Spot hates chocolate. A lot. More than any other food. Race isn’t allowed to pick his desserts anymore because the first time they went out after Race discovered how much Spot hates chocolate he ordered him a brownie volcano
Spot has a very dry, subtle sense of humor that if you don’t get, you don’t realize he has any sense of humor at all
Race has six sisters. "Alessa is in the mafia” is a family joke because she’s terrifying when mad, Bianca and Sofia are journalists, Vera and Bella live in California, and Gianna shows up and cooks whenever she gets stressed
Race is really good with kids and animals
Race adopts animals impulsively, which is why he and Spot have a dog named Henry, 38 fish named after philosophers, and a bird named Henley.
Romeo’s real name is Romeo, his mom adores Shakespeare
Specs is deaf and nonbinary
Finch is a trans guy who chooses not to medically transition
There’s a group chat that explodes whenever anything happens and it’s horrible they all hate it but can’t bring themselves to delete it
Race uses memes liberally in any text conversation but not out loud
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esmeraldashadowlord · 8 years ago
Esmeralda Shadowlord’s relations to other people @rsenak
Astrid Starwright - has heard of her but never really met her. Heard she is a nice person. Might have seen her once.
Vera Lightmoore - has never heard of her
Crystal Rainsmith - is friends with her
Scarlett Graytree - has heard of her through friends but never met them
Katelyn Silvernose - has kinda heard of them but not enough to form an opinion on her
Anne Greenbell - has met her a few times but doesn’t really know her that well but from what she has seen thinks that Anne is nice enough
Alessa Duskhill - close friends with her, one of the few people she let’s into her inner circle
Allison Nightstar - has heard of her but never met
Emilie Catnight - somewhat heard of her but not enough to form an opinion
Samantha Waterwritght - never heard of her
Dakota Moonchild - never heard of her
Danielle Rivergarden - friendly with her
Amira Darkhill - have met a few times but not really friends
Kate Swiftsea - has heard of her and met a few times, seems nice
Dakota Lightwood - heard of her and met a few times
Odette Fauna Lee - never heard of her
Eden Dawnvalley - friends with her but they don’t talk too often
Lara Easthill - is friendly towards her but doesn’t really know her too well
Zelda Dusknight - close friends with her, another person she considers to be in her inner circle of friends
Astrid Bluenest - was never super friendly with her but now she avoids Astrid when ever she can
Aaliyah Archdotter - friends with her and have met a good number of times
Colette Miststar - has heard of her and maybe met her a few times
For the NPCs up to Mr. Sands Esmeralda is neutral towards them except for Raptor whom she doesn’t like 
From Mr. Sands through GED she doesn’t like them. The only exception is Darko who she has a crush on (she has a thing for crazy redheads)
From Gary Goldtooth to the end of the list she is neutral towards them as well
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itsaleiah · 4 months ago
ROMANCING MR HALF-DEVIL | Vergil X Original Character
CHAPTER TWO: Traces Of The Future, Alessa
SUMMARY: Alessa Vera is a dreamer. She’s dreamt of many things to come for many times, believing that all of it is just a one big nightmare… but what if it isn’t?
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"They're in danger, daddy I saw it!"
"What are you talking about Alessa?”
Alessa Vera was a dreamer.
She knew that when she was born, she was going to follow her mother's footsteps to stardom. She had no idea of the true life of her father, the true history of their family.
She had dreams of extravagance, of the future, of her future self.
She imagined herself on the stage, performing exactly like her mother, selling out millions of records and making people happy. Its what she ever wanted, to make other feel positive.
For little Alessa, helping others was the best thing a person could ever do. Little did she know, she had abilities that would exactly allow her to help, just not in the way that she expected.
But one day, things changed. Her dreams went from falling to a tunnel to... weird and realistic if you put it in simple context.
It was a nightmare, a regular dream and a paralysis demon all at once.
It first happened when she was 4, before she and her older brother met Sparda and his family. She remembered falling asleep to one of her father's tales of hunting down demons, a habit that they do even now.
She could feel her body surrendering to her restless dreams as her eyes fluttered shut. A few minutes later Alessa grumbled, having been woken up not even an hour in her sleep. She was ready to hit Hector when suddenly, she realized that she wasn't in her room nor her home.
Her heart started beating fast, not used to the unfamiliar surroundings. Where am I?
"Hector, Mom, Dad?" She opened the door and called out through the halls, afraid of what may await her in this place.
It took a few minutes without her family's response that she finally started walking around the place, though lightly, as to not alert what could probably be monsters around. As she wandered around, she realized just how massive the place is. It wasn't a house, it was a castle! And she was all alone... Maybe Daddy thought that we should have a family trip and they didn't bother to tell me? (How weird.. Hector would probably do something to make me cry or wake me up if that were the case.) The castle was very beautiful, the tapestries and designs were placed intricately - though the aura was lonely, making her wonder who or if anybody ever lived here. Little Alessa would have probably enjoyed it and even thrived in being there if it wasn't so.. Grim.
It felt so real, as if she was actually in there. And maybe she was? She couldn't tell anymore. The first thing she did was explore the castle. Nobody was there anyway and who would dare hurt her? Her father's the most powerful human in the world! Just one strand being misplaced would result in the evil demons getting their butts kicked!
As she turned a corner, she noticed a blade sticking out on the wall. It has lightning thingies in it. A part of her, the rebellious part of her, wanted to touch it but fortunately enough, the sensible part in the four year old's mind won, remembering her mother's scolding: "Don't touch things that aren't yours, Li!"
Leaving the sword behind, little Alessa walked around humming her mother's favorite tune, strolling as if she owned the place. When she finally got comfortable in the lonely halls of the palace, someone.. or something started crawling on top of her.
At first she didn't notice it until one of its webs fell in her hair. The young girl slowly looked up to see what it was and saw the monstrous creature looking up at her with malice and full intent on doing something to her.
She froze in her place, scared. As if moving was going to trigger the spider's cruel thoughts. But if she didn't do anything, it would get her either way - easier.
She felt her feet move on their accord, instantly doing everything to get away from that horrifying creature.
"Daddy, help me!" The poor girl cried out. The thing
being so cruel as to tease the little girl around the hallways. At first it would follow behind - and then it would climb up to look at her to frighten and terrify the girl even further - and then it would stop, approaching slowly and still keeping up to show that if it had gotten bored, it would have gotten the girl easily.
Alessa could feel the tears that were threatening to spill from her eyes, wishing that she'd have been crying over her brother's teasings, or father's stories, or mother's scolding. It had been chasing her around and no matter what she did, she couldn't run from it. Where are you daddy? you said you would protect me!
Her eyes widened when she saw a red door just around the corner. This is my time to escape!
The young girl ran as if her life depended on it - maybe it does, its still unclear whether or not it is a dream after all, only to bump into a young girl and falling. "Ow!"
"Alessa.. Please.. Save me.."
Suddenly a group of marionettes blocked her way, leaving her no chance to escape or save the young girl.
When she had woken up, she was screaming and crying. Her father immediately burst to her room, followed by her brother and mother.
"Alessa! Dear God.. what happened?" Her father looked so worried.. so tired that she almost felt bad for waking him up. She looked at him with fear, having a hard time breathing. "Okay.. Its okay, baby..try to breathe, okay? You're here with us now." Her father rubbed her back gently and slowly as to help her calm down.
"What happened, Li? Are you okay?" Her mother sat on the edge of her bed, her hands massaging her left leg to help easen up the little girl's panic. "Love, can you tell me what you dreamt of that scared you this much?" His father asked calmly and she nodded - her eyes still wide. "I.." She remembered it all too well, like it did happen to her, like she was there but she couldn't speak, as if something was keeping her. She couldn't let it out, like it was being restricted.
"Spiders. A castle. Serah."
The last name - she didn't know who, came out of her mouth.
"Serah?" Her brother asked, leaning in to get closer to his sister, placing his hand on her forehead to check if her temperature was normal. "She's burning up, ma."
Their mother nodded before turning to her husband with a mean glare, the husband unaware and a tad bit scared as to why she was looking at her like that. "What?"
"Did you tell her one of your many tales again before she went to sleep?" His eyes widened and turned to look at his son instead, giving his wife the answer she needed. She sighed and rubbed her forehead. "You scared her in her sleep!"
Safe to say, she was afraid of spiders and heights after that.
After that, she had many more dreams - sometimes it was confusing, sometimes it made sense but whenever she'd try to explain it only small bits come out. The dreams never made sense and it scared her. It frequented her life so much that it resulted in her older brother to sleep in the same room as her to keep watch, and when she finally told a tale about how she once saw herself getting forced to marry one of Mundus' devil generals did her parents finally realize that something was wrong, and that they needed to seek help for the poor child's peace of mind.
"A dreamer. That's what she is." The man in front of her said, he looked Victorian, out of place. Like he didn't belong in this current era or timeline.
The Devil Sparda was his name, she heard her father call him. A supposed character from one of her father's bedtime stories for her right in front of her, alive and breathing.
And he was.. Being nice to her surprisingly.
He had two kids as well: Dante and Vergil
"You, little Alessa, is a special little thing." He smiled and Alessa couldn't help but only blink. Special. It was a word that she always heard, be it her father or mother telling her that she was their special little girl to her tutor complimenting her with her ability to pick up easily on anything. But this.. hearing that word come from The Devil Sparda, the one who changed it all and saved humanity - it truly made her believe, she was special.
“Here, a necklace. To lessen the dreams that could break your heart..” A pendant with a golden star, it was beautiful, a gift from Sparda, a necklace forged by her ancestors! So her dreams wouldn’t be as horrible.. and yet..
This time, she didn't dream about any of that. Instead, she dreamt of a house. No, it wasn't just a normal house. It was a familiar one, one she had been in before. She was sure that if she was awake then she'd recognize it!
The house was burning. And.. her father was there. With a white-haired boy... Dante.. Where's Vergil? Where's Auntie Eva?
That woke the little girl up. "Ow! What the hell Hector?!"
Hector shrugged, throwing the pillow out of Alessa's reach so she couldn't use it against him. "You wouldn't wake."
She rolled her eyes and sat up. "What time is it even? You do know that I have school tomorrow, correct?" She irritably asked, rubbing her eyes to stop her sleepiness.
"Vergil's here. Dad brought him in a few hours ago."
"And Dante?"
"Your dreams, they were wrong."
"No - its not! It wasn't Vergil, it was Dante! It was Dante that I saw - “
"And its Vergil that Dad brought here, not Dante. Let it go Alessa, what matters is that Vergil is safe and here with us.” Hector cut her off and Alessa’s shoulder slumped. It couldn’t be true.. It didn’t matter to her who was safe or what, what she truly cared about is the three of them getting back alive, and they didn’t.
"How is he?" She asked, her voice soft and delicate like porcelain, as if one touch from her brother would break her and release the puddle of tears that she was holding back.
Hector shook his head and there was silence. The two of them didn’t know what to do or what to say. They were gone, Dante and Eva. And Vergil… God, how would he feel?
The footsteps grew closer and the two Vera siblings looked at each other immediately, a light bulb on the top of their heads. “Shh.” Hector signaled to Alessa as they slowly walked to their door. The door creaked a tad bit and Hector winced when hearing it.
She could not see much except Vergil’s white hair, always pushed back now reaching his shoulders damped with blood with her father’s coat covering his fragile body.
“Forgive me for what happened Vergil..” She heard her father say.
“You’ll be staying with us from now on, your father protected my family for the longest time so now its time to repay the favor.” Vergil did not reply but he did nod. What could he be thinking?
Their father opened the door for him and for a moment, he turned to the corner where the Vera siblings’ room resided in, and their eyes connected.
So much pain, so much suffering.
Alessa shuddered as Vergil looked away and entered the room, the two unaware that for a while, this would be the last time they’d see the white-haired boy.
“Vergil, its dinner time! Head on down so you could eat, your food will get cold!”
“Verge, its been days since you’ve last eaten! You’re gonna get sick if you stay there! You should eat, kay? We’re waiting for you downstairs.”
“Verge, your food is outside your door, you can take it once I’m gone. Please eat, everyone’s getting worried.”
“Still no response?” Hector asked, leaning on Alessa’s bedroom door.
“He’s still grieving, Aly. Maybe he’s not yet ready.”
“I know but..” She trailed off and Hector moved away to sit down on Alessa's bed and pats the other side to motion Alessa.
“What is it?” He asked and Alessa sighed. Fiddling with her fingers, she readjusted her sitting position and looked at her brother. “I.. I don’t know.. I just feel like he doesn’t like me.”
“Why?” Hector asked.
“I know it sounds silly but even before everything went down, he always seemed to avoid me.” She explained, looking down on the floor. The floorings must look really pretty from the way she stared at it.
“Have you.. ever talked to him about it?”
“I have. When me and..”
She gulped and grasped the necklace given to her by Sparda. Hector sensing the change of mood grabbed Alessa’s hand and held it.
“We were playing hide and seek.. And I found Vergil passed out. I woke him up and we spoke and I asked him why he wouldn’t play with me and.. you know.”
“And what did he say?”
He said nothing.
“He doesn’t hate you, Li.” Her older brother spoke softly, carefully placing a strand of Alessa’s hair by her ear.
“How can you be so sure?” She asked, a frown forming in her face. “I.. I just know.” He offered a comforting smile. “Just talk to him when he’s ready, Li.”
She couldn’t contain it anymore, the softness of her brother’s voice reminding her of what was lost.
“I miss them so much..” She cried out.
“I know, Aly. I know..”
“Its just so unfair.. Everything..”
The first time Alessa saw Vergil out of his room was on a sunny afternoon, her classmates came to visit her, a common occurrence as the Vera Manor was practically a castle with how massive and extravagant it was. It was located in a town far from Redgrave City, the main attraction of the town. The town is welcoming to devil hunters as devils came to roam outside the gate, thus it became the main household for the Veras.
And her parents didn’t want her to go out. Ever since Vergil’s arrival, her father became strict, claiming that there might be danger outside their home. The four friends were playing by the backyard where there was a playground and there he was by the large balcony. He wasn’t particularly doing anything, only staring at Alessa and her friends. It wasn’t until her friend, Greta, pointed him out did she notice that the white-haired boy was upstairs and outside.
“Who’s that boy? He’s so handsome!” A friend of hers exclaimed.
“That’s my friend, Vergil. He’s here to stay since..” Oh.
“Since his family is overseas! They work in a boat.” She grinned awkwardly, hoping that they would believe her while trying to cover the sight of Vergil, he might feel uncomfortable if there are many eyes staring at him!
“Oh! Well I hope he comes down soon and play with us..” Alessa’s friend, Sunny spoke up suddenly, blush covering her cheeks. Alessa quirked her eyebrows and frowned, feeling s little irritated. Gee, what’s her issue?
She clapped her hands to bring her friends’ focus back on her, “Okay, okay, everyone shoo! We have a game to play!” And the other friends nodded, getting back to their places. But before starting, she looked back and smiled, waving at the boy, but he did nothing, instead he left causing her to frown.
The second time she saw him was when Vergil finally went down per her father’s request. She overheard her father speaking with him last night when she was supposed to steal one of Hector’s chocolates.
“Vergil!” Little Alessa smiled hopefully and waved to him but once again, he breaks her hopes when he went back inside, probably to the library.
“Its okay, Aly, he’ll come next time!”
The third time was her lucky chance. She had noticed a pattern—Vergil always came out onto the balcony around noon. This was it! She had even told her brother about her plan, ready to take action and finally speak with the boy her mind couldn’t resist thinking about. Her friends would get mad at her for ditching them again, but who cares? This was Vergil we’re talking about!
She twirled in front of the mirror, checking her reflection one last time. She was even wearing his favorite color—a blue dress that flowed as she moved.
Tiptoeing down the staircase, she kept her steps light and careful so the half-devil wouldn’t hear her approaching, her heart racing with anticipation. Her eyes glistened with happiness when she saw the balcony door was open, catching a glimpse of his white-hair that was now back up to its normal hairstyle outside. Gotcha! Her eyes sparkling with hope.
Peeking out from behind the curtains, he was sitting on the loveseat, focused in a book that she noticed that he had been reading even before what happened.. happened.
Alessa furrowed her brow slightly. Why does he stay out here? It’s hot as hell! she thought, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. The library’s much more comfortable!
But she shook off the thought. What mattered was that Vergil was here, right now. Now’s your chance, Aly!
“You come out here often,” she said with a grin, stepping out from behind the curtains. The sound of her voice made Vergil flinch, and he looked up, surprised.
“Oh. Alessa,” he said, his voice low and steady. The sound of her name on his lips sent a strange warmth through her, and for a moment, she stood frozen, her heart skipping a beat. It had been so long since she’d heard him speak.
She hovered in the doorway, her hands fidgeting with the hem of her dress. This is what I’ve been waiting for, so why am I just standing here?
“You should join your friends. They’re waiting for you,” Vergil murmured, his eyes flicking back to the pages of his book.
“And leave you behind? Don’t be silly, Vergil,” she said, taking a small step closer.
“Whatever pleases you, Aly,” he said softly, the nickname catching her off guard. He had never called her that before. Alessa blinked in surprise, then smiled.
“Can I…?” She gestured toward the empty spot beside him on the loveseat. Vergil paused for a moment, then gave a small nod, keeping his eyes on his book.
Alessa took a deep breath and sat down next to him, smoothing her dress nervously. She glanced sideways at him, searching for the right words. “How are you?” she asked, but he only nodded in response, not looking up.
Okay… she thought, biting her lip. The silence between them grew heavier, awkwardness creeping in. She shifted in her seat, wracking her brain for something to say. Why didn’t I ask Hector for tips beforehand?
“Your friends are… interesting,” Vergil said suddenly, breaking the silence. Alessa let out a laugh, relieved that he broke the tense air between them.
“You tell me! Sunny’s been begging to meet you, you know! She wouldn’t stop pestering me to bring you out, like you’re some kind of wild animal,” she said with a playful smirk. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the faintest hint of a smile tugging at Vergil’s lips. Her heart leapt. I made him smile!
I hope he never feels sad, the young girl thought. She could recall the days when he used to steal glances, thinking she didn’t notice—but she always did. Her eyes lingered in the same way his did, with a quiet yearning he never seemed to see. He was oblivious, lost in his own hesitations, while she was left wondering how to close the distance between them.
It hurt when he wouldn’t speak or play with her, leaving a space between them that felt impossible to cross. She told herself he was shy, but doubt crept in—did he even want to talk to her? The silence gnawed at her heart, and it was this uncertainty that led her to the conversation with her older brother.
“Just speak to him, Aly,” her brother had said, as if it were simple. “There’s no harm in it.”
No harm, she thought, except maybe to her heart. Easy for him to say, they were close friends!
What if he didn’t want to be friends with her after all? She longed to know him beyond the stolen glances, to break the quiet tension that seemed to bind them but keep them apart all the same.
“Hm?” he replied, his attention still half on his book.
“Do you… hate me?” she asked, her voice quieter this time, her hands gripping the edge of her dress.
Vergil looked up, his gaze sharp and direct for the first time. “What makes you think that?”
“Well… you never really talk to me, and you ignore me a lot, so…”
So… is that a yes? You hate me?” she asked, her voice filled with playful frustration.
I like you.
“Now you’re the one who’s being silly,” he teased, a faint smile forming as he watched her puff her cheeks in that familiar, endearing way.
“Hey!” she huffed, crossing her arms. Her cheeks flushed with a mix of irritation and embarrassment. How could he be so annoying and so soft at the same time?
“I don’t hate you, Aly,” Vergil finally said, his voice quiet but steady. He closed the book in his lap, turning his full attention to her, something he rarely allowed himself to do - and if he did, he’d shy away immediately. But not now, not anymore.
His eyes met hers, and for once, he didn’t shy away. “I never could,” he added, his words laced with an honesty that made her breath catch for a moment.
Alessa’s annoyance faded, replaced by a quiet warmth. It wasn’t exactly what she had hoped to hear, but in his own way, Vergil was telling her something more, something he couldn’t quite say yet.
“I’m going to leave once I gain enough power.” he started, his voice taking on a serious tone. Alessa’s smile faded, and she turned to face him fully, her eyes wide.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s what Uncle and I agreed on. Once he believes I’m ready, he’ll train me and teach me how to control my power, and then I’ll leave this place.
“Where will you go?” she asked.
“What about you?” he continued, shifting the conversation. “From what I’ve heard, you’re attuned to magic. Just like your ancestors.”
“Yeah, I guess I am,” she said without a care.
“So why not train? You could use that power to protect yourself, protect your loved ones.” He asked, his tone growing a bit defensive, and Alessa understood why.
But a part of believed that she could count on her family, she would always be protected so she didn’t need to put the pressure of training on herself.
“I… I want to be like my mom. Performing on stage, bringing joy to people, helping them escape their worries.”
“You don’t want to fight?”
“No,” she said firmly. “I never want to.”
“So, like Auntie… A singer?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Nope! I want to be an actress! I want to bring characters to life!” she said, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
Vergil’s lips curled into a small smile as Alessa, continued, “Oh, I know! Actresses usually have bodyguards to protect them. Since you’re training to get stronger, you could be my bodyguard!” he said, a playful glint in his eyes.
“I’ll be the shining star, and you’ll be my sworn protector!” Alessa’s face lit up, and she giggled.
And for the first time since the incident, Vergil Sparda was happy.
“I like the sound of that.”
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obsccritas · 6 years ago
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The Corsetti Family: 
The Corsetti Crime Family. Rulers of New York City. 
Amedeo Corsetti | fifty three | Amedeo was born in New York and is a first generation American. the Boss of the Corsetti, Amedeo and the eldest child born to Tommaso and Vera Corsetti. Amedeo recently took over the family business. 
Donovan Corsetti | forty two | Donovan Corsetti, Consigliere of the Corsetti crime family. Donovan’s kept himself as separate from the family as possible, using his position as CEO of a large company as a cover for his involvement. 
Carlo Moretti | thirty seven  | Carlo is a hitman, and has worked for the Corsetti family for a few years. Son of Mob Boss Reynaldo Moretti, Carlo is a distinguished member of both the Corsetti and Moretti crime families.
Nikolas Rossi | thirty six  | Caporegime and illegitimate son on Amedeo Corsetti, Nikolas serves as a very important part of the family. Nikolas is the result of an affair Amedeo had with his brother’s wife. 
Lucia Rossi | twenty two | Half sister of Nikolas, Lucia has no blood relation to Amedeo or any other member of the Corsetti family. She stays as distant as she possibly can from the family, and works as a nurse at a New York City hospital. 
Caelia Corsetti | thirty two | Caelia is the younger half sister to Amedeo and Donovan Corsetti. She was born to Tommaso’s second wife, Matilde. Caelia is very involved with the family, and is both in charge of the family’s money, and is a  Caporegime. 
Alessa Morano | twenty eight | Alessa is the stepdaughter of Amedeo. Very involved with the family, she’s an attorney and has represented many members of the Corsetti family. she’s very much a daughter to Amedeo. 
Cristian Corsetti | twenty eight | The disappointment of the family, Cristian has severed all ties with his father, Amedeo, and only ever associates with his uncle, Donovan, and his cousins, Ilaria and Lucia. He owns and operates his own restaurant. 
Ilaria Corsetti | twenty one | Ilaria is Donovan’s daughter, and has spent most of her short life believing her father is just a business man. It wasn’t until she was sixteen she learned the truth. she’s a college student, studying to become  a school teacher. 
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zdusk · 8 years ago
yo have some character relations!!
for @rsenak and her beautiful comic
Astrid Starwright - Considers Astrid a best friend; especially when she showed up to help herself and Justin after their dodgy encounter with...whatever happened by the ocean. Vera Lightmoore - Doesn’t personally know Vera. Crystal Rainsmith - Has spoken to Crystal a few times; and once played hide and seek with her. The game lasted for almost 5 hours. Scarlett Graytree - Doesn’t really know Scarlett, but has hung out with her once. Katelyn Silvernose - Doesn’t personally know Katelyn. Anne Greenbell - Has spoken to Anne a few times, but doesn’t really know her. Alessa Duskhill - One of Zelda’s best friends. Trusts her completely. Allison Nightstar - Has met Allison once before, but doesn’t know much about her. Emilie Catnight - Doesn’t personally know her. Samantha Waterwright - Doesn’t personally know her. Dakota Moonchild - Doesn’t personally know her. Danielle Rivergarden - Has spoken to Danielle a few times, but doesn’t know much about her. Amira Darkhall - Doesn’t really know Amira, but keeps seeing her all over the place. Should really talk to her sometime. Kate Swiftsea - Sees her around, but doesn’t personally know her. Dakota Lightwood - Has spoken to her a few times, and likes her. Doesn’t know much about her, though. Odette Fauna Lee - Doesn’t personally know her. Eden Dawnvalley - One of Z’s best friends. Probably the one to have introduced her properly to Justin. Lara Easthill - Doesn’t know her that well, but knows she’s a nice person. Esmeralda Shadowlord - One of Zelda’s best friends. Talks to her regularly. Zelda Dusknight - “Oh hey, that’s me!” Astrid Bluenest - Knows her well, but hasn’t properly spoken to her in a while. Aaliyah Archdotter - One of Zelda’s best friends. She could talk with her for hours. Colette Miststar - Doesn’t personally know her. ~ Elizabeth Sunbeam - Looks up to Elizabeth and respects Elizabeth. Avalon - Is a bit wary of Avalon. She’d feel a lot better about him if she could actually see his face. Fripp - Doesn’t know what to think about Fripp, but has an under Lisa Peterson - Knows Lisa well considering one of her best friends - Louisa McBurg - is her girlfriend. Linda Chandler - Doesn’t know much about Linda, but can hold a conversation with her.  Alex Cloudmill - Gets along well with Alex. They have a good friendship. Anne von Blyssen - Doesn’t know that much about Anne, but wants to get to know her. She’s in to her fashion, just like Anne. Keepers of Aideen - Is a little wary of all this magic business but is open to learn more about it. Druids in general - Is suspicious of the druids. Why do they always cover their faces? Pi - Has forgiven Pi for turning her into a frog, but still watches what she says around her.  Mrs Holdsworth - Loves Mrs Holdsworth to pieces. Will sit and talk to the woman for ages. Witches in general - They existence of witches sort of convince her more that magic is serious business. Hold them in high regard - she’s dealt with an angry witch once and never wants to do that again. Ydris - Doesn’t really trust Ydris all that much - he helped Pi and in doing so, helped Dark Core; the people who took her boyfriend from her. Learned to like him, as he is the boyfriend of one of her best friends. Magicians in general - Magicians are cool; knows Ydris is the only one who uses actual magic. Justin Moorland - Zelda’s boyfriend. Would take an actual bullet for this man. Thomas Moorland - Once Justin left, herself and Thomas got rather close - both of them grieving over the same person helped them make a friendship. Conrad Marsdeen - Likes the man, but thinks he could really use a break. Bobcats - Barely puts up with the Bobcats in general. Think they’re too self obsessed.           - Loretta - Loretta can be a bit...pushy sometimes. Somehow, the two ended up mutually respecting each other anyway.           - Tan - Likes Tan more than she likes Loretta.           - Julie - Doesn’t know her very well.           - Sophia -  Doesn’t know her very well.            Josh - Thinks Josh is cool. He taught her how to properly ride Western. Jasper Holbrook - A little wary of the old man, but he’s trying his best and has to give him credit for that. James (Cloudmill????) - Doesn’t like James that much. People like him have never been her favourite. Herman - Doesn’t know much about him, but she enjoys his company. Takes care of some of the Jorvik Stable’s horses while he’s been away.  Raptor - Doesn’t like his music, but is willing to give him a go as a person. Baroness - Respects the Baroness greatly. Mr Sands - Does not like Mr Sands. She gets a gut feeling around him that warns her to get away as soon as possible.  Dark Riders (Nihili, Sabine, Jessica, Katja, Tenebris, Mortem Amarante, Eryn, Keres) - Fights the urge to fight them on sight. Darko - Grew to put up with him considering a lot of her friends like him. Doesn’t see him as that much of a threat. even though he probably is Garnok - SInce Garnok placed that mark on her hand, she’s been almost afraid of the creature. She’s still nervous around large bodies of water. Dark Core - Loathes Dark Core with all of her being. They took Justin from her. GED - Dislikes everything they stand for. Came dangerously close to punching Mr. Kembell in the face once. Gary Goldtooth - Doesn’t know much about him, but loves to talk to him whenever he’s around. His stories of Firfall always enchant her,  Sunfields - She likes them, but really wishes they’d mend their chicken coop. Phantom has come dangerously close to standing on those chickens before. Hermit - She likes the Hermit. She thinks that him helping the wild horses is rather admirable. Hightowers (?) (Madison, ect…) - Zelda loves the Hightowers. It’s nice to see a functional, non-problematic family on this island. She treats Madison like her own sister.
Jack Wolfwatcher - One of Zelda’s best friends in the whole of Jorvik. Spends a lot of time with him.
Louisa McBurg - Met her through Justin, and the two started up a healthy friendship. One of Z’s best friends.
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enidsinclair · 2 years ago
i can’t believe i haven’t watched five days at memorial, someone yell at me, like i only watched the pilot and that’s because we saw it at the premiere with vera i mean, i could have screamed YAS QUEEN when she came on screen and SHE WOULD HAVE HEARD ME but i was so brave about it and kept quiet mostly because it’s not the kind of tv series where you can clap and scream and cheer lol anyway the whole point is that i wanted to gif the show but i haven’t watched it so yeah, imma go gif vera in the only ep i’ve seen ✋🏻🥲
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spotty-lion · 8 years ago
Jack's Relationship with Other People
This is from @rsenak's form that she made for her comic. I'm not part of the comic, but I thought this would be fun to do.
Tumblr People:
Astrid Starwright - Quite friendly with her, hasn't spoken much to her but likes her company 

Vera Lightmoore - Doesn't know them

Crystal Rainsmith - Knows of her, but not personally

Scarlett Graytree - Doesn't know them

Katelyn Silvernose - Doesn't know them

Anne Greenbell - Doesn't know them

Alessa Duskhill - Quite friendly, hasn't spoken as much as others

Allison Nightstar - Name sounds familiar, but wouldn't say he knows them

Emilie Catnight - Doesn't know them

Samantha Waterwright - Doesn't know them

Dakota Moonchild - Doesn't know them

Danielle Rivergarden - Heard of them, but never spoken to them

Amira Darkhall - Heard of them, never spoken to them

Kate Swiftsea - Name sounds familiar, but never spoken to them

Dakota Lightwood - Doesn't know them

Odette Fauna Lee - Doesn't know them

Eden Dawnvalley - Name sounds familiar, never spoken to them

Lara Easthill - Could have sworn that he's spoken to her, but wouldn't be able to tell you who they were

Esmeralda Shadowlord - Has spoken a couple of times, quite friendly with them

Zelda Dusknight - Best friend. He doesn't know how he would cope without her 

Astrid Bluenest - Is aware of them, spoken to her once

Aaliyah Archdotter - Quite friendly with them, enjoys her company and conversation 

Colette Miststar - Doesn't know them


Elizabeth Sunbeam - Friendly, regards her with respect, but holds some animosity towards her for not acting as quickly as he would like

Avalon - Same as Elizabeth, although he regards the Druid with caution, there's just something about him

Fripp - Constantly has to remind himself that a squirrel is the leader of the Druids, friendly with him though

Lisa Peterson - Hasn't much in common with her, but he can hold some sort of conversation with her

Linda Chandler - Very friendly, gets on the best with her, shares a love of books and quiet time

Alex Cloudmill - Likes Alex a lot, can hold a good conversation with her

Anne von Blyssen - He can't wait to find her, but has a feeling that she'll piss him off

Keepers of Aideen - Gets on well with all of them
Druids in general - Regards them with caution, but has no problem with helping them out

Pi - He's okay with her, not someone that he would go over to and have tea with by choice, but is pleased that she isn't evil anymore

Mrs Holdsworth - Loves her to bits, sometimes goes over for tea and cake, is like a grandmother to him

Witches in general - Treats them with respect, but is cautious about them

Ydris - His boyfriend, loves him to pieces, would do anything for him

Magicians in general - Is used to the magic from Ydris' company, so any magic doesn't scare him

Justin Moorland - Finds him a bit thick, is grateful to him for providing a home when he hadn't anywhere to stay, but can only just about stand his company

Thomas Moorland - Likes him a lot, almost a fatherly figure to him, sympathises with him about losing his dunce of a son

Conrad Marsdeen - Likes him a lot, sometimes visits to help out with making new horseshoes

Bobcats - Cannot stand any of them, finds them insufferable and hates that he has to talk to them when he needs to train at Moorland. Finds that they whisper about him whenever he's around, especially with Z or Ydris

Josh - Likes him a lot, finds him very friendly and easy to talk to

Jasper Holbrook - Hasn't quite forgiven him for threatening to shoot him when he stepped onto his land that one time, but doesn't mind his company 

James Cloudmill - Really dislikes him for being such a little money grabber, but doesn't mind his company all that much
Herman - Loves him to bits, like an uncle to him, is desperate to save him from GED's clutches 

Raptor - Really doesn't mind him. Has no opinion of him, but thinks his music is okay 

Baroness - Likes her, not all that much, but doesn't mind spending time with her

Mr Sands - Finds him creepy as hell, is confused about why he helped save Justin, but he still doesn't trust him

Dark Riders - Just waiting for them to do something, doesn't like them, and is glad that he doesn't have to see them a lot

Darko - Detests him. Has no other feeling towards him but hate

Garnok - Is scared of what it could do, but is confident that it won't appear any time soon

Dark Core - They annoy him a lot

GED - Mrs Drake makes him want to commit homicide. He doesn't like them

Gary Goldtooth - Makes him laugh, cannot wait for him to bring back some more Jorvik Wild Horses

Sunfields - Hates the fact that they rely on him to round up the chickens, but doesn't mind their company

Hermit - Likes him a lot, is grateful that he gave him Potato to look after and is pleased that they have come to a mutual almost friendship

Hightowers - Likes them a lot, very friendly with all of them. Very protective over Madison and gets very pissed at Erik for not believing her about Nightdust being taken away, but has warmed to him now that he has accepted that she was right
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0ilibis · 8 years ago
Alla sera i maestri elementari Cercavano nelle case popolari Futuri manovali e ballerine Le donne fiorivano ad aprile E il vento ci portava nel profumo Di una vita vera di sudore Riusciremo a vivere? Cantavamo senza paura Persi dentro al mondo in un'estate Lontana quella voglia di morire Sprofondare in un albergo ad ore Senza neanche dirci che era amore Senza neanche dirci che era amore Passano i soldati e vanno a tempo Ma siamo stati lì per un momento La storia diceva tutto il contrario Ma i giovani provavano ad andare Soli senza strade dentro al grano I mostri terreni esistevano Ma erano fratelli sfortunati Col sangue avvelenato da neonati Riusciremo a piangere? Gridavamo senza paura Persi dentro al mondo in un'estate Lontana quella voglia di morire Sprofondare in un albergo ad ore Senza neanche dirci che era amore Senza neanche dirci che era amore Passano i soldati e vanno a tempo Ma siamo stati liberi un momento Persi dentro al mondo in un'estate Lontana quella voglia di morire Sprofondare in un albergo ad ore Senza neanche dirci che era amore (Alessa') Senza neanche dirci che era amore (Ando' vai?) (Vie' qua, vie' qua) (Guarda)
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rsenak · 8 years ago
So now we have our characters in groups but please everyone send me your soul horses so I can make a desing for them. I tagged everyone
So far I know: Astrid Starwright - Midnight (friesian) Zelda Dusknight - Phantom (friesian) Vera Lightmoore - Prism (firesian) Amira Darkhall - Cethin (black lipizzaner) Allison Nightstar - Alex (chesnut TB) Astrid Bluenest - Carrotcake (haflinger) Colette Mitstar - Hawk(heart) (jorvik WB) Eden Dawnvalley - Phoenix (buckskin morgan/friesian cross) Emilie Catnight - Henry (dark morgan with light mane uggh idk the correct name for the color) Dakota Moonchild - Baymax (white/gray shire) Esmeralda Shadowlord - Dancer (dapple gray w/ black mane jorvik WB) Kate Swiftsea - Laurens (red roan mustang) Aaliyah Archdotter - Moon (white/gray jorvik WB with balck mane) Samantha Waterwright - Honey (’buckskin’ mustang) Lara Easthill - Berlin (bay/paint icelandic) Odette Fauna Lee - Rose (bay jorvik WB) Danielle Rivergarden - Rose (jorvik WB) Alessa Duskhill - Star (dark bay jorvik WB) Dakota Lightwood - Stormking (blue-black JWH) Crystal Rainsmith - Larry (AQH) Anne Greenbell - Scully (chestnut TB) Katelyn Silvernose - Suki (black lipizzaner) Scarlett Graytree - Lilo (seal bay oldenburg WB maybe ends up as a jorvik warmblood here sorry)
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pintaesclamativa · 8 years ago
Alla sera i maestri elementari Cercavano nelle case popolari Futuri manovali e ballerine Le donne fiorivano ad aprile E il vento ci portava nel profumo Di una vita vera di sudore Riusciremo a vivere? Cantavamo senza paura Persi dentro al mondo in un'estate Lontana quella voglia di morire Sprofondare in un albergo ad ore Senza neanche dirci che era amore Senza neanche dirci che era amore Passano i soldati e vanno a tempo Ma siamo stati lì per un momento La storia diceva tutto il contrario Ma i giovani provavano ad andare Soli senza strade dentro al grano I mostri terreni esistevano Ma erano fratelli sfortunati Col sangue avvelenato da neonati Riusciremo a piangere? Gridavamo senza paura Persi dentro al mondo in un'estate Lontana quella voglia di morire Sprofondare in un albergo ad ore Senza neanche dirci che era amore Senza neanche dirci che era amore Passano i soldati e vanno a tempo Ma siamo stati liberi un momento Persi dentro al mondo in un'estate Lontana quella voglia di morire Sprofondare in un albergo ad ore Senza neanche dirci che era amore (Alessa') Senza neanche dirci che era amore (Ando' vai?) (Vie' qua, vie' qua) (Guarda)
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itsaleiah · 5 months ago
ROMANCING MR HALF-DEVIL | Vergil x Original Character
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“Be it here or in Hell, my heart would always yearn for you.”
Vergil Sparda always took pride in his demon side, preferring it over his humanity. After all, it was the one thing that saved him after the tragedy that occurred when he was just a child.
He was different from his brother, who inherited their mother’s pure heart and humanity. Perhaps that’s why their mother chose to save his younger brother and not him. Maybe that’s why he kept seeking power, biting off more than he could chew until it led to his demise. Maybe it’s why he was more attuned to his demonic heritage than his humanity. Maybe he didn’t have a heart.
But he did.
Perhaps Vergil Sparda is much more human than he thought. After all, how could he care so deeply for Alessa Vera, a mere human? How could he risk everything and search for power just to ensure her safety? Was it because of their history together? Was it because they were childhood companions? Was it because she is the last thing he has alive? Or was it because his heart yearned and.. loved... like a human?
He had no reason to keep protecting her the way he did when trouble struck. He had every reason to leave her, to abandon her and let her be taken by the demons who wanted her for her blood – and yet he did not.
He swore to himself that his humanity made his brother – and himself – weak. Yet, his quest for power was balanced by his desire not only to protect himself but also to protect her. To save her and do what his father could not.
Until he made the same mistake that his father did.
Until she and he wore rings on their wedding fingers. Until she gave birth to their son. Until he failed the two people he swore to protect. Until he could not protect her anymore. Until..
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