shirtlessmoviestv · 2 years
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Matthew Daddario : Why Women Kill
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packleaderluke · 5 years
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To Assume Makes an Ass of U and Me | magnus x alec | 16k | teen and up | by @humansunshineao3 for @shbigbang Professors Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood fundamentally misunderstand each other. What will it take for them to figure out their differences?
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dani-dabbles · 5 years
Whatever you do don’t imagine Alec breaking up with Magnus and then slipping one of his arrowheads into Magnus’ hand before turning away
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idealuk · 6 years
Loyal and cunning virgin Heads of Shadowhunter Institutes who happen to be gay and centuries-old free-wheeling bisexual playboy warlocks who had their hearts closed off for nearly a hundred years before meeting their boyfriend on a sci-fi drama with consequences bound within the constraints of lore: “I don’t care how many people you’ve been with,” “I don’t care how many people you haven’t been with,” and *kiss* “I--uh, ... relationships, they--um ... take effort”.
Home-schooled radical gay gender-nonconformists who are even nerdier than their unashamedly studious girlfriend and shrewd lesbian activists who search their classmates’ social media for factoids to feign friendships on a sitcom remake that delves deep in to the hard-hitting issues of today’s real-world society: “I don’t care that you don’t have any friends,” “Aww! I don’t care that you don’t have any friends!,” and *kiss* “... We should probably make some friends”.
... May “the queer agenda“ continue to span to as vast reaches of filmed programing while remaining to find uniquely universal parallels! 🌈
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shadowhuntersbetas · 7 years
What We’re Reading - August
Here are some of the fics that our betas read and enjoyed this month. Also, this rec list was assembled by one of our new mods, @tothebitterbetterend! Thanks so much!
Oh I've Waited for You by @magalimoons
Magnus/Alec, Explicit, 12,359 Words (Complete) rec’d by @tothebitterbetterend​ “warning: infidelity; otherwise sweet, well paced out getting-together fic that managed to characterize all of them well!”
Midas by bumblebeesknees
Magnus/Alec, General, 4930 Words (Complete) rec’d by @the-eleventhfangirl “This is 1. super well written 2. hella angsty and 3. the characters are delved into where they don't seem OOC at all, and there is no "sides" to the situation.”
Promise by redskyatmorning
Magnus/Alec, Mature, 18645 Words (Complete) rec’d by @the-eleventhfangirl​ "Like everything Mavra writes, this fic is STUNNING and ANGSTY and in general, amazing. There are sweet and angsty Malec moments, and a lot of communication which is always amazing!!”
thousands upon thousands made an ocean by @ohlafraise
Magnus/Alec, Teen, 759 Words (Complete) rec’d by @the-eleventhfangirl​  “Sweet Malec moments, Magnus and Jace friendship, angsty Malec moments? Count me in.”
dream to me now by @softsimon​
Jace/Simon, Teen, 1194 Words rec’d by @sunshinerosende​ “Really adorable fic featuring sleepy!boyfriends and beautifully written!”
love you the most by @hufflebee​
Alec/Magnus, Gen, 1163 Words rec’d by @sunshinerosende​ “A really fluffy and beautiful malec fic”
how deep is the ocean? by @isabelledarkwoods​
Isabelle/Maia, Teen, 4907 Words rec’d by @sunshinerosende​ “A really cute fic featuring science!girlfriends and the development of their relationship.”
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Day 18 photo ( #BerryEnchantedFeb19 ): WEDDING DAY: OTP #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #booksgram #book #read #monthlychallenge #februarybookchallenge #february #bibliophile #happyreading #shadowhunters #downworlders #mortalcup #magnusbane #otp #isabellelightwood #aleclightwood #alecmagnus #warlock #sassy #freeform #themortalinstruments #bookshelf #bookshelves #cassandraclare #wordery @worderybooks @cassieclare1 https://www.instagram.com/p/BuTbzeenKK0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14jky8pomcm48
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themagnusbane · 8 years
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Magnus Bane: Father of the Year.
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fandom-madnessess · 8 years
Hi !! Just wondering if you could write a Magnus/Alec where Alec is in a really crappy mood and he's grumpy and tired and Alec makes it better with cuddles etc. ? Thanks anyway, and I really love your writing btw xx
Magnus Bane/Alec LightwoodRating: G, Word Count: 1791Fluff, Canon Universe (sort of), Grumpy Alec, POV Alec♥Read on AO3
Alec wants to back out the door the moment it closesbehind him and the voices from the living room filter into the hallway, butbefore he can Magnus appears in the living room entrance. Seeing his boyfriend,all dolled up, hair and make-up and clothes perfectly coordinated, a surprisedbut happy smile on his lips, loosens some of the tightness in Alec’s shoulders.
‘Alec,darling!’ Magnus greets him. He movesto pull Alec in, already tilting his head up for a kiss, but stops when he seesthe look on Alec’s face. He lightly holds oneof Alec’s hands and brushes a thumbover Alec’s knuckles. ‘What are you doing here? Iseverything okay?’
‘I’m sorry. I should’ve called first,’ Alec says, nodding towards theliving room. He can’t see who’s in there, but from the way Magnusis dressed it must be other important Downworlders, probably Warlocks. ‘I can go.’
‘Nonsense.’ Magnus waves away the protests. Hesqueezes Alec’s hand. ‘Talk to me.’
Alec clenches his jaw and strangles the shoulder strap ofhis duffel bag. He doesn’t evenknow where to start. The Clave has had him drowning in paperwork for the pastweek, he’s barely had any sleep or been outside, and his mother,well, let’s just say she’s been making very clear she does notapprove the majority of his recent life choices. Isabelle and Jace had interruptedanother fight and gotten him out of The Institute before he did something thatmight get him stripped of his Runes.
‘Maryse,’ he finally says.
‘I havea gym with a punching bag, if you need it.’
Alec shakes his head. ‘Ishould let you get back to your guests. I can go someplace else.’
They both know that’s notentirely true. Yes, Alec could go to Luke’s oreven Simon’s, but those options are onlymarginally better than going back to The Institute. Luke is a good guy, but theother Werewolves are not very fond of Alec, and Alec finds Simon annoying onthe best of days, which this definitely isn’t.
‘If youdon’t mind being on your own for a while,you can pick any other room in the house to stay in,’ Magnus suggest. ‘It’ll be a while before I’m done here, though.’
‘It’s fine,’ Alecsays. He follows Magnus to the living rooms, nods a greeting at the Warlockssplayed on the couches and chairs, then keeps walking until he reaches Magnus’ bedroom. Magnus did say any room. 
When he steps inside, he finds it occupied by ChairmanMeow, stretched out in the middle of the bed, barely glancing up when Alec comesin. Alec drops his duffel next to the bed and continues on to the bathroom. Hedidn’t have a chance to showerafter training today.
Magnus’ showeris amazing. Perfect water pressure, the temperature adjusting the moment youchange the settings, and the showerhead is big enough that he doesn’t have to move around to get his entirebody clean. The only drawback is that Alec still hasn’t figured out which of Magnus’ body washes contain glitter and which don’t. Today, he doesn’t really care. He won’t be going back to The Institute oron a mission today, so if he ends up more sparkly than a pile of diamonds, theonly person seeing it will be Magnus. He’salmost disappointed when he finds out that the bottle he grabbed doesn’t have glitter.
Chairman Meow is still on the bed when Alec steps out ofthe bathroom. He pulls a clean pair of sweats and a tank top out of his bag,puts them one, and drops next to the cat on the bed. Chairman Meow rolls overso his back is pressed against Alec’s leg,and starts purring.
‘Whatshould I do?’ Alec asks him. He took somereports that he still has to read with him, but he’s still pissed off enough that he’s more likely to hand them to Chairman Meow as a chew toythan actually read them. There’s a TV,but he’s never really been one forwatching TV.
He looks around the room and finds a small pile of bookson Magnus’ nightstand. Some of thebooks look old, there’s evenwhat looks like a papyrus scroll, others look almost brand new. Alec grabs thebook lying on top, one of the newer books, and moves up the bed until he cancomfortably settle against the pillows.
Only a couple pages in, he’scompletely lost. The book appears to based on Greek mythology, but it’s set in modern day New York. Heflips to the first pages and finds that it’s partof series, and it’s not the first book. Nowonder he’s lost, he’s missing half the story. Not feelinglike looking for the other books in the series in Magnus’ library, he puts the book back on the pile and pokesChairman Meow until he looks up.
Chairman Meow is by the door in one elegant jump, lookingback at Alec with eyes that say I thoughtyou’d neverask.
‘Ofcourse you are.’ He picks Chairman Meow up,the cat climbing up until he’ssitting on Alec’s shoulder.
When Alec steps into the hallway, he realizes he has aproblem. There are a dozen Warlocks in the living room and there is no way fromthe bedroom to the kitchen without passing them—unlesshe’s willing to scale the side of thebuilding, which he isn’t—and he’swearing sweatpants and a tank top. No socks, no weapons, just a cat on his shoulder.He could wait until Magnus checks up on him and can spell him something to eat,but that might be hours. Besides, Magnus probably won’t mind. He’scomplained about Alec’smonochrome wardrobe, but he’salways seemed fond of the sweatpants and tank top combo. Isabelle and Jace willfind it hilarious when they hear it. His mom will probably be pissed, if sheeven finds out. Walking around like this doesn’texactly uphold the tough-guy image the Clave has created for its Shadowhunters.
That’s whatdecides it for Alec, the petty, private vengeance. He does move through thehouse as quickly and silently as he can. While he’s happyto stick it to the Clave today, he doesn’t wantto disrupt Magnus’ business any more than healready has.
In the kitchen he grabs a saucer, dumps some cat food onit, and sets it and Chairman Meow on the floor, before he goes searching foredibles for himself. Opening Magnus’ fridgeis always an adventure. It might hold a feast, but it might also hold things heneeds for his spells and potions, things that should not be kept somewhere youalso keep your food.
Today, Magnus’ fridgelooks pretty normal, filled with vegetables, meats, cheeses, spreads, and leftovertakeout. There are also a couple of jars with questionable contents, but Alecignores those. He grabs a little bit of everything, hunts down the bread, and makeshimself a variety of sandwiches. Then, he pours himself a tall glass of orangejuice. After a moment’sthought, he also puts an assortment of meats for Chairman Meow on the plate. Bythe time he has a neat stack of sandwiches and everything is clean and putaway, Chairman Meow has cleaned the saucer.
They make their way back to the bedroom, and Alec can’t help but think that if he dentedthe Shadowhunter image earlier, he’scompletely destroyed it now, with his pile of sandwiches and desperately tryingnot to trip over the loudly meowing cat that keeps weaving around his legs. Hereally wishes he’d grabbed a body wash withglitter.
After eating and feeding Chairman Meow a little more, Alecdecides to give that book another try. He likes Greek mythology, so even if hedoesn’t really know who half thecharacters are or what the exact plot is, it’ll keephim mildly entertained. He lies diagonally on the bed, his feet dangling offthe side. He’s barely gotten comfortablewhen little paws press against his lower back, kneading it into a comfortablepillow.
Surrounded by the sights and smells of his boyfriend, hisstomach full, his mind occupied with something other than the Clave or hisparents, and with the cat on his lower back, Alec finally starts to relax.
He gets pulled into the story more than he realizes, anddoesn’t realize Magnus came inuntil the mattress dips. Magnus lies down next to him, leaning on his elbows,and pressing their sides together.
‘Hello,’ Magnus says. He brushes Alec’s hair off his forehead and presses akiss to the corner of his mouth. Slinging a leg over Alec’s, he cuddles closer. ‘You didn’t make me lose my place did you?’ he asks, tapping the book.
Alec shows him where Magnus’bookmark is still in its place.
‘Good.’ Magnus brushes a hand through Alec’s hair again, looking very happyabout messing it up. ‘It’s almost dinner time, and we’re about to order in. You wantanything?’
‘Alright.’ Chairman Meow lets out a mewl andMagnus rolls his eyes. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll get you something, too.’
Alec puts down the book and lies down completely. Magnusfollows him, his face so close to Alec’s thattheir noses touch. His hand is in Alec’s hairagain, alternating between brushing through it and scratching Alec’s scalp. Alec closes his eyes andhums.
‘Feelingbetter?’ Magnus whispers.
‘I do.’ He darts forward and presses a kissto Magnus’ lips. When he pulls back,they’re both smiling. ‘I didn’tdisturb you too much did I?’
‘I thinkthat little show helped, actually,’ Magnuslaughs. ‘They were quite impressedwith that pile of food.’
Alec chuckles. ‘Whatare you doing tomorrow?’
‘If Ican wrap this up tonight, nothing that can’t bepostponed for a day. You?’
‘I wasthinking of asking my boyfriend if he wanted to stay in, lock the doors, and donothing.’
‘I thinkyour boyfriend would like that.’ Magnuspouts and sighs. ‘Unfortunately, that means he’ll have to get back to his guestsnow.’
Alec sneaks in one more kiss before Magnus gets up.
‘Oh,before I forget.’ Magnus waves his hand, andAlec follows the swirls of purple until they reach the bed and a stack of booksmaterializes. ‘Here’s the rest of the series. For a people that prides itselfon physical prowess, you can be remarkably lazy sometimes.’
Alec raises his eyebrow, and smirks.
‘Thanks,’ he says. He doesn’t just mean for the books and thefood. From the way Magnus’expression softens, and the warmth in his voice when he says, ‘You’rewelcome’, Alec knows he understands.
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kelvintimeline · 8 years
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almostruined · 8 years
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Buy Malec- you've unlocked something in me T-shirt here
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isaiahmustafa · 6 years
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…this, us, it’s not going away.
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packleaderluke · 7 years
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Oh were do we begin? The rubble or our sins?
[Caption: 7 stacked gifs with text overlay of Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood, from Shadowhunters 2x17, 2x18, 2x19 and 2x20.
The text reads “And the walls kept tumbling down / in the city that we love / grey clouds roll over the hills / bringing darkness from above / but if you close your eyes / does it almost feel like/ nothing changed at all?”.]
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highwarlockkareena · 7 years
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magnus and his hair streaks for @alecmagnu  happy birthday, allie!
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idealuk · 7 years
Are you going to be okay?
Alec Lightwood sounding exactly how he should - like both a genuinely concerned boyfriend and a salty ex.
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jerrydevine · 3 years
alecmagnus is cunt4cunt ❤️
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