#ale's 600 followers celebration
pitchsidestories · 9 months
10 Things I Hate About You (4) II Alexia Putellas x Reader
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Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Masterlist I word count: 2687
A/N: Thank you so much for over 600 followers ! We hope you enjoy the requested finale of the 10 Things I Hate About You series. ❤️
Barcelonas next game ended with a 1:0 win against Atletico Madrid. Adrenaline was still rushing through your veins when the referee blew the final whistle while your teammates surrounded you, congratulating you on your goal in the 76th minute.
Alexia and you shared a short smile. You gave her a grateful nod. Her spectacular pass set you up for success. Before you two could exchange words of appreciation, Lieke Martens pointed towards the pitchside where a journalist with a microphone in hand stood; "They want you two to answer the press questions."
You sighed, feeling the man’s attention on you; "Can‘t we just celebrate our win in peace?" With a shrug, Alexia passed you; "This is our job too." "Plus, it would be boring without the goal scorer.", Mapis voice appeared behind you. Her hands grabbing your shoulders and gently pushing you into the direction of the camera.
Laughing, you held up your hands; "Okay, okay, I‘m coming." Alexia turned back to you with a wink; "Good girl." You caught up with her and bumped your hip against hers; "Do I have to remind you who scored?" "Remind the reporters.", Alexia rolled her eyes with a smile. "Not necessary, I think they saw it.", you whispered as you approached the journalist who beamed at you two.
"Congrats on you win!", he greeted you. You smiled politely; "Thank you." "That was a great win. Must feel good, right?", he grinned. You poked Alexias upper arm with your finger; "Yes but as our captain here loves to remind us all the time, it‘s still a long way to go." "It is.", Alexia agreed.
Apparently, she had caught the journalist’s attention; "Alexia, did you enjoy your assist tonight or would you have preferred to score yourself?" "A goal is always great but if the team wins and I made an assist, that‘s okay too.", she replied, the corners of her mouth slightly lifting.
Satisfied with both of your performance, you added; "To be fair, it was great that something from training transferred so well to the match." "We worked hard on our on-field communication.", Alexia nodded.
The face of the journalist lit up with interest; "Could you tell us more about that." "Well, maybe some team events helped with that too.", you laughed, but Alexias’s face went serious again; "And extra training sessions." "Exactly, but it was worth it." The journalist nodded slowly; "We can see that. What do you expect from the next games?"
"We‘ll continue to build on that.", Alexia answered courtly. "And hopefully score a few more goals.", you smirked. Finally, Alexias expression softened; "It‘s your turn for an assist now." "I‘ll be ready." "Thank you for your time.", the journalist ended the interview. "Thank you."
Mapi waited for you to right in front of the tunnel; "They couldn’t get enough of you two." "It was just a couple questions. Like usual.", Alexia shrugged, walking past Mapi and straight into the dressing room. While Mapi and you followed her, you explained; "Honestly, it was nothing special, Mapi."
“Sure.”, the defender shrugged.  Annoyed with your teammate Alexia demanded from the younger player: ”Maps, stop looking at us like that.” “Fine, is like that better.”, Mapi grimaced. The midfielder shook her head in amusement: “No.” “You’re no fun.”, the defender sighed dramatically.
You winced when Leila suddenly stepped from the dark to the light parts of the tunnel, wearing a bright grin on her face:” Oh Ale had fun during the interview though.” “You two are so annoying.”, Alexia stated.
A devilish smile appeared on Mapis lips: “You know what’s more annoying?” “That we paused the celebrations for that unnecessary conversation?”, you asked her. Teasingly your captain added: “That you talk too much?” “Now but you’ll realize that in time.”, the blonde defender promised.  Immediately Alexia gave her a frowning look:”What?”
“Mapi, you played great.”, your sister exclaimed cheerfully. The cheeks of Mapi were turning red because of her compliment. Even though you secretly thought they would make an adorable couple you couldn’t help but saying out loud:” Mapi, comes first, huh?”
“Sorry, you played great too.”, she answered blushing. Now it was Alexia who assisted your sister instead of you with reassuring her:  “Ignore her, your sister casually wants to remind everyone who scored the important goal tonight.” “Not true!”, you playfully hit her arm.
Innocently your sibling looked between you two:” She couldn’t have done it without that fantastic assist.” “That’s true.”, you had to admit this much. Was that gratefulness in Alexias eyes, it must have been when she whispered: “Thank you.”
Something between your captain and you had change, and it wasn’t solely because you won that game. But you were too scared to further think about what the change was and what it exactly meant for the both of you.
You could hear your sister speaking softly to your teammate:” Mapi, I can’t believe they manage to talk like normal people now.” “Wait for it.”, louder Mapi continued, turning her heads toward the older player, Ale can you believe it? She has not seen the coast outside of Barcelona yet?!”  “You haven’t?!”, Alexia’s shock was written all over her face.
Nervously you put a loose hair string behind your ear: ”No, I haven’t found the time for that yet.” “How long have you been here now? Do you only play football and sleep?”, your captain pressed on. Her fury caught you off guard. She was the one in the team whose life was centred around football the most. “A few months. And no, I go to the university too.” “Still. You haven’t seen anything of Barcelona yet.”, Alexia muttered in disbelief.  
Quite offended by her reaction you tried to defend yourself:“I saw the city.” “The touristy spots, right.”, she shot back, letting you almost no time to breath. Looking at her was enough to continue to rant:” Knew it. Be ready tomorrow morning. I’ll pick you up before sunrise.” “Okay, captain.”, you replied too stunned in what direction your conversation went. Satisfied Alexia nodded:” Good.”
She already turned away from you to leave when you finally were able to gather your thoughts again; "Will Nala join us?" "Seriously?", Alexia replied, more annoyed than surprised. You shrugged with an innocent grin; "Just asking.""At this point, I think you like the dog more than me.", she rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide her amusement.
"Possible…" "Wow." "I’m just joking… With your dog, I can’t play like we did today.", you joked. Alexia tilted her head in thought before turning away from you again; "Probably not. I’ll see you tomorrow… with Nala." She smiled at you over her shoulder and left.
When Alexia arrived at your apartment the next morning, it was dark still dark outside. Yawning, you opened the door for her. For a second, you stopped mid-yawn. She looked so put together for that time of day. "Morning.", she greeted you. You stepped aside to let her in.
"Morning. It‘s still so early so I made us two coffees to go.", you replied and led her into your kitchen where you handed her a to-go cup. Gratefully, she took it but her gaze was fixed on you; "Thanks. Uhm…" "Yes?", you prompted her to go on.
She cleared her throat; "You might want to put on something other than your PJ pants." She took a sip of her coffee, but you caught her smiling smugly into her cup before you looked down, only to find that you were still in your plaid flannel pants. "Oh my god. Wait right here, I’ll be back in a minute.", you laughed about yourself and disappeared into your bedroom to change.
While you slipped into a pair of soft cotton pants, your eyes met Alexias in the mirror. You must have forgotten to close the bedroom door. "Stop staring.", you grinned. Your teammate hid another smile in her coffee; "I’m not." "Sure, Alexia. I‘m ready, we can go.", you replied with a smirk, taking your own coffee and your bag. "Finally. We can’t miss the sunrise."
You followed her to her car. It was too early still, so you both were silent for most of the ride. Only the radio was playing quietly. Alexia parked close to a beach just as the first rays of sunlight came up. The beach was completely empty. You both sat down in the cold sand and watched in awe.
"This is beautiful.", you whispered. Alexia smiled to herself; "I told you, you can’t miss this." "Thank you for taking me here." "You’re welcome, really." You looked at Alexia. The morning light painted her in a golden glow, and you couldn’t help but stare. "Maybe there is more than just uni, football and sleep.", you admitted. Alexia nodded; "There is. Trust me."
You closed your eyes letting the sound of the waves wash over you:” Like moments like these. I wish one could collect them into a jar and when one has a bad day or time you could open it and feel the joy from that day again.” Memories of the times you were injured came back to the surface level of your mind.
With a free hand you let the sand rinse through your fingers to distract yourself from those images.  “But if you could go back to this moment all the time.. would you not lose the joy of this moment?”, Alexia asked you carefully. “I’ve not thought about that yet but you’re probably right it would lose what made the moment special in the first place.”
With a serious smile the midfielder confessed: “It would. I like coming here in the morning when no one’s here yet.” “I can see why.”, you told her. Almost shy, Alexia turned her face back to the water: “It’s nice and quiet.” There was something between you that clearly wasn’t there before. Her grin deepened while she added:” Well, usually. When I’m alone with Nala.”  “Oh, trust me I can do quiet too.”, you announced as you pulled out the book of your bag which you were currently reading.
Your teammate shook her head slightly:” You know I was just joking, right? But it’s so cool, you look so at peace right now.” “That’s because I am if there was not a voice interrupting my peace.”, you teased her, in the meantime Narla took refuge in your lap.  Your comment earnt you an eyeroll by your captain: “Sorry.”
Even in her annoyance you had to admit that she looked beautiful as the sun made her skin appear golden. “Wait, you look so pretty in that light.”, you exclaimed before taking a photo of her. A surprised laugh escaped Alexia’s mouth: “What are you doing?”
“Taking a picture of you because you looked quite happy, so I tried to capture that on camera.”, you stammered.  With a stern look on the midfielder’s face, she urged you: “Give me the camera.”
 “Okay.”, you handed her your camera, it was one of the thing’s you treasured most as it reminded you of the parent you had lost and shared that passion with.  Your teammate seemed satisfied with that object in her hands: “Thanks.”
So, you continued reading your book peacefully, during the reading you somehow managed to steal your captains green cap but she was too immersed in taking pictures of you.
You both enjoyed the silence of the early morning and each others company. But with the time passing, the beach started to fill. With a sigh, you closed your book and looked up to Alexia; "Do you think we should head back? It‘s getting crowded." "Yes, let‘s leave.", Alexia agreed, stood up and brushed the sand off her jeans. You put your book back into your bag anf followed suit; "Alright."
"Come on, Narla!", Alexia called her dog and you three walked back towards her car. You watched the landscape pass on your way home but with each passing minute, you could feel your eyes closing. You didn’t even realize you fell asleep until Alexia stopped her car in front of your building. "We’re already there?", you yawned.
"Yes. But you don’t have to get out yet. I can drive around the block for a little longer.", Alexia suggested. You were taken aback by the thoughtfulness. "I want to stay for a little while longer if that’s okay.", you admitted, your cheeks turning slightly red. Alexia smiled softly and started her car again; "Alright. Go back to sleep then."
Narla cuddled onto your lap and her warmth made you immediately fall asleep again. When you woke up again, you realized that only a few minutes must have passed. The sun was still high up in the sky and you were still driving through your neighborhood.
Once again, Alexia stopped in front of your appartment. You turned towards Alexia; "Thank you for the day. I really enjoyed it." "Me too.", she replied. You leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek; "So, I’ll see you in training tomorrow?" A light blush spread across Alexias face; "Uhm… yes, sure." Smiling, you got out of her car; "Perfect."
Before you could open your front door, you paused on the sidewalk as you realized you were still wearing Alexias green cap. At the same time, Alexia opened her car window; "Hey?" "Yes?", you turned around. She nodded towards your head; "You should keep it. It looks cute on you." "Thanks.", you absentmindedly touched the cap. "Wait.", Alexia called again while getting out of her car and crossing the distance between you two. "Huh?", you asked before her lips were suddenly on your lips.
You stared at her; "Wait, what was that?" "I don’t know.", she answered truthfully, obviously confused herself. You grabbed her by the wrist; "No, do it again please." "You don’t have to tell me twice." A smile appeared on Alexias face. She kissed you again. This time, more patiently but just as hungry.
A loud squeal came from Mapi’s mouth when she spotted you wearing Alexia’s cap right before your team training was about to start: ”Oh my god!” “Mapi, it’s not a big deal.”, the captain reassured the defender who was beaming at your sight. Amused you added: “Honestly, calm down, Mapi.”
“Don’t tell me you’re dating.”, your teammate almost screamed excitedly. “Well, I hate to say it, but we don’t hate each other anymore.”, you winked at her.  Cheerfully Mapi pulled out her smartphone from her pocket:“So that’s a yes! I’ll have to call your sister.”
“About damn time you call her, while you’re at It you should tell her that you would love to go on a date with her Mapi!”, Alexia suggested grinning. Inspired by what she saw the younger player nodded: “You know what? Maybe I will.” “Don’t worry, she’ll say yes.”, you encouraged her. With a cheeky smile she asked:” Like you did to Ale?”
“Yes.”, you replied, placing a kiss on Alexias lips, making her blush in front of all your teammates. But the midfielder didn’t mind, she pulled you even closer, kissing you hungrily like she was starving before.
Without a knock Mapi stormed into your hotelroom giving you each a scolding look:” You two should be asleep now.” “Mapi!”, Alexia frowned at her. The defender ignored her and clicked with her tongue:” Did you got lost in telling you love story again? Don’t worry I can tell that in my best woman speech for your wedding.”
“Who said you’ll be the best woman?”, the midfielder looked challenging at her. Playfully offended the younger player stopped moving:  “I’m not!?”  “Of course, you’re.”, Alexia answered laughing. “Well, I hope so!”
Softly you continued the captain’s sentence:” We know what you did to make us realize that we fell for each other.” Satisfied with that you went on to talk for a couple of minutes before she went to her room with Ingrid.
You secretly even worked on a sonnet for your wedding day, writing all the things you once claimed to hate about Alexia but actually you didn’t because these were parts of her you came to love.
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Our Little Superstar (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
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Thank you once again for 600 followers you guys are amazing. More to come from me soon. Love to all
Game day. The best day. Today was an even better one. Today was game day at the Camp Nou. The feeling would never get old and you would cherish every game you got to play in this wonderful stadium.
Prior to the game starting, you get to watch the love of your life pick up yet another deserved reward. Alexia had been named 2021/2022 UWCL player of the season and she was honoured for it before the game commenced.
You heard the roar of her name when she was walking out and it was the only confidence boost you needed sitting in the changing room to go out and put on a show.
The first half was rocky to say the least. You had been trying to score but nothing had worked so far. Bayern either blocking or you and your teammates just missing. It was frustrating but there was still 45 minutes to go.
Turns out you didn’t need 45 minutes because 3 minutes into the second half Geyse scored the first goal of the night. You watched as her and Lucy danced off time and laughed at the two with the rest of your teammates.
From then the game was barcas. Aitana scored the second and not long after you passed the ball into Pina who sent a wonderful shot from outside the box into the top right corner.
“Who taught you that little superstar?” You asked the youngster as she sat on your back during the celebrations.
“Ale always tells me to have more faith in my power shots and you know I listen to my team parents as much as I can.” You laughed at that. Everyone knew how fond of Pina both you and Alexia were but the nickname team parents had been started by Patri as a joke. A joke that ended up becoming somewhat true.
“Wise to listen to that one. She’s pretty much always right.” Dripping the younger woman back to her feet you winked at her as you ran back to your position.
The final whistle had blown not long ago and you were celebrating with the girls on the pitch. The fans were chanting and you were all soaking up the love and atmosphere.
You were laughing with Lucy about her poor dancing skills when you spot Alexia walking over. You hadn’t seen her outfit before so seeing her in the leather combo had your jaw dropping.
“Bloody hell mate don’t hide your feelings or anything. We are only in a stadium full of thousands of fans.” Without looking at the Brit you wildly swung a hand out to slap her at the dig.
You kept your eyes on the woman as she made her way over to you. “Wow.” One words was all you could say as the woman slipped her arms around your neck, yours automatically slipping round her waist like always.
“Great game amor. Although little superstar showed you up.” Rolling your eyes at that you pulled back to give the woman a pout.
“You love our team child more than me.” Trying to hide her giggles, Alexia pressed her face into your neck. “Bebé I’m sweaty.” You tried to push her back again but she clung to you.
“Don’t care. You always smell good.” You laughed at that. Nudging her backwards with your body you joined the rest of the girls.
After more celebration, the team all lined up. You and Alexia had deprecated a little while ago so you searched for who she was with. When you found her you couldn’t help the loving smile that crossed your face. She was side hugging Pina, laughing at whatever she had said. The sight warmed your heart.
Later that night after you had had dinner with the team, you found yourself sat in bed scrolling though social media. Alexia was finishing up her night time routine through the open bathroom door when you giggled.
“What’s got you chuckling amor?” Turning off the bedroom light she asked you as she made her way into bed next to you.
You let her get snuggled up into your side before you spoke up. “You are such a soccer mom.” The laughter bubbled back up at saying it again.
When Alexia just looked at you confused you turned your phone to her to show her the images of her and Pina from earlier with the fans caption of ‘Alexia is a soccer mom’.
“Well she is our little superstar.” You couldn’t have loved the woman more.
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m2024a · 9 months
Seguici sul:https://notizieoggi2023.blogspot.com/2024/01/fino-75mila-euro-per-un-post-ecco.html Fino a 75mila euro per un post: ecco quanto guadagna un influencer Le vicende relative a Chiara Ferragni hanno definitivamente acceso i riflettori su chi fa i soldi grazie ai social: non tutti gli influencer sono uguali, ci mancherebbe, e nemmeno le piattaforme grazie alle quali sponsorizzano i loro prodotti. È un mondo molto più eterogeneo di quanto si possa pensare e gli stessi personaggi mediatici sono più o meno ricchi e famosi grazie anche al "canale" prescelto per parlare al pubblico. Quanto valgono i social I numeri attuali sviscerati da DeRev, azienda di strategia, comunicazione e marketing digitale specializzata in reputazione, crowdfunding e community sui social media per il Corriere sono in linea con la ricerca pubblicata qualche mese fa. Contrariamente al pensare comune, è YouTube il social più redditizio dal momento che i compensi sono compresi tra 500 euro per chi ha tremila follower fino a 35mila euro per chi arriva a un milione. Chi supera questa soglia, per ogni contenuto, può addirittura guadagnare fino a 80mila euro. Subito dopo ecco Instagram grazie al quale i "nano influencer" (tra 5 e 10 mila follower) hanno compensi variabili tra 100 e 300 euro a post ma chi arriva al milione di follower fattura fino a 20mila euro per un contenuto e 7.500 euro per una "storia". Le cosiddette "Celebrity" che superano i 5milioni di seguaci (tipo la Ferragni) arrivano a guadagnare fino a 75mila euro per un post e 30mila per la storia. Terza posizione in quando a ricavi ecco Tik Tok che eroga 50 euro per chi ha cinquemila follower e arriva fino a ottomila euro se si arriva al milione di seguaci. All'ultimo posto della graduatoria c'è Facebook che vale molto di meno rispetto alle piattaforme più moderne: "soltanto" 100 euro per chi pubblica un contenuto e arriva a 50mila follower e si ferma a 1.500 euro per chi arriva a un milione. Introiti bassi anche per chi supera i tre milioni di follower con un fatturato, a post, che non supera cinquemila euro. Cos'è il "tasso di coinvolgimento" Ma i guadagni degli influencer dipendono anche dalle interazioni del loro pubblico con ogni contenuto o storia che sia, in pratica i commenti e le reazioni: più sono numerosi e maggiori saranno gli introiti. Questa modalità viene chiamata "engagement rate", ossia il tasso di coinvolgimento. Secondo DeRev, questo enorme giro d'affari degli influencer sfiora i 350 milioni di euro ma arriva a superare il miliardo se vengono considerate le aziende di moda e bellezza, quelle relative al gaming e chi si occupa di viaggi e stile di vita. È per questa ragione che l'AgCom non è rimasta ferma a guardare disciplinando la materia con il Testo Unico dei servizi media audiovisivi (Tusma) e multe salatissime per chi sgarra (anche 600 mila euro) e non è trasparente soprattutto con la pubblicità (vedi la finta beneficenza del pandoro-gate). Le reazioni "Per noi operatori si tratta di una bella notizia perché dare definizioni e regole significa avere maggiori indicazioni, maggior controllo e maggior tutela", ha dichiarato al Corriere Luca Leoni, amministratore delegato di Show Reel Media Group, digital media company che, tra le altre cose, gestisce numerosi influencer e produce contenuti digitali. "Per noi non cambia nulla nella sostanza, ossia sull’importanza di mettere in atto un comportamento chiaro e trasparente. Il nostro auspicio è che ci siano delle indicazioni ancora più precise, rispetto a quelle espresse dalla Digital Chart, su come evidenziare la natura pubblicitaria del contenuto". Favorevoli a questa nuova regolamentazione anche personaggi molto famosi tra cui The Jackal, ClioMakeUp e Camihawke.
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thesportdietitian · 1 year
Is Intermittent Fasting Sustainable?
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If you’re interested in cutting your calorie intake and losing weight, intermittent fasting is something you’ll have come across in your research. Used by celebrities like Hugh Jackman to achieve a lean figure, there is a lot of hype around the intermittent fasting lifestyle. For some, intermittent fasting sounds extreme, which leads us to an important question:
Is intermittent fasting sustainable for weight loss?
What Is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. Intermittent fasting is not a diet; instead it’s a dietary pattern, meaning it does not dictate which food should be eaten — but when food should be eaten. Intermittent fasting is currently very popular among the health and fitness community because it essentially allows you more freedom in your diet, stopping you consuming excess calories because your window for eating is so limited.
There are several different intermittent fasting methods:
The 16/8 method: Fasting for 16 hours per day and eating during the 8-hour eating window (e.g. skipping breakfast, eating your first meal at noon and your last meal before 8 pm)
The 5:2 diet: Eating as normal for five days of the week then eating 500–600 calories on two days of the week
Eat-stop-eat: The practice of a 24-hour fast once or twice per week (avoiding eating after dinner one day until dinner the following day)
The most popular method of intermittent fasting is the 16/8 method. Working individuals who struggle to find extra time in the morning may find this method convenient. It is also convenient for those who exercise in the evening and tend not to require as much energy in the morning.
Is Intermittent Fasting Necessary for Weight Loss?
The short answer is no — you don’t need to commit to intermittent fasting if you want to see success in your weight loss program. So why do people even consider intermittent fasting in the first place? Well, as your eating window is restricted, this will naturally result in you eating less food (unless you binge on huge amounts of food), which can technically result in weight loss.
In its most basic form, weight loss works through a caloric deficit.
Your body is in a constant state of energy consumption. The energy your body needs is obtained through calories, which are present in all food. Your body is always using the fuel you put into it (food) to operate — you need energy for everything from movement and breathing to thinking and digesting. Everyone has a base caloric requirement to survive that varies depending on age, gender, weight, height, metabolism and several other biological factors. The amount of energy you need is also increased with exercise, as the body then needs more fuel to function. This is why exercise is such an important part of weight loss. It doesn’t burn away fat itself, but it means your body needs more energy to perform its basic biological functions.
This is also why a great and sustainable diet is so important for losing weight alongside exercise — which leads us back to the idea of intermittent fasting.
If you eat fewer calories than your body needs to operate, you will use the energy stored within your body fat. If you ingest more calories than your body needs, it will save those calories to support survival during leaner times. So the essential formula for weight loss is this:
Less food eaten = decreased calorie intake = weight loss.
And so, people commit to intermittent fasting diets. The core idea behind intermittent fasting is if you are eating over a shorter period, you are eating less food. If you are eating less food, you are eating fewer calories, which creates the environment required for fat loss. Some people even suggest that intermittent fasting is superior to other forms of caloric restriction, but research does not support this.
Trepanowski et al. (2017) found intermittent fasting is not superior to daily calorie restriction with regards to adherence, weight loss, weight maintenance, or improvement in risk indicators for cardiovascular disease. Another small-scale study found that traditional calorie-restrictive dieting plans were more effective for weight loss than intermittent fasting. So, everyone carrying out intermittent fasting is wrong?
When Intermittent Fasting Works
The short answer is again no.
Every side of the argument has a study to back up their claim. While we can tell you about lots of research that shows intermittent fasting doesn’t work as well as other methods, another nutritionist and personal trainer who supports the technique of intermittent fasting will probably quote you a totally different study on why it does work.
Intermittent fasting can work when it works for your lifestyle.
Some people don’t eat breakfast. If you simply cannot stomach food in the morning or if you can’t make time for breakfast, then intermittent fasting can become a sustainable food intake pattern.
David Higgins, trainer to stars like Margot Robbie and Claudia Schiffer, is one such advocate of sustainable intermittent fasting. He tells people that the 16/8 method is a good strategy for losing weight, but only if it works as part of your lifestyle.
This idea is supported by Harris et al. (2018), who note that if you aren’t making any changes to your current eating habits, then intermittent fasting can be a sustainable weight loss tool. The study found intermittent fasting may be an effective strategy for the treatment of overweight and obesity and is more effective than no treatment. Furthermore, Patterson & Sears (2017) found that an intermittent fasting regimen may be a promising approach to losing weight for people who can safely tolerate intervals of not eating, or eating very little, for certain hours of the day, night, or days of the week.
The key point here? It’s all down to the individual involved.
Sustainable Intermittent Fasting: Why It’s Not Always Possible
Healthy and sustainable weight loss is driven by dietary plans that work for an individual. If you dislike the way you are eating, then you won’t stick with it. Willpower supports quick results, but it doesn’t keep you healthy long term. The only way intermittent fasting can be sustainable, just like with any other weight loss strategy, is if you can make it part of a lifestyle that makes you happy.
If by conducting intermittent fasting, you are feeling hungry in the morning and lethargic until you eat lunch, it’s not for you. You cannot reasonably expect to maintain a sustainable weight loss program through intermittent fasting if you hate it. This is why studies show other diets work better for some people, but then sometimes intermittent fasting works for another group. It’s because it can work for you, but sometimes it won’t.
Intermittent fasting is not a magic bullet for weight loss. There is no true magic bullet that will guarantee you the best results. We’re all different, which means if you want to lose weight, you have to find a way of doing it that works with your life. You may try intermittent fasting and love it. Intermittent fasting may be unbearable for you.
Both reactions are absolutely fine.
When you want to lose weight, it’s about finding your happy medium. Your perfect balance. Sustainable intermittent fasting is a good state of mind, where you don’t have to work to achieve it. It’s not a battle to overcome adversity.
You might say that weight loss is all about willpower and commitment; dedication and pushing through. We’ve all been taught to think this, but it’s not the truth. All the happy and healthy people in your life. The thin friends you always envy. Are they constantly battling to keep their weight down? No. Are they just lucky to have faster metabolisms than you? No.
It’s their lifestyle that results in their good health. You can find a lifestyle that does the same.
Intermittent fasting may be part of that, but it might not be.
The Cons of Intermittent Fasting
Don’t get us wrong, if intermittent fasting works for you, then use it. Finding a lifestyle that supports sustainable health is probably the biggest challenge you’ll face on your road to weight loss. There is a lot of trial and error. Whatever works, use it to your advantage. However, we’re all about honest and genuine advice at The Sports Dietitian, so we want to make sure you are equipped with all the necessary tools to secure a brighter future for yourself. With that in mind, here are some critical things to know about intermittent fasting:
Reduction in Metabolism
This news is going to set off alarm bells. For those unsure of how metabolism impacts weight loss, metabolic rate is the speed at which you turn calories into energy for your body — the higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you need to sustain your current weight. So, if you have a high metabolic rate, weight loss is easier. A reduction in metabolism is the last thing anyone trying to lose weight wants.
The longer we are in a fasted state thanks to intermittent fasting, the longer we experience something called catabolism, which is the breaking down of muscle tissue to provide the protein we need for basic bodily function. This state is strongly related to reducing our metabolism. Small, frequent protein feedings of 20–30g five times a day are superior for maximising protein synthesis, compared to consuming protein in larger doses, less frequently as you would with intermittent fasting — Burke et al. 2010.
Protein synthesis is a key ingredient to enable us to maintain our muscle mass when adhering to a calorie deficit to achieve weight loss. There is a direct correlation between muscle mass, metabolically active tissue and metabolism. The more muscle mass we have, the higher our metabolism. Put simply, the more muscle mass we can retain, the more calories we can eat before gaining body fat.
And let’s face it — who doesn’t want to eat more when they can?
Therefore, when we fast, we reduce the effectiveness of protein synthesis, which negatively affects the amount of muscle mass we can retain during a calorie deficit (eating fewer calories than we are burning off). This, in turn, can reduce our metabolism and make achieving sustainable weight loss more difficult.
If your body is not adapted to life without food — either through skipping breakfast, lower-calorie days, or two days fasting a week — you’ll experience hunger. Hunger is a massive demotivator. The sudden drop in glucose levels that comes from a lack of food impacts our state of mind, our energy levels and can leave us feeling frustrated. It’s tough to stick to a diet plan when you’re hungry, which means you’ll probably relapse into old behaviours.
Why do we eat? We eat for enjoyment, health, and cultural benefits. We eat to survive; we eat to perform physically and mentally. When fasted and hungry, our reaction time, problem-solving abilities and ability to keep our cool during stressful situations greatly reduces. So, if you want to be at your best during the morning, and breakfast is a part of that, make sure you eat instead of suffering through needlessly.
Poor Training Results
If you’re a morning exerciser, then intermittent fasting is unlikely to be sustainable. You need the energy to train. Energy comes from food. Training fasted without efficient fuel for energy will be a thorn in your side. There is a world of evidence supporting the importance of carbohydrate pre-exercise to maximise performance (Burke, 2017). No food in your system, no energy in your muscles, poor performance in the gym.
Bad Breath
A final one to think about, intermittent fasting can lead to reduced salivary flow, which is linked with bad breath. If you’re struggling with confidence and self-esteem in public due to your weight, bad breath is the last thing you need.
Sustainable Intermittent Fasting: Key Takeaways
Intermittent fasting is not necessary for weight loss and does have a lot of downsides. There are positives of intermittent fasting and it can help you — but only if it’s sustainable intermittent fasting that works with your current way of life. Don’t even try intermittent fasting if you love breakfast or get hungry between meals. It’s not going to work. It’s not sustainable.
If you love to eat, there is an easier way.
Eating a well-balanced diet, with the correct macronutrient structure will minimise hunger, maximise food palatability and eliminate the feeling you are on a diet. Really, diet is a nasty word we want to avoid. You don’t ever want to be on a diet — you just want to be eating well.
The key to sustainable weight loss results is discovering a convenient eating structure with regular accountability, motivation and behaviour change support that works for you. And let’s face it — if we are making an effort to adapt our current eating habits, the results we obtain had better be sustainable.
Visit More : https://thesportdietitian.co.uk/is-intermittent-fasting-sustainable
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bioprogreenmorocco · 1 year
Cinnamon Essential oil for Factory
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Cinnamon essential oil for factory : a cosmetic, medicinal and culinary treasure not to be missed !
Discover the secret of cinnamon in a small bottle of essential oil! Prepare to be seduced by this aromatic wonder with multiple benefits. In this article, we take you on a sensory journey where you will discover the cosmetic, medicinal and culinary benefits of Cinnamon essential oil for factory  . Don't miss this opportunity to take advantage of its exceptional properties and reveal your full potential for beauty, health and flavors!
The cosmetic benefits spellbinding Cinnamon essential oil for factory  
Glowing skin: Cinnamon essential oil for factory is a true elixir of youth for your skin. It stimulates blood circulation, thus promoting radiant and luminous skin.
Fight Blemishes: With its antibacterial properties, this essential oil helps purify skin and reduce the appearance of blemishes. Say goodbye to pimples and blackheads to reveal smooth, glowing skin.
A bewitching fragrance: The warm and spicy aroma of Cinnamon essential oil for factory   brings an irresistible note to your homemade cosmetic products. Your beauty routine turns into an intoxicating sensory ritual.
The medicinal benefits powerful of Cinnamon essential oil for factory  
Strengthen your immunity: Cinnamon essential oil for factory  is a real natural shield against infections. Its antiviral and antibacterial properties help boost your immune system, protecting you from seasonal illnesses.
Relieve pain: Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, this essential oil can relieve muscle and joint pain. It gives you natural relief so you can make the most of every day.
An energizing elixir: The invigorating aroma of Cinnamon essential oil for factory   stimulates your mind and gives you a feeling of vitality. You will feel ready to face all the challenges of the day with enthusiasm and energy.
The culinary benefits irresistible from Cinnamon essential oil for factory  
An explosion of flavors: Add a few drops of cinnamon essential oil to your culinary creations for an extraordinary taste experience. From desserts to savory dishes, your taste buds will be in celebration.
A sweet treat: Cinnamon essential oil for factory gives a gourmet and warm touch to your favorite pastries. Cookies, cakes, pies... your kitchen will become a real sweet paradise!
Spices of the World: Explore new flavors by adding a pinch of cinnamon essential oil to your exotic dishes. The spicy notes mingle harmoniously for an explosion of tastes in your plate.
Cinnamon essential oil for factory is a precious treasure for your beauty, your health and your culinary pleasures. Reveal your natural glow with its cosmetic benefits, boost your vitality with its medicinal properties powerful and add an enchanting touch to your meals thanks to its culinary qualities exceptional. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your daily life into an unforgettable sensory experience. Immerse yourself in the magical universe of Cinnamon essential oil for factory and let its benefits delight you in all aspects of your life!
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lasclwolf · 2 years
Shahrzad series part 15
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We systematically searched six databases including Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, Web of science, Ovid, and EMBASE for all published articles from 1 January 2020 until 20 April 2020 using the following Medical Subject Heading terms (MESH terms): We performed this systematic review and meta‐analysis based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines (Moher et al., 2009), and our study protocol is submitted to PROSPERO (ID: CRD42020184456). In this systematic review and meta‐analysis, we assessed the CNS manifestations in COVID‐19 cases.Ģ.1. Therefore, awareness of the different aspects of the short‐ and long‐term effects of this virus on the central nervous system could decently guide scientists. shows the prevalence of the CNS presentations such as dizziness, headache, impaired consciousness, acute cerebrovascular disease, ataxia, and seizure (Mao et al., 2020). Furthermore, a large observational study carried out by Mao et al. Several case reports have indicated the presence of various CNS complications, including encephalitis, stroke, meningitis, and encephalopathy in COVID‐19 patients (Co et al., 2020 Filatov et al., 2020 Moriguchi et al., 2020 Zhou, Zhang, et al., 2020). However, a growing number of COVID‐19 patients are presenting with different combinations of the central nervous system (CNS) manifestations (Asadi‐Pooya & Simani, 2020 Mao et al., 2020 Montalvan et al., 2020). Most cases of COVID‐19 have shown respiratory symptoms ranging from cough to dyspnea and respiratory failure as well as the typical signs and symptoms of infection such as fever and fatigue (Cascella et al., 2020 Chen, Zhou, et al., 2020 Wang, Hu, et al., 2020 Young et al., 2020). Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) is a zoonotic pathogen and can transmit from infected animals (such as bats and snakes) to humans eventually leading to epidemics and pandemics through human‐to‐human transmission (Hassan et al., 2020 Mackenzie & Smith, 2020). Hence, the COVID‐19 outbreak was officially considered as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Committee (Mackenzie & Smith, 2020 WHO, 2020). This new pandemic rapidly spread worldwide, and an increasing number of infected cases and deaths have been reported globally (Jiang et al., 2020 Sohrabi et al., 2020). 7, in the Plaza for Art after Dark.At the end of December 2019, a novel respiratory syndrome, known as COVID‐19, was reported in Wuhan city, Hubei province, China. The city said SHAHRZAD will be attending an opening celebration for the installation on Saturday, Aug. “We are so grateful to have supported five cultural nonprofits and to have worked with the talent at local company, Karson Butler Events, to create unique installations for the community to enjoy all summer long."
“This Plaza Pop-Up series has exceeded all expectations,” said Molly Cano, City of SLO Tourism Manager. The SLO County Arts Council tapped SHAHRZAD to create the display as part of the city-sponsored featured cultural nonprofit. "Untitled VI" is the final installation of the Plaza Pop-Up Series. “But as community members share space with the installation, I hope our energies meld and for a moment, we can live like children, curiously together.“ “Before a person enters the space, these structures are just symbols of my artistry - defined by a Persian-ness, a Zoroastrian superstition, and an obsession with the internet,” said SHAHRZAD. SHAHRZAD said the pieces are meant to express the collective contradiction of emotions experienced over the past year and a half of the pandemic. All of the pieces range from four to six feet high and are made up of industrial materials like 600 pounds of hydrocal and 1,000 feet of quarter-inch steel rod. The six sculptures include a hand, flame, "evil eye", squiggle, rainbow and smiley face.
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jesperwylan · 5 years
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I reached 600 followers!!!! Guys, I’m really happy and excited. I have never reached so many followers as now. I really apreciate the fact that you notice this mess of person that I am (with edits so weirds as mines). Anyways, mutuals, followers: thank you and I love you so much.
So, this time, as much of the old ones, I am here to celebrate with all of you.
must be following this freak.
reblog this post. (likes do not count)
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greek god: ares | zeus | hades | poseidon | hermes | apollo 
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color: pink | yellow | white | silver | black | red | blue.
Following: no but ily! | I am now! | yes yes yes | forever and ever. 
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ninacarstairss · 3 years
so happy for you!! u deserve these and so so many more,,, sending you lots of hugs and love 🥺💞
for the celebration: 🔮 +🎀 +🍒 : your favourite movie? :D
sorry, if this is too much to ask,,,, u can just not do one of these, i won't mind!! love you 💜
🔮 — these are from a general playlist of stuff i like and there are some italian songs too
fire on fire by sam smith
cascare nei tuoi occhi by ultimo
perfect now by louis tomlinson
overdrive by conan gray
salt eyes by middle kids
🎀 — i’d say you give off ariadne/kamala vibes, very calm and kind but also a real badass when needed
🍒 — uhh my favorite movie would have to be the perks of being a wallflower yes i’m a very basic bitch
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bobbiamorse · 3 years
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al’s 600 follower celebration » @ellsey requested dousy
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the12thnightproject · 3 years
Master List
AO3 Link
Fanfiction.net link (same stories, different host)
If you want to listen to me gush about Ikemen Sengoku I was on the Fanfic Maverick Podcast in March 2022.
200 Followers Celebration - Completed
Masamune visits Malbork, Poland in 1460
Mitsuhide visits Maui, Hawaii
Keiji visits Times Square, New York, New York
Sasuke visits Koma-ga-take volcano in 1582
Shingen visits Ancient Greece
Yukimura visits Rome, Italy in 2020
Mitsunari visits Dublin, Ireland
Kennyo visits Paris, France, 1900
Mitsuhide visits Pataliputra, India, 300 to 600 CE
Mitsuhide visits New Orleans
Nobunaga visits Washington, DC
Nobunaga visits Vigan City, Philippines
Masamune visits the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893
Shingen visits Hoi An Ancient Town
Mitsuhide visits Prague, Czech Republic
Short & flash fiction ( includes exchanges & challenges):
Three Transformations: Elixir; Muddle; and Encounter (Loki/Alice; Mitsunari/Mai; Motonari/The Little Mermaid)
Snowglobe (Yoshimoto/reader)
Care and Feeding (Hideyoshi, Mitsunari, & Kitty)
A Chaotic Honor (Meta-fiction, crackfic, nonspecific fandoms)
Dear Kitsune/Dear Bun Lord (Mitsuhide, Kenshin, et al)
Conditions Necessary (Sasuke/OC) - written for @ashavazesa 's OC for gift exchange
Spellbound (Mitsunari & Azuchi warlords, Magical AU)
True Companion (Ieyasu)
Ikemen Literature (multi fandom, April Fools 2023)
Dear Friend - Part 1 (Singen & Kennyo)
The Root of the Problem (Mitsunari/MC)
The Rube Goldberg Escalation (Clavis)
Snow Daze (Mitsuhide)
Help Wanted (written for OC exchange event, featuring character created by @fighting-and-drawing )
Cursed Bingo Requests:
A Dramatic Pawse (Part 1) - Masamune
Silence of the Maids (Dramatic Pawse Part 2) - Hideyoshi, Nobunaga, Mitsuhide
The Kitsune Detective (Dramatic Pawse Part 3) - Mitsuhide, Masamune, Keiji, and Mitsunari
Herd it Through the Grapevine (a story in Tweets) (Keiji, Shingen, Yoshimoto)
A Simple Game (Motonari, Mitsuhide, Shingen)
What Dreams May Come (Hideyoshi & Mitsunari) Regency AU
The Challenge (Sasuke & Ieyasu)
The Bluff: A Choose Your Own Adventure Story (Mitsuhide/Mai, Masamune/Mai, Keiji/Mai)
Tables Turned (Mitsuhide and Masamune)
Sengoku Warlords Folding Laundry
Warlords Opening up MC’s Refrigerator (after she’s not been home for three months).
The Kasugayama Warlords as a 1980s Sitcom Credit Sequence
If Warlords had cars (*or other motorized vehicles)
Warlords and “what was that noise in the middle of the night?”
Azuchi Warlords and Yardwork
Warlords Planning a Halloween Party
Warlords When the Smoke Detector’s “Low Battery” Alerts (at 3 a.m. because batteries never die when it’s daytime and the stores are open)
IkeSen boys in the Modern World going to an All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet
Warlords Reacting to MC saying 'I'm Baby'
Warlords Reacting to MC making Bento Boxes for Them
Warlords Reacting to MC doing the trust fall stunt
Warlords and MC in an airport
Warlords and MC's Cast Iron Skillet
Warlords and a Teething Infant
Warlords and an MC with Food Wars Level Cooking Skills
Warlords play Monopoly
Warlords watch Teletubbies
Toddler Warlords Watch Sesame Street
Warlords Test a Period Cramp Simulator
Warlords in a 'hostage" crisis
MC is a Neko
Separated at Birth? Warlords Opened MC's Nightstand Drawer Netflix and Chill? Trick or Treat Warlords Giving Christmas Presents MC got a splinter (Warlords' bedside manner) Breakfast...? Road Trip
Sengoku Male Magazine vol 1.0
Animal Encounters (video)
Longfic Series: A Tempest In Time:
Nearly seven years prior to the Honno-ji incident, a wormhole swept adrenaline junkie Katsuko and her brother Toshiie into Sengoku Japan. After an attack by bandits, the two are separated and Toshiie disappears. Katsuko is taken into the household of the enigmatic Yamaoka Akihira - initially as a maid. But Katsuko has other ideas, choosing to dress as a young man and become a courier for Aki. Over the next few years, "Katsu" travels through Japan's warring states, delivering messages and looking for her brother, and encountering some of history's most famous warlords. Then Honno-ji happens and everything changes...
Full Prologue
Mini Prologue
OC artwork by Ayatori:
Yamaoka Akihira
OC Artwork by Cali:
Katsuko action shot
OC artwork by @oda-princess
Katsuko action shot
Timeline Three: Ten Things I Hate About Mitsuhide - Completed 3/17/2024
Trailer Video Here
Artwork by Butterflyn'Lace
Courier, scout, daredevil, housemaid … Courtesan? Katsuko has had many identities in the seven years since a wormhole sent her back in time to feudal Japan. But when her mentor Aki disappears and his trail leads to an illegal slave market in Sakai, Katsuko’s investigation sends her on a collision course with Akechi Mitsuhide.
Mitsuhide and Katsuko have never gotten along. However, Aki is not the only missing person. Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Mai have also disappeared in Sakai, and Mitsuhide is determined to locate and rescue them. Forced into a dangerous partnership, Katsuko must masquerade as Mitsuhide’s concubine. But even working together, can they fool the man known as the God of Deceit?
… Loosely inspired by Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew
Timeline Two: A Mitsunari Night's Dream Completed as of 10/2/2022
Courier, scout, daredevil, housemaid … Princess? Katsuko has had many identities in the seven years since a wormhole sent her back in time to feudal Japan. But she never imagined she’d have to wear a pink kimono and enter a fake engagement with absentminded Ishida Mitsunari.
Mitsunari and “Okatsu” agree their relationship will be all business – after all, they only need to fool a lovesick princess for a few days. How difficult can that be? But that’s before Mitsunari and Okatsu discover that the Princess’s younger brother is the target of an assassin. That’s before they flee to a nearby forest to stop a coup against Oda Nobunaga. Most importantly, that’s before Mitsunari decides his feelings for Okatsu are anything but fake.
Loosely inspired by Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Artwork by Cali
Comic Art for Chapter Eight
Comic Art for Chapter Seventeen
Comic Art for Chapter Twenty Seven
Final Illustration by Butterfly n' Lace
Timeline One: Twelve Lies I Told Shingen Takeda (Completed as of 1/2/2022)
Courier, scout, daredevil, housemaid … liar: Katsuko has had many identities in the seven years since a wormhole sent her back in time to feudal Japan. After she and her mentor Akihira help Shingen Takeda fight off bandits, “Katsu” finds herself working for Shingen as a messenger.
He thinks she’s a boy. She thinks he’s the biggest womanizer in the province.
But there are others forces at work – an old enemy is closing in, her new boss has a fatal secret, an assassination plot threatens the lives of Katsu’s new friends, war is on the horizon… and that’s just in this timeline. With all that going on, it’s good that he doesn’t know she’s a woman.
Isn’t it?
Loosely inspired by Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Manga Art for Chapter 7 by Ayatori *Manga Art for Chapter 15 * Manga Art for Chapter 25 Part 1 * Manga Art for Chapter 25 Part 2 Manga Art for Chapter 38 Part 1 * Manga Art for Chapter 38 Part 2
Painting by butterflynlace
Related One-Shots
One Fairy Tale I Told Shingen Takeda (Erotic short story) Two Celebrations for Shingen Takeda (Erotic birthday story)
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 428
How many people now know who Ibn Hazm, Al-Mu’tamid, Ibn Tufayl, Abu Ishaq al-Butruji were, or even where they came from? Most probably, not many. Yet these were among the most important scientists and thinkers of their age and lived in Al-Andalus.
The year 1492 has long been a historical landmark: the Americans recently celebrated the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s ‘discovery’ of the new continent. But there was another 500th anniversary to be marked in 1992. Although this event was also of momentous importance for the history of mankind, it has attracted much less attention. The event we are referring to was the fall of the last Muslim city left in Spain: Granada. The date was the second day of 1492 when the Catholic king of Castile captured the city which had been governed for nearly eight centuries by Muslims.
The Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula, which marked one of the most magnificent and glorious periods in Islamic history began with an invitation from one side of a civil war then raging in Visigothic Spain in 711. Musa Ibn Nusayr, the Umayyad governor of North Africa, was asked to help the rival of a Visigoth king. Thereupon, Nusayr ordered his general Tariq Ibn Ziyad to aid these people with an army of 7,000. In the following years he himself went to Spain. Within seven years the Muslims took control of the whole of the Peninsula, except for Galicia and Austuria. Muslim rule was accepted voluntarily by many Spaniards and over time some of them accepted Islam. The Andalusian Muslims did little to disturb the natives and allowed them to perform their religions and customs. After the dissolution of the central Umayyad government between 1009 and 1031 as a result of uprisings and a succession of weak rulers, a number of independent petty kingdoms (in Arabic mutluk al-tawaif and in Spanish taifa) became established. In spite of the fact that these little kingdoms were weaker than the former Umayyad state, an astonishing flowering of arts and learning took place during the taifa period. One reason for this outstanding development was that each ruler patronized artists, scholars and scientists to gain more prestige than the others. Eventually, the absence of a centrally organized state led to the end of Muslims’ power in the Peninsula. They lost considerable areas of territory to the Christian kingdoms that were reasserting themselves in the north. The petty kingdoms of Al-Andalus asked Yusuf Ibn Tashufin, the Almoravid (in Arabic al-Murabitun) ruler in Morocco, to intervene. They got the help they needed, but in 1090, the Almovarids left the country to its own destiny. This time the taifa kingdoms asked the Almohads (in Arabic al-Muwahhidun) for help. The Almohads willingly accepted and for a period of time they won some success in Spain. Nevertheless, in 1212 at the battle of al-Iqab they were defeated and within a few decades the Almohads were forced back across the Strait of Gibraltar. Muslim cities fell one after another until 1260, when only the kingdom of Granada remained. Granada survived for another two centuries. By the end of 1491, the armies of Ferdinand and Isabella were at the gates of the city. There remained only one final act to be played out on January 2nd, 1492 by which Muslim political sovereignty in Spain came to an end. In 1500, Spanish Muslims were presented with a terrible choice–either to convert to Catholicism or be expelled from Spain. Some did convert, others continued to practice their faith in secret and the rest chose exile.
It is a fact that the Andulusians developed a uniquely plural society whose main features were freedom, tolerance and lack of assimilation–Arabs, Christians, Jews and other immigrants lived side by side in peace for about eight centuries. Cordoba, the capital city of Al-Andalus, was the centre of a sophisticated and rich Islamic-Hispanic civilisation. In its heyday, Cordoba was famous for its intellectually advanced culture, its centres of learning and its great libraries. In those years, there were about one million people, 200,000 houses, 60 palaces, 600 mosques, 700 baths, 17 universities and 70 public libraries in the city. The biggest central library of Cordoba had 400,000 hand-written books and the catalogues which included only the names of the books consisted of 44 volumes. The famous orientalist, Dozy, stated that nearly all the people in Cordoba could read and write.
Gebert of Aurillac, the French monk, later to become Pope Sylvester II, was the first European scholar of importance to study Arabic sciences. He was also responsible for sending many teams of students into Al-Andalus during the closing years of the 10th century. By the end of that century, the various schools in Cordoba employed hundreds of students as translators and just as many copyists working closely to interpret and translate hundreds, perhaps thousands, of manuscripts from Baghdad and Cairo. Through these translations, philosophical and scientific thought from the Greek, Roman and Arab worlds, preserved and expanded upon by Muslim scholars, passed into European consciousness to fuel both the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment. Western Europe, in general, owes a great debt to this enormously long and rich intellectual flow from Al-Andalus.
Islamic Spain was an immensely fertile ground for learning, producing a long series of intellectual, aesthetic and scientific advances attributable to Muslim, Christian and Jewish thinkers and the ethos they created. This blossoming was due in part to the spirit of tolerance that prevailed for much of the history of Al-Andalus.
In literature, Ibn Hazm (died in 1013) expanded traditional romantic poetry with his Tawq al-Hamamah (Dove’s necklace). This form of poetry passed from Al-Andalus into North Africa. Islamic literature in Andalus, however, reached its peak during the taifa era when the poet-king of Seville, Al-Mutamid, established an academy of letters, and Ibn Darraj al-Qastalli wrote a series of qasaid (poems) of unequalled beauty.
By the end of 11th century, Al-Andalus was at the forefront of European sciences. The Andalusians excelled in astronomy, both theoretical and practical, perfecting their tables and the precision of their astronomical instruments. Toledo astronomer Al-Zargali, (d. 1087), simplified the Hellenic astrolabe; his version, known as the saphea azarchelis, remained in use until the 16th century. He also anticipated the 17th century German astronomer Johannes Kepler in suggesting that the orbits of the planets are not circular but elliptical.
In medicine, Al-Andalus produced scholars like Al-Zahrawi (d. 1013), who wrote extensively on surgery, pharmacology, medical ethics and the doctor-patient relationship. Ibn Zuhr (known in the west as Avenzoar), a century and a half later, was an advocate of clinical research and practical experimentation. The first medical school in Europe was built in Salerno by Andalusians.
Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz was one of the best-known geographers and renowned for his great work Al-Masalik wa’l-Mamalik (Roads and Countries). Another important geographer was Al-Idrisi who was educated in Cordoba and wrote Kitab al-Rujari (Roger’s Book) under the patronage of the King of Sicily, Roger II. In this book he divided the world into seven different climatic regions and each region into ten parts. He illustrated his book with some outstanding maps remarkable (and unique) for their accuracy.
Andalusians were also very successful in mathematics, especially geometry. They used the number ‘0’ for the first time in Europe. Among the well-known philosophers who lived in Andalus were Ibn Bajja, Ibn Tufayl and Ibn Rushd all of whom influenced European thought very profoundly. Abu Bakr Ibn Umar, Abu Marwan, Ibn Fradi were particularly famous in historical studies.
Although, over the years, the lost splendour of Al-Andalus has been much idealized in the Islamic world, there remains an appreciation of the factors behind its downfall. Some of these were external, such as the unification and expansion of the Christian kingdoms of Spain and the geographic and political isolation of Al-Andalus from the rest of the Muslim world. There were also internal factors that contributed to the decline of Al-Andalus particularly the rivalries that weakened and divided Muslim Spain, the greed and self-indulgence that gripped its elites, and the loss of inner religious dynamic.
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cinebration · 4 years
Requests! *Open 48 Hours*
To celebrate reaching 600+ followers, I am open for requests for 48 hours! *Requests close Wednesday, December 2nd, 4:30pm PST (12:30am GMT)*
Send to my ask box! Please keep in mind that these requests are meant to be one-shot drabbles.
No smut. No pregnancy fics or A/B/O fics. No crossover fics. No actor x reader. Other AUs acceptable.
Identify the gender of the reader if you want something other than female.
Because I try to remain as true to character as possible, I reserve the right to reject or tweak requests to keep the characters in character.
Below are character lists divided by actors and fandoms.
By Actor
Henry Cavill: Napoleon Solo, August Walker, Captain Syverson, Geralt of Rivia, Sherlock Holmes
Ewan McGregor: Roman Sionis, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Camerlengo Patrick McKenna
Christian Bale: Bruce Wayne, John Preston, Patrick Bateman, Alfred Borden
Tom Hardy: Eames, Eddie Brock, Alfie Solomons, James Keziah Delaney, Bob (The Drop), Forrest Bondurant, Tuck, Tommy Conlon
By Fandom
DCEU: Roman Sionis, Victor Zsasz (BoP), Dr. Crane/Scarecrow (Nolan’s Batman trilogy), Ra’s al Ghul (Batman Begins/Gotham), Arthur Curry, Dr. Shivana
MCU: Loki, Clint Barton, Ulysses Klaue, Doctor Strange, Quentin Beck, Thor
X-Men: Charles Xavier, Erik Lensherr, Logan/Wolverine, Remy Lebeau/Gambit
Star Wars: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kylo Ren, DJ
Misc: Illya Kuryakin, Lestat, Herbert West
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nzfhzrhwsr · 3 years
We don't even really know for sure who played
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landensueo436 · 4 years
A Recall When The Clock Was Created.
Time Display Screen Approaches
Division Of Mechanical Engineeringprof Michael Nosonovsky.
Mechanical Water Clocks
But given that the exemption really does show the policy, let's raise yet one more concern question; allow's ask when the very first mechanical clock was created. In 1927, Canadian-born Warren Marrison, a telecommunications engineer, was searching for trusted frequency standards at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Time Screen Methods
Quartz crystals oscillating at frequencies of 100,000 hertz can be contrasted as well as frequency differences established to an accuracy of one component in 1010. The synchronous electrical clock has no timekeeping properties in itself and is entirely reliant upon the regularity stability of the alternating existing provided. If this regularity adjustments, the electric clock will certainly not keep proper time. Developed in 1840, the very first battery electric clock was driven by a springtime and also pendulum and also utilized an electric impulse to operate a variety of dials. Substantial experimental job followed, and also it was not till 1906 that the initial self-contained battery-driven clock was designed.
Department Of Mechanical Engineeringprof Michael Nosonovsky.
The initial schedules might have been created throughout the last antarctic duration, by hunter-gatherers who employed devices such as sticks and bones to track the stages of the moon or the seasons. Stone circles, such as England's Stonehenge, were built in various components of the globe, specifically in Prehistoric Europe, as well as are believed to have actually been utilized to time and forecast seasonal as well as annual events such as equinoxes or solstices. As those megalithic civilizations left no recorded background, little is recognized of their calendars or timekeeping techniques.
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The merkhet, the earliest recognized huge device, was an Egyptian growth of around 600 BCE. A pair of merkhets was used to establish a north-south line by aligning them with the Pole Celebrity. They could then be made use of to mark off nighttime hrs by identifying when particular various other celebrities went across the meridian. Time reform reached its zenith a century ago, yet our very own vocabulary of technological adjustment is just as unassailable, equally as blindly modern. From Google to GrubHub, today's electronic innovations supply ease and enhancement, much less lost time and more information, higher and extra purposeful link with the globe around us. This language is rising as well as positive, yet it also ensures political presumptions about that we are as well as exactly how we should live together.
Mechanical Water Clocks
The prices of the setup consisted of the permanent employment of 2 clockkeepers for two years. Islamic human being is attributed with additional progressing the precision of clocks with sophisticated design. In 797, the Abbasid caliph of Baghdad, Harun al-Rashid, presented Charlemagne with an Asian Elephant called Abul-Abbas along with a "particularly elaborate example" of a water clock. Pope Sylvester II presented clocks to northern as well as western Europe around 1000 ADVERTISEMENT. The incentive was at some point asserted in 1761 by Yorkshire woodworker John Harrison, who committed his life to boosting the accuracy of his clocks.
Monastery Clocks And Also Clock Towers
Another challenge is to validate experimentally their estimated systematic unpredictabilities through direct comparisons between optical clocks developed individually in different laboratories. Right here researchers in Europe have a benefit as it is already possible to compare optical appear the UK, France as well as Germany with the necessary degree of precision utilizing optical-fibre web links. Unfortunately, these methods can not currently be used on global ranges and also alternative methods to connect to optical appear the US and also Japan should be found.
The electric clock's mainspring is wound either with an electrical motor or with an electromagnet and armature.
Proper tailoring converts this rotation rate to the right ones for the hands of the analog clock.
Time in these instances is gauged in numerous means, such as by counting the cycles of the AC supply, vibration of a tuning fork, the practices of quartz crystals, or the quantum resonances of atoms.
Alexander Bain, Scottish clockmaker, patented the electric clock in 1840.
In 1815, Francis Ronalds released the very first electric clock powered by completely dry pile batteries.
Electronic circuits split these high-frequency oscillations to slower ones that drive the time display.
While the device of the wall surface clock did not transform whatsoever till the nineteenth century, it did undergo a variety of style variations during that period. Although our initial attempts were not all that helpful, time is a crucial part of life, and also thus the search for one of horloge-factory.com/products/horloge-ancienne-avec-balancier-en-bois the most reliable clock continued. With the application of the concurrent electrical motor to clocks in 1918, residential electrical clocks ended up being prominent. A concurrent electrical motor runs in action with the frequency of the electric power source, which in The United States and Canada alternates at 60 hertz. The electrical motor is paired to a decrease tailoring that drives the clock hands at the right rate.
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When Was The Watch Developed?
Who designs DC?
Other accounts credit Abel Cottey, the first of the "Six Quaker Clockmakers" featured in the book of the same name, with building the first American-made clock in 1709.
the 12-hour symbols with AM/PM indication, with hrs showed as 12AM, complied with by 1AM-- 11AM, adhered to by 12PM, adhered to by 1PM-- 11PM. Clocks can be identified by the type of time display screen, along with by the method of timekeeping. This shows the count of secs, minutes, hrs, etc. in a human readable kind. In electric clocks, the power source is either a battery or the A/C power line. In clocks that make use of Air Conditioner power, a small back-up battery is frequently included to maintain the clock running if it is unplugged temporarily from the wall or throughout a power interruption. Battery powered analog wall surface clocks are offered that operate over 15 years between battery modifications. A scale version of Su Tune's Huge Clock Tower, constructed in 11th-century Kaifeng, China.
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bioprogreenmorocco · 1 year
Cinnamon Essential Oil for Distributors
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Cinnamon essential oil for distributors : a real treasure of happiness and well-being !
Welcome to the wonderful world of Cinnamon essential oil for distributors ! This aromatic little wonder is packed with incredible benefits for your health and well-being. Prepare to be transported into a whirlwind of joy and happiness with this extraordinary essential oil. In this article, we will explore together all the reasons why Cinnamon essential oil for distributors East the ultimate secret to happiness!
The dazzling benefits of Cinnamon essential oil for distributors:
Antiviral and Antibacterial Superpowers: 
Get ready to kill germs and boost your immune system with Cinnamon essential oil for distributors! She is the superhero who will fight viruses and bacteria to keep you in top shape.
Live in the moment with sparkling energy:
The irresistible aroma of cinnamon will overwhelm you with happiness and give you boundless energy! You will be ready to face all the challenges of the day with a radiant smile.
Celebrate Inflammation: 
Say goodbye to muscle and joint pain! Cinnamon essential oil for distributors is there to soothe your ailments and help you dance without limits. She is your ideal partner to get rid of the inflammations and worries that slow you down.
Set off a firework in your digestion: Your belly will be celebrating thanks to cinnamon essential oil for distributors! It boosts your digestive enzymes and helps you digest hassle-free. Say goodbye to bloating and fully enjoy all your meals.
The secret of eternal youth:
Say hello to glowing, radiant skin! Cinnamon essential oil for distributors is packed with antioxidants that valiantly fight the signs of aging. You will shine brightly and be the star of every moment of your life.
The use of Cinnamon essential oil for distributors : the ball of sensations!
Dance in the air: 
Transform your space into a fragrant paradise by adding a few drops of cinnamon essential oil to your diffuser. The magic will operate and your mood will be instantly festive.
Festive massage:
Mix a few drops of cinnamon essential oil with a carrier oil and let your muscles and joints revel in this royal treatment. You'll feel light as a feather and ready to take on the world.
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Immerse yourself in a bath filled with joy and relaxation by adding a few drops of cinnamon essential oil. You will feel transported to a magical world where all your worries disappear.
Instant burst of happiness:
Need a quick boost? Place a few drops of cinnamon essential oil on a tissue and breathe deeply. The positive energy will invade your mind and make you smile from the bottom of your heart.
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iceprincelebrat · 5 years
It all started out rather small, the odd thing here or there that didn’t fit in with the decor. Then it slowly became an infestation of tiny, yellow, squishy, squeaky rubber…….duckies! Marius was losing his mind. He thought he was imagining the thimble sized ducks until Alessandra inquired about them and Barbara complained bitterly about how many her staff were finding al around the chateaux.
‘Every night we clean them out and the next night there’s double the amount scattered and hidden everywhere!!!’ Barbara said testily to the council and prince. ‘I don’t care how you resolve this but do it and fast!’
Marius felt far too old for this sort of nonsense when one night he awoke to find what appeared to be an army of vampire ducks. Crude fangs glued on and drips of blood painted on their faces and tiny black capes tied around their necks. These were hand sized as opposed to the previous thimble sized ducks.
The ducks were arranged in neat lines travelling down the grand staircase, and leading the troops a duck painted to match their prince Lestat, complete with a tuft of blond hair on its head under a golden crown and blue eyes.
‘Oh dear…..’ Marius sighed as he slowly gazed up the staircase; there must be thousands on the stairs alone he thought.
Marius, Lestat, Louis, Allesandra and David all followed the ducks up the staircase and around the corner through a passageway, up more stairs and finally into one of the apartments reserved for Lestat’s dearest friends. This one, Marius realized with a groan, belonged to his fledgling; Armand.
The door was open and they slowly followed the trail into the room towards the bathroom where the ducks began to get smaller and smaller as they got closer and closer to the bathtub, where it seemed the ducks were originating from the bathtub drain. Inside the bath were more Captain Ducks, as Louis jokingly called them, these ones made to look like Marius, Allesandra, and David.
‘Well. I guess Armand has finally lost the plot……’ David said uncertainly, breaking the tense silence.
‘This is ridiculous…It’s like a little army of vampire ducks….’ Allesandra said, looking amused but concerned.
‘Marius, why on earth is your spawn putting an army of vampire ducks all over the chateaux?’ Lestat asked looking irritated.
Marius grimaced and died a little inside. ‘I don’t know Lestat, but I’m sure we can get to the bottom of this.’
They left Armand’s rooms and went in search of the little red haired vampire. They found the other inhabitants of the household had discovered the army and were laughing and joking with each other about them. Lestat asked that the other vampires, whose numbers totalled around 600, to please collect all of the rubber ducks and dispose of them. The young vampires quickly did as their prince bade them and by morning there wasn’t a rubber duck in sight.
Despite their best efforts they didn’t find Armand that night, no one had seen him and they went down to the crypt for the day with no idea of what would happen the next night.
As it turned out the next night they saw no rubber ducks anywhere and breathed a huge sigh of relief until of course they went outside. The army of vampire rubber ducks were outside, and had surrounded the house. They had weapons now. Small twigs were glued to their sides in imitation of guns or swords.
The council stood on the porch and stared in horror at the millions of ducks that surrounded the chateaux. Louis suddenly burst out laughing, incapable of speech, he pointed to a group of ducks who were surrounding a new scene. A red haired vampire duck was standing over the Lestat Duck, the Lestat Duck was tied to a pyre. The surrounding ducks seemed to be celebrating his imminent demise, as they wore party hats.
Lestat’s jaw dropped and he stared in shock at the scene. ‘Is that a threat?!’
‘Oh it can’t be!’ Allesandra exclaimed. ‘Armand would never hurt the prince! Even if they had their rivalry, you’ve both outgrown those childish grudges.’
‘Apparently Armand didn’t get that memo…..’ David said nervously, eyeing Lestat as his maker appeared to be close to losing his temper.
‘Find Armand tonight!!!!’ Lestat roared at them, this time addressing the younger inhabitants of the coven house.
They didn’t find him that night; again the ducks were cleared out, this time being burned in a pyre. Marius watched to ensure every single one was gone. They went to their rest for the day, even more anxious of what the night would hold.
The scene they found when they woke up was in the middle of the ballroom. It was comprised of a multitude of ducks arranged in circles, vampire ducks with party hats on. Confetti was all over the room and in the middle of the circles was a raised platform with a white archway, a vampire priest duck and two ducks apparently getting married. One clearly made to look like Armand and the other to look like Louis. Below them a pyre where the remains of Lestat Duck sat charred and melted.
They slowly moved away from Lestat as his face went redder and redder. He hissed at them without turning around. ‘If you don’t find him tonight I will burn all of you on a pyre!!!!’
Louis sat down on the outside of the circle, plucked a party hat off of one of the ducks and put it on his index finger, then sat and smiled at the marrying ducks. Lestat stared at him, too shocked to be angry.
‘Louis…what are you doing?’ David said nervously.
Louis looked up in surprise. ‘It’s my wedding; I should get to enjoy it!’
Lestat turned on his heel and stalked out of the room, the rest of the council, except Louis, walking out behind him and throwing odd looks at the princes consort.
Daniel found them in the council chamber later that night and dragged his maker in behind him. ‘I found him; he was chilling in his duck infested bathtub this whole time.’
Armand looked at them and smiled happily. ‘Hi!’ He waved playfully.
Marius stood from the table where they’d been having their meeting and walked down to meet them. ‘Armand we need to have a little talk about the ducks.’
Armand blinked at his former master in confusion. ‘But master….I am five hundred years old, I know all about the ducks by now? Remember when I was mortal you sent me to the brothels-’
Marius shook his head in disdain. ‘No child, the rubber ducks.’
‘Aw Marius it’s so kind of you to worry about if I’m being safe or not!’ Armand gushed innocently.
Daniel rubbed his face tiredly. ‘The ducks are not a metaphor for the birds and bees Armand.’
‘Then what ducks could you possibly be talking about?!’ Armand looked and sounded genuinely confused.
‘The ducks that have been infesting the chateaux for the last two weeks!’ Lestat snapped finally, glaring at his adolescent rival. ‘The ones that originated from your bathtub drain!!!!’
Armand shrugged and looked at Marius. ‘Is he okay? I think he’s gone and lost another screw…we should keep an eye on that, mad princes and kings have never been great for kingdoms. Last I checked ducks don’t come from drains….’
Marius couldn’t do this anymore, he needed to retire, and soon. ‘Child of mine there were ducks arranged in an army formation coming out of your bathtub, following Lestat.’
‘There were rubber ducks following Lestat around the chateaux!?’ Armand looked horrified.
‘Not the real Lestat, a duck made to look like Lestat.’ Daniel groaned.
‘So what does that have to do with me?’ Armand continued to play dumb.
Lestat growled and stood up slowly, looking like he might deck the smaller vampire. ‘They came from your bathtub!!!’
‘Ohh those ducks!’ Armand said looking like he just understood.
‘Yes those ducks.’ Marius confirmed.
‘Really those ducks?’
‘Yes Armand! Really those ducks! Your ducks!’ Daniel put an end to the back and forth before it could get into swing.
Armand gave his fledgling a dirty look. ‘You’re a little grouchy aren’t you? You should celebrate more.’
Armand rummaged in his pocket and pulled out one of the tiny party hats, the same ones that the ducks had been wearing. He handed it to his fledgling and smiled like he’d just done an amazing feat.
‘That is the party hat the ducks were wearing.’ Allesandra said to Armand. ‘Why do you have one if you aren’t guilty?’
‘I went to a lovely party.’ Armand said with a shrug.
‘Where?’ David asked dubiously.
Armand scoffed. ‘At the hosts home. Duh.’
‘Where does the host live?’ David tried again.
‘In his home? Geez David keep up!’ Armand gave David a disparaging look.
David opened and closed his mouth like a fish before finally taking a seat at the table and covering his face with his hands.
Marius intervened before things could get uglier. ‘Armand, why are there ducks all over the chateaux?’
Armand gasped, scandalized. ‘There are ducks in the chateaux?! And none of you thought to share this knowledge with me?’
Marius groaned and tried again. ‘Armand they’re not real-’
‘You know I love ducks!!!’ Armand turned tearful and betrayed eyes to his maker. ‘How could you keep this from me?! I love to feed them and watch their chicks run in a row behind them!’
Marius tried to interject but Armand was quicker. ‘No! I don’t want to hear it! You just don’t want me to be happy do you?! I see how it is!’
Louis pitched in then and they all hoped for a rational word as Louis was well known for being the intellectual and reasonable one. Unfortunately they were let down. ‘I can’t believe you don’t want Armand to be happy Marius! You know he loves ducks!’ Louis came down from the table to hug the red haired vampire.
Marius held his head between his hands and stared at the two seemingly insane vampires. ‘Since when does he love ducks!? I have never known Armand to love ducks. I doubt he as even seen a duck in real life!’
Louis gasped, horrified. ‘Are you duck shaming him!?’
David’s head banged on the table as his last hopes were shattered. Daniel turned and walked out of the room looking traumatised. Allesandra clutched her handkerchief to her breast in dismay. They all looked to Marius for guidance as the oldest among them.
‘I have been kept in the duck for too long on this matter!’ Armand proclaimed.
‘Don’t you mean in the dark?’ David whimpered desperate for some kind of normality.
Armand glared at them all. ‘Now that I know your nefarious plan to make me miserable by keeping me from the ducks of the chateaux I can start to play with a full duck!’
‘A full deck…..’ David whispered to comfort himself. ‘The term is a full deck.’
Armand and Louis glowered at him. Louis took Armand by the hand. ‘We are going to travel feather away from this horrible place!’
Armand took one final shot at Lestat. ‘Mallard, we shall meet again of the field of battle consider this my ducktum!’
‘Dictum. You mean dictum!!’ David finally lost it.
Louis glared over his shoulder at David. 'That's a bad word.'
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