#alchemical work
anothersoftvoid · 7 months
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Jens Rausch
Durchforsteter Bestand
oil, earth, lime, fire, parts of plants, spray paint, bitumen on canvas
30 x 40 cm
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year
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st. francis receiving the stigmata
in the "buch der heiligen dreifaltigkeit" ("book of the holy trinity"), alchemistic illuminated manuscript, bavaria, late 15th c.
source: Munich, Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 598, fol. 166v
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wysteir · 1 month
there's so many games to play...
but I know at some point I need to play Robot Alchemic Drive and do my best to protect Nanao
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bestworstcase · 9 months
let's talk about alchemical readings and rwby.
as the resident crank it would be remiss of me not to begin this little jaunt with a very important disclaimer: like all esoteric lenses, alchemical philosophy is an analytical framework that relies quite heavily on symbolism, and because of that it is really important to be mindful of how you're engaging with the text. symbolism services narrative, not the other way around, and you should always let the narrative guide your understanding of its symbolism. if that doesn't make sense to you, don't worry, because there will be lots of examples to illustrate what i mean.
before getting into the weeds, we're going to lay out some basic alchemical concepts.
in simple terms, the core philosophical idea of alchemy is a gradual process of transformation from base material into the sublime; conceptually the transmutation of lead into gold is also the perfection of human body and soul. alchemy is about change, refinement, rebirth, wholeness.
the prima materia—first matter—is the perfect and formless primordial matter of which all forms of matter are derived. if you're familiar with certain other alchemical readings of rwby you'll have seen it defined as the "raw material" that is transformed into the philosopher's stone through the alchemical process; that is not inaccurate but it must be stressed that the idea here is that ordinary matter comes from the prima materia and the philosopher's stone IS the prima materia, made perfect and whole again through the great work.
<- rwby directly invokes this idea in 'all things must die' ("all bonds dissolve/infinite matter/will always evolve").
yliaster is another name (coined by paracelsus) for the prima materia, which he described as "completely healed human being who has burned away all the dross of his lower being and is free to fly as the phoenix."
the great work is the actual process of alchemy. it is classically broken down into four (or three) stages, each represented by a color:
nigredo, black, involves putrefaction and charring—symbolically, death. decay. rot.
albedo, white, involves purification and separation. the undifferentiated mass of the nigredo stage is clarified and divided into two opposing principles.
citrinitas, yellow, is the "dawn" or reawakening.
rubedo, red, involves coagulation and recombination after the separation undergone in albedo.
citrinitas is not always treated as a discrete stage, instead sometimes being combined into a single stage with rubedo or understood as the transition between albedo and rubedo. hence "four (or three)." there are also a great variety of other stages, mostly given in sets of seven or twelve and listed in myriad sequences, but for our purpose this four-or three-stage model is the most useful.
ordinarily with an alchemical reading, we would begin by finding a narrative pattern of symbolic death and rebirth, but for rwby we first need to interrogate the goliath in the room, namely:
there is a tendency in alchemical readings of rwby to interpret salem's immortality as a lifeless unchanging stasis, and thus to read her as an embodiment of the anti-theme, and surprising absolutely no one i find this to be… well, just not right at all.
rwby initially sets up the pattern through the mantra pyrrha recites when she awakens jaune's aura: "for it is in passing that we achieve immortality. through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. i release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee." 'rising' explicitly calls back to this ("we are paragons of virtue and glory/death can't bind our endless story/infinite and unbound") and 'indomitable' reiterates the idea ("when we strive, we transcend/even death cannot end our climb"); this is important to note because the repetition correlates with revelations about salem's story.
the key thing to understand here is that 'the lost fable' is narratively structured around salem's deaths:
first, the god of light bites her and she's drowned in the fountain of life (notice her last breath leaving her mouth; she chokes for air and her eyes rolls back as she loses consciousness, sinking into the depths)…
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…and then the god of darkness brings the moon down on her head and she wanders in a haze until finding her way back to the pool of grimm, where she seeks her own destruction and is created anew.
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the brothers cast salem into the fountain of life, which pools under the roots of a tree and appears to be infinitely deep. she drowns as she sinks into its darkness—then abruptly reawakens hitting the water again, now only a reflecting pool, and the water-light of aura shimmers over her hands as she rises.
"for it is in passing that we achieve immortality…" the reprisal of "infinite and unbound" in 'rising' draws a line from pyrrha's mantra to the lost fable for a reason; it's to help us understand the truth behind the story jinn is telling. it is not even subtext—it is text. especially after volume nine, which clarifies the symbolic meaning of the tree growing above the waters.
through death, salem became immortal—infinite—and the infinite waters of life and creation became finite.
that water was the prima materia of the brothers' world; it combined with salem—the prima materia changes itself and combined with all imperfect bodies that it touches—and thus she herself became yliaster, "the perfectly healed human being who has burned away all the dross of his lower being and is free to fly as the phoenix."
the dross in her case being the brothers and their divine order, she rebels against them, and they destroy their world. she is all that remains. they leave salem behind in the end of all things and, phoenix-like, she rises out of the ashes of her destruction. yliaster is the prima materia; it contains everything, is everything, and everything is released when it is broken apart.
"this force of pure destruction could not destroy a being of infinite life, so it created a being of infinite life with a desire for pure destruction." destruction exists within creation exists within destruction: salem embraces death, throwing herself into the "blackened pools of annihilation" in the land of darkness. nigredo.
she's torn apart and reborn, and remnant is born with her, a pure-white being clambering into a revitalized new world she cannot touch; after a long separation, her partner returns to her and she experiences love, connection, freedom for the first time in years, until she learns that he seeks the destruction of this world and a return to the old and they burn each other alive in a violent parting. albedo.
salem's arrival in atlas literally at dawn incites the struggle between herself and cinder, which culminates in salem beginning to relinquish control and as her true feelings come to the surface. citrinitas.
thus, what remains of her story is rubedo: reconciliation with cinder, reunion with ozma, peace between humans and grimm (<- unity of opposites), and finally symbolic transcendence over death by convincing the god of light to ascend, with "death" being specifically the threat of annihilation represented by the divine mandate.
ozma's arc, of course, mirrors hers very closely: the god of light breaks him apart, the god of darkness burns him (nigredo)—his reincarnation divides him very literally into two, and symbolically divides him between duty and desire (albedo)—he awakens with the dawn, reconciles with oscar, and begins to face the truth in atlas (citrinitas).
as alchemical readings go, this one is not difficult or arcane or remotely ambiguous. it isn't even symbolic; the deaths and resurrection are explicitly literal and occur onscreen with the accompaniment of helpful explanatory notes. the goliath in the room is making aggressive eye contact.
but we are not done here yet, because i never do anything by halves and we have symbolism to talk about.
salem, you will recall, is yliaster, the prima materia of remnant. you will also recall that the prima materia is the formless primordial matter from which all other matter is formed, and thus it is both the raw material of the great work and the philosopher's stone. yes? good. rwby interrogates this contradiction through the idea of balance, which the god of light conceives of as an inviolate order that must be designed and enforced. but, as the blacksmith explains, his understanding is a limited falsehood:
"balance is not two forces locked in never-ending battle. balance is an ecosystem, an organism, a living, breathing thing; thus balance cannot be restored by force or calculation. it only requires love and the patience to see things through to the end."
here is where i think a lot of the fandom—not people doing alchemical readings necessarily, but in general—miss the mark by interpreting this to mean that opposition and balance are antithetical to each other, that a system with two opposing forces is inherently out of balance. rwby's metaphysics are grounded in hellenistic philosophy, plato in particular (<- neoplatonism had a significant influence on the western european alchemical tradition), and the philosophical ideas undergirding the ever after follows herclitus.
(i recommend perusing the category pages for λόγος, justice and strife, the harmony of opposites, φύσις, ψυχή, cosmology, fire, water/the river, life/death, and waking/sleeping—i know that sounds like a lot of reading, but it isn't, as what we have of heraclitus is only fragments and the summaries provided are brief and accessible.)
the two key ideas we're interested in here are flux and strife. the world exists at rest in a continual state of change; a river is always the same river, but its flowing waters change from moment to moment. this conception of the world—"changing, it rests"—is flux. strife incites change through the tension between opposing forces. strife is not discordant but rather harmonious: "men do not know how what is at variance agrees with itself. it is an attunement of opposite tensions, like that of the bow and the lyre." (B51) just as a bow could not fire and a lyre could not sing without tension on the strings, so the world could not be without strife.
this is what the blacksmith means by balance. true balance is not war; it is strife. not two forces locked in never-ending conflict, but opposite tensions in harmony with each other. destruction and creation are opposing forces, but each exists within the other and they are both interdependent and inseparable.
salem embodies this theme. through death, she became life, and by destruction she was created. human and grimm, light and darkness, creation and destruction. she seeks to tear down the huntsmen academies and incite revolution in pursuit of a new world. she is balance—and the god of light inflicted his punishment upon her not because she failed to understand the importance of life and death, but because her dedication to change challenged his false and hollow conception of what balance means.
this guides the alchemical reading of the wider narrative in significant ways. salem is the prima materia of remnant—yliaster, broken apart to release everything contained within—and thus both the subject and the aspiration of the great work. when we examine other characters through this lens, it is in relation to her.
we'll begin by discussing the narrative's big symbols: the rose, the broken moon, the tree, grimm, silver eyes, and fire.
traditionally, the rose symbolizes rubedo. in most alchemical readings of rwby, ruby rose is accordingly presumed to represent this stage for obvious reasons—however, if we pay attention to how the narrative itself symbolically identifies the rose:
ruby's emblem, which she inherited from her mother, is a burning rose.
our first sighting of it is on summer rose's grave, above an epitaph—"thus kindly i scatter"—taken from a poem which uses the death of a rose as a metaphor for the speaker's loneliness and despair.
"red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest," and "red like roses fills my head with dreams and finds me always closer to the emptiness and sadness that has come to take the place of you"
adam's emblem is a withered rose.
"the moon will sadly watch the roses die"
"maybe red's like roses? maybe it's the pool of blood the innocents will lay in when in the end you fail to save them"
"the rose will grow to be a seed, from every life another leads" (<- evokes an image of deterioration, rot; the rose going to seed)
"some roses will never bloom, some dreams will rot on the vine"
in rwby, the rose represents death. it burns, it withers, it dies, it is scattered, it never blooms; thus, it does not symbolize rubedo but rather the death and decomposition of nigredo. why then is ruby's primary color red? we'll get to that in a little while.
the moon traditionally symbolizes albedo, which is a process of separation, reflection, and illumination. the god of darkness shattered the moon as he departed after slaughtering humanity, and:
"the moon will sadly watch the roses die"
"the sky is turning black, light is fading fast, but we don't surrender; shattering the night, radiant and bright, armored in splendor, shining forever […] we're rising like the moon"
salem falls into and through the reflection of the broken moon when she casts herself into the pool of grimm
the broken moon symbolizes the death and resurrection of humankind, which—as noted—is the beginning of the albedo stage in salem's story.
so in rwby the broken moon does indeed represent albedo.
the tree, obviously, represents the whole circle of life-death-rebirth, with its symbolic meaning on remnant following its actual function in the ever after, where it is the cosmic tree, the river, and the ever-living fire. thus cinder and salem falling into pools of water at the base of a tree are symbolic (and in salem's case, also literal) rebirths.
grimm are "manifestations of anonymity," "the darkness," hates and feared as soulless monsters, destruction incarnate, thought to have no purpose other than to exist as "mankind's greatest foe." rwby is consistent in using the grimm to symbolize ostracism, persecution, fear of the other or the unknown, and salem's exile is justified (in ozma's mind) by her grimmness. which is to say, the grimm represent the separation undergone during albedo; they are the darkness to humanity's light. (hence, the narrative building toward coexistence between humans and grimm, exemplified by the faunus.)
silver eyes are described in opposition to the grimm and likewise represent the separation of albedo; the light to grimmkind's darkness. salem's experimentation with combining them into one being is a faunus for good reason, and i do not think it is coincidental that cinder has become less vulnerable to the glare as she finds balance with the grimm arm. and speaking of her:
the phoenix is another traditional symbol for rubedo, which naturally calls to mind associations with fire. citrinitas, similarly, is represented by the dawn or the "solar light," overtaking the moonlight of albedo, which again connotes fire. in rwby, fire is used to symbolize hope and wrath, which are thematically intertwined (hope ignites fire -> loss of hope incites wrath -> wrath ignites fire, and is thus a form of hope):
"even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change […] nature's wrath in hand, man lit their way through the darkness"
"a simple spark can ignite hope, breathe fire into the hearts of the weary…" becoming "i can't wait to watch you burn"—salem seeks to smother ozma's hope, and thus rekindle her own.
"the light of hope is taken and discontent is the contagion; the blinding eyes that burn a yellow flame, the embers that remain will light the fuse of condemnation"
"we were destined to light the flame of revolution; consider this the spark" + "i think father may have just provided the spark that's going to set this kingdom on fire"
flame imagery used in relation to cinder and salem in the volume eight opening and jaune throughout volume nine.
cinder being… a spark…
as i noted, the paradigm shift between salem and cinder in atlas represents the transition from albedo to rubedo through the dawn. in rwby, the kindling spark symbolizes citrinitas and the changing flame that follows is rubedo. the role cinder will play in reigniting salem's hope is obvious, and the symbolic use of fire to reawaken first jaune and then neo in volume nine only underscores this meaning. in combination with the dust and ashes motif going on with salem and the grimm, the fire becomes specifically phoenix imagery.
why, if the rose is nigredo, is ruby red?
in order to explain this, we first need to examine team STRQ, because the answer is that the great work is cyclical.
in team STRQ, we have:
summer rose, whose red-and-gold interior is masked by her white exterior
taiyang xiao long, who is all yellow
raven branwen, who is an amalgam of red and black
qrow branwen, who is mostly white except for his red cape
the branwen twins also transform into corvids, traditional symbols for the nigredo stage; qrow's scythe harbinger and raven's allusions to the morrígan underscore their symbolic association with death.
if we consider these color associations through an alchemical lens, the pattern that emerges is—by design—muddled and strange, but not actually that convoluted:
raven "tried to leave," but couldn't. she became the spring maiden by mercy-killing a girl whom she loved as her own family, and never having dealt with that grief or guilt, is trapped in nigredo whilst projecting a hollow image of rubedo—her pretense of strength. she runs away from her feelings, rather than challenging or examining them; what she needs instead is to separate and reflect honestly on herself.
summer did leave. her white outer shell—the phantom she left behind—suggests albedo, but her true colors are what she wears beneath the cloak: red trimmed with gold. she found salem, listened to her and awoke to the truth of this world, and then joined her. but in order to do that, she had to separate from her own family, joining salem exile; thus her individual rubedo brings her into alignment with the grimm in salem's albedo.
qrow, shattered by the dissolution of his team, is undergoing his own albedo. like his sister, he wears the trappings of rubedo—he is the one left standing, ozpin's most trusted agent—but this is a false projection which crumbles once it challenged by the revelations of ozma's deceit. his drinking and reluctance to be around people for fear of bringing them to harm make it impossible for him to move forward until he finds new hope and decides to try again. like his onetime mentor, he experiences citrinitas in atlas and the beginning of his transition into rubedo is marked by the introduction of maroon (desaturated red) and tan (desaturated yellow) into his atlas fit.
tai, lastly, is interesting because in one sense, he is citrinitas in isolation, a dawn with nothing to illuminate because his team left him behind, but in another sense, tai mediates the generational transition between team STRQ (albedo) and team RWBY (rubedo). he is yang and ruby's father and—crucially—he raises both in idealized casts of their mothers. ruby feels compelled to live up to the fairytale idea of summer rose; tai tells yang that he sees all of raven's good qualities in her and warns her to be wary of being too much like her mother, in almost the same breath.
ruby's red and yang's yellow represent the culmination of what tai wishes could have been; the summer rose who returned whole and alive, the raven branwen who chose reflection and reawakening instead of running away. but both colors are only things projected onto them—false images.
in truth, ruby represents nigredo. her scythe and the burning rose both connect her to death; her semblance disassembles her into a swirling formless mass of rose petals; her own identity is lost beneath the idea of summer rose and the first nine volumes of the story are devoted to the long, slow journey to her symbolic death at the roots of the tree.
only with her ascension has she begun to undergo albedo (notice the greater emphasis on her silver eyes and the flaring white light as she comes out of the tree; also, "otherside, did you mean to leave me half or whole? will i ever be complete? when will i become all of me?" and "what is left? i know it's you and i when i look inside"—she is beginning to separate herself from the imaginary paragon.
weiss represents albedo—her story is fundamentally about separation from her family, leading to self-reflection and growth, and in the process she has become an emotionally intelligent, insightful person who consistently helps others draw out and clarify their hidden emotions. her mirror motif and her knight summon further represent this: the self and the reflection.
blake represents citrinitas—her golden eyes, her association with the black king, her identity as a faunus, all support this reading. her time with the white fang was her albedo (she lost herself, gradually began to see herself in a new light, and finally separated herself from everything adam represented) and her personal moment of citrinitas is the removal of the bow and meeting with sun after she reveals herself as a faunus, after which she begins her journey of rediscovering herself and reintegrating with her faunus heritage.
finally, yang represents rubedo—her fire, her red eyes, "scathing eyes ask that we be symmetrical, one-sided and easily processed, yet every misshapen spark's unseen beauty is greater than its would-be judgment," "feel like i'm finally unbroken, feel like i'm back from the dead," the whole thematic conceit of bumbleby being the catalyst and the flame, the dawn and the sun, and so forth, two-in-one, "we're protecting each other."
the team collectively represents rubedo in relation to salem, in that they will be the ones primarily negotiating with her and this will obviously not begin to happen until ruby has her personal moment of citrinitas, which is to say not until ruby meets the real summer rose.
as a final point of interest, the four qualities (and relics) of destruction, creation, knowledge, choice map neatly onto the four-or-three alchemical stages—destruction as nigredo, creation as albedo, knowledge-then-choice as citrinitas-then-rubedo—and given the parallelism between yang and cinder, blake and raven, and weiss and penny+winter, it is probably a safe bet that the summer maiden is a) not summer rose, and b) a character foil to ruby, which i think adds some weight to the gillian theory.
the philosopher's stone is ozlem.
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charseraph · 1 year
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Got completely distracted
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 8 months
Content warnings: Abuse, emotional abuse, unhealthy power dynamics (takes place when Majexatli was 18/19, snapshot of their relationship with Althyran)
“I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t care about you, Asha,” 
Althyran’s tired frown was just visible in the small looking glass in front of Majexatli. Majexatli bit their tongue, stopping themselves from saying something rash, holding back a whimper as Althyran’s comb snagged on a knot in their hair.
“I know,” Majexatli said eventually.
“You have so much potential, you’ve come so far by my side, look at all that I’ve helped you accomplish. Where you be without me? What would you have without me? Who would look out for you if I wasn’t there?” 
“I know, I’m sorry,” Majexatli winced as his comb once again pulled harshly at a knot.
Whether the apology or their pain, something made Althyran pause for a moment. After a beat of silence, Althyran untangled their hair now with a sudden gentleness.
He sighed.
“It’s alright, darling, I don’t mean to be harsh on you. I love you, you know that, right?”
“I know, it’s alright,”
“No, no, it’s not, I know you’re only doing your best, you just didn’t know. I’ve just been so stressed, but I shouldn’t take it out on you. Let me make it up to you?” 
Althyran set down the comb on the table and wrapped his arms around Majexatli, pressing a gentle kiss to their shoulder.
“You don’t have to—” 
“I want to, Asha, here,” Althyran pulled back, reaching into his satchel and pulling out something Majexatli couldn’t see, “I was hoping to wait for a special occasion, but I got you something. Put out your hands,” 
 Into Majexatli’s open hands, Althyran placed a beautiful silver hair stick, one of ornate elven design set with a piece of polished turquoise. It looked like it cost more gold than Majexatli had ever seen in their life.
“I— I can’t accept this—” 
“Of course you can, you deserve it,” Majexatli could see the way he smiled as he wrapped his arms around them again, “Plus, it’s magical. The stone will let me find you wherever you are, so you never have to be alone,”
Never having to be alone again… it was all Majexatli wanted. Althyran’s honeyed words pushed the pain and anxiety out of their mind.
Majexatli held the hair stick close to their chest, “Thank you…” 
Althyran kissed their bruised temple before standing up.
“Did you extract the swarming toadstool?”
Majexatli nodded to their bag. They moved to grab it, but Althyran beat them to it, pulling out the small glass jar filled with a pale yellow-green dust. 
“Excellent work, it’s perfect. You’ve come so far since we first started,” 
The praise warmed something in Majexatli’s chest, they could even feel tears welling up in their eyes.
“No one saw you with it, right? Or knew you went to the Underdark?” 
“No, no one saw. I did everything like you said,” 
Althyran placed the jar down on the table after another moment looking it over.
“What do you need the swarming toadstool for?” Majexatli asked, hoping to help, take initiative, to get him in a good mood, “You’ve just said, I’ve gotten really good with my herbalism, maybe I can help—” 
Majexatli cut themselves off as they looked up at Althyran and saw something flicker across his face, a dark, grave expression that seemed to suck all of the air and warmth from the tent.
“You don’t need to worry about it, it’s not for you to know. It is a dangerous thing, curiosity,” 
“I’m sorry,” Majexatli’s voice was small, trembling.
Althyran’s face softened slightly, but he didn’t speak, didn’t reassure them or comfort them. He simply nodded, grabbing the jar of swarming toadstool essence and placing it in his satchel. 
The silence was heavy, tense. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go, they had practiced what they were going to say, practiced how they would speak up—
“I was, um, I was going to go to the infirmary later,” Majexatli started, trying to cling to a confidence they had already lost.
Althyran paused, narrowing his eyes.
Tell him. He should be happy, right? Just tell him.
“I, um, nothing really. Just. My leg, and um, I thought maybe—I mean. It’s just my leg, it’s just my leg” 
The lie hurt to say, each word like pulling teeth. Majexatli wasn’t even sure why they were lying, they shouldn’t need to lie.
“If that’s the case, I can save you the trouble and talk to Lysaia or her apprentice myself and get you something for the pain,” 
“Okay, yeah, thank you,” Majexatli nodded, looking down at the floor, “Are you going to stay for the night?”
“Oakfather willing. Believe me, there’s no place I’d rather be, but I have something important I need to get to first. I’ll be back before you fall asleep,” Althyran smiled gently in a way that did nothing to comfort Majexatli.
“Okay, I'll see you when you come back,” 
After Althyran left, Majexatli blew out the candles in their tent and crawled into their cot. Curling up on their side, they once again held the hair stick to their chest, tracing the intricate curves with their thumb as they tried to lull themselves to sleep.
They left a spot on the cot for Althyran when he would return. 
Majexatli knew, though, that come morning, they would still be alone.
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coockie8 · 1 year
Why can Roy not transmute the water that gets onto his gloves into Oxygen and Hydrogen gas? Two substances that are highly flammable? Does his Alchemy just not work like that, because it sure sounds like that's how it's supposed to work; like his flame alchemy literally works by him sky rocketing the oxygen in the air, so why can he not transmute water into Hydrogen and Oxygen? :/
I am aware that the reason the water is his "weakness" is because it gets his gloves wet, and you can't make a spark with wet gloves, but Ed is literally shown evaporating water off his clothes using Alchemy at one point, so it makes no sense that Roy wouldn't be able to do the exact same thing and just turn the water on his gloves into Hydrogen and Oxygen, which he could then ignite, since he gloves would then be dry.
reblog privileges have be removed because this discussion has been resolved
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 7 months
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Dove Cameron Edits ✤ Dorothea Bridgerton x Simon Basset
Alchemical ✤ Fragile Things: The ghost of you will always live in these rooms, you get to leave, I don't have that luxury
Tag List: @airwolf92 – want to be added?
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struungout · 1 year
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I’ve had a ton of chain and other jewelry bits stashed away and finally decided to do something about using it. xD Ended up making a pile of chain necklace pieces for myself and one of my friends. also made a chainmail necklace to burn through moar jump rings.
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warlordfelwinter · 1 year
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i had like a really normal day where i opened tumblr after work to check my notifs and found that my favorite dnd podcast had followed me (hi @diceshamepodcast)
i'm not sure i've ever actually drawn podcast fanart before but here's a real quick and dirty attempt at a Jack because i felt like i had to do something. i dearly love all the characters in this show but i have a real soft spot for wizards. and archaeologists. and golden retrievers wearing boots.
anyway everyone go listen to dice shame
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alchemicalwerewolf · 27 days
what is your opinion on stale bread
slap some sorta spread on that shit and devour. Don’t waste bread.
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fullmetall · 2 months
i like thinking abt pre-canon ed but i also like thinking abt post-canon ed a lot
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ehlnofay · 1 year
Many cults dedicated to Namira are known to practice an alchemical variant of corpse medicine, providing treatments that are intense but effective. Though this Daedric Prince and her devotees are largely reviled by wider society, some find their cures unmatched in their usefulness in managing chronic conditions - as long as they don't ask where they came from. Some cults charge a high price for their medicines, while others view it almost as a method of proselytising, considering the satisfaction of bringing outsiders that bit into the fold as payment enough.
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 year
i love music :))
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sassmill · 1 year
Things that are alchemy and I will not be convinced otherwise:
The act of translation
Individual voices combining to create a harmony
The act of conjuring three dimensions within a single plane (drafting and rendering and grading)
The transformation of fiber to cloth to functional garment
Disparate ingredients combining to satiate hunger (big soup mood)
So much of the human experience is pushed forward by the transformation of one thing into another. Our lives are fueled by alchemy and are so much more strange and beautiful than we allow for in our narrowed perception. I propose we collectively engage in Alchemical Realism Summer. Thank you for your time
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ratskal · 1 year
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Diversity win! The war criminal that destroyed your home is transgender!
I just think he has transmasc "I'm like a boy if a boy was a girl" vibes. Real gendercreative. Sun & moon type of bitch.
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