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acesammy · 4 months ago
Im so good at coding <- forgets I have to match my profs capitalization and variable names for the code to work every. single. week.
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jamiemarsters · 2 years ago
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Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof & @sullivanmarsters dining & debating for Sullivan's 25th birthday 2021 #JamesMarsters #SullivanMarsters #DiningAndDebating #AlbumTitle? #ICantLookAtThisPicTooLong #NotForTheJamesReason #ButTheFoodReason #ItLooksSOOGood #HungryNow #JamesLooksOKToo 🤷‍♀️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CmDHitZPJVH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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classicrockblog1 · 5 years ago
Sound of White Noise is the sixth #studio #album by #thrash #metal #band Anthrax, released in May 25,  1993 on Elektra Records. It is the band's first album to feature vocalist John Bush, who replaced longtime Anthrax vocalist Joey Belladonna in 1992. It is also Anthrax's last studio album with longtime lead guitarist Dan Spitz.
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ilariadipinto · 6 years ago
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Is there all the time and BY CHANCE it has SEVEN colors.
RAINBOW @taylorswift
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dangtattoos · 6 years ago
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#Bandname / #albumtitle of the week = "Flaccid Reign"... Use any of these band names /album titles for your own if you like, but images posted are ©Aladang. #yerwelcome . . . #BNATOTW #alternative #punk #funk #Hiphop #blackmetal #heavymetal #garageband #alternative #tattoo #dangstyle #lowbrow #spitshading #ignorantstyle #neotraditional #oldschool #boldwillhold #45 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ogm4vgUe5/?igshid=apw94jou76m
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standarddesigns · 7 years ago
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Automatic Bollards For The People. #remalbums #albumtitle #sign #signage #london #red #street #streetstyle #royalfestivalhall (at Royal Festival Hall)
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milesmegaciph · 4 years ago
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With the late night new #albumtitle #albumartwork #reveal #lofi (at Mobile, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/COrtz9ODgDw/?igshid=1iuooak1ti8mp
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provokingdrama · 4 years ago
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"Weakness In Its Purest Form" c.2004. Acrylic on canvasboard. I don't remember the story behind this except that the demon was a coward, hiding behind his massive wings. The title was a reference to a Crowbar album title (Sonic Excess in its Purest Form, I think) as I was into them quite a bit at the time. So, hope you enjoy! #demon #art #artwork #acrylics #painting #outsiderart #surrealism #macabreart #horrorart #horror #goth #demons #darksurrealism #darkartists #failure #coward #albumtitle #metal #metalart #artistsoninstagram #artistsontumblr #darkness #cowardly #nope #metal #crowbar #sonicexcessinitspurestform #sludge #sludgemetal https://www.instagram.com/p/CI9VSotpiIa/?igshid=1rddk5ies939l
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differentpainterfan · 6 years ago
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@sparklep8nter guess for Album Title: ALBUM NAME: Lover... ?!?!?!? (Lover Like Me) @taylorswift @taylornation #TS7CLUES #ts7theories #ts7 #sparklep8nterguess #albumname #ts7albumname #lover #swiftie #swifties #taylorswiftalbum #swiftiesforever #taylorswiftme #tayswift #loverlikeme #taylorswiftandbrendonurie #taylorswift #taylorswiftfan #reputationprecedesme #albumtitle https://www.instagram.com/p/BwvkRokAs46/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h6xdx7regcoo
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casualchrismusic · 6 years ago
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Portland, OR  Jan 31—
“I decided I wanted to commit to making this entire album on my iPad and documenting every second of it.”
And that is exactly what Casual Chris did- Think Bigis a 17…
View On WordPress
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sensibleswiftie-blog · 8 years ago
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I would like to hear your thoughts. Comment below 👇 #ts6iscoming #ts6 #taylorswift #swifties #albumtitle
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dangtattoos · 6 years ago
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#Bandname / #albumtitle of the week= "Dark Fruition"... Use any of these band names /album titles for your own if you like, but images posted are ©Aladang. #yerwelcome . . . #BNATOTW #alternative #punk #blackmetal #heavymetal #garageband #alternative #tattoo #dangstyle #lowbrow #spitshading #ignorantstyle #neotraditional #oldschool #boldwillhold #banana #ferryman #reaper #charon #kharon #dark #fruit #tiki #tikiasfuck https://www.instagram.com/p/BrJWAxqgiS4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bygxvx8dqaia
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standarddesigns · 5 years ago
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In the mid- to late-‘90s this would have been a passable dance album title. Imagine the kinds of block-rocking beats that might have appeared on Make Your Own Sundial. With track featuring appearances by Mike D, Jarvis Cocker and Noddy Holder, plus a ‘hidden’ ‘bonus’ track where Cilla Black raps about pollution. #makeyourownsundial #dancemusic #techno #album #albumtitle #sundial #science #experiment #textbook #illustration #typography #futura #noddyholder #miked #jarviscocker #cillablack #pollution #rap #90smusic #90sbands #1990s https://www.instagram.com/p/B3IJg_5BM-C/?igshid=18t64q1rgvyqo
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Flake's "Des Tastenfickers podcast" 🎹 podcast (and readings) - my takes (index)
Because it annoys me that half the time i can't find my old posts again (once again i'm looking at you Tumblr), this is a bit of a list of my takes on Flake podcast posts 🎹 still missing several i think, but i'll add them if i ever find them again..
abt 2020-03-18 Western (added 2022-09-03)
abt 2020-04-29 Railroad / Eisenbahn (added 2022-09-03)
abt 2020-04-29 Harmony in music / Harmonie in Musik (added 2022-09-09)
abt 2020-04-30 Berlin (added 2022-08-28)
abt 2020-05-13 Collaborations / Zusammenspiel (added 2022-09-18)
2020-05-27 Solo albums / Soloplatten
abt 2020-06-12 Books / Bücher (added 2022-10-01)
2020-06-24 Drugs / Drogen
abt 2020-07-08 Schoolbands / Schulbands (added 2022-10-01)
2020-07-22 Children / Kinder
2020-08-11 Remarkable bandnames / Bemerkenswerte Gruppennamen
2020-09-03 Girlnames / Mädchennamen (added 2022-10-16)
2020-09-16 Foreign bands who sing German / Ausländische bands die Deutsch singen (added 2022-10-06)
2020-10-14 Supergroups / Supergruppen
abt 2020-11-05 Animals / Tiere (added 2022-08-30)
abt 2020-11-11 Misunderstandings / Misverständnisse (added 2022-09-11)
2020-11-25 German bands who sing english / Deutsche bands die englisch singen
2020-12-09 King and queen / König und Königin
2020-12-23 Rocksongs with a piano /Rocklieder mit einem Klavier
2021-01-13 Dads / Väter
2021-01-27 Humor
2021-02-09 Youth / Jugend (with daughter Mimi)
2021-02-24 Radio
2021-03-10 Songs with spoken lyrics / Lieder in denen gesprochen wird
2021-03-24 Whistling songs / Pfeiflieder
2021-04-14 Africa / Afrika
2021-04-28 West bands who were more popular in the GDR than at home / Westbands die in der DDR beliebter waren als im Heimatland
2021-05-12 Bands named after cities / Bands die wie Städte heißen (with songlist)
2021-05-26 Instrumental songs / Instrumentals
2021-06-09 Certain harmonic sequences / Bestimmte harmonische Abfolgen
2021-06-23 Girl bands / Mädchenbands
2021-07-13 Streets / Straßen
2021-07-28 Classical music in rockmusic / Klassik in der Rockmusik
2021-08-11 Noises in music / Geräusche in der Musik
2021-08-25 Music in tv shows / Musik in Fernsehserien
2021-09-15 Running / Rennen
2021-09-29 Rivers / Flüsse
2021-10-13 Unmistakable songs / Unverwechselbare Lieder
2021-10-27 War - soldiers - peace / Krieg - soldaten - frieden
2021-11-10 Remarkable albumtitles / Bemerkenzwerte Plattentitel
2021-11-24 Cars / Autos
2021-12-15 Music about food / Musik über Essen
2021-12-29 Uncool bands / Uncoole Bands
2022-01-12 Chile
2022-01-26 Music about music / Musik über Musik
2022-02-09 Work / Arbeit
2022-02-23 Ships / Schiffe
2022-03-09 Lonely / Einsamkeit
2022-03-23 Kisses / Küsse
2022-04-13 Flying / Fliegen (with songlist)
2022-05-11 Time / Zeit
2022-06-14 Ill / Krank (with songlist)
2022-07-12 Rhythmic finesses / Rhythmische Finessen
2022-08-10 Sport
2022-09-13 Gay and Lesbian / Schwul und Lesbisch (with songlist)
2022-10-11 Goodbye / Abschied
2022-11-08 Blood / Blut (with songlist)
2022-12-13 Nach der Wende
2023-01-10 Stars / Sterne
2023-02-14 Mountains / Berge
2023-03-14 Hair / Haare
2023-04-11 Talking / Reden
2023-05-09 Crying / Weinen
Because his podcast seems to have put on hold indefinitely, some takes on his readings and guesting on podcasts too
2020-07-03 Durch die Brille gefragt -guest: Flake (added 2024-10-27)
2024-10-18 Drecksack reading "Bessere Hälfte" (Better half)
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badlucksav · 4 years ago
if we were a movie, this would be your soundtrack
Rating: M
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern SettingAlternate Universe - College/UniversityAngstComplicated RelationshipsAngst and Hurt/ComfortZuko (Avatar) whumpAnxious Zuko (Avatar)Minor Mai/ZukoPast Mai/Zuko (Avatar)Hurt Zuko (Avatar)Katara (Avatar) Needs a HugPOV Zuko (Avatar)POV Katara (Avatar)Past Relationship(s)Mental Health IssuesZuko is a FeministBased on a Sleeping With Sirens AlbumTitle from a Sleeping With Sirens SongAbortionImplied/Referenced AbortionIroh is a Good Uncle (Avatar)no beta we die like menOther Additional Tags to Be AddedGet your permission slips signed cause we're going on a feels tripAlcohol Abuse/AlcoholismEveryone is kind of terribleUnplanned PregnancyImplied Sexual ContentMild SmutHurt/ComfortEmotional Hurt/ComfortSobrietyTime Skips
Zuko is not known for making good decisions. When one bad decision causes him to lose the best thing that's ever happened to him, he struggles with the outcome while dealing with the events that led him here.
Katara has always been a compassionate person, but some things are just too hard to forgive.
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boutiquechausseshop · 8 years ago
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Titre/Title: "Black Tie White Noise" Digital art + handmade COLLAGE fait main et art digital CHAUSSÉ©Fév.2017 #genevievechausseartiste #genevievechaussemultiart #collage #handmadecollage #analogcollage #collagecollectiveco #cutandpaste #collageart #collageartist #analogcollagecommune #papercollage #amour #love #beautiful #amouravecungranda #alwaysonmymind #davidbowie #blacklines #truelove #foreverlove #albumtitle #davidbowieforever #husbandandwife #digitalart #blacktiewhitenoise #blacktie #imanbowie #whitenoise #whiteshirt
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