glitterczernys · 6 years
are there any,,, people in edmonton area who like/cosplay homestuck?
i was just reminiscing and. i miss hanging out w people.
i dont got a lot of irls anymore (and my old irls we kinda... drifted, unfortunately).
it was fun dressin up w other people and just. living in th moment. and not caring what anyone thought about us.
and also it was great to have people i could talk to and stuff and im just. really sad now bc i have no one.
and it sucks. because having irl friends for that little while, for the first time in my life, was the best time of my life. and i want that again. i wanna be able to just. go hang out with people if i have the day off from work. and i wanna go to galaxyland in cosplay and have fun. i want to feel like im 15 hopeful still again, instead of 20 and like i have no one outside of my family.
online friends are nice and everything but. admittedly, i get really jealous when i see people posting photos with their irls because i dont have that, not anymore.
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prospit-prince · 7 years
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Picture for attention tbh, but aNYWAYS GREETINGS ESPECIALLY TO YOU ALBERTASTUCKS I am helping host a Homestuck meetup for Animethon this summer and we want YOU to come join us! ❤️ I’m sure we’re all aware of how shit the fandom is getting lately but we’d like to bring back some positivity and have a good ‘ol meetup again! We’ll be bringing Faygo and some snacks for anybody who decides to come, all we ask in return for you to PLEASE be respectful to other con-goers and make sure to seal your paint if you have any❤️ We will be asking any and all disrespectful or rude people to kindly leave the event, but we cannot force you, as it is a public place.
Event is currently planned for the Saturday of con but it may be moved to the Sunday if convenient for most people, but the definite time of the event is undecided. There is a Facebook group for the event and if you message me about it I’ll let you know the link!
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edmontonstuck · 8 years
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Edmontonstuck presents: our fourth ever Promstuck, and first ever Masquerade Ball!
Where: Belmead Hall (9109 182 St NW, Edmonton, AB) When: Sunday August 28, 6pm - 11pm Cost: With RSVP: $12. Without RSVP: $15. You get $3 off your admission if you bring a Can Town donation! Doors: Will be open at 5:30. Theme: Masquerade ball! Think standard fancystuck (a great time to try out a character-specific dress/suit/etc), but with a twist - your identity will be obscured by a masquerade mask!
This is a full cosplay event - so sealed paint, horns, and elaborate cosplay are definitely allowed and encouraged. And because it’s a masquerade, we recommend you plan your masks to match whatever it is you’ll be dressed as!
Event Rules:
You must be 13 or older to attend.
No alcohol or drugs. And if you arrive under the influence, you’ll be asked to leave.
Respect the venue, the organizers, and each other.
Seal your makeup!
Props stay at home (especially including bike horns and buckets). We don’t have the room to store anything other than coats and bags, and we don’t want anyone getting hurt, or anything getting damaged.
Coat check
Gender-inclusive bathrooms
Public transit near the venue
Parking at the venue
Tables and seating areas
Photo area
RSVP Process:
To make sure we have an idea of how many people to expect, we have an RSVP process with a sweet perk: everyone who RSVPs will receive $3 off their admission, dropping the price from $15 to $12.
To do so, simply send an email to [email protected] by 11:59PM MST on Friday, August 26th and include a name we can use for you. We’ll reply to confirm, and then add you to the list! (Note: Messages to the tumblr, or clicking “Going” on the Facebook event, will not count as your RSVP. You will need to pay full price at the door unless you email us.)
Can Town Competition
We will be continuing the Can Town building tradition at this event, but this time, there will be a competition element. Everyone who brings a donation will be asked upon arrival to swear their undying allegiance to one of four families - the Crockerberts, the Lalondes, the Striders, or the Harlenglishes! Can Town donations will be sorted based on your chosen team, and the one with the most at the end of the night will receive prizes.
(Of course, your cosplay doesn’t need to match the team you choose - we’ll be keeping track of who is on which team in another way!)
In addition, everyone who brings at least one item will get $3 off their admission price (once per person). But feel free to donate as much as you like, because the more we have, the better the competition, and the bigger Can Town gets!
Just as a reminder, eligible Can Town donations include any non-perishable, unopened food items with a clear label. Once the event is over, they will be donated to the Edmonton Food Bank!
Refreshments & Concession
Water will be provided for free. There will be a paid concession with pop and chips (for under $2 per item), and we will also be selling glow sticks for anyone interested! The food we’re selling will be more snack-like than anything, so please consider eating a meal before you arrive at the event.
As well, due to allergy concerns, please do not bring food/drink to the venue. (If you have individual dietary needs that require you to bring your own food, contact us privately and we can work something out with you!)
Song Requests
Song requests will be taken prior to the event. In order to request a song, please follow the instructions in this post!
And that’s about it! If you have any questions, feel free to message us.
We hope to see you there!
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Otafest Homestuck meetup: 2:30 PM Sunday
Hey guys! I've talked to a few people who wanted a Homestuck meetup. After talking to a few people it looks like 2:30PM on Sunday is the best time! We'll meet in the corner with the windows right past the exhibition hall. The plan is to basically be chill, take some photos if people want them, and meet other Homestucks!
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outtathisoortcloud · 8 years
in case anyone was wondering, Homestuck just updated. Man, its a little weird to think something as big as homestuck is actually ending, and I'm not even caught up. I'm not about the hype anymore, but it was, and still is, a big part of who i am. Ive been here for a long time, and its a little shocking to think of all the friends ive made because of it. Specifically @greenpicat @thisisntjoey @torrytheone @hellasp00ky @frontlineninja and like a lot more (guys stop changing your urls) its shocking, and im really upset for some reason. Guess i'm going to have to finish it hey? I havent read since vriskagram but i still go on msparp.com almost every day. guess thats just it then
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wildsycorax · 9 years
Looking for a roommate!
Hey friends! Anyone in Calgary looking to move out or know anybody looking to move out? My roommate coloursofaparadox and I are in a tough spot and need somebody asap. It's a great location, right next to Brentwood LRT. Send me a message if you're interested! (The place also comes with a very cuddly cat as an additional bonus!)
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Hey calgarystucks/Albertastucks Otafest is coming up and my homestuck ask panel is still having auditions up till the 16th! So hurry hurry to submit your audition your video at [email protected]
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prospit-prince · 8 years
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Taste of Animethon last weekend was a blast! Sorta sad I didn’t get enough pictures as Meenah on Friday but if anyone has any pictures of me let me know please! It was really cool meeting some of my followers from over on Insta(user @ lex_sozvil)
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uncleswaggy-blog · 10 years
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this is the only photo of promstuck you need to see in order to understand it completely like honestly if youve seen this picture you may as well have been there
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uncleswaggy-blog · 10 years
hey guys with less than a week until promstuck im curious about what yall are planning on wearing to the dance
pls reblog with your plans im stoked for the radness
(also as a heads up: if you dont have anything to wear/dont know what you want to wear yet, value village is very conveniently having a 50% off sale on all clothes and accessories tomorrow (monday march 9), so it would be an awesome opportunity to load up on some stuff for cheap)
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edmontonstuck · 10 years
Promstuck reminders!
Hey, everyone! Since the dance is coming up soon, here are some promstuck-related deadlines to keep in mind:
You have until 11:59pm MST on Wednesday, March 11th (that's tomorrow) to REQUEST SONGS for the dance! We won't be taking any requests at the dance, so now's your chance! See this post for information on how to request songs.
You have until 11:59pm MST on Thursday, March 12th (two days from now) to RSVP FOR THE DANCE! You are more than welcome to come without RSVPing, but if you do RSVP you'll get a $5 discount on admission. To RSVP, email [email protected] and give us your name, and let us know if you'll be bringing any food to share.
**Being listed as "Going" on the Facebook event does NOT count as an RSVP. You'll need to send us an email and receive confirmation from us that it has gone through.**
The original event post for the dance is here. As always, if you have any other questions or concerns you can send us a message.
Thanks, and hopefully we'll see lots of you there! :D
- Sam
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ghostfactory · 10 years
For those of you who don't know
Many of you have been following me long enough to recall some shit went down last year where I said a number of problematic and shitty things that eventually led to my being banned from Alberta stuck, while many of the claims laid were false or exaggerated, the ones that weren't were awful and I was in the wrong, I argued and fought, but a while back I gave up and started focusing on self improvement. I've spent the past year or so learning and growing as a person and plan to own up to these mistakes, I'm sending similar apologies to a few people directly, but I ask that anyone who wants an apology come forward so I can give you one, I hurt a lot of people and its a lot of ground to cover I'd like to openly specifically apologize to lauren, one of calgarystuck's leaders for all the shit and stress my actions caused her thank you for reading this, I'm very sorry for any stress this situation may have caused you, sorry to bother you
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