mkjulian · 2 months
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My friend asked me to give my opinion on these ships, here it goes
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trtrff · 12 days
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"It must have been an embarrassing moment for the groom" by Silvey Jackson Ray
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guy60660 · 9 months
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Alben | Inspiration Grid
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lingi-15 · 2 years
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politicaldilfs · 2 years
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Alben Barkley and John Garner. On my knees in front of them.
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casteru · 2 years
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last non sims post for now but: look what i found in the store today!! indigo is a little damaged but it was the last one there so i’m not too mad
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indigo packaging is so pretty wow pictures really don’t do it enough justice
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philoursmars · 5 months
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Il y a une dizaine de jours, je suis parti retrouver Christine à Narbonne.
Dans la Chapelle des Pénitents bleus, une expo d'Alben : "Time Capsule" (des personnages formés d'une coque transparente, remplie de jouets, de poupées...) :
"Christ Dollars"
"#Balance Ton Porc"
"Le Penseur, d'après Rodin"
oups, j'ai oublié de relever son nom, à celui-là !
la chapelle
voir 1
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cartoonbrat16 · 1 year
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Jen pov
I sat on my bunk working on the drones I obtained a few days ago. I messed them up pretty well, but it isn't anything I can't handle. "Hey Bleep, come here," I called. Bleep hovered up to me, "Yes Jen?" "Divide and conquer, repair these chips," I said. Bleep landed on my bunk and began to work.
We spent the next few moments in silence until I gasped. I dropped my tools and started scratching at my hand and my head throbbed. "Jen, is it happening again?" Bleep asked, his robotic voice laced with concern. I nodded and shut my eyes tightly, this had been happening a lot. My hands would start to itch with a pulsing, tingly feeling, and my head would throb, but it wasn't like a migraine. I took a few breaths and opened my eyes, I was ok now.
"Perhaps you should go to a doctor," Bleep said, I simply nodded and got back to work. I and Bleep, worked for another few minutes until we heard the door to the RV open and close. "Ugh, everything hurts." Albedo groaned and plopped on his bed. "Why do you smell like salt water?" I asked as the scent filled my nose. "Those crooks threw me in the water, but I still got them turned into the police," Albedo said barely raising his face out of his pillow.
I sighed, "I told you, you don't have to help me." I said digitizing everything and climbing off my bed. "I know, but you have been having problems recently, I don't wanna see you get hurt," Albedo said and rolled on his back to look at me. I now sat on Albedo's bed with a faint blush, "Thanks" I said with a smile.
Albedo blushed and turned his head away, "Yeah whatever," he said. I blushed harder, whenever Albedo was snarky or pretended not to care made my heart flutter.
"Jen, Albedo, get up here," Max called from the front. I and Albedo shared a look, we both shrugged and headed to the front. "Yes, Maxwell?" Albedo asked, I could see Max smile, "We are going to the circus." he started. I immediately felt my stomach begin to turn and my heart started to race. I felt like I was gonna throw up.
I rushed to the bathroom and closed the door. I fell to my knees and hung my head, what was happening? I felt tingly and itchy all over my body, and there was a strange tugging feeling. It was like my body was trying to tell me something.
Once I exited the bathroom Max had me sit at the table. He took my temperature, "Normal, maybe it was something you are." he said. I nodded and we headed to the circus.
Albedo pov
I kept a close eye on Jen, I was worried about her. She was so pale and her breathing was shaky. I moved closer to Jen and grabbed her hand, she held on tight.
Jen pov
We stopped walking and saw an announcer. "Ladies and Gentlemen boys and girls, meet the fingerless freak of nature whose strength knows no bounds, THUMBSKULL!" he said. A huge guy walked out with a metal pole, and he was in fact a freak of nature. His head closely resembled a toe, but he did have fingers.
Thumbskill took the metal pole and bent it into a u, and everyone cheered. He threw it into the air and some kind of whip caught it. "Next up is Frightwig, when this beauty lets down her hair, there's no telling what will happen." the announcer said. Everyone looked at the woman, she was a beauty, but that hair was. It was almost like tentacles and had little weights at the end of each one.
Frightwig used her hair and bent the metal pipe further, she then set it on an anvil. I was impressed but then I felt that tugging sensation again. 'What happening?' I asked. I followed the feeling and I was led back to the RV. "Maybe it is something with the Omnitrix?" I pulled up my screen and examined everything. Nothing was wrong, no malfunction, no viruses, no one was trying to hack it, so what is causing these feelings?"
I sighed and was about to head back out, but the tugging returned. It was like something wanted me to stay in the RV, I fought against it and opened the door to the RV. "Well, hey there kiddo, you look upset." My heart jumped into my throat and my tongue-tied. There was a clown, a very ugly, very scary clown, and he had Gwen. Gwen looked awful, she looked like the life had been sucked from her body, but she was laughing.
I wanted to say something, but I couldn't speak. The clown began to laugh and the tugging returned. "See ya kiddo, oh, and say bye-bye to Gwen." he then vanished.
"AHHHHH!!!" "Whoa!?" I fell back and landed on something soft. "Jen, are you ok?' I looked up at Albedo, he looked scared. "Wha-what happened, when did you get here, where is the clown?" I asked, my voice was barely a whisper, everything hurt and I suddenly felt sick. "Jen, what are you talking about? I found you passed out in the bathroom, you have a high fever and have been sleeping for the past two hours." Albedo said.
My eyes widened, it was all a dream, but what about the tugging sensation? No, it couldn't have been a dream, it was too real to be a dream. I quickly stood up, "Jen, no, you need to get back in bed." Albedo said. I ignored him and ran out of the RV, I don't care how sick I was, Gwen was in danger.
I ran to where the Circus should have been, but all I saw were people mindlessly walking around. I quickly found Max, but Gwen was nowhere in sight. "No, where is she?" I clenched my fist in anger, and some kind of shock went through my body. I gasped, my entire body felt itchy and tingly again, "What is going on?" I asked. I felt wobbly and my vision blurred, I fell back, but something happened.
An image of Gwen flashed in my head, she was with that clown. I clenched my fist tightly and I could sense her. "Ok, I don't know what is going on, but I can worry about it later," I said. "Jen, what is going on?" Albedo approached with Bleep, and I gave a quick rundown of what I knew.
"We need to stop this guy, but first things first, Bleep, you stay and take care of these people." "No problem." I and Albedo headed back to the RV. "Can you drive?" Albedo asked getting in the passenger seat. "Yeah, it's not that hard," I said and started the RV. Before Albedo could speak I was speeding down the road following my weird sense.
"Are you sure you can drive? we are swerving ALL OVER THE ROAD!!!" I looked at Albedo from the corner of my eye. He was sunk into the seat and at some point, he got a pillow and helmet. "Well, I am kinda sick. do you wanna drive?" I asked, Albedo gave me some kind of look, "What makes you think I know how to drive?" he asked. I and Albedo went back and forth until we eventually reached our destination.
"Ok, this is it, and did you die?" I asked, Albedo was curled into the seat with his head down. "No, but still." I rolled my eyes and headed toward the circus tent. "Hahaha, this is great." I quickly ducked behind a stack of crates and looked for the source of the voice. The circus freaks from my dream appeared, I had to get through them. "Past, Jen." I turned to face Albedo, "I will handle these guys, you go and get Gwen." he said. I nodded and gave Albedo my gloves before leaving.
I approached a tent with the clown face on it. I ignored the chills that went up my spine and entered the tent. "He's just a guy with a red rubber nose and big shoes," I said and looked around. As I walked further into the tent I began to fill even worse, I felt heat rising in my throat. I began to stumble and sway, and I eventually fell to my knees and threw up. I kept my eyes shut tight and took a few gasping breaths.
When I opened my eyes I wanted to scream, I pushed myself back from the inky black ooze. Tears started streaming down my face, I started breathing heavily and stood to my feet. I needed to keep moving, I started forward but bumped into a mirror. My eyes widened in shock when I saw my reflection.
My skin was pitch black, and my hair was solid white. The whites of my eyes were gone and all there was left was green. My clothes were gone and my entire body had a green, glowing outline. I jumped back and examined myself, I was normal. I looked back at my reflection, it was normal, except for the bright green tears.
I touched my hand to my face, "What is going on?" I wondered aloud. Just then my head started throbbing, and the feeling returned. I grit my teeth, I could worry about all this later. I pulled myself together as much as I could and went deeper into the tent. I entered a hall of mirrors and I started to hear something. It was the clown's voice, he was laughing.
"Hey there Kiddo you look tense. How about a smile?" He asked and then I was falling. I was spinning and flipping in the air until I landed in a giant spider web. I began to struggle, it was my only way out seeing as I couldn't access my tech. "HAHAHAHA!!!!" the clown laughed and the web started bouncing. why was he a giant spider?
"Snack time!" "NO, STAY AWAY FROM ME!!" I screamed and closed my eyes tightly hoping it was just a dream. "Agh!" I began falling again as the clown was growling like he was in pain. "Nice trick, but it won't save you." I became confused and opened my eyes. I was shocked to see I was surrounded by some kind of green energy.
'Let me out
I turned my head, but there was no one there. I could feel someone, I could hear them, but I couldn't see anyone. "What are you looking at? There is no one or nothing here to help you." the clown said and began growling at me.
'Let me out, Jen. Let me help you.'
My skin began to itch and tingle and was much stronger than before, it kinda hurt. "Agh! What is happening?" I began clawing, not scratching, clawing at my skin to try and satisfy the feeling. It clawed harder and harder until I felt my skin tear. "What are doing to yourself!?" I heard the clown cry in horror. I paid him no mind, I kept clawing and tearing until I was blinded by a bright green and with light.
When my eyes adjusted to the new light I saw it was coming from me. I also noticed that I was floating a few inches off the ground. I held my hands up and my eyes widened in shock. My skin was an inky black with a glowing green outline. I pushed my hands into my hair and drug them through bringing my hair into view, It was solid white.
"What are you?" I turned my attention back to the clown. He looked shocked, No, scared. I smirked and floated closer, he quickly backed up, "Something tells me I'm your worst nightmare." I said and raised my hand. The same green energy as before appeared on my hand, this wasn't gonna be pretty.
Gwen pov
I groaned as I began to wake from a horrible nightmare. "You ok?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes and when they adjusted I nearly screamed. "You have Anodite DNA too?" I asked not believing what I was seeing, but then again this was Jen.
"Is that what this form is?" Jen asked examining herself, she probably wasn't registering what I said after the word Anodite, thank the stars. "Yeah, they are beings of pure energy, they actually manipulate it and can do magic," I said and Jen smiled. "Awesome, this is so AGH!!!" Jen doubled over in pain and began to flash. Then the Omnitrix symbol grew out of her chest and Jen returned to her human form.
"Ow." Jen fell forward and I caught her. She blacked out and it was understandable, that looked and sounded really painful. I sighed and picked Jen up, she needed some rest.
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mkjulian · 2 months
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I think a weird AU, inspired on RadioDust
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bybdolan · 3 months
who will be the david raum to my robert andrich
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ladyartforone · 1 year
I just dropped a new Ben x Albedo fic (bottom Albedo)
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sxtn war so ein moment
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philoursmars · 5 months
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Il y a une dizaine de jours, je suis parti retrouver Christine à Narbonne.
Dans la Chapelle des Pénitents bleus, une expo d'Alben : "Time Capsule" (des personnages formés d'une coque transparente, remplie de jouets, de poupées...) :
"Vénus Barbie"
"Goldorak Watergun Monumental"
"Casimir Cars"
la chapelle
"Chinese Coke"
voir 2
"Goldorak Cars" et au fond : voir 2
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cartoonbrat16 · 1 year
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Jen pov
I was laying on my bed adding a few last touches to the hoverboard when I smelt something. I pulled up another screen, this one was smaller but still had plenty of uses. I pulled up the security cameras I put on the outside of the RV and saw a burning building. "Bleep, we gotta go!" I said turning to my robotic companion. "Alright it's hero time!" Bleep yelled and a small propeller emerged from his head. I smiled and dashed to the front of the RV, I jumped out while still in motion and clicked a silhouette on my screen.
When the flash faded I was in the form I named Heatblast. My body was composed of red rocks, my head was on fire, and my bandana turned into lava. "How many are inside?" I asked Bleep as her flew beside me. "Two, a woman and child, top floor." Bleep said, I nodded and went to the top.
When I entered the apartment I saw the ceiling about to crash down. I was fast and caught the ceiling, the kid opened his eyes and started at me. "Don't worry we're here to help." I said and Bleep emerged from behind me. "Please follow me, I shall escort you to safety." Bleep said, the mother and son shared a look but followed Bleep.
Once they left the room I threw the fallen ceiling to the side. "Phew, that was getting kinda heavy." I said and then examined the fire around me. I smirked and held my hands out, the fire began to spiral and store itself inside my body until it was almost completely gone.
I smiled at my work and then heard a horn honking. I looked out the window and saw the RV, Gwen was pointing and I looked to see a car speeding away. "Tch, it was a diversion." I said and jumped out the window. I used Heatblast power and launched myself at the car.
"What was that?" I heard one of the crooks say when I landed on the car. "That easy, it your worst nightmare." I said as I ripped the roof of the car off. "What the heck is that thing!?" one yelled and I smirked, "I already told you, its your worst nightmare." I said and melted the tires. The car swerved and crashed into a nearby building, I grabbed the crooks and and pulled them from the car.
"You'll strand still if you know what's good for you." both crooks gulped and stayed motionless. "Now tell me, how would your mothers feel if they knew what you two were up to?" I asked and failed to notice the beeping of the device. I was about to carry on when I was blinded by bright green light. "Now let me tell- aww man." I said and looked at myself.
"Hey, it just some dumb kid." one crook said and I felt offended. "Dumb? As if!" I threw my hands to the side and a long silver rod with a black grip materialized. The entire rod, save the grip began to spark and buzz with electricity. "One touch from this, and it's night night, forever." I said and narrowed my eyes. The crooks shared a look and then brightened up at the sound of sirens.
When the police cars pulled up the crooks ran to the officers. "Hey, help us, this kid is crazy. She's got some kind of taser that could kill us!" the cried in unison. "Huh, I just wanted to see real police officers in action, i've always wanted to be apart of law enforcement." I smiled innocently. The police smiled back and then turned to the crooks with stern looks.
"You guys are going away for a long time." one cop said and the crooks were cuffed and put into the police car. The police then turned back to me, "You should head home, but with hard work and determination I think you could be a wonderful officer." One said and I nodded. The RV then pulled up and I could see Grandpa was furious, again.
I rested my face in the palm of my hand while I sulked. I just got grounded for two weeks, in all honesty I think it is pointless. I wasn't just gonna do nothing, and Grandpa can't stop me. I still don't understand the problem, or why he is holding back information. Before you ask how I know he is, it is obvious he knows something.
"I'd still like to know what you were thinking." "and if like to know why your withholding information." from the corner of my eye I could see Grandpa's hands tighten. "I don't know what your talking about." he said but I could see him sweating. "Sure you don't." I stood up and went to the back and closed the curtains.
"Hey Bleep, did the family get out ok?" Bleep rolled over and a blue screen appeared from his eye. It was a video message, "Thank you for saving us." the kid said and my lips curved into a smile. "They were very grateful." Bleep said and I nodded. "Any damages to you?" I picked Bleep up to examine him. "Only slight damage to my processing unit." Bleep said, that was nothing I couldn't handle. "Don't worry buddy ill get you fixed up." I said and materialized a screw driver.
Within a few short minutes, and the assistance of a screw driver, mini laser, and some programming, I had Bleep fixed. "How do you feel?" I asked and Bleep rolled around "I feel wonderful!" he cheered. "Now, since you fixed me, how about I fix that tear in your skirt?" Bleep said, I quickly looked down and the was in fact a tear in my skirt. I sighed and pulled up my inventory, I materialized a pair of brown shorts and changed before giving Bleep my skirt.
"Jen, we are at the Mega mart." Gwen pomed her head through the curtain. "Alright." I got up and followed my cousin and Grandpa into the store. "Alright girls, you two can go pick out a few things you like, once you do come and find me, but stay together." he said and handed us a cart, me and Gwen nodded and separated from out grandpa.
"Okay, lets be smart about this." I said and grabbed Gwen's hand to pull her along. I drug Gwen into the frozen section and pointed to the four pack frozen pizzas. "Smart." "Naturally." I said and me and Gwen each grabbed two boxes. Me and Gwen then grabbed various packs of sandwich stuff for a good deal and two loafs of bread. Next we grabbed toaster waffles, sausage biscuits, and two boxes of the twelve pack chips. "Okay, this should do us good for a while." Gwen nodded and we went to find grandpa.
Gwen pov
I pushed the cart and Jen trailed along beside me. I occasionally glanced at Jen from the corner of my eye, and she looked really bitter. "Are you okay?" I asked, Jen looked at me and shook her head "Don't worry about it." she said. I frowned but didn't voice my current thought and kept pushing the cart.
Me and Jen walked into the electronics still searching for Grandpa. "Wow, a gold sumo slammers card." I heard Jen say. I turned just in time to see Jen move to the display, I swear she had stars in her eyes. I moved closer and looked at the display, "What is so special about that card?" I asked, "It is really rare and really valuable if you have the whole set." Jen said.
Jen went on explaining and I actually listened for once. 'She is such a nerd.' I thought and the ground began to shake. "Earthquake!" Jen quickly pushed me to the ground and crouched beside me. Jen put her arms around me and placed her hands flat on the ground, everything was still shaking, but we barely moved.
I was about to ask Jen what she did, but then a giant frog broke through the wall. "Go to grandpa." I heard a faint beep and Jen stood up. "Jen?" I asked, "I'll be fine, go to grandpa, money says he's in the pet department." Jen said, and I nodded.
Leaving the cart behind I made a mad dash to the pet department. I could hear the fighting In the distance, things breaking people screaming, and it made me worry. "Oh man, this is a weird summer." I said and soon found Grandpa, he was indeed in the pet department. "Grandpa, Grandpa, giant frog." I panted out. I could feel the confused gaze, but Jen entered the scene just in time. Ok, I say entered, but in all reality she crashed into one of the shelves.
"Jen!" me and Grandpa said and ran to Jen. "You put up a decent fight my dear." someone said. I looked and on the back of the frog was a man, "Gwen, Grandpa, say hello to Dr. Animo." Jen said and stood to her feet. The mad doctor smirked and looked at the various animals, "Come my pets, rise to your full potential!" he said and Jen grabbed me and Grandpa.
Animo fired some strange laser at a hamster and a bird, and the began to mutate. Me and Grandpa screamed as Jen drug us along, "Stay here." Jen said and pushed me and Grandpa into another aisle. I was about to protest, but a spear materialized in Jen's hand and she was gone.
I peeked out from the corner, and Jen had some moves. Jen was fight the frog and the hamster with the spear, I never knew she could fight. I watched as Jen hit the hamster and scared it into an aisle, then she tracked the frog and it knocked the shelves over trapping itself and the hamster. "Alright!" Grandpa cheered and Jen turned and smiled at us.
"No, I won't be denied my place in history!" Animo jumped onto the bird, but Jen decided to tag along. Jen materialized a grappling hook and aimed for the bird, the cord wrapped around it's leg and they were off. "Jen!" Grandpa picked me up and ran out of the store and to the RV where we were greeted by Bleep. "Hello Max, Gwen, I have already started tracking Jen." he said and showed us a map with a moving red dot.
"She has a tracking chip?" I asked and sat in the passenger seat. 'Yes, it it in the blue cord around her wrist." Bleep said, Grandpa then started the RV and sped off. "Cool, and do you know what's up with the new gloves?" "Gwen, can we please focus on finding your cousin?" I quickly nodded and looked out the window. 'What is his deal, we have a tracking chip on her we know where she is." I thought.
Jen pov
The bird landed and I quickly ducked behind a sculpture. I looked up and spotted a security camera 'perfect' I thought. I pointed my finger at the camera and shot a blue beam at it, then I had access to the entire security system. I used the cameras to spy on Animo and help me hide from him.
I followed Animo all the way to the B.C exhibits and watched him. Animo was fiddling with his helmet, but he suddenly stopped, "You are a very persistent girl, I hate it." Animo turned around, he then became confused. I smirked to myself, Animo wasn't gonna find me unless he got some smarts and looked up. Quick explanation, the gloves I'm wearing I designed with three purposes, one of these purposes was to help my hide. I could touch anything and the gloves would magnetize to it, it didn't matter what it was, so long story short I was on the ceiling.
"Maybe I am mad." Animo said, he then shrugged and turned to a mammoth statue. "Ah well, mad, not mad, doesn't matter." Animo said, he then messed with his helmet and I knew something bad was gonna happen. "Now's as good a time as any." I said and demagnetized from the ceiling. "Heads up Animo!" I landed on Animo's back and placed both my hands on his helmet.
"Agh, let go of me you brat!" Animo yelled and threw me off. I slide and backflipped before landing like a cat. "I guess I'm not mad." Animo said and glared at me. "Hmph, your about to be." I said and pulled up my screen. "Nice blue prints, very neat, very easy to take over." I said. Animo looked shocked, "How did you-" Ha, he couldn't even finish his sentence.
"I built my gloves with three purposes. One helped me hide from you, the seconed scanned your helmet, gave me the blue prints, and the power to infect it with a virus." I smiled and pressed a button on my screen. Before Animo could even blink his helmet began to short circuit. "NOOOOO!!" Animo screamed before collapsing to the ground. I called the virus back then removed the helmet, I set it aside and restrained Animo.
I then looked at the helmet, I shrugged with a smile and digitized the helmet. I created a new section in my inventory and titled it souvenirs. I smiled and left the museum just as Grandpa pulled up in the RV. "I'm gonna assume Animo is taken care of?" Grandpa asked and I nodded. "Just call the police to come get him." I said and decided to turn in, I was exhausted.
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cartoonqueen16 · 1 year
This is the story My DNA, that I had been posting on my old account. It is updated and new chapter will be posted soon.
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