fireskarr · 1 year
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Kuunavang, in the original Guild Wars v Guild Wars 2
Gonna add in a bonus GW2 Albax too, for the colour comparison:
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kuua-kun · 1 year
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[HH || Baxy-Boo]
"A good wife knows how to please her man...and that's why I killed several deer and took their organs."
First post on this blog let's gooooooo!
Nothing too graphic just a few blood splatters, but I wanted to post something original first (Before I reblog/repost my other stuff here).
I've been in Alastor x Baxter mood lately.
I've stated before I ain't the biggest fan of HH or any of VIvz's content, but these 2 live in my head married with 2 kids rent-free, and I'm okay with that~
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what-the-flux · 1 year
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Previously of the Pact, the sylvari now known as Albax Sunderwhip was one that heeded Mordremoth’s call early on in the assault in Verdant Brink, his fate as a Mordrem Guard sealed. Albax was far too vicious and tenacious for his own good and had survived the conflicts in Maguuma when Mordremoth fell. With no connection to the Dream anymore and no stabilizing guidance from his newer master, he became completely dissociative and detached after the death of the Jungle Elder Dragon, and was taken in as a prisoner of war. Somehow, someway through years of patience and therapy he regained a sense of self, though he was forever changed. He no longer felt comfortable in the Pact (and many of his former colleagues gave him a wide berth) and no longer feeling at ease amongst the Dreamers of his culture either. Albax instead formed a bond with several charr of the Whip warband, proving himself and joining formally as a ‘bandmate and taking the title Sunderwhip, referring to his ability to break his bonds of servitude and also sundering his own internal chains. His Legionnaire Stenga Cablewhip claims to any who ask that he is one of their best frontline combatants, as fierce and as dedicated a warrior as any charr and that’s good enough for him, finally having found belonging and a sense of purpose he chose on his own this time.
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dumb-dumb-mander · 2 years
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Finally returned to Dragon's End after all this time (returned just once after I did the story) and weeeeelllllll
Some achi' done, egg and can start Albax
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cheddargoblin · 4 months
With this year's Dragon Bash Arena adding a 6th round where the boss is an uncorrupt Saltspray dragon with various elemental attacks, im choosing to headcanon that this is a collaborative thing and either Kuunavang or Albax came over to model and mocap for the holograms, because that's simply very cute to think about. Albax is modeling for you bc Navan asked him real niceys or something, be sure to get his good side!
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finsterraria · 7 months
character meet: Lishian Allen
In his defense, he wasn't trying to cause trouble.
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(His eyes are amber. I don't know why they're invisible here-)
(from https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/31304)
Full Name: Lishian Albax Allen
Born: Month 3, Day 14, Y1528
Element: Liquid
Title(s): N/A (but he did get called a murderer once or twice!)
Lineage: Huelf, has loose- VERY LOOSE- ties to the Central Tribe
Occupation: Student in the Justice program at Lovelake College
Quick Bio: A young man from a troubled past. After a series of very unfortunate events including his mother dying, his father becoming rather enthusiastic about his one restraint freeing him to do as he saw fit, and a deadly accident, Lishian was on the run for over a year.
Eventually, he turned up on the doorstep of the Marker clan, and has since settled with the Marker Twins' good friends, the Xandoris. His childhood troubles have led him to peruse studies in justice, and he hopes to transfer to the University of Bildernia the first chance he gets.
He's a bit of a blabbermouth and while he can usually talk his way out of trouble, his big mouth also lands him in just as much trouble. Once he ignored the fact his hair, which was much longer and wilder, was set on fire by schoolyard bullies to list exactly why setting one's hair on fire was a bad idea. Eventually someone got scared and put the fire out.
He's spent years looking for his younger sister, and recently made some discoveries he's convinced are the key to finding her.
His favorite desert is a type of sweet cake topped with the Terrarine equivalant to strawberries and peaches.
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starlightsuncrow · 7 months
Maybe i should just grab kuuna and albax from the game...my ocs now ☝ more saltsprays for me
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Today’s fuckable dragon of the day is...
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ask-bax-n-al · 5 years
so i’m starting this askblog for alastor and baxter! feel free to send many questions! i know alabax is not so popular but i’m open to answer any questions you may have ^^
if you guys want to check out my other askblog , here it is : @ask-francis-n-kiku
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azortoonz · 6 years
Albax headcanons
Cause yes, also now i'm in school and i will edit it layter
- Alastor is often picking up Baxter and cuddles him, exacly when it's late and Baxter is still working
- Baxter pets and kiss Alastor in head while he sleeps, Alastor good know that but he pretend that he is asleep cause then Baxter would get shy and stops it
- Night movies, exacly old horrors ones
- Alastor is protective about Baxter, like, so much
- Baxter is a tsundere
- They hide their relationship, mostly cause of their work
- Alastor must carry Baxter to bed, like all the time
- Baxter is so shy and blushing around Alastor
- Angel Dust ask embarace questions about their bed life, Baxter is the one who wants to shut him to death, but Alastor stops him by picking him up
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rata-novus · 3 years
My commander needs a shirt that says "I defeated Soo-Won and all I got was this list of extremely unhelpful riddles".
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where-is-caithe · 2 years
Thank you Kuunavang and Albax for having a conversation that makes me cry the second that I loaded into Arborstone.
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duskroots · 2 years
Oh I just got an interesting convo between Albax and Kuunavang in Arborstone, I was too slow in taking a screenshot but the exchange was
Albax: “Your colours, they’ve changed.”
Kuunavang: "As my bond deepened with Soo-Won, my colours followed. It's all I have left of her now."
Which I think is not only a very cool (and sad) lore bit but I also feel very validated in my own personal headcanon where Bria’s eye colour and glow colour canonically changed (from pale yellow and pink respectively) to a vibrant blue after becoming Aurene’s champion.
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spiritofthetiger · 3 years
A head up for people doing Albax's collection: there is steps requiring you to own PoF and HoT! I believe there's only two steps requiring them, one for each expansion but just so you know
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mystery-salad · 3 years
heya! have perhaps 19 and 34 from the headcanon asks, if you'd like? :) @kerra-and-company
What a fun couple of questions! 👀
19. Can Skimmers actually go underwater or is it just a gameplay mechanic to satisfy the fans?
They absolutely can go underwater! With skin in the variety standard canonical skimmers seem to have, it’s very much along the lines of whales/sharks/seals/rays, animals you find are either entirely aquatic or spend a lot of their life submerged. I’d imagine they stay moist, and could dry out horribly if kept away from the water entirely. They breathe air, and use it as locomotion above water, but those same channels through their bodies could just as easily move water around and propel them while submerged, and a lot of that body is likely used for lung capacity or air bladders given how naturally buoyant hey seem in their movements! I could easily picture a shoal of skimmers drifting gracefully through the deep open waters, filter feeding through krill and other such tiny sea life. I was honestly more surprised they couldn’t initially go underwater tbh.
34. Four of the Elder Dragons have large Dragon Minions that we know of. Dragon’s Shadow, Claw of Jormag, Shatterer, Tequatl and it’s siblings. Are these corrupted version of dragons that once roamed Tyria or new creations from the minds of the Elder Dragons?
Mixed bag honestly! As I’ve already seen another point out so wonderfully, Glint and her offspring are far more fleshy than you’d imagine a purely crystalline champion born of Kralkatorrik would be, like the shatterer in turn is. I do feel these meta boss style champions we’ve experienced are specifically elemental creations of each dragon to mimic past champions that were truly actual corrupted lesser dragons. The elder dragons are not the only of their kind, they’re an ancient species that had to fit into the evolutionary tree at some point, and I’m positive other branches have and do exist that house variants such as Glint and her children, Kuunavang, Albax, and unnamed others! Some were corrupted and became elder dragon minions until death, while others lead their own lives. And one has now even risen to the rank of elder dragon herself! As all dragons likely have the capacity for within their magical containment capabilities.
However! I do believe that those such a skyscales and other draconic species that do not seem to have the capacity for speech or elemental atunement are a case of convergent evolution! They’re not a branch from the same line as true dragons, they developed from a completely separate reptilian branch of evolution. Their environment and selective predation just happened to cater well to traits that evolved over time much in the same physical direction as what you’d see in a standard dragon itself.
I know the plot says they’re born of the mists from a magical boom thanks to Aurene and Kralkatorrik but consider: fuck that, I choose my own canon and they’re an evolutionary niche that has convergent traits with dragons
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melli-wars2 · 4 years
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“Never refuse a gift from someone who can swallow you whole."~Kuunavang
Kuunavang is a Saltspray dragon hailing from the Jade sea area of Cantha. In Guild Wars: Factions she played a role in defeating Shiro Tagachi after being cured of her corruption during Unwaking Waters by canthan heroes. She is one of the last known uncorrupted Saltsprays aside from Albax. An ancient and mysterious force, she has the ability to grant power to those she deems worthy.
Saltsprays are interesting draconic creatures, more akin to a drake than elemental. Notable individuals like Albax are known for their ability of good fortune. In Albax’s case he had cursed a human with bad luck until his scale was returned to him. Theories can be made of the species pre-Jade Wind but I hope they are explored in EoD!
"You are bold to approach me thus, <Character name>. Most of my kin were corrupted by the Jade Wind two hundred years ago. Yet only I remain, the sole living incarnation of good fortune in all the land, and I will not harm you. I thank you for the return of this scale. Your courage inspires even my ancient heart. You may return to Infortunatos Maxeles, and tell him I have lifted my curse...but he should not risk my disfavor again." ~Albax
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