#alastor's vegetable garden
weirdystar · 3 months
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Almost forgot to post this here. You have seen potato Alastor and now we have carrot Alastor.
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peachesancreams · 2 months
Death of Devils and Angels
Hey ya! Took a while cause I researched something’s but! I hope ya'll enjoy this as much as I did writing it
Alastor and Rosamund
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It had been a regular day for Rosamund and Alastor so far, but most unexpected things happen on normal days. They had been short on their meat supply, Alastor insisting on having it in most meals always joking about being partly carnivorous. The garden was plentiful, always having at least a few vegetables, and if not there the swamp and surrounding forest always yielded something for them.
Alastor had given her a kiss on the forehead, taken his rifle and went off into the woods. When he went hunting it always took him a while, sometimes well into the next day. He had a hunting shack in the woods that he and his father had been to when he was child. Sometimes he stays overnight, but given the need for meat he had said to expect him back before the sunsets.
She had waited, and waited, made a small meal out of the veggies and little meat left. Then Rosamund anxiously paced from the dining room into the living room. Finally sitting on the couch and reading to settle her mind, she didn't notice time pass. Anxious from the evening she had fallen asleep on the sofa, unknowing of Alastors eternal fate.
In the morning there was a hard knock on her door, startling her out of her slumber. Looking around she could feel dread well up inside her. Al always either joined her on the couch, or carried her to bed.
So why hadn't he this time? Was he still not home? If so, why?
Getting up, feeling all her bones creak, her knee actually popping and causing her to stumble. When she opened up the door, it was a officer. That made her blood go cold, watching the very solemn look on his face as he pulled his hat off.
"Ma'am I'm so sorry to be the one to give the news but...you're husband Alastor has been killed. A hunter whom we currently have in custody, we suspect is the local murderer. He's been at large for a while and seems he was trying to cover up a double murder."
The cop kept talking, Rosamund could see him talking but nothing was registering. Her chest felt tight, huffing and puffing more audibly until the black fully took over and her eyes finally rolled back. When she came to the officer was still there, having moved her over to the couch. He tried explaining and she registered a bit more information than before but everything became sort of...muffled. Nodding along didn't seem to make things go much faster either. Finally he seemed satisfied and left and all the noise in the world seemed to have stopped.
It was when he had knelt in front of her she’d felt part of herself come back, just enough to hear him softly say.
“Ma’am I know this is hard but…we need someone to identify him. We all know who he is but…we need someone he knows to comfirm.” A sob broke out, hunching over as they racked through her frame. She seized that feeling quickly and stifled it, no need for the man to watch her hysteria.
Her Al is gone. He’s gone and they want her to tell them it’s him for sure. Breathing in and out at a steady pace, she collected herself best she can to respond.
“I-If I must, but I must apologize as I will not be in the best state so please don’t hold it against me.”
“It’s quite alright ma’am and understandable, given the circumstances…”
The ride to the precinct wasn’t any better, the young man obviously felt uncomfortable but she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t stop her tears, muffling the occasional sob behind her hand. They had to take the long way, going round and pulling up to the back entrance of the building seeing as interns from the radio station and every journalist in New Orleans was crowding the front. Someone spotted them cause there was a yell and then they were rushing towards them. She saw lights go off here and there, the photographers that work side by side with the journalists. Some more police came out to keep them back, as the young man who brought her escorted her inside. They yelled questions at her as she stepped into the building (“What the last thing you and Alastor talked about?” “When he left that night did anything seem unusual?” “Have you any clue as to who the murdered might be ma’am?”), and when the doors closed they pivoted to as the police men(“Rumor is Alastor Hartfelt was murdered while out hunting, if so why not release the name of who the killer is?” “Is it the murderer who’s been plaguing New Orleans?” “Did you get a motive for the murder?”).
Inside wasn't any better. It smelled thickly of tobacco, you could see smoke on the ceiling trailing back from the bull pen. The young officer asked her to wait a moment, and soon the sheriff came out and brought her to a very cold area. The mourge.
Swallowing she wrapped her arms around herself, walking towards the metal table with a white sheet covering her husband. The coroner lifted the sheet for her and she couldn't help but gag. Covering her mouth and turning around quickly she attempted to swallowed her dread and bile before turning her head just so they hear her.
"I...Its him. Its Alastor." The coroner gave her a pat on the shoulder, giving her condolences as the sheriff guided her back outside. Rosemond's mind was dragging itself through muck and fog, her senses feeling both hyperaware and extremely dull at the same time. Once out the sheriff awkwardly pated her shoulder knocking her out of the mental fog and said that they had called a car for her. He turned toward the oncoming mob of reporters and started to address them and their questions.
It was with that she realized he had brought them to the front of the station, so not only reporters but many civilians now stared at the confirmed widow. She just covered her face with a handkerchief, shoulders shaking. They had tried questioning her as well but backed off when they realized all she could do at the moment was sob. Rosamund wished she wasn't so close, wished the car was here now so she didn’t have to hear or see anyone.
The sheriff to appease the growing crowd, was giving them a statement on the murder. They had actually found two bodies, Al's and another resident of New Orleans, though one of a less reputable reputation. The murderer had been at large in New Orleans going after similar gentleman to the later victim. Many were rumored to have done horrible things some even had been on the force. They suspected the murderer, a local hunter, had been spotted burying the body by Alastor while he had been out hunting. The less reputable man they suspect had just been more planed out, but without a proper autopsy it’s only speculation.
He had started going into detail about Alastors death having more visual ques to tell them his cause of death unfortunately.Thankfully the cab came finally so Rosamund quickly fled into the car, covering her mouth as she cried. Once in the car itself she stuttered out her address and went back to mourning.
Once home she couldn't bring herself to do anything. Rosamund sat on the couch, her husbands unusually pale face in her mind. She saw the bullet hole, there was no way for them to hide it from her. It was at the center of his forehead. She stared at the taxidermy deer that decorated their living room walls blankly. Looking around the room she noted how nothing had been cleaned, she hadn't made anything for the day and the garden hadn't been tended to at all. Usually Al would be chatting away as she listened, his favorite audience, he's always so talkative....was talkative. The silence now closing in on her with its truth, the silence was becoming so loud. It screamed without stop 'He's gone! He's gone! He's gone!' Standing she mechanically moved toward the radio turning the dial.
"-oved Radio Host Alastor Hartfelt is confirmed to be the latest and la-" Click. Her whole frame trembled as she collapsed onto the floor, not needing to muffle or hide her grief for anyone now. She stayed there even after the tears stopped feeling so a bone deep exhaustion take over her heart. Slowly she got up and stumbled along till she found their liquor cabinet. Grabbing Al's preferred bourbon she considered drinking straight from the bottle. Shaking her head she grabbed a glass and sat down at the table, pouring herself a drink.
She doesn't remember much after the second glass. Not a big fan of the darker liquors, a sweet red being her usual preference. Rosamund knows she stopped though, spotty as her memory was if it wasn't completely gone then well it isn't a black out drunk kind of night. She remembers stepping out onto the porch looking at the stars, giggling for Al to come see them only to cry herself to sleep.
This made waking up torture because the sun went right into her eyes. It was all so blurry and her stomach rolled violently, thankfully Al and her lived near the swamps, so puking in the bushes wasn't seen by anyone. Stumbling back into the house she made her way towards the bathroom, needing to get herself together. One night, to grieve, and now she had to be put together enough to....arrange everything.
The process of filling up the bath took her a while, but once it was done she released a bone deep sigh. Her body wanted to rest but her mind….a small part of her brain refused to not think of Alastor. She idly thought to herself she probably always will.
Stepping slowly into hot the water she slowly released the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. Sinking down she leaned her head back a bit so it leaned on the side. The water felt so nice and warm, along with still being tired from last night....
Eyes so easily slipped closed, breathing slowed to gentle puffs.
Being asleep she didn't realize her body slowly slipped down the tub.
It doesn't take more then two inches of water to drown someone after all.
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Rosamund had been confused on waking up to soft pastel clouds and opulent golden gates. She hadn't realized she had passed. Saint Peter cleared that up for her and then actually told her he had someone to summon, as they'd been waiting to welcome me.
Clasping her hands over her heart she held back her smile. Alastor hadn't been very open in his worship to God but it seems he held him closer heart then she thought, but thank heaven he had made...it.....here?
Saint Peter guided over a kind looking doe woman, her hair in the Gibson girl style. Her outfit was old fashioned more 1910's then the more recent 20s styles, a simple light pink blouse tucked into a long dove grey skirt. She had thick gold rimmed glasses and a straw hat, her deer ears(doe ears?) laying flat under the hat. The older woman adjusted her glasses, blinking in confusion at the newly arrived angelic reptilian like woman. The kindly old woman looked as confused as Rosamund felt.
They stared at each other for a minute before the woman with Saint Peter turned to look at him with skepticism, "Where is this? I...I thought I was coming to see him??"
The saint gave a nervous laugh and flew towards me, putting his hands on my shoulders making me tense lightly at the unwanted touch. "Ah, no I'm sorry Ma'am. This is his wife however! Angela Hartfelt, meeeeet~ Rosamund Hartfelt!"
The man floated beside the two of them giving jazz hands, even if his face had a nervous smile. They stared at him, making his smile quiver before looking at each other again. They quietly observed each other for a minute. Minus the added animal features, Mrs. Angela looked similar to how she’d been in life. Rosamund noted Mrs.Hartfelts pinkish red hair, like a pink desert rose. The woman's skin tone was the same as in life, a beautiful mocha color. A thought accrued to Rosamund and she turned to look at the angel troubled, "So...Al isn't here?"
At her question the blonde man wince.
"Oh noooooo, ahem! No. He uh he did not make it….up here."
Feeling her hands being grasped by callused hands she looks back to her mother-in-law. Looking into the older womans eyes, Rosa sees the sad acceptance in her eyes.
Rosamund is slowly pulled into a loving embrace, gently rocked side to side, oh she's crying again. That small hope of seeing him again crushed so swiftly she couldn't even fully register the hurt in her heart. Guess there is a lot of feeling in the moment. Closing her eyes she returns her mother-in-laws hug.
Pastels and gold, fluffy clouds and equally fluffy wings. There was a lot to get used to in the afterlife, but one thing that had gave her true pause was her appearance. A reptile for sure, the rough grey/green scales gave that away. No claws but she has slightly sharper teeth then average. Her hair was two toned. Honestly it reminded her of a swamp with a algae on top. A light dullish green over a amber like brown. She found the no ears very strange at first but summed it up to her more reptilian nature. For all the rainbow pastels heaven had to offer she was rather plain, with the dull greens and browns. Rosa never did like standing out, that was her lovely showoff of a husband.
Rosa had finally decided to ask about a year later, the seraphim what he had done to be down there. Her mother-in-law had advised her not to ask.
"Somethings are better left unknown dear." She had such a complex expression it was hard to tell what the old woman was feeling let alone thinking. Rosamund had been brought to a grey meeting room where Sera, a rather tall seraphim with a elegant appearance explained in a calm voice her husband was a murderer. Not just any either, the very one he frequently reported on and the one police had claimed the man who killed him had been. It was his murder he had been burying when hunting dogs had followed the scent of blood.
She'd went back to her and her mother-in-laws shared living space, and found Angela waiting with cups of coffee and cake. Rosamund sat down in a daze as the older woman looked out the front window.
"Alastors father was a violent man. Towards both of us." Rosa slowly looked up at the woman, it was the first thing either have them said since they sat down. Angelas eyes were wet, a deep sadness to her entire being. "I knew Al was capable of great evil, saw it in his eyes....wasn't the same as his fathers but had the same core. Violence and wrath.
As years passed they both decided to open a shop of some kind. It isn't necessary to have a job in heaven, but it does help pass the time. Eternity is a extremely long time after all. They lived together in a two story house that looked straight out of the French Quarter, so instead of trying to petition a shop they converted the ground floor to look like a tea room. Angela, much like her dear son, loved black coffee. Unlike him however she enjoyed it with a side of spice cake. As Alastors wife Rosamund learned to brew and enjoy enjoy coffee but usually added cream and honey to take off the bitter edge. Actually on one occasion that they were enjoying a cup together is how they decided to make a elegant coffee house!
Angela had taught her son everything she knows, and know Rosamund understood why he'd always lamented that his mothers food was better. It was simply amazing. From the savory to the sweet, when her Mother-in-Law left her kitchen window open many angels would pause mid flight at the delicious aroma.
The first day they had opened Heartfelt Corner, just before opening their doors Angela took her scaled hand in her own and bowed her head to say a prayer. Mrs. Hartfelt did this any time she felt it was important. This prayer was for patience should they need it and for Saint Matthew to bless any possible finances.
(On his penthouse balcony a angel sneezed then looked around confused. “Who’s talking about me??”)
When they opened the doors for the first time, it started rough, no customers for a while. Angela had decided to leave the doors open at one point, and that's when people started to trickling in. Rosamund had the firm opinion that it was Angela's food that drew people in, the smell was always wonderfully appealing no matter what it was.
After a few years the coffee room was very popular. Towards the 50's people started to call it The Heart Café, as apparently coffee houses started to become very popular! Many ladies liked how they'd styled it after a tea room and the 'coffee room specials' meant to mimic a tea room experience but with coffee. Busy gentlemen that came in enjoyed that they could have a quick cup and a sweet.
More cafes opened as tea rooms died down but not out, but Heartfelt became a staple of the Café community. They had only expanded once, and that was to make a back area for outdoor seating as well as two tables out front.
They didn't need to advertise much and if they did it was only via Radio. Angela was very camera shy, while Rosamund never liked so much direct attention. A catlike show woman had come in once, asking them if they would like to be on her show. They declined but she'd mentioned them anyway bringing in a wave of younger generations.
Some complain about the lack of electricity, well more about the lack of out links? No matter, they fashioned a little news and book-nook corner and the complaints died down somewhat.
Rosas after life kept moving on, but whenever someone orders a black coffee she cant help but think of her dear husband. The same happens when she's listening to talk radio for too long. Some try to emulate the hosts of old talking about the news around Heavens Gate. Where the newest generations have a bunch of hosts talk to each other! Can't remember the name the kids told her but her and Mother refer to it as the Hosts Chat. Al probably hates them.
There she goes again, he is never far in her mind. Yes he was....is? A murderer but she's long come to terms with the fact she does still love him.
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Hell suited him just fine. Gore didn't bother him, nor how the color red bleed through every available pore the circles had. Alastor grew a taste for human flesh, when he was dropped down in what was the wonderland district he was ravenous.
Starving and angry he tore through that wanna be Overlords district and then kept up the trend. He learned his powers over the radio very quickly, the mic being sentient definitely helped. It didn't tell Al in any straight forward way, rather guided or pushed him in the right direction.
Next to nothing came down into the after life with him, only his rifle and two pictures. The rifle was on a mantle over his fireplace when he summons his incorporeal swamp territory. Surrounded but deer and other prey he's hunted in life.
The pictures are hidden away in a pocket watch that laid under his rifle. The style of it is called double hunter. On one side is of his mother, back straight with her hands folded neatly in her lap. The opposite sides photo was ripped, his human self torn out leaving only her. His pretty wife, in her white wedding gown. Her head was turned to the side, eyes and smile on the camera. His Rosamund had barely glanced for the picture so incandescently happy in that moment.
No need to dawdle on what can not be! The present is what matters, and in the present he has to be rid of his chains.
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voodoodaaddy · 1 month
" I like when they scream, nothing weird I just think it's funny " - Alex
Alastor stood over the now dead body his claws covered in blood and excrement. "It can be very exhilarating!" He chirped taking the intestines he pulled out and placed them into a bucket. The other person they had captive is still screaming as half the skin is missing from their body. Whatever skin that had been peeled off is laying neatly on a nearby table. "So, for this upcoming fall, I think the vegetable garden will need a scarecrow. What do you think we hollow out this fellow and stuff him with hay, or we can piece together this skin and make an interesting scare crow out of it?"
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themosthatedbeingg · 5 months
Have you been giving Alastor the devil's lettuce because his eyes are red as fuck
“All my vegetables are grown in my palace garden so no, how ever if your talking about Weed I keep that shit for myself “
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missblissy · 3 years
Hello! I was wonder if you could tell me more about Fiota? 🥺 👉👈 She's so pretty! What kind of OC is she?
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*Sobs* o k ay. More of her Info under the cut
Full Name: Fiota Ignis Magne Meaning of Name: Flame/Fire Nickname: Fi (pronounce Fii, not Fee) Known As: The Forgotten Princess Age: Unkown Sex: Hermaphroditic (can switch genders, perfers female though) Place of Birth: Unkown Birthday: Forgotten Currently living in: Limbo Species/Race: Succubus/ Incubus Blood Type: AB Occupation: Overlord Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Social Status: Exiled Princess Relationship Status: Married Status: Somewhere In Hell
Height: 5'6 Weight: 170 lbs Skin color: white Hair style: short and curly Hair color: blonde Eye color: pink Distinguishing Features: rosy cheeks Preferred Clothing: formal, anything in purple Accessories: a choker necklace with a gem that traps souls in it.
General health: Healthy Diet: Raw fruits and vegetables and meats. Never cooked. Posture: Perfect Any physical illnesses?: None Any mental illnesses?: Trauma Take drugs?: Never Smoke?: A pack a day Drink?: Every second she gets.
Weapons: A Death Sythe, has the ability to kill angels. Skills: Magic, close combat, brute force. Abilities: Has a full demonic goat form. Last Resort: Murder, will only kill someone if she has to. Strengths: Strong willpower, she knows when to back down and rarely goes overbored.
Family: Lucifer (Father) Lilith (Mother) Charlie (Younger Sister) Love Interest: Alastor (Husband) Friends/Allies: Not many, she lives a very isolated life. Laylette (An Imp who technically is her servent but she trusts her) Enemies: Lucifer, and every current Overlord.
Views/Opinions on...
Government: Prefers a monarchy, strongly dislikes modern governments. She's beyond old-fashioned, she's ancient. Religion: Pointless, it didn't do her any good. Economy: Taxation without representation. Technology: Hates it, will not use it at any cost. Can't stand modern technology.
Food: Pomegranate Color: Purple Animal: Lamb Holiday: Halloween Season: Fall Time of day: Night Thing to watch: Musicals Movie: Doesn't watch movies Type of art: All Art is Good Art Genre of music: She enjoys almost all music, but hates anything along the lines of electronic/dubstep/club music. She finds it distasteful. Genre of literature: Romance
Fiota was born a human female to Lilith after her mother escaped the Garden of Eden. As punishment, Fiota died for being the child of Lucifer and was sent to hell. For hundreds of years, she worked tirelessly to earn the respect of her father. She would help conquer and betray in his name and expand his power over hell. Eventually, however, Charlie was born and as a hell-born demon, by birthright, Charlie would be given the throne and named the heir. Enraged at losing her right to the throne, Fiota challenged her father and lost. Lucifer cut off Fiota's own black wings and as punishment, he exiled her to Limbo, where she has remained for hundreds of years. Around the time Alastor died, he made an effort to topple every Overlord he could. Fiota was the only one he couldn't beat, he made a deal with her though that would blow up in his face. He was still new to learning his powers and the deal backfired, making it so Alastor could never be far from her. Forced to be together they made the best out of the worst and eventually developed a relationship. They were married in secret. When Fiota hears that Charlie had started a hotel to rehabilitate sinners, she sent Alastor to go spy on her sister. Eventually, Fiota would arrive at the hotel with plans to sabotage her sister. However, instead, Fiota ends up rekindling her relationship with her family and coming to terms with her feelings towards her family as well.
Fiota is a very isolated person. Since her exile, no one in hell seems to remember who she is. Limbo is a part of Hell where minor sinners are sent. The people who weren't good enough for Heaven, but didn't deserve Hell were sent to Limbo. Fiota quickly became the Overlord and ruled with an iron fist. She's very orderly, organized, and precise. She is not cruel however, she is very well mannered and lawfully good. She always does the right thing even if she does not agree with it. She comes off as stern, cold, and serious. However, it's just a hardened mask to fool her enemies. Under her mask, she is thoughtful, considerate, and understanding. She's willing to listen to people and help them in any way she can. She can be kind if she wants to but prefers to be stern and keeping people at an arm's length. She understands that not everyone who ends up in Hell is inherently bad or necessarily deserves to be there, so she offers Limbo as a safe haven for the people who can manage to find it. Those who can find Limbo and live under her protection are safe from exterminations, safe from overlords, crime, drugs, or any of the other chaos you'd see in Pentagram City.
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luminaxandra · 5 years
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AL : "sweetheart, did you know that an adult human has 206 bones in their body?"
Angel : "ya don’t say? do ya use the bones for anything?" 
AL : "mm, not really, except to extract marrow. why?" 
Angel : "could use them for mama's garden, charred bones are great for some vegetables and herbs to grow"
highschool au! with Cannibal Alastor and hormy Angel dust (as per usual) during winter vacation in Angel’s family cabin whilst Alastor makes some food from his... Game ;D
(and yes Angel IS perusing Alastors.. Assets OWO)
thank you to Xiip (on ao3) and @angry-dark-babe​ for the au <3333 love you guyssss
and also thank you for @cottoncandyspider​  and xiip fo the lines above (i edited it abit)
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Greek Deities (male)
ACHELOUS - The patron god of the “silver-swirling” Achelous River.
Aeolus - Greek god of the winds and air
Aether - Primordial god of the upper air, light, the atmosphere, space and heaven.
Alastor - God of family feuds and avenger of evil deeds.
Apollo - Olympian god of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge.
Ares - God of war. Represented the physical, violent and untamed aspect of war.
Aristaeus - Minor patron god of animal husbandry, bee-keeping, and fruit trees. Son of Apollo.
Asclepius - God of medicine, health, healing, rejuvenation and physicians.
Atlas - The Primordial Titan of Astronomy. Condemned by Zeus to carry the world on his back after the Titans lost the war.
Attis - A minor god of vegetation, fruits of the earth and rebirth.
Boreas - A wind god (Anemoi) and Greek god of the cold north wind and the bringer of winter. Referred to as “The North Wind”.
Caerus - Minor god of opportunity, luck and favorable moments.
Castor - One of the twins, Castor and Pollux, known as Dioskouri. Zeus transformed them into the constellation Gemini Cerus - The large and powerful wild bull tamed by Persephone and turned into the Taurus constellation.
Chaos - The nothingness that all else sprung from. A god who filled the gap between Heaven and Earth and created the first beings Gaia, Tartarus, Uranus, Nyx and Erebos.
Charon - The Ferryman of Hades. Took the newly dead people across the rivers Styx and Acheron to the Greek underworld if they paid him three obolus (a Greek silver coin).
Cronos - The god of time. Not to be confused with Cronus, the Titan father of Zeus.
Crios - The Titan god of the heavenly constellations and the measure of the year..
Cronus - God of agriculture, leader and the youngest of the first generation of Titans and father of the Titans. Not to be confused with Cronos, god of time.
Dinlas - Guardian god of the ancient city Lamark, where wounded heroes could find comfort and heal after battle. He was the son of Aphrodite.
Deimos - Deimos is the personification of dread and terror.
Dionysus - An Olympian god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness, religious ecstasy and theatre.
Erebus - Primordial god of darkness.
Eros - God of sexual desire, attraction, love and procreation.
Eurus - One of the wind god known as Anemoi and god of the unlucky east wind. Referred to as “The East Wind”.
Glaucus - A fisherman who became immortal upon eating a magical herb, an Argonaut who may have built and piloted the Argo, and became a god of the sea.
Hades - God of the Dead and Riches and King of the Underworld. Helios - God of the Sun and also known as Sol.
Hephaestus - God of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture. Created weapons for the gods and married to Aphrodite.
Heracles - The greatest of the Greek heroes, he became god of heroes, sports, athletes, health, agriculture, fertility, trade, oracles and divine protector of mankind. Known as the strongest man on Earth.
Hermes - God of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, and border crossings, guide to the Underworld and messenger of the gods.
Hesperus - The Evening Star – the planet venus in the evening.
Hymenaios - God of marriage ceremonies, inspiring feasts and song.
Hypnos - The Greek god of sleep.
Kratos - God of strength and power.
Momus - God of satire, mockery, censure, writers and poets and a spirit of evil-spirited blame and unfair criticism.
Morpheus - God of dreams and sleep – has the ability to take any human form and appear in dreams.
Nereus - The Titan god of the sea before Poseidon and father of the Nereids (nymphs of the sea).
Notus - Another Anemoi (wind god) and Greek god of the south wind. Known as “The South Wind”.
Oceanus - Titan god of the ocean. Believed to be the personification of the World Ocean, an enormous river encircling the world.
Oneiroi - Black-winged daimons that personified dreams. Paean - The physician of the Olympian gods.
Pallas - The Titan god of warcraft and of the springtime campaign season.
Pan - God of nature, the wild, shepherds, flocks, goats, mountain wilds, and is often associated with sexuality. Also a satyr (half man, half-goat).
Phosphorus - The Morning Star –the planet venus as it appears in the morning.
Plutus - The Greek god of wealth. Pollux - Twin brother of Castor, together known as the Dioskouri, that were transformed into the constellation Gemini.
Pontus - Ancient, pre-Olympian sea-god of the deep sea, one of the Greek primordial deities and son of Gaia.
Poseidon - Olympian Greek god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses.
Priapus - Minor rustic fertility god, protector of flocks, fruit plants, bees and gardens and known for having an enormous penis.
Pricus - The immortal father of sea-goats, made into the Capricorn constellation.
Prometheus - Titan god of forethought and crafty counsel who was given the task of moulding mankind out of clay.
Primordial - A group of gods that came before all else.
Tartarus - The god of the deep abyss, a great pit in the depths of the underworld, and father of Typhon.
Thanatos - A minor god and the god of death.
Triton - Messenger of the sea and the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite.
Typhon - The deadliest monster in Greek mythology and “Father of All Monsters”. Last son of Gaia, fathered by Tartarus and god of monsters, storms, and volcanoes. He challenged Zeus for control of Mount Olympus.
Uranus - Primordial god of the sky and heavens, and father of the Titans.
Zelus - The god of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal.
Zephyrus - A wind god (Anemoi). God of the west wind and known as “The West Wind”.
Zeus - God of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, justice, King of the Gods and the “Father of Gods and men”.
Information found on: https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/gods/
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furby-organist · 4 years
🔥 + Alastor's preferred meal selection
// So, this isn’t really an unpopular opinion; I am in agreement with most of the fandom (I think) that he’s partial to the cuisine he tended to have while alive. His mother’s cooking, which was likely Creole cuisine, as well as Cajun cuisine, and Southern soul & comfort food. The comic also indicates he’s partial to venison. There’s much about his characterization that, to me, indicates he’s partial to the things of his time.
There is, however, a difference between your ‘home base’ preferences, and things you like/are cool with. (I write him like this wrt music too.)
While I think his preference is going to lean heavily towards the food he had growing up in NOLA? He strikes me as an both and impulsive and adventurous guy, and I imagine that extends to at least trying enough new food that something sticks.
I think it’s very likely what food he likes/is cool with ventures outside of his home cuisine. Likely food that’s also hearty and flavorful, ideally meaty -- so I don’t see him picking at unseasoned pasta or lettuce, lol.
As a whole ass southerner, the first thing that comes to my mind with hearty & flavorful cuisine (outside of our food) includes stuff like Indian food & Thai food. I think Brazilian steakhouses would be up his alley. Some meatier Italian dishes too (like actual Italian cuisine with legit sauce & seasoning, not Olive Garden). Japanese curry w/ beef chunks & cooked vegetables... katsudon... idk man he might like it.
I can’t remember every kind of food I’ve had that has an interesting flavor profile as I haven’t eaten out since last March, and I’ve been vegetarian for a decade, so pinning down exactly what (meat) dishes might be up his alley is hard. But yeah. I think his preference is going to be Creole/Cajun/Southern cuisine, but I don’t think it’s unrealistic for one of the gals to say ‘we’re ordering X, you want anything?’ and him to be totally up for it, while possibly having already tried everything on the menu.
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snarkybluechristian · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel: Yandere Alastor x Vaggie Chapter 50
Angel and Cherri continued to sleep that way as evening approached with neither of them shifting from their positions.  Neither of them realized how tired they had been from their collective ordeals and enjoyed the opportunity to sleep comfortably.
Angel and Cherri slept like that until their captors came to check on them.
Doctor Red knocked on the door and called their names, but when he didn’t hear a response, he unlocked the door and swung it open.
When his eyes fell on the sleeping couple, Doctor Red could not hold back his delight.  
“Oh, how adorable!” Doctor Red squealed gleefully.  
Arackniss reached under his arm to grab the cart sitting next to the door and said, “Huh. They must be all tuckered out. Should we leave the food and let them be?”
“No, we cannot let Anthony get into the habit of sleeping his days away,” Doctor Red replied. “That is bad for his recovery.”
“Alright, then,” Arackniss replied, reaching for the light switch.  “Let’s wake them up then.”
“Just a moment,” Doctor Red said, wistfully taking out his phone and snapping photos of his sleeping patients.  “I want to marvel at the magnificent progress being made!”
Arackniss rolled his eyes, flicked on the lights, and said, “Anthony, wake up!  It’s time for dinner!”
Angel and Cherri began stirring at the smell of the food and the light in their eyes as Arackniss pushed the cart of food into the room.  
Cherri rolled off Angel’s stomach and pulled the blanket over her head.
Angel sat up in bed, stretched his arms, and asked, “What time is it?”
“It’s about 6,” Arackniss replied.  “You two have been sleeping all day.”
“Oh, yeah?” Angel said, letting his arms rest by his side.  “Cherri and I must have been really tired.”
“Indeed, you must have been,” Doctor Red replied.  “But now, it’s dinnertime, Anthony.”
“Oooooh!” Cherri squealed, finally bringing her head out from under the covers.  “It’s chow time again, Angie!  If this food is as good as the sandwiches were, we’re in for somethin’ good.”
“Hell yeah, we are!” Angel said, instinctively mirroring her enthusiasm and crawling to the other side of the bed.
Arackniss uncovered the tray of food to uncover the rotisserie chicken with a side of vegetables evenly portioned onto two plates for Angel and Cherri.
“Oh, that smells great,” Cherri said as she grabbed a blanket to cover her lap with, crawled over, and sat next to Angel as she had during lunch.  
Doctor Red picked up glasses and a pitcher of water from under the cart and placed the items on the top of the cart next to the food.
“What?  No wine?” Cherri whined.
“Oh, goodness, no!” Doctor Red exclaimed.  “Anthony’s resolve is not ready to be tested with alcohol.”
Just as Cherri opened her mouth to protest, Angel interjected, “It’s fine, doctor.  We really don’t mind.  Right, honey?”
Angel looked at Cherri with pleading eyes.
Cherri instantly understood and relented, “Yeah, don’t worry about it, doctor.  We can wait for wine until Angel’s good and ready.”
“Very good,” Doctor Red replied gleefully.  “I am truly pleased with all the progress you’ve made today, Anthony.”
“Thanks, doctor,” Angel replied with a warm smile.
“And because you’ve been making so much progress, your father said that you two would be allowed to walk in the garden after dinner.  Isn’t that great?” Doctor Red announced proudly.
“Oh, Doctor Red,” Angel gushed, holding his hands together for the full effect.  “That is great.  Thank you!  Thank you so much!”
Doctor Red and Angel smiled and chattered cheerfully while Arackniss simply observed from the door and said nothing.
Cherri then interrupted to ask, “Can Angel get a change of clothes?  That uniform is so depressing.  He needs something nice to go strolling in.”
Angel looked back at Cherri fearfully.
“Cherri, darling, I don’t know if the good doctor would want that…” Angel said nervously.
“Wait a moment, Anthony,” Doctor Red interrupted.  “You’ve been behaving so well today.  I don’t think new clothes are out of the question if you want them.  Would you like something else to wear?”
“If that’s not too much trouble,” Angel said shyly.  
“It shouldn’t be, Anthony,” Doctor Red replied comfortingly.
“Just let us talk to Dad,” Arackniss finally said.  
Angel flashed a warm smile and said, “Thanks, big brother.”
Arackniss studied Angel with his eyes for a moment before he simply nodded his head and walked away.
“We’ll be back for you two later,” Doctor Red said gleefully.  “Enjoy your meals.”
Then without another words, Doctor Red shut and locked the door again before racing after Arackniss.
“That was a close one,” Angel said with a sigh.  “I didn’t know they’d take your comment that well, Cher.  That scared me half to death.  You can’t make too many requests like that.”
“I didn’t think it was fair for you to have to wear that crappy uniform outside,” Cherri said. “I thought it was a gamble worth taking.”
“And I appreciate it,” Angel said anxiously gripping his arm.  “Just please be careful about doing anything like that.”
“Angie…” Cherri said in concern.
“Cherri, you don’t know them like I do,” Angel said looking at her and beginning to shake nervously.  “If you do something they don’t like, they could do something terrible to ya.  I can’t let that happen, Cher.  I just can’t.”
Cherri climbed over to Angel and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.  She knew just what to do for situations like this.  She held him like that until his panic subsided, and he began taking deep breaths.
Once she was sure he had calmed down, Cherri let go of Angel and said, “It’s okay, Angie. Nothin’ happened this time.  I’m gonna be okay.  And I promise to be more careful in the future.  Alright?”
Angel looked at Cherri and nodded his head with a warm smile.
“Okay,” Cherri said, pepping up a bit more.  “Now, let’s eat this food before it gets any colder.”  
Cherri and Angel turned to the rotisserie chicken and vegetables which were thankfully still warm and ate their fill.
Once they were full, there was another knock on the door.
“Uh, come in,” Angel called back while Cherri hopped off the bed and went into the bathroom.
The door unlocked and opened, and Arackniss came walking in with a new set of clothes in his arms.  It was a pair of navy-blue pants, a white collared shirt, a black tie, black suspenders, a matching navy-blue coat to go with the outfit, a white fedora with a black band, and a black pair of shiny shoes.
“Oh, man,” Angel said with a gentle smile on his face as he reached over the cart and took the set of clothes from Arackniss.  “Are these really my clothes?”
“Yeah,” Arackniss said coolly.  “Do you like ‘em, little brother?”
“Oh, yes,” Angel said, nodding enthusiastically.  “I like them very much.  Thank you, Arackniss.”
Arackniss gave him a searching glance over, gave him a brief smile, and said, “Now, you two change into something presentable and bring yourselves outside when you’re done. Doctor Red and I will be waiting outside in the hallway.”
Arackniss then exited the room and shut the door behind him without locking it.
Angel looked down at the outfit he had given him and smiled.  The outfit didn’t look half bad.  He would’ve worn it without being prompted.  It really reminded him of the old days.
“Hey, Cher!” Angel called to his gal pal.  “Come look at these clothes my brother got me!”
“Just a minute, Angie,” Cherri called back.  “I’m using the bathroom.”
“Okay, hurry up!” Angel replied.  “We gotta get dressed for our garden walk.”
Angel then began getting dressed in the swanky clothes his brother had provided for him.
The toilet flushed, the sink ran, and Cherri came out of the bathroom in time to see Angel dressed to the nines in the new clothes his family had provided for him.
“Tell me, Cherri, my dear,” Angel said, posing dramatically with his blue coat hanging off his shoulder.  “What do you think?”
Cherri flashed her toothy smile and said, “You look sexy.”
“Why, thank ya, babe,” Angel said, making another dramatic pose.  “Now, my brother is waiting for us outside in the hallway with the good doctor, so we better find somethin’ for you, too.”
“Yeah, we wouldn’t wanna keep the bastards waiting,” Cherri said with a chuckle as she walked in front of the wardrobe and began searching through the outfits.  “Let’s see.  What would make your asshole of a brother jealous?”
Angel scoffed and said, “Just pick out whatever you like, babe.  Seeing you with me will make him more than jealous enough already. I’m gonna use the bathroom…”
Angel headed into the bathroom to do his business.  Once he was done, Angel took extra to spruce up his appearance.  He combed his hair, sprayed on cologne, and made sure he looked good without looking too good.  He couldn’t have his family suspecting anything after all.
When Angel was satisfied, he put on his blue coat and left the bathroom to see Cherri dressed in a sleeveless red dress that stopped just above her knees and matching red heels.
“What do ya think, Angie?” Cherri asked, striking a pose of her own.
Angel walked over, took Cherri’s hand in his, gave it a kiss, and said, “I think you look fucking hot.  Now, are you ready to give the ultimate performance for the good doctor and my family?”
“Never readier, Angel,” Cherri said, taking Angel’s arm in hers.  “Let’s go.”
Angel and Cherri then walked out of the room arm-in-arm to meet their captors in the hallway.
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jadeile-writes · 4 years
Bushwa chapter 20 sneak-peek
The morning had started like any other. Alastor had woken up and gotten himself ready for the day. He had dropped by Charlie's office to see if she would need anything specific done today, and then went to the buffet room for breakfast while planning out his schedule. Afterwards he had patrolled the hallways for a while and had checked on a few patrons who needed daily supervision to stay on the path towards their supposed redemption. Finally he had just made his way to the garden to see if there was anything in the greenhouse that he'd like to see on his dinner plate today, when a shadow minion appeared to inform him that Husk had situated himself at the front desk.
Smiling to himself, Alastor ditched the vegetables and appeared by his sheik's side.
"Good morning, my dear!" Alastor said cheerfully, pulled his fluffy cat into an embrace, and kissed the tip of his nose. Husk was purring quietly by the time Alastor leaned back, and generally looked happy today. That had been the trend lately, and Alastor couldn't be more pleased. "I see you're content today?"
Husk had a smile on his lips and his pupils were dilated as he looked at Alastor. "Very. It's almost the weekend and so far it's been nice and quiet here for the entire week. Just gotta last one more fucking day. You're taking a day off as well, right?"
The tone of Husk's voice suggested that he had something in mind. Alastor's interest was immediately piqued. "That is correct."
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fireturtlepagan · 5 years
The gods and their (mostly) coffee/ chocolate-y beverage/ tea orders
Also what they are god off cause ~learning~
<tried to give each a unique order but there likely will be repeats> <<also these are based on nothing in particular>>
Achelois doesn’t like hot beverages or chocolate would like ice water with lemon though
A minor moon goddess whose name means “she who washes away pain”.
Alectrona any coffee is good coffee
An early Greek goddess of the sun, daughter of Helios and Rhode, and possibly goddess of the morning.
Amphitrite s’mores Frappuccino
Greek goddess of the sea, wife of Poseidon and a Nereid.
Antheia tea, just the tea, nothing in it
Goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes.
Apate Extra chocolate milkshake
Goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes.
Aphrodite a tall beverage. Doesn’t care what’s in it just likes the small cups. Drinks like 5 at a time.
Goddess of love and beauty and married to Hephaestus.
Artemis mocha
Virginal goddess of the hunt and twin sister of Apollo.
Até “this is bean juice” (black coffee)
Greek goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and folly.
Athena don’t care give me the caffeine (loves iced coffee most)
Goddess of wisdom, poetry, art, and war strategy. Daughter of Zeus and born from his forehead fully grown, wearing battle armour.
Bia doesn’t like coffee likes frozen hot chocolate or just chocolate milk is just milk an option cause if it is just milk
The goddess of force and raw energy, daughter of Pallas and Styx, and sister of Nike, Kratos, and Zelus.
Brizo Irish coffee
Ancient Greek prophet goddess who was known as the protector of mariners, sailors, and fishermen.
Circe “coffee as dark as my hatred for men”
A goddess of magic who transformed her enemies, or those that insulted her, into beasts.
Cybele southern sweet tea
The Greek goddess of caverns, mountains, nature and wild animals.
Demeter doesn’t like coffee much but will drink it on occasion prefers iced tea
Goddess of agriculture, fertility, sacred law and the harvest.
Eileithyia Caramel Frappuccino
Goddess of childbirth, referred to by Homer as “the goddess of the pains of birth”.
Elpis peppermint mocha
The spirit and personification of hope. Hope was usually seen as an extension to suffering by the Greek, not as a god.
Enyo that chocolate that’s like a shot of espresso or whatever
Minor goddess of war and destruction, the companion and lover of the war god Ares and connected to Eris.
Eos yes to all
A Titaness and the goddess of the dawn.
Eris Red Bull
Greek goddess of chaos, strife and discord and connected to the war-goddess Enyo.
Gaia homemade hot coco, your grandmothers recipe, the one passed down by the generations full of love and memories
The primal Greek goddess of the Earth. Known as the great mother of all and often referred to as “Mother Earth”.
Harmonia espresso au lait
The Greek goddess of harmony and concord.
Hebe hot chocolate-y milk
Goddess of eternal youth.
Hecate coffee with sugar
The goddess of magic, crossroads, moon, ghosts, witchcraft and necromancy (the undead).
Hemera chai latte
Primordial goddess of the day, daytime and daylight. Daughter to Erebus and Nyx (the goddess of night).
Hera just needs caffeine please (1 creamer 2 sugars)
Goddess of goddesses, women, and marriage. Married to Zeus and known as Queen of the Gods.
Hestia hot chocolate with either cinnamon stick or a peppermint stick
goddess of the hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state. Also one of the Hesperides.
Hygea loose leaf tea, preferably locally grown
Goddess of good health, cleanliness, and sanitation. This is where the word “hygiene” comes from.
Iris iced matcha latte
Greek goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. She is also known as one of the goddesses of the sea and the sky.
Mania likes watching milk mix into the coffee but not drinking it
Spirit goddess of insanity, madness, crazed frenzy and the dead.
Nemesis stealing it from Dionysus
The goddess of retribution and personification of vengeance.
Nike just a little milk in either
Goddess of victory, known as the Winged Goddess of Victory.
Nyx milk and honey
Primordial goddess of the night.
Peitho cinnamon hot chocolate
Greek goddess of persuasion and seduction.
Persephone iced white mocha with raspberry or strawberry
Goddess of vegetation and spring and queen of the underworld. Lives off-season in the underworld as the wife of Hades.
Pheme a latte
The goddess of fame, gossip and renown. Her favour is notability, and her wrath is scandalous rumors.
Rhea steamed milk with vanilla or hazelnut
Titaness and goddess of nature. Daughter of the earth goddess Gaia and the sky god Uranus, and known as “the mother of gods”.
Selene white hot chocolate with almond milk
Goddess of the Moon
Styx pumpkin spice
Goddess of the river Styx and a Naiad who was the first to aid Zeus in the Titan war.
Terpsichore honey latte
Goddess of dance and chorus and one of the nine Muses.
Themis like 3 gallons of espresso
Ancient Greek Titaness and goddess of divine order, law, natural law and custom.
Thetis tea with looooots of honey basically just warm honey water
Sea nymph, goddess of water and one of the fifty Nereids, daughters of the ancient sea god Nereus. Also a shapeshifter and a prophet.
Tyche Starbucks pink drink
Goddess of prosperity and fortune.
Aeolus unsweetened ice tea
Greek god of the winds and air
Aether steamed milk with cinnamon
Primordial god of the upper air, light, the atmosphere, space and heaven.
Alastor one sugar in tea or coffee
God of family feuds and avenger of evil deeds.
Apollo decaf
Olympian god of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge.
Ares mocha Frappuccino
God of war. Represented the physical, violent and untamed aspect of war.
Aristaeus tea he made himself
Minor patron god of animal husbandry, bee-keeping, and fruit trees. Son of Apollo.
Asclepius all the tea or black coffee
God of medicine, health, healing, rejuvenation and physicians.
Attis just water please
A minor god of vegetation, fruits of the earth and rebirth.
Caerus nitro cold brew
Minor god of opportunity, luck and favorable moments.
Cronos peach tea with cream
The god of time. Not to be confused with Cronus, the Titan father of Zeus.
Crios decaf with cream and sugar
The Titan god of the heavenly constellations and the measure of the year..
Cronus vanilla Frappuccino with no coffee
God of agriculture, leader and the youngest of the first generation of Titans and father of the Titans. Not to be confused with Cronos, god of time.
Deimos earl grey tea with cream
Deimos is the personification of dread and terror.
Dionysus either like a tiny bit of coffee in a milkshake or espresso directly into his veins
An Olympian god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness, religious ecstasy and theatre.
Erebus iced coffee with vanilla and milk
Primordial god of darkness.
Eros strawberry Frappuccino
God of sexual desire, attraction, love and procreation.
Hades vanilla latte with soy milk
God of the Dead and Riches and King of the Underworld.
Helios chocolate and peanut butter hot chocolate
God of the Sun and also known as Sol.
Hephaestus iced tea with lemonade
God of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture. Created weapons for the gods and married to Aphrodite.
Hermes matcha
God of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, and border crossings, guide to the Underworld and messenger of the gods.
Hymenaios cold brew
God of marriage ceremonies, inspiring feasts and song.
Hypnos doesn’t like the way caffeine makes him feel so he drinks decaf
The Greek god of sleep.
Kratos Oreo milkshake
God of strength and power.
Momus gingerbread latte
God of satire, mockery, censure, writers and poets and a spirit of evil-spirited blame and unfair criticism.
Morpheus peppermint mocha
God of dreams and sleep – has the ability to take any human form and appear in dreams.
Paean London fog with lavender
The physician of the Olympian gods.
Pan mint tea
God of nature, the wild, shepherds, flocks, goats, mountain wilds, and is often associated with sexuality. Also a satyr (half man, half-goat).
Plutus hot chocolate with caramel
The Greek god of wealth.
Poseidon chai
Olympian Greek god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses.
Priapus black coffee or coffee with creamer
Minor rustic fertility god, protector of flocks, fruit plants, bees and gardens and known for having an enormous penis.
Thanatos butterscotch iced coffee
A minor god and the god of death.
Triton sea salt caramel Frappuccino
Messenger of the sea and the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite.
Zelus lemonade
The god of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal.
Zues lil bitch juice
God of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, justice, King of the Gods and the “Father of Gods and men”.
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january3693 · 5 years
Someone We Used to Know - Part 35
(This is a Marauders Era AU about what might have changed if Sirius was expelled after the Prank. Here’s the Master List if you’d like to start from the beginning or find a specific part)
James manages to avoid Albus Dumbledore for two days, which is practically a miracle given they both live in the same castle. Granted, at one point he did have to turn into a stag and spend fifteen minutes eating grass while Dumbledore chatted with Professor Sprout near the greenhouses.
The map helps, but they never did get it working perfectly. There’s still a glitch in the spells that sometimes makes it show people in places they were three hours ago rather than where they are presently.
That’s how Dumbledore finally finds him.
The map tells James the headmaster is up in his office, but James rounds a corner of the broom shed and Dumbledore is right there, smiling serenely.
“Hello, James,” he says, like they’re old friends.
“Hello, Professor Dumbledore,” James says in return, because they’re not old friends.
These days Lily calls the headmaster Albus when they’re not in front of students, but James just can’t bring himself to think of the man with that level of familiarity.
“It’s a lovely day,” Dumbledore says casually. “Would you join me on a short stroll?”
James bites his tongue. He can say no. He can make excuses. He can’t avoid Dumbledore forever though. The headmaster has a way of getting what he wants.
He shrugs, and Dumbledore’s smile widens.
It’s not that James dislikes or even distrusts Dumbledore. He wouldn’t have joined the Order if that was the case.
James trusts Dumbledore…but he’s never quite forgiven the headmaster for expelling Sirius.
It seems an almost silly grudge to bear now that he knows Sirius is alive, but James’s feelings haven’t changed, revelation or no.
Perhaps it’s more accurate to say James trusts Dumbledore to handle big picture issues, like the Order and the war and Hogwarts as a whole. He’s not sure he trusts Dumbledore with people though. Not as individuals with different wants and needs and problems. Certainly, he doesn’t trust Dumbledore with the lives of his friends and family. Not completely. Not without question.
After all, it’s only been seven months since James had to intervene with the missions Dumbledore was sending Remus on. Secret, solo missions to the werewolf packs.
He still wonders what Dumbledore was thinking there. No werewolves, not even Fenrir Greyback himself, were trusted with enough information to make spying on them worth the toll it was taking on Remus’s physical and mental health.
“Hagrid’s pumpkins look exceptionally robust this year,” Dumbledore says as they begin their walk in the direction of said pumpkins.
James just nods. He’s the direct sort. Never been one to beat around the bush himself, and he doesn’t appreciate it from others. Dumbledore has to know that by now, but he still holds a mostly one-sided conversation about pumpkins and the approaching Halloween festivities for another five minutes.
The headmaster does manage a very slick segue though, sliding the topic from food at the upcoming feast to asking if James had a chance to partake of the food during his visit to the Pendragon Club. “I’m told their elves make an excellent tarte au citron,” Dumbledore says.
James bites his tongue to keep from sighing in relief. They’ve finally reached the point. He also feels the flutter of nerves in his stomach. Even if he isn’t blindly obedient to Dumbledore, he’s still reluctant to lie to the headmaster’s face.
That’s part of his deal with Regulus though. James had to fight tooth and nail for permission to tell Lily who he was whispering with through the mirrors. Telling Remus just sort of happened in the middle of their argument, and he still hasn’t actually told Peter.
Telling Dumbledore is absolutely out of the question. James’s small reservations about Dumbledore are nothing compared to Regulus’s. He’d toss his mirror in the fire before he’d knowingly work directly for or with Albus Dumbledore, and James refuses to lose Regulus completely to the other side. Both for the information he provides, and for Regulus’s own sake.
“I wasn’t there long enough to eat,” James says dryly. “I just needed to check something in the library.”
Dumbledore raises a mildly inquisitive eyebrow. “Something the Hogwarts library doesn’t carry?”
James shrugs. “It was nothing, a dead end.”
Dumbledore nods, like he understands perfectly. James doesn’t trust it.
They stop at the edge of Hagrid’s vegetable garden so Dumbledore can personally check on a few of the enormous pumpkins. James waits anxiously for the other shoe to drop.
It doesn’t come until they’ve turned back toward the castle.
“Are you aware that Alastor Moody thinks we have a mole within the Order?”
James stops in his tracks, nearly stumbling over his own feet. Hurt and anger and fear all flash through him like firecrackers.
“Are you implying I might be a traitor?” James asks. Frankly, he’s fucking offended. “Should I roll up my left sleeve for you, Headmaster?”
Dumledore just smiles patiently, like James is still a student throwing a tantrum over losing a Quidditch match.
“I’m implying no such thing,” Dumbledore assures him. “I trust you, James, but you can see how going to a place like the Pendragon Club while not on Order business might raise some suspicions, can’t you?”
This is where James is supposed to fall over himself to clear his name. He’s supposed to tell Dumbledore everything, like a good, loyal soldier would.
He grinds his teeth together.
“I’m glad you have such unshakeable faith in me, sir,” James says instead. “If there’s anything I can do to help you look for our supposed mole, please let me know.”
Dumbledore seems almost amused by his response.
“Of course, and please let me know if there’s anything I can do to assist with your…research,” Dumbledore replies. “Thus far it has given us many valuable insights.”
He may not know about Regulus specifically, but Dumbledore isn’t stupid. James comes to him far too often with good, actionable intel not to have a secret source.
For now though, he seems content not to press. He seems to trust James.
Which is still almost obnoxiously gratifying.
And that’s it. Or so James believes.
They walk in semi-companionable silence all the way to the front doors of the castle. James is about to make his excuses and leave, but Dumbledore stops and glances up at something above the doors. James looks up too.
Only there’s nothing to see. There’s nothing there but stones and a bit of moss.
Unless you know exactly where to look.
Before they left school, all believing they weren’t likely to ever return, James, Peter, and Remus had carved their mark into the stones directly above Hogwarts’ front doors. “Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot & Prongs Were Here” it reads.
Both a small boost to their egos and an intended memorial to Sirius.
“I don’t believe I’ve ever told you how sorry I am about what happened with Mr. Black,” Dumbledore says.
He looks back down at James, genuine sorrow on his features, but his eyes are as bright and keen as ever.
James looks away.
He’s an open book. He always has been. He wears his heart on his sleeve and if Dumbledore sees his face now, he’s going to know. He’s going to know everything.
That’s not something Sirius wants. He didn’t want anyone to know he was here. Not even his friends. Seems like a very safe bet he wouldn’t want the man who kicked him out of school knowing either.
James might be angry with his old friend, but he’s not going to betray Sirius’s trust.
He clears his throat, coughs. It’s awkward.
He thinks of Sirius in that hotel room, charming and glib, hiding his scars behind smiles.
So different and so similar to the boy he remembers. The boy he loved like a brother.
He feels something tug and give a little in his chest.
“Thank you, sir,” James says. “I’m sorry about it too."
(Part 36)
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stagtic · 4 years
Character Aesthetics
BOLD any which apply to your muse!
Remember to REPOST! bold = aesthetic italic = somewhat relevant italic + bold = Completely relevant
Feel free to add to the list!
Alastor, the Radio Demon.
Tumblr media
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey/gray. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey/gray. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. lavender.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. dark. light. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. fat. curvy. short. tall. average height. muscular. slender. trained. piercing. tattoos.strong. weak.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds/gems. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. panthers. eagles. bats. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. cheetahs. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. tigers. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts.chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. mint.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching.fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes.piano. violin. cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. running. archery. racing.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sun glasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. painted nails.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money.power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies.loyalty. kindness. love. hugs. manipulation
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