#alastair castairs
hahahax30 · 2 years
Alastair and Cordelia are so right for this
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vickchan2 · 2 years
Why CC wants to pretend so hard the Carstairs had some sort of great romantic relationship with the Fairchilds?
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rebelumbrella46 · 7 months
The Last Hours - Fancast
James Herondale - Timothee Chalamet
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Cordelia Castairs -Zendaya (I know it's not really accurate but i can't unseen her as Cordelia)
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Matthew Fairchild - Nick Robinson (blond)
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Lucie Herondale - Natalia Dyer
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Thomas Lightwood -Nicholas Galitzine
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Christopher Lightwood - Ashby Gentry
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Anna Lightwood - Sarah Margaret Qualley
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Jesse Blackthorn - Louis Partridge
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Alastair Castairs - Taylor Zakhar Perez (Again not accurate)
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Grace Blackthorn - Freya Allan
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11 notes · View notes
llinstarr · 7 months
Mood boards ⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ All the photos I’m using are mine or were taken from Pinterest ⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
Sirius black
Remus lupin
⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
Alastair castairs
3 notes · View notes
dxrlinggxd · 2 years
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52 notes · View notes
thomaslightwood · 3 years
Tale of Knights and Secrets, part I || sequel to the Thomastair Royal AU
part i | part ii | part iii |
AO3 | masterlist
Thomastair Royal AU: Tale of the Prince and the Servant (this can be skipped if you really want to)
This is a really special gift (that took really really long time) for a really really REALLY special person - @wheelershara SUN, IT TOOK ME SOME TIME BUT HERE YOU GO, BESTIE! I hope you like it <3
~ Present ~
Alastair could feel the wind on his face. Smell the sea. Feel the subtle splashes of the water on his skin.
He looked next to him and Thomas smiled at him. Then looked at the sea and laughed, smiling with closed eyes. He was beautiful.
Alastair looked at the bright blue sky and smiled, closing his eyes too. Simple happiness. Simple things. He didn’t need more.
Then he fell backwards, darkness covered him and the dream broke.
Alastair slowly opened his eyes, giving himself time to adjust to the light. He sighed.
He was still in prison.
~ Past ~
Thomas smiled as Alastair was scowling at the cat, who was meowing at them.
“Such a greedy and insolent creature,” he said with a dark expression and threw a piece of bread at it. The cat meowed happily and began to eat its new food.
This was the third time they have seen the cat. And they knew it was the same because of the white almost heart shaped mark on its face.
Thomas had named it Bee. Alastair had named it annoying.
Alastair caught him looking at him and rolled his eyes. Thomas grinned.
“Anyway,” he said, looking at the papers in his hand. “Any luck?”
“Actually,” Thomas said. “Yes. I saw an ad for… this tavern,” after he found it he handed it to Alastair. His eyes moved on the paper as he took it, an excitement slowly building up.
“That’s great!” Alastair looked at him with shining eyes. “Let’s go there.”
In less than an hour they were at the tavern. A small place with a friendly owner with warm brown eyes who was missing two fingers on his left hand and every time told a different story on how it happened.
“Hello, fellas,” he greeted them as they entered. He was behind the bar, cleaning the countertop. It was still noon so the place was empty. There was only a little girl sitting on a table, playing with a few cards. “You here about the job, yes?”
“That’s right,” Thomas said. Alastair nodded. They approached him and sat on the chairs in front of the bar. The girl said something to the owner in a language Thomas didn’t recognize. The man replied something shortly and turned to them with an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, lads, my granddaughter is a little sick today, ” he said. “I need to check on her.”
“Don’t worry,” Thomas said. “We are in no hurry.”
The man came from around the counter. He kneed in front of her, telling her something with a gentle smile. The little girl seemed pale and unhealthy but she smiled at her grandfather and nodded.
Alastair turned to him. “Do you think we can-”
The sound of numerous steps coming closer and closer distracted Thomas. They both turned to the door, Alastair stopped talking. The owner also frowned at it. They heard shouts. A few seconds later a man stormed into the tavern and slammed the doors closed after himself. He was holding a sword. Alastair and Thomas jumped from their seats. The owner hid the girl behind his body.
“No one move!” he screamed, his pale eyes frantically looking around. He was talking with an accent that revealed he was not from here. He was skinny and sweaty, his hair was blonde and dirty. The hand holding the sword was trembling. “No one move,” he repeated, even though none of them did anything.
His breathing was hard, his eyes frantic.
“Fella,” the owner said, his voice calm. “What do you want?”
“Keep quiet, old man,” he snapped. “No one moves and we all will leave this place in one piece.”
He slowly passed by Thomas and Alastair, suspiciously looking at Thomas. He had decided he’s the biggest threat. He came behind the bar, glancing at Thomas once in a while. He was searching, probably for money.
Thomas tried to look for something he could use as a weapon. He crossed eyes with Alastair. He could see he was thinking something similar.
“If we jump at him together,” he whispered, so quietly Thomas could barely hear him. “We can overpower him.”
“Okay,” Thomas said, barely a murmur. “I’ll take his left side-”
At that moment the owner appeared, holding a sword himself and jumped at the thief. But the stranger was faster. He turned just in time to meet his sword with the old man’s. He quickly disarmеd him.
“What are you doing, oldster?!” he shouted at him. “Do you want to get hurt? To get killed?! Why would you do that?!” Thomas thought he’s on the edge of tears.
While the blonde man continued to scream at the owner Thomas slowly, very slowly, moved towards the sword on the floor. Three, two steps… Thomas grabbed the sword.
The man turned to him, his eyes wild. Thomas stepped forward, a calmness he hasn’t felt in years washed over him. Metal met metal. Desperation filled the thief’s face. After a few moves he could see Thomas was no stranger to sword fighting.
It didn’t take long. The man was good. Surprisingly good, considering his trembling. But Thomas was better.
Seconds later the blonde's sword hit the floor. A few guards stormed into the tavern.
“That’s him!” a female guard shouted. Two others headed towards him and grabbed his arms, yanking him towards the door. After he was outside, the female guard turned to them. “Is everyone alright?”
“Yes,” the owner said. He was hugging his granddaughter who was trembling. He kissed the top of her head and looked at Thomas, an awe in his eyes. “This young man saved us! When this awful man tried to rob my tavern and threatened me, he bravely stepped in and disarmed him!”
The guard turned to him and with a hint of embarrassment he realized he’s still in combat position. He relaxed and carefully left the sword on the counter. He smiled sheepishly. “Just the right timing. Nothing so heroic.”
The guard smiled. “Come to the royal garden some time. The guards train there. We’ll see if you’re that good and if we can do something about it,” she said. She turned to the owner, nodding respectfully. “Uncle, call us if you have any trouble.”
“Thank you, ma'am,” he said, still a little shaken up but smiling.
The guard left and the old man turned to them. “Still want the job, young men?”
Thomas hesitated what to say but Alastair stepped in. “Yes.”
“Excellent!” He smiled wider and gently put the little girl on a chair, whispering something to her. He looked at them again. “Let’s start then!”
The rest of the day Thomas and Alastair couldn’t find time to talk. The owner, whose name they found out is Armin, was training them all afternoon until the evening.
“Tomorrow,” he said. “After sunset. We will open then.”
They said their goodbyes and left the tavern. The little girl waved at them. They didn’t exchange a single word but it seems she liked them.
Alastair had so many questions. He couldn’t wait to get home so he and Thomas could talk. He could tell Thomas’ moves with the sword weren’t ordinary. There was skill and familiarity. An old habit. There was grace and confidence that Alastair had never seen before in him. His lover had more secrets than Alastair imagined.
They arrived at the small building where they rented a room from a sulky woman with strict rules. Alastair didn’t mind. It kept the building clean and quiet.
When they entered their room, Thomas took a deep breath and turned to him. “I can explain.”
Alastair blinked. He almost smiled but resisted because of how worried Thomas looked. “I’m not mad.”
Thomas relaxed a bit. “Really?”
“No,” this time he couldn’t help himself and grinned. “I mean, my lover is an awesome sword fighter, saved us all from some asshole, was super hot while doing it and on top of that is adorably unaware how much effect it has on me.”
Thomas shook his head, embarrassment written all over it.
“Why would I be mad?” he continued. “Oh, yes! Because this same lover obviously hid something huge from me that was important to him.” Thomas’ expression slowly returned to the worried one, “But you know what? I’m not mad as I probably should be because I’m a reasonable man who doesn't want to worry his lover even more.”
There was a small smile on Thomas’ lips. “Lies,” he said. “You just think it’s hot.”
“This certainly helps,” Alastair admitted.
They watched each other for a few seconds and broke into smiles. Thomas looked away, rubbing the back of the neck and Alastair watched him with amusement. He stepped closer to him and gently took his hands in his. He kissed Thomas’ knuckles and just held them.
“Really, Tom,” he whispered. “What was that?”
Thomas signed. “Let's change first, okay?”
In the next twenty minutes they showered and changed to more comfortable clothes they wore only at home.
Alastair occasionally looked at Thomas. He looked troubled and absent. Alastair felt a little bad. Maybe he could leave it be. If Thomas looked so anxious, was it worth it going through this conversation? But he rejected the thought. Sometimes hard conversations were needed. He needed to know what was going on Thomas' head. He had to know about his past.
Thomas sat on the bed, crossed legs, each foot under the opposite knee. Alastair took a chair from the table and faced him, leaning on the backrest.
Thomas was looking at the floor. He laughed nervously. “I don’t know where to start.”
“Tell me how you learned to fight,” Alastair suggested softly.
Thomas looked at the window then. And he began.
“Once, I was a knight,” Thomas said. “When I was seventeen I graduated on top of the class - one of the first three. I wanted to serve the royal family and become a knight like my father. He’s the captain of an elite guard that serves and protects the royal family. There was nothing more I wanted than to become a knight and be Christopher’s bodyguard. He’s one of my best friends and my cousin, godson of the king.”
Alastair noticed how he’s talking in past tense. “What changed?” he whispered.
Thomas took a deep breath.
“We were out to celebrate my little cousin’s birthday,” he said, quietly. “Only family and a few close friends were there. But in the middle of it, we were attacked. We tried to protect the ones who couldn’t fight - the birthday boy, Alexander, who was only three years old, Christopher, my mother, a few other guests. And of course Queen Charlotte and King Henry. It happened in such a way that my big sister and I were partners in the battle. She didn’t have the same training as me but as children of the guard’s captain we knew how to hold a sword from a young age. It was chaos. She… Barbara was stabbed. In an attempt to protect her fiancé, Oliver, who died from his wounds a few hours later. One another guest, Jesse, was also slayed, trying to protect his sister, Grace.”
Thomas took a deep, shaking breath. Alastair wanted to hug him but knew the story wasn’t finished. Thomas continued.
“We never found out who was behind the attack. Months of investigation and none of us found even the slightest lead that could provide answers. We have only rumours,” Alastair could see how frustrated and bitter Thomas was over this. He silently took Thomas' hand in his and squeezed. Thomas squeezed in return. “After this… I felt like a failure. Everyone was sad or angry, or both. I couldn’t look at a sword because it reminded me of her. Everything hurted. I felt like an open wound.”
“I decided to leave. I took the money I had been saving over the years, left a note saying they don’t need to worry about me or search for me. I couldn��t live like that anymore. This place became a house of ghosts and sorrows. It has been a few years since then. I send them letters now and then, to let them know I'm alive and well.”
Thomas shrugged. He looked at Alastair and blinked a few times to chase the tears away.
Alastair stood up. Thomas took a shaky breath and Alastair sat next to him, hugging him. Thomas buried his face in Alastair’s neck.
“Alas,” he whispered with a hoarse voice.
“I’m here,” Alastair said, kissing the top of his head. “I’ll never leave your side.”
They ended up lying in the bed. With his head on Alastair’s chest, he could tell when Thomas dozed off. His sleep was restless, a frown on his face. Alastair gently stroked his hair, wishing he could do more.
Alastair fell asleep many hours later, Thomas’ tale echoing in his mind.
“What a chilly evening,” Armin said cheerfully as Thomas, Alastair and a few other people walked around, working. Alastair had never thought there was so much work in a tavern. Armin had shown them the basics the other day but he was still unprepared for all the little tasks that had to be done. The table had to be cleaned from the dust, the alcohol should be put out of the basement, the glasses had to be washed up, the food products checked out - the list was endless.
They were the newbies. As they came, Armin introduced them to the rest of the staff and put them to work.
Alastair was watching Thomas with the corner of his eye. He was at the bar, talking with a girl from the other employees. She laughed at something he said and shook her head with a smile.
Alastair was glad to see his lover smiling. After last night he was worried Thomas would be haunted by bad memories or regret he told Alastair his story.
“Yo!” a brunet guy threw an apron at him. Alastair caught it. “We’re the waiters for the first shift. I’ll be teaching you.”
Time moves fast when you’re busy. The tavern had more clients than he expected. Apparently it had been closed for a while because Armin had to travel for the wedding of one of his sons. He found out the only family he had in the city were his daughter, her husband and their child, the little girl.
Alastair was fascinated by all the stories and gossip he heard. Even as his shift as a waiter was over and he took Thomas’ place in the bar, he heard so much. The most curious thing for him was the whispered gossip about two pretty girls, new in town, who were searching for something. Or somebody. Alastair could tell they didn’t care that much but did it for the sake of the gossip.
Alastair looked at Thomas who was just starting his own shift as a waiter. Their eyes met and Thomas grinned. Alastair smiled in return.
“Our turn, big guy,” said a short girl while putting an apron on. Thomas already had one. He turned his gaze away from Alastair to look at her. “Get one of these,” she said, grabbing a pencil and a small notebook. “There aren’t many people now. The hours of the morning are lazy during the weekdays.”
Thomas came to realize she wasn’t wrong. There were a few regular clients that came to chat with Armin more than anything. It was nice. Thomas hated crowds so he loved the quiet, slow atmosphere.
His shift was almost over so he started to collect and wash the dishes. Almost half of the staff had already left and Alastair and Thomas were almost done for the night too.
Thomas was cleaning a table when he accidentally stumbled upon someone.
“I’m so sorry, I-” Thomas stopped mid sentence. Widened pale grey eyes were staring back at him, as surprised as him.
“Grace?” he whispered.
“Thomas,” she uttered. She put her hand in front of her month. Then she jumped and hugged him, her hands surprisingly strong. He wrapped his arms around her and memories washed over him. Tears filled his eyes.
When they let go of each other Grace wiped away the tears rolling down her face. She laughed.
“Good gods! We have a lot to talk about. A lot.”
“We have,” Thomas smiled. “We really have.”
He looked at Armin who was talking with someone at the bar. Alastair was watching them with a questioning look.
“I’m working right now,” Thomas said. “How about we meet after ten minutes? My shift is almost over.”
“You work in a tavern?” Grace said with astonishment.
Thomas snorted. “Not the worst job I have had.”
Grace looked at him, really looked. “We have so, so much to talk about indeed.”
With glossy eyes but a big smile on his face Thomas approached Alastair on the bar.
“What’s going on?” he asked. He didn't know what to think as he watched how Thomas and the girl hugged like they were old friends.
“This… this is Grace,” Thomas said, sounding like he couldn't believe it himself. “Do you remember when I mentioned her?”
Alastair nodded. The girl whose brother got killed in the same attack as Thomas’ sister.
“We have never been that close but she’s one of Christopher’s best friends,” he said. “It was so good to see her...” Alastair smiled at Thomas’ warm expression. He could tell he had missed her. “We agreed we’ll talk after I’m done with work.”
“You probably have a lot to catch up on,” Alastair said, smiling. He added, unsure. “I can wait for you if...”
“Actually,” Thomas said. “I… Do you want to come with me?” he smiled sheepishly. “I want the people that are important to me to know each other.”
Alastair’s smile was big when he answered. “I would love to.”
They said goodbye to Armin and the few members of the staff that were left for the morning shift. Thomas was searching for Grace in the room but she was nowhere to be seen. They left the tavern. The morning was warm with a cool breeze that made the weather feel a little more chill than it actually was. The sun hasn’t risen yet.
Alastair spotted the girl - Grace - not far away from the tavern, looking at the sky. She was wearing a hat this time that was hiding her hair under it. She looked at them and Thomas smiled.
They approached her, half hidden in the shadows. She looked suspiciously at Alastair.
“Grace,” Thomas said. He looked at Alastair with shining eyes. “Meet Alastair Carstairs, the love of my life,” Alastair’s chest felt warm inside. Without realizing, a smile appeared on his face. “And Alastair, meet Grace Cartraight, a good friend of mine.”
Grace gave Alastair a startled look.
“Wow. You didn’t waste time in the big world, did you, Tom?”
Thomas laughed softly. “I even don’t know where to begin.”
Grace smiled as well. “Do you wanna go somewhere we can talk?”
They ended up in Thomas and Alastair’s place. Grace’s flat was too far away and they didn’t want to go to another tavern.
Grace gave him curious glances once in a while. He was doing the same. Thomas was oblivious to how they were observing each other. Grace was rather short but everyone looked short next to Thomas. Her hair was pale blonde, almost white. She wasn’t frowning but wasn’t smiling either. She listened. And she was smart. Probably smarter than most people realized.
Alastair made tea for the three of them before he sat with them on the kitchen table. Thomas just finished the story of one of his journeys after he left the palace. Alastair has heard it before but he liked how Thomas was telling stories.
“Anyway,” Thomas said, shaking his head as Grace laughed. “Enough about me. Tell me about yourself,” a tension creeped in his face. “Don’t take this the wrong way, I’m happy to see you but… why are you here, Grace?”
Her smile faded. She opened her mouth but hesitated. She gave Alastair a quick glance. Thomas saw it.
He took Alastair’s hand in his.
“Whatever you have to say to me, you can say it in front of him,” he held her gaze. “Anything.”
Grace slowly nodded. She took a deep breath.
“Thomas,” she said quietly. “Things in the palace aren’t too good. Haven’t been for a while.”
Alastair could almost feel how Thomas’ body tensed next to him. “What do you mean? Is everyone okay?”
Grace shook her head. “No, I mean, yes, everyone is fine, but,” she nervously looked around, like someone could overhear them in the empty apartment. “We got information that leads us to believe there is a traitor among us… and whoever was responsible for the attack four years ago, is planning on trying again.”
“What?” Thomas all but jumped out of his chair. “No,” he shook his head. “I can’t...”
Grace looked pained. “I know it’s shocking. And quite unbelievable. But...” she leaned towards them. “Thomas, there had been rumours. Rumours all over the queendom about a mysterious someone who sells something that “gives you a new life” and can “give you a new home”. A few months before the first attack our spies heard about them but no one paid attention. But recently exactly the same thing has been going on around. It’s too specific not to notice.”
Grace took a breath and took a sip from her tea. She gently put it back on the table but didn’t let go of the cup.
“The queen is not taking any chances,” she continued. “Extremely small circle of people know about this. The Lightwoods are aware. After Gabriel almost died and Barbara’s death… Charlotte decided they had the right to be aware. I know because of Jesse,” her knuckles had gone white from gripping the cup. “Not even Matthew and Benji know. Oh, and Kamala knows too, after what happened to her trying to defend Anna. She’s here with me actually.”
“Wait, I can understand Benji but why not tell Matthew? He’s their son. Does that mean Charles knows?” Thomas said, vibrating with anxious energy. “And Kamala is here with you?”
Grace made a face. “I know you have questions…”
“You bet!”
“...but let’s take it one by one,” Grace said, exhaling. “First: Charles has no idea about any of this. He’s on a diplomatic mission in another country for nine months. He’ll not be home until the end of the year. Kamala and I are here to investigate, of a sort. The queen sent us to find the source of the seller. But… at this point is just a suspicion with too little facts to support it,” she looked tired as she said it. “This city is our last try before we go home,” she grinned at them. “But then I stumbled into you.”
Thomas tried to return the smile but Alastair could see his worry. He was silent for a while.
“You didn’t say anything about Benji and Matthew,” he said quietly.
Grace signed. “Matthew went on a trip a few weeks ago, the same time Kamala and I did. He won’t be back for a while. And Benji… Charlotte decided he shouldn’t know.”
“Why?” Thomas sounded genuinely surprised. “He practically grew up training to be a guard and then a knight. And he was there three years ago. He fought like the rest of us.”
Grace shrugged. “Not everyone that was there knows about this, Tom. The queen is very careful who knows about this and if there is even the slightest chance you may be the traitor...”
“Guilty until proven innocent,” Thomas said bitterly.
“Something like that,” Grace said. “It's a high risk even telling you this. But… I know Charlotte would let you know about it,” but even as she said it she gave Alastair a wary look. Thomas squeezed his hand under the table.
“I must go,” she said and got up, putting on her hat. They also got up, following her to the door.
“Can we see each other again soon?” Thomas said. “And Kamala?”
Grace smiled, “I was going to suggest the same. How about we come for lunch?”
Thomas turned to Alastair with a questioning look. He nodded.
“Okay then,” he smiled, turning back to Grace. “Lunch it is.”
As the door closed after Grace, anxiety creeped over Thomas' face. Alastair could almost see the hundreds of thoughts circling in Thomas’ head.
“Thomas,” Alastair said. “Breath.”
“I’m sorry, I...” Thomas took a deep breath. “I’m fine.”
He gently took his hand and led him to sit on the bed. “You’re not fine. And it’s understandable why.”
“My family… Gods, Alastair. What if something bad happens again and I’m not there to help? What if someone dies? What if-”
“Tom,” Alastair cupped his face, still standing in front of him. He looked him in the eyes. “One breath after another, okay? Breath with me. Yes, yes. Good. Very good.”
Alastair tried his best to sound calm and his voice to be even. Thomas listened to him, following the instructions. With one last breath he opened his eyes and tried to smile at his lover. Alastair carefully let him go. “Better?”
Thomas nodded. He got up and started walking around the small room, rubbing his face. The worst was prevented but it couldn’t take the worry away.
No matter that most people thought about Thomas as an expressive person therefore easy to read, Alastair knew better. He knew Thomas would hide the pain away, trying to protect the others from it. He may be bleeding to death but he'd smile and suggest having a cup of tea. At the same time he wouldn’t lie if asked. Or at least if Alastair asked.
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said.
Thomas ran a hand through his hair. “I’m just… anxious. I can’t believe what’s happening. ”
“You want to go help them,” Alastair said.
“I…” Thomas made a face. He stopped walking. “Of course I do. But I would never drag you into my family's problems.”
“Don't speak nonsense,” Alastair got up as well and looked him in the eyes. “We’re going. Your business is my business.”
Thomas' eyes watered. He cupped Alastair's face and kissed him, gently pulling him closer.
“What did I do to deserve you?” he whispered against his lips.
“Probably saved a kingdom in a past life,” Alastair said with a smile. Thomas laughed softly and kissed Alastair’s nose. His lover looked at him then, serious. “I’m not going to back off because problems appear in front of us, Thomas. Hell, I ran away with you. I can’t scare me off that easily.”
Thomas smiled again, shaking his head. “You’re awesome, you know that?”
“It doesn’t hurt being reminded,” Alastair said with a sly smile and pulled Thomas for another kiss.
Kamala was as beautiful as Thomas remembered her. Her laugh was warm but sharp and her brown eyes were shining with kindness and mischief. When Thomas left they both were almost children. She looked more mature now. There was new quietness in her. He couldn’t help but notice how little she moved her left arm. Her injury from that day.
Her eyes were more careful now as she watched around. But they softened as her gaze laid on Thomas.
“Tom,” she sighed as they hugged. It was a long hug but Thomas didn’t mind. Perhaps it was something they both needed. She was close with Anna and the best friend of Eugenia so he definitely had spent more time with her.
Both girls reminded him of home. He introduced her to Alastair and Thomas thought they liked each other immediately. Kamala had that effect on people.
“So,” she said after she took a sip from her tea. “I heard you found out about our situation.”
“Yes, I did,” Thomas sighed.
Kamala and Grace looked at each other.
“We want you to come with us,” Grace said straightforwardly. “We need all the allies we can get. And… the Lightwoods would be out of their minds to see you.”
“We know,” Kamala quickly. “That you already have a life here and don’t-”
“I’ll come.”
“...to leave but- what?”
“I’ll come,” Thomas repeated. “Well,” he smiled. “We will come.”
Kamala blinked at him. She hesitated. “Tom...”
“I know who you are!” Grace said suddenly. Everyone looked at her, startled. Her eyes were on Alastair. “Your name… I have heard it before but couldn’t recall where from. But I do now. You’re Prince Esfandiyār Jahanshah.”
Kamala’s eyes widened. Alastair looked a little uncomfortable.
“I use this name mostly for more formal situations and with relatives but yes, that’s me. So?”
“Oh gods,” Kamala said, stunned. “You’re that prince who ran away with his lover? This is Benji’s favorite tale.”
Grace turned to Thomas, hit by the same realization.
“You’re that lover?”
Thomas smiled, embarrassed but a little amused. “Guilty.”
“Wow,” Kamala said and then laughed. “I want to hear the story. All of it.”
Grace rolled her eyes. “We have more urgent tasks,” she said. And then added. “But same.”
Alastair laughed a little. Thomas loved to hear his laugh.
“I think,” he said. “We should come up with a plan of what to do.”
“Agreed,” Grace said. “It will look suspicious if you two just pop up in the court.”
“In many ways,” added Kamala. She looked at Alastair. “Hmm. Perhaps we can use your royal identity somehow.”
Alastair frowned. “If Queen Charlotte is that picky who to trust, is it really a good idea for some foreign prince to knock on her door?”
“If we do it right,” Kamala said. “She will welcome you. She doesn’t want anyone to think anything is wrong.”
“And if we come incognito… as a “distraction” for the queen...” Thomas said.
“The real culprit will show themself,” Grace finished. “No one will pay special attention to us.”
“That’s a shitty plan,” Alastair announced.
“It’s not perfect,” Grace agreed. “But if they think everyone is too busy being careful around some foreign prince… that they don’t look at them anymore... it would be easier to catch them making a mistake.”
“So basically, I’ll be the bait?” Alastair arched an eyebrow.
“No,” Kamala said. “We all will be.”
“Are you sure this is safe?” Alastair said, suspiciously eyeing the liquid.
“Of course not,” Grace said, no trace of worry in her voice. “We just spent lots of money on a leery potion. And the woman did say it may have side effects.”
Thomas was smelling it. “It doesn’t smell bad. Just strange. Like apples and gasoline.”
“Relax, Prince Charming,” Kamala said. “We’ll drink it, not you.”
“That’s exactly why I’m worried.”
“We’re wasting time,” Grace said. “No point in reassuring each other how everything will be alright. We do it or we don’t - no one in the palace should recognize us,” then she lifted the small bottle to her lips and drank. Thomas made a face and did the same. Kamala followed.
“I don’t feel different.” Grace said, touching her face.
“Me neither,” Kamala said. “Maybe it takes time...”
Kamala, Grace and Thomas were looking at each other curiously and then with almost comically surprised expressions when they saw the two unfamiliar faces in front of them, blinking at each other.
Alastair watched the three strangers in his apartment.
“Damn,” he stared at them, dazed. “Damn.”
Kamala’s words were echoing in his head. Don’t show you know something is wrong. This is just a random queendom you stopped by for help.
Queen Charlotte looked at him more curiously than hostilly. Alastair decided this was a good sign. He tried his best to look embarrassed.
“Your Majesty,” he bowed low. “Please forgive me for my interruption of your day. I hope you don’t think I’m too unmannered for invading your beautiful queendom like that. I am in desperate need of help.”
Queen Charlotte wasn't a tall woman. She wasn’t wearing expensive jews except the crown on her head that was simple but majestic. Her brown eyes were intelligent and serious but not unkind. She smiled at him, waving a hand at one servant.
“Please, bring some tea for our guests. Even an uninvited stranger deserves hospitality.”
Alastair bowed again. “I’m in awe of your generosity, Your Majesty.”
He looked at her again and secretly took a breath before speaking again. This was the most crucial part.
“I am prince Esfandiyār Jahanshah from a monarchy part of the Eastern empire. I also go by Alastair Carstairs. I’m travelling with my companions,” he waved at Thomas, Kamala and Grace, standing behind him - looking like completely different people - who were still bowing. “I feel silly but we got lost. It’s just the four of us and we have had no royal guardians or contact with our families for weeks. Even months. We were robbed and had no choice but to ask for help. We couldn’t risk revealing our identities to strangers, afraid they may use it against my family. We know around this part of the continent you and a few others have friendly relationships with my land.”
Alastair cringed inside. The next words should not sound as cheeky as it was in his head. Or pathetic.
“I realize I am asking a lot… And I wouldn’t blame you if you refuse. But is it possible to accept us in your palace for a few weeks until a letter reaches my family? I hope I’m not abusing your hospitality.”
The queen was watching him - them - for a few seconds. Alastair was sweating. Worry twisted his insides.
“Please, sit,” Charlotte said. They did as asked, facing her. Alastair was tempted to look at Thomas, to check on him but he couldn’t risk it.
“Prince Esfandiyār,” she started. Then stopped. “Am I pronouncing it right?”
Alastair nodded. But even if she didn’t, Alastair probably wouldn’t correct her anyway. Most monarchs didn’t like to be corrected.
“You realize what sudden and odd request you’re asking of me,” she continued. “I appreciate that. I can’t let just any random prince or princess stay in my palace without any notice.”
No, Alastair thought. Panic was rising in him.
“However,” Charlotte said. “I believe it won’t be a problem to stay here under a name different from Jahanshah. It’s quite a known name, as you are aware.”
Alastair released a deep breath in relief.
“Of course, Your Majesty,” he bowed his head. “I’ll stay here as Alastair Carstairs. I hope it won’t be too much trouble for you. You have my endless graduate.”
Charlotte smiled at him. She stood up. The rest did as well.
“You will be escorted to your rooms. I guess you want to be next to each other?”
“If this is possible,” Alastair bowed his head in obeyance. “My companions are very dear to me and for months we had slept next to each other.”
The queen smiled unexpectedly warmly. “Then you are a lucky man, Prince Alastair.”
“Absolutely true,” Alastair agreed sincerely.
At this moment the servant came back with their tea. She put on the table, serving firstly at the Queen, then the rest of them.
“Thank you, Martha,” Charlotte said. Alastair was surprised she knew the servant's girl name. Most royals didn't bother. “Would you ask a guard to call for the Lightwoods? Apologize for the trouble at this time but it's urgent.”
The girl bowed low. “Yes, Your Majesty.”
As she left the room, Charlotte turned to them again. “I hope you are not offended by the heavy guard you'll have here. It's the good old caution that helps one survive.”
“I expect nothing less,” he smiled to show he didn't mind. He had to look at easy. If he was just a Prince looking for help then he had nothing to hide.
A sharp knock on the door interrupted their conversation.
“Come in,” Charlotte said before drinking from her cup.
The Lightwoods entered the room.
To be continued...
Words: 6 030
Four months of writing, three weeks of editing, HERE IT IS FINALLY
And if you're fan of 19 Days... I hope you caught the reference hehe
Next part coming Thursday and the third one - Sunday
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niennamalax · 3 years
Bring Alastair’s dagger home = bring it to Thomas’ diary
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winterdollsblog · 3 years
Heyo, can I have a 3 + Thomastair? 👀🥰 Please and thank you
(is this a bad time to say I've never wrote fanfic? Buut I'll try my best 😅)
Thank you!
3: A breathy demand: “Kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond. + Thomstair
This takes place any time after Chain of Iron
Send me a prompt + ship
"Go away, Gina." Thomas muttered and stuck his head back under his pillow as his sister began walking him up. "No deal. Mum and Dad left me in charge before they left for their date, and it's three in the afternoon. You can't sleep the day away."
He turned over to look at his sister the second she used the same tone as when he used to be sick. "Okay, okay. What's the plan?"
Eugenia looked a little too proud of herself. "We're going to spend the day with Lucie and Cordelia at Hell Ruelle." Thomas groaned. "I'm not babysitting you girls."
She rolled her eyes. "You won't be alone, Alastair will be there."
He perked up a little at the mention of Alastair. Then put his hands up in surrender. "I'll come quietly." "Great!" Eugenia skipped out the room leaving Thomas to get ready.
Once ready and set: they set off to Hell Ruelle.
Upon arrival, Thomas stopped in his tracks as his eyes fell upon Alastair sitting between Lucie and Cordelia (and looking perfect in his casual suit) Thomas snapped out of his trance when Eugenia poked him. "Why do you look like a drowning fish?"
He felt his cheeks grow a little red. "Nothing. Let's go."
Thomas could feel Eugenia's questioning staring into his back as he walked over to the table. He couldn't help laughing as he saw Lucie standing on her chair acting out her latest chapter. " "--and then the beautiful Cordelia takes her beloved blade, stares Cruel Prince James in the eyes and says--" hey Thomas!" She said, causing everyone to laugh at her break of character. Thomas's heart sped up a little as Alastair had the ghost of a smile.
"Ooh, Eugenia's here! Let's go, Daisy. We can act the The Beautiful Cordelia!" The girls linked hands and immediately went to Eugenia. Thomas nervously played with the bottom of his shirt as he was suddenly left alone with Alastair.
Alastair turned to look at him and Thomas felt his heart race. Relax, he's just being polite.
"I guess you feel relieved since you don't have to babysit Lucie Cordelia now." Thomas laughed a little, Alastair raised an eyebrow. "She's my sister and Lucie is stuck to her like glue. You can't have one without the other." Alastair chuckled a laugh as Lucie was during some elaborate reenactment of her book with a confused Cordelia and Thomas swore he could've died on the spot.
Even though they were surrounded with people: in this moment Thomas felt like the world stopped expect for them. His mind went back to the time of him being accused of murdering Lilian Highsmith, and how they'd shared their first kiss. It was sheer euphoria, while it was strange given the context: it meant the world for Thomas...he just hoped Alastair felt the same.
While they spoke about this and that, and interacted with the girls: the gap between them slowly narrowed until they were inches apart.
Thomas could see Alastair's heart thumping in his chest and he couldn't help his eyes dropping to Alastair's lips and he found himself wishing he could taste them again.
"Kiss me..." The words escaped Thomas's lips before he had time to think. He mentally cursed himself when Alastair stiffened slightly. "What did you say?"
Thomas paused for a second. He could've made something up, but that wasn't him. He willed his nerves to steady as he said. "Kiss me."
Alastair's mind overran at the confession. A part of him was telling him to not give in since anyone could see.
But the rest of him--his heart, maybe-- reminded him of that night in the Sanctuary. How Thomas felt in his arms. How their bodies felt right in the embrace. How soft and gentle his lips felt.
Thomas waited to a baited breath as he waited for Alastair's reaction.
He was in the bliss the second Alastair leaned in and kissed him and didn't shy away when Thomas wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him in more.
He is all I want, the thought flashed through Thomas's mind like a freight train and it was perfect.
I hope you like it and I hope I did the ship justice ❤️❤️
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
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I’m rereading the codex and lmao Alastair you lil show off 🤭
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Alastair returned Charles's glance and looked away; Lucie sensed Thomas's shoulder tense beside hers.
There is so much stuff going on here-
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last-lane-of-liv · 4 years
“Thomas felt light-headed. Had Alastair just said, I thought you were beautiful? Alastair, who was literally the most beautiful person Thomas had ever known?”
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xchloecarstairsx · 4 years
So maybe hopefully after my exams are over and I’m done with school I’m thinking of writing fics and oneshots or even starting adapting TDA into a play so if you guys want anything let me knowww ;)
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notgonnadoitgirl · 4 years
Alastair Carstairs                        Chaol Westfall
        being the most misunderstood characters
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llinstarr · 11 months
Mood boards master list ⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
Here are all of the moodboards I made! All of the pics were taken from Pinterest, if you want to be added to my tag list, comment here. Have a good day! ⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
Alastair castaires⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ:
Thomastair ⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ:
Tcoptp series-
Sirius black ⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
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discorrdiia · 3 years
Matthew: Look, Alastair, I know we don’t get along.
Alastair: [scoffs] Yeah we sure as hell don’t.
Matthew: Shut up. I brought you a gift as a peace offering.
Alastair: What is it?
Matthew: [handing it to them] Here, it’s a bath bomb. You just throw it into the bath when you need to relax.
Alastair: Matthew, this is a toaster.
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fangirlingdweeb · 4 years
im sorry but this screams will herondale. i swear to god, this kid is hanging out way too much with his uncle will 😂🙈
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but i do love my sassy boy 🥺
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