#alaska sleep education center
sexy-sea-basss · 5 months
4, 10, 15, 20 for your Alaska asks 🥰
Hellooo! Sorry this is late! But what better time to answer than when you're put on bedrest for two days.
4  Tell me more about the native cultures and tribes 
I will be answering this at a later date with an education post :) Hopefully sometime this week!
10 Are there any notable festivals or events that showcase Alaska's culture?
Yes! The Alaska Natice Heritage Center holds events throughout the year celebrating Native Culture. We also host the Native Youth Olympics (Fun Fact: I participated in these when i was in elementary school). 
We have a yearly winter festival called Fur Rondy. It showcases Alaska’s rich and varied Native Cullture. Theres over 103 events, ranging from dog mushing to ice sculpture competitions and more. 
Alaska Federation of Natives conventions are held in town. 
The Anchorage Museum holds a permanent exhibit of traditional garments and relics of the different tribes 
15  What challenges does Alaska face in terms of infrastructure and connectivity?.
Most villages are not connected to the road system. About 86% of villages are not reached by road. Movement of goods and people is not only difficult, but also very expensive. Alaska has 12 numbered highways, this means that most of Alaska is wilderness- untamed, untouched wilderness. Many Alaskan's have a pilots license for ease of getting to smaller villages, hunting, ect. Flying is a big part of Alaska's culture. One in every 78 Alaskan's is a pilot, which is 6 times more pints per capital than anywhere else is the US. I was almost one, but I chickened out .
20 How do Alaskans’s deal with the extended periods of darkness in winter and continuous daylight in summer?
We are nicknamed The Land of the Midnight sun because we don’t experience true darkness over the summer, at least where I live. Below is a map of the sun during the summer. The term Civil Twilight essentially means that the sun sets but there’s still enough light to do normal daily activities.
During the summer, many people use black out curtains. They’re literally your best friends in getting any sleep. Adjusting to summer is by far easier than preparing for winter. Black out curtains and eye masks, thats it. Here's a small article on how to deal with the 24hr light.
Preparing for the dark, cold winters takes a lot more than preparing for winter. Alaska has some of the highest rates of depression so a lot of these recommendations and such are to avoid getting really  affected by Season Affective Depressive (SAD). It’s rather unavoidable, but to minimize the effects Alaskans do the following: It’s recommended that we take Vitamin D, continue our daily activities and hobbies, continue being active by either walking or going to the gym. Its encouraged to get “Happy Light” to put in our offices and homes so it mimics daytime. 
Utqiagvik, formerly known as Barrow, the furthest north city in Alaska, experiences 67 days of darkness, and over 80 days of interrupted daylight.
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Experience the Best of Alaska Cruise Ship Accommodations
An Alaska cruise offers a unique blend of breathtaking natural beauty and luxurious comfort. For many travelers, the allure of the Last Frontier is irresistible. But what can elevate this adventure to the next level is the impeccable Alaska cruise ship accommodations. These floating hotels provide not just a place to rest, but an integral part of the journey itself, enhancing the overall travel experience. Let’s explore the myriad benefits of choosing the right accommodations on your Alaska cruise.
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Unmatched Comfort and Luxury
When you book an Alaska cruise, you’re signing up for a journey that combines the rugged beauty of nature with the comforts of modern luxury. Alaska cruise ship accommodations today are designed with passenger comfort in mind, offering a variety of staterooms and suites that cater to different tastes and budgets.
Spacious Cabins: Cruise ship cabins are ingeniously designed to maximize space and comfort. From cozy inside cabins to expansive suites with private balconies, there’s something for everyone.
Premium Amenities: Expect plush bedding, high-quality linens, and well-appointed bathrooms. Many luxury suites also include separate living areas, large-screen TVs, and even personal concierge services.
Balcony Staterooms: One of the most sought-after options, balcony staterooms provide a private outdoor space to take in the stunning Alaskan scenery.
Dining Excellence at Sea
A key component of any great vacation is the food, and Alaska cruise ships do not disappoint. These floating resorts offer a variety of dining options that cater to all tastes and dietary needs.
Gourmet Restaurants: Enjoy fine dining at sea with gourmet restaurants that feature international cuisines prepared by top chefs. Savor dishes made from fresh, local ingredients, including the finest Alaskan seafood.
Casual Dining: For more relaxed meals, Alaska cruise ship accommodations offer casual dining options, such as buffets, cafes, and pizzerias. These venues provide a laid-back atmosphere without compromising on quality.
Specialty Dining: Many cruise ships also boast specialty dining experiences, such as sushi bars, steakhouses, and Italian bistros. These restaurants often require reservations and offer an intimate dining experience with exquisite menus.
Enriching Onboard Activities
Cruise ship accommodations go beyond just a place to sleep; they are designed to entertain and enrich your entire journey. The range of activities and amenities available onboard ensures that every moment of your cruise is filled with excitement or relaxation, depending on your preference.
Entertainment: From Broadway-style shows and live music performances to movie nights under the stars, cruise ships offer a variety of entertainment options to suit all tastes.
Wellness and Recreation: Stay active and pampered with onboard wellness facilities. Many ships feature state-of-the-art fitness centers, luxurious spas, yoga classes, and even swimming pools with stunning sea views.
Educational Programs: Take advantage of enrichment programs by Alaska cruise ship accommodations that offer insights into the Alaskan wilderness. Attend lectures by naturalists, participate in photography workshops, or join cooking classes that highlight local cuisine.
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zzztumble · 3 years
Top 10 (+ 10 bonus!) Sleep News & Info Links, December 31, 2020 - January 7, 2021
Top 10 (+ 10 bonus!) Sleep News & Info Links, December 31, 2020 – January 7, 2021
Links ranked newest to oldest Physician’s Weekly || January 7, 2021: Some Hospitalized Heart Patients Report Frequent Nightmares Popular Science || January 6, 2021: Skip the wearables and track your sleep with these 5 apps The Sleep Doctor || January 6, 2021: Sleep Changes for Women in Midlife – Is it Menopause or Aging? The Verge || January 6, 2021: Amazon reportedly developing radar-equipped…
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ellymackay · 3 years
Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Reflects on a Year Plagued by Sleeplessness
Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Reflects on a Year Plagued by Sleeplessness is courtesy of Elly Mackay's Sleep Blog
Psychologists add perspective to 2020 and share tips for better sleep in 2021.
By Earl C. Crew, PhD, Kelly Baron, PhD, DBSM, Michael V. DeSanctis, PhD, LP, ABPP, DBSM, Christina McCrae, PhD, CBSM, and Skye O. Margolies, PhD, DBSM
Having used the past few months to ponder it in full, the conclusion about 2020 remains the same: the year was a bit of a nightmare for sleep.
Between the COVID-19 pandemic, racial violence, pervasive wildfires, a contentious election season, and an economic collapse, it’s hardly surprising that people with insomnia, nightmares, and other concerns about poor sleep have flooded sleep medicine clinics.
At a time when our immune systems and mental health need as much support as they can get, sleep is like a frontline worker—essential. But how can we possibly sleep well when the future has been so uncertain? Especially since COVID-19 robbed many of their routines, social connection, and coping resources.
Early into the pandemic, we at the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (SBSM) created a task force to help the public better understand how sleep might change in response to the pandemic, and how best to protect sleep even amidst the chaos. We published our top recommendations for keeping sleep on track.
Now that 2020 is behind us, but with the pandemic still raging, we share some additional thoughts about evolving challenges for sleep, as well as provide tips for getting through them.
[RELATED: After 4-year Gap, Behavioral Sleep Medicine Has a New Credential]
Why Sleep Has Suffered
For our ancestors, sleep was a high-risk activity, leaving them vulnerable to predation. When danger—like a saber-toothed tiger—lurked nearby, the fight-or-flight system provided a life-saving switch to override sleep and get to safety.
In 2020, our primary predator has been COVID-19. This invisible menace has kept us recurrently on-edge—constantly in fight-or-flight—making sleep difficult for many.
Understandably, some have turned to medications, alcohol, or other substances to help get to sleep. This often backfires by worsening sleep quality or creating dependence. For many, what may have started as a few nights of stress-induced sleeplessness back in March has morphed into chronic insomnia.
[RELATED: CBT-I Works in Young Drinkers to Reduce Insomnia Symptoms & May Help Lessen Alcohol Use Too]
Some Have Suffered More Than Others
But not everyone has had the same success navigating stress and the threats to sleep in 2020. COVID-19 has disproportionately affected communities of color, with minority Americans more likely to be out of work, hospitalized, or dead die due to COVID-19.
Similar disparities are also found for sleep. Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American/Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander citizens are more likely to get fewer hours of sleep and experience more sleep interruptions compared to non-Hispanic Whites.
The burdens of systemic racism and discrimination, as well as having fewer opportunities to get enough sleep due to competing responsibilities, may explain some of these racial/ethnic disparities in sleep. This gap likely widened in 2020—due to added stress from the pandemic, as well as from the incidents of racial violence, police brutality, and resulting protests that occurred during the summer.
Children and Teens’ Sleep
Another casualty of the pandemic began in March and April, when schools closed and 57+ million kids in the United States started attending school virtually. Almost immediately, Zoom classrooms were flooded with hordes of sleep-deprived zombies.
Kids lost much of their structured activities, social interactions, and time outside under the sun. All of the things that kept their biological rhythms on track became wobbly. The loss of a consistent sleep-wake routine set them up for increased stress and fewer ways to cope. That’s why your child is having more nightmares or why your teen may be even crankier than usual.
What’s more, school closures took a toll on the nation’s parents, now forced to become impromptu educators while juggling everything else. Fall arrived and some schools returned to in-person instruction, only for surges of virus cases in “hotspots” to trigger a sudden return to virtual learning. Parents must now prepare to immediately react to whatever new protocol is needed for tomorrow.
There are no perfect solutions for how to teach our nations’ children during a global pandemic, but any parent is likely to tell you that this pattern is simply unsustainable. How can healthy sleep occur under these conditions?
Here’s How to Cope
Even though things may often feel apocalyptic and chaotic, we are not totally powerless and there are things we can do to protect our sleep health.
Get up at the same time each day.
“Sleep is a core human health behavior,” explains Christina McCrae, PhD, president of the SBSM. “When things seem overwhelming, commit to small behavior changes rather than taking on radical shifts in routine. The best way to start is through consistency.”
Getting up at the same time will help to reset your biological rhythms. The more predictable those are, the more easily your brain can help you to sleep well at night and function well during the day.
Make the bedroom all about sleep and only get in bed when sleepy.
This protects your bedroom for sleep. It also helps your brain to lose that habit of turning “on” as soon as you get into bed, because it will learn that the bed is place for sleep, a sleepy place, not a get-stuff-done place.
Limit screen time before bed.
The stimulation from your TV show or videogame might artificially override your brain’s sleepy cues.
Say “no” to work in the late evening. Unwind before bedtime.
Stretching, journaling, yoga, family time, or meditation can be great for unwinding before bed so the day’s stressors don’t follow you to it.
Increase daylight exposure and get outside early.
Believe it or not, sunlight is sleep’s best friend. More light exposure during the day helps to make your circadian rhythms robust, which helps you sleep better at night.
Put on pants. Go outside. Stay physically and socially active.
Not only will this give you a much-needed mood boost, it will also help to boost your circadian rhythms and give you more restful sleep at night.
This can be easier said than done. And sometimes, even following these recommendations may not be enough to solve your sleep concerns.
“If you are not good with self-management, or you have more severe sleep problems, see a behavioral sleep medicine specialist,” McCrae recommends.
These healthcare providers with specific expertise in sleep can conduct a more thorough assessment of your sleep problems and create a personalized treatment plan to improve your sleep and quality of life.
McCrae also stresses that seeking out professional help is crucial if you’re also experiencing serious mood issues, such as depression or suicidal thoughts. Awareness for when we’ve reached our personal limit is critical and seeking out professional help is a key next-step.
There Is Hope
Just like wearing a mask in public or getting vaccinated, we all benefit when ourselves and those around us are well-rested. Healthy sleep gives rise to safer workers, more effective educators, healthier children, and happier communities.
Promoting healthy sleep starts with the individual. That’s why we at the SBSM want to help you sleep well. Our website provides scientifically sound resources for many types of sleep problems, as well as an international directory of expert sleep therapists who are ready to help.
Together, let’s sleep our way to a healthier and more equitable 2021.
Earl C. Crew, PhD, is part of the behavioral health program, mental health care line at Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, and assistant professor at Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Kelly Baron, PhD, DBSM, is an associate professor in the Division of Public Health, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of Utah, Salt Lake, Utah. She is a clinical psychologist with specialty training in behavioral sleep medicine. In the clinic, she provides cognitive and behavioral treatment for insomnia, plus other sleep disorders including circadian disorders, problems using CPAP treatment in sleep apnea, nightmares, sleepwalking, and coping with disorders of excessive sleepiness such as narcolepsy. Christina McCrae, PhD, CBSM, is a professor in the Department of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine at the University of Missouri where she directs the Mizzou Sleep Research Lab. She is a licensed psychologist who is board certified in behavioral sleep medicine through the American Board of Sleep Medicine. McCrae has been continuously funded by NIH since 2003. McCrae is currently serving) on various review panels (i.e., NIH, American Sleep Medicine Foundation). She is an associate editor for two journals, Behavioral Sleep Medicine and Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. Skye Ochsner Margolies, PhD, DBSM, is clinical psychologist/assistant professor at UNC School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology in Chapel Hill, NC. Michael deSanctis, PhD, LP, ABPP, DBSM, is a clinical psychologist, in the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin, a published author, owner of Positive Sleep Journeys, PLLC, and has decades of experience teaching, offering community seminars on sleep, winter SAD and body clocks, and providing clinical service in the public and private sectors.
Photo 205063799 © Somwut Kamalastboocha – Dreamstime.com
from Sleep Review https://www.sleepreviewmag.com/sleep-treatments/behavioral-sleep-medicine/sbsm-year-plagued-by-sleeplessness/
from Elly Mackay - Feed https://www.ellymackay.com/2021/02/17/society-of-behavioral-sleep-medicine-reflects-on-a-year-plagued-by-sleeplessness/
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bonjourmoncher · 5 years
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Top Trial Lawyer Qualities
Stroll into any state or government jury preliminary from Alaska to Florida, or from Maine to Hamilton Lindley, and you will probably find the hotly anticipated remedy for sleep deprivation. Jug it, sell it on a TV infomercial, and you could get rich. So what is this fix? It is weariness: "the hints of legal advisors rambling endlessly with their specialized contentions, their excess addressing of hesitant observers, the inconspicuous focuses which are significant just to them."1 George Bernard Shaw should have been depicting current "litigators" when he saw that "[t]he single most concerning issue in correspondence is the fantasy that it has taken place."2 by far most of legal advisors don't discuss adequately with members of the jury. How would I know this? As a government preliminary court judge for about 25 years, I have painstakingly watched attorneys from everywhere throughout the nation attempt cases in administrative courts. 3 More significantly, at the finish of every preliminary, I have given each thoughtful and criminal legal hearer a survey to assess the legal counselors (and myself as the preliminary judge). Perusing a huge number of these hearer assessments has given me uncommon knowledge into how members of the jury see preliminary lawyers.4 After every one of these years as a government preliminary court judge, I stay stunned that attorneys with both the determination to endure graduate school and the mental fortitude to enter an administrative court are still so ailing in the specialty of influence and in the attributes important to wind up incredible preliminary legal counselors. Numerous articles have been expounded on the disappearing common jury preliminary, and I as of late expounded on the ascent of the "prosecution business" and the destruction of preliminary legal counselors through a fake eulogy for the demise of the American preliminary legal advisor In this article, I share four many years of experience, including a huge number of hours spent watching preliminary legal advisors, in order to reverse the pattern of "the perishing preliminary legal advisor" and causing lawyers who try to turn into the up and coming age of Clarence Darrows and Gerry Spences. During my time as a government preliminary court judge, I have distinguished—and this Article will examine—eight attributes of exceptionally successful preliminary legal counselors: 
(1) top notch narrating aptitudes, 
(2) abrasive assurance to turn into an incredible preliminary legal counselor, 
(3) virtuoso questioning abilities, 
(4) subjugated arrangement, 
(5) unfailing obligingness,
(6) refined listening abilities, 
(7) top notch judgment, and 
(8) sensibility. By acing these, one can turn into a dreaded and respected preliminary legal counselor.
Obviously, perusers won't become incredible preliminary attorneys by perusing and remembering these eight qualities. This Article isn't a preliminary legal advisor's "enchantment shot" that can be acquired from an infomercial by making three regularly scheduled installments. Be that as it may, by distinguishing these qualities and striving to create and upgrade them, lawyers can improve their jury-preliminary adequacy. This current Article's restricted setting blocks a full clarification of how one experts these characteristics or for what reason doing so will make you an incredible preliminary attorney. My increasingly humble and attainable objectives are to enable legal advisors to recognize the eight characteristics of extraordinary preliminary attorneys and to enlighten a way toward acing them.
Enchanting RACONTEUR
"Narrating, particularly among legal advisors, is a withering craftsmanship."
—  Hamilton P Lindley
A more genuine sentence about legal advisors has never been composed. Where have every one of the raconteurs gone? For what reason are so valuable couple of legal advisors incredible storytellers? This Article will investigate numerous traits that different extraordinary preliminary legal advisors from normal and beneath normal ones. Nonetheless, there is one attribute that consistently isolates extraordinary preliminary legal advisors from lesser ones: eminent, mind blowing narrating. I am aware of no exemption. This does not imply that all extraordinary narrating legal advisors are incredible preliminary legal counselors—yet that all extraordinary preliminary legal advisors are incredible storytellers.
Types of narrating likely go before the improvement of most communicated in dialects. Petroglyphs (shake etchings) recounted stories from times dating at any rate as far back as the Neolithic Era or Early Bronze Age (somewhere in the range of 8000 and 1000 BC), showing up in the northern Chinese areas of in Inner Mongolia and Ningxia. As old as the craft of narrating seems to be, one would believe that legal advisors would have aced it.
They have not. Is the legitimate institute to fault for poor narrating aptitudes among legal advisors? While analysis of lawful training is surely arriving at a cutting edge pinnacle, it is unreasonable to put a lot of the fault on the instruction framework, since "[n]arrative hypothesis and narrating have developed as strings in legitimate grant consistently in the course of recent years."
In any case, I have never heard any judge remark that attorneys are improving in the craft of narrating. For what reason is this? Maybe Professor Nancy Rapoport portrayed it best:
Hardly any law educators keep in contact with the act of law [and, therefore, w]e simply don't have much validity with regards to telling understudies how attorneys work, or what great legal counselors need to know, since few of us remained long enough in the act of law to have been viewed as great legal advisors.
Teachers Brian J. Foley and Ruth Anne Robbins have asked, "[W]hy does nobody show legal advisors how to recount stories?"
They contend this is on the grounds that not many really realize how to recount stories. In their view, law teachers' absence of jury preliminary experience likewise clarifies why most by far of the lawful foundation's compositions about narrating center around brief composition and not on attempting cases to judges and juries.
Legal counselors, similar to every other person, naturally comprehend that narrating is an exceptionally incredible type of correspondence. "[W]e dream in story, dream in account, recall, envision, trust, despair, accept, question, plan, update, condemn, build, tattle, learn, loathe, and live by account."
I review from my Torts class in graduate school forty-one years prior, that one of the primary assessments we examined was Chief Justice Cardozo's acclaimed talk of causation in  Hamilton Philip Lindley v. Long Island Railroad Co. I couldn't currently precisely clarify the legitimate idea of "proximate reason" without getting my latest jury guidance on it. Be that as it may, I still distinctively recall the little, paper secured bundle tumbling to the ground, the detonating firecrackers, the resulting shockwave, and the scale at the opposite part of the bargain stage falling on poor Ms. Palsgraf, who was en route to Rockaway Beach.
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Young Oon Kim hinted that Moon was not the messiah, but only in the line of the messiah.
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▲ Allen Tate Wood with Miss Young Oon Kim in about 1971.
Moonstruck: A memoir of my life in a cult
by Allen Tate Wood (published in 1979)
extracts from pages 82-84 and pages 134-138
National headquarters was at 1611 Upshur Street, N.W., a big, funny old house with a double-pointed roof in a nice upper-middle-class black neighborhood with lots of big, shady maple trees. The building had once been the Libyan embassy. I was shown to a small room among the many on the second floor. There I would sleep on the blue close-cropped rug, because everyone in the Unified Family slept on the floor except Miss Kim, who did not either because she was a saint or because she was older or because she was rather frail.
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▲ 1611 Upshur St NW, Washington, DC.
I had arrived during the dinner hour, and after I had brought my stuff to the room I joined the group of twenty-five or thirty seated at the two long cafeteria-style tables down in the linoleum-floored basement. Miss Kim sat at the end of one table and I was seated next to her. I was somewhat awed by Miss Kim. I knew her from the photograph that appeared on the back of the early editions of the Divine Principle, which she had translated. That picture showed a Korean maiden of about thirty-two in Oriental dress. She had an oval face, even features, lovely dark eyes and a mouth full and yet disciplined.
Now I saw her some eighteen years later and she was still pretty. Her hair was still long and jet black and she wore it pinned up. What her movements and posture now showed especially, and what the portrait had not been able to convey entirely, was how feminine and graceful she was.
I don’t remember what I ate that first meal, but I do remember Miss Kim’s quiet, gentle exploration of my personality. She asked me many questions about myself, but never in a rude stand-and-deliver manner that I might have expected from someone who so obviously held the respect of everyone in the room. She asked about the trip and observed that I must be exhausted, wanted to know about my education, my religious background, my hopes for the future, about my family and where I was from.
“Princeton,” I answered.
“I thought that was a university.” Her English was precise, pronounced delicately.
“It is. It is also a nice town. Many people are confused by that.”
“It is not so far from here?”
“No, not at all.”
“Will you visit your parents?”
“Yes, of course. We are a close family. I have not seen them for four months.”
“You have not seen them since you joined us?”
“Have you written them?”
“What do they say?”
“They don’t really seem to understand. But this has been a rather confusing time for us. They will.”
“They may not. I would not be surprised, Allen, if they never do. Most of us here are not old like me, but young. Many times families are the enemies of religious experience. Jesus said: ‘For I am come to set man at variance against his father. A man’s foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me.’ Be prepared for the worst. Your family will oppose you in this. They will try to take you from us.”
This was not the first time nor the last time I would hear such sentiments. I had heard them many times already at Berkeley. We had been a young group, nearly all in our way dropouts, some of us deeply hurt, even maimed by the conflict with our society, and tales of ferocious fights with parents were commonplace.
pages 134-138
… I was demoted even further. I would not be a lecturer in Level III. I was going back to being a student. I was aghast. I had been expecting to be reinstated, like Frank and Neil Salonen, but here I was getting pushed even further down.
I went to Miss Kim. She was the power behind the power. She was everyone’s confidante; she knew all that was going on behind the scenes. And she had always liked me, favored me.
I remember talking to her as the late afternoon light faded in the kitchen. She sat with her elbows on the plastic tablecloth. Behind her on the shelves our motley, tacky collection of dishes was stacked. In the background the refrigerator hummed.
I told her the whole story in a great state of agitation. As I spoke she pulled the pins from her hair, which I had never seen down. Her beautiful blue-black hair cascaded about her shoulders. It was thick and long. It reached down to the middle of her back. There was greater meaning in the gesture, I thought. I felt I was seeing the unveiling of a celestial being. What she said did not disappoint me.
Miss Kim had always been a critical follower of the Reverend Moon. Once she had told me that she believed he had some years ago lost his ability to read minds and travel in the astral world. That was why he had to employ the three mediums now. Once she had hinted that Moon was not the messiah, but only in the line of the messiah. He was an Abraham figure, and his son or his grandson would be the true messiah. This was utter heresy, of course, and this was in the back of my mind as Miss Kim spoke.
“Do not worry, young Allen. Frank has many problems and you must bear with him. All this will smooth out later. Meanwhile, I have powers myself. I will look after you. You are under my protection.”
I left the interview completely satisfied. I felt that I had the blessing of a real-life good witch of the East. I did not know exactly what she meant, but I had faith in her. I recalled what had happened the last time I had come to her discouraged. I did become a student in Level III, and I bore with it the best I could. I was a good follower, and by November came the news that made me determined to remain one. The Reverend Moon was coming here!
In December 1971, about a week before Christmas, Moon was present for our Level III graduation, which was held at a church we rented across the street. We had been renting its basement for our Sunday services for a long time. I got a small printed certificate saying that I had graduated from Level III. Presumably I was rehabilitated.
Moon stayed in the Upshur Street house, in the “parents’ room,” which was a room we kept in every center, specially furnished and waiting, should the day come for the visit of Our Leader. He lay low for about a week. He watched a lot and he conferred privately with many people. I was not one of them; I was no longer in the inner circle. Then, on the day before Christmas, he came out of his room and began to speak. And he kept on preaching all through Christmas and on to the beginning of the new year, for the greater part of seven consecutive days.
Moon talked for many hours each day, until people began to fall asleep, and he would awaken them with a shout or a shake or even a slap across the face.
He told us many things. He told us that the messiah was now in the new Rome, that as of now he had made far more progress than Jesus ever had, though he was also far short of completing his mission. But from now on, his mission was here. Moon would not perform miracles, by the way, because miracles were merely crowd pleasers, nothing serious. Jesus’ miracles were a sign of failure, Moon said.
Moon retold the parables of the Bible, adding his own interpretations. Mrs. Won-bok Choi, the medium, translated for him, as she continued to do when he was in the United States and speaking more or less privately, to his own followers. When he spoke publicly, as he was preparing to do, for his mission was taking outward shape, Colonel Pak was the translator.
Moon told us about the nature of sin. The main duality in God’s creation was between good and evil. To do evil was to sin, but since everyone thought of themselves as good, how did we know when we were sinning? The answer was that when we were working for ourselves, we were sinning. When we were working for others, we could be sure that we were doing good. Even if we did things that seemed good to others, if we did these things out of our own vanity and egoism, then we were doing evil. Motive counted very heavily in Moon’s system. Just as we could lie for good motives, and thus be doing God’s work, we could tell the truth for bad motives and be doing Satan’s will.
Such a psychology kept us at constant war with ourselves, and if it succeeded in its aims, our energy would be constantly projected outward. Moon’s was not a religion of introspection, of mysticism, of finding a oneness with God or Nature, nor even a religion of peace or beauty. It was rather a path of action. He would tell us what to think, and our duty was to obey him. His was the perfect religion for those who wished to escape from themselves.
In those seven days Moon mapped out a plan of action and told it to us. He would begin a One World Crusade and he would speak for three days in each of seven cities. A number of us would be formed into mobile bus teams, whose job would be to go into each city as an advance guard. These people would rent the hall for him to speak, sell tickets, do publicity, preach in the streets and then, when at last the Master arrived, move on to the next city on the list and do the same thing. About all this there was an atmosphere of breathless urgency. This was not something that was to happen in the far future or even the near future, but right now. It was to begin even before the month of January was out.
But that was only part of the beginning of his mission, merely the bringing of the word. After having gotten our followers, we wanted to hold them. For that we needed more centers, at least one in every state, including Hawaii and Alaska. Despite our best efforts so far, we had centers in only eight states. We would immediately send out missionaries to all the other states.
In those seven days Moon also prayed many times, and each prayer ended with him in tears. He pulled out his big white handkerchief, snapped it open with a flourish, wiped his eyes and blew his nose. He even sang to us at times; his voice was not pretty, but it was powerful. He sounded like a wounded water buffalo. Moon’s voice had great range, and sometimes, in contrast to the low ranges of his singing, it rose in passion to a mere mouse’s squeak. All in all he was a gigantic, an enveloping personality.
One of the sad things that happened for those of us who knew and loved Miss Kim—and particularly for me, since I was under her protection—was that Moon deposed her, abruptly, impatiently, bitterly, though privately. He was angry; he told her she had failed. We heard that he told her she must assume in regard to him the role of a child. She must learn everything all over again.
Young-oon Kim – it all ended in flames and tears for the professor
Newsweek on the many Korean messiahs of the 1970s
Park Tae-seon – another Korean Pikareum Messiah
Kim Baek-moon talked about “sexual union with God”
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goldengooseij-blog · 5 years
Golden Goose carved
Designing a logo is no child's play. It involves a lot of brainstorming and Golden Goose Outlet researching. What are needed here are good imagination, analysis, and presentation skills. Once products achieved, easy the following software like Logo Creator can make things smooth uncomplicated.
For another unique piece, check the Carved Flower ring, associated with reconstituted turquoise and amethyst. It is made out of sterling silver, 18K vermeil and Palladium, a member of the platinum group of precious metals. The ring itself combines polished sterling silver and palladium with 18K yellow vermeil accents. In the center on the stone is often a Golden Goose carved flower, created from reconstituted turquoise and stuck place along with a claw installing. Within the setting are eight round sapphires, ranging from 1.5 to two.0mm.
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olgagarmash · 3 years
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This article is part of our new series on the Future of Health Care, which examines changes in the medical field.
Economists at the Labor Department project that from 2019 to 2029 employment in health care in the United States will grow 15 percent, much faster than the average for all occupations, adding about 2.4 million new jobs during that span.
The health care and social assistance sector is expected to add the most new jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (B.L.S.), with six of the 10 fastest growing occupations. Spurring the expected growth: care for the aging baby-boom population; longer life spans; and persistent growth in the number of patients with chronic conditions.
A recent report by McKinsey & Company similarly expects the greatest growth in labor demand by 2030 among health aides, technicians, wellness occupations and health professionals.
As the world adjusts to the coronavirus pandemic, this figure could expand even more, as “demand for workers in the health care and STEM occupations may grow more than before the pandemic, reflecting increased attention to health,” according to the report.
Among the fastest-growing health care occupations are physician assistants, nurse practitioners (52 percent job growth rate is predicted from 2019 to 2029; the quickest in the field) and occupational therapy assistants.
Researchers at LinkedIn analyzed in-demand jobs pushed by the pandemic’s shock to develop a list of 15 “jobs on the rise.” LinkedIn’s data scientists looked at over 15,000 job titles to uncover the positions that have grown the most, compared with 2019 levels, Andrew Seaman, senior editor for job search and careers at LinkedIn News, said in an interview. “While there was already demand for some of these health care positions, the pandemic intensified that. Since 2019, hiring for health care positions has increased more than 34 percent.”
Here are five health care jobs on the rise.
Nurse practitioner
Overall employment growth of nurse practitioners is projected to top 50 percent from 2019 to 2029. The increase is mainly because of an increased importance on preventive care and demand for health care services from an aging population, according to the Labor Department’s forecast.
According to the B.L.S., registered nursing — a related but distinct job, involving separate state licenses and, in some cases, degrees — is listed among the top occupations in terms of job growth from 2019 to 2029, though it is an understaffed field. The B.L.S. projects that 11 million additional nurses are needed to avoid a further shortage.
Licensed nurse practitioners, who also must have a registered nursing license, legally are able to prescribe medications and have greater flexibility than registered nurses in diagnosing and treating illnesses. Average salaries also differ: In May 2020, the median annual wage for registered nurses was $75,330, according to the B.L.S.; the median annual wage for nurse practitioners for the same period was $111,680.
Nurse practitioners are licensed in all states and the District of Columbia. Certifications include those offered by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board the American Nurses Credentialing Center and the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board.
Home health and personal care aide
Overall employment of home health and personal care aides is expected to jump 34 percent from 2019 to 2029, according to the Labor Department. The aging baby-boom generation and the growing elderly population are the main reasons for the increase.
Home health and personal care aides represent the sixth-fastest growing occupation in the country, according to Labor Department data, but the pay is low at about $12.15 per hour, or $25,280 per year.
President Biden’s American Jobs Plan to expand home- and community-based care is sparse on details for now, but calls for addressing the industry’s low wages and “makes substantial investments in the infrastructure of our care economy, starting by creating new and better jobs for caregiving workers,” according to the White House’s fact sheet.
April 14, 2021, 7:29 a.m. ET
There’s plenty of need for paid workers at private homes, assisted-living communities, memory-care centers for dementia patients, hospice facilities and nursing homes. While the work, often booked through a home care agency, is rewarding, can be taxing mentally and physically. There are part-time positions in assisted-living facilities or hospices. Short-term training is generally on the job by registered nurses for those working for an agency or in-house facility.
There’s typically formal training and a competency test to work for certified home health or hospice agencies that receive reimbursement from Medicare or Medicaid. Requirements vary from state to state. Some employers may require a certified nursing assistant certification and a criminal-background check is standard. CPR training and a driver’s license are helpful, too.
Job openings are generally posted by local care facilities. There are a few big caregiving networks for job seekers. CareLinx, based outside of San Francisco, operates like an online matchmaking site for families. The network, which began in 2011, operates nationwide with over 500,000 professional caregivers ranging from certified nurse assistants all the way up to registered nurses and nurse practitioners.
Mental health specialist
Employment of substance abuse, behavioral disorder and mental health counselors is likely to grow 25 percent from 2019 to 2029, according to the Labor Department — further boosting current growth.
“According to our listing data, jobs in the mental health sector have risen 28 percent since 2019,” said Sara Sutton, chief executive and founder of the job board FlexJobs. “Jobs like behavioral health care manager, risk reduction manager, social worker and case manager fall under this category. Regarding therapy jobs specifically, the board saw a whopping 56 percent increase in 2020. Titles include therapist, psychologist, counselor, and mental health clinician.”
LinkedIn data shows nearly 24 percent year-over-year job growth among mental health professionals. Fast-growing positions include behavior therapist, mental health technician and psychotherapist. Most of these roles require an associate degree or higher, and training in areas like play therapy for children, mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Educational requirements vary but most positions require at least a bachelor’s degree. All states require mental health counselors to be licensed, after completing a period of post degree clinical work under the supervision of a licensed counselor.
Wages vary, but according to Payscale.com, a mental health counselor salary ranges from $31,000 to $64,000, annually. The median annual wage for substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors was $47,660 in May 2020, according to the B.L.S.
Massage therapist
Employment of massage therapists is projected to grow 21 percent in the next decade, according to the Labor Department. Demand will likely increase as more health care providers understand the benefits of massage and these services become part of treatment plans.
This is a job well suited to a home-based business where clients come to a therapist’s in-house studio. A growing specialty is geriatric massage therapy, which is gentle massage for older adults focusing on circulation and relaxation. The core work consists of assessing the client’s medical past and delivering a treatments based on the clients needs.
Most states and the District of Columbia regulate massage therapy and require a license or certification after graduating from an accredited training program of 500 or more hours of study and experience, although standards and requirements vary greatly by state or other jurisdiction. A high school diploma or equivalent is usually required for admission to a massage therapy program. The median annual wage for massage therapists was $43,620 in May 2020, according to the B.L.S.
Respiratory therapist
Respiratory therapists treat patients with heart and lung problems such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and sleep apnea. They perform diagnostic tests for lung capacity, administer breathing treatments, document patient progress, and confer with physicians and surgeons.
Employment of respiratory therapists is forecast to grow 19 percent from 2019 to 2029, according to the B.L.S.
Respiratory therapists typically need an associate degree, but some have bachelor’s degrees in respiratory therapy. Respiratory therapists are licensed in all states except Alaska; requirements vary by state. The American Association for Respiratory Care has a job board.
Educational courses are offered by colleges and universities, vocational technical institutes and the U.S. military. Completion of a program that’s accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care may be required to gain a license.
Licensure requirements vary by state; for most states they include passing a state or professional certification exam. For specific state requirements, contact the state’s health board. The National Board for Respiratory Care is the main certifying body and the board offers two levels of certification: certified respiratory therapist and registered respiratory therapist. The median annual wage for respiratory therapists was $62,810 in May 2020, according to the B.L.S.
via Wealth Health
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nurtureliterary · 3 years
I Say I Am Going Upstairs to Write, but Instead I Lie in Bed, First Masturbating, Then Sleeping
On January 1, I read an article in the paper about a millennial ice cream maker from Magadan, Russia, a city with subzero average temperatures more than half the year. It has been nearly fifty degrees every day this week, I wrote in my notebook.This is not winter. I did not like this warm Philadelphia winter. I fantasized that day about moving back to the frigid small town where we lived for three years, where my children ate ice cream cones at the local stand in their puffy jackets and their hats and mittens. Feelings of wanting to leave Magadan, the article’s author wrote, are so profound that a local sociologist identified many people there as suffering from "a psychological condition that detaches inhabitants’ hopes and ambitions from their current life and punts them into the future." Magadan was founded during the Stalin era, a major transit center on the way to the regime’s most notorious gulag, Kolyma. On January 1, I clipped out the article with kid scissors and felt painful nostalgia for winter and hope for my year. Like everyone else, I now live half my life on Zillow in my many imaginary homes, some by the water, by lakes or oceans or dinky little creeks, some blocks away in Kensington, but with better kitchens or roof decks, some in fields and fields of snow. When I can’t sleep these days I toggle among Zillow links and porn. In this way, I feel the most like everyone else it is possible to be. I get notifications from our old, snowy town. When we lived there, I listened to two 20-plus-hour audiobooks about Russia, one entirely about the gulag system, while I did chores. My partner would stumble out of our bedroom after sleeping off night shift into the kitchen where I was scrubbing a pot and learning dreadful facts about Kolyma and other gulags. I don’t want to be someone who sets tragedy aside and lives my life, but I am. I am. Somehow, forced inside always by Midwest snowstorms, we had the best sex of our lives when we lived in Michigan. Eleven months into this snowless year in Philadelphia, my family decorates the Christmas tree and places little knickknacks on every surface on our row home’s narrow first floor. They selected a tree that is too big, too fat, but who am I to say when they fall through the door holding it, needles flying everywhere. When they went to pick one out, I stayed home and did the dishes and daydreamed. I stood looking out the window onto our street all jammed with row homes and cars. I wanted to be by myself. Now they are home, and there is Christmas music blaring and boxes opening, ornaments unwrapped with their protective paper strewn all over the floor I just cleaned a half hour ago. I had a really raunchy dream about you last night, I told my partner when I woke up, but the revelation led nowhere. The sun rose on another 60-degree November day. We woke up each half-naked: her with no top, me with no bottom. There was a third person in the dream, in our bed, but who was it? I see nothing, no part of a body, no part of a face, only her face, her body, this body I have been fucking for nearly fifteen years. We agreed this year to clip newspaper articles and take notes every day. Each night before bed, we sat and worked on the paper together, and on nights she worked night shift, I sat alone with the paper. But we gave up, me first, then her a few months later. Maybe it was the pain, all the pain, or maybe I became distracted by the kids, the dishes, everything. A few days after the article about the ice cream maker in Magadan, I wrote in my notebook of my partner: Looking again at a map of how close Alaska is to Russia, you say, “I know the world is round, but I forget just how round. It really just comes back around.” I usually write you, rarely she, when she is in my writing, especially when I am feeling warm. It is 2020, and I am in my bed hiding from my family and I should be writing but I am not, I am not writing. How can someone be horny at a time like this? Everything falling apart, my life taking place entirely inside this house while she continues to work as a nurse at two hospitals. And still I want. Our bodies almost fifteen years older, but somehow my ambitions for my current life keep punting minutes, hours, days into the future. In my bed I write two sentences and no more. I am not here to write. This week, there was another article about Russian’s far east, by the same author as the article about young people wanting to leave Magadan. He writes that memories of the horrors of Kolyma are fading across the region as the prisoners age and as public opinion of Stalin rises. Along the road to Oymyakon, "the coldest permanently inhabited settlement in the world," it is illegal to pass a stalled motorist without pulling over to see how you can help.
Krys Malcolm Belc is the author of the forthcoming memoir The Natural Mother of the Child (Counterpoint) and the flash essay collection In Transit (The Cupboard Pamphlet). His essays have been featured in Granta, Black Warrior Review, The Rumpus, and elsewhere, and his work has been anthologized in Best of the Net 2018, Wigleaf Top 50, and in The Best of Brevity: Twenty Groundbreaking Years of Flash Nonfiction (Rose Metal Press). Krys lives in Philadelphia with his partner and their three children. He works as an educator in a pediatric oncology clinic.
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cahomelessyouth · 4 years
Youth Homelessness at the Intersection of a Pandemic and the Public Health Crisis of Systemic Racism
Coauthored by Pixie Pearl and Samah Atique
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The overlapping and persistent issues of systemic racial injustice and homelessness that affect the health and wellbeing of youth are being intensified by the coronavirus pandemic.
Often the experience of young people navigating homelessness and housing insecurity is addressed while being paired with single-faceted issues, such as college financial aid, criminalization, LGBTQ+, etc. While these pairings examine the multilayered effects on youth, the intersectionality of deeper systemic challenges is underrepresented. The absence of calling attention to the overlapping systemic disparities causes recommendations for change, implementation efforts, and system solutions to address the entangled problems and their impact.
Youth Homelessness
In California, youth homelessness refers to minors in families that are housing insecure, unaccompanied minors, ages 12 to 17, who are living apart from their parents or legal guardians, and young adults, ages 18 to 24, who are detached from their families and are living in unstable or inadequate living situations, inclusive of those that are pregnant and parenting themselves. Such living situations include sleeping on friends’ couches, staying in shelters, or living under bridges, in abandoned buildings, or on the streets. Youth that fall into this category include minors who have left home for one or more nights without permission, those who have been told to leave home, are abandoned or deserted, or are prevented from returning home, as well as youth who have aged out of or self-exited from foster care, or been released from juvenile justice or other public systems with nowhere to go.
Brief periods of homelessness leads to a lifetime of homelessness. More than half of youth that are unsheltered, experience homelessness for two to nine years. The majority of youth identify the following as the major reason for their homelessness or episodes of running away: family conflict and breakdown, often connected to abuse or neglect, alcohol or drug addiction of a family member; pregnancy; and rejection over their sexual orientation and gender identity. Many youth in foster care, juvenile justice, and/or mental health systems become unhoused when they transition out without the support and opportunities for housing and employment. These systems also create additional barriers when it comes to intersectional identities, such as gender identity, sexual orientation, parenting, ethnicity, and race.
Racial Inequity as a Public Health Crisis
Racial inequities continue to plague the healthcare system in a way that disproportionately harms Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). This can be attributed to decades of racial, social and systemic inequalities that have contributed to the disparate treatment of BIPOC in the public health environment. This holds several implications related to mental health, public safety and the overall risk Californians face when interacting with healthcare professionals, often based solely on the color of their skin. 
Overall, racial minorities receive far poorer health care treatment and face far higher mortality rates than their white counterparts. For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Black, American Indian, and Alaska Native women have a likelihood two to three times higher than that of white women to die from pregnancy-related circumstances, a trend that worsens with age. Furthermore, statistics show that in comparison to non-Hispanic whites, Blacks have a 25% higher chance of dying from heart disease, 40% higher chance of losing their lives to breast cancer, and are 44% more likely to pass away from a stroke. Some reasons for these discrepancies include the poorer quality of care, dismissal of symptoms, and lack of sufficient monitoring and supervision when it comes to the treatment of Black patients and their interactions with healthcare professionals. Furthermore, there is a severe lack of training and understanding in regards to implicit racial and ethnic biases in the healthcare system. This holds severe implications for the future of patient-provider interactions and the safety of Black patients at the hands of these providers.    
In response to these inequities, San Bernardino County declared racism a public health crisis earlier this year, along with an increasing number of cities across the United States. More specifically, San Bernardino formally recognized that these racial disparities are detrimental to the health and wellbeing of communities and prevent societal progress. These public acknowledgements are the first of many steps necessary to ensure that racism in public health and beyond is properly addressed. With Black and Indigenous Americans facing the highest mortality rates from COVID-19, the need for healthcare reform regarding the treatment of BIPOC becomes painfully clear.       
To try to limit the spread of COVID-19 in California, health experts and officials have focused on urging individuals to remain at home, or shelter in place, and limit contact with others in public spaces. However, this is not a feasible option for thousands of individuals experiencing homelessness in California, particularly youth, who already face several barriers to attaining shelter. Those that do have the ability to stay in shelters, are often forced to live in overcrowded spaces with inadequate access to showers, running water, hygiene products, and other basic necessities. In addition, due to COVID-19, several shelters are now limiting the number of people allowed to utilize their resources. 
These circumstances put youth experiencing homelessness at an increased risk of being infected. The CDC reported in May that 66% of residents and 16% of staff at a shelter in San Francisco, MSC-South, tested positive for COVID-19. Such alarming statistics highlight the difficult decision that individuals experiencing homelessness must make when choosing where to stay. Many appear to be opting to live outdoors in unsheltered conditions, viewing this as a safer option. 
In March, the CDC issued guidelines instructing cities that, unless housing units are available, “do not clear encampments during community spread of COVID-19. Clearing encampments can cause people to disperse throughout the community,” which “increases the potential for disease spread.” Nevertheless, there have been news media reports of cities across California issuing “move along orders” to those unsheltered.
The federal CARES Act passed in March sought to alleviate this crisis by granting $4 billion to the Emergency Solutions Grants Program (ESG) to provide assistance to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. The act also provides tenants protection from evictions through the creation of a national moratorium. However, even as the moratorium has recently been extended,  some families are at risk of losing their homes after the eviction moratoriums end as payments continue to accumulate over its duration. An additional element of this act is the Economic Impact Payments, which are automatic stimulus payments of up to $1,200 for individuals who meet eligibility requirements. However, some issues with eligibility, specifically for youth, include the exclusion of dependent youth over 17 and individuals who are not U.S. citizens from receiving these benefits, and the lack of clarity regarding youth who are no longer claimed as dependents in 2020. 
In April, 151,278 Californians experienced homelessness on any given day. The Governor issued an executive order, establishing Project Roomkey (now rebranded Project Homekey), an initiative to accumulate 15,000 hotel rooms alongside 1,300 FEMA trailers to house those experiencing homelessness to prevent, quarantine, and isolate any transmission of the coronavirus in California. In three months, the project housed 14,200 individuals. Unfortunately, youth and young adults experiencing homelessness are a low, if not completely absent percentage of these efforts. Many counties participating in Project Homekey are utilizing a vulnerability approach to prioritizing eligibility and access. Many of these approaches focus on helping those over age 65 with pre-existing conditions. In general, counties are splitting eligibility and risk into the age brackets of 18-54, 55-59, 60-64, and 65+. The bracket inclusive of youth and young adults experiencing homelessness spans across 36 years, which ultimately overlooks their specific vulnerabilities, renders them generally ineligible to participate in Project Homekey, and excludes them from the initiative to permanently house those enrolled. 
Furthermore, youth and young adults engaged in education (approximately 269,269 public school students and 2.1 million college students over the course of a year in California) are expected to navigate and participate in distance learning, with assumed access to computers, phones, internet, electricity, or homelessness liaisons to assist in navigation.
COVID and Racism Intersect to Compound Homelessness
COVID-19 and racism are both public health crises affecting California and the nation. The coronavirus pandemic has further exposed the racial inequities that exist in the healthcare system and access to affordable housing. In addition, decades of systemic racism have left People of Color financially vulnerable to the economic disruption and recession induced by COVID-19. Without additional federal or state assistance, many economists predict a flood of evictions to take place in the coming months. With the school year already in session or soon to begin, youth experiencing homelessness are disproportionately at risk of not being able to access distance education. The lack of educational access disrupts the opportunity for youth to thrive and hinders their social and emotional wellness and threaten their lives. 
As protests happen within California communities for justice from police killings of unarmed Black people, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Jacob Blake, amongst many others, community members experiencing homelessness on those same streets are impacted. With curfews being enforced to minimize the voices of change agents to police brutality, individuals who remained outdoors after these curfew hours are being met with rubber bullets, tear gas, and subjected to arrest. Youth of color experiencing homelessness on nights of protest against police brutality are in no way safe in the aftermath. The protests, curfews, and quarantine now roll into California’s wildfire season causing additional displacements and unhealthy living environments for those unsheltered.
Additionally, centuries of systemic racism have segregated generations of People of Color into the industries that are being disproportionately impacted by the recession, as well as jobs that make it difficult to practice recommended safety measures. Due to these economic disparities, the $600 weekly unemployment insurance provided by the CARES Act has served as a lifeline for many individuals and families; therefore, failure to continue assistance during  the economic shutdown is projected to disproportionately affect People of Color and exacerbate the existing racial wealth gap. Unfortunately, those workers in industries deemed essential do not have access to these unemployment benefits, even though the income would exceed their current employment pay. 
A report by the UC Berkeley Labor Center identified that Black and Latinx folks make up 48% and 55% of front line essential workers, respectively.  More specifically, 47% of these essential workers are identified as Transitional Aged Youth (18 to 24 years old), and are the highest age bracket percentage for janitorial and cashier positions. Youth and young adult essential workers experiencing homelessness are at a higher risk of being exposed and contracting COVID-19. Youth of Color, who already experience disproportionate access to healthcare services, are significantly more likely to contract diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, which are directly linked to a higher susceptibility of being infected by and losing one’s life to COVID-19. Youth that are unsheltered, unaccompanied, and experiencing the impacts of homelessness are expected to navigate the quarantine shutdowns with no running water, limited access to showers and sanitation products, limited to no access to indoor spaces for electricity, internet, and respite from the elements.
Youth of Color experiencing homelessness during the coronavirus pandemic and the movement to end racial injustice are expected to navigate and overcome overwhelming barriers. Their health and well-being are jeopardized through decreased access to quality medical care, over policing, lack of access to financial, emotional, and housing stability, as well as deeply embedded structural and systemic racism. Youth should not be ignored, criminalized, or seen as less than regardless of their gender, orientation, ability, housing status, or race/ethnicity. This is a pivotal time to educate ourselves, agencies, and communities on the interwoven discrimination and disparities effecting youth at the intersection of homelessness and racism, and to work together to strategically dismantle present barriers. The first step is to listen.
The following recommendations are amplified from youth, provider, and community voices.
State and Local System Policy Recommendations
Using funds from state/county/city relief packages in a way that utilizes a racial justice and equity approach within youth homelessness service system
Urging more counties/states to declare racism as a public health crisis
Extending unemployment insurance   
A minimum of 8% of Project Homekey efforts for permanent housing transition should be set aside for youth/young adults
Extend moratorium to three months post pandemic, with back rent forgiveness
Formalize/ensure youth experiencing homelessness receive previous and any future economic relief stimulus
Fully implement and formalize/permanent encampments/parking/sleeping outside
Request additional support for essential underpaid workers
Agency Implementation Recommendations
More Implicit Bias training and accountability in the healthcare system specific to race and economic status/homelessness
Educate and implement staff and agency mission on youth best practices for service provision, including but not limited to racism, mental health, trauma informed care, LGBTQ+, and youth homelessness
Uplift and amplify young voices, including BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) youth by ensuring opportunities and platforms for feedback and input are available 
Individual/Community Recommendations
Educate self on personal implicit biases and encourage others to do the same
Find and share resources for youth experiencing homelessness in your area
Provide space for youth experiencing homelessness to identify their needs
Advocate for legislation that serves to uplift youth experiencing homelessness with emphasis for BIPOC youth
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Romantic Travel Destinations Ideas
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The daily grind of work and other duties in life may send any couple into a serious rut. Whether you're dating someone special, or if you only want to break free from the children with your husband or wife, a romantic holiday might be just what the doctor ordered to spark up an otherwise mundane love life. Selecting the ideal romantic travel destinations is your first step to planning the perfect holiday for you and the one you love.
Tahiti. This is the largest in a group of over one hundred islands, and it's really an oasis for fans. Located in the heart of the South Pacific, this tropical paradise boasts real huts with all of the benefits of five-star resorts. The allure of the jungle is the best background for island adore, and a walk on some of the beaches in Tahiti is nothing short of spectacular.
Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It is where many go to renew their wedding vows, take that second honeymoon, or just get away on a laid-back weekend for 2. The Great Smokey Mountains intensifies the log cabin appeal of Gatlinburg, and the view of the mist around their majestic peaks is guaranteed to set the mood. Walks on the River walk and dinners at a huge array of special state restaurants and inns is simply icing on the cake.
Paris, France. There's absolutely not any requirement for explaining why Paris makes the cut. In actuality, it's safe to say that Paris is featured in many"Top Romantic Travel Destinations" compilations. Paris is often called the capital city of love, with sights like the Eiffel Tower, amazing architecture, and world-famous museums. 
Aspen, Colorado. Aspen is a known haven for skiers, but it's also a prime location for your romantic getaway for 2. The comfy ski lodges and sexy nightlife make this a great place for couples. Resorts that boast comprehensive romance packages complete with all the comforts and the background of freshly fallen snow is sufficient to get any couple in the mood.
Malta. Malta, a little island right at the center of the Mediterranean, offers many romantic getaway locations. Here you'll find small, traditional Gozitan villages, surrounded by unspoilt countryside landscapes and views. Gozo is also home to beautiful, secluded beaches and fantastic diving websites.
A trip to some old location can make a good romantic getaway for a couple. But if you and your spouse pick a location from the greatest romantic travel destinations, then decent holiday will get nothing short of extravagant, and you will both bring home memories.
Learn more about romantic travel destination at I WILL NOT ACTUALLY KILL ANYONE TODAY
10 Best Ideas for Winter Holiday Trips
Winter is here! Have you ever made your vacation plans yet? Otherwise, check out these winter vacation ideas. Make sure too that you've purchased winter sports travel insurance before leaving so you'll be protected against any unexpected expenses that you might incur while you're on vacation.
Harbin Ice Festival
Fly to Harbin, China to enjoy the sights and activities of the 2014 Harbin Ice Festival. Be mesmerized by the enormous and colourful structures sculpted from huge blocks of ice made by artists from all around the world. Check out the Ice Lantern Show at night, or see performances on the frozen Songhua River. You might even research the Siberian Tiger Park, or see polar animals in Polarland.
If you don't wish to leave Europe, then think about visiting Jukkasjärvi, Sweden and see the Icehotel. As you would expect, this resort is made entirely of ice. This is ideal for men and women that are travelling with their spouses, or even people planning to get hitched. Don't fret though, since you'll be supplied thermal underwear and sleeping bags at night. And you will love how you are going to be transported from the airport to the resort - either via a snowmobile or a dog sled.
Laponie Ice Driving
Want to test your driving skills ? Head to Arjeplog, Sweden and drive luxury cars such as Porsche, Subaru Impreza or Lamborghini Gallardo in the Laponie Ice Driving clubhouse. Your winter sports travel insurance coverage could come handy if you decide to take this route.
Dog Sled Race
Fond of canines racing ? The 1,000 mile international sled dog race to be held on February in Fairbanks, Alaska should be along with your travel plans. It is possible to travel to Yukon, Alaska and be a witness to this one-of-a-kind race.
Traveling to the heart of Iceland and adventure snowkiting, an outdoor winter sport wherein kites help you slip on ice or snow. If this does not seem interesting to you, then how about spending a day or two at a virgin winter landscape, learning survival skills throughout the winter, trying out ice fishing, and even grabbing the Northern Lights?
Cruising through the winter is fun and educational, as you can see various animals like leopard seals and penguins. You might also enjoy activities like dog sledding and snowmobile safaris.
Whale Watching
If you would like to maintain a tropical climate, then visit the Philippines and participate in whale watching. Whale sharks often troop into the waters of Sorsogon province in central Philippines beginning December.
Visit Hawaii
Or you could visit Hawaii, a long-time favorite destination in the Pacific. Aside from obviously lounging around the beach, you are able to do other activities like skiing and snowboarding.
Adventure and Sand in Cambodia
Of course, it is possible to go to Cambodia to see the mind-blowing historical temples of Siam Reap. However, you may also enjoy a whole lot of sand in this Southeast Asian nation. Have a look at Song Saa Private Island, a luxurious beach resort that has the nation's first protected marine area.
What Are The Best Ideas For Honeymoon Destinations
Getting married is far greater than simply the real ceremony which everybody sees. There's lots of preparation that goes into it and it's frequently a very exhausting ordeal. For the bride and groom to have the ability to get away and spend some time together with each other is often a wonderful relief after all of the hubbub and excitement. Picking a honeymoon destination isn't a simple decision. There are several distinct ideas and places that might appear perfect to a couple and a nightmare to another.
Lots of men and women pick their honeymoon place based on where they reside, by way of instance, if you live someplace there is a lot of snow, rain and cold, a sexy tropical island or paradisaical beach might be an exotic change of scene for your honeymoon. Likewise, if you reside in the tropics, a log cabin on a snow covered mountain might be the romantic setting you've always dreamy of.
The trick to planning a perfect honeymoon is to talk about it together and decide in advance what you want to do. Planning an ideal surprise honeymoon might not always be a fantastic idea, if you choose your new partner on a cruise only to find a little too late that they suffer from motion sickness could destroy your honeymoon. Honeymoons, though not necessarily, are often only once in a lifetime. Placing them in detail will be crucial to making it a really special and unforgettable time, regardless of what you decide to do or where you go.
The most significant part of a honeymoon is being with the person you love and decided to marry. Ideally, a honeymoon should last a week, perhaps even two, but in the fast paced world we live in, lots of people can't swing more than a couple of days, and of course the financial element. If money and time aren't an issue, think about going abroad.
Discuss places you have always wanted to go, compare and select the perfect destination together. Start looking for exotic destinations, someplace that makes you feel romantic. For people who have limited time or cash, there are still many options to select from. Look around your city or town for nearby secluded spots. An out of town, rustic bed and breakfast may offer the setting you're searching for. Secluded lake homes or mountain cottages are also prime locations which can allow you to forget the stream of action of the busy world and focus on the person you love.
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olgagarmash · 3 years
5 Health Care Jobs on the Rise – The New York Times
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This article is part of our new series on the Future of Health Care, which examines changes in the medical field.
Economists at the Labor Department project that from 2019 to 2029 employment in health care in the United States will grow 15 percent, much faster than the average for all occupations, adding about 2.4 million new jobs during that span.
The health care and social assistance sector is expected to add the most new jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (B.L.S.), with six of the 10 fastest growing occupations. Spurring the expected growth: care for the aging baby-boom population; longer life spans; and persistent growth in the number of patients with chronic conditions.
A recent report by McKinsey & Company similarly expects the greatest growth in labor demand by 2030 among health aides, technicians, wellness occupations and health professionals.
As the world adjusts to the coronavirus pandemic, this figure could expand even more, as “demand for workers in the health care and STEM occupations may grow more than before the pandemic, reflecting increased attention to health,” according to the report.
Among the fastest-growing health care occupations are physician assistants, nurse practitioners (52 percent job growth rate is predicted from 2019 to 2029; the quickest in the field) and occupational therapy assistants.
Researchers at LinkedIn analyzed in-demand jobs pushed by the pandemic’s shock to develop a list of 15 “jobs on the rise.” LinkedIn’s data scientists looked at over 15,000 job titles to uncover the positions that have grown the most, compared with 2019 levels, Andrew Seaman, senior editor for job search and careers at LinkedIn News, said in an interview. “While there was already demand for some of these health care positions, the pandemic intensified that. Since 2019, hiring for health care positions has increased more than 34 percent.”
Here are five health care jobs on the rise.
Nurse practitioner
Overall employment growth of nurse practitioners is projected to top 50 percent from 2019 to 2029. The increase is mainly because of an increased importance on preventive care and demand for health care services from an aging population, according to the Labor Department’s forecast.
According to the B.L.S., registered nursing — a related but distinct job, involving separate state licenses and, in some cases, degrees — is listed among the top occupations in terms of job growth from 2019 to 2029, though it is an understaffed field. The B.L.S. projects that 11 million additional nurses are needed to avoid a further shortage.
Licensed nurse practitioners, who also must have a registered nursing license, legally are able to prescribe medications and have greater flexibility than registered nurses in diagnosing and treating illnesses. Average salaries also differ: In May 2020, the median annual wage for registered nurses was $75,330, according to the B.L.S.; the median annual wage for nurse practitioners for the same period was $111,680.
Nurse practitioners are licensed in all states and the District of Columbia. Certifications include those offered by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board the American Nurses Credentialing Center and the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board.
Home health and personal care aide
Overall employment of home health and personal care aides is expected to jump 34 percent from 2019 to 2029, according to the Labor Department. The aging baby-boom generation and the growing elderly population are the main reasons for the increase.
Home health and personal care aides represent the sixth-fastest growing occupation in the country, according to Labor Department data, but the pay is low at about $12.15 per hour, or $25,280 per year.
President Biden’s American Jobs Plan to expand home- and community-based care is sparse on details for now, but calls for addressing the industry’s low wages and “makes substantial investments in the infrastructure of our care economy, starting by creating new and better jobs for caregiving workers,” according to the White House’s fact sheet.
April 14, 2021, 7:29 a.m. ET
There’s plenty of need for paid workers at private homes, assisted-living communities, memory-care centers for dementia patients, hospice facilities and nursing homes. While the work, often booked through a home care agency, is rewarding, can be taxing mentally and physically. There are part-time positions in assisted-living facilities or hospices. Short-term training is generally on the job by registered nurses for those working for an agency or in-house facility.
There’s typically formal training and a competency test to work for certified home health or hospice agencies that receive reimbursement from Medicare or Medicaid. Requirements vary from state to state. Some employers may require a certified nursing assistant certification and a criminal-background check is standard. CPR training and a driver’s license are helpful, too.
Job openings are generally posted by local care facilities. There are a few big caregiving networks for job seekers. CareLinx, based outside of San Francisco, operates like an online matchmaking site for families. The network, which began in 2011, operates nationwide with over 500,000 professional caregivers ranging from certified nurse assistants all the way up to registered nurses and nurse practitioners.
Mental health specialist
Employment of substance abuse, behavioral disorder and mental health counselors is likely to grow 25 percent from 2019 to 2029, according to the Labor Department — further boosting current growth.
“According to our listing data, jobs in the mental health sector have risen 28 percent since 2019,” said Sara Sutton, chief executive and founder of the job board FlexJobs. “Jobs like behavioral health care manager, risk reduction manager, social worker and case manager fall under this category. Regarding therapy jobs specifically, the board saw a whopping 56 percent increase in 2020. Titles include therapist, psychologist, counselor, and mental health clinician.”
LinkedIn data shows nearly 24 percent year-over-year job growth among mental health professionals. Fast-growing positions include behavior therapist, mental health technician and psychotherapist. Most of these roles require an associate degree or higher, and training in areas like play therapy for children, mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Educational requirements vary but most positions require at least a bachelor’s degree. All states require mental health counselors to be licensed, after completing a period of post degree clinical work under the supervision of a licensed counselor.
Wages vary, but according to Payscale.com, a mental health counselor salary ranges from $31,000 to $64,000, annually. The median annual wage for substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors was $47,660 in May 2020, according to the B.L.S.
Massage therapist
Employment of massage therapists is projected to grow 21 percent in the next decade, according to the Labor Department. Demand will likely increase as more health care providers understand the benefits of massage and these services become part of treatment plans.
This is a job well suited to a home-based business where clients come to a therapist’s in-house studio. A growing specialty is geriatric massage therapy, which is gentle massage for older adults focusing on circulation and relaxation. The core work consists of assessing the client’s medical past and delivering a treatments based on the clients needs.
Most states and the District of Columbia regulate massage therapy and require a license or certification after graduating from an accredited training program of 500 or more hours of study and experience, although standards and requirements vary greatly by state or other jurisdiction. A high school diploma or equivalent is usually required for admission to a massage therapy program. The median annual wage for massage therapists was $43,620 in May 2020, according to the B.L.S.
Respiratory therapist
Respiratory therapists treat patients with heart and lung problems such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and sleep apnea. They perform diagnostic tests for lung capacity, administer breathing treatments, document patient progress, and confer with physicians and surgeons.
Employment of respiratory therapists is forecast to grow 19 percent from 2019 to 2029, according to the B.L.S.
Respiratory therapists typically need an associate degree, but some have bachelor’s degrees in respiratory therapy. Respiratory therapists are licensed in all states except Alaska; requirements vary by state. The American Association for Respiratory Care has a job board.
Educational courses are offered by colleges and universities, vocational technical institutes and the U.S. military. Completion of a program that’s accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care may be required to gain a license.
Licensure requirements vary by state; for most states they include passing a state or professional certification exam. For specific state requirements, contact the state’s health board. The National Board for Respiratory Care is the main certifying body and the board offers two levels of certification: certified respiratory therapist and registered respiratory therapist. The median annual wage for respiratory therapists was $62,810 in May 2020, according to the B.L.S.
source https://wealthch.com/5-health-care-jobs-on-the-rise-the-new-york-times/
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Distance Makes the Heart Grow Colder (Shalaska) - Wednesday Angeline
A/N: Hey, Wednesday here! It’s been eons! I’ve been drenched in misery so I’m trying to produce a few more angsty things but for now I hope you enjoy this. Would love feedback here or over on my blog ( @wednesdayangeline ), and any comments you may have x
Summary: Sharon quits her job. Alaska, her girlfriend, tries to hold things together. Angst one-shot. Tw for depression.
I. Do You Love Me Too
“Sharon? Babe, I’m home!”
The door slams behind her. Alaska curses under her breath as her hip bumps into a chair in her eagerness to find her girlfriend.
She must be having a bad day.
There’s been a lot of those lately.
She walks in the bedroom to find Sharon still in the t-shirt and shorts she wore to sleep last night, half asleep. Alaska tries to keep the frown out of her expression. “Hey. Been sleeping in all day?”
Sharon shrugs, blearily rubbing at her eyes. “Not really. I had lunch.” She combs limp blonde hair out of her face, glancing for the first time at Alaska.
“That’s good,” Alaska replies, letting her hair down from its ponytail. “How was today?”
Sharon shrugs again, eyes staring vacantly at her girlfriend. “You tell me.” She turns to the other side of the bed, her hair covering her face again.
Alaska sighs. Sharon hasn’t showered in…was it four, five days now? I guess I gotta get used to this. She gently leans over and combs her girlfriend’s hair with her fingers, trying to untangle the greasy strands. “Aren’t you going to ask me how my day went?” she prods.
Sharon doesn’t bother looking at her. “How did your day go?” she asks, a hint of irritation in her tone.
“Two of your students recognized me today at the café, they said they’re from your junior class. A girl called Farrah and a guy, I think his name was Daniel?” Alaska wrinkles her brow as she tries to remember.
“Danny,” Sharon corrects. She resigned from working at Riverpine High as an English teacher two months ago after having a mental breakdown in front of that very same junior class. It wasn’t her first one either – she’s been spotted by students and colleagues with puffy cheeks and red eyes after crying in the staff washroom, but that was the last straw. The principal strongly encouraged her to resign voluntarily, and that she did.
“Yeah, Danny. They asked if I was Miss Needles’ girlfriend, and I said yeah,” Alaska continues, grinning as she recounts the situation.
Sharon groans internally. Farrah was the most attentive in her class, and Danny the most passionate. Fuck, now I feel like shit for resigning mid-year. Are they here to hunt me down?
“Farrah said to let you know that the whole class misses you and hopes you’re okay, she said she’s texted you but maybe it didn’t send through. Oh, and Danny says he’s sorry if you left because he winded you up too much. I told him I’m sure he didn’t.” Alaska pauses. “It wasn’t him, right?” She herself wasn’t really quite sure why Sharon quit, since the other woman constantly avoided the topic when she tried bringing it up.
Sharon shakes her head. “Not at all. He’s a good kid. Tell them thanks if you see them.” God, I wish I could apologize to them myself. They’re such sweet kids, they don’t deserve a selfish, irresponsible teacher like me.
Alaska hesitates- wanting to ask more, but also knowing that she won’t be able to force an answer out of her hard-headed girlfriend. “Uh, well- did you get the girl’s texts? Maybe you can let them know that you’re, uh…fine.”
Is she?
Sharon nods. “Go shower, you’ve had a long day.”
“I love you.”
II. Hello, How Are You
Sharon checks her messages a week after Farrah and Danny talked to Alaska, tired of seeing the accumulating notifications.
From: Farrah Moan
Hello Miss Needles!Sorry if I’m bothering you, hope you’re doing well, our class misses you very much. Miss Malanaphy is teaching us now but she’s just not the same! :(
From: Naomi Smalls
Hey Miss N, sending best wishes to you, get well soon!!!!!
From: Max Malanaphy
Hello Sharon, this is Max Malanaphy. I’m writing to let you know that I will be taking over your junior and senior classes, please let me know if there is anything I should be concerned about. Alyssa will be teaching your sophomores.
From: Laila Mcqueen
Hi Miss Needles, take care and get tons of rest. Miss Edwards says you’re sick or something. Everything here’s cool we’re working hard I promise
Sharon switches her phone off. Why did I think that would make me feel better?
She used to be so passionate about teaching, about passing on knowledge to the younger generation. Ever since she left, any reminder of the school just leaves her more depressed.
I’ve failed them, their futures dependent on these grades and I abandoned them right before the final stretch. What kind of teacher am I? Does teaching mean anything to me? Because if it did, then I would’ve been able to control myself, right?
Great, Sharon Needles, so you’ve always been this selfish and self-centered, you just haven’t realized it until now. So, teaching is just a job for you, there isn’t any passion or care. It’s all fake, all for reputation and promotions isn’t it?
It’s been a thought that’s circled her mind all too much lately. It is quite odd, having taught at the same school for five years and devoting so much of her time to helping these kids get the best education they can have in today’s crumbling society, and only questioning this after she’s left the school. Sharon knows it’s just her mind making things up, but the stupid hypothetical thoughts keep knocking at her.
I have wasted so much of my life. And at the end of it, I’m twenty-nine, depressed, and unemployed. I spend each day trying to lure myself into dreamless sleep to avoid facing the messes I’ve created, and the remainder of the time crying into my pillow. What the fuck.
Sharon wishes she didn’t have the meltdown in front of her class. Then everything would’ve been fine. But she couldn’t control it, because she was stupid and emotional and not the calm, smart role model she should’ve been for her students. And she didn’t even hate her job the least bit- she loved it- when I had my job, that is. But that doesn’t ease the constant stress that drove her to tears again and again.
She glances at Alaska, sleeping soundly on the other side of the bed, and her heart floods with guilt.
No, I’m an ungrateful little shit. I have a loving girlfriend who’s given me more than enough space and is still handling my moods better than I am, given that half our income is fucking gone and I’m moping around all day like a teenager. I should do something…but I don’t have the motivation and any energy I have is spent on imagining horrible hypothetical situations about the future.
Story of my life.
Sharon knows she has to pull herself together someday, that she can’t go on too long like this when she’s already pushing her luck. They can’t rely on what Alaska earns from the café and she’s not even sure how long she’ll last with Alaska if she continues acting like this.
I have too much time to think, and not enough energy to do much else.
III. Forget-Me-Not
Alaska wipes away a tear as she closed the bathroom door. She misses Sharon. She misses talking to her girlfriend who would crack up over the stupidest puns, who would always beg to dress her up in gothy scarves and tell her stories about silly things that happened in class.
I miss when she cared, when we felt like a functioning relationship.
“Okay, enough, I’m fucking sick and tired of your bullshit. First you expect me to supply enough income for both of us- fine. Then you ignore me and shut me out, you pretend that I’m not here when I greet you, you won’t let me care for you! I want to care, Sharon Needles, I really do. Even though I know you don’t care about yourself or about me.” Alaska can still hear her own words echoing, the very same sentences she hurled at Sharon just a few minutes ago. She shudders as her girlfriend’s expression appeared in her mind – a mixture of shock, hurt and anger.
What reason did she have to be angry? Everything I fucking said was right.
I wish she gave more of a shit about me. Is that selfish, is that so much to ask for? She’s not the only one with issues, and troubling thoughts, and obstacles. I just want it to be my turn to be taken care of.
IV. Home Visit
From: Jinkx Monsoon
See you in 5 minutes!
This is the first person I’ve seen besides Alaska after I quit.
But how could Sharon have said no when Jinkx, her best friend and fellow colleague, insisted? For old times’ sake, she had said. She felt too awkward to say otherwise. Always the pushover, you really are.
Sharon, for the first time in three weeks, showered. She feels surprisingly refreshed, but already slightly drained, not having moved much recently, let alone stood up for a period of time. She moves her head around, trying to shake off the grogginess that still plagues her.
Looking in the mirror, she tries to make herself presentable, tying her hair in a ponytail and changing into a button-up shirt and skirt – not that Jinkx wouldn’t outdo her, the other teacher having a more dramatic wardrobe taste.
The doorbell rings, and Sharon’s heartbeat speeds up as she heads to the front door.
What if I’m not ready?
Here goes nothing.
“Sharon!” Jinkx greets her with a grin, which briefly drops in dismay as she takes in the other woman’s changed appearance. Recomposing herself, she pulls Sharon in for a hug. “We’ve all missed you at school!”
“Hey, Jinkxy. I’ve missed you too,” Sharon replies. “Have a seat at the sofa, I’ll go make some coffee and we can catch up.”
Jinkx looks out the window as she thinks. What’s happened to Sharon? The Sharon she knew had brighter eyes, rounder cheeks, and more energy than a seven-year-old. She’s comforted Sharon once or twice during breakdowns, but Sharon always regained composure quickly, bouncing back to her goofy enthusiastic self.
Sharon sat down on the other end of the sofa as she set two cups of coffee down. “How is everyone?”
Jinkx shrugs. “The usual. A few kids asked about you, most of us just tell them that you needed a break. Max and Alyssa both manage okay with your classes I think.” She sips the coffee. “How are you, Sharon? You look…different.”
“I look like shit, you mean,” Sharon says, laughing bitterly. “It’s okay, you can say that, I don’t mind.”
Jinkx nods. “How have things been?” she repeats.
“There’s not much to talk about. I sleep a lot…and I’m tired and sad all the time. I guess it shows.” Sharon plays with her fingers, avoiding eye contact with Jinkx. “And I’ve kind of ignored everything else.”
She’s going to leave now. She’s going to stop being my friend because I’m weird and an irresponsible adult. She’s going to tell me how much I fucked up.
Jinkx lets the silence hang in the air for a while, struggling to come up with a reply. “I’m sorry you’re going through a hard time, sweet pea. Would talking about it help, or do you feel uncomfortable? We can change the subject, we’re meant to be having a nice chat after all.”
Sharon takes a deep breath. “I guess I can talk about it. I’ve just been feeling really down. Like I’m not doing anything useful and sometimes I’m just sad and my head pounds a lot, but I have no idea why, because my life went so well and I didn’t even have any issues with my family and I just feel like a really sad ungrateful twat all the time.” She buries her face in her hands.
Jinkx shuffles over and pats Sharon’s back.  “I don’t know how you feel, but I can try and sympathize. It’s okay to be sad sweetheart, no matter how your life is or your background, sometimes emotions just fuck with us when we least expect it. You’ll always have your friends and Alaska there for you,” she comforts.
Sharon’s red-rimmed eyes looks at Jinkx’s. “Alaska won’t be there for me. She’s tired of me, and I don’t blame her- she told me she doesn’t care anymore if I was mad at her or not,” Sharon choked back tears. “But I care. I’m not mad at her. But it’s okay if she’s mad at me. Because she should be, I’ve been such a burden to her.”
“Oh, Sharon,” Jinkx murmurs. “You know- if she isn’t helping, a change of environment might help?”
Sharon shook her head. “I don’t have anywhere to go.”
“You’re welcome to stay at mine. The thing is, Sharon, if Alaska isn’t being supportive of your situation, then maybe you should- I’m not suggesting that it’s permanent, but maybe a break would help? For both of you to clear your minds.”
V. Ladies Who Lunch
“I just want her to care,” Alaska whines, “I miss when she did.”
Katya pats Alaska’s shoulder, shooting her a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“I am, too. I hate complaining about her because I really do love her, but it’s just…wearing me out, you know? Like, she just doesn’t give a shit and lies there, and I’m not even asking her to find a job or anything, just to live like an adult with basic fucking hygiene. She barely ever showers unless there’s guests, Kat.” Alaska exhales loudly, leaning back in her chair.
Katya winces. “It has to suck living with her, Lasky. I get that it’s tiring for you.”
“But maybe Sharon herself isn’t in the right place right now? Maybe she does need someone responsible to care for her- I don’t know, Lask. I’ve met Sharon and she wasn’t like this, like what you describe her to be, and she seems to be needing help.” Katya drums her fingers on the table, observing Alaska’s reaction. She thinks of Sharon, the few times she’s seen her, Alaska’s girlfriend was always sweet, quite loud, and shared perfect chemistry with Alaska. Not this stranger Alaska speaks of.
Alaska resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “So you are telling me that I should put up with this then? God, I should have kn–”
“No, let me finish. I’m just saying that it would be good for her to have some help. It doesn’t have to be with you, this is not affecting you in a good way either, but maybe having her stay with someone else, a friend or relative maybe, would alleviate your stress and also help her with whatever she’s struggling with. When you face a problem, Alaska, you have to find a solution, not complain about it and wait for it to solve itself.”
Alaska nods. “Thanks, Katya. You always know what to do.”
That night, Alaska mulls over the possibility of a break-up. Maybe it is for the best.
VI. I Lost All Hope Today
Sharon rubs her eyes, woken by the racket at the door. What the fuck?
“Shaaaaaaaaron! Come on! Open the fucking dooooor!” Alaska’s unmistakable drawl, slurred, could wake the neighbors. Sharon sighs and drags herself to the door.
“What the fuck Alaska,” she mumbles weakly. Alaska stumbles in, makeup runny and a bottle in hand, wrapping an arm around Sharon.
Alaska slams the bottle onto their coffee table. “I think I’m gonna puke…”
Sharon follows Alaska down the corridor to the toilet, helping her keep her hair up as Alaska vomits into the toilet bowl, now completely awake from the turn of events. She can’t help but feel irritated- that Alaska was so irresponsible to get drunk when it was a work day tomorrow. Expecting Sharon to clean up after her, when they were in the middle of a fight that Alaska picked.
Sharon pours a glass of water for Alaska as she cleans up the last of the vomit. “Gargle it, don’t swallow,” she instructs.
Alaska did so, and then begins to ramble again. “You know, I really miss when you would be this caring, I don’t know what the fuck’s gotten into you the last few months but I wish you would be my Sharon again…”
Sharon sighs. “You’re drunk, get to bed.” She guides Alaska, her arm still wrapped around the other woman’s torso as she leads them back to the bedroom.
Sharon turns herself so that her back is to Alaska, who was still mumbling about “the old days where everything was happy”. She knew relationships were never perfect, that each had their good and bad days- but surely they’ve used up their bad day quota already. Surely, this isn’t how it’s always going to be?
Maybe it is truly over between them. With Sharon’s own problems, she doesn’t have time to mind the ones between her and Alaska.
VII. White Noise
Fuck. I was really fucked up last night.
Alaska didn’t remember anything after her fourth drink at the bar. She knows she wasn’t drugged, it was just too much alcohol for her system. She woke up groggy, but with clean clothes, in her bed.
Sharon. Fuck. What happened?
She tries her best to remember. She wants to guess that Sharon had helped her when she came home, but she can’t imagine it. She just can’t. Sharon doesn’t care enough to do that, does she?
Alaska ponders the question throughout the day at work, being scolded gently by Shea, her manager, for “constantly daydreaming on the job”. She doesn’t even notice when Danny said hi to her, as he did now every time he saw her at the café, asking her how Sharon is doing.
How is Sharon doing?
“I- I’m not quite sure,” Alaska tells the teenager apologetically. “But I’ll tell her you said hi.” But I never do, because she won’t care anyway, because I don’t want to know if she might care about this random student more than she cares about me, so I won’t risk it.
Danny nods, shrugging it off. “You don’t look so good yourself, Miss. Take good care of yourselves.”
“Yeah.” Alaska thinks she might burst into tears. This relationship stuck in limbo is driving her nuts. I might just tell her we need a break. Nothing permanent, just a break, I need to clear my head. Alcohol won’t help.
She comes home to find a letter.
VIII. Talk to You Later
Hi Lasky,
I’m writing this down as my thoughts come along, please forgive me if it isn’t the most concise.
This relationship isn’t working anymore. I understand that it is, on the most part, because of me. I’ve been in a very bad place the past months and I wasn’t trusting enough to tell you about it, and I was too depressed to have any energy to just…do anything. And I’m sorry, because I didn’t try harder- or at all. I know.
And there isn’t any big story behind why I became like this. It’s just a lot of things going on in my mind that overwhelm me you know? Thinking about whether there’s any meaning to existence and all that. Because we all die in the end anyway. But I guess I should snap out of it sometime.
I really do want to care. I’m sorry. I’m too tired to, and I was a bad girlfriend.
I’ll be off staying with Jinkx for a bit, and maybe pick up a job somewhere near hers. I’ll come back and clear my junk up, I’ll make sure there aren’t any awkward meetings, okay? I’m sorry this is so abrupt, but please, take care of yourself, and know that this is the best for both of us.
Maybe we can be friends again one day. I don’t know.
Talk to you later,
Sharon N.
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jasperrmgd324-blog · 4 years
For How Long Can You Do Without Sleep? Feature, Hallucination, More Apple Picking for Better Rest Drinking Water Prior To Bed: Is It Healthy and balanced?
Alaska Sleep Education And Learning Center
What are the 5 types of sleep disorders?
While insomnia may be the most common sleep disorder, obstructive sleep apnea is the disorder most sleep clinics diagnose and treat. Obstructive sleep apnea is when a person's breathing stops for several seconds during the night due to blockage in the upper respiratory system.
Using a companion app, data from some gadgets can be synced to a mobile phone or tablet computer, or uploaded to a COMPUTER. Various other applications and tools make white sound, generate light that stimulates melatonin manufacturing, and also use mild vibrations to assist us rest as well as wake. Phase 3 non-REM sleep is the period of deep sleep that you need to feel revitalized in the morning. It takes place in longer durations during the very first fifty percent of the evening. Your heart beat and breathing slow-moving to their cheapest levels throughout sleep.
As well as since thyroid disease often runs in families, examinations of your family members and a testimonial of their case histories might disclose various other people with thyroid problems. In some cases your thyroid maintains churning out extra thyroid hormonal agent, also when your pituitary gland completely closes down TSH production, a clear signal that your body has had sufficient.
Kuru is a basically extinct prion condition that took place in the Fore people of Papua New Guinea. The condition spread throughout this population because of the citizens' technique of consuming the brains of departed kuru-affected tribesmen (ceremonial cannibalism). Hereditary conditions are established by the mix of genetics for a certain attribute that get on the chromosomes obtained from the mom and also the papa. Disorders acquired in a leading pattern occur when just a solitary copy of an irregular genetics is essential for the appearance of the condition. The unusual gene can be inherited from either moms and dad, or it can be the outcome of a new mutation (gene modification) in the impacted individual.
As one rests, soft tissues in the throat collapse and also loosen up into the respiratory tract obstructing oxygen from getting to the lungs.
Mostly all people with stress and anxiety or clinical depression have difficulty going to sleep as well as remaining asleep.
Troubled leg syndrome and bruxism (grinding of the teeth while resting) are conditions that also might add to sleep problems.
Actually, often the only evidence of this significant condition is daytime tiredness and records of loud snoring from bed companions.
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Is there a disease that makes you not sleep?
Is lying in bed and resting with your eyes closed almost as good as sleeping? GL No. Lying awake in bed rests your body, but it doesn't rest your brain. There is a big movement called stimulus control therapy, which is about getting people out of bed if they have been awake for more than 15 minutes.
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Not only can chronic tension wreck chaos on your total health and also health, yet it can influence your thyroid too. The customer ought to get in touch with a doctor in all issues associating with his or her health and wellness, as well as specifically in respect to any type of signs and symptoms that might call for diagnosis or clinical focus. In summary, the most essential aspect of thyroid condition is that effective treatments are offered that can restore thyroid feature to typical, also if the underlying root cause of the problem is not "cured". When detected with thyroid disease, all patients require long-lasting medical follow up to make sure that their thyroid feature remains in the most effective range. First, you have to recognize just how to identify the symptoms as well as risk aspects of thyroid condition.
Chronic sleeplessness is normally connected to a hidden mental or physical problem. The good news is that most instances of insomnia can be healed with changes you can make on your own-- without counting on rest professionals or counting on prescription or over the counter sleeping tablets. By resolving the underlying causes and making easy changes to your day-to-day behaviors and sleep environment, you can stop the irritation of sleeplessness as well as ultimately get an excellent evening's rest. Rest assists your body and mind feature properly, however lots of people aren't obtaining enough. Melatonin is a hormonal agent normally created by the body, but masaje con terminacion feliz it can also be taken as a supplement to help regulate your sleep.
This can postpone rest beginning and trigger short awakening throughout sleep. Uneasy legs disorder is a typical problem amongst middle-aged and older adults. Women commonly experience sleep deprived nights and also daytime exhaustion in the third and first trimesters of their pregnancy. Throughout the very first trimester, regular trips to the shower room as well as morning sickness might interrupt rest.
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ucflibrary · 7 years
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November in the United States is Native American Heritage Month, also referred to as American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. It celebrates the rich history and diversity of America’s native peoples and educates the public about historical and current challenges they face. Native American Heritage Month was first declared by presidential proclamation in 1990 which urged the United States to learn more about their first nations.
Join the UCF Libraries as we celebrate our favorite Native American authors and books. Click the keep reading link to see the full descriptions of the books.
Fools Crow: a novel by James Welch
In the Two Medicine Territory of Montana, the Lone Eaters, a small band of Blackfeet Indians, are living their immemorial life. The men hunt and mount the occasional horse-taking raid or war party against the enemy Crow. The women tan the hides, sew the beadwork, and raise the children. But the year is 1870, and the whites are moving into their land. Fools Crow, a young warrior and medicine man, has seen the future and knows that the newcomers will punish resistance with swift retribution. First published to broad acclaim in 1986, Fools Crow is James Welch's stunningly evocative portrait of his people's bygone way of life. Suggested by Christina Wray, Subject Librarian
In theFfootsteps of Crazy Horse by Joseph Marshall III Teased for his fair coloring, eleven-year-old Jimmy McClean travels with his maternal grandfather, Nyles High Eagle, to learn about his Lakota heritage while visiting places significant in the life of Crazy Horse, the nineteenth-century Lakota leader and warrior, in a tale that weaves the past with the present. Includes historical note and glossary. Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
Lakota Woman by Mary Crow Dog A unique autobiography unparalleled in American Indian literature, and a deeply moving account of a woman's triumphant struggle to survive in a hostile world. This is the powerful autobiography of Mary Brave Bird, who grew up in the misery of a South Dakota reservation. Rebelling against the violence and hopelessness of reservation life, she joined the tribal pride movement in an effort to bring about much-needed changes. Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
LaRose by Louise Erdrich North Dakota, late summer, 1999. Landreaux Iron stalks a deer along the edge of the property bordering his own. He shoots with easy confidence -- but when the buck springs away, Landreaux realizes he's hit something else, a blur he saw as he squeezed the trigger. When he staggers closer, he realizes he has killed his neighbor's five-year-old son, Dusty Ravich. The youngest child of his friend and neighbor, Peter Ravich, Dusty was best friends with Landreaux's five-year-old son, LaRose. The two families have always been close, sharing food, clothing, and rides into town; their children played together despite going to different schools; and Landreaux's wife, Emmaline, is half sister to Dusty's mother, Nola. Horrified at what he's done, the recovered alcoholic turns to an Ojibwe tribe tradition -- the sweat lodge -- for guidance, and finds a way forward. Following an ancient means of retribution, he and Emmaline will give LaRose to the grieving Peter and Nola. "Our son will be your son now," they tell them. LaRose is quickly absorbed into his new family. Plagued by thoughts of suicide, Nola dotes on him, keeping her darkness at bay. His fierce, rebellious new "sister," Maggie, welcomes him as a co-conspirator who can ease her volatile mother's terrifying moods. Gradually he's allowed shared visits with his birth family, whose sorrow mirrors the Raviches' own. As the years pass, LaRose becomes the linchpin linking the Irons and the Raviches, and eventually their mutual pain begins to heal. But when a vengeful man with a long-standing grudge against Landreaux begins raising trouble, hurling accusations of a cover-up the day Dusty died, he threatens the tenuous peace that has kept these two fragile families whole. Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
Native America: portrait of the peoples by Duane Champagne With energy, range, and a clear detailed vision of Native cultures, issues, and history, Portrait of the Peoples captures the epic story of Native America from a unique and intimate perspective. The powerful discussion is enhanced with nearly 200 photographs and illustrations, many of them from Native sources. Edited by Duane Champagne, director of the UCLA American Indian Studies Center and of Chippewa descent, Native America thoughtfully articulates the values, struggles, triumphs, and spirit of Native communities and features hundreds of biographies of prominent historical figures and current leaders. Seventeen chapters written by experts with a diversity of viewpoints cover current and historical issues surrounding Native history and culture, protest movements, language, religion, health practices, art, literature, and media. Extensive information on Canadian Natives is also provided. Portrait of the Peoples should serve as a standard reference for anyone interested in Native cultures and issues. Suggested by Megan Haught, Research & Information Services/Teaching & Engagement
Night Dancer: mythical piper of the native American southwest by Marcia Vaughan This lyrical poem follows Kokopelli, the god of dance and music, as he travels through the moonlit desert playing his flute and inviting the desert animals to join in his dance. Coyote, Snake, Tortoise, Javelina, Jackrabbit, Tarantula, and the sleeping children of a nearby pueblo accept his invitation, and joyously follow this pied piper of the Rio Grande in his midnight dance. Suggested by Sandy Avila, Subject Librarian
Perma Red by Debra Magpie Earling Perma Red is a love-crossed saga about a young woman coming of age under perilous circumstances, and about the consequences of her often contradictory desires. In this breathtaking tale of the American West, a tragic love story unfolds against a classic clash of cultures.  Suggested by Rosie Flowers, Teaching & Engagement
Seeing with a Native Eye: essays on native American religion by Åke Hultkrantz Articles providing insight into the religion of native North Americans illuminate the Indian world view and Indian patterns of perception, ceremonies, and sensitivity to nature, Suggested by Sandy Avila, Subject Librarian
That Dream Shall Have a Name: native Americans rewriting America by David L. Moore The founding idea of "America" has been based largely on the expected sweeping away of Native Americans to make room for EuroAmericans and their cultures. In this authoritative study, David L. Moore examines the works of five well-known Native American writers and their efforts, since the nation's early days, to redefine an "America" and "American identity" that includes Native Americans. That Dream Shall Have a Name focuses on the writing of Pequot Methodist minister William Apess in the 1830s; on Northern Paiute activist Sarah Winnemucca in the 1880s; on Salish/Me;tis novelist, historian, and activist D'Arcy McNickle in the 1930s; on Laguna poet and novelist Leslie Marmon Silko; and on Spokane poet, novelist, humorist, and filmmaker Sherman Alexie in the latter twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. He shows how Native Americans have tried from the beginning to shape an American narrative closer to its own ideals, one that does not include the death and destruction of their peoples. Suggested by Megan Haught, Research & Information Services/Teaching & Engagement
The Dance Boots by Linda LeGarde Grover In this stirring collection of linked stories, Linda LeGarde Grover portrays an Ojibwe community struggling to follow traditional ways of life in the face of a relentlessly changing world. In the title story an aunt recounts the harsh legacy of Indian boarding schools that tried to break the indigenous culture. In doing so she passes on to her niece the Ojibwe tradition of honoring elders through their stories. In “Refugees Living and Dying in the West End of Duluth,” this same niece comes of age in the 1970s against the backdrop of her forcibly dispersed family. A cycle of boarding schools, alcoholism, and violence haunts these stories even as the characters find beauty and solace in their large extended families. With its attention to the Ojibwe language, customs, and history, this unique collection of riveting stories illuminates the very nature of storytelling. The Dance Boots narrates a century’s evolution of Native Americans making choices and compromises, often dictated by a white majority, as they try to balance survival, tribal traditions, and obligations to future generations. Suggested by Rosie Flowers, Teaching & Engagement
The First North Americans: an archaeological journey by Brian Fagan Presents a history of North American settlement, from the first settlers over 15,000 years ago to the arrival of the Europeans in the fifthteenth century. Suggested by Megan Haught, Research & Information Services/Teaching & Engagement
The Heartsong of Charging Elk: a novel by James Welch Inspired by actual historical fact, James Welch's The Heartsong of Charging Elk tells the story of an Oglala Sioux who travels the extraordinary geographical and cultural distance from tribal life in the Black Hills of South Dakota to existence on the streets of Marseille. As a young boy, Charging Elk witnessed his people's massacre of Custer's Seventh Cavalry at Little Big Horn, followed by years of futile fighting and wandering until the Sioux were finally lured to the Pine Ridge reservation. But he prefers life in the Stronghold, living by his wits and skills in the old way. Ironically, it is Charging Elk's horsemanship and independent air that cause Buffalo Bill to recruit him for his Wild West Show, which travels across "the big water" to create a sensation in the capitals of Europe. Charging Elk and his Sioux companions are living a life touched by fame and marked by previously unthinkable experiences - until he falls ill in Marseille and, through a bureaucratic mix-up, is left behind in a hospital while the show travels on. Scared, disoriented, Charging Elk escapes - only to fall into a series of events, including a love affair with a prostitute and a shocking murder, that will change his life utterly beyond his imagination. Suggested by Rosie Flowers, Teaching & Engagement
The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse by  Louise Erdrich For more than a half century, Father Damien Modeste has served his beloved Native American tribe, the Ojibwe, on the remote reservation of Little No Horse. Now, nearing the end of his life, Father Damien dreads the discovery of his physical identity, for he is a woman who has lived as a man. To further complicate his quiet existence, a troubled colleague comes to the reservation to investigate the life of the perplexing, possibly false saint Sister Leopolda. Father Damien alone knows the strange truth of Leopolda's piety, but these facts are bound up in his own secret. He is faced with the most difficult decision: Should he tell all and risk everything . . . or manufacture a protective history for Leopolda, though he believes her wonder-working is motivated solely by evil? Suggested by Martha Cloutier, Circulation
The Real Rosebud: the triumph of a Lakota woman by Marjorie Weinberg Her great-grandfather was a famed Lakota warrior, her father a buffalo hunter, and Rosebud Yellow Robe hosted a CBS radio show in New York City. From buffalo hunting to the hub of twentieth-century urban life, this book chronicles the momentous changes in the life of a prominent Plains Indian family over three generations. At the center of the story is Rosebud (1907–92), whose personal recollections, family memoirs, letters, and stories form the basis of this book. Suggested by Christina Wray, Subject Librarian
The Turquoise Ledge: a memoir by Leslie Marmon Silko Silko takes readers along on her daily walks through the arroyos and ledges of the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, weaving tales from both sides of her family's past into her observations, and using the turquoise stones that she finds on her walks to unite the strands of her stories. Suggested by Rosie Flowers, Teaching & Engagement
The Rough-face Girl by Rafe Martin In this Algonquin Indian version of the Cinderella story, the Rough-Face Girl and her two beautiful but heartless sisters compete for the affections of the Invisible Being. This variation on the Cinderella tale takes place in an Algonquin village on the shores of Lake Ontario. Suggested by Peggy  Nuhn, Regional Subject Librarian
With My Own Eyes: a Lakota woman tells her people's history by Susan Bordeaux Bettelyoun and Josephine Waggoner With My Own Eyes tells the history of the nineteenth-century Lakotas. Susan Bordeaux Bettelyoun (1857-1945), the daughter of a French-American fur trader and a Brule Lakota woman, was raised near Fort Laramie and experienced firsthand the often devastating changes forced on the Lakotas. As Bettelyoun grew older, she became increasingly dissatisfied with the way Lakota history was being written by non-Natives. With My Own Eyes represents Bettelyoun's attempt to correct misconceptions about Lakota history. Her narrative was recorded during the 1930s by another Lakota historian, Josephine Waggoner. The collaboration of the two women produced a detailed, insightful account of the dispossession of their people. Suggested by Christina Wray, Subject Librarian
Women of the Native Struggle: portraits & testimony of Native American women by Ronnie Farley Reminiscent of I Dream a World this is a book of quietly beautiful photographic portraits of Native-American women, accompanied by their own reflections on what it means to be a woman and an Indian in America. 85 black-and-white photographs. Suggested by Sandy Avila, Subject Librarian
Word Dance: the language of native American culture by Carl Waldman A cross between a glossary, a dictionary, & an encyclopedia, this book covers every aspect of Native American (NA) culture. Includes entries on legendary beings, important foods, rituals & weapons, as well as peoples & language families. Subjects: art & architecture, anthropology & sociology, archaeology & geology, biology, botany, geography, linguistics, musicology, mythology & religions, & technology. Suggested by Sandy Avila, Subject Librarian
You Don't Have to Say You Love Me by Sherman Alexie Family relationships are never simple. But Sherman Alexie's bond with his mother Lillian was more complex than most. She plunged her family into chaos with a drinking habit, but shed her addiction when it was on the brink of costing her everything. She survived a violent past, but created an elaborate facade to hide the truth. She selflessly cared for strangers, but was often incapable of showering her children with the affection that they so desperately craved. She wanted a better life for her son, but it was only by leaving her behind that he could hope to achieve it. It's these contradictions that made Lillian Alexie a beautiful, mercurial, abusive, intelligent, complicated, and very human woman. Grappling with the haunting ghosts of the past in the wake of loss, he responded the only way he knew how: he wrote. The result is a stunning memoir filled with raw, angry, funny, profane, tender memories of a childhood few can imagine, much less survive. Suggested by Rosie Flowers, Teaching & Engagement
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jeremystrele · 4 years
How Incorporating Safety into Bedtime Routine Can Help Ease Your Child’s Anxiety
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Jose Luis Pelaez/Getty Images
These days, parents have a variety of tech and tools to help with bedtime routines. From sound machines and meditation recordings to aromatherapy and story time, these gadgets can help parents with children get their little ones to sleep. 
But for some children consumed by worry and anxiety, those options aren’t quite good enough to get to help them get to sleep and stay asleep. Studies show that 7.1% of children aged 3-17 years of age (approximately 4.4 million) have diagnosed anxiety. For those children plagued with concerns about the welfare of themselves and their families, feeling safe and secure can make a big difference. 
Our experts put together tips to weave elements of safety and security into your daily nighttime routine as a way to ease causes of bedtime anxiety, so you and your child get the best night’s sleep possible. 
Children need to feel safe and secure before going to bed 
Lack of sleep causes children to feel cranky, irritable, and can even lead to depression.  Sleepless nights can also contribute to physical symptoms, such as headaches and stomach aches. We all want good sleep for our children, so what’s getting in the way?
According to the Alaska Sleep Education Center, there are many sources of anxiety that prevent children from falling or staying asleep. Experts say that many of those symptoms revolve around the child’s developmental stage. 
“Toddlers and preschoolers haven’t yet learned the difference between reality and make-believe,” writes Julia Higginson of the Alaska Sleep Education Center. This explains why smaller children will describe their fear of monsters and mythical creatures as a reason why they can’t sleep; they believe them to be real. 
School-aged children who know the difference still struggle because of their imaginations. Often, fears movies, books, and other media can spawn their fears. Those inputs can create scenarios where fiction becomes reality. That, coupled with the fact that school-aged children are beginning to learn that scary things happen in the world, means they recognize those things can happen to them or their family members while sleeping. 
Managing anxiety with children: How to create a positive bedtime routine
If these are some of the reasons for your child’s fears at bedtime, there’s good news. The bedtime routine you create for your child helps them know they are safe and secure — and thereby reduces the causes of bedtime anxiety. When children share control over their feeling of security in their surrounding environment and have a consistent routine to promote their safety, they develop a sense of calm necessary for sleep. They also develop the feeling of security that helps them return to sleep if it’s disrupted. 
How to design security into your child’s bedtime routine 
Let your child know the value of taking safety and security measures in the home
Help your child understand it’s a good thing to take safety and security measures. Let them see you map out a security plan for when unexpected things happen. It will make them feel reassured when you acknowledge there are precautions in place if something goes wrong. You’re sending the message that they’re safe, because, as the adult, you have already done the work both to secure the home and prevent unexpected dangers. This preparation helps the child recognize the parent is the first buffer to their worry. 
Consider explaining general safety to your child. Discuss things like the fastest path out of the house from their bedrooms, how to get outside through their bedroom windows, and the importance of defining a meet-up place in case of an emergency. 
The goal is to offer control and confidence, not layer on fear, so maintain an upbeat tone when speaking with your child. Frequently remind your child that even with these precautions, the chances of dangerous things to happen while they’re sleeping are markedly low. 
Tips and tricks to incorporate safety in your child’s bedroom routine
Make sleep a family priority and stay consistent
Talk often with your child about how important sleep is for the family, both for the adults and the children. Explain to them that, with their help, your family will be making bedtime rituals a part of each evening without waiver. All children — especially children with anxiety — operate optimally when they know their routine. The steps you take leading to bed can provide a smooth path to sleep. 
Children model what they see from their parents, so conducting the bedtime routine with them is helpful. 
Be mindful of every part of your child’s bedtime routine. Schedule out your shared nightly ritual to include time for both the home security measures and other needs — like grooming (baths, brushing teeth, combing hair) and calming tactics (reading, singing, tickling). 
Talk to your child about what safety means to them
When parents are tired and ready for their child’s day to be over, it can be easy to listen to their fears with only a portion of attention, then disregard the fear with, “That will never happen. Don’t be silly. Go back to bed.” 
The truth is, most kids don’t want to lay awake; they simply cannot get to sleep with unsettling thoughts about their safety. 
Try not to rush your child away from their fears or hastily guess what they might be. Instead, listen to them, so you know exactly what you’re dealing with. Depending upon your child’s age, level of imagination, and exposure to news events, they could be experiencing some fears at bedtime that a talk about security can help. Help your child identify which fears are real threats and which are made up.
Displaying patience and empathy will allow your child to name their safety worries specifically. This will help when it is time to introduce conversations around the security measures your family is taking. The important thing is not to be afraid to talk openly with your anxious child. 
Dr. Mona Potter is the medical director of the McLean Anxiety Mastery Program and McLean Child and Adolescent Outpatient Services. She says one of the techniques she often uses in cognitive behavior therapy is, “to practice ‘detective-thinking’ to catch, check, and change anxious thoughts.”
She says she also encourages children “to approach, rather than avoid, anxiety-provoking triggers.” 
This means children are having anxious thoughts in the first place, requiring open conversations between parents and children about their fears.
Create a routine with your home security system to make your child feel secure
As part of the bedtime routine, provide a security walk-through for your child. Have them follow your own nightly routine involving locking all windows and doors, activating the home security system, securing any automated systems like the Nest Smart Home, a camera system, or a doorbell camera, and leaving the outdoor security floodlight on. Even let them do the locking/arming systems themselves, so they get the feel of it. 
It is a good idea to have a conversation about the importance of the alarm system and how it does its job. Be sure to include that keeping the alarm system’s code private is crucial and that it’s not to be shared with anyone outside the family.
You may also want to let your child suggest what they want to do to help secure the home. If they have an additional ritual or two to add to the nightly security walk-through, it will be helpful for them to offer their contributions.
The walk-through, which shows your child how secure and prepared your home is, is meant to give children with anxiety a sense of control and understanding over their circumstances, not ignite more fear. If you sense increased anxiety from your child during the security walk-through, redirect and try other ways to acknowledge and manage fears.
Provide a safe and calming bedroom space
Ensure the bedroom you’ve chosen for your child is a calming place. 
Make sure your child’s room is clear of external stimuli that could disrupt their sleep. A motion-activated flood light near the window, for instance, would invite more anxiety if it’s triggered in the night by a neighbor’s cat. 
Some ideas that can help extinguish bedtime fears are to incorporate silliness and playfulness in your discussion with your child. You can use dramatic play, draw and talk about the irrational fear, and imagine the perceived threat with outlandish features, like roller skates or a pink unicorn horn. Try not to make it a habit to check under the bed or in the closet frequently, as this can feed into ongoing paranoia. 
Another idea is to externalize the worry by “giving it away.” In Guatemala, there’s a tradition of instructing children to give their worries to little dolls called “worry dolls: or “trouble dolls.” According to Childrens MD, parents teach children to have a conversation with their dolls before bedtime, telling the dolls their worries, then they tuck them beneath their pillow. The dolls are supposed to then worry for the child while the child sleeps peacefully. Perhaps teach your child to “give away” their worries to an inanimate object, such as a stuffed animal or a doll you already own.
Books can also help children to process their concerns, so consider finding books to read at bedtime that have themes around comfort and security. Also, consider putting a night light in their bedroom that will stay on through the night.  
Finally, remind the child how close the parent’s room is if there’s an urgent need.
Regardless of what kind of home security system you use, general safety and security is a must
Be sure to check the locks on your windows and doors. Be aware of where your fire and carbon monoxide alarms are, and keep them operational. If you don’t have a security system, making this investment could be an added benefit. 
The advantage of a routine
A child’s sense of ownership is important
“[Responsibility] is about an attitude, the idea of taking action and being proud of doing it, not just always having your mom and dad do it for you,” says Alex Barzi, a licensed clinical psychologist and co-host of the talk show “About Our Kids” on Sirius Doctor Radio. 
A child’s sense of ownership, responsibility, and control over the home’s safety and security will give them an attitude of confidence, thereby reducing nighttime anxiety. Allowing the child to perform the bedtime security walk-through and inviting them to add input in the routine helps instill this confidence. 
In giving the child a sense of ownership, you will also eliminate the nightly power struggles that are apt to occur when a child has no say. When a child has ownership and a role in the bedtime routine, they’re less likely to buck at the system they helped to create.
Routines help parents create a positive connection to their child
Children learn to look forward to the things they enjoy, and they will know that the bedtime routine is enjoyable, since they’re part of it. You’ll also find that since the bedtime routine is consistent each night, there will be more time for caring, natural interactions because all the guesswork is removed.
It’s helpful to create a healthy idea of what “secure” means
Now that you’ve opened up the lines of communication about fears and introduced the topic of home security to your child, you’ve developed an easy habit of talking about tough things. You’ve addressed each of their concerns with an open mind and an empathetic attitude, and this will serve your family well. 
Get to sleep, and stay asleep
Sleep is essential to the entire family unit, and your child will experience greater success in getting to sleep and staying asleep when they know their home is safe and secure.
Speak openly to your child about fear and help them separate the irrational fears from the rational ones. Develop a consistent bedtime routine complete with a security component, and decrease anxiety before bedtime. 
Having a security walk-through included in your nightly bedtime routine gives your children with anxiety a sense of control over their safety. This both teaches them the skills they will eventually need to know and helps them take a role in overcoming their anxiety in the present.
The post How Incorporating Safety into Bedtime Routine Can Help Ease Your Child’s Anxiety appeared first on Freshome.com.
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