#alaric tag
novembermorgon · 3 months
How does Ysabel and Cayn’s poor mum manage ANYTHING. Like, that lady must be constantly stressed
i think for a good long while if you look past the bastards milling around the dreadfort and alaric being a shit dad they were pretty happy . both of them love their mom and i think she also found some peace in just kind of hanging around and taking care of them . later on id imagine ysabel probably sends her letters from kings landing once in a while
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her marriage was never very good though .
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dulcewrites · 1 year
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Olga Orozco, from Engravings: Torn from Insomnia: “To Destroy the Enemy,” // Anne Carson, The Oresteia: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, The Eumenides // Rebecca Ferguson as Lady Jessica in Dune // Olivia Cooke and Tom Glynn-Carney as Queen Alicent and Prince Aegon II in House of the Dragon // Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale // Wenzel Tornøe details // The Trojan Woman
Cassandra Devereux, Queen Consort of the Seven Kingdoms // Queen of Ash and Bone // Queen of Grief
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dujour13 · 3 months
Gods I haven’t thought about my Inquisitor in too long. Thanks for the tag @miseryscrowned! 💕💕
No screenshots have survived so here's a picrew (with something approximating vallaslin? Which he would not be seen without):
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NAME: Alar Lavellan
NICKNAME: Amatus, Veilfire
HEIGHT: 170 cm on tiptoes
FAVORITE FRUIT: Anything and everything, even the berries that give you the scoots. He can digest anything except Ferelden cheese.
FAVORITE FLOWER: Forget-me-not
FAVORITE SCENT: Food of any kind
DOGS OR CATS: Cats and please keep the mabari at a distance
DREAM TRIP: Ancient Elvhenan (he believes)
RANDOM FACT: A very proud, very angry, and very hungry Dalish warrior with an Irish accent (in my head). As a tank his specialty (also in my head) is the close-quarters shield bash: a lot like Bruce Lee’s 2-inch punch. He can coil his whole compact, muscular body and create tremendous momentum even over a short distance. Dorian likes to watch him practice obliterating training dummies.
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forgottenarthur · 3 months
OOC | Arthur & His Line of Succession
idk what to entitle this but!!! my brain at 5am was like 'here have this' so now you get to hear abt it too lksdjfkljsdfjl
ok so!! arthur's faction, even objectively speaking (like in an au where every single varmont really and truly is the disgusting vile monster that ronan thinks they all are, this is STILL an advantage for arthur), has a v big advantage over the others, and that is @forgottensebastian!! while sebastian just being the amazing person he is, is a total win for arthur, like i said, even if he were actually leck quasar born again (SCREAM), his v existence would still be a huge advantage to the Arthurian faction bc he's a designated and direct heir and historically!!!!! that is a huuuuge asset in getting ppl to fight/vote for you!! so i wanted to sort of explore this a bit!
so, when ur abt to embark on a civil war for 'who should rule us next' ur hoping ur not gonna have to turn around and do it all again once ur chosen leader kicks the bucket, and arthur having a clear, designated heir from the get-go is a a part of that! bc w edmund or guin, say they get crowned etc, well great! but they're just one person right so what happens if/when they die before having kids! ur back to square one -- if guin's crowned, well, whose her heir? edmund? arthur? ur back at it again!
this is (one of) the reasons @forgottengodfrey is so keen to get edmund hitched (also gaining the stafford/astairan alliance etc but yeah), so edmund can start making heirs of his own, pronto!
ironically, its also one of the reasons @forgottenroderick is so reluctant to let his kids marry bc then ppl might start wanting one of his kids to rule more than they want ~him too!!!! its also the reason he was so desperate to have kids in the first place and took three wives to do it </3
but annnnyway, as a result, i do think arthur's sort of...thought abt this a lil bit frankly (he's so much more introspective than i ever thought it throws me every time i swearrrr) now, obv, idk how this will all go down but, if roderick were to die, and arthur to begin his gambit to seize the throne, i think he'd make his line of succession basically the sons of roderick in order of age; the sons of roderick's father in order of age (aka alaric), the sons of roderick's grandfather in order of age (aka bartholomew) and then their male line descendants in order of age (aka eoin). if all these men were to die, then it would follow the same structure but w women so:
now, in his ideal world alaric and the other male varmonts would inherit before edmund like so:
but he def recognizes that obv edmund has a way better claim to the imperial throne (not necessarily the kingly one of the og country tho depending on how ~those inheritance laws are written, but in that roderick apparently reopened old laws from ther abt multiple wives, im assuming its still true that edmund would have a better claim to ~that throne as well?) than alaric, bartholomew, or eoin so yeah! the top one is what he's currently thinking! HOWEVER i do think the more he talks to @forgottenarias the more he rethinks his position and so i think he may potentially end up considering heirs in order not just male heirs so:
now this would actually be a mistake for his faction, really, bc it'd mess up his ability to claim that ~he should be king since guinevere is, in fact, older, so i do think he'd at best do some handwave abt how roderick's male heirs come first bc that was the intention of the founder or whatever, and THEN roderick's female heirs and then everybody else hahaha but i do think he'd still want to be like CASSANDRA OVER EDMUND but yeahhhh idk if he could reasonably pull that off so i do think it'd result in a lot of confusion abt who has precedence between those two were he ever to actually realize his claim (unlikely!!) but yeah!! sldkjfalksdlfjdslkfj
anyway, he might potentially handwave abt his mother's line being the true imperial one (and thus cassandra still having precedence over edmund despite her sex) as marian became ~his mother and thus cassandra having precedence over edmund or smth but idk -- if they're still at war w edmund when this comes down the line he'd def be like 'yeah that's how that's happening' but if somehow arthur's in power and edmund's cool w it or whatever then he'd probs feel edmund would be a better fit for the crown than cassandra tbqh and have him as the third
anyway!! ngl none of this will probably EVER matter bc even if we do kill off roderick and start our war w/o that one big revelation etc, we uhhhh know that lil smth abt arthur that he don't know so yeah!! (and lbr even if he did manage to seize power as soon as he and edmund made peace, amira would just poison him soooo) but anyway here we are i thought of it so i thought id share it hahaha
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philtatosbuck · 4 days
no matter how strange marcel and rebekah is they could have easily fixed it with having rebekah be daggered while marcel was being raised sure it'd still be weird but it wouldn't be As weird.
#marcel gerard#rebekah mikaelson#idk if it's anti her but like .... mmmm.#here's the thing i think it's weird and strange and odd whatever whatever#in a normal family it'd be illegal#considering these people are immortal and have all types of inappropriate relationships#it's not AS big of a deal but the defining factor#is truly that she was there while he was being raised.#it'd be one thing if she woke up and klaus had this prodigy / protege he called his son who she found herself attracted to#(still weird as fuck)#like it would arguably make the story better even#but no she watched him grow up as her brother's son so there's no way to detach that from their story#and it makes sense for a mikaelson of all people#to have a fucked up relationship like that#but it's just SO UNNECESSARY???#between all the brothers fucking the same women#+ someone's brother dating their baby mama#+ the immortal vampires dating teenagers#the weirdest relationships are still the ones with the weirdly human age gaps#if marcel and rebekah met when marcel was a newly turned vampire. one thing.#but it's like. caroline and alaric's brand of nasty.#that girl was his student who was Forced to have his babies and he fell in love with her#that's by far one of the most frowned upon relationships in this series FORRRRRRRRR a reason#be so honest i would not gaf about the klaus' son aspect of marbekah#if she didn't know him as a kid/watch him grow up#like i'd just take it as. oh okay yeah that makes sense for klaus and rebekah's dynamic#tvdu text#idk my tag for that#tvdu op#it's like edward/bella weirdness vs jacob/renesmee weirdness
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brokensenseofhumor · 8 months
Pimon theory spin-off episode in courtesy of something @huntersmoon1 brought up
(Chap 17-19 spoilers!!)
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So this was a good point brought up by Huntersmoon, and today, I am going to theorize possible ages for the other Thames members (and some other stuff about them)
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So for Bjorn, I’ll take his height, his personality and his alcohol tolerance into consideration.
Bjorn is 100% the tallest of the group, is rude and kinda egotistical, and has been seen chugging alcohol like a madman in 2 panels (Yokai watch Shutendoji must be smuckers levels of jelly at this mf rn)
Taking this into consideration, I’ll assume Bjorn is around 100-190 years old.
Also, little fun fact:
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I tried translating Björns name with the Google translate detect language feature, and the result was “Bear” in Icelandic. So yea, Bjorn is from Iceland???
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So for Alaric, I’ll take into consideration his appearance, personality, and this one insult hummer shot at him in Chap 18 cuz why tf not?
This was the insult btw
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So given Alaric seems like he’s in his late 20’s - early 30s, seemingly has a lot of experience in weaponry, and the forest fire of an insult Hummer said in Chap 18, let’s assume Alaric is about 100-130.
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Okay, I’m not even gonna give an explanation, he’s definitely like 90-120 at MOST.
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Okay, I think we can all agree he’s probably the youngest of the group, so he’s probably about 80-100 at least.
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hellhunde · 1 year
Alaric and Lydia are so normal <3
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Tagged by these three wonderful mutes! @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad, @anewkindofme and @snowviolettwhite
I've made it to S5 of The Vampire Diaries and just finished up with ep 10 earlier this evening, and I've finally given in to the urge write an agere fic for the fandom. In this fic Alaric is alive and never died, and he comes home to his apartment to find Damon drinking alone in the dark after his break up with Elena, which will lead to Damon completely breaking down and being looked after by Ric when he regresses. I've been wanting to write a Little!Damon fic for SO long now, so here's a snippet of what I've got so far:
When Alaric walked into his apartment, the last thing he expected was for Damon Salvatore to be sitting at his kitchen table with a glass and a bottle of his whiskey. His now almost entirely empty bottle of whiskey.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Alaric asked, flipping the light switch on and closing the door behind him. "I thought you would be with Elena right now."
Damon didn't respond right away, instead refilling his glass and downing it all in one go.
"Nope. She's no longer obligated to be around me anywhere." He poured himself yet another drink. "She's free to do whatever, whoever, and go wherever her little vampire heart desires now."
Alaric's brows drew together in confusion. "What are you talking about, Damon?"
"We broke up." Damon tossed his drink back, then slammed the empty glass down on the table. "Well, I broke up with her."
Alaric blinked in shock at the vampire. "What–why? What the hell happened?"
"I happened, that's what."
Before Alaric could ask what he meant by that, Damon jumped up and began to pace as he fell into a drunken rant.
"It's for the best though, you know? I'll never be able to change who I am, and I know she won't ever be able to truly accept that. I'm always going to be this way: a monster. She deserves so much better than that. Like Stefan, or literally anyone else that isn't me! I am who I am. A monster, a bastard, a serial killer, a fucking blood sucking fre–!"
"Hey!" Alaric snapped, cutting off Damon's angry, self-deprecating rant and putting a stop to his erratic pacing. "That's enough, Damon. You know I don't like when you talk about yourself like that."
Damon narrowed his eyes at the other man, the hint of a snarl curling the corner of his lips. "I don't really give a damn what you don't like right now, Ric! I'm just saying the truth. You know it, I know it, Elena knows it, and Stefan definitely knows it! So, stop trying to act like it's not!"
The vampire went back over to the table and snatched the whiskey up, putting the bottle to his lips and chugging the remaining liquid inside. Once it was completely emptied, he set it back down, slightly swaying on his feet as he did so.
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coffehbeans · 2 years
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Alaric laid his head on top of the desk with a loud thud and Estelle’s knees buckled. He did not say a word and kept staring at her, causing dread to stir deep inside her, nervousness sky rocketing
Just a messy sketch of my OCs Alaric and Estelle! The first pic is from a part of their story here and you can read all the parts of their story starting from here!
I wanted to color this digitally but I simply do not have the energy rn ahaha :,D
Anyway, enjoy!
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grayjoy15 · 9 months
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Day 16: Lightning - Alaric, king of the Visigoths!
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dogsrot · 2 months
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FENRIR  IS  COVERED  in  scars,  whether  they’re  littered  across  his  face  or  finding  a  home  on  his  back.  when  you  first  look  at  him,  the  main  scar  your  eyes  will  always  find  is  the  burn  mark  across  his  right  eye.  It’s  one  of  the  biggest  scars  he  has  on  his  body,  and  the  one  he’s  most  self  conscious  about  because  there’s  no  covering  that  up.  he  had  gotten  it  during  a  fight  with  his  father,  and  he  doesn’t  remember  much  about  it  other  than  a  flash  of  white  and  searing  pain.  sadly  that  eye  would  not  be  able  to  rest  as  the  next  scar  happens  to  be  a  knife  cut  starting  from  above  his  eyebrow,  ending  at  his  upper  cheek.  he  doesn’t  even  remember  how  he  got  it,  but  it  either  was  from  a  bounty  or  from  his  time  in  underground  fighting  rings. 
  the  rest  of  his  face  shows  a  scarred  over  gash  starting  above  his  upper  lip,  and ending  at  his  jaw,  while  the  other  shows  two  other  cuts  connecting  together  underneath  his  eye  and  ending  across  the  tip  of  his  nose.  there  are  many  other  little  scars  across  his  face,  but  these  all  tend  to  stop  people  in  their  tracks  and  think  about  whether  they  should  speak  to  him  or  not.  It  sadly  makes  him  happy  being  as  he  isn’t  really  a  people  person  as  much  as  he  adores  messing  with  them  —  it  keeps  them  away  from  him  and  that’s  all  he  could  ask  for. 
  going  towards  his  chest,  he  has  three  claw  marks  on  the  left side  of  his  neck  that  have  scarred  over  —  these  are  from  his  father  and  no  amount  of  healing  had  been  able  to  make  them  go  away.  it  was  his  “parting  gift”  before  he  left  with  his  mother  out  of  the  country  to  head  to  texas  in  order  to  escape  him.  littered  across  his  chest  though,  there  are  many  marks  that  come  from  knives,  claws,  gunshots  wounds,  and  many  others.  there  is  one  scar  on  his  abdomen  though  that  he  has  tried  his  best  to  cover  with  a  tattoo  —  it’s  a  sigil  burned  into  him  belonging  to  his  father’s  mafia,  and  being  as  he  wants  nothing  to  deal  with  it,  he  covered  it  up  with  ink.
  same  with  his  back,  there  are  numerous  marks  covering  his  skin  that  constantly  hurt  no  matter  how  old  they  are.  his  back  is  where  you’ll  find  lashings  from  a  whip/chain  as  it  was  the  main  weapon(s)  his  father  used  against  him  while  he  was  being  punished  for  not  following  through  with  orders.  because  of  this,  he  is  in  the  works  of  covering  his  entire  back  with  tattoos  —  as  of  right  now,  he  has  one  huge  one  on  his  upper  back  that  covers  up  almost  every  single  scar,  but  he  still  wants  more  because  he  cannot  handle  staring  at  them  any  longer  in  the  mirror.
  his  father  ruined  him  and  his  body,  and  all  he  wants  is  to  get  a  little  control  back,  even  if  it  means  going  through  the  pain  of  a  needle  digging  into  his  skin  over  and  over  again  to  get  rid  of  those  memories.  he  rarely  allows  anyone  to  touch  his  scars  because  of  how  sensitive  they  are  to  the  touch : the  only  two  people  he  allows  to  touch  them  are  his  mother  and  lane,  and  even  then,  he  still  flinches  away  out  of  fear/pain  and  struggles  to  hide  his  tears  because  of  how  vulnerable  he  becomes  —  feeling  like  a  little  kid  again  begging  for  his  father  to  love  him  rather  than  hate  him. 
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novembermorgon · 3 months
Just found your page recently and wow. I'm so happy that someone else loves the Boltons (with their chaotic selves and all) as much as I do. I would love to know more about Ysabel and Cayn's mother because anyone who marries into house Bolton is doing God's work lol 😂. Also, your Lannister oc is goals. I am in love with her already 💙. Keep up the amazing work!
tumblr has truly pulled the boltonheads into one place i fear!! they're such a fun house even if they're kind of one of grrm's Designated Bad Guys. thank you anon!
as for their mom ...
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her name is maisie manderly - i honestly haven't thought about her much so i don't have a lot to tell you but she married into the boltons thanks to mutually ambitious fathers in order to form a proper alliance between them as relatively powerful northern houses . goes to the dreadfort right at the brink of adulthood and basically hasn't left since .
she's pretty reserved and cautious - which kind of clashes with alaric who's very forward .. he's fond of her but i don't know if i'd say they were ever super in love . partially because alaric has his first bastard son pretty soon after they're married and she sort of holds a grudge very quietly for the rest of her life LOL
it takes a few years and some complications before they have cayn and another couple years before ysabel is born and after that the maesters urge them not to keep trying and they both kind of agree that it's fine .
though shes generally not one for conflict she is very quick to get snappy about the Bastard Issue . doesn't like any of them at all and finds that it's easier to blame them than to blame alaric . medieval marriage dynamics etc
she isn't really all that big of a part of their lives after going to king's landing - ysabel writes to her and cayn i think tries to act like he doesn't miss her at all . i think after a few years apart cayn goes back to the dreadfort since alaric dies and he's got to go do lord stuff but i dont know if ysabel ever sees her again .
i should ponder her more but .. it hasnt gotten to that point yet .. hope this is anything .. :-)
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lyssa-ink · 11 months
how well would my characters do against a cockroach
Tagged by @reneesbooks and @serenanymph!
Lar. His last job involved fighting monsters that include giant bugs but normal roaches are uh, much faster and smaller. Kinda hard to stab. Struggles for a few minutes before he can get his sword into it. 6/10
Fel. Also hunted giant bugs but unlike Lar she had a normal life before that so she just squishes it. 9/10 because she saw how Lar dealt with his cockroach but just watched and laughed
Niara. Immediately incinerates it with magic. Left a burn mark on the floor so 7/10
Faris. Screams like a little girl and has to call a guard to deal with it. (The guard is Fel and she told Lar and Niara and they're not letting him live that down) 1/10
Alaric I. Appears wholly unbothered by the roach. 10/10
Artoria. Also just incinerates it. Niara had to learn from somewhere. 7/10
Riku. Would pick up the cockroach to feed it to his dragons later. 11/10
Safiyya. Picks up the roach and puts it on someone else (probably Artoria). 12/10
Open tag! Tell me how your characters face the roach!
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sergeantpixie · 6 months
is new constellations named after the rynn weaver song??? that one pls if so, i love that song!
Yes it is! I also love that song tbh. It is a Dean x Elena story, but with a healthy helping of Caroline x Elena and eventually Klaus x Elena as well. I don't even know if I can sum this one up, it came together as a collision of many many vibes so maybe I'll just list off some of those:
At this point in my life it was exactly a 10 minute walk to the bus stop to commute to work so you Know I was listening to All Too Well (10 Minute Version) pretty much every day, and in particular the line "just between us did the love affair maim you too?" vibed hard for what this verse became
for some reason New Constellations' outro and the continuous repetition of "what if there's more?" has always brought to mind a woman giving birth, I can't explain it, but that's just the association for me.
How would Elena's life had gone if Stefan and Damon never entered it?
How would knowing the Winchesters for most of her life change her?
How would Klaus react to finding his doppelganger if she was pregnant?
How would Dean handle Jessica's death if he was in a serious relationship when Sam lost her in the same way they lost their mother?
What exactly does it mean to be from a bloodline of women who all seem cursed to terrible fates? Does sharing a face make them a sisterhood even if their fates are different kinds of terrible?
What would Elena's life look like if she had a relationship with Isobel and also Katherine?
What would Alaric's life look like if his reason for becoming a vampire hunter died before he found him?
All of these questions and more I attempt to answer in New Constellations, coming to you idk maybe next lifetime if the way Addendum is progressing doesn't change anytime soon.
And just as he stumbles across the first inkling that she might not stay a sweet little girl forever; Elena Gilbert finds herself, for the first time, dreaming of someone other than Dean Winchester. Instead of his teasing green eyes, easy grin, and beat-up old brown leather jacket, there's her familiar blue eyes, cherubic grin, and that shining green satin dress.
#asks#tag games#anon#thank you anon!#deanlena#new constellations#words cannot emphasize enough how insane this story is#there are so many vibes lmao#but to sum it up dean is elena's older boy crush for most of her life#(sam keeps his distance because he's jealous of the mystic falls kids; however his crush on caroline is MFHS's worst kept secret)#(sadly for him caroline is a lesbian to me in all verses)#(maybe this is the verse I finally whip out sam/bonnie which has always intrigued me?)#dean kills the salvatores before elena really even knows them#after encouraging elena to compete in the miss mystic falls pageant caroline finds the courage to kiss her finally#and they go on the date for the rest of their high school career#in the meantime elena meets isobel kat and alaric (all separately)#alaric has remarried and has a daughter (sophie)#kat and elena bond enough that kat decides that until klaus finds elena for himself she can have her own life#dean is in and out of elena's life like he's always been; they've never been that close but she helps him with a case when he's in town#because she's finally old enough to know about the vampires (and that he killed some to protect her)#caroline eventually breaks up with elena before college because she's too insecure about their relationship#dean and elena reconnect and start dating during her sophomore year of college#they get really serious and close and he even goes with her to the funeral when alaric's wife dies of cancer (man can't catch a break tbh)#john winchester goes missing during elena's senior year of college#and when jessica dies dean panics and goes no contact to try to protect elena until they kill the demon#not knowing elena is pregnant (who does not find out until thanksgiving)#it's right before the new year and elena and her baby are dying because a werewolf attacked her at the behest of esther when klaus finds he#AND absolutely all of this is just the backstory lmao. this isn't even the main plot lmao#that picks up about 4 years later#:D
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smoothie-sheep · 11 months
Who was going to tell my american ass that busses are even more affordable and less stressful than driving myself places??? I genuinely didnt even know they fucking EXISTED in my area let me out
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nikkisgwens · 2 years
Just wanna type my tvd character sexuality headcanons
(agree or disagree idgaf)
Elena- lesbian or bi ( leaning towards bi)
Caroline- bi or pan
Bonnie- also bi or pan
Katherine- bi
Rebekah- pan
Damon- bi
Stefan- bi
Klaus- bi
Elijah- bi
Nora- canonically gay
Mary-Louise- also canonically gay
Enzo- bi
Alaric- bi ( he’s trash but no one on this show is straight in my eyes)
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