#alanna mckenna
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shadowheartyuri · 1 year ago
Immortal Heart Society Alanna Route Remake! (Work In Progress)
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first post :D just wanted to share the project i've been working on for the past few days: a ren'py remake of lovestruck's immortal heart society alanna route!
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dizzy-pixels · 1 year ago
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I've been playing the IHS: LE remake and seeing her again.
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mokkotome · 3 years ago
Content Summaries
Since I lost it again, I’m leaving this here for myself and anyone whose interested in the content summaries released by Lovestruck (for the stories that did not finish IMMORTAL HEARTY SOCIETY, STARSHIP PROMISE, TALES OF THE WILD,EDGE CASE LOVE PURSUIT, REIGNING PASSIONS) since the Lovestruck site has gone down. Information under the cut!
Alanna Mckenna
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Heroine  assures Alanna that she will never resent Alanna for saving her life.  They realize they traveled to the exact night Alanna decided to ghost  Heroine. Alanna wants to warn herself not to, but Heroine cautions her:  everything they went through brought them together again. Back in the  present, Richard's leadership is turning into a reign of terror. As they  plan to defeat Richard, they realize that they are gaining a new set of  memories: Richard is in the 1930s trying to change the past so he finds  the ritual himself. Racing against time, they do the ritual to make a  power stone. Their triumph is cut short as Heroine receives a text from  Hero, warning them that the newly created power stone has acted like a  beacon leading Richard to the Inner Circle's secret sanctum in the  Tower. With Hero's help, they escape. Locked out of their sanctuary,  hunted by Richard, Heroine chooses to revisit some terrible memories,  time traveling to her family's summer house before she burnt it down.  There they learn that Heroine and Hero's mother was researching a ritual  to transfer Society leadership to blood relatives. Heroine is ready to  become leader, but Alanna and Hero convince Heroine to share the burden  and power. Heroine, having finally learned to trust and be open to help,  agrees. They face off against Richard in a fierce battle. The ritual is  cast and Heroine and Hero become the Society Leader, and Richard  withers into dust. On the night of the victory they've waited centuries  for, Alanna proposes to Heroine. They move into the old family house  after a symbolic redecoration to reclaim the past and future. Heroine  left Boston because she had to, and now she wants to build a life there  with Alanna. After all, they have forever... 
Rafe Marzano (Female MC)
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Rafe  and Heroine head to 1930s Los Angeles to prevent a murderous dinner  party held by Rafe's cousin, Gaspare. Their plan to avert the party goes  awry when Rafe threatens Gaspare at knifepoint to save Heroine's life,  weakening his position of trust. Faced with the reality of Heroine's  mortality, Rafe entreats her to become immortal. She refuses, but they  come closer than they ever have to sleeping together. As Heroine steps  into her power in order to position herself to take down the Society,  she makes the choice to live for herself. She and Rafe finally break the  pact, deepening their relationship at the worst possible timing as  Richard returns and exposes Rafe's duplicity. Rafe's family vows to  destroy him. While Rafe grapples with the true depth of his love for  Heroine, Heroine begins to embrace the darker side in earnest, shedding  her guilt in the face of her father's true evil. Heroine becomes  immortal, giving a new dimension to her relationship with Rafe and  forcing them to confront the emotional truth of it. Heroine's descent  into darkness has captured her father's eye - she is everything he  dreamed she'd be. But when Richard asks her to be his heir Heroine  refuses, vowing to use everything she's learned to bring Richard down.  Side by side with the man who has accepted her for all that she is,  Heroine works to destroy those who threaten them. It all culminates when  Heroine finally puts on the accuracy improving power stone, and kills  Richard with Rafe's knife, the final piece of the puzzle. While the  Clubhouse burns, they make love in the ashes. Then they set out to prove  that they have a life worth living together forever...
Rafe Marzano (Male MC)
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Hero  and Rafe meet at a bar and have an incredible one night stand. When  they meet again at the Society party, Hero wonders if Rafe knew his  identity but Rafe says he had suspicions but chose to maintain plausible  deniability. Rafe wants Hero to infiltrate the Society to destroy it  from within but Hero can't bring himself to play that role. They will  find another way! Hero has a clear sense of right and wrong, and  struggles with the discrepancy between their morality. Hero refuses  Rafe's invitation to sleep together again as he is trying to resist  catching feelings for Rafe. Eventually, Hero reaches the end of his  self-restraint, and invites Rafe to bed. Rafe, struggling with his own  feelings, declines. He's trying to figure out why it matters so much if  Hero disapproves of his methods. When Rafe has to do something terrible  despite Hero begging him not to, Hero's reaction makes Rafe realize that  he  is in love with Hero. Hero decides to go back to LA, despite his  feelings for Rafe, when Richard reappears! Hero decides to get close to  Richard and convince him to give up his evil deeds. Rafe inserts himself  in Richard's orbit - even if Hero is upset at him, he needs to protect  Hero. Rafe proves how much he cares for Hero, while Hero realizes how  truly irredeemable his father is. Rafe finally realizes why Richard  didn't raise his children according to Legacy tradition: Richard plans  to sacrifice Hero in a ritual to gain ultimate power. They exchange I  love yous.  Rafe offers to kill Richard for Hero, but Hero doesn't want  that. This would make them just as bad as Richard. He wants to take  Richard down in a way that he can live with. During the final showdown  Rafe gives up the opportunity to kill Richard, wanting to be a man Hero  would be proud of. When Richard dies anyway Rafe wonders if his choice  didn't matter in the end, but Hero says that for eternity Rafe will know  that instead of choosing murder he decided to save someone because  people are worth saving no matter what.  
Emilio Espinoza
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Hero  and Emilio are together, and navigating their new relationship, when to  his surprise, Hero gets a very familiar envelope in the mail: a  birthday card from Richard with a single line: see you soon, my boy!  While the Inner Circle try to figure out what this means, and what to  expect with Richard’s apparent intent to return to Boston and to Hero’s  life, Richard shows up while Emilio is trying to pull out all the stops  for a romantic birthday celebration for Hero. Richard sits down at the  table, like 'I don't know why you're so surprised, son. I sent that  card.' Emilio is like, not only is the villain back but he messed up the  first romantic gesture I've done in two centuries. Hero and the others  realize that Richard was going to sacrifice Hero in a ritual. That's why  he tried to re-connect  through the birthday cards, so he would always  be keeping tabs on Hero, leaving the door open to ingratiate himself  back into Hero's life. Emilio helps Hero to work through his  disillusionment and keep his sunshine Hero's hope and optimism alive.  Hero has reawakened Emilio's passion for life and he wants to return the  favor every single day. Together they manage to bring down Richard and  rebuild the Society in the image that Emilio had in the very beginning.
Cash Tarkhan
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Heroine  agrees to become leader of the Society, but learns that Cash still  plans to put in his own bid for leadership. Cash and Heroine set down  parameters for their rivalry and finally address their mutual  attraction. They decide to sleep together, creating a space where they  can be vulnerable and trust each other to be fully transparent. The  Society will set three tasks to determine the leader. Cash and Heroine  travel back to her family's summer house where Cash helps her work  through her past via a cathartic love scene. They find the power stones  they seek, which Heroine makes into a necklace, promising to give it to  the Society when she becomes leader. When the second task puts Hero in  danger, the search for a loophole brings Cash face to face with past  actions he deeply regrets, and he chooses not to change them. Cash's  solution seems to go beyond their established parameters, but Cash  reveals that his goal was to protect Heroine from having to sacrifice  Hero on the altar of her ambition. He doesn't want her to become like  him. The leadership race is a tie, but Cash confesses his love in the  deepest way possible: offering to throw everything he's got behind  Heroine's leadership bid. He knows in his heart that she can be the  leader the Society needs. The final task is so morally repugnant Cash  offers to do for Heroine: he's done so much he's not proud of; he  doesn't want that for her. Heroine couldn't ask him to do that for her  because she loves him too. She has a counter-offer: they will become  leaders together. Standing side by side as true allies, they vow to work  to remake the Society the way it should be..
Abel Hawthorn the Woodsman
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Abel  has been cursed with the same contract that bound the Tin Man to kill  Hero and Heroine. But Hero believes they can overcome the curse together and they renew their vows to each other. Abel can’t let Hero go, curse  or not. But, a mysterious green fog claws its way across campus,  draining magic everywhere it goes. The rush to cure the trees increases  as they discover Arin is dying from their connection. Hero learns to  wield axes from Abel and to use magic from Nora. In return, Hero teaches  Abel how to cook. To everyone’s horror, they find the green fog was  sent by the Wizard as it takes over the Labyrinth! Hero discovers that  fixing the lighthouse lamp has to be from his own magic. As the fog  gains power, everyone begins to see creepy magical illusions of their  fears. In the finale, the fog is strong enough to possess Abel’s body  and Hero must fight him. But in the end, it’s love--not power--that  saves them both. Breaking the spell on Hero helps break the curse on  Abel at the last minute through love.
For  the remaining seasons, trust, loyalty, and ‘love as an answer’ were to  be the main themes. Hero fixes the lamp as he retakes his Light Keeper  role and becomes an unofficial Woodsman. Abel becomes an efficient cook  and confidently faces down all his past enemies. They continue on many  adventures in both realms, often able to fulfill their separate duties  together. Eventually, Abel is given his own, unique title from the White  Queen and becomes his own boss, employing dedicated Woodsmen around the  world. This gives him more time with Hero where they raise orphaned  children together.
Lavinia the Ice Queen
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The  mystery of Lavinia's parentage is revealed. She was born to Titania, the  queen of the Summer Fae Court and the most powerful of the Fae. Titania  loved her daughter for a time, but Lavinia was half human and Titania  also realized that Lavinia could grow up to be a threat to her. So she  had Lavinia left in the snow to freeze. Lavinia has no memory of her  early days among the Fae, but she does remember doing anything she could  to survive...and she does remember that magic came to her naturally.  When Lavinia came into her full power, she caught the attention of  Titania who at first wondered who this new queen was...and then realized  it was the daughter she tried to abandon.
We planned  on spending the rest of Lavinia's route delving into the topics of  betrayal and love and Lavinia would grapple with both her struggle for  power (which has always been her way of self preservation) and her own  sense of morality. After finding out she is the daughter of her worst  enemy and a universal villain, she will also struggle with who she is as  a person. Titania will try many tactics to either destroy Lavinia or  make Lavinia give away her power. Ultimately, it will be the grounding  love of Heroine that will help Lavinia through this difficult time. They  will break the spell on Heroine and defeat Titania and her Fae Court.  Lavinia will choose Ezra to rule as regent in her kingdom while she  travels with Heroine while she works as the Path Finder. When Heroine  and Lavinia's child grows up, that child will become the Path Finder.  Heroine and Lavinia will return to Lavinia's Ice realm and rule as  equals. 
Arin Langdon the Guardian
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The final  challenge is interrupted by the arrival of Wilhelm Grimm, one of the  Brothers Grimm. Heroine is able to use her magic to turn the tide in the  fight against Wilhelm, and in doing so finds a way to use the magic of  the Path Finder...to create paths and to open portals between this world  and the magical realm. The clash with Wilhelm culminates in the  temporary defeat of Wilhelm, but in the death of Dr. James Tutorea. As  he dies he gives Heroine a ring that matches the one she wears. Fergus  also sees the error of his ways and withdrawals from the competition. It  is decided the best thing the group can do is find a way to travel to  the magical realm and go to the Red and White Queens as James was doing  to get the seeds.
Arin and  Heroine are then confronted with a problem that they will have to deal  with the rest of their lives: that Heroine's place as the Path Finder is  in the magical realm and Arin's is in the Library. Over the course of  the rest of the seasons we would break the spell on Heroine and have  Heroine and Arin grow in their magic together as well as in their love.  They would wear matching rings that magically create a space between the  worlds where time stops for just the two of them where they can be  together whenever they want for as long as they want. In this way they  can fulfill their duties but also be together. Before Heroine goes into  the magical realm, they have a wedding that solidifies their union.  Heroine and Arin will eventually retire from their roles and pass them  down to their children.
Antares Fairchild  
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Antares enlists Alien Heroine’s help to investigate the Empire and they soon  get enmeshed in a conspiracy. As they work, it becomes harder to deny  the physical attraction and romantic feelings growing between them. They  learn that Commodore Bazirg, Antares’ commanding officer, is plotting a  coup to overthrow the Emperor! To save the Emperor, Antares and Alien  Heroine finally resolve their trust issues with each other and celebrate  the moment with a genuine kiss. But their plan comes too late and they  witness Bazirg assassinate the Emperor and take the throne.
Antares  and Alien Heroine are forced to flee and Antares faces a crisis - if he  is no longer an Empire captain, then who is he? Bolstered by Alien  Heroine’s support, Antares realizes that there is only one option - to  save the Empire and its values, Antares will need to defeat Bazirg and  name himself Emperor. They launch a plan to depose Bazirg and just  before the final push, Antares pulls Alien Heroine aside and tells her  that all this time he’s been giving her challenges  to try and prove to  himself that she couldn’t be a good fit for him. But Heroine exceeded  his expectations at every opportunity and he can’t deny it any longer.  He loves her and she is the only woman in the entire galaxy who can hold  her own in the face of his drive and ambition. Alien Heroine realizes  that she loves him, too. She loves the challenge he poses and how he  wants to make the galaxy a better place. She promises that she will do  whatever it takes to support him in that. They defeat Bazirg and restore  order within the Empire. Antares names himself Emperor and asks Alien  Heroine to be his Empress. He needs his clever dragonet by his side.
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Nova and  Alien Heroine continue to investigate Nova’s past, as well as their  burgeoning romance. They discover Gamma, another person with superhuman  powers and memories that are not their own. After gaining Gamma’s trust,  Nova and Alien Heroine learn about Dr. Xendalia, a scientist working on  a secret project for the Empire. She welcomes Nova and Gamma with open  arms - she’s so happy that her children have returned! And Beta is  there, too, having been rescued by Dr. X. Nova is excited to have  finally found her family, but is devastated when she learns that she,  Beta, and Gamma are superhumans created as living weapons for the  Empire. And, in fact, Nova’s real name is Alpha. Nova worries that  there’s no way she and Alien Heroine can be together when she was only  created to destroy. Alien Heroine assures Nova that she is so much more  than what she was created for; she is kind and generous and is loved by  the Promise crew...and by Alien Heroine. She loves Nova so very much and  wants to help Nova through this. Nova tells Alien Heroine that she  loves her too, and they share a magical night together.
Nova is  ready to return to the Promise when she and Alien Heroine discover that  Dr. X used the Empire’s resources to create Nova and her siblings to  take over the galaxy herself! Nova convinces Gamma and Beta to go  against Dr. X and stop her army of new superhumans. Only after stopping  the threat of Dr. X are Nova and Alien Heroine able to begin their lives  together. Nova realizes that she had the found family she needed all  along, the Promise crew, and that the love she and Alien Heroine share  will be the happiness she hardly dared hope for.
Evina Arwel
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It’s a race against time for Evina to unravel the deadly spell Aghata  cast on Heroine. Aghata wishes Tallav to be a wild place unspoiled by  bipeds, and is using the imbalance within Heroine to separate all Dinae  from their own animal forms. Now, more than ever, Evina and Heroine need  to find Heroine’s missing animal form to save Tallav, as well as any  chance of being together. With the help of their friends from all over  Tallav, Evina and MC uncover a secret. The ailment that swept Tallav  twenty cycles ago could only be cured by temporally separating Dinae  from their animal forms, a secret the clan leaders guarded fiercely.  Evina and Heroine uncover that not only did Aghata create this ailment,  but that she also interrupted the ritual before Heroine and her animal  form could be rejoined! She’s why Heroine was cast out of Tallav! Evina  exposes Aghata to the clan leaders and is relieved when Arella realizes  that the Ayla had kept Heroine’s animal form all this time! They rejoin  Heroine with her animal form to discover that she is a Hreinn, of the  Deer Clan like Aghata. Heroine worries that Evina can’t love her now,  but Evina assures her that it doesn’t matter which clan Heroine came  from, because they are two exiles in their own clan together. With the  spell weakened, Evina and Heroine bring together the clans to defeat  Aghata and save Tallav! Evina is offered membership back into the Ayla  clan, but says that she prefers to be free of clan structure. She and  Heroine together found a small community of Dinae from every clan who  travel Tallav together, working with the clans to maintain balance.  Evina and Heroine forge their own way and can finally spend the rest of  their lives together.
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Rion and Heroine continue to work cases together while Heroine pursues a  promotion to Fledgling. Rion slowly opens up more to Heroine as he  becomes more comfortable around her. She learns that he spent time in  juvie and was a troublemaker before joining D.I.V.A.A.. He never  committed a serious crime, but he would cause havoc for fun. The heroine  is okay with Rion's past, but Rion has trouble accepting who he used to  be. They discover that his half-brother is responsible for a string of  heinous crimes, which forces Rion and Heroine to talk about their  feelings as they support each other. The heroine finds breadcrumbs about  her father who is in fact missing. Rion reveals that her dad was one of  the key reasons he gave up his wilder ways and joined D.I.V.A.A.. Rion  and Heroine manage to stop Rion's half-brother and apprehend him, and  through doing that, find Heroine's dad who's been imprisoned by a  powerful criminal syndicate. The heroine helps Rion finally accept his  past, and Heroine finds closure with her career and family. The heroine  earns her promotion to Fledgling and officially becomes Rion's partner.  They finally admit that they love each other, and become two of the best  investigators at D.I.V.A.A..
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Korin tells Heroine that she's not ready to date yet because she has a  lot of issues in her personal life that she's taking care of. The  heroine is understanding but disappointed. Dom partners Korin and  Heroine together on a special assignment, and the pair continue to flirt  and tease each other as their bond deepens. The heroine supports Korin  and encourages her to take care of herself and not always focus on  others. This inspires Korin to do things she likes, including going on a  date with Heroine. They begin dating while solving more cases, and  Heroine discovers that Korin's sister has been comatose because she was a  bystander in a shootout, and Korin has been taking care of her at the  hospital. Korin allows her mentor demeanor to slip further as Heroine  proves she can be a resilient and supportive partner while Korin helps  Heroine find her dad. They are okay expressing their love for each  other, but Korin's focus on caring for others and Heroine's focus on her  career and finding her dad prevent them from taking things farther.  They manage to find and apprehend the people responsible for the  shootout that hurt Korin's sister, and also find Heroine's dad. Korin  and Heroine agree to let their relationship grow and move in with each  other.
Xenia of the Autumn
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With Heroine’s leadership and Xenia’s guidance, the peace summit  resolves with the selection of Nisse as a permanent addition to the  Council, to represent the needs and concerns of the Wilderfolk. The  Sivi, in no small part to Ernesta’s kindness and Xenia’s  accomplishments, are more accepted among the people. Heroine’s rule  becomes a time of peace and prosperity. Yet still, darkness from the  necromantic ritual lingers within Xenia, battling with the light magic  Heroine used to save her. They seek assistance from Danilo who tells  Xenia she must let go of her self-hatred, but Xenia believes she has  done too much harm in the world to be forgiven. Heroine implores Xenia  to take heed of Danilo’s warning and reminds Xenia of her unending love.  Heroine wants to be with Xenia forever, no matter what that looks like  for them. Whatever future Xenia dreams of, is what Heroine wants too.  They begin to discuss the possibility of children. The darkness in Xenia  lessens further when Danilo tells her that Val wouldn’t want her to  live this way – he would want her to be happy. Xenia and Heroine then  visit the Autumn Temple, where Xenia begs final forgiveness from the  dead. She cannot carry the burden of guilt any longer. She wants  happiness and a future with Heroine. She… deserves it. The final  darkness releases from her and she feels lighter than she has in years.  She pulls Heroine into her arms and thanks her, again and again, with  words and kisses. They exchange marriage vows in front of a small group  of their friends. Formally, Xenia stays Heroine’s Mistress of Spies, but  it is a well-known and accepted secret that the two are a pair bound by  love – and not long after, by family.  
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leysenk2 · 3 years ago
Lovestruck sex episode list - 2
S3 ep 12
S4 ep 2❤
S4 ep 5
S4 ep 6❤
S4 ep 9❤
S4 ep 10
S4 ep 11❤
S1 ep 12
S2 ep 4❤
S2 ep 9
S3 ep 3❤
S3 ep 10
S4 ep 8❤
S4 ep 12❤
S5 ep 5❤
S5 ep 12
S6 ep 7
S6 ep 11
S3 ep 10
S4 ep 9❤
S6 ep 3
S6 ep 8❤
S7 ep 1❤
S7 ep 5❤
S7 ep 11
S2 ep 10
S3 ep 9❤
S4 ep 2❤
S4 ep 4
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S5 ep 10
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S6 ep 3
S6 ep 12❤
S2 ep 3❤
S2 ep 11
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S3 ep 12
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S4 ep 5❤
S5 ep 2❤
S5 ep 4❤
S5 ep 9
S5 ep 10❤
S6 ep 1
S6 ep 4❤
S6 ep 5
S6 ep 12❤
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S3 ep 12❤
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S5 ep 12❤
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S6 ep 9❤
S6 ep 12❤
S1 ep 5❤
S1 ep 12❤
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S4 ep 12❤
S5 ep 2
S5 ep 12❤
S6 ep 4❤
S3 ep 11
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S4 ep 12❤
S5 ep 7
S3 ep 12
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S4 ep 8❤
S4 ep 11
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S6 ep 8❤
S6 ep 12❤
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S6 ep 1❤
S6 ep 8❤
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S2 ep 6
S2 ep 9❤
S2 ep 11
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S4 ep 12❤
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S4 ep 9❤
S4 ep 12
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S5 ep 3❤
S5 ep 8❤
S5 ep 12❤
S6 ep 3❤
S6 ep 7
S6 ep 12❤
Short ep 3❤
Short W.R. ep 4❤
Short W.R. ep 6
S1 ep 3❤
S1 ep 12❤
S3 ep 1❤
S4 ep 2❤
S4 ep 12❤
S1 ep 8
S1 ep 10
S2 ep 12❤
S3 ep 12
S4 ep 12❤
S5 ep 3❤
S5 ep 8❤
S6 ep 3❤
S7 ep 4
S7 ep 11❤
S8 ep 2
S8 ep 7
S8 ep 11
S2 ep 10
S3 ep 2❤
S3 ep 3❤
S5 ep 7
S5 ep 12❤
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thezebrawlw · 3 years ago
So... Are we going to talk about...
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I love both Arabella and Dolores Madrigal... I just want to one cosplay the other 😔😂
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lovestruck-backgrounds · 3 years ago
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Alanna McKenna's Bedroom
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michaestzu · 3 years ago
Rafe: If you had to choose between Alanna and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose? FMC: That depends, how much money are we talking about? Alanna: FMC! Rafe: 63 cents. FMC: I'll take the money. Alanna: FMC!!!
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nosey-marshmallow · 4 years ago
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Pride Image
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alex-cyprin · 4 years ago
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Meet the first girls, now we wait for the boys
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chilledlesbian · 3 years ago
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shadowheartyuri · 1 year ago
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got to work on the menu ui for my ihs remake today!
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zhoras-bitch · 3 years ago
IHS FMC: Just skip to the part that’s going to piss me off.
Alanna: That’s going to be all of it.
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mxrmaid-poet · 3 years ago
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doctwo · 3 years ago
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gaynessisintheair · 4 years ago
Hey guys! I've made a video! Well, it sucks the timing but worth it. Ehee! Enjoy! Watch it or not! It's up to you!
Our ex-girlfriends became our Wives!!!
Song: End of the night by Danny Avila
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aquagirl1978 · 3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Alanna!
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