#alan bennett is incredible
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wolfstargazer · 1 year ago
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I appreciate and understand the love for Dead Poets Society in the Marauder-era fandom. The aesthetic is immaculate.
As a Brit and an older fan I would like to make a public service announcement that you're all sleeping on The History Boys. And would encourage everyone to go watch it.
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gayestshakespearecouples · 6 months ago
Sorry, I like to use this blog to post about any play I go to see since y'all are Theatre People -
I went to see Alan Bennett's The History Boys last night, went in completely blind. And I was thinking okay like. Surely he doesn't ACTUALLY mean to play off this major character sexually assaulting his students as harmless and a joke, right? And then today I look into it and He Literally Does Mean Exactly That And Is On Record Saying It. So that's fun!
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callahanscorner · 1 year ago
WIP intro time!
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Are you so certain of the difference, Mr. Lake? Between dark and the light? The Black and the Bright? You’d best learn fast, for those who gaze too long into the Black may soon find themselves unable to stomach the Bright.
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GENRE: Eldritch Noir (detective novel with a touch of cosmic horror!)
AUDIENCE: Adults, I guess? Solid R rating, probably, but it won’t get too bad I don’t think
STATUS: Drafting!
COMPARISONS AND INSPIRATIONS: Alan Wake-esque blurring of reality with all the noir drama of things like The 39 Steps, Marlowe, The Maltese Falcon, etc.
THEMES: The nature of humanity and its place in the universe, humanity vs inhumanity, hope and love in the gaze of the abyss
AESTHETIC: Rain pounding a foggy window, mist and fog obscuring a streetlamp, the clack of shoes in an empty alley, a cigarette being lit in the dark, the buzz of the harsh lights of a diner, thick black smoke swallowing the world around it, the clatter of a metro train overhead, an empty flask, coffee-stained papers haphazardly strewn on a desk
PLAYLIST (in progress!): dark, moody, atmospheric, melancholic, a LOT of jazz.
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Three years after the worst day of his life, Adam Lake is doing better. After all, he’s got a paying (if unstable) job as a private investigator for his best friend, Defense Attorney Cole Parker. Hell, he’s even managed to drink away the memory of Elise Conway, the girl that shattered his heart along with his dreams of becoming an archaeologist. Things are calm. Things are… good.
Enter Evelyn Montclaire, ex-actress and model, current movie producer, and dangerously charming client. Something’s off on her new set, and she wants Adam to find a book that’s gone missing from her office. He’s inclined to say no, but it turns out Cole talked to a young assistant on that very production who’s being accused of murder! Can Adam navigate silver screen politics and the wicked world of the fabulously wealthy? If he wants any chance at making rent, he’ll have to.
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Adam Lake: The detective. Ex-archaeology student and police department washout (insubordination, of course), Adam was picked up by Cole Parker as a private investigator for his new solo law venture. Hates corruption, hates rich people. Simple as.
Cole Parker: The lawyer. Cole is a defense attorney whose father was imprisoned and executed for a crime he didn’t commit. Shares and respects Adam’s contempt for the corrupt police force of Strand City. Loves jazz music and poetry.
Elise Conway: The scholar. An ex-classmate and ex-lover of Adam, Elise has been called upon by Evelyn Montclaire to help her study and decipher a strange book that has come into her possession. Jumped at the chance. Loves history, language, and men with their shit together.
Judy Love: The starlet. Found dead in her dressing room at Panessa Studios under incredibly mysterious circumstances. Filming for her new movie, Concrete Midnights, has been halted.
Evelyn Montclaire: The producer. A lot of history in the movies, currently trying to revive Strand City’s dying film industry. Cold, calculating, and deadly charming.
Annie Hartwell: The assistant. Accused of jealous murder, Annie is desperately seeking the help of Cole. She seems like a scared newcomer to the city, but is it just an act?
Cliff Calloway: The co-star. An older man doing his last movie as a favor to Evelyn. Used to be a huge name in the movies, has been aging out of the leading roles that won him his fame.
Ethan Bennett: Adam’s old partner on the force. Cares a lot about Adam, but firmly believes he can change the system from the inside. Still, has been known to slip Adam classified info as a favor, though it takes some convincing.
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If you’ve read this far, you’re probably wondering about the setting of this book. Concrete Midnights takes place in a fictionalized city in the American Pacific Northwest during the 1930s. I feel like I should take the opportunity to mention this book takes place in an alternative history, and will do its absolute best to steer away from the topics of racism and sexism! Nobody wants to deal with that stuff, least of all me, a white man! That’s gross!
As always, thanks for reading, and I’ll see you around!
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mttmurduck · 2 years ago
no one was kidding when they said bruce banner had no consistent appearance. this is me failing to reconcile each one i’ve come across. send me more if you want me to rate them.
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Matteo Scalera - Indestructible Hulk #9
point for looking fucked up. not a fan of the short hair, but maybe that’s because of the whole prisoner of SHIELD thing, so whatever. 1/10.
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Ryan Ottley - Hulk (2021) #1
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Derec Aucoin - Spider-Man Family #9
THE super nerd. a little young, but hides behind a thin veneer of calm well. the tweed and bowtie is an interesting choice. hope he doesn’t mind if they get ripped. 8/10.
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Veronica Fish - Spider-Woman (2016) #11
a bit of a heart-throb???? looks like a long suffering grad student more than a man who’s been running from the military for years. where are his glasses? 4/10.
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Lee Garbett - Immortal Hulk #6
super grizzled and super tired. trust me, this issue was exhaustion to the max. this is the haunted (hunted) man, and i’m honestly digging the flannel. gotta show those midwestern roots somehow. unfortunately all of these pluses don’t add up to an iconic bruce banner look, unless he was trying to steal wolverine’s. 5/10.
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Adam Kubert - The Incredible Hulk (1968) #466
the scientist! prideful and yet kind, hiding a deep well of sadness and anti-military sentiments. 10/10.
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Stefano Caselli - Avengers Assemble (2012) #9
glasses! scientist! a little tired but doing better :) 10/10.
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Alan Davis - Totally Awesome Hulk #8
the smile! a very fresh bruce banner. looks like just some guy. 8/10.
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Joe Bennett - Immortal Hulk #2
unfortunately i’m not a big fan of the detailed, almost grotesque art style. but, i concede that it’s fitting for this run. anyway, this is a very expressive and tired bruce that still tries. 7/10.
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Tom Fowler - Hulk Season One
a dangerous bruce. a scientist and a loner that is intimately aware of the potential to do both harm and good. the glasses are used really well in this comic, trust me. 100/10.
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Salvador Larroca - Avengers (2013) #28
okay, i think im going to get some flak for this, but i really like this bruce. dangerous, but still looks like a guy off the street. the hair has the perfect amount of flop. i’ll forgive the lack of glasses and round up. 10/10.
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Larroca again! This time from the previous issue.
this alternate universe bruce is soft. a real deceptive one here. and tragic. he steals 616 bruce’s sandwich btw. that’s all i’ll say. 10/10.
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Stefano Caselli again! This time from Avengers World #5
really showing us how even the same artist will draw the same guy differently. this time, Stark (tm) edition. unfortunately this means he fits the “asshole engineer” profile more than the “scientist” one. 6/10.
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Mike McKone - Avengers: Endless Wartime
a scientist with sadness in his eyes, but he still finds things to smile about, maybe. probably more of a nervous smile. 9/10.
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freakingoutthesquares · 2 years ago
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Cocker Lips Now! Words: Johnny Dee, Photographer: Derek Ridgers Taken from the New Musical Express, 4 December 1993 Transcription: Acrylic Afternoons
He's raw sex in hipsters, he's old enough to know better and he's out to make his strange suburban madness a household brand. Johnny Dee braves the shoddiest TV show in the world to bring you Pulp - and the gospel according to Jarvis Cocker.
Pulp singer Jarvis Cocker, a man with the deadpan attitude of Alan Bennett and the raw sexuality of Barry White, doesn't like the idea of Virtual Reality. He doesn't like it at all. "I don't want to sound like an old guffer," he apologises, "but a dose of reality would be better for most people interested in Virtual Reality. I mean, most people would be freaked out if you went round and, you know gagged 'em, drugged 'em or something, stuck them in the boot of a car and dumped them in the middle of a field in North Yorkshire. That would freak most people out more than having some headset on."
The Pulp members - Russell (guitar/violin), Steve (bass), Candida (keyboards), Nick (drums) - are used to such typical Jarvis pronouncements, all delivered with a sanguine matter-of-factness. Jarvis is forever calm and unflustered, a man who'd refuse to panic if his arse was on fire. But this time he's gone too far.
"Bloody hell, Jarvis," says Russell, wrapped up in a tight pale blue PVC jacket that matches his eye shadow. "Well," says Jarvis Cocker. "You'd take the gag off afterwards."
Who needs Virtual Reality anyway? Close your eyes and imagine an endless, white corridor. Here, years ago, a perm-haired kids TV presenter called Mick Robertson crouched on his knees at the end of a row of coins denoting the success of the latest Magpie charity appeal. At the end of the corridor is Room 101 - Pulp's dressing room for the night. We are in TV world...
Well, we're in Teddington Lock, Middlesex for the filming of The Word in a TV centre that feels like a maximum security Holiday Inn. Since fellow guests Onyx have received several death threats throughout the day, there are uniformed men resembling Viz comic parkies stationed at the end of each hallway. On every wall there are unnervingly huge colour pictures of celebrities - Eric Morecambe, Cilia Black, Judith Chalmers. The Magpie appeals no longer worm their way around the maze of studios, but in the canteen, Rory Bremner is tucking into quiche and chips.
In Room 101 Pulp siphon Smirnoff into a Highland Spring bottle to beat the draconian on-set alcohol ban. They've been here since 11am: drinking, having their shirts ironed (since guests get their clothes pressed for free, they've all bought along a week's washing) and make-up done and arguing about "the gap".
Their new single 'Lip Gloss' has a two-second break in the middle, which The Word's people maintain isn't on the record (it is) and are worried that the audience will think it's the end of the song and start clapping like chimps (they do). "The gap" becomes an incredibly significant Pulp moment. If they agree to cut it out they'll be compromising. So Sheffield's finest popmongers decide to make the gap longer. Much longer.
It's been a long day spent in stardom's waiting room, but little things have made it worthwhile. Drummer Nick, for instance, overheard Dani Behr call someone "a f***in' c***". Russell saw a raincoated man bent over and struggling with a heavy box in the gents' loo. He opened the door for him and the man flashed a cheesy grin. "It was Des O'Connor! Des O' flippin' Connor!"
It's now 9pm and Pulp are on stage for the last dress rehearsal. It feels more than just a rehearsal for a sensationalist TV show; it feels like a rehearsal for stardom itself. Pulp have been together with various line-ups for ten years now through punk, new romance, C86 and grunge - always defiantly different.
They've survived disasters: Jarvis once being confined to a wheelchair after he jumped from a window to impress a girl; Fire Records putting their third album on hold for two years during legal wrangles. And they've coped with personality crises, too: Russell going through a disciplinary dictator phase, when Pulp ran to a strict regimented timetable; ex-drummer Magnus leaving the band and going barmy after deciding he was the moon... But over the past two years each successive single has been better and sold more than the last, and their audience has got bigger and younger. Now, incredibly, they're on a major label, their records are available in Woolworths, they're on daytime radio and on TV.
Huge day-glo shapes hang from the ceiling as they perform 'Lip Gloss' to a barren studio, Jarvis snaking across the stage in too-tight, thick, purple corduroy trousers, shaping hand movements not witnessed since Alvin Stardust rolled his ringladen fingers for the Pops' cameras. The only people here to witness this are skivvies fussing around with clip-boards, and the dancers - looking like clichéd Freemans catalogue versions of teenagers - who are paid to show off. As Jarvis sings of lipstick-stained fags and being chucked, these young bucks, with bare, greased-up torsos vogue over-enthusiastically on podiums. Half-naked 18-year-olds pretending to rave and having a fake wild time is bizarre enough but then so are Pulp. The camera cuts from Jarvis in karate mode to someone's bum cheek escaping from a pair of midget Homme pants and then back again to bassist Steve, desperately trying not to laugh.
The lovers portrayed in 'Lip Gloss' are worlds away from this forced environment of The Word. Like many Pulp songs, 'Lip Gloss' celebrates the strangeness of the ordinary and stretches a subject so mundane no-one's dared sing about it before. In this case, being pissed off after you've been chucked because you wasted time getting to know his/her mates who you never liked in the first place.
"I've got a bit of a hang-up about songs and films presenting an idealised version of things," explains Jarvis. "It makes people dissatisfied with their own lot in life. But it's something that never existed, it's just been made up by someone. Yes, we do glamorise the everyday but, you know, a bus journey can be exciting. You can treat it just like a journey and sit there like a plank or you can wonder what other people on the bus do with their lives."
Read any article about Pulp and at least three, if not all of these things will be mentioned alongside "the 'w' word" (wacky) or "the 'k' word" (kitsch). Perhaps all the detritus and trash that's associated with Pulp has masked something fantastic. Maybe Pulp really are going to be pop stars. At 11.35pm on Friday night, watching the TV set in room 101, Pulp's manager, Geoff Travis - who was previously the boss of Rough Trade - is sure of it. Tonight is a turning point, Pulp are contenders.
Do Pulp really want fame or are they content to carry on as nearly-made-it confectionery for the talking classes? Is siphoning vodka into water bottles, moaning about "gaps", getting your clothes ironed for free the behaviour of pop stars or forever sixth-form underachievers?
"Oh, we want to be famous," claims Jarvis. "It's what we've always wanted." But do you honestly believe you can appeal to 15-year-old girls? "I'm always trying. We want to appeal to everyone. I'd like to think we're not only trying to appeal to students and grocers. You can't choose who buys your record - it's in a shop, it could be murderers or bakers. But, we've been going so long it's not like we expect to get to Number One or anything."
It could happen, Pulp could really become stars. They'll never be on the cover of teen magazines, flashing torsos or sporting exotic hairstyles they're too old for all that. But it could be fun - Jarvis on What's Up, Doc? corrupting the nation's youth with dark tales of urban normality. Yet... why do they want to go through it, why do they want fame? Jarvis smiles and puffs on an Embassy regal.
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manmetaphysical · 1 year ago
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I will be giving a talk at the Rudolph Steiner House for the Astrological Lodge on Monday 4th March at 7pm. See the website for details.
I will be exploring two topics close to my heart: Astrology and Yoga: I am calling it Salutation to the Stars. But what would such a yoga sequence even look like? Are you an astrologer? Are you a yogi/yogini? If so do you practise both together? How can that be done effectively? This is what is now called Yogastrology.
Have you ever wondered how Astrology overlaps with Yoga in so many interesting ways? Does each practice have the same goals? What are the parallels and what are the differences? How does yoga interact with Ayurveda as well, along with Astrology? Are they completely different, or do they share any core beliefs or practices or are they three sister sciences dancing together? I hope to answer all these questions.
Mostly I want to analyse the charts of some of the central figures emerging out of India: Sri Yukteswar, Swami Vivekananda, Yogananda Paramhamsa, Sri Aurobindo, Krishnamacharya, BKS Iyengar, Patthabi Jois, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Sir Bhagwan Rajneesh and of course Bikram Choudury.
I want to ask what set these guys apart from others? How did they become yogis? They set out on a mission to bring yoga to the West and we have to wonder, were they successful? Did they complete their intentions? Is there something in their charts that indicates that? Most people would say yes since both yoga and astrology are on the rise What is in their charts that would indicate they would be successful?
So what are the key drivers and aspects of their charts? I will explore these leading players setting their incredible stories in a historical context and picking out key signatures in their charts including asteroids and astrocartography.
Not to forget the role of women in yoga too although this could probably be a whole other talk in its own right to do it justice. There may not be time. But I will take a brief glance at the astrology of some of the key female yogis too:. Blanche de Vries, Indra Devi, Ida Rolf, Tao Porchon-Lynch and Guru Jagat.
There are other key players too in the sidelines such as Alan Bennett, Aleister Crowley, Sr Ramakrishna, Pierre Bernard and Theos Bernard .They were all key influencers on the growth of yoga. All that in just one hour will certainly be a challenge. The session begins at 7pm so hope to see you there.
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monsterintheballroom · 2 years ago
Interview under the cut :-)
Penelope Wilton and Luke Evans to star in Queen Mother comedy in the West End
Michael Grandage will direct Wilton as the Queen Mother, with Evans playing her most loyal servant, in new play Backstairs Billy this autumn
Luke Evans will return to the West End this autumn to star alongside Penelope Wilton in a new play about the Queen Mother’s relationship with her most loyal servant.
Evans, whose films include Fast & Furious 6 and Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, has not performed on stage in more than a decade. The Welsh actor is now set to play William Tallon in Marcelo Dos Santos’s comedy Backstairs Billy at the Duke of York’s theatre in London.
Set in 1979, against the backdrop of civil unrest, the play examines the relationship between the Queen Mother and Tallon, who served the royal household for over half a century.
“When I read the script, it made me giggle out loud so hard,” said Evans. “It’s just so entertaining and such a joyous story about these two people: the Queen Mother, who was super famous, but also Billy. He was always there and spent most of his life working for her.”
Evans, 44, “started on the West End stage”, he said. “I left it and now feels like the right time to come back in this new comedy, which is written so beautifully. I’ve gone through all the emotions, all the feels of excitement, trepidation, nerves, doubt and then thinking, you know what, this was my world from the second I graduated [from London Studio Centre in 2000] and I loved it. I can’t wait to get stuck into rehearsals.”
Wilton described Backstairs Billy, which features a company of 12, as “a joyful and compassionate play. It brings the Queen Mother into Technicolor rather than being a pastel person in pale chiffon. She suddenly becomes a very vibrant person and we see her for herself, not just for being the Queen’s mother. Billy allowed her to be who she was.”
She stressed that, despite being a comedy, the play is by no means a “send-up”. It is “a celebration of the Queen Mother, who has been rather sidelined”, Wilton said, adding: “It’s very nice to be in on the birth of a new comedy because there aren’t that many around. This is a new comedy voice. [Dos Santos] has a mixture of Alan Bennett, Alan Ayckbourn and – dare I say – Noël Coward.” Dos Santos’s plays include Feeling Afraid As If Something Terrible Is Going to Happen, a solo show about a comedian played by Samuel Barnett, which opened at the Edinburgh fringe last summer and will run at the Bush theatre from November.
Backstairs Billy will be directed by Michael Grandage who met the Queen Mother and Tallon while attending a reception in 1997. “There was very much a hierarchy in place in that one was serving the other but there was an incredible respect and depth of something going on, where you knew each was reliant on the other in some way,” he remembered. “It really was like watching a double act.”
Backstairs Billy runs at the Duke of York’s theatre from 27 October until 27 January.
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peaksport · 13 days ago
I Am Martin Parr review – brief study of tragicomic Britain’s inspired photographer | Movies
TThe beguing work of English photographer Martin Parr The subject of this short, but well enjoyable study and puts to introduce its incredible work, especially wild bright color images in 70s and 80s celebrating the white working class on holiday. Parr is an inspired combination of the seaside-postcard artist Donald McGill The Alan Bennett with a bit of American Street worth Vivian MaierAnd the…
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productofnfld · 3 months ago
A Trinity Hall Christmas Vol. 2
If you’re looking to add something local to your holiday playlist and hoping to support an incredible cause, Scilly Cove Records has got you covered. Greg Wells, the multiple Grammy-winning producer, is back with a second instalment of A Trinity Hall Christmas.
Last year’s A Trinity Hall Christmas album and concert series were a runaway success, raising over $15,000 for the Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation. This year’s follow-up promises looks to build on that success.
With a mix of classic Christmas songs and brand-new originals, the lineup is a perfect blend of fresh and familiar. From folk to pop, there’s something here for everyone. The line-up features Alan Doyle, Rachel Cousins, Summer Bennett, Cory Tetford and The Navigators to name but a few.
And it’s not just about the album—there’s a live release show on December 7th at Trinity Hall, which will also be streamed worldwide on NTV+. If you can’t make it to that, catch follow-up shows at All Hallows Elementary in North River on December 13th or the Majestic Theatre in St. John’s on December 14th.
You can grab your copy of A Trinity Hall Christmas Vol. 2 now at www.scillycoverecords.com. Not only will it fill your home with the sounds of holiday joy, but it’ll also make a difference in the lives of children and families across Newfoundland and Labrador.
What’s not to love? Warm your heart, lift your spirits, and give back this Christmas.
After all, nothing says ‘it’s Christmas in Newfoundland & Labrador’ more than coming together for community. You can’t go wrong — especially when it sounds this good.
Get A Trinity Hall Christmas Vol. 2
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honeyleesblog · 2 years ago
Providing In-Depth Horoscope and Personality Analysis for May 9 Birthdays
These individuals are loaded with thoughts and undertakings, and they have what it takes to carry out them. They are very lovely in character. They like solace and extravagance, yet are hesitant to be new and unprecedented. They express open talking abilities that they can grow brilliantly, and they can proceed to become political pioneers. They are held and sure of their power. In any case, they have created and superfluous convictions of their own significance, some of the time totally outlandish. That presumption tracks down no premise in anything, and can make the climate unfriendly towards them. They like to investigate, yet they additionally need to act with constancy and outcome. They have an incredible compassion toward human expression, particularly the applied kind or singing. They battle perseveringly for riches and are exceptionally fulfilled. In business, they generally leave a protected outlet. The imperfections related with this birthday incorporate, most importantly, exorbitant crabbiness. At the point when bothered they become extremely hesitant to think twice about. They are not extremely wonderful to others as a day to day existence friend. What undermines them: That their work in life may not be compensated, either in light of their pointless obstinacy or, in actuality, as a result of their hesitation. Providing In-Depth Horoscope and Personality Analysis for May 9 Birthdays 
 Assuming that your birthday is on May 9, your zodiac sign is Taurus May 9 - character and character character: laborer, liberal, ethical, enthusiastic, loquacious, curious; calling: pilot, veterinarian, engineer; colors: green, cream, blue; stone: spinel; creature: ostrich; plant: Zinnia; fortunate numbers: 5,10,42,49,53,59 very fortunate number: 25 Occasions and observances - May 9 Goku Day in Japan. Triumph Day over Nazism. Long periods of Recognition and Compromise (in celebration of WWII). Europe Day. May 9 VIP birthday events. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1904: Grete Harsh, disenadora y fotდ³grafa alemana (f. 1999). 1905: Lilდ­ დ?lvarez, tenista espanola (f. 1998). 1907: Baldur von Schirach, oficial alemდ¡n nazi (f. 1974). 1912: Pedro Armendდ¡riz, entertainer mexicano (f. 1963). 1918: Mike Wallace, periodista estadounidense (f. 2012). 1920: Richard Adams, escritor britდ¡nico (f. 2016). 1921: Sophie Scholl, dirigente y activista antinazi del movimiento Rosa Blanca (f. 1943). 1923: Carlos Bousono, poeta y filდ³logo espanol (f. 2015). 1924: Fernando Vidal, magistrado espanol, presidente del Council Predominant de Justicia de Asturias (f. 2012). 1924: Bulat Okudzhava, poeta, novelista y cantautor ruso (f. 1997). 1927: Manfred Eigen, fდ­sico y quდ­mico alemდ¡n, premio nobel de quდ­mica en 1967. 1928: Colin Chapman, ingeniero britდ¡nico, fabricante de automდ³viles (f. 1982). 1928: Pancho Gonzales, tenista estadounidense (f. 1995). 1928: Barbara Ann Scott, patinadora canadiense (f. 2012). 1934: Alan Bennett, escritor britდ¡nico. 1936: Albert Finney, entertainer britდ¡nico. 1936: Glenda Jackson, actriz britდ¡nica. 1937: Rafael Moneo, arquitecto espanol. 1939: Dolores Abril, cantaora espanola. 1939: Ricardo Aguirre, mდºsico venezolano (f. 1969). 1940: James L. Streams, productor, guionista y cineasta estadounidense. 1942: John Ashcroft, polდ­tico estadounidense. 1942: Mirko Sandiე‡, waterpolista y entrenador serbio (f. 2006). 1944: Richie Furay, mდºsico estadounidense, de la banda Bison Springfield. 1945: Jupp Heynckes, entrenador de fდºtbol alemდ¡n. 1946: Candice Bergen, actriz estadounidense. 1947: Vდ­ctor Ullate, bailarდ­n espanol. 1949: Marდ­a Eugenia Dდ¡vila, actriz y dramaturga colombiana (f. 2015). 1949: Ibrahim Barდ© Mainassara, militar y polდ­tico nigeriano (f. 1999). 1949: Billy Joel, mდºsico estadounidense. 1949: Andreu Martდ­n, escritor espanol. 1949: Adriდ¡n Paenza, matemდ¡tico argentino. 1950: Cristina Tejedor, actriz argentina. 1952: Adriana Varela, cantante argentina de tangos. 1955: Kevin Peter Lobby, entertainer estadounidense (f. 1991). 1955: Anne-Sofie von Otter, mezzosoprano sueca. 1955: Meles Zenawi, polდ­tico y preliminary ministro etდ­ope (f. 2012). 1956: Ludovica Squirru, astrდ³loga argentina. 1959: Christian Bach, actriz mexicana de origen argentino. 1959: Dis Berlდ­n, pintor, escultor y fotდ³grafo espanol. 1959: Miguel დ?ngel Gambier, futbolista argentino (f. 2016). 1960: Richard Horne, escritor britდ¡nico de libros infantiles. 1961: John Corbett, entertainer estadounidense. 1962: David Gahan, cantante britდ¡nico, de la banda Depeche Mode. 1962: Beatriz Gimeno, activista espanola de los derechos de LGBT. 1963: Emilio Maillდ©, chief de cine argentino. 1964: Genar Andrinua, futbolista espanol. 1964: Nacho Mastretta, mდºsico y printer espanol. 1964: Kevin Saunderson, DJ de mდºsica electrდ³nica. 1964: Miguel Tapia, mდºsico chileno. 1968: Marie-Josდ© Perec, atleta francesa. 1968: Ruth Kelly, polდ­tica britდ¡nica perteneciente al partido laborista. 1969: Golden, cantante holandesa. 1970: Ghostface Killah, rapero estadounidense, de la banda Wu-Tang Family. 1971: Paul McGuigan, bajista britდ¡nico, de la banda Desert garden. 1972: Daniela Silivaვ?, gimnasta rumana. 1973: Francisca Merino, actriz chilena. 1975: Juan Antonio Bayona, cineasta espanol. 1976: Tamia, cantante canadiense. 1976: Mდ³nica Godoy, actriz chilena. 1977: დ?nigo Landaluze, ciclista espanol. 1978: Bebe, cantante espanola. 1978: Joscha Sauer dibujante de cდ³mics alemდ¡n. 1978: Daniel Franzese, entertainer estadounidense. 1978: Leandro Cufrდ©, futbolista argentino. 1978: Marwan al-Shehhi, terrorista emiratდ­ que participდ³ en el 11S (f. 2001). 1979: Pierre Bouvier, cantante canadiense, de la banda Straightforward Arrangement. 1979: Rosario Dawson, actriz estadounidense. 1979: Matt Morris, cantante y typesetter estadounidense. 1980: Award Hackett, nadador australiano. 1980: Nicolae Dicე?, futbolista rumano. 1980: Estდ­baliz Martდ­nez, gimnasta espanola. 1981: Josდ© Luis Garcდ©s, futbolista panameno. 1981: Johnny Herrera, futbolista chileno. 1983: Gilles Mდ¼ller, tenista luxemburguდ©s. 1985: Audrina Patridge, actriz y modelo estadounidense. 1990: Jace Peterson, beisbolista estadounidense. 1991: Oswaldo Arcia, beisbolista venezolano. 1993: Ryosuke Yamada, entertainer y cantante japonდ©s.
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inchwormy · 2 years ago
by request, here's some library music recs! I mostly listen to albums but I'll list a few of my favorite songs from each one
Future World by Mars Lasar - from parry music library, made using the fairlight synthesizer. best tracks: "Skyfox", "Exotica", "Moto"
Synthesis by Claude Larson - a cute and playful collection by one of my favorite library music artists. best tracks: "Nitrogen," "Plastic Boogie," "Pink Keyboard"
Larson made a lot of albums and not all of them are great, but some others I like are Digital Patterns, Synchronistic Patterns (lots of patterns going on) and Texture.
Research and Development Part 2 by Dave Hewson - very fun 90s jams done for KPM. best tracks: "Robotica," "Crystal Clear," "Energizer"
Music Machine by Alan Hawkshaw, Brian Bennett & Dave Lawson - on Bruton Music. best tracks: "Autopower," "Pro-Motion," "Drive On"
Info Highway by Various Artists - on Abaco Music. a nice comp with some incredibly cheesy songs with incredibly cheesy computer-related titles. best tracks: "Mysterious Machinery," "Netware"
To be completely fair, most songs on any given album of library music are not "masterpieces" but they are mostly total vibes if you like retro-futurist tackiness and that sort of thing, which I do. and occasionally you'll find something totally amazing!
Also, library music is all about the fun of crate-digging, so if you like any of these, check out some other things released by the same music library or artist and you might find more good stuff. This is just a jumping off point. Hope this helps.
library musicians in the 70s and 80s would compose the greatest synth masterpieces of all time only for them to be used in the background of like 3 obscure TV movies and then forgotten for decades
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cherubinhell · 5 years ago
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Manville has not watched Smith’s performance: it was broadcast shortly after she’d had her son, a year that was “a blur of nappies and milk”, and she thought it wouldn’t be helpful to watch it now. Comparisons aren’t welcome. “Come on. You’ve got to pass the baton over and have things that are up for grabs again. I’m not looking to please people. I’m looking to create this character and put my own take on it.”
» The Sunday Times, 14 June 2020
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shipcestuous · 3 years ago
I searched your blog to see if this one came up but I can't find it - An Ordinary Woman, which is an episode from the 2020 monologue series Talking Heads. It's about a mother developing incestuous feelings for her son. It's very uncomfortable viewing (especially as I personally do not support parent/guardian/aunt/uncle and child incest). Also a warning that the son is only 15. Sarah Lancashire's acting is incredible though.
Thanks for telling us about this, Anon!
Gwen begins to develop incestuous thoughts about her 15-year-old son Michael. She is unable to confide in her husband and sees herself as too normal to admit to anything so shocking, until a revelation brings matters to a head.
Alan Bennett's Talking Heads S1E2
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brian-in-finance · 3 years ago
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The glitzy awards bash, which was held at The Convention Centre Dublin, saw major Irish stars from TV, radio, music, and social media grace the red carpet.
Hosted by the fabulous Lucy Kennedy, the ceremony will be broadcast on Goss.ie’s YouTube channel on April 10th – so you can catch the winner’s speeches, see all the glitz and glam from the red carpet, and all the laughs in between.
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Lucy Kennedy at The Gossies Awards 2022 at The Convention Centre, Dublin. Picture: Brian McEvoy
Celebrity guests on the night included: Maura Higgins, Love Island’s Faye Winter and Teddy Soares, Dáithí Ó Sé, Claudine Keane, Grainne Seoige, Alan Hughes, Martin King, Clare Dunne, Erica Cody, Holly Carpenter, Rosanna Davison, Erin McGregor, Doireann Garrihy, Stephen Byrne, Thalia Heffernan, Dr. Ciara Kelly, Aoife Walsh, Pamela Uba, and Ellen Keane.
A host of influencers and social media stars also made an appearance, including: James Patrice, Carl Mullan, Tadhg Fleming, Rachel Gorry, Sophie Murray, Kiki Nugent, Keilidh Cashell, Lauren Whelan, Miriam Mullins, Shauna Lindsay, Katja Mia, Enya Martin, Victoria Adeyinka, Bonnie Ryan, Aideen Kate Murphy, and Paddy Smyth.
On the night, 19 awards were presented to the winners of each category. Check out the full list of winners below:
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Other well-known guests at The Gossies included: Lea Heart, Soulé, Triona McCarthy, Fiona Fagan, Chloe Markham, Corina Gaffey, Laura Jordan, Grainne Gallanagh, Emily O’Donnell, Lynn Kelly, Rebecca Rose, Fionnghuala O’Reilly, Kerri-Nicole Blanc, Rosalind Lipsett, Kelly Horrigan, Lynsey Bennett, Ceira Lambert, Denise Kenny Byrne, Linda Stinson, Aoife McNamara, Aisling Kavanagh, Sue Brophy, Paula Callan, Jade Mullet, Yvonne Maher, Ciara Ryan, and Gogglebox Ireland’s John and Dave.
Guests were treated to a fabulous three-course meal during the ceremony, and were entertained by The Event Band – who had everyone up on their feet throughout the night.
Before the show, our nominees and celebrity guests were invited to our official Gifting and Pamper Suite.
They were given glam makeovers by our Official Makeup Partner KASH Beauty, and had their hair transformed by our Hair Partner Silke Hair & Beauty.
Ahead of the ceremony, nominees also had their skin prepped by our Official Skincare Partner REFORM Skincare.
On top of that, nominees were treated to gifts from some of our incredible brand partners this year, including treats from: 17 now available at Boots, Aperol Spritz Ireland, humm, NOW, Ór Jewellery, Carry Out, Expert Electrical, and Oakpark Foods.
As always, guests also took home a luxury goodie bag from The Gossies, which included products/vouchers from our brand partners, and more treats from category sponsors SHEIN, Flowers.ie, and O’Donnell’s Crisps.
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Remember… in 2007 Ed O’Donnell, a young seventh generation farmer wanted to diversify as farming was looking bleak at the time. He saw a niche in the market for an Irish hand cooked cooked crisp and decided to make crisps from the potatoes grown on his farm. Ed believed it was important that the product and flavours were Irish and artisan so he sourced local food producers to give the crisps fantastic individual flavours. In June 2010 O’DONNELLS Crisps were born!
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mysticalhearth · 4 years ago
Parade - Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center - February 16, 2015 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jeremy Jordan (Leo Frank), Laura Benanti (Lucille Frank), Charlie Franklin (Frankie Epps), Emerson Steele (Mary Phagan), John Ellison Conlee (Hugh Dorsey), Alan Campbell (Governor John Slaton), Joshua Henry (Jim Conley), Nathaniel Stampley (Newt Lee), Andy Mientus (Britt Craig), Eric Anderson (J.N. Starnes), Davis Gaines (Judge Roan), Ramin Karimloo (Tom Watson), Andrea Jones-Sojola (Minola McKnight), Katie Rose Clarke (Mrs. Phagan), Rachel de Benedet (Sally Slaton), John Jellison (Mr. Peavy), Caitlin Houlahan (Iola Stover), Allie Trimm (Essie), Ephie Aardema (Monteen), John Jellison (Luther Rosser), Andrea Jones-Sojola (Angela), Charlie Franklin (Young Confederate Soldier), Eric Leviton (Officer Ivery), Nathaniel Stampley (Riley) NOTES: A fantastic capture of this one-night-only concert at Avery Fisher Hall. Jeremy and Laura give incredible performances, as does Joshua Henry and too many others to name. Jason Robert Brown gives a speech after the curtain call. Truly an epic night of theatre. This is a very near perfect video with no obstruction and only slight washout in wide shots. There are two quick dropouts in the first few minutes, but the concert is otherwise fully captured. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call, Jason’s speech, and playbill scans. Parade - Broadway - December 8, 1998 (Preview) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Brent Carver (Leo Frank), Carolee Carmello (Lucille Frank), Kirk McDonald (Frankie Epps), Christy Carlson Romano (Mary Phagan), Herndon Lackey (Hugh Dorsey), John Hickok (Governor John Slaton), Rufus Bonds Jr (Jim Conley), Evan Pappas (Britt Craig), Don Chastain (Judge Roan), John Leslie Wolfe (Tom Watson), Jessica Molaskey (Mrs. Phagan), Brooke Sunny Moriber (Iola Stover), Megan McGinnis NOTES: Made from closed-circuit system in Vivian Beaumont Theatre. Stage shot entire time; decent picture and good sound. Also possibly from February 27, 1999. Parade - Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles - November 1, 2009 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: T R Knight (Leo Frank), Lara Pulver (Lucille Frank), Curt Hansen (Frankie Epps), Rose Sezniak (Mary Phagan), Michael Berresse (Governor John Slaton), David St Louis (Jim Conley), Davis Gaines (Judge Roan), PJ Griffith (Tom Watson) NOTES: Released as 2 Disc DVD. One short blackout in the first act, and some washout in the wides; very little obstruction with some heads on the bottom and the sides, but nothing major; good clear and steady video with nice picture and sound. Passion - Netherlands - 2004 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Vera Mann (Fosca), Stanley Burleson (Giorgio), Pia Douwes (Clara) Peter Pan (National Theatre) - London - 2016-, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Paul Hilton (Peter Pan), Anna Francolini (Captain Hook), Madeleine Worrall (Wendy Darling), Marc Antolin (John Darling), John Pfumojena (Michael Darling), Felix Hayes (Mr Darling), Saikat Ahamed (Tinkerbell), Felix Hayes (Smee), Saikat Ahamed (Curly), Lois Chimimba (Tiger Lily), Lois Chimimba (Slightly), Laura Cubitt (Twin One), Felix Hayes (Twin Two), Amaka Okafor (Jane), Ekow Quartey (Nana), Ekow Quartey (Tootles), Anna Francolini (Mrs. Darling) Phantom (Yeston/Kopit) - North Shore Music Theatre - 1994 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ron Baker (Erik/The Phantom), Kristin Chenoweth (Christine Daaé), Marc Kudisch (Count Philippe de Chandon), Michael Dantuono (Gérard Carrière), SuEllen Estey (Carlotta) Phantom (Yeston/Kopit) - Takarazuka - 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Tomu Ranju (Erik/The Phantom), Ranno Hana (Christine Daaé)
Piaf - The Netherlands - January 9, 2009 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Liesbeth List (Edith Piaf), Esther Roord (Toine), Daphne Flint (Young Edith Piaf), Geert Hoes (Marcel), Ara Halici (Paul), Jan Elbertse (Lucien), Eliane Feijen (Madeleine) Pippin - Broadway Revival - July 13, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Patina Miller (Leading Player), Matthew James Thomas (Pippin), Terrence Mann (Charles), Charlotte d'Amboise (Fastrada), Andrea Martin (Berthe), Rachel Bay Jones (Catherine), Erik Altemus (Lewis), Ashton Woerz (Theo) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the 2013 Tony Winning Revival. I certainly see why Patina and Andrea won their Tonys. A sleek and stunning revival with performances and ideas to die for! Certainly not to be missed! A Pippin - Broadway Revival - June 14, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Ciara Renée (Leading Player), Kyle Dean Massey (Pippin), Terrence Mann (Charles), Charlotte d'Amboise (Fastrada), Andrea Martin (Berthe), Rachel Bay Jones (Catherine), Erik Altemus (Lewis), Andrew Cekala (Theo) NOTES: Wonderful HD capture of the new leads who have joined the cast. The show is still in top shape, Kyle gives a great Pippin and beautiful voice to match! Ciara gives some great vocal variations of her own. A Pippin - Broadway Revival - December 30, 2014 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Working on uploading, PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST CAST: Carly Hughes (Leading Player), Josh Kaufman (Pippin), John Dossett (Charles), Charlotte d'Amboise (Fastrada), Priscilla Lopez (Berthe), Rachel Bay Jones (Catherine), Mike Schwitter (Lewis), Eli Tokash (Theo)   Pippin - World AIDS Day Benefit Concert - November 29, 2004 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Ben Vereen (Leading Player), Billy Porter (Leading Player), Darius de Haas (Leading Player), Kate Shindle (Leading Player), Rosie O’Donnell (Leading Player), Michael Arden (Pippin), Terrence Mann (Charles), Julia Murney (Fastrada), Charles Busch (Berthe), Laura Benanti (Catherine), Cameron Mathison (Lewis), Harrison Chad (Theo), Adam Fleming, Barrett Foa, Caitlin van Zandt, Cheyenne Jackson, Colin Hanlon, Erin Quill, Jenna Leigh Green, Jennifer Malenke, John Tartaglia, Jordan Gelber, Josh Young, Julie Garnye, Kate Pazakis, Kearran Giovanni, Kristoffer Cusick, Marty Thomas, Michael Longoria, Natalie Joy Johnson, Randy Redd, Robb Sapp, Sara Chase, Sriram Ganesan NOTES: If you've been wanting to see Rosie O'Donnell perform "Magic To Do" with a dancer in a bikini top grinding up on her, then look no further! *Ben Vereen, Darius de Haas, Billy Porter, Rosie O'Donell, Kate Shindle as the leading players The Pirate Queen - Broadway - March 24, 2007 (Preview) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Grace (Gráinne) O'Malley), Linda Balgord (Queen Elizabeth I), Hadley Fraser (Tiernan), Marcus Chait (Donal O'Flaherty), Jeff McCarthy (Dubhdara), William Youmans (Sir Richard Bingham) The Pirate Queen - Broadway - April 11, 2007 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Grace (Gráinne) O'Malley), Linda Balgord (Queen Elizabeth I), Hadley Fraser (Tiernan), Marcus Chait (Donal O'Flaherty), Jeff McCarthy (Dubhdara), William Youmans (Sir Richard Bingham) The Pirate Queen - Broadway - April 13, 2007 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Grace (Gráinne) O'Malley), Linda Balgord (Queen Elizabeth I), Hadley Fraser (Tiernan), Marcus Chait (Donal O'Flaherty), Jeff McCarthy (Dubhdara), William Youmans (Sir Richard Bingham) NOTES: Wonderful crystal clear capture and top notch amazing performances. Much improved from Chicago version. Includes performance on the the View. A+ The Pirate Queen - Pre-Broadway / Chicago - October 8, 2006 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST. Working on uploading :) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Grace (Gráinne) O'Malley), Linda Balgord (Queen Elizabeth I), Hadley Fraser (Tiernan), Marcus Chait (Donal O'Flaherty), Jeff McCarthy (Dubhdara), William Youmans (Sir Richard Bingham) The Play That Goes Wrong - Broadway - May, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Mark Evans (Chris Bean), Preston Truman Boyd (Robert Grove), Jonathan Fielding (Jonathan Harris), Amelia McClain (Sandra Wilkinson), Alex Mandell (Max Bennett), Harrison Unger (Dennis Tyde), Ashley Bryant (Annie Twilliol), Akron Watson (Trevor Watson) NOTES: (not Master's notes) Beginning from pre-show where the comedy 'bit' of the set breaking starts. Throughout, very clearly shot with no obstructions, in a mixture of wides and closes, following the action well. I think it's shot from the front of the circle. Once or twice the camera falls but never during key moments, and is quickly fixed. No long blackouts. Audience energy is great. The Play That Goes Wrong - West End (Duchess Theatre) - March, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Ross Green (Chris Bean), Tom Bulpett (s/b Robert Grove), James Watterson (e/c Jonathan Harris), Ellie Morris (Sandra Wilkinson), Milo Clarke (Max Bennett), Michael Keene (Dennis Tyde), Leah Penston (s/b Annie Twilliol), Blayar Benn (Trevor Watson) Pokémon Live! - First National Tour - December 30, 2000 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Dominic Nolfi (Ash Ketchum), Heidi Michelle Weyhmueller (Misty), Dennis Kenney (Brock), Darren Dunstan (Giovanni), Lauren Kling (Jessie), Andrew Rannells (James), Dee Roscioli (Delia Ketchum), Patrick Frankfort (Professor Oak), Jennifer Risser (Pikachu), Kathleen Roche (Meowth), Leah Smith (Psyduck), Shaun Bradley (Mewtwo), Leah Smith (Jigglypuff), Natalie Weld (Nurse Joy), Suzanne Wogisch (Officer Jenny), Sinclair Mitchell (Dexter) NOTES: HOUSE-CAM and soundboard. Shot from the back of the theatre with some washout. Upgraded file with audience heads cut out and cropped image retaining all action Potted Potter: The Unauthorized Harry Experience - Off-Broadway - May 23, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Daniel Clarkson, Jefferson Turner NOTES: All seven Harry Potter books condensed into seventy minutes. Full/mid stage shot. Pretty Woman: The Musical - Broadway - January 16, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Vivian Ward), Adam Pascal (t/r Edward Lewis), Jennifer Sanchez (u/s Kit De Luca) NOTES: A lot of washout. Wide shot. Shot from the mez. Pretty Woman: The Musical - Broadway - February, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Vivian Ward), Adam Pascal (Edward Lewis), Eric Anderson (Mr. Thompson/Happy Man), Jason Danieley (Philip Stuckey), Kingsley Leggs (James Morse), Orfeh (Kit De Luca), Tommy Bracco (Giulio) NOTES: (not Master notes) Seems a fantastic capture of the show. Virtually no dropouts, obstructions and spotlight washout. Filmed more centre than the preview recording by the same master; mix of wides, mediums and some closeups; very good capture of the sets and actor choreography. Both are worth watching. Pretty Woman: The Musical - Broadway - July, 2018 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Vivian Ward), Andy Karl (Edward Lewis), Eric Anderson (Mr. Thompson/Happy Man), Jason Danieley (Philip Stuckey), Ezra Knight (James Morse), Orfeh (Kit De Luca), Allison Blackwell (Violetta), Tommy Bracco (Giulio), Brian Cali (Fred/Alfredo), Robby Clater (David Morse), Anna Eilinsfeld (Susan/Scarlett) NOTES: (not Master notes) Seems a fantastic capture of the show. Virtually no dropouts or obstructions. More spotlight washout than the Feb 2019 recording by the same master, but it's very minimal. Filmed at slight angle and with more closeups compared to the other recording. Very good capture of the actors' expressions. Both are worth watching. Pretty Woman: The Musical - Hamburg - September 25, 2019 (Preview) (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patricia Meeden (Vivian Ward), Mark Seibert (Edward Lewis), Paul Kribbe (Mr. Thompson/Happy Man), Nigel Casey (Philip Stuckey), Frank Logemann (James Morse), Maricel (Kit De Luca) Pretty Woman: The Musical - Pre-Broadway/Chicago - April 13, 2018 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Vivian Ward), Steve Kazee (Edward Lewis), Eric Anderson (Mr. Thompson/Happy Man), Jason Danieley (Philip Stuckey), Kingsley Leggs (James Morse), Orfeh (Kit De Luca) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the PreBroadway production. This includes Steve as Edward before he left the production prior to Broadway. Such a fun show with terrific performances and a rare glimpse of Steve in the role! A Pride and Prejudice - TheatreWorks Silicon Valley - December, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mary Mattison (Elizabeth Bennet), Sharon Rietkerk (Jane Bennet), Justin Mortelliti (Fitzwilliam Darcy), Travis Leland (Charles Bingley), Monique Hafen (Caroline Bingley) NOTES: Streamed by TheaterMania on April 10, 2020. Hosted by Julie James, Laura Osnes, and Beth Leavel. The Prince of Egypt - West End - March 5, 2020 (BwaytoWestEnd's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Luke Brady (Moses), Liam Tamne (Ramses), Alexia Khadime (Miriam), Christine Allado (Tzipporah), Gary Wilmot (Jethro), Silas Wyatt-Barke (Aaron), Joe Dixon (Seti), Debbie Kurup (Queen Tuya), Tanisha Spring (Nefertari), Adam Pearce (Hotep), Mercedesz Csampai (Yocheved) NOTES: Approx 12 gb stageshot filmed from stalls. Audio is awful most of the time. Master of this is BwaytoWestEnd The Prince of Egypt - West End - February, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Luke Brady (Moses), Liam Tamne (Ramses), Alexia Khadime (Miriam), Christine Allado (Tzipporah), Gary Wilmot (Jethro), Silas Wyatt-Barke (Aaron), Joe Dixon (Seti), Debbie Kurup (Queen Tuya), Tanisha Spring (Nefertari), Adam Pearce (Hotep), Mercedesz Csampai (Yocheved), Iman Pabani (Young Miriam/Leah/Young Hebrew Girl), Leo Babet (Young Aaron/Young Egyptian Boy/Young Midian Boy) NOTES: This video is never to be publicly shared on YouTube, tumblr, Facebook, Stage Dork etc. The Prince of Egypt - West End - February, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
FORMAT: video CAST: Luke Brady (Moses), Liam Tamne (Ramses), Alexia Khadime (Miriam), Christine Allado (Tzipporah), Gary Wilmot (Jethro), Silas Wyatt-Barke (Aaron), Joe Dixon (Seti), Debbie Kurup (Queen Tuya), Tanisha Spring (Nefertari), Adam Pearce (Hotep), Mercedesz Csampai (Yocheved), Iman Pabani (Young Miriam/Leah/Young Hebrew Girl), Leo Babet (Young Aaron/Young Egyptian Boy/Young Midian Boy) NOTES: This video is never to be publicly shared on YouTube, tumblr, Facebook, Stage Dork etc. The Producers - Hollywood Bowl - July 28, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Richard Kind (Max Bialystock), Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Leo Bloom), Gary Beach (Roger De Bris), Roger Bart (Carmen Ghia), Rebecca Romijn (Ulla), Dane Cook (Franz Liebkind) NOTES: Excellent capture of this year's Hollywood Bowl production. Action is followed well with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The first minute of the show is missing, and the next few minutes are a bit shaky with scattered blackouts, but after "The King of Broadway" it settles and the majority of the show is captured nicely. SPOILER: Before "Keep It Gay" started, when Roger says "What's the word?" someone from the audience shouted out "Gay" which sent the cast into a laughing fit. The Prom - Broadway - August 11, 2019 (Matinee) (Closing Night) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Caitlin Kinnunen (Emma Nolan), Brooks Ashmanskas (Barry Glickman), Isabelle McCalla (Alyssa Greene), Beth Leavel (Dee Dee Allen), Christopher Sieber (Trent Oliver), Michael Genet (Mr. Hawkins), Angie Schworer (Angie), Courtenay Collins (Mrs. Greene), Josh Lamon (Sheldon Saperstein), Becca Lee (Kaylee), Kalyn West (Shelby), Teddy Toye (Nick), Josh Franklin (Motel Clerk), Drew Redington (Kevin), Courtney Balan (Olivia Keating), Anthony Norman, Brittany Conigatti, Fernell Hogan, Jack Sippel, Jerusha Cavazos, Joomin Hwang, Mary Antonini, Shelby Finnie, Sheldon Henry, Vasthy Mompoint NOTES: Gift upon request. Unobstructed closing performance with the full cast! Starts in the beginning of "Changing Lives" and is a little washed out. For whatever reason my camera was mad at me and didn't want to focus in the beginning of Act One. It warmed up and got better, and to be honest I opted for wider shots because everyone was doing crazy things and I didn't want to miss anything. I stood up for all but one of the standing ovations and when I did so I have no idea what my camera did or what it was looking at. I would say sorry but it wouldn't be true. I'm just so damn proud of all of these people. Please do not post this bootleg publicly! The Prom - Broadway - February, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Caitlin Kinnunen (Emma Nolan), Josh Lamon (u/s Barry Glickman), Isabelle McCalla (Alyssa Greene), Beth Leavel (Dee Dee Allen), Christopher Sieber (Trent Oliver), Michael Genet (Mr. Hawkins), Angie Schworer (Angie), Courtenay Collins (Mrs. Greene), David Josefsberg (u/s Sheldon Saperstein) NOTES: Excellent capture! Josh mistakenly mentions Alyssa in 'Tonight Belongs to You' despite not being meant to know her name at this point. The last three minutes of the show are from a different performance, during previews, with Brooks Ashmanskas as Barry and Josh Lamon as Sheldon, but it is a full video in total. The Prom - Broadway - March, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Gabi Campo (u/s Emma Nolan), Brooks Ashmanskas (Barry Glickman), Isabelle McCalla (Alyssa Greene), Beth Leavel (Dee Dee Allen), Christopher Sieber (Trent Oliver), Michael Potts (Mr. Hawkins), Angie Schworer (Angie), Courtenay Collins (Mrs. Greene), David Josefsberg (u/s Sheldon Saperstein), Becca Lee (Kaylee), Susie Carroll (s/w Shelby), Teddy Toye (Nick), Drew Redington (Kevin), Courtney Balan (Olivia Keating) NOTES: This video starts at "Dance With You" and is super focused on Gabi. There are less heads in this than most of my videos and a railing that gets in the way occasionally, but they were mostly worked around. The cast as a whole is doing top notch work, though at times you can tell that Brooks and Izzy are just back from being sick. Overall this is a really great video of one of my favorite shows, and I'm really proud of myself for containing my crying at the end of act one. The Prom - Pre-Broadway / Atlanta - September 17, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Caitlin Kinnunen (Emma Nolan), Brooks Ashmanskas (Barry Glickman), Anna Grace Barlow (Alyssa Greene), Beth Leavel (Dee Dee Allen), Christopher Sieber (Trent Oliver), Martin Moran (Mr. Hawkins), Angie Schworer (Angie), Josh Lamon (Sheldon Saperstein) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the Pre-Broadway tryout. A really touching and funny new musical, led by a hilarious cast of Broadway veterans. A perfect mix of comedy and drama.
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psychocly · 5 years ago
Behind the scene of Alan Bennett's Talking Heads -
“Her Big Chance” by (my favorite) Jodie Comer
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That page was full of lines lmao...
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God, Jodie is incredible✨
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