I finished my latest bg3 playthrough with Wyll as the new Grand Duke, Astarion ascended and scheming from Szarr's palace and resistant!Dark-Urge who romanced Minthara and is also scheming to take over Baldur's Gate and the Sword Coast and now I'm kind of invested in this character constellation. Especially with Wyll apparently being aware of and thwarting the kind of bullshit the others are getting up to but there are no hard feelings about it at the party...
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Also Gale became the god of ambition which honestly just makes sense here.
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impercre · 5 months
"You should have been born an Ixian," Alaj said looking over some the Harkonnen woman's designs. "The Imperium doesn't appreciate the artistry of such technology." These Harkonnens were so gauche, there was no artistry in what they built. On Ix even children were taught basic mechanics.
There had been an intimacy to their ancient captivity by the Thinking Machines. Even when they fled into their underground cities, the Ixians had learned to face the fear and it had passed over them. Now they remained, the fear having softening into fascination even affection.
Though such things were never spoken of openly off-world, there were even Ixian cults who saw mankinds break from the machines as a kind of fall from grace. Some even built thinking machines like the ancients, though that was a secret no Ixian would reveal that to an off-worlder.
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niechciaana · 8 days
Żyjemy w czasach kiedy chłopak potrafi powiedzieć do własnej dziewczyny "spier^alaj" ale do obcej laski która się do niego przystawia już nie.
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culturalukumi333 · 2 years
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¡LETRA DEL AÑO 2023! ♥️♠️🗿🌈🌪️ Se realizaron todas y cada una de las ceremonias previas para la letra del año. Por este medio se informa que una vez realizando la consulta de adivinación, ifa nos da el Odu que rige para nuestra nación siendo este el sagrado Odu de Otrupon Owonrin, siendo el orisa regente para la nación de México Elegbara y la divinidad acompañante Oya. La bandera será rojo y negro al centro con el ribete de los colores correspondientes, sin mas por el momento se subirá una explicación detallada realizada por los ministros de la iglesia para el pueblo de México. OLODUMARE GBEWAO. ATENTAMENTE MARCELO CANACASCO OGBE ATE BRANDON QUINTANAR IRETE ALAJE ALEJANDRO QUINTANAR OSA OSHE HÉCTOR CARDENAS IRETE LAZO Fuente: Sociedad Yorùbá de México CETEM #letradelaño2023 #paramexico #orishas #eshu #eleggua #oggún #oshun #Yemayá #obatala #shango #oyá #espiritismo #palomonte #Ifá #puebla #loscabos #mexico #chiapas #tlaxcala #guadalajara #españa #chile #perú #estadosunidosdenorteamerica #miami https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm6J7BVONtT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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niakurniatiginting · 2 years
Seorang ulama dunia kharismatik syaikhunal faqīh ushūliy yusuf alqordhowiy rohimahullah dipanggil oleh Allah,seorang ulama yang memiliki ilmu sangat luas,karena keluasan ilmunya sampai-sampai syaikh muhammad hasan walid dadaw menyatakan bahwa beliau hampir mencapai derajat seorang mujtahid,dalam kesempatan lain beliau menyampaikan kalau beliau (syaikhuna yusuf alqordhowiy) sudah sampai derajat seorang mujtahid dizaman ini,beliau yang pernah menjabat sebagai ketua ulama sedunia adalah salah satu pemikir islam yang selalu melahirkan ide-ide briliant.
Beliau memiliki tulisan dan karangan yang sangat banyak sekali dalam bidang yang bermacam-macam,diantaranya ;
1. Al-Halal wa al-Haram fil Islam (Halal dan Haram dalam Islam)
2. Fatawa Mu'ashirah (Fatwa-Fatwa Semasa) (3 juz)
3. Taysir al-Fiqh: Fiqh Shiyam (Hukum tentang Puasa)
4. Fiqh at-Tharah (Hukum tentang Kebersihan)
5. Fiqh al-Ghina' wa al-Musiqa (Hukum tentang Nyanyian & Musik)
6. Fiqh al-Aqaliyyat al-Muslimah (Fiqh minoritas Muslim)
7. Al-Ijtihad fi Syari'ah al-Islamiyah (Ijtihad dalam Syariat Islam)
8. Madhkal Li Dirasat al-Syariah al-Islamiyyah (Pengenalan Pengajian Syariat Islam)
9. Min Fiqh-Daulah al-Islam (Fikih Kenegaraan)
10. Fatawa bayn al-Indibat wa at-Tasayyub (Fatwa-fatwa antara Kejituan dan Pencerobohan)
11. Fiqh al-Islami bayn al-Asalah wa al-Tajdid (Fikih Islam antara Ketulenan dan Pembaharuan)
12. Ijtihad al-Mu’asir bayn al-Indibat wa al-Infirat (Ijtihad Semasa antara Kejituan dan Kecualian)
13. Fiqh jihad 2 jilid
1. Fiqh al-Zakat (Hukum tentang Zakat) (2 juz)
2. Mushkilat al-Faqr wa kayfa Alajaha al-Islam (Masalah Kefakiran dan bagaimana Islam mengatasinya)
3. Bay’u al-Murabahah li al-Amri bi al-Shira (Sistem Jual Beli al-Murabah)
4. Dur al-Zakat fi alaj al-Musykilat al-Iqtisadiyyah (Peranan Zakat dalam Mengatasi Masalah Ekonomi)
5. Dawr al-Qiyam wa al-Akhlaq fi al-Iqtisad al-Islami (Peranan Nilai dan Akhlak dalam Ekonomi Islam)
Fawa’id al-Bunuk Hiya ar-Riba al-Haram
1. Al-Aql wa al-Ilm fi al-Quran (Akal dan Ilmu dalam al-Quran)
2. Kayfa Nata’amal ma’al Quran (Bagaimana berinteraksi dengan al-Quran)
3. Al-Sabru fi al-Quran (Sabar dalam al-Quran)
4. Tafsir Surah al-Ra’d (Tafsir Surat ar-Ra’du)
5. Kayfa Nata’amal ma’al as-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah (Bagaimana berinteraksi dengan Sunnah Nabi)
6. Madkhal li Dirasat as-Sunnah (Pengantar Mempelajari Sunnah)
7. Al-Muntaqa min at-Taghib wa at-Tarhib (Hadits-hadits Terpilih mengenai Berita Gembira dan Peringatan)
8. Al-Sunnah Masdaran li al-Ma’rifah wa al-Hadarah (Sunnah sebagai Sumber Pengetahuan dan Tamadun)
1. Wujud Allah (Adanya Allah)
2. Haqiqat al-Tawhid (Hakikat Tauhid)
3. Iman bi Qadr (Keimanan kepada Qadar)
4. Mawqif al-Islam min al-Ilham wa al-Kasyfh wa al-Ru’a wa Min al-Kananah wa al-Tarna’im wa al-Ruqa ( Posisi Islam mengenai Ilham,Kasyaf, Mimpi,Ramalan, Pencegah kemalangan, dan Jampi)
5. Al-Hayat al-Rabbaniah wa al-‘Ilm (Kehidupan Rabbani dan Ilmu)
6. At-Tawakkal (Bertawakal kepada Allah)
7. At-Tawbah ila Allah (Taubat kepada Allah)
8. Al-Niyat wa al-Ikhlas (Niat dan Keikhlasan)
1.Al-Rasul wa al-Ilmi (Rasul dan Ilmu)
Al-Waqt fi Hayat al-Muslim (Waktu dalam kehidupan seorang Muslim)
2. Thaqafat al-Da’iyyah (Wawasan seorang Juru Dakwah)
3. Al-Tarbiah al-Islamiah wa Madrasah Hassan al-Banna (Pendidikan Islam dan Ajaran Hassan al-Banna)
4. Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun sab’in Amman fi al-Da’wah wa al-Tarbiyyah (Ikhwan al-Muslimun selama 70 tahun dalam dakwah dan Pendidikan)
1. Al-Thaqafah al-Islamiyyah bayn al-Asalah wa al-Mu’asarah (Pengetahuan Islam antara Ketulenan dan Pembaharuan)
2. Syumul al-Islam (Kesempurnaan Islam)
Nahw Fiqh Muyassar Mu’asirah
3. Al-Iman wa al-Hayat (Iman dan Kehidupan)
4. Al-Ibadat fi al-Islam (Ibadah dalam Islam)
5. Al-Khasas’is al-Ammah li al-Islam (Keistimewaan Agama Islam)
6. Madkhal li Ma’rifah al-Islam (Pengantar Mengenali Agama Islam)
7. Al-Nass wa al-Haq (Manusia dan Kebenaran)
Al-Din fi ‘Asr al-‘Ilm (Agama dalam dunia Ilmu Pengetahuan)
8. Fatawa al-Mar’ah al-Muslimah (Fatwa-fatwa tentang wanita Muslimah)
9. Fiqh al-Awlawiyyat (Fikih Memahami Keutamaan-keutamaan)
10. Al-Islam wa al-Fann (Islam dan Kesenian)
11. Kayfa Nata’amal ma’a al-Turath (Bagaimana Berinteraksi dengan Buku-buku Klasik)
12. Ri’ayah al-bai’ah fi Syari’at al-Islam (Memelihara Alam Sekitar menurut Syariat Islam)
13. Khatab al-Shaykh al-Qaradawi (Khutbah Syeikh al-Qaradawi) (5 jilid), dll
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رحمه الله شيخنا وفقيهنا يوسف القرضاوي،غفر الله له وأسكنه فسيح جنته
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goalhofer · 1 month
2024 olympics Ethiopia roster
Abdisa Fayisa (Sululta)
Samuel Tefera (Addis Ababa)
Ermias Girma (Ezha)
Hagos Gebrhiwet-Berhe (Ts'a'ida Imba)
Biniam Mehary (Mekelle)
Addisu Yihune (Dega Damot)
Lamecha Girma (Asella)
Getnet Wale-Bayabl (Sekela)
Samuel Firewu-Fiche (Sidama)
Yomif Kejelcha-Atomsa (Addis Ababa)
Berihu Aregawi-Teklehaimanot (Makelle)
Selemon Barega-Shirtaga (Gurage)
Kenenisa Bekele-Beyecha (Arsi Kifile Hāgeri)
Tamirat Tola-Abera (Addis Ababa)
Deresa Geleta-Ulfata (Bareyu)
Misgana Wakuma (Wanchi)
Worknesh Musele-Handeno (Addis Ababa)
Habitam Alemu-Bayih (Merawi)
Tsige Duguma (Kamashi)
Gudaf Tsegay-Desta (Makelle)
Diribe Welteji-Kejelcha (Legetafo)
Birke Haylom (Alaje)
Ejgayehu Taye (Mendida)
Medina Eisa-Kumanda (Debre Tabor)
Fotyen Tesfay (Addis Ababa)
Tsigie Gebreselama (Saeda Emba)
Sembo Almayew-Welteji (Midakegn)
Lomi Muleta-Tefera (Addis Ababa)
Tigst Assefa-Tessema (Addis Ababa)
Megertu Alemu (Mi'irabi Shoa)
Amane Shankule (Hade)
Lina Selo (Adema)
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dallasgrant · 3 months
Dive February 21, 2022 at 10:56AM via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALAJ-k1MIFM
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awoifasegun · 5 months
Alaafia..Esu Alaje is the one that we call to bring us prosperity because he is the owner of prosperity, and he will also protect the owners against all evils, may olodumare guides and bless you all... Ase 🙏🏽
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movienized-com · 8 months
Sirin (2023)
Jahr: 2023 (August) Genre: Drama Regie: Senad Šahmanović Hauptrollen: Danica Ćurčić, May-Linda Kosumovic, Jelena Simić, Hana Ivanišević, Marko Baćović, Jasna Đuričić, Izudin Bajrović, Lidija Kordić, Nikša Butijer, Milivoje Obradović, Momčilo Otašević, Tihana Ćulafić, Fatmir Spahiu, Bashkim Alaj, Shefqet Luca, Milica Šćepanović, Davor Klisić, Marta Janjušević, Aleksandar Radulović, Pavle…
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If you liked the song in Chapter 12, this is the video I listened to while writing it.
I determined this should be the Alajan National Anthem. The Shugbo:
Gho tu wu ishokp luj jusho? Gho tu wu toti luj u din? Gho tu jo to to niwu luj ruikpo wu yi?
Gwu tu wu ishokp luj jusho. Gwu tu wu toti luj u din. Ri gwu tu ni jo to to  luj ruikpo wu yi.
Who can sail without the wind? Who can row without oars? Who can leave their home behind Without weeping?
(This is a play on words, as the main river running through Alaj is the Weeping River.)
Or, if you found the music too distracting, you can listen to the track without music here, or read the chapter here.
New to Natural Magic? Find chapter 1 here.
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mentalnahigijena · 2 years
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Nakon više od 270 godina u Podgorici će biti izgrađena džamija. Posljednja koja je sagrađena je Osmanagića džamija u Staroj varoši, u 18. vijeku – kazao je jedan od inicijatora za obnovu Bejler bej džamije, kod staropodgoričana poznatije kao Hadrovića džamija, Džemo Redžematović, glavni imam za Podgoricu i Nikšić i rukovodilac u ovom projektu. Na mjestu nekadašnje Bejler bej džamije na Draču (koja je porušena polovinom prošlog vijeka), kod staropodgoričana poznatije kao Hadrovića džamija, do kraja naredne godine biće izgrađena nova džamija. Građevinskim mašinama očišćen je teren i urađeni prvi iskopi, čime su nakon više od 270 godina (kada je izgrađena Osmanagića džamija u Staroj varoši) u samom srcu Podgorice počeli pripremni radovi za gradnju džamije, savremenog arhitektonskog izgleda. Saradnja Podsjetivši da su na parceli, koja je na raskršću ulica Slobodana Škerovića i Đečevića, bili samo tragovi temelja džamije koja je porušena 1956. godine, jedan od inicijatora za obnovu Hadrovića džamije Džemo Redžematović, glavni imam za Podgoricu i Nikšić i rukovodilac u ovom projektu, iskazao je zahvalnost nadležnim institucijama koje su prepoznale potrebu muslimana ovog dijela Podgorice za izgradnjom džamije, svim pojedincima koji su doprinijeli da se krene u obnovu džamije, kao i stanovnicima Drača koji su to bez problema prihvatili. – Danas prisustvujemo istorijskom činu. Nakon više od 270 godina u Podgorici će biti izgrađena džamija. Posljednja koja je sagrađena je Osmanagića džamija u Staroj varoši, u 18. vijeku – izjavio je za Pobjedu Redžematović. Iskazuje zahvalnost svima koji su učestvovali u ovom dobrom djelu, posebno donatorima. – Svi radovi do sada su besplatni – izrada idejnog projekta, glavnog projekta, zemljani, betonski, geodetski radovi donacija su naših prijatelja, muslimana i pravoslavaca, i to je ono što krasi ovu ideju vraćanja džamije na njene stare temelje – naglasio je Redžematović. Ne skriva zadovoljstvo ni zbog dobrog odnosa stanovnika Drača. – Imam samo riječi hvale za odnos komšija, koji su bez ikakvih problema prihvatili da se krene u realizaciju ovog projekta. Zahvaljujem svim komšijama koje su prihvatile ostvarivanje vraćanja pravdi, jer je ova džamija porušena 1956. godine, u mirodovskom stanju, i, evo, sada je, hvala Bogu, obnavljamo – kaže glavni imam za Podgoricu i Nikšić, uz napomenu da je Drač tradicionalno prepoznat po dobrim međuvjerskim odnosima i suživotu tri vjere. Istorija Džamija Hadrovića sagrađena je početkom 18. vijeka. Tako je zapisano u vakufskom defteru Arhive u Istanbulu, koja se može naći pod nazivom ,,Bejler bej džamija“ i ,,Alaj begova džamija“, dakle, po tituli, a ne po vlastitom imenu osnivača. – Ona je u narodu poznata kao Hadrovića džamija iz razloga što se, po odlasku Osmanlija, bratstvo Hadrovića koje se tu zateklo održavalo. Oni su bili mujezini, mutenvelije, ljudi koji su održavali higijenu i pazili na nju, imali su ključeve te džamije. Potomci njihove porodice i danas tu žive. Tako je ostao naziv Hadrovića džamija, a inače je Bejler bej džamija. Što je najvažnije, izgrađena je da bi koristila muslimanima Podgorice, a sada će joj biti vraćena ta uloga – objasnio je Redžematović i dodao da i istraživač Bajro Agović u knjizi ,,Džamije u Crnoj Gori“ objašnjava na koji način je dobila ime Hadrovića džamija. Objekat će biti izgrađen na tri etaže, biće izgrađena podzemna garaža, prizemlje i sprat, ukupne površine 328 kvadratnih metara. Vrijednost ove investicije je 620.000 eura, a finansira je Medžlis Islamske zajednice Podgorica. Po projektu je predviđeno da džamija bude izgrađena do decembra naredne godine, Redžematović očekuje da će to biti i prije predviđenog roka. U duhu savremene arhitekture Jedan od inicijatora za obnovu Hadrovića džamije i rukovodilac na ovom projektu Džemo Redžematović, glavni imam za Podgoricu i Nikšić, kazao je da se nova džamija ne gradi po uzoru na onu koja je tu ranije bila, već u duhu današnjeg vremena. – Džamija će dobiti potpuno novi izgled. Islam nije statična religija, nego se razvija u duhu vremena. Ne živimo u 18. vijeku, kada je građena prethodna. To je bitno pojasniti, jer nam mnogi zamjeraju zašto gradimo ovakvu džamiju. Islamska arhitektura napreduje u korak sa vremenom, to je vjera dinamike, napretka, prosperiteta, pogleda u budućnost. Ona je supstrat svih dostignuća u arhitekturi. Gradimo je u duhu savremene arhitekture, izmirivanja naših potreba i navika, koje su drugačije od onih u 18. vijeku – objasnio je Redžematović.
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newsnigeria · 2 years
#EsuIsNotSatan: The significance and Misconception of Esu, Walk every 24th of December.
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It is the 24th day of December 2022 Gregorian year, (Kojoda calendar, it's 10,064th year) a day Ifa Practitioners, traditionalists, and all respectful Omoluabi, Omo Karo O'jire remind the entire universe of the personality that surrounds Esu. In a message that serves as an awareness #EsuIsNotSatan. Today we remind everyone of many misconceptions and the significance of Esu. Esu is not satan, it has never been and will never be. Listed below are a few functions and misconceptions of Esu.
Top 10 misconceptions of Esu - #EsuIsNotSatan
1) Esu – the Holy Saviour and the Messiah Of the Universe. 2) He is one of the delegated Irunmoles of Olodumare. Hence, a messenger of Olodumare. 3) Esu stands as a prosecutor to defaulters of the instructions of Olodumare. You may likewise call him the first Law enforcement agent of Olodumare. 4) He is always on the side of Justice and Equity. 5) Esu's actions fall within the Jurisdiction of obligations as instructed by his Creator (Olodumare) 6) All attribute as Power, wisdom, knowledge, and skills are given to Esu by Olodumare for his mission on Earth. 7) Esu has no desire for praises or worship that belongs to Olodumare therefore, he is not god with a small letter g or God with a capital letter G. Esu is Esu. 8) He does not have the power, might, gut or nerve to contest the position of Olodumare. 9) Esu is accountable and reports directly to Olodumare. 10)The Esu spirituality(Irunmole) is consent to the supremacy of Olodumare Significance of #EsuIsNotSatan Olodumare created Esu for all People to Protect, Guard, and save us from all attributes Of life Challenges. Esu is the messenger who delivers our messages to Olodumare. Esu is the centre Orisa between the left side and right side of the World. Likewise, Esu can be simply called the middle Orisa between Omo Orisa and Our Ajogun. It's believed that the world consists Of 2 different Side; (1) The Right Side (2) Left Side The right side of the world: The right-hand side of the world is where All Orisa lives with us all their Omo. The left side of the world: The left-hand side of the world is where All Evils Doers and Evil makers live. It is believed that the left side is the dark side. The right side is called (OTUN AYE ) while the left side is called (OSI AYE). In Otun Aye: All Omo Orisa usually seeks Greatness, Prosperity, Freedom, Power, Long life, Wealth, Good living, Life Betterness, Comfortability, Peace, etc. Usually, from their mothers and fathers which are the Orisa. In Osi Aye, They are all designed to spoil the goodwill that the Omo orisas are seeking on the right side. Meanwhile, the dark side is purely created to damage all good efforts Of Progress, Greatness, Peace, comfortability of life, etc The general name for the dwellers Of Osi aye is called ” AJOGUN IBI ”. Olodumare specially created Esu for everyone to Protect, Guard, and save us from all attributes of life challenges. Esu is the messenger who delivers our messages to Olodumare. Esu is the centre Orisa between the left side and right side of the World. In addition, Esu can be simply called the middle Orisa between Omo Orisa and Our Ajogun. In this section of #EsuIsnotsatan awareness, we list the Different Kinds Of Esu:  Esu Odara,Esu Alaje,Esu Ogo, Esu Olapakia, Esu Agbalu, Esu Ogiri Oko,Esu Elegbara, Esu ilu, Esu Ayiluka,Esu laroye, Esu Barabebe,Esu Alasuwada, Esu Oja, Esu Yangi, Esu Aseta, Esu Ija, Esu Ebita, Esu Awure e.t.c All these Esu’s have their significant purposes of importance, But ESU ODARA is the leader and the most Powerful. Esu Odara is the one we give our ebo to after making it. The ebo is the message Odara helps us to deliver as an appeal to Ajogun ibi who wants to do us bad. When the Ajogun ibi accepts the ebo from Esu. We begin to live more comfortably in life. That is why the more we do ebo in the right, The more we save ourselves from any source of trouble from the left. Read the full article
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impercre · 2 months
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Hottest Muse- Ixian Addition
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gorangogin · 2 years
Orkestar Zorana Zarića - Alaj mi je večeras po volji ... ✿ SVADBA ✿ Rest...
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wakadaily · 2 years
Ogun monarch allegedly blinds man for dancing with queen
Ogun monarch allegedly blinds man for dancing with queen
Wasiu Odiwole, has demanded justice after a traditional ruler, Nureni Oduwaye, allegedly kicked his eye at Moore Blessing Hotel, in Sagamu Local Government Arae of Igun State. It was gathered that the monarch and his queen, alongside other guests, were said to have been invited by the celebrant, identified as Iya Alaje. The victim (Wasiu) who spoke with the Punch said, before the celebration…
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whispered-prayers · 5 years
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