#akihiro inoue
medi-melancholy · 4 months
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NULL ANNIVERSARY 🥳🎉 thinkin up fangan stuff has kept me going like nothin else the past 6 years and i'm forever grateful for all the friendships and artwork that's been able to be made along the way
i've posted class art before but never the whole lineup in one place, so here's the gang!! look at them again because i love them!!!!!
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mootablemimic · 4 months
👀🍿 How would you describe an average Null class sleepover night? Set the scene!
everyone's piled into the inoue estate
gakuto and yasutake have a super famicom and they're probably playing street fighter 2 or idk donkey kong country 2 if you want co-op
katyusha, yu, keisuke, and hikaru are watching (heckling) the famicom nerds from the couch, miko and momoka are enjoying their antics and admonishing hikaru and keisuke when they're being too dickish
akihiro and yuki are in the kitchen making snacks for everyone. hotaru is in the kitchen hanging out with yuki, shinji is also in the kitchen because it's relatively quieter
kiyomi and ogin are like. sitting in the courtyard and stargazing. ayaka's probably out there playing something chill on her harp. seira's probably out there too, because again, less noise, fresh air, pretty stars
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ng-scanlations · 3 months
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Yoroiden Samurai Troopers 30th Anniversary Art Book (2021) P83 - P103
Interview with the directors of the show, Masashi Ikeda (#1–19) & Mamoru Hamatsu (#20–39), screenwriter Ryosuke Takahashi, key animator/armor/character designers Akihiro Kanayama & Hideo Okamoto, planner Koichi Inoue, and toy developer Hitoki Makino.
A translation of the interview by The URWWS can be found on the YSTRW wiki here & here
Check out the rest of the pages of the interview from the artbook here.
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jaysficarchive · 1 year
Stormchaser: Weather Princess
Issue #1 Chapter 1: Making of a Hero
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A/N: Back to the BNHAverse I go. I felt like it was time I write some solo stories for my OCs because they have so much lore to be explored. This will go up on AO3 at some point.
Description: The story of Sorami Inoue aka the Atmospheric Hero: Stormchaser! Daughter of the heroes Rainmaker and Sunstar, Sorami had no intentions of becoming a hero until one day.
Relationships: Sorami Inoue | Stormchaser & Akihiro Amarai | SolFlare, Sorami Inoue | Stormchaser & Hirosora Amarai | Rainmaker, Sorami Inoue | Stormchaser & Uche Amarai | Sunstar
Warning(s): Swearing
Taglist: @floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @beyonettta @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer @milf-percy
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Thunderous footsteps and playful giggles filled the hallway as Sorami and her cousins ran through them. While her parents were relaxing after serving food for her birthday party, she decided to play with her relatives. Despite the unfavorable rainy weather preventing them from going outside, the joy didn't die down.
"Come on, come on!" Sorami giggled as she pulled her cousin Shirayuki into a room. She then looked the door while her cousin looked around. The children were playing a large game of hide and seek-- with Sorami's older brother and older cousins being the seekers and the young ones hiding.
"We're not supposed to be in here!" Shirayuki whispered. "This is your dad's sitting room!"
Sorami pouted. "Daddy said I can come in here!" She then stomped over to the glass doors and folded her arms.
Shirayuki walked over and stared out the doors to the sight of pouring rain alongside her. It'd been raining for at least half an hour but seemed endless.
Sorami was beginning to get irritated with the seemingly never-ending weather.
Fueled by her child's anger, she unlocked the door and threw it open. Sorami then stomped outside and took a deep breath before yelling out a loud "STOP!"
But the rain didn't stop-- and it only made Sorami more mad.
"Found out!" Akihiro, Sorami's older brother, opened the door hoping to surprise the girls; but instead was shoved out of his little sister's way as she ran to the garden area.
Several cousins followed her as well as Akihiro and Shirayuki.
"Sorami, what are you doing?" Akihiro asked.
"I wanna play outside now!" Sorami pushed open the doors leading to the garden and stared up at the sky full of gray clouds. Suddenly, her eyes began to glow and threw her hands up in the air.
The rain stopped.
Akihiro looked at Sorami then at his cousins. The rain was supposed to end towards the beginning of the night, so something had to have happened.
Sorami-- eyes still glowing-- then parted the clouds and allowed the golden light of the sun to shine through. It was then when everyone realized what was going on; prompting Akihiro to run and tell the adults.
"Mom, Dad! Sorami... Sorami got her Quirk!"
Hirosora, their father, nearly dropped a glass when he heard that. "What?!"
"Come look!" Akihiro led them to the garden area then pointed at his younger sister who was playing with the other kids. "She made the rain stop!"
Uche, Akihiro and Sorami's mother, walked over to Sorami and gently tapped her shoulder. She then knelt down and pulled her daughter close to her.
"Little storm, did you make the rain stop?" she asked.
Sorami excitedly nodded and her eyes glowed again as she demonstrated her newly discovered powers by making it drizzle while the sun was still out, creating a beautifully vibrant rainbow over the garden. Everyone stared in awe at just how much power she had despite being so young.
"I don't fuckin' believe it," Byakuya, Shirayuki's father, said only to be smacked in the arm by one of Hirosora's brothers.
Uche stood up then looked back at Hirosora and nodded. After, she bent down to pick up her young daughter. "It's time for your birthday cake, little storm."
Sorami giggled and held onto her mother as she made her away inside. With how young she was, Sorami was blissfully unaware of the sheer power she inherited. Luckily, Uche knew exactly how to help her daughter.
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The sun beamed down on Sorami as she finished planting seeds in her grandmother's garden. Once done, she stood up and raised her hands to the sky. The white clouds darkened as thunder rumbled and raindrops fell.
Both Uche and Sorami's grandmother Chioma watched from inside as she returned the sky back to its original form.
"Thank you, my dear." Chioma smiled. "You and your brother have been such a big help around here."
Sorami smiled and headed to her room. For the past year they'd been living in Uche's home country of Nigeria with their grandparents, her parents. According to her, it was so they could connect with their Nigerian heritage and to show them other parts of the world outside Japan.
And yes, her parents are still married.
"Was the thunder necessary?" Akihiro asked when she walked past his room.
Sorami rolled her eyes. "I told you I don't know how to make rainstorms yet, ogbi."
"Sorry, Mom." Sorami walked into her room and plopped down on the bed. Just a few more days, she thought while rolling over. A few more days until we go home.
As day turned to night, the smell of spices and cooking food filled Sorami's nose. She opened the door and headed to the kitchen, where her mother and brother were preparing dinner.
"Come here, nwa m." Chioma reached out for Sorami. Once she wad close enough, Chioma pulled her down to the couch and held Sorami's hand.
"Obi dị gị ụtọ ịla n'ụlọ?" Chioma asked. "Are you excited to go home?"
"Ee. I'm sure my dad will be happy to have us back," Sorami replied. "You should come with us, nne nne! You'll love our house! Plus we can see you everyday!"
Chioma shook her head. "No. I must stay here even when I die. Your nna nna and I built this house together." Chioma then motioned around the house. "We painted these walls, filled these rooms with furniture. It is our history."
"But nne nne, think about it! You wouldn't have to cook for yourself anymore when there's people who will do it for you! Plus, nna nna is gone-"
"Sorami!" Uche scolded. "Do not say that!"
"No, no. It's alright, Uche." Chioma raised her hand to quell her daughter's anger. "Sorami is still a child and has much to learn. She'll understand when she's older. After all, you were the same way when you were younger."
Uche sighed as she finished preparing a plate for Sorami. She couldn't deny that her mother was right.
"Dinner's ready. Come eat."
Sorami helped Chioma up and guided her to the table. A surprisingly large part of her was sad that she'd be leaving her grandma, and Nigeria, behind. It had such a rich history when it come to her mother's side of the family. And especially when it came to Chioma.
Her husband died shortly way before Sorami or her brother were even thought of, after Uche became a Nigerian ambassador. While they'll never be able to meet him, they felt like they knew him thanks to all the pictures and fond stories Grandma shared of him.
Am I really excited to go home, Sorami asked herself as she sat down and joined her family in prayer. Or am I just talking out the side of my neck?
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"What do you mean you don't wanna be a hero?!"
Sorami didn't break her focus from her lunch as her friends pondered over her choice.
"I mean, yeah? Everyone's trying to be a hero these days and that's just not me."
Today's hot topic was dreaming about being a hero, something Sorami couldn't relate to. She had no interest in being a hero, especially when everybody else in her family was one.
Her father Hirosora, known publicly as the Storming Hero: Rainmaker, had been crowned Japan's #1 hero for the 12th time, making him one of the longest reigning heroes in history.
Her mother Uche, aka the Enlightened Hero: Sunstar, was also a hero-- when she wasn't being Nigeria's ambassador to Japan.
Akihiro was in his final year of college and preparing to enter the real world of heroics alongside his father.
With everyone being busying themselves with heroism, there was no reason for Sorami to have that as her career path. Instead, she wanted to pursue another career: journalism.
"But, Amarai, imagine how cool you'd look as a hero!" one of her friends exclaimed. "I mean, you're already hero royalty!"
"Yeah! Plus, you can meet hot guys more easily!" another added.
"But, the world needs more journalist than heroes. Sure being one may be fun and all, but maybe it's time I do something different." Sorami closed her bento as lunch came to a close.
When school ended, Sorami bid her friends farewell and began to make her way back home. As she passed by some houses, hurried footsteps could be heard. Before she could even react, a small girl ran into Sorami's leg and clung onto it.
The girl trembled as she looked back to see a man walking towards her. Sorami protectively put the girl behind her as if on instinct, standing in between both her and the mysterious man.
"Excuse me. Why are you following my little sister?" Sorami folded her arms. "You lost or something?"
"Didn't mean to cause any trouble." The man held out one arm with the other behind his back. A sickeningly sweet smile plastered across his face, sending a slight shudder down Sorami's spine. He didn't look like the way the PSAs depicted kidnappers-- he looked like a clean cut candyman. "I just wanted her to sample some candy."
"Sample some candy, huh? Yeah right." The young girl stayed behind Sorami as her eyebrows furrowed. This guy is persistent, she thought. But so am I.
"She ain't sampling no type of candy. Get going, bum." Sorami sneered.
The man began to lose some of his composure. "I assure you I just need a few minutes of her time-"
"Motherfucker, what part of what I just said don't you understand?! She ain't sampling no candy! You need people go to the damn market or something!" Sorami scolded him. So far her act was buying both her and the girl time and safety.
Finally, the man lost it and lunged at Sorami. The girl gasped and closed her eyes bracing for the worst.
Just then, the clouds turned dark as a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky and right onto the kidnapper.
Sorami's eyes glowed as she watched him be electrocuted before falling to the ground. Just in time, too, as her father and some police arrived.
Sorami knelt down to pat her on the head. "It's alright. The bad guy won't hurt you."
The girl opened her eyes and hugged Sorami tightly, allowing the teen to pick her up and hand her to an officer.
"Thank you," the girl said with a big smile. "You're my hero!"
A warm feeling filled Sorami's heart when she heard those words. She didn't know why, but being called somebody's hero felt...good. Was this how her family felt when people praised them for protecting everyday people?
"Excellent work, Sorami." Hirosora patted her on the shoulder. "Not only did you protect a young girl, but you also helped get a dangerous criminal off the streets."
Sorami simply hummed in response. Maybe...maybe being a hero might be for me after all.
"You're gonna become a what?!"
"A hero, but only part-time." Sorami replied. "I still wanna be a journalist now."
Her friends squealed in delight while giving each other high fives and chattering about Sorami's future hero career.
"What changed your mind, Amarai?" Sachie, one of Sorami's friends, asked. "You seemed so insistent about it yesterday."
"Lets just say, I had an experience that changed my perspective." Sorami smiled thinking about the girl from yesterday's smile. That warm feeling came back along with a sudden surge of motivation. "Either way, I'm gonna be in the hero business."
"Well, no matter what kind of hero you decided to be, we'll always support you!" Sachie cheered. "And we'll be there when you become the #1 hero!"
Sorami's smile turned soft. Even though she wouldn't be a full-fledged hero like her parents or brother, she was happy with her decision. After all, it was her life.
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sinclarify · 1 month
FANCLASS OUTLINR!!! just so the timeline makes sense
# CHAPTER 1 !? victim: kaori izumi, ult. motivational speaker blackened: kaori izumi, ult. motivational speaker
# CHAPTER 2 !? victim: tatsuya fujiwara, ult. fashion designer blackened: minori kamiya, ult. poet
# CHAPTER 3 !? victim: quinn levine, ult. clarinetist blackened: hideyo hidaka, ult. scientist accomplice: akihiro kanda, ult. priest
# CHAPTER 4 !? victim: chiyo inoue, ult. ringmaster blackened: kozue kaneko, ult. pirate
# CHAPTER 5 !? victim: kane cooper, ult. conman blackened: hana nishikawa, ult. demonologist accomplice: mihoko uehara, ult. puppeteer
# CHAPTER 6 !? mastermind: mihoko uehara, ult puppeteer
survivors: junichiro okumura, ult. criminologist akihiro kanda, ult. priest ami takahashi, ult. model natsu shimada, ult. stage actor
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jujuinoue · 1 year
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01 April in Paris (Vernon Duke)
02 Pygmie Song (Oka Makoto)
03 Crazy Rabbit (Yoshimoto Akihiro)
04 Affection (Inoue Juju Hiroshi)
05 Cool Struttin’ (Sonny Clark)
06 Misty (Erroll Garner)
07 夏のそり遊び (Oka Makoto)
08 Dark Chime (Yoshimoto Akihiro)
09 星めぐりの歌 (宮澤賢治)
10 Mellow Saxophone (Robert Blackwell)
サキソフォビア / AFFECTION
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 舞台「観劇者(再)」(butai kangekisha (sai))
the  show will be running from May 4th, 2022 to May 8th, 2022 (Tokyo) @ シアターグリーン BIG TREE THEATER (Theater Green BIG TREE THEATER)
Maiguma Kousuke Tonooka Erika Hayashi Akihiro Ootaki Itsuki Iwasa Yuuki Shimizu Maria Itou Aimi Yoshida Shougo Inoue Kaoru Nagato Katsuhiko
homepage twitter natalie
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insomniac-jay · 2 years
Full Name: Sorami Oshun Uchenna Hiroyo Oluwaseyi Yoko Inoue (nee Amarai)
Hero Alias: Atmospheric Hero - Stormchaser
Age: 26
Gender: Female (Cis, She/Her)
Nationality: Japan
Ethnicity: Nigerian/Japanese
Occupation: Pro Hero
Affiliation(s): Stormchaser Agency (Owner), Storm Dynasty (Grand heiress)
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Design notes:
Her hair is now dark blue, a mix of her dad's blue hair and her mom's black hair.
Personality: Nurturing and kind, on and off the battlefield Sorami is always willing to lend a helping hand hence why she often hosts charity events and other fundraisers. She displays a motherly disposition towards those younger than her, namely her sidekicks and interns. People take comfort and safety in the motherly feeling about her, which has been made even stronger by her daughter Tenki's birth. 
Her gentle nature makes her approachable for others and allows them to be vulnerable enough to open up to her. She will listen to them with open ears and help them as best as she can. 
Despite her gentle and soft spoken nature, Sorami is incredibly blunt and direct in her talk. This catches people off guard. She makes it well known that she is not a doormat and most definitely not a pushover, either.
Sorami will not let anyone try to silence her, either, that's only going to make her speak out more. But, she is still mindful of people's feelings– or at least she is on a small scale. She can (and is) very critical of certain people and organizations, and makes these criticisms known.
While she may not look like it, she is easily anxious, and does not like to be put in uncertain and unwanted situations because of this. When faced with a difficult situation, she will become increasingly neurotic and will display symptoms of a panic attack until she starts having a full blown one.
Though, she tries her best to avoid these kinds of situations. Her anxiety sometimes interferes with her everyday life.
Quirk: Weather
Sorami has full–almost godlike– control over the weather and meteorological patterns of any area she's in. She can cause storms, temperature changes, lightning, etc. She can also control the intensity and range of various natural phenomena; also exercising control over the elements as they relate to weather.
Sorami is capable of using her Quirk inside a room, with or without changing the weather outside.
She possesses a unique ability: being able to create constructs such as barriers, armor, and more out of weather phenomena with various solidity and complexity. This is an ability she has fully mastered and can create anything she needs for almost any situation.
She shares a Quirk with her ancestor, the legendary hero and forefather of her family Susanoo.
Hirosora Amarai | Rainmaker (Father)
Uche Amarai (nee Chijindu) | Sunstar (Mother)
Akihiro Amarai | SolFlare (Older brother)
Tenki Inoue (Daughter)
Yemoja Inoue (Daughter)
Wasakumo Inoue (Son)
Three unnamed children
Aosora Amarai | Blue Sky (Grandfather)
Mizuko Amarai (nee Hayakawa) | Downpour (Grandmother)
Storm Dynasty (Relatives)
Susanoo (Ancestor)
Paired with: Shukara Inoue | Chargeman (Husband)
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @s0ursop @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer
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GV | Stormchaser
Sorami Inoue, or Stormchaser, is one of the main characters of the Giftedverse and a heroine who works for Themis. When not working as a hero, she is a weather presenter for her family's media conglomerate, Stormwatch Media.
Personal Information
Full Name: Sorami Oshun Uchenna Hiroyo Oluwaseyi Yoko Inoue (nee Amarai)
Age: 26
Gender: Female [Cis, She/Her]
Species: Metamutant
Nationality: Eden
Ethnicity: Nigerian/Japanese
Residency: Paradise Isles, Zone 11
Occupation: Hero, Weatherwoman
Affiliation(s): Themis, Stormwatch Media, Storm Dynasty (Grand heiress)
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Main positive traits: Kind, nurturing, motherly, charitable
Main neutral traits: Reliable, loyal, blunt, passionate, critical
Main negative traits: Anxious, aloof, uptight, impatient 
Nurturing and kind, on and off the battlefield Sorami is always willing to lend a helping hand hence why she often hosts charity events and other fundraisers. She displays a motherly disposition towards those younger than her, namely her sidekicks and interns. People take comfort and safety in the motherly feeling about her, which has been made even stronger by her daughter Tenki's birth. 
Her gentle nature makes her approachable for others and allows them to be vulnerable enough to open up to her. She will listen to them with open ears and help them as best as she can. 
Despite her gentle and soft spoken nature, Sorami is incredibly blunt and direct in her talk. This catches people off guard. She makes it well known that she is not a doormat and most definitely not a pushover, either. Sorami will not let anyone try to silence her, either, that's only going to make her speak out more. But, she is still mindful of people's feelings– or at least she is on a small scale. She can (and is) very critical of certain people and organizations, and makes these criticisms known. 
Hero Information
Hero Alias: Atmospheric Hero - Stormchaser
Affiliation(s): Themis & Storm Tower
Base of Operations: Olympia City, Zone 11
Weather Manipulation
Elemental Manipulation
Weather Constructs
Solar Manipulation
Plasma Manipulation
EM Field Creation
Physical Weather
Master swordsmanship
Martial arts
Hirosora Amarai (Rainmaker): Father; Retired Hero
Uche Chijindu Amarai (Sunstar): Mother; Retired Hero
Akihiro Amarai (SolFlare): Older brother; Hero
Shusuke Inoue (Chargeman): Husband; Hero & wrestler
Tenki Inoue: Daughter
Aosora Amarai (Blue Sky): Grandfather; Retired hero
Mizuko Amarai (nee Hayakawa) (Downpour): Grandmother; Retired hero
Daishi Amarai (Susanoo): Ancestor; Hero
Ryoko Inoue (Chagrin): Sister-in-law; Hero
Hakumi Inoue (Havoc): Sister-in-law; Hero
Seiko Inoue (Titania): Sister-in-law; Hero
Gakukara Inoue (Powerspark): Brother-in-law; Sidekick
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theguardianyaksha · 4 years
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Surname, Given name: Fujimoto, Misaki Birthday: March 5th (Pisces) Age: 19 Height: 170 cm (5 feet 7 inches) Weight: 53.5 kg (118 lb) Pronouns: She/Her Blood Type: A Marechi: No
Rank: Hashira Kasugai Crow: Tsukiko the Crow
Weapon: Blue-Silver Nichirin Naginata Breath Style/Demon Art: Breath of Kitsune - Derived from Breath of Flame and Breath of Sound.  To make use of this style, the user observes their opponent's movements and uses shift movements to counter accordingly.  The style focuses on hitting an opponent’s weak points.
First Style: Deceptive Charm - An upward moving slash attack.
Second Style: Mystic Yako - The user parries any physical attacks.
Third Style: Divine Osaki - The user spins their weapon to deflect any projectiles.
Fourth Style: Spirit Rush - The user dashes forward, putting all their strength in the tip of their weapon.
Fifth Style: Fox Fire - A quick succession of 9 powerful slashes.
Breathing Technique - 5/5
Speed - 5/5
Strength - 4/5
Stamina - 4/5
Intelligence - 4/5
Charisma - 3/5
Master Swordsmanship
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Reflexes
Demon Slayer Mark
See-Through World
Seemingly cold and unapproachable
People don’t usually realize she is mute
A good listener
Does not like messing up
A perfectionist
Unintentionally ignores people
Wants to make friends, but has trouble doing so
Protective over her friends
Dislikes being treated like a clueless child
Likes Cookies N’ Cream Ice Cream
White hair that is swept over her right eye
Keeps her hair in two braids that rests on her shoulder
Yellow eyes
Fox mask with a sakura flower pin
Uniform has longer, looser sleeves
Haori with sakura pattern
Voice Claim: N/A
Background: Misaki Fujimoto grew up in a small village on the outskirts of a forest.  She lived with just her father(Akihiro) due to her mother(Tsukiko) passing away from an illness when she was 4 years old.  Her father would often keep her sheltered from the outside world because he was afraid that she would be teased for being mute.
When she was 12, a demon attacked her home.  Her father died protecting her.  Misaki was rescued by a demon slayer who assumed that she didn’t speak due to trauma.  However, as time passed, the demon slayer came to learn the truth.  He took her to one of the wisteria homes and told her to stay there.
However, Misaki chose to leave the home just a year later and wandered the countryside.  She soon came across an old hashira who agreed to train her.  It took her about a year before she was able to master the way of the sword.  During that time, she developed her own breath style: Breath of Kitsune.  The 14 year old then left to go to the Final Selection.
She met some other kids her age on her way there and befriended them.  However, she was separated from them once they had entered the forest.  Misaki had wanted to search for them, but she soon found herself being surrounded by the demons in the area.  After fighting them off, she searched the forest for any signs of her friends.  While doing that, she ran into Makoto Kawaguchi.  She initially wanted to work with him, but the boy was quick to leave her alone much to her dismay.
Once she had exited the forest, she found that none of her friends had made it out.  The only other person she saw was Makoto.  Misaki did not approach the boy and left him alone.  She headed back to where she had been staying before the Final Selection and waited for her Nichirin Blade to arrive.  As soon as she received it, she bid her caretaker goodbye before setting out on her first mission.
She became a Hashira when she became 16 years old.  During a particular mission, Misaki was able to meet Amaya Kawaguchi, the newly appointed Snow Hashira.  She was quick to befriend her despite the rumors she had heard.  She did not know if she made this friend due to pity, or if this was a genuine friendship.
Taisho Secret(s):
Misaki likes being around those she considers friends.  She has a tendency to think that they will forget about her if she doesn’t see them at least once a week.
Misaki once saved a fox in a river, and the fox has become one of her closest friends.  She has called the fox, Inari.  However, no one else knows that since she can’t speak.
Contrary to what people think, Misaki was born mute.  Of course, it is difficult for her to tell that to anyone.  Only one person is aware of this truth.
Amaya Kawaguchi - “A friend who is greatly misunderstood.  She is good company.”
Kasumi Shimizu - “An ally. I think she is nice, but there is such a thing as being too nice.”
Makoto Kawaguchi - “He is rude.  Don’t like him.”
Atsuko Suzuki - “She is pretty.  A nice person too.”
Ren - “She is my tsuguko.  I am glad she wanted to learn from me.”
Sayuri Yukimura - “She is hard to read… I can’t tell how she is feeling.”
Yuka Yukimura - “I am unsure what to think of her.”
Yoshi Yukimura - “He teases me sometimes.  I don’t know why.”
Yusuke - “He is nice?  Sleeps a lot…”
Kiku Inoue - “I don’t like her.”
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vgdensetsu · 6 years
List of every artist featured on VGDensetsu, Part 1
Part 2: N-Z Adam Warren Ahndongshik / アントンシク Akari Funato / 船戸明里 Akemi Takada / 高田 明美 Akihiko Yoshida / 吉田明彦 Akihiro Itō / 伊藤明弘 Akihiro Yamada / 山田 章博 Akikazu Mizuno / 水野 暁一 Akimoto Kazuhide, AKA Akimoto Kitsune / 秋元きつね Akio Akira Komeda / 米田 朗 Akira Nishimura / 西村 彰 Akira Toriyama / 鳥山 明 Akira Watanabe / 渡邊 アキラ Akira Yasuda / 安田 朗, AKA Akiman Ami Shibata / 柴田 亜美 Ano Shimizu / ANO清水 Arnold Doong Arthur Nichols, Paris Cullins Atsuji Yamamoto / 山本貴嗣 Atsushi Nishigori / 錦織 敦史 Ayano Koshiro / こしろあやの Barry E. Jackson Bengus Bill Gold Bill Sienkiewicz Bob Wakelin Chisato Mita / 実田 千聖 Clyde Caldwell Chris Achilleos Christian Lorenz Scheurer Dave Gibbons Dave McMacken David Rowe David Schleinkofer Denis Beauvais Denis Loubet Didier Chanfray
Eiji Kaneda / 金田榮路 Eisaku Kitō / 鬼頭栄作 Eisuke Ogura Emika Kida / 木田恵美可 Eri Kohjitani / 糀谷 恵里, AKA Jitari Eri Nakamura / 中村 会里 Frank Cirocco Fujinomiya Mimoli / 藤ノ宮深森 Fujiomi Munemitsu / 藤臣 宗光 Gaku Miyao / 宮尾岳 Gary Ruddell Greg Martin Greg Semkov Greg Winters Gus Allen Hajime Itō / 伊藤 哉 Hajime Katoki / カトキ ハジメ Hajime Satō / 佐藤 肇 Hajime Sorayama / 空山 基 Haruhiko Mikimoto / 美���本 晴彦 Hidari / 左 Hideaki Ebihara / 海老原 英明 Hideaki Kodama / 小玉英章 Hidefumi Kimura / きむらひでふみ / 木村英文 Hideo Nakajima / 中嶋秀夫 Hidetomo Tsubara / 円 英智 Higuchīta / ヒグチータ / HIGUCHI-TA Hikaru Yuzuki / 弓月光 Hiroaki Hashimoto / ヒロアキ Hiroaki Shioya / 塩谷博明 Hirohide Shikishima / 敷島博英 Hiroo Isono / 磯野 宏夫 Hiroshi Fuji / 冨士宏 Hiroshi Nagai / 永井博 Hiroshi Ono / 小野浩, AKA Mr. Dotman / Mr.ドットマン Hiroyuki Nishimura / 西村博之 Hiroyuki Kitakubo / 北久保弘之 Hisashi Eguchi / 江口寿史 Hitoshi Ariga / 有賀ヒトシ Hitoshi Nishio / 西尾 仁志 Hitoshi Sasaki / 佐々木 等 Hitoshi Suenaga / 末永仁志 Hitoshi Yoneda / 米田 仁士 Hyakkimaru / 百鬼丸 Ikuo Nakayama / 中山郁夫 Inio Asano / 浅野いにお Ippei Gyoubu / 形部一平 Isamu Kamikokuryō / 上国料勇 Ishihara Gōjin / 石原豪人 Itsuki Hoshi / 星 樹 Itsuki Imazaki / いまざきいつき Jean Solé Jeff Remmer Jerry Bingham Jin Mera / 米良 仁, AKA Eiji Shiroi / 白井影二 Joe Madureira John Berkey Jun Satoh / 佐藤樹云 Jun Suemi / 末弥 純 Jun-ichi Fujikawa / 藤川 純一 Jun-ichi Nakamura / 中村 淳一 Junny Junya Inoue / 井上淳哉, AKA Joker-Jun Kamui Fujiwara / 藤原 カムイ Kaori Fujita / 藤田香 Katsuhiro Otomo / 大友 克洋 Katsumi Yokota / 横田克己 Katsutoshi Fujioka / 藤岡勝利 Katsuya Terada / 寺田 克也 Kaz Aizawa Kazuhiro Ikeda / 池田和弘, AKA Bow Kazuhiko Tsuzuki / 都築和彦 Kazuko Shibuya / 渋谷員子 Kazuma Teshigahara / 勅使河原 一馬 Kazuo Ebisawa / 海老沢 一男 Kazuo Nakagawa / 中川和雄 Kazutoshi Yamane / 山根和俊, AKA Tetsuya Ueno / 上野哲也. Kazuya Nuri / 塗 和也 Kazuyuki Kurashima / 倉島一幸 Kei Furutsuki Kei Tōme / 冬目景 Keita Amemiya / 雨宮 慶太 Keizō Shimizu / 清水恵蔵 Ken Sugimori / 杉森 建 Ken-ichi Sonoda / 園田 健一 Kenichirō Yoshimura / 吉村健一郎 Kenji Andō / 安藤賢司 Kenji Mori, AKA Moriken / もりけん Kenji Tsuruta / 鶴田 謙二 Kensuke Suzuki / 鈴木健介, AKA Hiroshi Kajiyama / 梶山浩 Kenta Tanaka / 田中 健太 Kevin Jenkins Kevin Murphy, AKA Mure Kim Hyung Tae / 김형태 Kimihiko Fujisaka / 藤坂公彦 Kinu Nishimura / 西村キヌ Kohime Ohse / 桜瀬 琥姫 Kōichi Noda / 野田弘一 Kōichi Tokita / ときた洸一 Kōichi Yotsui / 四井 浩一 Kōji / 弘司 Kōji Aihara / 相原 コージ Kōji Morimoto / 森本 晃司 Kōji Ogata / 緒方コウジ Kōtarō Kita 喜多浩太郎, AKA Kentoo Kouki Kita / 喜多 綱毅 Kow Yokoyama / 横山宏 Kunihiko Tanaka / 田中久仁彦 Larry Salk Lawrence Fletcher, AKA Lars Lee Macleod Leiji Matsumoto / 松本零士 Ley Yumeno / 夢野れい Mahiro Maeda / 前田真宏 Makoto Kobayashi / 小林 誠 Makoto Shinkai / 新海 誠 Manabu Kusunoki / 楠木学 Manabu Sakamoto / 坂本学 Marc Ericksen https://twitter.com/search? Mari Shimazaki /島崎麻里 Mark ‘Crash’ McCreery Masahiro Imai / 今井 正博 Masakazu Ohya / 大矢 正和 Masaki Segawa / せがわまさき / 濑川雅树 Masako Sugiyama / 杉山正子 Masami Ohnishi / 大西将美 Masamune Shirow / 士郎 正宗 Masao Satake / 佐竹政夫 Masao Yamazaki / 山崎 正夫 Masaomi Kanzaki / 神崎 将臣 Masashi Iwasaki / 岩崎政志 Masato Kanamono / 金物昌人, AKA Kokomahi / ここまひ Masato Kato / 加藤正人 Masato Natsumoto / 夏元 雅人 Masayuki Katō / 加藤正幸 Michael Patrick Partners Michel Allaire Michiaki Satō / 佐藤道明 Mick McGinty Mika Akitaka / 明貴 美加 Mine Yoshizaki / 吉崎 観音 Minoru Maeda / 前田実
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medi-melancholy · 3 years
go look and mutie and i’s fangan kids go go go
and tell me who your favourite is once you have! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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mootablemimic · 5 years
♘ for Akihiro?
“So, when I got the letter sayin’ I got scouted ta be the Ultimate Baker an’ all… I felt a little guilty. My big brothers an’ sisters’re all real great bakers too, but none of ‘em got picked. Sounds silly now, but I was afraid to tell ‘em. But they found out anyway, ‘course. Threw the biggest damn party ya’d ever seen, hahaha! Yoko even told me she’s never been prouder in her life… I got a good family.”
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fighterxaos · 8 years
Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger - Tenth Kyuranger Revealed?
Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger – Tenth Kyuranger Revealed?
A new magazine shot has surfaced online that reveals that a tenth Kyuranger will possibly be appearing on the show.
*Keep in mind this news hasn’t been 100% confirmed so please take this with a grain of salt.
The tenth Kyuranger will apparently be named RyuuCommander and his identity will be none other than the Kyuranger’s mentor, Shon Ronbou. 
Hopefully some full confirmation will be revealed…
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calicofm · 2 years
grab your board, willow colton wren (ryan destiny), lincoln “link” inoue junie (nico hiraga), and imada akihiro jasper (_ciel_0)! you’ve got your sticker!
the link to the discord will be sent out via a private answer to your ask!
。   ⋆   willow colton + wren (ryan destiny)  —  25 / cis woman / she/her.  invited to calico four years ago.
。   ⋆   lincoln 'link' inoue + junie (nico hiraga)  —  24 / cis male / he/him.  invited to calico 4 years ago. 
。   ⋆   imada akihiro + jasper (_ciel_0)  —  25 / cismale / he/him.  invited to calico 4 ago.
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sinclarify · 1 month
how i think a fandom would mischaracterise all my sillies <3
junichiro okumura: mean yaoi man. he's quite cold and also does not mince his words so they'd definitely turn him into some like. idk mafia boss. mafia yaoi boss
kaori izumi: they'd either make her into the worst person that ever lived because of her personality or a sad sensitive pathetic person who 'needs to be protected' because of how she died
tatsuya fujiwara: they'd turn him into a baby oh my god. my guy is quite reserved and closed off emotionally and Quite Anxious All the Time and they'd uwufy him ..fuck. or turn him into a tsundere or something. ami its not like i like you >_<
minori kamiya: i fear the uwufication of minori kamiya would be inevitable . that or you'd have the two extremes of "MINORI DID NOTHING WRONG!! they're so innocent and soft and cute!!!" despite the fact that they killed a man or "MINORI'S A HORRIBLE REPHRENSIBLE MONSTER WHO DESERVES THE WORST" despite literally everything else about them
quinn levine: she's black so racist weirdos will be racist weirdos. her entire personality would also be watered down to just Being There to Help Literally Every Other Character without having a personality for herself!!!
hideyo hidaka: i shudder to think. he's already completely morally reprehensible but i fear he would be made even WORSE. or people would completely ignore how much of a terrible person he is and all of his malicious inclinations because "he's hot and he did nothing wrong!!!"
kozue kaneko: her entire personality would be watered down to Dumb and Loud . think like how some of the dgr fandom perceives akane owari. like THAT
chiyo inoue: if kozue gets the akane treatment, chiyo's getting the ibuki mioda treatment. aka they'd completely ignore her emotional intelligence and just make her seem like there's nothing in her head but ribbon and sparkles !!!!!
kane cooper: they'd TWINKIFY HIM they'd YAOIFY him he's already blonde and gay and also the antagonist I FEAR THEYD GIVE HIM THE KOKICHI TREATMENT????? FUCK
hana nishikawa: her connection to mihoko will draw in some weirdos that's for sure. they'd take 'mindlessly devoted puppet' and turn it into something freaky. i shudder to think
mihoko uehara: she's a woman and the mastermind so people would either hate her even though her antagonism would be totally lauded if she was a guy OR they'd be absolute freaks with it! i SHUDDER to think
ami takahashi: she'd be totally reduced to some ditzy bimbo pre-chapter 2 and post- chapter 2 she'd just be absolutely hated. she'd get the 'bitch' 'thot' treatment you know... my poor girl . also her character progression is just her Getting Worse and people won't like that!!!!!
natsu shimada: they'd make his relationship with kane his ENTIRE personality . reduce him to being nothing but a love interest! the twinkifcation would hit him bad ....
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