#Rei Naga
I’m in a soft mood so I’m gonna tackle Naga Todoroki fam, specifically Rei.
Unlike in some iterations of Yandere Mama Rei, she’s extremely soft yet firm. Close the canon but not quite.
She’s extremely protective of Reader, thanks to the fact that one, Enji exists and that the rainforest is a spooky ass place.
She’s fiercely possessive whenever Enji gets frustrated or when father and sons get into a heated argument.
Rei also likes doing your hair and learning about how humans work, so she can get a better idea about how you work. She’s very affectionate with you, kissing your cheeks, snuggling you, stroking your hair.
She only has one rule: Don’t leave their territory, or else things will get very difficult..
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(I love Rei so much, she deserves to live with her kids in a nice little house-)
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psychic-echo · 1 year
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Kyuranger | "BN Team Mugshots"
Based off the Barbie Movie OTP meme on Twitter. (Will probably post on Twitter & Deviantart as well)
Not sure if anyone else had done this meme with these two yet.
Kinda sloppy, and the background is literally just a height board image I found on google. (I didn't even try to get the heights to line up.)
wasn't sure what to do with the other info on the plaques so...it's just squiggly lines.
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askrikkaiandhyotei · 1 year
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Happy birthday, snake man 🩶🩶🩶🩶
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chacerider · 2 years
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🎄⚖ happy holidays 🐍🎄
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carbonatedjem · 1 year
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Been rewatching Kyurangers with a friend and I forgot just how much I love Balance and Naga as a duo and a couple. So in a surge of wacky moments I decided to dress them in the outfits of Roman Torchwick and Neo from RWBY. Mainly because I wanted to draw Naga in Neo’s clothes cause he rocks the look in my opinion.
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washipink · 2 years
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microversejimmy · 2 years
Lina and Naga as Eva Pilots
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Suddenly, their rivalry/mutual dislike for one another makes even more sense. Also, Fun Fact: Naga’s seiyuu (Maria Kawamura) actually voices Asuka’s mother, Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu.
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cleopheanne · 5 months
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Ashlesha, "to entwine, the coiling, the embrace "
The power to inflict and remove poison
Ashlesha nakshatra main deity is Shesha, the snake king, it is also associated with the coiled snakes of the kundlini, naga, the cup of hygia, the hydra.
The serpent symbolism is very proeminent in ashlesha and it's the reason of it's association with medecine, the sacred feminine (also the cat) and so many other occult subjects omg.
I find that the path of ashlesha natives consists of transforming poison into medicine. Many of these people had to endure great abuse at the hands of others : they were poisoned. However to free themselves, they have to transform it into medecine, find a way for it to benefit them in order for the poison to heal them instead of killing them, similar to the way the venom of the snake can kill but also heal.
Marylin Monroe, Tina Turner, Lana del Rey, The movie "Precious" are all great examples of this reality, as Hidden octave indicated in their video on ashlesha.
PS: Doing research on Bharani and it's relation to ancient godesses led me to all of the others outcast nakshatras: bharani, ashlesha, vishakha and Shravana. (so Claire was right). I think that I'm going to do a series on these 4 nakshatras and how they relate ultimatly to these ancient times where goddesses were the start of everything. So I'm gonna need some time to reorgarnize all of my informations in a more coherent manner. 🥲😗
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Protean, Cthilpuk
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"Naga Rei" © Fur Affinity user TrinityLight, accessed at their gallery here
[Posting this has been a fucking chore, believe me. The hidden character limit for tumblr counts HTML tags, whether you put them in yourself or copy them over from another document. And although it used to be able to break up the text into different blocks internally for its coding purposes, it no longer can with the new draft saving program. Which means that the formatting is going to be slightly different from now on, with more spaces within each stat block. I'm still going on hiatus; I'm traveling this week. But normal service should resume next week, rather than me having to find a new hosting service. Fingers crossed.
So the monster in question. The mesmerist is one of my favorite classes in PF1e, because it's so versatile. You can use it for everything from a sinister manipulator to a wacky stage magician, a faith healer to The Shadow. I wanted the cthilpuk to be similarly versatile. I intend these to be able to be allies to some parties, enemies to others, and even change allegiance over the course of the game.
A few miscellaneous notes. The anagrams I'm using for protean names are getting weirder and more obscure; I'm going to post a list of all of them when this project is over. The art itself is not NSFW, but the gallery page is in its description of this character; be prepared. And there's a teaser of one of the other proteans I have yet to stat up but have planned.]
Protean, Cthilpuk CR 14 CN Outsider (extraplanar) This blue-scaled serpentine creature has a humanoid torso with four clawed arms. Its head has a cobra-like hood, and both its hood and its eyes swirl with mesmerizing colors.
Cthilpuks are proteans that represent one of the most changeable of things; the emotions of sapient creatures. A cthilpuk can be a counselor, a rabble-rouser or a terrorist, depending on its mood. They are comfortable in urban spaces, and often live in mortal or planar cities in disguise for months or years. Undercover, they are often very friendly, going out of their way to talk to people and then using the information they gather to adjust the person’s moods and behavior. Cthilpuks are strong believers in self-actualization for chaotic individuals, but enjoy driving lawful people into spirals of doubt and despair.
A cthilpuk would usually prefer to avoid combat, instead using its hypnotic stare and psychic magic to influence a creature’s mood, and then talk them into doing something that the protean wants them to do. Still, sometimes violence is the appropriate solution to their problems. The bite of a cthilpuk locks the mind into an emotional pattern, typically a self-destructive one. In a fight, most cthilpuks try to bite as many creatures as possible with different decoctions of emotional venom, cast a spell or two into the fray, and then sit back to watch the chaos. In their natural form, they can even split their hypnotic gaze, working their will through the stare of both their real eyes and the eyespots in their hood.
Although a cthilpuk will gladly toy with the emotions of everyday people, they do most of their work in places of high tension and chaotic potential, always to instigate further changes rather than to uphold the status quo. They are often beloved of revolutionaries and despised by governments, although they do not particularly care about the moral status of either revolutionaries or governments they interfere with. In this role, they often work as underlings for heputwisa proteans. They are patient in their work of manipulating emotions; they appreciate a sudden shock as much as any protean, but know that the most useful minds are ones that have convinced themselves of their course of action, rather than having it forced on them from outside.
Cthilpuk CR 14 XP 38,400 CN Large outsider (chaos, extraplanar, protean) Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect chaos, detect law, Perception +22, thoughtsense 60 ft.
Defense AC 29, touch 13, flat-footed 25 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +16 natural); +2 vs. lawful targets hp 195 (17d10+102) Fort +11, Ref +14, Will +16; +2 vs. lawful targets DR 15/lawful; Immune acid, emotion effects; Resist electricity 10, sonic 10; SR 25 Defensive Abilities amorphous anatomy, freedom of movement
Offense Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect) Melee bite +22 (2d6+6 plus emotional venom), 4 claws +22 (1d4+6), tail slap +17 (2d8+3 plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Psychic Magic CL 14th, concentration +20 (+24 casting defensively) 30 PE—calm emotions (2 PE, DC 18), crushing despair (4 PE, DC 20), emotive block (3 PE, DC 19), euphoric tranquility (6 PE, DC 22), fear (4 PE, DC 22), good hope (3 PE), overwhelming grief (4 PE, DC 20), rage (3 PE, DC 19), reckless infatuation (3 PE, DC 19), smug narcissism (5 PE, DC 21), serenity (6 PE, DC 22) unadulterated loathing (3 PE, DC 19), unshakeable zeal (6 PE, DC 22) Special Attacks bold stare (allure, sapped magic, susceptibility, timidity), hypnotic stare (-3), split stare Spell-like Abilities CL 14th, concentration +20 (+24 casting defensively) Constant—detect chaos, detect law, protection from law (DC 17) 3/day—empowered chaos hammer (DC 20), confusion (DC 20), greater dispel magic 1/day—greater teleport, word of chaos (DC 22)
Statistics Str 23, Dex 19, Con 23, Int 18, Wis 22, Cha 22 Base Atk +17; CMB +24 (+26 disarm, +28 grappling); CMD 38 (40 vs. disarm) Feats Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Empower SLA (chaos hammer), Improved Disarm, Intimidating Glance, Psychic Virtuoso, Quicken Spell, Self-Sufficient Skills Appraise +16, Bluff +21, Diplomacy +21, Fly +22, Heal +25, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (arcana, history) +16, Knowledge (local, planes) +19, Perception +22, Sense Motive +22, Spellcraft +16, Survival +22 Languages Abyssal, Common, Protean, Undercommon, telepathy 100 ft. SQ change shape (greater polymorph), undersized weapons
Ecology Environment any land or urban (Maelstrom) Organization solitary, pair or council (3-6) Treasure standard
Special Abilities Emotional Venom (Su) The bite of a cthilpuk injects emotions, not traditional venom. A creature bitten by a cthilpuk must succeed a DC 24 Will save or be affected by one of the following emotional states. This lasts for 1 minute. A creature so affected can attempt to control its emotions by making another DC 24 Will save as a move action; if it succeeds, it dispels this effect, and gains a +4 bonus on all future saves against that cthilpuk’s emotional venom for the next 24 hours. A creature may only suffer the effects of one type of emotional venom at a time Anger: A creature under the effects of anger emotional venom must make an attack of opportunity against its allies whenever its allies take actions that would provoke an attack of opportunity from that creature. These attacks count against the affected creature’s attacks of opportunity in a round. Dedication: A creature under the effects of dedication emotional venom cannot move away from an adjacent opponent unless it succeeds a DC 24 Will save. Success on this save allows the creature to move, but does not end the effect. Despair: A creature under the effects of despair emotional venom suffers a -4 morale penalty on attack rolls and damage rolls. Fear: A creature under the effects of fear emotional venom is shaken. Hatred: A creature under the effects of hatred emotional venom takes a -4 penalty to AC, but gains a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls. Jealousy: A creature under the effects of jealousy emotional venom must attempt to make saving throws against all spells, including harmless and beneficial spells. Zeal: A creature under the effects of zeal emotional venom must succeed a DC 24 Will save each round or be compelled to take the same action as it took last turn. If unable to do so (such as casting a spell that has been expended), it must mimic those actions as closely as possible (i.e. cast another spell on the same target). Succeeding this Will save allows the creature to choose a new action, but does not break the effect of the venom. This is a mind-influencing emotion effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Hypnotic Stare (Su) A cthilpuk has the hypnotic stare and bold stare class abilities of a mesmerist with a class level equal to its racial HD. Mesmerist levels stack with cthilpuk Hit Dice for the purposes of the stare class feature, but not other class features, such as spellcasting or mesmerist tricks. Split Stare (Su) A cthilpuk may use its hypnotic stare on two opponents at once. When it does so, it inflicts a -2 penalty to one target, and a -1 penalty to the other. Using its split stare is mentally taxing—a cthilpuk suffers a -4 penalty to Concentration checks while using this ability. A cthilpuk can only use this ability in its natural form.
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sakumasmut · 1 year
wait waiy can u make a tierlist on what monsters wld the idols be if ur not busy i wanna see smth
okay in general a “monster” is a very vague category so I mostly just went with common ones
vampire-rei, ritsu, shu
sakumas are pretty self explanatory. shu already acts like a victorian era vampire so that’s pretty easy
lycanthrope-koga, jun, mao
I just think these guys would make good werewolves, though they’re on a sliding scale of embracing their wolf side or being terrified of it. jun of course is in the middle since he just treats it as an inconvenience
other theriantrope-kuro, rinne, ibara, madara
kuro could be a lot of beasts, but I lean towards werewolf or dragon. rinne’s a fox/kitsune, ibara is a naga and madara is a minotaur
can’t decide what to make him so I guess this works. he just likes messing with you and taking on different forms. tentacles? double dicks? you name it you got it
sacred deity-kanata, nagisa
these two are shapeshifters like wataru, but are bigger deals with their own religions. kanata prefers to take on a half kraken form and nagisa usually is humanoid with maybe wings. form changes are just for whatever’s convenient, like nagisa turning into a dragon when angry, etc.
demon/oni-subaru, eichi, kaoru, hiyori, yuzuru, keito, natsume
these guys are mostly humanoid, just with the typical horns and a tail. eichi and hiyori might have shrines dedicated to them but the others only really are guardians of a certain area
succubus/incubus-izumi, arashi, himeru, mika, mayoi
demons, but fueled by lust! don’t usually guard anything and wander around to satiate their cravings
humanoid with monster features
-chiaki, souma, makoto, hokuto, adonis, nazuna, niki, tatsumi, leo, tsumugi, anzu
aka, I don’t have good ideas for them. I think souma is some sort of merfolk and nazuna is some bunny person, but that’s about it. anzu is either human or an elf
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Platonic Yandere Naga Todoroki family
(This was a long time coming. This is completely disconnected from the Mythical Forest au btw)
Warning: Mentions of stalking, violence and Yandere behavior.
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-These guys are extremely feared by villagers and tourists alike, Enji had gathered quite the reputation for being a massive asshole. A violent asshole to be exact.
-Rei and her children are far more merciful and generous, helping out lost people and giving them directions.
-Except Dabi, he’s just a smug bastard who will probably lead you into crocodile invested waters for shits and giggles.
-You were the child of infamous explorers, whom have decided to explore the Todorokis’ forests.
-It was Shoto who discovered you first, watching you from the trees once he got wind that there were humans around.
-He ended up saving your life because a jaguar attempted to attack you.
-You were a little freaked out by the fact that a creature like Shoto existed but you became chill around him.
-Shoto then decided to tell his family about you. Enji was going through his redemption process as no one was tolerating him anymore. (Dabi tried suffocating him-)
-So now you have a snek family stalking you.
-Rei is just instantly in love with you, you’re just so adorable to her.
-Fuyumi leaves you little things that kids your age might like. I.E little hand woven dolls, books she had picked up from abandoned structures.
-Shoto and Natsou keep you safe from threats. Hanging out in trees in the late night hours.
-Enji stays at the den, as his kids are like: My dude, thin fucking ice.
-Dabi occasionally hangs out with his brothers on night shift but other than that, he’s fucking with crew.
-Casually depositing venom into a crew member’s water, breaking someone’s ankle.
-You are currently quite content with everything, especially with the all the little gifts and occasional visits from your friend Shoto.
-Until they fully raid your camp. Enji and Dabi handle everything whilst the rest of the family get you.
-Understandably, you’re quite upset about your family possibly being murdered and being abducted by snake people.
-Rei and Fuyumi are utterly upset with your crying and screaming, Shoto feels especially bad.
-Once you get comfortable in the den, everyone is satisfied. They have obtained their hatchling!
-Rei is obsessed with you, doing your hair, snuggling you. You’re her baby! She especially loves it when you willingly snuggle with her.
-Fuyumi teaches you essential skills about surviving and how to function. She’s really gentle but can get a little bit overwhelming. She’s wary around the idea of you potentially flocking together with human kind.
-It took a while for you and Shoto to rebuild trust, he was genuinely sorry. He’s loving and gentle with you but a bit clingy. He can’t stand the idea of humans reclaiming you.
-Natsou is probably the most chill and level headed of the family. He’s patient and scolded everyone for being overwhelming. He handles your health stuff, making sure you don’t die. Natsou can’t stand you being around Enji, given how Enji is a violent asshole.
-Dabi is a strange guy, he lurks around the den, just eyeing you with an indescribable gaze. He scares You honestly, especially since he’s the most trigger happy of the clan. He’s gentle with you, snuggling you whenever he wants. He’s not afraid to make his disdain for Enji and Shoto clear, giving a nasty hiss towards them. Don’t run off when he’s around, just don’t.
-Enji is probably the most gentle with you, but wary. He knows that he’s on thin ice around his family and will probably get turned into a hashtag by his sons if he fucks up. He uses his tail as a weighted blanket for you tho.
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srorgana1 · 1 year
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Paring: Vampire Kylo/Hunter Rey
Warnings: Dark Themes (apporaching Dead Dove, you have been warned), Supernatural/Paranormal, Blood, Violence, Gore, Death, NSFW 18+, Sexual Content, Psychological and Physical Torture, Kidnapping, Hatred towards organized religion, Pain, Major/Minor character death/injury, Demonic Possession
Chapter Fifteen
Rey doesn’t know how but three weeks pass by quickly. She eats, sleeps and breathes the investigation like the other Hunters. The patrols have increased by double, investigating all potential leads. She had been back to AXS more then she had cared for and due to Bronte’s rudeness last week they were now banned.
She remembers glowering at Baal’s smug grin as his Nagas kicked them out that night. He simply chuckled when Bronte threw insults and curses at him, but he ignored him and looked to her. His mouth widened more as he took her in. “Good, very good” he says ominously as he turns and walks back inside.
Little to say Windu was not pleased. They had gotten an earful about how their behavior that night was damaging to their alliances with the Supernatural community. The vein pulsed in his forehead along with his irritated energy when he told them to get out of his sight.
She understood the stress he was under. She has heard what the media was saying about The Order. How they cannot protect Supernaturals. There is even some rumblings in more obscure circles that they are the reason for it all. That they are focused on bringing back a time of blood purity or some other nonsense like that.
Rey rubs her eyes as she submits her latest report. Another eight hour patrol with no new leads and no new answers. She takes a drink of her lukewarm tea as her phone buzzes.
She looks down to see texts from Jessica and Kylo. Kylo. Her heart clinched painfully at the memory of his interrogation. She will never forgive herself for letting Bronte and Hawthorn grill him with questions. He answered them all honestly, all the while never taking his eyes off her.
There was no way he was involved, especially since Vicrul Hemming was the one who asked him to get involved and was vetted and approved by The Council. He was quickly cleared as a suspect but the damage was done. Rey saw how people averted him in the hallways now. Worse still, he was removed from the field team and placed in a supportive role.
Rey feels a sudden wave of guilt. She should’ve done something. She knew his magick and clearly knew he was not damned. She looks down at his text message at a loss. She decides to respond to Jessica first, confirming a coffee date tomorrow. Her phone buzzes again.
His new text was brief but it felt like a punch in the gut. I know you are avoiding me and I don’t blame you for it. I would too if I were in your position. I am still here though if you want to resume. Best Kylo. She puts her phone down and covers her face with her hands. Why did it hurt to be away from him? She felt so at peace in his arms not so long ago.
She feels her magick tingle as she shakes off a shiver. It wants him, she thinks. Her magick is craving to be near him again and to feel whole. “Fuck it” she mutters, grabbing her phone. Her fingers fly over the screen sending him a message.
Kylo, I am so sorry for making you feel that way. I would like to continue. When are you free? Her thumb hovers for a moment before hitting send. She takes a breath and takes a peak inside at her magick. She smiles as the tendrils dance happily.
Kylo turns and shuts the door behind him. He hears Trudgen’s low rumble and the clicking of computer keys. “Hey Ren” Vicrul says, scooting out a chair for him. He turns and sees Vicrul and Trudgen sitting there, waiting on him.
Trudgen side eyed him as he takes a seat. “I have some stuff you will be interested to see” he says as he turns the computer towards him. He quickly reads through the first document, his brow crinkling in displeasure. “Yeah, I’m not happy about it either Kylo” Trudgen says.
Kylo looks away, his anger simmering in his veins. Of course The Order would drop a statement regarding him and the investigation. It was worded very vague and very politically correct but it said what it needed to. He was called out and officially a pariah now.
“You know this doesn’t mean shit to me” Vicrul says “I talked to The Council and they aren’t removing your credentials. Are you still in this with me brother?” Kylo looks up into Vicrul’s tired eyes. “'Til the end” he says, nodding. Vicrul smirks and waves his hand, magicking them three ceramic cups full of rich smelling coffee. “Show off” Trudgen mutters, taking a cup.
Kylo chuckles as he takes a cup, turning it in his hands. “By the way she finally responded” he says as he takes a sip. Both men looked up at him. “See I told you Kylo, she just needed time” Vicrul says. He smiles softly, thankful for his brothers’ understanding of his situation.
“She’s a intuitive one. Very smart on her feet. She will be one to reckon with once she has full control of her powers” Trudgen says as he clicks into The Order’s encrypted security mainframe. He sits up straighter and finishes his cup, forcing himself not to react to that fantasy. “So what have you found?” he asked. Trudgen turns the computer more to the left so the screen is visible to the three of them.
“He’s up to something” Trudgen mumbles as the watch the security cameras from the Infirmary. Kylo watches Trudgen fast forward, the medical staff and patients quickly moving back and forth through the space as the time passed. He stops and lets it play. “Now watch.”
The camera facing Poe’s side begins to flicker and freezes just a bit before returning to normal. Kylo focuses his eyes on the blurry screen. Poe’s bed is empty. The camera records for a while before it flickers again and then goes black. When the picture resumes, Poe is in his room taking off a black coat. They watch him look side to side then slide back into bed placing the C-collar back on.
Trudgen fast forwards through the next couple days showing Poe disappearing and reappearing at random times always with his phone and cigarette. They watched him talk with Bronte a lot and cause trouble on the ward. He would wave his hand and make monitors and other medical equipment alarm and spark. He smiles wickedly as the staff respond frantically.
They stop during another random evening to watch Poe reappear talking aggressively on the phone. He paced and paced, his free hand clinched at his side. They watched as he got off the phone, yelling in apparent frustration. His tantrum made the camera flicker violently before going black.
“That son of a bitch” Vicrul says crossing his arms “you were right Kylo.” Kylo sits back and sighs. “So now we know he is a Demon but question is what is he up to and how do find out?” Vicrul asks Trudgen.
Trudgen smirks as he clicks open a document. “I may be able to help with that. So due to the lovely outdated system The Order uses, it saves drafts of reports when you take too much time in between typing. It clogs up their mainframe and IT has to trash them periodically. But lucky for us…” he says motioning to the screen.
Both men look at the two documents on the screen time stamped half hour apart. Kylo’s eyes widen at the differences between them. “He is involved. Why would he falsify a document like this for any other reason?” he says. “A good question indeed Ren, but we need hard evidence before we can bring it to Windu” Trudgen says rubbing his hand through his short hair.
Kylo rubs his jaw at a loss. It’s obvious to him Poe is working for the Devil's Guard. They have to do this carefully not to tip him off. Influencing is out of the question since he seems to do it regularly as is any use of force.
He hears Vicrul growling lowly next to him. He looks over to see his eyes glowing gold and his incisors sharpening as he grits his teeth. “This asshole knows where my son is and I can’t fucking do anything about it” he spits out.
“Calm yourself Vic we will make him pay” Trudgen says, clicking into another program. “I uploaded a high grade encrypted tracking system into the Hunters’ phone system. It’s untraceable and by using this program we can see where they all are at all times.”
Kylo watches the screen light up with red dots across the map. Majority were located at Headquarters but some are spread out throughout the city and surrounding counties. “I pinned Dameron so it will notify us of any movement. Hopefully he will inadvertently lead us to them” Trudgen says. “Can you add Rey to that list?” Kylo says without thinking. Both men look at him surprised. Shit. “You know just in case…” he says, looking away.
He doesn’t see the look Vicrul and Trudgen share as Trudgen clicks the mouse a couple times. “Sure Ren. Why not?” he says, chuckling lowly. Kylo doesn’t know why he feels he needs to do this but his gut is telling him Rey is in danger. He has seen how Poe has looked at her and the last thing he wants is her alone with him.
He hears his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulls it out and smiles. “Lemme guess?” Vicrul says next to him. “Fuck off” he replies with no malice. All three men chuckle and resume looking into documents, working towards building a solid case against Dameron and for clues to where the Guard’s headquarters is before something else happens.
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readingreylo · 2 years
Do you have any fic recs for Reylo that involve exploration of Ben’s abusive past, either canon or au….bc let’s be real, our boy is haunted.
I have a few along those lines:
Broken Things
Knight in Sooty Armor
Just curious if you had any suggestions! Thanks 🤗
Haunted Ben solo huh?
I just might have a few 😉
*cracks knuckles*
between two lives by neonheartbeat (Modern au, former military!Ben, PTSD, Rey POV) 💖
Checklists and Promises by crossingwinter (Modern AU, BDSM, sub!Ben, Alternating POV)
Flux & Solder by angharabbit (Modern AU, retired RCMP!Ben, PTSD, Rey POV) 💖
Janus by englishable (Modern AU, recovering drug addict!Ben, Ben POV) 💖
Love Me for the House and Grave, and for Something Higher by SevenBetter (Modern AU, former death row inmate!Ben, multi POV)
something rich and strange by neonheartbeat (Modern AU, Naga!Kylo, monsterfucking, oneshot , rey POV)
earthbound by trailingviolets (Modern AU, bird!kylo, human!ben, Rey POV, oneshot)
Jawbreaker by g_girl143 (Modern AU, ex-con!Kylo, dark!fic, Ben POV)
Snowdrop by andabatae (Modern AU, Rey POV, wealth inequality)
here grow the roses by neonheartbeat (Modern AU, mute!Ben, Rey POV) 💖
Hope you enjoy those!
Adding this link for peeps who are curious
Knight in Sooty Armor by Graendoll (Modern AU, firefighter!ben, mind the tags)
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44gamez · 8 months
Nikke tier list and reroll guide February 2024
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Rank Nikke characters S A2, Admi, Anis: Glowing Summer time, Alice, Blanc, Centi, Diesel, Dolla, Dorothy, Emma, Responsible, Harran, Helm, Helm: Aquamarine, Liter, Ludmilla: Winter Proprietor, Marciana, Maxwell, Modernia, Naga, Noir, Noise, Privaty, Rapunzel, Crimson Hood, Rupee, Scarlet, Scarlet: Black Widow, Snow White, Snow White: Harmless Days, Tia A 2B, Biscuit, Drake, Laplace, Ludmilla, Makima, Mary: Bay Goddess, Moran, Pepper, Poli, Energy, Quency, Sakura, Quantity B Anne: Miracle Fairy, Brid, Epinel, Folkwang, Jackal, Maiden, Mast, Mica: Snow Buddy, Miranda, N102, Nero, Nihilister, Noah, Rupee: Winter Shopper, Sin, Soda, Tove, Vesti, Viper, Yan, Yuni C Anis, Aria, Cocoa, D, Emma, Exia, Frima, Guillotine, Leona, Mary, Milk, Neon: Blue Ocean, Novel, Pascal, Quiry, Rapi, Rei, Sign, Sugar, Yulha D Anchor, Belorta, Crow, Delta, Ether, Eunhwa, Himeno, Isabel, Julia, Mica, Mihara, Neon, Neve, Product 23, Rosanna, Soline E iDoll Flower, iDoll Ocean, iDoll Solar, Product 08, Product 12, Soldier EG, Soldier FA, Soldier OW Source link Read the full article
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askrikkaiandhyotei · 2 years
Also no Gai and Noel to make things more fair
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braveryhearted · 6 months
DEATH NOTE Light Yagami-Secondary L Lawliet / Ryugazaki-Secondary Misa Amane-Secondary
THE MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA Tsuruya-Secondary Kyon-Secondary
OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB Haruhi Fujioka-Secondary Tamaki Suou-Secondary Kyoya Ootori-Primary
BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA Tenya Iida-Secondary Tamaki Amajiki-Request
JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE Johnathan Joestar-Secondary Joeseph Joestar ( Part 2 only )-Secondary Jotaro Kujo ( Part 3 only )-Primary Giorno Giovanna-Secondary Trish Una- Secondary Diego Brando-Primary
FREE!! IWATOBI SWIM CLUB Rei Ryugazaki-Request
FRUITS BASKET Yuuki Sohma-Request
BLACK BUTLER Sebastian Michaelis-Primary Madame Red-Secondary Lau-Secondary Ronald Knox-Request
SAILOR MOON Usagi Tsukino-Primary Rei Hino-Request
SOUL EATER Death the Kid-Primary Maka Albarn-Primary
FULL METAL ALCHEMIST Ling Yao-Primary Edward Elric-Primary Roy Mustang-Secondary
GINTAMA Gintoki Sakata-Primary Hijikata Toshiro-Secondary Sougo Okita-Secondary Kamui-Request Takasugi Shinsuke-Secondary Otae Shumura-Secondary
MOB PSYCHO 100 Ritsu Kageyama-Request Reigen Arataka-Primary Shigeo / Mob Kageyama-Primary
SLAYERS Lina Inverse-Primary Xelloss-Primary Zelgadiss Greywords-Primary Naga the Serpent-Secondary
SKIP BEAT Kyoko Mogami-Secondary Ren Tsugura-Request Reino-Request
HORIMIYA Izumi Miyamura-Request
SK8 INFINITY / SKATE THE INFINITY Langa Hasegawa / Snow-Request Tadashi Kikuchi / Snake-Request Ainosuke Shindo / Adam-Primary
BLEACH Byakuya Kuchiki-Primary Kaien Shiba-Secondary Ichigo Kurosaki-Secondary
TIGER & BUNNY Barnaby Brooks Jr.-Primary Karine Lyle / Blue Rose-Secondary Ryan Goldsmith / Golden Ryan-Secondary Yuri Petrov / Lunatic-Secondary
FAIRY TAIL Gray Fullbuster-Primary Jellal Fernandez-Secondary Lucy Heartfillia-Secondary Loke-Primary
DETECTIVE CONAN / MAGIC KAITO Ai Haibara / Shiho Miyano-Secondary Heiji Hattori-Secondary Saguru Hakuba-Primary Akako Koizumi-Secondary
Meryl Stryfe-Primary Vash ( Saverem ) Stampede-Primary Knives Millions-Seconday
Kobeni Higashiyama-Secondary
Hinata Hyuuga-Request Itachi Uchiha-Primary
Abel Knightlord-Primary Cain Knightlord-Primary Ion Fortuna-Request Esther Blanchett-Primary
Maki Zenin-Secondary Satoru Gojo-Primary Kento Nanami-Secondary Suguru Geto-Request
Zen Wisteria-Primary Shirayuki-Primary
Yui Kasuga / Corrector Yui-Primary Synchro-Secondary Control-Secondary
CODE GEASS Lelouch vi Britannia / Zero-Secondary Suzaku Kururugi-Secondary
Rin Okumura-Secondary
Adrien Agreste-Request
Yor Briar / Forger-Primary
Fai D. Flourite / YUI-Secondary
Tashigi- Primary
FINAL FANTASY SERIES Sephiroth-Request Noctis Lucis Caelum-Primary Zidane-Secondary Aerith Gainsborough-Secondary Vincent Valentine-Primary Clive Rosfield-Primary Cidolfus Telamon-Primary
FIRE EMBLEM SERIES Micaiah-Primary Charlotte-Secondary Celica-Secondary Niles / Zero-Primary Hilda Valentine Goneril-Request Ferdinand von Aegir-Secondary Griss / Gregory-Primary Alcryst-Primary Diamant-Primary Ephraim-Secondary F! Alear-Primary
ACE ATTORNEY SERIES Phoenix Wright-Secondary Athena Cykes-Primary Simon Blackquill-Primary Franziska von Karma-Secondary
PERSONA SERIES Maya Amano-Primary Akihiko Sanada-Primary Mitsuru Kirijo-Primary Sho Minazuki-Secondary Labrys-Primary Naoto Shirogane-Secondary Yukiko Amagi-Primary Tohru Adachi-Secondary Toshiro Kasukabe-Primary Wonder- Request
SMT SERIES Aogami-Secondary
DANGANRONPA SERIES Byakuya Togami-Request Kaede Akamatsu-Request
DEVIL MAY CRY SERIES Nero de Angelo-Secondary Dante Sparda-Primary Lady / Mary-Request V & Vergil Sparda-Primary
TWEWY: NEO Sho Minamimoto -Secondary Nagi Usui -Secondary Shoka Sakurane -Secondary Rindo Kanade -Secondary Hishima Sakazuki -Secondary
Jude Mathis-Secondary Alphen-Secondary Law-Secondary
Karl Heisenburg -Primary Ethan Winters -Secondary Leon Kennedy -Secondary Clair Redfield-Request Jill Valentine-Request Albert Wesker-Primary
DOT HACK GU Haseo-Primary Atoli-Secondary Ovan-Primary
BAULDER’S GATE 3 Astarion Ancunín-Primary Shadowheart-Request Tav / Serenity Caldwell-Primary
FNAF MOVIE Mike Schmitt-Request
Link ( Twilight Princess )-Secondary
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