hopairr · 5 months
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AKEE PARKOUR (depressed artblock)
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amiraa2918 · 1 year
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hip hip hooray!!!!1
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kneipe · 1 year
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brandenburg 2023
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tmzu710 · 11 days
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Will then...I wanna be love????
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Botanic Tournament : Plants VS Zombies !
Round 0 Poll 4
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Ackee :
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odysseys-blood · 9 months
The Blackquill grab is literally insane cuz the camera in the game NEVER does something like acknowledge the fact that we're in the point of view of the attorney so that shit is bonkers. Suddenly we're Athena and it's literally like the game breaking down the fourth wall and the visual novel media.
i was literally shaking and it caught me so off guard i had to take a moment cause i breathed in too fast and had to cough for a lil bit. why did they do that. literally one of the top scariest aa moments for me followed by the hollow eyed blue badger mascot in aai. id like to be close to simon but not lke that also put athena down she's trying.
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chikaoofka · 2 years
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akee small as fug
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superbattle117 · 11 months
plants celebrates remembrance day
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The plants give red poppy to late soldier as remembrance day gift in grave
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awfulrabbit · 27 days
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Art fight 2024 Attack on Akeeli!!! An adorable cat girl who can pack one hell of a punch!
Patreon — Kofi — Commission Info
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thefreshdirect · 8 months
Savoring Sweet Bliss A Journey with Akee Delights Baklava
In the world of confectionery delights, few treats evoke as much delight as the legendary Baklava. Among its diverse renditions, Akee Delights Baklava stands out as a beacon of Mediterranean sweetness, captivating palates with its layers of flaky pastry, crunchy nuts, and luscious syrup. Let us embark on a delectable journey exploring the rich history, tantalizing flavors, and cultural significance of Akee Delights Baklava.
A Culinary Tradition
Baklava traces its roots back to the kitchens of the Ottoman Empire, where it was savored as a delicacy among royalty and commoners alike. A symphony of textures and flavors, Akee Delights Baklava encapsulates centuries of culinary heritage, combining influences from Greek, Turkish, and Middle Eastern cuisines. Each bite is a testament to the craftsmanship and artistry behind this timeless dessert.
The Art of Creation
Crafting Akee Delights Baklava is a labor of love, requiring patience, precision, and skill. At its heart lies layers of delicate phyllo dough, painstakingly brushed with clarified butter to achieve a golden, crispy exterior. Between these layers nestle a medley of finely chopped nuts – typically pistachios, walnuts, or almonds – adding depth and crunch to every bite. The pièce de résistance is the syrup, infused with fragrant spices such as cinnamon, cloves, and orange blossom water, enveloping the pastry in a sweet, aromatic embrace.
A Taste of Paradise
The first bite of Akee Delights Baklava is a revelation of flavors – a harmonious balance of sweetness, nuttiness, and buttery goodness. The crispness of the pastry gives way to a mosaic of textures, as the nuts release their rich, toasty essence with each chew. The syrup, infused with the essence of the Mediterranean, lends a subtle floral note that lingers on the palate, leaving behind a trail of culinary euphoria.
Cultural Significance
Beyond its culinary prowess, Akee Delights Baklava holds deep cultural significance, symbolizing hospitality, celebration, and familial bonds. It graces festive tables during weddings, religious holidays, and special occasions, serving as a token of generosity and goodwill. Its presence is a testament to the shared heritage and traditions that unite communities across borders and generations.
In a world filled with fleeting pleasures, Akee Delights Baklava endures as a timeless treasure, enriching lives with its irresistible allure and timeless charm. With each bite, we partake in a legacy of culinary excellence, celebrating the flavors, traditions, and joys of the Mediterranean. So, let us raise our forks and savor the sweet bliss of Akee Delights Baklava – a culinary masterpiece that transcends time and tantalizes the senses.
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hopairr · 11 months
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akee going kick ass
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brainyxbat · 9 months
Clockwork Island Adventure- Pt. 3
Usopp's eyes groggily blinked open, and he looked around in confusion when he realized he was high up, strapped to a cross. "What the hell's this?" He was in shock when Zoro and Sanji were no better off than him. Not to mention the former was battered.
Nami and Venus could only look on helplessly, as the Card Pirates schemed. "Where's the 30 million guy?"
"He's been crushed by the trap," Pin Joker reported.
"Bear King-sama doesn't even have to fight to beat them!" Boo-Jack praised.
"The marriage is sealed," Honey announced.
"We must start the preparations," Skunk One declared.
"And our main number will be a test shot of the King Cannon!" He whipped the sheet off the weapon, as his lackeys watched in amazement. "Right at those three!"
"What?" Nami exclaimed.
"No!" Venus screamed.
"And you'll be the brides of the King." He lifted Nami's chin, as she and Venus glared. "Aren't you happy?"
Bear King was shocked when Nami landed a kick on his forehead with her white, heeled sandals. "Who the hell has agreed to marry you?"
"I sure didn't," Venus sneered, preparing an energy ball.
He was silent for a beat. "Do you even understand what you're saying?"
"I'd rather die with them than marry a creep like you!"
"Yeah, me too, you big jerk!" Venus shouted.
They were both smacked away to the base of the crosses. "I'll fulfill that wish! We'll change tonight's party to a funeral instead! Execute them too!"
"Yes, sir!" Skunk One obliged.
Elsewhere, as Luffy struggled to keep the floor down alone, Akees woke up on the staircase. "Luffy! Where did Borod go?"
"He went after the Card Pirates!"
His eyes widened at that. "What? Borod!" He ran like mad up the stairs, leaving him alone.
"Hey, what about me? Help me out!"
By now, Nami and Venus' wrists were tied behind their backs, as they were kept by the crosses. Venus was more of a kicker, so her ankles were tied as well. They and the boys looked on in horror, as Bear King prepared the cannon, pulling a lever back. On cue, the elevator rose in front, blocking the cannon's path. It was Borod! "Who the hell are you?" Bar King sneered.
He whipped off his cloak, and the Card Pirates reacted in horror when he was revealed to have dynamite strapped around his waist. "Sorry, pal." He turned on a lighter. "I took some of your fireworks."
"That voice," Usopp remarked.
"Borod-san!" Venus perked up.
"Yeah!" Sanji agreed.
"He's gonna kill himself!" Zoro fussed.
"What?!" Venus' eye widened in terror.
"This is how I play. I'm taking you down with me!"
Bear King jumped down from the cannon. "Are you utterly mad? You can't blow these up here!" He stood over a glass panel, above a giant wind-up key slowly turning. "Look at this ratchet. You know what it is?"
"The island ratchet!"
"If you blow up now, you'll crush the whole island with you." As Borod hesitated, Bear King lunged in for the attack.
The shaking elevator, and the oncoming dents told them their supposed savior was getting pummeled. "Borod-san!" Venus exclaimed.
He landed in front of Pin Joker, who lifted his head up to taunt him. "Like a cloth to a flame."
""Moth" to a flame."
Now angry, he lifted Borod off the floor to finish him off, only for a staff to stop him. It was Akees! "Don't... don't you touch Borod!"
He was thrown back down roughly. "Akees!"
"You little brat!"
Meanwhile, as Luffy struggled, his wind-up toy fell into the room in front of him, one of the blades breaking on impact. Akees. "It's him." Now more motivated, he pushed even harder with a shout of determination.
On the top floor, as the battle continued, a horde of rooms came crashing up from underneath, surprising everyone. "What's happening?" Bear King watched in shock.
They were followed by Luffy launching himself upward, and panted after landing safely on the floor. "Finally here!"
As the rooms fell away, the island started rumbling, catching the guards' attention. "What's going on?" They began to file outside.
"Card Castle?"
"Hurry up!"
The citizens noticed the commotion as well, including the scientist couple from the town. "It's them," The woman concluded.
"Luffy!" Usopp cheered.
"Finally!" Sanji said.
"Luffy!" Nami beamed.
"You're okay!" Venus exclaimed.
"You're late," Zoro smirked.
"So you're Straw Hat Luffy?" Bear King loomed over him.
The captain glanced around the room. "Where are all the others?" He picked something up from the floor, making Borod and Akees tense up. "I found something fun!" It was a lit stick of dynamite, and Borod's lighter!
"What?!" Bear King's eyes widened in horror.
"No! Idiot!" The Thief Brothers yelled frantically.
"What? Should I drop it? Okay." He threw the dynamite away.
Right into the others, in the elevator. As Borod and Akees panicked, and the Card Pirates stared in shock, the elevator exploded.
Luffy turned to them after watching the smoke billow. "Have you seen my crew?" He asked obliviously.
"You just blew them up!" The brothers shouted.
"I what?!"
Miraculously, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp emerged from the smoke. They were unharmed, if not a little singed; but one of them was not happy. "Luffy!" Usopp seethed. "You're freaking mad!"
"Whatever," Sanji smirked, "It got us out of there."
Zoro swung his stiff arm. "Yep. That's right."
"Oh," Luffy said all too casually, "You're okay."
"No thanks to you!" Usopp yelled.
Suddenly, the Card Pirates charged in to attack, scaring Usopp into climbing up higher, with Skunk One flying after him. "Usopp!" Before Zoro could go to help, Pin Joker started another duel.
Meanwhile Sanji untied Nami and Venus' wrists, and the latter's ankles, then stood in Boo-Jack's way. "Don't touch them, riddle creep! I'll kick you to hell!"
"Oh, I'm shaking in my boots!" Boo-Jack mocked, and laughed at him. "Kick me with those puny feet?"
"Why, you..." Sanji charged in, but a shoe was thrown at his face. "Hey, who did that?!" He was angry, before he realized; it was one of his shoes! He looked up, and saw Usopp standing on the deck of the Going Merry. "Usopp!"
As Skunk One pursued him, the sniper grabbed his trusty slingshot. "Eat this! Egg Star!" He shot an egg in his face, sending him to the deck.
"It stinks!" He flailed about. "It's a bloody rotten egg! I hate stinkers!"
"Says you!" Usopp taunted.
Skunk One jumped to his feet. "I'll get you!"
Usopp panicked when he went to tackle him; he dodged, and quickly threw the three swords down. "Zoro! Catch these!"
Nami and Venus managed to grab them before they could land on the ground. "Yes!" The witch beamed.
Pin Joker ran to the girls, but the swordsman blocked his path after retrieving his weapons. "You try to slash one with his back turned?" He smirked.
Meanwhile, Bear King tried to punch Luffy, but he jumped away. "Gum-Gum Gatling!" He launched many punches at top speed, but his opponent was unmoved. "What?"
"It's not working," Borod observed.
Luffy stopped the attack. "My body is made of steel, you know. A wobbly, rubber guy like you doesn't stand a chance."
"Oh, I see," Luffy grinned, "You're right!"
"Don't listen to him!" Borod yelled.
"So, you give up?" Bear King taunted.
"'Course I don't. You can't beat me."
By now, Sanji was wearing his covered, protecting shoes, as he tried to light a cigarette. "And what can you do with a pair of shoes? A weakling like you can't protect even the smallest ladybug!"
"You have fire?"
"You'll die on my thorns, and that's that!" Boo-Jack curled into a spiky ball, and rolled up to Sanji, but he kicked him away without a word, sending him flying into the room.
He was stuck into the ceiling, as Borod and Akees watched in awe. Sanji jumped up for another kick. "You wondered..." He sent him to the floor. "What I can do?" He kicked him to a wall, shocking Honey, and continued his barrage.
"He's amazing!" Akees beamed.
"I told you..." Sanji descended down, "You'd regret what you said!" He drove him into the floor with one last kick.
"Yes!" Akees cheered.
With that, Sanji walked away. "Lowly idiot." He tossed his cigarette on his battered opponent.
Meanwhile, Zoro tore the sleeves off his jacket, and whipped his scarf off to tie it around his waist. "Roronoa Zoro, you have my respect," Pin Joker admitted, "You can still stand after my poison darts." He then tied his bandana over his green hair. Now he meant business. "But that is all you can do."
Zoro stuck one sword handle in his mouth, gripping the other two in his hands. "Who cares? I told you you can't get me. I can't afford to lose. There's no way!"
On the ship, Usopp was still being pursued by Skunk One, and despite his efforts, he was kicked to the prow. "It's hopeless! You can't run away! Have you forgotten my stink gas?"
Usopp started to panic. "No, no, no, no, no!"
"Say your prayers!"
"Stop, stop, stop! Nooooo!" Usopp quickly dropped the facade with a confident grin. "Fooled ya! Powder Star!" He launched the bullet, then jumped down in the water to avoid the explosion. He floated up to the surface, catching his breath. "Eat that, you worthless bag of filth!"
In the room, Luffy was still battling Bear King, dodging his punches. "Gum-Gum Whip!" His attack was completely ineffective; it only sent him spinning, before Bear King sent him flying into a wall. "This is actually pretty annoying," He griped.
Akees watched the battle between Zoro and Pin Joker, as the former dodged the latter's sword left and right. "Behind you!" He warned, because the swordsman was getting closer and closer to the vacant elevator shaft.
"You look pained, but one creeps what one sows."
"It's "reaps"!" Venus butted in, gaining his attention. "Learn about idioms, idiot!" After launching an energy ball, which he managed to dodge, and taunting him with akanbe, she started running about to distract him.
"You little punk!"
The swordsman panicked when he started pursuing the young witch, sword swinging dangerously close. "Don't you touch her!" As she ran, Venus tripped over her long skirt, giving Pin Joker an advantage, and ended up backing into a wall, the weapon pointed in her face.
"You're parking up the wrong tree, little girl!"
He went to stab her, but was blocked off. ""Barking"!" Zoro corrected angrily, and threw him away from her, as she quickly crawled to Akees.
That did it. "You insolent! Feather Darts!" The yellow weapons were sent out, but he sent them right back where they came effortlessly.
"Amazing!" Akees beamed.
"Impossible! You shouldn't be able to move from the poison!"
"Sorry to disappoint you. But I can't be defeated here."
"Hm?" He stepped back at Zoro's intimidating look.
"There's a man far away, waiting for me to arrive. I can't be defeated, until I surpass him!"
The two went for the final hit... and Pin Joker was down for the count. "Yeah!" Akees cheered.
"Yes!" Venus joined in simultaneously, as they joyfully hugged each other.
Honey's eyes widened in fear. "No! No way!"
Venus noticed her stripping and making a beeline for the pipe. "Hey! Where're you going, lady?!" As fate would have it... she tripped again. "Damn dress!" She glared down at her long garment.
Luckily, thanks to quick maneuvering, the pipe went straight into a clear glass jar Nami found lying around; Honey went straight in, to her dismay. "And there we go!" She grinned, and screwed the lid tightly on top.
"Ah! Let me out! Let me out!" As the jar thrashed and jumped, Nami grabbed a roll of tape, and quickly went to work in sealing her inside.
"Not a chance!" She refused.
"Alright, Nami!" The witch cheered.
"Should've gotten a shorter gown, Venus," The redhead winked jokingly.
"You're telling me," She retaliated with a smirk. There was a sudden rumble, as Luffy was sent into another wall. "Luffy!" She exclaimed in concern.
"What's with him?" He rubbed his sore head. He tried another Pistol punch, but was thrown to the ceiling.
"Luffy!" Nami yelled fearfully, as he fell back to the floor.
Bear King's fist suddenly began glowing a fiery red, before igniting in flames, sending the captain running. "Melting Fist Special!"
Luffy screamed from the burning pain, before regaining his footing. "Gum-Gum...!" His fist went into Bear King's, only to be roasted. And stuck. "Ow! Ow! What happened?" He tried to pull his hand away, succeeding after Bear King loosened his grip.
"It's time to die, Rubber Boy!"
"Bear King!" Borod shouted. Without another word, he shot the King Cannon in his direction; knocking the patriarch aside, the explosive was sent flying, before going off in the ocean. One of the Card Pirates' ships was nearby, with the subordinates aboard fearful of the sudden explosion.
"Amazing," Nami watched from the glass wall.
"Borod!" Akees exclaimed.
"Yeah, Borod-san!" Venus cheered.
"I won't miss next time," He threatened.
"How dare you fire my cannon?" Bear King whipped out a pistol, and shot directly at him.
"Wait!" Venus shouted.
To Borod's shock and horror, Akees took the bullet for him! He was sent through the glass, flying out of the room. "Akees!" Borod ran to the damage, and found him slumped over a broken pane. "Akees!"
He looked down at him weakly. "Now I'm also a... real man... of the seas." Drifting into unconsciousness, he slipped down from the pane.
"Akees!" Borod made a mad dash, but he flew away with a parachute. "Hang on, Akees!"
Luffy watched, as he floated away. "That idiot took the bullet himself!" Bear King remarked. "So keen on saving others. Petty, pathetic, stupid little kid!"
He noticed Luffy had his head low, and his hands in tight fists. "What did you just say?"
"I said "pathetic, stupid little kid"!"
Venus growled in anger, as Luffy had enough. "I'll have you choke on that!" He grabbed his fiery arm, bearing through the searing pain, and threw him to the throne, resulting in the whole top floor collapsing, and the captive ships, sans Merry, falling.
Now furious, Bear King emerged through the waterfall. "I'll teach you what happens to those who make a fool outta me!" He readjusted the cannon, to Luffy's anger. "King Cannon will eat you! Die!" As he pushed the lever, Luffy grabbed the giant gold bullet, shocking Sanji and Venus, and wrapped his legs around a still-standing pillar, twisting himself up. "What the hell?!"
"Gum-Gum..." He launched himself back, fury in his eyes. "Slingshot!"
The bullet was shot straight at Bear King, as was the cannon, and they were sent down the shaft with the island ratchet. It was followed by an explosion, as noticed by the citizens, and the ratchet toppled down. The minefield started going off every which way.
"What...?" Sanji watched in confusion.
"The island ratchet!"
"The ratchet?" He widened his eyes at Nami.
"S-something's happening!" Usopp exclaimed.
"We gotta scram!" Zoro urged.
"Yeah!" Nami agreed.
"Hey, Luffy!" Zoro called, as Venus stayed close.
He looked up when his hat was tossed back to him, and he set it on his head. "Oops."
"The ratchet is destroyed," The male scientist concluded, "The whole island will collapse before long. Are you ready?"
"Yes," The citizens responded.
"Akees! Akees!" To Borod's relief, he started to wake up. "Akees... you... are you okay?"
With a weak smile, Akees took a metal plate out of his shirt. It had a small dent, from where the bullet struck. "It hurts a little." He set it down close by.
Borod sighed in relief. "You had me worried."
Akees turned to his left. "Borod... I hear something." They, and the citizens turned to the castle. The Diamond Clock was unharmed, and the arms were turning! It also played a certain song.
"The Diamond Clock..." The male scientist watched alongside his wife.
"It hasn't worked in years," She remarked.
"This melody...!" Borod stood up in surprise.
The Straw Hats made it to the Merry amongst everything. "It's Akees' music box melody," Usopp remarked.
"Wow, it's beautiful," Venus smiled.
Remembering everything, Usopp approached her in concern. Her skirt had some rips in it from being tripped on. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am," She nodded, "You?"
She waved her hand in front of her nose. "Is that that guy's gas I smell on you?"
"Oh, yes!" He grinned with pride. "The stinky situation was hopeless, until Captain Usopp jumped in, and saved the day! We battled twice, and both times, he was sent packing!"
"Wow!" Venus lit up, as the others, sans Luffy, rolled their eyes. They made mental notes to tell her the truth later.
Everyone turned to the clock when it suddenly stopped working again. "Huh?" The gear around the top of the island started descending, and all the buildings, including Card Castle crumbled right after. The Merry fell from the tower, the crew holding on for dear life; the citizens urgently evacuated, using parachutes, just as the tower fell completely.
"I feel bad for the people there," Venus frowned sadly, now in casual clothes of skinny jeans and a t-shirt.
"They'll be fine," Zoro assured, "They'll find a new home." By now, everyone was back in their usual garbs.
"Will you be okay?" Luffy asked Borod.
"Yeah. He's got great parents." As he learned earlier, the scientist couple were Akees' parents; when he was an infant, they had sent him to sea when the Card Pirates invaded, so he would be spared the upcoming horrors. "It's best for him to live there. I'm used to being alone. Actually, I'm relieved."
"Huh?" Venus raised an eyebrow.
"He was just getting in my way. And I can have the treasure for myself."
They could tell he was sad, but staying strong. "Can you make it alone?" Nami asked.
"A partner never hurts," Sanji added.
"Lone thieves aren't cool," Usopp remarked.
"Being alone is not fun," Venus pouted.
"I'll find one eventually," Borod assured.
Zoro looked to the ocean, and smirked. "I think you already have."
"That's right, Borod!" He was surprised when Akees eagerly leaped onto his boat.
"You can't just split! Luckily, I'm smarter than you!"
"But what about your parents?"
"Don't be silly. I'm a man of the seas! I risk my life to follow my heart!"
"But you..."
"We're the world's best thief brothers, right?"
"Akees." Borod was emotionally moved, as he let a smile grow. "Yeah."
"Right. So we'll share this treasure as brothers."
"Half each? 'Cause I'm grown, now."
"No, seven-three!"
"Don't be so greedy, bro!"
Venus giggled in her hand. "They really are brothers."
"Yep," Zoro smirked.
"You think they'll be okay?"
"After 8 years of thieving, I bet they'll be just fine," Nami replied.
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kneipe · 2 years
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brandenburg 2022
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tmzu710 · 9 days
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Sorry akee...
We just gonna be time :3
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haunterelle · 2 years
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Since I don't have much to share ATM, I figured I'd post some attacks from last year's ArtFight.
Catharsis belongs to Akeeli!
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lysmata-mala · 10 months
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did some redesign of my gijinkas
just found out that akee originated in africa
and stallia was based on a flower originated in brazil
so instead of redesigning her as a mayan dancer shes a Brazilian dancer
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